#errorCatcher Echo ## ## Specifying an encoding of UTF-8 is usually safe, but if your text is ## actually in Latin-1, then you should replace the string "UTF-8" with "latin-1" ## If you do this, you should also change the 'Content-Type' metadata below. #encoding UTF-8 ## #set global $page = "home" #include "header.html.tmpl"

$station.location Weather Conditions

Observations are powered by a Personal Weather Station
#if $social_html != "" $social_html #end if
#if $Extras.has_key("forecast_alert_enabled") and $Extras.forecast_alert_enabled == '1'
#end if
#if $Extras.has_key('show_apptemp') and $Extras.show_apptemp == '1'
Feels like: $current.appTemp.format("%.1f")
#end if
High Low
$day.outTemp.max.format("%.1f") $day.outTemp.min.format("%.1f")
#if $current.windDir.ordinal_compass == "N/A" -- #else $current.windDir.ordinal_compass #end if $current.windDir.format("%.0f")
Speed Gust
$current.windSpeed.toString(useThisFormat="%.1f", addLabel=False, NONE_string="N/A")   $current.windGust.toString(useThisFormat="%.1f", addLabel=False, NONE_string="N/A")
#if $Extras.has_key("forecast_enabled") and $Extras.forecast_enabled == '1' #end if #if $Extras.has_key("show_cloudbase") and $Extras.show_cloudbase == '1' #end if #if $day.UV.has_data #end if #if $day.radiation.has_data #end if
Barometer $current.barometer.format("%.2f") #if $trend.barometer == "N/A"   #else if "-" in str($trend.barometer) #else #end if
Visibility $visibility $visibility_unit
Cloud Base $current.cloudbase
Dew Point $current.dewpoint
Humidity $current.outHumidity
Rainfall $day.rain.sum $current.rainRate
UV $current.UV
Solar $current.radiation
Sun & Moon

#if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "new moon"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "waxing crescent"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "first quarter"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "waxing gibbous"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "full moon"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "waning gibbous"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "last quarter"
#else if $almanac.moon_phase.lower() == "waning crescent"
#end if
#echo $almanac.moon_phase.title()#
$almanac.moon_fullness% visible
#if os.path.exists("index_hook_after_station_info.inc")
#include "index_hook_after_station_info.inc"
#end if #if $Extras.has_key("forecast_enabled") and $Extras.forecast_enabled == '1'
8 Day Forecast
#end if #if os.path.exists("index_hook_after_forecast.inc")
#include "index_hook_after_forecast.inc"
#end if
#if $Extras.has_key('earthquake_enabled') and $Extras.earthquake_enabled == '1'
#end if
Weather Record Snapshots. View all weather records here.
High: $day.outTemp.max Low: $day.outTemp.min
Highest Wind: $day.wind.max Highest UV: $day.UV.max
Today's Rain: $day.rain.sum Highest Rate: $day.rainRate.max
$current.dateTime.format("%B %Y")
High: $month.outTemp.max Low: $month.outTemp.min
Highest Wind: $month.wind.max Highest UV: $month.UV.max
Total Rain: $month.rain.sum Highest Rate: $month.rainRate.max
#if $Extras.has_key('earthquake_enabled') and $Extras.earthquake_enabled == '1'
Recent Local Earthquake
#if $earthquake_place != ''
Magnitude $earthquake_magnitude
$earthquake_lat °
$earthquake_lon °
#end if
#end if
#if os.path.exists("index_hook_after_snapshot.inc")
#include "index_hook_after_snapshot.inc"
#end if #if $Extras.has_key('highcharts_enabled') and $Extras.highcharts_enabled == '1'
Today's charts. View more here.
#if $Extras.has_key("highcharts_graph_1") and $Extras.highcharts_graph_1 != '' or $Extras.has_key("highcharts_graph_2") and $Extras.highcharts_graph_2 != ''
#end if
#if $Extras.has_key("highcharts_graph_3") and $Extras.highcharts_graph_3 != '' or $Extras.has_key("highcharts_graph_4") and $Extras.highcharts_graph_4 != ''
#end if #if $Extras.has_key("highcharts_graph_5") and $Extras.highcharts_graph_5 != '' or $Extras.has_key("highcharts_graph_6") and $Extras.highcharts_graph_6 != ''
#end if #end if
#if os.path.exists("index_hook_after_charts.inc")
#include "index_hook_after_charts.inc"
#end if
#include "footer.html.tmpl"