# POL-SublimeText Collection of configurations and plugins for Sublime to make editing Escript easier. This package of plugins is based on the following sublime text plugins -Merged version of Better Completion and All Autocomplete which allows for completions from all open files aswell as a predefined core function list. -ToolTip-Helper with a custom pack for POL Server eScript language Better Completion: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Better%20Completion All Autocomplete https://packagecontrol.io/packages/All%20Autocomplete ToolTip-Helper: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ToolTip-Helper Autocomplete, wordfiles, syntax and keyword recognition all supplied by Dracoscript: https://github.com/DracoScript/POL_eScript_Sublime # To install: 1. Open Sublime Text 2. Click Preferences -> Package Control (Or press CTRL+ALT+P) 3. Type 'Install'and select "Package Control: Install Package" 4. Type 'eScript' and it should be the first result being "eScript Syntax" 5. Click Preferences -> Color Scheme and select Monokai - POL At this stage none of the default colours schemes will work with the tool tip system. You can generate your own at: https://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com Select from a large list of themes and paste it into your package folder then enable like above. If you need assistance please feel free to join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/AU9J6RK