# SourcePawn Completions for SublimeText 3 A Sublime Text 3 plugin that dynamically genenerates completions for SourcePawn. Based on [sublime-sourcepawn](https://github.com/austinwagner/sublime-sourcepawn). Includes [watchdog python module](https://https://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog)

## Installing ### Via [package control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) 1. Press `Control+Shift+P` or `Cmd+Shift+P` (on Mac) 2. Type **Package Control: Install Package**, hit enter. 3. Type in **SourcePawn Completions**, hit enter again. ### Manually Clone this repository into a subfolder of your Packages directory: * Mac OS `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/` * Windows `%APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/` ## Configuration **Note:** All paths must be an absolute. Relative paths are unsupported. 1. Open *Sublime Text* -> *Preferences* -> *Package Settings* -> *SourcePawn Completions* -> *Settings - User*. 2. Add `include_directory` setting with path to your SourceMod include files (`sourcemod/scripting` folder). (You could look for some exmaples in *Settings - Default*) 3. Save and close file. 4. Open *Sublime Text* -> *Preferences* -> *Package Settings* -> *SourcePawn Completions* -> *Build settings - Example* and *Build settings - User* 5. Copy one of `cmd` settings from `SourcePawn.sublime-build.example`, paste it to `SourcePawn.sublime-build` and ajust path to `spcomp`. This allows you to use **Build** feature in SublimeText. 6. Save and close file. ## Usage SourcePawn Completions is automatically active on .sp and .inc files. The completion list updates whenever you stop typing for 1 second or when you save the file. ## Aslo recommend To take full advantage recommend to install the following packages: * [SourcePawn Syntax Highlighting](https://github.com/Dillonb/SublimeSourcePawn) _(available in Package control)_