' C4-PlantUML ' Global pre-settings ' ################################## ' ENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS ' If ENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS is set BEFORE the first C4_* file is loaded, nearly "all" PlantUML elements can be used like ' Component(StorageA, "Storage A ", $baseShape="storage") ' ENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS can be set via ' !ENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS = 1 ' or with additional command line argument -DENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS=1 'Version ' ################################## !function C4Version() ' 2 spaces and ' are used as unique marker, that the release scripts makes the correct version update !$c4Version = "2.11.0beta1" !return $c4Version !end function !procedure C4VersionDetails() rectangle C4VersionDetailsArea <> [ | PlantUML | **%version()** | | C4-PlantUML | **C4Version()** | ] !end procedure ' Colors ' ################################## !$ELEMENT_FONT_COLOR ?= "#FFFFFF" !$ARROW_COLOR ?= "#666666" !$ARROW_FONT_COLOR ?= $ARROW_COLOR !$BOUNDARY_COLOR ?= "#444444" !$BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR ?= "transparent" !$BOUNDARY_BORDER_STYLE ?= "dashed" ' boundary symbols written in the same line, typically only 50% of the size in element !$BOUNDARY_IMAGE_SIZE_FACTOR ?= 0.5 !$BOUNDARY_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH ?= 35 !$LEGEND_TITLE_COLOR ?= "#000000" !$LEGEND_FONT_COLOR ?= "#FFFFFF" !$LEGEND_BG_COLOR ?= "transparent" !$LEGEND_BORDER_COLOR ?= "transparent" ' %darken(darkkhaki,50), #khaki !$LEGEND_DARK_COLOR ?= "#66622E" !$LEGEND_LIGHT_COLOR ?= "#khaki" !$SKETCH_BG_COLOR ?= "#EEEBDC" !$SKETCH_FONT_COLOR ?= "" !$SKETCH_WARNING_COLOR ?= "red" !$SKETCH_FONT_NAME ?= "Comic Sans MS" ' Labels ' ################################## !$LEGEND_SHADOW_TEXT ?= "shadow" !$LEGEND_NO_SHADOW_TEXT ?= "no shadow" !$LEGEND_NO_FONT_BG_TEXT ?= "last text and back color" !$LEGEND_NO_FONT_TEXT ?= "last text color" !$LEGEND_NO_BG_TEXT ?= "last back color" !$LEGEND_NO_LINE_TEXT ?= "last line color" !$LEGEND_ROUNDED_BOX ?= "rounded box" !$LEGEND_EIGHT_SIDED ?= "eight sided" !$LEGEND_DOTTED_LINE ?= "dotted" !$LEGEND_DASHED_LINE ?= "dashed" !$LEGEND_BOLD_LINE ?= "bold" !$LEGEND_SOLID_LINE ?= "solid" !$LEGEND_BOUNDARY ?= "boundary" ' ignore (boundary) transparent atm, that the legend is smaller ' !$LEGEND_BOUNDARY_TRANSPARENT_INCL_COMA ?= "transparent, " !$LEGEND_BOUNDARY_TRANSPARENT_INCL_COMA ?= "" ' (boundary) dashed should not be ignored atm !$LEGEND_BOUNDARY_DASHED_INCL_COMA ?= "dashed, " ' !$LEGEND_BOUNDARY_DASHED_INCL_COMA ?= "" !$LEGEND_THICKNESS ?= "thickness" !$SKETCH_FOOTER_WARNING ?= "Warning:" !$SKETCH_FOOTER_TEXT ?= "Created for discussion, needs to be validated" ' Styling ' ################################## !$STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE ?= 12 !global $TRANSPARENT_STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE = $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE/2 !$TECHN_FONT_SIZE ?= 12 !$ARROW_FONT_SIZE ?= 12 !$LEGEND_DETAILS_SMALL_SIZE ?= 10 !$LEGEND_DETAILS_NORMAL_SIZE ?= 14 !global $LEGEND_DETAILS_SIZE = $LEGEND_DETAILS_SMALL_SIZE ' element symbols typically 4 times too big in legend !$LEGEND_IMAGE_SIZE_FACTOR ?= 0.25 !$ROUNDED_BOX_SIZE ?= 25 !$EIGHT_SIDED_SIZE ?= 18 ' Default element wrap width (of an element) !$DEFAULT_WRAP_WIDTH ?= 200 ' Maximum size in pixels, of a message (in a sequence diagram?) !$MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ?= 150 ' PlantUML supports no DETERMINISTIC/automatic line breaks of "PlantUML line" (C4 Relationships) ' therefore Rel...() implements an automatic line break based on spaces (like in all other objects). ' If a $type contains \n then these are used (and no automatic space based line breaks are done) ' $REL_TECHN_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH defines the automatic line break position !$REL_TECHN_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH ?= 35 !$REL_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH ?= 32 ' internal ' ################################## !global $ROUNDED_BOX = "roundedBox" !global $EIGHT_SIDED = "eightSided" !global $DOTTED_LINE = "dotted" !global $DASHED_LINE = "dashed" !global $BOLD_LINE = "bold" ' solid is not defined in plantUML, but works as reset of all other styles too !global $SOLID_LINE = "solid" !global $LEGEND_DETAILS_NONE = "none" !global $LEGEND_DETAILS_NORMAL = "normal" !global $LEGEND_DETAILS_SMALL = "small" skinparam defaultTextAlignment center skinparam wrapWidth $DEFAULT_WRAP_WIDTH skinparam maxMessageSize $MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE skinparam LegendFontColor $LEGEND_FONT_COLOR skinparam LegendBackgroundColor $LEGEND_BG_COLOR skinparam LegendBorderColor $LEGEND_BORDER_COLOR skinparam rectangle<> { backgroundcolor $LEGEND_BG_COLOR bordercolor $LEGEND_BORDER_COLOR } skinparam rectangle { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam database { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam queue { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam participant { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam arrow { Color $ARROW_COLOR FontColor $ARROW_FONT_COLOR FontSize $ARROW_FONT_SIZE } skinparam person { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam actor { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE style awesome } !if %variable_exists("ENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS") skinparam agent { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam artifact { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam boundary { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam card { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam circle { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam cloud { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam collections { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam control { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam entity { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam file { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam folder { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam frame { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam hexagon { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam interface { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam label { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam stack { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam storage { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam usecase { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } skinparam person { StereotypeFontSize $STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE } !endif ' Some boundary skinparams have to be set as package skinparams too (PlantUML uses internal packages) ' UpdateBoundaryStyle() called in boundary section below skinparam rectangle<> { StereotypeFontSize $TRANSPARENT_STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE StereotypeFontColor $BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR BorderStyle $BOUNDARY_BORDER_STYLE } skinparam package { StereotypeFontSize $TRANSPARENT_STEREOTYPE_FONT_SIZE StereotypeFontColor $BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR FontStyle plain BackgroundColor $BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR } ' Legend and Tags ' ################################## !global $tagDefaultLegend = "" !global $tagCustomLegend = "" ' rel specific !unquoted function $toStereos($tags) !if (%strlen($tags) == 0) !return '' !endif !$stereos = '' !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !while ($brPos >= 0) !$tag = %substr($tags, 0, $brPos) !$stereos = $stereos + '<<' + $tag + '>>' %set_variable_value("$" + $tag + "_LineLegend", %true()) !$tags = %substr($tags, $brPos+1) !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !endwhile !if (%strlen($tags) > 0) !$stereos = $stereos + '<<' + $tags + '>>' %set_variable_value("$" + $tags + "_LineLegend", %true()) !endif !return $stereos !endfunction ' if $sprite/$techn is an empty argument, try to calculate it via the defined $tag !unquoted function $toRelArg($arg, $tags, $varPostfix) !if ($arg > "") !return $arg !endif !if (%strlen($tags) == 0) !return $arg !endif !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !while ($brPos >= 0) !$tag = %substr($tags, 0, $brPos) !$newArg = %get_variable_value("$" + $tag + $varPostfix) !if ($newArg > "") !return $newArg !endif !$tags = %substr($tags, $brPos+1) !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !endwhile !if (%strlen($tags) > 0) !$newArg = %get_variable_value("$" + $tags + $varPostfix) !if ($newArg > "") !return $newArg !endif !endif !return $arg !endfunction ' element specific (unused are hidden based on mask) !unquoted function $toStereos($elementType, $tags) !if (%strlen($tags) == 0) !$stereos = '<<' + $elementType + '>>' %set_variable_value("$" + $elementType + "Legend", %true()) !return $stereos !endif !$stereos = '' !$mask = $resetMask() !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !while ($brPos >= 0) !$tag = %substr($tags, 0, $brPos) !$stereos = $stereos + '<<' + $tag + '>>' !$mergedMask = $combineMaskWithTag($mask, $tag) !if ($mergedMask != $mask) %set_variable_value("$" + $tag + "Legend", %true()) !$mask = $mergedMask !endif !$tags = %substr($tags, $brPos+1) !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !endwhile !if (%strlen($tags) > 0) !$stereos = $stereos + '<<' + $tags + '>>' !$mergedMask = $combineMaskWithTag($mask, $tags) !if ($mergedMask != $mask) %set_variable_value("$" + $tags + "Legend", %true()) !$mask = $mergedMask !endif !endif ' has to be last, otherwise PlantUML overwrites all tag specific skinparams !$stereos = $stereos + '<<' + $elementType + '>>' !$mergedMask = $combineMaskWithTag($mask, $elementType) !if ($mergedMask != $mask) %set_variable_value("$" + $elementType + "Legend", %true()) !$mask = $mergedMask !endif !return $stereos !endfunction ' if $sprite/$techn is an empty argument, try to calculate it via the defined $tag !unquoted function $toElementArg($arg, $tags, $varPostfix, $elementType) !if ($arg > "") !return $arg !endif !if (%strlen($tags) == 0) !$newArg = %get_variable_value("$" + $elementType + $varPostfix) !if ($newArg > "") !return $newArg !else !return $arg !endif !endif !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !while ($brPos >= 0) !$tag = %substr($tags, 0, $brPos) !$newArg = %get_variable_value("$" + $tag + $varPostfix) !if ($newArg > "") !return $newArg !endif !$tags = %substr($tags, $brPos+1) !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !endwhile !if (%strlen($tags) > 0) !$newArg = %get_variable_value("$" + $tags + $varPostfix) !if ($newArg > "") !return $newArg !endif !$newArg = %get_variable_value("$" + $elementType + $varPostfix) !if ($newArg > "") !return $newArg !endif !endif !return $arg !endfunction ' if $value is empty try to load it via variable, optional can it store the calculated value !function $restoreEmpty($elementType, $property, $value, $store) !$var = "$" + $elementType + "Restore" + $property !if ($value == "") !$value = %get_variable_value($var) !elseif ($store) %set_variable_value($var, $value) !endif !return $value !endfunction ' clear the restore property !function $clearRestore($elementType, $property) !$var = "$" + $elementType + "Restore" + $property %set_variable_value($var, "") !return "" !endfunction !function $elementTagSkinparams($element, $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$elementSkin = "skinparam " + $element + "<<" + $tagStereo + ">> {" + %newline() !if ($fontColor != "") !if (%strpos($tagStereo, "boundary") < 0) !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " StereotypeFontColor " + $fontColor + %newline() !endif !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " FontColor " + $fontColor + %newline() !endif !if ($bgColor != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " BackgroundColor " + $bgColor + %newline() !endif !if ($borderColor != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " BorderColor " + $borderColor+ %newline() !endif !if ($shadowing == "true") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " Shadowing<<" + $tagStereo + ">> " + "true" + %newline() !endif !if ($shadowing == "false") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " Shadowing<<" + $tagStereo + ">> " + "false" + %newline() !endif ' only rectangle supports shape(d corners), define both skinparam that overlays are working !if ($shape != "" && $element == "rectangle") !if ($shape == $ROUNDED_BOX) !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " RoundCorner " + $ROUNDED_BOX_SIZE+ %newline() !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " DiagonalCorner " + "0" + %newline() !elseif ($shape == $EIGHT_SIDED) !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " RoundCorner " + "0" + %newline() !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " DiagonalCorner " + $EIGHT_SIDED_SIZE+ %newline() !endif !endif !if ($borderStyle != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " BorderStyle " + $borderStyle + %newline() !endif !if ($borderThickness != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " BorderThickness " + $borderThickness + %newline() !endif !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + "}" + %newline() !return $elementSkin !endfunction !unquoted procedure $defineSkinparams($tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' only rectangle supports shape(d corners) !$tagSkin = $elementTagSkinparams("rectangle", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("database", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("queue", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' plantuml.jar bug - actor have to be after person !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("person", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' actor has style awesome, therefore $fontColor is ignored and text uses $bgColor too !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("actor", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' sequence requires participant !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("participant", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("sequencebox", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !if (%strpos($tagStereo, "boundary") >= 0 && $bgColor != "") !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + "skinparam package<<" + $tagStereo + ">>StereotypeFontColor " + $bgColor + %newline() !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + "skinparam rectangle<<" + $tagStereo + ">>StereotypeFontColor " + $bgColor + %newline() !endif !if %variable_exists("ENABLE_ALL_PLANT_ELEMENTS") !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("agent", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("artifact", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("card", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("cloud", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("collections", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("file", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("folder", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("frame", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("hexagon", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("package", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("stack", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("storage", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("usecase", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' elements without background: font uses $bgColor !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("boundary", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("circle", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("control", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("entity", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("interface", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' label uses wrong font color? (should be $bgColor too) !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + $elementTagSkinparams("label", $tagStereo, $bgColor, $bgColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' label colors cannot be set via skinparam use additional style !$tagSkin = $tagSkin + "" + %newline() !endif $tagSkin !endprocedure ' arrow colors cannot start with # (legend background has to start with #) !function $colorWithoutHash($c) !if (%substr($c, 0, 1) == "#") !$c = %substr($c,1) !endif !return $c !endfunction !unquoted procedure $defineRelSkinparams($tagStereo, $textColor, $lineColor, $lineStyle, $lineThickness) !$elementSkin = "skinparam arrow<<" + $tagStereo + ">> {" + %newline() !if ($lineColor != "") || ($textColor != "") || ($lineStyle != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " Color " !if ($lineColor != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + $colorWithoutHash($lineColor) !endif !if ($textColor != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + ";text:" + $colorWithoutHash($textColor) !endif !if ($lineStyle != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + ";line." + $lineStyle !endif !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + %newline() !endif !if ($lineThickness != "") !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " thickness " + $lineThickness + %newline() !endif !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + "}" + %newline() $elementSkin !endprocedure ' %is_dark() requires PlantUML version >= 1.2021.6 !if (%function_exists("%is_dark")) !$PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor = %true() !else !$PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor = %false() !log "dynamic undefined legend colors" requires PlantUML version >= 1.2021.6, therefore only static assigned colors are used !endif !unquoted function $contrastLegend($color) !if (%is_dark($color)) !$value = $LEGEND_LIGHT_COLOR !else !$value = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !endif !return $value !endfunction !unquoted function $flatLegend($color) !if (%is_dark($color)) !$value = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !else !$value = $LEGEND_LIGHT_COLOR !endif !return $value !endfunction ' legend background has to start with # !function $colorWithHash($c) !if (%substr($c, 0, 1) != "#") !$c = "#" + $c !endif !return $c !endfunction !function $addMaskFlag($mask, $attr) !if ($attr == "") !$mask = $mask + "0" !else !$mask = $mask + "1" !endif !return $mask !endfunction !function $orFlags($flag1, $flag2) !if ($flag1 == "0" && $flag2 == "0") !return "0" !endif !return "1" !endfunction !function $tagLegendMask($bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$mask = "" !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $bgColor) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $fontColor) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $borderColor) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $shadowing) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $shape) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $sprite) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $borderStyle) !$mask = $addMaskFlag($mask, $borderThickness) !return $mask !endfunction !function $resetMask() !return "00000000" !endfunction !function $combineMasks($mask1, $mask2) !$mask = "" !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 0, 1), %substr($mask2, 0, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 1, 1), %substr($mask2, 1, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 2, 1), %substr($mask2, 2, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 3, 1), %substr($mask2, 3, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 4, 1), %substr($mask2, 4, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 5, 1), %substr($mask2, 5, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 6, 1), %substr($mask2, 6, 1)) !$mask = $mask + $orFlags(%substr($mask1, 7, 1), %substr($mask2, 7, 1)) !return $mask !endfunction !function $combineMaskWithTag($mask1, $tag) !$mask2 = %get_variable_value("$" + $tag+ "LegendMask") !if ($mask2 == "") ' !log combineMaskWithTag $mask1, $tag, ... only $mask1 !return $mask1 !endif ' !log combineMaskWithTag $mask1, $tag, $mask2 ... $combineMasks($mask1, $mask2) !return $combineMasks($mask1, $mask2) !endfunction ' element symbols typically 4 times too big in legend !function $smallVersionSprite($sprite, $imageScale = $LEGEND_IMAGE_SIZE_FACTOR) ' ,scale= ... has to be first (...,color=black,scale=0.25... is invalid too) !if (%strpos($sprite, "=") < 0) !if (%substr($sprite, 0, 4) == "img:") !$smallSprite = $sprite + "{scale=" + $imageScale + "}" !else !$smallSprite = $sprite + ",scale=" + $imageScale !endif !else !$smallSprite = $sprite !endif !return $smallSprite !endfunction ' format sprite that it can be used in diagram !function $getSprite($sprite) ' if it starts with & it's a OpenIconic, details see https://useiconic.com/open/ ' if it starts with img: it's an image, details see https://plantuml.com/creole !if (%substr($sprite, 0, 1) != "&" && %substr($sprite, 0, 4) != "img:") !$formatted = "<$" + $sprite + ">" !else !$formatted = "<" + $sprite + ">" !endif !return $formatted !endfunction !function $setTagLegendVariables($tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$bg = $bgColor !$fo = $fontColor !$bo = $borderColor !if ($fo == "") !if ($bg != "") !if ($PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor) !$fo = $contrastLegend($bg) !else !$fo = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !endif !else !if ($bo == "") !$fo = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !$bg = $LEGEND_LIGHT_COLOR !else !if ($PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor) !$fo = $flatLegend($bo) !$bg = $contrastLegend($bo) !else !$fo = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !$bg = $LEGEND_LIGHT_COLOR !endif !endif !endif !else !if ($bg == "") !if ($PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor) !$bg = $contrastLegend($fo) !else !$bg = $LEGEND_LIGHT_COLOR !endif !endif !endif !if ($bo == "") !$bo = $bg !endif !$tagEntry = "|" !$tagDetails = "(" !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + "<" + $colorWithHash($bg) +">" ' ..white rectangle !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + "" !if ($legendSprite != "") !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + $getSprite($legendSprite) + " " !endif !$isBoundary = 0 !if ($legendText == "") !if (%strpos($tagStereo, "boundary") >= 0) !if ($tagStereo == "boundary") !$isBoundary = 1 !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + $LEGEND_BOUNDARY + " " !else ' if contains/ends with _boundary remove _boundary and add "boundary (dashed)" !$pos = %strpos($tagStereo, "_boundary") !if ($pos > 0) !$isBoundary = 1 !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + %substr($tagStereo, 0 ,$pos) + " " +$LEGEND_BOUNDARY + " " !endif !endif !endif !if ($isBoundary == 0) !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + $tagStereo + " " !endif !if ($isBoundary == 1 && ($bgColor == "#00000000" || %lower($bgColor) == "transparent")) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_BOUNDARY_TRANSPARENT_INCL_COMA !endif !if ($shadowing == "true") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_SHADOW_TEXT + ", " !endif !if ($shadowing == "false") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_NO_SHADOW_TEXT + ", " !endif !if ($shape == $ROUNDED_BOX) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_ROUNDED_BOX + ", " !endif !if ($shape == $EIGHT_SIDED) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_EIGHT_SIDED + ", " !endif !if ($fontColor == "" && $bgColor == "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_NO_FONT_BG_TEXT + ", " !else !if ($fontColor == "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_NO_FONT_TEXT + ", " !endif !if ($bgColor == "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_NO_BG_TEXT + ", " !endif !endif !if ($borderStyle != "") !if ($borderStyle == $DOTTED_LINE) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_DOTTED_LINE + ", " !elseif ($borderStyle == $DASHED_LINE) !if ($isBoundary == 1) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_BOUNDARY_DASHED_INCL_COMA !else !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_DASHED_LINE + ", " !endif !elseif ($borderStyle == $BOLD_LINE) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_BOLD_LINE + ", " !elseif ($borderStyle == $SOLID_LINE) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_SOLID_LINE + ", " !else !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $borderStyle + ", " !endif !endif !if ($borderThickness != "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_THICKNESS + " " + $borderThickness + ", " !endif !if ($tagDetails=="(" || $tagDetails=="(, ") !$tagDetails = "" !else !$tagDetails = %substr($tagDetails, 0, %strlen($tagDetails)-2) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + ")" !endif !else !$brPos = %strpos($legendText, "\n") !if ($brPos > 0) !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + %substr($legendText, 0, $brPos) + " " !$details = %substr($legendText, $brPos + 2) !if ($details=="") !$tagDetails = "" !else !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $details + ")" !endif !else !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + $legendText + " " !$tagDetails = "" !endif !endif !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + " " !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + "|" %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendEntry", $tagEntry) %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendDetails", $tagDetails) !return $tagEntry !endfunction !function $setTagRelLegendVariables($tagStereo, $textColor, $lineColor, $lineStyle, $legendText, $legendSprite, $lineThickness) !$tc = $textColor !$lc = $lineColor !if ($tc == "") !if ($PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor) !$tc = $flatLegend($ARROW_FONT_COLOR) !else !$tc = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !endif !endif !if ($lc == "") !if ($PlantUMLSupportsDynamicLegendColor) !$lc = $flatLegend($ARROW_COLOR) !else !$lc = $LEGEND_DARK_COLOR !endif !endif !$tagEntry = "|" !$tagDetails = "(" ' ..white line !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + "" !if ($legendSprite != "") !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + $getSprite($legendSprite) + " " !endif !if ($legendText == "") !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + $tagStereo + " " !if ($textColor == "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_NO_FONT_TEXT + ", " !endif !if ($lineColor == "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_NO_LINE_TEXT + ", " !endif !if ($lineStyle != "") !if ($lineStyle == $DOTTED_LINE) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_DOTTED_LINE + ", " !elseif ($lineStyle == $DASHED_LINE) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_DASHED_LINE + ", " !elseif ($lineStyle == $BOLD_LINE) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_BOLD_LINE + ", " !else !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $lineStyle + ", " !endif !endif !if ($lineThickness != "") !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $LEGEND_THICKNESS + " " + $lineThickness + ", " !endif !if ($tagDetails=="(") !$tagDetails = "" !else !$tagDetails = %substr($tagDetails, 0, %strlen($tagDetails)-2) !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + ")" !endif !else !$brPos = %strpos($legendText, "\n") !if ($brPos > 0) !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + %substr($legendText, 0, $brPos) + " " !$details = %substr($legendText, $brPos + 2) !if ($details=="") !$tagDetails = "" !else !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + $details + ")" !endif !else !$tagEntry = $tagEntry + " " + $legendText + " " !$tagDetails = "" !endif !endif !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + " " !$tagDetails = $tagDetails + "|" %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "_LineLegendEntry", $tagEntry) %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "_LineLegendDetails", $tagDetails) !return $tagEntry !endfunction !unquoted procedure $addTagToLegend($tagStereo, $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="", $shape="", $legendText="", $legendSprite="", $borderStyle="", $borderThickness="") '' if a combined element tag is defined (e.g. "v1.0&v1.1") then it is typically a merged color, '' like a new $fontColor="#fdae61" therefore it should be added to the legend '' and the & combined tags will be not removed ' !if (%strpos($tagStereo, "&") < 0) !$dummyAlreadyVariables = $setTagLegendVariables($tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !$tagCustomLegend = $tagCustomLegend + $tagStereo + "\n" !$tagMask = $tagLegendMask( $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendMask", $tagMask) ' !endif !endprocedure !unquoted procedure $addRelTagToLegend($tagStereo, $textColor="", $lineColor="", $lineStyle="", $legendText="", $legendSprite="", $lineThickness="") '' Arrows have a bug with stereotype/skinparams and cannot combine text colors of one stereotype '' and the line color of another stereotype. Therefore the text color of one tag and the line color '' of another tag have to be combined via a "workaround" tag ("v1.0&v1.1"). '' This workaround tag could be theoretically removed in the legend but after that there would '' be an inconsistency between the element tags and the rel tags and therefore '' & combined workaround tags are not removed too (and in unlikely cases the color itself could be changed) ' !if (%strpos($tagStereo, "&") < 0) !$dummyAlreadyVariables = $setTagRelLegendVariables($tagStereo, $textColor, $lineColor, $lineStyle, $legendText, $legendSprite, $lineThickness) !$tagCustomLegend = $tagCustomLegend + $tagStereo + "_Line\n" ' !endif !endprocedure !procedure $showActiveLegendEntries($allDefined) !$brPos = %strpos($allDefined, "\n") !while ($brPos >= 0) !$tagStereo = %substr($allDefined, 0, $brPos) !$allDefined = %substr($allDefined, $brPos+2) !$brPos = %strpos($allDefined, "\n") !if (%variable_exists("$" + $tagStereo + "Legend")) ' is part of legendDetails !$part1 = %get_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendEntry") !$partSize = "" !$part2 = %get_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendDetails") !$line = $part1 + $partSize + $part2 $line !endif !endwhile !if (%strlen($allDefined) > 0) !$tagStereo = $allDefined !if (%variable_exists("$" + $tagStereo + "Legend")) ' is part of legendDetails !$part1 = %get_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendEntry") !$partSize = "" !$part2 = %get_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "LegendDetails") !$line = $part1 + $partSize + $part2 $line !endif !endif !endprocedure !function RoundedBoxShape() !return $ROUNDED_BOX !endfunction !function EightSidedShape() !return $EIGHT_SIDED !endfunction !function DottedLine() !return $DOTTED_LINE !endfunction !function DashedLine() !return $DASHED_LINE !endfunction !function BoldLine() !return $BOLD_LINE !endfunction !function SolidLine() !return $SOLID_LINE !endfunction ' used by new defined tags !unquoted procedure AddElementTag($tagStereo, $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="", $shape="", $sprite="", $techn="", $legendText="", $legendSprite="", $borderStyle="", $borderThickness="") $defineSkinparams($tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !if ($sprite!="") %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "ElementTagSprite", $sprite) !if ($legendSprite == "") !$legendSprite = $smallVersionSprite($sprite) !endif !endif !if ($techn != "") %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "ElementTagTechn", $techn) !endif $addTagToLegend($tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure $addElementTagInclReuse($elementName, $tagStereo, $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="", $shape="", $sprite="", $techn="", $legendText="", $legendSprite="", $borderStyle="", $borderThickness="") !$bgColor=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "bgColor", $bgColor, %false()) !$fontColor=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "fontColor", $fontColor, %false()) !$borderColor=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "borderColor", $borderColor, %false()) !$shadowing=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "shadowing", $shadowing, %false()) !$shape=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "shape", $shape, %false()) !$sprite=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "sprite", $sprite, %false()) !$techn=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "techn", $techn, %false()) ' new style should has its own legend text ' !$legendText=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "legendText", $legendText, %false()) !$legendSprite=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "legendSprite", $legendSprite, %false()) !$borderStyle=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "borderStyle", $borderStyle, %false()) !$borderThickness=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "borderThickness", $borderThickness, %false()) AddElementTag($tagStereo, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $techn, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !endprocedure ' used by new defined rel tags !unquoted procedure AddRelTag($tagStereo, $textColor="", $lineColor="", $lineStyle="", $sprite="", $techn="", $legendText="", $legendSprite="", $lineThickness="") $defineRelSkinparams($tagStereo, $textColor, $lineColor, $lineStyle, $lineThickness) !if ($sprite != "") %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "RelTagSprite", $sprite) !if ($legendSprite == "") ' relation symbols typically 1:1 no additional scale required !$legendSprite = $sprite !endif !endif !if ($techn != "") %set_variable_value("$" + $tagStereo + "RelTagTechn", $techn) !endif $addRelTagToLegend($tagStereo, $textColor, $lineColor, $lineStyle, $legendText, $legendSprite, $lineThickness) !endprocedure ' update the style of existing elements like person, ... !unquoted procedure UpdateElementStyle($elementName, $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="", $shape="", $sprite="", $techn="", $legendText="", $legendSprite="", $borderStyle="", $borderThickness="") !$bgColor=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "bgColor", $bgColor, %true()) !$fontColor=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "fontColor", $fontColor, %true()) !$borderColor=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "borderColor", $borderColor, %true()) !$shadowing=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "shadowing", $shadowing, %true()) !$shape=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "shape", $shape, %true()) !$sprite=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "sprite", $sprite, %true()) !$techn=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "techn", $techn, %true()) !$legendText=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "legendText", $legendText, %true()) !$legendSprite=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "legendSprite", $legendSprite, %true()) !$borderStyle=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "borderStyle", $borderStyle, %true()) !$borderThickness=$restoreEmpty($elementName, "borderThickness", $borderThickness, %true()) $defineSkinparams($elementName, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !if ($sprite != "") %set_variable_value("$" + $elementName + "ElementTagSprite", $sprite) !if ($legendSprite == "") !$legendSprite = $smallVersionSprite($sprite) !endif !endif !if ($techn != "") %set_variable_value("$" + $elementName + "ElementTagTechn", $techn) !endif !$dummyAlreadyVariables = $setTagLegendVariables($elementName, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' default tags sets at least bgColor and fontColor !$tagMask = $tagLegendMask("CHANGED", "CHANGED", $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) %set_variable_value("$" + $elementName + "LegendMask", $tagMask) !endprocedure /' @deprecated in favor of UpdateElementStyle '/ !unquoted procedure UpdateSkinparamsAndLegendEntry($elementName, $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="") UpdateElementStyle($elementName, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing) !endprocedure ' update the style of default relation, it has to set both properties (combined statement not working) !unquoted procedure UpdateRelStyle($textColor, $lineColor) !$elementSkin = "skinparam arrow {" + %newline() !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " Color " + $lineColor + %newline() !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + " FontColor " + $textColor + %newline() !$elementSkin = $elementSkin + "}" + %newline() $elementSkin !endprocedure ' tags/stereotypes have to be delimited with \n !unquoted procedure SetDefaultLegendEntries($tagStereoEntries) !$tagDefaultLegend = $tagStereoEntries !endprocedure ' Links ' ################################## !function $getLink($link) !if ($link != "") !return "[[" + $link + "]]" !else !return "" !endif !endfunction ' Line breaks ' ################################## !unquoted function $breakText($text, $usedNewLine, $widthStr="-1") !$width = %intval($widthStr) !$multiLine = "" !if (%strpos($text, "\n") >= 0) !while (%strpos($text, "\n") >= 0) !$brPos = %strpos($text, "\n") !if ($brPos > 0) !$multiLine = $multiLine + %substr($text, 0, $brPos) + $usedNewLine !else ' non breaking change that newLine breaks with formats can be used with \n\n !$multiLine = $multiLine + "" + $usedNewLine !endif !$text = %substr($text, $brPos+2) !if (%strlen($text) == 0) !$text = "" !endif !endwhile !else !while ($width>0 && %strlen($text) > $width) !$brPos = $width !while ($brPos > 0 && %substr($text, $brPos, 1) != ' ') !$brPos = $brPos - 1 !endwhile !if ($brPos < 1) !$brPos = %strpos($text, " ") !else !endif !if ($brPos > 0) !$multiLine = $multiLine + %substr($text, 0, $brPos) + $usedNewLine !$text = %substr($text, $brPos + 1) !else !$multiLine = $multiLine+ $text !$text = "" !endif !endwhile !endif !if (%strlen($text) > 0) !$multiLine = $multiLine + $text !endif !return $multiLine !endfunction !unquoted function $breakLabel($text) !$usedNewLine = "\n== " !$multiLine = $breakText($text, $usedNewLine) !return $multiLine !endfunction !unquoted function $breakDescr($text, $widthStr) !$usedNewLine = "\n" !return $breakText($text, $usedNewLine, $widthStr) !endfunction ' $breakTechn() supports //...//; $breakNode() in C4_Deployment supports no //....// !unquoted function $breakTechn($text, $widthStr) !$usedNewLine = '//\n//' !return $breakText($text, $usedNewLine, $widthStr) !endfunction ' Element base layout ' ################################## !function $getElementBase($label, $techn, $descr, $sprite) !$element = "" !if ($sprite != "") !$element = $element + $getSprite($sprite) !if ($label != "") !$element = $element + '\n' !endif !endif !if ($label != "") !$element = $element + '== ' + $breakLabel($label) !else !$element = $element + '.' !endif !if ($techn != "") !$element = $element + '\n//[' + $breakTechn($techn, '-1') + ']//' !endif !if ($descr != "") !$element = $element + '\n\n' + $descr !endif !return $element !endfunction !function $getElementLine($umlShape, $elementType, $alias, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !$sprite=$toElementArg($sprite, $tags, "ElementTagSprite", $elementType) !$techn=$toElementArg($techn, $tags, "ElementTagTechn", $elementType) !$baseProp = $getElementBase($label, $techn, $descr, $sprite) + $getProps() !$stereo = $toStereos($elementType,$tags) !$calcLink = $getLink($link) !$line = $umlShape + " " + %chr(34) + $baseProp + %chr(34) +" " + $stereo + " as " + $alias + $calcLink !return $line !endfunction ' Element properties ' ################################## ' collect all defined properties as table rows !global $propTable = "" !global $propTableCaption = "" !global $propColCaption = "=" !unquoted function SetPropertyHeader($col1Name, $col2Name = "", $col3Name = "", $col4Name = "") !$propColCaption = "" !$propTableCaption = "|= " + $col1Name + " |" !if ($col2Name != "") !$propTableCaption = $propTableCaption + "= " + $col2Name + " |" !endif !if ($col3Name != "") !$propTableCaption = $propTableCaption + "= " + $col3Name + " |" !endif !if ($col4Name != "") !$propTableCaption = $propTableCaption + "= " + $col4Name + " |" !endif !return "" !endfunction !unquoted function WithoutPropertyHeader() !$propTableCaption = "" !$propColCaption = "=" !return "" !endfunction !unquoted function AddProperty($col1, $col2 = "", $col3 = "", $col4 = "") !if ($propTable == "") !if ($propTableCaption != "") !$propTable = $propTableCaption + "\n" !endif !else !$propTable = $propTable + "\n" !endif !$propTable = $propTable + "| " + $col1 + " |" !if ($col2 != "") !$propTable = $propTable + $propColCaption + " " + $col2 + " |" !endif !if ($col3 != "") !$propTable = $propTable + " " + $col3 + " |" !endif !if ($col4 != "") !$propTable = $propTable + " " + $col4 + " |" !endif !return "" !endfunction !unquoted function $getProps($alignedNL = "\n") !if ($propTable != "") !$retTable = $alignedNL + $propTable !$propTable = "" !return $retTable !endif !return "" !endfunction !unquoted function $getProps_L() !return $getProps("\l") !endfunction !unquoted function $getProps_R() !return $getProps("\r") !endfunction SetPropertyHeader("Property","Value") ' Layout ' ################################## !function $getLegendDetailsSize($detailsFormat) !if $detailsFormat == $LEGEND_DETAILS_NONE !$size = 0 !elseif $detailsFormat == $LEGEND_DETAILS_SMALL !$size = $LEGEND_DETAILS_SMALL_SIZE !else !$size = $LEGEND_DETAILS_NORMAL_SIZE !endif !return $size !endfunction !procedure $getHideStereotype($hideStereotype) !if ($hideStereotype == "true") hide stereotype !endif !endprocedure !procedure $getLegendTable($detailsFormat) !global $LEGEND_DETAILS_SIZE = $getLegendDetailsSize($detailsFormat) <$colorWithHash(transparent),$colorWithHash(transparent)>|**Legend** | $showActiveLegendEntries($tagDefaultLegend) $showActiveLegendEntries($tagCustomLegend) !endprocedure !procedure $getLegendArea($areaAlias, $hideStereotype, $details) $getHideStereotype($hideStereotype) rectangle $areaAlias<> [ $getLegendTable($details) ] !endprocedure !procedure HIDE_STEREOTYPE() hide stereotype !endprocedure !unquoted procedure SET_SKETCH_STYLE($bgColor="_dont_change_", $fontColor="_dont_change_", $warningColor="_dont_change_", $fontName="_dont_change_", $footerWarning="_dont_change_", $footerText="_dont_change_") !if $bgColor != "_dont_change_" !global $SKETCH_BG_COLOR = $bgColor !endif !if $fontColor != "_dont_change_" !global $SKETCH_FONT_COLOR = $fontColor !endif !if $warningColor != "_dont_change_" !global $SKETCH_WARNING_COLOR = $warningColor !endif !if $fontName != "_dont_change_" !global $SKETCH_FONT_NAME = $fontName !endif !if $footerWarning != "_dont_change_" !global $SKETCH_FOOTER_WARNING = $footerWarning !endif !if $footerText != "_dont_change_" !global $SKETCH_FOOTER_TEXT = $footerText !endif !endprocedure !procedure LAYOUT_AS_SKETCH() skinparam handwritten true !if $SKETCH_BG_COLOR > "" skinparam backgroundColor $SKETCH_BG_COLOR !endif !if $SKETCH_FONT_COLOR > "" skinparam footer { FontColor $SKETCH_FONT_COLOR } !if $ARROW_COLOR == "#666666" !global $ARROW_COLOR = $SKETCH_FONT_COLOR !global $ARROW_FONT_COLOR = $SKETCH_FONT_COLOR skinparam arrow { Color $ARROW_COLOR FontColor $ARROW_FONT_COLOR } !endif !if $BOUNDARY_COLOR == "#444444" !global $BOUNDARY_COLOR = $SKETCH_FONT_COLOR skinparam rectangle<> { FontColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR BorderColor $BOUNDARY_COLOR } !endif !endif !if $SKETCH_FONT_NAMES > "" skinparam defaultFontName $SKETCH_FONT_NAME !endif !if $SKETCH_FOOTER_WARNING > "" || $SKETCH_FOOTER_TEXT > "" !$line = "footer "+ $SKETCH_FOOTER_WARNING + " " + $SKETCH_FOOTER_TEXT $line !endif !endprocedure !global $fix_direction=%false() !function $down($start,$end) !if ($fix_direction) !return $start+"RIGHT"+$end !else !return $start+"DOWN"+$end !endif !endfunction !function $up($start,$end) !if ($fix_direction) !return $start+"LEFT"+$end !else !return $start+"UP"+$end !endif !endfunction !function $left($start,$end) !if ($fix_direction) !return $start+"UP"+$end !else !return $start+"LEFT"+$end !endif !endfunction !function $right($start,$end) !if ($fix_direction) !return $start+"DOWN"+$end !else !return $start+"RIGHT"+$end !endif !endfunction !procedure LAYOUT_TOP_DOWN() !global $fix_direction=%false() top to bottom direction !endprocedure !procedure LAYOUT_LEFT_RIGHT() !global $fix_direction = %false() left to right direction !endprocedure !procedure LAYOUT_LANDSCAPE() !global $fix_direction = %true() left to right direction !endprocedure ' legend details can displayed as Normal(), Small(), None() !function None() !return $LEGEND_DETAILS_NONE !endfunction !function Normal() !return $LEGEND_DETAILS_NORMAL !endfunction !function Small() !return $LEGEND_DETAILS_SMALL !endfunction ' has to be last call in diagram !unquoted procedure SHOW_LEGEND($hideStereotype="true", $details=Small()) $getHideStereotype($hideStereotype) legend right $getLegendTable($details) endlegend !endprocedure /' @deprecated in favor of SHOW_LEGEND '/ !unquoted procedure SHOW_DYNAMIC_LEGEND($hideStereotype="true") SHOW_LEGEND($hideStereotype) !endprocedure ' legend is reserved and cannot be uses as alias of SHOW_FLOATING_LEGEND() therefore ' LEGEND() is introduced. It returns the default name of the floating alias "floating_legend_alias" ' and can be used in the Lay_Distance() calls !function LEGEND() !return "floating_legend_alias" !endfunction ' enables that legend can be located in drawing area of the diagram. It has to be last call in diagram followed by Lay_Distance() !unquoted procedure SHOW_FLOATING_LEGEND($alias=LEGEND(), $hideStereotype="true", $details=Small()) $getLegendArea($alias, $hideStereotype, $details) !endprocedure ' Boundaries ' ################################## !unquoted procedure UpdateBoundaryStyle($elementName="", $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="", $shape="", $type="", $legendText="", $borderStyle="", $borderThickness="", $sprite="", $legendSprite="") !if ($elementName != "") !$elementBoundary = $elementName + '_boundary' UpdateElementStyle($elementBoundary, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $type, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !else UpdateElementStyle("boundary", $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $type, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) ' simulate color inheritance UpdateBoundaryStyle("enterprise", $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, "Enterprise", "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness, $sprite, $legendSprite) UpdateBoundaryStyle("system", $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, "System", "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness, $sprite, $legendSprite) UpdateBoundaryStyle("container", $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, "Container", "", $borderStyle, $borderThickness, $sprite, $legendSprite) !endif !endprocedure !unquoted procedure AddBoundaryTag($tagStereo, $bgColor="", $fontColor="", $borderColor="", $shadowing="", $shape="", $type="", $legendText="", $borderStyle="", $borderThickness="", $sprite="", $legendSprite="") !$tagBoundary = $tagStereo + '_boundary' AddElementTag($tagBoundary, $bgColor, $fontColor, $borderColor, $shadowing, $shape, $sprite, $type, $legendText, $legendSprite, $borderStyle, $borderThickness) !endprocedure ' add _boundary to all tags that short tag version can be used !unquoted function $addBoundaryPostfix($tags) !if (%strlen($tags) == 0) !return '' !endif !$boundaryTags = '' !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !while ($brPos >= 0) !$tag = %substr($tags, 0, $brPos) !$boundaryTags = $boundaryTags + $tag + '_boundary+' !$tags = %substr($tags, $brPos+1) !$brPos = %strpos($tags, "+") !endwhile !if (%strlen($tags) > 0) !$boundaryTags = $boundaryTags + $tags + '_boundary' !endif !return $boundaryTags !endfunction !function $getBoundary($label, $type, $descr, $sprite) !$line = '== ' !if ($sprite != "") ' add sprite in label line that it is more compact !$line = $line + $getSprite($smallVersionSprite($sprite, $BOUNDARY_IMAGE_SIZE_FACTOR)) + ' ' !endif !$line = $line + $breakLabel($label) !if ($type != "") !$line = $line + '\n[' + $type + ']' !endif !if ($descr != "") !$line = $line + '\n\n' + $breakDescr($descr, $BOUNDARY_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) !endif !return $line !endfunction !unquoted procedure Boundary($alias, $label, $type="", $tags="", $link="", $descr = "") !$boundaryTags = $addBoundaryPostfix($tags) ' boundary $type reuses $techn definition of $boundaryTags !$type=$toElementArg($type, $boundaryTags, "ElementTagTechn", "boundary") !$sprite=$toElementArg("", $boundaryTags, "ElementTagSprite", "boundary") rectangle "$getBoundary($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)" $toStereos("boundary", $boundaryTags) as $alias $getLink($link) !endprocedure ' Boundary Styling UpdateBoundaryStyle("", $bgColor=$BOUNDARY_BG_COLOR, $fontColor=$BOUNDARY_COLOR, $borderColor=$BOUNDARY_COLOR, $borderStyle=DashedLine()) ' Index ' ################################## ' Dynamic/Sequence diagram supports (automatically) numbered interactions: ' preferred function calls ' (Uppercase) LastIndex(): return the last used index (function which can be used as argument) ' (Uppercase) Index($offset=1): returns current index and calculates next index (function which can be used as argument) ' (Uppercase) SetIndex($new_index): returns new set index and calculates next index (function which can be used as argument) ' old procedures calls ' (lowercase) increment($offset=1): increase current index (procedure which has no direct output) ' (lowercase) setIndex($new_index): set the new index (procedure which has no direct output) !$lastIndex = 0 !$index = 1 !procedure increment($offset=1) !$lastIndex = $index !$index = $index + $offset !endprocedure !procedure setIndex($new_index) !$lastIndex = $index !$index = $new_index !endprocedure !function Index($offset=1) !$lastIndex = $index !$index = $lastIndex + $offset !return $lastIndex !endfunction !function LastIndex() !return $lastIndex !endfunction !function SetIndex($new_index, $offset=1) !$lastIndex = $new_index !$index = $new_index + $offset !return $lastIndex !endfunction !unquoted function $getPrefix($index) !if ($index == "") !$pre = Index() + ": " !else !$pre = $index + ": " !endif !return $pre !endfunction ' Relationship ' ################################## !function $getRel($direction, $alias1, $alias2, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !$sprite = $toRelArg($sprite, $tags, "RelTagSprite") !$techn = $toRelArg($techn, $tags, "RelTagTechn") !$rel = $alias1 + ' ' + $direction + ' ' + $alias2 !if ($tags != "") !$rel = $rel + ' ' + $toStereos($tags) !endif !$rel = $rel + ' : ' !if ($link != "") !$rel = $rel + '**[[' + $link + ' ' !endif !if ($sprite != "") !$rel = $rel + $getSprite($sprite) !if ($label != "") !$rel = $rel + ' ' !endif !endif !if ($link != "") !$usedNewLine = ']]**\n**[[' + $link + ' ' ' if sprite and label is empty than the link url is shown (otherwise link cannot be activated at all) !$rel = $rel + $breakText($label, $usedNewLine) + ']]**' !else !if ($label != "") !$usedNewLine = '**\n**' !$rel = $rel + '**' + $breakText($label, $usedNewLine) + '**' !else !$rel = $rel + '.' !endif !endif !if ($techn != "") ' line break is not deterministic, calculate it !$rel = $rel + '\n//[' + $breakTechn($techn, $REL_TECHN_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) + ']//' !endif !if ($descr != "") ' line break is not deterministic, calculate it !$rel = $rel + '\n\n' + $breakDescr($descr, $REL_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) !endif !$prop = $getProps() !if ($prop != "") ' reuse table !$rel = $rel + $prop !endif !return $rel !endfunction !unquoted procedure Rel_($alias1, $alias2, $label, $direction) $getRel($direction, $alias1, $alias2, $label, "", "", "", "", "") !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_($alias1, $alias2, $label, $techn, $direction) $getRel($direction, $alias1, $alias2, $label, $techn, "", "", "", "") !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel("-->>", $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel("<<-->>", $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Back($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel("<<--", $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Neighbor($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel("->>", $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_Neighbor($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel("<<->>", $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Back_Neighbor($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel("<<-", $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_D($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($down("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Down($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($down("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_D($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($down("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_Down($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($down("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_U($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($up("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Up($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($up("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_U($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($up("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_Up($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($up("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_L($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($left("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Left($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($left("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_L($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($left("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_Left($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($left("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_R($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($right("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Rel_Right($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($right("-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_R($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($right("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure !unquoted procedure BiRel_Right($from, $to, $label, $techn="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="") $getRel($right("<<-","->>"), $from, $to, $label, $techn, $descr, $sprite, $tags, $link) !endprocedure ' Layout Helpers ' ################################## !function $getHiddenLine($distance) !return '-[hidden]' + %substr('------------', 0, %intval($distance) + 1) !endfunction !unquoted procedure Lay_D($from, $to) $from -[hidden]D- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_Down($from, $to) $from -[hidden]D- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_U($from, $to) $from -[hidden]U- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_Up($from, $to) $from -[hidden]U- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_R($from, $to) $from -[hidden]R- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_Right($from, $to) $from -[hidden]R- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_L($from, $to) $from -[hidden]L- $to !endprocedure !unquoted procedure Lay_Left($from, $to) $from -[hidden]L- $to !endprocedure ' PlantUML bug: lines which does "not match" with the orientation/direction of the diagram ' use the same length therefore the method offers no direction at all. ' If a direction is required the Lay_...() methods can be used !unquoted procedure Lay_Distance($from, $to, $distance="0") $from $getHiddenLine($distance) $to !endprocedure