6.1.2: date: 2024-03-14 fixed bugs: - GH-3212 Fixed a bug where `--color off` was not respected in summary table chores: - Updated dependencies 6.1.1: date: 2024-02-05 chores: - Updated dependencies 6.1.0: date: 2023-12-27 new features: - | GH-3183 Uses the latest Postman Runtime, which adds support for: -> Skipping request execution via pm.execution.skipRequest() -> Fetching execution location via using pm.execution.location -> Atlassian's ASAP authentication chores: - GH-3183 Updated dependencies 6.0.0: date: 2023-09-15 new features: - | GH-3146 Uses the latest Postman Runtime, which adds support for: -> JWT authentication -> NTLMv2 authentication -> Promise execution in scripts -> Stripping JSON comments in the raw mode body -> ...and several improvements and bug fixes - Multi-platform Docker images fixed bugs: - GH-3146 Fixed a bug where an invalid `folder` input used to exit silently breaking changes: - GH-3145 Dropped support for Node < v16 - GH-3148 Dropped support for deprecated docker images chores: - GH-3146 Updated dependencies - GH-3146 Updated ESLint rules - GH-3145 Migrate to GitHub Actions 5.3.2: date: 2022-03-03 fixed bugs: - Allow the process to exit naturally in CLI mode chores: - Updated dependencies 5.3.1: date: 2022-01-10 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.3.0: date: 2021-09-07 new features: - >- GH-2806 Exposed the runner on newman and the runtime run object in start event - >- Added ability to see request and responses in CLI reporter `--verbose` mode. Also added ability to see additional meta such as header count, cookie count and body mime-types in verbose mode. chores: - Updated dependencies 5.2.4: date: 2021-06-24 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.2.3: date: 2021-05-03 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.2.2: date: 2021-01-03 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.2.1: date: 2020-11-02 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.2.0: date: 2020-09-01 new features: - GH-2393 Added support for providing custom Cookie Jar chores: - Updated dependencies 5.1.2: date: 2020-07-13 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.1.1: date: 2020-07-08 chores: - Updated dependencies 5.1.0: date: 2020-06-09 new features: - >- GH-2392 Added a new `requestAgents` option to define custom requesting agents chores: - Updated dependencies 5.0.1: date: 2020-05-18 fixed bugs: - GH-2335 Improved error messages on file load error chores: - GH-2354 Updated dependencies 5.0.0: date: 2020-04-08 new features: - GH-2299 Uses next-generation URL processor breaking changes: - GH-2297 Dropped support for Node < v10 - GH-2251 Changed escape character for CSV to double-quotes - GH-2303 Trimmed incoming CSV string to remove byte order mark chores: - >- GH-2308 Updated .npmignore to prevent the addition of tests and config files in the published package - GH-2301 Updated nyc configuration - GH-2298 Updated ESLint rules - GH-2298 Updated dependencies 4.6.1: date: 2020-04-06 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.6.0: date: 2020-02-24 new features: - >- GH-2235 Added a new option `--ssl-client-cert-list` to allow setting different certificates for different URLs in the collection - >- GH-2208 Added a new option `--ssl-extra-ca-certs` to extend well known "root" CAs with the extra certificates in the file chores: - GH-2209 Added `nyc` and `codecov` for test coverage - GH-2236 Updated dependencies 4.5.7: date: 2019-12-06 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.6: date: 2019-11-18 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.5: fixed bugs: - Fixed a bug where runtime execution crashes on Node v12 - >- GH-2062 Added warnings for "reporter not found" and "reporter could not be loaded" chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.4: date: 2019-08-14 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.3: date: 2019-08-02 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.2: date: 2019-08-01 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.1: date: 2019-06-19 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.5.0: date: 2019-05-16 new features: - Added support for the working directory using SecureFS - Added --working-dir and --no-insecure-file-read CLI options fixed bugs: - >- Fixed a bug that caused fetching collection from HTTPS URL crashes on Node v12 chores: - Updated dependencies 4.4.1: date: 2019-03-25 chores: - Updated dependencies fixed bugs: - >- GH-1932 Removed classname from JUnit reports and add it to both passed and failed tests 4.4.0: date: 2019-02-20 chores: - Updated dependencies fixed bugs: - >- GH-1871 Trimmed incoming JSON string to remove byte order marks and other such artifacts. - Contextual help messages for newman -h - Fixed JUnit report generation for nested requests/tests - Corrected disabled variable behavior new features: - Added automatic (best guess) encoding detection of UTF-16LE and ISO-8859-1 - Added --verbose flag for detailed CLI output 4.3.1: date: 2018-12-26 fixed bugs: - >- Added start timestamp, classname and failure message to JUnit reporter for Azure DevOps 4.3.0: date: 2018-12-26 new features: - Added AJV to the script sandbox fixed bugs: - Respected form data field ordering - >- Fixed a bug that caused requests to fail when the URL protocol is not in lowercase 4.2.3: date: 2018-12-15 fixed bugs: - GH-1823 Added missing skipped flag to assertion information aggregator 4.2.2: date: 2018-11-07 fixed bugs: - >- GH-1784 Updated postman-runtime to v7.4.2, which fixes a hawk security vulnerability 4.2.1: date: 2018-11-04 fixed bugs: - GH-1779 Updated postman-runtime to v7.4.1 4.2.0: date: 2018-11-03 new features: - >- GH-1776 Introduced the generic postman/newman Docker image, bumped Node version to 10 - GH-1731 Added support for custom HTTP verbs docs: - GH-1717 Updated Docker image documentation chores: - GH-1770 Shifted to Travis for Windows builds - >- GH-1769 Added .gitattributes to enforce consistent line endings for .js files - >- GH-1743 Updated CLI reporter left padding to account for commander v2.19 changes - Updated dependencies 4.1.0: date: 2018-08-29 new features: - GH-1654 Added ability to select multiple folders for collection run chores: - GH-1687 Added `newmanVersion` in collection run options - GH-1684 Fixed flaky tests - Updated Dependencies 4.0.2: date: 2018-08-09 fixed bugs: - >- GH-1673 Fixed a bug that prevented request errors from showing up in CLI reports 4.0.1: date: 2018-08-08 fixed bugs: - GH-1669 Deprecated support for the v1 Postman Collection format - GH-1670 Throw proper error message for invalid --color values 4.0.0: date: 2018-08-06 new features: - GH-1633 Added ability to run collection via Postman API UID reference breaking changes: - GH-1605 Dropped support for Node < v6 - GH-1610 Dropped support for v2 CLI options - GH-1660 Dropped support for the v1 Postman Collection format - >- GH-1616 Moved inbuilt HTML reporter to a standalone reporter: https://github.com/postmanlabs/newman-reporter-html - GH-1653 Updated `color` option behaviour, dropped support for --no-color fixed bugs: - GH-1609 Fixed CSV auto parse, to avoid parsing numbers inside quotes - GH-1630 Updated default timeout values to Infinity chores: - GH-1623 Refactored Newman CLI - GH-1608 Updated ESLint rules - GH-1618 Reformatted README - Updated Dependencies 3.10.0: date: 2018-07-04 new features: - GH-1596 Added --reporter-cli-no-banner option - GH-1551 Bumped Alpine Docker image Node version to v8 - GH-1555 Added failure list to HTML reports fixed bugs: - GH-1612 Fixed JUnit reports for failed cases - >- GH-1576 Accounted for cases where the export path is a pre-existing directory - GH-1601 Reversed reporter lookup logic - GH-1584 Improved timeout messaging in HTML reports - GH-1594 Fixed a bug that caused reporter flags to break with `=` - GH-1592 Added a link to the Alpine Docker image - GH-1583 Capped JUnit timing precision to 3 decimal places - GH-1563 Ensured that all exported variable files have a valid name - GH-1578 Switched to cli-table3 - GH-1575 Fixed typo in directory collection runner example - >- GH-1553 Fixed a bug that caused HTML reports to incorrectly duplicate requests across multiple iterations 3.9.4: date: 2018-05-25 fixed bugs: - GH-1390 Improved failure table reporting details - GH-1389 Fixed no-assertions behavior for the CLI reporter - GH-1428 Corrected help text for missing arguments - GH-1397 Added postpublish script for automated Docker image pushing - GH-1416 Corrected Postman API reference link - Switched to a YAML changelog 1448 - GH-1443 Corrected error representation in JUnit reports - >- GH-1496 Removed wait spinner from CLI output when --disable-unicode is present - GH-1450 Added support for --no-success-assertions - GH-1528 Made folder and request IDs unique in generated HTML reports - Updated dependencies 3.9.3: date: 2018-01-19 fixed bugs: - Updated dependencies - GH-1385 Fixed minor formatting issues in the readme. - >- GH-1368 Updated folder collection runner example to exclude package*.json files 3.9.2: date: 2018-01-11 fixed bugs: - Updated dependencies - >- GH-1366 Replaced deprecated Slack community link in the readme with the shiny new Postman community - GH-1350 Added setNextRequest information to the CLI reporter - >- GH-1331 Fixed a bug that caused legacy arguments to be processed out of order 3.9.1: date: 2017-12-08 fixed bugs: - GH-1326 Fixed folder option handling - GH-1323 Updated documentation for --bail and options.bail - GH-1325 Fixed typographical error in issue template 3.9.0: date: 2017-12-05 new features: - GH-1320 Extended --bail`` to work with afolder` option - GH-1298 Improved help text for incorrect usage - GH-1292 Added a name field to all applicable errors - GH-1278 Migrated from argparse to commander - GH-1277 Added support for a global timeout option - GH-1275 Migrated from istanbul to nyc - GH-1273 Tests now run on Node v8 as well 3.8.3: date: 2017-10-04 fixed bugs: - Updated dependencies - >- GH-1227 Added timeout-script to extend default sandbox script execution timeouts - GH-1206 Corrected failure table handle in non TTY environments - GH-1218 Made JSON parsing more robust 3.8.2: date: 2017-09-18 fixed bugs: - Updated dependencies. - >- GH-1202 Fixed a bug that caused csv files with comma spaces to be processed incorrectly. - GH-1191 Corrected programmatic iterationData usage in README. - GH-1197 Fixed broken link in parallel-collection-runs.js 3.8.1: date: 2017-08-18 fixed bugs: - GH-1173 Updated postman-runtime to v6.2.6 - GH-1172 Updated postman-collection to v2.1.1 3.8.0: date: 2017-06-25 new features: - GH-1142 Added support for global variable specification via the CLI 3.7.6: date: 2017-06-19 fixed bugs: - >- Bumped postman-runtime to v6.2.5, which contains a critical cookie handling bugfix. - Updated other dependencies. 3.7.5: date: 2017-06-10 fixed bugs: - >- GH-1110 Bumped Collection SDK to v2.0.2, which contains ProxyConfig improvements. - >- GH-1115 Ensured that failed fetches from resource URLs result in a non-zero exit code. - >- GH-1105 Fixed a backward compatibility bug related to Buffer construction in the HTML reporter. 3.7.4: date: 2017-06-29 fixed bugs: - GH-1099 Corrected response.body reference in the HTML reporter 3.7.3: date: 2017-06-28 fixed bugs: - Updated dependencies. - >- GH-1098 Restored response.body in the data supplied to the HTML reporter template. 3.7.2: date: 2017-06-23 fixed bugs: - >- Updated postman-runtime to v6.2.1, which contains a critical bugfix for authorization with variables 3.7.1: date: 2017-06-19 fixed bugs: - GH-1082 Updated postman-collection-transformer to v2.1.4 3.7.0: date: 2017-06-19 new features: - >- GH-1080 Fixed a bug that caused empty results in response.json() and response.text() - >- Support for second generation scripting sandbox with support for limited require. - Addition of assertion functions on request and response. - Added momentjs to the sandbox. - Added support for authorization mechanisms and IO events. 3.6.1: date: 2017-06-09 fixed bugs: - Updated dependencies - GH-1026 Ensured that stdout is flushed on process.exit in CLI mode - GH-1062 Fixed type error for failed requests in the HTML reporter - >- GH-1039 Updated JUnit reporter to add time attribute to testsuites and testcase elements 3.6.0: date: 2017-03-12 new features: - Updated dependencies - Introduced all new pm.* API. 3.5.2: date: 2017-03-17 fixed bugs: - >- Update postman-runtime to v5.0.0, which uses CertificateList for client side SSL 3.5.1: date: 2017-03-14 fixed bugs: - GH-949 Fixed a bug which caused some test results to not be displayed - Merged aggregation partial into base HTML reporter template - >- Allowed options.iterationData to be specified as an array of objects in programmatic usage 3.5.0: date: 2017-03-07 new features: - Added support for multi level folders in the cli, html and junit reporters - >- Updated postman-collection to v1.0.0, which contains helper methods for dealing with multi-level folders - Updated many other non-critical packages 3.4.3: date: 2017-01-31 fixed bugs: - >- Updated postman-runtime to v4.0.3, which contains fixed bugs for URL parameter encoding - >- Updated postman-collection to v0.5.11, which contains fixed bugs for UTF-8 encoded responses, and variables in URL hosts 3.4.2: date: 2017-01-09 fixed bugs: - GH-859 Fixed a bug in the CLI reporter for Newman programmatic usage 3.4.1: date: 2017-01-06 fixed bugs: - Fixed Buffer compatibility issue for Node v4 - HTML reporter works correctly for failed requests 3.4.0: date: 2016-12-29 new features: - >- Updated postman-runtime to v4.0, which has a lot of memory usage improvements - HTML reporter now contains folder information - Added --color option to force colored output in non-TTY environments 3.3.1: date: 2016-12-14 fixed bugs: - Added more details to the HTML reporter - >- Updated postman-collection to the latest version which contains a bugfix for OAuth1 with realms - Updated postman-runtime which has a few fixes for browser based workflows 3.3.0: date: 2016-11-21 new features: - Added options to provide client-side SSL certificates on the command line - Updated the versions of postman-runtime and postman-collection libraries 3.2.0: date: 2016-10-18 new features: - Ensure that environment exports are consistent with the app - Simplified the importing logic for environment and globals 3.1.2: date: 2016-08-25 fixed bugs: - >- Updated postman-runtime, postman-collection and postman-collection-transformer dependencies 3.1.1: date: 2016-08-25 fixed bugs: - Fixed a bug which caused HTML reporter statistics to be incorrect - >- Added an option --disable-unicode to forcibly disable unicode symbols in the output - >- File based options in newman.run (environments, data, globals) can now be specified as JSON objects as well - >- Updated to the latest version of Postman Runtime, which contains a number of memory optimizations - >- Specifying an iteration data file now results in the correct number of iteration runs 3.1.0: date: 2016-08-25 new features: - >- GH-553 Fixed issue with environment and globals export format was using wrong property names - Fixed issue where --export-* CLI option did not work with no parameters - Added support for postman.getResponseCookie in the script sandbox - Prettified HTML report template - >- Added support for custom HTML report templates via --reporter-html-template flag - Added file upload support - GH-547 Fixed a bug in the timeout request flag - Updated runtime dependency to 2.4.4 - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect iterationCount detection - Better error messages - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect exports of environment and global values - The export parameters now default to /newman/* - >- Added a new CLI option, --silent which ensures Newman does not write anything to the terminal 3.0.1: date: 2016-08-09 fixed bugs: - Updated Postman Runtime to v2.4.1 - Newman now exits with a non-zero status code on test failures or errors 3.0.0: date: 2016-08-09 fixed bugs: - First stable release of Newman v3.0 - Added ability to suppress exit code on failures - >- Renamed the "--stop-on-error" option to "--bail", which ensures that Newman stops on test failures or errors 3.0.0-rc.1: date: 2016-08-08 initial release: - Initial release of Newman v3. Migration Guide