# Poutnik's Trekking profile template for Trekking profile variants # Version 2.6.* new max cost system # # *) = See also https://github.com/poutnikl/Brouter-profiles/wiki # **) = See also https://github.com/poutnikl/Trekking-Poutnik/wiki # # Trekking in No-Flat mode, giving penalty to flat roads, with zero hillcost. # # Legend above is the placeholder for generated comments of final profiles # See the HistoryLog.txt file for file history, the wikis above for verbose comments. # bstart /global ---context:global assign iswet 0 # 0 as default, *) flag for weather conditions assign turnInstructionMode = 1 # 0=none, 1=auto-choose, 2=locus-style, 3=osmand-style assign cycleroutes_pref 0.2 # also CRP *) costfactor penalty for not being cycleroute assign MTB_factor 0.0 # default 0.0, *) assign smallpaved_factor 0.0 # default 0.0, *) assign avoid_unsafe 0 # 0 as default, gives penalty to mainroad without bike friendly status. assign hills 5 # 1=default / 0=BRouter default/ 1=+ penalty for uphills >3.0%/ 2=velomobile-like avoiding slopes, 3= simulates ascend/length time equiv. # 4=valley mode, 5=No-Flats mode assign isbike_for_mainroads true # default=true / if false then bike friendly tag hints for mainroads are ignored, keeping their high penalties. v2.5.20 assign path_preference 0.0 # 0.0 as default, try 20.0 to penalize nonpath ways a/o paved ways assign consider_elevation 1 # 1 as default assign consider_smoothness 1 # 1 as default assign allow_steps 1 # 1 as default assign allow_ferries 1 # 1 as default assign allow_traffic_penalty 1 # 1 as default assign StrictNOBicycleaccess 0 # 0 allows but penalizes foot only access / 1 forbides foot only access. assign valley_nonflat_multiplier = 2.0 assign allow_default_barrier_restriction false # If true, default access for barrier=gate is false. see node context # Internal parameters - not intended to be tweaked by end users, unless they know what they are doing. #new in 2.5.12 assign NoFlatMode equal hills 5 assign ValleyMode equal hills 4 assign originalisbike false assign uphillcostvalue switch equal hills 1 70 switch equal hills 2 80 switch equal hills 3 60 switch ValleyMode 150 switch NoFlatMode 0 0 assign uphillcutoffvalue switch equal hills 1 3.0 switch equal hills 2 1.0 switch equal hills 3 0.5 switch ValleyMode 1.5 switch NoFlatMode 1.5 1.5 assign downhillcutoffvalue switch equal hills 1 1.5 switch equal hills 2 0.5 switch equal hills 3 1.5 switch ValleyMode 1.5 switch NoFlatMode 1.5 1.5 assign downhillcostvalue switch equal hills 1 60 switch equal hills 2 80 switch equal hills 3 0 switch ValleyMode 150 switch NoFlatMode 0 0 assign Flat_Penalty if NoFlatMode then 1.5 else 0.0 assign validForBikes 1 assign processUnusedTags 0 # 1 is old Brouter behaviour, 0 is new Brouter default, more efficient, but ignores tags not used by a profile. # positive smallpaved factor effect subtracts itself from MTB factor effect # on MTB-like OSM way preference and elevation effect attenuation #v2.5.14 assign MTBminusSP_factor sub MTB_factor ( max 0 smallpaved_factor ) - pre v2.5.14 #v2.5.14 assign Hill_factor min 3 max -3 sub MTB_factor smallpaved_factor assign Road_factor min 3 max -3 ( sub ( sub 0.0 MTB_factor ) smallpaved_factor ) assign positive_smallpaved_factor not lesser smallpaved_factor 0.0 assign abs_smallpaved_factor multiply ( switch positive_smallpaved_factor 1.0 -1.0 ) smallpaved_factor assign MTB_hillcostfactor multiply 0.3333 Hill_factor # It changes hillcosts to be 0.0 at Hill_factor = 3.0 and twice at -3.0 # Hill_factor 1..-1 leads hillcost to decrease e.g. from 60 to 40 / increase from 60 to 80 assign downhillcost if ( consider_elevation ) then ( multiply ( sub 1.0 MTB_hillcostfactor ) downhillcostvalue ) else 0 assign uphillcost if ( consider_elevation ) then ( multiply ( sub 1.0 MTB_hillcostfactor ) uphillcostvalue ) else 0 assign uphillcutoff if ( consider_elevation ) then ( multiply ( max 0.0 min 1.0 add 1.0 MTB_hillcostfactor ) uphillcutoffvalue ) else 1.5 assign downhillcutoff if ( consider_elevation ) then ( multiply ( max 0.0 min 1.0 add 1.0 MTB_hillcostfactor ) downhillcutoffvalue ) else 1.5 assign elevationpenaltybuffer if ValleyMode then 10 else 5 # 5 is trekking default assign elevationmaxbuffer if ValleyMode then 20 else 10 # 10 is trekking default assign elevationbufferreduce if ValleyMode then 0.0 else ( multiply 0.333 max uphillcutoff downhillcutoff ) # 0.0 is trekking default assign uphillCFshift 0.0 # experimental shifting of up/downhillcostfactors as alternative way of assign downhillCFshift 0.0 # prioritizing/penalizing of up/downhills, based on length, not elevation assign pass1coefficient 1.8 assign pass2coefficient 0 assign use_proposed_cn 1 # 0 as default, considers proposed cycle networks as unmarked but valid cycleroutes. assign considerTurnRestrictions = true #v2.5.11 assign unsafe_penalty_value 1.0 # 1 - was 2 in Trekking, but this may cause U-like safe routes assign cost_of_unknown 2.0 # 2 as default, cost of highway= assign c_ford_initialcost_node = 500 assign c_ford_initialcost_way = 1000 assign c_ford_costfactor = 50 assign million = 1000000 assign ford_handling_coef switch ( lesser Hill_factor -1.49 ) million switch ( lesser Hill_factor -0.99 ) 20 switch ( lesser Hill_factor -0.49 ) 5.0 switch ( lesser Hill_factor 0.01 ) 1.0 switch ( lesser Hill_factor 0.51 ) 0.4 switch ( lesser Hill_factor 1.01 ) 0.1 switch ( lesser Hill_factor 1.51 ) 0.05 0.0 assign ford_initialcost_way = if ( equal ford_handling_coef million ) then million else if ( equal ford_handling_coef 0.0 ) then 0.0 else multiply c_ford_initialcost_way ford_handling_coef assign ford_initialcost_node = if ( equal ford_handling_coef million ) then million else if ( equal ford_handling_coef 0.0 ) then 0.0 else multiply c_ford_initialcost_node ford_handling_coef assign ford_costfactor = if ( equal ford_handling_coef million ) then 9999 else if ( equal ford_handling_coef 0.0 ) then 0.0 else multiply c_ford_costfactor ford_handling_coef assign UDcostON true assign ncncoef max 0 min 1 multiply cycleroutes_pref 0.2 assign lcncoef max 0 min 1 multiply cycleroutes_pref 1.0 # bend /global # bstart /way ---context:way # following code refers to way-tags # bstart /wayvariables assign isicn route_bicycle_icn=yes assign isncn or route_bicycle_ncn=yes ncn=yes assign isrcn or route_bicycle_rcn=yes rcn=yes assign islcn or route_bicycle_lcn=yes lcn=yes assign any_cycleroute or route_bicycle_icn=yes or route_bicycle_ncn=yes or route_bicycle_rcn=yes route_bicycle_lcn=yes assign any_cn_yes or lcn=yes or rcn=yes ncn=yes assign any_cn_proposed or lcn=proposed or rcn=proposed ncn=proposed assign any_cn or any_cn_yes switch use_proposed_cn any_cn_proposed 0 assign nodeaccessgranted or any_cycleroute any_cn assign is_ldcr if ( equal cycleroutes_pref 0.0 ) then false else nodeaccessgranted assign istrack highway=track|road|path|footway assign ismainroad highway=motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|unclassified assign isotherroad = not or istrack ismainroad assign hascycleway = not and ( or cycleway= cycleway=no|none ) and ( or cycleway:left= cycleway:left=no ) ( or cycleway:right= cycleway:right=no ) #2.6.* inserted originalisbike option assign isbike_candidate or bicycle=yes|permissive|designated or hascycleway if originalisbike then lcn=yes else nodeaccessgranted assign isbike and ( or ( not ismainroad ) isbike_for_mainroads ) isbike_candidate assign ispaved surface=paved|asphalt|concrete|paving_stones assign isunpaved not or surface= or ispaved or surface=fine_gravel surface=cobblestone assign probablyGood or ispaved and isbike not isunpaved #probably good surface - weather independent assign turncost if ismainroad then 90 else if ispaved then 60 else 30 # Turn cost is based solely on estimation of road speediness and eventual time cost of turning, partially promoting tracks ) assign ismuddy and iswet and ( not surface=gravel|pebblestone ) # ***) ( or isunpaved ( and surface= and highway=track|path not tracktype=grade1 ) ) assign nosurface or surface= surface=unknown assign nosurfacenortracktype and nosurface tracktype= assign ishard or ispaved surface=cobblestone|sett|compacted|fine_gravel|gravel|pebblestone assign issoft not or nosurface ishard # bend /wayvariables # bstart /initialcost assign initialclassifier if route=ferry then 1 else if ( ford=yes ) then 15 else if ( highway=motorway|motorway_link ) then 2 else if ( highway=trunk|trunk_link ) then 3 else if ( highway=primary|primary_link ) then 4 else if ( highway=secondary|secondary_link ) then 5 else if ( highway=tertiary|tertiary_link ) then 6 else if ( highway=unclassified ) then 7 else if ( highway=residential ) then 8 else if ( highway=living_street ) then 9 else if ( highway=service ) then 10 else if ( highway=footway ) then 11 else if ( istrack ) then 12 else if ( highway=cycleway ) then 13 else 14 assign initialcost if route=ferry then 10000 else if ( ford=yes ) then ford_initialcost_way else if ( highway=motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link ) then 500 else if ( highway=primary|primary_link ) then 120 else if ( highway=secondary|secondary_link ) then 80 else if ( highway=tertiary|tertiary_link|unclassified ) then 50 else 30 # bend /initialcost # bstart /wayaccess assign defaultaccess = if access= then not motorroad=yes else if access=private|no then false else true assign bikeaccess = if nodeaccessgranted then true else if hascycleway then true else if bicycle= then ( if vehicle= then defaultaccess else not vehicle=private|no ) else not bicycle=private|no|dismount assign footaccess = if bikeaccess then true else if bicycle=dismount then true else if foot= then defaultaccess else not foot=private|no assign accesspenalty = if bikeaccess then 0 else if footaccess then ( if StrictNOBicycleaccess then 10000 else 4 ) else 10000 # handle one-ways. On primary roads, wrong-oneways should be close to forbidden # while on other ways we just add 4 to the costfactor # making it at least 5, as you are allowed to push your bike. assign badoneway = if reversedirection=yes then if oneway:bicycle=yes then true else if oneway= then junction=roundabout else oneway=yes|true|1 else oneway=-1 assign onewaypenalty = if ( badoneway ) then if cycleway=opposite|opposite_lane|opposite_track then 0 else if oneway:bicycle=no then 0 else if highway=primary|primary_link then 50 else if highway=secondary|secondary_link then 30 else if highway=tertiary|tertiary_link then 20 else 4.0 else 0.0 # bend /wayaccess # bstart /roadmaxpenalties # bstart /roughness_penalty assign smoothness_penalty # http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:smoothness if not consider_smoothness then 0.0 else if smoothness= then 0.0 else if smoothness=excellent|very_good|good then 0.0 else if smoothness=intermediate then 0.2 else if smoothness=bad|robust_wheels then 0.5 else if smoothness=very_bad|high_clearance then 1.2 else if smoothness=horrible|off_road_wheels then 2.5 else if smoothness=very_horrible then 5.0 else if smoothness=impassable then 10.0 else 0.0 assign mtb_scale_penalty if not consider_smoothness then 0.0 else # Remember this is for trekking bikes, not MTB. There are MTB dedicated profiles. # http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:mtb:scale if mtb:scale= then 0.0 else if mtb:scale=0- then 0.0 else if mtb:scale=0 then 0.0 else if mtb:scale=0+ then 0.3 else if mtb:scale=1- then 0.7 else if mtb:scale=1 then 1.2 else if mtb:scale=1+ then 1.8 else if mtb:scale=2- then 2.5 else if mtb:scale=2 then 5.0 else if mtb:scale=2+ then 10.0 else if mtb:scale=3 then 15.0 else if mtb:scale=4|5|6 then 9000 else 0.0 assign roughness_penalty max smoothness_penalty max mtb_scale_penalty ( if ford=yes then ford_costfactor else 0 ) # bend /roughness_penalty # bstart /MTB_SP_tweaks assign rough_coef = add 1.0 ( multiply 0.33 roughness_penalty ) assign univ_factor_coef switch highway=motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link 1.0 switch highway=primary|primary_link 0.9 switch highway=secondary|secondary_link 0.7 switch highway=tertiary|tertiary_link 0.4 switch highway=unclassified 0.25 switch or not istrack highway=footway ( switch ispaved 0.25 switch isunpaved -0.25 0.0 ) switch or ispaved tracktype=grade1 0.1 multiply rough_coef add ( switch highway=path -0.25 0.0 ) switch ( nosurfacenortracktype ) ( switch isbike 0.0 -0.25 ) switch nosurface ( switch or isbike tracktype=grade2|grade3 -0.25 -0.5 ) switch surface=compacted|fine_gravel -0.25 switch surface=cobblestone|sett -0.4 switch surface=ground|mud|dirt -0.6 switch surface=grass|sand -0.6 switch surface=gravel|pebblestone -0.75 -0.6 assign nonpath_penalty = if equal path_preference 0.0 then 0.0 # nonpath_penalty inactive else multiply ( max 0 path_preference ) if ismainroad then 1 else if not or istrack highway=cycleway then 0.6 else if ispaved then 0.4 else if or not highway=path or not isunpaved tracktype=grade1|grade2 then 0.25 else if or not isunpaved or not highway=path or not tracktype=grade3|grade4|grade5 surface=gravel|cobblestone|pebblestone then 0.15 else 0.0 assign MTB_factor_for_road if ( equal MTB_factor 0.0 ) then 0.0 else multiply MTB_factor univ_factor_coef assign abs_univ_factor if lesser univ_factor_coef 0.0 then multiply -1.0 univ_factor_coef else univ_factor_coef assign smallpaved_factor_for_road if ( equal smallpaved_factor 0.0 ) then 0.0 else multiply abs_smallpaved_factor ( if positive_smallpaved_factor then abs_univ_factor else ( sub 1.0 abs_univ_factor ) ) # bend /MTB_SP_tweaks # bstart /HWclass_bfactor_components assign highwayclass_basefactor if ismainroad then switch highway=trunk|trunk_link 1.8 switch highway=primary|primary_link 1.5 switch highway=secondary|secondary_link 1.2 switch highway=tertiary|tertiary_link 1.1 1.0 else if istrack then switch highway=track 1.0 switch highway=path 1.1 switch highway=footway 1.2 1.0 # highway=road else switch highway=pedestrian 2.0 switch highway=bridleway 3.0 switch highway=cycleway 1.0 switch highway=residential|living_street 1.0 switch highway=service 1.1 cost_of_unknown assign tracktype_penalty if tracktype= then 0.0 else switch tracktype=grade1 0.0 switch tracktype=grade2 0.4 switch tracktype=grade3 0.7 switch tracktype=grade4 0.9 switch tracktype=grade5 1.0 0.5 assign surface_penalty if nosurface then 0.0 else switch surface=asphalt|paved 0.0 switch surface=concrete|paving_stones 0.2 switch surface=sett|compacted 0.4 switch surface=cobblestone|ground|earth|unpaved|dirt|fine_gravel 0.6 switch surface=grass|sand 1.0 switch surface=gravel|pebblestone 1.5 0.6 assign tracktype_surface_penalty if nosurfacenortracktype then ( switch ismainroad 0.0 switch isotherroad 0.0 switch highway=path 0.8 0.4 ) else if nosurface then tracktype_penalty else if tracktype= then surface_penalty else max tracktype_penalty surface_penalty assign not_isbike_penalty if isbike then 0.0 else if ismainroad then add switch bicycle=use_sidepath 2.0 0.0 switch highway=trunk|trunk_link 8.2 switch highway=primary|primary_link 1.5 switch highway=secondary|secondary_link 0.4 0.3 # tertiary|tertiary_link|unclassified else if istrack then switch highway=footway 3.5 switch or ispaved tracktype=grade1 0.0 switch and tracktype= not isunpaved ( switch highway=path 3.5 1.0 ) switch tracktype= 3.0 switch tracktype=grade1 0.2 switch tracktype=grade2 0.6 switch tracktype=grade3 1.2 switch tracktype=grade4 2.0 switch tracktype=grade5 3.0 3.0 else switch highway=pedestrian 2.0 switch highway=bridleway 2.0 switch highway=cycleway 0.0 switch highway=residential|living_street 0.0 switch highway=service 0.0 0.0 assign wet_penalty if not iswet then 0.0 else switch surface=cobblestone|sett 1.0 switch ispaved 0.0 switch surface=compacted 0.6 switch surface=fine_gravel 0.8 switch surface= switch not istrack 0.5 switch highway=path 2.0 1.0 switch surface=grass switch highway=path 2.5 1.5 switch surface=ground|earth|unpaved|sand|dirt|mud switch highway=path 3.5 2.0 2.0 # bend /HWclass_bfactor_components # bend /roadmaxpenalties # bstart /trafficpenalties # Penalty for unsafe roads. As wet fallback, it does not so strictly avoid unsafe assign unsafe_penalty if and avoid_unsafe and ismainroad not isbike then multiply unsafe_penalty_value ( if iswet then 0.5 else 1.0 ) else 0.0 assign trafficpenalty0 = ( if not allow_traffic_penalty then 0.0 else if highway=primary|primary_link then ( if estimated_traffic_class=4 then 0.2 else if estimated_traffic_class=5 then 0.4 else if estimated_traffic_class=6|7 then 0.6 else 0 ) else if highway=secondary|secondary_link then ( if estimated_traffic_class=3 then 0.2 else if estimated_traffic_class=4 then 0.4 else if estimated_traffic_class=5 then 0.6 else if estimated_traffic_class=6|7 then 1 else 0 ) else if highway=tertiary|tertiary_link then ( if estimated_traffic_class=2 then 0.1 else if estimated_traffic_class=3 then 0.3 else if estimated_traffic_class=4 then 0.5 else if estimated_traffic_class=5|6|7 then 1 else 0 ) else 0 ) assign trafficpenalty = if hascycleway then min 0.3 trafficpenalty0 else trafficpenalty0 # bend /trafficpenalties # bstart /costfactors assign penaltymax = max roughness_penalty max tracktype_surface_penalty max wet_penalty trafficpenalty assign rawcostfactor ( # can be <1, adjusted to >=1 in final step of calculation of costfactor, uphillcostfactor,downhillcostfactor switch and highway= not route=ferry 10000 #only highways unless ferry switch highway=motorway|motorway_link|proposed|abandoned 10000 # all other exclusions below (access, steps, ferries,..) should not be deleted by the decoder, to be available in voice-hint-processing min 9999 switch highway=steps switch allow_steps 40 10000 switch route=ferry switch allow_ferries 5.67 10000 switch highway=construction 10000 add highwayclass_basefactor add not_isbike_penalty add unsafe_penalty max penaltymax nonpath_penalty ) assign isCFgt9997 greater rawcostfactor 9997 assign LDCRboost multiply sub 1.0 rawcostfactor cycleroutes_pref assign cycleroute_tweak #2.6 reworked : non cyclenetwork penalty = + cycleroutes_pref ( 0..1 , default 0.2) # ICN boost = - ( CF - 1 ) * cycleroutes_pref, leading to CF=1.0 for cycleroutes_pref = 1.0 # other CN: weitgted average of above, with weights ncncoef, lcncoef shifting with cycleroutes_pref if not greater cycleroutes_pref 0.0 then 0.0 else if not is_ldcr then cycleroutes_pref else if isicn then LDCRboost else if isncn then add multiply ncncoef cycleroutes_pref multiply ( sub 1.0 ncncoef ) LDCRboost else add multiply lcncoef cycleroutes_pref multiply ( sub 1.0 lcncoef ) LDCRboost # can be <1, adjusted to >=1 in final step of calculation of costfactor, uphillcostfactor,downhillcostfactor assign rawcostfactor2 if isCFgt9997 then rawcostfactor else add rawcostfactor add cycleroute_tweak add MTB_factor_for_road smallpaved_factor_for_road assign access-penalty max onewaypenalty accesspenalty assign costfactor if isCFgt9997 then rawcostfactor2 else add access-penalty add Flat_Penalty max 1.0 rawcostfactor2 assign uphillcostfactor if or not UDcostON isCFgt9997 then costfactor else add access-penalty max 1.0 if ValleyMode then ( multiply rawcostfactor2 valley_nonflat_multiplier ) else add uphillCFshift add rawcostfactor2 switch ismainroad ( multiply 0.4 sub univ_factor_coef 0.5 ) ( multiply -0.5 univ_factor_coef ) assign downhillcostfactor if or not UDcostON isCFgt9997 then costfactor else add access-penalty max 1.0 if ValleyMode then ( multiply rawcostfactor2 valley_nonflat_multiplier ) else add downhillCFshift add rawcostfactor2 multiply -0.2 univ_factor_coef # bend /costfactors # bstart /priorityclassifiers # way priorities used for voice hint generation assign priorityclassifier = ( if ( highway=motorway ) then 30 else if ( highway=motorway_link ) then 29 else if ( highway=trunk ) then 28 else if ( highway=trunk_link ) then 27 else if ( highway=primary ) then 26 else if ( highway=primary_link ) then 25 else if ( highway=secondary ) then 24 else if ( highway=secondary_link ) then 23 else if ( highway=tertiary ) then 22 else if ( highway=tertiary_link ) then 21 else if ( highway=unclassified ) then 20 else if ( highway=residential|living_street ) then 16 else if ( highway=service ) then 14 else if ( tracktype=grade1 ) then 6 else if ( highway=cycleway ) then 6 else if ( bicycle=designated ) then 6 else if ( highway=bridleway ) then 4 else if ( highway=track|road|footway ) then 4 else if ( highway=steps|path|pedestrian ) then 2 else 0 ) # some more classifying bits used for voice hint generation... assign isbadoneway = not equal onewaypenalty 0 assign isgoodoneway = if reversedirection=yes then oneway=-1 else if oneway= then junction=roundabout else oneway=yes|true|1 assign isroundabout = junction=roundabout assign islinktype = highway=motorway_link|trunk_link|primary_link|secondary_link|tertiary_link assign isgoodforcars = if greater priorityclassifier 6 then true else if highway=residential|living_street|service then true else if ( and highway=track tracktype=grade1 ) then true else false # ... encoded into a bitmask assign classifiermask add isbadoneway add multiply isgoodoneway 2 add multiply isroundabout 4 add multiply islinktype 8 multiply isgoodforcars 16 # bend /priorityclassifiers # bend /way # bstart /node ---context:node # following code refers to node tags assign initial_cost_node 0 # 0 as default assign defaultaccess = if ( access= ) then if allow_default_barrier_restriction then not barrier=gate # add default barrier restrictions here! - modified v2.5.15, conditioned in 2.6 else true else if ( access=private|no ) then false else true assign bikeaccess = if nodeaccessgranted=yes then true else if bicycle= then ( if vehicle= then defaultaccess else not vehicle=private|no ) else not bicycle=private|no|dismount assign footaccess = if bicycle=dismount then true else if foot= then defaultaccess else not foot=private|no assign initialcost = add ( if highway=traffic_signals then 120 else if highway=stop then 60 else if and highway=crossing bicycle=no then 60 else if and highway=crossing crossing=no then 300 # workaround affecting road routing else if ( ford=yes ) then ford_initialcost_node else initial_cost_node ) if bikeaccess then 0 else ( if footaccess then 100 else 1000000 ) # bend /node