@echo off REM IMPORTANT: REM After a clean install of "Kerbal Space Program" v1.11 or v1.12 REM STEPS: REM First - Copy this installer file to "KSP MAIN DIRECTORY" (sample: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program) REM Second - Run this Script: ULTRA-EVO-INSTALLER-v1.0-KSP1.11+.bat echo "This script v1.0 can be used on KSP 1.11 or 1.12" if not exist buildID64.txt ( echo. echo "Installation error, the script is not located at KSP root directory" echo "SAMPLE: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Please check the videos on the wiki:" echo "https://github.com/pmborg/SpaceX-RO-Falcons/wiki/HOW-TO-INSTALL" goto :No ) set KSPTEMP=%TEMP%\ksp~%RANDOM%.tmp echo "Using %KSPTEMP% for downloads" MKDIR %KSPTEMP% echo "Downloading CKAN Version: v1.29.2" powershell -command "& { iwr https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/download/v1.29.2/ckan.exe -OutFile ckan.exe }" echo "Setup CKAN for this directory:" ckan.exe ksp add auto . REM DOWNLOAD Latest: echo "Downloading CKAN Latest Version" powershell -command "& { $latestRelease = (Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/latest -Headers @{'Accept'='application/json'}) ; $json = $latestRelease.Content | ConvertFrom-Json ; $LATESTVERSION = $json.tag_name ; iwr https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/download/$LATESTVERSION/ckan.exe -OutFile ckan.exe }" ckan.exe update ckan.exe cache reset REM RSS (Real Solar System): REM ------------------------ REM * Real Solar System Textures - 16384 x 8192 v18.3 (cached) REM * RSS DateTime Formatter (cached) REM * Real Solar System v18.1.5 (cached) REM * Module Manager 4.2.1 (cached) REM * Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier 2:release-1.12.1-59 (cached) REM * ModularFlightIntegrator (cached) ckan.exe remove --headless RSSTextures4096 ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends RSSTextures16K RSSDateTimeFormatter RealSolarSystem REM Scatterer: REM ---------- REM * Scatterer Default Config 3:v0.0772 (cached) REM * Scatterer Sunflare 3:v0.0772 (cached) REM * scatterer 3:v0.0772 (cached) ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends Scatterer-config Scatterer-sunflare Scatterer REM RSSVE-HR REM ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends RSSVE-HR REM EVE: REM ---- REM * Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux 3: (cached) ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements REM EngineLightRelit: REM ----------------- REM * Toolbar Controller 1: (cached) REM * Engine Lighting Relit 1.6.3 (cached) REM * ClickThrough Blocker 1: (cached) REM * Zero MiniAVC 1: (cached) REM ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible ToolbarController EngineLightRelit REM BetterLookingOceans: REM -------------------- REM * Better Looking Oceans - High Resolution (cached) REM ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends BetterLookingOceans-HighRes REM TUFX: REM ---- REM * TextureReplacer v4.5.1 (cached) REM * TUFX (cached) ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends TextureReplacer TUFX REM unBlur: REM ------- REM * unBlur v0.5.0 (cached) ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends unBlur REM EVO REQ.: REM * Community Terrain Texture Pack 1:1.0.4 (cached) REM ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends CommunityTerrainTexturePack REM INSTALL: EVO echo "Downloading: EVO" if not exist "GameData\EVO" ( if "%KSPTEMP%" == "" (echo The TEMP variable must be set. ;goto :No) if not exist "%KSPTEMP%" mkdir %KSPTEMP% powershell -command "& { iwr https://github.com/Its-Just-Luci/EVO/releases/download/Alpha-v0.2a/EVO-64k.Alpha.v0.2.zip -OutFile EVO.zip }" echo "Installing: EVO" powershell.exe -NoP -NonI -Command "Expand-Archive 'EVO.zip' '%KSPTEMP%'" mkdir GameData\EVO xcopy /S %KSPTEMP%\EVO GameData\EVO move EVO.zip %KSPTEMP% ) REM INSTALL: EVO-ULTRA SETTINGS FILES REM echo "Downloading: EVO-ULTRA SETTINGS" REM powershell -command "& { iwr https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjy9grnhn7eojb6/EVO-Ultra.zip?dl=1 -OutFile EVO-Ultra.zip }" REM echo "Installing: EVO-ULTRA SETTINGS" REM powershell.exe -NoP -NonI -Command "Expand-Archive 'EVO-Ultra.zip' GameData" REM move EVO-Ultra.zip %KSPTEMP% REM Setup EVO-ULTRA: Merge EVO integration with RSSVE-HI: REM echo "Install: EVO-ULTRA SETTINGS" REM copy /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra\Kopernicus_Config.cfg_ GameData\Kopernicus\Config\Kopernicus_Config.cfg REM copy /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra\EVO-Earth_Atmosphere.cfg_ GameData\EVO\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\Earth\Earth_Atmosphere.cfg REM copy /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra\RSSVE-Earth_Atmosphere.cfg_ GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\Earth\Earth_Atmosphere.cfg REM 1.8.1: 2010.10.25 REM 1.9.1: 2020.02.21 REM 1.10.1: 2020.07.21 REM 1.11.2: 2021.03.03 REM 1.12: 2021.06.17 REM 1.12.1: 2021.06.24 REM 1.12.2: 2021.07.28 type buildID64.txt | find "2021.03" if %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo "This instalation is for KSP 1.11.2" copy /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra\settings1.11.cfg_ settings.cfg ) type buildID64.txt | find "2021.06" if %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo "This instalation is for KSP 1.12.1" copy /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra\settings1.12.cfg_ settings.cfg ) type buildID64.txt | find "2021.07" if %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo "This instalation is for KSP 1.12.2" copy /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra\settings1.12.cfg_ settings.cfg ) REM move /Y GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\RSSVE_Scatterer_Planetlist_Config.cfg GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\RSSVE_Scatterer_Planetlist_Config.cfg_ REM move /Y GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\RSSVE_Scatterer_Settings_Config.cfg GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\RSSVE_Scatterer_Settings_Config.cfg_ REM move /Y GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\RSSVE_Scatterer_Sunflare_Config.cfg GameData\RSSVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\RSSVE_Scatterer_Sunflare_Config.cfg_ REM move /Y GameData\RSSVE\Textures\DetailTextures %KSPTEMP% REM move /Y GameData\RSSVE\Textures\MainTextures %KSPTEMP% REM move /Y GameData\RSSVE\Textures\ScatterTextures %KSPTEMP% REM move /Y GameData\EVO-Ultra %KSPTEMP% REM ShowFPS: REM -------- REM CORRECT:* Show FPS 1:0.2.4 (cached) REM WRONG: * Show FPS 1:0.3.0 (cached) REM ShowFPS: (by default ShowFPS will install on KSP 1.11 the version targeted to 1.12, force/allow to use 1.11, to avoid that error) ckan.exe compat add 1.11 ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends ShowFPS="1:0.2.4" :No PAUSE EXIT