# Change Logs ## v1.3.0 - support `optional` in module format. ## v1.2.0 - support transpilation on demand. ## v1.1.12 - skip optional dependencies that are not installed - tweak message style - upgrade dependencies ## v1.1.11 - fix bug: `srcdir` contain keywrods that are filtered out, making a empty lib folder. - 1.1.10 patched `srcdir` however the result still get blocked by filter rules of `copySync`. ## v1.1.10 - fix bug: `srcdir` contain keywrods that are filtered out, making a empty lib folder. ## v1.1.9 - fix bug: `node_modules` lookup may fall into endless loop and halt the program. ## v1.1.8 - support modules from parent `node_modules` ## v1.1.7 - fix bug: dup installation of local module: ext modules incorrect due to local module filtering bug. ## v1.1.6 - make `-s false` work for symlink ( e.g., `local` ) folder - warn but install modules not listed in fedep modules in `pacakge.json` ( usually from `-l` option ) ## v1.1.5 - still symlink if srcdir is not a symlink but root is a symlink. usually happens when we specify `dir` in config. ## v1.1.4 - don`t copy JS / CSS files based on `browser` / `style` field if `main` folder is by link instead of by copying. - instead of copying, making a symlink by following symlink in `node_modules`. - symlink usually is for local dev files, which may contains many things we dont need as a module. thus copying isn't the best way which may copy files like `.git` or `node_modules`. ## v1.1.3 - copy contente of symlink if module in `node_modules` is a symbolic link. ## v1.1.2 - separate commands with yargs sub command features - support `folder` (default `dist`) and `dup` (default `false`) options in `publish` command. - tweak messages ## v1.1.1 - make `publish` keep files in `files` but still dup `dist` files in root ## v1.1.0 - add `publish` command, which publish `dist` folder as root along with core files such as `package.json`, etc ## v1.0.1 - add missed `@plotdb/colors` module ## v1.0.0 - copy the complete module ( skip `node_modules` if any ) instead of `dist` only. - for legacy support, still support `dist` copying with `--use-dist` option. - support multiple pairs, separated by `;` for -l option - generate a `index.js` and `index.css` file automatically per `package.json` describe if they doesn't overwrite anything. ## v0.0.17 - add `init` command ( `npx fedep init` ) for quickly setup a `frontendDependencies` entry. ## v0.0.16 - support `link` option for linking from src to des. - remove livescript header ## v0.0.15 - use symlink instead hard copy when using `-l`. ## v0.0.14 - add `local` option for installing frontend modules from local repo. ## v0.0.13 - bump `path-parse` and `elliptic` version for vulnerability fixing ## v0.0.12 - fix bug: browserify.bundle is asynchronous thus we need wait before we make `main` folder. - upgrade LiveScript version to 1.6.0. ## v0.0.11 - take care of name/version that contains `@` or `/` characters. ## v0.0.10 - release necessary file(s) only. ## v0.0.8 - support browserify options. ## v0.0.7 - fix bug: fedep log shows `undefined` for modules bundled with browserify ## v0.0.6 - add `-s` option for disabling symlink in main. useful if we need commit the assets folder or use it in node_modules.