-- Copyright 2015 Paul Kulchenko, ZeroBrane LLC; All rights reserved -- Integration with Redis data store (http://redis.io) from Redis Labs (https://redislabs.com). -- Repository of the redis-lua Redis client: https://github.com/nrk/redis-lua local redis = (function() -- redis-lua module start ---------------------------- local redis = { _VERSION = 'redis-lua 2.0.5-dev', _DESCRIPTION = 'A Lua client library for the redis key value storage system.', _COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Daniele Alessandri', } local unpack = _G.unpack or table.unpack local network, request, response = {}, {}, {} local defaults = { host = '', port = 6379, tcp_nodelay = true, path = nil, } local function merge_defaults(parameters) if parameters == nil then parameters = {} end for k, v in pairs(defaults) do if parameters[k] == nil then parameters[k] = defaults[k] end end return parameters end local function parse_boolean(v) if v == '1' or v == 'true' or v == 'TRUE' then return true elseif v == '0' or v == 'false' or v == 'FALSE' then return false else return nil end end local function toboolean(value) return value == 1 end local function sort_request(client, command, key, params) --[[ params = { by = 'weight_*', get = 'object_*', limit = { 0, 10 }, sort = 'desc', alpha = true, } ]] local query = { key } if params then if params.by then table.insert(query, 'BY') table.insert(query, params.by) end if type(params.limit) == 'table' then -- TODO: check for lower and upper limits table.insert(query, 'LIMIT') table.insert(query, params.limit[1]) table.insert(query, params.limit[2]) end if params.get then if (type(params.get) == 'table') then for _, getarg in pairs(params.get) do table.insert(query, 'GET') table.insert(query, getarg) end else table.insert(query, 'GET') table.insert(query, params.get) end end if params.sort then table.insert(query, params.sort) end if params.alpha == true then table.insert(query, 'ALPHA') end if params.store then table.insert(query, 'STORE') table.insert(query, params.store) end end request.multibulk(client, command, query) end local function zset_range_request(client, command, ...) local args, opts = {...}, { } if #args >= 1 and type(args[#args]) == 'table' then local options = table.remove(args, #args) if options.withscores then table.insert(opts, 'WITHSCORES') end end for _, v in pairs(opts) do table.insert(args, v) end request.multibulk(client, command, args) end local function zset_range_byscore_request(client, command, ...) local args, opts = {...}, { } if #args >= 1 and type(args[#args]) == 'table' then local options = table.remove(args, #args) if options.limit then table.insert(opts, 'LIMIT') table.insert(opts, options.limit.offset or options.limit[1]) table.insert(opts, options.limit.count or options.limit[2]) end if options.withscores then table.insert(opts, 'WITHSCORES') end end for _, v in pairs(opts) do table.insert(args, v) end request.multibulk(client, command, args) end local function zset_range_reply(reply, command, ...) local args = {...} local opts = args[4] if opts and (opts.withscores or string.lower(tostring(opts)) == 'withscores') then local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do table.insert(new_reply, { reply[i], reply[i + 1] }) end return new_reply else return reply end end local function zset_store_request(client, command, ...) local args, opts = {...}, { } if #args >= 1 and type(args[#args]) == 'table' then local options = table.remove(args, #args) if options.weights and type(options.weights) == 'table' then table.insert(opts, 'WEIGHTS') for _, weight in ipairs(options.weights) do table.insert(opts, weight) end end if options.aggregate then table.insert(opts, 'AGGREGATE') table.insert(opts, options.aggregate) end end for _, v in pairs(opts) do table.insert(args, v) end request.multibulk(client, command, args) end local function mset_filter_args(client, command, ...) local args, arguments = {...}, {} if (#args == 1 and type(args[1]) == 'table') then for k,v in pairs(args[1]) do table.insert(arguments, k) table.insert(arguments, v) end else arguments = args end request.multibulk(client, command, arguments) end local function hash_multi_request_builder(builder_callback) return function(client, command, ...) local args, arguments = {...}, { } if #args == 2 then table.insert(arguments, args[1]) for k, v in pairs(args[2]) do builder_callback(arguments, k, v) end else arguments = args end request.multibulk(client, command, arguments) end end local function parse_info(response) local info = {} local current = info response:gsub('([^\r\n]*)\r\n', function(kv) if kv == '' then return end local section = kv:match('^# (%w+)$') if section then current = {} info[section:lower()] = current return end local k,v = kv:match(('([^:]*):([^:]*)'):rep(1)) if k:match('db%d+') then current[k] = {} v:gsub(',', function(dbkv) local dbk,dbv = dbkv:match('([^:]*)=([^:]*)') current[k][dbk] = dbv end) else current[k] = v end end) return info end local function scan_request(client, command, ...) local args, req, params = {...}, { }, nil if command == 'SCAN' then table.insert(req, args[1]) params = args[2] else table.insert(req, args[1]) table.insert(req, args[2]) params = args[3] end if params and params.match then table.insert(req, 'MATCH') table.insert(req, params.match) end if params and params.count then table.insert(req, 'COUNT') table.insert(req, params.count) end request.multibulk(client, command, req) end local zscan_response = function(reply, command, ...) local original, new = reply[2], { } for i = 1, #original, 2 do table.insert(new, { original[i], tonumber(original[i + 1]) }) end reply[2] = new return reply end local hscan_response = function(reply, command, ...) local original, new = reply[2], { } for i = 1, #original, 2 do new[original[i]] = original[i + 1] end reply[2] = new return reply end local function load_methods(proto, commands) local client = setmetatable ({}, getmetatable(proto)) for cmd, fn in pairs(commands) do if type(fn) ~= 'function' then redis.error('invalid type for command ' .. cmd .. '(must be a function)') end client[cmd] = fn end for i, v in pairs(proto) do client[i] = v end return client end local function create_client(proto, client_socket, commands) local client = load_methods(proto, commands) client.error = redis.error client.network = { socket = client_socket, read = network.read, write = network.write, } client.requests = { multibulk = request.multibulk, } return client end -- ############################################################################ function network.write(client, buffer) local _, err = client.network.socket:send(buffer) if type(client.onwrite) == 'function' then client:onwrite(buffer, err) end if err then return client.error(err) end end function network.read(client, len) if len == nil then len = '*l' end local line, err = client.network.socket:receive(len) if type(client.onread) == 'function' then client:onread(line, err) end if not err then return line else return client.error(err) end end -- ############################################################################ function response.read(client) local payload, err = client.network.read(client) if not payload then return client.error('reading error: ' .. err) end local prefix, data = payload:sub(1, -#payload), payload:sub(2) -- status reply if prefix == '+' then if data == 'OK' then return true elseif data == 'QUEUED' then return { queued = true } else return data end -- error reply elseif prefix == '-' then return client.error('redis error: ' .. data) -- integer reply elseif prefix == ':' then local number = tonumber(data) if not number then if data == 'nil' then return nil end return client.error('cannot parse ' .. data .. ' as a numeric response.') end return number -- bulk reply elseif prefix == '$' then local length = tonumber(data) if not length then return client.error('cannot parse ' .. length .. ' as data length') end if length == -1 then return nil end local nextchunk = client.network.read(client, length + 2) return nextchunk:sub(1, -3) -- multibulk reply elseif prefix == '*' then local count = tonumber(data) if count == -1 then return nil end local list = {} if count > 0 then local reader = response.read for i = 1, count do list[i] = reader(client) end end return list -- unknown type of reply else return client.error('unknown response prefix: ' .. prefix) end end -- ############################################################################ function request.raw(client, buffer) local bufferType = type(buffer) if bufferType == 'table' then client.network.write(client, table.concat(buffer)) elseif bufferType == 'string' then client.network.write(client, buffer) else client.error('argument error: ' .. bufferType) end end function request.multibulk(client, command, ...) local args = {...} local argsn = #args local buffer = { true, true } if argsn == 1 and type(args[1]) == 'table' then argsn, args = #args[1], args[1] end buffer[1] = '*' .. tostring(argsn + 1) .. "\r\n" buffer[2] = '$' .. #command .. "\r\n" .. command .. "\r\n" local table_insert = table.insert for i = 1, argsn do local s_argument = tostring(args[i] or '') table_insert(buffer, '$' .. #s_argument .. "\r\n" .. s_argument .. "\r\n") end client.network.write(client, table.concat(buffer)) end -- ############################################################################ local function custom(command, send, parse) command = string.upper(command) return function(client, ...) send(client, command, ...) local reply, err = response.read(client) if type(reply) == 'table' and reply.queued then reply.parser = parse return reply elseif reply == nil then return reply, err else if parse then return parse(reply, command, ...) end return reply end end end local function command(command, opts) if opts == nil or type(opts) == 'function' then return custom(command, request.multibulk, opts) else return custom(command, opts.request or request.multibulk, opts.response) end end local define_command_impl = function(target, name, opts) local opts = opts or {} target[string.lower(name)] = custom( opts.command or string.upper(name), opts.request or request.multibulk, opts.response or nil ) end local undefine_command_impl = function(target, name) target[string.lower(name)] = nil end -- ############################################################################ local client_prototype = {} client_prototype.raw_cmd = function(client, buffer) request.raw(client, buffer .. "\r\n") return response.read(client) end -- obsolete client_prototype.define_command = function(client, name, opts) define_command_impl(client, name, opts) end -- obsolete client_prototype.undefine_command = function(client, name) undefine_command_impl(client, name) end client_prototype.quit = function(client) request.multibulk(client, 'QUIT') client.network.socket:shutdown() return true end client_prototype.shutdown = function(client) request.multibulk(client, 'SHUTDOWN') client.network.socket:shutdown() end -- Command pipelining client_prototype.pipeline = function(client, block) local requests, replies, parsers = {}, {}, {} local table_insert = table.insert local socket_write, socket_read = client.network.write, client.network.read client.network.write = function(_, buffer) table_insert(requests, buffer) end -- TODO: this hack is necessary to temporarily reuse the current -- request -> response handling implementation of redis-lua -- without further changes in the code, but it will surely -- disappear when the new command-definition infrastructure -- will finally be in place. client.network.read = function() return '+QUEUED' end local pipeline = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(env, name) local cmd = client[name] if not cmd then client.error('unknown redis command: ' .. name, 2) end return function(self, ...) local reply = cmd(client, ...) table_insert(parsers, #requests, reply.parser) return reply end end }) local success, retval = pcall(block, pipeline) client.network.write, client.network.read = socket_write, socket_read if not success then return client.error(retval, 0) end client.network.write(client, table.concat(requests, '')) for i = 1, #requests do local reply, parser = response.read(client), parsers[i] if parser then reply = parser(reply) end table_insert(replies, i, reply) end return replies, #requests end -- Publish/Subscribe do local channels = function(channels) if type(channels) == 'string' then channels = { channels } end return channels end local subscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'subscribe', ...) end local psubscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'psubscribe', ...) end local unsubscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'unsubscribe') end local punsubscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'punsubscribe') end local consumer_loop = function(client) local aborting, subscriptions = false, 0 local abort = function() if not aborting then unsubscribe(client) punsubscribe(client) aborting = true end end return coroutine.wrap(function() while true do local message local response = response.read(client) if response[1] == 'pmessage' then message = { kind = response[1], pattern = response[2], channel = response[3], payload = response[4], } else message = { kind = response[1], channel = response[2], payload = response[3], } end if string.match(message.kind, '^p?subscribe$') then subscriptions = subscriptions + 1 end if string.match(message.kind, '^p?unsubscribe$') then subscriptions = subscriptions - 1 end if aborting and subscriptions == 0 then break end coroutine.yield(message, abort) end end) end client_prototype.pubsub = function(client, subscriptions) if type(subscriptions) == 'table' then if subscriptions.subscribe then subscribe(client, channels(subscriptions.subscribe)) end if subscriptions.psubscribe then psubscribe(client, channels(subscriptions.psubscribe)) end end return consumer_loop(client) end end -- Redis transactions (MULTI/EXEC) do local function identity(...) return ... end local emptytable = {} local function initialize_transaction(client, options, block, queued_parsers) local table_insert = table.insert local coro = coroutine.create(block) if options.watch then local watch_keys = {} for _, key in pairs(options.watch) do table_insert(watch_keys, key) end if #watch_keys > 0 then client:watch(unpack(watch_keys)) end end local transaction_client = setmetatable({}, {__index=client}) transaction_client.exec = function(...) return client.error('cannot use EXEC inside a transaction block') end transaction_client.multi = function(...) coroutine.yield() end transaction_client.commands_queued = function() return #queued_parsers end assert(coroutine.resume(coro, transaction_client)) transaction_client.multi = nil transaction_client.discard = function(...) local reply = client:discard() for i, v in pairs(queued_parsers) do queued_parsers[i]=nil end coro = initialize_transaction(client, options, block, queued_parsers) return reply end transaction_client.watch = function(...) return client.error('WATCH inside MULTI is not allowed') end setmetatable(transaction_client, { __index = function(t, k) local cmd = client[k] if type(cmd) == "function" then local function queuey(self, ...) local reply = cmd(client, ...) assert((reply or emptytable).queued == true, 'a QUEUED reply was expected') table_insert(queued_parsers, reply.parser or identity) return reply end t[k]=queuey return queuey else return cmd end end }) client:multi() return coro end local function transaction(client, options, coroutine_block, attempts) local queued_parsers, replies = {}, {} local retry = tonumber(attempts) or tonumber(options.retry) or 2 local coro = initialize_transaction(client, options, coroutine_block, queued_parsers) local success, retval if coroutine.status(coro) == 'suspended' then success, retval = coroutine.resume(coro) else -- do not fail if the coroutine has not been resumed (missing t:multi() with CAS) success, retval = true, 'empty transaction' end if #queued_parsers == 0 or not success then client:discard() assert(success, retval) return replies, 0 end local raw_replies = client:exec() if not raw_replies then if (retry or 0) <= 0 then return client.error("MULTI/EXEC transaction aborted by the server") else --we're not quite done yet return transaction(client, options, coroutine_block, retry - 1) end end local table_insert = table.insert for i, parser in pairs(queued_parsers) do table_insert(replies, i, parser(raw_replies[i])) end return replies, #queued_parsers end client_prototype.transaction = function(client, arg1, arg2) local options, block if not arg2 then options, block = {}, arg1 elseif arg1 then --and arg2, implicitly options, block = type(arg1)=="table" and arg1 or { arg1 }, arg2 else return client.error("Invalid parameters for redis transaction.") end if not options.watch then local watch_keys = { } for i, v in pairs(options) do if tonumber(i) then table.insert(watch_keys, v) options[i] = nil end end options.watch = watch_keys elseif not (type(options.watch) == 'table') then options.watch = { options.watch } end if not options.cas then local tx_block = block block = function(client, ...) client:multi() return tx_block(client, ...) --can't wrap this in pcall because we're in a coroutine. end end return transaction(client, options, block) end end -- MONITOR context do local monitor_loop = function(client) local monitoring = true -- Tricky since the payload format changed starting from Redis 2.6. local pattern = '^(%d+%.%d+)( ?.- ?) ?"(%a+)" ?(.-)$' local abort = function() monitoring = false end return coroutine.wrap(function() client:monitor() while monitoring do local message, matched local response = response.read(client) local ok = response:gsub(pattern, function(time, info, cmd, args) message = { timestamp = tonumber(time), client = info:match('%d+.%d+.%d+.%d+:%d+'), database = tonumber(info:match('%d+')) or 0, command = cmd, arguments = args:match('.+'), } matched = true end) if not matched then return client.error('Unable to match MONITOR payload: '..response) end coroutine.yield(message, abort) end end) end client_prototype.monitor_messages = function(client) return monitor_loop(client) end end -- ############################################################################ local function connect_tcp(socket, parameters) local host, port = parameters.host, tonumber(parameters.port) if parameters.timeout then socket:settimeout(parameters.timeout, 'b') end local ok, err = socket:connect(host, port) if not ok then redis.error('could not connect to '..host..':'..port..' ['..err..']') end socket:setoption('tcp-nodelay', parameters.tcp_nodelay) return socket end local function connect_unix(socket, parameters) local ok, err = socket:connect(parameters.path) if not ok then redis.error('could not connect to '..parameters.path..' ['..err..']') end return socket end local function create_connection(parameters) if parameters.socket then return parameters.socket end local perform_connection, socket if parameters.scheme == 'unix' then perform_connection, socket = connect_unix, require('socket.unix') assert(socket, 'your build of LuaSocket does not support UNIX domain sockets') else if parameters.scheme then local scheme = parameters.scheme assert(scheme == 'redis' or scheme == 'tcp', 'invalid scheme: '..scheme) end perform_connection, socket = connect_tcp, require('socket').tcp end return perform_connection(socket(), parameters) end -- ############################################################################ function redis.error(message, level) error(message, (level or 1) + 1) end function redis.connect(...) local args, parameters = {...}, nil if #args == 1 then if type(args[1]) == 'table' then parameters = args[1] else local uri = require('socket.url') parameters = uri.parse(select(1, ...)) if parameters.scheme then if parameters.query then for k, v in parameters.query:gmatch('([-_%w]+)=([-_%w]+)') do if k == 'tcp_nodelay' or k == 'tcp-nodelay' then parameters.tcp_nodelay = parse_boolean(v) elseif k == 'timeout' then parameters.timeout = tonumber(v) end end end else parameters.host = parameters.path end end elseif #args > 1 then local host, port, timeout = unpack(args) parameters = { host = host, port = port, timeout = tonumber(timeout) } end local commands = redis.commands or {} if type(commands) ~= 'table' then redis.error('invalid type for the commands table') end local socket = create_connection(merge_defaults(parameters)) local client = create_client(client_prototype, socket, commands) return client end function redis.command(cmd, opts) return command(cmd, opts) end -- obsolete function redis.define_command(name, opts) define_command_impl(redis.commands, name, opts) end -- obsolete function redis.undefine_command(name) undefine_command_impl(redis.commands, name) end -- ############################################################################ -- Commands defined in this table do not take the precedence over -- methods defined in the client prototype table. redis.commands = { -- commands operating on the key space exists = command('EXISTS', { response = toboolean }), del = command('DEL'), type = command('TYPE'), rename = command('RENAME'), renamenx = command('RENAMENX', { response = toboolean }), expire = command('EXPIRE', { response = toboolean }), pexpire = command('PEXPIRE', { -- >= 2.6 response = toboolean }), expireat = command('EXPIREAT', { response = toboolean }), pexpireat = command('PEXPIREAT', { -- >= 2.6 response = toboolean }), ttl = command('TTL'), pttl = command('PTTL'), -- >= 2.6 move = command('MOVE', { response = toboolean }), dbsize = command('DBSIZE'), persist = command('PERSIST', { -- >= 2.2 response = toboolean }), keys = command('KEYS', { response = function(response) if type(response) == 'string' then -- backwards compatibility path for Redis < 2.0 local keys = {} response:gsub('[^%s]+', function(key) table.insert(keys, key) end) response = keys end return response end }), randomkey = command('RANDOMKEY'), sort = command('SORT', { request = sort_request, }), scan = command('SCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, }), -- commands operating on string values set = command('SET'), setnx = command('SETNX', { response = toboolean }), setex = command('SETEX'), -- >= 2.0 psetex = command('PSETEX'), -- >= 2.6 mset = command('MSET', { request = mset_filter_args }), msetnx = command('MSETNX', { request = mset_filter_args, response = toboolean }), get = command('GET'), mget = command('MGET'), getset = command('GETSET'), incr = command('INCR'), incrby = command('INCRBY'), incrbyfloat = command('INCRBYFLOAT', { -- >= 2.6 response = function(reply, command, ...) return tonumber(reply) end, }), decr = command('DECR'), decrby = command('DECRBY'), append = command('APPEND'), -- >= 2.0 substr = command('SUBSTR'), -- >= 2.0 strlen = command('STRLEN'), -- >= 2.2 setrange = command('SETRANGE'), -- >= 2.2 getrange = command('GETRANGE'), -- >= 2.2 setbit = command('SETBIT'), -- >= 2.2 getbit = command('GETBIT'), -- >= 2.2 bitop = command('BITOP'), -- >= 2.6 bitcount = command('BITCOUNT'), -- >= 2.6 -- commands operating on lists rpush = command('RPUSH'), lpush = command('LPUSH'), llen = command('LLEN'), lrange = command('LRANGE'), ltrim = command('LTRIM'), lindex = command('LINDEX'), lset = command('LSET'), lrem = command('LREM'), lpop = command('LPOP'), rpop = command('RPOP'), rpoplpush = command('RPOPLPUSH'), blpop = command('BLPOP'), -- >= 2.0 brpop = command('BRPOP'), -- >= 2.0 rpushx = command('RPUSHX'), -- >= 2.2 lpushx = command('LPUSHX'), -- >= 2.2 linsert = command('LINSERT'), -- >= 2.2 brpoplpush = command('BRPOPLPUSH'), -- >= 2.2 -- commands operating on sets sadd = command('SADD'), srem = command('SREM'), spop = command('SPOP'), smove = command('SMOVE', { response = toboolean }), scard = command('SCARD'), sismember = command('SISMEMBER', { response = toboolean }), sinter = command('SINTER'), sinterstore = command('SINTERSTORE'), sunion = command('SUNION'), sunionstore = command('SUNIONSTORE'), sdiff = command('SDIFF'), sdiffstore = command('SDIFFSTORE'), smembers = command('SMEMBERS'), srandmember = command('SRANDMEMBER'), sscan = command('SSCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, }), -- commands operating on sorted sets zadd = command('ZADD'), zincrby = command('ZINCRBY', { response = function(reply, command, ...) return tonumber(reply) end, }), zrem = command('ZREM'), zrange = command('ZRANGE', { request = zset_range_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zrevrange = command('ZREVRANGE', { request = zset_range_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zrangebyscore = command('ZRANGEBYSCORE', { request = zset_range_byscore_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zrevrangebyscore = command('ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', { -- >= 2.2 request = zset_range_byscore_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zunionstore = command('ZUNIONSTORE', { -- >= 2.0 request = zset_store_request }), zinterstore = command('ZINTERSTORE', { -- >= 2.0 request = zset_store_request }), zcount = command('ZCOUNT'), zcard = command('ZCARD'), zscore = command('ZSCORE'), zremrangebyscore = command('ZREMRANGEBYSCORE'), zrank = command('ZRANK'), -- >= 2.0 zrevrank = command('ZREVRANK'), -- >= 2.0 zremrangebyrank = command('ZREMRANGEBYRANK'), -- >= 2.0 zscan = command('ZSCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, response = zscan_response, }), -- commands operating on hashes hset = command('HSET', { -- >= 2.0 response = toboolean }), hsetnx = command('HSETNX', { -- >= 2.0 response = toboolean }), hmset = command('HMSET', { -- >= 2.0 request = hash_multi_request_builder(function(args, k, v) table.insert(args, k) table.insert(args, v) end), }), hincrby = command('HINCRBY'), -- >= 2.0 hincrbyfloat = command('HINCRBYFLOAT', {-- >= 2.6 response = function(reply, command, ...) return tonumber(reply) end, }), hget = command('HGET'), -- >= 2.0 hmget = command('HMGET', { -- >= 2.0 request = hash_multi_request_builder(function(args, k, v) table.insert(args, v) end), }), hdel = command('HDEL'), -- >= 2.0 hexists = command('HEXISTS', { -- >= 2.0 response = toboolean }), hlen = command('HLEN'), -- >= 2.0 hkeys = command('HKEYS'), -- >= 2.0 hvals = command('HVALS'), -- >= 2.0 hgetall = command('HGETALL', { -- >= 2.0 response = function(reply, command, ...) local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do new_reply[reply[i]] = reply[i + 1] end return new_reply end }), hscan = command('HSCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, response = hscan_response, }), -- connection related commands ping = command('PING', { response = function(response) return response == 'PONG' end }), echo = command('ECHO'), auth = command('AUTH'), select = command('SELECT'), -- transactions multi = command('MULTI'), -- >= 2.0 exec = command('EXEC'), -- >= 2.0 discard = command('DISCARD'), -- >= 2.0 watch = command('WATCH'), -- >= 2.2 unwatch = command('UNWATCH'), -- >= 2.2 -- publish - subscribe subscribe = command('SUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 unsubscribe = command('UNSUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 psubscribe = command('PSUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 punsubscribe = command('PUNSUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 publish = command('PUBLISH'), -- >= 2.0 -- redis scripting eval = command('EVAL'), -- >= 2.6 evalsha = command('EVALSHA'), -- >= 2.6 script = command('SCRIPT'), -- >= 2.6 -- remote server control commands bgrewriteaof = command('BGREWRITEAOF'), config = command('CONFIG', { -- >= 2.0 response = function(reply, command, ...) if (type(reply) == 'table') then local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do new_reply[reply[i]] = reply[i + 1] end return new_reply end return reply end }), client = command('CLIENT'), -- >= 2.4 slaveof = command('SLAVEOF'), save = command('SAVE'), bgsave = command('BGSAVE'), lastsave = command('LASTSAVE'), flushdb = command('FLUSHDB'), flushall = command('FLUSHALL'), monitor = command('MONITOR'), time = command('TIME'), -- >= 2.6 slowlog = command('SLOWLOG', { -- >= 2.2.13 response = function(reply, command, ...) if (type(reply) == 'table') then local structured = { } for index, entry in ipairs(reply) do structured[index] = { id = tonumber(entry[1]), timestamp = tonumber(entry[2]), duration = tonumber(entry[3]), command = entry[4], } end return structured end return reply end }), info = command('INFO', { response = parse_info, }), } -- ############################################################################ return redis -- redis-lua module end ------------------------------------------- end)() local api = { KEYS = { type = "value", description = "A table with the key names that were explicitly declared for the script to access.\n\nUse the `Command Line Parameters` to provide the script with parameters in `redis-cli --eval`-like format, i.e.: [key1 [key2 [...]]] , [arg1 [arg2 [...]]]" }, ARGV = { type = "value", description = "A table with the arguments that were passed to the script.\n\nUse the `Command Line Parameters` to provide the script with parameters in `redis-cli --eval`-like format, i.e.: [key1 [key2 [...]]] , [arg1 [arg2 [...]]]" }, redis = { type = "lib", description = "A library for inteacting with the Redis server in which the script is EVALed.", childs = { -- Values REPL_ALL = { type = "value", description = "Target setting for calling redis.set_repl() that replicates effects both to AOF and slaves (the default).", }, REPL_AOF = { type = "value", description = "Target setting for calling redis.set_repl() that replicates effects only to AOF.", }, REPL_SLAVE = { type = "value", description = "Target setting for calling redis.set_repl() that replicates effects only to slaves.", }, REPL_NONE = { type = "value", description = "Target setting for calling redis.set_repl() that disables replication.", }, LOG_DEBUG = { type = "value", description = "DEBUG loglevel setting for calling redis.log().", }, LOG_VERBOSE = { type = "value", description = "VERBOSE loglevel setting for calling redis.log().", }, LOG_NOTICE = { type = "value", description = "NOTICE loglevel setting for calling redis.log().", }, LOG_WARNING = { type = "value", description = "WARNING loglevel setting for calling redis.log().", }, -- functions error_reply = { type = "function", description = "Returns a Redis error reply.\nThis helper function returns a single field table with the err field set to the specified string.", args = "(error: string)", returns = "(table)", }, status_reply = { type = "function", description = "Returns a Redis status reply.\nThis helper function returns a single field table with the ok field set to the specified string.", args = "(status: string)", returns = "(table)", }, call = { type = "function", description = "Calls a Redis command, raising errors if any.\nIf the call to the command returns an error, the error will be raised and returned to the caller. To trap the error consider using pcall instead.\nThe arguments should be a well-formed Redis command. The return value depends on the command called and the dataset.", args = "(command: string, [arg: string|number, ...])", returns = "(number|string|table|boolean)", }, pcall = { type = "function", description = "Calls a Redis command, trapping errors if any.\nIf the call to the command returns an error, the error will be trapped and the function will return a table with the error. To raise the error to the caller consider using call instead.\nThe arguments should be a well-formed Redis command. The return value depends on the command called and the dataset.", args = "(command: string, [arg: string|number, ...])", returns = "(number|string|table|boolean)", }, replicate_commands = { type = "function", description = "Enables effects replication mode for the script.\nReturns true if successful.\n", args = "()", returns = "(boolean)", }, set_repl = { type = "function", description = "Sets the replication target when in effects replication mode.\n\nAccepts one of the following targets:\n* redis.REPL_ALL: Replicate to AOF and slaves (the default).\n* redis.REPL_AOF: Replicate only to AOF.\n* redis.REPL_SLAVE: Replicate only to slaves.\n* redis.REPL_NONE: Don't replicate at all.", args = "(target: redis.REPL_(ALL|AOF|SLAVE|NONE))", -- TODO: replace with something else? returns = "()", }, sha1hex = { type = "function", description = "Performs the SHA1 of the input string.", args = "(input: string)", returns = "(string)", }, breakpoint = { type = "function", description = "When in SCRIPT DEBUG mode, stops execution as if a breakpoint is encountered at the next line.", args = "()", returns = "()", }, debug = { type = "function", description = "When in SCRIPT DEBUG mode, emits a log message to the debug console.", args = "(message: string)", returns = "()", }, log = { type = "function", description = "Emits a log message to the Redis log file.\nAccepst one of the standard Redis loglevels and the message to emit.", args = "(loglevel: redis.LOG_(DEBUG|VERBOSE|NOTICE|WARNING), message: string)", returns = "()", }, }, }, struct = { type = "lib", description = "A library for packing/unpacking structures within Lua.", childs = { pack = { type = "function", description = "Returns an encoded representation of the arguments according to the specified format.\n\nValid formats:\n> - big endian\n< - little endian\n![num] - alignment\nx - padding\nb/B - signed/unsigned byte\nh/H - signed/unsigned short\nl/L - signed/unsigned long\nT - size_t\ni/In - signed/unsigned integer with size `n' (default is size of int)\ncn - sequence of `n' chars (from/to a string); when packing, n==0 means\n the whole string; when unpacking, n==0 means use the previous\n read number as the string length\ns - zero-terminated string\nf - float\nd - double\n' ' - ignored", args = "(format: string, ...)", returns = "(string)", }, unpack = { type = "function", description = "Returns the values from an encoded representation according to the specified format.\n\nValid formats:\n> - big endian\n< - little endian\n![num] - alignment\nx - padding\nb/B - signed/unsigned byte\nh/H - signed/unsigned short\nl/L - signed/unsigned long\nT - size_t\ni/In - signed/unsigned integer with size `n' (default is size of int)\ncn - sequence of `n' chars (from/to a string); when packing, n==0 means\n the whole string; when unpacking, n==0 means use the previous\n read number as the string length\ns - zero-terminated string\nf - float\nd - double\n' ' - ignored", args = "(format: string, struct: string)", returns = "(table)", -- TODO: the table also has an additional element??? }, size = { type = "function", description = "Returns the size of the encoded representation according to the specified format.\n\nValid formats:\n> - big endian\n< - little endian\n![num] - alignment\nx - padding\nb/B - signed/unsigned byte\nh/H - signed/unsigned short\nl/L - signed/unsigned long\nT - size_t\ni/In - signed/unsigned integer with size `n' (default is size of int)\ncn - sequence of `n' chars (from/to a string); when packing, n==0 means\n the whole string; when unpacking, n==0 means use the previous\n read number as the string length\ns - zero-terminated string\nf - float\nd - double\n' ' - ignored", args = "(format: string)", returns = "(number)" }, }, }, cjson = { type = "lib", description = "A library for encoding/decoding JSON.", childs = { encode = { type = "function", description = "Encodes a Lua table as a JSON document.", args = "(input: table)", returns = "(string)", }, decode = { type = "function", description = "Converts a JSON document to a Lua table.", args = "(JSON: string)", returns = "(table)", }, }, }, cmsgpack = { type = "lib", description = "A library for encoding/decoding MessagePack.", childs = { pack = { type = "function", description = "Encodes a Lua table as a MessagePack.", args = "(input: table)", returns = "(string)", }, unpack = { type = "function", description = "Converts a MessagePack to a Lua table.", args = "(msgpack: string)", returns = "(table)", }, }, }, bit = { type = "lib", description = "A library for bitwise operations on numbers.", childs = { tobit = { type = "function", description = "Normalizes a number to the numeric range for bit operations and returns it.", args = "(x: number)", returns = "(number)", }, tohex = { type = "function", description = "Converts its first argument to a hex string. The number of hex digits is given by the absolute value of the optional second argument. Positive numbers between 1 and 8 generate lowercase hex digits. Negative numbers generate uppercase hex digits. Only the least-significant 4*|n| bits are used. The default is to generate 8 lowercase hex digits.", args = "(x: number [, n: number])", returns = "(string)", }, bnot = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise not of its argument.", args = "(x: number)", returns = "(number)", }, band = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise and of all of its arguments.", args = "(x1: number [, x2: number, ...])", returns = "(number)", }, bor = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise or of all of its arguments.", args = "(x1: number [, x2: number, ...])", returns = "(number)", }, bxor = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise xor of all of its arguments.", args = "(x1: number [, x2: number, ...])", returns = "(number)", }, lshift = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise logical left-shift of its first argument by the number of bits given by the second argument.\nTreats the first argument as an unsigned number and shifts in 0-bits.\nOnly the lower 5 bits of the shift count are used (reduces to the range [0..31]).", args = "(x: number, n: number)", returns = "(number)", }, rshift = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise logical right-shift of its first argument by the number of bits given by the second argument.\nTreats the first argument as an unsigned number and shifts in 0-bits.\nOnly the lower 5 bits of the shift count are used (reduces to the range [0..31]).", args = "(x: number, n: number)", returns = "(number)", }, arshift = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise arithmetic right-shift of its first argument by the number of bits given by the second argument.\nTreats the most-significant bit as a sign bit and replicates it.\nOnly the lower 5 bits of the shift count are used (reduces to the range [0..31]).", args = "(x: number, n: number)", returns = "(number)", }, rol = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise left rotation of its first argument by the number of bits given by the second argument.\nBits shifted out on one side are shifted back in on the other side.\nOnly the lower 5 bits of the rotate count are used (reduces to the range [0..31]).", args = "(x: number, n: number)", returns = "(number)", }, ror = { type = "function", description = "Returns the bitwise right rotation of its first argument by the number of bits given by the second argument.\nBits shifted out on one side are shifted back in on the other side.\nOnly the lower 5 bits of the rotate count are used (reduces to the range [0..31]).", args = "(x: number, n: number)", returns = "(number)", }, bswap = { type = "function", description = "Swaps the bytes of its argument and returns it.", args = "(x: number)", returns = "(number)", }, }, }, } local function isinstance(host, port, password) local ok, res = pcall(redis.connect, {host = host, port = port, timeout = 0.5}) if not ok then return nil, res:match("%[(.+)%]") end -- check if the instance is password protected local client = res ok, res = pcall(client.ping, client) if not ok and res:find("NOAUTH") and (not password or not pcall(client.auth, client, password)) then while true do password = password or wx.wxGetPasswordFromUser("Enter Redis password", "Redis authentication") if not password or password == "" then return end if pcall(client.auth, client, password) then break end password = nil end end client:quit() return true, password end local pkg local address, password local interpreter = { name = "Redis", description = "Redis interpreter", api = {"baselib", "redis"}, frun = function(self,wfilename,rundebug) if not pkg then ide:Print("Can't get package configuration.") return end local filepath = wfilename:GetFullPath() if ide.osname == 'Windows' then -- if running on Windows and can't open the file, this may mean that -- the file path includes unicode characters that need special handling local fh = io.open(filepath, "r") if fh then fh:close() end if pcall(require, "winapi") and wfilename:FileExists() and not fh then winapi.set_encoding(winapi.CP_UTF8) filepath = winapi.short_path(filepath) end end local defaddress = pkg:GetSettings().address or "redis://localhost:6379" while true do defaddress = address or wx.wxGetTextFromUser( "Database URI ([redis://][username:password@]hostname:port[/db])", "Redis server", defaddress) -- Redis currently ignores the username, should change with RCP1 if not defaddress or defaddress == "" then return end local uri = require('socket.url').parse(defaddress) if uri.scheme ~= "redis" then return end -- need to think about support for sockets, future support for SSL/TLS if not uri.host or not uri.port then ide:Print(("Can't get host name or port number from URI '%s'."):format(defaddress)) else local ok, err = isinstance(uri.host, uri.port, (password or uri.password)) if ok then address, password = uri.scheme .. "://" .. uri.host .. ":" .. uri.port .. (uri.path or ""), err pkg:SetSettings({address = address}) break elseif err then ide:Print(("Can't connect to Redis instance '%s': %s."):format(defaddress, err)) address = nil else -- cancelled authentication return end end end if rundebug then ide:GetDebugger():SetOptions() end local pkgcfg = pkg:GetConfig() local redis = " --instance "..address local controller = " --controller "..ide:GetDebugger():GetHostName()..":"..ide:GetDebugger():GetPortNumber() local rundebug = " --debug " .. (rundebug and (pkgcfg.debugmode or "yes") or "no") local pswd = password and (" --password %q"):format(password) or "" local verbose = pkgcfg.verbose and " --verbose" or "" local maxlen = pkgcfg.maxlen and (" --maxlen %s"):format(pkgcfg.maxlen) or "" local cfg = ide:GetConfig() local params = cfg.arg.any or cfg.arg.redis local exe = ide:GetInterpreters().luadeb:GetExePath("") local cmd = ('"%s" "%s"%s "%s"%s'):format(exe, pkg:GetFilePath(), table.concat({redis, controller, rundebug, pswd, maxlen, verbose}, ""), filepath, params and " "..params or "") -- CommandLineRun(cmd,wdir,tooutput,nohide,stringcallback,uid,endcallback) return CommandLineRun(cmd,self:fworkdir(wfilename),true,false) end, hasdebugger = true, fattachdebug = function(self) ide:GetDebugger():SetOptions() end, unhideanywindow = false, takeparameters = true, } local name = "redis" local package = { name = "Redis", description = "Integrates with Redis.", author = "Paul Kulchenko", version = 0.38, dependencies = "1.30", onRegister = function(self) pkg = self ide:AddInterpreter(name, interpreter) ide:AddAPI("lua", name, api) end, onUnRegister = function(self) ide:RemoveInterpreter(name) ide:RemoveAPI("lua", name) end, } if pcall(debug.getlocal, 4, 1) then return package end -- main redis script ----------------------------------------------------------- io.stdout:setvbuf('no') local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local controller, instance = "localhost:8172", "redis://localhost:6379" local verbose, maxlen, debugmode, password, params, file = false while #arg > 0 do local a = table.remove(arg, 1) if a == "--instance" then instance = table.remove(arg, 1) elseif a == "--controller" then controller = table.remove(arg, 1) elseif a == "--debug" then debugmode = table.remove(arg, 1) elseif a == "--password" then password = table.remove(arg, 1) elseif a == "--maxlen" then maxlen = table.remove(arg, 1) elseif a == "--verbose" then verbose = true else file, params, arg = a, arg, {} end end local function check(cond, msg, ...) -- uses "file" name to inject into the error message if cond or msg == nil then return cond, msg, ... end print(type(msg) == 'string' and msg:gsub("(.+): @?user_script:%s*", "%1\n"..file..":") or msg) os.exit(1) end check(file, "Required file name is not provided") -- read the script local fh, err = io.open(file, "rb") check(fh, ("Can't open file '%s' for reading: %s"):format(file, err)) local code = fh:read("*a") fh:close() local function getval(response, keyword, format, keep) if type(response) ~= 'table' then return end local res = {} for _, v in ipairs(response) do if type(v) == "string" and v:find("^"..keyword) then table.insert(res, (format or "%q"):format(keep and v or v:gsub(keyword.." ",""))) end end return res end local function getline(response) local line = getval(response, "* Stopped at") return line and line[1] and line[1]:match("(%d+)") end local function getretval(response) return "return {"..table.concat(getval(response, "") or {}, ",").."}" end local function getreply(response) local msg = table.concat(getval(response, "", "%s") or {}, ",") -- add proper quoting to those messages that may be truncated because of `maxlen` limit if msg:find('^"') and not msg:find('"$') then msg = msg..'"' end return ("return {%s}"):format( -- show returned NULL as `nil` msg == "NULL" and "'nil'" or -- show array (`[...]`) results from commands like `@hgetall something` as is msg:find("^%[.+%]$") and ("%q"):format(msg) or msg ) end local function geterror(response) local err = getval(type(response) == 'table' and response or {response}, "") return err and #err > 0 and err[1] or nil end local function isdone(response) local endsession = getval(response, "") return endsession and #endsession > 0 end local function isfilesame(fullname, fname, basedir) local sep = "/" fullname = fullname:gsub("[\\/]", sep) basedir = basedir:gsub("[\\/]", sep):gsub(sep.."+$", "")..sep return fullname == fname or fullname == basedir .. fname end local function removebasedir(fullname, basedir) local sep = "/" fullname = fullname:gsub("[\\/]", sep) basedir = basedir:gsub("[\\/]", sep):gsub(sep.."+$", "")..sep return (fullname:gsub(basedir, "")) end local function getvars(response) if type(response) ~= 'table' then return end -- convert reported values to local definitions; skip internal variables; -- best effort handling of maxlen trimmed values; skip hints -- (for index) = 1 -- (for limit) = 20 -- i = 1 -- s = "foobar" -- t = {} -- trimmed_string = "abc ... -- trimmed_table = { "abc"; "ef ... -- some text local res = {} for _, v in ipairs(response) do if not v:find(" %(") and not v:find("") then local val = v:gsub(" ", "") if val:sub(-3) == "..." then -- trimmed string or table local msg = "[[contents trimmed, consider using `maxlen 0`]]" local var, valtype = val:match("^([%p%w]+)%s+=%s+(.)") if valtype == "\"" then val = val .. " " .. msg .. "\"" elseif valtype == "{" then val = var .. " = {\"" .. msg .. "\"}" end end if loadstring("local "..val) then table.insert(res, val) end end end return res end local function getvarsaslocals(response, max) local vars = getvars(response) if not vars or #vars == 0 then return "" end local s = "" for _, v in ipairs(vars) do local news = s.."local "..v..";" if max and #news > max then break end s = news end return s end local function getvarsastable(response) local vars = getvars(response) for k, v in pairs(vars) do local name, val = v:match("^([%p%w]+)%s+=%s+(.+)") vars[k] = ("%s={%s,%s}"):format(name, val, val:find("^{") and "'table'" or "nil") end return "{"..table.concat(vars, "; ").."}" end local function reportdebug(response) local deb = getval(response, "", "%s", true) if deb and #deb > 0 then print(table.concat(deb, "\n")) end local hint = getval(response, "", "%s", true) if hint and #hint > 0 then print(table.concat(hint, "\n")) end end local function reportresult(client, msg) local function report(msg) if type(msg) ~= 'table' then return print(msg) end for _, v in ipairs(msg) do report(v) end end report(msg or check(client:echo('nil'))) -- this will also report any errors client:quit() end -- get redis instance host:port local uri = require("socket.url").parse(instance) local host, port, db = uri.host, uri.port, uri.path check(host and port, ("Unknown Redis URI format '%s'; expected [redis://][username:password@]hostname:port[/db]"):format(instance)) -- register Redis debugger commands for key, command in pairs({continue = 'C', step = 'S', breakpoint = 'B', maxlen = 'M', abort = 'A', print = 'P', eval = 'E', trace = 'T', redis = 'R'}) do redis.commands['ldb'..key] = redis.command(command) end -- connect to redis instance local ok, err = pcall(redis.connect, {host = host, port = port, timeout = nil}) check(ok, ("Can't connect to Redis instance '%s': %s.") :format(instance, type(err) == "string" and err:match("%[(.+)%]" or "Unknown error"))) local client = err client.error = function(error) return nil, (error:gsub(".*ERR ","")) end if verbose then local function formatmsg(msg) return (("%q"):format(msg) :gsub("\010","n"):gsub("\\0?13","\\r"):gsub("\026","\\026"):gsub('^"',""):gsub('"$',"")) end client.onread = function(self, line, err) print(" "..(line and formatmsg(line) or "error: "..err)) end client.onwrite = function(self, line, err) print(" "..(line and formatmsg(line) or "error: "..err)) end end -- authenticate if password is provided local msg, err = client:ping() if not msg and err:find("NOAUTH") then check(password, "Authentication is required, but no password is provided to authenticate.") check(client:auth(password), "Can't autheticate with the provided password.") end -- select database, if any if db then msg, err = check(client:select(db:sub(2))) end local isdebugging = debugmode ~= "no" msg, err = check(client:info("SERVER")) local version = msg and tonumber(((msg.server or {}).redis_version or ""):match("%d+.%d+")) local needversion = 3.2 if isdebugging and version and version < needversion then print(("Detected Redis server v%s, but need v%s+ for the debugging to work.") :format(version, needversion)) end -- start debugging if isdebugging then msg, err = check(client:script("DEBUG", debugmode)) end -- split passed parameters into KEYS and ARGV (separated by ',') local keys = #params for n, v in ipairs(params) do if v == ',' then keys = n - 1 table.remove(params, n) break end end -- if @file is requested, insert file contents for n, v in ipairs(params) do if string.sub(v,1,6) == "@file:" then local f = assert(io.open(string.sub(v,7), "rb")) params[n] = f:read("*all") f:close() end end -- load the script to debug; check for any reported errors msg, err = check(client:eval(code, keys, unpack(params))) -- if no debugging is requested, nothing else is needed to be done if not isdebugging then reportresult(client, msg) os.exit(0) end -- set maxlen if provided if maxlen then msg, err = check(client:ldbmaxlen(maxlen)) end -- connect to the debugger local server, err = require("socket").tcp() check(server, ("Can't open socket: %s"):format(err)) host, port = controller:match("^%s*(.+):(%d+)%s*$") check(host and port, ("Unknown debugger address format '%s'; expected host:port."):format(controller)) if server.settimeout then server:settimeout(2) end local ok, err = server:connect(host, port) if server.settimeout then server:settimeout() end check(ok, ("Can't connect to the debugger at '%s': %s"):format(controller, err)) -- main debugger loop local basedir = "" while true do local line = check(server:receive()) local command = string.sub(line, string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+")) if command == "SETB" or command == "DELB" then local _, _, _, lfile, line = string.find(line, "^([A-Z]+)%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$") if lfile and line then line = line == "0" and 0 or (command == "SETB" and tonumber(line) or -tonumber(line)) -- deleting from file '*' deletes all breakpoints if lfile == '*' or isfilesame(file, lfile, basedir) then client:ldbbreakpoint(line) end server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "BASEDIR" then local _, _, dir = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)%s*$") if dir then basedir = dir server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "LOAD" then local _, _, size = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(%d+)%s+(%S.-)%s*$") size = tonumber(size) if size > 0 then server:receive(size) end server:send("201 Started " .. file .. " " .. (getline(msg) or 1) .. "\n") elseif command == "RUN" or command == "STEP" or command == "OVER" or command == "OUT" then server:send("200 OK\n") local msg, err if command == "RUN" then msg, err = check(client:ldbcontinue()) else msg, err = check(client:ldbstep()) -- check if this is the last step stopped at "out of range" position; do one more step local outofrange = msg and getval(msg, "->%s+%d+%s+ 0 then reportdebug(msg) msg, err = check(client:ldbstep()) end end reportdebug(msg) if isdone(msg) then reportresult(client) break end server:send("202 Paused " .. file .. " " .. (getline(msg) or 0) .. "\n") elseif command == "DONE" then check(client:ldbbreakpoint(0)) -- remove all breakpoints local msg = check(client:ldbcontinue()) -- continue with the script reportdebug(msg) if isdone(msg) then reportresult(client) end break elseif command == "EXEC" then local _, _, chunk = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)$") if chunk then chunk = chunk:gsub("%-%-%s*%b{}","") -- remove eval options if present local func, err = loadstring(chunk) if not func then local chunkr = "return "..chunk func = loadstring(chunkr) if func then chunk = chunkr end end if func then -- evaluation is done in a different environment, so capture local variables -- to use in the chunk evaluation to make their values available local vars = getvarsaslocals(check(client:ldbprint()), 1024-#chunk) local msg, err = client:ldbeval(vars..chunk) -- if there is an error, try without preamble, as it has a better error message if msg and geterror(msg) then msg, err = client:ldbeval(chunk) end if msg and geterror(msg) then msg, err = nil, geterror(msg) end if msg then reportdebug(msg) -- if the chunk starts from "return" or looks like an expression, then return the result -- otherwise don't return any values to avoid showing `nil` after statements. msg = (chunk:find("^return ") or loadstring("return "..chunk)) and getretval(msg) or "return {}" server:send("200 OK " .. tostring(#msg) .. "\n") server:send(msg) else server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. tostring(#err) .. "\n") server:send(err) end elseif chunk:find("^[A-Z][A-Z]+%s") or chunk:find("^@") then chunk = chunk:gsub("^@", "") local cmd = {} for v in chunk:gmatch("(%S+)") do table.insert(cmd, v) end local msg, err = client:ldbredis(unpack(cmd)) if msg and geterror(msg) then msg, err = nil, geterror(msg) end if msg then reportdebug(msg) msg = getreply(msg) server:send("200 OK " .. tostring(#msg) .. "\n") server:send(msg) else server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. tostring(#err) .. "\n") server:send(err) end else server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. tostring(#err) .. "\n") server:send(err) end else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "STACK" then -- get stack information and repackage it in the expected format local msg = check(client:ldbtrace()) local fname = removebasedir(file, basedir) local stack = {} local vars = getvarsastable(check(client:ldbprint())) while #msg > 0 do local frame = table.remove(msg, 1) local line = table.remove(msg, 1) local top = frame:match("^In (.-):") local funcname = frame:match("^In (.-):") or frame:match("^From (.-):") if funcname == "top level" then funcname = #msg > 0 and "anonymous function" or "main chunk" end local _, _, curline = line:find("(%d+)", 4) table.insert(stack, ("{{%q, %q, -1, %d, 'main chunk', '', ''}, %s, {}}") :format(funcname, fname, curline or 0, top and vars or "{}")) end server:send("200 OK " .. "return {"..table.concat(stack, ',').."}" .. "\n") elseif command == "EXIT" then client:ldbabort() server:send("200 OK\n") break elseif command == "SETW" or command == "DELW" or command == "SUSPEND" or command == "OUTPUT" then server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end end --[[ configuration example: redis = {debugmode = "sync"} -- set debug mode to "sync" (the default debug mode is "yes") redis = {verbose = true} -- set verbose output to show all commands sent to or receivd from Redis redis = {maxlen = 10000} -- set `maxlen` value during debugging -- several settings can be combined: redis = {maxlen = 10000, verbose = true} --]]