#!/bin/bash # # Author : # Date : 23102023 # Version : # # # User Variables : rploaderver="" build="main" redpillmake="prod" rploaderfile="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/$build/rploader.sh" rploaderrepo="https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/raw/$build/" rploadergit="https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill.git" redpillextension="https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/raw/main/redpill${redpillmake}/rpext-index.json" modextention="https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/raw/main/rpext-index.json" modalias4="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/$build/modules.alias.4.json.gz" modalias3="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/$build/modules.alias.3.json.gz" dtcbin="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/$build/tools/dtc" dtsfiles="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/$build" timezone="UTC" ntpserver="pool.ntp.org" userconfigfile="/home/tc/user_config.json" CUSTOMCONFIG="/home/tc/custom_config.json" HOMEPATH="/home/tc" fullupdatefiles="${CUSTOMCONFIG} custom_config.json custom_config_jun.json global_config.json modules.alias.3.json.gz modules.alias.4.json.gz rpext-index.json user_config.json rploader.sh" # END Do not modify after this line ###################################################################################################### # extract nano LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tc/archive/lib /home/tc/archive/synoarchive.nano -xvf ../synology_geminilake_dva1622.pat function history() { cat <>$HOME/cmdout.log $cmd | tee -a $HOME/cmdout.log >$HOME/cmdout fi done } function setnetwork() { if [ -f /opt/eth*.sh ] && [ "$(grep dhcp /opt/eth*.sh | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then ipset="static" ipgw="$(route | grep default | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')" ipprefix="$(grep ifconfig /opt/eth*.sh | head -1 | awk '{print "ipcalc -p " $3 " " $5 }' | sh - | awk -F= '{print $2}')" myip="$(grep ifconfig /opt/eth*.sh | head -1 | awk '{print $3 }')" ipaddr="${myip}/${ipprefix}" ipgw="$(grep route /opt/eth*.sh | head -1 | awk '{print $5 }')" ipdns="$(grep nameserver /opt/eth*.sh | head -1 | awk '{print $3 }')" ipproxy="$(env | grep -i http | awk -F= '{print $2}' | uniq)" for field in ipset ipaddr ipgw ipdns ipproxy; do jsonfile=$(jq ".ipsettings+={\"$field\":\"${!field}\"}" $userconfigfile) echo $jsonfile | jq . >$userconfigfile done fi } function httpconf() { tce-load -iw lighttpd 2>&1 >/dev/null tce-load -iw php-8.0-cgi 2>&1 >/dev/null sudo cp /home/tc/include/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/ cat >/home/tc/lighttpd.conf < "/home/tc/html/" ) cgi.assign = ( ".sh" => "/usr/local/bin/bash", ".php" => "/usr/local/bin/php-cgi" ) index-file.names = ( "index.sh", "index.html","index.htm" ) EOF ps -ef | grep -i light | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 sudo lighttpd -f /home/tc/lighttpd.conf [ $(sudo netstat -an 2>/dev/null | grep LISTEN | grep ":80" 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -eq 1 ] && echo "Server started succesfully" # Add entry to bootlocal and backup # cat /opt/bootlocal.sh } ## New ext manager function extadd() { extvars $1 $2 [ ! -d payload ] && mkdir payload cd payload [ ! -f platform ] && echo "$platform" >platform [ -f extensions ] && [ $(grep $extid extensions | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Extension $extid has been already added" && return echo -n "Adding $extid" [ ! -d $extid ] && mkdir $extid echo "$ext" >$extid/rpext-index.json echo "$extid" >>extensions echo " -> Done" } function extremove() { extvars $1 $2 [ ! -d payload ] && mkdir payload cd payload [ -f extensions ] && [ $(grep $extid extensions | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Extension $extid will be removed" echo "Removing $extid payload" && rm -rf $extid sed -i "/$extid/d" extensions sed -i "/$extid/d" on_boot.sh sed -i "/$extid/d" on_os_load.sh } function extvars() { ext="$(curl --insecure --silent --location $1)" platform="$2" [ $(echo $ext | grep 404 | wc -l) -eq 1 ] && echo "Extension not found" && exit 1 if [ -f platform ] && [ ! "$(cat platform)" == "$platform" ]; then echo "Payload already has extensions for $(cat platform), using platform $(cat platform)" platform="$(cat platform)" extcontents="$(echo $ext | jq -r -e ".releases .$platform")" else extcontents="$(echo $ext | jq -r -e ".releases .$2")" fi extid="$(echo $ext | jq -r -e .id)" extrelease="$(curl --insecure --silent --location $extcontents)" [ $(echo $extrelease | jq . | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && echo "Extension does not contain information about platform $2" && exit 1 payload="$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e ".files[]")" } function processexts() { cd payload for ext in $(cat extensions); do extvars "file://$PWD/$ext/rpext-index.json" "$(cat platform)" echo "Downloading extension $extid payload for platform $platform" files="$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e '.files[] .name')" #echo "Found files : $files" for file in $files; do name=$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e ".files[] | select(.name | contains(\"$file\")) .name") download=$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e ".files[] | select(.name | contains(\"$file\")) .url") modules="$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e '.kmods')" echo " Downloading : $name " cd $extid && curl --insecure --silent --location $download -O && cd .. packed=$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e ".files[] | select(.name | contains(\"$file\")) .packed") if [ "$packed" == "true" ]; then echo "File $name , is packed, extracting" if [ -f $extid/$name ] && [ $(echo $modules | grep ko | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then [ ! -f "mods_load.sh" ] && touch mods_load.sh && echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" >>mods_load.sh hasmodules=$(tar --wildcards *.ko -tvf $extid/$name | wc -l) echo "File contains $hasmodules modules, copying to modules folder" [ ! -d modules ] && mkdir modules tar xf $extid/$name -C modules && rm $extid/$name for mod in $(echo "$modules" | grep ko | sed -e "s/\"//g" | sed -e "s/://g" | sed -e "s/,//g" | awk '{print $1}'); do if [ $(grep $mod mods_load.sh | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then modname=$(basename $mod .ko) echo "adding module $modname" echo "echo -n \":: Loading module $modname ... \" && /sbin/insmod modules/$mod && [ $(lsmod | grep -i $modname | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo \"[ OK ]\" || echo \"[ FAIL ]\"" >>mods_load.sh fi done else tar xfz $extid/$name -C $extid && rm $extid/$name fi fi done touch on_boot.sh && touch on_os_load.sh onboot="$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e '.scripts .on_boot')" onosload="$(echo $extrelease | jq -r -e '.scripts .on_os_load')" if [ $(echo $onboot | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && [ $(grep $extid on_boot.sh | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && [ "$onboot" != "null" ]; then echo "Adding boot script" echo "cd $extid && ./$onboot && cd .." >>on_boot.sh fi if [ $(echo $onosload | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && [ $(grep $extid on_os_load.sh | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && [ "$onosload" != "null" ]; then echo "Adding os load script" echo "echo -n \":: Executing $extid os load scripts ... \" && cd $extid && ./$onosload && cd .. " >>on_os_load.sh fi done chmod 777 *.sh */*.sh } function createcustominitfile() { echo "Creating custom initrd structure" mkdir -p customtemp && cd customtemp mkdir -p usr/lib/modules/ mkdir -p usr/sbin/ #### CREATE modprobe file cat <usr/sbin/modprobe #!/usr/bin/sh for arg in "\$@" do if [ "\$arg" = "elevator-iosched" ]; then /sbin/insmod /usr/lib/modules/rp.ko rm /usr/lib/modules/rp.ko rm /sbin/modprobe exit 0 fi done exit 1 EOF chmod 777 usr/sbin/modprobe echo "getredpillmodule and place it under usr/lib/modules/" mkdir -p exts && cp -arfp /home/tc/payload/* exts/ #### CREATE exec.sh cat <exts/exec.sh #!/usr/bin/env sh cd "$(dirname "\${0}")" || exit 1 # get to the script directory realiably in POSIX PLATFORM_ID="$SYNOMODEL" EXTENSION_IDS="dtbpatch pocopico.mptspi pocopico.vmxnet3 redpill-boot-wait redpill-misc " _load_kmods(){ echo ":: Loading custom modules... [ OK ]" ./mods_load.sh } _run_scripts(){ case \$1 in on_boot) echo "Executing Junior scripts" ./on_boot.sh ;; on_os_load) echo "Executing OS load scripts" ./on_os_load.sh ;; esac } cd /exts case \$1 in load_kmods) _load_kmods ;; on_boot_scripts) _run_scripts 'on_boot' ;; on_os_load_scripts) _run_scripts 'on_os_load' ;; *) if [ \$# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: \$0 ACTION_NAME <...args>" else echo "Invalid ACTION_NAME=\${1}" fi exit 1 ;; esac EOF chmod 777 exts/exec.sh echo "Creating custom.gz file and placing it in place" sudo find . | sudo cpio -o -H newc -R root:root >../custom.gz cd .. echo "Cleaning up ..." && rm -rf customtemp } ### End of new ext manager function getgrubconf() { tcrpdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" grubdisk="${tcrpdisk}1" echo "Mounting bootloader disk to get grub contents" sudo mount /dev/$grubdisk if [ $(df | grep -i $grubdisk | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then echo -n "Mounted succesfully : $(df -h | grep $grubdisk)" [ -f /mnt/$grubdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg ] && [ $(cat /mnt/$grubdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo " -> Grub cfg is accessible and readable" else echo "Couldnt mount device : $grubdisk " exit 99 fi echo "Getting known loader grub variables" grep pid /mnt/$grubdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg >/tmp/grub.vars while IFS=" " read -r -a line; do printf "%s\n" "${line[@]}" done /tmp/known.vars if [ -f /tmp/known.vars ]; then echo "Sourcing vars, found in grub : " . /tmp/known.vars rows="%-15s| %-15s | %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-15s | %-15s %c\n" printf "$rows" Serial Mac Netif_num PID VID SataPortMap DiskIdxMap printf "$rows" $sn $mac1 $netif_num $pid $vid $SataPortMap $DiskIdxMap echo "Checking user config against grub vars" for var in pid vid sn mac1 SataPortMap DiskIdxMap; do if [ $(jq -r .extra_cmdline.$var user_config.json) == "${!var}" ]; then echo "Grub var $var = ${!var} Matches your user_config.json" else echo "Grub var $var = ${!var} does not match your user_config.json variable which is set to : $(jq -r .extra_cmdline.$var user_config.json) " echo "Should we populate user_config.json with these variables ? [Yy/Nn] " read answer if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then json="$(jq --arg newvar "${!var}" '.extra_cmdline.'$var'= $newvar' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json else echo "OK, you can edit yourself later" fi fi done else echo "Could not read variables" fi } function monitor() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 NETGW="$(route | grep -i def | awk '{print $2}')" ping -c 5 $NEWGW >/dev/null & [ ! -d /lib64 ] && sudo ln -s /lib /lib64 sudo chown -R tc:staff /home/tc >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo chown -R tc:staff /opt >/dev/null 2>&1 while [ -z "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ]; do clear echo -e "-------------------------------System Information----------------------------" echo -e "Hostname:\t\t"$(hostname) "uptime:\t\t\t"$(uptime | awk '{print $3,$4}' | sed 's/,//') echo -e "Manufacturer:\t\t"$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_vendor) "Product Name:\t\t"$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name) echo -e "Version:\t\t"$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_version) echo -e "Serial Number:\t\t"$(sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial) echo -e "Machine Type:\t\t"$( vserver=$(lscpu | grep Hypervisor | wc -l) if [ $vserver -gt 0 ]; then echo "VM"; else echo "Physical"; fi ) "Operating System:\t"$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | awk -F \= '{print $2}') echo -e "Kernel:\t\t\t"$(uname -r) echo -e ""$(lscpu | head -1)"\t" "Processor Name:\t\t"$(awk -F':' '/^model name/ {print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//') echo -e "Active Users:\t\t"$(who -u | cut -d ' ' -f1 | grep -v USER | xargs -n1) echo -e "System Main IP:\t\t"$(ifconfig | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F \: '{print $2}') [ $(ps -ef | grep -i sshd | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo -e "SSHD connections ready" || echo -e "SSHD connections not ready" echo -e "-------------------------------Loader boot entries------------------------------" grep -i menuentry /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk -F \' '{print $2}' echo -e "-------------------------------CPU/Memory Usage------------------------------" echo -e "Memory Usage:\t"$(free | awk '/Mem/{printf("%.2f%"), $3/$2*100}') echo -e "Swap Usage:\t"$(free | awk '/Swap/{printf("%.2f%"), $3/$2*100}') echo -e "CPU Usage:\t"$(cat /proc/stat | awk '/cpu/{printf("%.2f%\n"), ($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)}' | awk '{print $0}' | head -1) echo -e "-------------------------------Disk Usage >80%-------------------------------" df -Ph | grep -v loop [ $(lscpu | grep Hypervisor | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "$(hostname) is a VM" echo "Press ctrl-c to exti" sleep 10 done } function syntaxcheck() { if [ $# -lt 2 ] && [ "$1" == "download" ] || [ "$1" == "build" ] || [ "$1" == "ext" ] || [ "$1" == "restoresession" ] || [ "$1" == "listmods" ] || [ "$1" == "serialgen" ] || [ "$1" == "patchdtc" ] || [ "$1" == "postupdate" ]; then echo "Error : Number of arguments : $#, options $@ " case $1 in download) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms" && getPlatforms ;; build) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms" && getPlatforms ;; ext) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms, the action and the extension URL" echo "example:" echo "rploader.sh ext apollolake-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/e1000/rpext-index.json" echo "or for auto detect use" echo "rploader.sh ext apollolake-7.0.1-42218 auto" ;; restoresession) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms" && getPlatforms ;; listmods) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms" && getPlatforms ;; serialgen) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing models" echo "DS3615xs DS3617xs DS916+ DS918+ DS920+ DS3622xs+ FS6400 DVA3219 DVA3221 DS1621+ DVA1622 DS2422+ RS4021xs+ DS923+ DS1522+ SA6400 FS2500 RS3413xs+ DS1019+ DS1520+ DS1621xs+ DS723+" ;; patchdtc) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms" && getPlatforms ;; postupdate) echo "Syntax error, You have to specify one of the existing platforms" && getPlatforms ;; *) echo "Syntax error, not valid arguments or not enough options" showhelp ;; esac exit 99 else return fi } function version() { shift 1 echo $rploaderver [ "$1" == "history" ] && history } function savesession() { lastsessiondir="/mnt/${tcrppart}/lastsession" echo -n "Saving user session for future use. " [ ! -d ${lastsessiondir} ] && sudo mkdir ${lastsessiondir} echo -n "Saving current extensions " cat /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/*/*json | jq '.url' >${lastsessiondir}/extensions.list [ -f ${lastsessiondir}/extensions.list ] && echo " -> OK !" echo -n "Saving current user_config.json " cp /home/tc/user_config.json ${lastsessiondir}/user_config.json [ -f ${lastsessiondir}/user_config.json ] && echo " -> OK !" } function restoresession() { lastsessiondir="/mnt/${tcrppart}/lastsession" if [ -d $lastsessiondir ]; then echo -n "Found last user session : , restore session ? [yY/nN] : " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then if [ -d $lastsessiondir ] && [ -f ${lastsessiondir}/extensions.list ]; then for extension in $(cat ${lastsessiondir}/extensions.list); do echo "Adding extension ${extension} " cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ && ./ext-manager.sh add "$(echo $extension | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/,//g')" done fi if [ -d $lastsessiondir ] && [ -f ${lastsessiondir}/user_config.json ]; then echo "Copying last user_config.json" cp ${lastsessiondir}/user_config.json /home/tc fi fi else echo "OK, we will not restore last session" fi } function downloadextractor() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" tcrppart="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3" local_cache="/mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles" temp_folder="/tmp/synoesp" if [ -d ${local_cache/extractor /} ] && [ -f ${local_cache}/extractor/scemd ]; then echo "Found extractor locally cached" echo "Copying required libraries to local lib directory" sudo cp /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/extractor/lib* /lib/ echo "Linking lib to lib64" [ ! -h /lib64 ] && sudo ln -s /lib /lib64 echo "Copying executable" sudo cp /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/extractor/scemd /bin/syno_extract_system_patch echo "Removing temp folder /tmp/synoesp" rm -rf $temp_folder echo "Checking if tool is accessible" /bin/syno_extract_system_patch 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "Executed succesfully"; else echo "Cound not execute"; fi else echo "Getting required extraction tool" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Checking tinycore cache folder" [ -d $local_cache ] && echo "Found tinycore cache folder, linking to home/tc/custom-module" && [ ! -h /home/tc/custom-module ] && sudo ln -s $local_cache /home/tc/custom-module echo "Creating temp folder /tmp/synoesp" mkdir ${temp_folder} if [ -d /home/tc/custom-module ] && [ -f /home/tc/custom-module/*42218*.pat ]; then patfile=$(ls /home/tc/custom-module/*42218*.pat | head -1) echo "Found custom pat file ${patfile}" echo "Processing old pat file to extract required files for extraction" tar -C${temp_folder} -xf /${patfile} rd.gz else curl --insecure --location https://global.download.synology.com/download/DSM/release/7.0.1/42218/DSM_DS3622xs%2B_42218.pat --output /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz [ -f /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz ] && tar -C${temp_folder} -xf /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz rd.gz fi echo "Entering synoesp" cd ${temp_folder} xz -dc rd 2>/dev/null || echo "extract rd.gz" echo "finish" cpio -idm &1 || echo "extract rd" mkdir extract mkdir -p /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles && cd /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles echo "Copying required files to local cache folder for future use" mkdir -p /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/extractor for file in usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 usr/lib/libmbedcrypto.so.5 usr/lib/libmbedtls.so.13 usr/lib/libmbedx509.so.1 usr/lib/libmsgpackc.so.2 usr/lib/libsodium.so usr/lib/libsynocodesign-ng-virtual-junior-wins.so.7 usr/syno/bin/scemd; do echo "Copying $file to /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles" cp $file /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/extractor done echo "Copying required libraries to local lib directory" sudo cp /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/extractor/lib* /lib/ echo "Linking lib to lib64" [ ! -h /lib64 ] && sudo ln -s /lib /lib64 echo "Copying executable" sudo cp /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/extractor/scemd /bin/syno_extract_system_patch echo "Removing temp folder /tmp/synoesp" rm -rf $temp_folder echo "Checking if tools is accessible" /bin/syno_extract_system_patch if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "Executed succesfully"; else echo "Cound not execute"; fi fi } function processpat() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" tcrppart="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3" local_cache="/mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles" temp_pat_folder="/tmp/pat" setplatform if [ ! -d "${temp_pat_folder}" ]; then echo "Creating temp folder ${temp_pat_folder} " mkdir ${temp_pat_folder} && cd ${temp_pat_folder} fi echo "Checking for cached pat file" [ -d $local_cache ] && echo "Found tinycore cache folder, linking to home/tc/custom-module" && [ ! -h /home/tc/custom-module ] && sudo ln -s $local_cache /home/tc/custom-module if [ -d ${local_cache} ] && [ -f ${local_cache}/*${SYNOMODEL}*.pat ] || [ -f ${local_cache}/*${MODEL}*${TARGET_REVISION}*.pat ]; then [ -f /home/tc/custom-module/*${SYNOMODEL}*.pat ] && patfile=$(ls /home/tc/custom-module/*${SYNOMODEL}*.pat | head -1) [ -f ${local_cache}/*${MODEL}*${TARGET_REVISION}*.pat ] && patfile=$(ls /home/tc/custom-module/*${MODEL}*${TARGET_REVISION}*.pat | head -1) echo "Found locally cached pat file ${patfile}" testarchive "${patfile}" if [ ${isencrypted} = "no" ]; then echo "File ${patfile} is already unencrypted" echo "Copying file to /home/tc/redpill-load/cache folder" cp ${patfile} /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ elif [ ${isencrypted} = "yes" ]; then [ -f /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat ] && testarchive /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat if [ -f /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat ] && [ ${isencrypted} = "no" ]; then echo "Unecrypted file is already cached in : /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat" patfile="/home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat" elif [ -f /bin/syno_extract_system_patch ]; then echo "Extracting encrypted pat file : ${patfile} to ${temp_pat_folder}" sudo /bin/syno_extract_system_patch ${patfile} ${temp_pat_folder} || echo "extract latest pat" echo "Creating unecrypted pat file ${SYNOMODEL}.pat to /home/tc/redpill-load/cache folder " mkdir -p /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ cd ${temp_pat_folder} && tar -czf /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat * patfile="/home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat" else echo "Extracting encrypted pat file : ${patfile} to ${temp_pat_folder}" sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tc/custom-module/patch-extractor/lib/ /home/tc/custom-module/patch-extractor/synoarchive.system -xvf ${patfile} -C ${temp_pat_folder} echo "Creating unecrypted pat file ${SYNOMODEL}.pat to /home/tc/redpill-load/cache folder " mkdir -p /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ cd ${temp_pat_folder} && tar -czf /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat * patfile="/home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat" fi else echo "Something went wrong, please check cache files" exit 99 fi tar xvf /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${SYNOMODEL}.pat VERSION && . ./VERSION && rm -f ./VERSION os_sha256=$(sha256sum ${patfile} | awk '{print $1}') echo "Pat file sha256sum is : $os_sha256" echo -n "Checking config file existence -> " if [ -f "/home/tc/redpill-load/config/$MODEL/${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber}/config.json" ]; then echo "OK" configfile="/home/tc/redpill-load/config/$MODEL/${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber}/config.json" else echo "Config file /home/tc/redpill-load/config/$MODEL/${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber}/config.json not found, please use the proper repo, clean and download again" exit 99 fi echo -n "Editing config file -> " sed -i "/\"os\": {/!b;n;n;n;c\"sha256\": \"$os_sha256\"" ${configfile} echo -n "Verifying config file -> " verifyid="$(cat ${configfile} | jq -r -e '.os .sha256')" if [ "$os_sha256" == "$verifyid" ]; then echo "OK ! " else echo "config file, os sha256 verify FAILED, check ${configfile} " exit 99 fi echo "Clearing temp folders" sudo rm -rf ${temp_pat_folder} return else echo "Could not find pat file locally cached" configdir="/home/tc/redpill-load/config/${MODEL}/${TARGET_VERSION}-${TARGET_REVISION}" configfile="${configdir}/config.json" pat_url=$(cat ${configfile} | jq '.os .pat_url' | sed -e 's/"//g') echo -e "Configdir : $configdir \nConfigfile: $configfile \nPat URL : $pat_url" echo "Downloading pat file from URL : ${pat_url} " if [ $(df -h /${local_cache} | grep mnt | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/M//g' -e 's/G//g' | cut -c 1-3) -le 370 ]; then echo "No adequate space on ${local_cache} to download file into cache folder, clean up the space and restart" exit 99 fi [ -n $pat_url ] && curl --insecure --location ${pat_url} -o "/${local_cache}/${SYNOMODEL}.pat" patfile="/${local_cache}/${SYNOMODEL}.pat" if [ -f ${patfile} ]; then testarchive ${patfile} else echo "Failed to download PAT file $patfile from ${pat_url} " exit 99 fi if [ "${isencrypted}" = "yes" ]; then echo "File ${patfile}, has been cached but its encrypted, re-running decrypting process" processpat else return fi fi } function testarchive() { archive="$1" archiveheader="$(od -bc ${archive} | head -1 | awk '{print $3}')" case ${archiveheader} in 105) echo "${archive}, is a Tar file" isencrypted="no" return 0 ;; 255) echo "File ${archive}, is encrypted" isencrypted="yes" return 1 ;; 213) echo "File ${archive}, is a compressed tar" isencrypted="no" ;; *) echo "Could not determine if file ${archive} is encrypted or not, maybe corrupted" ls -ltr ${archive} echo ${archiveheader} exit 99 ;; esac } function addrequiredexts() { echo "Processing add_extensions entries found on ${CUSTOMCONFIG} file : ${EXTENSIONS}" for extension in ${EXTENSIONS_SOURCE_URL}; do echo "Adding extension ${extension} " cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ && ./ext-manager.sh add "$(echo $extension | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/,//g')" done for extension in ${EXTENSIONS}; do echo "Updating extension : ${extension} contents for model : ${SYNOMODEL} " cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ && ./ext-manager.sh _update_platform_exts ${SYNOMODEL} ${extension} done if [ ${TARGET_PLATFORM} = "geminilake" ] || [ ${TARGET_PLATFORM} = "v1000" ] || [ ${TARGET_PLATFORM} = "dva1622" ] || [ ${TARGET_PLATFORM} = "ds2422p" ] || [ ${TARGET_PLATFORM} = "rs4021xsp" ]; then #patchdtc echo "Patch dtc is superseded by fbelavenuto dtbpatch" fi } function installapache() { echo "Installing apache2 and php module" tce-load -iw apache2.4.tcz tce-load -iw apache2.4-doc.tcz tce-load -iw php-8.0-mod.tcz tce-load -iw libnghttp2.tcz #cd /usr/local/ #sudo tar xvf /home/tc/tcrphtml/tc.apache.tar.gz etc/httpd/ #apachectl start } function updateuserconfig() { echo "Checking user config for general block" generalblock="$(jq -r -e '.general' $userconfigfile)" if [ "$generalblock" = "null" ] || [ -n "$generalblock" ]; then echo "Result=${generalblock}, File does not contain general block, adding block" for field in model version smallfixnumber redpillmake zimghash rdhash usb_line sata_line; do jsonfile=$(jq ".general+={\"$field\":\"\"}" $userconfigfile) echo $jsonfile | jq . >$userconfigfile done fi } function updateuserconfigfield() { block="$1" field="$2" value="$3" if [ -n "$1 " ] && [ -n "$2" ]; then jsonfile=$(jq ".$block+={\"$field\":\"$value\"}" $userconfigfile) echo $jsonfile | jq . >$userconfigfile else echo "No values to update specified" fi } function removefriend() { clear loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "You are not satisfied with TCRP friend." echo "Understandable, but you will not be able to perform automatic patching after updates." echo "you can still though use the postupdate process instead or just set the default option to SATA or USB as usual" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -n "Do you still want to remove TCRP Friend, please answer [Yy/Nn]" read answer if [ "${answer}" = "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" = "y" ]; then mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 2>/dev/null mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 2>/dev/null mount /dev/${loaderdisk}3 2>/dev/null echo "Removing TCRP Friend from ${loaderdisk}3 " [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-friend ] && sudo rm -rf /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-friend [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/bzImage-friend ] && sudo rm -rf /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/bzImage-friend echo "Removing initrd-dsm and zimage-dsm from ${loaderdisk}3 " [ ! "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm | awk '{print $2}')" = "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | awk '{print $2}')" ] && cp /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm ] && sudo rm -rf /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm [ ! "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zImage-dsm | awk '{print $2}')" = "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/zImage | awk '{print $2}')" ] && cp /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zImage-dsm /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/zImage [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zimage-dsm ] && sudo rm -rf /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zimage-dsm echo "Removing TCRP Friend Grub entry " [ $(grep -i "Tiny Core Friend" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | wc -l) -eq 1 ] && sed -i "/Tiny Core Friend/,+9d" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg if [ "$MACHINE" = "VIRTUAL" ]; then echo "Setting default boot entry to SATA" cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ && sudo sed -i "/set default=\"*\"/cset default=\"1\"" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg else echo "Setting default boot entry to USB" cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ && sudo sed -i "/set default=\"*\"/cset default=\"0\"" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg fi else echo "OK ! Wise choice !!! " fi } function bringfriend() { clear loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 2>/dev/null mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 2>/dev/null mount /dev/${loaderdisk}3 2>/dev/null if [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/lastsession/user_config.json ]; then cp /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/lastsession/user_config.json /home/tc/user_config.json getgrubconf else getgrubconf fi if [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/bzImage-friend ] && [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-friend ] && [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zImage-dsm ] && [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm ] && [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/user_config.json ] && [ $(grep -i "Tiny Core Friend" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | wc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Your TCRP friend seems in place, do you want to re-run the process ?" read answer if [ "${answer}" = "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" = "y" ]; then echo "OK re-running the TCRP Friend bring over process" else echo "Wise choice" exit 0 fi fi echo "You are upgrading your system with TCRP friend." echo "Your system will still be able to boot using the USB/SATA options." echo "After bringing over TCRP Friend, The default boot option will be set TCRP Friend." echo "You will still have the option to move to SATA/USB but for automatic patching after an update," echo "please leave the default to TCRR Friend" echo -n "If you agree with the above, please answer [Yy/Nn]" read answer if [ "${answer}" = "Y" ] || [ "${answer}" = "y" ]; then if [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-friend ] || [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/bzImage-friend ]; then [ ! -f /home/tc/friend/initrd-friend ] && [ ! -f /home/tc/friend/bzImage-friend ] && bringoverfriend if [ -f /home/tc/friend/initrd-friend ] && [ -f /home/tc/friend/bzImage-friend ]; then cp /home/tc/friend/initrd-friend /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/ cp /home/tc/friend/bzImage-friend /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/ fi fi if [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-friend ] || [ -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/bzImage-friend ]; then [ $(grep -i "Tiny Core Friend" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | wc -l) -eq 1 ] || tcrpfriendentry | sudo tee --append /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg # Compining rd.gz and custom.gz echo "Compining rd.gz and custom.gz and copying zimage to ${loaderdisk}3 " [ ! -d /home/tc/rd.temp ] && mkdir /home/tc/rd.temp [ -d /home/tc/rd.temp ] && cd /home/tc/rd.temp if [ "$(od /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')" = "000135" ]; then RD_COMPRESSED="true" else RD_COMPRESSED="false" fi if [ "$RD_COMPRESSED" = "false" ]; then echo "Ramdisk in not compressed " cat /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | sudo cpio -idm 2>/dev/null >/dev/null cat /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/custom.gz | sudo cpio -idm 2>/dev/null >/dev/null sudo chmod +x /home/tc/rd.temp/usr/sbin/modprobe (cd /home/tc/rd.temp && sudo find . | sudo cpio -o -H newc -R root:root >/mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm) 2>&1 >/dev/null else unlzma -dc /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | sudo cpio -idm 2>/dev/null >/dev/null cat /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/custom.gz | sudo cpio -idm 2>/dev/null >/dev/null sudo chmod +x /home/tc/rd.temp/usr/sbin/modprobe (cd /home/tc/rd.temp && sudo find . | sudo cpio -o -H newc -R root:root | xz -9 --format=lzma >/mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm) 2>&1 >/dev/null fi . /home/tc/rd.temp/etc/VERSION MODEL="$(grep upnpmodelname /home/tc/rd.temp/etc/synoinfo.conf | awk -F= '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g')" VERSION="${productversion}-${buildnumber}" cp -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/zImage /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zImage-dsm updateuserconfig setnetwork updateuserconfigfield "general" "model" "$MODEL" updateuserconfigfield "general" "version" "${VERSION}" updateuserconfigfield "general" "smallfixnumber" "${smallfixnumber}" updateuserconfigfield "general" "redpillmake" "${redpillmake}" zimghash=$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/zImage | awk '{print $1}') updateuserconfigfield "general" "zimghash" "$zimghash" rdhash=$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}') updateuserconfigfield "general" "rdhash" "$rdhash" USB_LINE="$(grep -A 5 "USB," /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep linux | cut -c 16-999)" SATA_LINE="$(grep -A 5 "SATA," /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep linux | cut -c 16-999)" echo "Updated user_config with USB Command Line : $USB_LINE" json=$(jq --arg var "${USB_LINE}" '.general.usb_line = $var' $userconfigfile) && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >$userconfigfile echo "Updated user_config with SATA Command Line : $SATA_LINE" json=$(jq --arg var "${SATA_LINE}" '.general.sata_line = $var' $userconfigfile) && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >$userconfigfile cp $userconfigfile /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/ echo "Setting default boot entry to TCRP Friend" sudo sed -i "/set default=\"*\"/cset default=\"3\"" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg if [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/bzImage-friend ] || [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-friend ] || [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/zImage-dsm ] || [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/initrd-dsm ] || [ ! -f /mnt/${loaderdisk}3/user_config.json ] || [ ! $(grep -i "Tiny Core Friend" /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | wc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR !!! Something went wrong, please re-run the process" fi echo "Cleaning up temp files" cd /home/tc sudo rm -rf /home/tc/friend sudo rm -rf /home/tc/rd.temp echo "Unmounting file systems" sudo umount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 sudo umount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 fi else echo "OK ! its your choice" sudo umount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 sudo umount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 fi } function postupdate() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" cd /home/tc updateuserconfig setnetwork updateuserconfigfield "general" "model" "$MODEL" updateuserconfigfield "general" "version" "${TARGET_VERSION}-${TARGET_REVISION}" updateuserconfigfield "general" "smallfixnumber" "${smallfixnumber}" updateuserconfigfield "general" "redpillmake" "${redpillmake}" echo "Creating temp ramdisk space" && mkdir /home/tc/ramdisk echo "Mounting partition ${loaderdisk}1" && sudo mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 echo "Mounting partition ${loaderdisk}2" && sudo mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 zimghash=$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/zImage | awk '{print $1}') updateuserconfigfield "general" "zimghash" "$zimghash" rdhash=$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}') updateuserconfigfield "general" "rdhash" "$rdhash" zimghash=$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/zImage | awk '{print $1}') updateuserconfigfield "general" "zimghash" "$zimghash" rdhash=$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}') updateuserconfigfield "general" "rdhash" "$rdhash" echo "Backing up $userconfigfile " cp $userconfigfile /mnt/${loaderdisk}3 cd /home/tc/ramdisk echo "Extracting update ramdisk" if [ $(od /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') == "000135" ]; then sudo unlzma -c /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | cpio -idm 2>&1 >/dev/null else sudo cat /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | cpio -idm 2>&1 >/dev/null fi . ./etc.defaults/VERSION && echo "Found Version : ${productversion}-${buildnumber}-${smallfixnumber}" echo -n "Do you want to use this for the loader ? [yY/nN] : " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then echo "Extracting redpill ramdisk" if [ $(od /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') == "000135" ]; then sudo unlzma -c /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | cpio -idm RD_COMPRESSED="yes" else sudo cat /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | cpio -idm fi . ./etc.defaults/VERSION && echo "The new smallupdate version will be : ${productversion}-${buildnumber}-${smallfixnumber}" echo -n "Do you want to use this for the loader ? [yY/nN] : " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then echo "Recreating ramdisk " if [ "$RD_COMPRESSED" = "yes" ]; then sudo find . 2>/dev/null | sudo cpio -o -H newc -R root:root | xz -9 --format=lzma >../rd.gz else sudo find . 2>/dev/null | sudo cpio -o -H newc -R root:root >../rd.gz fi cd .. echo "Adding fake sign" && sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=rd.gz bs=68 count=1 conv=notrunc oflag=append echo "Putting ramdisk back to the loader partition ${loaderdisk}1" && sudo cp -f rd.gz /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz echo "Removing temp ramdisk space " && rm -rf ramdisk echo "Done" else echo "Removing temp ramdisk space " && rm -rf ramdisk exit 0 fi fi } function postupdatev1() { echo "Mounting root to get the latest dsmroot patch in /.syno/patch " if [ ! -f /home/tc/redpill-load/user_config.json ]; then [ ! -h /home/tc/redpill-load/user_config.json ] && ln -s /home/tc/user_config.json /home/tc/redpill-load/user_config.json fi if [ $(mount | grep -i dsmroot | wc -l) -le 0 ]; then mountdsmroot [ $(mount | grep -i dsmroot | wc -l) -le 0 ] && echo "Failed to mount DSM root, cannot continue the postupdate process, returning" && return else echo "Already mounted" fi echo "Clearing last created loader " rm -f redpill-load/loader.img if [ ! -d "/lib64" ]; then echo "/lib64 does not exist, bringing linking /lib" [ ! -h /lib64 ] && ln -s /lib /lib64 fi if [ ! -n "$(which bspatch)" ]; then echo "bspatch does not exist, bringing over from repo" curl --insecure --location "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/$build/tools/bspatch" -O chmod 777 bspatch sudo mv bspatch /usr/local/bin/ fi echo "Checking available patch" if [ -d "/mnt/dsmroot/.syno/patch/" ]; then cd /mnt/dsmroot/.syno/patch/ . ./VERSION . ./GRUB_VER else echo "Patch directory not found, please remember that you have to run update usign DSM manual upgrade first" echo "Postupdate is not possible, returning" return fi echo "Found Platform : ${PLATFORM} Model : $MODEL Version : ${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber} " echo -n "Do you want to use this for the loader ? [yY/nN] : " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then patfile="$(echo ${MODEL}_${buildnumber} | sed -e 's/\+/p/' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').pat" echo "Creating pat file ${patfile} using contents of : $(pwd) " [ ! -d "/home/tc/redpill-load/cache" ] && mkdir /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ tar cfz /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${patfile} * os_sha256=$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/${patfile} | awk '{print $1}') echo "Created pat file with sha256sum : $os_sha256" cd /home/tc else echo "OK, see you later" return fi echo -n "Checking config file existence -> " if [ -f "/home/tc/redpill-load/config/$MODEL/${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber}/config.json" ]; then echo "OK" configfile="/home/tc/redpill-load/config/$MODEL/${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber}/config.json" else echo "No config file found, please use the proper repo, clean and download again" exit 99 fi echo -n "Editing config file -> " sed -i "/\"os\": {/!b;n;n;n;c\"sha256\": \"$os_sha256\"" ${configfile} echo -n "Verifying config file -> " verifyid="$(cat ${configfile} | jq -r -e '.os .sha256')" if [ "$os_sha256" == "$verifyid" ]; then echo "OK ! " else echo "config file, os sha256 verify FAILED, check ${configfile} " exit 99 fi removebundledexts cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ addrequiredexts echo "Creating loader ${MODEL} ${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber} ... " sudo ./build-loader.sh ${MODEL} ${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber} loadername="redpill-${MODEL}_${major}.${minor}.${micro}-${buildnumber}" loaderimg=$(ls -ltr /home/tc/redpill-load/images/${loadername}* | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}') echo "Moving loader ${loaderimg} to loader.img " if [ -f "${loaderimg}" ]; then mv -f $loaderimg loader.img else echo "Failed to find loader ${loaderimg}, exiting" exit 99 fi if [ ! -n "$(losetup -j loader.img | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://')" ]; then echo -n "Setting up loader img loop -> " sudo losetup -fP ./loader.img loopdev=$(losetup -j loader.img | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://') echo "$loopdev" else echo -n "Loop device exists, removing " losetup -d $(losetup -j loader.img | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://') echo -n "Setting up loader img loop -> " sudo losetup -fP ./loader.img loopdev=$(losetup -j loader.img | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://') fi echo -n "Mounting loop disks -> " [ ! -d /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1 ] && mkdir /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1 [ ! -d /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp2 ] && mkdir /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp2 [ ! -n "$(mount | grep -i localdiskp1)" ] && sudo mount ${loopdev}p1 localdiskp1 [ ! -n "$(mount | grep -i localdiskp2)" ] && sudo mount ${loopdev}p2 localdiskp2 [ -n "mount |grep -i localdiskp1" ] && [ -n "mount |grep -i localdiskp2" ] && echo "mounted succesfully" echo -n "Mounting loader disk -> " loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" sudo mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 sudo mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 [ -n "mount |grep -i ${loaderdisk}1" ] && [ -n "mount |grep -i ${loaderdisk}2" ] && echo "mounted succesfully" echo -n "Copying loader files -> " echo -n "rd.gz : " cp -f /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/rd.gz /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz cp -f /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp2/rd.gz /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz [ "$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}')" ] && [ "$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp2/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/rd.gz | awk '{print $1}')" ] && echo -n "OK !!!" echo -n " zImage : " cp -f /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/zImage /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/zImage cp -f /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp2/zImage /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/zImage [ "$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/zImage | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/zImage | awk '{print $1}')" ] && [ "$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp2/zImage | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}2/zImage | awk '{print $1}')" ] && echo -n "OK !!!" echo -n " grub.cfg : " cp -f /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg [ "$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk '{print $1}')" ] && echo "OK !!!" echo "Creating tinycore entry" tinyentry | sudo tee --append /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/boot/grub/grub.cfg echo "Do you want to overwrite your custom.gz as well ? [yY/nN] : " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then echo "Copying custom.gz" cp -f /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/custom.gz /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/custom.gz [ "$(sha256sum /home/tc/redpill-load/localdiskp1/custom.gz | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(sha256sum /mnt/${loaderdisk}1/custom.gz | awk '{print $1}')" ] && echo "OK !!!" else echo "OK, you should be fine keeping your existing custom.gz" fi echo "Cleaning up... " echo -n "Unmounting loaderdisk ${loaderdisk} -> " sudo umount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 && sudo umount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 [ -z $(mount | grep -i ${loaderdisk}1) ] && [ -z $(mount | grep -i ${loaderdisk}2) ] && echo "OK !!!" echo -n "Unmounting loader image ${loopdev} -> " sudo umount ${loopdev}p1 && sudo umount ${loopdev}p2 [ -z $(mount | grep -i ${loopdev}p1) ] && [ -z $(mount | grep -i ${loopdev}p2) ] && echo "OK !!!" echo -n "Detaching loop loader image -> " sudo losetup -d ${loopdev} [ -z $(losetup | grep -i loader.img) ] && echo "OK !!!" if [ -f /home/tc/redpill-load/loader.img ]; then echo -n "Removing loader.img -> " sudo rm -rf /home/tc/redpill-load/loader.img [ ! -f /home/tc/redpill-load/loader.img ] && echo "OK !!!" fi echo "Unmounting dsmroot -> " [ ! -z "$(mount | grep -i dsmroot)" ] && sudo umount /mnt/dsmroot [ -z "$(mount | grep -i dsmroot)" ] && echo "OK !!! " echo "Done, closing" } function removebundledexts() { echo "Entering redpill-load directory" cd /home/tc/redpill-load/ echo "Removing bundled exts directories" for bundledext in $(grep ":" bundled-exts.json | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/,/\n/g'); do bundledextdir=$(curl --insecure --location -s "$bundledext" | jq -r -e '.id') if [ -d /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/${bundledextdir} ]; then echo "Removing : ${bundledextdir}" sudo rm -rf /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/${bundledextdir} fi done } function downloadextractorv2() { echo "Downloading extractor v2" if [ -d /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/lib/ ] && [ -f /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/synoarchive.system ]; then echo "Extractor already cached" echo "Copying to local directory" && cp -rf /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor /home/tc/patch-extractor/ else [ ! -d /home/tc/patch-extractor/ ] && mkdir -p /home/tc/patch-extractor/ cd /home/tc/patch-extractor/ [ ! -f /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz ] && curl --insecure --location https://global.download.synology.com/download/DSM/release/7.0.1/42218/DSM_DS3622xs%2B_42218.pat --output /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz [ -f /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz ] && echo "OK old pat downloaded !!!" || echo "ERROR downloading old pat !!!" tar xf ../oldpat.tar.gz hda1.tgz || echo "Error : could not extract extractor pat file, maybe corrupted" tar xf hda1.tgz usr/lib || echo "Error : could not extract extractor pat file, maybe corrupted" tar xf hda1.tgz usr/syno/sbin || echo "Error : could not extract extractor pat file, maybe corrupted" [ ! -d /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib/ ] && mkdir /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib/ cp usr/lib/libicudata.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libicui18n.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libicuuc.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libjson.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_program_options.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_locale.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_filesystem.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_thread.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_coroutine.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_regex.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libapparmor.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libjson-c.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libsodium.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_context.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libsynocrypto.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libsynocredentials.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_iostreams.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libsynocore.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libicuio.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_chrono.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_date_time.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_system.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libsynocodesign.so.7* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libsynocredential.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libjson-glib-1.0.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libboost_serialization.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp usr/lib/libmsgpackc.so* /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib cp -r usr/syno/sbin/synoarchive /home/tc/patch-extractor/ sudo rm -rf usr sudo rm -rf ../oldpat.tar.gz sudo rm -rf hda1.tgz curl --insecure --silent --location https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/blob/main/tools/xxd?raw=true --output xxd chmod +x xxd ./xxd synoarchive | sed -e 's/000039f0: 0300/000039f0: 0100/' | ./xxd -r >synoarchive.nano ./xxd synoarchive | sed -e 's/000039f0: 0300/000039f0: 0a00/' | ./xxd -r >synoarchive.smallpatch ./xxd synoarchive | sed -e 's/000039f0: 0300/000039f0: 0000/' | ./xxd -r >synoarchive.system chmod +x synoarchive.* [ ! -d /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor ] && mkdir -p /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor cp -rf /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/ cp -rf /home/tc/patch-extractor/synoarchive* /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/ sudo cp -rf /home/tc/patch-extractor/lib /lib sudo cp -rf /home/tc/patch-extractor/synoarchive.* /bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tc/patch-extractor/lib /bin/synoarchive.nano >/dev/null 2>&1 retVal=$? if [ $retVal -ne 3 ]; then echo "Error : could not execute synoarchive.nano, maybe corrupted" && exit $retval fi fi } function downloadupgradepat() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" tcrppart="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3" if [ ! -d /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor ] || [ ! -f /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/synoarchive.nano ]; then downloadextractorv2 else echo "Found locally cached extractor" [ ! -h /lib64 ] && sudo ln -s /lib /lib64 sudo cp -f /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/lib/* /lib/ sudo cp -f /mnt/${tcrppart}/auxfiles/patch-extractor/synoarchive* /bin fi cd /home/tc PS3="Select Model : " select model in $(ls /home/tc/redpill-load/config | grep -v common); do echo "Selected model : ${model} " PS3="Select update version : " select version in $(curl --insecure --silent https://archive.synology.com/download/Os/DSM/ | grep "/download/Os/DSM/7" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F\/ '{print $5}' | sed -e 's/"//g'); do echo "Selected version : $version" selectedmodel=$(echo $model | sed -e 's/DS//g' | sed -e 's/RS//g' | sed -e 's/DVA//g' | sed -e 's/+//g') PS3="Select pat file URL : " select patfile in $(curl --insecure --silent "https://archive.synology.com/download/Os/DSM/${version}" | grep href | grep -i $selectedmodel | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/href=//g'); do patfile="$(echo $patfile | sed -e 's/"//g')" echo "Selected patfile : $patfile " patfilever="$(echo $patfile | awk -F\/ '{print $8}')" updatepat="/home/tc/${model}_${patfilever}.pat" echo "Downloading PAT file " curl --insecure --progress-bar -L "$patfile" -o $updatepat [ -f $updatepat ] && echo "Downloaded Patfile $updatepat " extractdownloadpat "$version" && return done done done } function extractdownloadpat() { upgradepatdir="/home/tc/upgradepat" temppat="/home/tc/temppat" rm -rf $upgradepatdir rm -rf $temppat echo "Extracting pat file to find your files..." [ ! -d $temppat ] && mkdir $temppat cd $temppat echo "Upgrade patfile $updatepat will be extracted to $temppat" issystempat="$(echo $version | grep -i nano | wc -l)" if [ $issystempat -eq 1 ]; then echo "PAT file is a system nanopacked file " synoarchive.system -xf ${updatepat} else echo "PAT file is a smallupdate file " synoarchive.nano -xf ${updatepat} tarfile="$(ls flash*update* | head -1 2>/dev/null)" if [ ! -z $tarfile ]; then tar xf $tarfile tar xf content.txz else echo "update does not contain a flashupdate" fi fi [ ! -d $upgradepatdir ] && mkdir $upgradepatdir [ -f rd.gz ] && echo "Copying rd.gz to $upgradepatdir" && cp rd.gz $upgradepatdir [ -f zImage ] && echo "Copying zImage to $upgradepatdir" && cp zImage $upgradepatdir if [ -f $upgradepatdir/rd.gz ] && [ -f $upgradepatdir/zImage ]; then cd /home/tc echo "Cleaning up " rm -rf $temppat rm -rf $updatepat echo "The initrd you need is -> $(ls $upgradepatdir/rd.gz) " else echo "Something went wrong or the update file does not contain rd.gz or zImage" fi } function fullupgrade() { cd /home/tc backupdate="$(date +%Y-%b-%d-%H-%M)" echo "Performing a full TCRP upgrade" mkdir -p /home/tc/old git --git-dir=/dev/null clone --depth=1 $rploadergit cd /home/tc/tinycore-redpill && sudo cp -frp * /home/tc && cd /home/tc rm -rf tinycore-redpill find /home/tc -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \; find /home/tc/tools -type f -exec chmod +x {} \; backup } function backuploader() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" tcrppart="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3" homesize=$(du -sh /home/tc | awk '{print $1}') backupdate="$(date +%Y-%b-%d-%H-%M)" if [ ! -n "$loaderdisk" ] || [ ! -n "$tcrppart" ]; then echo "No Loader disk or no TCRP partition found, return" return fi if [ $(df -h /mnt/${tcrppart} | grep mnt | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/M//g' -e 's/G//g' | cut -c 1-3) -le 50 ]; then echo "No adequate space on TCRP loader partition /mnt/${tcrppart} " return fi echo "Backing up current loader" echo "Checking backup folder existence" [ ! -d /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup ] && mkdir /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup echo "The backup folder holds the following backups" ls -ltr /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup echo "Creating backup folder $backupdate" [ ! -d /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate} ] && mkdir /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate} echo "Mounting partition 1" mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 cd /mnt/${loaderdisk}1 tar cfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate}/partition1.tgz * echo "Mounting partition 2" mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 cd /mnt/${loaderdisk}2 tar cfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate}/partition2.tgz * cd echo "Listing backup files : " ls -ltr /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate}/ echo "Partition 1 : $(tar tfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate}/partition1.tgz | wc -l) files and directories " echo "Partition 2 : $(tar tfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${backupdate}/partition2.tgz | wc -l) files and directories " echo "DONE" } function restoreloader() { loaderdisk="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)" tcrppart="$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3" homesize=$(du -sh /home/tc | awk '{print $1}') PS3="Select backup folder to restore : " options="" if [ ! -n "$loaderdisk" ] || [ ! -n "$tcrppart" ]; then echo "No Loader disk or no TCRP partition found, return" return fi echo "Restoring loader from backup" echo "The backup folder holds the following backups" for folder in $(ls /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup | sed -e 's/\///g'); do options=" $options ${folder}" echo -n $folder echo -n "Partition 1 : $(tar tfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${folder}/partition1.tgz | wc -l) files and directories " echo "Partition 2 : $(tar tfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${folder}/partition2.tgz | wc -l) files and directories " done select restorefolder in ${options[@]}; do if [ "$REPLY" == "quit" ]; then return fi if [ -f "/mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/$restorefolder/partition1.tgz" ]; then echo " Restore folder : $restorefolder" echo -n "You have chosen ${restorefolder} : " echo "Folder contains : " ls -ltr /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/$restorefolder echo -n "Do you want to restore [yY/nN] : " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then echo restoring $restorefolder echo "Mounting partition 1" mount /dev/${loaderdisk}1 echo "Restoring partition1 " cd /mnt/${loaderdisk}1 tar xfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${restorefolder}/partition1.tgz * ls -ltr /mnt/${loaderdisk}1 echo "Mounting partition 2" mount /dev/${loaderdisk}2 echo "Restoring partition2 " cd /mnt/${loaderdisk}2 tar xfz /mnt/${tcrppart}/backup/${restorefolder}/partition2.tgz * ls -ltr /mnt/${loaderdisk}2 return else echo "OK, retry " return fi fi echo "Invalid choice : $REPLY" done } function checkforscsi() { # Make sure we load SCSI modules if SCSI/RAID/SAS HBAs exist on the system # if [ $(lspci -nn | grep -ie "\[0100\]" -ie "\[0104\]" -ie "\[0107\]" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then echo "Found SCSI HBAs, We need to install the SCSI modules" tce-load -iw scsi-5.10.3-tinycore64.tcz [ $(losetup | grep -i "scsi-" | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Succesfully installed SCSI modules" fi } function mountdsmroot() { # DSM Disks will be linux_raid_member and will have the # same DSM PARTUUID with the addition of the partition number e.g : #/dev/sdb1: UUID="629ae3df-7eef-54e3-05d9-49f7b0bbaec7" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="d5ff7cea-01" #/dev/sdb2: UUID="260b3a01-ff65-a527-05d9-49f7b0bbaec7" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="d5ff7cea-02" # So a command like the below will list the first partition of a DSM disk #blkid /dev/sd* |grep -i raid | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' |grep UUID | grep "\-01" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' checkforscsi dsmrootdisk="$(blkid /dev/sd* | grep -i raid | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' | grep UUID | grep sd[a-z]1 | head -1 | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')" # OLD DSM #dsmrootdisk="$(blkid /dev/sd* | grep -i raid | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' | grep UUID | grep "\-01" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' | head -1)" [[ ! -d /mnt/dsmroot ]] && mkdir /mnt/dsmroot [ ! $(mount | grep -i dsmroot | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && sudo mount -t ext4 $dsmrootdisk /mnt/dsmroot if [ $(mount | grep -i dsmroot | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then echo "Succesfully mounted under /mnt/dsmroot" else echo "Failed to mount" return fi echo "Checking if patch version exists" if [ -d /mnt/dsmroot/.syno/patch ]; then echo "Patch directory exists" sudo cp /mnt/dsmroot/.syno/patch/VERSION /tmp/VERSION sudo chmod 666 /tmp/VERSION . /tmp/VERSION echo "DSM Root holds a patch version $productversion-$base-$nano " else echo "No DSM patch directory exists" return fi } function mountdatadisk() { echo "Assembling MD ..." sudo mdadm -Asf for mdarray in "$(ls /dev/md* | awk -F "\/" '{print $3}')"; do echo "Mounting $mdarray" echo "Getting md devices for array $mdarray" # Keep for LVM root disks recovery in future release if [ "$(fstype /dev/${mdarray})" == "LVM2_member" ]; then echo "Found LVM array, downloading LVM" tce-load -iw lvm2 sudo vgchange -a y for volume in $(sudo lvs | grep -i vol | awk '{print $2"-"$1}'); do if [ "$(fstype /dev/mapper/$volume)" == "btrfs" ]; then echo "BTRFS Mounting is not supported in tinycore" return fi mkdir /mnt/$volume sudo mount /dev/mapper/$volume done else echo "Mounting $mdarray " sudo mkdir /mnt/$mdarray sudo mount /dev/$mdarray /mnt/$mdarray fi done } function patchdtc() { checkmachine loaderdisk=$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3) localdisks=$(lsblk | grep -i disk | grep -i sd | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v $loaderdisk) localnvme=$(lsblk | grep -i nvme | awk '{print $1}') usbpid=$(cat user_config.json | jq '.extra_cmdline .pid' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/0x//g') usbvid=$(cat user_config.json | jq '.extra_cmdline .vid' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/0x//g') loaderusb=$(lsusb | grep "${usbvid}:${usbpid}" | awk '{print $2 "-" $4 }' | sed -e 's/://g' | sed -e 's/00//g') if [ "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "v1000" ]; then dtbfile="ds1621p" elif [ "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "geminilake" ]; then dtbfile="ds920p" elif [ "${TARGET_PLATFORM}" = "dva1622" ]; then dtbfile="dva1622" else echo "${TARGET_PLATFORM} does not require model.dtc patching " return fi if [ ! -d /lib64 ]; then [ ! -h /lib64 ] && sudo ln -s /lib /lib64 fi echo "Downloading dtc binary" curl --insecure --location --progress-bar "$dtcbin" -O chmod 700 dtc if [ -f /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dts ] && [ ! -f /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dtb ]; then echo "Found locally cached dts file ${dtbfile}.dts and dtb file does not exist in cache, converting dts to dtb" ./dtc -q -I dts -O dtb /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dts >/home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dtb fi if [ -f /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dtb ]; then echo "Fould locally cached dtb file" read -p "Should i use that file ? [Yy/Nn]" answer if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then echo "OK copying over the cached dtb file" dtbextfile="$(find /home/tc/redpill-load/custom -name model_${dtbfile}.dtb)" if [ ! -z ${dtbextfile} ] && [ -f ${dtbextfile} ]; then echo -n "Copying patched dtb file ${dtbfile}.dtb to ${dtbextfile} -> " sudo cp /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dtb ${dtbextfile} if [ $(sha256sum /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dtb | awk '{print $1}') = $(sha256sum ${dtbextfile} | awk '{print $1}') ]; then echo -e "OK ! File copied and verified !" return else echo -e "ERROR !\nFile has not been copied succesfully, you will need to copy it yourself" return fi else [ -z ${dtbextfile} ] && echo "dtb extension is not loaded and its required for DSM to find disks on ${SYNOMODEL}" echo "Copy of the DTB file ${dtbfile}.dtb to ${dtbextfile} was not succesfull." echo "Please remember to replace the dtb extension model file ..." echo "execute manually : cp ${dtbfile}.dtb ${dtbextfile} and re-run" exit 99 fi else echo "OK lets continue patching" fi else echo "No cached dtb file found in /home/tc/custom-module/${dtbfile}.dtb" fi if [ ! -f ${dtbfile}.dts ]; then echo "dts file for ${dtbfile} not found, trying to download" curl --insecure --location --progress-bar -O "${dtsfiles}/${dtbfile}.dts" fi echo "Found $(echo $localdisks | wc -w) disks and $(echo $localnvme | wc -w) nvme" let diskslot=1 echo "Collecting disk paths" for disk in $localdisks; do diskdepth=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | awk -F"/" '{print NF-1}') if [[ $diskdepth = 9 ]]; then diskpath=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | awk -F "/" '{print $4 ":" $5 }' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 ":" $3 }') elif [[ $diskdepth = 11 ]]; then diskpath=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | awk -F "/" '{print $4 ":" $5 ":" $6 }' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 ":" $3 "," $6 "," $9 }') else diskpath=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | awk -F "/" '{print $4 ":" $5 }' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 ":" $3 "," $6}') fi #diskpath=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | awk -F "\/" '{print $4 ":" $5 }' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 ":" $3 "," $6}' | sed 's/,*$//') if [ "$HYPERVISOR" == "VMware" ]; then diskport=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | sed -n '/target/{s/.*target//;p;}' | awk -F: '{print $1}') diskport=$(($diskport - 30)) && diskport=$(printf "%x" $diskport) else diskport=$(udevadm info --query path --name $disk | sed -n '/target/{s/.*target//;p;}' | awk -F: '{print $1}') diskport=$(printf "%x" $diskport) fi echo "Found local disk $disk with path $diskpath, adding into internal_slot $diskslot with portnumber $diskport" if [ "${dtbfile}" == "ds920p" ] || [ "${dtbfile}" == "dva1622" ]; then sed -i "/internal_slot\@${diskslot} {/!b;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;cpcie_root = \"$diskpath\";" ${dtbfile}.dts sed -i "/internal_slot\@${diskslot} {/!b;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;cata_port = <0x$diskport>;" ${dtbfile}.dts let diskslot=$diskslot+1 else sed -i "/internal_slot\@${diskslot} {/!b;n;n;n;n;n;cpcie_root = \"$diskpath\";" ${dtbfile}.dts sed -i "/internal_slot\@${diskslot} {/!b;n;n;n;n;n;n;cata_port = <0x$diskport>;" ${dtbfile}.dts let diskslot=$diskslot+1 fi done if [ $(echo $localnvme | wc -w) -gt 0 ]; then let nvmeslot=1 echo "Collecting nvme paths" for nvme in $localnvme; do nvmepath=$(udevadm info --query path --name $nvme | awk -F "\/" '{print $4 ":" $5 }' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 ":" $3 "," $6}' | sed 's/,*$//') echo "Found local nvme $nvme with path $nvmepath, adding into m2_card $nvmeslot" if [ "${dtbfile}" == "ds920p" ]; then sed -i "/nvme_slot\@${nvmeslot} {/!b;n;cpcie_root = \"$nvmepath\";" ${dtbfile}.dts let diskslot=$diskslot+1 else sed -i "/m2_card\@${nvmeslot} {/!b;n;n;n;cpcie_root = \"$nvmepath\";" ${dtbfile}.dts let nvmeslot=$diskslot+1 fi done else echo "NO NVME disks found, returning" fi if [ ! -z $loaderusb ] && [ -n $loaderusb ] then echo "Patching USB to include your loader. Loader found in ${loaderusb} port" sed -i "/usb_slot\@1 {/!b;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;cusb_port = \"${loaderusb}\";" ${dtbfile}.dts else echo "Your loader is not in USB, i will not try to patch dtb for USB" fi echo "Converting dts file : ${dtbfile}.dts to dtb file : >${dtbfile}.dtb " ./dtc -q -I dts -O dtb ${dtbfile}.dts >${dtbfile}.dtb dtbextfile="$(find /home/tc/redpill-load/custom -name model_${dtbfile}.dtb)" if [ ! -z ${dtbextfile} ] && [ -f ${dtbextfile} ]; then echo -n "Copying patched dtb file ${dtbfile}.dtb to ${dtbextfile} -> " sudo cp ${dtbfile}.dtb ${dtbextfile} if [ $(sha256sum ${dtbfile}.dtb | awk '{print $1}') = $(sha256sum ${dtbextfile} | awk '{print $1}') ]; then echo -e "OK ! File copied and verified !" else echo -e "ERROR !\nFile has not been copied succesfully, you will need to copy it yourself" fi else [ -z ${dtbextfile} ] && echo "dtb extension is not loaded and its required for DSM to find disks on ${SYNOMODEL}" echo "Copy of the DTB file ${dtbfile}.dtb to ${dtbextfile} was not succesfull." echo "Please remember to replace the dtb extension model file ..." echo "execute manually : cp ${dtbfile}.dtb ${dtbextfile} and re-run" exit 99 fi } function mountshare() { echo "smb user of the share, leave empty when you do not want to use one" read -r user echo "smb password of the share, leave empty when you do not want to use one" read -r password if [ -n "$user" ] && [ -z "$password" ]; then echo "u used a username, so we need a password too" echo "smb password of the share" read -r password fi echo "smb host ip or hostname" read -r server echo "smb shared folder. Start always with /" read -r share echo "local mount folder. Use foldername for the mount. This folder is created in /home/tc (default:/home/tc/mount)" read -r mountpoint if [ -z "$mountpoint" ]; then echo "use /home/tc/mount folder, nothing was entered to use so we use the default folder" mountpoint="/home/tc/mount" if [ ! -d "$mountpoint" ]; then sudo mkdir -p "$mountpoint" fi else sudo mkdir -p "$mountpoint" fi if [ -n "$user" ] && [ -n "$password" ]; then sudo mount.cifs "//$server$share" "$mountpoint" -o user="$user",pass="$password" else echo "No user/password given, mount without. Press enter" sudo mount.cifs "//$server$share" "$mountpoint" fi } function checkmachine() { if grep -q ^flags.*\ hypervisor\ /proc/cpuinfo; then MACHINE="VIRTUAL" HYPERVISOR=$(dmesg | grep -i "Hypervisor detected" | awk '{print $5}') echo "Machine is $MACHINE Hypervisor=$HYPERVISOR" fi } function backup() { loaderdisk=$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3) homesize=$(du -sh /home/tc | awk '{print $1}') echo "Please make sure you are using the latest 1GB img before using backup option" echo "Current /home/tc size is $homesize , try to keep it less than 1GB as it might not fit into your image" echo "Should i update the $loaderdisk with your current files [Yy/Nn]" read answer if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then echo -n "Backing up home files to $loaderdisk : " if filetool.sh -b ${loaderdisk}3; then echo "" else echo "Error: Couldn't backup files" fi else echo "OK, keeping last status" fi } function satamap() { # This function identifies all SATA controllers and create a plausible sataportmap and diskidxmap. # # In the case of SATABOOT: While TinyCore suppresses the /dev/sd device servicing synoboot, the # controller still takes up a sataportmap entry. ThorGroup advised not to map the controller ports # beyond the MaxDisks limit, but there is no harm in doing so - unless additional devices are # connected along with SATABOOT. This will create a gap/empty first slot. # # By mapping the SATABOOT controller ports beyond MaxDisks like Jun loader, it forces data disks # onto a secondary controller, and it's clear what the SATABOOT controller and device are being # used for. The KVM q35 bogus controller is mapped in the same manner. # # DUMMY ports (flagged by kernel as empty/non-functional, usually because hotplug is supported and # not enabled, and no disk is attached are detected and alerted. Any DUMMY port visible to the # DSM installer will result in a "SATA port disabled" message. # # SCSI/SAS and non-AHCI compliant SATA are unaffected by sataportmap and diskidxmap but a summary # controller and drive report is provided in order to avoid user distress. # # This code was written with the intention of reusing the detection strategy for device tree # creation, and the two functions could easily be integrated if desired. checkmachine checkforscsi let diskidxmapidx=0 badportfail=false sataportmap="" diskidxmap="" maxdisks=$(jq -r ".synoinfo.maxdisks" user_config.json) # look for dummy SATA flagged by kernel (bad ports) dmys=$(dmesg | grep ": DUMMY$" | awk -F"] ata" '{print $2}' | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sort -n) # if we cannot find usb disk, the boot disk must be intended for SATABOOT if [ $(ls -la /sys/block/sd* | fgrep "/usb" | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then loaderdisk=$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3) sbpci=$(ls -la /sys/block/$loaderdisk | awk -F"/ata" '{print $1}' | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | cut --complement -f1 -d:) fi # get all SATA controllers PCI class 106 # 100 = SCSI, 104 = RAIDHBA, 107 = SAS - none of these appear to honor sataportmap/diskidxmap pcis=$(lspci -d ::106 | awk '{print $1}') # loop through controllers in correct order for pci in $pcis; do # get attached block devices (exclude CD-ROMs) ports=$(ls -la /sys/class/ata_device | fgrep "$pci" | wc -l) drives=$(ls -la /sys/block | fgrep "$pci" | grep -v "sr.$" | wc -l) echo -e "\nFound \"$(lspci -s $pci | sed "s/\ .*://")\"" echo -n "Detected $ports ports/$drives drives. " # look for bad ports on this controller badports="" for dmy in $dmys; do badpci=$(ls -la /sys/class/ata_port/ata$dmy | awk -F"/ata$dmy/ata_port/" '{print $1}' | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | cut --complement -f1 -d:) [ "$pci" = "$badpci" ] && badports=$(echo $badports$dmy" ") done # display the bad ports, referenced to controller port numbering if [ ! -z "$badports" ]; then # minmap is invalid with bad ports! [ "$1" = "minmap" ] && badportfail=true # get first port of PCI adapter with bad ports badportbase=$(ls -la /sys/class/ata_port | fgrep "$badpci" | awk -F"/ata_port/ata" '{print $2}' | sort -n | head -1) echo -n "Bad ports:" for badport in $badports; do let badport=$badport-$badportbase+1 echo -n " "$badport done echo -n ". " fi # SATABOOT controller? (if so, it has to be mapped as first controller, we think) if [ "$pci" = "$sbpci" ]; then echo "Mapping SATABOOT drive after maxdisks" [ ${drives} -gt 1 ] && echo "WARNING: Other drives are connected that will not be accessible!" sataportmap=$sataportmap"1" diskidxmap=$diskidxmap$(printf "%02X" $maxdisks) else if [ "$pci" = "00:1f.2" ] && [ "$HYPERVISOR" = "KVM" ]; then # KVM q35 bogus controller? echo "Mapping KVM q35 bogus controller after maxdisks" sataportmap=$sataportmap"1" diskidxmap=$diskidxmap$(printf "%02X" $maxdisks) else # handle VMware virtual SATA controller insane port count if [ "$HYPERVISOR" = "VMware" ] && [ $ports -eq 30 ]; then echo "Defaulting 8 virtual ports for typical system compatibility" ports=8 else # if minmap and not vmware virtual sata, don't update sataportmap/diskidxmap if [ "$1" = "minmap" ]; then echo continue fi fi # ask interactively if not minmap if [ "$1" != "minmap" ]; then echo -n "Override # of ports or ENTER to accept <$ports> " read newports if [ ! -z "$newports" ]; then ports=$newports if ! [ "$ports" -eq "$ports" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Non-numeric, overridden to 0" ports=0 fi fi else echo fi # if badports are in the port range, set the fail flag if [ ! -z "$badports" ]; then for badport in $badports; do let badport=$badport-$badportbase+1 [ $ports -ge $badport ] && badportfail=true done fi if [ $ports -gt 9 ]; then echo "WARNING: SataPortMap values >9 are experimental and may affect stability" let ports=$ports+48 portchar=$(printf \\$(printf "%o" $ports)) else portchar=$ports fi sataportmap=$sataportmap$portchar diskidxmap=$diskidxmap$(printf "%02x" $diskidxmapidx) let diskidxmapidx=$diskidxmapidx+$ports fi fi done # ports > maxdisks? [ $diskidxmapidx -gt $maxdisks ] && echo "WARNING: mapped SATA port count exceeds maxdisks" # fix kernel panic if 1st position is set to 0 ports (from no SATA mappings or deliberate user selection) [ -z "$sataportmap" -o "${sataportmap:0:1}" = "0" ] && sataportmap=1${sataportmap:1} # handle no assigned SATA ports affecting SCSI mapping problem [ -z "$diskidxmap" ] && diskidxmap="00" # now advise on SCSI drives for user peace of mind # 100 = SCSI, 104 = RAIDHBA, 107 = SAS - none of these honor sataportmap/diskidxmap pcis=$( lspci -d ::100 lspci -d ::104 lspci -d ::107 | awk '{print $1}' ) [ ! -z "$pcis" ] && echo # loop through non-SATA controllers for pci in $pcis; do # get attached block devices (exclude CD-ROMs) drives=$(ls -la /sys/block | fgrep "$pci" | grep -v "sr.$" | wc -l) echo "Found SCSI/HBA \""$(lspci -s $pci | sed "s/\ .*://")"\" ($drives drives)" done echo -e "\nComputed settings:" echo "SataPortMap=$sataportmap" echo "DiskIdxMap=$diskidxmap" [ "$badportfail" = true ] && echo -e "\nWARNING: Bad ports are mapped. The DSM installation will fail!" echo -en "\nShould i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn] " read answer if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then json="$(jq --arg var "$sataportmap" '.extra_cmdline.SataPortMap = $var' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json json="$(jq --arg var "$diskidxmap" '.extra_cmdline.DiskIdxMap = $var' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json echo "Done." else echo "OK remember to update manually by editing user_config.json file" fi } function usbidentify() { checkmachine if [ "$MACHINE" = "VIRTUAL" ] && [ "$HYPERVISOR" = "VMware" ]; then echo "Running on VMware, no need to set USB VID and PID, you should SATA shim instead" exit 0 fi if [ "$MACHINE" = "VIRTUAL" ] && [ "$HYPERVISOR" = "QEMU" ]; then echo "Running on QEMU, If you are using USB shim, VID 0x46f4 and PID 0x0001 should work for you" vendorid="0x46f4" productid="0x0001" echo "Vendor ID : $vendorid Product ID : $productid" echo "Should i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn]" read answer if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then sed -i "/\"pid\": \"/c\ \"pid\": \"$productid\"," user_config.json sed -i "/\"vid\": \"/c\ \"vid\": \"$vendorid\"," user_config.json else echo "OK remember to update manually by editing user_config.json file" fi exit 0 fi loaderdisk=$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3) lsusb -v 2>&1 | grep -B 33 -A 1 SCSI >/tmp/lsusb.out usblist=$(grep -B 33 -A 1 SCSI /tmp/lsusb.out) vendorid=$(grep -B 33 -A 1 SCSI /tmp/lsusb.out | grep -i idVendor | awk '{print $2}') productid=$(grep -B 33 -A 1 SCSI /tmp/lsusb.out | grep -i idProduct | awk '{print $2}') if [ $(echo $vendorid | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then echo "Found more than one USB disk devices, please select which one is your loader on" usbvendor=$(for item in $vendorid; do grep $item /tmp/lsusb.out | awk '{print $3}'; done) select usbdev in $usbvendor; do vendorid=$(grep -B 10 -A 10 $usbdev /tmp/lsusb.out | grep idVendor | grep $usbdev | awk '{print $2}') productid=$(grep -B 10 -A 10 $usbdev /tmp/lsusb.out | grep -A 1 idVendor | grep idProduct | awk '{print $2}') echo "Selected Device : $usbdev , with VendorID: $vendorid and ProductID: $productid" break done else usbdevice="$(grep iManufacturer /tmp/lsusb.out | awk '{print $3}') $(grep iProduct /tmp/lsusb.out | awk '{print $3}') SerialNumber: $(grep iSerial /tmp/lsusb.out | awk '{print $3}')" fi if [ -n "$usbdevice" ] && [ -n "$vendorid" ] && [ -n "$productid" ]; then echo "Found $usbdevice" echo "Vendor ID : $vendorid Product ID : $productid" echo "Should i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn]" read answer if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then # sed -i "/\"pid\": \"/c\ \"pid\": \"$productid\"," user_config.json json="$(jq --arg var "$productid" '.extra_cmdline.pid = $var' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json # sed -i "/\"vid\": \"/c\ \"vid\": \"$vendorid\"," user_config.json json="$(jq --arg var "$vendorid" '.extra_cmdline.vid = $var' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json else echo "OK remember to update manually by editing user_config.json file" fi else echo "Sorry, no usb disk could be identified" rm /tmp/lsusb.out fi } function generategrub() { cd ${HOMEPATH} sudo rm -rf grub.cfg echo "Generating GRUB entries for model :${SYNOMODEL} in $(pwd)" ${HOMEPATH}/include/grubmgr.sh generate "${SYNOMODEL}" && [ -f grub.cfg ] && echo "Generated successfully" || echo "Failed to generate grub.cfg" ${HOMEPATH}/include/grubmgr.sh addentry usb && [ $(grep -i USB grub.cfg | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Added USB entry" || echo "Failed to add USB entry" ${HOMEPATH}/include/grubmgr.sh addentry sata && [ $(grep -i SATA grub.cfg | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Added SATA entry" || echo "Failed to add SATA entry" ${HOMEPATH}/include/grubmgr.sh addentry tcrp && [ $(grep -i "Tiny Core Image Build" grub.cfg | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Added TCRP entry" || echo "Failed to add SATA entry" ${HOMEPATH}/include/grubmgr.sh addentry tcrpfriend && [ $(grep -i "Tiny Core Friend" grub.cfg | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Added TCRP FRIEND entry" || echo "Failed to add SATA entry" [ -f ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg ] && cp ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/part1/boot/grub/grub.cfg grep "menuentry" ${HOMEPATH}/grub.cfg echo "Copying grub file ${HOMEPATH}/grub.cfg to ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg" sudo cp -f ${HOMEPATH}/grub.cfg ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg grep "menuentry" ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg } setgrubentry() { echo "Setting next grub entry " default="$(grep menuentry ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk -F\' '{print $2}' | grep -i Friend)" ISUSB="$(udevadm info --query property --name /dev/${loaderdisk} | grep -i DEVPATH | grep -i USB | wc -l)" if [ "$staticboot" = "true " ] && [ "$ISUSB" = "1" ]; then usbentry="$(grep menuentry ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk -F\' '{print $2}' | grep -i USB)" echo "Setting next grub entry to static USB : $usbentry" sudo /usr/local/bin/grub-editenv ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grubenv set saved_entry="$usbentry" elif [ "$staticboot" = "true " ] && [ "$ISUSB" = "0" ]; then sataentry="$(grep menuentry ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk -F\' '{print $2}' | grep -i SATA)" echo "Setting next grub entry to static SATA : $sataentry" sudo /usr/local/bin/grub-editenv ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grubenv set saved_entry="$sataentry" else echo "Setting next grub entry to Friend : $default" sudo /usr/local/bin/grub-editenv ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grubenv set saved_entry="$default" fi savedentry="$(sudo /usr/local/bin/grub-editenv ${HOMEPATH}/redpill-load/localdiskp1/boot/grub/grubenv list | awk -F= '{print $2}')" echo "Grub entry has been set to : $savedentry" } function serialgen() { [ ! -z "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ] && shift 0 || shift 1 [ "$2" == "realmac" ] && let keepmac=1 || let keepmac=0 if [ "$1" = "DS3615xs" ] || [ "$1" = "DS3617xs" ] || [ "$1" = "DS916+" ] || [ "$1" = "DS918+" ] || [ "$1" = "DS920+" ] || [ "$1" = "DS3622xs+" ] || [ "$1" = "FS6400" ] || [ "$1" = "DVA3219" ] || [ "$1" = "DVA3221" ] || [ "$1" = "DS1621+" ] || [ "$1" = "DVA1622" ] || [ "$1" = "DS2422+" ] || [ "$1" = "RS4021xs+" ] || [ "$1" = "DS1522+" ] || [ "$1" = "DS923+" ] || [ "$1" = "SA6400" ] || [ "$1" = "FS2500" ] || [ "$1" = "RS3413xs+" ] || [ "$1" = "ds1019p" ] || [ "$1" = "dS1520p" ] || [ "$1" = "ds1621xsp" ] || [ "$1" = "ds723p" ]; then serial="$(generateSerial $1)" mac="$(generateMacAddress $1)" realmac=$(ifconfig eth0 | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}') echo "Serial Number for Model = $serial" echo "Mac Address for Model $1 = $mac " [ $keepmac -eq 1 ] && echo "Real Mac Address : $realmac" [ $keepmac -eq 1 ] && echo "Notice : realmac option is requested, real mac will be used" if [ -z "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ]; then echo "Should i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn]" read answer else answer="y" fi if [ -n "$answer" ] && [ "$answer" = "Y" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then # sed -i "/\"sn\": \"/c\ \"sn\": \"$serial\"," user_config.json json="$(jq --arg var "$serial" '.extra_cmdline.sn = $var' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json if [ $keepmac -eq 1 ]; then macaddress=$(echo $realmac | sed -e 's/://g') else macaddress=$(echo $mac | sed -e 's/://g') fi json="$(jq --arg var "$macaddress" '.extra_cmdline.mac1 = $var' user_config.json)" && echo -E "${json}" | jq . >user_config.json # sed -i "/\"mac1\": \"/c\ \"mac1\": \"$macaddress\"," user_config.json else echo "OK remember to update manually by editing user_config.json file" fi else echo "Error : $1 is not an available model for serial number generation. " echo "Available Models : DS3615xs DS3617xs DS916+ DS918+ DS920+ DS3622xs+ FS6400 DVA3219 DVA3221 DS1621+ DVA1622 DS2422+ RS4021xs+ DS923+ DS1522+ SA6400 FS2500 RS3413xs+ DS1019+ DS1520+ DS1621xs+ DS723+" fi } function beginArray() { case $1 in DS3615xs) permanent="LWN" serialstart="1130 1230 1330 1430" ;; DS3617xs) permanent="ODN" serialstart="1130 1230 1330 1430" ;; DS916+) permanent="NZN" serialstart="1130 1230 1330 1430" ;; DS918+) permanent="PDN" serialstart="1780 1790 1860 1980" ;; DS920+) permanent="SBR" serialstart="2030 2040 20C0 2150" ;; DS3622xs+) permanent="SQR" serialstart="2030 2040 20C0 2150" ;; DS1621+) permanent="S7R" serialstart="2080" ;; FS6400) permanent="PSN" serialstart="1960" ;; FS2500) permanent="PSN" serialstart="1960" ;; RS3413xs+) permanent="LWN" serialstart="1130 1230 1330 1430" ;; DVA3219) permanent="RFR" serialstart="1930 1940" ;; DVA3221) permanent="SJR" serialstart="2030 2040 20C0 2150" ;; DVA1622) permanent="UBR" serialstart="2030 2040 20C0 2150" ;; DS2422+) permanent="S7R" serialstart="2080" ;; RS4021xs+) permanent="T2R" serialstart="2250" ;; DS923+) permanent="TQR" serialstart="2270" ;; DS1522+) permanent="TRR" serialstart="2270" ;; SA6400) permanent="TQR" serialstart="2270" ;; DS1019+) permanent="QXR" serialstart="1850" ;; DS1521+) permanent="RYR" serialstart="2060" ;; DS1621xs+) permanent="S7R" serialstart="2080" ;; DS723+) permanent="TQR" serialstart="2270" ;; esac } function random() { printf "%06d" $(($RANDOM % 30000 + 1)) } function randomhex() { val=$(($RANDOM % 255 + 1)) echo "obase=16; $val" | bc } function generateRandomLetter() { for i in a b c d e f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z; do echo $i done | sort -R | tail -1 } function generateRandomValue() { for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z; do echo $i done | sort -R | tail -1 } function toupper() { echo $1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' } function generateMacAddress() { #toupper "Mac Address: 00:11:32:$(randomhex):$(randomhex):$(randomhex)" if [ "$1" = "DS923+" ] || [ "$1" = "DS1522+" ] || [ "$1" = "RS4021xs+" ] || [ "$1" = "SA6400" ]; then # DS1522+ and DS923+ Mac starts with 90:09:d0 printf '90:09:d0:%02X:%02X:%02X' $((RANDOM % 256)) $((RANDOM % 256)) $((RANDOM % 256)) else printf '00:11:32:%02X:%02X:%02X' $((RANDOM % 256)) $((RANDOM % 256)) $((RANDOM % 256)) fi } function generateSerial() { beginArray $1 case $1 in DS3615xs) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; DS3617xs) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; DS916+) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; DS918+) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; FS6400) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; FS2500) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; RS3413xs+) serialnum="$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(random) ;; DS920+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS3622xs+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS1621+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DVA3219) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DVA3221) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DVA1622) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS2422+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; RS4021xs+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS923+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS1522+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; SA6400) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS1019+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS1520+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS1621xs+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; DS723+) serialnum=$(toupper "$(echo "$serialstart" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -R | tail -1)$permanent"$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomLetter)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomValue)$(generateRandomLetter)) ;; esac echo $serialnum } function prepareforcompile() { echo "Downloading required build software " tce-load -wi git compiletc coreutils bc perl5 openssl-1.1.1-dev if [ ! -d /lib64 ]; then [ ! -h /lib64 ] && sudo ln -s /lib /lib64 fi if [ ! -f /lib64/libbz2.so.1 ]; then [ ! -h /lib64/libbz2.so.1 ] && sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libbz2.so.1.0.8 /lib64/libbz2.so.1 fi } function gettoolchain() { if [ -d /usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/ ]; then echo "Toolchain already cached" return fi cd /home/tc if [ -f dsm-toolchain.7.0.txz ]; then echo "File already cached" else echo "Downloading and caching toolchain" curl --insecure --progress-bar --location "${TOOLKIT_URL}" --output dsm-toolchain.7.0.txz fi echo -n "Checking file -> " checkfilechecksum dsm-toolchain.7.0.txz ${TOOLKIT_SHA} echo "OK, file matches sha256sum, extracting" cd / && sudo tar -xf /home/tc/dsm-toolchain.7.0.txz usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/sys-root/usr/lib/modules/DSM-7.0/build if [ $? = 0 ]; then return else echo "Failed to extract toolchain" fi } function getPlatforms() { platform_versions=$(jq -s '.[0].build_configs=(.[1].build_configs + .[0].build_configs | unique_by(.id)) | .[0]' custom_config_jun.json ${CUSTOMCONFIG} | jq -r '.build_configs[].id') echo "$platform_versions" } function selectPlatform() { platform_selected=$(jq -s '.[0].build_configs=(.[1].build_configs + .[0].build_configs | unique_by(.id)) | .[0]' custom_config_jun.json ${CUSTOMCONFIG} | jq ".build_configs[] | select(.id==\"${1}\")") } function getValueByJsonPath() { local JSONPATH=${1} local CONFIG=${2} jq -c -r "${JSONPATH}" <<<${CONFIG} } function readConfig() { if [ ! -e ${CUSTOMCONFIG} ]; then echo "Custom config file not found, using default" curl --insecure -L ${rploaderrepo}/custom_config2.json --output ${CUSTOMCONFIG} #cat global_config.json else jq -s '.[0].build_configs=(.[1].build_configs + .[0].build_configs | unique_by(.id)) | .[0]' custom_config_jun.json ${CUSTOMCONFIG} fi } function getsynokernel() { if [ -d /home/tc/linux-kernel ]; then if [ -f /home/tc/linux-kernel/synoconfigs/${TARGET_PLATFORM} ]; then echo "Synokernel already cached" return else echo "Synokernel is cached but does not match the required sources" rm -rf /home/tc/linux-kernel rm -rf synokernel.txz fi fi cd /home/tc if [ -f synokernel.txz ]; then echo -n "File already cached, checking file -> " checkfilechecksum synokernel.txz ${SYNOKERNEL_SHA} echo "OK, file matches sha256sum, extracting" tar xf /home/tc/synokernel.txz mv $(tar --exclude="*/*/*" -tf synokernel.txz | head -1) linux-kernel rm -rf synokernel.txz else echo "Downloading and caching synokernel" cd /home/tc && curl --insecure --progress-bar --location ${SYNOKERNEL_URL} --output synokernel.txz checkfilechecksum synokernel.txz ${SYNOKERNEL_SHA} echo "OK, file matches sha256sum, extracting" echo "Extracting synokernel" tar xf /home/tc/synokernel.txz mv $(tar --exclude="*/*/*" -tf synokernel.txz | head -1) linux-kernel rm -rf synokernel.txz fi } function cleanloader() { echo "Clearing local redpill files" sudo rm -rf /home/tc/redpill* sudo rm -rf /home/tc/*tgz sudo rm -rf /home/tc/latestrploader.sh } function compileredpill() { cd /home/tc export DSM_VERSION=${TARGET_VERSION} export REDPILL_LOAD_SRC=/home/tc/redpill-load export REDPILL_LKM_SRC=/home/tc/redpill-lkm export LOCAL_RP_LOAD_USE=false export ARCH=x86_64 export LOCAL_RP_LKM_USE=false echo "Compiling redpill with $COMPILE_METHOD" if [ "$COMPILE_METHOD" = "toolkit_dev" ]; then export LINUX_SRC=/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/sys-root/usr/lib/modules/DSM-7.0/build else export LINUX_SRC=/home/tc/linux-kernel fi cd redpill-lkm && make ${REDPILL_LKM_MAKE_TARGET} strip --strip-debug /home/tc/redpill-lkm/redpill.ko modinfo /home/tc/redpill-lkm/redpill.ko REDPILL_MOD_NAME="redpill-linux-v$(modinfo redpill.ko | grep vermagic | awk '{print $2}').ko" cp /home/tc/redpill-lkm/redpill.ko /home/tc/redpill-load/ext/rp-lkm/${REDPILL_MOD_NAME} } function checkfilechecksum() { local FILE="${1}" local EXPECTED_SHA256="${2}" local SHA256_RESULT=$(sha256sum ${FILE}) if [ "${SHA256_RESULT%% *}" != "${EXPECTED_SHA256}" ]; then echo "The ${FILE} is corrupted, expected sha256 checksum ${EXPECTED_SHA256}, got ${SHA256_RESULT%% *}" #rm -f "${FILE}" #echo "Deleted corrupted file ${FILE}. Please re-run your action!" echo "Please delete the file ${FILE} manualy and re-run your command!" exit 99 fi } function tinyentry() { cat < [extension manager arguments] Actions: build, ext, download, clean, update, fullupgrade, listmod, serialgen, identifyusb, patchdtc, satamap, backup, backuploader, restoreloader, restoresession, mountdsmroot, postupdate, mountshare, version, monitor, getgrubconf, help ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available platform versions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $(getPlatforms) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check ${CUSTOMCONFIG} for platform settings. EOF } function showhelp() { cat < [extension manager arguments] Actions: build, ext, download, clean, update, listmods, serialgen, identifyusb, patchdtc, satamap, backup, backuploader, restoreloader, restoresession, mountdsmroot, postupdate, mountshare, version, monitor, bringfriend, downloadupgradepat, help - build