# Rhythm Versioning v1.24Q4.45.1 ``` vMAJOR.YYQ#.WEEK.STORY[-PRERELEASE][+BUILD] ``` ## Components ### 01. MAJOR - Non-negative integer with a prefix ā€œvā€. - Changes for incompatible API modifications. - Example: `v2` indicates a major version 2. ### 02. YYQ# - YY: Two-digit year (23, 24, etc.). - Q#: Quarter number (Q1-Q4). - Provides fiscal/planning context. - Example: 24Q2 = 2024, Quarter 2. ### 03. WEEK - ISO week number (1-53). - Maintains global standard. - Continuous through year. - Example: Week 18 (Standard ISO week). ### 04. STORY - Non-negative integer. - Backward compatible changes within the week. - Incremental updates and bug fixes. - Example: 1. ### 05. PRERELEASE (Optional) - Optional preview releases. - Format: `-alpha.1`, `-beta.1`, `-rc.1`. - Example: v2.2024.43.0-beta.1. ### 06. BUILD (Optional) - Optional build metadata. - Format: `+build.123`. - Example: v2.2024.43.0+build.123.