#+title: Domain Specific sLIDEs #+author: Positron #+email: contact@positron.solutions #+export_file_name: ../README.md #+options: toc:t broken-links:nil num:nil #+link: demo.org https://github.com/positron-solutions/dslide/blob/master/test/demo.org #+begin_export html #+end_export * Domain Specific sLIDEs #+begin_export markdown https://github.com/positron-solutions/dslide/assets/73710933/06a66e42-a172-48ba-968f-5f5b1989a868 #+end_export #+begin_export html melpa package melpa stable package Non-GNU ELPA #+end_export ** Programmable Org Presentation 🦄 - Per-element configurable behavior through extensible actions - Script steps in your presentation with *Org babel blocks* - Incorporate anything Emacs does with *keyboard macro playback* - Convenient API for quickly writing reliable custom actions for reuse - Decent out-of-the-box results with existing org documents *** Status 💹 Everything in [[demo.org][./test/demo.org]] is maintained. File issues. #+include: "manual.org::*Status 🤠" :only-contents t Subscribe to Positron's [[https://www.youtube.com/@Positron-gv7do][YouTube]] for updates and related demonstrations. ** Installation :PROPERTIES: :UNNUMBERED: notoc :END: #+begin_src elisp ;; From MELPA or ELPA (use-package dslide) ;; package-vc (package-vc-install '(dslide :url "https://github.com/positron-solutions/dslide.git")) ;; using elpaca's with explicit recipe (use-package dslide :ensure (dslide :host github :repo "positron-solutions/dslide")) ;; straight with explicit recipe (use-package dslide :straight (dslide :type git :host github :repo "positron-solutions/dslide")) ;; or use manual load-path & require, you brave yak shaver #+end_src *** Try It Out [[https://github.com/positron-solutions/dslide.git][Clone]] the repo and then open the [[demo.org][./test/demo.org]] file. Call ~dslide-deck-start~. The presentation will explain everything else while demonstrating Dslide. You will need VLC installed and the [[https://github.com/positron-solutions/moc][Master of Ceremonies]] package to successfully run all examples, but you can skip them in the contents view or start at point on other examples to go around them. ** Features :PROPERTIES: :UNNUMBERED: notoc :END: *** Simple User Interface Fully programmable sequences behind a two-button presentation interface: - ~dslide-deck-forward~ - ~dslide-deck-backward~ The default ~dslide-mode-map~ uses arrow keys. Left and right are ~dslide-deck-forward~ and ~dslide-deck-backward~. Up is ~dslide-deck-start~ and will show the contents. Down is ~dslide-deck-stop~ and will stop the slide show. *** Contents Navigation Call ~dslide-contents~ to show a contents overview. Calling ~dslide-deck-forward~ and ~dslide-deck-backward~ in the contents can quickly move through headings. Call ~dslide-deck-start~ again to resume the presentation from that point. *** Narrate While Presenting Check out ~dslide-deck-develop~. You can see your hidden comments and the approximate progress indications. Babel actions will highlight blocks as they execute, showing you what just happened. *** Hide Markup By default, the ~dslide-action-hide-markup~ action is configured in ~dslide-default-actions~. Looks clean out of the box. Commented and =:noslide:= or =:noexport:= headings are filtered. Todos and tags are hidden. *** Independent Buffer State The actual display is done in an indirect buffer. Your hooks and customizations for presentation will not pollute your editing buffer. Dirty state will not pile up in your presentation buffer, greatly increasing reliability even if your custom Elisp scripting is sloppy 💩. #+toc: headlines 3 #+include: "manual.org::*Creating ✏️" :minlevel 2 #+include: "manual.org::*Presenting 📽️" :minlevel 2 #+include: "manual.org::*Configuring 🎛️" :minlevel 2 #+include: "manual.org::*Extending 🧑‍🏭" :minlevel 2 #+include: "manual.org::*Hacking 🧑‍🔬" :minlevel 2 ** Package Pairings These are some packages that are likely to find use alongside dslide. *** Master of Ceremonies - ~moc-dispatch~ is a set of controls for screen recording. - ~moc-focus~ shows small excerpts from buffers fullscreen. + It has a transient interface bound to =h=. + You can highlight multiple segements of the excerpt and change display. + It makes text pretty for taking screenshots and for captures. + It generates playback expressions you can even use as slides. [[https://github.com/positron-solutions/moc][Master of Ceremonies]] was written as a companion to dslide and was used in almost every single dslide demonstration video. *** Org Modern Bullets and many prettifications of common org markups. The markup that you don't hide looks better with org modern. *** Org Appear Never worry about turning on pretty links for a presentation. Edit them by just moving the point inside. *** Open Broadcaster Software Sacha Chua has written an OBS plugin integration helpful for video integration [[https://github.com/sachac/obs-websocket-el][obs-websocket-el]]. *** moom.el The [[https://github.com/takaxp/moom#org-mode-org-tree-slide][moom]] package contains some commands for resizing text and repositioning frames. #+include: "manual.org::*Contributing 🍔" :minlevel 2 #+include: "manual.org::*Acknowledgments 🥇" :minlevel 2