# Airdrop Learn how to participate in the **validator onboarding airdrop**. Additionally after following the KYC procedure, you are whitelisted for other upcoming airdrops. {synopsis} ## Requirements * A running `planqd` instance to validate * Your Planq EVM address * Accepted KYC * The sign-up period between the **14th Dec 00:00 UTC and 28th Dec 23:59 UTC** has not passed yet ### How to setup `planqd` To setup a validator, you can follow our guide [here](../validators/mainnet.md). In case any questions arise along the way, feel free to join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/jGTPyYmpsq) and we will help you out right away. ### Your Planq EVM Address Below are 3 ways to obtain your Planq EVM address: * Via [Metamask](../users/wallets/metamask.md) * Via [Keplr](../users/wallets/keplr.md) * Via `planqd`. [Further information on planqd keys usage](../users/keys/keyring.md) ```bash planqd debug addr ``` Example: ```bash planqd debug addr plq1y59gekgkzzq7cvwdu5c4lefu7wg29g3f32qajh Address bytes: [37 10 140 217 22 16 129 236 49 205 229 49 95 229 60 243 144 162 162 41] Address (hex): 250A8CD9161081EC31CDE5315FE53CF390A2A229 Address (EIP-55): 0x250a8cd9161081Ec31cde5315Fe53cF390a2a229 Bech32 Acc: plq1y59gekgkzzq7cvwdu5c4lefu7wg29g3f32qajh Bech32 Val: plqvaloper1y59gekgkzzq7cvwdu5c4lefu7wg29g3f05d85x ``` We can now obtain our EVM address from the line `Address (EIP-55)`, which in this case is `0x250a8cd9161081Ec31cde5315Fe53cF390a2a229`. ### KYC In order to participate in the airdrop, please follow our KYC procedure by visiting the [Blockpass.org](https://verify-with.blockpass.org/?clientId=planq_network_88a38&serviceName=Planq%20Network&env=prod) portal during the sign-up period. This is needed to comply with EU regulations as the airdrop is executed by Planq Dev B.V. situated in the Netherlands. Please note the KYC form will have a field for an **Ethereum address**, please **input your Planq EVM address** in there, as explained above.