1.0 (June 3, 2018) GitLab initial commit (migration from GitHub) 1.1 (July 13, 2018) Added support for user configuration file 1.2 (July 29, 2018) Added possibility to choose the repository asp is downloading PKGBUILD from 1.3 (July 30,2018) Added more pacman's abilities 1.4 (July 31, 2018) Added polish translation Added support of .mo translations Added configuration option to supress AUR warnings Pacman's flags requiring sudo are separated from the rest 1.4.3 (August 05, 2018) Changed versioning of package to proper one (issued by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl) Fixed a bug with EDITOR env - issued by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl Added info about installed VCS packages in update function Fixed missing translation 1.4.6 (August 10, 2018) Added simple warning about AUR dependencies (requested by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl) Cleaner code and visuals 1.4.7 (August 10, 2018) Improved resolving of AUR dependencies 1.5 (August 12, 2018) Added printing of AUR comments 'pak -SiA' Added proper credits to developers of other programs 'pak' is based on 1.5.1 (August 13, 2018) Modified the warning if dependencies were not found in official repositories 1.5.2 (August 13, 2018) The list of installed VCS packages rebuilt (new types of packages added) 1.5.3 (August 15, 2018) Added possibility to choose your download folder when running 'pak -G/-GA' (requested by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl) Fixed printing of AUR comments Added possibility to choose between checking VCS packages upstream or printing them on screen 1.5.4 (August 18, 2018) Added 'makepkg' error code checking 1.6 (August 26, 2018) Added namcap validation of PKGBUILD and built packages (requested by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl) 1.7 (September 6, 2018) New 'pak -SS/-SI' Improved checking of errors 1.8 (October 27, 2018) Added man pages pak(8), pak.conf(5) Fixed an issue with built packages not being moved to $PKGDEST Improved resolving of AUR dependencies Improved printing of installed VCS packages 1.9 (November 18, 2018) New support for reflector 'pak -m' AUR warnings are printed before the list of upgradable packages (similar to pacman's output) Improved 'pak -G' Fixed an issue with asp downloading from wrong sources 1.9.1 (December 28, 2018) New 'pak --vcs/vcs' New 'pak -GB' Full -Syu before installing/updating AUR packages (issued by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl) 1.9.2 (December 29, 2018) New 'pak -C/clean' Added 'checkupdates' and 'updpkgsums' into the code (pacman-contrib) 1.9.3 (December 31, 2018) New 'pak -L/-Li/-Lr/-Lu' - grepping pacman.log 2.0 (February 9, 2019) auracle-git replaced cower 2.1 (March 14, 2019) Fixed 'pak -m' when passing own parameters to the reflector (issued by pavbaranov at #archlinux.org.pl) Dropping privileges after few sudos (sudo -k) 2.2 (March 16, 2019) Added bash-completion support Added zsh-completions support 2.2.1 (March 22, 2019) Fixed package name and version spacing in 'update' function Fixed grepping pkgver and pkgrel - issued by slawul at #archlinux.org.pl Fixed the build function to properly respect makepkg.conf settings (issued by slawul at #archlinux.org.pl) 2.3 (March 30, 2019) New 'pak -Ls' New 'pak vcs' 2.3.1 (April 7, 2019) Fixed -GA (when pkgname doesn't match pkgbase) + added info about it in -GA -SA (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) 2.3.2 (April 25, 2019) Fixed completing of filesystem paths in bash-completion and zsh-completions (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) 2.3.3 (May 2, 2019) Fixed a bug, when epoch wasn't taken into account during 'pacman -U' step Added missing 'downgrade' transactions to 'pak -L*' 2.4 (July 13, 2019) New 'pak --list/list': piping pacman -Qq through fzf for inspection of installed packages New 'pak -C/check': checkupdates, auracle sync, pacman -Qttdq Moved AUR warnings and VCS list from 'pak update' to 'pak check' Added checking packages versions using vercmp in 'pak update' and 'pak vcs' Fixed resolving dependencies if package name contains weird symbols Added a test during 'auracle sync', if no foreign package has been found Added update-aur function, by pulling out relevant code from update() 2.4.1 (August 8, 2019) Added vim folding markers to the code Added 'show_user_conf_warning' to pak.conf 2.5 (August 31, 2019) Added pacdiff for checking pacsave/pacnew files -> pak check AUR packages: respecting IgnorePkg from /etc/pacman.conf 3.0 (September 9, 2019) Added support for POLAUR repositories POLAUR: added search results to 'pak -SS' POLAUR: 'pak -P/-Py/-Ps/-Pr' 3.1 (September 10, 2019) Fixed printing html chars in polaur-news Fixed some user Y/n selections 3.1.1 (September 22, 2019) Credits: link to reflector's sources 3.1.2 (September 26, 2019) pak -P: usage clarification in help and man pages 3.2 (October 20, 2019) pak -SA: additional error is put on screen when package (or pkgbase) is not found in AUR New dependencies due to changes in Arch Linux base in PKGBUILD Added changelog to PKGBUILD (pacman's -Qc support) 3.2.1 (October 28, 2019) NEW -Ld flag, that separates downgraded packages from installed Improved pacman.log parsing due to changes in the time format Reduced the size of cloned git repositories (AUR + POLAUR) (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) AUR: Improved cleaning the caches from source files Fixed -Ps when the cache directory has been changed to non-default Improved -Ps: if package is already installed, the local version is being displayed Updated polish translation Updated man pages 3.3 (October 29, 2019) NEW: added support for desktop notifications - systemctl --user enable --now pak-checkupdates.timer - systemctl --user enable --now pak-auracle.timer Reverted POLAUR git clone/pull to full depth 3.3.1 (October 30, 2019) Modified systemd services to remove /tmp files after notification has been sent Modified timers: pak-checkupdates runs every 120min, pak-auracle runs every 24h (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) Removed all libalpm hooks 3.3.2 (October 31, 2019) Fixed an issue when /var/log/pacman.log is treated by grep as a binary file (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) 3.4 (November 03, 2019) Full polish translation of man pages Changed default cache dir paths in pak.conf 3.5 (November 07, 2019) Improved keeping .cache folders in clean state after install/upgrade operations More verbose 'pak -Sc' and 'pak clean-aur' Printing differences between new and old PKGBUILDs, before asking to edit it Added "show_diff=0/1" to pak.conf Added tests to validate user pak.conf file Changed 'auracle sync' to the new 'auracle outdated' 3.5.1 (November 09, 2019) Fixed typos in polish translation Added IgnorePkg description to man pages 3.5.2 (November 11, 2019) Improved 'pak -Sc', specifficaly clean-aur part Visually rewritten 'pak clean-aur' 3.5.3 (December 03, 2019) pak -Sc: added "$download_path" to the list of dirs to clean up Notifications reduced to 50 lines Fix: substitute '+' with '%2B' in AUR packages names (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) Fix: workaround with auracle search and '+' signs in packages names 3.6 (December 22, 2019) NEW list-by-repos/--list-by-repos flags Updated man pages Visual fixes 3.6.1 (December 22, 2019) Improved grepping in list-by-repos/--list-by-repos flags 3.6.2 (December 31, 2019) Improved AUR comments: apms replaced by proper chars AUR: print proper changelist during installation Fixed resolving dependencies with '+' in names Improved credits in man pages to reflect the numer (and weight) of contributions 3.7 (January 23, 2020) Y/n confirmations don't progress with single Enter anymore More strict parsing on makepkg_flags pak.conf: added support for 0 values in reflector options 3.8 (January 23, 2020) Initial support for updating packages from POLAUR 3.9 (January 26, 2020) NEW: --downgrade (requested by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) Y/n: reversed most to previous version Improved POLAUR support 3.9.1 (January 26, 2020) Fixed missing Y/n changes (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) Rewritten --downgrade (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) NEW: -d 3.99 (February 03, 2020) NEW: -GP | download-polaur (requested by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) 4.0 (February 14, 2020) Added: automatic update of POLAUR in -Syu and -P (requested by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) Added: show_polaur_info to pak.conf NEW: -rd / rev-deps Fixed: -SsA Removed: POLAUR/wip repository (requested by pavbaranov) 4.1 (February 19, 2020) Fixed: epoch finding in POLAUR packages Fixed: vcs packages in POLAUR 4.1.1 (February 19, 2020) Fixed: -Ps - packages versions printing including epoch 4.1.2 (February 22, 2020) Fixed: unnecessary permissions increasing while passing -h/--help (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) 4.1.3 (February 28, 2020) Fixed: installing and removing *-headers packages (issued by pavbaranov #polaur) 4.1.4 (March 06, 2020) Fixed: -GA downloading from AUR (issued by lami07 #polaur) 4.2 (March 17, 2020) NEW: pak -Pl/polaur-list Changed: 'pak -Syyu' doesn't force refreshing mirrors anymore Fixed: pak -m with new reflector (issued by robson1 #archlinux.org.pl) 4.3 (March 20, 2020) NEW: 'pak -Syu' updates core system packages as well if new versions were found in POLAUR (disabled by default) NEW: pak.conf option - upd_repo_pkgs_from_polaur=0/1 Changed: 'pak -C' to reflect above ^ Added: checking for working internet connection Reverted: 'pak -Syyu' works as before (requested by LinGruby #polaur) Changed: 'pak -Pl' prints available repositories Changed: 'pak -Pl repository' prints available packages Changed: 'pak --vsc package' checks only for given package Changed: warning for unsupported vcs packages (requested by pavbaranov #polaur) Updated: manpages 4.4 (March 26, 2020) Update: big rewrite of most POLAUR code to speed it up a little 4.4.1 (March 28, 2020) Fixed: removed left-overs: 'echo' in -Ps (issued by pavbaranov #polaur) 4.4.2 (March 29, 2020) Fixed: updates from POLAUR (issued by LinGruby #polaur) 4.4.3 (March 29, 2020) Added: POLAUR repo names with package name to update 'pak -Pyu -C' 4.5 (April 01, 2020) Changed: complete rewrite of checking VCS for updates 4.6 (June 16, 2020) Fixes due to changes in auracle's locales support Improvements in VCS checking Improvements in mirrors checking when the mirrorlist is empty (issued by pavbaranov #polaur) 4.7 (June 28, 2020) NEW: pak archnews (number) (requested by pavbaranov #polaur) Added: printing the last two news before updating stage Added: pak -C -> printing the last two news at the beginning 5.0 (July 23, 2020) Changed: all POLAUR -Px flags to corresponding pacman flags Changed: visuals when printing ArchLinux news Added: separate flags to display PKGBUILDs from AUR and POLAUR Added: more info to -SiP, similar as -Si, -SiA Improved: --list-polaur Fixes due to changes in the new asp 6 5.1 (August 24, 2020) Added: pak -SyuA Improved: pak --vcs Improved: online checking 5.1.1 (August 25, 2020) Fixed left-overs: pak -Py to pak -SyP 5.1.2 (August 25, 2020) Improved: the ping command to reduce start timeouts when it's being run on other 'fluffy' network configurations 5.1.3 (September 30, 2020) Visual output improved 5.1.4 (October 24, 2020) Improved: -G, -GA, -GB (requested by pavbaranov #polaur + more) 5.1.5 (November 04, 2020) New: -ScP compress POLAUR git repositories pak -d: sudo -k downgrade (upstream -> downgrade doesn't run without root priviledges anymore) 5.1.6 (November 14, 2020) pak -NP: better URLs parsing Fixed: pak -Li/-Lu/-Lr/-Ld Redone: pak -SsP searches in package names and descriptions 5.1.7 (December 20, 2020) Added: print PKGBUILD before installing from POLAUR (requested by LinGruby) Changed: pak --vcs, new way to list VCS packages Fixed: pak news-arch 5.1.8 (December 21, 2020) pak -m: fixed upstream bug in reflector's mirrorlist (issued by robson) 5.1.9 (January 11, 2021) NEW: pak -Sll (alias to --list-by-repos) 5.2 (April 21, 2021) NEW: -SU as a replacement for -Syu pak -Syu now is being passed directly to pacman pak -Ls: more precise searching Added: support for IgnorePkg to POLAUR part Fixed: -NA arch news parsing 5.2.1 (May 05, 2021) Fixed: program terminates when makedepends are being kept after successful build (issued by pavbaranov #archlinux.org.pl) NEW: bash/zsh completions for polaur repo-names 5.3 (July 06, 2021) NEW: --list-remote; fzf based list of available packages from repositories NEW: --list-local; fzf based list of installed packages (a.k.a. --list) Removed forcing of pacman-git when --vcs 5.4 (February 09, 2022) Fixed: IgnorePkg support for AUR/POLAUR Modified: freenode links to libera 5.4.1 (April 08, 2022) Fixed: fetching polaur repo names, due to changes in github (May 03, 2022) Fixed: makepkg_flags Fixed: mv .sig files to pacman pkg cache along with the built package 5.5 (May 22, 2022) Modified: keyrings packages are updated first before others Reverted: -Syu and -SU are combined again 5.5.1 (May 22, 2022) Fixed: -S* flags 5.5.2 (May 23, 2022) Reverted: -Syyu, -Syyuu to default pacman actions 5.5.3 (January 21, 2023) Fixed: removed backslashes in grep (issued by pavbaranov) 5.6 (August 23, 2023) Added: download_ask to pak.conf (requested by ludvick forum.archlinux.org) Added: rm_src_ask to pak.conf Added: pkgctl support (devtools) Removed: asp support Changed: visuals in --vcs, -G, -GF Updated: manpages, polish translation 5.6.1 (August 28, 2023) pak.conf: user setting in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME overwrites defaults 5.6.2 (August 28, 2023) pak.conf: no_args_help 5.6.3 (August 31, 2023) Fixed: print correct path for downloaded PKGBUILD when pkgname!=pkgbase (issued by ludvick forum.archlinux.org.pl) 5.6.4 (February 18, 2024) Fixed: broken spaces and colors when printing available updates due to changes in pacman-contrib (checkupdates) 5.6.5 (March 15, 2024) Fixed: polish translation (issued by ludvick forum.archlinux.org.pl) 5.6.6 (April 17, 2024) Fixed -GA download info path (issued by ludvick forum.archlinux.org.pl)