display([$msg::SUCCESS, $msg::INFO, $msg::ERROR, $msg::WARNING]) // protected $msgTypes = [ self::ERROR => 'error', self::WARNING => 'warning', self::SUCCESS => 'success', self::INFO => 'info', ]; // Each message gets wrapped in this protected $msgWrapper = "
\n"; // Prepend and append to each message (inside of the wrapper) protected $msgBefore = ''; protected $msgAfter = ''; // HTML for the close button protected $closeBtn = ''; // CSS Classes protected $stickyCssClass = 'sticky'; protected $msgCssClass = 'alert dismissable'; protected $cssClassMap = [ self::INFO => 'alert-info', self::SUCCESS => 'alert-success', self::WARNING => 'alert-warning', self::ERROR => 'alert-danger', ]; // Where to redirect the user after a message is queued protected $redirectUrl = null; // The unique ID for the session/messages (do not edit) protected $msgId; /** * __construct * */ public function __construct() { // Generate a unique ID for this user and session $this->msgId = sha1(uniqid()); // Create session array to hold our messages if it doesn't already exist if (!array_key_exists('flash_messages', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['flash_messages'] = []; } /** * Add an info message * * @param string $message The message text * @param string $redirectUrl Where to redirect once the message is added * @param boolean $sticky Sticky the message (hides the close button) * @return object * */ public function info($message, $redirectUrl=null, $sticky=false) { return $this->add($message, self::INFO, $redirectUrl, $sticky); } /** * Add a success message * * @param string $message The message text * @param string $redirectUrl Where to redirect once the message is added * @param boolean $sticky Sticky the message (hides the close button) * @return object * */ public function success($message, $redirectUrl=null, $sticky=false) { return $this->add($message, self::SUCCESS, $redirectUrl, $sticky); } /** * Add a warning message * * @param string $message The message text * @param string $redirectUrl Where to redirect once the message is added * @param boolean $sticky Sticky the message (hides the close button) * @return object * */ public function warning($message, $redirectUrl=null, $sticky=false) { return $this->add($message, self::WARNING, $redirectUrl, $sticky); } /** * Add an error message * * @param string $message The message text * @param string $redirectUrl Where to redirect once the message is added * @param boolean $sticky Sticky the message (hides the close button) * @return object * */ public function error($message, $redirectUrl=null, $sticky=false) { return $this->add($message, self::ERROR, $redirectUrl, $sticky); } /** * Add a sticky message * * @param string $message The message text * @param string $redirectUrl Where to redirect once the message is added * @param string $type The $msgType * @return object * */ public function sticky($message=true, $redirectUrl=null, $type=self::defaultType) { return $this->add($message, $type, $redirectUrl, true); } /** * Add a flash message to the session data * * @param string $message The message text * @param string $type The $msgType * @param string $redirectUrl Where to redirect once the message is added * @param boolean $sticky Whether or not the message is stickied * @return object * */ public function add($message, $type=self::defaultType, $redirectUrl=null, $sticky=false) { // Make sure a message and valid type was passed if (!isset($message[0])) return false; if (strlen(trim($type)) > 1) $type = strtolower($type[0]); if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->msgTypes)) $type = $this->defaultType; // Add the message to the session data if (!array_key_exists( $type, $_SESSION['flash_messages'] )) $_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type] = array(); $_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type][] = ['sticky' => $sticky, 'message' => $message]; // Handle the redirect if needed if (!is_null($redirectUrl)) $this->redirectUrl = $redirectUrl; $this->doRedirect(); return $this; } /** * Display the flash messages * * @param mixed $types (null) print all of the message types * (array) print the given message types * (string) print a single message type * @param boolean $print Whether to print the data or return it * @return string * */ public function display($types=null, $print=true) { if (!isset($_SESSION['flash_messages'])) return false; $output = ''; // Print all the message types if (is_null($types) || !$types || (is_array($types) && empty($types)) ) { $types = array_keys($this->msgTypes); // Print multiple message types (as defined by an array) } elseif (is_array($types) && !empty($types)) { $theTypes = $types; $types = []; foreach($theTypes as $type) { $types[] = strtolower($type[0]); } // Print only a single message type } else { $types = [strtolower($types[0])]; } // Retrieve and format the messages, then remove them from session data foreach ($types as $type) { if (!isset($_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type]) || empty($_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type]) ) continue; foreach( $_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type] as $msgData ) { $output .= $this->formatMessage($msgData, $type); } $this->clear($type); } // Print everything to the screen (or return the data) if ($print) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } /** * See if there are any queued error messages * * @return boolean * */ public function hasErrors() { return empty($_SESSION['flash_messages'][self::ERROR]) ? false : true; } /** * See if there are any queued message * * @param string $type The $msgType * @return boolean * */ public function hasMessages($type=null) { if (!is_null($type)) { if (!empty($_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type])) return $_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type]; } else { foreach (array_keys($this->msgTypes) as $type) { if (isset($_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type]) && !empty($_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type])) return $_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type]; } } return false; } /** * Format a message * * @param array $msgDataArray Array of message data * @param string $type The $msgType * @return string The formatted message * */ protected function formatMessage($msgDataArray, $type) { $msgType = isset($this->msgTypes[$type]) ? $type : $this->defaultType; $cssClass = $this->msgCssClass . ' ' . $this->cssClassMap[$type]; $msgBefore = $this->msgBefore; // If sticky then append the sticky CSS class if ($msgDataArray['sticky']) { $cssClass .= ' ' . $this->stickyCssClass; // If it's not sticky then add the close button } else { $msgBefore = $this->closeBtn . $msgBefore; } // Wrap the message if necessary $formattedMessage = $msgBefore . $msgDataArray['message'] . $this->msgAfter; return sprintf( $this->msgWrapper, $cssClass, $formattedMessage ); } /** * Redirect the user if a URL was given * * @return object * */ protected function doRedirect() { if ($this->redirectUrl) { header('Location: ' . $this->redirectUrl); exit(); } return $this; } /** * Clear the messages from the session data * * @param mixed $types (array) Clear all of the message types in array * (string) Only clear the one given message type * @return object * */ protected function clear($types=[]) { if ((is_array($types) && empty($types)) || is_null($types) || !$types) { unset($_SESSION['flash_messages']); } elseif (!is_array($types)) { $types = [$types]; } foreach ($types as $type) { unset($_SESSION['flash_messages'][$type]); } return $this; } /** * Set the HTML that each message is wrapped in * * @param string $msgWrapper The HTML that each message is wrapped in. * Note: Two placeholders (%s) are expected. * The first is the $msgCssClass, * The second is the message text. * @return object * */ public function setMsgWrapper($msgWrapper='') { $this->msgWrapper = $msgWrapper; return $this; } /** * Prepend string to the message (inside of the message wrapper) * * @param string $msgBefore string to prepend to the message * @return object * */ public function setMsgBefore($msgBefore='') { $this->msgBefore = $msgBefore; return $this; } /** * Append string to the message (inside of the message wrapper) * * @param string $msgAfter string to append to the message * @return object * */ public function setMsgAfter($msgAfter='') { $this->msgAfter = $msgAfter; return $this; } /** * Set the HTML for the close button * * @param string $closeBtn HTML to use for the close button * @return object * */ public function setCloseBtn($closeBtn='') { $this->closeBtn = $closeBtn; return $this; } /** * Set the CSS class for sticky notes * * @param string $stickyCssClass the CSS class to use for sticky messages * @return object * */ public function setStickyCssClass($stickyCssClass='') { $this->stickyCssClass = $stickyCssClass; return $this; } /** * Set the CSS class for messages * * @param string $msgCssClass The CSS class to use for messages * * @return object * */ public function setMsgCssClass($msgCssClass='') { $this->msgCssClass = $msgCssClass; return $this; } /** * Set the CSS classes for message types * * @param mixed $msgType (string) The message type * (array) key/value pairs for the class map * @param mixed $cssClass (string) the CSS class to use * (null) not used when $msgType is an array * @return object * */ public function setCssClassMap($msgType, $cssClass=null) { if (!is_array($msgType) ) { // Make sure there's a CSS class set if (is_null($cssClass)) return $this; $msgType = [$msgType => $cssClass]; } foreach ($msgType as $type => $cssClass) { $this->cssClassMap[$type] = $cssClass; } return $this; } }