@echo off TITLE PocketMine-MP server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition cd /d %~dp0 set PHP_BINARY= where /q php.exe if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( set PHP_BINARY=php ) if exist bin\php\php.exe ( rem always use the local PHP binary if it exists set PHPRC="" set PHP_BINARY=bin\php\php.exe ) if "%PHP_BINARY%"=="" ( echo Couldn't find a PHP binary in system PATH or "%~dp0bin\php" echo Please refer to the installation instructions at https://doc.pmmp.io/en/rtfd/installation.html pause exit 1 ) if exist PocketMine-MP.phar ( set POCKETMINE_FILE=PocketMine-MP.phar ) else ( echo PocketMine-MP.phar not found echo Downloads can be found at https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/releases pause exit 1 ) if exist bin\mintty.exe ( start "" bin\mintty.exe -o Columns=88 -o Rows=32 -o AllowBlinking=0 -o FontQuality=3 -o Font="Consolas" -o FontHeight=10 -o CursorType=0 -o CursorBlinks=1 -h error -t "PocketMine-MP" -i bin/pocketmine.ico -w max %PHP_BINARY% %POCKETMINE_FILE% --enable-ansi %* ) else ( REM pause on exitcode != 0 so the user can see what went wrong %PHP_BINARY% %POCKETMINE_FILE% %* || pause )