if GetObjectName(myHero) ~= "Draven" then return end --MonTour Draven:V1.0.0.4 - updated GoS:myHeroPos() to GetOrigin(myHero) PrintChat(string.format("MonTour Draven: loaded by MarCiii!")) PrintChat(string.format("Version:")) PrintChat(string.format("Credits to: Cloud for Axes Code")) PrintChat(string.format("Credits to: iLoveSona for Interrupter")) PrintChat(string.format("Credits to: Deftsu for ItemsUse Code")) require('RecallUlt') MonTourMenu = Menu("Draven", "Draven") MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Info", "Info about Auto Q Walk") MonTourMenu.Info:Info("Draven", "Info: Use Catch Q AutoWalk") MonTourMenu.Info:Info("Draven", "for Catching the Axes of Q by") MonTourMenu.Info:Info("Draven", "Single Pressing the Button. ") MonTourMenu.Info:Info("Draven", "Do not HOLD the Catch Q AutoWalk") MonTourMenu.Info:Info("Draven", "Button, cause of Forcing Movement!") MonTourMenu.Info:Info("Draven", "You need to train, before jump into ranked!") MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Combo", "Combo") MonTourMenu.Combo:Key("CQ", "Catch Q AutoWalk", string.byte("A")) MonTourMenu.Combo:Info("Draven", "Pickup Q if Range") MonTourMenu.Combo:Slider("CQPR", " Axe/MyMouse < X (def: 400)", 400, 50, 1000, 1) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("CM", "Draw Q Catch Circle", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("QC", "Draw Q Mouse Circle", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("CWS", "Use W to Catch", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Slider("WMANA", "Use W Only if Mana > x%", 60, 1, 90, 1) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("E", "Use E OOR", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("EB", "Use E if Banshees", true) MonTourMenu.Combo:Boolean("R", "Use R", false) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Items", "Items") MonTourMenu.Items:Info("Draven", "Only in Combo and Harass") MonTourMenu.Items:Boolean("Ignite", "Use Ignite", true) MonTourMenu.Items:Boolean("CutBlade", "Bilgewater Cutlass", true) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("CutBlademyhp", "if My Health < x%", 50, 5, 100, 1) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("CutBladeehp", "if Enemy Health < x%", 20, 5, 100, 1) MonTourMenu.Items:Info("Draven", " ") MonTourMenu.Items:Boolean("bork", "Blade of the Ruined King", true) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("borkmyhp", "if My Health < x%", 50, 5, 100, 1) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("borkehp", "if Enemy Health < x%", 20, 5, 100, 1) MonTourMenu.Items:Info("Draven", " ") MonTourMenu.Items:Boolean("ghostblade", "Youmuu's Ghostblade", true) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("ghostbladeR", "If Enemy in Range (def: 600)", 600, 100, 2000, 1) MonTourMenu.Items:Info("Draven", " ") MonTourMenu.Items:Boolean("useRedPot", "Elixir of Wrath(REDPOT)", true) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("useRedPotR", "If Enemy in Range (def: 600)", 600, 100, 2000, 1) MonTourMenu.Items:Info("Draven", " ") MonTourMenu.Items:Boolean("QSS", "Always Use QSS", true) MonTourMenu.Items:Slider("QSSHP", "if My Health < x%", 75, 0, 100, 1) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Harass", "Harass") MonTourMenu.Harass:Boolean("QH", "Use Q", true) MonTourMenu.Harass:Boolean("WH", "Use W", true) MonTourMenu.Harass:Slider("WMANA", "Use Only W if Mana > x%", 60, 1, 90, 1) MonTourMenu.Harass:Boolean("EH", "Use E OOR", true) MonTourMenu.Harass:Boolean("EHB", "Use E if Banshees", true) MonTourMenu.Harass:Boolean("RH", "Use R", false) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Clear", "Farming/Jungle") MonTourMenu.Clear:Boolean("LHQ", "Use Q LastHit", true) MonTourMenu.Clear:Boolean("LCQ", "Use Q LaneClear", true) MonTourMenu.Clear:Boolean("LCJQ", "Use Q Jungle", true) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Steal", "JungleSteal") MonTourMenu.Steal:Boolean("Dragon", "Use R Dragon", true) MonTourMenu.Steal:Boolean("Baron", "Use R Baron", true) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal") MonTourMenu.Killsteal:Boolean("KSQE", "KillSteal with Q/E", true) MonTourMenu.Killsteal:Boolean("KSR", "Killsteal with R", true) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("Misc", "Misc") MonTourMenu.Misc:Boolean("AL","AutoLevelSkills", true) MonTourMenu.Misc:Boolean("QAA","Draw QAA Text", true) MonTourMenu.Misc:Boolean("DOHP","Draw DMG over HP", true) MonTourMenu.Misc:Info("Draven", " ") MonTourMenu.Misc:Boolean("MGUN","Ultimate Notifier", true) MonTourMenu.Misc:Boolean("MGUNDEB","TEXT DEBUG", false) MonTourMenu.Misc:Slider("MGUNSIZE", "UN Text Size", 25, 5, 60, 1) MonTourMenu.Misc:Slider("MGUNX", "UN X POS", 35, 0, 1600, 1) MonTourMenu.Misc:Slider("MGUNY", "UN Y POS", 394, 0, 1055, 1) minionManager = {} minionManager.maxObjects = 0 minionManager.objects = {} minionManager.unsorted = {} minionManager.tick = 0 mapID = GetMapID() spellData = { [_Q] = {dmg = function () return (GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero))*(0.35 + GetCastLevel(myHero,_Q)*0.1) end, CDR = function () return GetCastCooldown(myHero,_Q,GetCastLevel(myHero,_Q)) end, mana = 45, range = 550}, [_W] = {dmg = function () return 0 end, mana = 40, range = 600}, [_E] = {dmg = function () return 35 + 35*GetCastLevel(myHero,_E) + 0.5*GetBonusDmg(myHero) end, mana = 70, speed = 1600, delay = 250, range = 1050, width = 70}, [_R] = {dmg = function () return 75 + 100*GetCastLevel(myHero,_R) + 1.1*GetBonusDmg(myHero) end, mana = 120, speed = 2000, delay = 1000, range = 20000, width = 80}, } CHANELLING_SPELLS = { ["Caitlyn"] = {_R}, ["Katarina"] = {_R}, ["MasterYi"] = {_W}, ["FiddleSticks"] = {_W, _R}, ["Galio"] = {_R}, ["Lucian"] = {_R}, ["MissFortune"] = {_R}, ["VelKoz"] = {_R}, ["Nunu"] = {_R}, ["Shen"] = {_R}, ["Karthus"] = {_R}, ["Malzahar"] = {_R}, ["Pantheon"] = {_R}, ["Warwick"] = {_R}, ["Xerath"] = {_Q, _R}, ["Varus"] = {_Q}, ["TahmKench"] = {_R}, ["TwistedFate"] = {_R}, ["Janna"] = {_R} } GAPCLOSER_SPELLS = { ["Aatrox"] = {_Q}, ["Akali"] = {_R}, ["Alistar"] = {_W}, ["Amumu"] = {_Q}, ["Corki"] = {_W}, ["Diana"] = {_R}, ["Elise"] = {_Q, _E}, ["FiddleSticks"] = {_R}, ["Ezreal"] = {_E}, ["Fiora"] = {_Q}, ["Fizz"] = {_Q}, ["Gnar"] = {_E}, ["Gragas"] = {_E}, ["Graves"] = {_E}, ["Hecarim"] = {_R}, ["Irelia"] = {_Q}, ["JarvanIV"] = {_Q, _R}, ["Jax"] = {_Q}, ["Jayce"] = {_Q}, ["Katarina"] = {_E}, ["Kassadin"] = {_R}, ["Kennen"] = {_E}, ["KhaZix"] = {_E}, ["Lissandra"] = {_E}, ["LeBlanc"] = {_W, _R}, ["LeeSin"] = {_Q, _W}, ["Leona"] = {_E}, ["Lucian"] = {_E}, ["Malphite"] = {_R}, ["MasterYi"] = {_Q}, ["MonkeyKing"] = {_E}, ["Nautilus"] = {_Q}, ["Nocturne"] = {_R}, ["Olaf"] = {_R}, ["Pantheon"] = {_W, _R}, ["Poppy"] = {_E}, ["RekSai"] = {_E}, ["Renekton"] = {_E}, ["Riven"] = {_Q, _E}, ["Rengar"] = {_R}, ["Sejuani"] = {_Q}, ["Sion"] = {_R}, ["Shen"] = {_E}, ["Shyvana"] = {_R}, ["Talon"] = {_E}, ["Thresh"] = {_Q}, ["Tristana"] = {_W}, ["Tryndamere"] = {_E}, ["Udyr"] = {_E}, ["Volibear"] = {_Q}, ["Vi"] = {_Q}, ["XinZhao"] = {_E}, ["Yasuo"] = {_E}, ["Zac"] = {_E}, ["Ziggs"] = {_W}, } reticles = {} local spellText = { "Q", "W", "E", "R" } local callback = nil local myTeam = GetTeam(GetMyHero()) local d = require 'DLib' local GetEnemyHeroes = d.GetEnemyHeroes local CHANELLING_SPELLS_enemy = {} local GAPCLOSER_SPELLS_enemy = {} --local submenu = menu.addItem(SubMenu.new("interrupter")) --local submenuGapClose = submenu.addItem(SubMenu.new("gap close spell")) --local submenuChannell = submenu.addItem(SubMenu.new("chanelling spell")) MonTourMenu:SubMenu("interrupt", "Interrupt Spells") MonTourMenu:SubMenu("gapclose", "Gap Close Spells") --MonTourMenu.interrupt:Boolean("Interrupt", "Auto Interrupt Spells", true) local loaded = false unit = GetCurrentTarget() target = GetCurrentTarget() d.initCallback(function(result) if result then for _,enemy in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do local name = GetObjectName(enemy) local list = GAPCLOSER_SPELLS[name] if list then for _, spellSlot in pairs(list) do GAPCLOSER_SPELLS_enemy[name..spellSlot] = MonTourMenu.gapclose:Boolean("gapclose", name.." "..spellText[spellSlot+1], true) end end list = CHANELLING_SPELLS[name] if list then for _, spellSlot in pairs(list) do CHANELLING_SPELLS_enemy[name..spellSlot] = MonTourMenu.interrupt:Boolean("interrupt", name.." "..spellText[spellSlot+1], true) end end -- PrintChat(name) end loaded = true PrintChat("[interrupter] : loaded") end end) OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spell) if not loaded and not callback or not unit or GetObjectType(unit) ~= Obj_AI_Hero or GetTeam(unit) == myTeam then return end for _,unit in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do local unitName = GetObjectName(unit) local unitChanellingSpells = CHANELLING_SPELLS[unitName] local unitGapcloserSpells = GAPCLOSER_SPELLS[unitName] local spellName = spell.name if unitChanellingSpells then for _, spellSlot in pairs(unitChanellingSpells) do -- PrintChat(spell.name.." "..GetCastName(unit, spellSlot)) if spellName == GetCastName(unit, spellSlot) and MonTourMenu.interrupt.interrupt:Value() then callback(unit, CHANELLING_SPELLS, spell) end end elseif unitGapcloserSpells then for _, spellSlot in pairs(unitGapcloserSpells) do if spellName == GetCastName(unit, spellSlot) and MonTourMenu.gapclose.gapclose:Value() then callback(unit, GAPCLOSER_SPELLS, spell) end end end end end) function addInterrupterCallback( callback0 ) callback = callback0 end PrintChat("[interrupter] : loading...") tick = 0 tick2 = 0 OnCreateObj(function(Object) -- Creation of the reticle position if GetObjectBaseName(Object) == "Draven_Base_Q_reticle_self.troy" then table.insert(reticles, Object) tick = GetGameTimer() + 1.8 tick2 = GetGameTimer() + 1.8 end end) OnDeleteObj(function(Object) myHer0 = GetOrigin(myHero) if GetObjectBaseName(Object) == "Draven_Base_Q_reticle_self.troy" then table.remove(reticles, 1) end end) OnLoop(function(myHero) Checks() --CircleQM() ItemUse() Killsteal() CatchQ() Ignite() if MonTourMenu.Misc.DOHP:Value() then Draws() end if IOW:Mode() == "LastHit" then LastHit(minion) end if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then IOW:EnableMovement() LaneClear(minion) JungleClear(jminion) end if IOW:Mode() == "Combo" then IOW:EnableMovement() Combo() end if IOW:Mode() == "Harass" then IOW:EnableMovement() Harass() end if MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUN:Value() then GLOBALULTNOTICE() end if MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNDEB:Value() then GLOBALULTNOTICEDEBUG() end if MonTourMenu.Misc.QAA:Value() then QAA() end if MonTourMenu.Misc.AL:Value() then --and mapID == SUMMONERS_RIFT AutoLvL() end end) function QAA() for i,unit in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do local TotalDmg = GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero) local unitPos = GetOrigin(unit) local dmgE = spellData[_Q].dmg() + TotalDmg local dmg = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, unit, dmgE) local hp = GetCurrentHP(unit) local hPos = GetHPBarPos(unit) local drawPos = WorldToScreen(1,unitPos.x,unitPos.y,unitPos.z) if dmg > 0 then DrawText(math.ceil(hp/dmg).." QAA", 15, hPos.x, hPos.y+20, 0xffffffff) end end end function Draws() for _,unit in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do local Qdmg = spellData[_Q].dmg()+GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero) local QREADY = QREADY or QSpinn1 if GoS:ValidTarget(unit,20000) and QREADY then DrawDmgOverHpBar(unit,GetCurrentHP(unit),0,GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, unit, Qdmg, 0),0xffffffff) end end end function Checks() QREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == READY WREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) == READY EREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY RREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_R) == READY target = GetCurrentTarget()--GetTarget(1250, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL) --targetDRAW = GetTarget(20000, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL) targetPos = GetOrigin(target) myHeroPos = GetOrigin(myHero) Q0 = GotBuff(myHero,"dravenspinningattack") == 0 Q1 = GotBuff(myHero,"dravenspinningattack") == 1 Q2 = GotBuff(myHero,"dravenspinningattack") == 2 QL0 = GotBuff(myHero,"dravenspinningleft") == 0 QL1 = GotBuff(myHero,"dravenspinningleft") == 1 QSpinn0 = GotBuff(myHero,"DravenSpinning") == 0 QSpinn1 = GotBuff(myHero,"DravenSpinning") == 1 enemygotbansheesveil = GotBuff(target,"bansheesveil") == 1 --buffdatas2 = GetBuffData(myHero,"dravenpassive"); --DrawText(string.format("[dravenpassive INFO]", buffdatas2.Type),12,200,20,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Type = %d", buffdatas2.Type),12,200,30,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Name = %s", buffdatas2.Name),12,200,40,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Count = %d", buffdatas2.Count),12,200,50,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Stacks = %f", buffdatas2.Stacks),12,200,60,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("StartTime = %f", buffdatas2.StartTime),12,200,70,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("ExpireTime = %f", buffdatas2.ExpireTime),12,200,80,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("[GameTime] = %f", GetGameTimer()),12,200,90,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("GetBuffTypeToString = [%s]", GetBuffTypeToString(buffdatas2.Type)),12,200,110,0xffffff00); --buffdatas = GetBuffData(myHero,"dravenpassivestacks"); --DrawText(string.format("[dravenpassivestacks INFO]", buffdatas.Type),12,200,130,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Type = %d", buffdatas.Type),12,200,140,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Name = %s", buffdatas.Name),12,200,150,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Count = %d", buffdatas.Count),12,200,160,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("Stacks = %f", buffdatas.Stacks),12,200,170,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("StartTime = %f", buffdatas.StartTime),12,200,180,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("ExpireTime = %f", buffdatas.ExpireTime),12,200,190,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("[GameTime] = %f", GetGameTimer()),12,200,200,0xff00ff00); --DrawText(string.format("GetBuffTypeToString = [%s]", GetBuffTypeToString(buffdatas.Type)),12,200,220,0xffffff00); end function LastHit(minion) -- Move() for i,minion in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do local QDmg = spellData[_Q].dmg()+GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero) or 0 local DamageQ = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, minion, QDmg, 0) local targetPos123 = GetOrigin(minion) if MonTourMenu.Clear.LHQ:Value() and GetCurrentHP(minion) < DamageQ then if QREADY and QSpinn0 and Q0 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range) then CastSpell(_Q) GoS:DelayAction(function() AttackUnitM(minion) end, 100) end if QSpinn1 and Q1 and Q2 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range) then AttackUnitM(minion) end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL0 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range)then AttackUnitM(minion) end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL1 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range)then AttackUnitM(minion) end if QSpinn1 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range)then AttackUnitM(minion) end end end end --function CatchQ() -- if MonTourMenu.Combo.CQ:Value() then -- for i, reticle in pairs(reticles) do -- local Reticlepos = GetOrigin(reticle) -- local myHer0 = GetOrigin(myHero) -- local mymouse = GetCursorPos() -- DrawCircle(Reticlepos.x, Reticlepos.y, Reticlepos.z,120,1,100,0xff0000ff) -- DrawCircle(mymouse.x, mymouse.y, mymouse.z,MonTourMenu.Combo.CQPR:Value(),1,100,0xff0000ff) -- if GoS:GetDistance(Reticlepos, myHer0) < MonTourMenu.Combo.CQPR:Value() then -- MoveToXYZ(Reticlepos.x, Reticlepos.y , Reticlepos.z) -- end -- end -- end --end function CatchQ() if MonTourMenu.Combo.CQ:Value() and MonTourMenu.Combo.QC:Value() then local mymouse = GetMousePos() DrawCircle(mymouse,MonTourMenu.Combo.CQPR:Value(),0.9,100,0xff0000ff) end for i, reticle in pairs(reticles) do local Reticlepos = GetOrigin(reticle) local myHer0 = GetOrigin(myHero) local mymouse = GetMousePos() local asTime = IOW:GetFullAttackSpeed()*60 if MonTourMenu.Combo.CM:Value() then DrawCircle(Reticlepos.x, Reticlepos.y, Reticlepos.z,120,3,100,0xff00ff7f) DrawCircle(Reticlepos.x, Reticlepos.y, Reticlepos.z,60,1,100,0xffff6600) end if MonTourMenu.Combo.CQ:Value() then if GoS:GetDistance(Reticlepos, mymouse) < MonTourMenu.Combo.CQPR:Value() and tick > GetGameTimer() then --and GetTickCount() < tick IOW:DisableMovement() GoS:DelayAction(function() GoS:DelayAction(function() MoveToXYZ(Reticlepos.x, Reticlepos.y , Reticlepos.z) GoS:DelayAction(function() IOW:EnableMovement() end, 1) end, 1) end, 100) --tick = 0 end end if MonTourMenu.Combo.CWS:Value() and GetCurrentMana(myHero)/GetMaxMana(myHero) > (MonTourMenu.Combo.WMANA:Value()/100) then local catchtime = GoS:GetDistance(Reticlepos, myHero)/GetMoveSpeed(myHero) if catchtime > (tick2-GetGameTimer()) then CastSpell(_W) end end end end function AttackUnitM(minion) for i,minion in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do if GoS:IsInDistance(minion, GetRange(myHero)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, minion) <= (GetRange(myHero)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, minion) >= 1 then AttackUnit(minion) end end end --function CircleQM() -- for i,minionQM in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do -- local QDmg = spellData[_Q].dmg()+GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero) or 0 -- local DamageQ = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, minionQM, QDmg, 0) -- local targetPos123 = GetOrigin(minionQM) -- --local eminion = CountMinions() ----local HP = PredictHealth(minion, orbTable.windUp + GoS:GetDistance(minion)/1700.0000 - 0.07) -- if MonTourMenu.Clear.LHQCircle:Value() and GetCurrentHP(minionQM) < DamageQ and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100)then -- DrawCircle(targetPos123.x,targetPos123.y,targetPos123.z,50,0,0,0xffff0000) -- end -- end --end function LaneClear(minion) for i,minion in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do if QREADY and MonTourMenu.Clear.LCQ:Value() then if QSpinn0 and Q0 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100) then CastSpell(_Q) end if QSpinn1 and Q1 and Q2 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100) then end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL0 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100)then end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL1 and GoS:IsInDistance(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(minion, spellData[_Q].range+100)then end end end end function JungleClear(jminion) for i,jminion in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_JUNGLE)) do if QREADY and MonTourMenu.Clear.LCJQ:Value() then if QSpinn0 and Q0 and GoS:IsInDistance(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100) then CastSpell(_Q) end if QSpinn1 and Q1 and Q2 and GoS:IsInDistance(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100) then -- DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(jminion) end, 100) end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL0 and GoS:IsInDistance(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100)then -- DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(jminion) end, 100) end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL1 and GoS:IsInDistance(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(jminion, spellData[_Q].range+100)then -- DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(jminion) end, 100) end end end end function AttackUnitJ(minion) for i,minion in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_JUNGLE)) do if GoS:IsInDistance(minion, GetRange(myHero)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, minion) <= (GetRange(myHero)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, minion) >= 1 then AttackUnit(minion) end end end function CastPredE(target) local unitPos = GetOrigin(target) local EPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetOrigin(myHero), target, GetMoveSpeed(target), spellData[_E].speed, spellData[_E].delay, spellData[_E].range-25, spellData[_E].width, false, true) if EREADY and EPred.HitChance == 1 then if GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) > spellData[_Q].range and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) <= spellData[_E].range and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, spellData[_E].range) then CastSkillShot(_E,EPred.PredPos.x,EPred.PredPos.y,EPred.PredPos.z) end end end function CastPredEBanshe(target) for _,unit in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do local unitPos = GetOrigin(unit) local EPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetOrigin(myHero), unit, GetMoveSpeed(unit), spellData[_E].speed, spellData[_E].delay, spellData[_E].range-25, spellData[_E].width, false, true) if EREADY and EPred.HitChance == 1 then if GoS:GetDistance(myHero, unit) > spellData[_Q].range and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, unit) <= spellData[_E].range and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, spellData[_E].range) then CastSkillShot(_E,EPred.PredPos.x,EPred.PredPos.y,EPred.PredPos.z) end end end end function CastQ(target) -- for _,unit in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if QREADY and GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) then if QSpinn0 and Q0 and GoS:IsInDistance(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) then CastSpell(_Q) end if QSpinn1 and Q1 and Q2 and GoS:IsInDistance(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) then end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL0 and GoS:IsInDistance(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range+100)then end if QSpinn1 and Q2 and QL1 and GoS:IsInDistance(target, spellData[_Q].range+100) and GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range+100)then end end -- end end function CastW(target) local igotmana = GetCurrentMana(myHero) local Qmana = spellData[_Q].mana local Wmana = spellData[_W].mana --for _,unit in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if WREADY and igotmana >= Qmana + Wmana then if GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range*1.7) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) > spellData[_Q].range+50 and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) < spellData[_Q].range*1.7 then CastSpell(_W) end --end end end function CastWnoMana(target) local igotmana = GetCurrentMana(myHero) local Qmana = spellData[_Q].mana local Wmana = spellData[_W].mana if WREADY then if GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_Q].range*1.7) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) > spellData[_Q].range+50 and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) < spellData[_Q].range*1.7 then CastSpell(_W) end end end function CastPredR(target) local unitPos = GetOrigin(target) local RPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetOrigin(myHero),target,GetMoveSpeed(target), spellData[_R].speed, spellData[_R].delay, spellData[_R].range, spellData[_R].width, false, true) if GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) > 750 and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, target) < 4000 and IsObjectAlive(target) then if RREADY and GoS:ValidTarget(target, spellData[_R].range) and RPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot(_R,RPred.PredPos.x,RPred.PredPos.y,RPred.PredPos.z) end end end function Combo() local unit = GetCurrentTarget() local target = GetCurrentTarget() if target == nil or GetOrigin(target) == nil or IsImmune(target,myHero) or IsDead(target) or not IsVisible(target) or GetTeam(target) == GetTeam(myHero) then return false end if MonTourMenu.Combo.Q:Value() then CastQ(target) end if MonTourMenu.Combo.W:Value() and GetCurrentMana(myHero)/GetMaxMana(myHero) > (MonTourMenu.Combo.WMANA:Value()/100) then CastW(target) end if MonTourMenu.Combo.EB:Value() and enemygotbansheesveil then CastPredEBanshe(target) end if MonTourMenu.Combo.E:Value() then CastPredE(target) end if MonTourMenu.Combo.R:Value() then CastPredR(target) end end function Harass() local unit = GetCurrentTarget() local target = GetCurrentTarget() if unit == nil or GetOrigin(unit) == nil or IsImmune(unit,myHero) or IsDead(unit) or not IsVisible(unit) or GetTeam(unit) == GetTeam(myHero) then return false end if MonTourMenu.Harass.QH:Value() then CastQ(target) end if MonTourMenu.Harass.WH:Value() and GetCurrentMana(myHero)/GetMaxMana(myHero) > (MonTourMenu.Harass.WMANA:Value()/100) then CastW(target) end if MonTourMenu.Harass.EHB:Value() and enemygotbansheesveil then CastPredEBanshe(target) end if MonTourMenu.Harass.EH:Value() then CastPredE(target) end if MonTourMenu.Harass.RH:Value() then CastPredR(target) end end function Killsteal() for i,enemy in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do local QDmg = QREADY and spellData[_Q].dmg() or 0 local QDmg2 = spellData[_Q].dmg() or 0 local EDmg = EREADY and spellData[_E].dmg() or 0 local RDmg = RREADY and spellData[_R].dmg() or 0 local enemyhp = GetCurrentHP(enemy) + GetHPRegen(enemy) local Alldmg = GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero) local unitPos = GetOrigin(enemy) -- local MoveToUnit = MoveToXYZ(unitPos.x, unitPos.y, unitPos.z) if MonTourMenu.Killsteal.KSQE:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, spellData[_E].range) and enemyhp < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, EDmg, 0) then CastPredE(enemy) elseif GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, spellData[_Q].range) and enemyhp < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, QDmg + Alldmg, 0) then CastQ(enemy) elseif MonTourMenu.Killsteal.KSQE:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, spellData[_Q].range) and enemyhp < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, QDmg2 + Alldmg, 0) and QSpinn1 then AttackUnitKS(enemy) elseif MonTourMenu.Killsteal.KSR:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, spellData[_R].range) and enemyhp < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, RDmg, 0) then CastPredR(enemy) elseif MonTourMenu.Killsteal.KSQE:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, spellData[_E].range) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, enemy) > 550 and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, enemy) < 700 and enemyhp < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, QDmg + Alldmg + EDmg, 0) then CastPredE(enemy) GoS:DelayAction(function() CastWnoMana(enemy) GoS:DelayAction(function() CastPredE(enemy) GoS:DelayAction(function() AttackUnitKS(enemy) end, 100) end, 200) end, 300) elseif MonTourMenu.Killsteal.KSQE:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, spellData[_E].range) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, enemy) > 550 and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, enemy) < 700 and enemyhp < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, QDmg2 + Alldmg + EDmg, 0) and QSpinn1 then CastPredE(enemy) GoS:DelayAction(function() CastWnoMana(enemy) GoS:DelayAction(function() CastPredE(enemy) GoS:DelayAction(function() AttackUnitKS(enemy) end, 100) end, 200) end, 300) end end end function Ignite() local Ignite = (GetCastName(GetMyHero(),SUMMONER_1):lower():find("summonerdot") and SUMMONER_1 or (GetCastName(GetMyHero(),SUMMONER_2):lower():find("summonerdot") and SUMMONER_2 or nil)) if GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 700) and Ignite and MonTourMenu.Items.Ignite:Value() and CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) ~= READY and GoS:GetDistance(unit) > 500 then --and IsObjectAlive(unit) and not IsImmune(unit) and IsTargetable(unit) and for _, k in pairs(GoS:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if CanUseSpell(GetMyHero(), Ignite) == READY and (20*GetLevel(GetMyHero())+50) > GetCurrentHP(k)+GetHPRegen(k)*2.5 and GoS:GetDistanceSqr(GetOrigin(k)) < 600*600 then CastTargetSpell(k, Ignite) end end end end function ItemUse() for _,target in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if GetItemSlot(myHero,3153) > 0 and MonTourMenu.Items.bork:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) and (IOW:Mode() == "Combo" or IOW:Mode() == "Harass") and GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < (MonTourMenu.Items.borkmyhp:Value()/100) and GetCurrentHP(target)/GetMaxHP(target) > (MonTourMenu.Items.borkehp:Value()/100) then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3153)) --bork end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3144) > 0 and MonTourMenu.Items.CutBlade:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) and (IOW:Mode() == "Combo" or IOW:Mode() == "Harass") and GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < (MonTourMenu.Items.CutBlademyhp:Value()/100) and GetCurrentHP(target)/GetMaxHP(target) > (MonTourMenu.Items.CutBladeehp:Value()/100) then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3144)) --CutBlade end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3142) > 0 and MonTourMenu.Items.ghostblade:Value() and (IOW:Mode() == "Combo" or IOW:Mode() == "Harass") and GoS:ValidTarget(target, MonTourMenu.Items.ghostbladeR:Value()) then --ghostblade CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3142)) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3140) > 0 and MonTourMenu.Items.QSS:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "rocketgrab2") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "charm") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "fear") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "flee") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "snare") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "taunt") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "suppression") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "stun") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "zedultexecute") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "summonerexhaust") > 0 and 100*GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < MonTourMenu.Items.QSSHP:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3140)) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3139) > 0 and MonTourMenu.Items.QSS:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "rocketgrab2") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "charm") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "fear") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "flee") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "snare") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "taunt") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "suppression") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "stun") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "zedultexecute") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "summonerexhaust") > 0 and 100*GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < MonTourMenu.Items.QSSHP:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3139)) end if MonTourMenu.Items.useRedPot:Value() and GetItemSlot(myHero,2140) >= 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(target,MonTourMenu.Items.useRedPotR:Value()) and (IOW:Mode() == "Combo" or IOW:Mode() == "Harass") then --redpot if CanUseSpell(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,2140)) == READY then CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero,2140)) end end end end function AttackUnitKS(target) for i,enemy in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if GoS:IsInDistance(enemy, GetRange(myHero)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, enemy) <= (GetRange(myHero)-10) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, enemy) >= 10 then AttackUnit(enemy) else end end end function GLOBALULTNOTICE() if not RREADY then return end info = "" if RREADY then for _,unit in pairs(Gos:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if IsObjectAlive(unit) then realdmg = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, unit, spellData[_R].dmg()) hp = GetCurrentHP(unit) + GetHPRegen(unit) if realdmg > hp then info = info..GetObjectName(unit) if not IsVisible(unit) then info = info.." not Visible but maybe" elseif not GoS:ValidTarget(unit, spellData[_R].range) then info = info.." not in Range but" end info = info.." killable\n" end end end end DrawText(info,MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNSIZE:Value(),MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNX:Value(),MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNY:Value(),0xffff0000) end function GLOBALULTNOTICEDEBUG() DrawText("I am in Range but not killable - TESTMODE ON",MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNSIZE:Value(),MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNX:Value(),MonTourMenu.Misc.MGUNY:Value(),0xffff0000) end function AutoLvL() if GetLevel(myHero) == 1 and GetLevel(myHero) < 2 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 2 and GetLevel(myHero) < 3 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 3 and GetLevel(myHero) < 4 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 4 and GetLevel(myHero) < 5 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 5 and GetLevel(myHero) < 6 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 6 and GetLevel(myHero) < 7 then LevelSpell(_R) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 7 and GetLevel(myHero) < 8 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 8 and GetLevel(myHero) < 9 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 9 and GetLevel(myHero) < 10 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 10 and GetLevel(myHero) < 11 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 11 and GetLevel(myHero) < 12 then LevelSpell(_R) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 12 and GetLevel(myHero) < 13 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 13 and GetLevel(myHero) < 14 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 14 and GetLevel(myHero) < 15 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 15 and GetLevel(myHero) < 16 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 16 and GetLevel(myHero) < 17 then LevelSpell(_R) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 17 and GetLevel(myHero) < 18 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif GetLevel(myHero) == 18 then LevelSpell(_E) end end OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spell) for _,mob in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_JUNGLE)) do local RDmg = spellData[_R].dmg() or 0 local QDmg = spellData[_Q].dmg()+GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero) or 0 local EDmg = spellData[_E].dmg() or 0 local DamageR = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, mob, RDmg, 0) local DamageE = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, mob, EDmg, 0) local DamageQ = GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, mob, QDmg, 0) local mobPos = GetOrigin(mob) -- if GoS:IsInDistance(mob, GetCastRange(myHero,_E)) and EREADY and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Baron" and KSBlueE.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageE then -- CastSkillShot(_E,mobPos.x,mobPos.y,mobPos.z) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, GetCastRange(myHero,_E)) and EREADY and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Dragon" and KSRedE.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageE then -- CastSkillShot(_E,mobPos.x,mobPos.y,mobPos.z) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, GetCastRange(myHero,_E)) and EREADY and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Blue" and KSBlueE.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageE then -- CastSkillShot(_E,mobPos.x,mobPos.y,mobPos.z) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, GetCastRange(myHero,_E)) and EREADY and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Red" and KSRedE.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageE then -- CastSkillShot(_E,mobPos.x,mobPos.y,mobPos.z) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Baron" and KSBaronQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Dragon" and KSDragonQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Blue" and KSBlueQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Red" and KSRedQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Krug" and KSKrugQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Murkwolf" and KSWolfQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Razorbeak" and KSwraithsQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Gromp" and KSgrompQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, 550) and (QREADY or QSpinn1) and GetObjectName(mob) == "Sru_Crab" and KScrabQ.getValue() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageQ then -- CastTargetSpell(mob,_Q) if GoS:IsInDistance(mob, GetCastRange(myHero,_R)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, mob) >= (GetCastRange(myHero,_Q)+100) and RREADY and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Baron" and MonTourMenu.Steal.Baron:Value() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageR then CastSkillShot(_R,mobPos.x,mobPos.y,mobPos.z) elseif GoS:IsInDistance(mob, GetCastRange(myHero,_R)) and GoS:GetDistance(myHero, mob) >= (GetCastRange(myHero,_Q)+100) and RREADY and GetObjectName(mob) == "SRU_Dragon" and MonTourMenu.Steal.Dragon:Value() and GetCurrentHP(mob) < DamageR then CastSkillShot(_R,mobPos.x,mobPos.y,mobPos.z) end end end) addInterrupterCallback(function(target, spellType, spell) local EPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetOrigin(myHero), target, GetMoveSpeed(target), spellData[_E].speed, spellData[_E].delay, spellData[_E].range, spellData[_E].width, false, true) if GoS:IsInDistance(target, spellData[_E].range) and EREADY then --and MonTourMenu.Close.Gapclose:Value() and spellType == GAPCLOSER_SPELLS then CastSkillShot(_E,EPred.PredPos.x,EPred.PredPos.y,EPred.PredPos.z) -- elseif GoS:IsInDistance(target, spellData[_E].range-5) and EREADY and MonTourMenu.Close.Interrupt:Value() and spellType == CHANELLING_SPELLS then -- CastSkillShot(_E,EPred.PredPos.x,EPred.PredPos.y,EPred.PredPos.z) end end) --AddGapcloseEvent(_E, 1000, true) --notification("MarCiii on TourĀ“s Draven loaded.", 10000)