title: Creating a Gallery in Minos date: 2016-07-08 00:00:00 categories: - Documentation tags: - Minos - Plugin navbar_links: Edit on GitHub: icon: fas fa-edit url: https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-minos/edit/site/source/_posts/Creating-a-Gallery-in-Minos.md --- {% colorquote info %} The following photos come from pexel.com {% endcolorquote %} You can add photos between text to create a gallery like this: ![Elephant](/hexo-theme-minos/gallery/animals/elephant.jpeg) or this: ![Dog](/hexo-theme-minos/gallery/animals/dog.jpeg) Furthermore, you can also use Justified Gallery to display you photos in a grid: {% codeblock lang:html HTML + Markdown %} {% endcodeblock %}