watchmaker_version: ">=" all: - salt: admin_groups: null admin_users: null computer_name: null environment: null ou_path: null salt_content: null salt_states: Highstate salt_version: "3006.4" user_formulas: # To add extra formulas, specify them as a map of # : # The is the name of the directory in the salt file_root # where the formula will be placed. The must be a zip # file, and the zip must contain a top-level directory that, itself, # contains the actual salt formula. To "overwrite" submodule formulas, # make sure matches submodule names. E.g.: #ash-linux-formula: #scap-formula: linux: - yum: repo_map: #SaltEL7: - dist: - redhat - centos el_version: 7 url: #SaltEL8: - dist: - almalinux - centos - oracle - redhat - rocky el_version: 8 url: - salt: pip_install: - dnspython salt_debug_log: null install_method: yum bootstrap_source: null git_repo: null salt_version: null windows: - salt: salt_debug_log: null installer_url: status: providers: - key: "WatchmakerStatus" required: False provider_type: "aws" - key: "WatchmakerStatus" required: False provider_type: "azure"