# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A simple and thin Python library for the Spotify Web API """ __all__ = ["Spotify", "SpotifyException"] import json import logging import re import warnings import requests import six import urllib3 from spotipy.exceptions import SpotifyException from collections import defaultdict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Spotify(object): """ Example usage:: import spotipy urn = 'spotify:artist:3jOstUTkEu2JkjvRdBA5Gu' sp = spotipy.Spotify() artist = sp.artist(urn) print(artist) user = sp.user('plamere') print(user) """ max_retries = 3 default_retry_codes = (429, 500, 502, 503, 504) country_codes = [ "AD", "AR", "AU", "AT", "BE", "BO", "BR", "BG", "CA", "CL", "CO", "CR", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "DO", "EC", "SV", "EE", "FI", "FR", "DE", "GR", "GT", "HN", "HK", "HU", "IS", "ID", "IE", "IT", "JP", "LV", "LI", "LT", "LU", "MY", "MT", "MX", "MC", "NL", "NZ", "NI", "NO", "PA", "PY", "PE", "PH", "PL", "PT", "SG", "ES", "SK", "SE", "CH", "TW", "TR", "GB", "US", "UY"] # Spotify URI scheme defined in [1], and the ID format as base-62 in [2]. # # Unfortunately the IANA specification is out of date and doesn't include the new types # show and episode. Additionally, for the user URI, it does not specify which characters # are valid for usernames, so the assumption is alphanumeric which coincidentially are also # the same ones base-62 uses. # In limited manual exploration this seems to hold true, as newly accounts are assigned an # identifier that looks like the base-62 of all other IDs, but some older accounts only have # numbers and even older ones seemed to have been allowed to freely pick this name. # # [1] https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/spotify # [2] https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids _regex_spotify_uri = r'^spotify:(?:(?Ptrack|artist|album|playlist|show|episode|audiobook):(?P[0-9A-Za-z]+)|user:(?P[0-9A-Za-z]+):playlist:(?P[0-9A-Za-z]+))$' # noqa: E501 # Spotify URLs are defined at [1]. The assumption is made that they are all # pointing to open.spotify.com, so a regex is used to parse them as well, # instead of a more complex URL parsing function. # # [1] https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids _regex_spotify_url = r'^(http[s]?:\/\/)?open.spotify.com\/(?Ptrack|artist|album|playlist|show|episode|user|audiobook)\/(?P[0-9A-Za-z]+)(\?.*)?$' # noqa: E501 _regex_base62 = r'^[0-9A-Za-z]+$' def __init__( self, auth=None, requests_session=True, client_credentials_manager=None, oauth_manager=None, auth_manager=None, proxies=None, requests_timeout=5, status_forcelist=None, retries=max_retries, status_retries=max_retries, backoff_factor=0.3, language=None, ): """ Creates a Spotify API client. :param auth: An access token (optional) :param requests_session: A Requests session object or a truthy value to create one. A falsy value disables sessions. It should generally be a good idea to keep sessions enabled for performance reasons (connection pooling). :param client_credentials_manager: SpotifyClientCredentials object :param oauth_manager: SpotifyOAuth object :param auth_manager: SpotifyOauth, SpotifyClientCredentials, or SpotifyImplicitGrant object :param proxies: Definition of proxies (optional). See Requests doc https://2.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#proxies :param requests_timeout: Tell Requests to stop waiting for a response after a given number of seconds :param status_forcelist: Tell requests what type of status codes retries should occur on :param retries: Total number of retries to allow :param status_retries: Number of times to retry on bad status codes :param backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try See urllib3 https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/urllib3.util.html :param language: The language parameter advertises what language the user prefers to see. See ISO-639-1 language code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes """ self.prefix = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/" self._auth = auth self.client_credentials_manager = client_credentials_manager self.oauth_manager = oauth_manager self.auth_manager = auth_manager self.proxies = proxies self.requests_timeout = requests_timeout self.status_forcelist = status_forcelist or self.default_retry_codes self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor self.retries = retries self.status_retries = status_retries self.language = language if isinstance(requests_session, requests.Session): self._session = requests_session else: if requests_session: # Build a new session. self._build_session() else: # Use the Requests API module as a "session". self._session = requests.api def set_auth(self, auth): self._auth = auth @property def auth_manager(self): return self._auth_manager @auth_manager.setter def auth_manager(self, auth_manager): if auth_manager is not None: self._auth_manager = auth_manager else: self._auth_manager = ( self.client_credentials_manager or self.oauth_manager ) def __del__(self): """Make sure the connection (pool) gets closed""" try: if isinstance(self._session, requests.Session): self._session.close() except AttributeError: pass def _build_session(self): self._session = requests.Session() retry = urllib3.Retry( total=self.retries, connect=None, read=False, allowed_methods=frozenset(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']), status=self.status_retries, backoff_factor=self.backoff_factor, status_forcelist=self.status_forcelist) adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) self._session.mount('http://', adapter) self._session.mount('https://', adapter) def _auth_headers(self): if self._auth: return {"Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(self._auth)} if not self.auth_manager: return {} try: token = self.auth_manager.get_access_token(as_dict=False) except TypeError: token = self.auth_manager.get_access_token() return {"Authorization": "Bearer {0}".format(token)} def _internal_call(self, method, url, payload, params): args = dict(params=params) if not url.startswith("http"): url = self.prefix + url headers = self._auth_headers() if "content_type" in args["params"]: headers["Content-Type"] = args["params"]["content_type"] del args["params"]["content_type"] if payload: args["data"] = payload else: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" if payload: args["data"] = json.dumps(payload) if self.language is not None: headers["Accept-Language"] = self.language logger.debug('Sending %s to %s with Params: %s Headers: %s and Body: %r ', method, url, args.get("params"), headers, args.get('data')) try: response = self._session.request( method, url, headers=headers, proxies=self.proxies, timeout=self.requests_timeout, **args ) response.raise_for_status() results = response.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as http_error: response = http_error.response try: json_response = response.json() error = json_response.get("error", {}) msg = error.get("message") reason = error.get("reason") except ValueError: # if the response cannot be decoded into JSON (which raises a ValueError), # then try to decode it into text # if we receive an empty string (which is falsy), then replace it with `None` msg = response.text or None reason = None logger.error( 'HTTP Error for %s to %s with Params: %s returned %s due to %s', method, url, args.get("params"), response.status_code, msg ) raise SpotifyException( response.status_code, -1, "%s:\n %s" % (response.url, msg), reason=reason, headers=response.headers, ) except requests.exceptions.RetryError as retry_error: request = retry_error.request logger.error('Max Retries reached') try: reason = retry_error.args[0].reason except (IndexError, AttributeError): reason = None raise SpotifyException( 429, -1, "%s:\n %s" % (request.path_url, "Max Retries"), reason=reason ) except ValueError: results = None logger.debug('RESULTS: %s', results) return results def _get(self, url, args=None, payload=None, **kwargs): if args: kwargs.update(args) return self._internal_call("GET", url, payload, kwargs) def _post(self, url, args=None, payload=None, **kwargs): if args: kwargs.update(args) return self._internal_call("POST", url, payload, kwargs) def _delete(self, url, args=None, payload=None, **kwargs): if args: kwargs.update(args) return self._internal_call("DELETE", url, payload, kwargs) def _put(self, url, args=None, payload=None, **kwargs): if args: kwargs.update(args) return self._internal_call("PUT", url, payload, kwargs) def next(self, result): """ returns the next result given a paged result Parameters: - result - a previously returned paged result """ if result["next"]: return self._get(result["next"]) else: return None def previous(self, result): """ returns the previous result given a paged result Parameters: - result - a previously returned paged result """ if result["previous"]: return self._get(result["previous"]) else: return None def track(self, track_id, market=None): """ returns a single track given the track's ID, URI or URL Parameters: - track_id - a spotify URI, URL or ID - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ trid = self._get_id("track", track_id) return self._get("tracks/" + trid, market=market) def tracks(self, tracks, market=None): """ returns a list of tracks given a list of track IDs, URIs, or URLs Parameters: - tracks - a list of spotify URIs, URLs or IDs. Maximum: 50 IDs. - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ tlist = [self._get_id("track", t) for t in tracks] return self._get("tracks/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist), market=market) def artist(self, artist_id): """ returns a single artist given the artist's ID, URI or URL Parameters: - artist_id - an artist ID, URI or URL """ trid = self._get_id("artist", artist_id) return self._get("artists/" + trid) def artists(self, artists): """ returns a list of artists given the artist IDs, URIs, or URLs Parameters: - artists - a list of artist IDs, URIs or URLs """ tlist = [self._get_id("artist", a) for a in artists] return self._get("artists/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist)) def artist_albums( self, artist_id, album_type=None, include_groups=None, country=None, limit=20, offset=0 ): """ Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's albums Parameters: - artist_id - the artist ID, URI or URL - include_groups - the types of items to return. One or more of 'album', 'single', 'appears_on', 'compilation'. If multiple types are desired, pass in a comma separated string; e.g., 'album,single'. - country - limit the response to one particular country. - limit - the number of albums to return - offset - the index of the first album to return """ if album_type: warnings.warn( "You're using `artist_albums(..., album_type='...')` which will be removed in " "future versions. Please adjust your code accordingly by using " "`artist_albums(..., include_groups='...')` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) include_groups = include_groups or album_type trid = self._get_id("artist", artist_id) return self._get( "artists/" + trid + "/albums", include_groups=include_groups, country=country, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) def artist_top_tracks(self, artist_id, country="US"): """ Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's top 10 tracks by country. Parameters: - artist_id - the artist ID, URI or URL - country - limit the response to one particular country. """ trid = self._get_id("artist", artist_id) return self._get("artists/" + trid + "/top-tracks", country=country) def artist_related_artists(self, artist_id): """ Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to an identified artist. Similarity is based on analysis of the Spotify community's listening history. Parameters: - artist_id - the artist ID, URI or URL """ trid = self._get_id("artist", artist_id) return self._get("artists/" + trid + "/related-artists") def album(self, album_id, market=None): """ returns a single album given the album's ID, URIs or URL Parameters: - album_id - the album ID, URI or URL - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code """ trid = self._get_id("album", album_id) if market is not None: return self._get("albums/" + trid + '?market=' + market) else: return self._get("albums/" + trid) def album_tracks(self, album_id, limit=50, offset=0, market=None): """ Get Spotify catalog information about an album's tracks Parameters: - album_id - the album ID, URI or URL - limit - the number of items to return - offset - the index of the first item to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ trid = self._get_id("album", album_id) return self._get( "albums/" + trid + "/tracks/", limit=limit, offset=offset, market=market ) def albums(self, albums, market=None): """ returns a list of albums given the album IDs, URIs, or URLs Parameters: - albums - a list of album IDs, URIs or URLs - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code """ tlist = [self._get_id("album", a) for a in albums] if market is not None: return self._get("albums/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist) + '&market=' + market) else: return self._get("albums/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist)) def show(self, show_id, market=None): """ returns a single show given the show's ID, URIs or URL Parameters: - show_id - the show ID, URI or URL - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. The show must be available in the given market. If user-based authorization is in use, the user's country takes precedence. If neither market nor user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client. """ trid = self._get_id("show", show_id) return self._get("shows/" + trid, market=market) def shows(self, shows, market=None): """ returns a list of shows given the show IDs, URIs, or URLs Parameters: - shows - a list of show IDs, URIs or URLs - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Only shows available in the given market will be returned. If user-based authorization is in use, the user's country takes precedence. If neither market nor user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client. """ tlist = [self._get_id("show", s) for s in shows] return self._get("shows/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist), market=market) def show_episodes(self, show_id, limit=50, offset=0, market=None): """ Get Spotify catalog information about a show's episodes Parameters: - show_id - the show ID, URI or URL - limit - the number of items to return - offset - the index of the first item to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Only episodes available in the given market will be returned. If user-based authorization is in use, the user's country takes precedence. If neither market nor user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client. """ trid = self._get_id("show", show_id) return self._get( "shows/" + trid + "/episodes/", limit=limit, offset=offset, market=market ) def episode(self, episode_id, market=None): """ returns a single episode given the episode's ID, URIs or URL Parameters: - episode_id - the episode ID, URI or URL - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. The episode must be available in the given market. If user-based authorization is in use, the user's country takes precedence. If neither market nor user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client. """ trid = self._get_id("episode", episode_id) return self._get("episodes/" + trid, market=market) def episodes(self, episodes, market=None): """ returns a list of episodes given the episode IDs, URIs, or URLs Parameters: - episodes - a list of episode IDs, URIs or URLs - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Only episodes available in the given market will be returned. If user-based authorization is in use, the user's country takes precedence. If neither market nor user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client. """ tlist = [self._get_id("episode", e) for e in episodes] return self._get("episodes/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist), market=market) def search(self, q, limit=10, offset=0, type="track", market=None): """ searches for an item Parameters: - q - the search query (see how to write a query in the official documentation https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/search/) # noqa - limit - the number of items to return (min = 1, default = 10, max = 50). The limit is applied within each type, not on the total response. - offset - the index of the first item to return - type - the types of items to return. One or more of 'artist', 'album', 'track', 'playlist', 'show', and 'episode'. If multiple types are desired, pass in a comma separated string; e.g., 'track,album,episode'. - market - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token. """ return self._get( "search", q=q, limit=limit, offset=offset, type=type, market=market ) def search_markets(self, q, limit=10, offset=0, type="track", markets=None, total=None): """ (experimental) Searches multiple markets for an item Parameters: - q - the search query (see how to write a query in the official documentation https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/search/) # noqa - limit - the number of items to return (min = 1, default = 10, max = 50). If a search is to be done on multiple markets, then this limit is applied to each market. (e.g. search US, CA, MX each with a limit of 10). If multiple types are specified, this applies to each type. - offset - the index of the first item to return - type - the types of items to return. One or more of 'artist', 'album', 'track', 'playlist', 'show', or 'episode'. If multiple types are desired, pass in a comma separated string. - markets - A list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. Search all country markets by default. - total - the total number of results to return across multiple markets and types. """ warnings.warn( "Searching multiple markets is an experimental feature. " "Please be aware that this method's inputs and outputs can change in the future.", UserWarning, ) if not markets: markets = self.country_codes if not (isinstance(markets, list) or isinstance(markets, tuple)): markets = [] warnings.warn( "Searching multiple markets is poorly performing.", UserWarning, ) return self._search_multiple_markets(q, limit, offset, type, markets, total) def user(self, user): """ Gets basic profile information about a Spotify User Parameters: - user - the id of the usr """ return self._get("users/" + user) def current_user_playlists(self, limit=50, offset=0): """ Get current user playlists without required getting his profile Parameters: - limit - the number of items to return - offset - the index of the first item to return """ return self._get("me/playlists", limit=limit, offset=offset) def playlist(self, playlist_id, fields=None, market=None, additional_types=("track",)): """ Gets playlist by id. Parameters: - playlist - the id of the playlist - fields - which fields to return - market - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token. - additional_types - list of item types to return. valid types are: track and episode """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) return self._get( "playlists/%s" % (plid), fields=fields, market=market, additional_types=",".join(additional_types), ) def playlist_tracks( self, playlist_id, fields=None, limit=100, offset=0, market=None, additional_types=("track",) ): """ Get full details of the tracks of a playlist. Parameters: - playlist_id - the playlist ID, URI or URL - fields - which fields to return - limit - the maximum number of tracks to return - offset - the index of the first track to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - additional_types - list of item types to return. valid types are: track and episode """ warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_items(playlist_id, ...," "additional_types=('track',))` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.playlist_items(playlist_id, fields, limit, offset, market, additional_types) def playlist_items( self, playlist_id, fields=None, limit=100, offset=0, market=None, additional_types=("track", "episode") ): """ Get full details of the tracks and episodes of a playlist. Parameters: - playlist_id - the playlist ID, URI or URL - fields - which fields to return - limit - the maximum number of tracks to return - offset - the index of the first track to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - additional_types - list of item types to return. valid types are: track and episode """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) return self._get( "playlists/%s/tracks" % (plid), limit=limit, offset=offset, fields=fields, market=market, additional_types=",".join(additional_types) ) def playlist_cover_image(self, playlist_id): """ Get cover image of a playlist. Parameters: - playlist_id - the playlist ID, URI or URL """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) return self._get("playlists/%s/images" % (plid)) def playlist_upload_cover_image(self, playlist_id, image_b64): """ Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - image_b64 - image data as a Base64 encoded JPEG image string (maximum payload size is 256 KB) """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) return self._put( "playlists/{}/images".format(plid), payload=image_b64, content_type="image/jpeg", ) def user_playlist(self, user, playlist_id=None, fields=None, market=None): warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist(playlist_id)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) """ Gets a single playlist of a user Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - fields - which fields to return """ if playlist_id is None: return self._get("users/%s/starred" % user) return self.playlist(playlist_id, fields=fields, market=market) def user_playlist_tracks( self, user=None, playlist_id=None, fields=None, limit=100, offset=0, market=None, ): warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_tracks(playlist_id)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) """ Get full details of the tracks of a playlist owned by a user. Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - fields - which fields to return - limit - the maximum number of tracks to return - offset - the index of the first track to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ return self.playlist_tracks( playlist_id, limit=limit, offset=offset, fields=fields, market=market, ) def user_playlists(self, user, limit=50, offset=0): """ Gets playlists of a user Parameters: - user - the id of the usr - limit - the number of items to return - offset - the index of the first item to return """ return self._get( "users/%s/playlists" % user, limit=limit, offset=offset ) def user_playlist_create(self, user, name, public=True, collaborative=False, description=""): """ Creates a playlist for a user Parameters: - user - the id of the user - name - the name of the playlist - public - is the created playlist public - collaborative - is the created playlist collaborative - description - the description of the playlist """ data = { "name": name, "public": public, "collaborative": collaborative, "description": description } return self._post("users/%s/playlists" % (user,), payload=data) def user_playlist_change_details( self, user, playlist_id, name=None, public=None, collaborative=None, description=None, ): warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_change_details(playlist_id, ...)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) """ Changes a playlist's name and/or public/private state Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - name - optional name of the playlist - public - optional is the playlist public - collaborative - optional is the playlist collaborative - description - optional description of the playlist """ return self.playlist_change_details(playlist_id, name, public, collaborative, description) def user_playlist_unfollow(self, user, playlist_id): """ Unfollows (deletes) a playlist for a user Parameters: - user - the id of the user - name - the name of the playlist """ warnings.warn( "You should use `current_user_unfollow_playlist(playlist_id)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.current_user_unfollow_playlist(playlist_id) def user_playlist_add_tracks( self, user, playlist_id, tracks, position=None ): warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_add_items(playlist_id, tracks)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) """ Adds tracks to a playlist Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - tracks - a list of track URIs, URLs or IDs - position - the position to add the tracks """ tracks = [self._get_uri("track", tid) for tid in tracks] return self.playlist_add_items(playlist_id, tracks, position) def user_playlist_add_episodes( self, user, playlist_id, episodes, position=None ): warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_add_items(playlist_id, episodes)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) """ Adds episodes to a playlist Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - episodes - a list of track URIs, URLs or IDs - position - the position to add the episodes """ episodes = [self._get_uri("episode", tid) for tid in episodes] return self.playlist_add_items(playlist_id, episodes, position) def user_playlist_replace_tracks(self, user, playlist_id, tracks): """ Replace all tracks in a playlist for a user Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - tracks - the list of track ids to add to the playlist """ warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_replace_items(playlist_id, tracks)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.playlist_replace_items(playlist_id, tracks) def user_playlist_reorder_tracks( self, user, playlist_id, range_start, insert_before, range_length=1, snapshot_id=None, ): """ Reorder tracks in a playlist from a user Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - range_start - the position of the first track to be reordered - range_length - optional the number of tracks to be reordered (default: 1) - insert_before - the position where the tracks should be inserted - snapshot_id - optional playlist's snapshot ID """ warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_reorder_items(playlist_id, ...)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.playlist_reorder_items(playlist_id, range_start, insert_before, range_length, snapshot_id) def user_playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_tracks( self, user, playlist_id, tracks, snapshot_id=None ): """ Removes all occurrences of the given tracks from the given playlist Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - tracks - the list of track ids to remove from the playlist - snapshot_id - optional id of the playlist snapshot """ warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_items" "(playlist_id, tracks)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_items(playlist_id, tracks, snapshot_id) def user_playlist_remove_specific_occurrences_of_tracks( self, user, playlist_id, tracks, snapshot_id=None ): """ Removes all occurrences of the given tracks from the given playlist Parameters: - user - the id of the user - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - tracks - an array of objects containing Spotify URIs of the tracks to remove with their current positions in the playlist. For example: [ { "uri":"4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh", "positions":[2] }, { "uri":"1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M", "positions":[7] } ] - snapshot_id - optional id of the playlist snapshot """ warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_remove_specific_occurrences_of_items" "(playlist_id, tracks)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) ftracks = [] for tr in tracks: ftracks.append( { "uri": self._get_uri("track", tr["uri"]), "positions": tr["positions"], } ) payload = {"tracks": ftracks} if snapshot_id: payload["snapshot_id"] = snapshot_id return self._delete( "users/%s/playlists/%s/tracks" % (user, plid), payload=payload ) def user_playlist_follow_playlist(self, playlist_owner_id, playlist_id): """ Add the current authenticated user as a follower of a playlist. Parameters: - playlist_owner_id - the user id of the playlist owner - playlist_id - the id of the playlist """ warnings.warn( "You should use `current_user_follow_playlist(playlist_id)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.current_user_follow_playlist(playlist_id) def user_playlist_is_following( self, playlist_owner_id, playlist_id, user_ids ): """ Check to see if the given users are following the given playlist Parameters: - playlist_owner_id - the user id of the playlist owner - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - user_ids - the ids of the users that you want to check to see if they follow the playlist. Maximum: 5 ids. """ warnings.warn( "You should use `playlist_is_following(playlist_id, user_ids)` instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.playlist_is_following(playlist_id, user_ids) def playlist_change_details( self, playlist_id, name=None, public=None, collaborative=None, description=None, ): """ Changes a playlist's name and/or public/private state, collaborative state, and/or description Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - name - optional name of the playlist - public - optional is the playlist public - collaborative - optional is the playlist collaborative - description - optional description of the playlist """ data = {} if isinstance(name, six.string_types): data["name"] = name if isinstance(public, bool): data["public"] = public if isinstance(collaborative, bool): data["collaborative"] = collaborative if isinstance(description, six.string_types): data["description"] = description return self._put( "playlists/%s" % (self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id)), payload=data ) def current_user_unfollow_playlist(self, playlist_id): """ Unfollows (deletes) a playlist for the current authenticated user Parameters: - name - the name of the playlist """ return self._delete( "playlists/%s/followers" % (playlist_id) ) def playlist_add_items( self, playlist_id, items, position=None ): """ Adds tracks/episodes to a playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - items - a list of track/episode URIs or URLs - position - the position to add the tracks """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) ftracks = [self._get_uri("track", tid) for tid in items] return self._post( "playlists/%s/tracks" % (plid), payload=ftracks, position=position, ) def playlist_replace_items(self, playlist_id, items): """ Replace all tracks/episodes in a playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - items - list of track/episode ids to comprise playlist """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) ftracks = [self._get_uri("track", tid) for tid in items] payload = {"uris": ftracks} return self._put( "playlists/%s/tracks" % (plid), payload=payload ) def playlist_reorder_items( self, playlist_id, range_start, insert_before, range_length=1, snapshot_id=None, ): """ Reorder tracks in a playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - range_start - the position of the first track to be reordered - range_length - optional the number of tracks to be reordered (default: 1) - insert_before - the position where the tracks should be inserted - snapshot_id - optional playlist's snapshot ID """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) payload = { "range_start": range_start, "range_length": range_length, "insert_before": insert_before, } if snapshot_id: payload["snapshot_id"] = snapshot_id return self._put( "playlists/%s/tracks" % (plid), payload=payload ) def playlist_remove_all_occurrences_of_items( self, playlist_id, items, snapshot_id=None ): """ Removes all occurrences of the given tracks/episodes from the given playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - items - list of track/episode ids to remove from the playlist - snapshot_id - optional id of the playlist snapshot """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) ftracks = [self._get_uri("track", tid) for tid in items] payload = {"tracks": [{"uri": track} for track in ftracks]} if snapshot_id: payload["snapshot_id"] = snapshot_id return self._delete( "playlists/%s/tracks" % (plid), payload=payload ) def playlist_remove_specific_occurrences_of_items( self, playlist_id, items, snapshot_id=None ): """ Removes all occurrences of the given tracks from the given playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - items - an array of objects containing Spotify URIs of the tracks/episodes to remove with their current positions in the playlist. For example: [ { "uri":"4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh", "positions":[2] }, { "uri":"1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M", "positions":[7] } ] - snapshot_id - optional id of the playlist snapshot """ plid = self._get_id("playlist", playlist_id) ftracks = [] for tr in items: ftracks.append( { "uri": self._get_uri("track", tr["uri"]), "positions": tr["positions"], } ) payload = {"tracks": ftracks} if snapshot_id: payload["snapshot_id"] = snapshot_id return self._delete( "playlists/%s/tracks" % (plid), payload=payload ) def current_user_follow_playlist(self, playlist_id): """ Add the current authenticated user as a follower of a playlist. Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist """ return self._put( "playlists/{}/followers".format(playlist_id) ) def playlist_is_following( self, playlist_id, user_ids ): """ Check to see if the given users are following the given playlist Parameters: - playlist_id - the id of the playlist - user_ids - the ids of the users that you want to check to see if they follow the playlist. Maximum: 5 ids. """ endpoint = "playlists/{}/followers/contains?ids={}" return self._get( endpoint.format(playlist_id, ",".join(user_ids)) ) def me(self): """ Get detailed profile information about the current user. An alias for the 'current_user' method. """ return self._get("me/") def current_user(self): """ Get detailed profile information about the current user. An alias for the 'me' method. """ return self.me() def current_user_playing_track(self): """ Get information about the current users currently playing track. """ return self._get("me/player/currently-playing") def current_user_saved_albums(self, limit=20, offset=0, market=None): """ Gets a list of the albums saved in the current authorized user's "Your Music" library Parameters: - limit - the number of albums to return (MAX_LIMIT=50) - offset - the index of the first album to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ return self._get("me/albums", limit=limit, offset=offset, market=market) def current_user_saved_albums_add(self, albums=[]): """ Add one or more albums to the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - albums - a list of album URIs, URLs or IDs """ alist = [self._get_id("album", a) for a in albums] return self._put("me/albums?ids=" + ",".join(alist)) def current_user_saved_albums_delete(self, albums=[]): """ Remove one or more albums from the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - albums - a list of album URIs, URLs or IDs """ alist = [self._get_id("album", a) for a in albums] return self._delete("me/albums/?ids=" + ",".join(alist)) def current_user_saved_albums_contains(self, albums=[]): """ Check if one or more albums is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library. Parameters: - albums - a list of album URIs, URLs or IDs """ alist = [self._get_id("album", a) for a in albums] return self._get("me/albums/contains?ids=" + ",".join(alist)) def current_user_saved_tracks(self, limit=20, offset=0, market=None): """ Gets a list of the tracks saved in the current authorized user's "Your Music" library Parameters: - limit - the number of tracks to return - offset - the index of the first track to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code """ return self._get("me/tracks", limit=limit, offset=offset, market=market) def current_user_saved_tracks_add(self, tracks=None): """ Add one or more tracks to the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - tracks - a list of track URIs, URLs or IDs """ tlist = [] if tracks is not None: tlist = [self._get_id("track", t) for t in tracks] return self._put("me/tracks/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist)) def current_user_saved_tracks_delete(self, tracks=None): """ Remove one or more tracks from the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - tracks - a list of track URIs, URLs or IDs """ tlist = [] if tracks is not None: tlist = [self._get_id("track", t) for t in tracks] return self._delete("me/tracks/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist)) def current_user_saved_tracks_contains(self, tracks=None): """ Check if one or more tracks is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library. Parameters: - tracks - a list of track URIs, URLs or IDs """ tlist = [] if tracks is not None: tlist = [self._get_id("track", t) for t in tracks] return self._get("me/tracks/contains?ids=" + ",".join(tlist)) def current_user_saved_episodes(self, limit=20, offset=0, market=None): """ Gets a list of the episodes saved in the current authorized user's "Your Music" library Parameters: - limit - the number of episodes to return - offset - the index of the first episode to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code """ return self._get("me/episodes", limit=limit, offset=offset, market=market) def current_user_saved_episodes_add(self, episodes=None): """ Add one or more episodes to the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - episodes - a list of episode URIs, URLs or IDs """ elist = [] if episodes is not None: elist = [self._get_id("episode", e) for e in episodes] return self._put("me/episodes/?ids=" + ",".join(elist)) def current_user_saved_episodes_delete(self, episodes=None): """ Remove one or more episodes from the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - episodes - a list of episode URIs, URLs or IDs """ elist = [] if episodes is not None: elist = [self._get_id("episode", e) for e in episodes] return self._delete("me/episodes/?ids=" + ",".join(elist)) def current_user_saved_episodes_contains(self, episodes=None): """ Check if one or more episodes is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library. Parameters: - episodes - a list of episode URIs, URLs or IDs """ elist = [] if episodes is not None: elist = [self._get_id("episode", e) for e in episodes] return self._get("me/episodes/contains?ids=" + ",".join(elist)) def current_user_saved_shows(self, limit=20, offset=0, market=None): """ Gets a list of the shows saved in the current authorized user's "Your Music" library Parameters: - limit - the number of shows to return - offset - the index of the first show to return - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code """ return self._get("me/shows", limit=limit, offset=offset, market=market) def current_user_saved_shows_add(self, shows=[]): """ Add one or more albums to the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - shows - a list of show URIs, URLs or IDs """ slist = [self._get_id("show", s) for s in shows] return self._put("me/shows?ids=" + ",".join(slist)) def current_user_saved_shows_delete(self, shows=[]): """ Remove one or more shows from the current user's "Your Music" library. Parameters: - shows - a list of show URIs, URLs or IDs """ slist = [self._get_id("show", s) for s in shows] return self._delete("me/shows/?ids=" + ",".join(slist)) def current_user_saved_shows_contains(self, shows=[]): """ Check if one or more shows is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library. Parameters: - shows - a list of show URIs, URLs or IDs """ slist = [self._get_id("show", s) for s in shows] return self._get("me/shows/contains?ids=" + ",".join(slist)) def current_user_followed_artists(self, limit=20, after=None): """ Gets a list of the artists followed by the current authorized user Parameters: - limit - the number of artists to return - after - the last artist ID retrieved from the previous request """ return self._get( "me/following", type="artist", limit=limit, after=after ) def current_user_following_artists(self, ids=None): """ Check if the current user is following certain artists Returns list of booleans respective to ids Parameters: - ids - a list of artist URIs, URLs or IDs """ idlist = [] if ids is not None: idlist = [self._get_id("artist", i) for i in ids] return self._get( "me/following/contains", ids=",".join(idlist), type="artist" ) def current_user_following_users(self, ids=None): """ Check if the current user is following certain users Returns list of booleans respective to ids Parameters: - ids - a list of user URIs, URLs or IDs """ idlist = [] if ids is not None: idlist = [self._get_id("user", i) for i in ids] return self._get( "me/following/contains", ids=",".join(idlist), type="user" ) def current_user_top_artists( self, limit=20, offset=0, time_range="medium_term" ): """ Get the current user's top artists Parameters: - limit - the number of entities to return - offset - the index of the first entity to return - time_range - Over what time frame are the affinities computed Valid-values: short_term, medium_term, long_term """ return self._get( "me/top/artists", time_range=time_range, limit=limit, offset=offset ) def current_user_top_tracks( self, limit=20, offset=0, time_range="medium_term" ): """ Get the current user's top tracks Parameters: - limit - the number of entities to return - offset - the index of the first entity to return - time_range - Over what time frame are the affinities computed Valid-values: short_term, medium_term, long_term """ return self._get( "me/top/tracks", time_range=time_range, limit=limit, offset=offset ) def current_user_recently_played(self, limit=50, after=None, before=None): """ Get the current user's recently played tracks Parameters: - limit - the number of entities to return - after - unix timestamp in milliseconds. Returns all items after (but not including) this cursor position. Cannot be used if before is specified. - before - unix timestamp in milliseconds. Returns all items before (but not including) this cursor position. Cannot be used if after is specified """ return self._get( "me/player/recently-played", limit=limit, after=after, before=before, ) def user_follow_artists(self, ids=[]): """ Follow one or more artists Parameters: - ids - a list of artist IDs """ return self._put("me/following?type=artist&ids=" + ",".join(ids)) def user_follow_users(self, ids=[]): """ Follow one or more users Parameters: - ids - a list of user IDs """ return self._put("me/following?type=user&ids=" + ",".join(ids)) def user_unfollow_artists(self, ids=[]): """ Unfollow one or more artists Parameters: - ids - a list of artist IDs """ return self._delete("me/following?type=artist&ids=" + ",".join(ids)) def user_unfollow_users(self, ids=[]): """ Unfollow one or more users Parameters: - ids - a list of user IDs """ return self._delete("me/following?type=user&ids=" + ",".join(ids)) def featured_playlists( self, locale=None, country=None, timestamp=None, limit=20, offset=0 ): """ Get a list of Spotify featured playlists Parameters: - locale - The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. - country - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - timestamp - A timestamp in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. Use this parameter to specify the user's local time to get results tailored for that specific date and time in the day - limit - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50 - offset - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items. """ return self._get( "browse/featured-playlists", locale=locale, country=country, timestamp=timestamp, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) def new_releases(self, country=None, limit=20, offset=0): """ Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify Parameters: - country - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - limit - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50 - offset - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items. """ return self._get( "browse/new-releases", country=country, limit=limit, offset=offset ) def category(self, category_id, country=None, locale=None): """ Get info about a category Parameters: - category_id - The Spotify category ID for the category. - country - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - locale - The desired language, consisting of an ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language code and an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. """ return self._get( "browse/categories/" + category_id, country=country, locale=locale, ) def categories(self, country=None, locale=None, limit=20, offset=0): """ Get a list of categories Parameters: - country - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - locale - The desired language, consisting of an ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language code and an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. - limit - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50 - offset - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items. """ return self._get( "browse/categories", country=country, locale=locale, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) def category_playlists( self, category_id=None, country=None, limit=20, offset=0 ): """ Get a list of playlists for a specific Spotify category Parameters: - category_id - The Spotify category ID for the category. - country - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - limit - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50 - offset - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items. """ return self._get( "browse/categories/" + category_id + "/playlists", country=country, limit=limit, offset=offset, ) def recommendations( self, seed_artists=None, seed_genres=None, seed_tracks=None, limit=20, country=None, **kwargs ): """ Get a list of recommended tracks for one to five seeds. (at least one of `seed_artists`, `seed_tracks` and `seed_genres` are needed) Parameters: - seed_artists - a list of artist IDs, URIs or URLs - seed_tracks - a list of track IDs, URIs or URLs - seed_genres - a list of genre names. Available genres for recommendations can be found by calling recommendation_genre_seeds - country - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If provided, all results will be playable in this country. - limit - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100 - min/max/target_ - For the tuneable track attributes listed in the documentation, these values provide filters and targeting on results. """ params = dict(limit=limit) if seed_artists: params["seed_artists"] = ",".join( [self._get_id("artist", a) for a in seed_artists] ) if seed_genres: params["seed_genres"] = ",".join(seed_genres) if seed_tracks: params["seed_tracks"] = ",".join( [self._get_id("track", t) for t in seed_tracks] ) if country: params["market"] = country for attribute in [ "acousticness", "danceability", "duration_ms", "energy", "instrumentalness", "key", "liveness", "loudness", "mode", "popularity", "speechiness", "tempo", "time_signature", "valence", ]: for prefix in ["min_", "max_", "target_"]: param = prefix + attribute if param in kwargs: params[param] = kwargs[param] return self._get("recommendations", **params) def recommendation_genre_seeds(self): """ Get a list of genres available for the recommendations function. """ return self._get("recommendations/available-genre-seeds") def audio_analysis(self, track_id): """ Get audio analysis for a track based upon its Spotify ID Parameters: - track_id - a track URI, URL or ID """ trid = self._get_id("track", track_id) return self._get("audio-analysis/" + trid) def audio_features(self, tracks=[]): """ Get audio features for one or multiple tracks based upon their Spotify IDs Parameters: - tracks - a list of track URIs, URLs or IDs, maximum: 100 ids """ if isinstance(tracks, str): trackid = self._get_id("track", tracks) results = self._get("audio-features/?ids=" + trackid) else: tlist = [self._get_id("track", t) for t in tracks] results = self._get("audio-features/?ids=" + ",".join(tlist)) # the response has changed, look for the new style first, and if # its not there, fallback on the old style if "audio_features" in results: return results["audio_features"] else: return results def devices(self): """ Get a list of user's available devices. """ return self._get("me/player/devices") def current_playback(self, market=None, additional_types=None): """ Get information about user's current playback. Parameters: - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - additional_types - `episode` to get podcast track information """ return self._get("me/player", market=market, additional_types=additional_types) def currently_playing(self, market=None, additional_types=None): """ Get user's currently playing track. Parameters: - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - additional_types - `episode` to get podcast track information """ return self._get("me/player/currently-playing", market=market, additional_types=additional_types) def transfer_playback(self, device_id, force_play=True): """ Transfer playback to another device. Note that the API accepts a list of device ids, but only actually supports one. Parameters: - device_id - transfer playback to this device - force_play - true: after transfer, play. false: keep current state. """ data = {"device_ids": [device_id], "play": force_play} return self._put("me/player", payload=data) def start_playback( self, device_id=None, context_uri=None, uris=None, offset=None, position_ms=None ): """ Start or resume user's playback. Provide a `context_uri` to start playback of an album, artist, or playlist. Provide a `uris` list to start playback of one or more tracks. Provide `offset` as {"position": } or {"uri": ""} to start playback at a particular offset. Parameters: - device_id - device target for playback - context_uri - spotify context uri to play - uris - spotify track uris - offset - offset into context by index or track - position_ms - (optional) indicates from what position to start playback. Must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song. """ if context_uri is not None and uris is not None: logger.warning("Specify either context uri or uris, not both") return if uris is not None and not isinstance(uris, list): logger.warning("URIs must be a list") return data = {} if context_uri is not None: data["context_uri"] = context_uri if uris is not None: data["uris"] = uris if offset is not None: data["offset"] = offset if position_ms is not None: data["position_ms"] = position_ms return self._put( self._append_device_id("me/player/play", device_id), payload=data ) def pause_playback(self, device_id=None): """ Pause user's playback. Parameters: - device_id - device target for playback """ return self._put(self._append_device_id("me/player/pause", device_id)) def next_track(self, device_id=None): """ Skip user's playback to next track. Parameters: - device_id - device target for playback """ return self._post(self._append_device_id("me/player/next", device_id)) def previous_track(self, device_id=None): """ Skip user's playback to previous track. Parameters: - device_id - device target for playback """ return self._post( self._append_device_id("me/player/previous", device_id) ) def seek_track(self, position_ms, device_id=None): """ Seek to position in current track. Parameters: - position_ms - position in milliseconds to seek to - device_id - device target for playback """ if not isinstance(position_ms, int): logger.warning("Position_ms must be an integer") return return self._put( self._append_device_id( "me/player/seek?position_ms=%s" % position_ms, device_id ) ) def repeat(self, state, device_id=None): """ Set repeat mode for playback. Parameters: - state - `track`, `context`, or `off` - device_id - device target for playback """ if state not in ["track", "context", "off"]: logger.warning("Invalid state") return self._put( self._append_device_id( "me/player/repeat?state=%s" % state, device_id ) ) def volume(self, volume_percent, device_id=None): """ Set playback volume. Parameters: - volume_percent - volume between 0 and 100 - device_id - device target for playback """ if not isinstance(volume_percent, int): logger.warning("Volume must be an integer") return if volume_percent < 0 or volume_percent > 100: logger.warning("Volume must be between 0 and 100, inclusive") return self._put( self._append_device_id( "me/player/volume?volume_percent=%s" % volume_percent, device_id, ) ) def shuffle(self, state, device_id=None): """ Toggle playback shuffling. Parameters: - state - true or false - device_id - device target for playback """ if not isinstance(state, bool): logger.warning("state must be a boolean") return state = str(state).lower() self._put( self._append_device_id( "me/player/shuffle?state=%s" % state, device_id ) ) def queue(self): """ Gets the current user's queue """ return self._get("me/player/queue") def add_to_queue(self, uri, device_id=None): """ Adds a song to the end of a user's queue If device A is currently playing music and you try to add to the queue and pass in the id for device B, you will get a 'Player command failed: Restriction violated' error I therefore recommend leaving device_id as None so that the active device is targeted :param uri: song uri, id, or url :param device_id: the id of a Spotify device. If None, then the active device is used. """ uri = self._get_uri("track", uri) endpoint = "me/player/queue?uri=%s" % uri if device_id is not None: endpoint += "&device_id=%s" % device_id return self._post(endpoint) def available_markets(self): """ Get the list of markets where Spotify is available. Returns a list of the countries in which Spotify is available, identified by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code with additional country codes for special territories. """ return self._get("markets") def _append_device_id(self, path, device_id): """ Append device ID to API path. Parameters: - device_id - device id to append """ if device_id: if "?" in path: path += "&device_id=%s" % device_id else: path += "?device_id=%s" % device_id return path def _get_id(self, type, id): uri_match = re.search(Spotify._regex_spotify_uri, id) if uri_match is not None: uri_match_groups = uri_match.groupdict() if uri_match_groups['type'] != type: # TODO change to a ValueError in v3 raise SpotifyException(400, -1, "Unexpected Spotify URI type.") return uri_match_groups['id'] url_match = re.search(Spotify._regex_spotify_url, id) if url_match is not None: url_match_groups = url_match.groupdict() if url_match_groups['type'] != type: raise SpotifyException(400, -1, "Unexpected Spotify URL type.") # TODO change to a ValueError in v3 return url_match_groups['id'] # Raw identifiers might be passed, ensure they are also base-62 if re.search(Spotify._regex_base62, id) is not None: return id # TODO change to a ValueError in v3 raise SpotifyException(400, -1, "Unsupported URL / URI.") def _get_uri(self, type, id): if self._is_uri(id): return id else: return "spotify:" + type + ":" + self._get_id(type, id) def _is_uri(self, uri): return re.search(Spotify._regex_spotify_uri, uri) is not None def _search_multiple_markets(self, q, limit, offset, type, markets, total): if total and limit > total: limit = total warnings.warn( "limit was auto-adjusted to equal {} as it must not be higher than total".format( total), UserWarning, ) results = defaultdict(dict) item_types = [item_type + "s" for item_type in type.split(",")] count = 0 for country in markets: result = self._get( "search", q=q, limit=limit, offset=offset, type=type, market=country ) for item_type in item_types: results[country][item_type] = result[item_type] # Truncate the items list to the current limit if len(results[country][item_type]['items']) > limit: results[country][item_type]['items'] = \ results[country][item_type]['items'][:limit] count += len(results[country][item_type]['items']) if total and limit > total - count: # when approaching `total` results, adjust `limit` to not request more # items than needed limit = total - count if total and count >= total: return results return results def get_audiobook(self, id, market=None): """ Get Spotify catalog information for a single audiobook identified by its unique Spotify ID. Parameters: - id - the Spotify ID for the audiobook - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ audiobook_id = self._get_id("audiobook", id) endpoint = f"audiobooks/{audiobook_id}" if market: endpoint += f'?market={market}' return self._get(endpoint) def get_audiobooks(self, ids, market=None): """ Get Spotify catalog information for multiple audiobooks based on their Spotify IDs. Parameters: - ids - a list of Spotify IDs for the audiobooks - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. """ audiobook_ids = [self._get_id("audiobook", id) for id in ids] endpoint = f"audiobooks?ids={','.join(audiobook_ids)}" if market: endpoint += f'&market={market}' return self._get(endpoint) def get_audiobook_chapters(self, id, market=None, limit=20, offset=0): """ Get Spotify catalog information about an audiobook’s chapters. Parameters: - id - the Spotify ID for the audiobook - market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. - limit - the maximum number of items to return - offset - the index of the first item to return """ audiobook_id = self._get_id("audiobook", id) endpoint = f"audiobooks/{audiobook_id}/chapters?limit={limit}&offset={offset}" if market: endpoint += f'&market={market}' return self._get(endpoint)