import plotly.plotly as py import json import time import readadc import datetime with open('./config.json') as config_file: plotly_user_config = json.load(config_file) py.sign_in(plotly_user_config["plotly_username"], plotly_user_config["plotly_api_key"]) url = py.plot([ { 'x': [], 'y': [], 'type': 'scatter', 'stream': { 'token': plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][0], 'maxpoints': 200 } }], filename='Raspberry Pi Streaming Example Values') print "View your streaming graph here: ", url # temperature sensor middle pin connected channel 0 of mcp3008 sensor_pin = 0 readadc.initialize() stream = py.Stream(plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'][0]) #the main sensor reading and plotting loop while True: sensor_data = readadc.readadc(sensor_pin, readadc.PINS.SPICLK, readadc.PINS.SPIMOSI, readadc.PINS.SPIMISO, readadc.PINS.SPICS) millivolts = sensor_data * (3300.0 / 1024.0) # 10 mv per degree temp_C = ((millivolts - 100.0) / 10.0) - 40.0 # convert celsius to fahrenheit temp_F = (temp_C * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32 # remove decimal point from millivolts millivolts = "%d" % millivolts # show only one decimal place for temprature and voltage readings temp_C = "%.1f" % temp_C temp_F = "%.1f" % temp_F # write the data to plotly stream.write({'x':, 'y': temp_C}) # delay between stream posts time.sleep(0.25)