using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust; using Rust; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("NTeleportation", "Nogrod", "1.0.26", ResourceId = 1832)] class NTeleportation : RustPlugin { private const string NewLine = "\n"; private const string ConfigDefaultPermVip = ""; private const string PermDeleteHome = "nteleportation.deletehome"; private const string PermHomeHomes = "nteleportation.homehomes"; private const string PermImportHomes = "nteleportation.importhomes"; private const string PermRadiusHome = "nteleportation.radiushome"; private const string PermTp = ""; private const string PermTpB = "nteleportation.tpb"; private const string PermTpConsole = "nteleportation.tpconsole"; private const string PermTpHome = "nteleportation.tphome"; private const string PermTpTown = "nteleportation.tptown"; private const string PermTpN = "nteleportation.tpn"; private const string PermTpL = "nteleportation.tpl"; private const string PermTpRemove = "nteleportation.tpremove"; private const string PermTpSave = "nteleportation.tpsave"; private const string PermWipeHomes = "nteleportation.wipehomes"; private const string PermCraftHome = "nteleportation.crafthome"; private const string PermCraftTown = "nteleportation.crafttown"; private const string PermCraftTpR = "nteleportation.crafttpr"; private DynamicConfigFile dataAdmin; private DynamicConfigFile dataHome; private DynamicConfigFile dataTPR; private DynamicConfigFile dataTown; private Dictionary Admin; private Dictionary Home; private Dictionary TPR; private Dictionary Town; private bool changedAdmin; private bool changedHome; private bool changedTPR; private bool changedTown; private ConfigData configData; private float boundary; private readonly int triggerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Trigger"); private readonly int groundLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "World"); private readonly int buildingLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "World", "Construction", "Deployed"); private readonly int blockLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Construction"); private readonly Dictionary TeleportTimers = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary PendingRequests = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary PlayersRequests = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary ReverseBlockedItems = new Dictionary(); private readonly HashSet teleporting = new HashSet(); [PluginReference] private Plugin Clans, Economics, Friends, RustIO; class ConfigData { public SettingsData Settings { get; set; } public AdminSettingsData Admin { get; set; } public HomesSettingsData Home { get; set; } public TPRData TPR { get; set; } public TownData Town { get; set; } public VersionNumber Version { get; set; } } class SettingsData { public string ChatName { get; set; } public bool HomesEnabled { get; set; } public bool TPREnabled { get; set; } public bool TownEnabled { get; set; } public bool InterruptTPOnHurt { get; set; } public Dictionary BlockedItems { get; set; } = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } class AdminSettingsData { public bool AnnounceTeleportToTarget { get; set; } public bool UseableByModerators { get; set; } public int LocationRadius { get; set; } public int TeleportNearDefaultDistance { get; set; } } class HomesSettingsData { public int HomesLimit { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPHomesLimits { get; set; } public int Cooldown { get; set; } public int Countdown { get; set; } public int DailyLimit { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPDailyLimits { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPCooldowns { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPCountdowns { get; set; } public int LocationRadius { get; set; } public bool ForceOnTopOfFoundation { get; set; } public bool CheckFoundationForOwner { get; set; } public bool UseFriends { get; set; } public bool UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool UsableIntoBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool AllowIceberg { get; set; } public bool AllowCave { get; set; } public bool AllowCraft { get; set; } public bool AllowAboveFoundation { get; set; } public bool CheckValidOnList { get; set; } public int Pay { get; set; } } class TPRData { public int Cooldown { get; set; } public int Countdown { get; set; } public int DailyLimit { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPDailyLimits { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPCooldowns { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPCountdowns { get; set; } public int RequestDuration { get; set; } public bool BlockTPAOnCeiling { get; set; } public bool UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool UsableIntoBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool AllowCraft { get; set; } public int Pay { get; set; } } class TownData { public int Cooldown { get; set; } public int Countdown { get; set; } public int DailyLimit { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPDailyLimits { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPCooldowns { get; set; } public Dictionary VIPCountdowns { get; set; } public Vector3 Location { get; set; } public bool UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked { get; set; } public bool AllowCraft { get; set; } public int Pay { get; set; } } class AdminData { [JsonProperty("pl")] public Vector3 PreviousLocation { get; set; } [JsonProperty("l")] public Dictionary Locations { get; set; } = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } class HomeData { [JsonProperty("l")] public Dictionary Locations { get; set; } = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); [JsonProperty("t")] public TeleportData Teleports { get; set; } = new TeleportData(); } class TeleportData { [JsonProperty("a")] public int Amount { get; set; } [JsonProperty("d")] public string Date { get; set; } [JsonProperty("t")] public int Timestamp { get; set; } } class TeleportTimer { public Timer Timer { get; set; } public BasePlayer OriginPlayer { get; set; } public BasePlayer TargetPlayer { get; set; } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Config.Settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore; Config.Settings.Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new UnityVector3Converter() }; Config.WriteObject(new ConfigData { Settings = new SettingsData { ChatName = "Teleportation: ", HomesEnabled = true, TPREnabled = true, TownEnabled = true, InterruptTPOnHurt = true }, Admin = new AdminSettingsData { AnnounceTeleportToTarget = false, UseableByModerators = true, LocationRadius = 25, TeleportNearDefaultDistance = 30 }, Home = new HomesSettingsData { HomesLimit = 2, VIPHomesLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, Cooldown = 600, Countdown = 15, DailyLimit = 5, VIPDailyLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, VIPCooldowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, VIPCountdowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, LocationRadius = 25, ForceOnTopOfFoundation = true, CheckFoundationForOwner = true, UseFriends = true, AllowAboveFoundation = true, CheckValidOnList = false, CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked = true }, TPR = new TPRData { Cooldown = 600, Countdown = 15, DailyLimit = 5, VIPDailyLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, VIPCooldowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, VIPCountdowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, RequestDuration = 30, BlockTPAOnCeiling = true, CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked = true }, Town = new TownData { Cooldown = 600, Countdown = 15, DailyLimit = 5, VIPDailyLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, VIPCooldowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }, VIPCountdowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } } }, Version = Version }, true); } private void Init() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { {"AdminTP", "You teleported to {0}!"}, {"AdminTPTarget", "{0} teleported to you!"}, {"AdminTPPlayers", "You teleported {0} to {1}!"}, {"AdminTPPlayer", "{0} teleported you to {1}!"}, {"AdminTPPlayerTarget", "{0} teleported {1} to you!"}, {"AdminTPCoordinates", "You teleported to {0}!"}, {"AdminTPTargetCoordinates", "You teleported {0} to {1}!"}, {"AdminTPOutOfBounds", "You tried to teleport to a set of coordinates outside the map boundaries!"}, {"AdminTPBoundaries", "X and Z values need to be between -{0} and {0} while the Y value needs to be between -100 and 2000!"}, {"AdminTPLocation", "You teleported to {0}!"}, {"AdminTPLocationSave", "You have saved the current location!"}, {"AdminTPLocationRemove", "You have removed the location {0}!"}, {"AdminLocationList", "The following locations are available:"}, {"AdminLocationListEmpty", "You haven't saved any locations!"}, {"AdminTPBack", "You've teleported back to your previous location!"}, {"AdminTPBackSave", "Your previous location has been saved, use /tpb to teleport back!"}, {"AdminTPTargetCoordinatesTarget", "{0} teleported you to {1}!"}, {"AdminTPConsoleTP", "You were teleported to {0}"}, {"AdminTPConsoleTPPlayer", "You were teleported to {0}"}, {"AdminTPConsoleTPPlayerTarget", "{0} was teleported to you!"}, {"HomeTP", "You teleported to your home '{0}'!"}, {"HomeAdminTP", "You teleported to {0}'s home '{1}'!"}, {"HomeSave", "You have saved the current location as your home!"}, {"HomeNoFoundation", "You can only use a home location on a foundation!"}, {"HomeFoundationNotOwned", "You can't use home on someone else's house."}, {"HomeFoundationUnderneathFoundation", "You can't use home on a foundation that is underneath another foundation."}, {"HomeFoundationNotFriendsOwned", "You or a friend need to own the house to use home!"}, {"HomeRemovedInvalid", "Your home '{0}' was removed because not on a foundation or not owned!"}, {"HomeRemovedInsideBlock", "Your home '{0}' was removed because inside a foundation!"}, {"HomeRemove", "You have removed your home {0}!"}, {"HomeDelete", "You have removed {0}'s home '{1}'!"}, {"HomeList", "The following homes are available:"}, {"HomeListEmpty", "You haven't saved any homes!"}, {"HomeMaxLocations", "Unable to set your home here, you have reached the maximum of {0} homes!"}, {"HomeQuota", "You have set {0} of the maximum {1} homes!"}, {"HomeTPStarted", "Teleporting to your home {0} in {1} seconds!"}, {"HomeTPCooldown", "Your teleport is currently on cooldown. You'll have to wait {0} for your next teleport."}, {"HomeTPLimitReached", "You have reached the daily limit of {0} teleports today!"}, {"HomeTPAmount", "You have {0} home teleports left today!"}, {"HomesListWiped", "You have wiped all the saved home locations!"}, {"HomeTPBuildingBlocked", "You can't set your home if you are not allowed to build in this zone!"}, {"HomeTPSwimming", "You can't set your home while swimming!"}, {"HomeTPMounted", "You can't teleport while sitting!"}, {"HomeTPCrafting", "You can't set your home while crafting!"}, {"Request", "You've requested a teleport to {0}!"}, {"RequestTarget", "{0} requested to be teleported to you! Use '/tpa' to accept!"}, {"PendingRequest", "You already have a request pending, cancel that request or wait until it gets accepted or times out!"}, {"PendingRequestTarget", "The player you wish to teleport to already has a pending request, try again later!"}, {"NoPendingRequest", "You have no pending teleport request!"}, {"AcceptOnRoof", "You can't accept a teleport while you're on a ceiling, get to ground level!"}, {"Accept", "{0} has accepted your teleport request! Teleporting in {1} seconds!"}, {"AcceptTarget", "You've accepted the teleport request of {0}!"}, {"NotAllowed", "You are not allowed to use this command!"}, {"Success", "You teleported to {0}!"}, {"SuccessTarget", "{0} teleported to you!"}, {"Cancelled", "Your teleport request to {0} was cancelled!"}, {"CancelledTarget", "{0} teleport request was cancelled!"}, {"TPCancelled", "Your teleport was cancelled!"}, {"TPCancelledTarget", "{0} cancelled teleport!"}, {"TPYouCancelledTarget", "You cancelled {0} teleport!"}, {"TimedOut", "{0} did not answer your request in time!"}, {"TimedOutTarget", "You did not answer {0}'s teleport request in time!"}, {"TargetDisconnected", "{0} has disconnected, your teleport was cancelled!"}, {"TPRCooldown", "Your teleport requests are currently on cooldown. You'll have to wait {0} to send your next teleport request."}, {"TPRLimitReached", "You have reached the daily limit of {0} teleport requests today!"}, {"TPRAmount", "You have {0} teleport requests left today!"}, {"TPRTarget", "Your target is currently not available!"}, {"TPDead", "You can't teleport while being dead!"}, {"TPWounded", "You can't teleport while being wounded!"}, {"TPBuildingBlocked", "You can't teleport while in a building blocked zone!"}, {"TPTargetBuildingBlocked", "You can't teleport in a building blocked zone!"}, {"TPTargetInsideBlock", "You can't teleport into a foundation!"}, {"TPSwimming", "You can't teleport while swimming!"}, {"TPMounted", "You can't teleport while sitting!"}, {"TPCrafting", "You can't teleport while crafting!"}, {"TPBlockedItem", "You can't teleport while carrying: {0}!"}, {"TownTP", "You teleported to town!"}, {"TownTPNotSet", "Town is currently not set!"}, {"TownTPLocation", "You have set the town location set to {0}!"}, {"TownTPStarted", "Teleporting to town in {0} seconds!"}, {"TownTPCooldown", "Your teleport is currently on cooldown. You'll have to wait {0} for your next teleport."}, {"TownTPLimitReached", "You have reached the daily limit of {0} teleports today!"}, {"TownTPAmount", "You have {0} town teleports left today!"}, {"Interrupted", "Your teleport was interrupted!"}, {"InterruptedTarget", "{0}'s teleport was interrupted!"}, {"Unlimited", "Unlimited"}, { "TPInfoGeneral", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "Please specify the module you want to view the info of.", "The available modules are: ", }) }, { "TPHelpGeneral", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "/tpinfo - Shows limits and cooldowns.", "Please specify the module you want to view the help of.", "The available modules are: ", }) }, { "TPHelpadmintp", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "As an admin you have access to the following commands:", "/tp \"targetplayer\" - Teleports yourself to the target player.", "/tp \"player\" \"targetplayer\" - Teleports the player to the target player.", "/tp x y z - Teleports you to the set of coordinates.", "/tpl - Shows a list of saved locations.", "/tpl \"location name\" - Teleports you to a saved location.", "/tpsave \"location name\" - Saves your current position as the location name.", "/tpremove \"location name\" - Removes the location from your saved list.", "/tpb - Teleports you back to the place where you were before teleporting.", "/home radius \"radius\" - Find all homes in radius.", "/home delete \"player name|id\" \"home name\" - Remove a home from a player.", "/home tp \"player name|id\" \"name\" - Teleports you to the home location with the name 'name' from the player.", "/home homes \"player name|id\" - Shows you a list of all homes from the player." }) }, { "TPHelphome", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "With the following commands you can set your home location to teleport back to:", "/home add \"name\" - Saves your current position as the location name.", "/home list - Shows you a list of all the locations you have saved.", "/home remove \"name\" - Removes the location of your saved homes.", "/home \"name\" - Teleports you to the home location." }) }, { "TPHelptpr", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "With these commands you can request to be teleported to a player or accept someone else's request:", "/tpr \"player name\" - Sends a teleport request to the player.", "/tpa - Accepts an incoming teleport request.", "/tpc - Cancel teleport or request." }) }, { "TPSettingsGeneral", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "Please specify the module you want to view the settings of. ", "The available modules are:", }) }, { "TPSettingshome", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "Home System has the current settings enabled:", "Time between teleports: {0}", "Daily amount of teleports: {1}", "Amount of saved Home locations: {2}" }) }, { "TPSettingstpr", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "TPR System has the current settings enabled:", "Time between teleports: {0}", "Daily amount of teleports: {1}" }) }, { "TPSettingstown", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "Town System has the current settings enabled:", "Time between teleports: {0}", "Daily amount of teleports: {1}" }) }, {"PlayerNotFound", "The specified player couldn't be found please try again!"}, {"MultiplePlayers", "Found multiple players: {0}"}, {"CantTeleportToSelf", "You can't teleport to yourself!"}, {"CantTeleportPlayerToSelf", "You can't teleport a player to himself!"}, {"TeleportPending", "You can't initiate another teleport while you have a teleport pending!"}, {"TeleportPendingTarget", "You can't request a teleport to someone who's about to teleport!"}, {"LocationExists", "A location with this name already exists at {0}!"}, {"LocationExistsNearby", "A location with the name {0} already exists near this position!"}, {"LocationNotFound", "Couldn't find a location with that name!"}, {"NoPreviousLocationSaved", "No previous location saved!"}, {"HomeExists", "You have already saved a home location by this name!"}, {"HomeExistsNearby", "A home location with the name {0} already exists near this position!"}, {"HomeNotFound", "Couldn't find your home with that name!"}, {"InvalidCoordinates", "The coordinates you've entered are invalid!"}, {"InvalidHelpModule", "Invalid module supplied!"}, {"InvalidCharacter", "You have used an invalid character, please limit yourself to the letters a to z and numbers."}, { "SyntaxCommandTP", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tp command as follows:", "/tp \"targetplayer\" - Teleports yourself to the target player.", "/tp \"player\" \"targetplayer\" - Teleports the player to the target player.", "/tp x y z - Teleports you to the set of coordinates.", "/tp \"player\" x y z - Teleports the player to the set of coordinates." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPL", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpl command as follows:", "/tpl - Shows a list of saved locations.", "/tpl \"location name\" - Teleports you to a saved location." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPSave", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpsave command as follows:", "/tpsave \"location name\" - Saves your current position as 'location name'." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPRemove", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpremove command as follows:", "/tpremove \"location name\" - Removes the location with the name 'location name'." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPN", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpn command as follows:", "/tpn \"targetplayer\" - Teleports yourself the default distance behind the target player.", "/tpn \"targetplayer\" \"distance\" - Teleports you the specified distance behind the target player." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandSetHome", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home add command as follows:", "/home add \"name\" - Saves the current location as your home with the name 'name'." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandRemoveHome", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home remove command as follows:", "/home remove \"name\" - Removes the home location with the name 'name'." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandHome", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home command as follows:", "/home \"name\" - Teleports yourself to your home with the name 'name'.", "/home add \"name\" - Saves the current location as your home with the name 'name'.", "/home list - Shows you a list of all your saved home locations.", "/home remove \"name\" - Removes the home location with the name 'name'." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandHomeAdmin", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "/home radius \"radius\" - Shows you a list of all homes in radius(10).", "/home delete \"player name|id\" \"name\" - Removes the home location with the name 'name' from the player.", "/home tp \"player name|id\" \"name\" - Teleports you to the home location with the name 'name' from the player.", "/home homes \"player name|id\" - Shows you a list of all homes from the player." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTown", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /town command as follows:", "/town - Teleports yourself to town." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTownAdmin", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "/town set - Saves the current location as town.", }) }, { "SyntaxCommandHomeDelete", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home delete command as follows:", "/home delete \"player name|id\" \"name\" - Removes the home location with the name 'name' from the player." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandHomeAdminTP", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home tp command as follows:", "/home tp \"player name|id\" \"name\" - Teleports you to the home location with the name 'name' from the player." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandHomeHomes", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home homes command as follows:", "/home homes \"player name|id\" - Shows you a list of all homes from the player." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandListHomes", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /home list command as follows:", "/home list - Shows you a list of all your saved home locations." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPR", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpr command as follows:", "/tpr \"player name\" - Sends out a teleport request to 'player name'." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPA", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpa command as follows:", "/tpa - Accepts an incoming teleport request." }) }, { "SyntaxCommandTPC", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the /tpc command as follows:", "/tpc - Cancels an teleport request." }) }, { "SyntaxConsoleCommandToPos", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the teleport.topos console command as follows:", " > teleport.topos \"player\" x y z" }) }, { "SyntaxConsoleCommandToPlayer", string.Join(NewLine, new[] { "A Syntax Error Occurred!", "You can only use the teleport.toplayer console command as follows:", " > teleport.toplayer \"player\" \"target player\"" }) }, {"LogTeleport", "{0} teleported to {1}."}, {"LogTeleportPlayer", "{0} teleported {1} to {2}."}, {"LogTeleportBack", "{0} teleported back to previous location."} }, this); Config.Settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore; Config.Settings.Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new UnityVector3Converter() }; try { configData = Config.ReadObject(); } catch (Exception) { Puts("Corrupt config, loading default..."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } if (!(configData.Version == Version)) { if (configData.Home.VIPHomesLimits == null) { configData.Home.VIPHomesLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.Home.VIPDailyLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.Home.VIPCooldowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.TPR.VIPCooldowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.Town.VIPDailyLimits = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.Town.VIPCooldowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; } if (configData.Home.VIPCountdowns == null) { configData.Home.VIPCountdowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.TPR.VIPCountdowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; configData.Town.VIPCountdowns = new Dictionary { { ConfigDefaultPermVip, 5 } }; } if (configData.Version <= new VersionNumber(1, 0, 4)) configData.Home.AllowAboveFoundation = true; if (configData.Version < new VersionNumber(1, 0, 14)) { configData.Home.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked = true; configData.TPR.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked = true; } configData.Version = Version; Config.WriteObject(configData, true); } dataAdmin = GetFile(nameof(NTeleportation) + "Admin"); Admin = dataAdmin.ReadObject>(); dataHome = GetFile(nameof(NTeleportation) + "Home"); Home = dataHome.ReadObject>(); dataTPR = GetFile(nameof(NTeleportation) + "TPR"); TPR = dataTPR.ReadObject>(); dataTown = GetFile(nameof(NTeleportation) + "Town"); Town = dataTown.ReadObject>(); cmd.AddConsoleCommand("teleport.toplayer", this, ccmdTeleport); cmd.AddConsoleCommand("teleport.topos", this, ccmdTeleport); permission.RegisterPermission(PermDeleteHome, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermHomeHomes, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermImportHomes, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermRadiusHome, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTp, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpB, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpConsole, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpHome, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpTown, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpN, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpL, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpRemove, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermTpSave, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermWipeHomes, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermCraftHome, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermCraftTown, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermCraftTpR, this); foreach (var key in configData.Home.VIPCooldowns.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.Home.VIPCountdowns.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.Home.VIPDailyLimits.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.Home.VIPHomesLimits.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.TPR.VIPCooldowns.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.TPR.VIPCountdowns.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.Town.VIPCooldowns.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.Town.VIPCountdowns.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); foreach (var key in configData.Town.VIPDailyLimits.Keys) if (!permission.PermissionExists(key, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(key, this); } private DynamicConfigFile GetFile(string name) { var file = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile(name); file.Settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore; file.Settings.Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new UnityVector3Converter(), new CustomComparerDictionaryCreationConverter(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) }; return file; } void OnServerInitialized() { boundary = TerrainMeta.Size.x / 2; CheckPerms(configData.Home.VIPHomesLimits); CheckPerms(configData.Home.VIPDailyLimits); CheckPerms(configData.Home.VIPCooldowns); CheckPerms(configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits); CheckPerms(configData.TPR.VIPCooldowns); CheckPerms(configData.Town.VIPDailyLimits); CheckPerms(configData.Town.VIPCooldowns); foreach (var item in configData.Settings.BlockedItems) { var definition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(item.Key); if (definition == null) { Puts("Blocked item not found: {0}", item.Key); continue; } ReverseBlockedItems[definition.itemid] = item.Value; } } void OnServerSave() { SaveTeleportsAdmin(); SaveTeleportsHome(); SaveTeleportsTPR(); SaveTeleportsTown(); } void OnServerShutdown() => OnServerSave(); void Unload() => OnServerSave(); void OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitinfo) { var player = entity.ToPlayer(); if (player == null || hitinfo == null) return; if (hitinfo.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Fall) && teleporting.Contains(player.userID)) { hitinfo.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); teleporting.Remove(player.userID); } TeleportTimer teleportTimer; if (!TeleportTimers.TryGetValue(player.userID, out teleportTimer)) return; NextTick(() => { if (hitinfo.damageTypes.Total() <= 0) return; PrintMsgL(teleportTimer.OriginPlayer, "Interrupted"); if (teleportTimer.TargetPlayer != null) PrintMsgL(teleportTimer.TargetPlayer, "InterruptedTarget", teleportTimer.OriginPlayer.displayName); teleportTimer.Timer.Destroy(); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); }); } void OnPlayerSleepEnded(BasePlayer player) { if (teleporting.Contains(player.userID)) timer.Once(3, () => { teleporting.Remove(player.userID); }); } void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player) { Timer reqTimer; if (PendingRequests.TryGetValue(player.userID, out reqTimer)) { var originPlayer = PlayersRequests[player.userID]; PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "RequestTargetOff"); reqTimer.Destroy(); PendingRequests.Remove(player.userID); PlayersRequests.Remove(player.userID); PlayersRequests.Remove(originPlayer.userID); } TeleportTimer teleportTimer; if (TeleportTimers.TryGetValue(player.userID, out teleportTimer)) { teleportTimer.Timer.Destroy(); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); } teleporting.Remove(player.userID); } private void SaveTeleportsAdmin() { if (Admin == null || !changedAdmin) return; dataAdmin.WriteObject(Admin); changedAdmin = false; } private void SaveTeleportsHome() { if (Home == null || !changedHome) return; dataHome.WriteObject(Home); changedHome = false; } private void SaveTeleportsTPR() { if (TPR == null || !changedTPR) return; dataTPR.WriteObject(TPR); changedTPR = false; } private void SaveTeleportsTown() { if (Town == null || !changedTown) return; dataTown.WriteObject(Town); changedTown = false; } private void SaveLocation(BasePlayer player) { if (!IsAllowed(player, PermTpB)) return; AdminData adminData; if (!Admin.TryGetValue(player.userID, out adminData)) Admin[player.userID] = adminData = new AdminData(); adminData.PreviousLocation = player.transform.position; changedAdmin = true; PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPBackSave"); } [ChatCommand("tp")] private void cmdChatTeleport(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTp)) return; BasePlayer target; float x, y, z; switch (args.Length) { case 1: target = FindPlayersSingle(args[0], player); if (target == null) return; if (target == player) { PrintMsgL(player, "CantTeleportToSelf"); return; } TeleportToPlayer(player, target); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTP", target.displayName); Puts(_("LogTeleport", null, player.displayName, target.displayName)); if (configData.Admin.AnnounceTeleportToTarget) PrintMsgL(target, "AdminTPTarget", player.displayName); break; case 2: var origin = FindPlayersSingle(args[0], player); if (origin == null) return; target = FindPlayersSingle(args[1], player); if (target == null) return; if (target == origin) { PrintMsgL(player, "CantTeleportPlayerToSelf"); return; } TeleportToPlayer(origin, target); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPPlayers", origin.displayName, target.displayName); PrintMsgL(origin, "AdminTPPlayer", player.displayName, target.displayName); PrintMsgL(target, "AdminTPPlayerTarget", player.displayName, origin.displayName); Puts(_("LogTeleportPlayer", null, player.displayName, origin.displayName, target.displayName)); break; case 3: if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out x) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out y) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out z)) { PrintMsgL(player, "InvalidCoordinates"); return; } if (!CheckBoundaries(x, y, z)) { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPOutOfBounds"); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPBoundaries", boundary); return; } TeleportToPosition(player, x, y, z); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPCoordinates", player.transform.position); Puts(_("LogTeleport", null, player.displayName, player.transform.position)); break; case 4: target = FindPlayersSingle(args[0], player); if (target == null) return; if (!float.TryParse(args[0], out x) || !float.TryParse(args[1], out y) || !float.TryParse(args[2], out z)) { PrintMsgL(player, "InvalidCoordinates"); return; } if (!CheckBoundaries(x, y, z)) { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPOutOfBounds"); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPBoundaries", boundary); return; } TeleportToPosition(target, x, y, z); if (player == target) { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPCoordinates", player.transform.position); Puts(_("LogTeleport", null, player.displayName, player.transform.position)); } else { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPTargetCoordinates", target.displayName, player.transform.position); PrintMsgL(target, "AdminTPTargetCoordinatesTarget", player.displayName, player.transform.position); Puts(_("LogTeleportPlayer", null, player.displayName, target.displayName, player.transform.position)); } break; default: PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTP"); break; } } [ChatCommand("tpn")] private void cmdChatTeleportNear(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpN)) return; switch (args.Length) { case 1: case 2: var target = FindPlayersSingle(args[0], player); if (target == null) return; if (target == player) { PrintMsgL(player, "CantTeleportToSelf"); return; } int distance; if (args.Length != 2 || !int.TryParse(args[1], out distance)) distance = configData.Admin.TeleportNearDefaultDistance; float x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distance, distance); var z = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(distance, 2) - System.Math.Pow(x, 2)); var destination = target.transform.position; destination.x = destination.x - x; destination.z = destination.z - z; Teleport(player, GetGroundBuilding(destination)); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTP", target.displayName); Puts(_("LogTeleport", null, player.displayName, target.displayName)); if (configData.Admin.AnnounceTeleportToTarget) PrintMsgL(target, "AdminTPTarget", player.displayName); break; default: PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPN"); break; } } [ChatCommand("tpl")] private void cmdChatTeleportLocation(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpL)) return; AdminData adminData; if (!Admin.TryGetValue(player.userID, out adminData) || adminData.Locations.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminLocationListEmpty"); return; } switch (args.Length) { case 0: PrintMsgL(player, "AdminLocationList"); foreach (var location in adminData.Locations) PrintMsgL(player, $"{location.Key} {location.Value}"); break; case 1: Vector3 loc; if (!adminData.Locations.TryGetValue(args[0], out loc)) { PrintMsgL(player, "LocationNotFound"); return; } Teleport(player, loc); PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPLocation", args[0]); break; default: PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPL"); break; } } [ChatCommand("tpsave")] private void cmdChatSaveTeleportLocation(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpSave)) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPSave"); return; } AdminData adminData; if (!Admin.TryGetValue(player.userID, out adminData)) Admin[player.userID] = adminData = new AdminData(); Vector3 location; if (adminData.Locations.TryGetValue(args[0], out location)) { PrintMsgL(player, "LocationExists", location); return; } var positionCoordinates = player.transform.position; foreach (var loc in adminData.Locations) { if (Vector3.Distance(positionCoordinates, loc.Value) < configData.Admin.LocationRadius) { PrintMsgL(player, "LocationExistsNearby", loc.Key); return; } } adminData.Locations[args[0]] = positionCoordinates; PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPLocationSave"); changedAdmin = true; } [ChatCommand("tpremove")] private void cmdChatRemoveTeleportLocation(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpRemove)) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPRemove"); return; } AdminData adminData; if (!Admin.TryGetValue(player.userID, out adminData) || adminData.Locations.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminLocationListEmpty"); return; } if (adminData.Locations.Remove(args[0])) { PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPLocationRemove", args[0]); changedAdmin = true; return; } PrintMsgL(player, "LocationNotFound"); } [ChatCommand("tpb")] private void cmdChatTeleportBack(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpB)) return; if (args.Length != 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPB"); return; } AdminData adminData; if (!Admin.TryGetValue(player.userID, out adminData) || adminData.PreviousLocation == default(Vector3)) { PrintMsgL(player, "NoPreviousLocationSaved"); return; } Teleport(player, adminData.PreviousLocation); adminData.PreviousLocation = default(Vector3); changedAdmin = true; PrintMsgL(player, "AdminTPBack"); Puts(_("LogTeleportBack", null, player.displayName)); } [ChatCommand("sethome")] private void cmdChatSetHome(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandSetHome"); return; } var err = CheckPlayer(player, false, CanCraftHome(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, $"Home{err}"); return; } if (!player.CanBuild()) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPBuildingBlocked"); return; } if (!args[0].All(char.IsLetterOrDigit)) { PrintMsgL(player, "InvalidCharacter"); return; } HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData)) Home[player.userID] = homeData = new HomeData(); var limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Home.VIPHomesLimits, configData.Home.HomesLimit); if (homeData.Locations.Count >= limit) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeMaxLocations", limit); return; } Vector3 location; if (homeData.Locations.TryGetValue(args[0], out location)) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeExists", location); return; } var positionCoordinates = player.transform.position; foreach (var loc in homeData.Locations) { if (Vector3.Distance(positionCoordinates, loc.Value) < configData.Home.LocationRadius) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeExistsNearby", loc.Key); return; } } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { SendReply(player, err); return; } if (player.IsAdmin) player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.sphere", 60f,, GetGround(positionCoordinates), 2.5f); err = CheckFoundation(player.userID, positionCoordinates); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, err); return; } err = CheckInsideBlock(positionCoordinates); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, err); return; } homeData.Locations[args[0]] = positionCoordinates; changedHome = true; PrintMsgL(player, "HomeSave"); PrintMsgL(player, "HomeQuota", homeData.Locations.Count, limit); } [ChatCommand("removehome")] private void cmdChatRemoveHome(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandRemoveHome"); return; } HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData) || homeData.Locations.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeListEmpty"); return; } if (homeData.Locations.Remove(args[0])) { changedHome = true; PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemove", args[0]); } else PrintMsgL(player, "HomeNotFound"); } [ChatCommand("home")] private void cmdChatHome(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) return; if (args.Length == 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandHome"); if (IsAllowed(player)) PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandHomeAdmin"); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "add": cmdChatSetHome(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "list": cmdChatListHome(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "remove": cmdChatRemoveHome(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "radius": cmdChatHomeRadius(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "delete": cmdChatHomeDelete(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "tp": cmdChatHomeAdminTP(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "homes": cmdChatHomeHomes(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; case "wipe": cmdChatWipeHomes(player, command, args.Skip(1).ToArray()); break; default: cmdChatHomeTP(player, command, args); break; } } [ChatCommand("radiushome")] private void cmdChatHomeRadius(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermRadiusHome)) return; float radius; if (args.Length != 1 || !float.TryParse(args[0], out radius)) radius = 10; var found = false; foreach (var homeData in Home) { var toRemove = new List(); var target = RustCore.FindPlayerById(homeData.Key)?.displayName ?? homeData.Key.ToString(); foreach (var location in homeData.Value.Locations) { if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, location.Value) <= radius) { if (CheckFoundation(homeData.Key, location.Value) != null) { toRemove.Add(location.Key); continue; } var entity = GetFoundationOwned(location.Value, homeData.Key); if (entity == null) continue; player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 30f,, entity.CenterPoint() + new Vector3(0, .5f), $"{target} - {location.Key} {location.Value}"); DrawBox(player, entity.CenterPoint(), entity.transform.rotation, entity.bounds.size); PrintMsg(player, $"{target} - {location.Key} {location.Value}"); found = true; } } foreach (var loc in toRemove) { homeData.Value.Locations.Remove(loc); changedHome = true; } } if (!found) PrintMsgL(player, "HomeNoFound"); } [ChatCommand("deletehome")] private void cmdChatHomeDelete(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermDeleteHome)) return; if (args.Length != 2) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandHomeDelete"); return; } var userId = FindPlayersSingleId(args[0], player); if (userId <= 0) return; HomeData targetHome; if (!Home.TryGetValue(userId, out targetHome) || !targetHome.Locations.Remove(args[1])) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeNotFound"); return; } changedHome = true; PrintMsgL(player, "HomeDelete", args[0], args[1]); } [ChatCommand("tphome")] private void cmdChatHomeAdminTP(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpHome)) return; if (args.Length != 2) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandHomeAdminTP"); return; } var userId = FindPlayersSingleId(args[0], player); if (userId <= 0) return; HomeData targetHome; Vector3 location; if (!Home.TryGetValue(userId, out targetHome) || !targetHome.Locations.TryGetValue(args[1], out location)) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeNotFound"); return; } Teleport(player, location); PrintMsgL(player, "HomeAdminTP", args[0], args[1]); } private void cmdChatHomeTP(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandHome"); return; } var err = CheckPlayer(player, configData.Home.UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked, CanCraftHome(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, err); return; } HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData) || homeData.Locations.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeListEmpty"); return; } Vector3 location; if (!homeData.Locations.TryGetValue(args[0], out location)) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeNotFound"); return; } err = CheckFoundation(player.userID, location) ?? CheckTargetLocation(player, location, configData.Home.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked, configData.Home.CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemovedInvalid", args[0]); homeData.Locations.Remove(args[0]); changedHome = true; return; } err = CheckInsideBlock(location); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemovedInsideBlock", args[0]); homeData.Locations.Remove(args[0]); changedHome = true; return; } var timestamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; var currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); if (homeData.Teleports.Date != currentDate) { homeData.Teleports.Amount = 0; homeData.Teleports.Date = currentDate; } var cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.Home.VIPCooldowns, configData.Home.Cooldown); if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - homeData.Teleports.Timestamp < cooldown) { var remain = cooldown - (timestamp - homeData.Teleports.Timestamp); PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPCooldown", FormatTime(remain)); return; } var limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Home.VIPDailyLimits, configData.Home.DailyLimit); if (limit > 0 && homeData.Teleports.Amount >= limit) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPLimitReached", limit); return; } if (TeleportTimers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { PrintMsgL(player, "TeleportPending"); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { SendReply(player, err); return; } err = CheckItems(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPBlockedItem", err); return; } if (configData.Home.Pay > 0 && (double)(Economics?.CallHook("Balance", player.UserIDString) ?? 0) < configData.Home.Pay) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPMoney", configData.Home.Pay); return; } var countdown = GetLower(player, configData.Home.VIPCountdowns, configData.Home.Countdown); TeleportTimers[player.userID] = new TeleportTimer { OriginPlayer = player, Timer = timer.Once(countdown, () => { err = CheckPlayer(player, configData.Home.UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked, CanCraftHome(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(player, err); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); SendReply(player, err); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } err = CheckItems(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(player, "TPBlockedItem", err); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } err = CheckFoundation(player.userID, location) ?? CheckTargetLocation(player, location, configData.Home.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked, configData.Home.CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemovedInvalid", args[0]); homeData.Locations.Remove(args[0]); changedHome = true; return; } err = CheckInsideBlock(location); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemovedInsideBlock", args[0]); homeData.Locations.Remove(args[0]); changedHome = true; return; } if (configData.Home.Pay > 0 && (double)(Economics?.CallHook("Balance", player.UserIDString) ?? 0) < configData.Home.Pay) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(player, "TPMoney", configData.Home.Pay); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } Teleport(player, location); homeData.Teleports.Amount++; homeData.Teleports.Timestamp = timestamp; if (configData.Home.Pay > 0) Economics?.CallHook("Withdraw", player.UserIDString, configData.Home.Pay); changedHome = true; PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTP", args[0]); if (limit > 0) PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPAmount", limit - homeData.Teleports.Amount); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); }) }; PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPStarted", args[0], countdown); } [ChatCommand("listhomes")] private void cmdChatListHome(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) return; if (args.Length != 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandListHomes"); return; } HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData) || homeData.Locations.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeListEmpty"); return; } PrintMsgL(player, "HomeList"); if (configData.Home.CheckValidOnList) { var toRemove = new List(); foreach (var location in homeData.Locations) { var err = CheckFoundation(player.userID, location.Value); if (err != null) { toRemove.Add(location.Key); continue; } PrintMsgL(player, $"{location.Key} {location.Value}"); } foreach (var loc in toRemove) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemovedInvalid", loc); homeData.Locations.Remove(loc); changedHome = true; } return; } foreach (var location in homeData.Locations) PrintMsgL(player, $"{location.Key} {location.Value}"); } [ChatCommand("homehomes")] private void cmdChatHomeHomes(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermHomeHomes)) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandHomeHomes"); return; } var userId = FindPlayersSingleId(args[0], player); if (userId <= 0) return; HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(userId, out homeData) || homeData.Locations.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeListEmpty"); return; } PrintMsgL(player, "HomeList"); var toRemove = new List(); foreach (var location in homeData.Locations) { var err = CheckFoundation(userId, location.Value); if (err != null) { toRemove.Add(location.Key); continue; } PrintMsgL(player, $"{location.Key} {location.Value}"); } foreach (var loc in toRemove) { PrintMsgL(player, "HomeRemovedInvalid", loc); homeData.Locations.Remove(loc); changedHome = true; } } [ChatCommand("tpr")] private void cmdChatTeleportRequest(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.TPREnabled) return; if (args.Length != 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPR"); return; } var targets = FindPlayersOnline(args[0]); if (targets.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "PlayerNotFound"); return; } if (targets.Count > 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "MultiplePlayers", string.Join(", ", targets.ConvertAll(p => p.displayName).ToArray())); return; } var target = targets[0]; if (target == player) { PrintMsgL(player, "CantTeleportToSelf"); return; } var err = CheckPlayer(player, configData.TPR.UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked, CanCraftTPR(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, err); return; } //err = CheckTargetLocation(target, target.transform.position, configData.TPR.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked, configData.TPR.CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked); //if (err != null) //{ // PrintMsgL(player, err); // return; //} var timestamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; var currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); TeleportData tprData; if (!TPR.TryGetValue(player.userID, out tprData)) TPR[player.userID] = tprData = new TeleportData(); if (tprData.Date != currentDate) { tprData.Amount = 0; tprData.Date = currentDate; } var cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.TPR.VIPCooldowns, configData.TPR.Cooldown); if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - tprData.Timestamp < cooldown) { var remain = cooldown - (timestamp - tprData.Timestamp); PrintMsgL(player, "TPRCooldown", FormatTime(remain)); return; } var limit = GetHigher(player, configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits, configData.TPR.DailyLimit); if (limit > 0 && tprData.Amount >= limit) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPRLimitReached", limit); return; } if (TeleportTimers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { PrintMsgL(player, "TeleportPending"); return; } if (TeleportTimers.ContainsKey(target.userID)) { PrintMsgL(player, "TeleportPendingTarget"); return; } if (PlayersRequests.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { PrintMsgL(player, "PendingRequest"); return; } if (PlayersRequests.ContainsKey(target.userID)) { PrintMsgL(player, "PendingRequestTarget"); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { SendReply(player, err); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(target); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPRTarget"); return; } err = CheckItems(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPBlockedItem", err); return; } if (configData.TPR.Pay > 0 && (double)(Economics?.CallHook("Balance", player.UserIDString) ?? 0) < configData.TPR.Pay) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPMoney", configData.TPR.Pay); return; } PlayersRequests[player.userID] = target; PlayersRequests[target.userID] = player; PendingRequests[target.userID] = timer.Once(configData.TPR.RequestDuration, () => { RequestTimedOut(player, target); }); PrintMsgL(player, "Request", target.displayName); PrintMsgL(target, "RequestTarget", player.displayName); } [ChatCommand("tpa")] private void cmdChatTeleportAccept(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.TPREnabled) return; if (args.Length != 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPA"); return; } Timer reqTimer; if (!PendingRequests.TryGetValue(player.userID, out reqTimer)) { PrintMsgL(player, "NoPendingRequest"); return; } var err = CheckPlayer(player, false, CanCraftTPR(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, err); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { SendReply(player, err); return; } var originPlayer = PlayersRequests[player.userID]; //err = CheckTargetLocation(originPlayer, player.transform.position, configData.TPR.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked, configData.TPR.CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked); //if (err != null) //{ // SendReply(player, err); // return; //} if (configData.TPR.BlockTPAOnCeiling) { var position = GetGround(player.transform.position); if (Vector3.Distance(position, player.transform.position) > 2) { RaycastHit hitInfo; BaseEntity entity = null; if (Physics.SphereCast(player.transform.position, .5f, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, 5, blockLayer)) entity = hitInfo.GetEntity(); if (entity != null && !entity.PrefabName.Contains("foundation")) { PrintMsgL(player, "AcceptOnRoof"); return; } } } var countdown = GetLower(originPlayer, configData.TPR.VIPCountdowns, configData.TPR.Countdown); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "Accept", player.displayName, countdown); PrintMsgL(player, "AcceptTarget", originPlayer.displayName); var timestamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; TeleportTimers[originPlayer.userID] = new TeleportTimer { OriginPlayer = originPlayer, TargetPlayer = player, Timer = timer.Once(countdown, () => { err = CheckPlayer(originPlayer, configData.TPR.UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked, CanCraftTPR(originPlayer)) ?? CheckPlayer(player, false, CanCraftTPR(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "InterruptedTarget", originPlayer.displayName); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, err); TeleportTimers.Remove(originPlayer.userID); return; } //err = CheckTargetLocation(originPlayer, player.transform.position, configData.TPR.UsableIntoBuildingBlocked, configData.TPR.CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked); //if (err != null) //{ // SendReply(player, err); // PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "Interrupted"); // SendReply(originPlayer, err); // TeleportTimers.Remove(originPlayer.userID); // return; //} err = CanPlayerTeleport(originPlayer) ?? CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { SendReply(player, err); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "Interrupted"); SendReply(originPlayer, err); TeleportTimers.Remove(originPlayer.userID); return; } err = CheckItems(originPlayer); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "InterruptedTarget", originPlayer.displayName); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "TPBlockedItem", err); TeleportTimers.Remove(originPlayer.userID); return; } if (configData.TPR.Pay > 0 && (double)(Economics?.CallHook("Balance", originPlayer.UserIDString) ?? 0) < configData.TPR.Pay) { PrintMsgL(player, "InterruptedTarget", originPlayer.displayName); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "TPMoney", configData.TPR.Pay); TeleportTimers.Remove(originPlayer.userID); return; } Teleport(originPlayer, CheckPosition(player.transform.position)); var tprData = TPR[originPlayer.userID]; tprData.Amount++; tprData.Timestamp = timestamp; if (configData.TPR.Pay > 0) Economics?.CallHook("Withdraw", originPlayer.UserIDString, configData.TPR.Pay); changedTPR = true; PrintMsgL(player, "SuccessTarget", originPlayer.displayName); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "Success", player.displayName); var limit = GetHigher(player, configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits, configData.TPR.DailyLimit); if (limit > 0) PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "TPRAmount", limit - tprData.Amount); TeleportTimers.Remove(originPlayer.userID); }) }; reqTimer.Destroy(); PendingRequests.Remove(player.userID); PlayersRequests.Remove(player.userID); PlayersRequests.Remove(originPlayer.userID); } [ChatCommand("wipehomes")] private void cmdChatWipeHomes(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermWipeHomes)) return; Home.Clear(); changedHome = true; PrintMsgL(player, "HomesListWiped"); } [ChatCommand("tphelp")] private void cmdChatTeleportHelp(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled && !configData.Settings.TPREnabled && !IsAllowedMsg(player)) return; if (args.Length == 1) { var key = $"TPHelp{args[0].ToLower()}"; var msg = _(key, player); if (key.Equals(msg)) PrintMsgL(player, "InvalidHelpModule"); else PrintMsg(player, msg); } else { var msg = _("TPHelpGeneral", player); if (IsAllowed(player)) msg += NewLine + "/tphelp AdminTP"; if (configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) msg += NewLine + "/tphelp Home"; if (configData.Settings.TPREnabled) msg += NewLine + "/tphelp TPR"; PrintMsg(player, msg); } } [ChatCommand("tpinfo")] private void cmdChatTeleportInfo(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.HomesEnabled && !configData.Settings.TPREnabled && !configData.Settings.TownEnabled) return; if (args.Length == 1) { var module = args[0].ToLower(); var msg = _($"TPSettings{module}", player); var timestamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; var currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); TeleportData teleportData; int limit; int cooldown; switch (module) { case "home": limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Home.VIPDailyLimits, configData.Home.DailyLimit); cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.Home.VIPCooldowns, configData.Home.Cooldown); PrintMsg(player, string.Format(msg, FormatTime(cooldown), limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : _("Unlimited", player), GetHigher(player, configData.Home.VIPHomesLimits, configData.Home.HomesLimit))); HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData)) Home[player.userID] = homeData = new HomeData(); if (homeData.Teleports.Date != currentDate) { homeData.Teleports.Amount = 0; homeData.Teleports.Date = currentDate; } if (limit > 0) PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPAmount", limit - homeData.Teleports.Amount); if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - homeData.Teleports.Timestamp < cooldown) { var remain = cooldown - (timestamp - homeData.Teleports.Timestamp); PrintMsgL(player, "HomeTPCooldown", FormatTime(remain)); } break; case "tpr": limit = GetHigher(player, configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits, configData.TPR.DailyLimit); cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.TPR.VIPCooldowns, configData.TPR.Cooldown); PrintMsg(player, string.Format(msg, FormatTime(cooldown), limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : _("Unlimited", player))); if (!TPR.TryGetValue(player.userID, out teleportData)) TPR[player.userID] = teleportData = new TeleportData(); if (teleportData.Date != currentDate) { teleportData.Amount = 0; teleportData.Date = currentDate; } if (limit > 0) PrintMsgL(player, "TPRAmount", limit - teleportData.Amount); if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - teleportData.Timestamp < cooldown) { var remain = cooldown - (timestamp - teleportData.Timestamp); PrintMsgL(player, "TPRCooldown", FormatTime(remain)); } break; case "town": limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Town.VIPDailyLimits, configData.Town.DailyLimit); cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.Town.VIPCooldowns, configData.Town.Cooldown); PrintMsg(player, string.Format(msg, FormatTime(cooldown), limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : _("Unlimited", player))); if (!Town.TryGetValue(player.userID, out teleportData)) Town[player.userID] = teleportData = new TeleportData(); if (teleportData.Date != currentDate) { teleportData.Amount = 0; teleportData.Date = currentDate; } if (limit > 0) PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPAmount", limit - teleportData.Amount); if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - teleportData.Timestamp < cooldown) { var remain = cooldown - (timestamp - teleportData.Timestamp); PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPCooldown", FormatTime(remain)); } break; default: PrintMsgL(player, "InvalidHelpModule"); break; } } else { var msg = _("TPInfoGeneral", player); if (configData.Settings.HomesEnabled) msg += NewLine + "/tpinfo Home"; if (configData.Settings.TPREnabled) msg += NewLine + "/tpinfo TPR"; if (configData.Settings.TownEnabled) msg += NewLine + "/tpinfo Town"; PrintMsgL(player, msg); } } [ChatCommand("tpc")] private void cmdChatTeleportCancel(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!configData.Settings.TPREnabled) return; if (args.Length != 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTPC"); return; } TeleportTimer teleportTimer; if (TeleportTimers.TryGetValue(player.userID, out teleportTimer)) { teleportTimer.Timer?.Destroy(); PrintMsgL(player, "TPCancelled"); PrintMsgL(teleportTimer.TargetPlayer, "TPCancelledTarget", player.displayName); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } foreach (var keyValuePair in TeleportTimers) { if (keyValuePair.Value.TargetPlayer != player) continue; keyValuePair.Value.Timer?.Destroy(); PrintMsgL(keyValuePair.Value.OriginPlayer, "TPCancelledTarget", player.displayName); PrintMsgL(player, "TPYouCancelledTarget", keyValuePair.Value.OriginPlayer.displayName); TeleportTimers.Remove(keyValuePair.Key); return; } BasePlayer target; if (!PlayersRequests.TryGetValue(player.userID, out target)) { PrintMsgL(player, "NoPendingRequest"); return; } Timer reqTimer; if (PendingRequests.TryGetValue(player.userID, out reqTimer)) { reqTimer.Destroy(); PendingRequests.Remove(player.userID); } else if (PendingRequests.TryGetValue(target.userID, out reqTimer)) { reqTimer.Destroy(); PendingRequests.Remove(target.userID); var temp = player; player = target; target = temp; } PlayersRequests.Remove(target.userID); PlayersRequests.Remove(player.userID); PrintMsgL(player, "Cancelled", target.displayName); PrintMsgL(target, "CancelledTarget", player.displayName); } [ChatCommand("town")] private void cmdChatTown(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsAllowedMsg(player, PermTpTown)) return; if (args.Length == 1 && IsAllowed(player) && args[0].ToLower().Equals("set")) { configData.Town.Location = player.transform.position; Config.WriteObject(configData, true); PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPLocation", configData.Town.Location); return; } if (args.Length != 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTown"); if (IsAllowed(player)) PrintMsgL(player, "SyntaxCommandTownAdmin"); return; } if (configData.Town.Location == default(Vector3)) { PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPNotSet"); return; } var err = CheckPlayer(player, configData.Town.UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked, CanCraftTown(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, err); return; } TeleportData teleportData; if (!Town.TryGetValue(player.userID, out teleportData)) Town[player.userID] = teleportData = new TeleportData(); var timestamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; var currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); if (teleportData.Date != currentDate) { teleportData.Amount = 0; teleportData.Date = currentDate; } var cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.Town.VIPCooldowns, configData.Town.Cooldown); if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - teleportData.Timestamp < cooldown) { var remain = cooldown - (timestamp - teleportData.Timestamp); PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPCooldown", FormatTime(remain)); return; } var limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Town.VIPDailyLimits, configData.Town.DailyLimit); if (limit > 0 && teleportData.Amount >= limit) { PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPLimitReached", limit); return; } if (TeleportTimers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { PrintMsgL(player, "TeleportPending"); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { SendReply(player, err); return; } err = CheckItems(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPBlockedItem", err); return; } if (configData.Town.Pay > 0 && (double)(Economics?.CallHook("Balance", player.UserIDString) ?? 0) < configData.Town.Pay) { PrintMsgL(player, "TPMoney", configData.Town.Pay); return; } var countdown = GetLower(player, configData.Town.VIPCountdowns, configData.Town.Countdown); TeleportTimers[player.userID] = new TeleportTimer { OriginPlayer = player, Timer = timer.Once(countdown, () => { err = CheckPlayer(player, configData.Town.UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked, CanCraftTown(player)); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(player, err); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } err = CanPlayerTeleport(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); SendReply(player, err); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } err = CheckItems(player); if (err != null) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(player, "TPBlockedItem", err); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } if (configData.Town.Pay > 0 && (double)(Economics?.CallHook("Balance", player.UserIDString) ?? 0) < configData.Town.Pay) { PrintMsgL(player, "Interrupted"); PrintMsgL(player, "TPMoney", configData.Home.Pay); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); return; } Teleport(player, configData.Town.Location); teleportData.Amount++; teleportData.Timestamp = timestamp; if (configData.Town.Pay > 0) Economics?.CallHook("Withdraw", player.UserIDString, configData.Town.Pay); changedTown = true; PrintMsgL(player, "TownTP"); if (limit > 0) PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPAmount", limit - teleportData.Amount); TeleportTimers.Remove(player.userID); }) }; PrintMsgL(player, "TownTPStarted", countdown); } private bool ccmdTeleport(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() != null && !IsAllowedMsg(arg.Player(), PermTpConsole)) return false; HashSet players; switch (arg.cmd.FullName) { case "teleport.topos": if (!arg.HasArgs(4)) { arg.ReplyWith(_("SyntaxConsoleCommandToPos", arg.Player())); return false; } players = FindPlayers(arg.GetString(0)); if (players.Count <= 0) { arg.ReplyWith(_("PlayerNotFound", arg.Player())); return false; } if (players.Count > 1) { arg.ReplyWith(_("MultiplePlayers", arg.Player(), string.Join(", ", players.Select(p => p.displayName).ToArray()))); return false; } var targetPlayer = players.First(); var x = arg.GetFloat(1, -10000); var y = arg.GetFloat(2, -10000); var z = arg.GetFloat(3, -10000); if (!CheckBoundaries(x, y, z)) { arg.ReplyWith(_("AdminTPOutOfBounds", arg.Player()) + Environment.NewLine + _("AdminTPBoundaries", arg.Player(), boundary)); return false; } TeleportToPosition(targetPlayer, x, y, z); PrintMsgL(targetPlayer, "AdminTPConsoleTP", targetPlayer.transform.position); arg.ReplyWith(_("AdminTPTargetCoordinates", arg.Player(), targetPlayer.displayName, targetPlayer.transform.position)); Puts(_("LogTeleportPlayer", null, arg.Player()?.displayName, targetPlayer.displayName, targetPlayer.transform.position)); break; case "teleport.toplayer": if (!arg.HasArgs(2)) { arg.ReplyWith(_("SyntaxConsoleCommandToPlayer", arg.Player())); return false; } players = FindPlayers(arg.GetString(0)); if (players.Count <= 0) { arg.ReplyWith(_("PlayerNotFound", arg.Player())); return false; } if (players.Count > 1) { arg.ReplyWith(_("MultiplePlayers", arg.Player(), string.Join(", ", players.Select(p => p.displayName).ToArray()))); return false; } var originPlayer = players.First(); players = FindPlayers(arg.GetString(1)); if (players.Count <= 0) { arg.ReplyWith(_("PlayerNotFound", arg.Player())); return false; } if (players.Count > 1) { arg.ReplyWith(_("MultiplePlayers", arg.Player(), string.Join(", ", players.Select(p => p.displayName).ToArray()))); return false; } targetPlayer = players.First(); if (targetPlayer == originPlayer) { arg.ReplyWith(_("CantTeleportPlayerToSelf", arg.Player())); return false; } TeleportToPlayer(originPlayer, targetPlayer); arg.ReplyWith(_("AdminTPPlayers", arg.Player(), originPlayer.displayName, targetPlayer.displayName)); PrintMsgL(originPlayer, "AdminTPConsoleTPPlayer", targetPlayer.displayName); PrintMsgL(targetPlayer, "AdminTPConsoleTPPlayerTarget", originPlayer.displayName); Puts(_("LogTeleportPlayer", null, arg.Player()?.displayName, originPlayer.displayName, targetPlayer.displayName)); break; } return false; } [ConsoleCommand("teleport.importhomes")] private bool ccmdImportHomes(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() != null && !IsAllowedMsg(arg.Player(), PermImportHomes)) { arg.ReplyWith("Not allowed."); return false; } var datafile = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("m-Teleportation"); if (!datafile.Exists()) { arg.ReplyWith("No m-Teleportation.json exists."); return false; } datafile.Load(); var allHomeData = datafile["HomeData"] as Dictionary; if (allHomeData == null) { arg.ReplyWith("Empty HomeData."); return false; } var count = 0; foreach (var kvp in allHomeData) { var homeDataOld = kvp.Value as Dictionary; if (homeDataOld == null) continue; if (!homeDataOld.ContainsKey("HomeLocations")) continue; var homeList = homeDataOld["HomeLocations"] as Dictionary; if (homeList == null) continue; var userId = Convert.ToUInt64(kvp.Key); HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(userId, out homeData)) Home[userId] = homeData = new HomeData(); foreach (var kvp2 in homeList) { var positionData = kvp2.Value as Dictionary; if (positionData == null) continue; if (!positionData.ContainsKey("x") || !positionData.ContainsKey("y") || !positionData.ContainsKey("z")) continue; var position = new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(positionData["x"]), Convert.ToSingle(positionData["y"]), Convert.ToSingle(positionData["z"])); homeData.Locations[kvp2.Key] = position; changedHome = true; count++; } } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format("Imported {0} homes.", count)); return false; } private void RequestTimedOut(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) { PlayersRequests.Remove(player.userID); PlayersRequests.Remove(target.userID); PendingRequests.Remove(target.userID); PrintMsgL(player, "TimedOut", target.displayName); PrintMsgL(target, "TimedOutTarget", player.displayName); } #region Util private string FormatTime(long seconds) { var timespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); return string.Format(timespan.TotalHours >= 1 ? "{2:00}:{0:00}:{1:00}" : "{0:00}:{1:00}", timespan.Minutes, timespan.Seconds, System.Math.Floor(timespan.TotalHours)); } private double ConvertToRadians(double angle) { return System.Math.PI / 180 * angle; } #region Teleport public void TeleportToPlayer(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) => Teleport(player, target.transform.position); public void TeleportToPosition(BasePlayer player, float x, float y, float z) => Teleport(player, new Vector3(x, y, z)); public void Teleport(BasePlayer player, Vector3 position) { SaveLocation(player); teleporting.Add(player.userID); if ( != null) player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "StartLoading"); StartSleeping(player); player.MovePosition(position); if ( != null) player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "ForcePositionTo", position); if ( != null) player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, true); player.UpdateNetworkGroup(); //player.UpdatePlayerCollider(true, false); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(false); if ( == null) return; //TODO temporary for potential rust bug try { player.ClearEntityQueue(null); } catch { } player.SendFullSnapshot(); } private void StartSleeping(BasePlayer player) { if (player.IsSleeping()) return; player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Sleeping, true); if (!BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Contains(player)) BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Add(player); player.CancelInvoke("InventoryUpdate"); //player.inventory.crafting.CancelAll(true); //player.UpdatePlayerCollider(true, false); } #endregion #region Checks private Vector3 CheckPosition(Vector3 position) { var hits = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 2, blockLayer); var distance = 5f; BuildingBlock buildingBlock = null; for (var i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { var block = hits[i].GetComponentInParent(); if (block == null) continue; var prefab = block.PrefabName; if (!prefab.Contains("foundation", CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !prefab.Contains("floor", CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !prefab.Contains("pillar", CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) continue; if (!(Vector3.Distance(block.transform.position, position) < distance)) continue; buildingBlock = block; distance = Vector3.Distance(block.transform.position, position); } if (buildingBlock == null) return position; var blockRotation = buildingBlock.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; var angles = new[] { 360 - blockRotation, 180 - blockRotation }; var location = default(Vector3); const double r = 1.9; var locationDistance = 100f; for (var i = 0; i < angles.Length; i++) { var radians = ConvertToRadians(angles[i]); var newX = r * System.Math.Cos(radians); var newZ = r * System.Math.Sin(radians); var newLoc = new Vector3((float)(buildingBlock.transform.position.x + newX), buildingBlock.transform.position.y + .2f, (float)(buildingBlock.transform.position.z + newZ)); if (Vector3.Distance(position, newLoc) < locationDistance) { location = newLoc; locationDistance = Vector3.Distance(position, newLoc); } } return location; } private string CanPlayerTeleport(BasePlayer player) { return Interface.Oxide.CallHook("CanTeleport", player) as string; } private bool CanCraftHome(BasePlayer player) { return configData.Home.AllowCraft || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermCraftHome); } private bool CanCraftTown(BasePlayer player) { return configData.Town.AllowCraft || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermCraftTown); } private bool CanCraftTPR(BasePlayer player) { return configData.TPR.AllowCraft || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermCraftTpR); } private string CheckPlayer(BasePlayer player, bool build = false, bool craft = false) { if (!player.IsAlive()) return "TPDead"; if (player.IsWounded()) return "TPWounded"; if (!build && !player.CanBuild()) return "TPBuildingBlocked"; if (player.IsSwimming()) return "TPSwimming"; if (player.GetMounted() != null) return "TPMounted"; if (!craft && player.inventory.crafting.queue.Count > 0) return "TPCrafting"; return null; } private string CheckTargetLocation(BasePlayer player, Vector3 targetLocation, bool build, bool owner) { var blocks = GetFoundation(targetLocation); if (blocks == null || blocks.Count < 1) return null; var cup = blocks[0].GetBuildingPrivilege(); if (cup == null) { Pool.FreeList( ref blocks ); return null; } if (owner && player.userID == cup.OwnerID) { Pool.FreeList(ref blocks); return null; } if (cup.IsAuthed(player)) { Pool.FreeList(ref blocks); return null; } Pool.FreeList(ref blocks); return !build ? "TPTargetBuildingBlocked" : null; } private string CheckInsideBlock(Vector3 targetLocation) { List blocks = Pool.GetList(); Vis.Entities(targetLocation + new Vector3(0, 0.25f), 0.1f, blocks, blockLayer); bool inside = blocks.Count > 0; Pool.FreeList(ref blocks); return inside ? "TPTargetInsideBlock" : null; } private string CheckItems(BasePlayer player) { foreach (var blockedItem in ReverseBlockedItems) { if (player.inventory.containerMain.GetAmount(blockedItem.Key, true) > 0) return blockedItem.Value; if (player.inventory.containerBelt.GetAmount(blockedItem.Key, true) > 0) return blockedItem.Value; if (player.inventory.containerWear.GetAmount(blockedItem.Key, true) > 0) return blockedItem.Value; } return null; } private string CheckFoundation(ulong userID, Vector3 position) { if (UnderneathFoundation(position)) { return "HomeFoundationUnderneathFoundation"; } if (!configData.Home.ForceOnTopOfFoundation) return null; var entities = GetFoundation(position); if (entities.Count == 0) return "HomeNoFoundation"; if (!configData.Home.CheckFoundationForOwner) return null; for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) if (entities[i].OwnerID == userID) return null; if (!configData.Home.UseFriends) return "HomeFoundationNotOwned"; var moderator = (bool)(Clans?.CallHook("IsModerator", userID) ?? false); var userIdString = userID.ToString(); for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) { var entity = entities[i]; if ((bool)(Friends?.CallHook("HasFriend", entity.OwnerID, userID) ?? false) || (bool)(Clans?.CallHook("HasFriend", entity.OwnerID, userID) ?? false) && moderator || (bool)(RustIO?.CallHook("HasFriend", entity.OwnerID.ToString(), userIdString) ?? false)) return null; } return "HomeFoundationNotFriendsOwned"; } private BuildingBlock GetFoundationOwned(Vector3 position, ulong userID) { var entities = GetFoundation(position); if (entities.Count == 0) return null; if (!configData.Home.CheckFoundationForOwner) return entities[0]; for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) if (entities[i].OwnerID == userID) return entities[i]; if (!configData.Home.UseFriends) return null; var moderator = (bool)(Clans?.CallHook("IsModerator", userID) ?? false); var userIdString = userID.ToString(); for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) { var entity = entities[i]; if ((bool)(Friends?.CallHook("HasFriend", entity.OwnerID, userID) ?? false) || (bool)(Clans?.CallHook("HasFriend", entity.OwnerID, userID) ?? false) && moderator || (bool)(RustIO?.CallHook("HasFriend", entity.OwnerID.ToString(), userIdString) ?? false)) return entity; } return null; } private List GetFoundation(Vector3 positionCoordinates) { var position = GetGround(positionCoordinates); var entities = new List(); var hits = Pool.GetList(); Vis.Entities(position, 2.5f, hits, buildingLayer); for (var i = 0; i < hits.Count; i++) { var entity = hits[i]; if (!entity.PrefabName.Contains("foundation") || positionCoordinates.y < entity.WorldSpaceBounds().ToBounds().max.y) continue; entities.Add(entity); } Pool.FreeList(ref hits); return entities; } private bool CheckBoundaries(float x, float y, float z) { return x <= boundary && x >= -boundary && y < 2000 && y >= -100 && z <= boundary && z >= -boundary; } private Vector3 GetGround(Vector3 sourcePos) { if (!configData.Home.AllowAboveFoundation) return sourcePos; var newPos = sourcePos; newPos.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(newPos); sourcePos.y += .5f; RaycastHit hitinfo; var done = false; if (Physics.SphereCast(sourcePos, .1f, Vector3.down, out hitinfo, 250, groundLayer)) { if ((configData.Home.AllowIceberg &&"iceberg")) || (configData.Home.AllowCave &&"cave_"))) { sourcePos.y = hitinfo.point.y; done = true; } else { var mesh = hitinfo.collider.GetComponentInChildren(); if (mesh != null &&"rock_")) { sourcePos.y = hitinfo.point.y; done = true; } } } if (!configData.Home.AllowCave && Physics.SphereCast(sourcePos, .1f, Vector3.up, out hitinfo, 250, groundLayer) &&"rock_")) { sourcePos.y = newPos.y - 10; done = true; } return done ? sourcePos : newPos; } private Vector3 GetGroundBuilding(Vector3 sourcePos) { sourcePos.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(sourcePos); RaycastHit hitinfo; if (Physics.Raycast(sourcePos, Vector3.down, out hitinfo, buildingLayer)) { sourcePos.y = System.Math.Max(hitinfo.point.y, sourcePos.y); return sourcePos; } if (Physics.Raycast(sourcePos, Vector3.up, out hitinfo, buildingLayer)) sourcePos.y = System.Math.Max(hitinfo.point.y, sourcePos.y); return sourcePos; } private bool UnderneathFoundation(Vector3 position) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(position, Vector3.up), out hit, 10, buildingLayer)) { if (hit.GetCollider().name.Contains("foundation")) { return true; } } return false; } private bool IsAllowed(BasePlayer player, string perm = null) { var playerAuthLevel =; var requiredAuthLevel = configData.Admin.UseableByModerators ? 1 : 2; if (playerAuthLevel >= requiredAuthLevel) return true; return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(perm) && permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, perm); } private bool IsAllowedMsg(BasePlayer player, string perm = null) { if (IsAllowed(player, perm)) return true; PrintMsg(player, "NotAllowed"); return false; } private int GetHigher(BasePlayer player, Dictionary limits, int limit) { foreach (var l in limits) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, l.Key) && l.Value > limit) limit = l.Value; } return limit; } private int GetLower(BasePlayer player, Dictionary times, int time) { foreach (var l in times) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, l.Key) && l.Value < time) time = l.Value; } return time; } private void CheckPerms(Dictionary limits) { foreach (var limit in limits) { if (!permission.PermissionExists(limit.Key)) permission.RegisterPermission(limit.Key, this); } } #endregion #region Message private string _(string msgId, BasePlayer player, params object[] args) { var msg = lang.GetMessage(msgId, this, player?.UserIDString); return args.Length > 0 ? string.Format(msg, args) : msg; } private void PrintMsgL(BasePlayer player, string msgId, params object[] args) { if (player == null) return; PrintMsg(player, _(msgId, player, args)); } private void PrintMsg(BasePlayer player, string msg) { if (player == null) return; SendReply(player, $"{configData.Settings.ChatName}{msg}"); } #endregion #region DrawBox private static void DrawBox(BasePlayer player, Vector3 center, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 size) { size = size / 2; var point1 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x + size.x, center.y + size.y, center.z + size.z), center, rotation); var point2 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x + size.x, center.y - size.y, center.z + size.z), center, rotation); var point3 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x + size.x, center.y + size.y, center.z - size.z), center, rotation); var point4 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x + size.x, center.y - size.y, center.z - size.z), center, rotation); var point5 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x - size.x, center.y + size.y, center.z + size.z), center, rotation); var point6 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x - size.x, center.y - size.y, center.z + size.z), center, rotation); var point7 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x - size.x, center.y + size.y, center.z - size.z), center, rotation); var point8 = RotatePointAroundPivot(new Vector3(center.x - size.x, center.y - size.y, center.z - size.z), center, rotation); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point1, point2); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point1, point3); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point1, point5); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point4, point2); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point4, point3); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point4, point8); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point5, point6); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point5, point7); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point6, point2); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point8, point6); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point8, point7); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 30f,, point7, point3); } private static Vector3 RotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion rotation) { return rotation * (point - pivot) + pivot; } #endregion #region FindPlayer private ulong FindPlayersSingleId(string nameOrIdOrIp, BasePlayer player) { var targets = FindPlayers(nameOrIdOrIp); if (targets.Count > 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "MultiplePlayers", string.Join(", ", targets.Select(p => p.displayName).ToArray())); return 0; } ulong userId; if (targets.Count <= 0) { if (ulong.TryParse(nameOrIdOrIp, out userId)) return userId; PrintMsgL(player, "PlayerNotFound"); return 0; } else userId = targets.First().userID; return userId; } private BasePlayer FindPlayersSingle(string nameOrIdOrIp, BasePlayer player) { var targets = FindPlayers(nameOrIdOrIp); if (targets.Count <= 0) { PrintMsgL(player, "PlayerNotFound"); return null; } if (targets.Count > 1) { PrintMsgL(player, "MultiplePlayers", string.Join(", ", targets.Select(p => p.displayName).ToArray())); return null; } return targets.First(); } private static HashSet FindPlayers(string nameOrIdOrIp) { var players = new HashSet(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameOrIdOrIp)) return players; foreach (var activePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (activePlayer.UserIDString.Equals(nameOrIdOrIp)) players.Add(activePlayer); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activePlayer.displayName) && activePlayer.displayName.Contains(nameOrIdOrIp, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)) players.Add(activePlayer); else if ( != null && players.Add(activePlayer); } foreach (var sleepingPlayer in BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList) { if (sleepingPlayer.UserIDString.Equals(nameOrIdOrIp)) players.Add(sleepingPlayer); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sleepingPlayer.displayName) && sleepingPlayer.displayName.Contains(nameOrIdOrIp, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)) players.Add(sleepingPlayer); } return players; } private static List FindPlayersOnline(string nameOrIdOrIp) { var players = new List(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameOrIdOrIp)) return players; foreach (var activePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (activePlayer.UserIDString.Equals(nameOrIdOrIp)) players.Add(activePlayer); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activePlayer.displayName) && activePlayer.displayName.Contains(nameOrIdOrIp, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)) players.Add(activePlayer); else if ( != null && players.Add(activePlayer); } return players; } #endregion #endregion #region API private Dictionary GetHomes(object playerObj) { if (playerObj == null) return null; if (playerObj is string) playerObj = Convert.ToUInt64(playerObj); if (!(playerObj is ulong)) throw new ArgumentException("playerObj"); var playerId = (ulong)playerObj; HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(playerId, out homeData) || homeData.Locations.Count == 0) return null; return homeData.Locations; } private int GetLimitRemaining(BasePlayer player, string type) { if (player == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) return 0; var currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); int limit; var remaining = -1; switch (type.ToLower()) { case "home": limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Home.VIPDailyLimits, configData.Home.DailyLimit); HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData)) Home[player.userID] = homeData = new HomeData(); if (homeData.Teleports.Date != currentDate) { homeData.Teleports.Amount = 0; homeData.Teleports.Date = currentDate; } if (limit > 0) remaining = limit - homeData.Teleports.Amount; break; case "town": limit = GetHigher(player, configData.Town.VIPDailyLimits, configData.Town.DailyLimit); TeleportData townData; if (!Town.TryGetValue(player.userID, out townData)) Town[player.userID] = townData = new TeleportData(); if (townData.Date != currentDate) { townData.Amount = 0; townData.Date = currentDate; } if (limit > 0) remaining = limit - townData.Amount; break; case "tpr": limit = GetHigher(player, configData.TPR.VIPDailyLimits, configData.TPR.DailyLimit); TeleportData tprData; if (!TPR.TryGetValue(player.userID, out tprData)) TPR[player.userID] = tprData = new TeleportData(); if (tprData.Date != currentDate) { tprData.Amount = 0; tprData.Date = currentDate; } if (limit > 0) remaining = limit - tprData.Amount; break; } return remaining; } private int GetCooldownRemaining(BasePlayer player, string type) { if (player == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) return 0; var currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d"); var timestamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; int cooldown; var remaining = -1; switch (type.ToLower()) { case "home": cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.Home.VIPCooldowns, configData.Home.Cooldown); HomeData homeData; if (!Home.TryGetValue(player.userID, out homeData)) Home[player.userID] = homeData = new HomeData(); if (homeData.Teleports.Date != currentDate) { homeData.Teleports.Amount = 0; homeData.Teleports.Date = currentDate; } if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - homeData.Teleports.Timestamp < cooldown) remaining = cooldown - (timestamp - homeData.Teleports.Timestamp); break; case "town": cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.Town.VIPCooldowns, configData.Town.Cooldown); TeleportData townData; if (!Town.TryGetValue(player.userID, out townData)) Town[player.userID] = townData = new TeleportData(); if (townData.Date != currentDate) { townData.Amount = 0; townData.Date = currentDate; } if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - townData.Timestamp < cooldown) remaining = cooldown - (timestamp - townData.Timestamp); break; case "tpr": cooldown = GetLower(player, configData.TPR.VIPCooldowns, configData.TPR.Cooldown); TeleportData tprData; if (!TPR.TryGetValue(player.userID, out tprData)) TPR[player.userID] = tprData = new TeleportData(); if (tprData.Date != currentDate) { tprData.Amount = 0; tprData.Date = currentDate; } if (cooldown > 0 && timestamp - tprData.Timestamp < cooldown) remaining = cooldown - (timestamp - tprData.Timestamp); break; } return remaining; } #endregion private class UnityVector3Converter : JsonConverter { public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) { var vector = (Vector3)value; writer.WriteValue($"{vector.x} {vector.y} {vector.z}"); } public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String) { var values = reader.Value.ToString().Trim().Split(' '); return new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(values[0]), Convert.ToSingle(values[1]), Convert.ToSingle(values[2])); } var o = JObject.Load(reader); return new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(o["x"]), Convert.ToSingle(o["y"]), Convert.ToSingle(o["z"])); } public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { return objectType == typeof(Vector3); } } private class CustomComparerDictionaryCreationConverter : CustomCreationConverter { private readonly IEqualityComparer comparer; public CustomComparerDictionaryCreationConverter(IEqualityComparer comparer) { if (comparer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(comparer)); this.comparer = comparer; } public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { return HasCompatibleInterface(objectType) && HasCompatibleConstructor(objectType); } private static bool HasCompatibleInterface(Type objectType) { return objectType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => HasGenericTypeDefinition(i, typeof(IDictionary<,>))).Any(i => typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(i.GetGenericArguments().First())); } private static bool HasGenericTypeDefinition(Type objectType, Type typeDefinition) { return objectType.IsGenericType && objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeDefinition; } private static bool HasCompatibleConstructor(Type objectType) { return objectType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(IEqualityComparer) }) != null; } public override IDictionary Create(Type objectType) { return Activator.CreateInstance(objectType, comparer) as IDictionary; } } } }