import logging import requests import pickle import os import json import urllib from math import sin, cos, sqrt, atan2, radians log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Telegram tokens - see # bot_token = 'your token' bot_chatID = 'your chat id' # Constants # # average ICE g/km ice_emissions = 120.1 # Average UK g/kWh # electric_emissions = 225.0 # Octopus g/kWh electric_emissions = 0.0 # max range # wltp = 279 # FIX THIS - add in SOH to calcs # list of non-stanard chargers # chargers = [ {'latitude':51.4226469833, 'longitude':-0.855934466667, 'msg':'At home, '+'5p/KWh overnight'} ] """ Poll to see if car is being charged. If so : 1. Disable auto sleep whilst charging or driving 2. Send Telegram message when charging starts - Estimated miles per kWh ( based on miles travelled and delta Accumulative Charge Power ) - Estimaed CO2 saved on fuel since last charged ( based on ICE emissions and electricity supplier ) - Estimated total CO2 saved since purchase ( based on total milage and ICE emissions ) - Details of nearest charger ( ie probabally what is being used to charge car ) - Estimated range ( based on WLTP ) 3. Send Telegram message when charging reaches each 10% 5. Send Telegram message when charging stops Use my_charge_status.delete on upgrades. """ def poll(): # enable sleep in case anything goes wrong below # enable_sleep() # load previous status # persistance = load() # check if we are driving or charging # driving = get_driving() # disable sleep if driving or charging # if driving == 1 or driving == 0: disable_sleep() # check to see if car left locked # locked = get_locked() if locked == 0 and driving != 1: bot_sendtext('*Car unlocked*') if driving == 1 or driving == -1: if persistance['charging'] == True: if persistance['soc'] >= 99: persistance['soc'] = 100 bot_sendtext('Charging *stopped*. Last known State of charge *'+format(persistance['soc'],'.1f')+'%* ('+format(wltp*persistance['soc']/100, '.1f')+' miles) charged '+format(persistance['cec']-persistance['start_cec'],'.1f')+'kWh') persistance['charging'] = False save(persistance)'End charging poll: Not charging') return {'msg': 'Not charging'} batt_power = get_charging_power() # avoid fake charging # if batt_power <= 0: enable_sleep() return {'msg': 'Not charging - power less than zero'} # now we are charging # soc = get_soc() cec = get_cec() # alert if just started to charge # if persistance['charging'] == False: last_charge_odo = persistance['odo'] last_charge_soc = persistance['soc'] odo = get_odometer() persistance['odo'] = odo persistance['start_cec'] = cec if last_charge_soc != soc: mperkwh = (odo-last_charge_odo)/(last_charge_soc*64.0/100.0-soc*64.0/100.0) else: mperkwh = 0.0 co2saved = (ice_emissions*(odo-last_charge_odo)*1.609) - electric_emissions*(last_charge_soc*64.0/100.0-soc*64.0/100.0) bot_sendtext('Estmated *'+format(mperkwh,'.2f')+'mi/kWh* since last charge') bot_sendtext('*'+format(co2saved/1000,'.2f')+'Kg* CO2 saved since last charge') bot_sendtext('*'+format(odo*ice_emissions/1000000,'.2f')+'tonnes* CO2 saved in total') bot_sendtext(nearest_charger()) bot_sendtext('Charging *started* at a rate of '+format(batt_power,'.2f')+'kW. State of charge now *'+format(soc,'.1f')+'%* ('+format(wltp*soc/100, '.1f')+' miles)') # each 10% alaert # for level in xrange(0, 100, 10): if soc >= level and persistance['soc'] < level: bot_sendtext('Charging *now* at a rate of '+format(batt_power,'.2f')+'kW. State of charge now *'+format(soc,'.1f')+'%* ('+format(wltp*soc/100, '.1f')+' miles)') break # store status for next time # persistance['charging'] = True persistance['soc'] = soc persistance['cec'] = cec save(persistance) return {'msg': 'Charging at '+format(batt_power,'.2f')+'kW, SOC now *'+format(soc,'.1f')+'%*'} # send message to telegram # def bot_sendtext(bot_message): send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?' + urllib.urlencode({'chat_id': bot_chatID, 'parse_mode': 'Markdown', 'text': unicode(bot_message).encode('utf-8')}) requests.get(send_text) # load persistance # def load(): try: p = pickle.load( open( 'charge_status.p', 'rb' ) ) except: p = { 'charging': False, 'soc': 0.0, 'odo': 0, 'cec': 0.0, 'start_cec': 0.0 } return p # save persistance # def save(p): pickle.dump( p, open( 'charge_status.p', 'wb' ) ) # delete persistance # def delete(): os.remove('charge_status.p') # dump persistance # def dump(): return load() # check if we are driving. Returns : # 0 - charging # 1 - driving # -1 - can't read data def get_driving(): try: args = ['driving'] kwargs = { 'mode': '220', 'pid': '101', 'header': '7E4', 'baudrate': 500000, 'formula': 'bytes_to_int([53:54])', 'protocol': '6', 'verify': False, 'force': True, } # note - sums are done outside of the forumla due to autopi failing # with 0 # return (int(__salt__['obd.query'](*args, **kwargs)['value'])&4)/4 except: return -1 # get charging power # def get_charging_power(): args = ['charging_power'] kwargs = { 'mode': '220', 'pid': '101', 'header': '7E4', 'baudrate': 500000, 'formula': '(twos_comp(bytes_to_int([13:15]),16)/10.0)*((bytes_to_int([15:17]))/10.0)/1000.0', 'protocol': '6', 'verify': False, 'force': True, } return __salt__['obd.query'](*args, **kwargs)['value']*-1.0 # get display state of charge # def get_soc(): args = ['soc'] kwargs = { 'mode': '220', 'pid': '105', 'header': '7E4', 'baudrate': 500000, 'formula': 'bytes_to_int([34:35])/2.0', 'protocol': '6', 'verify': False, 'force': True, } return __salt__['obd.query'](*args, **kwargs)['value'] # get odometer # def get_odometer(): args = ['odometer'] kwargs = { 'mode': '22', 'pid': 'B002', 'header': '7C6', 'baudrate': 500000, 'formula': 'bytes_to_int([11:15])', 'protocol': '6', 'verify': False, 'force': True, } return __salt__['obd.query'](*args, **kwargs)['value'] # get Accumulative Charge Power # def get_cec(): args = ['odometer'] kwargs = { 'mode': '220', 'pid': '101', 'header': '7E4', 'baudrate': 500000, 'formula': '(bytes_to_int([41:45]))/10.0', 'protocol': '6', 'verify': False, 'force': True, } return __salt__['obd.query'](*args, **kwargs)['value'] # get door locked (strickly speaking just one door .. ). Returns : # 0 - unlocked # 1 - locked # -1 - can't read data def get_locked(): try: args = ['locked'] kwargs = { 'mode': '22', 'pid': 'BC04', 'header': '770', 'baudrate': 500000, 'formula': 'bytes_to_int([7:8])', 'protocol': '6', 'verify': False, 'force': True, } return (int(__salt__['obd.query'](*args, **kwargs)['value'])&4)/4 except: return -1 # enable autopi sleep # def enable_sleep(): args = ['sleep'] kwargs = { 'enable': True, 'interval': 7200, 'period': 300, 'delay': 60, 'reason': 'charge status', } __salt__['power.sleep_timer'](**kwargs) # disable autopi sleep # def disable_sleep(): args = ['sleep'] kwargs = { 'enable': False, } __salt__['power.sleep_timer'](**kwargs) # get location # def get_location(): args = [] kwargs = {} return __salt__['ec2x.gnss_nmea_gga'](*args, **kwargs) # get nearest charger # def nearest_charger(): try: location = get_location() for charger in chargers: lat1 = radians(charger['latitude']) lon1 = radians(charger['longitude']) lat2 = radians(location['latitude']) lon2 = radians(location['longitude']) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = sin(dlat / 2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2)**2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) dist = 6373.0 * c if dist < 0.02:'found local charger '+charger['msg']) return charger['msg']''+str(location['latitude'])+'&longitude='+str(location['longitude'])) result = requests.get(''+str(location['latitude'])+'&longitude='+str(location['longitude'])) for i in result.json(): return i['OperatorInfo']['Title']+', '+i['AddressInfo']['Title']+', '+i['UsageCost'] except:'Unable to get location') return 'No local charger found'