# ====================================================================================== # Copyright and other protections apply. Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for # rights and restrictions governing use of this software. All rights not expressly # waived or licensed are reserved. If that file is missing or appears to be modified # from its original, then please contact the author before viewing or using this # software in any capacity. # ====================================================================================== from __future__ import annotations from dyce import H from anydyce.viz import plot_burst def do_it(style: str) -> None: import matplotlib.pyplot df_4 = 4 @ H((-1, 0, 1)) d6_2 = 2 @ H(6) ax = matplotlib.pyplot.axes() text_color = "white" if style == "dark" else "black" plot_burst( ax, df_4, d6_2, inner_color="turbo", text_color=text_color, )