{ "title": "SpaceFN", "rules": [ { "description": "SpaceFN: Space enables SpaceFN mode (see: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=51069.0)", "manipulators": [ { "type": "basic", "from": { "key_code": "spacebar", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "any" ] } }, "to": [ { "set_variable": { "name": "spacefn_mode", "value": 1 } } ], "to_if_alone": [ { "key_code": "spacebar" } ], "to_after_key_up": [ { "set_variable": { "name": "spacefn_mode", "value": 0 } } ] } ] }, { "description": "SpaceFN: Space+b to Space (hold to repeat)", "manipulators": [ { "type": "basic", "from": { "key_code": "b", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "any" ] } }, "to": [ { "key_code": "spacebar" } ], "conditions": [ { "type": "variable_if", "name": "spacefn_mode", "value": 1 } ] } ] }, { "description": "SpaceFN: Space+[ijkl] to Up, Left, Down, Right", "manipulators": [ { "type": "basic", "from": { "key_code": "i", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "any" ] } }, "to": [ { "key_code": "up_arrow" } ], "conditions": [ { "type": 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