import os import json import shutil import getpass import datetime import platform import requests import subprocess # Developer settings GITHUB_API_TOKEN = "" headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + GITHUB_API_TOKEN} CUSTOM_HEADERS_ENABLED = False DEBUGGING = False TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # ANISETTE-SERVER ANISETTE_HOST = "" ANISETTE_PORT = 6969 # ARCH ARCH = platform.machine() if ARCH == "armv7l": ARCH = "armv7" NETMUXD_AVAILABLE_ARCHS = ("x86_64", "aarch64", "armv7") NETMUXD_IS_AVAILABLE = ARCH in NETMUXD_AVAILABLE_ARCHS Netmuxd_is_on = True if NETMUXD_IS_AVAILABLE else False # DIRECTORY CURRENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) RESOURCE_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, "resource") # VERSIONS """ Versions will be fetch with FetchVersion() """ Latest_AltServer_Version = "" Latest_AltStore_Version = "" Latest_Netmuxd_Version = "" Latest_Anisette_Server_Version = "" Latest_Script_Version = "" # PATH AND URL """ URL value default is "" , value will be update with FetchVersion() """ VERSION_JSON_PATH = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, "version.json") ALTSERVER_PATH = os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY, "AltServer") Altserver_URL = "" ALTSTORE_PATH = os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY, "AltStore.ipa") AltStore_URL = "" NETMUXD_PATH = os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY, "netmuxd") Netmuxd_URL = "" ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH = os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY, "anisette-server") Anisette_Server_URL = "" SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, "") SCRIPT_URL = "" # UPDATABLE BOOLS """ Default is false , value will be update with CheckUpdate() """ AltServer_Is_Updatable = False AltStore_Is_Updatable = False Nermuxd_Is_Updatable = False Anisette_Server_Is_Updatable = False Script_Is_Updatable = False Version_Fetched = False def getAnswer(text): try: return input(text) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCtrl+C pressed, aborting") exit(-2) def DebugPrint(msg): now = if DEBUGGING: print(f"[DEBUG] {now}\n== {msg} ==") def FetchVersion() -> dict: print("Fetching version ...") global Latest_AltServer_Version, Latest_AltStore_Version, Latest_Anisette_Server_Version, Latest_Netmuxd_Version, Latest_Script_Version AltStore_Response = requests.get( "").json()["apps"][0]["versions"][0] Latest_AltStore_Version = AltStore_Response["version"] Latest_AltServer_Version = requests.get( "", headers=headers if CUSTOM_HEADERS_ENABLED else "").json()["tag_name"] Latest_Netmuxd_Version = requests.get( "", headers=headers if CUSTOM_HEADERS_ENABLED else "").json()["tag_name"] Latest_Anisette_Server_Version = requests.get( "", headers=headers if CUSTOM_HEADERS_ENABLED else "").json()["tag_name"] Latest_Script_Version = requests.get( "", headers=headers if CUSTOM_HEADERS_ENABLED else "").json()["tag_name"] global Altserver_URL, AltStore_URL, Netmuxd_URL, Anisette_Server_URL, Version_Fetched Altserver_URL = f"{Latest_AltServer_Version}/AltServer-{ARCH}" Netmuxd_URL = f"{Latest_Netmuxd_Version}/{ARCH}-linux-netmuxd" Anisette_Server_URL = f"{Latest_Anisette_Server_Version}/anisette-server-{ARCH}" AltStore_URL = AltStore_Response["downloadURL"] Version_Fetched = True print("Done") json_data = {"AltServer": Latest_AltServer_Version, "AltStore": Latest_AltStore_Version, "Netmuxd": Latest_Netmuxd_Version, "Anisette-Server": Latest_Anisette_Server_Version, "Script": Latest_Script_Version} DebugPrint(json_data) return json_data def CheckResource(): resource_list = os.listdir(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) if os.path.exists( RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) else [] Resource_Missed = not all(resource in resource_list for resource in [ 'AltServer', 'anisette-server', 'AltStore.ipa', 'netmuxd']) latest_version_json = {} DebugPrint(f"RESOURCE_MISSED : {Resource_Missed}") if not os.path.exists(VERSION_JSON_PATH): print("version.json not exists") latest_version_json: dict = FetchVersion() DebugPrint(latest_version_json) with open(VERSION_JSON_PATH, "w") as outfile: json.dump(latest_version_json, outfile) # Remove all executable binaries to get new binaries if os.path.exists(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY): shutil.rmtree(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) if Resource_Missed and not Version_Fetched: latest_version_json: dict = FetchVersion() global current_version_json current_version_json = json.load(open(VERSION_JSON_PATH)) # Resource dir if not os.path.exists(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY): print("Creating 'resource' directory") os.mkdir(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) # AltServer if not os.path.exists(ALTSERVER_PATH): print(f"Downloading Altserver {Latest_AltServer_Version}") DebugPrint(Altserver_URL) response = requests.get(Altserver_URL) open(ALTSERVER_PATH, "wb").write(response.content) current_version_json["AltServer"] = Latest_AltServer_Version # AltStore if not os.path.exists(ALTSTORE_PATH): print(f"Downloading AltStore ipa {Latest_AltStore_Version}") DebugPrint(AltStore_URL) response = requests.get(AltStore_URL) open(ALTSTORE_PATH, "wb").write(response.content) current_version_json["AltStore"] = Latest_AltStore_Version # Netmuxd if not os.path.exists(NETMUXD_PATH) and NETMUXD_IS_AVAILABLE: print(f"Downloading netmuxd {Latest_Netmuxd_Version}") DebugPrint(Netmuxd_URL) response = requests.get(Netmuxd_URL) open(NETMUXD_PATH, "wb").write(response.content) current_version_json["Netmuxd"] = Latest_Netmuxd_Version # Anisette-Server if not os.path.exists(ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH): print(f"Downloading anisette-server {Latest_Anisette_Server_Version}") DebugPrint(Anisette_Server_URL) response = requests.get(Anisette_Server_URL) open(ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH, "wb").write(response.content) current_version_json["Anisette-Server"] = Latest_Anisette_Server_Version # Write updated json data into version.json with open(VERSION_JSON_PATH, "w") as outfile: json.dump(current_version_json, outfile) if not os.access(ALTSERVER_PATH, os.X_OK): print("Setting AltServer exec permission") os.chmod(ALTSERVER_PATH, 0o755) if os.path.exists(NETMUXD_PATH) and not os.access(NETMUXD_PATH, os.X_OK): print("Setting netmuxd exec permission") os.chmod(NETMUXD_PATH, 0o755) if not os.access(ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH, os.X_OK): print("Setting anisette-server permission") os.chmod(ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH, 0o755) DebugPrint(subprocess.getoutput(f"ls -al {RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}")) def CheckNetworkConnection() -> bool: try: requests.get('') return True except: return False def CheckUpdate() -> bool: if not Version_Fetched: FetchVersion() with open(VERSION_JSON_PATH, 'r') as openfile: json_data = json.load(openfile) Current_Script_Version = json_data["Script"] Current_AltServer_Version = json_data["AltServer"] Current_AltStore_Version = json_data["AltStore"] Current_Netmuxd_Version = json_data["Netmuxd"] Current_Anisette_Server_Version = json_data["Anisette-Server"] global Script_Is_Updatable, AltServer_Is_Updatable, AltStore_Is_Updatable, Nermuxd_Is_Updatable, Anisette_Server_Is_Updatable # script if Latest_Script_Version != Current_Script_Version: Script_Is_Updatable = True print( f"Script is updatable , current ver : {Current_Script_Version} , latest ver : {Latest_Script_Version}") # altserver if Latest_AltServer_Version != Current_AltServer_Version: AltServer_Is_Updatable = True print( f"AltServer is updatable , current ver : {Current_AltServer_Version} , latest ver : {Latest_AltServer_Version}") # altstore if Latest_AltStore_Version != Current_AltStore_Version: AltStore_Is_Updatable = True print( f"AltStrore is updatable , current ver : {Current_AltStore_Version} , latest ver : {Latest_AltStore_Version}") # netmuxd if Latest_Netmuxd_Version != Current_Netmuxd_Version: Nermuxd_Is_Updatable = True print( f"Netmuxd is updatable , current ver : {Current_Netmuxd_Version} , latest ver : {Latest_Netmuxd_Version}") # anisette server if Latest_Anisette_Server_Version != Current_Anisette_Server_Version: Anisette_Server_Is_Updatable = True print( f"Anisette-Server is updatable , current ver : {Current_Anisette_Server_Version} , latest ver : {Latest_Anisette_Server_Version}") return AltServer_Is_Updatable or AltStore_Is_Updatable or Nermuxd_Is_Updatable or Anisette_Server_Is_Updatable or Script_Is_Updatable def RemoveOutdatedResource(): if AltServer_Is_Updatable: os.remove(ALTSERVER_PATH) if AltStore_Is_Updatable: os.remove(ALTSTORE_PATH) if Anisette_Server_Is_Updatable: os.remove(ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH) if Nermuxd_Is_Updatable: os.remove(NETMUXD_PATH) def Update(): if CheckUpdate(): answer = getAnswer("Update available, Update now ? (y/n) : ").lower() if answer == 'y': # Remove outdated resource print("Removing outdated resource ...") RemoveOutdatedResource() # Update script if Script_Is_Updatable: print( f"Downloading the lastest script [{Latest_Script_Version}] ...") response = requests.get( "") open(SCRIPT_PATH, "wb").write(response.content) current_version_json["Script"] = Latest_Script_Version with open(VERSION_JSON_PATH, "w") as outfile: json.dump(current_version_json, outfile) print("\n\nUpdate done\nYou can find update log in\nScript requires restart to apply updates\nUse `e` option to exit the script\n\n") else: print("All resources and script are up to dated :)") class AnisetteServer: def __init__(self, host=ANISETTE_HOST, port=ANISETTE_PORT): = host self.port = port os.environ["ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER"] = f"http://{host}:{port}" DebugPrint(os.environ["ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER"]) DebugPrint(f"{ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH} -n {host} -p {port}") self.server = subprocess.Popen( f"{ANISETTE_SERVER_PATH} -n {host} -p {port}", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def kill(self): print(subprocess.getoutput("killall anisette-server")) class AltServerDaemon: def __init__(self): self.start() def start(self): self.altserver = subprocess.Popen( ALTSERVER_PATH, shell=True) # ,env=os.environ) def kill(self): print(subprocess.getoutput("killall AltServer")) def restart(self): self.kill() self.start() class Netmuxd: def __init__(self): if Netmuxd_is_on: if subprocess.getoutput("echo $(pidof usbmuxd)") != "": print(subprocess.getoutput("sudo kill -9 $(pidof usbmuxd)")) self.start() def start(self): self.netmuxd = subprocess.Popen(f"sudo -b {NETMUXD_PATH}", shell=True) def kill(self): print(subprocess.getoutput("sudo killall netmuxd")) def switchWiFi(self): global Netmuxd_is_on Netmuxd_is_on = True DebugPrint(f"NETMUXD : {Netmuxd_is_on}") print(subprocess.getoutput("sudo kill -9 $(pidof usbmuxd)")) self.kill() self.start() def switchTether(self): global Netmuxd_is_on Netmuxd_is_on = False DebugPrint(f"NETMUXD : {Netmuxd_is_on}") print(subprocess.getoutput("sudo usbmuxd")) self.kill() def getSUDO(): output = "" password = "" if os.geteuid() != 0: while output[:-1] != "0000": password = getpass.getpass("Enter sudo password : ") p = subprocess.Popen("sudo -S echo '0000'", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, shell=True) prompt = p.communicate(password + '\n') output = prompt[0] DebugPrint(output[:-1]) class iDevice: def __init__(self, name, UDID): = name self.UDID = UDID class DeviceManager: def __init__(self, devices=[]): self.devices = devices def getDevices(self) -> list[iDevice]: DebugPrint(f"NETMUXD : {Netmuxd_is_on}") self.devices = [] udids = subprocess.getoutput("idevice_id -n").split( '\n') if Netmuxd_is_on else subprocess.getoutput("idevice_id -l").split('\n') DebugPrint(udids) if udids == ['']: print("No devices found") else: for udid in udids: name = subprocess.getoutput( f"ideviceinfo -n -u {udid} -k DeviceName") if Netmuxd_is_on else subprocess.getoutput(f"ideviceinfo -u {udid} -k DeviceName") d = iDevice(name=name, UDID=udid) self.devices.append(d) return self.devices class InstallationManager: def __init__(self): pass def selectDevice(self, devices: list[iDevice]): for i in range(len(devices)): print(f"[{i}] : {devices[i].name} , {devices[i].UDID}") try: index = int( getAnswer("Enter the index of the device for installation : ")) self.selectedDevice = devices[index] except: print("Invalid index") self.selectedDevice = None def getAccount(self): ac = getAnswer("Enter your Apple ID : ") self.account = ac def getPassword(self): pd = getpass.getpass("Enter password of the Apple ID : ") self.password = pd def selectFile(self): answer = getAnswer( "Do you want to install AltStore ? (y/n) [n for select your own iPA] : ").lower() if answer == 'n': filePath = getAnswer("Enter the absolute path of the file : ") if filePath != "": self.filePath = filePath else: self.filePath = None print("No file path entered") else: self.filePath = ALTSTORE_PATH def run(self): f"{ALTSERVER_PATH} -u {self.selectedDevice.UDID} -a '{self.account}' -p '{self.password}' {self.filePath}", shell=True) def getInfo(self) -> str: return [, self.account, self.password, self.filePath] def main(): if CheckNetworkConnection() == False: print("Please connect to network and re-run the script") input("Press enter to exit : ") exit(-1) CheckResource() CheckUpdate() if NETMUXD_IS_AVAILABLE: getSUDO() anisetteserver = AnisetteServer() netmuxd = Netmuxd() altserverdaemon = AltServerDaemon() device_manager = DeviceManager() installaion_manager = InstallationManager() print(HELP_MSG) while True: option = getAnswer("Enter OPTION to continue : ").lower() if option == 'i': devices = device_manager.getDevices() if len(devices) == 0: continue installaion_manager.selectDevice(devices=devices) if installaion_manager.selectedDevice == None: continue installaion_manager.getAccount() installaion_manager.getPassword() installaion_manager.selectFile() if installaion_manager.filePath == None: continue DebugPrint(installaion_manager.getInfo()) elif option == 'w': if NETMUXD_IS_AVAILABLE: if not Netmuxd_is_on: netmuxd.switchWiFi() altserverdaemon.restart() else: print(f"Netmuxd is not support arch : {ARCH}") elif option == 't': if Netmuxd_is_on: netmuxd.switchTether() altserverdaemon.restart() elif option == 'e': altserverdaemon.kill() anisetteserver.kill() if Netmuxd_is_on: netmuxd.kill() break elif option == 'h': print(HELP_MSG) elif option == 'p': devices = device_manager.getDevices() for d in devices: print(f"{} , {d.UDID}") elif option == 'u': Update() else: print("Invalid option") HELP_MSG = """ ##################################### # Welcome to the AltServer script # ##################################### ScriptUsage: [OPTION] OPTIONS i, --Install AltStore or ipa files Install AltStore or ipa files to your device w, --Switch to wifi Daemode mode (Default using it after launch) Switch and restart to wifi Daemode mode to refresh apps or AltStore t, --Switch to usb tethered Daemode mode Switch and restart to usb tethered Daemode mode to refresh apps or AltStore e, --Exit Exit script h, --Help Show this message p, --Pair Show paired devices u, --Update Update this script For more information: """ if __name__ == '__main__': DebugPrint("Script Start") DebugPrint( f"RUNNING AT {CURRENT_DIRECTORY} , RESOURCE_DIR : {RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}") DebugPrint(f"ARCH : {ARCH} , NETMUXD_AVAILABLE : {NETMUXD_IS_AVAILABLE}") main()