import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import dash_table_experiments as dt import json import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly app = dash.Dash() app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True # app.css.config.serve_locally = True DF_WALMART = pd.read_csv('') DF_GAPMINDER = pd.read_csv( '' ) DF_GAPMINDER = DF_GAPMINDER[DF_GAPMINDER['year'] == 2007] DF_GAPMINDER.loc[0:20] DF_SIMPLE = pd.DataFrame({ 'x': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'], 'y': [4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 6], 'z': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'] }) ROWS = [ {'a': 'AA', 'b': 1}, {'a': 'AB', 'b': 2}, {'a': 'BB', 'b': 3}, {'a': 'BC', 'b': 4}, {'a': 'CC', 'b': 5}, {'a': 'CD', 'b': 6} ] app.layout = html.Div([ html.H4('Gapminder DataTable'), dt.DataTable( rows=DF_GAPMINDER.to_dict('records'), # optional - sets the order of columns columns=sorted(DF_GAPMINDER.columns), row_selectable=True, filterable=True, sortable=True, selected_row_indices=[], id='datatable-gapminder' ), html.Div(id='selected-indexes'), dcc.Graph( id='graph-gapminder' ), ], className="container") @app.callback( Output('datatable-gapminder', 'selected_row_indices'), [Input('graph-gapminder', 'clickData')], [State('datatable-gapminder', 'selected_row_indices')]) def update_selected_row_indices(clickData, selected_row_indices): if clickData: for point in clickData['points']: if point['pointNumber'] in selected_row_indices: selected_row_indices.remove(point['pointNumber']) else: selected_row_indices.append(point['pointNumber']) return selected_row_indices @app.callback( Output('graph-gapminder', 'figure'), [Input('datatable-gapminder', 'rows'), Input('datatable-gapminder', 'selected_row_indices')]) def update_figure(rows, selected_row_indices): dff = pd.DataFrame(rows) fig = rows=3, cols=1, subplot_titles=('Life Expectancy', 'GDP Per Capita', 'Population',), shared_xaxes=True) marker = {'color': ['#0074D9']*len(dff)} for i in (selected_row_indices or []): marker['color'][i] = '#FF851B' fig.append_trace({ 'x': dff['country'], 'y': dff['lifeExp'], 'type': 'bar', 'marker': marker }, 1, 1) fig.append_trace({ 'x': dff['country'], 'y': dff['gdpPercap'], 'type': 'bar', 'marker': marker }, 2, 1) fig.append_trace({ 'x': dff['country'], 'y': dff['pop'], 'type': 'bar', 'marker': marker }, 3, 1) fig['layout']['showlegend'] = False fig['layout']['height'] = 800 fig['layout']['margin'] = { 'l': 40, 'r': 10, 't': 60, 'b': 200 } fig['layout']['yaxis3']['type'] = 'log' return fig app.css.append_css({ 'external_url': '' }) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=True)