; Written in 2019 by Rob McMullen, https://playermissile.com/scrolling_tutorial/ ; Copyright and related rights waived via CC0: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ *= $3000 .include "hardware.s" init jsr init_font lda #dlist_coarse_mode4 sta SDLSTL+1 jsr fillscreen_coarse_test_pattern ; lda #$80 ; ldx #24 ; jsr label_pages loop ldx #15 ; number of VBLANKs to wait ?start lda RTCLOK+2 ; check fastest moving RTCLOCK byte ?wait cmp RTCLOK+2 ; VBLANK will update this beq ?wait ; delay until VBLANK changes it dex ; delay for a number of VBLANKs bpl ?start ; enough time has passed, scroll one line jsr coarse_scroll_up jmp loop ; move viewport one line up by pointing display list start address ; to the address 40 bytes earlier in memory coarse_scroll_up sec lda dlist_coarse_address sbc #40 sta dlist_coarse_address lda dlist_coarse_address+1 sbc #0 sta dlist_coarse_address+1 rts ; Simple display list to be used as coarse scrolling comparison dlist_coarse_mode4 .byte $70,$70,$70 ; 24 blank lines .byte $44 ; Mode 4 + LMS dlist_coarse_address .byte $b0,$84 ; screen address .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 ; 21 more Mode 4 lines .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 .byte 4,4,4,4,4 .byte $42,static_text ; 2 Mode 2 lines + LMS + address .byte $2 .byte $41,dlist_coarse_mode4 ; JVB ends display list ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 static_text .sbyte +$80, " ANTIC MODE 2, NOT SCROLLED, FIRST LINE " .sbyte " ANTIC MODE 2, NOT SCROLLED, SECOND LINE" .include "util_font.s" .include "util_scroll.s" .include "font_data_antic4.s" ; tell DOS where to run the program when loaded * = $2e0 .word init