// WARNING: This is a generated file. // If you edit it you will be sad. // Edit src/app.js instead. var go = {}; go; go.app = function() { var vumigo = require('vumigo_v02'); var App = vumigo.App; var Choice = vumigo.states.Choice; var ChoiceState = vumigo.states.ChoiceState; var EndState = vumigo.states.EndState; var GoApp = App.extend(function(self) { App.call(self, 'states:start'); self.states.add('states:start', function(name) { return new ChoiceState(name, { question: 'Hi there! What do you want to do?', choices: [ new Choice('states:start', 'Show this menu again'), new Choice('states:end', 'Exit')], next: function(choice) { return choice.value; } }); }); self.states.add('states:end', function(name) { return new EndState(name, { text: 'Thanks, cheers!', next: 'states:start' }); }); }); return { GoApp: GoApp }; }(); go.init = function() { var vumigo = require('vumigo_v02'); var InteractionMachine = vumigo.InteractionMachine; var GoApp = go.app.GoApp; return { im: new InteractionMachine(api, new GoApp()) }; }();