**We're looking for contributors, help us improve Pluto.** 😁 Hers's how you can help - Look for issues marked as [`help wanted`](https://github.com/androidPluto/pluto/labels/help%20wanted). - Submit a new Plugin, see the [guidelines](/SUBMIT_GUIDELINES.md). - While submitting a new PR, make sure tests are all successful. If you think we need any new test, feel free to add new tests. ### Prerequisite In order to start contributing to Pluto, you need to fork the project and open it in Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA. Before committing we suggest you install the pre-commit hooks with the following command: ``` ./gradlew installGitHook ``` This will make sure your code is validated against `ktLint` and `detekt` before every commit. The command will run automatically before the `clean` task, so you should have the pre-commit hook installed by then. Before submitting a PR please run: ``` ./gradlew build ``` This will build the library and make sure your CI checks will pass. > > Before your code can be accepted into the project you must also sign the [Individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA)][1]. You will be prompted to sign the agreement once you raise the pull request. > [1]: https://cla-assistant.io/androidPluto/pluto