# This project is no longer maintained. Please contact the person who takes over the maintenance. # Sublime HSP This is the "Sublime Text" HSP syntax package. ## Installation Install Package Control from **[packagecontrol.io](https://packagecontrol.io/installation)** Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Control: Install Package "HSP" ## Build System Settings If you build hsp code from Sublime Text, You have to install [sthspcmp(Sublime Text HSP Compiler)](https://github.com/potato4d/sthspcmp). 1. DownLoad Compile **[Here](http://potato4d.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/sthspcmp2015v100.zip)**. 2. Move **sthspcmp.exe** and **config.ini** to HSP install directory. 3. Write HSP install directory to **config.ini**. 4. You can build .hsp code from Sublime Text. :) (c) 2015 Potato4d