#!/usr/bin/env perl # # (C) 2008 by Argonne National Laboratory. # See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. # use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw( cwd getcwd realpath ); use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp qw( tempdir ); my $arg = 0; my $branch = ""; my $version = ""; my $append_commit_id; my $root = cwd(); my $with_autoconf = ""; my $with_automake = ""; my $git_repo = ""; my $logfile = "release.log"; sub usage { print "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]\n\n"; print "OPTIONS:\n"; print "\t--git-repo path to root of the git repository (required)\n"; print "\t--branch git branch to be packaged (required)\n"; print "\t--version tarball version (required)\n"; print "\t--append-commit-id append git commit description (optional)\n"; print "\n"; exit 1; } sub check_package { my $pack = shift; print "===> Checking for package $pack... "; if ($with_autoconf and ($pack eq "autoconf")) { # the user specified a dir where autoconf can be found if (not -x "$with_autoconf/$pack") { print "not found\n"; exit; } } if ($with_automake and ($pack eq "automake")) { # the user specified a dir where automake can be found if (not -x "$with_automake/$pack") { print "not found\n"; exit; } } else { if (`which $pack` eq "") { print "not found\n"; exit; } } print "done\n"; } sub check_autotools_version { my $tool = shift; my $req_ver = shift; my $curr_ver; $curr_ver = `$tool --version | head -1 | cut -f4 -d' ' | xargs echo -n`; if ("$curr_ver" ne "$req_ver") { print("\tERROR: $tool version mismatch ($req_ver) required\n\n"); exit; } } # will also chdir to the top level of the git repository sub check_git_repo { my $repo_path = shift; print "===> chdir to $repo_path\n"; chdir $repo_path; print "===> Checking git repository sanity... "; unless (`git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null` eq "true\n") { print "ERROR: $repo_path is not a git repository\n"; exit 1; } # I'm not strictly sure that this is true, but it's not too burdensome right # now to restrict it to complete (non-bare repositories). unless (`git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2> /dev/null` eq "false\n") { print "ERROR: $repo_path is a *bare* repository (need working tree)\n"; exit 1; } # last sanity check unless (-e "maint/extracterrmsgs") { print "ERROR: does not appear to be a valid MPICH repository\n" . "(missing maint/extracterrmsgs)\n"; exit 1; } print "done\n"; } sub run_cmd { my $cmd = shift; #print("===> running cmd=|$cmd| from ".getcwd()."\n"); system("$cmd >> $root/$logfile 2>&1"); if ($?) { die "unable to execute ($cmd), \$?=$?. Stopped"; } } GetOptions( "branch=s" => \$branch, "version=s" => \$version, "append-commit-id!" => \$append_commit_id, "with-autoconf" => \$with_autoconf, "with-automake" => \$with_automake, "git-repo=s" => \$git_repo, "help" => \&usage, # old deprecated args, retained with usage() to help catch non-updated cron # jobs and other stale scripts/users "append-svnrev!" => sub {usage();}, ) or die "unable to parse options, stopped"; if (scalar(@ARGV) != 0) { usage(); } if (!$branch || !$version) { usage(); } check_package("doctext"); check_package("txt2man"); check_package("git"); check_package("latex"); check_package("autoconf"); check_package("automake"); print("\n"); ## IMPORTANT: Changing the autotools versions can result in ABI ## breakage. So make sure the ABI string in the release tarball is ## updated when you do that. check_autotools_version("autoconf", "2.69"); check_autotools_version("automake", "1.15"); check_autotools_version("libtool", "2.4.6"); print("\n"); my $tdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $local_git_clone = "${tdir}/mpich-clone"; # clone git repo print("===> Cloning git repo... "); run_cmd("git clone --recursive -b ${branch} ${git_repo} ${local_git_clone}"); print("done\n"); # chdirs to $local_git_clone if valid check_git_repo($local_git_clone); print("\n"); my $current_ver = `git show ${branch}:maint/version.m4 | grep MPICH_VERSION_m4 | \ sed -e 's/^.*\\[MPICH_VERSION_m4\\],\\[\\(.*\\)\\].*/\\1/g'`; if ("$current_ver" ne "$version\n") { print("\tWARNING: maint/version does not match user version\n\n"); } my $changes_ver = `git show ${branch}:CHANGES | grep "http://git.mpich.org/mpich.git/shortlog" | \ sed -e '2,\$d' -e 's/.*\.\.//g'`; if ("$changes_ver" ne "$version\n") { print("\tWARNING: CHANGES/version does not match user version\n\n"); } if ($append_commit_id) { my $desc = `git describe --always ${branch}`; chomp $desc; $version .= "-${desc}"; } my $expdir = "${tdir}/mpich-${version}"; # Clean up the log file system("rm -f ${root}/$logfile"); # Check out the appropriate branch print("===> Exporting code from git... "); run_cmd("rm -rf ${expdir}"); run_cmd("mkdir -p ${expdir}"); run_cmd("git archive ${branch} --prefix='mpich-${version}/' | tar -x -C $tdir"); run_cmd("git submodule foreach --recursive \'git archive HEAD --prefix='' | tar -x -C `echo \${toplevel}/\${path} | sed -e s/clone/${version}/`'"); print("done\n"); print("===> Create release date and version information... "); chdir($expdir); my $date = `date`; chomp $date; system(qq(perl -p -i -e 's/\\[MPICH_RELEASE_DATE_m4\\],\\[unreleased development copy\\]/[MPICH_RELEASE_DATE_m4],[$date]/g' ./maint/version.m4)); # the main version.m4 file will be copied to hydra's version.m4, including the # above modifications print("done\n"); # Remove content that is not being released print("===> Removing content that is not being released... "); chdir($expdir); chdir("${expdir}/src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/netmod"); my @nem_modules = qw(elan); run_cmd("rm -rf ".join(' ', @nem_modules)); for my $module (@nem_modules) { run_cmd("rm -rf $module"); run_cmd(q{perl -p -i -e '$_="" if m|^\s*include \$.*netmod/}.${module}.q{/Makefile.mk|' Makefile.mk}); } print("done\n"); # Create configure print("===> Creating configure in the main codebase... "); chdir($expdir); { my $cmd = "./autogen.sh"; $cmd .= " --with-autoconf=$with_autoconf" if $with_autoconf; $cmd .= " --with-automake=$with_automake" if $with_automake; run_cmd($cmd); } print("done\n"); # Disable unnecessary tests in the release tarball print("===> Disabling unnecessary tests in the main codebase... "); chdir($expdir); run_cmd(q{perl -p -i -e 's/^\@perfdir\@/#\@perfdir\@/' test/mpi/testlist.in}); run_cmd(q{perl -p -i -e 's/^\@ftdir\@/#\@ftdir\@/' test/mpi/testlist.in}); run_cmd("perl -p -i -e 's/^large_message /#large_message /' test/mpi/pt2pt/testlist"); run_cmd("perl -p -i -e 's/^large_count /#large_count /' test/mpi/datatype/testlist"); print("done\n"); # Remove unnecessary files print("===> Removing unnecessary files in the main codebase... "); chdir($expdir); run_cmd("rm -rf README.vin maint/config.log maint/config.status unusederr.txt"); run_cmd("find . -name autom4te.cache | xargs rm -rf"); print("done\n"); # Get docs print("===> Creating secondary codebase for the docs... "); run_cmd("mkdir ${expdir}-build"); chdir("${expdir}-build"); run_cmd("${expdir}/configure --disable-fortran --disable-cxx"); run_cmd("(make mandoc && make htmldoc && make latexdoc)"); print("done\n"); print("===> Copying docs over... "); run_cmd("cp -a man ${expdir}"); run_cmd("cp -a www ${expdir}"); run_cmd("cp -a doc/userguide/user.pdf ${expdir}/doc/userguide"); run_cmd("cp -a doc/installguide/install.pdf ${expdir}/doc/installguide"); run_cmd("cp -a doc/logging/logging.pdf ${expdir}/doc/logging"); print("done\n"); print("===> Creating ROMIO docs... "); chdir("${expdir}/src/mpi"); chdir("romio/doc"); run_cmd("make"); run_cmd("rm -f users-guide.blg users-guide.toc users-guide.aux users-guide.bbl users-guide.log users-guide.dvi"); print("done\n"); # Create the main tarball print("===> Creating the final mpich tarball... "); chdir("${tdir}"); run_cmd("tar -czvf mpich-${version}.tar.gz mpich-${version}"); run_cmd("cp -a mpich-${version}.tar.gz ${root}/"); print("done\n"); # Create the hydra tarball print("===> Creating the final hydra tarball... "); run_cmd("cp -a ${expdir}/src/pm/hydra hydra-${version}"); run_cmd("tar -czvf hydra-${version}.tar.gz hydra-${version}"); run_cmd("cp -a hydra-${version}.tar.gz ${root}/"); print("done\n\n"); # make sure we are outside of the tempdir so that the CLEANUP logic can run chdir("${tdir}/..");