# Parameters associated with the Windows Autoscale Terraform module. variable "Name" { type = string description = "(Required) Name of CloudFormation Stack" } variable "Capabilities" { type = list(string) description = "(Optional) A list of capabilities. Valid values: CAPABILITY_IAM or CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM" default = [] } variable "DisableRollback" { type = string description = "(Optional) Set to true to disable rollback of the stack if stack creation failed. Conflicts with OnFailure" default = false } variable "IamRoleArn" { type = string description = "(Optional) The ARN of an IAM role that AWS CloudFormation assumes to create the stack. If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation uses the role that was previously associated with the stack. If no role is available, AWS CloudFormation uses a temporary session that is generated from your user credentials" default = null } variable "NotificationArns" { type = list(string) description = "(Optional) A list of SNS topic ARNs to publish stack related events" default = [] } variable "OnFailureAction" { type = string description = "(Optional) Action to be taken if stack creation fails. This must be one of: DO_NOTHING, ROLLBACK, or DELETE. Conflicts with DisableRollback" default = "DO_NOTHING" } variable "PatchGroup" { type = string description = "(Optional) Key value of the Patch Group tag. Controls whether to create a PatchGroup tag that can be leveraged via SSM to auto-update instances." default = null } variable "PolicyBody" { type = string description = "(Optional) String containing the stack policy body. Conflicts with PolicyUrl" default = null } variable "PolicyUrl" { type = string description = "(Optional) URL to a file containing the stack policy. Conflicts with PolicyBody" default = null } variable "StackTags" { type = map(string) description = "(Optional) A map of tag keys/values to associate with this stack" default = {} } variable "TimeoutInMinutes" { type = string description = "(Optional) The amount of time that can pass before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED" default = "30" } variable "AmiId" { type = string description = "(Required) ID of the AMI to launch" } variable "AppScriptParams" { type = string description = "(Optional) Parameter string to pass to the application script. Ignored if AppScriptUrl is blank" default = "" } variable "AppScriptUrl" { type = string description = "(Optional) S3 URL to the .ps1 or .bat application script in an S3 bucket (s3://). Leave blank to launch without an application script. If specified, an appropriate InstanceRole is required" default = null } variable "AppVolumeDevice" { type = string description = "#(Optional) Device to mount an extra EBS volume. Leave blank to launch without an extra application volume" default = null } variable "AppVolumeEncrypted" { type = bool description = "(Optional) Controls whether the EBS volume will be encrypted" default = false } variable "AppVolumeType" { type = string description = "(Optional) Type of EBS volume to create. Ignored if AppVolumeDevice is blank" default = "gp2" } variable "AppVolumeSize" { type = string description = "(Optional) Size in GB of the EBS volume to create. Ignored if AppVolumeDevice is blank" default = "1" } variable "AppVolumeSnapshotId" { type = string description = "(Optional) EBS Snapshot ID from which to create the AppVolume. \"AppVolumeSize\" must be equal or greater than the size of the snapshot. Ignored if \"AppVolumeDevice\" is blank" default = null } variable "KeyPairName" { type = string description = "(Required) Public/private key pairs allow you to securely connect to your instance after it launches" } variable "InstanceType" { type = string description = "(Optional) Amazon EC2 instance type" default = "t2.micro" } variable "InstanceRole" { type = string description = "(Optional) IAM instance role to apply to the instance" default = null } variable "MinCapacity" { type = string description = "(Optional) Minimum number of instances in the Autoscaling Group" default = "1" } variable "MaxCapacity" { type = string description = "(Optional) Maximum number of instances in the Autoscaling Group" default = "2" } variable "DesiredCapacity" { type = string description = "(Optional) Desired number of instances in the Autoscaling Group" default = "1" } variable "RootVolumeEncrypted" { type = bool description = "(Optional) Controls whether the root volume will be encrypted" default = false } variable "RootVolumeSize" { type = string description = "(Optional) Root Volume Size in GB **NOTE** This value can be set larger than the default (30GB) but NOT smaller." default = "30" } variable "ScaleDownSchedule" { type = string description = "(Optional) Scheduled Action in cron-format (UTC) to scale down to MinCapacity; ignored if empty or ScaleUpSchedule is unset (E.g. \"0 0 * * *\")" default = null } variable "ScaleUpSchedule" { type = string description = "(Optional) Scheduled Action in cron-format (UTC) to scale up to MaxCapacity; ignored if empty or ScaleDownSchedule is unset (E.g. \"0 10 * * Mon-Fri\")" default = null } variable "NoPublicIp" { type = bool description = "(Optional) Controls whether to assign the instance a public IP. Recommended to leave at true _unless_ launching in a public subnet" default = true } variable "NoReboot" { type = bool description = "(Optional) Controls whether to reboot the instance as the last step of cfn-init execution" default = false } variable "SecurityGroupIds" { type = string description = "(Required) List of security groups to apply to the instance" } variable "SubnetIds" { type = string description = "(Required) List of subnets to associate to the Autoscaling Group" } variable "TargetGroupArns" { type = string description = "(Optional) Comma-separated string of Target Group ARNs to associate with the Autoscaling Group; conflicts with LoadBalancerNames" default = null } variable "LoadBalancerNames" { type = string description = "(Optional) Comma-separated string of Classic ELB Names to associate with the Autoscaling Group; conflicts with TargetGroupArns" default = null } variable "PypiIndexUrl" { type = string description = "(Optional) URL to the PyPi Index" default = "https://pypi.org/simple" } variable "PythonInstaller" { type = string description = "(Optional) URL to the Python Installer Executable" default = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.4/python-3.6.4-amd64.exe" } variable "WatchmakerBootstrapper" { type = string description = "(Optional) URL to the Watchmaker PowerShell bootstrapper for Windows" default = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plus3it/watchmaker/master/docs/files/bootstrap/watchmaker-bootstrap.ps1" } variable "WatchmakerConfig" { type = string description = "(Optional) URL to a Watchmaker config file" default = null } variable "WatchmakerEnvironment" { type = string description = "(Optional) Environment in which the instance is being deployed" default = null } variable "WatchmakerOuPath" { type = string description = "(Optional) DN of the OU to place the instance when joining a domain. If blank and WatchmakerEnvironment enforces a domain join, the instance will be placed in a default container. Leave blank if not joining a domain, or if WatchmakerEnvironment is false" default = null } variable "WatchmakerAdminGroups" { type = string description = "(Optional) Colon-separated list of domain groups that should have admin permissions on the EC2 instance" default = null } variable "WatchmakerAdminUsers" { type = string description = "(Optional) Colon-separated list of domain users that should have admin permissions on the EC2 instance" default = null } variable "WatchmakerExtraArgs" { type = string description = "(Optional) Additional parameters to be passed to the Watchmaker CLI" default = null } variable "WatchmakerStandaloneUrl" { type = string description = "(Optional) HTTP/S URL to a Watchmaker standalone executable. The file will be retrieved and used to run Watchmaker, instead of installing Watchmaker from PyPi" default = null } variable "WatchmakerVersion" { type = string description = "(Optional) Watchmaker version to install. When blank (the default) the latest version will be installed. Used only when Watchmaker is installed from PyPi" default = null } variable "CloudWatchAgentUrl" { type = string description = "(Optional) S3 URL to CloudWatch Agent installer. Example: s3://amazoncloudwatch-agent/windows/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi" default = null } variable "CloudWatchAppLogs" { type = list(string) description = "(Optional) List of application log file paths to send to CloudWatch. Example: C:\\dir1\\file1,C:\\dir2\\file2,C:\\dir3\\file3" default = [] } variable "CfnEndpointUrl" { type = string description = "(Optional) URL to the CloudFormation Endpoint. e.g. https://cloudformation.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" default = "https://cloudformation.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" } variable "ToggleCfnInitUpdate" { type = string description = "(Optional) A/B toggle that forces a change to instance metadata, triggering the cfn-init update sequence" default = "A" } variable "ToggleNewInstances" { type = string description = "(Optional) A/B toggle that forces a change to instance userdata, triggering new instances via the Autoscale update policy" default = "A" } variable "AsgMetrics" { type = list(string) description = "(Optional) The list of ASG metrics to collect. Must define EnableASGMetricsCollection to enable. Define MetricsCollectionGranularity and leave this option blank to collect all metrics" default = [] } variable "AsgSnsArn" { type = string description = "(Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to send ASG events to. NOTE: Must be defined in conjunction with ASGNotificationTypes." default = null } variable "AsgNotificationTypes" { type = list(string) description = "(Optional) A list of event types that trigger a notification. Event types can include any of the following types: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH, autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_ERROR, autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE, autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE_ERROR, and autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION. NOTE: Must be defined in conjunction with ASGSNSARN." default = [] } variable "InstanceTerminationPolicies" { type = list(string) description = "(Optional) A list of policies that are used to select the instances to terminate. The policies are executed in the order that you list them." default = [] } variable "EbsOptimized" { type = bool description = "(Optional) Specifies whether the launch configuration is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O performance. Warning: Stack creation will fail if set to true and the instance type does not support EBS Optimization. See complete list of supported instances here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSOptimized.html#ebs-optimization-support" default = false }