{"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ?", "responses": ["some what ?", "no i do n't have enough cash right now", "sure how much ?", "i 'm trying to cut back", "i ca n't , i have a meeting with my parole officer"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Some what ?", "responses": ["weed ! you know ? pot , ganja , mary jane some chronic !", "weed , you know , marijuana", "very funny . you are my favorite customer", "are you not ben white ?", "some weed . it 'll help you relax"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic !", "responses": ["oh , umm , no thanks .", "oh . then no , i 'm not interested .", "sure how much does it cost .", "oh ! i was thinking of something else ! i 'd love some !", "i still have no idea what that is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , umm , no thanks .", "responses": ["i also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines .", "cmon it is really good and i will sell it to you for a good price !", "fine then , be a square , i will go to somebody else .", "have you ever tried weed ? i will give you some for free to try out .", "do n't worry it is legal now you have nothing to worry about as far as the law is concerned ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines .", "responses": ["no , i am ok , really .", "what is your price ?", "no thanks , i 'm out of cash .", "yeah , what have you go got ?", "maybe tomorrow , i 'm running late ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , I am ok , really .", "responses": ["come on man ! i even got dope and acid ! try some !", "you are straight - laced .", "what are you looking for ?", "i 'll give you a good deal .", "have you done pot before ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some !", "responses": ["do you really have all of these drugs ? where do you get them from ?", "i 'm really not interested .", "i wish you would n't pressure me so much .", "good luck , but i 'm good .", "i 'm sure you can find someone else to buy from you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ?", "responses": ["i got my connections ! just tell me what you want and i 'll even give you one ounce for free .", "from a buddy of mine .", "through connections i met at clubs .", "i have a friend who deals .", "i ca n't give away my sources ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ' ll even give you one ounce for free .", "responses": ["sounds good ! let 's see , i want .", "thanks man , but i 'm good .", "no thanks , really , i 'm fine .", "haha , i 'll pass on your offer .", "yeah , i think i 'm fine without . thanks though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sounds good ! Let ' s see , I want .", "responses": ["yeah ?", "seriously , i can get you anything you want !", "alright ! i knew you 'd come around", "looks like you know how to have fun after all !", "take your time deciding . i 'm not in a hurry ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah ?", "responses": ["i want you to put your hands behind your head ! you are under arrest !", "what type of strains do you have ?", "how much is the price after the first time , for an ounce .", "what can you recommend ?", "i 'll take an ounce of weed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest !"}], "index": 0} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The taxi drivers are on strike again .", "responses": ["what for ?", "i guess we 'll be taking an uber then", "good . they deserve a fare wage .", "do you know when the strike will end ?", "that will make our city trips a little more difficult ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What for ?", "responses": ["they want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline .", "they want more pay for their time .", "they are not happy with their permit related expenses .", "they want healthcare and benefits .", "i do n't know . i just know there are no cabs in the city"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline .", "responses": ["it is really a hot potato .", "that 's reasonable . gas is expensive for everyone .", "maybe they should just charge more fare ?", "maybe they can drive electric cars as taxis ?", "then it is for a good cause . we need to do something about our reliance on gasoline ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is really a hot potato ."}], "index": 1} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We've managed to reduce our energy consumption in our factory by about 15 per cent in the last two years .", "responses": ["that 's excellent . how have you managed that ?", "great . what steps have you taken to reduce it ?", "has any other resource consumption gone up instead ?", "do you want to further reduce your energy consumption in the future ?", "is your reason for doing this enviornmental or strictly financial ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's excellent . How have you managed that ?", "responses": ["mainly because we 've invested in a heat recovery system .", "we have managed our orders better and have lowered our production .", "we have time sensitive lights and machinery that shut off after a certain time", "we have upgraded our equipment to use less energy", "we have started using more renewable energy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mainly because we've invested in a heat recovery system .", "responses": ["what does that mean exactly ?", "was the investment worth it ? did you make a profit ?", "how long did it take for you to decide on that ?", "are there other options you considered ?", "that 's cool . where did you learn about that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does that mean exactly ?", "responses": ["well , we use the exhaust gases from our printing presses to provide energy to heat our dryers .", "essentially we have redone our insulation to keep in heat as much as possible .", "i 'm actually not sure , they just told me heat recovery system , i do n't know what it actually does .", "are you familiar with any industrial hvac systems ?", "it is a very powerful heat suction device system that is placed on all our entrances and exits ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we use the exhaust gases from our printing presses to provide energy to heat our dryers .", "responses": ["what other sources of energy do you use ?", "that sounds efficient .", "i 've never heard of that before .", "is that commonly done ?", "oh , that sounds interesting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What other sources of energy do you use ?", "responses": ["we do n't use any fossil fuels . most of our power comes from hydro - electric plants . we 're hoping to use even more energy from alternative sources in the future - perhaps even wind power .", "we recently installed solar panels .", "we have a turbine on our property .", "that 's all we have for right now .", "we 're looking into additional sources this coming year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We don't use any fossil fuels . Most of our power comes from hydro-electric plants . We're hoping to use even more energy from alternative sources in the future - perhaps even wind power ."}], "index": 2} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Believe it or not , tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water .", "responses": ["well , people from asia to europe all enjoy tea .", "i believe it since so many cultures drink it .", "no way ! i would think soda would be since we have such an obesity epidemic .", "you 're kidding ? i guess those got milk ads never really did much", "i probably should start drinking it myself since so many people are ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , people from Asia to Europe all enjoy tea .", "responses": ["right . and china is the homeland of tea .", "it also has incredible health benefits .", "i 'm surprised americans have n't picked it up", "it 's a better alternative to soda and alcohol", "i wonder if we should give it a try ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right . And China is the homeland of tea .", "responses": ["yes , chinese people love drinking tea so much . some even claim they ca n't live without tea .", "does it have any health benefits ?", "do you drink tea ?", "do you think americans will start drinking it more ?", "i wonder why we do n't drink it more since we have adopted so many other customs from other countries ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , Chinese people love drinking tea so much . Some even claim they can't live without tea .", "responses": ["do you know there are several catagories of chinese tea ?", "what is your favorite type of tea to drink ?", "i actually do n't really like tea all that much , i prefer energy drinks myself .", "what do you think of sweet tea ? i love sweet tea .", "do you prefer your tea to be hot or cold ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know there are several catagories of Chinese tea ?", "responses": ["yes , i believe there are green teas , black teas and scented teas . any others ?", "i did not know that ?", "what are the categories ?", "is that right ?", "that 's very interesting . tell me more ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I believe there are green teas , black teas and scented teas . Any Others ?", "responses": ["well , have you ever heard of oulong tea and compressed tea ?", "what category does chamomile fall under ?", "no , i can not think of any others .", "there probably are other ones - what are we missing ?", "let me look into it and see if there are any others ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , have you ever heard of Oulong tea and compressed tea ?", "responses": ["oh , yeah . oulong tea is good for one 's health . is n't it ?", "i have heard of oulong but not compressed .", "yes , i 'm familiar with both .", "i 'd forgotten about compressed tea , but i 've heard of them .", "yes , oulong is one of my favorites ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yeah . Oulong tea is good for one's health . isn't it ?", "responses": ["you surely know a lot about chinese tea .", "it is and is a very good antioxidant for your body .", "oulong tea is both beneficial to your health and delicious .", "from what i read , it definitely is .", "yes , and many chinese people love that tea ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You surely know a lot about Chinese tea .", "responses": ["sure , i like drinking tea at teahouses .", "of course . my mother sold teas .", "i do n't know any more than most people . i just remember facts .", "my grandparents used to drink them so i have retained some information .", "i 'm very interested in western medicine so i have read up on it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , I like drinking tea at teahouses .", "responses": ["oh , so do i .", "oh really ? is there one you would recommend ?", "we should go to one together sometime", "ah , me too . which is your favorite ?", "what kind of tea do you normally drink ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , so do I .", "responses": ["why do n't we go for one now ?", "which teahouses do you like to go to ?", "what is your favorite kind of chinese tea ?", "want to go to a teahouse sometime ?", "where do you buy your tea ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't we go for one now ?", "responses": ["great . we can chat while enjoying a cup there .", "okay , sounds good , you drive !", "i would enjoy that very much .", "i ca n't , i have an appointment , but maybe next time .", "i think that 's a great idea , i 'm in the mood for a good cup of tea ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great . We can chat while enjoying a cup there .", "responses": ["let 's go !", "do you need me to pick you up ?", "do you want to meet me there ?", "how long before you are ready to go ?", "how far are you from the tea house ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's go !"}], "index": 3} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are your personal weaknesses ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid i 'm a poor talker . i 'm not comfortable talking with the people whom i have just met for the first time . that is not very good for business , so i have been studying public speaking .", "my personal weaknesses would be that i am shy and do not start conversations .", "a personal weakness of mine is that i am quiet and introverted .", "i have conventional thinking so that would be a personal weakness of mine .", "i am not very open - minded thus that would be a personal weakness ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m afraid I ' m a poor talker . I ' m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking .", "responses": ["are you more of a leader or a follower ?", "i have this problem too . it 's gotten better over the years but i still struggle", "that 's great that you are taking steps to improve !", "you 'll get better with practice . just keep at it", "just imagine everyone in their underwear . no one is as confident as they seem"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you more of a leader or a follower ?", "responses": ["i do n't try to lead people . i 'd rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together .", "i 'm a follower . once i 'm told what to do i get it down .", "leader . i like to lead groups toward success .", "it depends the situation . i can be a leader if needed but i can just as easily support someone else in realizing their idea .", "unfortunately , a follower . i 've been working on improving my leadership abilities because i believe i have a lot i can contribute ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don ' t try to lead people . I ' d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together .", "responses": ["do you think you can make yourself easily understood in english ?", "i 'm the same way i prefer to work together than work apart .", "i 'm different i love to lead and give out personal directions and advice .", "have you ever held a supervisor or manager roll ?", "yeah but is hard to move up without taking some sort of leadership roll ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ?", "responses": ["yes , in most circumstances .", "my english is fine . my keyboard sometimes just acts up .", "i would hope so . i am constantly trying to improve my communication skills .", "i do n't know . i may be to nervous and then i 'll mess up .", "yes , i believe so . i 've been speaking english since birth ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , in most circumstances .", "responses": ["are you available for travel ?", "are you a native english speaker ?", "are you prone to nervousness ?", "can you write well in english ?", "what is your background in your field ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you available for travel ?", "responses": ["yes , i like travelling . i am young , and unmarried . it 's no problem for me to travel frequently .", "no , i 'm afraid i ca n't travel .", "yes - i will travel wherever i need to go .", "i can travel sometimes - i have a family at home that needs me .", "i 'm afraid of flying ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ' s no problem for me to travel frequently ."}], "index": 4} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how long will it take us to drive to London ?", "responses": ["i think it 's a distance of 180 kilometers from here to london , so it should be a two - hour drive on the motorway .", "not to long assuming traffic is not to bad on the m1 .", "probably around 5 hours if we leave right now and hurry to the highway .", "i 'm not sure i have never actually driven to london before .", "google maps says it could take less than 1 hour if we use the toll roads ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it ' s a distance of 180 kilometers from here to London , so it should be a two-hour drive on the motorway .", "responses": ["that 's unless there is a traffic jam . it could take three hours .", "oh , that 's not so bad .", "i did n't know it was that far .", "sounds like a road trip for us then .", "that will be fun i think ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that ' s unless there is a traffic jam . It could take three hours .", "responses": ["you 're right . we will be able to travel at high speeds at the beginning and end of the journey , because we will be in built - up areas .", "i wonder if that stretch has jams often .", "is there a different way to avoid traffic jams ?", "do you know what the speed limit on the motorway is ?", "i think we could make it in 2.5 hours ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "you ' re right . We will be able to travel at high speeds at the beginning and end of the journey , because we will be in built-up areas .", "responses": ["so , shall we allow three hours to cover the distance ?", "what 's the likelihood of hitting traffic on the way in ?", "how much traffic can we anticipate on the way ?", "so you think it will take closer to three hours or two ?", "where does the traffic usually start to back up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "so , shall we allow three hours to cover the distance ?", "responses": ["ok . you have n't seen my company car , have you ?", "that might be sufficient .", "yeah , that 's a good idea .", "we might need more than that actually .", "we can play it safe and make it 4 hours"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "ok . You haven ' t seen my company car , have you ?", "responses": ["no . let me take a look ... it 's longer than my car .", "i have not . what does it look like ?", "how long do you have the car for ?", "wow . my company never gave me a car to drive on trips .", "what happened to your old car ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "no . let me take a look ... it ' s longer than my car .", "responses": ["i think it 's over five meters long . i ca n't remember exactly . it has a maximum speed of over 200 kilometers an hour .", "honestly , i just ca n't seem to remember where i parked it", "i 'd rather take the company car than yours", "it 's alright if you have n't . we can take your car if we have to", "yeah , it 's also bright red so it should be easy to spot"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it ' s over five meters long . I can ' t remember exactly . It has a maximum speed of over 200 kilometers an hour .", "responses": ["wow ! that 's fast ! i do n't think we will be traveling that fast on the motorway .", "wow that is one fast car .", "sounds like you get some great benefits at your company .", "how expensive is that car .", "looks like we 'll get there in no time at all then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "wow ! That ' s fast ! I don ' t think we will be traveling that fast on the motorway .", "responses": ["we ca n't . if we went that fast , we would break the speed limit .", "i have n't had to go that fast yet !", "yes , it 's a bit too much speed for the motorway .", "true , that 's speed is more meant for the race track .", "no , but it would be a perfect car for police officers , since they do sometimes have to travel very fast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "we can ' t . if we went that fast , we would break the speed limit ."}], "index": 5} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So how did I do on my driving test ?", "responses": ["do you want the truth ?", "you passed with a grade of b.", "you got 3 questions wrong out of 40 .", "you did well ! you passed easily .", "your test was a success and now you can drive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want the truth ?", "responses": ["of course , i do .", "give it to me .", "should i want the truth ?", "how good is it ?", "depends on if it 's good or bad ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course , I do .", "responses": ["well , you really did n't do all that well .", "you passed ! congratulations !", "i 'm sorry to say you failed . you did terrible with the parallel parking and you forgot to signal .", "you passed but barely . i reccommend practicing a little more but you 're otherwise good to go .", "not so good . you failed . with a few more lessons you should be good enough to pass"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you really didn't do all that well .", "responses": ["how bad did i do ?", "ouch , what did i do wrong ?", "but did i pass ?", "no way ! i thought i did well", "are you serious ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How bad did I do ?", "responses": ["to be completely honest , you failed your test .", "unfortunately , you surpassed the limit of 30 , required to pass the test .", "you failed the test .", "you got a 35 , so i can not pass you .", "well , you failed but , better luck next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "To be completely honest , you failed your test .", "responses": ["how ?", "oh no , i did n't realize i had done so bad !", "i 'm shocked , that 's very disappointing !", "i 'll just have to study and do better next time .", "well , i guess i will have to try again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How ?", "responses": ["there were a number of reasons .", "it does n't seem like you studied ?", "you got most of the answers wrong .", "you rushed through it too quickly .", "you missed 22 out of 25 questions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There were a number of reasons .", "responses": ["what were they ?", "let me see the test please .", "can i retake the test ?", "well can you let me know what parts of the test i failed .", "i will study much harder can i take it again next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What were they ?", "responses": ["basically , you just ca n't drive .", "you could n't parallel park .", "you crossed over the solid yellow line .", "you forgot to use your turn signal .", "you almost backed into a moving vehicle ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Basically , you just can't drive .", "responses": ["can i have another try ?", "that 's not very helpful . what were the specific reasons ?", "are you serious ?", "what was the section i did worst on ?", "what was more score ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have another try ?", "responses": ["you can take it in a couple weeks .", "yes but you will have to schedule and wait for your next test .", "yes but i suggest taking another 10 hours of lessons .", "i would hope for the safety of others , you will never get behind the wheel again .", "i just do n't think you are meant to drive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You can take it in a couple weeks ."}], "index": 6} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . What's the matter with you ?", "responses": ["good morning , doctor . i have a terrible headache .", "nothing , i feel fine .", "i 'm perfectly ok now .", "what are you talking about ?", "do n't be so rude to me !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning , doctor . I have a terrible headache .", "responses": ["all right , young man . tell me how it got started .", "i 'm sorry to hear that .", "oh no , sorry . how long have you had the headache ?", "is it a throbbing pain , or a sharp one ?", "sorry to hear . have you injured your head recently ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "All right , young man . Tell me how it got started .", "responses": ["yesterday i had a runny nose . now my nose is stuffed up . i have a sore throat . and i 'm afraid i 've got a temperature . i feel terrible .", "well it started last night after dinner and it has n't gone away even after a full night 's sleep", "it started this morning as soon as i woke up", "i 've had it on and off for a few days now", "i noticed a small ache this morning and it just kept getting worse"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yesterday I had a runny nose . Now my nose is stuffed up . I have a sore throat . And I ' m afraid I've got a temperature . I feel terrible .", "responses": ["do n't worry , young man . lat me give you an examination . first let me take a look at your throat . open your mouth and say'ah ' .", "sounds like you have a virus .", "alright , lets do some tests and see what 's wrong .", "open your mouth wide and say \" ahh \"", "perhaps you have strep throat , let 's see ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't worry , young man . Lat me give you an examination . First let me take a look at your throat . Open your mouth and say'ah ' .", "responses": ["ah .", "sure , ' ah ' .", "it 's very sore .", "what do you thihnk i might have ?", "okay , i heard strep throat is going around right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ah .", "responses": ["your throat is inflamed . and your tongue is heavily coated . you have all the symptoms of influenza .", "everything looks pretty good in there .", "i see your tonsils are swollen .", "looks like you may have an infection in your throat .", "can you open a little wider ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your throat is inflamed . And your tongue is heavily coated . You have all the symptoms of influenza .", "responses": ["what am i supposed to do then ?", "can i take medicine for it ?", "how long will it last", "oh no ! can you check again ?", "can i still go to work tomorrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What am I supposed to do then ?", "responses": ["a good rest is all you need , and drink more water . i 'll write you a prescription .", "for starters , i 'd like to recommend we test you for flu to confirm your case and know what strain you have .", "plenty of rest , and stay hydrated .", "i can prescribe a decongestant to help your stuffed sinuses , as well as other medication to reduce your fever .", "you can take tyelnol to reduce your fever , and if it you still feel ill in three days , please call my office for an appointment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A good rest is all you need , and drink more water . I'll write you a prescription .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "i will rest for the entire weekend .", "the medicine , can it be purchased over the counter .", "the prescription is it an antibiotic .", "will i be able to eat normal food ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 7} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "My dear , what's for supper ?", "responses": ["red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms .", "what would you like ?", "do you want to eat at home or out ?", "i was thinking steak and some sides would be good .", "is it just going to be us for supper ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms .", "responses": ["what about soup ?", "that sounds good , what about dessert ?", "i ca n't wait to sit down and eat !", "do you need me to set the table ?", "do you need help finishing up the dinner ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about soup ?", "responses": ["sour - peppery soup .", "tomato bisque ! my grandmother 's recipe .", "i do n't know yet . what would you like ?", "i do n't think we need soup . that would probably be too much .", "french onion soup with bread"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sour-peppery soup .", "responses": ["which condiment do you use for ?", "oh that sounds delicious !", "i ca n't wait to eat . will it be ready soon ?", "awww but we just had sour - peppery soup yesterday .", "i was hoping you 'd say that !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which condiment do you use for ?", "responses": ["i 'll use ginger , garlic scallion , hot pepper and vinegar .", "with the red carp and rape with mushrooms .", "the sour - peppery soup we have baked garlic bread .", "we also have buttery garlic butter for the carp .", "the sour - peppery soup you can also have saltine crackers ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll use ginger , garlic scallion , hot pepper and vinegar .", "responses": ["very good , need i help you ?", "i do n't like ginger .", "i might skip the soup .", "i 've never had carp .", "you 've been busy ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Very good , need I help you ?", "responses": ["no , do n't need , i can do myself .", "no , thank you .", "i think i can manage on my own .", "i do n't need help yet but i 'll let you know if that changes .", "i think i 'll be okay without your help but thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , don't need , I can do myself .", "responses": ["thanks . i can watch tv now .", "okay , just let me know if you change your mind .", "okay , just call me if you think of anything for me to do .", "okay , i 'm just going to get washed up .", "thanks so much , just let me know when it is ready ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks . I can watch TV now .", "responses": ["but you must cook that dinner next time .", "actually , it would be nice if you can set the table .", "is there anything interesting on tv ?", "why not keep me some company . how was your day today ?", "would you like some dessert ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "But you must cook that dinner next time .", "responses": ["okay , i 'll do it next time .", "sounds good", "seems to be fair", "i do n't mind", "sure thing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay , I'll do it next time ."}], "index": 8} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , this is Mike , Kara .", "responses": ["mike ! good to hear from you . how are you ?", "hi mike , what can i do for you today ?", "hello mike , do you have a question ?", "good day mike , how can i help you ?", "well hey there mike ! do you need assistance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ?", "responses": ["everything is fine , and how are you ?", "i am doing fantastic .", "i just got back from a great vacation .", "i have been very busy with my new baby .", "great , wanted you to come to the party we are having ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Everything is fine , and how are you ?", "responses": ["things are going well with me .", "i 'm okay ! thank you for asking !", "things could be better .", "i ca n't complain .", "let 's not talk about that right now , ha !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Things are going well with me .", "responses": ["kara , i had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this friday .", "i am glad to hear it .", "how has work been ?", "has your health been good ?", "i hope you continue to do well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday .", "responses": ["mike , i do n't think that it 's a good idea to go out again . i really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home .", "i 'm sorry but i started seeing someone else and i really like them .", "sure i 'd love to . text me the details .", "i had fun too but i 'm sorry i 'm just not that into you .", "sure but can we go to a restaurant instead ? i 'd like to be someplace we can actually talk"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home .", "responses": ["maybe we could just meet for coffee or something .", "that 's okay , maybe another time .", "alright , no worries , let me know if you need help .", "okay , well if you change your mind , let me know .", "let me know if you need help or if you change your mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something .", "responses": ["i ca n't really deal with any distractions right now , but i appreciate the nice evening we spent together .", "i 'm really busy trying to get packed , i do n't think i can make the time .", "i could probably meet for a quick coffee this week .", "i 'm moving back home on the weekend , i do n't think i will have time to squeeze a coffee in .", "i could probably free up an hour for coffee on saturday morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together ."}], "index": 9} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sun-set hotel . May I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i have booked a room for 24th . it 's a double room .", "do you have a room for two .", "do you have an indoor pool .", "does the pool area have a sauna", "what is the cost for one room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have booked a room for 24th . It's a double room .", "responses": ["hold on , please . let me check it for you . yes , you 're right . you will keep it for 3 days .", "may i ask your name , please ?", "would you like to change your reservation ?", "is there a problem with your reservation ?", "do you need to alter the date you will be staying with us ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hold on , please . Let me check it for you . Yes , you're right . You will keep it for 3 days .", "responses": ["well , now i want to change the date from 24th to 28th .", "i only booked this room for the 24th .", "what nights are you showing i have this room booked ?", "what was the total bill going to be for this ?", "ok , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , now I want to change the date from 24th to 28th .", "responses": ["ok , that shall be arranged .", "we can easily do that for you .", "i 'm sorry but someone has reserved the room for the 28th . i can offer you a different room ?", "i can extend your stay time but it may cost more since it is going into the holiday .", "i can give you a different double room for the 28th at a discounted price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , that shall be arranged ."}], "index": 10} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you busy tomorrow morning ?", "responses": ["i 'm free . what 's up ?", "no . i 'm free .", "yes . i have a doctor 's appointment .", "i 'll have to check my calendar .", "why ? what 's going on tomorrow morning ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm free . What's up ?", "responses": ["someone has to pick up the boss at the airport .", "i need help moving .", "would you want to hang out ?", "do you want to get some drinks ?", "i need a hand with something if you 're available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Someone has to pick up the boss at the airport .", "responses": ["oh , i just remembered i 've got a report to write .", "sure , what time ?", "oh , no problem , i can do it .", "i can pick him up , at what time ?", "what time does he need to be picked up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I just remembered I've got a report to write ."}], "index": 11} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry I'm so late . I had a really bad day .", "responses": ["it 's ten after six . we 're late . but dinner is at six thirty .", "it 's not a problem .", "no worries , is there anything i can do to help ?", "i 'm sorry to hear that .", "it 's really no problem , is there something i can help with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's ten after six . We ' re late . But dinner is at six thirty .", "responses": ["i know . i know . i 'm really sorry . i lost my bag .", "we better hurry then .", "i 'm ready to leave now .", "again , i 'm sorry , but we can go now .", "we can make it if traffic is n't too bad ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . I know . I'm really sorry . I lost my bag .", "responses": ["i 'll call the lost and found office .", "its okay . now lets just hurry up", "what bag did you lose ?", "we can cancel if you would like", "no excuses dear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll call the lost and found office .", "responses": ["i did n't think of it . thank you . and i do apologize for being late .", "thanks", "i apperciate it", "your the best", "you do n't have to do that"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I didn't think of it . Thank you . And I do apologize for being late ."}], "index": 12} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nani Book Store . How can I help you ?", "responses": ["do you have the'the man and the sea'by ernest hemingway ?", "i 'm calling about a book .", "could i get some information on new releases ?", "would you tell me what your newest release is ?", "do you have any copies of the 10 year anniversary name of the wind available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have the ' The man and the Sea ' by Ernest Hemingway ?", "responses": ["yes , we have one copy left .", "we certainly do , let me find it for you .", "i 'm not sure , let me look for you .", "i 'm sorry but we do n't have any copies of that right now .", "if you give me a minute i can check if we have any in stock ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we have one copy left .", "responses": ["can you hold it for me ?", "would you like me to hold it for you ?", "this book is on sale to buy would you like to purchase it ?", "you can more than welcome rent the book to make sure you like it before you buy", "would you like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you hold it for me ?"}], "index": 13} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have maps of downtown area ?", "responses": ["yes , here you are .", "do you have a certain place you are looking for ?", "yes of course . let me grab one for you .", "we have a few maps . which one would you like ?", "we ran out but i can print out directions to a specific location"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , here you are .", "responses": ["how much is it ?", "thanks", "i appreciate it", "your the best", "what would i do without you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is it ?", "responses": ["it 's free of charge .", "it is 4.99", "would you like one ?", "we also can do a city map for 1.99 if you buy the down town map", "or 2 maps for 6.00"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's free of charge .", "responses": ["thanks so much .", "really ? thanks so much", "will you take a donation ?", "i insist on paying you", "how can you afford to give them out for free ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks so much ."}], "index": 14} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi there , I want to reserve a hotel room .", "responses": ["no problem at all . could i have your full name , please ?", "sure , how many beds do you need ?", "yes of course , would you like smoking or non ?", "yes of course , we have a special on our king bed room . would you like to reserve that room ?", "we are actually fully booked but can put you on the waiting list if someone cancels ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No problem at all . Could I have your full name , please ?", "responses": ["sure , john sandals .", "billy bob", "it 's billy bob", "my name is billy bob", "i have the name of billy bob"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , John Sandals .", "responses": ["hi , mr . sandals . i 'm michelle , at your service . when do you need the room ?", "how many people ?", "what type of room would you like ?", "how long are you staying", "how long are you staying"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Mr . Sandals . I'm Michelle , at your service . When do you need the room ?", "responses": ["my plans are to be there april 14th to the 17th .", "do you have anything available for tomorrow ?", "next week when i arrive in the city .", "i need one for my wife and me this weekend .", "hi michelle . can you tell me if you have anything available next month ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My plans are to be there April 14th to the 17th .", "responses": ["we have new room rates , sir . will that be acceptable to you ?", "we actually do n't have openings that day", "we can do that !", "what time are you planning to arrive ?", "when should we expect you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We have new room rates , sir . Will that be acceptable to you ?", "responses": ["well , it depends on the price , of course . what is it ?", "what are the new rates ?", "can you tell me what these new rates are ?", "that would depend on the rates .", "sure . can you tell me the new rates ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , it depends on the price , of course . What is it ?", "responses": ["it 's $ 308 a night .", "that depends on the number of guests .", "do you want a room or a suite ?", "do you want a regular room , or one with an ocean vie ?", "are you a member of our rewards program ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's $ 308 a night .", "responses": ["i have no problem with that .", "that 's a bit high . do you have anything less expensive ?", "that 's more than i was wanting to pay .", "surely , you can find a better deal than that .", "that is out of the price range i was thinking of ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I have no problem with that .", "responses": ["great ! would you prefer smoking or nonsmoking ?", "okay , and how many people will be staying ?", "okay , would you prefer a lake or ocean view for this visit ?", "great . i 'll be happy to help book those for you then .", "are we celebrating anything special on this trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Great ! Would you prefer smoking or nonsmoking ?", "responses": ["definitely nonsmoking . i ca n't handle that smell .", "i prefer smoking .", "i prefer smoking .", "i prefer non smoking .", "either one would be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Definitely nonsmoking . I can't handle that smell .", "responses": ["nonsmoking . now , is a queen - size bed okay ?", "how would you like to pay ?", "you can use the room beginning at 11 am", "would you like meals with that ?", "how many people are using the room ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Nonsmoking . Now , is a queen-size bed okay ?", "responses": ["no problem .", "yes . that should be ok with me", "that sounds great . that 's what i prefer", "i really like that option so i will take it", "that 's real nice . i would like that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem .", "responses": ["great , mr . sandals . your reservation is confirmed . now all i need is your phone number .", "how many guests do you have ?", "will you be paying with cash or card ?", "do you need a wakeup call ?", "do you have any pets ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Great , Mr . Sandals . Your reservation is confirmed . Now all I need is your phone number .", "responses": ["of course ! it 's area code 626 - 555 - 1739 .", "my number is 555 - 867 - 5309 .", "can i request no room service during my stay ?", "how many parking spaces come with the room ?", "is there a mini fridge in the room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course ! It's area code 626-555-1739 .", "responses": ["thank you so much , mr . sandals . we look forward to seeing you !", "excellent . can you confirm the total number of guests ?", "do you have any special requests ?", "do you prefer a room on a high floor ?", "can i interest you in an upgraded room with a balcony ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you so much , Mr . Sandals . We look forward to seeing you !"}], "index": 15} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I have my bill , please ?", "responses": ["certainly , sir .", "you sure can .", "of course you can .", "sure anything else ?", "on its way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly , sir .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid there 's been a mistake .", "would you like to add a tip", "would you like dessert ?", "yes , do you need boxes", "can i get you anything else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid there's been a mistake .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , sir . what seems to be the trouble ?", "i am so sorry . what is the mistake ?", "please tell me what the problem is .", "i will do my best to rectify it .", "may i have a look at the bill ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm sorry , sir . What seems to be the trouble ?", "responses": ["i believe you have charged me twice for the same thing . look , the figure of 6 . 5 dollar appears here , then again here .", "i was charged for two drinks .", "i was charged for an extra room .", "i was charged twice .", "this is not my bill ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I believe you have charged me twice for the same thing . Look , the figure of 6 . 5 dollar appears here , then again here .", "responses": ["i 'll just go and check it for you , sir .", "i 'm very sorry . we will fix this issue right away .", "i apologize . we 'll fix this right away .", "i do see that we double charged you and i 'm very sorry . let me see what i can do .", "i do see that . we 'll fix this right away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll just go and check it for you , sir ."}], "index": 16} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good evening , madam . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes . i bought this sheet here yesterday .", "hey what all can i do with you ?", "i want to order food", "can i get a cheeseburger and fries sent to my room please .", "oh and a fruit salad"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I bought this sheet here yesterday .", "responses": ["anything wrong with it ?", "is there a problem with it ?", "yes , i recognize you from yesterday .", "and how may i assist you with it ?", "did you want to get the matching pillowcases ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anything wrong with it ?", "responses": ["yes . when i spread it out back home , i found this hole .", "it 's stained", "it is ripped", "i got the wrong size", "it did not fit"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . When I spread it out back home , I found this hole .", "responses": ["oh , how awful ! may i have a look at the invoice ?", "i 'm very sorry . we 'll replace it for you free of charge .", "oh no . i 'm sorry to hear that . we 'll replace it for you immediately .", "i apologize . we can ship you a replacement or you can pick one up yourself . which would you like ?", "i 'm very sorry . we 'll gladly replace your item right away and give you a discount on your next purchase for your troubles ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , how awful ! May I have a look at the invoice ?", "responses": ["here it is .", "yes , it is in my purse .", "i 'll have to check to see if i can find it .", "i do n't have the invoice .", "it is under the sheet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here it is .", "responses": ["well . please accept our sincere apologies , i 'll be glad to change it for another one if you wish .", "i 'll get a refund issued to you right away", "we 'll go ahead and get started with the return process", "i 'll gladly return these for you", "since there is an issue with these i 'll be able to refund them for you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well . please accept our sincere apologies , I'll be glad to change it for another one if you wish .", "responses": ["that 's very kind of you . thank you .", "yes , i would like to exchange it .", "yes , please switch it out for another one .", "i would like to switch it out , and can we check to make sure this one does n't have a hole as well ?", "thank you . yes , i would like to switch it out ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's very kind of you . Thank you .", "responses": ["we 're sorry that this has happened , and i guarantee that the same mistake wo n't happen again .", "okay , let me send someone to go get a replacement for you .", "is there anything else i can help you with today ?", "would you like the same color and size as a replacement ?", "i will be happy to replace it with a new one for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We're sorry that this has happened , and I guarantee that the same mistake won't happen again ."}], "index": 17} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to buy some flowers for my wife .", "responses": ["perhaps you 'd be interested in red roses .", "what type would you like ?", "i have roses , tulips and lillies", "they come in blue , red , purple and pink .", "i also have lovely white daisys right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Perhaps you'd be interested in red roses .", "responses": ["what would the roses cost me ?", "no , she 's allergic to roses .", "i got her red roses last week . i am looking for something different .", "no , thanks . red will clash with our decor .", "do you have something more exotic ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would the roses cost me ?", "responses": ["they 're only $ 20 a dozen .", "they are $ 20 for a dozen .", "depends on how many you are wanting .", "how many are you looking to purchase ?", "i can definitely find that out for you in one second ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They're only $ 20 a dozen .", "responses": ["i like the sound of that .", "that 's perfect . i 'll take a dozen .", "sounds good . i 'd like to purchase two dozen .", "i 'd like to order a dozen roses red roses then .", "can i get a discount for ordering more than one dozen ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I like the sound of that .", "responses": ["yes , that is today 's sale price .", "do you want them delivered ?", "which ones do you like ?", "do you want them arranged a certain way ?", "do you want to attach a note to them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that is today's sale price .", "responses": ["a dozen will be fine .", "i 'll take them", "i 'll definitely order those", "sold . can you ring me up please ?", "i think those will be great . i 'd like to buy them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A dozen will be fine .", "responses": ["is there anything else you 'd like to get ?", "what color would you like ?", "would you like a vase to go with them ?", "do we need to deliver these for you today ?", "would you like a card to go with them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything else you'd like to get ?", "responses": ["no , thank you .", "no thank you .", "that is all .", "do you recommend anything to go with the roses ?", "do you have vases available ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thank you .", "responses": ["these roses should make your wife very happy .", "maybe you would like a personalized card", "would you like a coupon for your next purchase ?", "would you like a red or white wrapper ?", "how would you like to pay ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "These roses should make your wife very happy ."}], "index": 18} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Room service , is there anything I can do for you ?", "responses": ["yes , i am afraid there are not enough outlets .", "yes , can i please have some more towels ?", "i would love more pillows", "i need some earplugs", "i need to switch rooms"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am afraid there are not enough outlets .", "responses": ["well , we have 6 for each room .", "i apologize , let me see if we have any extension cords .", "i 'm sorry to hear that . have you seen the ones behind the bed ?", "i 'll get with management and see how we can help solve this problem .", "i 'm sorry , let 's see if we can locate all of them and if you 're still not happy we can help figure out a solution together ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we have 6 for each room .", "responses": ["yes , but 4 of them are broken . can you send someone here ?", "i have many devices i need to charge .", "is that the standard number in a hotel room ?", "some of the outlets are already in use , by the television and lamps .", "do you have an extension cord i could borrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , but 4 of them are broken . Can you send someone here ?", "responses": ["ok sir , please wait a minute .", "i 'll have someone up there as soon as possible", "maintenance will be around soon to assist you", "i will send someone to your room to address your concerns shortly", "a staff member will be with you in just a few moments ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK sir , please wait a minute ."}], "index": 19} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why'd you pull me over ?", "responses": ["are you aware that you drove through a red light ?", "you have a tail light out .", "you were speeding .", "i noticed that your tag is expired .", "i noticed you did n't stop at the stop sign over there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you aware that you drove through a red light ?", "responses": ["i ran a red light ?", "i did n't see a red light", "it was still yellow when i last saw it", "as far as i know it was yellow when i got up to it", "i would n't run a red light on purpose"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "I ran a red light ?", "responses": ["yes , you did .", "yes sir , one street back .", "yes , you ran the light on main street .", "yes , may i have your license and registration please .", "indeed , about two roads back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , you did .", "responses": ["i apologize , but i did n't realize that i did .", "i did not notice that it was red .", "i thought it was still green when i went through it .", "i did not know it was red .", "i am sorry officer , i thought it was still green ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I apologize , but I didn't realize that I did .", "responses": ["were n't you taught that yellow means slow down , not speed up ?", "i 'm going to write you a ticket", "i 'll just give you a warning", "have you been drinking ?", "do you use prescription drugs ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Weren't you taught that yellow means slow down , not speed up ?", "responses": ["i did learn that .", "i understand but i did not realize that i was driving through the yellow light", "i am aware of that but i did n't know that i was moving that fast", "i thought i was driving at the stated speed limit", "it did n't seem as if i was speeding , officer"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I did learn that .", "responses": ["so , then why did you speed up ?", "do you drive through here often ?", "where do you live ?", "where are you going ?", "try to be more careful ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , then why did you speed up ?", "responses": ["i do n't know what to tell you .", "i 'm sorry , i was running late to work .", "i have a family emergency and was trying to get there fast .", "unfortunately i 'm running out of gas so i was trying to make it to that gas station before i ran out .", "i did n't realize i sped up . my apologies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know what to tell you .", "responses": ["i 'm going to have to write you a ticket .", "can i see you license and registration , please ?", "i 'm afraid i 'm going to have to write you up .", "well , that 's the law . i have to give you a ticket .", "these are rules to keep drivers safe ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm going to have to write you a ticket .", "responses": ["i understand .", "please do n't . i promise not to do it again", "will i have to pay a lot ?", "please i ca n't get in trouble again with my parents", "what if you just let me go this one time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I understand .", "responses": ["here you go . do n't do that again .", "it 's okay . we all make mistakes .", "be more aware next time around .", "were you texting while driving ?", "when 's the last time you were pulled over ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here you go . Don't do that again ."}], "index": 20} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have the roll of film developed here ?", "responses": ["surely of course .", "yes you can .", "of course , i 'd be happy to develop them for you .", "i 'm sorry , we can only print digital photos , we can not process film here .", "sure , we can develop them here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Surely of course .", "responses": ["here is the film . can i get my pictures tomorrow ?", "how long will it take to develop it ?", "can you have it ready in an hour ?", "that 's great .", "okay , i 'll bring it back when i 'm ready ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here is the film . Can I get my pictures tomorrow ?", "responses": ["sure .", "of course", "no , not until wednesday", "yes , but not until after 3", "maybe , please call first"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure .", "responses": ["besides i want two copies of all the photos .", "what time would i be able to pick them up", "how much will it cost to process the film", "should i call before i come in to get them ?", "what time are you open until ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Besides I want two copies of all the photos ."}], "index": 21} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me a little bit about yourself , please .", "responses": ["my name is dunlin and i live in beijing . i was born in 1980 . i will graduate from peking university this july . i have majored in accounting .", "i 'm 34 years old", "i 'm a secretary", "i have 3 kids", "i 'm italian"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Dunlin and I live in Beijing . I was born in 1980 . I will graduate from Peking University this July . I have majored in accounting .", "responses": ["would you tell me something about your family ?", "i graduate with a masters in accounting", "i have worked part time at pecking accounting firm while in college", "i have used my accounting skills in many areas of my job that did not require me to do accounting", "i spent 3 years while in college handling account receivable / payable for a major accounting firm"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you tell me something about your family ?", "responses": ["there are three in my family , my parents and myself . my father is a teacher and my mother is a worker .", "i have four sisters and a brother . i have family in alabama and georgia .", "i like to run for fun . also i like reading about sci fi .", "i like to play video games . right now i am playing sekiro .", "i have a dog named max . he is a pitt bull ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There are three in my family , my parents and myself . My father is a teacher and my mother is a worker ."}], "index": 22} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really need to start eating healthier .", "responses": ["i have to start eating better too .", "that sounds great !", "do you have an idea how to start", "will you be able to do it alone", "have you spoken to anyone about it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have to start eating better too .", "responses": ["what kind of food do you usually eat ?", "i am trying to lose weight .", "i am trying to eat more vegetables .", "i drink some milk every couple of weeks .", "i am trying to eat less meat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of food do you usually eat ?", "responses": ["i try my best to eat only fruits , vegetables , and chicken .", "i 've been eating a lot of pasta and pizza recently .", "mostly frozen foods , but i would like to start eating more salads .", "i eat a lot of take - out , but need to switch to healthier foods .", "i usually eat frozen dinners or fast food . how about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I try my best to eat only fruits , vegetables , and chicken .", "responses": ["is that really all that you eat ?", "it 's hard to eat well because there is so much conflicting evidence about what is healthy or not", "i think everything is fine in moderation", "that sounds healthy . i wish i could do the same", "do you have eat starchy carbs ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that really all that you eat ?", "responses": ["that 's basically it .", "i slip with junk food occasionally , but not often .", "i try to be pretty disciplined with my diet , but i do n't always succeed .", "no , of course i eat some crappy food too .", "i wish ! i 'd be healthier if that was all i ate ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's basically it .", "responses": ["how do you stick to only those foods ?", "do n't you get bored eating the same things ?", "you might like salmon . i have a great recipe you should try .", "what do you usually eat for breakfast ?", "that 's already pretty healthy . sounds like you 're doing great ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you stick to only those foods ?", "responses": ["actually , fruits and veggies are really good for you .", "i have good self - discipline .", "i avoid unhealthy foods at all costs .", "i enjoy eating those foods the most .", "it 's hard , but i make it work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , fruits and veggies are really good for you .", "responses": ["yeah , i know , but what about the chicken ?", "i know that but they are gross .", "yea but do n't you want junk food some times .", "i like fruits and veggies i just ca n't eat them all the time .", "i will try to add them in more of my meals ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , I know , but what about the chicken ?", "responses": ["i mainly eat baked chicken , because there 's not a lot of fat .", "chicken is very good for you if it 's baked .", "chicken has a lot of protein .", "baked chicken can help you lose weight .", "it 's a good source of protein and delicious ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I mainly eat baked chicken , because there's not a lot of fat .", "responses": ["that does sound pretty good .", "do you have any good recipes ?", "i just get bored of chicken , i need to spice it up .", "what about fish ?", "no red meat ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That does sound pretty good .", "responses": ["i know it does , and that 's because it is .", "yes , it is very good and pretty healthy .", "it is good , you should come over and i will make you dinner .", "thanks , it 's been a struggle , but i am starting to see results .", "i appreciate your kind words , i am getting used to eating more healthy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know it does , and that's because it is ."}], "index": 23} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon ! Can I help you ?", "responses": ["could you show me where the chinesc - style clothing is located ? i want to buy a silk coat .", "i would like to order a pepperoni pizza .", "i would like to order a pepperoni and a sausage pizza .", "i would like a pepperoni pizza and a pepsi .", "i would like a pepperoni pizza and a sprite ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you show me where the Chinesc-style clothing is located ? I want to buy a silk coat .", "responses": ["this way , please . here they are . they 're all handmade .", "second row to the left .", "keep straight them make a left", "at the shoe section", "you will find them on the top shelf to your right"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "This way , please . Here they are . They're all handmade .", "responses": ["oh , they look nice . may i try that black one on ?", "what are the price range of these .", "are these all you have available", "any other color patterns available", "are there any other styles available ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , they look nice . May I try that black one on ?", "responses": ["of course . the fitting room is right over there .", "yes sure . here it is", "i do n't know if we have it in your size", "that one is reserved for another customer .", "i think you would look better in another color"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course . The fitting room is right over there .", "responses": ["do you have a medium in the same color ? this one is a little tight .", "thanks very much .", "can i just take the coat into the dressing room ?", "is the room locked ?", "i appreciate it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have a medium in the same color ? This one is a little tight .", "responses": ["l'm sorry . all the black of that size are sold out . would you like a red one ?", "yes . let me get it for you .", "you can check the rack over there to see if there is a medium .", "i 'll review our inventory .", "i 'm afraid not but another store has it . would you like me to order it for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "l'm sorry . All the black of that size are sold out . Would you like a red one ?", "responses": ["ok . let me try it on . what do you think ?", "yes , red is fine .", "i do n't like red . what other colors do you have ?", "is red all you have ?", "of course . i love red ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . Let me try it on . What do you think ?", "responses": ["oh , that suits you very well . besides it is believed in china that the red color brings happiness and good luck .", "i think the red looks good with your eyes .", "i believe the red one is stunning on you .", "i do n't think you look good in red .", "maybe you should try a different color ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that suits you very well . Besides it is believed in China that the red color brings happiness and good luck .", "responses": ["really ? i'ii take it and i 'm leaving here tomorrow . is it possible for you to send one in black to me by mail when you get it in ?", "i am not sure yet , what other colors do you have in a medium ?", "i would like to try on a blue one . do you have a blue in a medium ?", "how much is the coat ?", "i will take it , thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I'II take it and I'm leaving here tomorrow . Is it possible for you to send one in black to me by mail when you get it in ?", "responses": ["our pleasure . please fill out this form , leaving your address and telephone number .", "we can notify you when we get more back in stock .", "let 's look online and see if we can order one for you .", "let me call another of our stores and see if they have one in stock .", "sure , lets fill out this order form ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Our pleasure . Please fill out this form , leaving your address and telephone number .", "responses": ["thanks . how much would that come to ?", "okay thank you for your help .", "how long do you think it will take till it gets there ?", "may i have a pen ?", "you were great , thank you for all the help in finding what i needed ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . How much would that come to ?", "responses": ["let me see ...", "before shipping fee it comes to $ 75 .", "including the shipping fee ? $ 100 .", "may i have your zip code , please ? that way i can get a shipping estimate for you .", "since you 're buying the red one too , i 'll go ahead and waive the shipping fee . the total will be $ 75 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me see ..."}], "index": 24} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are you today ?", "responses": ["great , thanks .", "great ! i got the job i wanted", "not so good . my boyfriend broke up with me", "eh it 's one of those days where everything just feels ok", "i started off ok this morning but just feel terrible now"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great , thanks .", "responses": ["can i help you ?", "glad to hear it !", "awesome , me too .", "i 'm doing well too .", "what are you up to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I help you ?", "responses": ["i would actually like to view the apartment for rent today .", "i have a question about a product .", "i need help with my order .", "yes . i 'm having trouble using the website .", "i 'm having trouble placing an order ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would actually like to view the apartment for rent today .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , but you wo n't be able to view it today .", "perfect i will be available from 2 pm to 6 pm . come by around then .", "what time were you thinking ?", "okay , when will you be coming by ?", "i will be available till 8 pm today ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m sorry , but you won ' t be able to view it today .", "responses": ["why not ?", "why not ? i 'm perfectly eligible to be a renter .", "oh is it already sold ? do you have anything else ?", "is it available tomorrow ? i came a long way to see it .", "can i see something similar ? i 'm flexible and just need something while i look for another job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why not ?", "responses": ["you have to make an appointment first .", "i 'm out sick and wo n't be able to show you .", "we already have showings booked for the day .", "a cleaning service is cleaning it out .", "the owners are in it today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You have to make an appointment first .", "responses": ["oh , okay . can i do that right now ?", "when is your next available appointment ?", "you sure you do n't have a few minutes to show it to me ?", "okay , i guess i 'll go somewhere else then .", "ok then , can you make me an appointment right now ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , okay . Can I do that right now ?", "responses": ["is this friday okay ?", "what available appointments do you have ?", "when would be a good time to view it ?", "are there any appointments tomorrow ?", "when is the soonest appointment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this Friday okay ?", "responses": ["is 6 o'clock friday evening okay ?", "i 'd like to look at it sooner , but friday will work .", "i am free friday morning , do you have any openings then ?", "yes , i am free all day .", "do you have any openings on thursday ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is 6 o ' clock Friday evening okay ?", "responses": ["yes , i will schedule you for that time .", "yes , i 'll see you then .", "sorry , i can only do it earlier .", "how about 7 o'clock ?", "yes , please bring your i d ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I will schedule you for that time .", "responses": ["thank you very much . see you then .", "excellent !", "i 'll see you then !", "who should i call if i need to cancel my appointment ?", "can i bring a potential roommate to view the room , too ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much . See you then ."}], "index": 25} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Today I want to invite you to talk about insurance you ' re interested in .", "responses": ["thank you . i wonder whether i can enjoy the life insurance and health insurance .", "insurance ? what kind of insurance ?", "you mean health insurance ?", "i do have homeowners ' insurance and would like to discuss that .", "ok , that sounds interesting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . I wonder whether I can enjoy the life insurance and health insurance .", "responses": ["of course . a two - week paid vacation a year , a five - day workweek .", "first tell me your income", "how many dependents do you have ?", "what are you looking for in a health insurance .", "life insurance is a great option for those with large families ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course . A two-week paid vacation a year , a five-day workweek .", "responses": ["good . anything else ?", "that sounds exciting .", "wow . where do i sign up ?", "are those the only benefits ?", "i 'm not sure you understood what i said ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good . Anything else ?", "responses": ["yes , all the insurance will be linked with your work . we will issue an insurance policy .", "no , that is it .", "that would be it .", "i think that is it .", "you also get great customer service ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , all the insurance will be linked with your work . We will issue an insurance policy ."}], "index": 26} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Next , please . Hello , may I help you , sir ?", "responses": ["yes , i want to send a registered airmail letter to france .", "yes , i would like to make a reservation .", "yes , what time are you open till ?", "yes , where are you guys located ?", "no thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I want to send a registered airmail letter to France .", "responses": ["ok , it comes four dollars twenty cents .", "great ! what is the address ?", "okay , do you have the name ?", "no problem . are you wanting to send a package too ?", "that is no problem at all . let me get you all set up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok , it comes four dollars twenty cents .", "responses": ["here is five dollars .", "do you take credit cards ?", "do you have change for a hundred dollar bill ?", "here you go , there 's a five dollar bill .", "looks like i am 20 cents short ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here is five dollars .", "responses": ["here is your change . please wait for your receipt of the registered mail .", "four dollars and twenty cents out of five , your change is eighty cents .", "here is your change , can i help you with anything else ?", "will that be all ?", "thank you have a nice day !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here is your change . Please wait for your receipt of the registered mail .", "responses": ["i also want to pack up my package . this is the notes .", "thank you for helping me !", "thank you for helping me !", "how long will it take to get there ?", "such great service , i will look for you next time i need help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I also want to pack up my package . This is the notes .", "responses": ["let me see . en .. just a minute . here it is . i need your signature on this note .", "thank you , i 'll be right back .", "of course , please sign here .", "can you show me your i d ?", "yes , please let me see the note ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Let me see . En .. just a minute . Here it is . I need your signature on this note .", "responses": ["oh , one more thing , where can i mail this letter ?", "all right . may i borrow a pen ?", "should i sign my full name or is my first name sufficient ?", "thank you very much !", "this is n't my package , sir ... the name is wrong ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , one more thing , where can I mail this letter ?", "responses": ["drop it in the mail box mark out of town . at that corner .", "you can mail it to the sender", "we can mail that for you", "what would you like to mail ?", "where would you like to mail it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Drop it in the mail box mark out of town . at that corner .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "thank you . how often does post go out ?", "thank you , do you have any stamps ?", "is there a way to mail a letter in town ?", "thank you , how much are stamps ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much .", "responses": ["you 're welcome .", "you 're welcome .", "can i help you with anything else ?", "would you like to purchase stamps while you are here today ?", "have a good day !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You ' re welcome ."}], "index": 27} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "we really were lucky . We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation ! Did you see the long lines behind us ?", "responses": ["yeah , i 'm glad that we did n't have to wait long . i 'm starving !", "yes it is definitely your lucky day !", "yes i did , i 'm so happy for you .", "no , i did n't realize how long of a line there was .", "that 's great . you 're going to enjoy this place ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "yeah , I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long . I'm starving !", "responses": ["let 's take a look at the menu so we can order . do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share ?", "me too ! should we get an appetizer ?", "what are you going to order ?", "i hope they have bread !", "i would n't have lasted if we had to wait in that line"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "let's take a look at the menu so we can order . Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share ?", "responses": ["what would you rather have , samosas or poppadoms ?", "sure , there are a lot to choose from . do you have any preferences ?", "i 'd be happy to !", "why do n't you pick one while i go and wash my hands .", "i like that idea , i know just what i want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what would you rather have , samosas or poppadoms ?", "responses": ["i heard that one of their specialities is the samosa .", "i 'm thinking samosas !", "i 'm wanting poppadoms .", "i 'm not sure . what would you like ?", "is there anything else other than those two ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa .", "responses": ["well , let 's get a plate of those then .", "all right .", "samosa it is , then !", "i was hoping you 'd say poppadoms .", "how much should we order , then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "well , let's get a plate of those then .", "responses": ["sounds good . what are you going to have for your main course ?", "perfect is there anything else ?", "what else can i get you ?", "ok , are you all set then ?", "do you need something else to complete the order ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "sounds good . What are you going to have for your main course ?", "responses": ["i think i might have a dahl .", "i 'm not sure until i look at the menu .", "i think i will have goat masala .", "you tell me first .", "what do you think i should get ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I might have a dahl .", "responses": ["what 's in a dahl ?", "i 've never tried that before .", "what is in dahl ?", "i think i might have the same .", "are you having anything besides dahl ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what's in a dahl ?", "responses": ["it 's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice .", "we ; ; , the ones that i have usually have beans", "when i get dahl , it has lentils in it with soup", "i am used to my dahl being prepared with a legume and traditional indian soup", "well , a legume of some sort and soup"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice .", "responses": ["that sounds nice . do you want to share some kebabs as well ?", "that sounds great ! i may have to try some of yours", "maybe we should order small plates to share , there are so many great options .", "everything looks really good , i think i 'd like the kebab .", "yum ! that sounds amazing , i wonder if they have small plates to share ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "that sounds nice . Do you want to share some kebabs as well ?", "responses": ["ok . how about some lamb kebabs ?", "good idea !", "some kebabs sound great !", "yes , it tastes really good . i would love to share some kebabs !", "sharing some kebabs sounds nice . thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "ok . How about some lamb kebabs ?", "responses": ["that 's my favourite . do you want to have some wine or beer ?", "yes , i would love to share some kebabs as well .", "no thank you , i am selfish and want all the kebabs for myself .", "no thank you , i am not good at sharing food", "no thank you , you can get your own kebabs ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "that's my favourite . Do you want to have some wine or beer ?", "responses": ["i think i 'll have a beer .", "yes , beer please .", "yes , wine please", "do you have any white wine ?", "do you have any red wine ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I'll have a beer .", "responses": ["ok , shall i flag down the waitress ?", "do you want regular or light beer ?", "would you like a craft beer ?", "how many ounces would you like ?", "would you like some wine as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "ok , shall I flag down the waitress ?", "responses": ["i would n't recommend it . i think we should wait until she comes round .", "yes . please do , i 'm going to the restroom", "sure ! i 'll take a beer", "yes . order one for me , i need to step outside to make a phone call", "yes please !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I wouldn't recommend it . I think we should wait until she comes round .", "responses": ["you 're right . that might seem a bit rude . it 's a good thing i 've got you with me !", "they are here to serve us .", "but their job is to attend to customers .", "i do n't see the harm in doing that .", "ok , we can wait for her ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "you're right . That might seem a bit rude . It's a good thing I've got you with me !", "responses": ["what would you do without me ?", "yes it is !", "i am looking forward to spending time with you .", "it isn", "it is n't rude ... she just looks really busy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what would you do without me ?"}], "index": 28} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "This position demands a higher writing ability , so please say something about your writing ability .", "responses": ["of course . i 've loved writing since i was a very little boy . i won the first prize in a national composition contest when i was in middle school . after attending nanjing university , i never give up writing . my works , such as father 's tobacco pipe , open air cinema , the old city were respectively published china youth daily , yangzi evening news , and new beijing . during the period of studying for my degrees of master and doctor , i paid more attention to developing my research ability and published several papers . the impact of internet in chinese political participation , the discipline of remold , the historical direction of chinese administration reform , bribery cases of self governance in chinese villages are respectively published in chinese publish administration , beijing due xuebao , theory and society and chinese reform . i joined in yangzi evening news to work as a part - time journalist in 2006 . during this period , i 've written a lot of comments , which improved my writing ability to a new level , i have full confidence in my writing ability , and i believe i can do the job well .", "i am a strong writer who uses all knowlede around me .", "i am very creative and come up with very fun scenarios .", "my writing ability may not be the best , but i make up for it with my hard work and dedication .", "i will strive to be the best writer you have ever had at this company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course . I've loved writing since I was a very little boy . I won the first prize in a national composition contest when I was in middle school . After attending Nanjing University , I never give up writing . My works , such as Father's Tobacco Pipe , Open Air Cinema , The old City were respectively published China Youth Daily , Yangzi Evening News , and New Beijing . During the period of studying for my degrees of master and doctor , I paid more attention to developing my research ability and published several papers . The Impact of Internet in Chinese Political Participation , The Discipline of Remold , The Historical Direction of Chinese Administration Reform , Bribery Cases of Self governance in Chinese Villages are respectively published in Chinese Publish Administration , Beijing Due Xuebao , Theory and Society and Chinese Reform . I joined in Yangzi Evening News to work as a part-time journalist in 2006 . During this period , I've written a lot of comments , which improved my writing ability to a new level , I have full confidence in my writing ability , and I believe I can do the job well ."}], "index": 29} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "pompous . How may I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'd like to reserve a table for dinner .", "yes , i 'd like to inquire about today 's special .", "i 'm sorry , but are you talking to me ?", "can i ask a request ?", "would you please bring me what i ordered ? thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I'd like to reserve a table for dinner .", "responses": ["how large a group are you expecting ?", "what time would you like to set your reservation to ?", "what time would you like to schedule ?", "how many people are you having ?", "at what time and how many people ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How large a group are you expecting ?", "responses": ["six couples .", "we are having a group of 10 .", "it will only be me and my spouse .", "i 'm not sure . more than 5 but less than 10 .", "it 's a fairly large group . about 20 of us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Six couples .", "responses": ["would you like to reserve a private dining room ?", "what time will you be arriving ?", "did you want a private room ?", "is anyone allergic to any foods ?", "did you require a special menu ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like to reserve a private dining room ?", "responses": ["that sounds like a good idea .", "yes , that would be perfect", "no , a public one would be fine", "will that cost extra ?", "may i see the rates for a private room ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That sounds like a good idea .", "responses": ["all right . may i have your name , sir ?", "what time and day are you in need of the reservation ?", "is there a time that works best for you ?", "our private dining room is available wednesday thru saturday , is there a specific day you were hoping for ?", "we can offer you the private dining room for 6 couples of 2 every night this week but thursday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "All right . May I have your name , Sir ?", "responses": ["my name is ron kollwitz .", "name is bill", "my name is bill .", "they call me bill !", "no problem . i go by bill ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Ron Kollwitz ."}], "index": 30} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ms . Wang , this is Mr . Cooper , president of Ivy Publishing .", "responses": ["it 's nice to meet you , mr . cooper .", "it 's a pleasure to meet you .", "i 've been hoping to meet you for some time now .", "i 'm glad we 're finally able to meet", "nice to meet you mr . cooper ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's nice to meet you , Mr . Cooper .", "responses": ["nice to meet you , ms . wang . you must be exhausted after your long trip from canada .", "nice to meet you , ms . wang .", "i have a favor to ask .", "can you put me through to your boss ?", "how are you today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nice to meet you , Ms . Wang . You must be exhausted after your long trip from Canada .", "responses": ["yes , it was quite a long flight . i 'm glad to finally be here .", "it was a tiring trip , but i got a good rest last evening .", "i am a bit tired , thank you .", "i 'm feeling pretty well today , it has n't caught up with me yet .", "i was able to sleep on the flight , so i 'm doing well ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it was quite a long flight . I'm glad to finally be here ."}], "index": 31} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you help me now ?", "responses": ["no , but i 'll be able to tomorrow .", "how can i help you ?", "what do you need help with ?", "what do you need assistance with ?", "what can i do for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , but I'll be able to tomorrow .", "responses": ["that 'll be too late .", "what time are you available ?", "sorry , it needs to be done today .", "it 's okay , i will find someone else .", "thank you for your help !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That'll be too late .", "responses": ["why do n't you ask bill if he can help ?", "what is the problem exactly ?", "i can find someone else right now if you like ?", "i would n't do your issue justice right now , let me transfer you to someone else .", "then let 's get on this issue right now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you ask Bill if he can help ?", "responses": ["i did , but he was n't able to either .", "i already did , he is busy", "i did not think of that , thanks", "i will try", "only you can help me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I did , but he wasn't able to either ."}], "index": 32} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you got any experience in advertising ?", "responses": ["yes , i have been working in the public relations section of a company in the past two years . i plan the advertising campaign and cooperate the work of artists and typographers . sometimes i have to do the work of a specialist when there 's something urgent .", "yes actually", "quite a bit", "not much unfortunately", "enough to get by . why ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company in the past two years . I plan the advertising campaign and cooperate the work of artists and typographers . Sometimes I have to do the work of a specialist when there ' s something urgent .", "responses": ["do you have any practical experience as a secretary ?", "that sounds like what i 'm looking for , are you looking to take on new work right now ?", "that sounds like it could be a good fit , do you do freelance work ?", "are you available for freelance ? i am looking for someone with your requirements .", "are you looking to take on more work over the next couple of weeks ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any practical experience as a secretary ?", "responses": ["yes , sir . i acted as a secretary in an insurance company .", "the tasks my public relations position requires for success are extremely similar to the tasks required of a secretary . i 'm sure i would excel in the position .", "not per se . however , i am apt at the skills necessary for a successful secretary .", "every now and again i take the role of secretary at my current job .", "i have practical experience performing tasks a secretary would perform . it is not my current role but i am sure i can transfer the skills i have learned in my current position over to be a successful secretary ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , sir . I acted as a secretary in an insurance company .", "responses": ["would you tell me the essential qualities a secretary should maintain ?", "what did you do at the insurance company as a secretary ?", "what was it like being a secretary at an insurance company ?", "why does an insurance company need a secretary ?", "how did you like that job ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you tell me the essential qualities a secretary should maintain ?", "responses": ["well , to begin with , i would say she needs to be diligent , and the second point is that she has to do a lot of things on her own initiative . finally , she can make notes in shorthand and types and has the skills in report writing , summary writing , keep minutes at meetings , and so on . most important of all is that she seems to have a better memory than average .", "a positive attitude .", "perception for tasks that need to be completed .", "friendly to others .", "good typing skills ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , to begin with , I would say she needs to be diligent , and the second point is that she has to do a lot of things on her own initiative . Finally , she can make notes in shorthand and types and has the skills in report writing , summary writing , keep minutes at meetings , and so on . Most important of all is that she seems to have a better memory than average .", "responses": ["have you had any experience with computer ?", "do most secretaries have these qualities ?", "how can one be diligent ?", "do you take notes on a tablet or computer ?", "do you have memory tricks you 've learned ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you had any experience with computer ?", "responses": ["yes , i studied in a computer training program , and can process data through the computer .", "yes , quite a lot actually . i 've been using computers since i was young", "i began using computers in primary school", "i use computers in my daily life both at work and home", "i enjoy using computers"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I studied in a computer training program , and can process data through the computer .", "responses": ["that 's fine . what about operating the fax and duplicator ?", "that 's good to know", "that would be really helpful .", "you seem like a great fit for us .", "computer skills are vital in the current economy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's fine . What about operating the fax and duplicator ?", "responses": ["i can handle them without any trouble", "i am very familiar with the fax and duplicator .", "i have had lots of experience with both .", "i do n't think i will have any problems with them .", "of course , i use them all the time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can handle them without any trouble", "responses": ["what have you learned from jobs you have held ?", "that sounds perfect , now do you have any supervisory experience in your past work history ?", "wonderful , how much experience do you have working with excel documents ?", "that sounds good , though do you know your way around word processor shortcuts ?", "great , are you comfortable with using customer relations management software ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What have you learned from jobs you have held ?", "responses": ["above all , i have learned that what is good for the company is good for me . so i follow the instructions strictly and always keep my boss informed .", "i 've had tons of experience in this area .", "i know how to handle many types of situations .", "i am more confident in myself .", "i 've learned to be more organized ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Above all , I have learned that what is good for the company is good for me . So I follow the instructions strictly and always keep my boss informed .", "responses": ["very good .", "good to hear . can you give me some references i can contact ?", "i like that . when can you start ?", "are you available to start work next week ?", "what kind of salary would you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Very good ."}], "index": 33} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Dan . What's new ?", "responses": ["where have you been ? i 've been trying to get in touch with you for two days .", "hey ! nothing much . what about with you ?", "same old , same old . what have you been up to ?", "started my new job yesterday !", "just the same old grind . how about you ? how are the kids ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where have you been ? I've been trying to get in touch with you for two days .", "responses": ["i went to salt lake city on business . what 's up ?", "i 'm sorry , work has been very busy .", "i did n't get the messages , my phone broke 3 nights ago .", "i 'm sorry ! my allergies have been awful , hard to stare at the phone to see who called .", "sorry about that , things have been so hectic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I went to Salt Lake City on business . What's up ?", "responses": ["i got fired .", "what happened to your phone ? i called a bunch of times !", "did your phone break ? why did n't you answer ?", "nothing really ! how was the trip ?", "nothing really ! how was the trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I got fired .", "responses": ["how come ? last time i saw you . you told me it was a good job , and you 'd like to take it as a career . that was only one month ago . why this sudden change ?", "that is too bad", "are you looking for a new job", "that is terrible . what can i do to help you with that ?", "i will try to get you a new job as soon as possible"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "How come ? Last time I saw you . You told me it was a good job , and you'd like to take it as a career . That was only one month ago . Why this sudden change ?", "responses": ["it 's a long story . in a word , i did n't do a good job of it . i messed up a business deal , a deal that would have made ten million dollars and i messed it up .", "new management came in and overhauled everything .", "i was sick and could n't go in for several days , they fired me because of my absences .", "they wanted someone more qualified for the job .", "i got into an argument with my boss and he let me go ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a long story . In a word , I didn't do a good job of it . I messed up a business deal , a deal that would have made ten million dollars and I messed it up .", "responses": ["what are you going to do now ?", "was all the blame placed on you ?", "did you see warning signs that something was off ?", "did you try to explain yourself ?", "what are you going to do now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you going to do now ?", "responses": ["i am trying to find a job asap . lily does n't know yet . i did n't tell her . i spent the past three days at the coffee shop next to your office , and she thought i went to work as usual .", "i guess i need to look for another job", "i 've been working on my resume", "i have put my resume on a few job sites", "do you know anywhere that is hiring ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am trying to find a job asap . Lily doesn't know yet . I didn't tell her . I spent the past three days at the coffee shop next to your office , and she thought I went to work as usual .", "responses": ["that 's not the way to solve the problem . did you look in the classified advertisements column ?", "when are you going to tell her ?", "she is going to find out sooner or later .", "how did you mess up the business deal ?", "is lily going to be mad at you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's not the way to solve the problem . Did you look in the classified advertisements column ?", "responses": ["yes , i did . but i was n't qualified for most of the jobs that i was interested in .", "to be honest , i have been so frazzled that i do n't know what to do .", "i started looking this morning . do you know of any openings ?", "i have looked some online , but have n't found anything yet .", "i need to get moving and find a job , thanks for the advise ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I did . But I wasn't qualified for most of the jobs that I was interested in .", "responses": ["listen . i will see what i can do , ok ? you go home and tell lily about this problem you have now . she is your wife and i am sure she will understand .", "the key to finding a new job is networking usually . do you know anyone you could ask ?", "maybe get in touch with a recruiter ? i 've heard some people have had success with that .", "i think you should tell lily . she may have some ideas .", "did you check your social networks ? do n't be afraid to ask around . do n't be ashamed"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Listen . I will see what I can do , ok ? You go home and tell Lily about this problem you have now . She is your wife and I am sure she will understand .", "responses": ["i just do n't know how to bring it up . well , all right . she has the right to know anyways .", "so you ca n't help me any more ?", "i 'm depressed , i do n't know what to do .", "she ca n't help me .", "she does n't understand ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I just don't know how to bring it up . Well , all right . She has the right to know anyways ."}], "index": 34} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever gotten a parking ticket ?", "responses": ["i 've never gotten one . have you ?", "no , i have a perfect driving record", "no , i never got my drivers license .", "no , i never got a parking ticket , i use public transport to get around .", "nope , never had a ticket of any kind !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I've never gotten one . Have you ?", "responses": ["i got a ticket yesterday .", "i have gotten so many ! how have n't you gotten any ?", "i just got one . do you know who i can ask to help me with it ?", "how have n't you gotten one ?", "no way . i just got one and i do n't know what to do !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I got a ticket yesterday .", "responses": ["really ? what did you get one for ?", "what was it for ?", "how much is it ?", "do you resent you got a ticket ?", "are you going to appeal the ticket ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? What did you get one for ?", "responses": ["i parked in the red zone .", "parking in a handicap space .", "parking in a fire zone .", "my meter expired .", "double parking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I parked in the red zone .", "responses": ["why did you do that ?", "was it clearly marked ?", "i thought they did n't really enforce stuff like that ?", "how much was the ticket ?", "you might as well just pay it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why did you do that ?", "responses": ["i needed to get something really quick .", "i was running late for class .", "i thought i was only going to be in the store for a minute but i got hung up longer than anticipated", "i had to run in and grab something really quick", "i did nt realize that it was illegal"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I needed to get something really quick .", "responses": ["where did you park at ?", "you are going to get a ticket .", "you just might get towed .", "be quick about it before the tow truck comes .", "how long are you going to take ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where did you park at ?", "responses": ["at my apartment building .", "it was in front of a fire hydrant .", "i parked in a loading zone .", "i parked in a bus lane .", "i parked in a no parking zone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "At my apartment building .", "responses": ["do n't you have your own parking spot ?", "well that was foolish . you should never risk something like that .", "oh no . do you need help paying the ticket ?", "do you think you can contest it ?", "i 'm sorry to here that . that happened to me once but i got it waived ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don't you have your own parking spot ?", "responses": ["i needed to be fast .", "no i do n't .", "someone parked in my spot .", "i forgot where my parking spot was", "someone complained that it was n't mine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I needed to be fast .", "responses": ["that was very lazy of you .", "well maybe next time you should be more careful .", "that 's a shame , how much was the ticket ?", "are you going to fight the ticket ?", "have you gotten a lot of tickets ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That was very lazy of you ."}], "index": 35} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How may I help you ?", "responses": ["i 'm having a problem .", "you can show me the cars", "you can help me with this problem", "you can tell me how to get to customer service", "you can tell me how to speak to a manager"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m having a problem .", "responses": ["what problem are you having ?", "what is your problem ?", "can you tell me more about the problem ?", "let me see if i can help , can you describe the problem to me ?", "what is wrong ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What problem are you having ?", "responses": ["there have been charges made on my debit card that i did n't make .", "one of the lights in my room is n't working .", "the person in the next room keeps knocking on the wall .", "the central air / heat is not working .", "my ceiling fan is not working ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There have been charges made on my debit card that I didn ' t make .", "responses": ["do you have the statement for your card ?", "i m sorry to hear that", "let me look into that for you", "what were the dates / times of the charges and the amounts", "let me ask you a few security questions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have the statement for your card ?", "responses": ["here it is .", "yes i do actually .", "give me a minute while i find it .", "yes , let me pull it up now .", "it 's right in front of me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here it is .", "responses": ["what are the charges you 're referring to ?", "let me log into my computer and i would be happy to help you .", "do n't worry , we will get this straightened out .", "thank you , let me see how i can help you .", "we will get this figured out , i am here to help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are the charges you ' re referring to ?", "responses": ["the last four charges on the page .", "there 's one for an online purchase , and another for a furniture store .", "i 'm seeing a charge for a best buy in - store order , and another purchase at a cvs .", "there are two i did n't make , one at office depot and another from nordstrom .", "i see a purchase from macy 's and another from h&m , both of which i have n't been to recently ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The last four charges on the page .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid we 're going to have to investigate these charges .", "can you go over these charges ?", "can you be more specific ?", "i need more information on these charges .", "go over these charges with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m afraid we ' re going to have to investigate these charges .", "responses": ["how long will an investigation take ?", "how long is that going to take ?", "how long before i get my money back ?", "what if your investigation comes up with nothing ?", "i guess that 's better than nothing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will an investigation take ?", "responses": ["i honestly do n't know , but we will freeze payment on these charges .", "it usually is resolved within 7 business days .", "it could take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks .", "it really depends on difficult it is to track the charges .", "it usually does n't take too long , maybe a few days or so ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I honestly don ' t know , but we will freeze payment on these charges .", "responses": ["that sounds absolutely fantastic .", "will you be able to tell me more about the finding of your investigation ?", "can this card be canceled ?", "thank you , is there anything else you need from me ?", "can i call back anytime to check in on the investigation ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That sounds absolutely fantastic ."}], "index": 36} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon . Can I be of service ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . can i purchase treasury certificates here at this counter ?", "hello , i 'm calling about my television service .", "i 'd like to remove a driver from my car insurance plan .", "i 'd like to learn more about donating blood to your charity .", "i 'm interested in the waitressing position ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I don't know . Can I purchase Treasury Certificates here at this counter ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . we have treasury notes with two , three and five - year terms available .", "yes you may , i 'll take care of it today .", "unfortunately no , but i 'll point you in the right direction .", "sure how many would you like ?", "no problem i 'll do that for you here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , of course . We have Treasury Notes with two , three and five-year terms available .", "responses": ["two years is fine , with a value of 1,000 rib .", "is there a fee for purchasing them ?", "do you accept credit cards as payment ?", "i 'd like a treasury note with a three year term please .", "wonderful . i 'd like to purchase several ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Two years is fine , with a value of 1,000 RIB .", "responses": ["ok , could i take a look at some i d please , like a passport ?", "very good , i 'll get that taken care of for you right away .", "sounds perfect , i 'll make the transaction .", "ok , two years it is , one moment please .", "no problem , i 'll have that for you in a moment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , could I take a look at some ID please , like a passport ?", "responses": ["here you go . by the way , is it possible to cash them before the maturity comes up ?", "yes , here is my passport .", "will my driver 's license work ?", "i always carry my passport with me .", "my passport is in my car ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here you go . By the way , is it possible to cash them before the maturity comes up ?", "responses": ["no , i 'm afraid that is n't possible . you must wait until maturity before you cash them .", "yes , as long as you bring your i d at that time .", "no , i 'm sorry . you 'll have to wait until it matures .", "if you cash them prior to maturity you will be subject to a fee .", "i will have to check with my manger ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , I'm afraid that isn't possible . You must wait until maturity before you cash them ."}], "index": 37} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Hey . Why did you take that money ? You are such a cheater ! I should send you to jail !", "responses": ["i am not cheating . when you pass go , you collect $ 200 , everyone knows that !", "no i did n't take that money !", "why do you think i took the money ?", "yes , i took it and you 'll never be able to prove it .", "i do n't know what money you are talking about ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not cheating . When you pass go , you collect $ 200 , Everyone knows that !", "responses": ["well you ca n't just take the money . you have to ask the bank for money . and i 'm the banker .", "oh , sorry , this is my first time playing .", "you liar !", "is that true ? can someone verify this ?", "well i did not know that , so not everyone does !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "Well you can ' t just take the money . You have to ask the bank for money . And I ' m the banker .", "responses": ["banker ?", "i 'm sorry but you were sleeping on the job .", "well , maybe if you paid more attention i would n't have to do your job for you .", "why were n't you paying attention ?", "i should n't have to ask ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Banker ?", "responses": ["yes ...", "yes , banker .", "well , someone needs to be the banker !", "please ask next time .", "would you rather play the banker ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes ...", "responses": ["can i have my $ 200 please ?", "can i have my $ 200 then ?", "i did not realize you were the banker .", "i did not mean to steal from you .", "can you please forgive me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have my $ 200 please ?", "responses": ["sure . here you are , $ 200 , thank you , please come again ! now it 's my turn to roll the dice .", "yes , here you go . now it 's my turn .", "i 'm out of $ 100 bills , i 'll need to give you a $ 500 and you can give me back the change .", "here you go , now it is bill 's turn .", "yes , now you have to pick up the chance card ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Here you are , $ 200 , Thank you , please come again ! Now it ' s my turn to roll the dice ."}], "index": 38} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , is this Professor Clark ' s office ?", "responses": ["this is professor clark speaking .", "yes , it is .", "yes , may i help you ?", "it is , but he 's not in at the moment .", "no it is not , sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is Professor Clark speaking .", "responses": ["hi , this is kalina from your morning literature class .", "hello , i was wondering if i could talk to you about some ideas .", "i have something in my possession i think you would be interested in .", "i have some information that i think you would be very excited about .", "can i talk to you about a very important discovery ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , this is Kalina from your morning literature class .", "responses": ["yes , what can i do for you ?", "oh , hi kalina .", "how can i help you , kalina ?", "ah yes ! do you have a question about your assignment ?", "thank you for calling , kalina . what can i do for you today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , what can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i had a skydiving accident over the weekend and wo n't be able to come to school today .", "i would like to do some extra credit .", "what do you have that i can do ?", "how is my grade looking ?", "how much will the extra credit help ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "I had a skydiving accident over the weekend and won ' t be able to come to school today .", "responses": ["my goodness ! are you ok ?", "are you all right ?", "i 'm sorry to hear it . thanks for letting me know .", "oh no , that 's terrible . are you all right ?", "i 'm sorry to hear . of course you 're excused from class . thanks for letting me know ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "My goodness ! Are you OK ?", "responses": ["i broke my leg , but it is healing .", "i 'm actually going to have to stay off of my feet for a few weeks while my ankles heal .", "i 'm ok , but i hurt one of my legs and i need stay off of it for a while .", "i actually broke both of my legs when i had a mishap trying to land .", "i 'm fine however , i need to stay off of my feet for a few days until my sprained ankle heals ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I broke my leg , but it is healing .", "responses": ["how long will you be out of class ?", "ok well your assignments are online so you should be able to keep up .", "how long do you think you 'll be out .", "ok well i hope to see you in class next week . we have some exciting material that i think you 'd enjoy learning about .", "will you be able to come in later this week ? or atleast let me know and i 'll make arrangements for you to get your work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will you be out of class ?", "responses": ["i should be able to return by next monday .", "the doctor is n't sure yet . i 'll have to let you know when i find out .", "the doctor says i should be moving around again in about a week with the help of crutches .", "i should be able to return to class next week if everything goes as planned .", "hopefully , i 'll be able to come back next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I should be able to return by next Monday .", "responses": ["fine . well , thanks for calling and letting me know you will be absent . i hope you feel better soon .", "that should be no problem then .", "you can look on my website for assignments .", "i hope you get well soon .", "that 's not too bad , then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Fine . Well , thanks for calling and letting me know you will be absent . I hope you feel better soon ."}], "index": 39} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon ! Did you call for a plumber ?", "responses": ["yes , yes i did . please come in ! i 'm so glad you came ! this old house is falling apart ! come on into the bathroom . see , here , there 's water leaking everywhere !", "no , i did not , sorry .", "yes , please come in .", "oh thank goodness you 're here , i need your help !", "i do n't think so , let me check with my wife ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , yes I did . Please come in ! I ' m so glad you came ! This old house is falling apart ! Come on into the bathroom . See , here , there ' s water leaking everywhere !", "responses": ["i see . let me have a look . it seems that your toilet is clogged , and that 's why it wo n't flush . let me just get my plunger . no , that 's not working either . i suspect that there 's some sort of foreign object in the pipes that 's causing a blockage . that 's what 's making your toilet overflow .", "oh ! i see what your problem is .", "why did n't you turn your water valves off ?", "i will have this fixed up in no time .", "do you have any extra towels ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I see . Let me have a look . It seems that your toilet is clogged , and that ' s why it won ' t flush . Let me just get my plunger . No , that ' s not working either . I suspect that there ' s some sort of foreign object in the pipes that ' s causing a blockage . That ' s what ' s making your toilet overflow .", "responses": ["oh , that must be because of my four - year - old daughter . she is always flushing things down the toilet . you know how kids are .", "oh no ...", "that sounds horrible !", "is it going to be expensive to fix ?", "what do you need to do to fix it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that must be because of my four-year-old daughter . She is always flushing things down the toilet . You know how kids are .", "responses": ["yeah , i have a little one myself . anyway , these water pipes are really rusty , so they also should be changed . thatcould be causing water to not drain completely , that might lead to more problems in the future . i would also suggest fixing this faucet that is n't shutting off properly . i could have it all finished by today if it 's urgent .", "it looks like there is a barie doll stuck in there .", "i will need to get a special too .", "this will take i while .", "i will need to shut off your water ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I have a little one myself . Anyway , these water pipes are really rusty , so they also should be changed . Thatcould be causing water to not drain completely , that might lead to more problems in the future . I would also suggest fixing this faucet that isn ' t shutting off properly . I could have it all finished by today if it ' s urgent .", "responses": ["that would be great ! is it expensive ?", "that would be wonderful !", "could you tell me about how much it will cost ?", "the toilet is rather urgent , but the faucet could wait until a later time .", "if you could at least get the toilet fixed today i would appreciate it very much ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That would be great ! Is it expensive ?", "responses": ["let 's see ... i would say about eight hundred dollars .", "it could be depending on how many of the pipes need to be replaced .", "it wo n't run more than the cost of a days worth of labor and the cost of the replacement parts .", "it could run anywhere between $ 500 and $ 2,500 for the repairs depending on how damaged the pipes are .", "it wo n't be more than $ 600 , and i will get started right away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let ' s see ... I would say about eight hundred dollars ."}], "index": 40} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Listen , Karen , I need your help . I don't know anyone here yet .", "responses": ["i 'm glad to help you . what 's wrong ?", "all right ... how can i help ?", "sure , i 'd be happy to .", "what do you need ?", "i 'm here for you , my friend ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I'm glad to help you . What's wrong ?", "responses": ["my mother - in - law just went into the hospital in l . a . hank and i will be flying there tonight .", "i am new to the city .", "i have not met many people .", "i am not sure the good spots in town .", "i am glad i can count on you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L . A . Hank and I will be flying there tonight .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry to hear it . what 's wrong with her ?", "oh no , i 'm sorry to hear it .", "oh that 's terrible . how can i help ?", "sorry to hear . what can i do fo you ?", "of course i 'm happy to help however i can ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "question", "text": "I'm sorry to hear it . What's wrong with her ?", "responses": ["doctors are n't sure yet . but the real problem is suzy . she has a bad cold , and we do n't want to take her with us . but we do n't know who can stay with her .", "she had a heart attack yesterday , but she is stable now .", "she slipped while trying to get in the tub and broke her hip .", "she had a stroke , so she needed to be admitted .", "i think it might be appendicitis , she was complaining about pain in her abdomen ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Doctors aren't sure yet . But the real problem is Suzy . She has a bad cold , and we don't want to take her with us . But we don't know who can stay with her .", "responses": ["you need a babysitter .", "she could come to my house if you need her to .", "oh , that is a trouble .", "i wish i could help but i 'm going out of town myself .", "i know a great babysitter i can refer you to ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You need a babysitter .", "responses": ["yes , i 'd ask jill , the girl i 've had before , but i need someone overnight . maybe even for two nights .", "yes . do you know anyone that could stay with suzy ?", "yes . could you watch suzy for us ?", "yes . could i get the number of the sitter you use ?", "could you call your babysitter and see if they could watch suzy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , I'd ask Jill , the girl I've had before , but I need someone overnight . Maybe even for two nights .", "responses": ["i could have suzy stay at my place .", "i think i know someone you can call ?", "are there any other relatives that can watch her ?", "what are you going to do if you ca n't find someone to watch her ?", "have you tried an agency ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I could have Suzy stay at my place .", "responses": ["i do n't want to do that to you , karen .", "would you really do that ?", "i would be grateful if you took her .", "are you sure you can handle it ?", "you are a lifesaver , thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't want to do that to you , Karen .", "responses": ["why not ?", "it 's alright i do n't mind .", "do n't worry about it you just do what you need to do .", "i have a feeling that it 's exactly what you need me to do .", "i will help you in whatever way that i can ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why not ?", "responses": ["your own kids would get suzy 's cold . i think it would be better to have a good babysitter here . but i do n't know who to ask . i need someone more mature than jill . it might even be for two or three days .", "i do n't want to burden you .", "are you sure it would be okay ?", "i do n't want her to get you sick .", "are n't you going to be busy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your own kids would get Suzy's cold . I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here . But I don't know who to ask . I need someone more mature than Jill . It might even be for two or three days .", "responses": ["i know who we can ask . there is a girl i know , sara ralston . she is 17 , and she will usually take this kind of job . i know her from my church , and i trust her completely .", "maybe you could try my friend mark .", "he lost his job a couple weeks ago .", "he could babysit for you .", "he is a cool guy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know who we can ask . There is a girl I know , Sara Ralston . She is 17 , and she will usually take this kind of job . I know her from my church , and I trust her completely .", "responses": ["i 'd like to talk with her . this is short notice , i know . but hank and i are leaving tonight .", "can you forward me her information ?", "perfect , can you get me her or her parent 's numbers ?", "i would appreciate it if you could give her my number", "can you forward her my contact information soon ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like to talk with her . This is short notice , I know . But Hank and I are leaving tonight .", "responses": ["i 'll get you her number . i hope she can do it . she is very responsible .", "i understand . please keep me updated on your mother .", "sara will be a great baby sitter . she 's very responsive if you need to text to talk to her .", "i really do n't mind keeping susie here . my kids have had a cold too , so it 'll be okay .", "i 'll get you her number right away !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll get you her number . I hope she can do it . She is very responsible .", "responses": ["i 'm glad you know someone . i knew you would be the best person to ask about this . i do n't want to insult jill or her mother . i think jill maybe could do it . but i 'd rather have someone a little older .", "thank you so much , this will really help !", "oh great , i 'll call her right now !", "do you think she will be expensive ?", "i hope she can do it too , i 'm in a tight spot ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm glad you know someone . I knew you would be the best person to ask about this . I don't want to insult Jill or her mother . I think Jill maybe could do it . But I'd rather have someone a little older .", "responses": ["i 'll go home and get sara 's number . i 'll call her first myself .", "i 'm sure jill 's mother will understand and can explain to her . she 's a reasonable woman .", "jill wo n't mind , because she wo n't want to take on such a big responsibility .", "i think jill will enjoy having the free time . what kid wants to be cooped up in such lovely weather .", "i 'm sure jill 's mother would prefer she not be away from home for two nights at her age ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll go home and get Sara's number . I'll call her first myself .", "responses": ["great . then call me and let me know if she 's free .", "thanks , how old is sara ?", "you 're a lifesaver !", "i really do appreciate you helping us !", "thanks for calling her , can you give her my number if she can help ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Great . Then call me and let me know if she's free ."}], "index": 41} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good evening . What'll you have ?", "responses": ["i 'd like a beer . what kind of beer do you have ?", "i would like a double cheeseburger .", "i would like a hamburger .", "i would like a large coke .", "i would like a hamburger and a large coke ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'd like a beer . What kind of beer do you have ?", "responses": ["draft beer and cans beer . which do you prefer ?", "we have lagers , ales , and ipas .", "we have a great selection of beers ; here 's the menu .", "on draft , we have mgd , stella , and blue moon .", "we have a hoppy ipa , a cider , and a stout ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Draft beer and cans beer . Which do you prefer ?", "responses": ["a draft beer please .", "what do you have on tap ?", "do you have any pilsners on tap ?", "what kind of domestic canned beers do you have ?", "i prefer something that comes in a can ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A draft beer please .", "responses": ["ok . here you are .", "i 'll get that right away for you .", "i 'll bring that over in just a moment .", "what size ?", "coming right up !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . Here you are .", "responses": ["could i have some fruit ?", "thank you .", "thanks .", "sounds good .", "okay then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I have some fruit ?", "responses": ["of course . wait for a moment , please .", "what kind of fruit would you like ?", "we only have grapes and strawberries .", "we are out of fruit at the moment .", "we have n't gotten our produce delivery for the day ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course . Wait for a moment , please ."}], "index": 42} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Mr . Black , how are you ?", "responses": ["fine , thank you , and how are you ?", "i 'm great , and yourself ?", "i am well , how are you ?", "i 'm doing fantastic , what can i help you with ?", "i 'm good and you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Fine , thank you , and how are you ?", "responses": ["very well , thank you . it 's nice to meet you again . i am awfully sorry for not being able to meet you at the airport , as i was busy yesterday . i do hope you had a very enjoyable trip from new york .", "i 'm doing well , sir .", "i 'm fine , sir , thank you .", "i 've been better , honestly .", "i 'm doing as well as i can under the circumstances ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Very well , thank you . It's nice to meet you again . I am awfully sorry for not being able to meet you at the airport , as I was busy yesterday . I do hope you had a very enjoyable trip from New York .", "responses": ["yes , a very pleasant journey indeed . thank you .", "yes it was a lovely time in new york .", "it was good but , as always , i 'm glad to be back home now .", "it was a short trip but i made the most of it .", "i did have a good time , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , a very pleasant journey indeed . Thank you .", "responses": ["how are you getting along with your business ?", "did you go to any good restaurants ?", "was the weather good in new york ?", "was you flight okay ?", "are you tired from your trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are you getting along with your business ?", "responses": ["not bad . the fur market is not very brisk lately , but the selling season is advancing near . i hope there will be more buyers in the market this year .", "it is going pretty smoothly thanks !", "it has ups and downs but so far so good .", "it 's going really good , thanks for asking .", "i 'm loving it so far ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not bad . The fur market is not very brisk lately , but the selling season is advancing near . I hope there will be more buyers in the market this year .", "responses": ["i hope we can do more business together . though we are satisfied with our past trade record , there are still possibilities for more business . in the meantime , let 's discuss other spheres of cooperation , such as investment , technology transfer and technical assistance .", "certainly there will be more buyers .", "i certainly hope so .", "yes , it wo n't be long now .", "it should pick up soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I hope we can do more business together . Though we are satisfied with our past trade record , there are still possibilities for more business . In the meantime , let's discuss other spheres of cooperation , such as investment , technology transfer and technical assistance ."}], "index": 43} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "By the way miss , where is the toilet ?", "responses": ["toilets are in the rear , i am afraid all the toilets are fully occupied at the moment .", "just straight down the hall and to the right .", "take a left and you 'll find it on the left .", "go past the elevator and you 'll see it on the right .", "just behind you ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Toilets are in the rear , I am afraid all the toilets are fully occupied at the moment .", "responses": ["what ? oh , what we live ! thank you very much for your help , miss .", "thank you .", "i can wait , thanks .", "thank you for the information .", "i appreciate the information ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What ? Oh , what we live ! Thank you very much for your help , miss .", "responses": ["you are welcome .", "sure , no problem .", "you 're welcome . a toilet should be available soon .", "if you ca n't wait , there 's a toilet next door .", "i 'm happy to help ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome ."}], "index": 44} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "excuse me , could you tell me which line I ' m supposed to stand in to buy bubble wrap and to post a package ?", "responses": ["you can buy the bubble wrap here , but you 'll have to stand in line over here to post your passage .", "you can wait in that line to the left .", "do you see that long line ahead of us there ? it is right there .", "the line that is next to the window .", "that general line right in front of us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "you can buy the bubble wrap here , but you ' ll have to stand in line over here to post your passage .", "responses": ["that 's a really long line . how long do you think it 'll take to get through all those people ?", "thank you very much .", "it looks like you 'd be able to take care of everything in one line .", "oh , that 's awful .", "i do n't really have time for that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that ' s a really long line . How long do you think it ' ll take to get through all those people ?", "responses": ["it takes about 3 minutes per person , so it 'll probably be about an hour 's wait .", "it should move pretty quickly .", "i estimate less than 10 minutes .", "it should n't take much more than 5 minutes with that line .", "probably about 7 minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it takes about 3 minutes per person , so it ' ll probably be about an hour ' s wait .", "responses": ["can i buy stamps here ?", "can i come back later ?", "what time do you close ?", "is it always this busy ?", "do you take cash ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "can I buy stamps here ?", "responses": ["sure . how many would you like ?", "i 'm sorry , that is not possible", "of course , i would be glad to take your order", "unfortunately we do not take stamp purchases here", "yes , i will walk you through the process"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "sure . How many would you like ?", "responses": ["i need 30 for my christmas cards .", "four stamps , please .", "i need a book of stamps .", "never mind , i will get them with the bubble wrap .", "i will try the automatic vending machine instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I need 30 for my Christmas cards .", "responses": ["are you sending them abroad ?", "ok that will be $ 15.00 for the stamps .", "ok is there anything else i can help you with ?", "do you want any particular stamps ?", "would you like the christmas stamps ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "are you sending them abroad ?", "responses": ["twenty of them are going abroad to china and america .", "yes , i am in an international card swap .", "no , i am sending them to my family here in town .", "some will be send domestically , and some to other countries .", "nope -- they will all be in this country ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "twenty of them are going abroad to China and America .", "responses": ["do you have any going anywhere in the eu ? if you do , those are less expensive .", "i 'll get you 20 overseas stamps and 10 domestic stamps .", "sounds like you have a lot of outgoing mail .", "you know a lot of people from other countries .", "here are your stamps ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you have any going anywhere in the EU ? If you do , those are less expensive .", "responses": ["no .", "yes , i have 10 going in the eu .", "only a handful . how much are those ?", "why are the rates so different ?", "is there a cheaper way to mail over seas ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no .", "responses": ["ok , here you go . that will be 18 pounds and seventy two pence .", "okay , we can get you some regular stamps .", "then they will be more expensive .", "are you sending them anywhere else ?", "stamps for america and china are n't too expensive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "ok , here you go . That will be 18 pounds and seventy two pence .", "responses": ["and the bubble wrap ?", "thank you for your help .", "i have the exact change .", "do you think i could leave my packages over there so i do n't have to hold them while i stand in line ?", "so , i should just head over to the first line to post my packages then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "and the bubble wrap ?", "responses": ["that 's another quid .", "how many rolls of bubble wrap do you want ?", "how much wrap will you need ?", "we sell 10 foot rolls for 5 pounds and 15 foot rolls for 8 pounds .", "the bubble wrap can be bought at a pound per foot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that ' s another quid .", "responses": ["thanks a lot . you 've been very helpful .", "i want a roll of it too then .", "hmmm , i 'll pass then , thanks .", "can i get two rolls please ?", "alright , here you go ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "thanks a lot . You ' Ve been very helpful ."}], "index": 45} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Good evening , Saliva . What's that wonderful aroma from your kitchen ? What are you doing now ?", "responses": ["i am cooking now !", "i am making some breakfast right now .", "thanks ! i am cooking lunch !", "i am making some pizza in the oven .", "i 'm cooking up some spaghetti with meatballs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am cooking now !", "responses": ["are you good at cooking ?", "what are you cooking ?", "can i see what it is that you 're making ?", "good ! i ca n't wait to try it .", "i 'm starving i hope it does n't take too long !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you good at cooking ?", "responses": ["i have studied its skills recently at a training school . i plan to run a restaurant , so i have to practise cooking !", "i 'm okay at cooking .", "yes , i love to cook !", "no , i 'm a joke of a cook .", "come over and find out for yourself !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have studied its skills recently at a training school . I plan to run a restaurant , so I have to practise cooking !", "responses": ["it is a good idea . what dish are you cooking now ? !", "what do you like to cook ?", "how long have you been cooking ?", "what is your best dish ?", "what got you interested in cooking ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It is a good idea . What dish are you cooking now ? !", "responses": ["i am steaming fish in a pressure cooker . have you ever tried steamed fish ?", "i am making pakoras", "just a simple soup", "a big chicken for me to enjoy for a few days . would you like some ?", "a traditional soup from my homeland"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I am steaming fish in a pressure cooker . Have you ever tried steamed fish ?", "responses": ["yes , i have . but the taste of steamed fish at that restaurant is not delicious . the fish is not well - done and too salty .", "no , i 've never had steamed fish ! sounds good .", "yes , my mother used to make it for me .", "i believe that i have tried it on a restaurant a few years ago .", "no , i have no . i am allergic to fish ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have . But the taste of steamed fish at that restaurant is not delicious . The fish is not well-done and too salty .", "responses": ["that 's the case . i think there is not enough time to steam it and soy sauce is too much .", "have you tried the fish anywhere else ?", "maybe next time you can ask them to be light on the salt .", "that 's a shame . i really like the fish there .", "maybe you could try the fried fish next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the case . I think there is not enough time to steam it and soy sauce is too much .", "responses": ["i have the same idea as yours .", "have you ever tried seasoning it with ginger and garlic ?", "if you serve it with something bland , like rice , it will balance the soy sauce taste .", "i had fish cooked with lemongrass once . it 's a delicate flavor .", "maybe that 's because the fish has a delicate taste . you should try a strong - flavored fish next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have the same idea as yours .", "responses": ["it 's ok . please have a taste of it .", "let 's figure out how to improve it .", "i do n't think this one will be too salty .", "i will use less salt and soy sauce .", "i 'm glad you are here helping me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's OK . Please have a taste of it .", "responses": ["thank you . oh , it 's very delicious .", "much better than a restaurant 's !", "sorry , but this is not for me .", "i think it needs more soy sauce .", "it actually needs more salt ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you . Oh , it's very delicious .", "responses": ["thank you for your praise .", "wow , i am so thrilled that you like it !", "i got this recipe from my aunt in italy . it is so easy to prepare .", "it is a really versatile way to cook fish . you can add different side dishes to make it even fancier .", "you just stay for dinner as i made a lot of fish ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you for your praise .", "responses": ["besides steamed fish , what else are you good at cooking ?", "you are an excellent cook !", "you 'll have to give me the recipe .", "what kind of fish are you cooking with ?", "you 're welcome . you 're an excellent chef ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Besides steamed fish , what else are you good at cooking ?", "responses": ["i am good at stewing beef with potato , frying chicken , hot and sour soup etc .", "i am also good at cooking steak ! would you like some ?", "i really enjoy cooking dishes involving chicken .", "i can cook any type of fish ! it 's my go to cooking .", "i 'm really good at making casseroles . would you like me to make you one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am good at stewing beef with potato , frying chicken , hot and sour soup etc .", "responses": ["so many dishes . next friday week is my birthday . i would like to invite you to cook for my dinner party , ok ?", "it all sounds delicious !", "you seem to know a lot of dishes !", "how to you season your fried chicken ?", "are you gon na make beef and potato stew anytime soon ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "So many dishes . Next Friday week is my birthday . I would like to invite you to cook for my dinner party , OK ?", "responses": ["why not ? it is a good opportunity for me to practise cooking .", "i 'm not sure i can do that .", "oh , thanks for asking .", "how many people are coming ?", "what kind of dishes would you be interested in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Why not ? It is a good opportunity for me to practise cooking .", "responses": ["thanks a lot .", "would love to try your cooking !", "thanks for helping out .", "how long have you been cooking ?", "what are you planning to make then ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot .", "responses": ["it 's my pleasure .", "i would be honored to cook for you .", "what would you like me to cook ?", "would pasta be okay ?", "you 're very welcome ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's my pleasure ."}], "index": 46} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Room service . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["this is room 2012 . where is my laundry ? you promised to send to me this morning .", "can i get some bottled water to my room ?", "i ca n't find any blankets in the room .", "my cable tv is not working right now .", "i am unable to connect to the wifi ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "This is room 2012 . Where is my laundry ? You promised to send to me this morning .", "responses": ["well , let me check for you . i am sorry , sir . they mistook your order as a normal one . actualty it 's an express laundry , is that right ?", "your laundry is almost ready and we will bring it up to you .", "there was an issue with the machines but it should be done shortly .", "i 'm sorry , but the machines have gone down .", "sorry about the delay but we are almost finished ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , let me check for you . I am sorry , sir . They mistook your order as a normal one . Actualty it's an express laundry , is that right ?", "responses": ["yes , i ordered the express service .", "yes , it 's an express laundry .", "it 's not a problem , i can wait .", "please let me talk to your manager .", "no , but they promised it this morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I ordered the express service .", "responses": ["sir , we are terribly sorry for that . we will refund the charge and send your laundry to your room 3 hours later . is that all right ?", "great , i will go check on your order .", "i will get it to you as soon as we finish it .", "it should take about 30 minutes .", "should i put that on your tab ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sir , we are terribly sorry for that . We will refund the charge and send your laundry to your room 3 hours later . Is that all right ?", "responses": ["that 's fine .", "yes , that is fine", "that will be okay . thank you", "yes thank you for your help", "that is perfect ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's fine ."}], "index": 47} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like you to do me a favor .", "responses": ["what is it ?", "what kind of favor ?", "well , i suppose you might as well ask then .", "ok , but it depends on what it is !", "sure let me know what you need ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is it ?", "responses": ["can you mail this at the post office for me ? i have to go to the doctor for an appointment and i do n't have enough time to go to the post office .", "i need someone to watch my pets while i am on vacation .", "i would need you to water and feed them .", "the cat will need attention .", "the dog will need to be let outside ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you mail this at the post office for me ? I have to go to the doctor for an appointment and I don't have enough time to go to the post office .", "responses": ["sure . and i 'd like you to get some cold medicine for me when you go to the doctor 's .", "of course", "how soon does it need to be taken there ?", "sure , what time does the post office close ?", "alright , i 'm on it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . And I'd like you to get some cold medicine for me when you go to the doctor's ."}], "index": 48} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , may I help you ?", "responses": ["would you please fill some gas for me ?", "yes , can i take a moment of your time ?", "i 'm looking to buy a train ticket .", "no , i 'm okay without help .", "i 'm trying to find a specific soap ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you please fill some gas for me ?", "responses": ["sure . which kind of gas do you want ?", "sure , how much gas do you need ?", "i can . what kind of gas do you want ?", "yes ! gas is 1.49 a gallon , is that okay ?", "yes i will , will you please pop the gas tank ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . Which kind of gas do you want ?", "responses": ["unleaded , please .", "diesel , please .", "fill it up with regular .", "i 'd like premium !", "give me regular gas ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Unleaded , please .", "responses": ["ok .", "all right , i am happy to help !", "could you push the gas door unlock button .", "it will only take a few minutes .", "no problem !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK ."}], "index": 49} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll be willing to come and talk about the financing of our imports .", "responses": ["it can be solved by drawing a draft on us at 90 days sight .", "sounds good , what time is good for you ?", "when will you be available to talk about this ?", "wonderful , lets schedule a meeting .", "fantastic . i look forward to discussing this with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It can be solved by drawing a draft on us at 90 days sight .", "responses": ["what about a draft at 120 days sight ?", "okay , when can we do that ?", "how much is that going to cost me ?", "where can i do that at ?", "what does that require me to do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What about a draft at 120 days sight ?", "responses": ["all right . but we demand the draft be accepted by a bank acceptable to us .", "we 'd like the matter resolved sooner than that .", "we can do that , but there will be a higher interst rate .", "you will have to give business references to get those terms .", "i 'm sorry , we do not offer that kind of draft ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "All right . But we demand the draft be accepted by a bank acceptable to us .", "responses": ["a bank 's acceptance will add to the costs of our imports . you can rest assured that we will accept the draft and honour it when it comes due .", "that sounds very fair .", "that works for me .", "do you have a list of acceptable banks .", "i will get right on it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "A bank's acceptance will add to the costs of our imports . You can rest assured that we will accept the draft and honour it when it comes due .", "responses": ["then we will be in a position to arrange for a loan from our bank . you know we exports would like to have our investments returned as early as possible .", "we ca n't continue until we know the bank is acceptable to us .", "i am sure , but our protocols demand the bank be acceptable to us .", "no other issues have dampened the cost of imports with our other customers . please check your bank again and get back to us .", "i 'm sorry . there is no other way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then we will be in a position to arrange for a loan from our bank . You know we exports would like to have our investments returned as early as possible .", "responses": ["i hope this transaction will pave the way for further business relations between our two countries .", "you have nothing to worry about .", "you have my word it will be honored .", "let 's compromise in the middle .", "what bank do you want to use ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I hope this transaction will pave the way for further business relations between our two countries .", "responses": ["so do i .", "i believe our mutual interests will in deed help forge a strong business relation between our countries .", "it has been a pleasure working with you and your embassy .", "my lawyer will provide the contract and the details of the draft .", "i am glad we were able to seal the deal , and i believe it will bring prosperity to both our countries ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So do I ."}], "index": 50} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "There's a new girl in school , have you seen her yet ?", "responses": ["i have n't seen her yet .", "yes , , she is in my history class .", "i think so . i saw someone walking with the counselor .", "no , i have been sick at not at school .", "yes , but i do n't think i like her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I haven't seen her yet .", "responses": ["i think that she is very pretty .", "she 's very pretty .", "she looks really familiar .", "me neither , i only heard rumors .", "i have two classes with her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think that she is very pretty .", "responses": ["tell me how she looks .", "it sounds like someone has a little crush on the unknown new girl !", "but did you actually talk to her yet ?", "may be you could introduce yourself to her and ask to hang out with us .", "where did you see her , in one of your classes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Tell me how she looks .", "responses": ["she 's kind of short .", "she 's blonde , with bright blue eyes .", "she 's asian , with long beautiful black hair .", "she 's a stunning black girl .", "she 's a really cute brunette ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She's kind of short .", "responses": ["what height is she ?", "how short is she ?", "is that a bad thing ?", "do you like short girls ?", "what else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What height is she ?", "responses": ["she 's probably about five feet .", "she shorter than me .", "she 's shorter than you .", "she 's shorter than my sister .", "she 's like 5 feet tall ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She's probably about five feet .", "responses": ["that 's nice , but tell me what she looks like .", "what other features does she have ?", "is she cute or not ?", "what color is her hair ?", "how is her body ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's nice , but tell me what she looks like .", "responses": ["the first thing i noticed was her beautiful brown eyes .", "she has beautiful long brown hair .", "she kind of looks like megan fox in a weird way .", "she has really pretty blue eyes .", "she looks like amber a little bit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The first thing I noticed was her beautiful brown eyes .", "responses": ["i think i might 've bumped into her before .", "what else ?", "i love brown eyes , tell me more", "lovely . have you spoken to her yet ?", "wow . what color is her hair ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I might've bumped into her before .", "responses": ["are you telling me that you 've seen her before ?", "there 's no way you wo n't it is her", "she has a face you can never forget", "it might be true", "you must have bumped into her"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you telling me that you've seen her before ?", "responses": ["i believe so .", "she is funny .", "i like her .", "she is a nice person .", "i am glad i know her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I believe so ."}], "index": 51} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Take a seat inside and see what you think . So you will take the Porsche then , sir ?", "responses": ["yes , and i want to buy the insurance too . i think it 's necessary .", "i 'm still thinking about it .", "what colors does it come in ?", "i will take the porsche .", "no , i do n't want the porsche ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , and I want to buy the insurance too . I think it's necessary .", "responses": ["you 're smart to buy it . at 45 dollars for three days , it is a good deal .", "this car suits you sir , and it a wise decision to buy the insurance .", "you can help yourself to some snacks and water at the kitchenette while i get the paperwork together .", "how much will you be financing ? we can offer very competitive rates .", "congratulations on your new porsche ; you will be impressed with the car 's acceleration and smooth ride ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're smart to buy it . At 45 dollars for three days , it is a good deal .", "responses": ["can i return the car in san francisco ?", "yes , i could n't imagine driving off the lot without it .", "i agree , it is .", "are you drawing up a lease contract for me to sign ?", "i 'll take good care of the car , but it will be good to have insurance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I return the car in San Francisco ?", "responses": ["san francisco ? no , sir . we only have this office here . you will have to return it here .", "yes , just sign the paper saying you will return it there .", "we no longer have an office in san francisco so you wo n't be able to .", "yes , just make sure you return it to our office .", "of course ! you can return the car to any of our national offices ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "San Francisco ? No , sir . We only have this office here . You will have to return it here .", "responses": ["really ? i heard in america you can return rental cars in different cities .", "is it alright if i return it tomorrow in this case ?", "oh , i see , i 'll return it shortly then .", "are you able to send somebody to retrieve it then ?", "until what time may i return the car ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I heard in America you can return rental cars in different cities .", "responses": ["no , sir . that 's only with the very big companies . i 'm sorry , but this car must be returned to this lot .", "our company does n't have that policy .", "no , not all of them offer that .", "will this be a problem ?", "will this be a problem ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , sir . That's only with the very big companies . I'm sorry , but this car must be returned to this lot .", "responses": ["well , i guess i will have to drive back down then . hmm . i did n't think of that .", "so i ca n't drive it that far then .", "ok , i understand , thank you .", "that 's a shame i ca n't return it in san francisco .", "ok i will return it here then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I guess I will have to drive back down then . Hmm . I didn't think of that .", "responses": ["do you still want the car , sir ?", "i can recommend a different company .", "i can offer you a discount for your troubles .", "we are the only location with the porsche .", "how far will you be driving ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you still want the car , sir ?", "responses": ["yes . it will be fun . driving back down the coast . my girlfriend will like it .", "no , i will find another compant", "no thank you , sorry to waste your time", "no , i appreciate your quick response . thank you .", "that is a bit out of my way so i will have to say no . thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . It will be fun . Driving back down the coast . My girlfriend will like it .", "responses": ["it 's a beautiful drive .", "i am sure she will love it", "we can start processing when you are ready", "lets start processing right away", "we have different varieties of insurance , which do you want ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a beautiful drive .", "responses": ["where are the keys ?", "i love my girlfriend .", "she is pretty .", "i love spending time with her .", "i want to marry her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where are the keys ?", "responses": ["just a moment , sir . we have to finish filling out the forms .", "you 'll find the keys on the dashboard , sir .", "the fob is here . the car operates without keys .", "let me grab the keys for you right now .", "the valet outside will drive the car around and give you the keys ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just a moment , sir . We have to finish filling out the forms ."}], "index": 52} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Gary . Could you type up this report for me ? I have to take off early this afternoon .", "responses": ["sure . just leave it to me . i 'll finish it .", "yes , sure . when do you need it ?", "absolutely ? by when would you like to see it ?", "that 's fine . at what time do you leave ?", "sure . i 'll have it on your desk in an hour ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Just leave it to me . I'll finish it ."}], "index": 53} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look at the show on TV . I am watching a food show at a very famous seafood restaurant . I really want to eat at that restaurant . I am a seafood lover .", "responses": ["speaking of seafood , my mouth is watering . let 's go to the seafood restaurant in our neighborhood .", "it seems to be a great restaurant indeed .", "what 's your favorite kind of seafood ?", "i really like seafood too .", "what is the name of the show ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Speaking of seafood , my mouth is watering . Let's go to the seafood restaurant in our neighborhood .", "responses": ["sound great . let 's go !", "what 's the name of it ?", "is it expensive ?", "have you ever been ?", "do they have big selection ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sound great . Let's go !", "responses": ["look at the crystal clear fridge . you can see so many kinds of seafood in it . they all look very fresh and delicious .", "i can pick you up now .", "what time do you want to meet .", "i 'm starving so i will meet you there in 30 minutes .", "bring plenty of appetite !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Look at the crystal clear fridge . You can see so many kinds of seafood in it . They all look very fresh and delicious .", "responses": ["true . i would like to have some salmon sashimi and a roast salmon head .", "yes ! they do really look delicious .", "wow ! let 's go there then !", "yum ! is it expensive ?", "that sounds like a great place to go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "True . I would like to have some salmon sashimi and a roast salmon head .", "responses": ["you sound like a seafood expert . i would like to have some stir - fried squids and steamed shrimps .", "oh wow that sounds so good", "i think i will have the same", "i love salmon . that sounds perfect .", "oh yes . what time should we go ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You sound like a seafood expert . I would like to have some stir-fried squids and steamed shrimps .", "responses": ["you are not too bad as well . i also want to have a steamed lobster . it is really taste like heaven .", "i have some knowledge about seafood", "stir - fried squids and steamed shrimps is a good combo", "are free now ?", "when should we move ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are not too bad as well . I also want to have a steamed lobster . It is really taste like heaven .", "responses": ["let 's go into the restaurant and find a table to order some food .", "i would love some red meat .", "i would like some almonds .", "pizza sounds nice .", "i could use a burger ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's go into the restaurant and find a table to order some food .", "responses": ["wait . let me tell the lady what we would like to order in front of the seafood fridge first .", "okay , just let me know what time you want to go .", "are you going to dress up for the occasion ?", "i ca n't wait to eat this seafood .", "do you think it 's expensive ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Wait . Let me tell the lady what we would like to order in front of the seafood fridge first .", "responses": ["ok . i will wait for you inside the restaurant", "ok , let 's get in line .", "all right , sounds good . maybe you can pick out your lobster there .", "sure ! we can choose the fish and shellfish we want at the tanks .", "so they do n't take our order at the table ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . I will wait for you inside the restaurant", "responses": ["do you think we should try some deep fried oysters ?", "ok give me ten mintues .", "i 'll see you there !", "can you find us a table too ?", "i ca n't wait for dinner !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think we should try some deep fried oysters ?"}], "index": 54} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where do you want to go ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to the hospital .", "i 'd like to go to clothing store .", "i want to go to the park .", "i 'd like to go home .", "i 'd like to go home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm going to the hospital .", "responses": ["get in . i 'll take you .", "why are you going there ?", "you have to work today ?", "i thought you had today off ?", "when do you get vacation time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Get in . I'll take you .", "responses": ["about how much will it cost ?", "thank you . my wife is having a baby !", "thank you . i 'm going for a job interview .", "you 're awesome . my friend just got out of surgery .", "thank you so much . i have a chemo appointment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "About how much will it cost ?", "responses": ["it will cost you $ 10 .", "we will figure it out when we get there", "for me to drive you ? it 's on the house", "i just need 5 dollars for gas", "i wo n't charge you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It will cost you $ 10 .", "responses": ["by the way , what 's the time ?", "ok . lets move", "that is a fair price", "off to the hospital", "that 's good . how long have you been driving"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "By the way , what's the time ?", "responses": ["you can see the time on the meter . i have radio time , you know .", "will that be cash or card ?", "do you have the money ?", "can you afford that ?", "how does that sound ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can see the time on the meter . I have radio time , you know .", "responses": ["it 's a quarter to 12 . could you please drive a little faster ?", "i can not see well , could you tell me the time ?", "thanks , let 's go .", "how long will it take to get to the hospital ?", "has the meter been started ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's a quarter to 12 . Could you please drive a little faster ?", "responses": ["certainly .", "i 'm driving as fast as i can .", "yes , i 'll do my best , but no promises .", "i ca n't work miracles in this traffic , buddy .", "i do n't want to get another ticket , but i 'll try ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly ."}], "index": 55} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're made a good choice . This china tea set is unusual .", "responses": ["where was it from ?", "i like unusual things", "i am a fan of the unusual .", "thank you .", "i love unique china sets , so that is why i chose it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where was it from ?", "responses": ["it was made in jingdezhen .", "the set is from china", "i think it is china", "i was told it is from china", "it is among the set made in china"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was made in Jingdezhen .", "responses": ["jingdezhen ? is n't it called'the capital of porcelain ' ?", "is it your only set ?", "do you drink tea ?", "what else do you drink ?", "have you been to china ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Jingdezhen ? Isn't it called ' the capital of porcelain ' ?", "responses": ["you are right .", "no , but that would be a good name for it .", "yes , they 're famous for their porcelain .", "no , that 's a different city , but you were close .", "yes , and this is a great set from there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are right .", "responses": ["this is the very thing i 've been dreaming of .", "was the set expensive then ?", "have you ever visited the city ?", "that must have been an expensive tea sea then", "oh wow , fancy !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This is the very thing I've been dreaming of .", "responses": ["it is the best quality porcelain - the famous egg - shell china .", "i 'm so glad you found what you like .", "it is really beautiful .", "i 'm looking forward to your wedding .", "yay , tell me how you like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is the best quality porcelain-the famous egg-shell China .", "responses": ["it must be most precious .", "wow that must be expensive since it is the best quality porcelain", "egg - shell china must be hard to find", "i always purchase the best quality", "quality product must cost a lot"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It must be most precious .", "responses": ["but it is really worth the price .", "this china set is beautiful", "you 've made a good purchase !", "hopefully , it will last a long time .", "it was a good decision to purchase !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it is really worth the price ."}], "index": 56} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Miao Li , Where are you going ?", "responses": ["hello , i am going to the store to buy some fruit .", "i 'm heading to work now .", "hi there ! i have to go to the dentist .", "i need to pick my daughter up from school .", "i 'm going to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , I am going to the store to buy some fruit .", "responses": ["oh , would you do me a favor ?", "ok could you pick me up some bananas ?", "will you get a few oranges ?", "can you pick up 5 apples so i can make a pie ?", "could you pick up some yummy fruits that are in season ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , Would you do me a favor ?", "responses": ["yes ?", "i can help you in 30 minutes .", "tell me what you need .", "do you need some fruit from the store ?", "let me contact you later about that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes ?", "responses": ["please mail this letter for me on your way to the store .", "could you pick up some milk for me", "could you mail this package for me", "could you pick up lynn from school", "could you pick up some tea for me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please mail this letter for me on your way to the store .", "responses": ["sure . do you want it to be registered ?", "i can definitely do that for you .", "does it need a stamp ?", "can i just drop it in the mailbox ?", "can i get you any fruit as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . Do you want it to be registered ?", "responses": ["yes , i think so . there are some pictures in it . it would be a great pity if they were lost .", "no , that 's fine just stick it in the slot ... thanks !", "yes please and let me know how much it cost and i will reimburse you .", "yes , if the line is n't crazy long . if it is just send it , it will probably be just fine .", "yes , definitely , because i really need proof it was sent !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I think so . There are some pictures in it . It would be a great pity if they were lost .", "responses": ["yes , i will be glad to mail your letter .", "ok , will do . would you like to reimburse me when i get back ?", "ok , i 'll shop first and then stop by the post office to mail your letter .", "have you addressed the envelope already ?", "yes , that would be terrible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I will be glad to mail your letter .", "responses": ["thanks .", "i sometimes lose things .", "i have lost my phone before .", "i had the app .", "but my battery was dead ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks .", "responses": ["you are welcome .", "anything else you 'd like me to do ?", "you are very welcome . can i do anything else for you ?", "you 're welcome . is that all ?", "any other requests for me ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "you are welcome ."}], "index": 57} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I have a cell phone in my car . Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side . Why don't you get it for me , and then I can call the police ?", "responses": ["alright .", "ok i 'll check the passenger side", "ok i 'll get the charger from the passenger side .", "i 'll quickly go and check the passenger side !", "i 'll go and try to find the charger for you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Alright .", "responses": ["it does n't work . it looks like it 's broken . i need to get to a hospital . you should drive me there .", "thank you .", "thanks a lot", "i ca n't believe we got robbed1", "how long will it take you to find it ?"]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "directive", "text": "It doesn't work . It looks like it's broken . I need to get to a hospital . You should drive me there .", "responses": ["oh , yeah ? it 's better if we make a police report first . then you can go to the hospital .", "all right i will drive you to the hospital", "ok then we must go right away since my phone is broken", "i hope your ok and i wish my cell phone did not brake", "we need to get you to the hospital right away lets go"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , yeah ? It's better if we make a police report first . Then you can go to the hospital .", "responses": ["damn it ! i 'm injured here . we could wait all day for the police .", "okay , please take me to the police station .", "do you have a cell phone i can use ?", "no , there 's no time . i need to get to the hospital .", "i can do a police report later ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Damn it ! I'm injured here . We could wait all day for the police .", "responses": ["well , you 'll just have to wait . i 'm not going to move my car until the police arrive . i 'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone . do n't worry . you 'll get to the hospital in time .", "that is true ; i best go ahead and drive you there .", "let 's call and maybe we can get an idea how long it will take for the police to get here , okay ?", "i really do n't think your injuries are that bad . if we do n't make a police report you may have to pay for the damages even though it was n't your fault .", "well , where exactly do you hurt ? are you bleeding ? let me look ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , you'll just have to wait . I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive . I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone . Don't worry . You'll get to the hospital in time .", "responses": ["it really hurts .", "sorry , but i do n't think that 's a good idea .", "if you 're going to do that , i 'm just going to hail a cab instead .", "that does n't sound like a good plan . i need to get there now .", "i 'm bleeding all over this car ; i do n't want to wait any longer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It really hurts .", "responses": ["yes , maybe it does . but if you 're going to drive like you did just now , you will have to get used to a little physical pain . you know what i mean ?", "elevate the wound .", "put compression on it .", "make yourself comfortable .", "take deep breaths ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , maybe it does . But if you're going to drive like you did just now , you will have to get used to a little physical pain . You know what I mean ?", "responses": ["to hell with you . the accident was your fault .", "i guess , but i do n't like it .", "no , please explain it some more in further detail .", "sure , whatever you say .", "i do , but you could be a little more understanding ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "To hell with you . The accident was your fault .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid it was n't . and when the police get here , you will also see that it was n't . but enough of this bickering . i 'm going to go find a phone . do n't move that arm while i 'm gone . alright ?", "you really need to calm down , sir .", "everything will be okay when the police get here .", "to hell with you !", "this was not my fault ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm afraid it wasn't . And when the police get here , you will also see that it wasn't . But enough of this bickering . I'm going to go find a phone . Don ' t move that arm while I'm gone . Alright ?", "responses": ["to hell with you .", "its so nice of you to worry about protecting yourself instead of worrying about what you did to me .", "just admit you 're wrong okay ?", "you 're talking a big game now , but when the police show that you 're wrong , then what ?", "you 're not being very helpful , you know ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "To hell with you ."}], "index": 58} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning . Vane Theater , at your service .", "responses": ["hello . i 'm thinking about watching a chinese traditional opera with a foreign girl . what 's on this weekend ?", "hi , i 'd like to reserve two tickets .", "i need to return my tickets , how do i do that .", "hi , i have a complaint about the play last night .", "how much will it cost for a balcony seat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello . I'm thinking about watching a Chinese traditional opera with a foreign girl . What's on this weekend ?", "responses": ["well , there will be charity performance on saturday night . and also , there will be a solo concert by an opera star on sunday night .", "shin lee is playing at 4:00 pm at valley theater", "kung fu panda is playing at 6:00 pm at the cinemark theater", "eye of the tiger is playing at 5:00 pm at fox theater", "bruce lee enter the dragon is playing at 5:30 at our theater"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , there will be charity performance on Saturday night . And also , there will be a solo concert by an opera star on Sunday night .", "responses": ["it 's a good thing that i have choices here . can you tell me about the one on saturday ?", "great . how much is the cost for tickets ?", "how long is the performance ?", "can i have the tickets held at will call ?", "i 'd like to purchase 2 tickets for the saturday night performance"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's a good thing that I have choices here . Can you tell me about the one on Saturday ?", "responses": ["sure . it 's to raise money for the homeless .", "the performance is for a charity to raise funds for our local animal shelter .", "it will be at 7 p.m. but you might want to get here a bit early to take advantage of our free parking lot . if not you may have to pay for parking elsewhere .", "the saturday performance is a very traditional popular opera but with some local adaptations to it ; i have heard it is quite enjoyable and enlightening .", "it costs 35 dollars and i would suggest buying a ticket as soon as possible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . It's to raise money for the homeless .", "responses": ["what about the performance itself ?", "what charity is it through ?", "who is performing at this performance ?", "how much money will go toward the homeless ?", "how long will it last ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about the performance itself ?", "responses": ["oh , it 's a reserved opera named the monkey creates havoc in heaven .", "i love helping people .", "i love to do good deeds .", "i like to give back .", "it makes me feel important ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , it's a reserved opera named The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven .", "responses": ["wow , a story about the clever monkey king . it 's a classic and children 's favorite .", "is it a comedy ?", "the title sounds intriguing . what 's it about ?", "what does a \" reserved opera \" mean ?", "is there a beautiful female star ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , a story about the clever Monkey King . It's a classic and children's favorite .", "responses": ["it surely is . and the cast is really the best .", "yes , it 's a favorite of mine .", "it 's the one i 'm most looking forward to .", "i 'm most excited about this one .", "i will be there myself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It surely is . And the cast is really the best .", "responses": ["wonderful ! how much is the ticket ?", "i look forward to attending .", "can you help me buy tickets ?", "what time does the performance end ?", "who is in the lead role ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Wonderful ! How much is the ticket ?", "responses": ["the price varies according to the seats . 300 for the front , 200 for the middle , and 50 for the back .", "only 80 so it 's not too bad .", "you can get two for 150 .", "80 , but you get really good seats .", "80 , but you 're helping out a great cause ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The price varies according to the seats . 300 for the front , 200 for the middle , and 50 for the back ."}], "index": 59} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "All right . I want to bring everybody back on this subject . When can we start working on this ?", "responses": ["well , we could probably get started with a preparatory meeting this afternoon at 2:00 .", "yes need to start working on this right away", "ok we got a little bit distracted", "how about 5:00 pm tonight we start the work", "lets start right away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , we could probably get started with a preparatory meeting this afternoon at 2:00 .", "responses": ["i tell you what , 2:00 is not available for me , but you can get started and i 'll come by at around 3:00", "2:00 sounds good . i will add it to my calendar", "2:00 will work . should i reserve the meeting room ?", "ok , 2:00 . i 'll add it to my schedule", "ok . is there anyone else that needs to be added to the meeting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I tell you what , 2:00 is not available for me , but you can get started and I'll come by at around 3:00", "responses": ["that 's fine with me . how much time are we going to have to work on this ?", "i do n't know if that is a good idea ; maybe we can just start it later .", "can you reschedule what you have at 2:00 ; it is important that we get started on this ?", "sure , no problem and then if you want to say a few words when you get there that will be great .", "but , that is a whole hour into the meeting !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's fine with me . How much time are we going to have to work on this ?", "responses": ["perhaps one year , i 'm not sure .", "i 'd like it done in two weeks .", "we are not on a tight deadline .", "how long will it take you to get it done ?", "write me a proposal and include your timeline ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Perhaps one year , I'm not sure ."}], "index": 60} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What dressing would you like on the salad ?", "responses": ["french dressing , please .", "no , dressing please ; thank you .", "ranch style if you have that ; but please put it on the side .", "low - cal italian if you have it .", "i do n't suppose you have a raspberry vinaigrette back there , do you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "French dressing , please .", "responses": ["i beg your pardon ?", "would you like it on the salad or on the side ?", "we do n't have french . is western okay ?", "certainly , coming right up !", "would you like an extra dressing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I beg your pardon ?", "responses": ["oh , french dressing .", "i would like it on the side .", "i would like a refill .", "i would like a straw .", "i would like a napkin ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , French dressing .", "responses": ["sorry , it 's not available now . anything else ?", "sorry , i did n't hear you at first . french dressing it is .", "ok , understood . coming right up !", "sorry ... french dressing it is .", "i could n't hear over the noise here . salad with french dressing coming up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sorry , it's not available now . Anything else ?", "responses": ["we still prefer french dressing .", "ranch dressing", "which salad dressings are available then ?", "when should i expect french dressing to be available ?", "do you have any oils to use instead of dressings ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We still prefer French dressing ."}], "index": 61} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I have some fish ?", "responses": ["certainly . and what vegetables would you like ?", "yes , you sure can .", "i will bring some to you .", "do you want butter ?", "do you want ketchup ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Certainly . And what vegetables would you like ?", "responses": ["oh , spinach , i think .", "i 'll have steamed asparagus .", "can i get the mixed vegetables please ?", "i 'd like roasted potatoes and carrots .", "i want the charred escarole ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , spinach , I think .", "responses": ["fine , and what about something to drink ?", "spinach is good .", "any starches ? maybe mashed potatoes ?", "just spinach ?", "we have some spinach so this will work"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Fine , And what about something to drink ?", "responses": ["just a beer , please .", "just water , please .", "what are your options ?", "do you have anything hot ?", "no , i 'm okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Just a beer , please .", "responses": ["good . thank you . sir .", "what kind of beer ?", "we 've got dos equis , is that good ?", "i 've got this new saint arnold 's beer if you 'd like to try it .", "any particular brand ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good . Thank you . sir .", "responses": ["would you like to have some more beer ?", "no , thank you", "no problem", "and thank you as well", "oh , no problem at all"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like to have some more beer ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 've had enough . i 'll have my bill , please .", "yes , just one more beer .", "no thanks , i have to drive home .", "yes , keep them coming .", "can i see your beer menu ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks . I ' Ve had enough . I'll have my bill , please .", "responses": ["of course . please wait a moment . i 'll go and get it .", "okay , i 'll be right back with your bill .", "okay . i 'll return soon with the bill .", "i 'll return shortly with the bill .", "i 'll be back with the bill for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Of course . Please wait a moment . I'll go and get it .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you .", "can i pay by credit card ?", "how much do i owe .", "thanks for the great service ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 62} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi , George . I'm going to have a job interview next week . Could you give me some advice ?", "responses": ["sure . first of all , it 's very important for you not to be late . job interviewers usually do n't think very highly of a candidate who arrives ten minutes after the appointed time , only to explain that he could not find the place or that there was heavy traffic .", "sure , what job are you going for ?", "sure , what 's the position .", "certainly , tell me more about the job .", "any specific thing , or just in general ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . First of all , it ' s very important for you not to be late . Job interviewers usually don ' t think very highly of a candidate who arrives ten minutes after the appointed time , only to explain that he could not find the place or that there was heavy traffic .", "responses": ["yeah , that 's very important .", "how early should i arrive ?", "has this happened to you ?", "what should i wear to the interview ?", "how early should i leave ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , that's very important .", "responses": ["so you 'd better explore the place the day before and at the same time , look around to see what the employees are wearing . so the next day you will arrive early for the appointment .", "make sure you look presentable as well .", "make sure you dress professionally and set a good impression .", "you want to make sure to do something that makes the person remember you .", "use proper grammar when talking to people and act professional ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "So you ' d better explore the place the day before and at the same time , look around to see what the employees are wearing . So the next day you will arrive early for the appointment .", "responses": ["i 'll try my best to make a good impression on the interviewer .", "that is great advice thank you", "i did not even think of that , i appreciate it", "that is so true and important i appreciate you taking the time to help me", "i already know the area a bit thankfully"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' ll try my best to make a good impression on the interviewer .", "responses": ["that 's right . you need to create a good image in a limited time , usually about 30 to 45 minutes .", "i believe that you 'll do a good job .", "make sure you give the interviewer a strong handshake too .", "remember to speak clearly and professionally .", "what are you planning on wearing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That ' s right . You need to create a good image in a limited time , usually about 30 to 45 minutes .", "responses": ["it 's always easier to say something than to do it .", "that is all good advice . do you have any more suggestions ?", "yes , a good image is important . what are some other ways to make a good image for myself to be sure that i make a good impression ?", "do you have any more tips to help me make a good impression for the interviewer ?", "thank you that is really good advice . i 'll be sure to follow it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s always easier to say something than to do it .", "responses": ["it 's not too difficult to make a good impression . for example , you should take care to appear well - groomed and modestly dressed . avoid the extremes of a too elaborate or too casual style . this will put you on the same level as other applicants and make the interviewer consider more important qualifications .", "that s not always the case .", "good luck with the interview .", "try to practice the interview to give you some confidence .", "also , make sure you get enough sleep ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It ' s not too difficult to make a good impression . For example , you should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed . Avoid the extremes of a too elaborate or too casual style . This will put you on the same level as other applicants and make the interviewer consider more important qualifications .", "responses": ["but i love wearing t - shirts and jeans .", "that is great advice . thank you .", "thanks , george . i really appreciate it .", "i will do my best to make you proud .", "thanks . i know all of this , it 's just good to hear it out loud ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But I love wearing T-shirts and jeans .", "responses": ["i advise you not to wear a too casual style when going to an interview . informal clothes as well as torn jeans and dirty shoes convey the impression that you are not serious about the job , or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes .", "you may want to consider something a little more classy to make a good impression .", "dressing a little more business like makes a good impression and will help you stand out to your potential employers .", "i 'm not saying you ca n't wear your t - shirts and jeans , but you may want to take a classier approach for a job interview .", "it might be a good idea to dress up a little bit and ask the employer about dress code during the interview . it 's definitely better to be safe than sorry in a situation like that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I advise you not to wear a too casual style when going to an interview . Informal clothes as well as torn jeans and dirty shoes convey the impression that you are not serious about the job , or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes .", "responses": ["it 's a pity that i can not afford more expensive clothes .", "i see", "you make some good points", "understood", "i 'll take that into consideration"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s a pity that I cannot afford more expensive clothes .", "responses": ["you misunderstood me . clothes which are too colorful or too expensive suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job , or that you are snobbish or frivolous .", "it is best to just be yourself . do n't brag but do n't downplay your abilities either !", "make sure you dress nice without being overly dressed . you might want to ask someone at the company ahead of time what guidelines they have for interviews .", "first impressions are everything . try not to be too nervous and do your best to express yourself and only focus on your strengths !", "just go with how you feel in the moment . you can spend days preparing and then blow it if you are n't feeling it when you walk in . it is best to stay stress and worry free and feel things out when you arrive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You misunderstood me . Clothes which are too colorful or too expensive suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job , or that you are snobbish or frivolous .", "responses": ["i know what you mean . i ought to wear right clothes at the right time .", "what would you advise me to wear ?", "do you think a pair of slacks and button down shirt would be appropriate ?", "i 'll go to the jobsite later today to see what the other employees wear .", "any other things i should be aware of ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I know what you mean . I ought to wear right clothes at the right time .", "responses": ["you got it . only in this way can you gain the respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your judgement .", "you have to dress for the job you want .", "no one will take you seriously if you do n't dress appropriately .", "you can start to adjust your style once you get the job and see what everyone else is wearing .", "do n't be overdressed though . if the office is business casual do n't come in a tux ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You got it . Only in this way can you gain the respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your judgement .", "responses": ["it seems that'clothes make the man ' .", "you are so right .", "i know , but i wish i could get an expensive suit just so i can have it for more interviews", "that 's true . thanks for the advice", "i understand . thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It seems that ' clothes make the man ' .", "responses": ["it may not be true , but the first and lasting impression of you is determined by your clothes and behavior .", "you got it .", "yes they do .", "that 's a good way of putting it .", "yes . do n't worry , you 'll do fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It may not be true , but the first and lasting impression of you is determined by your clothes and behavior ."}], "index": 63} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The boss announces the pay raise today , right ? How much do you think we'll get ?", "responses": ["no idea . your guess is as good as mine .", "i do n't think we 'll get too much .", "i hope we will get at least 5 % !", "i do n't think it 's appropriate to speculate .", "how much did we get last time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No idea . Your guess is as good as mine .", "responses": ["it better be more than last year .", "i 'm not too hopefully it will be much .", "you think it 'll be really small like last time ?", "we 've been working hard lately , so hopefully its a big one .", "even 5 an hour would be good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It better be more than last year .", "responses": ["well , anything is better than nothing . wait and see .", "right , last year 's was terrible", "i liked my raise last year though", "that would be great", "fingers crossed"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , anything is better than nothing . Wait and see ."}], "index": 64} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry , our appointment has to be changed .", "responses": ["what a pity !", "what exactly needs changed ?", "what do you need to change about it ?", "how can we change it ?", "what changes do you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What a pity !", "responses": ["if you do n't mind , may we put it off to the next day ?", "my apologies", "once again i am so sorry , do you have a time that would work best for you", "would you like to reschedule now ?", "when would be another good time for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you don't mind , may we put it off to the next day ?", "responses": ["that 's ok .", "no , that will not work for me .", "yes , i 'm available all day .", "what time slots do you have available ?", "how about next week ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's OK ."}], "index": 65} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good day ! Welcome to Lincoln Bank , how may we assist you ?", "responses": ["hello . i need to find out if a receipt of proceeds has arrived . i 'm from felix wasserman associates .", "i would like to know my account balance", "i would like to open a savings account", "i would like to see this month 's statement", "i have received an overdraft fee that i want to dispute"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello . I need to find out if a Receipt of Proceeds has arrived . I'm from Felix Wasserman Associates .", "responses": ["thanks . have you got the l / c number ?", "can i please have your name ?", "yes , please hold while i look into this for you.\\", "no , i do not have anything for you at this time .", "do you know when it was sent ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . Have you got the L / C number ?", "responses": ["it 's nx567822100007 .", "yes , i have got the l / c number .", "yeah , i 've got the l / c number right here with me .", "the l / c number is written down in front of me .", "yes , i have the l / c number here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's NX567822100007 .", "responses": ["hang on a tick and i 'll check for you . i 'm sorry ; we have no record of that arriving .", "thank you .", "i 'll get that sorted .", "lets see if it checks out .", "ok great ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Hang on a tick and I'll check for you . I'm sorry ; we have no record of that arriving .", "responses": ["ok , thanks for checking . could you give me a ring when it arrives , please ?", "that is strange . it was supposed to be there by now .", "could you check again ? i was told that it was delivered .", "i will call back later , then . thanks .", "are you kidding me ? that can not be right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , thanks for checking . Could you give me a ring when it arrives , please ?", "responses": ["no problem . i 'll be in touch as soon as it comes in .", "yes , i can do that for sure .", "we can do that . sorry for the inconvenience and have a great day .", "yes for sure , what is the best way to reach you ?", "yes i can do that , i 'll let you know as soon as it arrives ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem . I'll be in touch as soon as it comes in ."}], "index": 66} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "May I help you ?", "responses": ["yes . i have to stay in your cry for just one day , can you suggest a short tour ?", "yes please , can i known the full information about this survey ?", "will there be provision for future hits on this survey ?", "is it compulsory for my to input my mturk i d ?", "what will be the compensation for this hit ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . I have to stay in your cry for just one day , can you suggest a short tour ?", "responses": ["are you interested in the natural landscape or the human landscape ?", "yes , i have many suggestions for a short tour .", "yes , i can suggest a short tour .", "yeah , i have a really good suggestion for a short tour .", "yes . i can suggest a place for a short tour ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you interested in the natural landscape or the human landscape ?", "responses": ["i would prefer the first one .", "i want to see something more natural .", "what is a human landscape ?", "what do you recommend ?", "i have no idea ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I would prefer the first one .", "responses": ["sure . we have a one - day trip along the river . it 's quite beautiful .", "i have just the thing for you .", "how long is your stay ?", "will you be traveling alone ?", "do you like animals ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . We have a one-day trip along the river . It's quite beautiful ."}], "index": 67} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Sir . How can we help you today ?", "responses": ["i need to find out some more information for l / c . i would like an outline of responsibilities , both ours , yours and the beneficiary , please .", "hello , i need help with some technical issues that i am having with my computer .", "hello , i would like some help with my account .", "hi ! i need some help trying to access my account .", "hello , i would like some help with solving some technical issues ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to find out some more information for L / C . I would like an outline of responsibilities , both ours , yours and the beneficiary , please .", "responses": ["ok , to start , the conditions are specified by the buyer and may include insurance forms , way bills , bills of lading , customs forms , various certificates .", "can you send me the details ?", "let me see what i can do .", "ok . what is the l / c .", "i will get that to you right away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , to start , the conditions are specified by the buyer and may include Insurance Forms , Way Bills , Bills of Lading , Customs forms , various certificates .", "responses": ["ok , got it . is there anything else i need to know before we go ahead ?", "i understand . can you send the information along ?", "i see . can you pass my request along to the buyer ?", "i would like to know more . continue please .", "okay , i got it . i will contact the buyer directly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK , got it . Is there anything else I need to know before we go ahead ?", "responses": ["just that in effect , a basic letter of credit is a financial contract between the bank , the bank 's customer , and the beneficiary , and this contract involves the transfer of goods or services against funds .", "no , you should be all set .", "i think that covers everything . do you have any other questions ?", "i do n't think so . would you like an emailed document listing the above forms ?", "yes , there are a few more forms you will need to fill out before we can proceed . i 've attached them below ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just that in effect , a basic Letter of Credit is a financial contract between the bank , the bank's customer , and the beneficiary , and this contract involves the transfer of goods or services against funds .", "responses": ["that sounds fine , thanks for that . let 's go ahead !", "can you explain in more detail ?", "everything sounds good to me .", "yes , i have experience with a basic letter of credit .", "everything sounds like it 's in order ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That sounds fine , thanks for that . Let's go ahead !"}], "index": 68} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "911 emergency . What is the problem ?", "responses": ["i would like to report a break - in .", "i was just robbed , and i think i have been shot !", "there is a man attacking police officer !", "there has been a huge accident here on the freeway .", "please send an ambulance , there is a child here who is n't breathing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to report a break-in .", "responses": ["when was this break - in ?", "was anything stolen ?", "is anyone hurt or injured ?", "is the perpetrator still inside the residence ?", "if i can get your name and address we 'll send someone there right away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When was this break-in ?", "responses": ["i believe it happened last night .", "this morning", "last night at 6 pm", "sometime between 7 and 10 pm yesterday", "at 2 am on sunday"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I believe it happened last night .", "responses": ["where was the break - in ?", "what is your emergency ?", "is there anyone there with you ?", "what appears to be missing ?", "why do you think there was a break in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where was the break-in ?", "responses": ["it happened at my house .", "here at my apartment .", "2020 sunshine way apartment b12 seattle", "the back door", "2020 sunshine way seattle"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It happened at my house .", "responses": ["was anything stolen ?", "was anyone hurt ?", "was anything taken ?", "what time did it occur ?", "did anyone see this happen ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Was anything stolen ?", "responses": ["i have n't checked yet .", "my tv is missing", "no , everything looks to be in place .", "i think they took my laptop", "let me walk around and check"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I haven't checked yet .", "responses": ["why do you think there was a break - in ?", "where are you now ?", "are you in a safe place ?", "what is the address ?", "okay . i 'll send an officer now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you think there was a break-in ?", "responses": ["my front window was broken .", "the basement window was smashed .", "my front door was wide open this morning", "my alarm went off", "my video security system showed strangers taking things from my living room"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My front window was broken .", "responses": ["we 'll send a squad car shortly .", "are you sure someone just did n't throw a ball into the window ?", "was anyone hurt ?", "is anything else broken ?", "does it look like anyone climbed in through the window ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'll send a squad car shortly .", "responses": ["i 'd appreciate that .", "ok thanks please send them right away", "i m a little bit scared please send help", "i will have to check and see if anything got stolen", "i hope nothing got stolen"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'd appreciate that ."}], "index": 69} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . How much is the chocolate bar ?", "responses": ["one dollar .", "that chocolate bar is $ 1.29 .", "the chocolate bar you are talking about is on sale this week for only $ 1.29 .", "if it 's the chocolate bar i 'm thinking of it is $ 1.29 .", "can you hold on for just one second while i run and check ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One dollar .", "responses": ["so , i can have five for five dollars ?", "i 'll take one", "one please", "i 'll take it", "good deal"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , I can have five for five dollars ?", "responses": ["actually , you can only have four .", "2 for one dollar", "2 dollars each", "2 for 5 dollars", "5 dollars"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , you can only have four .", "responses": ["oh , yeah . i forgot tax . give me four then , please .", "why can i only buy four ?", "i will take four .", "are you running out of that kind of chocolate ?", "do you have any other chocolates ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , yeah . I forgot tax . Give me four then , please .", "responses": ["okay . thanks .", "would you like a bag or a gift box ?", "would you like to donate a dollar to charity ?", "would you like to purchase anything else ?", "if you buy 1 more you get two free ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay . Thanks ."}], "index": 70} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "House keeping . May I come in ?", "responses": ["come in please .", "no , i 'm naked", "just a minute !", "yes , come on in", "please do"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Come in please .", "responses": ["good evening , sir . i come to make the bed . shall i do it now or later ?", "need to clean the room !", "excuse me , housekeeping !", "room service !", "coming in !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good evening , sir . I come to make the bed . Shall I do it now or later ?", "responses": ["well , since you have come , do it now please ?", "now would be fine .", "please come back in an hour .", "no , i do n't need any help with the bed .", "sure , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , since you have come , do it now please ?", "responses": ["that 's all . have a nice stay here .", "ok would you like a change of pillow cases or sheets ?", "yes would you like anything else cleaned ?", "do you need anything else cleaned in your room first ?", "would you like any changes to your linens ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's all . Have a nice stay here .", "responses": ["thank you . please get some soap for us .", "thank you very much", "thanks i appreciate that", "i will do my best . thank you", "i will do that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . Please get some soap for us .", "responses": ["just a moment . i will do it right now .", "i would be happy to .", "i will get it now .", "oaky . let me get some off my cart .", "i have some right here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Just a moment . I will do it right now ."}], "index": 71} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ms . Montgomery ? This is Richard Thomas . I ' m sorry to bother you at home , but I ' Ve got a bit of a problem .", "responses": ["oh ? what 's wrong ?", "yes , how can i help you ?", "sure , what can i do for you ?", "what s the problem you are having ?", "something i can fix ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh ? What ' s wrong ?", "responses": ["my daughter 's just banged up her knee pretty badly and i 'm going to have to take her to the hospital . i 'll be about two hours late .", "the night supervisor has called in sick .", "a car drove through our front door .", "the door to the supply closet is broken and i ca n't fix it .", "we ran out of bandaids ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "My daughter ' s just banged up her knee pretty badly and I ' m going to have to take her to the hospital . I ' ll be about two hours late ."}], "index": 72} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . I have an appointment with Mr . Li at nine . May I come in ?", "responses": ["yes , come in please . i am mr . li . you must be my liu , right ?", "sure", "yes , come in", "please do", "absolutely"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , come in please . I am Mr . Li . You must be My Liu , right ?", "responses": ["yes , i am my liu . thanks .", "yes , i am .", "that is me .", "no actually , my name is my lee .", "that is correct"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am My Liu . Thanks .", "responses": ["i 'd like to start this interview with some questions . why do you think you are qualified for this position ?", "tell me why you think you are right for this job .", "how did you find getting here ?", "thank you for coming in today . how are you ?", "it 's good to see you again . i 'm sorry i had to cancel my last appointment with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'd like to start this interview with some questions . Why do you think you are qualified for this position ?", "responses": ["according to your advertisement , you want an experienced software engineer . i think my background meets the requirement of this position .", "i have several reasons why , shall i tell you ?", "this position is a good fit for me because of my experience", "i can give your company my skills and expertise", "i think i 'm qualified because of my past positions"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "According to your advertisement , you want an experienced software engineer . I think my background meets the requirement of this position .", "responses": ["then tell me something about your background .", "okay . what experience do you have ?", "how many years of software engineering do you have ?", "did you bring a resume ?", "do you have references ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then tell me something about your background .", "responses": ["my major was computer science when i was at college , and i am quite familiar with visual c + + and java language .", "i have been a software engineer for 5 years", "i worked for google", "i worked for apple", "i created the iphone software"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My major was computer science when I was at college , and I am quite familiar with Visual C + + and Java language .", "responses": ["well , what do you think about the development in computers ?", "explain what uses you had with visual c + + and java language", "can you tell me what projects you worked on involving those programs ?", "could you further explain your background", "what other programs do you know , other than those two"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , what do you think about the development in computers ?", "responses": ["the developments in software are going ahead very quickly and more and more problems are resolved by software . in some regions , the hardware is completely replaced by software . so i think the software industry has a great future .", "well , technology is rapidly developing . the key is to stay abreast of new developments .", "it 's absolutely amazing how far we 've come in terms of it in the past five years .", "i personally have an interest in any new technology that comes on the market .", "form a historical perspective ; we 've made more it gains in the past three years than in the previous twenty combined ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The developments in software are going ahead very quickly and more and more problems are resolved by software . In some regions , the hardware is completely replaced by software . So I think the software industry has a great future .", "responses": ["have you ever designed any programs concerning network ?", "can you tell me why you left your last job ?", "what sort of skills do you excel at ?", "why do you see yourself in this company ?", "where do you see your own future in software going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever designed any programs concerning network ?", "responses": ["yes , i have designed some programs for the network with visual c + + and i have passed the test for programmers - muse .", "yes i have ! more than one , actually .", "i have n't but i know i could do it easily .", "i could show you what i have designed , i have documents in my briefcase .", "actually , i am working on my first design now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have designed some programs for the network with Visual C + + and I have passed the test for programmers - MUSE .", "responses": ["have you got anything to ask me ?", "yes , my resume lists some of the programs if you 'd like to look .", "yes , there are some programs i 've done . i also passed the programmer test .", "i 'm willing to learn more if hired on with your company .", "yes , i passed the muse , the test for programmers ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you got anything to ask me ?", "responses": ["yes , can you tell me what 's my responsibility in this position ?", "what 's the salary like ?", "when will you make the decision on hiring .", "no , i ca n't think of anything .", "is there opportunity for advancement ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , can you tell me what's my responsibility in this position ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . you would be responsible for the development of software products .", "the position requires working in a team to develop new software for the company .", "the position requires working alone to develop software that will benefit the company .", "the position requires the person to be in charge of a small group of software engineers and guiding them with their projects .", "the position requires developing and implementing new software for the company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , of course . You would be responsible for the development of software products .", "responses": ["i see . this is my advantage .", "you would be handing software .", "you would be doing software development .", "we would like you to be in charge of software development .", "i want to put you in charge of software ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see . This is my advantage .", "responses": ["good . have you got any other questions ?", "really , why ?", "please tell me more about this", "i 'm intrigued , go on", "i 'm interested in hearing more"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good . Have you got any other questions ?", "responses": ["no .", "what 's the starting salary ?", "is there room for promotion ?", "no , no other questions", "no , thanks so much for this opportunity"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No .", "responses": ["ok , i will contact you in a week . see you .", "are you sure you do n't have any more questions ?", "good . thank you for coming in today . i 'll be in touch with you within a few days .", "you do n't have any more questions .", "okay . i 'll contact you in a few more days . thank you for coming in today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , I will contact you in a week . See you .", "responses": ["thank you , bye - bye .", "thank you", "sounds good", "talk to you in a week", "ok"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , bye-bye ."}], "index": 73} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Tom , is Jenny crying ?", "responses": ["can you take he away from me ?", "no , she 's laughing", "i am not sure . i will go check .", "i think so . it is best to leave her alone for now .", "yeah . i am going to go talk to her ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you take he away from me ?", "responses": ["i 'm just coming for that .", "yes . i will get them .", "no . i am busy right now .", "ca n't you take care of it ?", "give me a few minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m just coming for that .", "responses": ["she kept bothering me .", "please hurry !", "bring some tissues", "i do n't need this right now", "she 's really a drama queen"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She kept bothering me .", "responses": ["she 's your sister . what she asked was only duck soup for you . why ca n't you be good to her ?", "sorry to hear that .", "well she 's just a baby , so crying is sort of expected .", "i apologize that you were bothered .", "sorry she interrupted your activity ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "She ' s your sister . What she asked was only duck soup for you . Why can ' t you be good to her ?", "responses": ["but i am her brother , not her servant .", "i do nt like her", "she s annoying", "she never stops bugging me", "she needs to just go away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I am her brother , not her servant ."}], "index": 74} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , where can I buy an inexpensive cashmere sweater ?", "responses": ["maybe you should look around for an outlet .", "i 'll look that up for you .", "let me check out several stores .", "i can help you with that , do you have a price guideline ?", "i have a list of ten stores , do you want to see them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe you should look around for an outlet .", "responses": ["that is a wonderful idea .", "do you know where i might find one ?", "good idea , i 'll search for one .", "are there any in this city ?", "i will try that ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That is a wonderful idea .", "responses": ["outlets have more reasonable prices .", "there is one just down the street", "there is a ross store that might carry them", "i like cashmere sweaters", "the outlet store carries many different types of sweaters"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Outlets have more reasonable prices .", "responses": ["thank you for your help .", "do you want to go together ?", "i will check out what outlets are near us", "sounds like a very good idea , thank you !", "how much cheaper are the prices at the outlets ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you for your help .", "responses": ["no problem . good luck", "your welcome come back any time", "let me know if you need anything else", "no problem have a good day", "any other questions i can answer"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No problem . Good luck"}], "index": 75} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Wow ! Your fruit looks really fresh ! How much are these apples ?", "responses": ["the apples are 30nt each . how many would you like ?", "they cost $ 1 per pound .", "it 's 30 cents per apple", "if you buy four , you get the fifth for free !", "it 's $ 20 a case"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The apples are 30NT each . How many would you like ?", "responses": ["let 's see , 30nt is about ... almost a dollar us . what ? ! how about these pineapples ?", "i 'll take 4 .", "give me 6 please .", "8 will be good .", "i think 5 will do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let's see , 30NT is about ... almost a dollar US . What ? ! How about these pineapples ?", "responses": ["they 're 250nt each , but they 're not edible . they 're only used for worship .", "they are also 30nt", "they are 40nt", "they are the same price", "they are 50nt"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They're 250NT each , but they're not edible . They're only used for worship .", "responses": ["hmm , 250nt is ... 8 dollars ? ! ! and you ca n't even eat them ? you 're crazy !", "i understand , no problem !", "ah , so are they fake ?", "that 's so interesting !", "do you have any other pineapples for sale ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Hmm , 250NT is ... 8 dollars ? ! ! And you can't even eat them ? You're crazy !", "responses": ["wait ! do n't go just yet . these bananas are pretty cheap -- only 35nt for this bunch .", "it 's the culture around here though .", "it 's our culture though .", "people buy them all the time around here .", "not crazy to us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wait ! Don't go just yet . These bananas are pretty cheap--only 35NT for this bunch .", "responses": ["now that 's more like it ! bananas have lots of potassium , too !", "35 cents for each banana ? alright , give me two bananas . that 's 70 cents right ?", "besides bananas , what other fruits do you have there ?", "are there any blueberries or strawberries back there ?", "i think i 'm good now with the two bananas . thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Now that's more like it ! Bananas have lots of potassium , too !", "responses": ["they 're also good for your digestion ! would you like some kiwis , too ?", "yes ! they are very nutritious and inexpensive !", "they are freshly picked too !", "would you like to buy a bunch ?", "how many would you like to buy today ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "They're also good for your digestion ! Would you like some kiwis , too ?", "responses": ["are they from taiwan ?", "it depends . how much are the kiwis ?", "are you going to throw those in with the bananas ?", "is there an extra charge .", "no , i do n't like kiwis ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are they from Taiwan ?", "responses": ["they 're imported from new zealand . four for 50nt . nine for a hundred .", "i 'm not sure .", "they are from taiwan .", "i 'd have to ask .", "no , they are from elsewhere ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They're imported from New Zealand . Four for 50NT . Nine for a hundred .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll take four kiwis .", "i will take 20 of them .", "i want some kiwis and apples .", "how often do you get these in ?", "they all look delicious ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . I'll take four kiwis ."}], "index": 76} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Amelia , could you spare a few minutes ?", "responses": ["sure . what do you need ?", "sure , what s up ?", "anything wrong ?", "are you okay ?", "i 'm free now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "sure . What do you need ?", "responses": ["well , i wanted to let you know that i 've put in my notice .", "i need to know the amount of last payment", "i need to set up a meeting face to face", "i need to know if you have the information ready for the weekly report", "i need dates for the next 2 audits"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , I wanted to let you know that I've put in my notice .", "responses": ["really ? why ?", "really ? why ? i did n't know you wanted to leave .", "why did n't you tell me sooner that you were n't happy here ?", "let me close the door so we have privacy to talk .", "i 'll be sad to see you go , but happiness is more important , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "really ? Why ?", "responses": ["it 's complicated . but basically it boils down to one thing . this company is downsizing and i ca n't continue working for a company that may let me go .", "i have decided to move back to my hometown .", "i am really upset about my raise this year .", "i am getting a new job closer to home .", "i really love working here but i have my degree now so i will be moving up within the company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's complicated . But basically it boils down to one thing . This company is downsizing and I can't continue working for a company that may let me go .", "responses": ["but surely they wo n't fire you ! you 're one of the most experienced managers here !", "how do you know ?", "do you think they 'd really let you go ?", "how did you find out ?", "do you know when they plan to downsize ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "but surely they won't fire you ! You're one of the most experienced managers here !", "responses": ["well , to be honest , there 's another reason . i 've got a better offer .", "i know , i 'm just worried .", "you can find someone else .", "well , thank you for saying that .", "i 'm not so sure about that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , to be honest , there's another reason . I've got a better offer .", "responses": ["well that 's great news ! congratulations ! where will you be located ?", "are you going to take the new job ?", "you should go for it !", "business is really brutal at times .", "i have given some thought about leaving here too ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "well that's great news ! Congratulations ! Where will you be located ?", "responses": ["the head office is in new york , but i 'll be dealing with overseas companies and flying to this side of the world from time to time .", "where will you be working ?", "great . i m so proud of you .", "wow . that s so great .", "i m so jealous ,"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "the head office is in New York , but I'll be dealing with overseas companies and flying to this side of the world from time to time .", "responses": ["it 'll be sad to see you go , but it sounds like you 're found yourself a great opportunity .", "that sounds like a great opportunity !", "we 'll miss you here , good luck !", "i 'm worried now about my position with the company .", "sounds like you 'll be in a good position now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it'll be sad to see you go , but it sounds like you're found yourself a great opportunity .", "responses": ["i have . i feel lucky . i look forward to dealing with overseas companies and at the same time having a chance to use english more .", "i really have , i 'm so excited", "i 'll miss you", "it was great working with you", "i 'm so blessed"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have . I feel lucky . I look forward to dealing with overseas companies and at the same time having a chance to use English more .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry to bring this up , but would it be possible for you to write me a letter of recommendation before you go ?", "well , congratulations ! this sounds like an exciting opportunity for you and i 'm happy for you . good luck .", "good luck on your new job . it sounds like you will be very happy in your new position .", "good luck . i just know that you will have even more opportunities waiting for you .", "congratulations again ! it has been great having you work for this company and you have been an incredible employee to work with ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry to bring this up , but would it be possible for you to write me a letter of recommendation before you go ?", "responses": ["of course i can . in fact , if there are other job opportunities at this new company , i 'll recommend you personally .", "yes , i can definitely do that", "i can do that for sure", "i do n't see why not", "sure , when do you need it by ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "of course I can . In fact , if there are other job opportunities at this new company , I'll recommend you personally .", "responses": ["thanks . i appreciate that .", "thank you so much !", "thank you for the offer , i really appreciate it .", "thanks for looking out for me , i really appreciate it .", "thank you for always being such a great friend ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "thanks . I appreciate that ."}], "index": 77} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I show you ?", "responses": ["do you have this shirt in a small ?", "can you show me the items you mentioned ?", "yes , i would like to see them", "what time are you available to show me them ?", "are you not able to show me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have this shirt in a small ?", "responses": ["let me check . yes , we have .", "yes we do have it in small .", "no , we only have large in stock right now .", "yes but we only have it in yellow", "no they will be in next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me check . Yes , we have .", "responses": ["may i try it on ?", "at least i think we have small in the back .", "would you like me to bring out some medium sizes also ?", "i 'll also bring out different colors for you .", "hold on . i 'm going to check the stock now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I try it on ?", "responses": ["sure . let me help you .", "yes ! let me walk you to the dressing rooms", "no , i am sorry there are no dressing rooms .", "of course ! would you like anything else ?", "i will get your size and be right back so you can try it on !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Let me help you ."}], "index": 78} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "the James ' s file , Christine ?", "responses": ["i had it right here a minute ago , mr . emory . umm . just a minute ...", "i 'll go find the file now .", "hmmm . let me remember where i stuck that file .", "i was just working on that file . let me find it .", "okay . one second . i 'm getting it now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I had it right here a minute ago , Mr . Emory . Umm . Just a minute ...", "responses": ["christine , i know you 're new here and there 's a lot to learn , but you are going to have to learn to keep your work in better order . we ca n't afford to lose an important document .", "could you hurry please ?", "you should be prepared at all times .", "i have to go and need the file now .", "what could have happened to it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Christine , I know you ' re new here and there ' s a lot to learn , but you are going to have to learn to keep your work in better order . We can ' t afford to lose an important document .", "responses": ["yes , sir . i apologize for that . here 's the file you were looking for , mr . emory .", "i apologize . i 'll find it right away .", "here it is .", "i 'm sorry . i left it right over there .", "i found it . sorry , it must have fallen off the desk ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , sir . I apologize for that . Here ' s the file you were looking for , Mr . Emory ."}], "index": 79} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wonder whether I could possibly borrow your new bicycle now .", "responses": ["sorry , i 'm using it myself . but you can use it this afternoon .", "not yet , i just got it and want to ride some more .", "maybe tomorrow .", "i do n't think that 's a good idea .", "sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , I'm using it myself . But you can use it this afternoon .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "what time can i get it ?", "that 's okay . i borrow someone else 's .", "oh , where are you ?", "i do n't want to inconvenience you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 80} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks for inviting me to work out with you , Joan .", "responses": ["do n't mention it , let 's go in .", "sure , it was fun .", "do you work out a lot ?", "it was my pleasure .", "do you want to work out again next week ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't mention it , let's go in .", "responses": ["yeah , this place looks great . wow , look at her , she can certainly get down , ca n't she ?", "ok , great let 's do it .", "i never been here before .", "i am ready to get sore !", "let 's have a good workout then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , this place looks great . Wow , look at her , she can certainly get down , can't she ?", "responses": ["she sure can . are you jealous , leslie ?", "that s a bit inappropriate .", "what are you talking about ?", "she s no match for me though .", "just wait till you see what i can do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "She sure can . Are you jealous , Leslie ?", "responses": ["a little , i wish i could do that .", "i am , she 's a good dancer , and i 'm not !", "no , i 'm a much better dancer than her .", "i 'm just admiring her skills .", "she 's very good and i hope to get just as good !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A little , I wish I could do that .", "responses": ["you can ! with a little practice .", "keep going and you 'll be able too", "if you try hard enough i 'm sure you can", "me too !", "i did n't use to be able to , but i can now"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can ! With a little practice .", "responses": ["look at him , he 's buff .", "thank you joan . you always know how to make me feel better .", "thank you joan . that makes me feel better .", "that 's really nice of you to say that joan .", "you 're absolutely right . all i need is practice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look at him , he's buff .", "responses": ["i think he 's hot too .", "yeah he is", "i 'm jealous", "i wonder how much he works out", "wow he is"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think he's hot too .", "responses": ["how do they all get in such tiptop shape ?", "he looks like he works out .", "you should talk to him !", "i bet he 's really fit .", "i wonder how often he works out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do they all get in such tiptop shape ?", "responses": ["exercised over and over . exercise is a key .", "i think most of these people are here everyday .", "guess they have more free time than we do !", "dedication i suspect .", "i 'm not sure but i wish i knew their secrets !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Exercised over and over . Exercise is a key .", "responses": ["that 's it . i decided to turn over a new leaf . i 'm going to exercise every single day .", "yeah , but how do they find time ?", "what about their diet ?", "how much exercise though ?", "i ca n't even get myself to go to the gym once a week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's it . I decided to turn over a new leaf . I'm going to exercise every single day .", "responses": ["good for you , leslie !", "are you sure you can handle that ?", "every day might be too much", "if you do that , you 'll get in great shape too", "i do n't think i can handle that much working out"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good for you , Leslie !"}], "index": 81} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . Check please .", "responses": ["ok , how was everything ?", "yes , right away sir .", "would you like anything else ?", "sure , and how was your meal ?", "i will be right back with the check !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK , how was everything ?", "responses": ["very nice . thank you .", "it was delicious .", "the burger was fantastic .", "i ca nt even put into words how could everything was .", "fine . thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Very nice . Thank you .", "responses": ["would you like this to - go ?", "we 're glad to have you here .", "thank you for dining with us and please come again", "was everything to your satisfaction ?", "we strive for the best here and glad to have served you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like this to-go ?", "responses": ["yes , can you put it in a plastic bag ?", "yes please", "no , for here", "no thanks", "yes , to - go please"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , can you put it in a plastic bag ?", "responses": ["sure , no problem . here you are . that 'll be 25 dollars .", "yes , i can . and i will bring you the check when i come back .", "yes , i 'll bring the check when i return with your to - go - bag .", "yes , i can put it in a plastic bag for you .", "yes , i 'll put this in a plastic bag and bring it back to you along with the check ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , no problem . Here you are . That'll be 25 dollars .", "responses": ["do you take credit cards ?", "thank you", "can i get change please ?", "ok", "here you go"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you take credit cards ?", "responses": ["yes , we accept visa and mastercard .", "yes , we do !", "yes , but we only take visa and mastercard .", "i 'm sorry , i 'm afraid we do n't accept credit cards .", "i 'm sorry but we only take cash ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we accept Visa and MasterCard .", "responses": ["ok , here you are .", "do i just use the chip or swipe ?", "great , that helps a lot .", "good , cause i do n't have any cash .", "alright , let me get it out of my wallet then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , here you are .", "responses": ["thanks . i 'll be right back .", "thank you . i 'll run your card and be right back .", "i 'm sorry , but we do n't take that card here", "would you like to include the tip on the card ?", "please sign on the line"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks . I'll be right back .", "responses": ["ok .", "thank you", "please hurry , we are in a rush", "thanks , take your time", "ok , i appreciate it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK .", "responses": ["here 's your receipt .", "here 's your card and your receipt . thank you !", "i 'm sorry . your card was declined .", "sign here , please .", "i 'm sorry . our credit card pos system is n't working . do you have cash ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here's your receipt .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you very much .", "can you tell me yours hours ?", "i 'd like to come back again", "can i have another copy ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["you 're welcome . please come again .", "have a wonderful day .", "enjoy the rest of your day .", "thank you for dining here .", "it 's been a pleasure serving you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're welcome . Please come again ."}], "index": 82} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You look upset , anything wrong ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to quit the job .", "my dog died this morning .", "i just got fired from work .", "i do nt feel very good ,", "i m just tired is all ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm going to quit the job .", "responses": ["why ?", "really ? why ? tell me more !", "no , do n't quit . i 'm sure you can work something out .", "that sounds like a rash decision", "are you really quitting ? did you put in your notice ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ?", "responses": ["the task is tough .", "i just do n't think it 's a good fit for me any more", "i have a better offer", "i ca n't work with these people any more", "i hate this job"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The task is tough .", "responses": ["you 'd look before you leap .", "but , that is no reason to quit the job .", "that 's too bad . is the tasks really that tough ?", "i 'll be sorry to see you go .", "that is too bad . you are such a hard worker here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You'd look before you leap .", "responses": ["thanks for your concern .", "i sure will", "i will make sure i do that", "i definitely will", "i will try"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks for your concern ."}], "index": 83} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will you stay in New York ?", "responses": ["just tor three days . i wo n't need these luggages . couid i put them here ?", "i 'll be here for one week .", "i 'll be in new york for four days .", "i 'll be here for two weeks .", "i 'll be in new york for six days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just tor three days . I won't need these luggages . CouId I put them here ?", "responses": ["i am sorry . if you have here more than 24 hours between connecting flights , we ca n't check your luggage through london .", "sure you can .", "just stick them in the closet , we 've got space .", "we can keep them for you .", "sure thing , i do n't mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am sorry . If you have here more than 24 hours between connecting flights , we can't check your luggage through London .", "responses": ["well , maybe i can put them in the airport storage there .", "do you have luggage lockers to rent ?", "do you suggest something else for luggage storage ?", "are there any other options for luggage storage ?", "is it possible to ship my luggage earlier ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , maybe I can put them in the airport storage there .", "responses": ["that 's right . it 's over there .", "that is a good idea", "your luggage will be safer there", "it is rather inexpensive", "that is what i would do"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's right . It's over there ."}], "index": 84} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Eat some more .", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 'm on a diet .", "i already eat enough !", "i 'll eat more later .", "i don", "i do n't feel like it right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks . I'm on a diet ."}], "index": 85} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . Do you know where the Admiral Hotel is ?", "responses": ["that 's over on callaway street , is n't it ?", "yes , i can give you directions if you 'd like .", "it 's not too far from here . want me to show you ?", "i think so . do you have the address ?", "yes , it 's just down the street from here , and take a left at the end of the block ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's over on Callaway Street , isn't it ?", "responses": ["yes , but i ca n't find callaway street .", "ah , is it ? thank you .", "callaway . that would be ... which direction , then ?", "i 'm ... not sure . possibly !", "am i going the right way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but I can't find Callaway Street .", "responses": ["walk that way for about four blocks . the hotel 's about two blocks north of there .", "it is two streets west of here", "it is not far , it is that street right there", "it is kind of far from here , you should take a taxi", "you could probably walk there , it is a mile that way"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Walk that way for about four blocks . The hotel's about two blocks north of there .", "responses": ["thanks a lot .", "thank you !", "thanks for the help .", "which way is north ?", "you 're a lifesaver ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks a lot .", "responses": ["not at all .", "anything else ?", "do you know what it looks like ?", "it has a big spire on top of it .", "it is next to a sushi restaurant ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Not at all ."}], "index": 86} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry I'm late .", "responses": ["better late than never .", "do n't worry ! it 's cool .", "it 's a thing that happens .", "why , i never ! what is this spectre before me ? !", "yes , you are ! it 's fine . let 's just go , huh ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Better late than never ."}], "index": 87} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Professor Li , do you know where to buy art supplies ?", "responses": ["for what ? are you taking up painting ?", "oh , um , possibly . ask me after class , will you ?", "yes , i do . i take it you do n't , then ?", "i could tell you a few places .", "well , there 's this amazing thing i found recently . i think it 's called the inter - net ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "For what ? Are you taking up painting ?", "responses": ["no . i ca n't paint . i 'm asking for my niece . she is really into it .", "yes , that is why i want paint supplies", "yes , i am going to paint a picture of a forest", "no , they are for a gift for my grandma", "yes , bob ross has inspired me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . I can't paint . I'm asking for my niece . She is really into it .", "responses": ["oh , good . how old is your niece ?", "michael 's is a good place .", "i used to paint . you could go to michael 's .", "try michael 's . it 's great that she 's expressing herself .", "michael 's always worked for me while at art school ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , good . How old is your niece ?", "responses": ["she is eight . actually , i 'm buying a good set of art supplies for her as a birthday gift .", "she 's 6", "she 's 7 i think , and she 's really into art .", "she 6 and she draws really well .", "she 6 , and i think she 'd really be into it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She is eight . Actually , I'm buying a good set of art supplies for her as a birthday gift .", "responses": ["it 's a wise thing to do . art will do a child a world of good .", "that 's nice . it 's good that you are so knowledgeable about your niece 's interests .", "if you are buying an art set as a gift , i know a great art supply store that offer gift wrapping as an option .", "i can point you to an art supply store that my students often uses .", "i know an art supply store that offers art supply sets aimed for children ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a wise thing to do . Art will do a child a world of good ."}], "index": 88} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello ?", "responses": ["hi , mr . smith . this is mary . is jenny there ?", "hi .", "hi , how are you ?", "what can i do for you ?", "hello ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Mr . Smith . This is Mary . Is Jenny there ?", "responses": ["no , i 'm afraid not , mary . may i take a message for her ?", "yes , she 's in her room .", "let me go get her for you .", "yes she is , what do you need ?", "no , she stepped out for a bit , but she should be back soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No , I ' m afraid not , Mary . May I take a message for her ?", "responses": ["yes , please tell her that band practice has been moved to tuesday night at eight thirty .", "if you see her , can you tell her to call me back ?", "no need , mr . smith . i will call her back later .", "when you see her , can you please tell jenny to call me back as soon as possible ?", "no , no message . just tell her that i called for her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , please tell her that band practice has been moved to Tuesday night at eight thirty .", "responses": ["o . k . no problem . anything else ?", "of course dear . i will .", "is it in the usual place or are they marching and meeting on the field ?", "my , that 's late . how long do you think it will last ?", "wait a moment i hear mary pulling up . if you can wait a moment i 'll get her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "O . K . No problem . Anything else ?", "responses": ["no , but if she has any questions , she can call me at 555 - 2345 .", "tell her to show up early .", "make sure you do nt forget .", "nope , that s it .", "not right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No , but if she has any questions , she can call me at 555-2345 .", "responses": ["all right , i 'll leave her the message , mary . thanks for calling .", "i will tell her .", "thanks for the information .", "i 'll give her the message .", "thanks so much for calling ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right , I ' ll leave her the message , Mary . Thanks for calling .", "responses": ["thank you . bye .", "perfect ! let me know if you need anything eles", "anything eles i can help with today ?", "sound good !", "feel free to contact me at anytime !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Bye .", "responses": ["goodbye .", "thanks very much . so long for now .", "thank you , goodbye .", "i appreciate it . bye .", "goodbye !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Goodbye ."}], "index": 89} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you speak English ?", "responses": ["yes , a little .", "yes .", "i do .", "i speak english .", "yeah . do you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , a little .", "responses": ["can you tell me how to get to the jade buddha temple ?", "great , can you help me with this then .", "cool , then can you help me find where this is ?", "alright , then maybe i can ask you for help .", "it would help me out a lot if you could tell me what this means ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you tell me how to get to the Jade Buddha Temple ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . i ca n't quite follow you . would you mind speaking slowly ?", "ok , let me show you .", "it would be my pleasure .", "do you have a map so i can point you to the way ?", "ok , let 's start here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry . I can't quite follow you . Would you mind speaking slowly ?"}], "index": 90} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you get road news ?", "responses": ["i 've a driver mate in my car !", "i often just google for it in the morning .", "i turn on the tv and watch the local news for that .", "i have an app on my phone that alerts me to the most recent road news .", "i have a tv on in the background on a local station and i listen as do my daily morning routine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've a driver mate in my car !", "responses": ["so you have all the news on broadcast ?", "that 's so cool . how is it ?", "is the driver mate helpful ?", "will the driver mate allow you to drive hands free ?", "how much does that cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So you have all the news on broadcast ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's so helpful .", "sometimes , yes .", "i use my phone on occastion .", "i meant my friend reads it to me .", "no , what are you talking about ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it's so helpful ."}], "index": 91} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'm in a bit of a rush . could i have a piece of apple pie please ?", "yes , i 'd like to get a large pepperoni please .", "please , i 'm having trouble deciding , can you suggest something ?", "no , i 'm just looking , thanks .", "can you help me with my bag while i shop ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I'm in a bit of a rush . Could I have a piece of apple pie please ?", "responses": ["certainly . would you like it with ice cream ?", "just one ?", "would you like anything else ?", "i 'll get it right away .", "sure thing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Certainly . Would you like it with ice cream ?", "responses": ["no , thanks .", "no , no ice cream .", "can i get some sugar sprinkled on top ?", "is it vanilla ice cream ?", "no , i just want it plain ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thanks ."}], "index": 92} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to make an appointment with Dr . Cooper . Could you arrange it for me ?", "responses": ["yes . would tomorrow morning be all right with you ?", "sure , glad to help . is there a date or time you prefer ?", "i see dr . cooper has an appointment open on april 30 , ( tuesday ) at 8 a.m. would you like that ?", "when i call for you , can i tell them what the appointment purpose is ?", "i 'm sorry , the first available for dr . cooper is may 6 at 5 p.m. would that be ok ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Would tomorrow morning be all right with you ?", "responses": ["sorry , i 've got a meeting from nine to ten . what about monday afternoon ?", "i m not sure , give me a sec .", "that would be fine .", "maybe , i m not sure .", "let me see . hold on one sec ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry , I've got a meeting from nine to ten . What about Monday afternoon ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid he 's fully engaged . could you make it another time ?", "let me look at the schedule .", "sure , how about one on monday ?", "monday is all booked up .", "how about wednesday afternoon ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm afraid he's fully engaged . Could you make it another time ?"}], "index": 93} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey ! What are you doing here ?", "responses": ["i 'm just shopping .", "i thought i would surprise you with a cheeseburger from checkers . surprise !", "my plane was delayed , i wo n't be leaving until tomorrow morning , you 'll have to put up with me a bit longer .", "i missed my bus , i ca n't catch another for an hour so i thought i 'd wait here .", "i was hungry and thought i 'd get a yogurt from your refrigerator . i hope that 's ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm just shopping .", "responses": ["what are you shopping for ?", "what are you shopping for ?", "can i join ?", "luck you .", "where are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you shopping for ?", "responses": ["some new clothes . how about you ?", "just some new clothes .", "i 'm looking for the new pair of air jordan 1s .", "i need some clothes for work .", "i got a date tomorrow and want some new clothes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Some new clothes . How about you ?", "responses": ["same here .", "i 'm shopping for clothes too !", "i 'm just window shopping !", "just looking around !", "i 'm just looking for some clothes as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Same here .", "responses": ["have you found anything nice yet ?", "yes , i 'm also doing that .", "that 's what i 'm doing too .", "what 's next for you ?", "where are you at now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you found anything nice yet ?", "responses": ["i found a few pairs of pants .", "no , have n't found anything in my price range .", "yes , i found the perfect summer outfit !", "not really . what about you ?", "there is nothing in my size ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I found a few pairs of pants .", "responses": ["where 'd you get those ?", "those feel really soft .", "where did you get them ?", "what size are they ?", "what brand are they ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where'd you get those ?", "responses": ["i found them at jc pennies .", "I think I got them at Macy 's", "I got them from the sale nearby .", "The shop next door .", "I found them on that shop ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I found them at JC Pennies .", "responses": ["those are really cute .", "oh they look really nice", "that store is good", "do they have more of these", "how much were they"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Those are really cute .", "responses": ["do you want me to show you where i found them ?", "yes they are", "do you think so too", "i like them a lot", "do you want to buy them too ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want me to show you where I found them ?", "responses": ["i would like that . thank you .", "umm , its fine", "no i was just asking", "yes please", "i know where the store is at"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I would like that . Thank you ."}], "index": 94} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , is that Xiaogang Li who applied for the Solar Studio of our college ?", "responses": ["yes , speaking .", "yes , it 's me .", "no , it 's julie smith .", "i did n't apply for the solar studio .", "no , you must have the wrong number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , speaking .", "responses": ["i want to know whether you will come to the interview . so have you accepted offers from other companies ?", "i would like to talk to you about your application .", "would you be able to come in on monday so that we can speak in person ?", "your application has been approved .", "i would like to talk to you in person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I want to know whether you will come to the interview . So have you accepted offers from other companies ?", "responses": ["no , i have n't got one by now . i will go to the interview of yours .", "we 'd like to know whether you will be joining us for the interview ?", "can you tell us whether you will be interviewing , and whether you 've accepted other offers ?", "will you be at the interview ? or have you already accepted another offer ?", "have you accepting another job offer , or will you be at the interview ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No , I haven't got one by now . I will go to the interview of yours ."}], "index": 95} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need help with the office party .", "responses": ["yes , of course . we could split it . what part would you like to do , the food or the entertainment ?", "absolutely ! how can i help !", "perfect ! do you have a theme ?", "sounds like fun ! how can i help ?", "ok ! how can i assist you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , of course . We could split it . What part would you like to do , the food or the entertainment ?", "responses": ["i have no idea what the entertainment should be .", "we can share the expense if you like . should i take the food or the entertainment ?", "shall we divide it by expense ? i could do the food or the entertainment , whichever you prefer .", "we can share the task if you like . would you like to cover the food , or the entertainment ?", "the two parts are food and entertainment , and we could divide those ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have no idea what the entertainment should be .", "responses": ["let 's make sure we are on the same page . do we want a formal or informal gathering ?", "you could set up some party games .", "you could pick the music that is played .", "you could hire a band .", "you could get a picture booth ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let's make sure we are on the same page . Do we want a formal or informal gathering ?", "responses": ["let 's make it a formal affair .", "i think informal", "formal would be better", "either is fine", "formal makes more sense"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's make it a formal affair .", "responses": ["yes , that would be best . now , for food should we have chinese or american food ?", "sure", "yes , lets", "and what about the music", "what about the attendees"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , that would be best . Now , for food should we have Chinese or American food ?", "responses": ["american food would be the best choice .", "i prefer chinese", "maybe chinese ?", "hmm , american would be better", "either is fine"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "American food would be the best choice .", "responses": ["that would be great . what kind of music would you like , a band or recorded music ?", "and the music ?", "do you want to arrange for a band ?", "should we call some musicians", "maybe a stand up comedian ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That would be great . What kind of music would you like , a band or recorded music ?", "responses": ["we should bring in a really good dj .", "a band would make is more interesting", "we ca n't afford a band", "a band is quite difficult to hire", "recorded might be too boring"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We should bring in a really good DJ .", "responses": ["that works for me . let 's see what we can each do about planning our part and meet again on friday .", "those are really great to have", "i can probably find them", "do you know some good ones ?", "that is even better"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That works for me . Let's see what we can each do about planning our part and meet again on Friday ."}], "index": 96} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Help ! Help !", "responses": ["what 's the matter ?", "hello ! i can help .", "hi ! how can i help ?", "i would love to help you !", "absolutely ! how can i help today"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the matter ?"}], "index": 97} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you like to eat , sir ?", "responses": ["scrambled egg , bacon , three pieces of bread and a cup of tea .", "what can we get you to eat ?", "what would you like for a meal ?", "can we prepare a meal for you ?", "is there something you 'd like to eat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Scrambled egg , bacon , three pieces of bread and a cup of tea .", "responses": ["would you care for some lemon for your tea ?", "sounds great !", "coming right up !", "perfect ! anything eles", "will that be it today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you care for some lemon for your tea ?", "responses": ["no , thank you .", "that would be great , thank you !", "yes lemon sounds good to me .", "no thank you , not today .", "no thank you , not today ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thank you ."}], "index": 98} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where's the toilet ?", "responses": ["over there .", "down your hall on your first right .", "its right behind you .", "it 's near the entrance .", "it is downstairs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Over there ."}], "index": 99} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Only one . But I wanted to make sure I'd get it .", "responses": ["yeah , i really wanted that chanel bag , too . but just in case you should bid low .", "if you need more just let me know .", "you are wise to get it now , they are selling very quickly .", "yes , it seems like a hot item this year !", "okay , here you go ! anything else i can get for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I really wanted that Chanel bag , too . But just in case you should bid low .", "responses": ["but there are only two more days until the bidding closes !", "yeah , that way i do n't overspend if i somehow win .", "a good tactic , i 'll see if it works .", "i doubt i 'll get it , but i 'm going to try anyways .", "worth a shot , wish me luck ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "But there are only two more days until the bidding closes !", "responses": ["i bid on a chanel watch at the last minute , and got it sixty percent off !", "my statement still stands , bid low .", "i really think you should bid low .", "it 's better to bid low now , even though there are just two days left .", "bid low now just in case ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I bid on a Chanel watch at the last minute , and got it sixty percent off !", "responses": ["oh ... i 'm such a newbie . but at least i 'm sure i 'll get that tennis racket .", "wow , that 's great !", "sixty percent off , that 's fantastic !", "wow , i hope i can get that lucky .", "wow , were you ever lucky !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh ... I'm such a newbie . But at least I'm sure I'll get that tennis racket .", "responses": ["do n't count on it , babe . ebay is always full of surprises .", "you 'll learn over time", "how much are you trying to get the racket for ?", "good then we can go play tennis", "we were all once a newbie ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't count on it , Babe . eBay is always full of surprises .", "responses": ["well ... guess how low the bidding starts on the tennis racket ?", "can you give me any more pointers ?", "is it ? when should i bid on it ?", "when do you think i should place my bid , then ?", "that 's what it seems like . at least i 'll learn from this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well ... guess how low the bidding starts on the tennis racket ?"}], "index": 100} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you tell me where the pots and pans are ?", "responses": ["pots and pans are right over there .", "sure ! they are over in aisle three .", "they are in the bottom cabinet , next to the stove .", "yes , they are in the closet , next to the pantry .", "sure , they are located in our housewares section , let me show you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Pots and pans are right over there .", "responses": ["oh , thank you .", "they are in the cupboard .", "look under the sink .", "i keep them in the oven .", "they should be next to the dish rack ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , thank you .", "responses": ["could i interest you in our store credit card ?", "no problem .", "welcome .", "you 're welcome .", "thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Could I interest you in our store credit card ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i already have credit cards .", "no , i 'm not interested .", "not at this time , thank you .", "what are the benefits to having a store credit card ?", "are there any benefits i would receive with it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thanks . I already have credit cards .", "responses": ["but our credit card saves you 10 percent .", "but you do n't have the store credit card", "okay have a great day .", "let me just tell you a little bit about it first", "are you sure ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But our credit card saves you 10 percent .", "responses": ["that 's a nice discount .", "i already have too many credit cards .", "i do n't think saving 10 percent is worth it .", "sorry , but i do n't have time to open a store credit card .", "that 's fine , but i do n't want to sign up ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's a nice discount .", "responses": ["here . let me give you an application form .", "the credit card has low interest rates , and plenty of other types of rewards .", "you can easily use it to purchase items at this store , and pay it off with less fees .", "would you like to hear more about the other benefits for the card ?", "if you apply now , you can take advantage of our recent promotion ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here . Let me give you an application form .", "responses": ["thank you , but i 'm just browsing today .", "i do n't think i need another credit card .", "ok thank you", "thank you for your help", "will i be able to use it today ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , but I'm just browsing today .", "responses": ["okay . enjoy your browsing .", "today only , if you accept , it 's 15 % off purchases made here .", "are you sure ? this is a limited time offer .", "alright , but this offer will only be good for today .", "many people do n't get this offer ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay . Enjoy your browsing ."}], "index": 101} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here is the fish counter . Look at the lobsters and crabs . Shall we have some ?", "responses": ["i 'm allergic to these things , you know .", "sure ! which do you prefer ?", "yes ! it sure would make a tasty dinner .", "sounds good to me !", "sounds like an excellent idea for today 's lunch !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm allergic to these things , you know .", "responses": ["sorry , i forgot . i do n't like seafood , neither .", "let 's help ourselves .", "how can we resist ?", "i think i 'll grab a bite .", "sure , there is enough for everyone ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I forgot . I don ' t like seafood , neither .", "responses": ["let 's go over there and get some milk , a couple dozen eggs and some orange juice .", "let 's find another place .", "is there anything else ?", "can we go to a different place ?", "i do n't want to stay here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let ' s go over there and get some milk , a couple dozen eggs and some orange juice .", "responses": ["let 's get frozen juice . it is really good . we 've got enough food . let 's go over to the check - out stand .", "i love orange juice , sounds great .", "we could make pancakes , should we get syrup too ?", "what did you want to make with that ?", "i love eggs !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's get frozen juice . It is really good . We ' Ve got enough food . Let ' s go over to the check-out stand .", "responses": ["ok . but just let me pick up a bottle of cooking wine and oil as we go by .", "okay are you paying ?", "okay lets go .", "are you sure ? i think we can get a few more things", "i want to grab a few things first then we will checkout ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . But just let me pick up a bottle of cooking wine and oil as we go by ."}], "index": 102} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning , may I speak with Professor Clark , please ?", "responses": ["you are speaking with professor clark .", "professor clark is n't in today , may i take a message ?", "sure , one moment please .", "sure , may i briefly put you on hold ?", "professor clark is currently in a meeting , can you call back in about an hour ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are speaking with Professor Clark .", "responses": ["professor , i am kalina from your morning literature class .", "sorry , i did not realize it was you .", "how are you doing professor ?", "i could use your assistance .", "it 's a pleasure to meet you professor clark ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Professor , I am Kalina from your morning literature class .", "responses": ["yes , how can i help you ?", "hi kalina , how can i help you ?", "ah yes , did you have a question for me kalina ?", "did you have a question ?", "alright , is there anything i can assist you with kalina ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , how can I help you ?", "responses": ["i ran my car into a tree yesterday and need to miss a few days of school .", "i wanted to discuss a grade with you .", "i wondered if you had some free time to meet and discuss some problems i 'm having in your class .", "i noticed one of my grades was entered incorrectly .", "i was wondering if i could have an extension on the project as i have a family emergency ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "I ran my car into a tree yesterday and need to miss a few days of school .", "responses": ["oh , my god ! i hope you are all right .", "okay that will be fine", "are you ok ?", "i hope you are alright come in when you get better", "do n't worry about it i just hope you are ok"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , my God ! I hope you are all right .", "responses": ["i have a concussion , but i will be ok .", "yes , thank you , i am fine .", "i am fine , thanks .", "i 'm in a lot better shape than my car is .", "yes i am , thanks for your concern ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a concussion , but I will be OK .", "responses": ["how much school will you miss ?", "how long will you need for a full recovery ?", "hope you feel better , take as much time to recover .", "make sure to get the notes and material from the online site as you recover .", "glad to hear , sorry about your situation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much school will you miss ?", "responses": ["i only need to take this week off .", "i 'll be out the rest of the week .", "about 4 days", "hopefully not too much time", "i go back to the doctor friday"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I only need to take this week off .", "responses": ["i appreciate you calling and telling me that you wo n't be in class . see you next week !", "that is fine , please take care of yourself .", "okay , i understand .", "that will be alright with me .", "understood , please take care ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I appreciate you calling and telling me that you won ' t be in class . See you next week !"}], "index": 103} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Parker . How ' s everything ?", "responses": ["ca n't complain . and you ?", "hi , everything 's great , how are you ?", "hey , all 's well , thank you for asking .", "hello , i 'm well thanks , how about yourself ?", "hi , could n't be better ! how 's everything with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can ' t complain . And you ?", "responses": ["business is booming . i understand you want to meet up with me next week . how 's your schedule looking ?", "fine , everything 's going pretty much fine .", "same , it 's pretty much going alright .", "nothing much , just the usual grind .", "it 's alright , could be better ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Business is booming . I understand you want to meet up with me next week . How ' s your schedule looking ?", "responses": ["let me see . i can come out and see you first thing wednesday .", "i 've got some free time , do you want to grab some lunch or dinner ?", "i heard that new movie just came out , do you want to go see it later ?", "i 'm planning on having a party soon at my place , do you want to come ?", "not bad , just finished a big deadline but i 've gotten some time freed up . do you want to hang out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let me see . I can come out and see you first thing Wednesday .", "responses": ["great .", "wednesday wo n't work for me .", "what time were you thinking ?", "i can make time to see you then .", "wednesday would be great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great ."}], "index": 104} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "How come it is slow as a snail today ?", "responses": ["you mean the network connection ?", "because there is nothing to do and it is boring .", "because i ca n't wait till tomorrow", "because you are to excited for the trip", "it has n't i thought today went by fast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You mean the network connection ?", "responses": ["yes , i wanted to look for some information on the company page just now . it took me almost one minute to open it . then there is no response to any click .", "yes , that is what i 'm talking about .", "yes , is yours slow too ?", "yes , i ca n't get any work done .", "yes , i 'm having trouble doing anything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I wanted to look for some information on the company page just now . It took me almost one minute to open it . Then there is no response to any click .", "responses": ["i have the same question . i ca n't send out mails . we 'd better call the it department and ask them to check it immediately .", "i 'm sorry to hear that , i will look into the problem .", "i will mention this to the it department , hopefully the problem will be resolved soon .", "have you tried resetting the computer 's connection to the network ?", "can you tell me more about the problem , when did it start ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have the same question . I can ' t send out mails . We ' d better call the IT department and ask them to check it immediately .", "responses": ["ok .", "let me see if i can find the number", "do you have their number ?", "yeah we need to get this fixed right away", "hopefully it will be a simple solution"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok ."}], "index": 105} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Honey , I need to have a talk with you .", "responses": ["dad , i have to do my homework .", "what would you like to talk about ?", "yes , what is it ?", "alright , i have time to talk right now .", "yes dear , in just one moment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Dad , I have to do my homework .", "responses": ["no , honey , why did n't you go to cram school last night ?", "just come downstairs when you 're done", "ok we can talk at dinner then", "your homework can wait , this is important", "we need to talk right away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , honey , why didn't you go to cram school last night ?", "responses": ["dad , i do n't want to talk about it now .", "i went out with friends last night .", "i got busy with something else and forgot .", "to be honest , i was with my friends .", "you will probably get mad , but i was hanging out with friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Dad , I don't want to talk about it now .", "responses": ["honey , if you do n't want to go to cram school , you should tell me the reason why .", "but you knew how important it was for you to go", "that 's too bad we must talk about it", "why do n't you want to talk about it now", "i need to know why you did n't go the the cram school , please talk to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Honey , if you don't want to go to cram school , you should tell me the reason why .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , dad . but i would rather stay at school than go to cram school .", "dad , i really need to concentrate on this , i 'll talk to you about it later", "i 'm super busy right now , i 'll tell you why in a bit", "every time i go , i get made fun of by melissa and her friends", "i just do n't think it helps me that much dad"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm sorry , dad . But I would rather stay at school than go to cram school ."}], "index": 106} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with you , young man ?", "responses": ["doctor , i have a bad cough and a headache .", "i have a headache", "my stomach does n't feel so good", "i 'm just nervous about the test", "nothing , why do you ask ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Doctor , I have a bad cough and a headache .", "responses": ["do you have a fever ?", "how long has this been occurring for ?", "alright , any other problems related to this ?", "i see , let 's check your vitals for other signs .", "okay , how have you been sleeping ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have a fever ?", "responses": ["i do n't know , but i feel terrible .", "i might because i have chills", "i think so my head is hot", "i do n't know i have n't taken my temperature", "i feel like i do can you check for me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know , but I feel terrible .", "responses": ["let me examine you . do n't worry . it 's nothing serious .", "how long have you had these symptoms ?", "let 's take your temperature and find out .", "do you have any other symptoms besides coughing and headaches ?", "are you having any sinus troubles as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me examine you . Don't worry . It's nothing serious .", "responses": ["do you think i should lie in bed ?", "i hope i 'll be ok .", "will i have to take medicine ?", "how will you examine me ?", "how do you know it 's not anything serious ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think I should lie in bed ?", "responses": ["yes , stay in bed and drink a lot of water . your fever will be gone in a day or two .", "yes , sleep is the best remedy", "we 'll discuss it afterr i have a look", "yes , lie down please .", "first , remove your clothes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , stay in bed and drink a lot of water . Your fever will be gone in a day or two .", "responses": ["ok . do you think i can play football tomorrow ?", "thank you doctor , you 've given me peace of mind .", "thank you , if it 's not would you like me to follow up with you ?", "okay , is there any type of medicine you would recommend me to take ?", "thanks , would you like my insurance information so we can arrange payment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . Do you think I can play football tomorrow ?", "responses": ["of course not . you need a good rest .", "definitely not .", "i would advise you to rest at least 2 days .", "if you wake tomorrow with no headache i do n't see why not .", "is there anyone who can take your place ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Of course not . You need a good rest .", "responses": ["ok , i 'll listen to you .", "that 's disappointing , but it 's probably for the best .", "alright , doctor , i 'll stay in bed .", "if i feel slightly better tomorrow , would i be able to play ?", "yes , i 'll skip football then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , I'll listen to you ."}], "index": 107} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want something sweet after dinner .", "responses": ["what do you have in mind ?", "alright , sounds good to me !", "sure , what did you have in mind ?", "okay , let 's go !", "i am fine with that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you have in mind ?", "responses": ["a dessert sounds nice .", "pancakes with lots of syrup", "not sure can you suggest something", "do we have anything sweet in the house to make for dinner", "i 'm thinking of a salad with lots of fruit in it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A dessert sounds nice .", "responses": ["what kind are you thinking of getting ?", "what kind of dessert ?", "i could sure go for a chocolate cake .", "no thanks , i 'm trying to lose weight .", "i hope you 're thinking of ice cream ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind are you thinking of getting ?", "responses": ["i want to get some pie .", "ice cream", "frozen yogurt", "i was thinking about candy , i 'll go to the store .", "cake"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to get some pie .", "responses": ["what kind of pie do you want ?", "we have a wide selection of pie , what 's your favorite flavor ?", "sure ! we have apple , pecan , raspberry , and blueberry . any of those sound good to you ?", "okay i have to say just me personally , i love the blueberry pie . i would highly recommend that , i eat it every week .", "okay definitely , i 'll get our dessert menu and you can choose from there . all options can come with ice cream on top if you prefer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of pie do you want ?", "responses": ["i have no idea .", "i 'd really like some coconut cream pie", "i want pecan pie with whip cream", "if we could get some key lime pie that would be awesome", "i have a craving for some cherry pie"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have no idea .", "responses": ["do you want to know what kind of pie i like ?", "would you like a pecan pie ?", "would you prefer apple pie ?", "would you like to have a slice of key lime pie ?", "would you enjoy a blueberry pie ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want to know what kind of pie I like ?", "responses": ["sure , what kind do you like ?", "yes i would like that", "i do not think so", "i would guess you like apple pie ?", "why would i want to know that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure , what kind do you like ?", "responses": ["i love apple pie .", "i like apple pies .", "all pies are good to me !", "i hate all pies .", "i prefer pumpkin or key lime pies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I love apple pie .", "responses": ["oh , i love apple pie too .", "we do n't have any apple pie . what else do you like ?", "good choice . coming right up .", "let me see if we have any left", "would you like it a la mode ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I love apple pie too .", "responses": ["there you go . problem solved .", "awesome lets get apple pie !", "wow we are just so alike !", "i also really love cherry too though , what do you think ?", "i will run to the store and pick one up !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "There you go . Problem solved ."}], "index": 108} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's go now .", "responses": ["i 'll be with you in a minute .", "it 's too early to go now", "why where are we supposed to be going", "ok i 'm almost ready", "do you want me to drive or do you want to"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll be with you in a minute ."}], "index": 109} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "May I help you ?", "responses": ["yes . do you exchange foreign money here ?", "i 'm looking to buy something", "do you sell sports items", "yes what 's the average price for your product", "no thank you , but thank you for asking"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Do you exchange foreign money here ?", "responses": ["yes . our bank is authorized to deal with foreign exchange .", "yes what would you like to exchange ?", "yes , are you from another country ?", "yes are you going on vacation ?", "no , you can try the bank down the street ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . Our bank is authorized to deal with foreign exchange .", "responses": ["what kinds of currency do you change ?", "good , i have one million pesos", "do you transfer to the camen islands ?", "how serious do you take money laundering ?", "ugh , i hate foreigners ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kinds of currency do you change ?", "responses": ["we can change only three kinds of currency , usd , japanese yen and hk dollar in our savings office .", "we can exchange just about any type of money assuming the population of the country is above a certain range . what type of money are you interested in exchanging ?", "we can exchange anything other than assets , however we are adopting digital assets such as jpm coin and bitcoin if you 're interested .", "we 'll exchange anything based on fair market value at the time of trade , have you checked to make sure these values are what you expect ? if not i can pull it up for you .", "we mainly deal with the euro , yuan , peso , and usd . however we do have some outliers . what were you thinking of today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We can change only three kinds of currency , USD , Japanese Yen and HK Dollar in our savings office .", "responses": ["could you tell me what the exchange rate for usd is today ?", "ok great , can you change some yen to usd for me ?", "do you know where i can exchange euros ?", "i 'd like to change some hk dollars to yen please", "how much can i exchange at one time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you tell me what the exchange rate for USD is today ?", "responses": ["the buying rate is 826 . 44 yuan for 100 dollars .", "hold on , let me look that up .", "give me just a second , and i will look up that information .", "yes , just give me a moment to find out what it is .", "one moment , please , while i look up that information ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The buying rate is 826 . 44 yuan for 100 dollars .", "responses": ["i want to change some us dollars to cover my expense here .", "so 44 yuan is the equivalent of 100 dollars ?", "what does buying rate of 826 mean ?", "i do not understand what buying rate means", "is japanese yen the same thing as hk dollar ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to change some Us dollars to cover my expense here .", "responses": ["please go to counter no . 2 , the foreign exchange counter . it 's over there .", "ok , there is a 2 percent fee .", "no problem , are you on vacation here ?", "the bank down the street has a better exchange rate than here .", "how many usd do you want to exchange ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please go to Counter No . 2 , the foreign exchange counter . It's over there .", "responses": ["thank you .", "i ca n't see it from here . where is it again ?", "can they exchange 1000 us dollars ?", "how late are you open ?", "thank you very much . i 'll come back later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 110} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to see the man responsible for selling typewriters .", "responses": ["my name is steven . i 'm the sales manager of this company .", "why do you need to see him ?", "i did n't know anyone still used typewriters .", "do you want to buy one ?", "you should use a computer instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Steven . I'm the Sales Manager of this company .", "responses": ["well , look here . ten new typewriters were delivered to my company yesterday afternoon and only five of them work properly .", "how much do you charge ?", "do you operate this establishment ?", "hi there sir , i am with your local police department , your wife is dead .", "hello steven ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , look here . Ten new typewriters were delivered to my company yesterday afternoon and only five of them work properly .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry about that .", "wow that 's a very high rate ! i apologize for that . do you see any indications that they may have been damaged during shipping ?", "my deepest condolences sir / ma'm , i 'm gon na do what i can to get this sorted for you today . when you say they work improperly , would you care to elaborate on that ?", "we 'll get those sorted out for you right away . you know , we do our best to provide good service but sometimes there are instances where people fall through the cracks . that goes for any business , but what matters is how the company responds to make this right for the customer . that 's what i intend to do .", "we can get that fixed for you immediately . i 'll make sure personally you wo n't experience this problem again . do you have an order number or receipt for the transaction ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm sorry about that .", "responses": ["never mind being sorry , what are you going to do about it ?", "i 'd like you to send replacements for those typewriters asap .", "i want you to fix this problem as soon as you can", "this is unacceptable , you need to send working replacements immediately", "when can i expect you to have working replacements sent out ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Never mind being sorry , what are you going to do about it ?", "responses": ["do n't worry , we 'll soon fix them .", "what are the specific problems that you are having with the typewriters that are not working properly ?", "were the typewriters damaged when they were delivered to your company ?", "what model of typewriters did you receive ?", "can i have your purchase order information so i can see what typewriters that are not working properly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't worry , we'll soon fix them .", "responses": ["good , i hope you 'll make sure that it wo n't happen again .", "how will you fix them ?", "when will you fix them ?", "that is a vague response", "i do not appreciate this lack of customer service"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good , I hope you'll make sure that it won't happen again .", "responses": ["i 'll certainly look into that .", "we will try our best .", "absolutely , i have also offered you a discount on your next order .", "of course , customer service is our number 1 priority .", "we have fired the man responsible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll certainly look into that .", "responses": ["thank you . goodbye .", "when can i expect replacements ?", "what if i want a refund ?", "can you take care of it today ?", "how are you going to take care of it exactly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Goodbye ."}], "index": 111} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm looking for a string of pearls for my wife .", "responses": ["yes , sir . what price range do you have in mind ?", "how much do you want to spend ?", "that 's nice of you to do for her .", "is it her birthday ? why are you getting them ?", "i think pearls look cool ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , sir . What price range do you have in mind ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure . i do n't know very much about the price of pearls .", "i am looking in the $ 200 - $ 300 range .", "i would like something relatively cheap .", "money is no object , show me your most expensive wares .", "i am on a constrained budget , so something not to expensive would be nice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not sure . I don't know very much about the price of pearls .", "responses": ["i see . let me show you some samples of various qualities . this one is very nice . it 's three hundred and fifty dollars .", "certainly , i can show you the differences and nuances in our selection and you can decide from there .", "of course sir , not uncommon at all . i will provide you with the information and basics and then you can make a decision for yourself , does that sound fair ?", "no problem , that 's why we 're here . what 's the price range you looking to spend on this ? i can figure out your best options from there .", "not a problem at all , i would say the average market value for pearls can be anywhere from _ _ _ to _ _ _ , and really you can go a little higher or lower from there depending on a variety of factors . would you like me to show you some examples ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see . Let me show you some samples of various qualities . This one is very nice . It's three hundred and fifty dollars .", "responses": ["is there a price reduction ?", "that sounds a little steep .", "they are very pretty .", "that is right at the amount i am willing to pay .", "it 's my wife . i can pay a lot more than that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there a price reduction ?", "responses": ["we are having a sale now . the price has already gone down .", "these are n't on sale at the moment .", "i 'm sorry , sir , these are n't discounted at the moment .", "no , sir , perhaps you could let me know your budget so i would have a better idea of what may best fit your needs ?", "these are n't on special at the moment , sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We are having a sale now . The price has already gone down .", "responses": ["how much is that one ?", "can i get a discount on top of that ?", "how much has the price gone down ?", "will the price go down again ?", "how long does the sale last ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is that one ?", "responses": ["it 's two hundred and eighty dollars .", "it is now $ 300 .", "it doesn", "it does n't matter , i would n't recommend this one .", "it costs $ 250 but the sale ends today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's two hundred and eighty dollars .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll take it . thank you .", "can you show me another one ?", "how much is it regularly ?", "how long is it ?", "do you think my wife will like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . I'll take it . Thank you ."}], "index": 112} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i would like to buy a walkman . can you tell me about the models you have ?", "yes , i need to return a item", "no you can not", "i do not think you can help me", "i hope that you can because i need a solution to this problem"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I would like to buy a Walkman . Can you tell me about the models you have ?", "responses": ["well , we have a lot of models here . did you want to listen to cd 's or cassettes or the radio ?", "we have an entry model and an advanced model .", "well , what kind of music do you like to listen to ?", "i would n't recommend a walkman .", "we do n't sell any ; you 're in the wrong store ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , we have a lot of models here . Did you want to listen to CD's or cassettes or the radio ?", "responses": ["mostly cassette tapes .", "i want to listen to cds", "i want to listen to the radio", "i want to listen to cassettes", "i want to listen to all three of those"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mostly cassette tapes .", "responses": ["alright . there are several models you may want to look at . this kreng portable cassette player is very good .", "ok , and of the many colors available do you have a specific color you like ?", "great ! let me look up what models we have that will work for you .", "what features would you like on your walkman ?", "are there any specific brands you are looking at ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Alright . There are several models you may want to look at . This Kreng portable cassette player is very good .", "responses": ["kreng ? i 've never heard of that company .", "does that have a radio as well ?", "is there another option you would recommend ?", "what price range is that model in ?", "does it include headphones ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Kreng ? I've never heard of that company .", "responses": ["it 's a german company . this unit has auto - reverse , recording capability , and an am / fm radio band . it also has a built - in microphone .", "they have a very good reputation .", "we have another brand of similar price .", "nobody has ever returned with a complaint after purchasing one of their products .", "do you have a problem trying out a new brand ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a German company . This unit has auto-reverse , recording capability , and an AM / FM radio band . It also has a built-in microphone .", "responses": ["i suppose i do n't want that one then . i do n't like auto - reverse . it breaks too easily .", "what else can it do ?", "when was this produced ?", "where in germany is it located ?", "is the company profitable ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I suppose I don't want that one then . I don't like auto-reverse . It breaks too easily .", "responses": ["really ? have you had an auto - reverse break before ?", "most of the units have auto reverse now .", "we have other models to choose from .", "do you have a favorite brand ?", "what do you think of sony ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Have you had an auto-reverse break before ?", "responses": ["yes , twice now . i think it 's too high - tech , and so it 's the first part that breaks .", "i have and it was very frustrating .", "i have read many reviews about the auto - reverse breaking .", "the auto - reverse just is n't a feature that i want .", "can you please try to find me a model without the auto - reverse feature ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , twice now . I think it's too high-tech , and so it's the first part that breaks .", "responses": ["hmm . you know , the problem might be dust . did you clean the unit often ?", "so , i guess i will not take on with auto - reverse .", "i have never had auto - reverse break on me .", "i 'm glad that you told me that .", "is there any other things i should be worried about ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hmm . You know , the problem might be dust . Did you clean the unit often ?", "responses": ["well . no , i did n't clean it . but still , i only had the last one two months , and it broke . i do n't trust auto - reverse .", "i should have thought of that", "i have n't , is that what might be the problem ?", "i have cleaned it", "i have cleaned it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . No , I didn't clean it . But still , I only had the last one two months , and it broke . I don't trust auto-reverse .", "responses": ["alright . well . we have many units without auto - reverse . here is a good unit . very reliable . it has an am / fm band , built - in microphone , recording capability , and no auto - reverse .", "let me show you some other models without auto - reverse .", "i could show you a good way to properly clean out the device .", "samsung is another popular company that makes cassette tape players without auto - reverse .", "can you tell me the other brands you have used ? that way we can find you a different one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Alright . Well . We have many units without auto-reverse . Here is a good unit . Very reliable . It has an AM / FM band , built-in microphone , recording capability , and no auto-reverse .", "responses": ["how much is it ?", "does it have a warranty ?", "what are the customer approval ratings ?", "do you sell a cleaning kit for it ?", "have you used this one yourself ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is it ?", "responses": ["this one sells for $ 39 . 99 .", "depends , how much you got ?", "before we got into price , will you be financing or using cash or credit ?", "without the auto - reverse , about $ 35", "are you trading in your old device ? if so , it will be much cheaper ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This one sells for $ 39 . 99 .", "responses": ["can i test it out ?", "what is the brand name of the unit ?", "do you have a customer review rating for that option ?", "how long have you carried that product ?", "i may be interested in that one , does it come in black ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I test it out ?", "responses": ["of course .", "yes please feel free to try it for yourself .", "absolutely , i encourage that !", "no problem , and let me know if you have any additional questions .", "unfortunately we do n't have any demo units available ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course .", "responses": ["it sounds great . i 'll take it .", "do you offer other colors ?", "is this a typical price ?", "do you think i can find it cheaper ?", "do you sell any other brand names ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "It sounds great . I'll take it .", "responses": ["fine . i think you 'll be happy with it . it 's a very good unit . very reliable . i 'll go get you a new one in a box . i will be back in just a moment .", "any more questions about the product ?", "i hope you enjoy your purchase .", "wonderful . i hope this lasts longer than two months now .", "great . i 'll get it ready for you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Fine . I think you'll be happy with it . It's a very good unit . Very reliable . I'll go get you a new one in a box . I will be back in just a moment .", "responses": ["thanks .", "thanks a lot .", "i 'll wait here .", "can you tell me if it comes with a warranty ?", "do i need any accessories for it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks ."}], "index": 113} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me about yourself .", "responses": ["i was born and raised in beijing . i attended peking university and received my bachelor 's degree in economics . i have worked for 2 years as a financial consultant in beijing for china pacific insurance co . ltd .", "well i am from the usa and i live in colorado", "sure , what exactly would you like to know ?", "ok , i m a married woman with no kids .", "absolutely i just recently graduated and am looking forward to moving back to utah soon , what else would you like to know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was born and raised in Beijing . I attended Peking University and received my bachelor's degree in Economics . I have worked for 2 years as a financial consultant in Beijing for China Pacific Insurance Co . Ltd .", "responses": ["what type of position are you looking for ?", "how many years did it take you to attain your degree ?", "do you enjoy being in your home city ?", "are you happy with your job at china pacific ?", "do you have any children ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What type of position are you looking for ?", "responses": ["i 'm looking for a position in which i can utilize my experience .", "an entry level position .", "a position that has a chance to advance .", "a long term opportunity to grow with the company .", "something that involves a lot of travel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience .", "responses": ["are you interested in a full - time or part - time position ?", "what are your skills ?", "what can you do for our company ?", "can you make our company better ?", "are you good at writing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position ?", "responses": ["i am more interested in a full - time position . however , i would also consider a part - time position .", "definitely full time .", "part time for now , but maybe more in the future .", "i 'm not sure , what is available ?", "full time , depending on scheduling ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am more interested in a full-time position . However , I would also consider a part-time position .", "responses": ["can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job ?", "are you available to work late nights if needed ?", "what are your salary requirements ?", "what do you expect to get out of a career here ?", "what are your long term goals with our company ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job ?", "responses": ["i advised customers on financial matters . after i consulted the customer , i completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database . i then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client . the clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that i formulated on a quarterly basis .", "i prepared financial documents .", "i worked closely with clients to improve their financials", "i brought new clients to the firm .", "i went over day to day operations of the firms numbers ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I advised customers on financial matters . After I consulted the customer , I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database . I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client . The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis .", "responses": ["what is your greatest strength ?", "do you think your family could adjust to life here ?", "do you have school - age children because we have a great school system .", "how long have you been in this country ?", "where do you see yourself in 5 years ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your greatest strength ?", "responses": ["i am an excellent communicator . people trust me and come to me for advice . one afternoon , my colleague was involved with a troublesome customer who felt he was not being served well . i made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together .", "i am excellent at understanding a customers need .", "i work very well with groups of people on projects and other large tasks .", "i am very quick when it comes to getting my work completed and ready for clients .", "i enjoy working with other people ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am an excellent communicator . People trust me and come to me for advice . One afternoon , my colleague was involved with a troublesome customer who felt he was not being served well . I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together .", "responses": ["what is your greatest weakness ?", "great , you got the job", "i m sorry but your overqualified for this position", "i think you would be more suited for a different department .", "but can you play fortnite ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your greatest weakness ?", "responses": ["i tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied . however , i began setting time - limits for myself .", "my greatness weakness is that i often care too much what people think . for example , if someone criticizes me to harshly i will take offense .", "i tend to take my work home with me which can often make it difficult for me to unwind and relax .", "my greatness weakness is definitely in regards to just working too hard . i care so much about my job that i often work myself into the ground at times because i want to succeed that badly !", "my greatness weakness is not knowing when to quit . i care so much about everything and i ensure that i put 100 % effort into everything i do . i do not like failure but sometimes something is n't possible to accomplish yet i will still try ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied . However , I began setting time-limits for myself .", "responses": ["why do you want to work for our company ?", "what types of hobbies do you have ?", "where do you picture yourself career wise in 5 years ?", "can you give me an example of one time you had an issue with a customer or co - worker and how you handled the situation ?", "are you interested in continuing your education if offered through he company ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you want to work for our company ?", "responses": ["after following your firm 's progress for the last 3 years , i am convinced that your company is becoming one of the market leaders and i would like to be a part of that team .", "i have been using your software for years and i 'm convinced it 's the best on the market . i would take great pride in working here .", "i noticed the company gives back quite a bit to the community and this is in line with my general life philosophy .", "i 've read your company 's mission and vision for the future . it is exactly in line with my career goals .", "your company has been at the forefront of innovation . i 'm looking for a company that is constantly growing and innovating ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "After following your firm's progress for the last 3 years , I am convinced that your company is becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be a part of that team .", "responses": ["when can you begin ?", "what is your work ethic ?", "how well do you work in a team ?", "how are your communication skills ?", "are you comfortable giving presentations to clients ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When can you begin ?", "responses": ["immediately .", "i can begin right away .", "i am ready to get started at any time .", "i am eager to get started as soon as i can .", "when do you need me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Immediately ."}], "index": 114} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please tell me how to file things according to the concerned rules .", "responses": ["well , all right . there are four points you should keep in mind when you file documents , information and other things .", "absolutely do you have a pen and paper handy ?", "ok give me a few minutes to finish my work and i will show you .", "file things ? i do nt know you will have to ask rebecca .", "sure all purple documents go into file a and blue ones go into file b."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , all right . There are four points you should keep in mind when you file documents , information and other things .", "responses": ["what are they ?", "what is the first thing to keep in mind ?", "so the rules are the same for all types of files ?", "okay . i 'm ready .", "what are the four points ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are they ?", "responses": ["they are keep the documents in chronological order , remove all the chips and pins , punch the documents evenly and place them in the folder .", "first look at the top line .", "you may want to take notes .", "did you get the notes earlier ?", "i 'd like to walk you through it slowly , step by step ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They are keep the documents in chronological order , remove all the chips and pins , punch the documents evenly and place them in the folder .", "responses": ["and what is the most important point ?", "where should i put them ?", "do i need to organize them ?", "what type of documents are they ?", "where are the documents ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And what is the most important point ?", "responses": ["you should always remember that one customer one file is the rule .", "take your time and do a great job .", "try not to get too stressed out over it .", "use your best judgement .", "remember , nothing is life or death here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You should always remember that one customer one file is the rule ."}], "index": 115} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , look at all those new buildings going up ! Mr . Zhang , the traffic is pretty smooth . But we were told the roads from the airport to downtown were quite crowded and traffic jams could be as long as half an hour .", "responses": ["yes , they were . but it has already past . the traffic from the airport to downtown has been relieved after the completion of yan'an aerial road .", "ok , do you know any back ways to avoid the traffic ?", "hmmm , do you think you could get us there sooner than that ?", "no problem you ca nt control traffic !", "that s ok i will just relax and enjoy the ride ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , they were . But it has already past . The traffic from the airport to downtown has been relieved after the completion of Yan'an Aerial Road .", "responses": ["we 've never expected that shanghai is such a big metropolis , same as new york city . david , would it be a good idea to rent a car here ? i 've got an international driver 's license with a pretty good record in the states .", "fantastic !", "i am glad to hear that .", "great . so it should be a quick trip .", "oh good . i guess we are lucky then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We've never expected that Shanghai is such a big metropolis , same as New York city . David , would it be a good idea to rent a car here ? I've got an international driver's license with a pretty good record in the States .", "responses": ["that 's wonderful . ok . i 'll remember that . but i have to warn you that you must drive very carefully in the downtown area , for there 're no separate lanes for motor vehicles and bicycles in some places , and still quite a few people do n't take road regulations seriously .", "that 's a fine idea .", "you 'd be better off with a taxi .", "i do n't think you 're experienced with our traffic .", "you 'll prefer an uber ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's wonderful . OK . I'll remember that . But I have to warn you that you must drive very carefully in the downtown area , for there're no separate lanes for motor vehicles and bicycles in some places , and still quite a few people don't take road regulations seriously ."}], "index": 116} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This house is not looking all that great from here", "responses": ["you ca n't really tell everything about a house from the outside . let 's go inside .", "would you like to check out a different house ?", "what do you find unappealing about it ?", "do you want to take a closer look to make sure ?", "is there something specific you are looking for in a house ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can ' t really tell everything about a house from the outside . Let ' s go inside .", "responses": ["i do n't think that it is looking any better inside here .", "okay , but i 'm not promising anything .", "i do n't need to go in to know if i like it .", "let 's go look elsewhere .", "i think we need to keep looking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don ' t think that it is looking any better inside here .", "responses": ["i think that fresh paint and cleaning would help it look a little better .", "why is it not looking good ?", "can you fix it ?", "why is it not looking so great ?", "is it possible to look better ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think that fresh paint and cleaning would help it look a little better .", "responses": ["it is just too dark in here with so few windows .", "i think it needs more than that !", "look at how dated everything in the kitchen is .", "a major remodel is needed for this .", "i 'd rather look at another house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is just too dark in here with so few windows .", "responses": ["i hear that the kitchen is quite large . let 's go check it out .", "i think that adding some additional lighting may brighten things up s bit .", "maybe we can add a window to let in more natural light .", "i think that the lighting is sufficient considering the size of the house .", "i think that painting the walls in a bright color might make the place seem a little bit brighter ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I hear that the kitchen is quite large . Let ' s go check it out .", "responses": ["the kitchen may be large , but it does n't have any storage space .", "i do not think the house is worth it .", "the kitchen can not make up for the rest of the house .", "the house needs way more than the a new kitchen", "why do you think a kitchen would change my mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "The kitchen may be large , but it doesn ' t have any storage space .", "responses": ["the master suite is supposed to be quite elegant . maybe it will be a little better .", "what about the basement ?", "is there space for a garden ?", "is the garage big enough for two cars .", "let remodel it and make it bigger then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The master suite is supposed to be quite elegant . Maybe it will be a little better .", "responses": ["how many dogs live in this house ?", "the closets are way to small .", "the bathroom has a very small mirror .", "the lighting in here is really bad .", "there is only one window in the master suite ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many dogs live in this house ?", "responses": ["i think that we have seen all that we need to see here . let 's go look at another house .", "no dogs live here at the moment which is why it is so clean .", "there are several dogs living here but they are all well behaved .", "not many , do you like dogs ?", "no dogs live here but there are cats ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think that we have seen all that we need to see here . Let ' s go look at another house ."}], "index": 117} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , waiter , I would like to have some wine before the main course .", "responses": ["have you decided what wine you would like ?", "what type of wine ?", "how many glasses of wine ?", "which wine do you prefer ?", "do you prefer white or red ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you decided what wine you would like ?", "responses": ["i have no idea . maybe you can give me some advice .", "i would like something to go with the cuisine .", "i am thinking a french wine .", "i 'd like a california wine .", "something in the medium price range ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have no idea . Maybe you can give me some advice .", "responses": ["i recommend you the white wine . it will wake up your appetite .", "well we have a nice white wine that is slightly sweet .", "we have a red wine that is rated very highly .", "we have a wine that will go well with your appetizers .", "what is your preference in wines ? do you like sweet wines or do you like bold , dry wines ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I recommend you the white wine . It will wake up your appetite .", "responses": ["that 's great , bring me a bottle of that please .", "ok , i will take the white wine .", "is that your best recommendation ?", "i already have a good appetite .", "does it go well with my meal ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's great , bring me a bottle of that please ."}], "index": 118} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Come on ! It's time to go !", "responses": ["wait a minute ! just hold your horses ! what 's your hurry , anyway ?", "i 'm ready ! lets go !", "i 'm right behind you !", "i 'll race you there !", "lead the way !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wait a minute ! Just hold your horses ! What's your hurry , anyway ?", "responses": ["well , i 've got to stop and get gas in the car , first .", "i do not want to me late .", "i want to get a good seat ?", "i do not want to miss any of the movie", "i want to see the opening act ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I've got to stop and get gas in the car , first .", "responses": ["that wo n't take long .", "okay , i 'm coming now !", "i 'll be there in a minute", "how much gas do you have left ?", "i 'll hurry up now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That won't take long .", "responses": ["well , it wo n't if there no line at the pump .", "the station i like to use is always busy .", "we have to hurry since the movie starts soon .", "we have to hurry since the movie starts soon .", "you always take to long to get ready to go !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , it won't if there no line at the pump .", "responses": ["well , i 'm not quite ready .", "hey , relax , we 've got time .", "there are plenty of pumps at the corner gas station .", "we 're fine , we 're leaving ahead of schedule anyway .", "you 're going to have a heart attack if you go on this way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I'm not quite ready .", "responses": ["i 'll give you five more minutes , then i 'm going on without you !", "get ready , i ai nt waiting for you", "i got a plane to catch , come on", "its the end of the world and you want me to wait while you do your hair ?", "if there is a line when we get there your paying for lunch ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll give you five more minutes , then I'm going on without you !", "responses": ["you would n't do a thing like that !", "i will just be another minute .", "i really hope you would n't leave without me !", "quit worrying ! i 'll be done in a second .", "the more you rush me the longer its going to take !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You wouldn't do a thing like that !", "responses": ["oh , yes , i would !", "yes i know i was just joking !", "just watch me !", "you are right i am too nice .", "you think i wo n't ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , yes , I would !"}], "index": 119} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I wonder if I can see your mother , little boy . Is she engaged ?", "responses": ["engaged ? she 's married .", "why ? you wanna marry her ?", "my mommy told me not to talk to strangers .", "most likely , she got a cool ring on her finger .", "why ca nt you see her ? are you blind ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Engaged ? She ' s married .", "responses": ["johnny , i wish you 'd stop reaching for things . have n't you a tongue ?", "when did she get married ?", "how long has your mother been married ?", "i had no idea your mother had gotten married .", "well , can i see your father as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Johnny , I wish you ' d stop reaching for things . Haven ' t you a tongue ?", "responses": ["yes , mother , but my arm is longer .", "yes i have a tongue !", "i am not reaching for anything !", "i do n't know what you are talking about .", "i only reach for things i need ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , Mother , but my arm is longer ."}], "index": 120} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello ! Tomorrow I'm going to need a wake-up call .", "responses": ["not a problem . what time shall we call you ?", "i can have the hotel remind you .", "i can have customer service give you a call .", "you can set the alarm in your room to wake up .", "i can have someone knock on your door to remind you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not a problem . What time shall we call you ?", "responses": ["i always hit the snooze button , so give me two calls , one at 7 and another at 7 fifteen .", "schedule it for 5 am please .", "please call me at 4:45am .", "oh , 6:30 should be fine . thank you !", "uh , 7:15 should be good . thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I always hit the snooze button , so give me two calls , one at 7 and another at 7 fifteen .", "responses": ["it 'll be our pleasure . we 'll call you at 7 and then at 7 fifteen .", "ok , i will give you a wake - up call at 7 and 7 fifteen .", "is there anything else i can help you with ?", "would you like in - room breakfast after your wake up call ?", "would you like to set up the same wakeup call for the rest of your stay ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It'll be our pleasure . We'll call you at 7 and then at 7 fifteen .", "responses": ["oops , cancel that . change the second call to 7 thirty will you , please ?", "great !", "thank you . good night !", "that sounds great thanks !", "perfect , thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oops , cancel that . Change the second call to 7 thirty will you , please ?", "responses": ["no sooner said than done . can i help you with anything else ?", "7 thirty . i have it changed .", "we 'll call you at 7 thirty then .", "not a problem . 7 thirty , not 7 fifteen .", "ok . 7 and 7 thirty ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No sooner said than done . Can I help you with anything else ?", "responses": ["no , that 's about it for now . thanks .", "no , i 'm all set .", "nope , that 's all i need .", "any chance i can have coffee sent up after the second call ?", "if i do n't answer either call , can you add a third one for 7:40 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , that's about it for now . Thanks .", "responses": ["okay , sir . have a pleasant evening .", "our pleasure . have a good night !", "enjoy your stay .", "have a good night , we 'll call you in the morning !", "you 're very welcome ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay , sir . Have a pleasant evening ."}], "index": 121} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you seen our new packing specifications ?", "responses": ["yes , i have , mr . thomas . we 'll pack them two dozen to one carton , and the gross weight is around 25 kilos a carton .", "do you prefer this one better ?", "no , please tell me the changes ?", "who decided the new specifications ?", "is this new system more efficient ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have , Mr . Thomas . We'll pack them two dozen to one carton , and the gross weight is around 25 kilos a carton ."}], "index": 122} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm really in a flap about the interview .", "responses": ["take it easy . you 've made enough preparations .", "oh no ! what happened ?", "oh really ? did it not go well ?", "i 'm sure you did fine ! do n't worry .", "i would be too ! i hate interviews ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Take it easy . you ' Ve made enough preparations .", "responses": ["i 'm in such a need of the job that i ca n't afford any mistakes .", "i do n't think i did a good job communicating to them .", "i should have been more positive before i went into the interview .", "i was really nervous .", "i was n't sure if they liked me ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm in such a need of the job that I can't afford any mistakes .", "responses": ["i 'm sure you 'll pass it .", "you will do fine .", "let 's do some practice interviews .", "let 's go over your resume .", "when is the interview ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sure you'll pass it ."}], "index": 123} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think my briefcase is big enough to put in all these stuff ?", "responses": ["let me see . laptop , flash disk , a ballpoint pen , a pencil , a notebook , a pair of glasses , cell phone , charger , moisture lotion , ... oh , that is too much . you are not going to a business trip .", "yes , i think it will fit .", "the large bulky items may be troublesome .", "no , i think some items are too big .", "you may need a bigger briefcase ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me see . Laptop , flash disk , a ballpoint pen , a pencil , a notebook , a pair of glasses , cell phone , charger , moisture lotion , ... Oh , that is too much . You are not going to a business trip .", "responses": ["i guess i need all of them .", "maybe you should think about bringing along a separate bag .", "better to be prepared for the trip then leave something behind .", "why do n't you just bring a backpack to hold everything ?", "be sure to bring an extra shirt too , just in case ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess I need all of them .", "responses": ["actually , the company will provide you with all of these supplies . so , you can leave this very thick notebook at home .", "what size is your laptop ?", "you might be able to squeeze it all in , if you pack it right .", "are you sure there 's nothing you can eliminate ?", "what items are most important on your list ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Actually , the company will provide you with all of these supplies . So , you can leave this very thick notebook at home .", "responses": ["i know . but it is my lucky charm . i carry it all the time .", "ok that should help fit everything in .", "what about pens and pencils ?", "maybe i should keep it but just bring a bigger bag .", "packing is so stressful !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I know . But it is my lucky charm . I carry it all the time .", "responses": ["suit yourself . do n't forget to set the alarm clock .", "okay , it is up to you .", "well , just bring it .", "fine , just take it .", "then take it with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Suit yourself . Don ' t forget to set the alarm clock ."}], "index": 124} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I know where you are going ?", "responses": ["yes . i want to go to beijing hotel .", "i am going out .", "i already told you earlier , were you not listening ?", "i 'll be right back . do n't worry .", "just running errands ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . I want to go to Beijing Hotel .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . you are going in the wrong direction .", "do you need to make any stops on the way ?", "how many passengers will you have ?", "do you have a specific route you want to take ?", "what time do you need to leave ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry . You are going in the wrong direction .", "responses": ["oh no ! what shall i do ?", "can you redirect me ?", "oh no , which way is the hotel then ?", "how far in the other direction is it ?", "i am so turned around !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh no ! What shall I do ?", "responses": ["do n't worry . you can get off at the next stop and go across the street through the overpass . the bus stop is right there .", "can you check google map for me for the direction ?", "i 'm afraid it will take us 20 minutes more to go to beijing hotel .", "just sit and relax . i 'll take you there for sure !", "go to the next intersection and take a u - turn . then follow the main road until you see big avenue and you turn right . beijing hotel will be on your right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't worry . You can get off at the next stop and go across the street through the overpass . The bus stop is right there .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "oh ok ! thanks !", "and the bus will take me to the hotel ?", "will that be the bus stop i need to go the hotel ?", "ok , so , i just do that and then i can get to the hotel on the bus , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much .", "responses": ["my pleasure .", "you 're welcome !", "no problem , have fun !", "sure thing .", "i hope you enjoy it !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My pleasure ."}], "index": 125} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Steven , shall we go shopping tomorrow ?", "responses": ["hum ... why not go shopping the day after tomorrow ? tomorrow is saturday . i hate all the hustle and bustle of saturday shopping .", "sure , what time do you want to go ?", "i can go after lunch .", "yeah , i could use a few things from the store .", "could we go the following day instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hum ... Why not go shopping the day after tomorrow ? Tomorrow is Saturday . I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping .", "responses": ["but sunday is the same with saturday . if you do n't mind , that 's ok .", "sure , sunday is fine too .", "i 'd prefer tomorrow to sunday honestly .", "you 're right , it 'll be too crazy .", "sunday will be even worse ! ! !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But Sunday is the same with Saturday . If you don ' t mind , that's OK .", "responses": ["hum . maybe it will be better . the most important thing is that i can have a day to relax after a week 's work .", "sunday is family day . families usually stay together and do less shopping than on saturday . so i prefer saturday more .", "okay if sunday does n't work for you , then we go shopping tomorrow .", "saturday is usually the busiest shopping day . i prefer not to do shopping on saturday . sorry about that .", "okay , shall we go earlier tomorrow to avoid the crowds ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hum . Maybe it will be better . The most important thing is that I can have a day to relax after a week's work .", "responses": ["i see . we will go the day after tomorrow .", "yes , we all need a day to relax .", "i think it will be better . sunday is better for relaxing anyway .", "great , so we 'll go tomorrow then .", "perfect , so we 'll shop tomorrow and relax on sunday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see . We will go the day after tomorrow .", "responses": ["by the way , what kind of stores do we need to go ?", "great - thanks !", "sounds like a plan .", "looking forward to it .", "thanks for understanding ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "By the way , what kind of stores do we need to go ?", "responses": ["i want to buy some clothes in clothing store . when we are going back , go to the butcher 's shop and buy some chicken .", "you said you needed new clothes and i need some too .", "we need some new shoes that are comfortable to walk around", "we need some active outfits to go hiking .", "we need some runninng shoes so maybe a shoe store"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to buy some clothes in clothing store . When we are going back , go to the butcher's shop and buy some chicken .", "responses": ["let 's also go to the jewelry store to buy a crystal necklace . i want to buy one for you as your birthday present .", "let 's start at neiman marcus .", "i like to shop for clothing at macy 's .", "what clothing store do you want to go to ?", "do you want business clothing or casual clothing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let ' s also go to the jewelry store to buy a crystal necklace . I want to buy one for you as your birthday present .", "responses": ["thank you , darling .", "that is so nice of you , steven !", "that is so nice of you , steven !", "what a lovely surprise !", "i am shocked ! you really had me going ..."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , darling ."}], "index": 126} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you seen the tower in front of us . That's the famous Eiffel Tower . It was built in 1889 for the World's Fair .", "responses": ["how tall is this building ?", "who has n't seen the eiffel tower before ? !", "only in pictures ! how incredible !", "it 's magnificent . how tall is it ?", "can we climb it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How tall is this building ?", "responses": ["it stands 320 m ( 1050 ft ) high and held the record as the world 's tallest structure until 1930 .", "it is 5000 feet tall .", "i 'm not sure , but it is at least as tall as a 30 floors building .", "i guess it is 5000 feet tall .", "let me google it . oh , it is 300 feet tall ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It stands 320m ( 1050ft ) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930 .", "responses": ["i have heard its name is connected with someone , is that right ?", "how many visitors come to it every year ?", "how do you reach the top ?", "are you allowed to go to the top of it ?", "how much does it cost to go to the observation deck ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I have heard its name is connected with someone , is that right ?", "responses": ["yes , the towel was named after its designer gustave eiffel .", "yes , it 's named for the person who designed it .", "i 've heard that too !", "it was named for gustave eiffel , whose company designed and built the tower .", "that is right !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , the towel was named after its designer Gustave Eiffel ."}], "index": 127} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good afternoon ! Trans Pacific Airline . How can I help you ?", "responses": ["i 'm calling to cancel my reservation for trans pacific flight 8 on july 19 from taipei to minneapolis . could you please make it for the same flight on august 2 instead of july 19 ?", "i want to check whether ua123 flight is on schedule tomorrow ?", "i would like to book a flight from chicago to new york on may 20 .", "i would like to know the luggage requirements of your domestic flights .", "can you reserve seats for my flight # 123 for tomorrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m calling to cancel my reservation for Trans Pacific Flight 8 on July 19 from Taipei to Minneapolis . Could you please make it for the same flight on August 2 instead of July 19 ?", "responses": ["what 's your name , please ?", "yes , i can definitely help you with that .", "yes , i can get that taken care of for you .", "yes , i will make that change right away .", "yes , i can make that change for you . do you have a seat preference ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s your name , please ?", "responses": ["my name is judy wang .", "my name is sarah .", "my last name is jones .", "my full name is sarah jones .", "the reservation is under the name sarah jones ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Judy Wang .", "responses": ["how do you spell your name , please ?", "there may be a cancelation fee .", "would you like to book a hotel with your flight ?", "would you like to book any transportation with your flight ?", "the same flight on august 2 is booked . would you like to try another day ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you spell your name , please ?", "responses": ["my first name is j - u - d - y , and my last name is w - a - n - g .", "it is \" w \" \" a \" \" n \" \" g \"", "just like bang , but with a \" w \" instead of a \" b \" .", "just like it sounds , w , a , n , g .", "my last name is \" w \" , \" a \" , \" n \" , \" g \""]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My first name is J-U-D-Y , and my last name is W-A-N-G .", "responses": ["please note that this ticket has a penalty of $ 75 for any change or cancellation .", "and to confirm , you would like to reschedule your reservation for trans pacific flight 8 from taipei to minneapolis that is currently scheduled for july 19 to august 2 ?", "can you confirm the time of the flight on your reservation ?", "what is your address and phone number ?", "thank you for the information ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please note that this ticket has a penalty of $ 75 for any change or cancellation .", "responses": ["it 's ok . where should i pay for the penalty ?", "is that the standard charge ?", "is that for any changes whatsoever ?", "is a medical emergency still charged if a change is needed ?", "will the airline waive the fee in the event of an emergency ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It ' s OK . Where should I pay for the penalty ?", "responses": ["at the airport . ok , miss . wang , your flight 8 on july 19 from taipei to minneapolis is canceled . your new reservation is trans pacific flight 8 from taipei to minneapolis at 9 thirty a . m . on august 2 .", "you can call us at 1 - 800 tran - paci", "i would be happy to take that payment here", "there is a 3.75 fee for over the phone or you can go to our website", "we will send you a bill with the instructions"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "At the airport . OK , Miss . Wang , your Flight 8 on July 19 from Taipei to Minneapolis is canceled . Your new reservation is Trans Pacific Flight 8 from Taipei to Minneapolis at 9 thirty a . m . on August 2 .", "responses": ["that 's 1poj7403 .", "ok , that sounds fine to me . thanks !", "oh , how long does this usually takes to process .", "and once i arrive there , who do i need to see ?", "thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s 1POJ7403 .", "responses": ["that 's correct .", "yes that is the correct number .", "yes mam , what else can i assist you with ?", "yes that is right , you will also need you itinerary number which is 2234 .", "that is the correct flight number , yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s correct .", "responses": ["thank you !", "thank you for your help .", "thank your for changing my flight .", "thank you , that 's all i need today .", "thank you and have a good day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you !", "responses": ["is there anything else i can do for you ?", "you 're welcome !", "is there anything else ?", "thanks for your business !", "enjoy your flight !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything else I can do for you ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 'm all set . good - bye .", "no , i think that 's everything .", "upi", "you 've been a big help . thank you again .", "may i speak to your supervisor to tell them you 've been a big help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thanks . I ' m all set . Good-bye ."}], "index": 128} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this supply ?", "responses": ["yeah . this is supply . what can i do for you ?", "this is supply .", "yes , you 've reached supply . how can i help ?", "yes , it is . can i help with something ?", "yes , this is supply . what can i assist you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah . This is supply . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["this is rachel in human resources . i need two boxes of company letterhead , one box of ball - point pens , and a box of envelopes .", "i have a question about purchasing .", "i was hoping you could help me with a question i have .", "could you answer a question for me ?", "do you know if a certain product is in stock ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This is Rachel in Human Resources . I need two boxes of company letterhead , one box of ball-point pens , and a box of envelopes .", "responses": ["all right . no problem . what 's your extension ?", "ok , i will send them as soon as possible .", "is there anything else you need ?", "is there a specific time that you need these ?", "message received . i will send them out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "All right . No problem . What ' s your extension ?"}], "index": 129} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "John , I ' d like you to meet Charles Brown , our new manager at the airport .", "responses": ["yes , certainly . how can i recognize him ?", "hi , its so nice to meet you , how was your trip", "hi , i 've been waiting to meet you", "hi , how do you like being the manager", "it 's so great to meet you , i 've heard so many great things about you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , certainly . How can I recognize him ?", "responses": ["he is short , well - built , and he 's got light blond hair .", "he has blond hair and wears glasses with black plastic rims .", "you can carry this sign and stand at the concourse exit .", "here is a photo of him on my smartphone .", "he is coming from hawaii and will be wearing a hawaiian shirt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is short , well-built , and he ' s got light blond hair .", "responses": ["is there anything else ?", "by \" well - built , \" do you mean muscular ?", "what is his approximate age ?", "do you know how he will be dressed ?", "where does his flight originate ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything else ?", "responses": ["he has a mustache , if i remember correctly , and a light complexion .", "can you get more explicit ?", "about how old is he ?", "he usually wears a hat .", "he 'll be the only one with a suit on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He has a mustache , if I remember correctly , and a light complexion .", "responses": ["how old is he ?", "okay , is he older ?", "is he younger or older ?", "what color eyes ?", "does he wear glasses or anything else that would make him stand out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How old is he ?", "responses": ["he is in his late thirties .", "he is about 35 or so .", "i think he may be in his late 50s", "i am not sure , maybe around 40 ?", "he is a younger gentleman , maybe 25 or so ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is in his late thirties .", "responses": ["well . i should n't have any trouble recognizing him . what time does his flight arrive ?", "what would he be wearing ?", "would be be carrying a placard with my name on it ?", "does he have my number to contact me just in case ?", "is there a specific area at the airport where i should wait for him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well . I shouldn ' t have any trouble recognizing him . What time does his flight arrive ?", "responses": ["at 2 thirty .", "his flight arrives at 10 am .", "he will be on the flight arriving from malaysia at gate 15 .", "his flight arrives at 1 pm at gate 2 .", "his flight is running late . you can check on the arrival time at the airline site ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "At 2 thirty ."}], "index": 130} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I get for you today ?", "responses": ["could i get a hamburger , please ?", "what type of drinks do you have", "what drink do you recomend me to try", "what 's the special for drinks today", "is the special for drink any good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I get a hamburger , please ?", "responses": ["would you like cheese on that ?", "what do you want on it ?", "how would you like that cooked ?", "yes . coming right up .", "what kind of bun do you want that on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like cheese on that ?", "responses": ["no , thank you .", "yes , please .", "no , thank you .", "what cheese options do you have ?", "sure , that sounds good !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thank you .", "responses": ["would you like a drink ?", "just a plain hamburger please .", "no cheese , but a pickle would be nice .", "i 'm allergic to dairy , so no thank you .", "too many calories for me . plain burger please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like a drink ?", "responses": ["let me have a soda .", "i would like a coke .", "i 'd like coffee , please .", "could i get an orange juice , please ?", "i 'd like bottled water ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let me have a soda .", "responses": ["what kind of soda would you like ?", "what size would you like ?", "what type of soda would you like ?", "just one soda ?", "ok a soda as well , anything else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of soda would you like ?", "responses": ["may i have a sprite , please ?", "i will take a pepsi with light ice .", "a large coke please and thank you .", "you know what lets make that a water instead please .", "a small sprite will be perfect thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I have a Sprite , please ?", "responses": ["sure , no problem .", "i 'm sorry , we only have pepsi products ; would you like a seven up ?", "certainly , i will be right back with your drink .", "would you like a large or small sprite ?", "certainly . i will drop off your order and be right back with your drink ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , no problem .", "responses": ["i would also like a bag of chips .", "thanks !", "i like sprite .", "how long until it 's ready ?", "smells good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would also like a bag of chips .", "responses": ["will that be all ?", "sounds good- i 'll have them right up .", "what kind of chips would you like ?", "here 's a list of our chip types .", "does that complete your order ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will that be all ?", "responses": ["that 's everything .", "no , i would also like a portion of nuggets .", "please add a coffee to that order .", "i need orange juice as well .", "yes that would be all thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's everything ."}], "index": 131} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please tell me something about your insurance background .", "responses": ["i majored in international banking at college so i took many insurance courses . and i worked at an insurance company for my graduation field work .", "i have used state farm for car insurance my entire adult life .", "i have made 2 homeowners claims in my life .", "i have always used high deductibles because it is a wise purchase decision .", "i carry an umbrella liability policy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I majored in international banking at college so I took many insurance courses . And I worked at an insurance company for my graduation field work .", "responses": ["why do you want to be an insurance agent ?", "what type of work did you do there ?", "please describe what your job duties were on a daily basis .", "how long did you work for the insurance company doing graduation field work ?", "what college did you go to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you want to be an insurance agent ?", "responses": ["i care about people and i know the importance of insurance .", "i am interested in dealing with the public .", "i understand that it will provide a good income .", "i enjoy interacting with and helping customers .", "i have experience in the field and enjoy working in insurance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I care about people and I know the importance of insurance .", "responses": ["do you have any work experience in promotion ?", "that 's great . what else can you tell me about why you want to pursue this ?", "how did you get interested in this field ?", "where did you go to college ?", "tell me more about what you did for your graduation field work ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any work experience in promotion ?", "responses": ["yes , i do . i have worked as a salesman for p & g company ltd .", "yes , i have 2 years of experience with promotion .", "no , but i am willing to learn !", "yes , i work with promotion at my last job quite often .", "yes , i am proficient in promotion and have used it extensively ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do . I have worked as a salesman for P & G Company Ltd .", "responses": ["do people respond well to you ?", "what was your average sales amount in that job ?", "can you tell me more about that ?", "was that a good company to work for ?", "why did you leave that company ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do people respond well to you ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'm good with people .", "yes , they do .", "yes , they find me very helpful .", "yes , most people say they like doing business with me .", "yes , people enjoy my company and find me of service ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I'm good with people ."}], "index": 132} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ah , here we are .", "responses": ["this is the place i was telling you about .", "well where are we ?", "are you sure ? this does n't look familiar .", "i was waiting for you to say that .", "at long last !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is the place I was telling you about .", "responses": ["would you like to sit near the window ?", "this is the restaurant i told you about .", "this is the store i told you about .", "this is the park i was telling you about .", "this is the theater i was telling you about ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like to sit near the window ?", "responses": ["good .", "yes , i love the window seat .", "no it is a little chilly by the window .", "absolutely the sun shine will feel great .", "yes there is a booth right over there next to the window that looks good ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good .", "responses": ["let 's have a look at the menu . oh , there is n't a menu . do you think you could ask the people at the next table if we could look at their menu ?", "do you like it here ?", "a seat by the window is great to be at .", "glad you liked that .", "happy to help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let's have a look at the menu . Oh , there isn't a menu . Do you think you could ask the people at the next table if we could look at their menu ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . excuse me . could you possibly let us see your menu ? oh . they have n't got one either .", "no , i think that would be rude .", "how about i find a host or hostess and ask for a menu from them ?", "we could wait for a waiter to come and bring us a menu .", "let 's sit and enjoy the view out the window for a few minutes and wait ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , of course . Excuse me . Could you possibly let us see your menu ? Oh . They haven't got one either ."}], "index": 133} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you going to buy a bicycle ?", "responses": ["i 'm thinking about it . how much is it ?", "maybe ?", "should i buy a bicut ?", "bicycle i mean !", "i 'd like to buy a bicycle !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I ' m thinking about it . How much is it ?", "responses": ["\u00a5 350 .", "let me check the price .", "it comes to 85.20 with tax .", "which bicycle would you like ?", "would you like any of our extra features ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "\u00a5 350 .", "responses": ["oh , dear . it 's too expensive . can you give me a better price ?", "is that the only model available ?", "do you have cheaper models ?", "is that your cheapest model ?", "i m looking for something a bit cheaper ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , dear . It ' s too expensive . Can you give me a better price ?", "responses": ["your discount is already included . normally we charge \u00a5 400 , but now we can give you a special price . this is our sale period .", "normally bicycle initial rate start from 350 range", "this bicycle having many good qualities", "this not expensive . this is fair amount to buy bicycle", "this bicycle having place detector"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Your discount is already included . Normally we charge \u00a5 400 , but now we can give you a special price . This is our sale period .", "responses": ["it 's still too much . ca n't you make it any cheaper than that ?", "i ca n't but i can show you a different one .", "sure let me see what i can do for you .", "how much are you looking to spend ?", "that is our price and we can not go lower ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It ' s still too much . Can ' t you make it any cheaper than that ?", "responses": ["sorry , but this is the best price . you ca n't get it any cheaper than here .", "i 'm not allowed to do that .", "i can not do this at this time . i can escalate you to a supervisor .", "let me see what i can do .", "i 'm sorry , i can not ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , but this is the best price . You can ' t get it any cheaper than here .", "responses": ["i see . can i pay by traveler 's checks ?", "what makes the bike so expensive , then ?", "so talk me through this . explain to me how it 's worth so much money .", "what sort of a bike do you ride ?", "are you certain about that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see . Can I pay by traveler ' s checks ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid you ca n't . you 're welcome to pay in cash .", "unfortunately , no . we can take personal checks , credit cards or cash .", "no , our policy does not allow for traveler 's checks .", "sorry , we only accept cash or credit .", "excuse me while i check our company policy ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid you can ' t . You ' re welcome to pay in cash ."}], "index": 134} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you have a free moment ?", "responses": ["sure . what do you need ?", "perhaps .", "yes !", "no , not now .", "okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . What do you need ?", "responses": ["i 'm having some trouble . how do you use this printer ?", "i 'd like to discuss something .", "we need to talk .", "i need to show you these samples .", "just to chat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm having some trouble . How do you use this printer ?", "responses": ["well , first you have to turn this switch on .", "what seems to be the problem with the printer ?", "does the printer turn on once you press the power button", "did you install the proper software on the computer ?", "on what installation step are you having trouble ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , first you have to turn this switch on .", "responses": ["silly me .", "you will read to instructions about use of printer", "you will see demo video 's in printer webpage", "switch on your printer and set all values about printing", "finally put your need of page . you will take your output ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Silly me .", "responses": ["now press this button .", "that 's not a problem .", "oh i understand .", "trust me we get this question all the time .", "glad i could help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now press this button .", "responses": ["oh , and it 's out of paper . do you have any more ?", "what do i do next ?", "what does that button do ?", "i 'm not a technophile .", "i 'm not sure what to do now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , and it's out of paper . Do you have any more ?", "responses": ["just a second . i 'll go get some .", "first , better check the tray . sometimes it does n't read properly .", "check in the cabinet , down below .", "you 'll have to ask tracy about that .", "not of the right kind , i do n't think ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Just a second . I'll go get some ."}], "index": 135} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need help using the washer and dryer .", "responses": ["tell me what the problem is .", "what issues are you having with using the washer and dryer ?", "i can help , possibly . !", "read the display on the machines .", "do n't overload them !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me what the problem is .", "responses": ["i ca n't figure out how to turn them on .", "the soap drawer appears to be stuck .", "i do n't understand how these machines work .", "the washer setting is stuck and i ca n't unstick it .", "i think they 're broken ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can't figure out how to turn them on .", "responses": ["do you have some quarters ?", "are the washer and dryer running under the correct current ?", "maybe there 's a loose wire , you can try checking the wires .", "try using another power outlet .", "check if the socket were the dryer / washer is connected has power ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have some quarters ?", "responses": ["i did n't know i needed change .", "where can i get some quaters ?", "how many quarters ?", "i do n't have any quarters .", "i will pay after you show me how ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't know I needed change .", "responses": ["the washer costs 50 cents and the dryer costs a dollar .", "look and see if the machine has a coin slot for quarters .", "see if there is an attendant that can give you change .", "do you see a sign anywhere that states how much it costs to use the wash machine ?", "yes , and you 'll need quarters for the dryer too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The washer costs 50 cents and the dryer costs a dollar .", "responses": ["where do i put the change ?", "i do n't have any change .", "does this place have a change machine ?", "can you spot me some quarters ?", "i see . thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where do I put the change ?", "responses": ["the quarters go into the slot . you have to push the slot in , and the machine will turn on .", "you see the tray on the very top ?", "look above the digital display .", "it 's turned sideways , way up on top .", "there 's a slide tray on top . put the coins in , then shove the tray in hard ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The quarters go into the slot . You have to push the slot in , and the machine will turn on .", "responses": ["is that everything that i have to do ?", "do i need to select my wash options before pushing the slot in ?", "if i stop the machine during the cycle do i need to enter more money ?", "does the washer lock once i put the slot in or will i be able to get into the load during the cycle ?", "that makes sense ! thank you for being patient with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that everything that I have to do ?", "responses": ["that 's all there is .", "you also have to make sure that you put your detergent in the washer and press start .", "there are different options for washing such as heavy loads , delicate loads , and different washing temperatures . make sure you select the option that is right for your clothes .", "yes , that is all that you need to do .", "when using the drier , make sure you clean out the lint trap and put in your drier sheets before pressing start ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's all there is .", "responses": ["i appreciate you helping me with this .", "are you sure ?", "okay excellent it is working now .", "i appreciate all your help .", "its still not working what should i do ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I appreciate you helping me with this .", "responses": ["if you need anything else , just let me know .", "no problem at all .", "of course , that is what i am here for .", "do you need assistance with anything else right now .", "do you need to locate a change machine ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you need anything else , just let me know ."}], "index": 136} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any questions ?", "responses": ["yes , do i have to work a whole year before i can take a vacation ?", "yes i do have some .", "yeah actually i have a couple of them .", "no not really .", "everything is clear , thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , do I have to work a whole year before I can take a vacation ?", "responses": ["yes , after you 've been here a year , you qualify for a three - day vacation", "yes you can take a vacation", "your vacation period is 1 week", "your vacation place is should near to the company", "usa is a good place to see in your vacation"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , after you ' Ve been here a year , you qualify for a three-day vacation", "responses": ["only three days ?", "do you get more vacation days after so many years of working ?", "are those the same as paid sick days ?", "how much notice do i have to give to use my vacation days ?", "wow , three days does n't seem like very much ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Only three days ?", "responses": ["that 's the company policy .", "that is what the company allows .", "i do n't make the rules .", "yes , only three days .", "you get more when you 've worked a larger number of years ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the company policy .", "responses": ["what happens if i use up my sick days before the end of the year ? if i 'm sick an extra day or two , will my pay be deducted ?", "did the company happen to consult with any psychologists before coming up with this policy ?", "where did this policy come from ?", "am i not expected to have a life ?", "does that policy work for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happens if I use up my sick days before the end of the year ? If I ' m sick an extra day or two , will my pay be deducted ?", "responses": ["yes . that 's the company policy .", "if you use extra sick days then we will deduct vacation days first .", "if you have vacation days we will take the sick days out of those . after that we will deduct pay .", "if you have used all of your sick days and vacation days we will deduct pay .", "yes , but only if you do not have any vacation days left ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . That's the company policy .", "responses": ["it was the same as the last place i worked at . i was hoping you 'd be different .", "how many sick days do i get ?", "do sick days take away from my vacation time ?", "are the vacation days paid or unpaid ?", "is there anything else i should know about the company policy ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "It was the same as the last place I worked at . I was hoping you ' d be different ."}], "index": 137} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am absolutely famished .", "responses": ["yeah . i am too .", "you will eat fruits", "you will go to food shop and buy your need of foods", "you will made your favourite food to eat", "milk is reduce your famish so buy to milk"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . I am too .", "responses": ["where did you want to go for lunch ?", "do you want to get something to eat ?", "do you want to dine - in or take out ?", "what sounds good ?", "do you want to go to that new chinese place ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where did you want to go for lunch ?", "responses": ["i was thinking we should just go to the cafeteria .", "let 's go to mcdonald 's .", "i could go to a sit down restaurant .", "where do you want to go ?", "wherever you want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I was thinking we should just go to the cafeteria .", "responses": ["i do n't think i ever got food from the cafeteria .", "ugh , really ? i was thinking something more ambitious .", "i guess it is cheap , at least . in more ways than one .", "am i even allowed in there ?", "why the cafeteria ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don't think I ever got food from the cafeteria .", "responses": ["i actually like the food there .", "really ? it is actually quite good .", "i 've been there several times and have always enjoyed the food .", "it 's good ! they have a variety of options and i 'm sure you 'll find something you 'll enjoy .", "let 's go there today . it 's close , quick , and pretty good ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I actually like the food there .", "responses": ["does the cafeteria sell a lot of different food ?", "what type of food do they typically serve ?", "okay , well i trust your opinion . let 's go there !", "do they have vegan options ?", "i will try their food . what time do you want to meet there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the cafeteria sell a lot of different food ?", "responses": ["they have anything you want .", "yeah it actually has a wide selection .", "not really but i still like it .", "just depends on what you conside a lot .", "yeah it has so much to pick from . you 'll be surprised ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They have anything you want .", "responses": ["i was thinking about getting some chinese food .", "okay . i guess that i will give it a try .", "okay . maybe i will get a salad .", "how about we go across the street to chipotle ?", "can they make a fresh sandwich ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I was thinking about getting some Chinese food .", "responses": ["i bought some chow mein at the cafeteria . it tasted great .", "there 's a good chinese place just down the road .", "i 'd be fine with that .", "they actually have chinese options in the cafeteria .", "okay , do you have anyplace specific in mind ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I bought some chow mein at the cafeteria . It tasted great .", "responses": ["we can eat at the cafeteria .", "lets get some !", "alright , i trust your judgement", "not in the mood for chow mein", "is there anything else there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We can eat at the cafeteria .", "responses": ["i think you 'll really like the food there .", "all right ! let 's go !", "okay . i recommend their egg rolls , too .", "you wo n't be disappointed !", "what sort of chinese food are you hungry for today ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I think you'll really like the food there ."}], "index": 138} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here is the draft contract , Mr . Brown . Let's discuss the clauses to see if we agree on all of them . Then I will make out an original of the contract . After that , what's left is to fill out the contract and sign our names .", "responses": ["that 's ok .", "thank you . i look forward to continuing the process .", "sounds great . when would you like to meet to discuss further ?", "thank you . i think it certainly makes sense to review in detail together .", "thank you . do you mind if i take some time to review privately before we reconvene ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's OK .", "responses": ["the contract is to be written in chinese and english . both languages are equally effective .", "do you have any questions about the contract , mr . brown ?", "when would be a good time to meet and discuss the contract ?", "what is a good time to call you ?", "let me know when you look over the draft contract and i will contact you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The contract is to be written in Chinese and English . Both languages are equally effective .", "responses": ["fine . if you 'll excuse me , i 'd like to go it over first . ( after about 15 minutes ) hmm , you 've done a pretty good job . it 's well prepared .", "okay sounds god thanks for the information .", "oh really ? that s good to know", "are you sure they will be equally effective ? i do not see how ...", "oh okay i am on it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Fine . If you'll excuse me , I'd like to go it over first . ( After about 15 minutes ) Hmm , you've done a pretty good job . It's well prepared .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you . is there anything that you would like to discuss ?", "thank you . can you think of anything else that should be included in the contract ?", "thank you . do you have any proposed additions to the contract ?", "thank you . can you think of anything else that should be included to prevent confusion down the road ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["well , i suggest that we discuss only the clauses and points where we have different opinions just to save time .", "can you hand me a pen ?", "i 'm ready to sign it .", "i 'd like to get two copies to take with me , please .", "so let 's go ahead and finish this up then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , I suggest that we discuss only the clauses and points where we have different opinions just to save time .", "responses": ["that 's a good idea .", "what are you opinions ?", "do you have differing opinions ?", "are there any concerns ?", "i would like to share my concerns"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's a good idea .", "responses": ["first , let 's read clause two about packing . it 's our usual practice to ship our products in containers . that 'll save time and money , but your contract stipulates the use of wooden cases . so , we 'd like to have the words containers are allowed in the contract .", "which point would you like to address first ?", "do you have any questions before we begin ?", "first , i 'd like to defend my stance on the clause i feel is most important to this contract .", "are you ready ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "First , let's read Clause Two about packing . It's our usual practice to ship our products in containers . That'll save time and money , but your contract stipulates the use of wooden cases . So , we'd like to have the words containers are allowed in the contract .", "responses": ["agreed .", "that would be fine with me", "i will check with my boss to see if that is ok", "we may not be able to do that", "what type of containers ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Agreed .", "responses": ["for shipment , you know we are producing a complete set of equipment for you and it wo n't all be finished at one time . so would you allow us to make partial shipments .", "i will agree", "its really good", "very good", "read about packing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "For shipment , you know we are producing a complete set of equipment for you and it won't all be finished at one time . So would you allow us to make partial shipments .", "responses": ["i understand your position .", "i am okay with partial shipments .", "let me ask my partner what he thinks .", "how far apart do you expext the partial shipments to be ?", "yes , i can agree to that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I understand your position ."}], "index": 139} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to buy a black suit .", "responses": ["certainty . do you want double breasted suit or single breasted suit ?", "is there a special occasion that you need a suit for ?", "have you thought about where you want to buy the suit ?", "are you going to a wedding ?", "make sure you go get fitted before buying one . suits have many different measurements ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Certainty . Do you want double breasted suit or single breasted suit ?", "responses": ["i prefer single breasted suit .", "i prefer a double breasted suit if i can .", "i would like something different is that the only options you have ?", "a single breasted is perfect .", "is there a triple breasted available ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I prefer single breasted suit .", "responses": ["what about this one ? it 's a very nice 3 - piece suit .", "okay . are you interested in a wool suit ?", "alright . if you could tell me your measurements , we will get started ?", "okay . do we have your measurements on file ?", "alright . are you interested in any particular designer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What about this one ? It's a very nice 3 - piece suit .", "responses": ["that looks great . do you have ties here ?", "what 's the price of that one ?", "do you have any with a pinstripe ?", "how many buttons are on the jacket ?", "what are the materials in that one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That looks great . Do you have ties here ?"}], "index": 140} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do ? Nice to meet you , Diane .", "responses": ["how do you do , jack . nice to meet you .", "doing well , thanks ! how about you ?", "i m well you ? nice to meet you too !", "how are you ? i m doing great thanks for asking .", "glad to meet you . i am doing fabulous how about yourself ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do , Jack . Nice to meet you .", "responses": ["well , i think you 've reconsidered our proposal , diane .", "is there anything i can help you out with ?", "thank you . if there is anything that you need , please do not hesitate to ask ?", "very well thank you . if you need anything during your stay , please do not hesitate to ask ?", "i am doing great . thank you for asking . is there anything that i can help you with today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I think you ' Ve reconsidered our proposal , Diane .", "responses": ["yes , you are right . after all , the quality of your air conditioners is good . the only problem is price .", "i have had time to think about it .", "yes , i am ready to discuss it with you .", "i have , and i have a few questions .", "i need another few days to make up my mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , you are right . After all , the quality of your air conditioners is good . The only problem is price .", "responses": ["i should not be surprised , many customers have the same opinion . do you have any suggestion in mind ? our salesman told your secretary that the price could be negotiable .", "is there a price you would like to propose ?", "do you have a price range ?", "is the price too high or low ?", "what price are you looking at ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I should not be surprised , many customers have the same opinion . Do you have any suggestion in mind ? Our salesman told your secretary that the price could be negotiable .", "responses": ["that 's why i came to your office today . we think for your model we - 506 $ 590 would be reasonable , because air conditioners of the same kind sold by other companies are usually about 579 - 649 .", "well , anything over $ 5,000 is over our budget .", "would you possibly consider knocking a thousand off ?", "do you offer a lower - cost model of the same air conditioner brand ?", "yes , and we 're excited to learn negotiation is an option !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's why I came to your office today . We think for your model WE - 506 $ 590 would be reasonable , because air conditioners of the same kind sold by other companies are usually about 579-649 .", "responses": ["that 's true . but if you understand that quality is the most important aspect of a product , you 'll agree that 679 is not high , especially when we allow you a 10 % discount .", "where have you seen those prices ?", "we may be able to do that", "our original price is very fair", "ok lets agree on that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's true . But if you understand that quality is the most important aspect of a product , you'll agree that 679 is not high , especially when we allow you a 10 % discount .", "responses": ["i see your point . that 's to say s 611 each set . still it 's much higher than the market price . could you see your way to reduce the price , jack ?", "i will agree", "its really good", "very good", "its true"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see your point . That's to say s 611 each set . Still it's much higher than the market price . Could you see your way to reduce the price , Jack ?", "responses": ["well , considering the quantity of your order we could further reduce the price to 600 . that 's the best we can do . what do you think of that ?", "i could add an additional 10 % off the price .", "i could lower the price to $ 649 .", "i could give you a 20 % discount .", "i could come down to $ 600 if you agree today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , considering the quantity of your order we could further reduce the price to 600 . That's the best we can do . What do you think of that ?", "responses": ["all right . we accept it . so $ 600 for each set .", "i am happy with 600 .", "could you possibly come down to 590 ?", "no that 's is still too high . i 'll check elsewhere", "that 's great thank you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . We accept it . So $ 600 for each set .", "responses": ["very well . thank you .", "yes", "yes , that is correct", "yes , that 's our rock bottom price", "yes , are you ready to complete the sale ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Very well . Thank you ."}], "index": 141} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don't I know you ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure . you look familiar .", "i do n't think we 've met before .", "yes , we met last year at an office party .", "you do look familiar but i ca n't place where we 've met .", "i do n't recall meeting you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not sure . You look familiar .", "responses": ["you 're mr . stevenson , right ?", "did we meet somewhere ?", "what s your name ?", "i swear i 've seen you before", "maybe i made a mistake"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You're Mr . Stevenson , right ?", "responses": ["yes . and you 're mr . jones , i remember .", "yes , i am .", "i 'm sorry , but i 'm not .", "you must be mistaken .", "yes , and now i remember ... you 're miss jones from my freshman english class !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . And you're Mr . Jones , I remember ."}], "index": 142} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's all the general information of our company . I think you already have good knowledge about our company .", "responses": ["yes , i have an overall understanding .", "can i have specifics ?", "is there anything else you would like to add ?", "are there things i do n't know about ?", "i would like to know more than general information"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have an overall understanding .", "responses": ["when we have the final results , we will call you .", "do you have any additional questions for me today ?", "are you ready to start work on monday ?", "well then , i guess we can all go home now .", "why did you apply to this job ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "When we have the final results , we will call you .", "responses": ["then when will i get a reply at the latest ?", "how long will that take ?", "who determines the final result ?", "what is the final result based on ?", "who are the competition ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then when will I get a reply at the latest ?", "responses": ["if you pass the interview , the personnel department will inform you within two weeks .", "its really good", "i will agree", "very good", "good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If you pass the interview , the personnel department will inform you within two weeks .", "responses": ["but if i do n't pass , will you call me ?", "then can we talk about compensation ?", "what will the benefits be ?", "when is the interview ?", "at what time should i arrive for my interview ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But if I don't pass , will you call me ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry we wo n't . you can wait for two weeks . if you do n't get a telephone call , it means that you were n't successful .", "we will inform you of our decision no matter what it is .", "yes , you will received a call regardless of the outcome .", "if you do n't hear from us within two weeks , you did not pass the interview .", "you will receive a notification call or email within two weeks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry we won't . You can wait for two weeks . If you don't get a telephone call , it means that you weren't successful .", "responses": ["then do i have the chance to get this job ?", "ok", "ok , thanks for the information", "i look forward to hearing from you in two weeks", "ok , i 'll be excited to hear any news"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then do I have the chance to get this job ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry but i ca n't make the final decision myself , and i have to discuss it with other interviewers .", "you do if you have passed the interview .", "upon passing the interview , that is a possibility .", "you do if you receive a telephone call .", "if you do not get a phone call , then no ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry but I can't make the final decision myself , and I have to discuss it with other interviewers .", "responses": ["i know . no matter what the result will be , i have learned a lot from our conversation .", "ok , i 'll be waiting for a response . thank you .", "is there another interview process if i pass the first one ?", "if i get a call does that mean i am officially hired ?", "it would be great if you were able to let interviewees know within a few days if they are successful or not ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . No matter what the result will be , I have learned a lot from our conversation .", "responses": ["your mentality is very good and that 's great .", "we appreciate your interest in the position and thank you for coming in today .", "that 's great to hear . it was nice meeting you .", "that 's great to hear . it was nice meeting you .", "that 's great to hear . it was nice meeting you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Your mentality is very good and that's great .", "responses": ["thanks for giving me the opportunity of this interview .", "thank you , that means a great deal to me .", "i appreciate that , i 've enjoyed the interview .", "you make the process very pleasant for me . \\", "i hope i 'll see you again very soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks for giving me the opportunity of this interview .", "responses": ["my pleasure .", "thank you for taking the time to interview with us .", "thank you for your enthusiasm with our company .", "thank you so much for your interest in our company .", "thank you for taking the time to interview me today . we hope to keep in touch with you soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My pleasure ."}], "index": 143} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a stomachache .", "responses": ["well , you 'd better lie down now . you need a good rest .", "have you tried antacids ?", "how long has it troubled you ?", "what did you eat recently ?", "try drinking some milk"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , you'd better lie down now . You need a good rest .", "responses": ["all right . i 'll do that .", "its really good", "really well", "behavious is good", "it will better"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . I'll do that ."}], "index": 144} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of personality do you think you have ?", "responses": ["i 'm quite active and energetic . i approach things enthusiastically and i do n't like to leave things half - done .", "i have a friendly personality", "i am an empathetic person", "i have a sense of humor", "i am sometimes shy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm quite active and energetic . I approach things enthusiastically and I don't like to leave things half-done .", "responses": ["do you think you are introverted or extroverted ?", "its very energetic", "its really good", "very good", "well active"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think you are introverted or extroverted ?", "responses": ["i 'm quite outgoing i think . i enjoy mixing and doing things with others .", "i think i 'm extroverted .", "extroverted in most situations .", "definitely extroverted .", "it 's obvious i 'm extroverted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm quite outgoing i think . I enjoy mixing and doing things with others .", "responses": ["what do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ?", "i 'm quite introverted ; i like being by myself .", "i try to avoid social situations and have few friends .", "being around too many people is exhausting for me .", "i prefer being by myself to hanging around a large group of people ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy ?", "responses": ["i maintain that the most important thing is having good friends . a person ca n't live all by himself i think . a friend in need is a friend in deed . the more really close friends i have , the better .", "just to be around positive people", "to have a positive life", "to always remain positive every day", "to have a career i enjoy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends . A person can't live all by himself I think . A friend in need is a friend in deed . The more really close friends I have , the better .", "responses": ["what kind of people do you like to work with ?", "how do you balance your relationships with your other responsibilities ?", "so working with others in a group setting would not be a problem for you ?", "do you enjoy working on collaborative projects ?", "what do you think is your biggest weakness or shortcoming ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of people do you like to work with ?", "responses": ["people who are honest , dedicated to their work and having integrity .", "i like to work with people who challenge me .", "i like to work with people who are aware of those around them .", "i like to work with people who are team oriented rather than focused on themselves .", "i like to work with people who like to problem solve ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "People who are honest , dedicated to their work and having integrity ."}], "index": 145} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monica to our company and introduce her to her department and colleagues . For all of you , we hired Monica because she is a very professional accountant and we are very happy to have her in the finance department . She has lots of working experiences as an accountant and I am sure everybody in the department can benefit from this .", "responses": ["hello , everybody . i am monica and this is my first day at work . i am working in the finance department . i am very happy to meet everyone and i am looking forward to working well with all of you . i am very happy to be one of the team and i will do my best to get into the working situation as soon as possible . by the way , call me monica . everybody calls me so .", "monica sounds nice .", "i 'm glad , we need someone in that department .", "it sounds like she will do well here .", "i 'm sure the finance department will benefit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , everybody . I am Monica and this is my first day at work . I am working in the finance department . I am very happy to meet everyone and I am looking forward to working well with all of you . I am very happy to be one of the team and I will do my best to get into the working situation as soon as possible . By the way , call me Monica . Everybody calls me so ."}], "index": 146} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Were you in a leadership position when you were a college student ?", "responses": ["yes . i was president of the student council of our university .", "no , i never joined any clubs or organizations .", "i just tried to concentrate on my own studies .", "i definitely led the way to every party i could find .", "i am not the leader type ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I was president of the Student Council of our university .", "responses": ["did you get any honors or awards at your university ?", "that 's great !", "how was that experience ?", "how many terms did you serve ?", "would you do it all over again ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you get any honors or awards at your university ?", "responses": ["yes . i was elected excellent party member for four academic years .", "yes , i graduated with honors .", "yes , i was recognized as an outstanding senior arts student .", "yes , i was recognized as an outstanding senior arts student .", "yes , i had an article published in a literary journal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I was elected Excellent Party Member for four academic years .", "responses": ["were you involved in any club activities at your university ?", "what were the responsibilities as a student council president ?", "what are the requirements to be an excellent party member ?", "how many years were you the president of the student council ?", "how many students attended your university ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Were you involved in any club activities at your university ?", "responses": ["yes . i was a member of the student poetry society . i like writing poems in my spare time .", "yes , i was a member of the chess club .", "no , i had enough on my plate focusing on academics and being on the student council .", "yes , i worked on the student newspaper .", "technically speaking i suppose so ; i was on the debate team and volunteered for a campus animal welfare organization ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I was a member of the Student Poetry Society . I like writing poems in my spare time .", "responses": ["what extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college ?", "do you still write poetry ?", "how long were you in the student poetry society ?", "did you participate in any readings in the society ?", "what type of poetry do you write ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college ?", "responses": ["i sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball .", "i was a tutor for some of my classmates that needed extra help .", "i arranged and led study groups for my classes .", "i volunteered at a soup kitchen during the holidays and volunteered as a camp counselor during the summer for children .", "i was involved in the student newspaper as a writer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball ."}], "index": 147} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Margaret , I'd like to follow up with the arrangements for our company retreat , to take place next month . We need to book the venue , make arrangements for speakers and door prizes , and set up all the activities and accommodations . Also , very important , we need to determine which of our staff will be eligible and will be available to go . We've got to get a head count in order to make reservations .", "responses": ["what 's the criteria for staff to attend ? are we only including our management team in this affair ? or will we be extending invitations to lower level employees to attend ?", "please let me know what you what like me to do .", "what task would you like to address first ?", "i would be happy to help you in any way i can .", "how can i be of assistance to you today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the criteria for staff to attend ? Are we only including our management team in this affair ? Or will we be extending invitations to lower level employees to attend ?", "responses": ["lower level employees need not attend . the purpose of this retreat is for training , especially for our management team . we want to develop a well - oiled machine on our executive level . in order to get everyone to jell together , we 've got to include some fun . that 's the reason for the retreat .", "we will only invite the management team", "we will include all eligible employees this year", "criteria is 1 year of employment and in good standing", "management staff is the only criteria"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Lower level employees need not attend . The purpose of this retreat is for training , especially for our management team . We want to develop a well-oiled machine on our executive level . In order to get everyone to jell together , we've got to include some fun . That's the reason for the retreat ."}], "index": 148} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think Yoga might be suitable for me .", "responses": ["why ?", "a lot of people seem to enjoy yoga .", "a lot of people seem to enjoy yoga .", "i agree ; you enjoy trying new activities .", "that sounds like a lot of fun !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ?", "responses": ["because it does n't require a lot of energy and thus easy to keep up .", "it 's a good exercise program .", "i 'm able to do yoga at home with no equipment .", "it helps your joints and muscles .", "i can do it at home while my kids are in the house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Because it doesn't require a lot of energy and thus easy to keep up .", "responses": ["but i see people sweat a lot doing yoga too .", "that seems like sound reasoning .", "that 's a good point , maybe we should both give it a try .", "will you go to a studio or just do it at home ?", "my coworker does yoga on her lunch break and really enjoys it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I see people sweat a lot doing Yoga too .", "responses": ["i do n't know . i just need to try it once . i 'm in urgent need of some exercise to lose some weight .", "maybe you 're thinking about bikram yoga where they turn the heat up high .", "there are lots of different levels of yoga , you can work at your own pace .", "a beginner yoga class should n't be too strenuous .", "i think i 'll try it , if it 's too much , i can just sit down ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . I just need to try it once . I'm in urgent need of some exercise to lose some weight .", "responses": ["you should try swimming then . it helps you to keep fit .", "hey , that 's great that you 're trying to figure out different things . that 's half the battle .", "go for it ! anything is better than nothing .", "you should definitely try it . you may actually end up loving it .", "would you like me to do yoga with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You should try swimming then . It helps you to keep fit ."}], "index": 149} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We are looking for a bilingual secretary . Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English ?", "responses": ["i think my english is fairly good . as you can see from my cv , i graduated from university with a b . a . degree in english . i studied the english language and english literature systematically .", "yes , i 'm a stickler about grammar .", "my grades in college reflect that to be true .", "yes , my english skills are as good as a native speaker .", "i do , i speak both languages equally well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think my English is fairly good . As you can see from my CV , I graduated from university with a B . A . degree in English . I studied the English language and English literature systematically .", "responses": ["how are your typing and shorthand skills ?", "that is wonderful . i will pass on your cv to my the hiring team .", "ok , great ! our interviewing times are monday to friday from 9am-12pm . please come in during this time and we would love to meet with you .", "thank you for your response . we would like to test you on both languages . please come into our office to take this test monday - friday from 9am-12pm .", "great ! would you be able to work full time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are your typing and shorthand skills ?", "responses": ["i can type 80 words a minute , basically no mistake , and can take dictation in english at 120 words per minute .", "both are excellent .", "i can type 110 words per minute and write 80 words per minute shorthand .", "my typing skills are excellent and my shorthand skills are adequate .", "unfortunately i do n't know shorthand ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can type 80 words a minute , basically no mistake , and can take dictation in English at 120 words per minute ."}], "index": 150} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are these the clothes you want to have washed ?", "responses": ["yes . when can i get them back ?", "yes they are .", "yes , and please separate the whites from the colors .", "no , i have one more bag . give me a second to get it .", "yes , and please press my shirts as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . When can I get them back ?", "responses": ["well , if they are collected right now , you can get them back tonight .", "they 'll be ready in about two hours .", "i 'll have them back to you first thing in the morning .", "you can pick them up thursday afternoon .", "tomorrow anytime after noon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , if they are collected right now , you can get them back tonight .", "responses": ["that 's fine . by the way , please have that suit dry cleaned .", "ok great ! i will come get them tonight .", "wow , that was quick ! i 'll get them tonight .", "thank you for your speedy service ! i 'll come back tonight to grab them !", "okay that sounds wonderful ! thank you for being so quick !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's fine . By the way , please have that suit dry cleaned .", "responses": ["ok . please fill in the form first .", "sure , is this one suit the only one you want dry cleaned ?", "i will make sure the suit is dry cleaned for you .", "i can have the laundered clothing back this evening . however i am not sure if the dry cleaning can be done same day . is that okay ?", "i have one suit that will be dry cleaned and the rest of these clothes are to be laundered ? correct ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK . Please fill in the form first ."}], "index": 151} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the matter with me , Doctor ? I feel so tired these days .", "responses": ["is your blood pressure , i 'm afraid . it 's far too high .", "we 'll need to do a blood test .", "how many hours a night have you been sleeping ?", "are you getting any exercise ?", "what is your typical diet like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Is your blood pressure , I'm afraid . It's far too high .", "responses": ["and what 's the cause of that ?", "oh no ! i wonder how that can be ! i 've been pretty diligent about getting my work out and diet under control .", "oh , what can i do to fix that ?", "what do you suggest i can do ?", "i 'm pretty surprised - i have n't been under stress or eating junk lately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And what's the cause of that ?", "responses": ["overwork - amongst other things . you ca n't work 24 hours a day . you 've got to slow down .", "your sodium intake could be too high .", "there are a lot of factors that lead to high blood pressure , we will need to do a full work up to understand the underlying causes .", "diet , exercise", "stress"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Overwork-amongst other things . You can't work 24 hours a day . You ' Ve got to slow down .", "responses": ["but i ca n't just slow down .", "why do i have to slow down ?", "what should i do to fix it ?", "how can i fix my blood pressure", "is it bad ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But I can't just slow down .", "responses": ["you 've got to , i 'm afraid . and look at this . you weigh 200 stones . that 's too much for a man of your size .", "there is only so much stress your body can take . try to relax and take time off .", "i understand you have commitments to your family . but overworking can be harmful to your health .", "perhaps reprioritizing your commitments might be helpful .", "try taking more time to be with your family with quality time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You've got to , I'm afraid . And look at this . You weigh 200 stones . That's too much for a man of your size .", "responses": ["you mean i 've got to lose weight ?", "what would you suggest i change to get it down ?", "do you have a plan i could use to help ?", "i 'll try to cut back on work . would more sleep help or should i spend the extra time exercising to get my weight down ?", "i 'll try to eat healthier but is there something you can give me to help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You mean I've got to lose weight ?", "responses": ["yes . you 've got to cut down on bread and potatoes and take more exercise .", "yes you do", "you have to .", "it 's imparative that you cut some weight", "for the sake of your health you have"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . You've got to cut down on bread and potatoes and take more exercise ."}], "index": 152} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You are an early bird , Tom . What do you do in the morning then ?", "responses": ["exercise . the morning hours are the most precious period within a single day . we should not pass them up easily . seize the time and do something useful .", "i enjoy getting up to read the news and get my day started", "make breakfast and enjoy my coffee .", "i go for a jog , before i start on my honey do list .", "i mediate and start my morning off with prayer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Exercise . The morning hours are the most precious period within a single day . We should not pass them up easily . Seize the time and do something useful .", "responses": ["so , you choose to spend it on bodybuilding . where do you exercise ?", "what should we do ?", "what do you like to do ?", "is the morning a good time to go for a run ?", "what 's the best activity for the morning ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , you choose to spend it on bodybuilding . Where do you exercise ?", "responses": ["usually , i run to the black bamboo park as a warm - up . admission is free . then i start my activities .", "i usually go to the local gym .", "i like the local gym but sometimes i workout at home .", "sometimes when i 'm in a hurry , i 'll do exercises at work on my break .", "occasionally the local college has a gym and i go there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Usually , I run to the Black Bamboo Park as a warm-up . Admission is free . Then I start my activities .", "responses": ["do you do the same exercises every day ?", "sounds like a fun idea . where is that park ?", "i love running in parks too ! maybe i 'll see you there !", "what activities do you do after you run ?", "great ! how far of a run is it to the park ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you do the same exercises every day ?", "responses": ["no , i 've deliberately kept a balance between various exercises ; parallel bars , push - ups , sit - ups , bunny - hops , five - kilometer run , and so on . i alternate them over the weekdays . sometimes , when i find myself in a bad state , i will simply idle about in the park .", "not really . i try different exercises", "yes i do . i stick to the same routine", "my daily exercise depends on what i plan to achieve", "no . my wife actually decides the type of exercise we do daily"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I've deliberately kept a balance between various exercises ; parallel bars , push-ups , sit-ups , bunny-hops , five-kilometer run , and so on . I alternate them over the weekdays . Sometimes , when I find myself in a bad state , I will simply idle about in the park .", "responses": ["why do n't you just stay in bed when you are feeling unfit for exercising ?", "do you find that your exercise variations help you maintain an overall balance of fitness ?", "about how long do you usually exercise for ?", "do you work out alone or with a partner ?", "on a bad day , does your run and time in the park help improve how you feel ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why don't you just stay in bed when you are feeling unfit for exercising ?", "responses": ["it 's not easy to keep a good habit , you know . i fear that if i fail to get up early one day , i may find it still more difficult to rise early the next . besides , a mere walk in the early morning is much fun , too . here and there in the park , you meet whole gangs of senior citizens who might be singing operas or old songs , playing er'hu , chess , or just chatting and gossiping . it 's interesting to join them .", "because i need to be getting at least some exercise", "i like the park in the mornings", "if i am in a bad state , the park makes me feel better", "sometimes i do stay in bed if i feel really bad"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not easy to keep a good habit , you know . I fear that if I fail to get up early one day , I may find it still more difficult to rise early the next . Besides , a mere walk in the early morning is much fun , too . Here and there in the park , you meet whole gangs of senior citizens who might be singing operas or old songs , playing er'hu , chess , or just chatting and gossiping . It's interesting to join them .", "responses": ["oh , yes . singing is also a good way of keeping fit , at least mentally .", "must you keep it", "it having much fun", "try to wake up earlyer", "ok come and join with me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . Singing is also a good way of keeping fit , at least mentally ."}], "index": 153} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want some cosmetics . Could you recommend some ?", "responses": ["i think pond 's is the best .", "i love ulta for all of my cosmetic needs !", "bb creams are a great option . they offer spf coverage with the coverage of a foundation .", "ipsy , is a great cosmetic subscription .", "clini"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I think Pond's is the best .", "responses": ["and they 're very dear , too .", "why do you think that s the best ?", "what other cosmetics are good ?", "what are some good suggestions ?", "what brand do you prefer ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "And they're very dear , too .", "responses": ["they 're on special offer today .", "i do n't think you can go wrong with just about any quality cosmetics .", "have you considered another brand that may be less expensive/", "there are many different high - quality brands on the market . have you tried any others ?", "i do have a personal favorite other than pond 's and they may suit your needs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "They're on special offer today .", "responses": ["oh , that 's ideal .", "great ! i 'll get some today !", "thanks for letting me know ! that motivates me to get some !", "that sounds good . why do you think they are the best ?", "i hit the jackpot then !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , that's ideal ."}], "index": 154} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Steven , I'm going abroad by plane for the first time tomorrow . Can you give me some advice ? And what should I pay attention to ?", "responses": ["first , you should have enough sleep to get over the jet lag before the departure . most people will suffer from jet lag for a few days after a long flight .", "packing snacks and entertainment . i would also make sure to bring a travel pillow .", "get the airport early to avoid the stress , and anxiety of the rush", "pay attention to the time , as well as any delays . i would suggest you just keep tabs of your flight number to ensure you are n't delayed .", "awesome ! i suggest you rest and try and relax and enjoy the trip ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "First , you should have enough sleep to get over the jet lag before the departure . Most people will suffer from jet lag for a few days after a long flight .", "responses": ["i will go to bed early tonight .", "i do n't really like sleeping that much .", "i do n't really get jet lag .", "what should we do tomorrow ?", "let 's get dinner afterwards ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I will go to bed early tonight .", "responses": ["do you have an airsickness ?", "be sure to get a little exercise in . this will also help with jet lag .", "keep in touch with your family .", "make sure you get the right kinds of nutrients when traveling .", "try to relax as much as possible and not to be afraid of flying ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have an airsickness ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . but i have a carsickness .", "i do n't know as this is my first time . what would you recommend in case i have it ?", "i sure hope not ! i do n't get car sick , is it similar to that ?", "i do n't know . will getting good sleep help that too ?", "since i 've never flown this far i 'm not sure . do you take some kind of medicine ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . But I have a carsickness .", "responses": ["you 'd better bring some medicine for airsickness .", "carsickness is quite different from airsickness but the remedy is the same", "all you have to do is to get enough rest", "do n't hesitate to notify an attendant if you feel sick", "try to eat less before making the trip"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You'd better bring some medicine for airsickness .", "responses": ["thank you .", "do you have any suggestions for good airsickness medications ?", "what if i am afraid of flying ?", "how many bags should i pack ?", "any suggestions for dealing with security and customs ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 155} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can we choose a time to look at houses together ?", "responses": ["can you do that in the mornings , or would the afternoons be best ?", "yes , what time ?", "when would you like to go ?", "is it possible you 'd like to go later today ?", "what about tomorrow at 5 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you do that in the mornings , or would the afternoons be best ?", "responses": ["either way is good for me .", "i 'm quite flexible . so just about anytime would be fine .", "afternoons seem like the best time for me .", "i can go on tuesdays just about anytime .", "mondays and thursdays would be fine with me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Either way is good for me .", "responses": ["there are a number of open houses this weekend in your area . would that okay with you ?", "great ! let 's plan on meeting at 9 am .", "i really appreciate your flexibility . what time in the morning works for you ?", "i can go as early as you 're available . just let me know !", "thanks ! does meeting at 9:30 am work for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "There are a number of open houses this weekend in your area . Would that okay with you ?", "responses": ["i can take a little time off of work , or i can go on a weekend , also .", "yes it will .", "no it wo n't", "that should do , thanks", "i can work with that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can take a little time off of work , or I can go on a weekend , also .", "responses": ["we could meet at the real estate office , or i could pick you up at your home .", "would you like to schedule a time this weekend , then ?", "would saturday or sunday be better for you ?", "how many houses would you like to see ?", "are mornings , afternoons , or evenings better ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We could meet at the real estate office , or I could pick you up at your home .", "responses": ["i am leaving from work , so maybe i could just meet you at the first house that we will look at .", "i would prefer to meet at the office", "the weekend would be better for me", "picking me up might be better for me", "pick me up this saturday morning and we can go see some houses"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am leaving from work , so maybe I could just meet you at the first house that we will look at .", "responses": ["i can think of five houses that we should look at . it will take most of the day .", "why you take this desestion", "ok come to my house", "wait , let me know", "ok carry on"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can think of five houses that we should look at . It will take most of the day .", "responses": ["i would like to see as many as possible .", "i can get an early start on saturday .", "can you arrange them for this weekend ?", "i 'm excited to see what my options are .", "are all of them in the price range we discussed ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I would like to see as many as possible .", "responses": ["when i have confirmed the times with the owners , i will e - mail you our plans for the day .", "i will email you a list of houses and you can choose which ones interest you .", "i will send you the address of the first house , along with directions as to how to get there .", "time permitting , there are a couple of others you may be interested in . shall i add them to the list ?", "ok , please text me when you are leaving work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "When I have confirmed the times with the owners , I will e-mail you our plans for the day ."}], "index": 156} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have a package tour to Hollywood ?", "responses": ["yes , here is the table , which plans do you like best ?", "yes i do", "no i do n't", "i do n't have one", "it 'll be great to have one"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , here is the table , which plans do you like best ?", "responses": ["the seven - days trip shall be fine . how much is this tour ?", "can you go over the prices and attractions with me ?", "how soon can i schedule a trip ?", "do you have ay recommendations ?", "what is the most interesting tour , in your opinion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The seven-days trip shall be fine . How much is this tour ?", "responses": ["$ 300 .", "the price would be determined based on the options that you pick", "the tour for one person would come to $ 979", "there are several seven day packages to choose from", "the cheapest one is $ 699 and they go up to $ 1299 depending on your choices"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "$ 300 .", "responses": ["we will take the trip . could you give us a pamphlet ?", "what are the future in this tour", "cost is too high", "if any possible for negotiable", "ok with tis deal"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We will take the trip . Could you give us a pamphlet ?", "responses": ["here you are .", "certainly , here you go .", "sure , would you just like one ?", "i can book it for you when you 're ready .", "if you decide to book it , i can take care of that for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you are ."}], "index": 157} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the problem ? Things are getting out of hand . You keep sticking your nose where it doesn ' t belong .", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "i am just trying to be helpful .", "i 'm sorry . i will be more discreet .", "i thought you should know about this problem .", "would you like me to leave ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["now , i am responsible for training new staff , but you keep overriding my authority by trying to pose your methods . i know you are a hotshot college graduate with something to prove . but i do n't like your way .", "you are bothering everyone by getting in their business", "you keep asking questions about things that are none of your business", "people are getting mad at you because of your gossiping", "other workers are complaining that you are bothering them"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Now , I am responsible for training new staff , but you keep overriding my authority by trying to pose your methods . I know you are a hotshot college graduate with something to prove . But I don ' t like your way ."}], "index": 158} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mom , when you come home , please buy a coat , a skirt , a sweater ...", "responses": ["enough is enough . i know .", "do you need some shoes too ?", "we ca n't afford all of that", "do you want to come with me to pick all of this out", "what color coat do you want ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Enough is enough . I know ."}], "index": 159} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . Chen , do you mind if I smoke ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , mrs . lin . we do n't allow smoking in the office .", "yes , i think so", "yes , i did it", "why you do it", "why you think so"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm sorry , Mrs . Lin . We don't allow smoking in the office ."}], "index": 160} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning , can I help you ?", "responses": ["i want to american breakfast with fried eggs sunny side up .", "no , if i want i ask you again", "yes , i need your held", "why are you ready to help me", "good morning , ok"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to American breakfast with fried eggs sunny side up .", "responses": ["what kind of juice do you prefer , sir ?", "would you like anything else with that ?", "can i get you a beverage as well ?", "it will be ready within ten minutes .", "please take a seat and i will bring it out to you when it 's ready ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of juice do you prefer , sir ?", "responses": ["breakfast juice and please make my coffee very strong .", "i would like orange juice please", "it does n't matter what kind - anything will do .", "what kinds do you have ?", "whatever is freshly squeezed is fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Breakfast juice and please make my coffee very strong .", "responses": ["yes , sir . american breakfast with fried eggs sunny side up . breakfast juice and black coffee . and my correct , sir ?", "we have both orange and cranberry juices on the menu . which would you like ?", "do you have a preference for the flavor of your breakfast juice ?", "okay . we make wonderful coffee here . i 'm sure you will enjoy it .", "will grapefruit juice be acceptable with your breakfast and coffee ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , sir . American breakfast with fried eggs sunny side up . Breakfast juice and black coffee . And my correct , sir ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's right .", "yes you are", "sounds good", "that is right", "that is correct"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that ' s right .", "responses": ["is there anything else , sir ?", "it will be ready soon .", "we will bring your meal to your room as soon as it 's prepared .", "thank you for your order , it will be ready shortly .", "okay , it will be ready in approximately 10 minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything else , sir ?", "responses": ["no , that 's all .", "i 'll need two sets of cutlery .", "how long will it be ?", "i 'll also take a pitcher of iced tea with lemons on the side .", "will you make sure i get some salt and pepper as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , that ' s all .", "responses": ["good morning , sir . i 've got breakfast your ordered .", "i 'll put your order in right away .", "i 'll be right back with your beverages .", "alright , i 'll be back to check on you shortly .", "it will be about ten minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning , sir . I ' Ve got breakfast your ordered .", "responses": ["just put it on the table please .", "wow , that looks yummy .", "wow , thank you very much .", "wow , thank you , it looks great .", "wow , that looks delicious ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just put it on the table please .", "responses": ["do you need anything else , sir ?", "thank you very much", "we delivered you breakfast hope you satisfied sir .", "there it is .", "okay , i will put it there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you need anything else , sir ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . oh , yes , could i have some juice for the mini bar ?", "no . thank you .", "some hot sauce please .", "ketchup .", "can i get an extra napkin ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "No , thanks . Oh , yes , could I have some juice for the mini bar ?", "responses": ["what kind of juice do you like sir ?", "what kind of juice would you like ?", "do you want orange juice or apple juice ?", "there should be some there already , let me double check for you .", "of course , i will get it right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of juice do you like sir ?", "responses": ["tomato or orange juice , please .", "i will have the orange juice", "i will have the apple juicr", "what kinds are there ?", "i think i will go eith the grape"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Tomato or orange juice , please .", "responses": ["yes , sir . i 'll get them for you right away . would you please sign this bill first ? thank you , sir .", "very well , should i just bring one of those two ?", "i will be back with your tomato or orange juice .", "just a minute , let me get that right to you as soon as possible .", "sounds good , do you know which of those you would like ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , sir . I ' ll get them for you right away . Would you please sign this bill first ? Thank you , sir ."}], "index": 161} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Should we tip ? This service is pretty good .", "responses": ["yeah , we probably should . how much is normal ?", "i think the server deserves 20 percent .", "yes , that would be the right thing to do .", "sure , how much are you thinking ?", "they did n't really have to do that much but a small tip would be okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , we probably should . How much is normal ?", "responses": ["how about 10 percent ? that 's about 6 dollars .", "i usually tip 20 % for good service .", "i would typically tip for good service , and quite a lot .", "of course , the server did a great job and should be rewarded .", "it would be rude not to tip , especially for such good service ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about 10 percent ? That's about 6 dollars .", "responses": ["that sounds about right .", "i believe 20 % is the starting point for a standard tip .", "we should definitely reward more than that for the excellent service .", "i think 10 dollars would be more appropriate .", "that sounds good to me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That sounds about right ."}], "index": 162} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time does the train for Tibet leave ?", "responses": ["it will leave at 3:00 p . m .", "it leaves in half an hour .", "the next train for tibet leaves at 3:10 pm .", "i 'm afraid the next train is n't until tomorrow morning at 9 am .", "let me check that for you , give me just a minute ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It will leave at 3:00 p . m .", "responses": ["when does it arrive ?", "how early should i get to the station ?", "what is the cost of a return ticket ?", "is the train normally busy ?", "is there a first class section and is it expensive ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When does it arrive ?", "responses": ["it should be due in at 7:30 a . m . tomorrow .", "it will be arriving around 7:00 pm .", "in about three hours .", "it will arrive at 8:30 unless it runs into weather delays .", "it is a quick trip and will be arriving at your destination in one hour ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It should be due in at 7:30 a . m . tomorrow .", "responses": ["how much is the ticket ?", "are there any other times that the train leaves for tibet ?", "are there any other times that the train arrives ?", "where can i purchase tickets ?", "what time do i need to board the train ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is the ticket ?", "responses": ["it 's 86 coach and 175 berths", "one ticket is $ 15 .", "a round trip ticket costs $ 45 .", "tickets for the standard seats are $ 22 .", "for one adult , the ticket price is $ 18 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's 86 coach and 175 berths", "responses": ["one berth , please .", "is the coach reserved ?", "how large are the berths ?", "do the coach seats recline all the way ?", "is there a dining car ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "One berth , please ."}], "index": 163} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hey , taxi .", "responses": ["where to , sir ?", "where would you like to go sir ?", "what is your destination ?", "what time do you need to be at your destination ?", "do you have a preferred route to the address you need to get to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where to , sir ?", "responses": ["beijing library .", "i need to go downtown the fastest way possible , please .", "can you take me to the stadium ?", "the marriot next to the airport .", "i need to get to the conference center but would appreciate it if you could take a route that avoids heavy traffic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Beijing Library .", "responses": ["hop in , please .", "be there promptly", "we 'll be there in no time , sir", "i will get you there quickly , sir", "sounds good , sir"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Hop in , please .", "responses": ["is it a long ride to beijing library ?", "thank you .", "can you also pick up my friend ?", "can you tell me your fares first ?", "wonderful !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it a long ride to Beijing Library ?", "responses": ["it will take about thirty minutes because it is the rush hour .", "just five miles .", "should be under twenty minutes .", "it might be , seeing as that is friday afternoon .", "no , we will be there soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It will take about thirty minutes because it is the rush hour .", "responses": ["thirty minutes , that will be all right . there are still fifty minutes to go before the library is open . look , what are they doing on the square ?", "okay , thank you .", "that 's fine . i 'm not in a huge rush .", "can you point out anything of interest along the way ?", "how much do you think it will cost to get there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thirty minutes , that will be all right . There are still fifty minutes to go before the library is open . Look , what are they doing on the square ?", "responses": ["it is an exhibition of chinese jades . it is held each year . a nice collection jades of are on display and sold .", "they are protesting .", "must be a construction project .", "i have no idea but it looks interesting .", "some road work that was past due ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is an exhibition of Chinese jades . It is held each year . A nice collection jades of are on display and sold .", "responses": ["sounds great ! can you stop somewhere here for a minute ? i will get some souvenirs for my friends .", "okay , interesting well hope you have fun .", "okay , that sounds fun sir .", "oh interesting", "okay"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Sounds great ! Can you stop somewhere here for a minute ? I will get some souvenirs for my friends .", "responses": ["no problem .", "ok . but i need to charge you extra for the wait time .", "sure , but the meter will keep running .", "no problem .", "surely ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem ."}], "index": 164} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in , sir ?", "responses": ["three bags and a suitcase . this is my luggage to check .", "i wo n't be checking in any luggage today ?", "just the one , i believe .", "i have four in total but would like to take two of them on the plane possible .", "i wo n't be checking anything today unless it is free of charge ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Three bags and a suitcase . This is my luggage to check .", "responses": ["do you have any carry - on luggage ?", "sounds good sir", "will do , i will get to it sir", "thank you , sir", "i hope you have a good trip , sir"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any carry-on luggage ?", "responses": ["no .", "yes , i have one small bag .", "yes , i have one bag that will fit in an overhead compartment .", "no , i have no carry - on luggage .", "nope , nothing to carry - on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No .", "responses": ["put your luggage on the scale , please . oh , your luggage is overweight .", "place the bags on the scale please .", "how would you like to pay ?", "do you have an airline branded credit card ?", "are any of the bags over 50 pounds ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Put your luggage on the scale , please . Oh , your luggage is overweight .", "responses": ["how much is the excess baggage part charge ?", "by how much ?", "let me take a few things out .", "what will the charge be for the extra weight ?", "that ca n't be right . i weighed my bags at home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is the excess baggage part charge ?", "responses": ["twenty - two dollars", "it 's $ 28 .", "it 's $ 30 .", "it 's $ 35 .", "it 's $ 40 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Twenty-two dollars", "responses": ["here you are .", "can you not waive the fee sir ?", "okay , can you not waive the cost >", "okay , in that case can you please lower the cost a bit ?", "okay , thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["this is your voucher , and you can get your luggage back on this . have a good trip !", "thank you .", "have a good day .", "is there anything else i can help you with ?", "is there anything else i can assist you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This is your voucher , and you can get your luggage back on this . Have a good trip !", "responses": ["thank you !", "so i just turn this voucher in at baggage check when we land ?", "where do i turn this voucher in at to get my luggage when we land ?", "what happens if i lose or misplace this voucher before i land ?", "ok , thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you !"}], "index": 165} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What date would you like to depart , sir ?", "responses": ["do you have any seats for september 16th ?", "i would like to depart this friday", "i am thinking about leaving tomorrow .", "is there anything open tuesday ?", "saturday evening would be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any seats for September 16th ?", "responses": ["let 's see ... i 'm afraid the 16th is fully booked . but i have seats for the 17th .", "yes , we have several seats available on that date .", "yes , here are the options for that date .", "we do , would you prefer an aisle , middle , or window seat ?", "absolutely !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's see ... I'm afraid the 16th is fully booked . But I have seats for the 17th .", "responses": ["the 17th will be fine .", "what time does the flight leave ?", "that 's no good . what about the 15th ?", "can you put my on standby ?", "what is the earliest flight on that day ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "The 17th will be fine .", "responses": ["and what date will you be returning ?", "would you like to book your return flight ?", "how long will you be staying ?", "how would you like to pay ?", "great ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And what date will you be returning ?", "responses": ["hmm , i guess on the 28th .", "on the 20th .", "on the 19th .", "on the 21st", "on the 22nd ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hmm , I guess on the 28th .", "responses": ["okay , you 're booked on american airlines flight 710 , departing jfk at 6", "okay , i will check if that is available . if not you would have to change the date as well", "i am sorry the 28th is unavailable but the 29th is available . would you like that one instead ?", "okay , the 28th is you return date correct ?", "the 28th will be you return date sir"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay , you're booked on American Airlines flight 710 , departing JFK at 6", "responses": ["sounds good . thanks a lot .", "great !", "good !", "ok .", "thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds good . Thanks a lot ."}], "index": 166} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to buy a black suit .", "responses": ["do you have any special brand in your mind ?", "what is your size ?", "what style do you prefer ?", "we have a special on these suits .", "let me take some measurements ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any special brand in your mind ?", "responses": ["no , i never wear suit in my everyday life . i just want one to take part in my sister 's wedding ceremony .", "a generic brand will do .", "anything that looks good on me .", "armani would be lovely .", "i am attending a suit and tie event ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I never wear suit in my everyday life . I just want one to take part in my sister ' s wedding ceremony .", "responses": ["i see . have a look at this one . it 's very cheap because it 's not very durable .", "in that case any brand would do , what style would you like sir ?", "okay , i see in that case let me show you a variety of the suits we have .", "yes i see sir , what style is your favorite ?", "let me help with that sir , hope you keep all the options open ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I see . Have a look at this one . It ' s very cheap because it ' s not very durable .", "responses": ["but it looks good . let me try it on .", "well , i 'm only planning on wearing it once .", "do you have any others ?", "well , it is a special occasion so i might want something nicer .", "i 'll try it on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "but it looks good . Let me try it on .", "responses": ["ok , the mirror is over there .", "sure , let 's get you a dressing room .", "ok , come over here and you can try it on .", "do you want a shirt to try on with it ?", "the dressing rooms are over there . let me know if you have any other questions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok , the mirror is over there ."}], "index": 167} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you , miss ?", "responses": ["i am looking for a pair of shoes .", "i 'm looking for a garden hose , can you help ?", "i need to pay my water bill , can you process it ?", "i need more towels in my room , can you help ?", "yes , could i get a refill on my coffee ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am looking for a pair of shoes .", "responses": ["do you like high heels or flat shoes ?", "great , is there any kind of shoes you 're looking for ?", "i can help you with that .", "okay . i can get someoen to help you with that", "i can help you with that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you like high heels or flat shoes ?", "responses": ["high hells , please . i want to wear them in formal situations .", "i like high heels please .", "i would like some flat shoes this time .", "i have n't decided , can i see what you have available ?", "what do you think would look good on me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "High hells , please . I want to wear them in formal situations ."}], "index": 168} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi Jim . Do you have a minute ?", "responses": ["sure , what 's up ?", "sure , what can i do for you ?", "just give me a sec to finish up this transaction and i 'll be right with you .", "i 'm a bit busy , can you give me say 5 minutes ?", "of course , let 's sit outside and have some lemonade and we can chat ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Sure , what ' s up ?", "responses": ["some of us are going to start a soccer team . would you like to join us ?", "i need to talk to you about the new training classes", "i have to tell you about your progress of late", "i just wanted to vheck up on how you are dling", "just wanted to say how good you have been doing lately"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Some of us are going to start a soccer team . Would you like to join us ?", "responses": ["i do n't know anything about it . soccer is n't as popular in my country as it is here .", "yeah , sounds like fun !", "sorry i really do n't think i would do very well .", "do you think i have what it takes ?", "yeah , i could give it a shot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don ' t know anything about it . Soccer isn ' t as popular in my country as it is here .", "responses": ["that 's all right . we 'll teach you .", "every country knows soccer .", "it 's popular everywhere .", "do n't sweat it . just get over here .", "you run ; you kick .. that 's it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s all right . We ' ll teach you .", "responses": ["is it anything like american football ?", "that 's great , what can you teach me ?", "i 'm really hoping i can learn how to play soccer with you guys", "what time can you teach me ?", "what type of tricks will i learn ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it anything like American football ?", "responses": ["not very much . it 's something like hockey , except that you use a big ball and no stick .", "no , not really , but it is easy to learn ?", "it has a bit of similarity , but not too much .", "there 's defense and offense . that 's similar in both sports .", "not really , but it 's good exercise and it 's a lot of fun ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not very much . It ' s something like hockey , except that you use a big ball and no stick .", "responses": ["i 'll come down and watch you play some day , and see what it 's like .", "ok we will join", "what features are in that game", "can we play together", "what timing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' ll come down and watch you play some day , and see what it ' s like .", "responses": ["good idea . i think you 'll like it if you give it a chance .", "i 'm looking forward to seeing you on the field .", "you 'll be a great addition to our team .", "i 'd love to introduce you to everybody on the team .", "i have a feeling that you 'll love playing soccer ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good idea . I think you ' ll like it if you give it a chance ."}], "index": 169} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you remember what the ratings of movies stand for ?", "responses": ["yes , g stands for general audiences , pg means parental guidance suggested , r is restricted to audiences under 18 and x means explicit content .", "yes i do", "i am not sure", "i think it says it on thier website", "yes did you need me to tell you anyone in specific"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , G stands for General Audiences , PG means Parental Guidance suggested , R is restricted to audiences under 18 and X means explicit content .", "responses": ["does anyone pay any attention to those ratings anymore ?", "thank you very much , i have a teenage son .", "that is helpful to know , thank you .", "i appreciate the information , thanks !", "thanks for the thorough answer , that will come in handy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does anyone pay any attention to those ratings anymore ?", "responses": ["remember when we were kids ? theaters would n't let kids in to pg moves without a parent .", "parents look for these ratings when finding a movie to watch with their kids .", "teenagers may try to find r rated movies to watch to make them feel cool .", "no one cares about movie ratings anymore .", "everyone pays attention to movie ratings in order to find the right movie for their age group ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Remember when we were kids ? Theaters wouldn't let kids in to PG moves without a parent .", "responses": ["i remember that i never saw an x moves even displayed .", "hahaha ! i remember those days , really fun !", "i miss when we would have popcorn with eachother !", "i loved getting those frozen drinks !", "i miss those crazy movies ! ! ! !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I remember that I never saw an X moves even displayed .", "responses": ["now with video rentals it 's all a personal matter .", "i know . things were sure different back in the day .", "it just shows how much things have changed .", "the good old days is what i wish it was still like . things are progressing way too fast .", "i miss the good old days when we were kids and things were much more simpler . kids these days know way too much way too soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Now with video rentals it's all a personal matter .", "responses": ["yea , i never see theaters turn people away for their age anymore either .", "who rents videos now ? it 's all streamed ,", "i do n't rent them ; i stream .", "no rentals . i use hulu .", "some older friends still do rent them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yea , I never see theaters turn people away for their age anymore either .", "responses": ["now we have to make a choice about what we will see and what we wo n't .", "you 're right . i do n't think they care .", "i 'm sure they do n't .", "lucky kids nowadays .", "times sure have changed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now we have to make a choice about what we will see and what we won't ."}], "index": 170} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why aren't you doing well in the class ?", "responses": ["the material is so abstract that i have trouble understanding it .", "i have had alot of stress lately", "i just can not understand the class", "i am not sure . i have been trying my hardiest", "i really have not heen trying my hardiest"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The material is so abstract that I have trouble understanding it ."}], "index": 171} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Reservation , can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i would like to reserve a room for next monday .", "yes , i am needing a room for next tuesday night .", "i would like to make a reservation at your restaurant for this friday night please .", "can i get a window seat for next wednesday ?", "hi , i need a double room for all next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I would like to reserve a room for next Monday .", "responses": ["wait a moment , please . let me check it .", "there are no rooms available next monday .", "one room is available that day , i will make your reservation for it .", "there are two rooms available , one with a sea view and the other with a street view . which would you prefer ?", "would you like a queen bed or two full beds in your room ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Wait a moment , please . Let me check it .", "responses": ["by the way , i want a large room .", "please let me know asap !", "i 'd like to know what rooms are available !", "tell me what rooms are available for monday !", "i really need a room badly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "By the way , I want a large room .", "responses": ["right now we have a suite for 4 people , do you want to book it ?", "would you like a suite ?", "would you like a king size bed or two queen beds ?", "do you have an awards card with us ?", "i might be able to upgrade you for a small additional cost ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Right now we have a suite for 4 people , do you want to book it ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's what i am looking for . i will take the room for 2 days .", "how many bathrooms are there ?", "what floor is the suite on ?", "i think i 'd like it .", "ok , i 'll take it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , that's what I am looking for . I will take the room for 2 days ."}], "index": 172} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Mel ! Are you up for some tennis today ?", "responses": ["sorry , i ca n't ! i have to go to work , pick up jake and maddie from school , and make them an afternoon snack , then take jake to soccer practice and maddie to dance class .", "sounds great !", "yup ! just let me go get my racket .", "sure ! when were you thinking ?", "no , i think i hurt my shoulder ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I can ' t ! I have to go to work , pick up Jake and Maddie from school , and make them an afternoon snack , then take Jake to soccer practice and Maddie to dance class .", "responses": ["you sound exhausted . maybe you should hire a nanny to help you out ! she can pick the kids up and take them to their after - school activities . she can also help you do some household chores , and run so", "what are you doing afterwards ?", "when will you be able to play some tennis ?", "are you available tomorrow for some tennis ?", "what 's the best time to reach you to get some tennis in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You sound exhausted . Maybe you should hire a nanny to help you out ! She can pick the kids up and take them to their after-school activities . She can also help you do some household chores , and run so", "responses": ["oh , i do n't know ... it 's hard to find the right nanny . you have to consider her previous work experience , the responsibilities you give her , and how she interacts with the kids . i would love to have", "i wish i could , but i ca n't afford to do that at this time .", "maybe i could afford to do that if i only had the nanny come part time . that would make my life a little less hectic .", "i just need to find a babysitter that would be willing to do a few extra chores too .", "what i need is for my husband to pick up some of the slack once in a while . he does n't realize everything that i do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I don ' t know ... it ' s hard to find the right nanny . You have to consider her previous work experience , the responsibilities you give her , and how she interacts with the kids . I would love to have", "responses": ["i think you should definitely consider it ! this way you wo n't have to juggle such a busy schedule , and you 'll still get to spend time with the kids in the evenings . i can refer you this great", "i get it . it 's a tough decision . i can recommend a couple of people if you 'd like .", "it 's hard to find one , but so worth it when you do . mine loves my kids !", "yes , i agree . there are a few services that allow you to try a nanny temporarily to see if they 're a good fit .", "oh i know . it 's hard to find someone to help . oh ! maybe a mother 's helper would be a good choice . you could even hire a college student ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think you should definitely consider it ! This way you won ' t have to juggle such a busy schedule , and you ' ll still get to spend time with the kids in the evenings . I can refer you this great", "responses": ["oh , that 's great . thanks grace . can you give me her number ? i 'll talk it over with dan and give her a call tomorrow . maybe this way i wo n't be so tired every day , and dan and i might even get to go", "you know what , i will seriously consider it .", "well , it would be nice to have some time in my schedule for tennis .", "a nanny might be a good solution for me and the kids right now .", "i 'm glad you suggested the nanny ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , that ' s great . Thanks Grace . Can you give me her number ? I ' ll talk it over with Dan and give her a call tomorrow . Maybe this way I won ' t be so tired every day , and Dan and I might even get to go"}], "index": 173} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Can you tell that I ' m excited ?", "responses": ["what are you excited about ?", "yes you earn gold coins", "you can also earn much more coins", "play game well", "earn 50 gold coins"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you excited about ?", "responses": ["i voted today .", "i 'm excited about getting some new shoes", "i really love going to the park for a run", "i 'm excited about getting a new dog to play with .", "i 'm exciting about getting good grades ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I voted today .", "responses": ["was this your first time ?", "i 'm proud of you . it feels good to make your vote for who you think the best candidate is .", "way to go . the first of many voting opportunities for you .", "it feels good to place that vote knowing your vote matters .", "excellent . it 's our civic duty to vote ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Was this your first time ?", "responses": ["i just turned 18 a month ago .", "it was my first time voting !", "yes , i 'd never voted before this .", "no , but i 'm always excited about election day .", "it was . have you voted today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I just turned 18 a month ago .", "responses": ["you 're lucky .", "wow , congratulations . good job .", "you are being a good citizen . the ability to vote is a responsibility and a right . it 's nice to see you are serious about it .", "i wish everyone were like you , we 'd have a better democracy .", "who did you vote for ? i also voted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You ' re lucky .", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "i know i am ; i know how important it is to vote .", "that 's true , but it was hard for me to decide who to vote for .", "i sure am . many people throughout the world do n't get to vote in free elections .", "that 's the same thing my parents told me last night ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["because you turned 18 in an election year .", "you still have your whole life ahead of you .", "you 're lucky that your birthday came so that you were able to vote .", "eighteen is a wonderful time of your life .", "you 're lucky that you turned 18 and not 17 or younger ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Because you turned 18 in an election year .", "responses": ["i did n't even think of that .", "when did you turn ?", "yeah , i guess so .", "yeah , most of my friends did n't .", "it sure worked out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn ' t even think of that .", "responses": ["you did n't ?", "i mean i guess it does n't really matter .", "i do n't turn 18 until next year , and then i have to wait !", "well are n't you going to tell me who you voted for ?", "but tell me , how was it ? !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You didn ' t ?", "responses": ["i really did n't , but i 'm still excited .", "nope i did n't", "i was excited to vote", "i never made the connection", "i 'm just glad it was before election day"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really didn ' t , but I ' m still excited .", "responses": ["you should be , because you 're a part of history .", "i thought you just said you did vote", "i would be excited too because this is an important year to vote", "do you mind me asking who you voted for ?", "that 's great ! welcome to adulthood !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You should be , because you ' re a part of history ."}], "index": 174} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes . i want to buy a pair of shoes .", "yes , i need some advice .", "no , i 'm okay .", "yes , i need some assistance .", "no , i 'm fine now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I want to buy a pair of shoes .", "responses": ["have you a pattern in your mind ?", "do you have any particular style in mind that you would like ?", "would you like for me to show you around , or would you prefer browsing through our selection yourself ?", "are you looking for something formal , or do you want something casual ?", "sure , i 'd be happy to help you find something you 'd like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you a pattern in your mind ?", "responses": ["well , maybe sneakers or rubber shoes .", "no , just thought i would look around .", "well , i want them to be leather .", "do you have anything in plaid ?", "what sort of patterns do you carry ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , maybe sneakers or rubber shoes .", "responses": ["is there any special brand you would like ?", "great ! let me show you what we have .", "sounds good . those are right over here .", "would you like to see what we have on sale today ?", "sure ! what size are you looking for ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there any special brand you would like ?", "responses": ["could i have look at that pair of canvas shoes ? they look nice .", "something sporty . maybe nike ?", "no nothing specific .", "do you have anything you 'd recommend ?", "i 'm not really sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I have look at that pair of canvas shoes ? They look nice ."}], "index": 175} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Look , how grand magnificent the Tiananmen Gate tour is !", "responses": ["what 's tiananmen famous for ?", "this tour is even better than i thought it would be .", "i 'm so glad i paid for this tour ; it 's well worth the money .", "i keep reminding myself how historical this location is .", "now i understand why this tour is so popular ; it 's fantastic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's Tiananmen famous for ?", "responses": ["it is largest pop square in the world . you see that is monument for the people 's hero , and the chairman mao memorial hall on the south . there is great hall of the people on the west . there are two museums on the east .", "it 's very well known for tiananmen square .", "you should check out tiananmen gate !", "tiananmen square is a spectatular , historic place .", "there was a famous student protest at tiananmen square ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is largest pop square in the world . you see that is monument for the people's hero , and the Chairman Mao memorial hall on the south . there is great hall of the people on the west . there are two museums on the east .", "responses": ["what 's that ?", "what features are in the museums on the east ?", "what sort of events take place in the great hall of the people ?", "is there a cultural significance to the ordinal placement of the buildings and monument 's direction ?", "what are some events that have been located in the memorial , chairman mao hall ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's that ?", "responses": ["that 's the forbidden city on the north of gate building .", "they are famous historic chinese buildings .", "chairman mao was the leader of china and these buildings commemorate him .", "which , the museums or the monuments ?", "it is an important site of many events in chinese history ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the Forbidden city on the north of Gate building .", "responses": ["all the sightseeing in china is very attractive and crescive . travelling to china is very worth one . thank you so much for your guides , and i 'll miss you .", "why is it forbidden", "am i allowed to go ?", "it 's beautiful", "what is there ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "All the sightseeing in china is very attractive and crescive . travelling to China is very worth one . thank you so much for your guides , and I'll miss you ."}], "index": 176} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I ran it against that fence pole as I crashed . What do you think ? Damn , it hurts !", "responses": ["we 'll have to get you to a hospital . i can ride you on the back of my bike .", "do n't you think you should go to the emergency room ?", "show me exactly where it hurts .", "is the pain subsiding at all ?", "fortunately there is no blood but it is badly bruised . let 's go to the emergency room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'll have to get you to a hospital . I can ride you on the back of my bike .", "responses": ["i 'm lucky i was n't killed . i must have been going around forty - five miles an hour . there was too much gravel on that corner . i slid out .", "thanks , let 's hurry please .", "oh gosh ! i do n't know . maybe we should call an ambulance .", "thank you . how quickly can you get me there .", "okay , if you think that 's the best idea ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm lucky I wasn't killed . I must have been going around forty-five miles an hour . There was too much gravel on that corner . I slid out .", "responses": ["yes , i almost slid too . alright . this tourniquet is tight . how does it feel ?", "why were you going so fast ?", "was someone chasing you ?", "what part of your body hurts the worst ?", "are you able to hold on while i drive my bike ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I almost slid too . Alright . This tourniquet is tight . How does it feel ?", "responses": ["make it tighter . i want the blood stopped . then wrap some bandages around the cut . then we can go . ouch ! i hope i can walk .", "i mean , all things considered it feels ok .", "i ca n't really feel anything . is that bad ?", "it feels alright . i 'm just in a lot of pain .", "the pain is killing me ! ! !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Make it tighter . I want the blood stopped . Then wrap some bandages around the cut . Then we can go . Ouch ! I hope I can walk .", "responses": ["alright , i 'm twisting it around . you tell me when to stop .", "we need to keep you safe , it needs to be tight", "i ca n't make it too tight you 'll lose your leg", "do n't worry about walking i 'll carry you", "are you sure ? i do n't want to hurt you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Alright , I'm twisting it around . You tell me when to stop .", "responses": ["there . stop !", "ok , that is good .", "i think it could be a little tighter .", "that stopped the blood . thank you .", "that 's good . let 's go now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "There . Stop !"}], "index": 177} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . James . I know that office hour is up now , but could you work during the weekend and finish the translations ?", "responses": ["well , unfortunately i have got something to do this weekend . but let me see ...", "sure , i 'd be happy to .", "i can help out saturday ; but unfortunately not on sunday .", "absolutely ; when would you like me to work ?", "yes i can ; about how many hours do you think you will need me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , unfortunately I have got something to do this weekend . But let me see ...", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry . however , if you could help me out , i 'll double the pay for the hours worked .", "i would be very grateful , is there anything i can do to assist you ?", "mr . james , i know i have no right to ask , the translations hold a key piece of data that i ca n't get by without .", "i can do the thing you have to do this weekend in exchange for the translations , would that work ?", "i understand , i really have no right to ask . i 'll have to just wait ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , I'm sorry . However , if you could help me out , I'll double the pay for the hours worked .", "responses": ["that 's very kind of you . how soon do you really need them ?", "ok , since you will pay double i will do it .", "i tell ca n't do it even for the dollar the pay .", "yes , i would love to do it .", "i will rearrange my plans ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's very kind of you . How soon do you really need them ?", "responses": ["i 'll need them for the conference on monday afternoon . do you think it can be done by then ?", "i need them no later than monday at 6 pm . that 's why there 's a rush .", "honestly , i needed them yesterday , so anything you can do would be appreciated .", "well , as long as they 're done by wednesday we should be fine .", "can you have them to me by sunday at midnight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'll need them for the conference on Monday afternoon . Do you think it can be done by then ?", "responses": ["i 'll try .", "of course i can get that done", "that 's a really tight deadline", "i 'll do my best", "i 'm on it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll try .", "responses": ["thank you very much , mr . james .", "great , thank you so much .", "thank you , i appreciate your help .", "i appreciate your effort .", "thank you , i owe you one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much , Mr . James ."}], "index": 178} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't worry , your baby is in my home .", "responses": ["how can i ever thank you ? i owe you a big favor .", "wait who are you ?", "what baby", "my dog ?", "when did you get her ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How can I ever thank you ? I owe you a big favor ."}], "index": 179} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm very sorry , sir . My car has broken down .", "responses": ["sorry to hear that . can we do anything about it ?", "can you call for someone else to come and pick me up ?", "that is unacceptable , i want to speak to your supervisor immediately .", "that 's ok , i 'll just wait here until you fix it .", "what is wrong with it ? maybe i can fix it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry to hear that . Can we do anything about it ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid not .", "can you call a tow truck for me ?", "do you have jumper cables so that we can jump my car battery ?", "can i use your phone to call a friend to help me ?", "do you know anything about cars to help me determine what is wrong ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid not .", "responses": ["then i have to call another taxi , or i 'll be late .", "alright then , have a nice day .", "perhaps we can help you find a rental ?", "can we help you find a mechanic ?", "maybe you could contact our service department ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Then I have to call another taxi , or I'll be late ."}], "index": 180} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi . I need to have my shoes repaired .", "responses": ["what 's the matter with them ?", "i can take them to the repair shop for you .", "i will fix them for you .", "i 'm sorry but they are too worn out to be repaired .", "we can repair them but it will take a week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the matter with them ?", "responses": ["look at the heels . they are slanting .", "the soles are coming apart .", "the laces are broken .", "the stitching is coming undone", "they just need a minor repair ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look at the heels . They are slanting .", "responses": ["ah , i can do it perfectly .", "i see what you mean", "i can replace the heels if you like .", "it looks like they will need to be replaced , not just repaired .", "these are nice shoes . i see why you want to keep them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ah , I can do it perfectly .", "responses": ["how much does it cost ?", "please bring your shoes in at your convenience , i would be happy to repair them .", "i can repair any type of shoe .", "that would be great , i will bring them over by noon .", "it would be nice to have them restored to perfection ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much does it cost ?", "responses": ["6 yuan . and i can make them as new as before .", "well , the cost is contingent upon the different materials used .", "the cost is negotiable !", "this depends -- how much is your budget ?", "i 'm unsure of the price until i begin working on the shoe ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "6 yuan . And I can make them as new as before .", "responses": ["i think it 's too expensive . i can just give you 4 yuan . or i 'll go to another b .", "that would be fantastic !", "i am in a rush , can i pay a little more to have them done sooner ?", "i love these shoes quite a bit ! this would be fantastic having them restored .", "i would love to do this as soon as possible ! thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "I think it ' s too expensive . I can just give you 4 yuan . Or I ' ll go to another B .", "responses": ["all right . i 'll repair them for you .", "i can do it for 5 yuan .", "they ca n't do it as well as me though .", "ok - i 'll do it for 4 yuan .", "fine , i 'll do it for 4 yuan if you can give me a few days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . I ' ll repair them for you .", "responses": ["how long will it take ? could you repair them while i wait ?", "thank you , i need them fixed fast .", "i really need them fixed very soon .", "i 'm desperate for them to be fixed .", "i have the money for them to be fixed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How long will it take ? Could you repair them while I wait ?", "responses": ["yes . they will be ready in a few minutes .", "i can repair them in thirty minutes to an hour if that 's good for you .", "this repair might take a while , do you mind coming back in an hour ?", "i can get it done in twenty minutes if you 're willing to wait .", "alright , there are some chairs for you to sit over there , this repair should n't take too long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . They will be ready in a few minutes .", "responses": ["great ! i 'll just sit here and wait .", "thanks so much . i 'll have a seat right here and wait", "do you accept credit card ?", "sounds good . i will be there at 1 pm .", "ok perfect . here you go ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great ! I ' ll just sit here and wait ."}], "index": 181} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello !", "responses": ["hello , is that stefan ?", "hi ! how are you ?", "hey , what 's up ?", "hello to you as well !", "hi , how 've you been ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Is that Stefan ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , but i 'm afraid you 've dialed the wrong number . there is no stefan here .", "yes . stefan here .", "no i am stefan 's younger brother george . let me go get stefan .", "it looks like him . wait until her turns around .", "it could be him . but it looks like he has grown a beard ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry , but I'm afraid you've dialed the wrong number . There is no Stefan here .", "responses": ["really ? are you sure ? i called before and he was there .", "is n't this 555 - 1234 ?", "sorry , perhaps i miss dialed .", "how long have you had this number ?", "okay thanks , i will check my information ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Are you sure ? I called before and he was there .", "responses": ["yes . i 'm sure . you have the wrong number . i have used this number for more than 20 years .", "i 'm quite sure . i 'm sorry , but you have the wrong number .", "i 'm sure that you have the wrong number . you may want to double check the number that you dialed .", "i 'm positive . i apologize .", "i 'm unsure as to who you spoke with before , but there is no stefan here at this number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I'm sure . You have the wrong number . I have used this number for more than 20 years .", "responses": ["that ca n't be true . i remember the number clearly . is your number 1199886 ?", "is it possible that the lines are crossed ?", "i will try one more time !", "i had to have dialed the number incorrectly .", "can i confirm the number i am trying to dial ? i am certain to be calling the right one"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That can't be true . I remember the number clearly . Is your number 1199886 ?", "responses": ["no , it is n't . it 's 1199866 . it seems that you have misdialed .", "no , i think you just misdialed .", "i 'd rather not give out my number to you .", "no . i would double check your number again", "it is , but there is no stefan at this number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , it isn't . It's 1199866 . It seems that you have misdialed .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry i bothered you . i 'm really sorry .", "i am sorry for the misdial .", "i really did n't mean to misdial you .", "i think i called the wrong person", "i meant to call another person ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm sorry I bothered you . I'm really sorry .", "responses": ["it does n't matter . it happens to everyone .", "it 's fine , have a nice day !", "everyone makes little mistakes here and there , it 's okay .", "it 's alright , good luck on your call to stefan .", "it 's no trouble ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It doesn't matter . It happens to everyone .", "responses": ["sorry again for bothering you .", "it 's never happened to me !", "no problem . goodbye !", "i 'll try not to dial you again , i promise !", "that 's so true , i always do this !"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry again for bothering you .", "responses": ["that 's all right .", "it 's fine , really .", "no worries , have a nice day .", "it 's ok , just try to be more careful in the future .", "it 's totally fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's all right ."}], "index": 182} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["good morning . i 'm here to see rochelle davis , the human resources manager .", "yes . can you tell me if the restaurant is open ?", "yes . i would like to order room service .", "good morning . can i get some extra towels for my room ?", "yes . good morning . what time is check - out time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning . I ' m here to see Rochelle Davis , the Human Resources Manager .", "responses": ["do you have an appointment with her ?", "please take a seat and i will let rochelle know .", "do you have an appointment ?", "rochelle is n't in yet , would you like to wait ?", "ms . davis just got into the office . let me notify her that you 're here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have an appointment with her ?", "responses": ["yes , i do . i have a 10:00 appointment with her this morning .", "yes , it is set for 2 pm .", "no , could i arrange one ?", "is an appointment required ?", "yes i do , but i 'm a bit early ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do . I have a 10:00 appointment with her this morning .", "responses": ["okay . what 's your name , please ?", "thank you for confirming . just a moment , please .", "thank you very much .", "i appreciate your confirming . just a moment .", "thanks . just a second , and i alert ms . davis that you 're here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Okay . What ' s your name , please ?", "responses": ["my name is bruce green .", "my name is paul thank you", "will she be on time ? i have quite a busy schedule .", "hopefully i am scheduled for the appointment", "paul . thank you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Bruce Green .", "responses": ["thanks . please sit down . she 'll be with you shortly .", "you can have a seat over there .", "she 'll be with you in just a few minutes .", "great , here are a couple of forms for you to complete .", "she will be out to get you shortly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thanks . Please sit down . She ' ll be with you shortly .", "responses": ["thank you .", "i hope to see you back soon .", "i really need to get this appointment over soon .", "i appreciate your thoroughness .", "i am going to sit here and wait ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 183} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , Sir , do you know what time it is ?", "responses": ["oh , it 's almost eleven twenty .", "yes . it 's 4:52 pm", "yes , i do . let me check my phone . it 's 4:52 pm", "i do n't have my watch with me but i think it 's close to 5 pm", "yes i do . it 's 4:52 pm . glad to help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , it ' s almost eleven twenty .", "responses": ["thank you .", "can i get to the bus station from here", "is the mall still open", "is it dangerous around here this time of night", "is there any nightlife around here"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["you 're welcome . the rain is quite heavy , is n't it ?", "your welcome .", "thank you for your time .", "have a good day .", "appreciate , thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You ' re welcome . The rain is quite heavy , isn ' t it ?", "responses": ["yeah . i was in a hurry and i forgot my umbrella today .", "indeed , it 's raining like cats and dogs !", "it 's pouring outside !", "it most certainly is !", "unfortunately , yes ! the rain is relentless !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . I was in a hurry and I forgot my umbrella today .", "responses": ["i have one . we could share it . which way are you going ?", "i always post a sticky on my wallet so i do n't forget to take the umbrella .", "its only water and sometimes its fun to get some rain on our heads .", "its one of those things in life that you just have to laugh about- forgetting your umbrella .", "i rarely forget my umbrella ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I have one . We could share it . Which way are you going ?", "responses": ["oh , that 's very kind of you . i am going to the garden hotel .", "that would be great . i 'm heading downtown for a meeting .", "pefect , i 'm going to the restauarant down the street .", "thanks , but i 'm heading inside now .", "i appeciate that , i 'm just going across the street to the coffee shop ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that ' s very kind of you . I am going to the Garden Hotel .", "responses": ["i am going there , too . we can walk together .", "i hope you have fun .", "who are you going with ?", "are you going with some family ?", "is your dad going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am going there , too . We can walk together .", "responses": ["sure .", "i 'm not really comfortable with that , but thank you for the kind offer .", "sure , thanks for the offer .", "we better hurry before the rain comes down harder then .", "alright , i hope your umbrella is big enough to fit two people !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure ."}], "index": 184} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm interested in Chinese antiques .", "responses": ["we have a great variety of chinese antiques . besides , we have landscape painting , figure painting and flower - and - bird painting .", "are you looking to decorate a space ?", "do you have a specific era your looking for ?", "what kind of antiques - furniture , housewares , artwork ?", "where is your home will the antiques go ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have a great variety of Chinese antiques . Besides , we have landscape painting , figure painting and flower-and-bird painting .", "responses": ["i 'd like a flower - and - bird painting .", "what is the difference between landscape painting and figure painting ?", "that sounds beautiful -- how much ?", "how much are the landscape paintings ?", "what is the oldest flower - and - bird painting that you have in inventory ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like a flower-and-bird painting .", "responses": ["how about this picture of cranes with pine trees ? it was painted by a famous chinese painter in king dynasty .", "we certainly can help you with that !", "i have some that are more flower , others more bird . i can try to get a middle ground perhaps ?", "that s a great choice i love chinese antiques .", "let me show you what we have ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about this picture of cranes with pine trees ? It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in King Dynasty .", "responses": ["oh , they look just like live cranes .", "do you have any others besides this one ?", "this is beautiful . how much is it ?", "do you have any with flowers instead of trees ?", "that one might work very well for my collection ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , they look just like live cranes .", "responses": ["and what is more , in traditional chinese thinking , cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity .", "i am looking for a specific painting", "i really enjoy pine trees on paintings .", "we have a few pine tree photos you can purchase", "we have 1 flower painting available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And what is more , in traditional Chinese thinking , cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity ."}], "index": 185} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have to check out now . My name is Ruth Carson . Can I have my bill , please ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's $ 167 .", "okay , here 's your bill .", "you 're bill comes out to about $ 200 , how would you like to pay ?", "alright , also how did you find your stay here ?", "would you be willing to fill out a short survey on how your service here was ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , it's $ 167 .", "responses": ["thank you .", "do you accept american express ?", "does that include tax and charge ?", "will a copy of my bill be emailed to me ?", "that 's not the price i was quoted when i booked online"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 186} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , Mitzuko-san , I hope you like it here . This is my favourite restaurant in Taipei . It reminds me of my youth when I traveled around Europe .", "responses": ["it looks wonderful . very authentic .", "traveling around europe sounds interesting !", "do you have any stories from your travels that you 're willing to share ?", "what countries did you visit ?", "did you have a favorite place that you traveled to ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It looks wonderful . Very authentic .", "responses": ["the chef trained in florence . the pasta is very good here .", "have you been to europe ?", "the food is actually all authentic dutch cuisine .", "oh it is ! i come here all the time .", "it 's the closest you can get to authentic german food in taipei ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The chef trained in Florence . The pasta is very good here .", "responses": ["ok . so , what can you recommend ?", "i ca n't wait to try everything .", "it has a beautiful atmosphere for sure .", "this is going to be wonderful .", "thank you so much for bringing me here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . So , what can you recommend ?", "responses": ["hum ... you should try the mushroom fettucine . it 's really good .", "the spinach ravioli is by far my favorite dish .", "if by chance you 're not a fan of pasta , i recommend the eggplant parmesan .", "anything , really ! you ca n't go wrong .", "let me see a menu and i 'll show you my favorites ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hum ... You should try the mushroom fettucine . It's really good .", "responses": ["is it salty ?", "great . i 'll look at that . any good desserts ?", "i like fettucine , but i", "i like fettuccine , but i feel like fish . how is the seafood ?", "what wine would you recommend with the mushroom fettuccine ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it salty ?", "responses": ["not at all . it has a very delicate flavor .", "no , it should n't be too salty .", "i have never found it to be salty .", "tell them you do n't like too much salt and i am sure they will season it carefully .", "no , it was very creamy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not at all . It has a very delicate flavor .", "responses": ["what does'duppa del giono'mean ? i 'm sorry i do n't know how to pronounce that .", "what do you mean by delicate flavor ?", "sounds delicious .", "does it come with any sides ?", "how big is the portion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does ' Duppa del Giono ' mean ? I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce that .", "responses": ["oh , that means soup of the day . i 'll ask the waiter what they have today . have you tried mussels cooked the italian way ? they 're really delicious .", "i 'm sorry i do not know what it means", "may i ask someone who knows what it means", "i will tell you what it means right away", "i have no idea what it means"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , that means soup of the day . I'll ask the waiter what they have today . Have you tried mussels cooked the Italian way ? They're really delicious .", "responses": ["no . i 'll try them . sounds good .", "no , i have n't tried mussels .", "i 'm not very fond of mussels .", "i think i will have the chicken fettucine . it looks good .", "i think i will have the soup and salad since i 'm on a diet ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No . I'll try them . Sounds good ."}], "index": 187} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am calling to ask about the position of an usher .", "responses": ["anything you would like to know ?", "i 'm sorry , the position has been filled .", "yes , the position is still available . do you have experience being an usher ?", "sure , no problem . can i have your name please ?", "yes , how can i help you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anything you would like to know ?", "responses": ["what qualities do you expect the applicants to have ?", "yes , what exactly does an usher do ?", "what responsibilities does an usher have ?", "is this position still available or has it been filled already ?", "what would be the base pay for a job like this ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What qualities do you expect the applicants to have ?", "responses": ["we expect the usher girl to be good - looking , no less than 165 centimeters high , and love smiling .", "first off , we expect ushers to be polite and helpful .", "i 'll have to forward you to our hr department .", "do you have any prior experience as an usher ?", "we expect our ushers to be on time and available to work weekends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We expect the usher girl to be good-looking , no less than 165 centimeters high , and love smiling ."}], "index": 188} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , ma ' am , can I help you find something ?", "responses": ["yes , actually i 'm looking to buy a camera .", "yes , where are the kitchen knives ?", "do you sell firearms here ?", "i 'm trying to find a gift for my nephew .", "no , i 'm fine , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , actually I ' m looking to buy a camera .", "responses": ["we 've got a wide selection do you know if you 'd like a point - and - shoot , or something a little fancier ? are you shopping for yourself or for someone else ?", "what sort of camera ? dslr or more of a point and shoot ?", "do you have a certain brand you 're looking for ?", "may i ask your budget ?", "sure , please come this way . i 'd be more than happy to show you some of our most popular models ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We ' Ve got a wide selection do you know if you ' d like a point-and-shoot , or something a little fancier ? Are you shopping for yourself or for someone else ?", "responses": ["actually i 'm buying a camera for my husband .", "i am shopping for myself and i just need something basic .", "can you show me the different options ?", "am i allowed to try a few of the cameras out ?", "it 's a gift and the person is an advanced photographer , so i 'd like to see your fanciest products"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually I ' m buying a camera for my husband .", "responses": ["ah , well then i 'd recommend a nice entry - level digital slr .", "what kinds of things does he like to photograph ?", "do you consider your husband to be a beginner , intermediate or expert photographer ?", "do you have a certain budget in mind ?", "would he be interested in a special carrying case ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ah , well then I ' d recommend a nice entry-level digital SLR .", "responses": ["yeah ? can i take a look at the sirs you carry ?", "how much does it cost ?", "is it easy to use ?", "that one looks nice .", "he is a skilled photographer and does not need an entry - level one , i need something more advanced ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yeah ? Can I take a look at the Sirs you carry ?", "responses": ["sure thing , follow me . this here is the .", "yes of course you can", "i fear you will not be allow to have a look", "may i ask permission from my senior for that ?", "may i ask permission from my senior for that ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure thing , follow me . This here is the .", "responses": ["the canon eos . yeah it 's ok , but i 'm looking for something that performs better in low light , has a better display panel , and longer battery life .", "here is one camera that would work great for your husband", "here is a canon digital camera that would work great .", "here is a nikon digital camera that would work great .", "here are a variety of cameras that would work great . is there any in particular you have questions about ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "The Canon Eos . Yeah it ' s ok , but I ' m looking for something that performs better in low light , has a better display panel , and longer battery life .", "responses": ["oh , ah , um the nikon d60 is a nice option .", "how about we check out another one instead ?", "the camera next to it has an incredibly long battery life , if you are interested . what do you think about the design ?", "trust me . the canon eos is the best and your husband will love it !", "have you heard about the canon eos ' main competitor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , ah , um the Nikon D60 is a nice option .", "responses": ["yeah , but what kit lens does this camera come with ? i do n't want some bulky telephoto lens .", "how much is it ?", "do you have different color options ?", "are there any available ?", "when can i buy it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , but what kit lens does this camera come with ? I don ' t want some bulky telephoto lens .", "responses": ["oh , well this one has the , uh .", "i 'm not sure , let me ask my manager .", "it comes with the standard lens , but i believe you can get something less bulky .", "perhaps you would like something a bit more slender , here are some other options to look at .", "it is a large lens , we do have nikon cameras with less bulk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , well this one has the , uh .", "responses": ["looks to me like an 18 - 55 mm lens . pretty standard , that will do . not like my husband will be stalking celebrities or anything !", "okay , are there multiple options as far as lens kits ?", "is there anyone here who knows more about the camera that i could speak with ?", "do you know how long its battery life is ?", "how does it perform in low lighting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Looks to me like an 18-55 mm lens . pretty standard , that will do . Not like my husband will be stalking celebrities or anything !", "responses": ["so , ahem , can i interest you in any acc ...", "well , you never know .", "i 'm sure he 'll really like this choice .", "you 've made a great decision . let me get you taken care of at the register .", "do you need a cleaning kit to go with it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "So , ahem , can I interest you in any acc ...", "responses": ["accessories ? do you carry polarizing filters ?", "no , thank you . that 's all i want .", "do you carry nice lens cleaning wipers or something ? my husband will be using it a lot .", "do you have other models with the same type of lens ? i would like to make some comparisons .", "i will take a memory card ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Accessories ? Do you carry polarizing filters ?", "responses": ["polarizing filter um we should ! i 'm sorry , ma'am . it looks like we 're sold out .", "yes , we have those right here", "we are all out of those filters right now", "yes , and we also carry bags for the cameras and the accessories", "we have several polarizing filters available"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Polarizing filter um we should ! I ' m sorry , ma ' am . It looks like we ' re sold out .", "responses": ["no you 're not ! there are some right here !", "well , i definitely need a memory card - what do you have in stock ?", "is n't there something made by nikon like an ultimate accessory kit ?", "oh , do you know when you 'll have them in stock again/", "well , what other types of filters do you have ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No you ' re not ! There are some right here !", "responses": ["oh , well , would you look at that ! polarizing filters .", "oh my mistake !", "yes , but those wo n't fit that particular model .", "oh how did i not see those !", "oh thank you , i missed those ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , well , would you look at that ! Polarizing filters .", "responses": ["thanks for your help , ralph !", "how much are they ?", "how many can i buy ?", "are they available for purchase ?", "i need to buy them all ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks for your help , Ralph !", "responses": ["no problem , ma'am .", "you 're welcome .", "is there anything else you 'll be needing ?", "i can ring this up for you .", "have a wonderful day and thank you for coming in ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No problem , ma ' am ."}], "index": 189} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "May I help you , ma'ma ?", "responses": ["please , where do i catch the plane for new york ?", "i hope so , where is he bathroom ?", "i need to speak to a manager .", "i feel sick , i think i need help .", "no , i 'm just browsing , thank you though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Please , where do I catch the plane for New York ?", "responses": ["first you must check in at counter no . 4 .", "down the hall and to the left .", "terminal 5 .", "you 're almost there --- just turn right at the cinnabon 's and you 'll see it !", "i 'm sorry , but today 's flight to new york left two minutes ago . can i help you book a new flight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "First you must check in at Counter No . 4 .", "responses": ["that one there ?", "which direction is counter 4 ?", "after i check in , where do i go ?", "is there a long wait at counter 4 ?", "thank you for letting me know that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That one there ?", "responses": ["that 's right . then you will follow the signs to gate 85 .", "yes , that one right there .", "no , ma'am . not that one , that one all the way down there .", "no , ma'am , counter no . 4 .", "yes ma'am . here , let me help you with your luggage ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's right . Then you will follow the signs to Gate 85 .", "responses": ["thank you . you 've been very helpful .", "thank you very much .", "i appreciate your help .", "so i check in and then go to gate 85 ?", "how far is gate 85 ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you . You ' Ve been very helpful ."}], "index": 190} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . Crandall , I ' m sorry , but I really don ' t see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch . It would take a lot of work .", "responses": ["that 's certainly true . but , that 's what this job is all about , maria . there 's no doubt that this project is unacceptable .", "no more delay . it needs to be done .", "i know you have put a lot of time into this project , but it is essential for our company that we start over .", "i can respect that . let 's review the project as is together and see if we can make adjustments .", "the value would be receiving a large bonus upon its completion . does that motivate you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That ' s certainly true . But , that ' s what this job is all about , Maria . There's no doubt that this project is unacceptable .", "responses": ["i agree . but i think that we can handle the problem by making a few major changes . i 'd appreciate it if you would give me a chance .", "when is the deadline to complete this project ?", "i would like to have a team of people to work on this project .", "can i use parts from the existing project ?", "i will do the best i can ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I agree . But I think that we can handle the problem by making a few major changes . I ' d appreciate it if you would give me a chance .", "responses": ["all right , maria . i 'll give you until tomorrow at 4:00 to produce a satisfactory piece of work , but otherwise , you 'll have to re - do it .", "how long do you think it would take you to implement these changes ?", "i will have to bring it up with the board of directors and get their input .", "i suppose i will give you a chance , do n't let me down .", "no , my decision stands . we 're starting over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right , Maria . I ' ll give you until tomorrow at 4:00 to produce a satisfactory piece of work , but otherwise , you ' ll have to re-do it ."}], "index": 191} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it's time for me to meet my admirer and make him face the music .", "responses": ["you do ? how are you going to contact him ?", "how are you going to tell him ?", "where will you meet ?", "i guess you do n't like him .", "perhaps you should rethink this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You do ? How are you going to contact him ?", "responses": ["i 'm leaving him a message taped to my computer screen .", "he left his phone number .", "i 'll put a note on the front door .", "i will just wait until he contacts me .", "i am going to search for him on facebook ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm leaving him a message taped to my computer screen .", "responses": ["what does it say ? do you think he 'll see it ?", "really ? how 'll that work ?", "you are funny !", "you are joking , right !", "of course ! what kind of message are you going to leave ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does it say ? Do you think he'll see it ?", "responses": ["he 'll see it . it says , i like sweets . meet me at two thirty in the parking lot .", "i think he will see it", "it says how much i will like to see him", "i hope he sees it", "it says how i plan to meet him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He'll see it . It says , I like sweets . Meet me at two thirty in the parking lot .", "responses": ["can i spy on you guys from the window ?", "do you think he will meet you ?", "do you think he will meet you ?", "are you nervous about meeting him ? are you afraid of meeting him ? ( for question # 2 )", "what do you think he will be like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I spy on you guys from the window ?", "responses": ["no . but i 'll fill you in later . right now i have to find vince .", "haha . go for it .", "yeah , for sure , take pictures !", "no haha what if he sees you !", "make sure you 're sneaky !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No . But I'll fill you in later . Right now I have to find Vince ."}], "index": 192} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "There's plenty left . Would you like another helping ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to have some more . it 's really good .", "no , thank you .", "yes , please .", "that 's okay .", "that 's all . thank you for your help ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like to have some more . It's really good ."}], "index": 193} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , does this bus go to the new bookstore ?", "responses": ["no , you 'll have to get off at the bank , and take a no . 50 .", "yes , it does", "no , it does not", "i am not really sure as regards the route", "the bus will stop right before the new bookstore"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , you'll have to get off at the bank , and take a No . 50 .", "responses": ["thank you . how much is the fare to that stop ?", "i 'm not familiar with where the new bookstore is .", "no , but we stop 2 blocks from it .", "no , but it is within walking distance from the stop .", "no , but it 's such a nice day , you could walk the two blocks from the stop ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you . How much is the fare to that stop ?", "responses": ["one dollar .", "i have no idea ! i 'm going to ask someone and get back to you , ok ?", "no more than the change in your pocket . do n't worry", "no problem . it is 2 dollars", "of course , i think it is around 2 bucks"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One dollar .", "responses": ["how many stops are there ?", "is it possible to get it cheaper ?", "is that the least expensive option ?", "does the bus run all day ?", "when is the next time to get on the bus ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many stops are there ?", "responses": ["two stops after this one .", "there are four .", "there is just one stop that you can take .", "you will have to ride through 3 stops .", "stay on the bus until the last stop ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Two stops after this one .", "responses": ["could you please tell me when we get there ?", "what't is the stop called ?", "how far do i have to walk to get to the new bookstore from the stop ?", "how long will it take to get to the stop ?", "do you have a map of the stops ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you please tell me when we get there ?", "responses": ["sure .", "i guess .", "i can , but it 's a popular stop , so you 'll likely notice a lot of people getting off .", "sure , i 'll announce we 're at the bank .", "i 'll try to , but i might forget ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure .", "responses": ["by the way , do i need a transfer again after no . 50 ?", "thank you !", "thanks !", "thanks for your help .", "thank you , i 'll be waiting for your signal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "By the way , do I need a transfer again after No . 50 ?", "responses": ["no , a no . 50 will take you right there .", "yes , you would need to transfer to the n. 40", "no , you can walk the rest of the way , it is only a block", "there is no need to transfer if you can walk the last quarter of a mile", "yes , then you take the no . 6 and get off at the first stop"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , a No . 50 will take you right there .", "responses": ["thank you .", "so , no more busses after this one - right ?", "thank - you , do you have printed schedules for this bus ?", "perfect- thank - you for all your help !", "thanks , is there a full route map on the website ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 194} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are you wedding plans going ?", "responses": ["very well . we started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done . the only thing that is n't ready yet is my wedding dress .", "it is going well", "i have few problems as regards the plan", "i will need some help with wedding plan", "it has been so good , all i planned as been working out well"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Very well . We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done . The only thing that isn ' t ready yet is my wedding dress .", "responses": ["when will that be ready ?", "what type of wedding dress are you looking for ?", "have you started shopping for it yet ?", "i 'm sure it will be a beautiful wedding .", "i ca n't wait to see what you choose ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When will that be ready ?", "responses": ["the dressmakers said that is would be ready in two weeks .", "hopefully soon . i am completely freaking out .", "the designer told me it will be ready in two days . still plenty of time .", "soon . the wedding is 3 weeks away . i am sure it will get done .", "i hope soon ! then i can relax"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The dressmakers said that is would be ready in two weeks .", "responses": ["you 're getting married in three weeks . so that should be ok . so , you 've prepared the church , catering , transport , hotel - everything .", "can it be done faster ?", "how much will it cost ?", "can i pay more to expedite the process ?", "i need it sooner ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You ' re getting married in three weeks . So that should be ok . So , you ' Ve prepared the church , catering , transport , hotel-everything .", "responses": ["yes . we 've taken care of all of that . we decided not to get married in a church though . neither of us is very religious .", "yep , most of the event is set up and ready to go .", "yeah , we have most everything taken care of besides the dress .", "yeah , everything but the dress is accounted for .", "our wedding / event planner has most things taken care of , just waiting on the dress ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . We ' Ve taken care of all of that . We decided not to get married in a church though . Neither of us is very religious .", "responses": ["which hotel will the reception be held at ?", "that makes sense ! where will you be getting married ?", "has the venue been booked then ?", "i meant wedding venue ... so you 've prepared the venue ?", "sounds like everything should be ok for the wedding in three weeks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which hotel will the reception be held at ?", "responses": ["the palace hotel they 're taking care of the catering , including the wedding cake . i 'm sure they 'll do a good job .", "at the plaza downtown .", "the small local one at the edge of town , but i ca n't think of the name .", "it will be at the ritz in one of the ballrooms .", "as of now , it will be at the howard johnson unless we can get something else before then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The palace hotel they ' re taking care of the catering , including the wedding cake . I ' m sure they ' ll do a good job .", "responses": ["oh , yes . it 's and excellent hotel . a friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect , though very expensive .", "good choice . i think they are experts .", "i hope i did research about them .", "is the hotel in your city ?", "are they not very expensive ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . It ' s and excellent hotel . A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect , though very expensive .", "responses": ["yes . it will be expensive , but we think it will be worth it . it gives us great peace of mind to know that our reception is in the hands of experienced people .", "the cost does not matter , my future husband is rich", "it is worth the cost , you only get married for the first time once", "we are sparing no expense for this wedding", "as long as everything goes well , the cost does not matter"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . It will be expensive , but we think it will be worth it . It gives us great peace of mind to know that our reception is in the hands of experienced people .", "responses": ["i think you make the right decision .", "right , experience comes at a price , but it 's worth it in the long run .", "yes , the last thing you want to do on your wedding day is a worry .", "everything i 've heard has been terrific , so you should n't be worried .", "does your contact for the reception stay in touch with you all the time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think you make the right decision ."}], "index": 195} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you any round-neck sweater ?", "responses": ["yes . actually our range of sweaters is the most comprehensive available .", "i am going to check", "yes ! what color ?", "i do n't . i 'm sorry !", "there are some cute ones at the new shop at the mall . want to pick one up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Actually our range of sweaters is the most comprehensive available .", "responses": ["can i try this one on ?", "how much are they ?", "how many do you have ?", "what colors do you have ?", "what type of fabric are they ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I try this one on ?", "responses": ["sure , go ahead .", "yep , the changing room is just over there .", "sure thing , let me show you where the changing room is .", "here , let me go get you the key to our changing area .", "you most certainly can , let me know if you need any help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , go ahead .", "responses": ["the color is too bright . for my age , i would prefer a lighter color .", "thanks , what sizes do you have available ?", "great , what colors are there ?", "thank you . how much is it ?", "where are the dressing rooms ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The color is too bright . For my age , I would prefer a lighter color ."}], "index": 196} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "So Dick , how about getting some coffee for tonight ?", "responses": ["coffee ? i do n't honestly like that kind of stuff .", "i can go tonight", "what time tonight ?", "when would u like to go ?", "what type of coffee ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "commissive", "text": "Coffee ? I don ' t honestly like that kind of stuff .", "responses": ["come on , you can at least try a little , besides your cigarette .", "oh okay , maybe we could go for a drink or dinner ?", "understandable , do you want to go see a movie instead ?", "alright , do you like tea ?", "what would you like to do instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Come on , you can at least try a little , besides your cigarette .", "responses": ["what 's wrong with that ? cigarette is the thing i go crazy for .", "i have tried it which is why i said i do n't like it .", "what does that even mean ?", "i am not going to repeat myself .", "i 'll pass on the peer pressure ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "What ' s wrong with that ? Cigarette is the thing I go crazy for .", "responses": ["not for me , dick .", "ugh , because cigarettes are toxic .", "yeah , i know , but you should quit .", "nothing , i guess , but do n't you get thirsty ?", "i wish you 'd go crazy for something a bit healthier ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not for me , Dick ."}], "index": 197} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "You guys are charging me $ 10 for a movie that I never ordered or saw .", "responses": ["let 's see , sir . according to your file , you watched'titanic'monday evening .", "let me check on this for you .", "i 'm so sorry , let me get some information from you to take a look at this .", "i 'll be happy to help you . give me one moment .", "can you tell me the name of the movie you were charged for that you did n't order ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's see , sir . According to your file , you watched ' Titanic ' Monday evening .", "responses": ["well , the wrong information is in my file . i was at a concert monday night .", "that is false .", "i never watched that movie .", "i never did that . i want my money refunded .", "i 've never seen that movie in my life ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , the wrong information is in my file . I was at a concert Monday night .", "responses": ["well , your word overrules the file , sir . one moment , please .", "somebody ordered titanic in your room", "did you watch titanic when you got back to your room ?", "maybe this is a mistake , let me look into it a little more", "sorry for the error , it looks like nobody ordered anything from your room"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , your word overrules the file , sir . One moment , please .", "responses": ["i knew you 'd see it my way .", "i 'll be happy to wait for a better solution .", "i appreciate it . i 'll wait .", "thank you . i can hold .", "good . i appreciate you taking the time to check further into this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I knew you'd see it my way .", "responses": ["sir , i deleted the $ 10 , but i had to add a $ 2 service charge to your bill .", "of course . there i fixed it for you .", "yes , the customer is always right .", "there it is all taken care of .", "okay all done . is there anything else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sir , I deleted the $ 10 , but I had to add a $ 2 service charge to your bill .", "responses": ["am i in the twilight zone ? you 're charging me for a movie i never saw ?", "why would you do that ?", "i did not give you authority to do that .", "remove that charge", "i am contacting your manager ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Am I in the Twilight Zone ? You're charging me for a movie I never saw ?", "responses": ["please do n't blame me , sir . blame the computer programmer .", "i can connect you with my manager if you 'd like .", "yes , sir , i 'm afraid that 's our policy .", "i can see how that would be upsetting to you , sir .", "give me a moment to speak to my supervisor to see if i can reverse the service charge ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please don't blame me , sir . Blame the computer programmer .", "responses": ["this is highway robbery . i 've got a good mind to call the police !", "i would appreciate if i was n't charged for anything , due to the fact that i did not order .", "why am i getting the $ 2 charge when i did n't use the service ?", "can you please transfer me to your manager so i can get this straightened out .", "what does the computer programmer have to do with this charge ? can i speak with them ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "This is highway robbery . I've got a good mind to call the police !", "responses": ["if it makes you feel any better , other guests feel the same way .", "i 'm only following company policy , sir .", "i am sorry for the inconvenience , but this is the best i can do .", "if you would like to discuss this with the manager , i can put you in contact with him .", "the $ 2 fee is charged to everyone in this type of circumstance , sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If it makes you feel any better , other guests feel the same way ."}], "index": 198} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . Carter has asked me to come over to invite you to the banquet held in your honor at the Shangri-La Hotel at 7:00 this evening . Here's an invitation for you .", "responses": ["how nice of him . i 'll be delighted to go . but what time would be convenient ?", "thank you very much , please tell mr . carter i willl respond very soon .", "please tell mr . carter i will happily attend this evening .", "do you know if mr . carter is going to send a car for me ?", "thank - you . if you can wait just a moment , i can send the reply back with you.i"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How nice of him . I'll be delighted to go . But what time would be convenient ?", "responses": ["if you could be ready by , say 6:30 o'clock , i 'll be at the hotel to pick you up .", "any time after 5:00 would be perfect", "what time is good for you ?", "if you do n't wan tot be late , you should be there by 4:00", "as long as you are there by 6:30 , you should be in good shape"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you could be ready by , say 6:30 o'clock , I'll be at the hotel to pick you up .", "responses": ["that 's great . it 's most thoughtful of you to do this , miss rose .", "great ! what is the dress code ?", "okay , that sounds perfect . see you then !", "how long should i plan on being at the banquet ?", "is there anything that will be expected of me there - must i give a speech ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's great . It's most thoughtful of you to do this , Miss Rose .", "responses": ["it 's my pleasure . well , then . i 'll say goodbye .", "you 're very welcome .", "it 's my pleasure .", "i 'm happy to .", "i will see you at 6:30 then !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's my pleasure . Well , then . I'll say goodbye .", "responses": ["goodbye and see you tonight . miss rose .", "i 'll be ready when you get here .", "i 'll be waiting for you here .", "i ca n't wait to see you", "it 'll be fun to see you tonight !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Goodbye and see you tonight . Miss Rose ."}], "index": 199} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to speak Dr . Johnson .", "responses": ["sorry , but he 's not in . may i take a message for you ?", "of course , please hold .", "dr . johnson is off today . would you like to speak with dr . jones instead ?", "he is currently with a patient . can i have him call you back ?", "absolutely . may i place you on hold for a moment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry , but he's not in . May I take a message for you ?", "responses": ["this is robert jordan . would you ask him to call me back , please ?", "yes , can you tell him i need to see him asap !", "it 's an emergency ! i need to see him .", "tell dr johnson it 's important that i speak with him .", "i am having issues , i need to talk to him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This is Robert Jordan . Would you ask him to call me back , please ?", "responses": ["ok , i 'll tell him .", "certainly , i 'll get that message to him .", "what 's the best number for him to reach you ?", "i expect him back later this afternoon and will give him your message .", "can i tell him what this is in regards to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , I'll tell him ."}], "index": 200} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning , sir . May I see your passport ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . here it is .", "of course .", "yes here it is .", "i forgot to bring it .", "yes but do n't laugh at my picture ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , of course . Here it is .", "responses": ["thank you . are all these yours ?", "thank you for that .", "it looks like it is outdated .", "you need a new passport", "i ca n't authorize you to go through the gates ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you . Are all these yours ?", "responses": ["no , some of them are my friend 's . do you want her passport , too ?", "yes , i 'm going to be traveling for a month so i had to pack quite a bit .", "yes , all the green bags are mine .", "the two larger bags belong to my wife .", "no , just the three red suitcases are mine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , some of them are my friend's . Do you want her passport , too ?", "responses": ["yes , please . do you have any carry - on items ?", "yes , that would be great !", "no , it is not necessary .", "is she traveling with you ?", "she will need her passport if she is traveling as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , please . Do you have any carry-on items ?", "responses": ["do you want me to put it on the belt , too ?", "yes , one small bag .", "yes , a backpack .", "yes , a small rolling carry - on .", "no , i do n't ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want me to put it on the belt , too ?", "responses": ["yes , please . would you please open this big suitcase ?", "yes , please . thank you very much .", "if you would be so kind . thank you .", "that would be wonderful , thank you .", "indeed . thank you for your cooperation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , please . Would you please open this big suitcase ?", "responses": ["ok . just a moment . it 's just some clothes and toiletries .", "of course . do you want me to open all compartments ?", "i sure can . what about the rest of them ?", "sure i can . do you want me to take anything out ?", "i 'll be happy to . should i open them all ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . Just a moment . It's just some clothes and toiletries .", "responses": ["ok . do you have anything to declare ?", "i need to make sure that it is within the weight limit .", "open it wide enough so that i can look through it .", "are there any liquids or batteries in there ?", "what kind of toiletries are there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . Do you have anything to declare ?", "responses": ["i think there is nothing .", "no , nothing that was listed on the customs paperwork .", "no , nothing .", "i am not sure ? what items have to be declared ?", "i am not sure . let me check with my friend too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think there is nothing .", "responses": ["any fresh food , live plants , or animals ?", "do you know if your traveling companion has anything to declare ?", "i can wait for a moment if you would like to double check .", "that should make things move a lot more quickly .", "thank you for your cooperation , sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Any fresh food , live plants , or animals ?", "responses": ["oh , no . none of that .", "no", "i did n't bring anything back with me", "i enjoyed myself and am just bringing back my memories", "the trip was amazing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , no . None of that .", "responses": ["thank you . you may lock up your suitcase . here are your passports .", "why not ?", "i need some plants .", "do you have any plants soon ?", "can you get any of these supplies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . You may lock up your suitcase . Here are your passports .", "responses": ["thanks a lot .", "thanks very much !", "oh , you know i just remembered , i have some prescription medication to declare .", "all right . where is the terminal for my flight , if you do n't mind my asking ?", "your service is appreciated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot ."}], "index": 201} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello . I bought a China dress in your shop this morning .", "responses": ["yes ?", "yes , i remember you .", "how can i help you ?", "hello and thank you for calling . what can i do for you ?", "ah , yes . i hope you 're enjoying it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes ?", "responses": ["i bought it one size up by mistake .", "when i got the dress home , i realized that it would not fit me . what is your return policy ?", "the dress material is terrible and i would like to return it .", "i was wondering if you have more because i want to buy one for a friend as well .", "the dress had a small rip in it , can i exchange it , please ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I bought it one size up by mistake .", "responses": ["oh , did you ?", "no problem . are you available later today to exchange it ?", "what color and size do you need ? i 'll check our inventory .", "i 'll be happy to set aside the correct size for you . can you come by later today ?", "we can find the right size for you . which color dress did you buy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , did you ?", "responses": ["i wonder if you can change it to one size down .", "yes , unfortunately . will you accept a return ?", "unfortunately , yes . am i able to return the dress for a different size ?", "yes . would you please tell me if i am able to return the dress for a more suitable size ?", "indeed . i will need to return it . what is your return policy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wonder if you can change it to one size down .", "responses": ["yes , of course . will you come with the receipt ?", "sure , i would be happy to !", "yes , but i will need to see your receipt first .", "i 'm afraid we are out of all other sizes .", "no , we are unable to accept exchanges ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , of course . Will you come with the receipt ?", "responses": ["then i 'll come to your place later in the evening , and how late is your shop open ?", "yes , good thing i did not throw it .", "i do not know where i put it .", "i know it 's in my bag or somewhere .", "yes , i have the receipt . will you come pick me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then I'll come to your place later in the evening , and how late is your shop open ?", "responses": ["until 8 o'clock , ma'am . we are looking forward to seeing you .", "we are open until 8 pm .", "we are open until 7 pm", "we are open until 6 pm , if you are n't able to make it tonight . we are open 7 days a week from 7am-6pm", "wonderful , we are open until 9 pm . we look forward to assisting you with your return ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Until 8 o'clock , ma'am . We are looking forward to seeing you ."}], "index": 202} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The boss announces the pay raise today , right ? How much do you think we'll get ?", "responses": ["no idea . your guess is as good as mine .", "i think we will get a small raise . the company ca n't afford a big raise right now .", "he does announce it today . i wonder if we all get the same raise .", "no , he is supposed to announce it on monday .", "honestly , i am not sure it is ethical for us to talk about our pay with each other ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No idea . Your guess is as good as mine .", "responses": ["it better be more than last year .", "i imagine it will be pretty decent , considering the extra workload we 've taken on .", "you 'd think it would be pretty good . we 've brought sales up by 40 % this year .", "i have high hopes . i want to take my family on vacation next summer .", "we can only hope for the best . i think they 'll take good care of us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It better be more than last year .", "responses": ["well , anything is better than nothing . wait and see .", "i agree -- i could use more money .", "agreed . last year , the raises were pitiful .", "absolutely . the raises last year were shameful .", "i agree . the raises we received last year were laughable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , anything is better than nothing . Wait and see ."}], "index": 203} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm going to go shopping for groceries in a little bit .", "responses": ["why , do we need groceries ?", "ok , great . where are you going to shop ?", "can you please pick up some bread ?", "i will be home soon if you want some help grocery shopping .", "there are some coupons in the drawer by the grocery ads ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why , do we need groceries ?", "responses": ["i believe we are all out of food .", "because we are out of milk and eggs , both of which i need for a recipe .", "i wo n't be able to get to the store for at least days , so i need to go now .", "we need more maple syrup for pancakes tomorrow morning .", "the store closes in an hour , so it 's important to go sooner rather than later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I believe we are all out of food .", "responses": ["do you know what to get ?", "i did notice that the refrigerator was a bit bare .", "let me know if you need help with the grocery shopping .", "you 're probably right -- i did notice that we were out of some groceries .", "okay . thank you for electing to go grocery shopping !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know what to get ?", "responses": ["i do n't know what we need .", "yes . i made a list .", "not really . i have extra money though .", "i can wing it . what do you want for dinner ?", "of course i do . i do all the cooking anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know what we need .", "responses": ["why do n't you go and check the refrigerator ?", "double check what you need so you do n't forget .", "make a grocery list !", "i will text you the list .", "do n't forget anything !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you go and check the refrigerator ?", "responses": ["i would appreciate it if you would do that for me .", "great idea , then i will make a list .", "ok , i can do that .", "ok . can you think of anything that you need ?", "ok , i will make my list , can you think of anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would appreciate it if you would do that for me .", "responses": ["why do n't you just get the basics ?", "i will make a list of things we need for you .", "give me just a moment to do a quick inventory .", "i can do that . i 'll be right back .", "ok , i 'll check the pantry as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you just get the basics ?", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "because we might have different ideas about what the basics are .", "will that be enough to last until we can go shopping again ?", "i 'm tired of the basics , though .", "please just check the refrigerator like i asked ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["eggs , milk , bread . things like that .", "just get the basics ...", "i can tell you what u need", "do you want meat ?", "do you like hot dogs ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Eggs , milk , bread . Things like that .", "responses": ["go make that list .", "should i go for wheat bread or white ?", "all right , that sounds like a plan .", "okay . i 'll be back in an hour .", "gah , are you sure you do n't want to go instead ? i 'm really tired ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Go make that list .", "responses": ["sure , no problem .", "i do n't know what sort of list to make", "i tend to forget what to add when making a list", "can you help me make a list for basic grocery shopping ?", "i 'll do that immediately i get home"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , no problem ."}], "index": 204} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , take a seat please . Let's get straight to the point . This is our contract . Please read it carefully before signing .", "responses": ["since we have reached an agreement on all terms , there should n't be any problems for the contract .", "can you provide a summary of the fine print in this contract ?", "would you please tell me where i need to sign my name ?", "what type of contract is this ?", "how many contracts will we need to be viewing and signing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Since we have reached an agreement on all terms , there shouldn't be any problems for the contract .", "responses": ["may we once more remind you that the contract should be canceled by one month notice .", "i have come prepared for a deal", "are you ready to sign ?", "i believe i have been more than fair with our negotiotiations", "do you have any further requests ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May we once more remind you that the contract should be canceled by one month notice .", "responses": ["yes , i got it . thanks .", "ok , thanks for letting me know", "i will mark that on my calender", "i will pay next month", "thank you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , I got it . Thanks ."}], "index": 205} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , is this the baggage claim area from KL17 ?", "responses": ["yes , can i help you ?", "no it 's down on the other end", "you need to walk about 3 minutes and its on the right", "you should hurry you are almost going to miss the baggage carousel", "you need help"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , can I help you ?", "responses": ["well , this is my baggage claim tag . can you get my baggage now ?", "yes , i am looking for baggage .", "i lost a bag .", "when is the baggage coming out ?", "can you let me know when my baggage arrives ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , this is my baggage claim tag . Can you get my baggage now ?", "responses": ["ok , here you are .", "sure , let me look up your number .", "i am happy to help you ! what airline did you fly ?", "i am glad to help . let me look up your baggage tag .", "thank you for providing your bag tag , that will speed this process along ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , here you are .", "responses": ["thanks a lot .", "that was fast . thank you .", "oh no , there 's one bag that 's missing .", "these are n't mine . my luggage is red .", "give me just a moment to check and see if everything is here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot ."}], "index": 206} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Were you able to attend Friday night's basketball game ?", "responses": ["i was unable to make it .", "yes ! it was awesome we won ! !", "no , i was in a lot of traffic so i decided to head home instead .", "yes , it was a nail biter .", "yes , we lost ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was unable to make it .", "responses": ["you should have been there . it was intense .", "it 's too bad you missed it . that was a great game .", "why could n't you attend ?", "hopefully you 'll be able to make it to the next game .", "i have a recording of the game if you want to come over and watch it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You should have been there . It was intense .", "responses": ["is that right . who ended up winning ?", "the game was nerve wracking the whole time", "that new player from the other team is really good", "but you know our team brought it home in the end", "will you go to the next game ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that right . Who ended up winning ?", "responses": ["our team was victorious .", "joey won", "i think joeys team won", "team a won by 55 points", "they won by a lot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our team was victorious .", "responses": ["i wish i was free that night . i 'm kind of mad that i did n't go .", "that is awesome news !", "wow , that 's wonderful ! who scored the most points ?", "i bet coach was happy !", "what was the final score ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wish I was free that night . I'm kind of mad that I didn't go .", "responses": ["it was a great game .", "i 'd say you missed a lot", "our team was in total dominance", "i hope you 'll make it to the next game", "you can still watch the highlights on espn tomorrow"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was a great game .", "responses": ["what was the score at the end of the game ?", "yeah , i bet . i always miss the good ones .", "man , i 'm so bummed i could n't make it .", "yeah , i bet it was amazing .", "man , i hate that i missed it , but glad you had a good time and we won ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was the score at the end of the game ?", "responses": ["our team won 101 - 98 .", "the score was 0 to 20 .", "we dominated them ! we won by like 30 points !", "0 - 50 . we scored 50 and did n't let them score a single point !", "we won by 10 . it was a 10 - 20 game ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our team won 101-98 .", "responses": ["sounds like it was a close game .", "great ! it was a close game .", "wow , that was close .", "wow , that was a back and forth game .", "thank god we won !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds like it was a close game .", "responses": ["that 's the reason it was such a great game .", "yeah . very close and very exciting .", "it was definitely a nail - biter !", "it was close and one of the highest scoring games i 've ever seen .", "yeah . hopefully , next time you can make it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the reason it was such a great game .", "responses": ["the next game , i will definitely be there .", "i wish i would have gone now . oh well .", "next time , remind me to put aside everything and join you !", "how was the crowd ? how did the crowd react to this victory ?", "did you notice anyone or recognize any people we might have known at the game ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The next game , I will definitely be there ."}], "index": 207} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever tried shopping online ?", "responses": ["no , never . i prefer to actually see and touch what i 'm buying before i pay for it , especially for clothes and shoes .", "oh yes ! it 's a very convenient way to shop .", "i buy some items online , but there are some things i prefer to choose in person .", "i do sometimes , but i often worry that i 'll end up with something that does n't fit properly .", "i only order from sites that have a great reputation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , never . I prefer to actually see and touch what I'm buying before I pay for it , especially for clothes and shoes .", "responses": ["that 's right . seeing is believing .", "no , but i heard it is easier than it sounds .", "i heard its really cheap", "i heard you can find some really cool discounts", "yes , but i prefer shopping in person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right . Seeing is believing .", "responses": ["i 've heard some friends say when they get the article , it 's quite different from what they see on the website advertisement .", "i agree . seeing is fun !", "i believe a lot that shopping is fun", "i really want to shop online with you", "can we do this together sometime ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've heard some friends say when they get the article , it's quite different from what they see on the website advertisement .", "responses": ["that happens . without close quality examination , we may encounter fraud , and the e - shop may suddenly disappear .", "that 's happened to me once or twice .", "it 's certainly a possiblity , but you really ca n't beat online deals !", "where did your friends shop ? there are so many online stores to choose from these days .", "amazon has a great return policy . if you find clothes there and do n't like them , you can return the article ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That happens . Without close quality examination , we may encounter fraud , and the e-shop may suddenly disappear .", "responses": ["what 's more , it 's not always so safe for us to pay online as hackers might steal the user name and password .", "your fears are very valid", "there are fraudsters all over the internet that 's why you have to be careful when shopping online", "i 'll advise you to use reputable services when shopping online", "always opt for shoppers that guarantee a return policy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What's more , it's not always so safe for us to pay online as hackers might steal the user name and password .", "responses": ["it 's said that some measures have been taken to deal with this problem . paying online is much safer than before , but i still have the feeling that it 's not safe enough .", "yeah , that 's a huge problem as well .", "yes , they might . you really ca n't be too careful .", "that 's true as well . it 's becoming a bigger problem .", "that happens too . and the problem is only getting worse ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's said that some measures have been taken to deal with this problem . Paying online is much safer than before , but I still have the feeling that it's not safe enough .", "responses": ["i ca n't agree more . that 's why i only do street shopping .", "yeah , i 'm not sure i 'll ever feel completely safe buying online .", "yup , it seems like an ever evolving thing with security .", "i agree . there 's always a chance hackers can find how to beat the new system .", "definitely . hackers and information leaks scare me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't agree more . that's why I only do street shopping .", "responses": ["me too . sometimes i surf online shops to check some related information , and then go to a physical store to do the actual shopping .", "street shopping is safer as long as you choose trustworthy shops .", "i stick to chain stores , because i 've had bad experiences with independent ones .", "i do too , but i watch for card skimmers or getting the wrong change back .", "it 's also easier to return faulty products when you shop in person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too . Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related information , and then go to a physical store to do the actual shopping .", "responses": ["that 's a good idea .", "that 's a great idea .", "that would certainly save time , would n't it ?", "i might try that next time .", "good advice . i also like to keep my money in the local economy ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's a good idea ."}], "index": 208} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long does it take to get to downtown from here ?", "responses": ["it is 15 minutes'drive .", "it takes about an hour , depending on traffic .", "i 'm not sure . i have n't had to go downtown in a while .", "if you drive , maybe an hour , but the bus takes longer .", "an hour or so , unless it 's during rush hour ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is 15 minutes ' drive .", "responses": ["what companies do we have in our neighborhood ?", "that 's a bit long .", "is it any way quicker ?", "can we get there faster by chance ?", "i 'm too tired to drive that far ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What companies do we have in our neighborhood ?", "responses": ["mitsubishi , hp , ibm and many other famous corporations .", "let 's see ... there 's a hardees and a chase bank .", "here 's a map on my phone . you can see the local businesses in the surrounding area here .", "not a lot , unfortunately . but our mayor is trying his best to revitalize downtown by the end of his term .", "there 's a mall , and a really nice library , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mitsubishi , HP , IBM and many other famous corporations .", "responses": ["does the 7th floor belong to our company too ?", "are their fares expensive ?", "do you have their contact info ?", "i 'll love to try mitsubishi", "kindly list more companies"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the 7th floor belong to our company too ?", "responses": ["yes , our company has two floors , the 6th and 7th floor in this building .", "yes , it does . our company operates on several floors .", "it does , indeed .", "no , it does not .", "i do n't believe so , no ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , our company has two floors , the 6th and 7th floor in this building .", "responses": ["it 's such a large firm . do we have our own staff restaurant ?", "okay thanks , that 's all i needed to know .", "thank you for the information .", "do we have floors in other nearby buildings ?", "does our company have other nearby locations ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It ' s such a large firm . Do we have our own staff restaurant ?", "responses": ["yes , at the end of the hall .", "yes we have one on the main floor by the lobby .", "the restaurant is within the building near the elevator .", "yes , we do ! the restaurant is large and has a great menu selection .", "the restaurant is exclusive for workers in the building ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , at the end of the hall ."}], "index": 209} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning , sir . May I help you ?", "responses": ["good morning , i have an appointment with mr . johnson at 10:00", "i need assistance on how to file my tax returns", "i need assistance with the new device i just purchased", "i 'll like to know if your hotel offers free wifi", "i need the direct number of your customer care"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning , I have an appointment with Mr . Johnson at 10:00", "responses": ["excuse me , sir , but are you mr . richard of world trading company ?", "excellent , i will let him know you are here .", "may i have your name , sir , so i can let mr . johnson know you are here ?", "thank you , sir . i will tell mr . johnson you are here .", "excellent , sir . i will make mr . johnson aware that you have arrived ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , sir , but are you Mr . Richard of World Trading Company ?", "responses": ["yes . that 's right .", "yes , that would be me .", "i am indeed mr . richard of world trading company .", "i am mr . richard .", "indeed i am . is mr . johnson ready for me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . That ' s right .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , mr . richard . mr . johnson is on his way to the office . he had just called and asked you to wait a minute .", "please take a seat while i let him know you 're here .", "he 's currently in a meeting , but he will be with you as soon as he 's done .", "i have an appointment for you , but it 's at 11:00 . let me see what i can do .", "mr . johnson is waiting for you in his office ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m sorry , Mr . Richard . Mr . Johnson is on his way to the office . He had just called and asked you to wait a minute .", "responses": ["well , i 'll wait .", "not a problem at all .", "thank you so much for letting me know .", "okay . is there an area for me to wait ?", "a few extra minutes should n't be an issue . thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , I ' ll wait .", "responses": ["would you like something to drink , sir ? do you prefer coffee or tea ?", "i have just been informed that mr . johnson is now in the building .", "mr . johnson has just been informed to inform you that he will be delayed indefinitely .", "mr . johnson sends his apologies and will arrive later than expected .", "mr . johnson wants me to let you know that he is now in the elevator on his way up to meet you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like something to drink , sir ? Do you prefer coffee or tea ?", "responses": ["thank you . coffee , please .", "no that 's alright , i do n't need anything .", "sure i 'll have a coffee .", "tea would be great . do you know when he 'll be back ?", "no i 'm just fine . could you tell me where the nearest restroom is ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . Coffee , please .", "responses": ["here you are , mr . richard . this is the cream and this is the sugar . if there 's anything else you 'd like , please do n't hesitate to tell me .", "coffee , coming right up .", "you 're very welcome .", "sorry for the delay .", "i 'm sorry , looks like we are out of coffee . how about some tea ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here you are , Mr . Richard . This is the cream and this is the sugar . If there ' s anything else you ' d like , please don ' t hesitate to tell me .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "thank you .", "this is great . i 'm sure i 'll be all set .", "do you have any stevia instead of sugar ?", "is a non - dairy creamer available ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 210} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "911 . How may I help you ?", "responses": ["i need to report a break - in .", "yes , i have an emergency .", "hi , i have an emergency and need help right now .", "hello , can you send an ambulance ? i have an emergency at my house .", "i 'm in the middle of an emergency and need help right away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I need to report a break-in .", "responses": ["when did this break - in occur ?", "can you give me your exact location ?", "and where did this break in occur ?", "are you at the location of the break in ?", "are you in a safe location ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When did this break-in occur ?", "responses": ["last night .", "i do n't know . i just woke up and found my door open .", "sometime last night while i was sleeping .", "i was hearing noises at about three in the morning , so i think it was then .", "within the last hour while i was out of the house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Last night .", "responses": ["where did the break - in happen ?", "i 'm sorry to hear that . can you give me the address ?", "what was the location of the break - in ?", "do you know the precise time it occurred last night ?", "where you present at the location during the break - in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where did the break-in happen ?", "responses": ["it happened at my house .", "it was reported through our system that someone was attempting to enter through the kitchen side door .", "the alarm alert system recorded an intruder trying to pry open the window and then tried the door when the window set off the alarm .", "the break in occurred during 3:45 a.m. , saturday , march 30 .", "the break in happened during the night when all the lights were out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It happened at my house .", "responses": ["was anything taken ?", "were you in your house at the time ?", "we 'll send an officer right away to fill out a report .", "and what is your address ?", "i 'm sorry to hear this . was it through a door or window ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Was anything taken ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure yet .", "yes several things were taken", "no , i do not think so .", "my money was taken and several personal belongings .", "i ca n't tell yet because the place is trashed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not sure yet .", "responses": ["what makes you think there was a break - in ?", "have you been in the home since you discovered the break - in ?", "do you know if the intruder is possibly still in the house ?", "i need your address , please .", "are you calling from the house ? i 'm dispatching an officer to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What makes you think there was a break-in ?", "responses": ["my front window was busted .", "the front door was shattered and there are footprints on the floor tile .", "i have a busted window in the kitchen that was n't there when i went to bed .", "there were footprints in one of my children 's rooms that are not mine .", "my neighbor came to my house and told me they saw someone suspicious in my back yard this morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My front window was busted .", "responses": ["i 'll send a squad car .", "was anyone home at the time ?", "were there any other broken windows or doors ?", "was anyone hurt ?", "i believe it might be someone you know"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll send a squad car .", "responses": ["please hurry .", "thank you very much .", "thank you . please hurry .", "i appreciate it .", "thank you so much . please , hurry !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Please hurry ."}], "index": 211} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning , everyone . Let me introduce myself to you ...", "responses": ["you do n't need to introduce yourself , yang . you 're famous .", "that would be great .", "great ! i have been waiting to meet you .", "okay . please do .", "good morning to you as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You don't need to introduce yourself , Yang . You're famous .", "responses": ["well , thank you very much but i thought l'd try and chair the meeting by the rule -- at least for a while .", "oh , but you flatter me ! let me at least tell you who i am .", "i am yang , the ai of the future ! how may i be of service to you today ?", "i would still like for you to think of me only as yang , who can be employed to be at your service .", "that out of the way . now , how may i help you today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , thank you very much but I thought l'd try and chair the meeting by the rule -- at least for a while .", "responses": ["ok , ok !", "whatever you deem appropriate .", "hey ! you 're the boss .", "fair enough , yang .", "no problem !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , OK !", "responses": ["now , i 'd like to get things under way . the main topic on today 's agenda is the development of a u . s . sales strategy for the new ebb . i 'd like to hear all of your ideas , mr . wall , you seem in top form today . could you start the ball rolling ?", "hello , my name is yang .", "no more interruptions please .", "now , if i may continue .", "thank you for your enthusiasm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now , I'd like to get things under way . The main topic on today's agenda is the development of a U . S . sales strategy for the new EBB . I'd like to hear all of your ideas , Mr . Wall , you seem in top form today . Could you start the ball rolling ?", "responses": ["uh , oh , sure . well , i think we should keep in mind that the key to good sales is advertising .", "i 'd love to !", "i 'd be honored to get us started .", "sure , if you would like me to .", "definitely , i already have a presentation planned for the meeting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Uh , oh , sure . Well , I think we should keep in mind that the key to good sales is advertising .", "responses": ["well , that 's kind of obvious .", "great . thank you for your input . can you elaborate a little more ?", "advertising is certainly critical and believe we can all agree on that .", "that is a great start to the meeting . and what kind of ads do you have in mind ?", "mr . wall , i am sure you came with suggestions as to what advertising would be best . why do n't you tell us more ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , that's kind of obvious .", "responses": ["give me a break , mr yang .", "i know , right ? sort of like your name .", "obvious , but important .", "it 's still worth pointing out if we 're building a foundation .", "well , yeah , but advertising can take many forms ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "Give me a break , Mr Yang .", "responses": ["uh , let 's keep this going , shall we ?", "mr . wall , you sound angry . is there something that you would like to speak about ?", "mr . wall , i beg your pardon ?", "i beg your pardon ?", "mr . wall , i 'm going to politely ask you to refrain from using such unprofessional banter with me and the rest of the attendees at today 's meeting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Uh , let's keep this going , shall we ?"}], "index": 212} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry , but I don't think this damage is our fault .", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "could you check ? i would like to talk to someone else to get another opinion on this .", "could i talk to someone else about this now ?", "i was not in the area when the damage occurred .", "i have a tape of this damage showing the details that makes your company responsible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["it looks like the shipping company did this .", "from what i can see , this not a manufacturing defect , but damage done after the device was purchased .", "there is no way we could have produced this damage . it is from overuse .", "this damage is obviously from the phone being dropped multiple times . nothing we could have done would cause this .", "this has clearly been misused . there is no reason for it to be acting this way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It looks like the shipping company did this .", "responses": ["we 'd better take it up with them , in that case .", "what does that mean to me ?", "will i still be covered ?", "who was the shipping company ?", "the shipping company said they did not do it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'd better take it up with them , in that case ."}], "index": 213} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m glad you could find time to meet with me , Mr . Johnson . I can ' t think of a nicer environment for our meeting today , the ambiance here is lovely !", "responses": ["no problem , if possible i always combine business with pleasure . now , let 's hear more about these chocolates you 're offering .", "i 'm glad you like it . it 's one of my favorite spots in the whole city .", "the pleasure is mine , i 've been a fan of yours for years !", "i 'm glad this all worked out too . make sure you order a drink , the cocktails here are wonderful .", "likewise ! what did you want to talk about ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No problem , if possible I always combine business with pleasure . Now , let ' s hear more about these chocolates you ' re offering .", "responses": ["well , as you know , i have recently become the sole distributor for grangers gourmet bon - bons here in the united states . they 're a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market . naturally , your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately . i think your brand exemplifies many of the same traits as grangers and serving these chocolates would really add to your reputation for providing elegant , luxurious , first class dining .", "i am offering a very nice sampler platter .", "our chocolate is made from the best cocoa in the world .", "ok , let 's get down to business !", "sorry , i lost my train of thought due to this place ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , as you know , I have recently become the sole distributor for Grangers Gourmet Bon-bons here in the United States . They ' re a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market . Naturally , your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately . I think your brand exemplifies many of the same traits as Grangers and serving these chocolates would really add to your reputation for providing elegant , luxurious , first class dining .", "responses": ["mmmm , sounds interesting ... gourmet chocolates , where are they produced ? belgium ?", "well , i appreciate you thinking of my establishment .", "what do you think makes them stand out from other brands ?", "do you have some samples with you today ?", "i might be interested in them . tell me more about the company and manufacturing process ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mmmm , sounds interesting ... gourmet chocolates , where are they produced ? Belgium ?", "responses": ["actually , the factory is located in scotland .", "new england , actually . but they are still of high quality .", "they are imported from australia and have a unique southern flair .", "actually , they are from the state of georgia and are made with unique southern hospitality .", "incredible as it sounds but they are made here from the same city ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , the factory is located in Scotland .", "responses": ["really ? i did n't think they were known for their luxury chocolate production", "and what sets these apart from other chocolates ?", "oh yeah ? does scotland produce unique chocolates ?", "does that help with the overall cost ?", "what kind of variety do they make ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Really ? I didn ' t think they were known for their luxury chocolate production", "responses": ["that 's what makes this such a fantastic opportunity ! the government is one hundred percent supportive of creating new export markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units . they 've also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well . here , i brought these especially for you , try one !", "indeed , they are ! scotland has some of the best luxury chocolates in the world !", "oh , absolutely . scotland has been a worldwide leader in chocolate manufacturing for many years .", "they most certainly are . scotland 's luxury chocolate production is of the highest quality in the market .", "indeed . scotland has been long - known for their top - of - the - line production of luxury chocolates . their reputation for quality and elegance has put them at the forefront of the industry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That ' s what makes this such a fantastic opportunity ! The government is one hundred percent supportive of creating new export markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units . They ' Ve also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well . Here , I brought these especially for you , try one !", "responses": ["oh , thanks . mmm , hmm , creamy texture , very smooth ...", "oh thank you !", "mmmm , it looks delicious !", "wow that is tasty !", "yum , dark chocolate . my favorite !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , thanks . Mmm , hmm , creamy texture , very smooth ...", "responses": ["unique , are n't they ? i bet you 've never tasted anything like it ! quality is assured as i personally visit the factory to make sure no one 's cutting corners with the ingredients . only the creme make it through inspection .", "glad you like it !", "great ! would you like more ?", "which one was your favorite ?", "it 's great you love it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Unique , aren ' t they ? I bet you ' Ve never tasted anything like it ! Quality is assured as I personally visit the factory to make sure no one ' s cutting corners with the ingredients . Only the creme make it through inspection .", "responses": ["yes , very interesting flavors ... slightly spicy , very unique , that 's for sure . exactly what are the ingredients ?", "wow , i can taste the difference .", "i am impressed ! they are unique .", "i can tell that corners are n't being cut . the quality shines in these chocolates .", "wow ! yumm . can i have another ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , very interesting flavors ... Slightly spicy , very unique , that ' s for sure . Exactly what ARE the ingredients ?", "responses": ["i have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the granger family for generations . i 'm sure you can keep a secret . buttermilk , cacao beans , sugar and haggis .", "cocoa , butter , and sugar ... that 's it !", "for starters , the ingredients are 100 % natural . no artificial colors or flavorings .", "i thought you would want to know that , so i brought you a copy of the bonbons ' nutritional information . the ingredients are at the bottom .", "that spice you taste is cardamom ! it 's our first ingredient !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the Granger family for generations . I ' m sure you can keep a secret . Buttermilk , cacao beans , sugar and Haggis .", "responses": ["haggis ? what 's haggis ?", "wow , that is a tremendous chocalate .", "your secrets are surely safe with me .", "i think it is the buttermilk that makes this stand out .", "certainly , so what are the next steps to get this going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Haggis ? What ' s Haggis ?", "responses": ["it 's a traditional scottish delicacy , you take sheep 's liver , heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep 's stomach .", "the secret is best", "good men", "the highest is authority", "good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s a traditional Scottish delicacy , you take sheep ' s liver , heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep ' s stomach .", "responses": ["ah , get back to you .", "perfect . i think i will take that", "that does not sound very good . anything else that you have ?", "what else does it include ?", "is it on sale ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ah , get back to you .", "responses": ["mr . johnson ? mr . johnson ?", "i will be waiting for your return !", "please do . i would be happy to provide more information !", "are you sure i ca n't answer any additional questions first ?", "happy to have helped . will be here when you return ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mr . Johnson ? Mr . Johnson ?"}], "index": 214} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you need a guide ?", "responses": ["yes , we are just looking for one . what 's the charge per day ?", "sure , that would be great .", "is one available now or would i have to wait ?", "i do n't think so , but thank you .", "nope . i 'm all set ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , we are just looking for one . What's the charge per day ?", "responses": ["it 's $ 20 . if you are staying for more than 3 days in the city , the charge is $ 16 per day .", "it depends on what sort of tour you want .", "the price varies based on how many places you want to see .", "it 's 10 dollars an hour , but 100 for the whole day .", "it 's a flat $ 12 an hour charge ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's $ 20 . If you are staying for more than 3 days in the city , the charge is $ 16 per day .", "responses": ["that 's reasonable .", "great . do we sign up with you ?", "ok we 're here just for the day so lets do one for $ 20", "we 'll be here for the week , is there a weekly special ?", "perfect , lets get going . we 're just here for the day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's reasonable ."}], "index": 215} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Aren't you Jim Green ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's right .", "yes , i am . have we met before ?", "no , but i believe i know him .", "are you his friend or business associate ?", "i am not but i believe i know to whom you are referring ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's right .", "responses": ["i believe we met at a concert last year . i 'm taylor .", "how are you doing ?", "what are you up to ?", "when do you want to meet ?", "how old are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I believe we met at a concert last year . I'm Taylor .", "responses": ["oh , yes . i remember .", "i recall ! nice to see you again , taylor !", "i remember you well , taylor ! how are you ?", "taylor ! yes ! how are you ?", "you did look familiar ! how are you , taylor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . I remember ."}], "index": 216} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Lucy , I ' d like to fix the light in the corridor , it keeps flashing , which drives me crazy . Would you like to help me with the ladder ?", "responses": ["monica , wait a moment . i think we 'd better call the repair man to do it .", "sure . how can i help you with the ladder ?", "of course . how would you like me to help you with the ladder ?", "absolutely ! let me know how i can help you with the ladder .", "no problem . what is it that you need me to do with the ladder ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Monica , wait a moment . I think we ' d better call the repair man to do it .", "responses": ["i think i can handle it by myself .", "no i do n't want to spend the money .", "oh there 's no need for that . i can do it .", "no i can do it . i just need help with the ladder .", "you think so ? okay let 's call one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think I can handle it by myself .", "responses": ["i 'd like you to have a look at the safety manual of our company .", "do you have repair experience ?", "what is your plan to fix it ?", "what are you going to do ?", "i think we should get a repair man ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' d like you to have a look at the safety manual of our company .", "responses": ["i see . if i got hurt when fixing the light , even during office hours , i would n't get compensation from our company since repairing is not my responsibility .", "that 's not a bad idea , lucy .", "i have read it . i can fix the light as long as someone holds the ladder for me .", "should i find someone else to help me , lucy ?", "i think i can fix it , and save the company money . i will read the manual first though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see . If I got hurt when fixing the light , even during office hours , I wouldn ' t get compensation from our company since repairing is not my responsibility .", "responses": ["other company rules also need your attention .", "that 's correct .", "yes , so let me fetch the telephone book and locate the number of a repair man .", "unfortunately , that 's one rule we ca n't weasel out of .", "i 'm glad you understand now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Other company rules also need your attention .", "responses": ["like this one ? never wear loose clothes or hair when operating the shredder . yeah , thank you for telling me .", "let me just give it a quick look first .", "it 's not that high , it should be pretty easy to swap out .", "lucy , it 'll be just fine , you need to relax a bit .", "do n't worry , i 'll wait until the maintenance folks can do it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Like this one ? Never wear loose clothes or hair when operating the shredder . Yeah , thank you for telling me .", "responses": ["do n't mention it .", "the corridor is keeps flashing", "he drives me best crazy", "the company is very good", "he operating tinseling good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t mention it ."}], "index": 217} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank God ! I am finished writing that service guide ! It took me forever !", "responses": ["when did you finish ?", "congratulations !", "that 's wonderful . you should celebrate !", "how long were you working on it ?", "i bet you feel relieved ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When did you finish ?", "responses": ["this morning ! no more overtime , and no more headaches !", "i finished a few minutes ago .", "just finished !", "it took me forever , but i just finished .", "i actually finished really recently ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This morning ! No more overtime , and no more headaches !", "responses": ["well , i 'm glad to hear it . have a cup of coffee !", "wonderful ! that must be refreshing .", "what is next on your list ?", "yay ! i am happy to hear that . i knew you were really stressed .", "i am so glad that guide is off your list !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I ' m glad to hear it . Have a cup of coffee !"}], "index": 218} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I didn ' t receive an unemployment check this week and need to know why .", "responses": ["did you mail us your last continued claim form ?", "i will look into it for you .", "may i have your full name please ?", "oh i 'm so sorry ! i 'll find out what happened .", "oh no ! let 's see if we can figure out what occurred ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you mail us your last Continued Claim Form ?", "responses": ["i am afraid that i forgot to send it in .", "yes i did !", "yes , did you receive it ?", "no i didn'.t", "i forgot , i messed up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am afraid that I forgot to send it in .", "responses": ["we can not pay you unless you turn that form in every two weeks .", "unfortunately we must have those mailed in on time to send funds .", "ok , this weeks funds will not be sent . please fill out the form and send it for next weeks funds .", "ok , that is why you did n't receive your funds .", "ok , if you fill out the paperwork i will be happy to start processing your payments ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We cannot pay you unless you turn that form in every two weeks .", "responses": ["is it too late to mail the continued claim form in now ?", "oh no ... that 's disappointing .", "is there a way i could send it now and request a late payment ?", "please , i 'm desperate ... is there anything you can do to help me ?", "all right . i 'll be sure to send my next one in , then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it too late to mail the Continued Claim Form in now ?", "responses": ["it ca n't be more than fourteen days late for us to accept it .", "no , you can still submit the claim for payment .", "unfortunately , claims can not be submitted after the deadline .", "certainly not , just fill this out now .", "no , but it must be submitted by friday of this week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It can ' t be more than fourteen days late for us to accept it .", "responses": ["i will mail it in a little early next time to avoid this problem .", "i understand . so i missed the deadline ?", "ok thank you for explaining .", "can i send in multiple forms so it does not happen again ?", "so at this point , you can not accept the form ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I will mail it in a little early next time to avoid this problem .", "responses": ["you ca n't possibly know in advance how much you will be working . if you mail it in too soon , we will reject it !", "that would be a good idea .", "you know , you can also do it online .", "that certainly would help , and hopefully this wo n't happen again .", "yes , it 's best if we get it several days early to avoid delays ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can ' t possibly know in advance how much you will be working . If you mail it in too soon , we will reject it !", "responses": ["will my paycheck arrive late because i messed up on my form ?", "that 's a good point . is there an ideal time to send it ?", "that 's understandable . i will make sure it 's not too soon then .", "that makes sense . will try to be more vigilant about the timing in the future .", "that 's a good point . will figure out the best time going forward . thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will my paycheck arrive late because I messed up on my form ?", "responses": ["your check will be arriving late , but the next one will come right on time .", "yes it likely will .", "you might not get it at all actually .", "it might . make sure you check it for errors before sending it in .", "it 's possible . be certain to send it on time and check it for accuracy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your check will be arriving late , but the next one will come right on time ."}], "index": 219} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I should tell you that I'm checking out in about 30 minutes .", "responses": ["i 'm ready when you are , sir .", "would you like me to have your car ready then ?", "will you need a ride to the airport ?", "would you like help with your bags ?", "i hope your stay was enjoyable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm ready when you are , sir .", "responses": ["very good ! now , it 's still morning here in new york .", "great ! i 'll let you know when .", "are you excited ?", "are you looking forward to it ?", "hope the process goes well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Very good ! Now , it's still morning here in New York .", "responses": ["you are so right , sir . the clock just struck nine .", "ok , did you need some time for breakfast ?", "ok , would you like to postpone an hour or so .", "yes , it is . i am happy to work around your schedule , sir .", "yes , you are right . have you had breakfast yet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are so right , sir . The clock just struck nine .", "responses": ["i 'm going to spend some time exploring the city . what can i do with my luggage ?", "i have to be at a board meeting by 10 .", "please fetch my jacket , if you 'd be so kind .", "i 'm still suffering from jet lag . difficult to get used to this time change !", "now that we know it 's morning i should look at my calendar and see what the date is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm going to spend some time exploring the city . What can I do with my luggage ?", "responses": ["sir , right here we have a storage site . its only $ 5 an hour , but you need to leave a deposit .", "i 'll store it in the lobby for you .", "i 'll take of it for you sir .", "i 'll have someone store it for you in the coat room .", "it can be left here for now sir . i 'll have someone take care of it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sir , right here we have a storage site . Its only $ 5 an hour , but you need to leave a deposit .", "responses": ["a deposit ? is n't my luggage a deposit ?", "how much is the deposit ?", "do you take credit cards ?", "that will work . thank you very much . can i pay now ?", "no thank you . that is alot of money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A deposit ? Isn't my luggage a deposit ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , sir , but it is n't . your mastercard or visa will take care of things nicely .", "i 'm sorry sir , it 's just the policy .", "would you care to talk to the manager ?", "i understand that you feel that way , i wish the policy was different .", "although i also believe that it should be , i 'm just following the rules ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry , sir , but it isn't . Your MasterCard or VISA will take care of things nicely .", "responses": ["okay . let me think about this .", "do you take american express ?", "i see . ok , i 'd prefer to pay with visa .", "do you offer any discounts ?", "yes , ok , let me give you my mastercard then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay . Let me think about this .", "responses": ["okay , sir . but do n't take too long . you only have 30 minutes .", "absolutely , take as much time as you need .", "i understand . just let me know when you 've decided .", "we also take american express .", "yes sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay , sir . But don't take too long . You only have 30 minutes ."}], "index": 220} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I take your order ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'd like a cup of onion soup .", "yes , i 'd like a small fry and large diet coke , please .", "i 'm going to need a moment to look over your menu .", "do you still have your ten pack chicken nuggets 10 for $ 1.50 ?", "are there any specials today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . I'd like a cup of onion soup .", "responses": ["and what would you like after that ?", "anything else ?", "what size soup ?", "would you like a drink with that ?", "sorry we are out of soup at the moment . would you like something else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And what would you like after that ?", "responses": ["i 'd like the roast chicken , please .", "yes like after moment is good", "take my cup is best", "make your responses good", "good moment"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like the roast chicken , please ."}], "index": 221} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's the latest and quite popular among young people .", "responses": ["yes , i know and i like it very much . i will take it .", "please tell me more . is it a product ?", "what age group is it popular for ?", "i would like the product . how much is it ?", "can i use it today ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I know and I like it very much . I will take it .", "responses": ["sure . here is your receipt .", "ok , great .", "great , is there anything else i can help you with ?", "perfect , can i assist with anything else ?", "ok , that sounds great . anything else i can do for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Here is your receipt .", "responses": ["how long is this cell phone guaranteed ?", "thank you so much !", "wonderful , thank you .", "what is your return policy ?", "excellent . can i have it wrapped please ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long is this cell phone guaranteed ?", "responses": ["you can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year .", "it come with a one year warranty .", "it depends on the plan you get with it .", "you have to go online and choose a warranty when you activate it .", "for life . if it stops working , just bring it back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year ."}], "index": 222} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey honey , how was your day ?", "responses": ["it was alright . i ran into bill and we got to talking for a while . he 's in a bit of a jam .", "it was fine , but , i 'm glad to be home .", "it seemed so long because i was n't that busy .", "traffic was terrible , i 'm so tired so traffic in this city .", "it was great , i got a raise ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was alright . I ran into Bill and we got to talking for a while . He ' s in a bit of a jam .", "responses": ["why ? what happened ?", "oh no , what happened ?", "oh wow , really ? what 's going on with him ?", "oh wow , i hate to hear that . what did he say ?", "where did you run into him ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? What happened ?", "responses": ["well , his son had an accident and bill does n't have health insurance . this really got me thinking , and i wondered if we should n't look into a couple of different hmo 's .", "i promised him it would remain between us .", "sally found a receipt for some lingerie .", "he and sally are having some issues .", "his boss wants him to work on a project this weekend but he promised sally he would take her to the concert ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , his son had an accident and Bill doesn ' t have health insurance . This really got me thinking , and I wondered if we shouldn ' t look into a couple of different HMO ' s .", "responses": ["yeah , you 're right . we are n't getting any younger and our kids are getting older .", "there is nothing wrong with the insurance we already have .", "we seem pretty healthy to me so we should be fine", "i will do some research on it .", "whatever you think is best is fine with me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , you ' re right . We aren ' t getting any younger and our kids are getting older .", "responses": ["exactly ! i searched on the web and found a couple of hmo 's with low co - pays and good coverage . the deductibles are low , too .", "yeah i know . it is scary ...", "i know ! please do n't remind me . i think we need to look into those hmo 's tonight when i get home .", "i totally understand . we need to sit down and see what other hmos there are asap dear .", "yes we do . better to be safe than sorry . poor bill ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Exactly ! I searched on the web and found a couple of HMO ' s with low co-pays and good coverage . The deductibles are low , too .", "responses": ["sounds good , although , do you think we can qualify for insurance ? those insurance companies are real pirates when it comes to money .", "that sounds promising ! how much were the deductibles ?", "fantastic ! what companies did you search for ?", "great ! what do the plans and deductibles look like ?", "that 's wonderful . will the deductibles work with our budget ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Sounds good , although , do you think we can qualify for insurance ? Those insurance companies are real pirates when it comes to money .", "responses": ["well , we do n't have any pre - existing illnesses or conditions , so we should be fine .", "i think we really need to do our research before we buy any insurance .", "do you have any in mind ?", "i think we should talk to our friends first and try to get some ideas .", "i will look online and read some reviews on yelp ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we don ' t have any pre-existing illnesses or conditions , so we should be fine .", "responses": ["i wish our company or country provided us with healthcare .", "you are right . i will look into a few myself .", "that is a good point . hmmm .. it does n't hurt to try , right .", "i will look into the hmo guidelines too .", "i look forward to hearing if we qualify ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wish our company or country provided us with healthcare .", "responses": ["not in a million years !", "yes that would be nice but i 'm not holding out hope .", "hopefully the premium quotes we get will work for our budget .", "the company used to offer it until it became too expensive .", "we do n't even have to get a physical to sign up wth this hmo"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not in a million years !"}], "index": 223} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello . Can you tell me what the procedures of applying for a job are ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . there are many steps . you can apply for the job on the internet and then send your resume to the e - mail address of the company . and wail the feedback of the company .", "certainly ! you just need to go to our website .", "i can give you an application right now !", "do you have a resume with you ?", "you can either apply online or in person . which would you prefer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , of course . There are many steps . You can apply for the job on the Internet and then send your resume to the e-mail address of the company . And wail the feedback of the company .", "responses": ["what is the qualification needed by the position ?", "how long does it usually take to receive feedback ?", "is it better to apply in person ?", "do you know how many applicants they usually receive ?", "would there be someone to talk to if i wanted to make sure it arrives safely ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is the qualification needed by the position ?", "responses": ["you must have over 2 years'experience first .", "the qualification is at least a high school diploma or a ged .", "applicants must possess customer service skills .", "i am uncertain . i will take a further look into this and get back with you .", "all potential applicants must have 4 years of college ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You must have over 2 years'experience first ."}], "index": 224} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you do today ?", "responses": ["played poker with my work friends .", "i went to church this morning .", "i took my dog to the park .", "i went to a restaurant for breakfast .", "i stayed in bed a long time and slept through breakfast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Played poker with my work friends .", "responses": ["did you win ?", "that sounds fun . how did it go ? >", "really ? did you win anything ? >", "that sounds like a blast . did you spend a lot of money ?", "that s great ! i have not played poker in so long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you win ?", "responses": ["of course .", "yes ! i went all - in during the last hand and won !", "no , unfortunately . i went all - in and lost , big - time !", "i broke even . i guess breaking even is better than losing , though !", "absolutely ! i 've always played poker very well !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course ."}], "index": 225} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to withdraw some money from my account .", "responses": ["can i see your passbook and the withdrawal slip , please ?", "how much do you want to withdraw ?", "okay , i can help you with that .", "which account do you want to withdraw money from ?", "can i have your account number ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip , please ?", "responses": ["sure .", "certainly . sending them to you now .", "yes . give me one moment to get them out .", "i do not have it with me . i will come back when i do .", "i ca n't find my passbook . i guess ill have to return later after i find it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure .", "responses": ["let me just make sure . you want to withdraw one thousand dollars ?", "thank you very much .", "thank you . will you be needing a new passbook anytime soon ?", "thank you very much . i notice that your passbook looks almost full . will you be needing a new one soon ?", "thank you for the passbook . would you please provide me some photo identification ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let me just make sure . You want to withdraw one thousand dollars ?", "responses": ["that 's right .", "yes i want to withdraw $ 1000 .", "can you please make sure you withdraw them from my checking account ?", "wait , not my checking . how about my savings ?", "also can you give me the money in all twenties ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right ."}], "index": 226} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have a look at that digital camera please ?", "responses": ["yes of course . this is a really good one actually .", "yes here it is .", "maybe ... why do you need it anyways ?", "no you can not . i do nt feel comfortable doing that .", "yes certainly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes of course . This is a really good one actually .", "responses": ["how much does it cost ?", "what type of features does this camera have ?", "thank you . what exactly makes this camera different than others on the market ?", "thanks . how much is the asking price for this camera ?", "what makes this camera really good , exactly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much does it cost ?", "responses": ["this one is 1500 yuan .", "$80 ", "it is of high quality", "you can take professional pictures of just about anything .", "so what do you think ? want to buy it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This one is 1500 yuan .", "responses": ["it looks pretty good . i think i 'll take it .", "wow ! that is way over my budget .", "my budget is about 1000 yuan . do you have anything in that range ?", "ok , that is a pretty good price . what are the features .", "can you tell me features ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It looks pretty good . I think I'll take it .", "responses": ["would you like anything else ?", "will that be cash or credit ?", "great choice ! i think you will be happy with it .", "do you also want to get the protective case ?", "do you need any accessories for the camera ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like anything else ?", "responses": ["that 's all thank you .", "no , i do n't think so .", "i 'd like a lot of things , but this is pretty much eating up my budget .", "do you have a good cleaning kit you recommend ?", "can i purchase an extended warranty for it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's all thank you ."}], "index": 227} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I need something to wash this down . Is there any juice in the fridge ?", "responses": ["what is that ? it looks like something from a swamp !", "yes . there is apple juice on the top shelf .", "no . we ran out of juice this morning .", "yes . we have orange juice on the bottom shelf , next to the milk .", "no . i drank the last of the apple juice this morning ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "What is that ? It looks like something from a swamp !", "responses": ["it 's a green drink . it 's supposed to be full of vitamins and minerals .", "this is a homemade juice .", "i took a couple of super vegetables and added them to the blender .", "it does have a greenish color to it but it 's very healthy for you .", "would you like me to give you the recipe ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a green drink . It's supposed to be full of vitamins and minerals .", "responses": ["you know , healthy eating does n't have to make you gag .", "yuck ! if that 's what vitamins looks like , no thanks .", "hmmm , maybe i will try it !", "ok , i will try a sip .", "oh , ok . i did n't know that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know , healthy eating doesn't have to make you gag .", "responses": ["the sales lady said that even if i eat right , i would n't get enough vitamins .", "have you even tried it ?", "you would be surprised how tasty it is .", "i was the same way as you until i gave it a shot .", "i was turned off at first too but then i bought some and its become a regular item in my diet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The sales lady said that even if I eat right , I wouldn't get enough vitamins .", "responses": ["have you ever tried it ? or are you just going to believe the sales lady ?", "yeah , but do you have to drink something green to get them ?", "ca n't you just take a supplement ?", "does it taste as bad as it looks ?", "well , what all is in it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever tried it ? Or are you just going to believe the sales lady ?", "responses": ["it 's easier to drink this once a day than eat fruit and vegetables all day .", "i did some research on it yesterday .", "no i have n't tried it yet .", "i think she would know what she is talking about", "the sales lady says she has tried it herself"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's easier to drink this once a day than eat fruit and vegetables all day .", "responses": ["it may take less time , but i do n't know about easier . yuck .", "i think i would have to disagree .", "you think this will be easier to get down than a nice salad ?", "i do n't know . i think i 'd much rather go with real food .", "okay . to each his own . you 're braver than i am ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It may take less time , but I don't know about easier . Yuck ."}], "index": 228} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Billy , you are late again .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry i 'm late . i overslept . is the manager here today ?", "i appologize .", "i was in a car accident .", "i am in the hospital and just got my phone back .", "i will call you in a few minutes when my voice sounds better ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm sorry I'm late . I overslept . Is the manager here today ?", "responses": ["yes he 's in his office .", "yes , billy . he was here on time . he knows you are late .", "no , he is n't but unfortunately i have got to let him know about these discrepancies .", "yes , she is in the office .", "again , billy . you need to get a new alarm clock ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes he ' s in his office .", "responses": ["oh , i hope he did n't notice me .", "i 'm going to talk to him .", "does he know that i am late ?", "what did you say to him ?", "good . i 'm going to see if he can change my schedule ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I hope he didn't notice me .", "responses": ["do n't take any chances . it 'd be best if you told him and promised not to be late again . he 's already mad at you for last 2 times . any more and he might fire you .", "sorry to tell you , but he did .", "he 's been in a meeting , so i think you 're good .", "he was already asking where you were .", "i 'm pretty sure he did . i 'd go talk to him and let him know you 're here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't take any chances . It'd be best if you told him and promised not to be late again . He's already mad at you for last 2 times . Any more and he might fire you .", "responses": ["you said it . it wo n't happen again . do you really think he 'd fire me ?", "ok i 'll tell him it wo n't happen again .", "i 'm just going to hope he did n't know i was late .", "can you talk to him for me ?", "i really ca n't get fired , i need this job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You said it . It won't happen again . Do you really think he'd fire me ?", "responses": ["i think he might . you 'd better go to his office .", "i have no idea but i would n't push it if i were you .", "maybe . i know it 's happened before .", "you 're definitely at risk of being fired if you keep going like this .", "yeah , i do . they have a very low tolerance for tardiness here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think he might . You'd better go to his office .", "responses": ["you are probably right . i 'll go right now and apologize . i try hard not to be late but it is difficult with beijing traffic .", "alright , i 'll head there right now", "thanks for letting me know , see you later .", "wish me luck", "i hope he is n't too made ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You are probably right . I'll go right now and apologize . I try hard not to be late but it is difficult with Beijing traffic .", "responses": ["good luck !", "do n't explain it to me , explain it to him .", "i know what you mean . it 's hectic out there .", "that 's why i leave 30 minutes earlier every day .", "you should explain to the boss that you 're still getting used to the new culture of traffic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good luck !"}], "index": 229} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is the rent ?", "responses": ["the rent is $ 1500 per month .", "1,000 a month .", "1,500 a month , includes utilities of gas and water only .", "2,000 a month . or you can pay yearly 23,500 .", "900 a month , or weekly at 250 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The rent is $ 1500 per month .", "responses": ["and how much is the deposit ?", "wow ! that is a lot more than i want to spend .", "does it include heat and electricity ?", "are utilties included in the rent ?", "that 's pretty reasonable given the location ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And how much is the deposit ?", "responses": ["the deposit is $ 500 .", "it 's equal to one month of rent .", "it 's one month of rent plus an additional $ 750 .", "that depends on if you have pets or not . they are an additional fee .", "it 's an additional $ 1500 , but i can split it up between two months for you , if that helps ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The deposit is $ 500 ."}], "index": 230} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything else , apart from the Credit Rating and Debt to Asset Ratio ?", "responses": ["there is the balance of net liabilities . this must not exceed its net assets and no business loss can be shown during the past two years .", "no , not really .", "well , there are a few more things we should discuss at some point , but these are the most important points .", "did you have questions on a different topic besides credit rating and debt to asset ratio ?", "i do n't have anything else to discuss unless you do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There is the Balance of Net Liabilities . This must not exceed its net assets and no business loss can be shown during the past two years .", "responses": ["right , ok . that , again , should n't be a problem .", "no , that covers it .", "the results from last quarter are missing .", "we need to see the dividends for last year .", "no , but we need to see these asap ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right , OK . That , again , shouldn't be a problem .", "responses": ["and the total ratio of return on assets should not be lower than the average , for that particular industry , for the first two quarters of the year .", "good . glad to hear it .", "great . seems like you have a good grasp on it .", "okay . let me know if you need any other information .", "it should all go smoothly as long as you keep that in mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And the total ratio of return on assets should not be lower than the average , for that particular industry , for the first two quarters of the year .", "responses": ["well , as far as i can tell , we qualify .", "is it alright if the ratio is exactly at the average ?", "is it alright if the average is lower than average the last two quarters of the year ?", "anything else i should keep in mind ?", "alright , i 'll be sure to remember that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , as far as I can tell , we qualify .", "responses": ["of course we will need proof , originals and duplicate of everything . as soon as you bring in the proof and we assess it , it should be very quick indeed .", "be sure to include your business tax identification number on the application as well .", "great , then just let me know when you are done with the application and i will get it processed for you .", "there are also capital requirements which need to be met .", "are there any other questions i can answer for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Of course we will need proof , originals and duplicate of everything . As soon as you bring in the proof and we assess it , it should be very quick indeed ."}], "index": 231} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you understand any other foreign languages besides English ?", "responses": ["yes , i know a little about japanese which is similar to chinese not only in culture but in language itself .", "i can speak spanish fluently .", "i can speak but not read japanese .", "i can speak only basic mandarin .", "i am fluent in french ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I know a little about Japanese which is similar to Chinese not only in culture but in language itself .", "responses": ["what band did you pass in japanese language proficiency test ?", "cool . i wish i knew foreign languages .", "can you speak fluently or just understand some of it ?", "that 's surprising . i thought those two languages were quite different .", "that 's great ! i bet that comes in handy when you travel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What band did you pass in Japanese Language Proficiency Test ?", "responses": ["i passed the band two in lpt , but i will try to achieve band one which is the highest level .", "i passed within the n1 band .", "i passed within the n2 band .", "i passed within the n3 band .", "i passed within the n4 band ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I passed the Band two in LPT , but I will try to achieve Band one which is the highest level ."}], "index": 232} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What seems to the trouble Mr Brown ?", "responses": ["i 'm in pretty bad shape , doctor ford .", "i need a hair dryer .", "my remote is not working .", "the bathroom has no toilet paper .", "the tv wo nt work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m in pretty bad shape , Doctor Ford .", "responses": ["oh , in what way .", "sorry to hear that . can you be more specific ?", "what exactly makes you say that ?", "let 's start with the basics . have you been sleeping well ?", "that 's too bad . hopefully , i can help you out with that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , In what way .", "responses": ["no appetite , always unaged and i ca n't sleep well .", "my head has been hurting for the past week .", "i have n't been able to walk for two weeks .", "i recently have not been able to move my left thumb .", "my right leg is no longer attached to my body ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No appetite , always unaged and I can ' t sleep well .", "responses": ["did you lose any weight ?", "sorry to hear that . has your temperature been elevated ?", "are you experiencing any other symptoms ?", "are you experiencing any stress in your life at the moment ?", "have you made any major changes recently ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you lose any weight ?", "responses": ["yes . i 've lost quite a few pounds since last month .", "no , i have n't lost any weight .", "yes , i 've lost some weight .", "i do n't think i 've lost any weight .", "i might have lost some weight . i have n't checked ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "YES . I ' Ve lost quite a few pounds since last month .", "responses": ["when was the last time you have track up ?", "how long have you been loosing weight", "are you in any pain ?", "how many pounds have you lost ?", "has this happened before ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "when was the last time you have track up ?", "responses": ["about two month ago .", "the last time was a few days ago . should i be worried ?", "i think it was last week . i do n't quite remember .", "maybe 2 days ago ? i 'll have to double check my calendar", "it was last week . i am worried ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "About two month ago .", "responses": ["let me take your blood pressure . you look anilic . well , mr . brown . i 'm happy to say it 's nothing serious . you just a little run down from overwork .", "why has it been this long", "that is a sign of getting well", "this could be mean you are beating it", "you will come off it soon"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let me take your blood pressure . You look anilic . Well , Mr . Brown . I ' m happy to say it ' s nothing serious . You just a little run down from overwork .", "responses": ["what am i suppose to do ?", "oh wow . i should have known .", "i m glad its not serious , but i will take it easy for a while .", "what a relief ! thanks so much for feedback .", "wow i m not surprised . i will take it easy for the next few weeks to recover ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What am I suppose to do ?", "responses": ["i think you 'll needs just vacation . try to get out doors more . i 'll be sure if you get more rest .", "have you been exercising ?", "just try and get your rest .", "can you talk to your boss about taking a step back for a few days ?", "i would recommend eating more fruits and vegetables and some light exercise ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think you ' ll needs just vacation . Try to get out doors more . I ' ll be sure if you get more rest .", "responses": ["thank you , doctor . i 'll do what you say .", "i do n't have a lot of free time to get outdoors .", "i do n't have any vacation time left . is there a medication that could possibly help ?", "how will being outdoors help my condition ?", "i have a hard time resting . i 'm very restless . how can i improve that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , doctor . I ' ll do what you say ."}], "index": 233} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I see your passport , please ?", "responses": ["certainly . here it is .", "yes , here it is .", "yes , just let me get it out .", "yes , just let me get it from my suitcase .", "well , i 'm not too sure where it is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly . Here it is .", "responses": ["you are here on business , i think ?", "can you tell me your full name ?", "can you tell me your date of birth ?", "is your visit for business or pleasure ?", "how long do you plan to visit ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You are here on business , I think ?", "responses": ["that 's right . a german company has invited me for business talks .", "yes , i am here on business .", "no , i am vacationing .", "for a very short time , yes .", "i am here for a conference ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right . A German company has invited me for business talks .", "responses": ["how long will you be staying ?", "how long will you be staying in the country ?", "do you have anything to declare ?", "are you traveling alone ?", "may i see your boarding pass as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will you be staying ?", "responses": ["just two weeks .", "i will be staying for 3 days for the conference .", "i will be here for 1 week for meetings .", "i will be here just for 2 days and then have a flight to amsterdam .", "i will be here for 5 days for a week long conference ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just two weeks .", "responses": ["how many pieces of baggage have you got ?", "where will you be visiting ?", "i hope you have a nice stay in the country", "enjoy your stay", "welcome to the country"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many pieces of baggage have you got ?", "responses": ["only one . in this case , i have a camera .", "i will have only 1 .", "i will have 2 pieces of baggage .", "i have a total of 4 . is there an extra charge ?", "i have only one piece ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Only one . In this case , I have a camera .", "responses": ["do you intend to take it out on your departure ?", "will you be doing any sightseeing while you are here ?", "what is the company that invited you ?", "have you visited our country before ?", "excellent . welcome to germany !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you intend to take it out on your departure ?", "responses": ["yes , i do .", "of course . i anticipate taking many photos throughout my stay .", "yes , i expect to be using my camera throughout the duration of my stay .", "it 's probable . i would like to take some photographs , but i 'm unsure if i 'll have enough time .", "possibly . i hope to take some landscape and scenery photos during some downtime ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do .", "responses": ["according to the regulations , the camera you 've brought along for personal use can be passed for the time being duty free , but you will have to take it out with you when you leave the country .", "you should keep it near you", "have you been taking photos long ?", "what type of camera is it ?", "are you a professional photographer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "According to the regulations , the camera you've brought along for personal use can be passed for the time being duty free , but you will have to take it out with you when you leave the country .", "responses": ["i will .", "ok , that 's good to know .", "ok , i will be sure to do that .", "thanks , i 'll be sure to take it out when i leave .", "ok , i understand . thanks you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I will .", "responses": ["well . have a pleasant stay in germany .", "ok . thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay", "enjoy your stay", "i hope you find your stay here enjoyable", "welcome and have a great time here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . Have a pleasant stay in Germany .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you .", "i will , thank you !", "okay , thank you . have a great day !", "i will . you have a nice day !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 234} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . What should be included in my CV ?", "responses": ["generally speaking , a cv or resume is made up of 6 parts , personal information , educational experience , practical experience , personal skills , self - evaluation and job intentions .", "you will want to include all relevant experience , dates of the experience , as well as the information for any related publications .", "you 'll want to include your education , prior employment history , and cite any additional publications .", "information related to your degree , prior work history including dates worked , and any previous publications should all be included .", "employment history , education , and publications are the most critical , but i would encourage you to review various websites that might offer more specific examples relevant to your exact situation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Generally speaking , a CV or resume is made up of 6 parts , personal information , educational experience , practical experience , personal skills , self-evaluation and job intentions .", "responses": ["what kind of personal information ?", "thanks , that 's helpful .", "should i include any awards i have won ?", "should i include any clubs that i have joined ?", "thanks , i 'll include all of that in my cv ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of personal information ?", "responses": ["including your name , sex , date of birth , height , phone number , and so on .", "hobies for instance", "your name an adress", "your phone number", "any volontary orginizations you belong to"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Including your name , sex , date of birth , height , phone number , and so on ."}], "index": 235} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I come in ?", "responses": ["yes , please . i 'm mr . peter , the director of personnel . what can i do for you ?", "yes , you may .", "no you may not .", "yes , but you will need to take your shoes off .", "not without a warrant ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , please . I ' m Mr . Peter , the Director of Personnel . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["nice to meet you , mr . peter . i 'm wang sian . i 've come for an interview as requested .", "i have an appointment for an interview today at 10:00 a.m.", "nice to meet you . i have an appointment for an interview .", "i was wondering if i could obtain some information about the company 's insurance policy options .", "nice to meet you , peter . i was hoping to obtain some information about the employment dates for a previous employee ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Nice to meet you , Mr . Peter . I ' m Wang Sian . I ' Ve come for an interview as requested .", "responses": ["oh , yes . how do you do , miss wang ? sit down , please .", "good to meet you . please sit down and we 'll get the interview started in a few minutes .", "nice to meet you , please have a seat by the door and i 'll be right with you .", "ok , great . have a seat and we 'll start in a few minutes", "great . there 's a seat right here and we can get started on the interview ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , yes . How do you do , Miss Wang ? Sit down , please .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you , i am glad to be here", "thank you , i am excited to talk to you", "i am doing well and how are you today", "thank you i have been looking forward to meeting you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["what was your major in school ?", "my pleasure .", "your welcome . can you tell me a little about yourself ?", "you very welcome . can you tell me what you need help with ?", "your so welcome . what can i do for you ? >"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was your major in school ?", "responses": ["i majored in public relations .", "biology .", "i was an econ major .", "i majored in mathematics .", "it was engineering ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I majored in Public Relations .", "responses": ["have you done any work in this field ?", "public relations is an excellent field of study -- what were your impressions of the content taught from those classes ?", "impressive . how do you feel your major in public relations has prepared you for a role in this company ?", "interesting . why did you choose public relations as your content major ?", "very nice . my undergraduate minor is in public relations ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you done any work in this field ?", "responses": ["yes , after my graduation , i worked in a trade company in macao for one year .", "no , but i would like to .", "yes . i have 10 years of experience .", "yes . i worked in pr at my previous job .", "no . i just graduated and i 'm looking to start an entry - level position ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , after my graduation , I worked in a trade company in Macao for one year .", "responses": ["what section did you work in ?", "what was your position in the company ?", "how many campaigns did you work on while you you were there ?", "how many clients were you responsible for managing ?", "how was that experience for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What section did you work in ?", "responses": ["the export business section .", "i worked in marketing .", "i worked in the social media department .", "i worked in the community relations department as an assistant manager .", "i worked in the development section ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The export Business Section .", "responses": ["so you must be very familiar with export procedures .", "what were some of your duties there ?", "do you have any other relevant work experience ?", "great , what other work experience do you have ?", "what was your job title ? why did you leave this job ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So you must be very familiar with export procedures .", "responses": ["yes , very much .", "yes i am really familiar with it", "the export procedure is no new to me", "i know a great deal about it", "i am slightly familiar with it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , very much .", "responses": ["that 's good .", "could you tell me about a time that you felt you used your skills well ?", "please tell me about how you resolved an issue at your previous job .", "how do you think you could transfer the skills you learned there to this job ?", "excellent , we work on that a lot here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's good ."}], "index": 236} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where to , ma'am ?", "responses": ["the grand hotel .", "the grocery store please .", "anywhere you want to go .", "downtown and hurry .", "the police station ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The Grand Hotel .", "responses": ["the grand hotel ?", "excelent choice", "that is a great pleace", "wonderful we shold be there in ten minuets", "we will be threr shortly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The Grand Hotel ?", "responses": ["yes . do you know where it is ?", "ok , i 'll get you there right away !", "yes it is about 20 minutes from here", "it is on juniper st . about 5 miles away", "here is the address . it is about 30 minutes from here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . Do you know where it is ?", "responses": ["no , madam . i do n't think i do .", "i can take you there", "i know the place", "it somewhere in the city", "i have my locator"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , Madam . I don't think I do .", "responses": ["it 's the 11th avenue , park street .", "okay thanks anyways .", "really you do nt ? can you take another look ?", "i guess that s all then . thanks !", "okay i will find it . thanks for the help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's the 11th Avenue , Park Street .", "responses": ["oh , yes . i know where it is .", "oh , that grand hotel !", "oh yes , i know it after all .", "do you mean the grand hyatt ?", "that 's a shopping mall madam ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . I know where it is ."}], "index": 237} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like to order now ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'll have the shrimp cocktail to start .", "yes i 'd like to order a pizza for delivery", "yes i 'd like to order 3 sandwiches for takeout .", "yes , i 'd like an order of wings and a soda to pick up in 2 hours .", "yes , i 'd like to order 2 soup and sandwich dishes for pick up at 1 pm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I'll have the shrimp cocktail to start .", "responses": ["what would you like for your main course ?", "coming right up", "i 'll be back", "i 'll be back with your order", "what else would you like to order"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What would you like for your main course ?", "responses": ["i 'll have a steak , medium rare .", "i would like the filet mignon well done .", "what main courses do you offer ?", "i m not suret yet . can i have a moment to check the menu ?", "i would like a double bacon cheeseburger well done ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll have a steak , medium rare ."}], "index": 238} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have something to read ?", "responses": ["yes , i do .", "yes i have all the harry potter books .", "yes i brought my kindle with me .", "no , do you have anything ?", "no but i have my phone to keep my occupied thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do .", "responses": ["could you lend me one ?", "great . what are your reading ?", "sounds good . what exactly will you be reading ?", "fantastic ! what did you decide to bring to read ?", "sounds great . what do you enjoy reading ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you lend me one ?", "responses": ["ok . here you are .", "sure . any requests ?", "which one would you like ?", "here . have a look at what i have and pick something .", "here , i 'm done with this one . you 'll like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . Here you are .", "responses": ["thanks . it 's rather cold this morning , would n't you say ?", "do you have any other options ?", "thanks , this looks interesting . have you read it ?", "this looks like kind of an interesting topic . thanks .", "i appreciate it , thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . It's rather cold this morning , wouldn't you say ?", "responses": ["you 're right .", "yeah , it sure is .", "yeah , i had no idea it would be this cold this morning .", "yes , that why i 'm trying to get warmed up by drinking my coffee .", "yes , this weather is so unpredictable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're right .", "responses": ["do you know the news ?", "did you bring an extra sweater ?", "at least the weather 's okay inside !", "i think i 'm going to put my other sweater on to read .", "i should 've brought a scarf ! oh well , the coffee will warm me up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know the news ?", "responses": ["which one ?", "no i do not", "yes i do", "i will check the news later", "i have no interest in knowing the news"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which one ?", "responses": ["brazil wins the world cup .", "the story that 's being run on cnn", "i was listening to npr this morning and they had a good story", "the economic news being reported on fox last night", "the latest developments with the election ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Brazil wins the World Cup .", "responses": ["yes , i see .", "wow i m so happy to hear that !", "really brazil won ? that s a shock .", "i m not surprised . they are a great team .", "that s all the news there is ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I see ."}], "index": 239} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have the orientation this afternoon .", "responses": ["what 's going to be covered in the orientation ?", "what is the exact time of the orientation ?", "who will be heading the orientation ?", "what type of materials will be distributed at the orientation ?", "how many attendees will the orientation have ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s going to be covered in the orientation ?", "responses": ["the company introduction , our mission , vision , various policies , insurances , pension plan , company i d , batch , telephone , e - mail set - up and training .", "i 'm not sure .", "just general information .", "they will be outlining the upcoming project .", "i 'm pretty sure it is going to just be talking about what we can expect ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The company introduction , our mission , vision , various policies , insurances , pension plan , company ID , batch , telephone , e-mail set-up and training .", "responses": ["quite a lot . all them one afternoon ?", "what time do we need to be there ?", "that 's pretty comprehensive . what time does it start ?", "ok , perfect . where , exactly , is it being held ?", "sounds good . is everyone aware of the time it starts ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Quite a lot . All them one afternoon ?", "responses": ["yes , it is not easy .", "yes , they all hold this afternoon", "yes . it is surely going to be hectic", "they would probably try to cover as much as possible then reschedule the rest for some other day", "yes . but i suppose we may get a break after some topics are covered"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is not easy .", "responses": ["it is ok with me . i enjoy being busy and learning new things .", "it does n't have to be easy , just effective !", "does n't matter , we 're well prepared !", "it 'll go great , trust me", "i 'm sure it 'll be very motivating though . plus i think it 's great that we 'll be going through everything from a to z"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It is OK with me . I enjoy being busy and learning new things ."}], "index": 240} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , could you please show me the way to the human resource department ?", "responses": ["yeah , but have you made an appointment ahead ?", "sure . follow me .", "yes . go down the hall and it is the second door on the right .", "certainly . just come with me .", "it is right over there in that door ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , but have you made an appointment ahead ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . i am monica . i have made an appointment with your hr manager .", "yes , i made an appointment last week .", "no , i was n't aware that i needed an appointment . can i schedule one ?", "yes , i did .", "i scheduled an appointment last week , yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , of course . I am Monica . I have made an appointment with your HR manager .", "responses": ["just a minute please . i 'll make a call to the hr office . yes , they confirm your appointment . please come in . it is on the 3rd floor , room 3106 . you can take the right elevator as the left on is in maintenance today .", "great , let me show you the way .", "i am linda the hr manager .", "okay , then take the elevator to the third floor and then look for hr office on your right .", "okay , the hr office is through those doors right there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just a minute please . I ' ll make a call to the HR office . Yes , they confirm your appointment . Please come in . it is on the 3rd floor , room 3106 . You can take the right elevator as the left on is in maintenance today .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "great , thank you for your help !", "room 3106 on the 3rd floor , got it ! thank you", "thank you for letting me know . 3rd floor then , thank you !", "sounds good , i appreciate it ! have a great day !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you very much .", "responses": ["you 're welcome .", "do n't mention", "you may now take your leave", "could you please fill in this form for me before proceeding ?", "your are welcome"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You ' re welcome ."}], "index": 241} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When can you get the finished product to me ?", "responses": ["we should have it put together by the end of next week .", "as soon as i am done with it", "i will send it to you shortly", "i will confirm when i can and get back to you", "i will get it to you in two days time"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We should have it put together by the end of next week .", "responses": ["great ! that 'll be ahead of schedule ! good work .", "perfect .", "that sounds good .", "great . keep me posted .", "ok . just make sure it is done by the deadline ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great ! That ' ll be ahead of schedule ! Good work .", "responses": ["well , as the saying goes -- we aim to please !", "yes it will . so relieved . thanks for your feedback .", "i know right ! thanks a lot .", "thank you ! i worked extra hard to get ahead .", "thanks so much !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , as the saying goes -- we aim to please !"}], "index": 242} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you got any cheaper ones ?", "responses": ["here are some . they 're on special sale these days .", "let me check", "yes i do", "no , i do not", "could check back for some cheaper ones"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here are some . They ' re on special sale these days .", "responses": ["that 's more reasonable . i 'll take this one .", "what 's the sale price ?", "do you know if they work well ?", "do you think they work almost as good as the more expensive ones ?", "do you sell a lot of these ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That's more reasonable . I'll take this one ."}], "index": 243} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . what can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i 'm looking for some earrings for my wife as a wedding anniversary gift .", "i need a couple of clean towels", "i was wondering if someone could change my sheets today", "do you have any kind of breakfast buffet ?", "the drain in the shower seems to be clogged , can someone take a look at it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm looking for some earrings for my wife as a wedding anniversary gift .", "responses": ["you 've come to the right store . we 've got a beautiful and wide selection of earrings for you to choose from .", "let me browse stores with sales right now .", "i have some great recommendations for you .", "that s amazing . let me see what i can find .", "aww how sweet . let me see what i can do for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You've come to the right store . We've got a beautiful and wide selection of earrings for you to choose from .", "responses": ["i saw a pair of earrings outside your window . can you show them to me ?", "great , sounds like you will have what i am looking for .", "i would like to see your selection .", "can you show them to me ?", "i would like to hear more about them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I saw a pair of earrings outside your window . Can you show them to me ?", "responses": ["do you mean the exquisite pearl earrings ?", "right away , it will be here soon .", "the showroom guy will bring it here in few seconds", "yeah , you can take a walk towards the windows to have a look", "they will be available for you to see in the next few seconds ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you mean the exquisite pearl earrings ?", "responses": ["exactly . how much do you want for them ?", "i think so . they have the silver casting .", "yes , the pearl .", "yes , those are it . what is the prices ?", "yes , i am on a budget though . can you tell me the price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Exactly . How much do you want for them ?", "responses": ["they 're only three thousand yuan .", "i want them for an amount not outrageous", "how much do you sell them fpr", "i have $ 3000", "i want them for cheap price"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They're only three thousand yuan .", "responses": ["what is this setting made of ?", "oh that is a bargain , thanks !", "oh , that 's too much . what else do you have ?", "can you show me something for around two thousand ?", "that seems a bit pricey . would you accept 2500 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is this setting made of ?", "responses": ["well , it 's specially made of a platinum alloy , sir , and the lustre will never fade out .", "i do not know what a setting is", "i do not know what you mean", "what are you talking about", "do you mean the building we are in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , it's specially made of a platinum alloy , sir , and the lustre will never fade out .", "responses": ["i'ii take them . please wrap them up tor me and give me the receipt .", "interesting . what makes the platinum alloy fade - resistant ?", "is there any other part of the earring that has platinum alloy as the material ?", "will the pearls lose lustre before the platinum alloy backing ?", "impressive . how much weight does the platinum alloy setting give the earrings ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'II take them . Please wrap them up tor me and give me the receipt .", "responses": ["you 've made an excellent choice , sir .", "right on it .", "no problem . working on that now .", "you got it ! getting them wrapped now .", "sounds good . working on that asap ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "You've made an excellent choice , sir ."}], "index": 244} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Room service .", "responses": ["good morning . this is room 113 . i 'd like some breakfast , please .", "yes i would like room service .", "hi , can we have fresh towels ? >", "can i order 2 bottles of prestige wine ?", "hello what is offered for lunch ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning . This is room 113 . I'd like some breakfast , please .", "responses": ["right . excuse me . mrs . jones ?", "i would be happy to take your order .", "okay , what would you like for breakfast ?", "i am ready to take your order . go ahead and order when you 're ready .", "good morning . would you like this for room service ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Right . Excuse me . Mrs . Jones ?", "responses": ["that 's right .", "i would like some breakfast for two .", "can you get me some breakfast ?", "how long will it take to fix me with a breakfast ?", "please , i need a breakfast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right .", "responses": ["what can i do for you ?", "what can i get for you , mr . jones ?", "what would you like for breakfast ?", "would you like to hear our specials this morning , mr . jones ?", "thank you for verifying . i am happy to help ! what can i get for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i 'd like some grapefruit juice , marmalade , two scrambled eggs with two sausages , toast , and a pot of black coffee , please . how long will it take ?", "i will like you to show me you menu", "what is available this morning", "is there anything you can interest me with this morning ?", "what would you recommend for me to eat this morning ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'd like some grapefruit juice , marmalade , two scrambled eggs with two sausages , toast , and a pot of black coffee , please . How long will it take ?", "responses": ["just a few minutes , ma'am .", "under thirty minutes .", "we should be able to get that up in less than thirty minutes .", "we guarantee thirty minutes or less .", "we will get it to you before 7:30 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just a few minutes , ma'am .", "responses": ["great . thank you .", "it will take 15 minutes", "it will not take long", "it will be done soon", "it will be ready soon"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great . Thank you ."}], "index": 245} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Sam . I want to buy a pet . Do you have any ideas ?", "responses": ["you really should go to rachel 's pet store .", "i would recommend a dog . they are mans best friend .", "hmm .. maybe a hamster or a mouse ? they are easy to care for .", "what about a bird ? they are low maintenance .", "do you like lizards ? i know a place that sells exotic ones ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You really should go to Rachel's pet store .", "responses": ["why ? anything special there ?", "do you have any other suggestions ?", "i will check them out but hate to limit my options to one place . what other ideas do you have ?", "i will go there today !", "where are they located ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? anything special there ?", "responses": ["it 's more than special . you can find as many kinds of animals as you can put a name to and more .", "they have the best pets around", "the have a wide range of breeds of different pets .", "they are the best when it comes to pet shopping .", "you can get a nice pet for the best price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's more than special . You can find as many kinds of animals as you can put a name to and more .", "responses": ["oh , really ? are there any snakes ?", "wow , i had no ides rachel 's had so many options .", "ok , do they have chinchillas ?", "ok , thank you !", "i will check rachel 's out . thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , really ? are there any snakes ?", "responses": ["snakes ? there are even rodents and monkeys ! it 's a world of exotic pets .", "no , there are no snakes , just earthworms", "they are lot of snakes there , and it is not safe to be there this night", "no snakes at all , it 's perfectly safe .", "this is a safe haven for snakes , it 's too dangerous"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Snakes ? there are even rodents and monkeys ! it's a world of exotic pets .", "responses": ["that 's terrific . i ca n't wait to check it out .", "oh that does sound interesting ! where is it located ?", "do they have normal animals too ?", "what about parrots ?", "are their prices good ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's terrific . I can't wait to check it out .", "responses": ["hang on . are you sure you want to keep a non - traditional pet ?", "yeah , most people are scared", "most people get disgusted", "most people will not visit", "most people are not interested in these kind of pets"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hang on . are you sure you want to keep a non-traditional pet ?", "responses": ["why not ? it 's so cool .", "i 'm positive ! exotic pets are so unique !", "definitely ! owning an exotic pet would set me apart from other pet owners .", "of course . you 've never thought about owning an exotic pet before ?", "why not ? exotic pets are more fun than a usual cat or dog !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Why not ? it's so cool .", "responses": ["but it will pose a risk to your health .", "i do nt have time for it .", "its just too much work for me .", "i like traditional better .", "its easier to stick with something basic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it will pose a risk to your health .", "responses": ["pardon ?", "yeah maybe you are right .", "i do nt know if i agree with that .", "are you afraid of them ?", "they can not harm your health if you are careful ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Pardon ?", "responses": ["i mean , most reptiles carry some harmful bacteria , they are likely to cause immune system problems .", "i mean the snake might harm you", "do you want me to say that again ?", "you heard me the first time buddy", "i will not repeat myself"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I mean , most reptiles carry some harmful bacteria , they are likely to cause immune system problems .", "responses": ["well , i did n't realize that .", "i did n't know that . i have friends that own snakes , though and have no problems .", "really ! ? i did n't know that .", "yes , i have heard that before . i do n't think it poses enough of a risk to worry .", "thank you for your concern . i am aware , however i am not too concerned ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I didn't realize that .", "responses": ["i do n't believe it 's a good choice to keep those pets , especially for families with young children .", "well now you know .", "will you still get it now ?", "what pet do you want now ?", "will you change pets now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't believe it's a good choice to keep those pets , especially for families with young children .", "responses": ["oh , i should have thought of my brother 's baby girl . maybe i 'll just have a dog instead of an exotic pet .", "oh maybe i will think about this some more", "maybe i 'll look for something more traditional", "do you know where i could find a more traditional pet ?", "where could i go to adopt a cat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I should have thought of my brother's baby girl . Maybe I'll just have a dog instead of an exotic pet .", "responses": ["yes , good luck , maria .", "it is definitely safer to get a dog or cat", "a dog is great . they understand humans more and you can get professionals to take care of them easily .", "yea , dogs are great , i for one wo nt visit anyone with a reptile as pet", "exotic pet are usually much more demanding"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , good luck , Maria ."}], "index": 246} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , this is room 1205 . Our message lamp is flashing .", "responses": ["hold on a minute , please .", "hello , i will gladly assist ! what is your name ?", "hello . please hold while i review your phone account .", "hello . i am happy to help you retrieve your messages from the room phone .", "hi . i can walk you through the message retrieval process if you 'd like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hold on a minute , please .", "responses": ["thank you .", "oh sorry , the technician will be with you in a minute", "i apologise for the situation , help is underway .", "i am sending someone right there to fix it up .", "someone will be there to help fix it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["i am sorry to have kept you waiting . mr . johns needs a telephone call from you .", "it looks like you have 2 messages .", "you have a message from \" billy \"", "you have 3 messages . would you like me to have them delivered to your room or list them off on the phone for you ?", "you have one message from , lisa ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am sorry to have kept you waiting . Mr . Johns needs a telephone call from you .", "responses": ["would you bring the message to my room .", "it 's alright", "kindly put him on the phone", "i will love to talk him", "i 've been waiting to hear from him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you bring the message to my room .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid we have nobody available at the moment .", "absolutely .", "yes i will bring it right away .", "of course . i 'll send it right up .", "sure thing ! i 'll send someone up right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid we have nobody available at the moment .", "responses": ["then i 'll come down and pick up the message immediately .", "well when you do please have them bring the message to my room", "that is unacceptable", "that is not going to work for me", "well you better find somebody available"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then I'll come down and pick up the message immediately .", "responses": ["ok , we wait for you .", "thank you for your understanding .", "i apologize for the inconvenience .", "very well . thank you for your understanding .", "my many apologies for the added inconvenience . we greatly appreciate your understanding ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , we wait for you ."}], "index": 247} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "guess what ? I've got great news !", "responses": ["what is it ?", "tell me all about it !", "sounds exciting ! do tell !", "i am in need of some good news right now !", "i am all ears !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what is it ?", "responses": ["well , you know how i 've been working at the economist as a proof - reader , right ?", "we will be going on a vacation to the bahamas .", "i have just been elected as the mayor of the city .", "i got a date from neighbor who is navy seal .", "i am getting married soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "well , you know how I've been working at the Economist as a proof-reader , right ?", "responses": ["yes .", "yes . i knew that .", "well ... i knew you were a proof - reader . i could n't recall where .", "no ! i did n't hear that news yet !", "yes , i did know that . what is the news ! ? !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes .", "responses": ["well , the editor - in - chief heard that i had experience as an editor at another magadize and asked me if i was interested in becoming an assistant editor for him .", "i got a great offer", "i have been nominated as the best proof reader", "i have going to keep trying to better myself", "i think i want to talk a bolder step"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "well , the editor-in-chief heard that I had experience as an editor at another magadize and asked me if I was interested in becoming an assistant editor for him .", "responses": ["really ? that 's fantastic ! will you get a chance to do any writing ?", "wow that 's awesome !", "hey congratulations !", "how much does it pay ?", "that 's quite a promotion , way to go !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "really ? That's fantastic ! Will you get a chance to do any writing ?", "responses": ["she said that the columnist for the literary criticism column would be going on pregnancy leave soon and that i could be in charge of the column until she came back .", "yes , i will do plenty of writing", "i am not sure yet", "i think i will get to because i do not know what else i would do", "i hope i do get a chance to do some writing"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "she said that the columnist for the literary criticism column would be going on pregnancy leave soon and that I could be in charge of the column until she came back .", "responses": ["wow ! that 's really great news . how often does the magazine come out ?", "congratulations ! are you nervous ?", "that 's great news ! do you feel up to the challenge ?", "wow ! you must excited ! what type of articles would you be writing , exactly ?", "interesting ! do you have any idea as to what articles you 're thinking about writing for the column yet ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "wow ! That's really great news . How often does the magazine come out ?", "responses": ["it 's a monthly magazine , but my column will be shared with another columnist so my articles will be due fortnightly .", "i believe the magazine comes out once a week .", "i m not sure . i will have to check that for you .", "yes it is ! i m not sure on that . but ill definitely look .", "no idea . ill have to ask her and let you know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's a monthly magazine , but my column will be shared with another columnist so my articles will be due fortnightly .", "responses": ["are you looking forward to doing more editing work ?", "monthly is all ?", "oh wow it should be every week .", "oh wow ! you will be super busy !", "that s amazing . good luck keeping up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "are you looking forward to doing more editing work ?", "responses": ["yes , but i 'm even more excited about getting my thoughts published again !", "yes i am", "i think if i do it will help me a great deal", "looking forward to doing more editing works makes me happy", "i will definitely do that , as this will improve my skills"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , but I'm even more excited about getting my thoughts published again !", "responses": ["do you have any order forms here so that i can get a subscription to the magazine ?", "i ca n't wait to read them !", "i am sure the readers will enjoy reading your thoughts ! i know i enjoy your thoughts :)", "i am sure ! it has been such a wonderful outlet for you emotionally these past few years .", "i am so happy for you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you have any order forms here so that I can get a subscription to the magazine ?", "responses": ["i do n't have any with me , but i think i could manage to bring a free copy home for you .", "yes , here you go !", "i 'm not sure , let me check", "of course ! i hope you enjoy it", "absolutely ! here you are ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't have any with me , but I think I could manage to bring a free copy home for you .", "responses": ["i 'm really looking forward to reading your column .", "ok , tomorrow would be a good time to contact me .", "that s great ! i will be looking forward to hear from you .", "okay , how long will columnist be on pregnancy leave ?", "do you know how much the subscription would cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I'm really looking forward to reading your column .", "responses": ["me , too . do you want to go out to celebrate my good news ?", "thanks for your kind words . you will get the free copy soon", "great , if you have any interesting topic i can write on let me know", "that is so sweet of you . looking forward to your feedback too", "you will see it soon hopefully"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "me , too . Do you want to go out to celebrate my good news ?", "responses": ["sure , where would you like to go ?", "for sure !", "definitely . this weekend good ?", "i could go for a drink . want to meet up later ?", "this definitely calls for a celebration ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "sure , where would you like to go ?", "responses": ["perhaps we could go to the library festival that 's going on at the local bookshop .", "how about the plaza ?", "let 's go to wilde 's .", "anywhere that serves martinis !", "i do n't know , but someplace decadent !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "perhaps we could go to the library festival that's going on at the local bookshop ."}], "index": 248} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "have you seen the new Cosmo magazine that I was reading this morning ?", "responses": ["i think i may have seen it on the kitchen table .", "i think you left it on the table , next to the lamp .", "no , sorry . where do you remember putting it last ?", "i ca n't recall . were n't you reading it last in the living room ?", "no , i 'm sorry . did you check your car ? i know you have a habit of reading in there when stuck in traffic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I may have seen it on the kitchen table .", "responses": ["you 're right , thanks . there 's an interesting interview with a top director about his latest film that i want to finish .", "okay thanks for letting me know .", "are you sure ? i did not see it .", "okay ill look again .", "its not there . maybe someone has it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "you're right , thanks . There's an interesting interview with a top director about his latest film that I want to finish .", "responses": ["who 's the director ?", "oh okay . that sounds interesting .", "hmm i m curious now .", "really i d like to see that too . i hope we can find it .", "okay we will find it soon . do nt worry !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "who's the director ?", "responses": ["it 's martin scorsese . you liked his film , the departed , did n't you ?", "let me check the name", "i do not know the name", "i do not know the director that much", "the director is not really famous"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "it's Martin Scorsese . You liked his film , The Departed , didn't you ?", "responses": ["yes , it was fantastic ! can i read the article when you 're finished ?", "i do like it . i 'd love to read the article once you are done .", "love the departed !", "yes , i would love to read that article .", "it is one of my favorites ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "yes , it was fantastic ! Can I read the article when you're finished ?", "responses": ["sure . you know it has an online edition , too . you should go online to read if you want to read it now .", "sure ! i 'm almost done", "of course , i can give it to you when i 'm finished", "yes i think you 'll enjoy it", "yep , i can do that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "sure . You know it has an online edition , too . You should go online to read if you want to read it now .", "responses": ["that 's ok . i 'll wait until you 're finished . just out of curiosity , do you have a subscription for that magadize ?", "i would rather read the magazine .", "i 'm on the website now . thanks", "i will as soon as i finish in the kitchen .", "no hurry.i will wait for you to finish ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that's ok . I'll wait until you're finished . Just out of curiosity , do you have a subscription for that magadize ?", "responses": ["no . i do n't buy it regularly enough for it to be worthwhile .", "yes i do . i subscribed for a year just last week .", "i am afraid i do nt , i only buy when i have an interesting editorial to follow .", "not yet , will be subscribing later this week . you interested too ?", "no , i see magazine subscription as a pure waste of money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no . I don't buy it regularly enough for it to be worthwhile .", "responses": ["how much does the magadize cost ?", "maybe we should chip in together and get it .", "yeah , me neither .", "did you buy this one just for that article ?", "magazines subscriptions can get costly after a while ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how much does the magadize cost ?", "responses": ["it 's almost three pounds now , and i think they 're going to put the price up to four pounds soon .", "it 's around three dollars .", "i think about four dollars .", "it 's $ 3.99 .", "it 's $ 4.50 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's almost three pounds now , and I think they're going to put the price up to four pounds soon .", "responses": ["that 's quite expensive . who is their target audience ?", "let me get my own then", "wow , they should n't do that", "did n't know it was inexpensive", "sounds interesting"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that's quite expensive . Who is their target audience ?", "responses": ["cosmo mainly has a middle - class readership , but i think circulation will fall dramatically if the price goes up anymore .", "i 'm not too sure .", "i 'm not sure yet .", "i do n't know .", "you should ask them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Cosmo mainly has a middle-class readership , but I think circulation will fall dramatically if the price goes up anymore .", "responses": ["i bet you 'll still buy it , though . you would n't be able to live without your fashion magazine !", "agreed , that 's excessive", "hm , maybe they 're trying to shift target audiences ?", "ugh , that 's a lot", "yeah it 's definitely getting to be a hefty amount"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I bet you'll still buy it , though . You wouldn't be able to live without your fashion magazine !"}], "index": 249} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wei ! This is a first-you didn't bargain !", "responses": ["bargain ? i 'd feel way too guilty .", "i know i just did not have time for it .", "yeah i do nt know why . just not in the mood .", "i know . not feeling patient today too bargain .", "i know i will regret it later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Bargain ? I'd feel way too guilty .", "responses": ["but you could have saved money .", "i understand that .", "well you should not feel guilty .", "why ! ? you would have saved big time", "never feel guilty over bargaining ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But you could have saved money .", "responses": ["from a sweet ma ? ! it 's not worth it . plus , i 'd happily pay more for these things i bought !", "i really do not like bargaining", "it will waste my time bargaining", "i have more than enough money", "bargaining is not for me"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "From a sweet ma ? ! It's not worth it . Plus , I'd happily pay more for these things I bought !", "responses": ["f . y . i . , there is a flea market nearby , but maybe you 're done ...", "that is a good point .", "sometimes , supporting local 's is more important than a bargain , you are right wei !", "that is a good outlook , wei .", "you are right , wei ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "F . Y . I . , there is a flea market nearby , but maybe you're done ...", "responses": ["ha ! i 'm just warming up ! please take me there now !", "no , i want to look at a few more things .", "yeah , i had enough for today .", "on what side of town ?", "okay , we will check it out ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ha ! I'm just warming up ! Please take me there now !"}], "index": 250} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you help me do an internet search ?", "responses": ["sure . what do you want to find ?", "yes i can .", "what do you want to search ? i should be able too .", "yes for sure ! let meknow what you need .", "maybe if i can figure out how ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . What do you want to find ?", "responses": ["i want to find information on the american civil war .", "anything that will help", "i will like to know about some things", "i will like to find about the earth", "i will like to know more about some animals"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to find information on the American Civil War .", "responses": ["well , can you be more specific ? there are a lot of websites about that .", "what information do you need about the war ?", "i am happy to help you find information about the war , the north or south ?", "are you wanting to focus more on the union or confederates ?", "what area of the war would you like to start ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , can you be more specific ? There are a lot of websites about that .", "responses": ["yes , i want to know about the battle of gettysburg .", "i want to know who fired the first shot .", "did general grant have slaves ?", "did the southern states really have their own currency ?", "how many union soldiers died ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I want to know about the battle of Gettysburg .", "responses": ["o . k . well , go to google . com , and type in \" battle of gettysburg . \"", "i can do that .", "i 'll help you .", "do n't worry about it .", "i got you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "O . K . Well , go to google . com , and type in \" Battle of Gettysburg . \"", "responses": ["oh wow , there are a lot of sites .", "no , i want you to help me with it", "i do nt have the time , can you please help ?", "great . that is so straightforward . thank you .", "that sounds simpler than i thought . how do i connect to the internet please ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh wow , there are a lot of sites .", "responses": ["here , try this one . it 's a good site about gettysburg .", "what are you trying to find out about the battle of gettysburg ?", "you can narrow down the search results , if you have something specific you 're trying to find out .", "yeah , it was a pretty significant event , so there 's a lot of information out there .", "enjoy your reading ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here , try this one . It ' s a good site about Gettysburg .", "responses": ["thanks .", "oh that looks perfect !", "oh thank you ! that will do the trick for sure .", "oh i saw that one already and did n't like it . i need it to be more about lincoln 's address and not the actual battle .", "wonderful , thank you for your help !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks .", "responses": ["for detailed information , however , you should read a history book .", "you 're definitely going to enjoy that", "i 'm waiting for your opinion", "what did you think of the site ?", "you 're welcome"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "For detailed information , however , you should read a history book .", "responses": ["thanks . if i 'm interested , i 'll go to the library .", "i know but google is so much faster and easier .", "i keep trying but its even harder to find the right book than the right website", "do you have any recommendations ?", "you do n't think websites have detailed information ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks . If I ' m interested , I ' ll go to the library ."}], "index": 251} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I just have to come up for air . I ' Ve been here for too long a time .", "responses": ["ok . you 'd better come back in two hours .", "stay for a little longer .", "you can do it , i believe in you .", "life can be a struggle .", "take a break and we can continue later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . You ' d better come back in two hours ."}], "index": 252} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good afternoon . I'd like to speak with Tom Smith .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid he 's away from his desk at the moment .", "good afternoon . who are you please ?", "have your seat , he will join you in a bit", "oh , you must be the agent . he has been waiting for you", "hello sir . i will link you up with tom smith in a bit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid he's away from his desk at the moment .", "responses": ["do you know when he will be back ?", "when will he be back ?", "when will he be back ?", "how long ago did he leave ?", "can i leave a message ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know when he will be back ?", "responses": ["he 's away on a business trip . he wo n't be back until some time next week .", "no i do n't . may i take a message ?", "i 'm sorry i do not . would you like to leave a message for him ?", "it should only be about five minutes . would you like to be placed on hold ?", "he 's at lunch . if you leave me your number i 'll have him call you when he returns ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's away on a business trip . He won't be back until some time next week .", "responses": ["is there some way i can get into contact with him ?", "okay . do you have a number i could call him on ?", "is there any way to reach him ?", "okay , thank you for your time", "can i leave a message for him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there some way I can get into contact with him ?", "responses": ["the best way to reach him is by cell phone . i 'll give you his number .", "yes , you may contact him by email or leave him a voicemail .", "no , i am afraid that you ca n't . i suggest that you wait until he gets back .", "no , i am afraid that you ca n't . you can leave your message with me though , and then i 'll tell him when he gets back .", "no , i am afraid that you ca n't . he told me to hold off people from contacting him for now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The best way to reach him is by cell phone . I'll give you his number .", "responses": ["thanks . and could i have his e - mail , just in case i ca n't get him by phone ?", "thank you", "that 's alright , when will he be back ?", "excellent , thank you", "okay"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thanks . And could I have his e-mail , just in case I can't get him by phone ?", "responses": ["sure . his cell phone is 09112223 33 . and his e - mail is lower case t , smith -- that 's one word , at , c , c , w , dot , com , dot , t , w .", "here is tom 's cell phone number . i would try calling his cell phone or texting , he does not check email often while traveling .", "sure , here is his email adress and cell phone number .", "what is it you needed help with ? perhaps someone here in the office could help you immediately .", "here is his information . is there anything else i can help you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . His cell phone is 09112223 33 . And his e-mail is lower case t , smith--that's one word , at , c , c , w , dot , com , dot , t , w .", "responses": ["thank you so much . does he read his e - mails daily ?", "is there a period between the t and the smith ?", "okay , that 's lower case t , smith , at , c , c , w , dot , com , dot , t , w ?", "got it , thank you !", "oh thank you so much ! you 've been very helpful ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you so much . Does he read his e-mails daily ?", "responses": ["yes . he usually replies immediately .", "yes he usually does that .", "no he never reads them", "i am not too sure about what he will be doing with his emails .", "you should call him for the best response ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . He usually replies immediately .", "responses": ["great . thanks again . you 've been very helpful .", "okay , good . that 's what i 'm hoping . thank you !", "you have been a huge help to me , i just want you to know that .", "i certainly hope so . and what is your name , ma'am ?", "okay , i am going to get in touch with him right now thanks again !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great . Thanks again . You've been very helpful .", "responses": ["my pleasure . i hope you get a hold of him .", "you are welcome .", "i am glad to help !", "i am happy to help , i hope you get in touch with tom .", "you 're welcome , have a great day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My pleasure . I hope you get a hold of him ."}], "index": 253} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What seems to be the trouble , Mr . Brown ?", "responses": ["i 'm in pretty bad shape , dr . ford .", "where should i start ?", "how long do you have ?", "i 'm not quite understanding something and need a little help .", "no trouble really . i just need a little assistance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm in pretty bad shape , Dr . Ford .", "responses": ["oh , in what way ?", "oh i am sorry to hear that . what are your symptoms ?", "oh no , what is going on ?", "oh that is terrible . please elaborate .", "that 's awful . what exactly are you feeling ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , in what way ?", "responses": ["no appetite , always on edge , and i ca n't sleep well .", "my tooth aches", "i feel weak most of the time", "my appetite is gone", "my headache has gotten worse"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No appetite , always on edge , and I can't sleep well .", "responses": ["did you lose any weight ?", "any stress in your life ?", "what has changed recently ?", "what medication are you taking ?", "i am sorry to hear that but we will get that fixed but i need to ask you a few quick questions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you lose any weight ?", "responses": ["yes , i have lost quite a few pounds since last month .", "yes , i 've been losing a lot of weight lately .", "no , i have n't been losing weight .", "yes , i 've been losing weight , but it seems like i get it right back .", "no , i have n't noticed any weight loss so far ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have lost quite a few pounds since last month .", "responses": ["when was the last time you had a check - up ?", "do you have any other symptoms ?", "are you feeling stresses at work ?", "how are things at home ?", "let 's set up a time to do a blood test and see what is going on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When was the last time you had a check-up ?", "responses": ["about two month ago .", "it was about two years ago .", "i was just here six months ago and everything was fine .", "it 's been a while . i do n't keep up with that like i should .", "last year about this same time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "About two month ago .", "responses": ["let me take your blood pressure . you look anemic .", "it was just a routine check - up", "the doctor asked me almost similar questions", "gave me tons of drugs and sent me on my way home", "but i still do not feel any better , that is why i am here now"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me take your blood pressure . You look anemic .", "responses": ["well , mr . brown , i 'm happy to say it 's nothing serious .", "anemic ? what 's that ?", "okay", "okay , should i remove my coat ?", "i 'd rather not"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , Mr . Brown , I'm happy to say it's nothing serious .", "responses": ["you 're just a little run - down from overwork .", "wonderul news", "i am so happy to hear that", "hallelujah !", "wonderful to hear , thank you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're just a little run-down from overwork .", "responses": ["what am i supposed to do ?", "yes . make sure you rest sometimes as well .", "i should have been more cautious . thanks", "sheesh .. looks like i need a vacation .", "i m glad that s all it is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What am I supposed to do ?", "responses": ["i think all you need is just a vacation .", "make sure you rest well", "do n't forget to drink lots of water", "i 'm going to prescribe some drugs", "exercise regularly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think all you need is just a vacation .", "responses": ["try to get outdoors more and be sure to get more rest .", "i just ca n't up and leave on a vacation , i have work .", "i wish , but my boss would nt give me a leave this time of the year .", "i think you 're quite right", "yup , nothing a week or two on a relaxing island ca n't solve !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Try to get outdoors more and be sure to get more rest .", "responses": ["thank you , doctor . i 'll do as you say .", "i hear england is good at this time of the year", "you need the rest", "look for place with less disturbance", "i can hook you up with my travelguy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , doctor . I'll do as you say ."}], "index": 254} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning , Angela , how have you been lately ?", "responses": ["morning , michael . i 've been very busy lately . one of our other vendors is going out of business and i 've been searching for a suitable replacement .", "i 've been doing okay . good morning and how are you too ?", "good morning . i 'm hanging in there . what about you ?", "good morning . i 'm fine , you ?", "i 'm doing okay . and you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Morning , Michael . I ' Ve been very busy lately . One of our other vendors is going out of business and I ' Ve been searching for a suitable replacement .", "responses": ["well , rest assured that you can count on us to be here for the long run , sitdown . coffee ?", "have you had any luck so far ?", "tell me more .", "are you finding any ?", "i can help you there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , rest assured that you can count on us to be here for the long run , sitdown . Coffee ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 've been trying to cut down on the caffeine .", "yes please", "no thank you", "do you have tea ?", "with sugar , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thanks . I ' Ve been trying to cut down on the caffeine .", "responses": ["haha , i could never do that . i 'd be a zombie if i did n't have my morning coffee fix . let 's get down to business then .", "can i get you something else ?", "would you like a bottle of water ?", "did you see the doughnuts joe brought in ?", "is there anything i can do to help you with the vendor situation ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Haha , I could never do that . I ' d be a zombie if I didn ' t have my morning coffee fix . Let ' s get down to business then .", "responses": ["yes . i 've come to talk with you about ordering the eight megapixel cameras for our new methone . the demand for phone cameras is growing , and pear has been falling behind in the market .", "yes that would be good .", "on second thought , i will have a cup thank you .", "yes good idea . so what did you want to meet about ?", "okay that sounds like a good idea . i think i have some excellent ideas to share with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . I ' Ve come to talk with you about ordering the eight megapixel cameras for our new methone . The demand for phone cameras is growing , and Pear has been falling behind in the market .", "responses": ["that 's great ! i 'm glad to hear that pear has finally jumped on the bandwagon . right now our contract is for the five megapixel cameras . is pear still interested in having those ?", "at this rate , we wo n't be able to meet up demand .", "i really do hope i can count on you like you said", "my boss is on my neck to get things done", "so , how soon can we get the cameras ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That ' s great ! I ' m glad to hear that Pear has finally jumped on the bandwagon . Right now our contract is for the five megapixel cameras . Is Pear still interested in having those ?", "responses": ["no , we 're changing all the cameras to eight megapixels . we were hoping that by making your company our sole supplier for cameras we could negotiate a better deal .", "yes , but they are expensive .", "no those cameras are not being sold by pear anymore .", "you can get those types of cameras on ebay .", "the cameras have many more pixels now from pear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , we ' re changing all the cameras to eight megapixels . We were hoping that by making your company our sole supplier for cameras we could negotiate a better deal .", "responses": ["surely . let 's get started by drafting a new contract .", "wonderful news ! i am happy to go over a few proposals with you .", "i am happy to review a few options to fulfill your needs", "i am happy to help !", "let 's see what we can do"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Surely . Let ' s get started by drafting a new contract ."}], "index": 255} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I get my dress today ?", "responses": ["you have ordered a red dress , is that right ?", "of course", "which dress ?", "can i come with you ?", "it 's not yet in"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You have ordered a red dress , is that right ?", "responses": ["yes . is that available now ?", "yes , i ordered a red fitted dress . is it ready yet ?", "yes , i ordered a red dress in a size 6 . what time can i pick it up ?", "yes , will it be ready by noon today ?", "no , my dress is a black floor length gown ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . Is that available now ?", "responses": ["yes , here you are . try it in front of the mirror .", "yes it is . what time would you like to pick it up ?", "no i 'm sorry we do n't have it in your size yet .", "it 's coming from another store and should be here this afternoon . would you like me to call you ?", "what size was that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , here you are . Try it in front of the mirror ."}], "index": 256} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you hear about the robbery ?", "responses": ["did i hear about it ? i saw it happen .", "no ! what was stolen ?", "i did ! frightening !", "yes ! glad i was not there !", "i did ! have the caught the perpetrators yet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Did I hear about it ? I saw it happen .", "responses": ["are you serious ?", "what ? ! wow that 's crazy .", "you were in the bank ? !", "what ? how ?", "you were there ? !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Are you serious ?", "responses": ["i was there .", "dead serious .... literally", "it was horrifying and scary", "the gunshots was so loud , i nearly peed my pants", "the robbers were so daring , dishing out instructions like they owned the place ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was there .", "responses": ["what happened ?", "what happened ?", "did you get injured ?", "did you speak with the robbers ?", "did they get away with the money ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened ?", "responses": ["a man came into the bank with a gun .", "a man came in and asked everyone to get down , before stealing the cash from the register .", "he had a gun ! he came into the bank and asked us all to get down . he then went and stole the money from all 3 of the tellers .", "it was crazy ! he came into the store while i was shopping . he stole all of our wallets , and the money from the cashier .", "a man came over and stole all the money , and wallets of everyone at the gas station ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A man came into the bank with a gun .", "responses": ["that 's insane .", "wow that s scary !", "wow ! i m glad you got out safe .", "that s horrifying .", "no way ? you were there ? !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's insane .", "responses": ["i was so scared when i saw the gun .", "it really is", "i was scared", "all thanks to the police", "he could have gotten away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was so scared when I saw the gun .", "responses": ["then what happened ?", "of course you were ! who would n't be ?", "good god , that is so scary . you 're okay , though ?", "how close were you ? tell me everything !", "wait , do you mean you were in the bank ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then what happened ?", "responses": ["he took the money and tried to get away .", "he was waving the gun carelessly", "he waved the gun at everyone", "he shot an officer", "he robbed the bank"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He took the money and tried to get away .", "responses": ["did the cops show up in time ?", "that must be a very scary experience", "was he able to get away ?", "did he hurt anyone ?", "i would have been so scared , were you scared ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did the cops show up in time ?", "responses": ["he did n't even make it out the door .", "no they got there too late .", "nope . he was already long gone .", "yeah , just as he was going ou the door .", "yeah , it was crazy when they arrested him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He didn't even make it out the door ."}], "index": 257} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "hello ! What are you reading about in the newspaper ?", "responses": ["hello ! i was exhausted form studying , so i decided to read the newspaper to relax . unfortunately , the news is so depressing . there has been another murder in the city center . i 'm shocked that the pole", "i am reading about politics .", "there is a lot i did not know about brexit in here", "you might like the sports column", "and there are some job ads as well"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "hello ! I was exhausted form studying , so I decided to read the newspaper to relax . Unfortunately , the news is so depressing . There has been another murder in the city center . I ' m shocked that the pole", "responses": ["people are starting to get frightened by it . everyone will be relieved when they finally catch the murder .", "maybe you should read a magazine instead .", "you can also find news online that might be better for you .", "did you read the comics ?", "maybe you should n't read the newspaper ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "people are starting to get frightened by it . Everyone will be relieved when they finally catch the murder .", "responses": ["you mean if they catch the murderer . i 'm scared stiff about going into the city center at night .", "yes ! i will be relieved as well .", "it is so scary !", "i know ! i am scared for mine and my families safety .", "yes ! i am hoping they catch them soon !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "you mean if they catch the murderer . I ' m scared stiff about going into the city center at night .", "responses": ["there must have been some good news in the newspaper . i ca n't believe that none of the news stories make you happy or excited .", "oh my gosh i know . i m not going anywhere alone !", "make sure you pack your gun .", "you will be fine . just conceal your gun .", "i know . i wo nt leave till he or she is caught !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "there must have been some good news in the newspaper . I can ' t believe that none of the news stories make you happy or excited .", "responses": ["well , there was one good piece of news . you remember the local girl who was dying of a rare blood disease ?", "i get depressed any time i see a sad news", "could n't continue after reading the news", "i checked and nothing interesting appeared", "let me check again"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "well , there was one good piece of news . You remember the local girl who was dying of a rare blood disease ?", "responses": ["yes . her parents were raising money to have her treated in the united states .", "yes , i sure do . it would be nice to hear some good news about that .", "i think i do , but remind me about the details .", "yes , the poor kid . why , what happened ?", "how could i forget ? she was at death 's door for a while there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes . Her parents were raising money to have her treated in the united states .", "responses": ["well , they 've got the money and she 's going tomorrow for treatment .", "the parents have raised the money for the treatment", "the popular billionaire has decided to foot the bill", "she is flying to the united state", "she is going for the treatment"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , they ' Ve got the money and she ' s going tomorrow for treatment .", "responses": ["i 'm so happy for the family ! they must be very relieved and excited about that .", "that 's great", "wow", "i 'm very happy for her", "nice"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m so happy for the family ! They must be very relieved and excited about that .", "responses": ["i 'm sure they are . oh , and a local man won the lottery . i 'm so jealous ! i wish it were me ! i buy a lottery ticket every week and i 'm amazed that i have n't even won a small prize yet . it 's so unfair !", "i 'm sure they are . hopefully she makes a full recovery .", "that was about it for the good news today", "i ca n't imagine how they would be feeling", "yeah that has to be a crazy time for them ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sure they are . Oh , and a local man won the lottery . I ' m so jealous ! I wish it were me ! I buy a lottery ticket every week and I ' m amazed that I haven ' t even won a small prize yet . It ' s so unfair !", "responses": ["do n't be moody ! i hope you 're not tired , because we 've been invited to a party this evening . i know how excited you get about parties .", "you can continue to try", "i think your turn is near", "maybe this is not meant for you", "i think you should quit buying those lottery tickets"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "don ' t be moody ! I hope you ' re not tired , because we ' Ve been invited to a party this evening . I know how excited you get about parties ."}], "index": 258} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is it all together ?", "responses": ["let me see . the bell - bottom pants are $ 90 and the coat is $ 120 . it comes to $ 210 .", "it runs around $ 100 a night for everything .", "i m not really sure . i have not been there in a long time .", "it depends on what amenities you select and how many people accompany you .", "should be around $ 150 per day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me see . The bell-bottom pants are $ 90 and the coat is $ 120 . It comes to $ 210 .", "responses": ["is it possible for you to reduce the price ?", "that 's expensive", "send me a link please", "wow , interesting\\", "i love that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it possible for you to reduce the price ?", "responses": ["i am sorry . it 's a one - price shop .", "no it is n't possible .", "yes , i can give you a 10 % discount !", "i can give you the 15 % discount .", "would you like to sign up to our customer rewards program ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am sorry . It's a one-price shop ."}], "index": 259} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This is the Bell Captain's Desk . May I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i 've been waiting for my bags to be sent up for the last half hour . where are they ?", "yes i d like to book a room .", "hi there . i d like to inquire about prices ?", "hi what services do you offer ?", "hello there how are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I've been waiting for my bags to be sent up for the last half hour . Where are they ?", "responses": ["i 'm very sorry to hear that . may i have your name and room number , please ?", "i 'm sorry . i 'll send it up at once", "we have n't received them yet", "we need you to sign for the bags", "i ca n't leave the desk at the moment and there 's no available agent"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm very sorry to hear that . May I have your name and room number , please ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's yao lan . room 406 .", "the name is peter tomlinson and i am in 1717 .", "i 've called three times already . do n't you know who this is and where i am ?", "never mind , i 'm coming down to get them myself .", "you know what , let me talk to your manager because this is ridiculous ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , it's Yao Lan . Room 406 .", "responses": ["and how many pieces did you have ?", "i 'll have it sent in a minute", "the porter is on his way", "the porter will bring it to you", "sorry for the inconveniences"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And how many pieces did you have ?", "responses": ["two suitcases and a handbag . the suitcases are blue and the shoulder bag is red .", "two", "four", "three", "five"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Two suitcases and a handbag . The suitcases are blue and the shoulder bag is red .", "responses": ["is there a name tag attached to them ?", "i 'll have someone bring them up very shortly .", "someone is already on their way up with your bags .", "ok , i 've made note of your bags . it should n't be too much longer .", "someone just left with them . they should be at your door momentarily ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there a name tag attached to them ?", "responses": ["yes , there is .", "no name tag on them", "please i need them as soon as possible", "please be careful when you are bringing it", "i think there is a name on it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , there is .", "responses": ["we 're very sorry for the delay . i 'll check immediately and call you back .", "let me call you back after i gather more information .", "i will search in the lost baggage area .", "are you sure they have n't arrived by now .", "i will locate them personally and have them sent up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We're very sorry for the delay . I'll check immediately and call you back ."}], "index": 260} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you finished ?", "responses": ["yes . may i have some more beer ?", "i am almost done", "i have finished the job", "the job is done", "done . is there any other for me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . May I have some more beer ?", "responses": ["oh , sure . i 'll be back in a minute . thank you for waiting . here it is . did you enjoy your meal ?", "sure you can", "will get you some right away", "definitely", "no you ca n't , we are currently out of stock"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , sure . I'll be back in a minute . Thank you for waiting . Here it is . Did you enjoy your meal ?", "responses": ["yes , the meal was very delicious and i enjoyed very much . i 'm full .", "it was great . i would get it again .", "it definitely hit the spot .", "it was perfect . i 'm glad you mentioned it .", "i 'm not sure i would get it again ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , the meal was very delicious and I enjoyed very much . I'm full .", "responses": ["is that so ? i 'm glad you enjoyed it .", "would you still like some beer ?", "i guess you can not eat anything again for now", "i 'm glad you enjoyed the meal", "you can always come around to have some delicious meal"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Is that so ? I'm glad you enjoyed it .", "responses": ["by the way , miss . where is the toilet ?", "what do you have for dessert ?", "could you give my compliments to the chef ?", "do you ever get any complaints .", "i could eat here every day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "By the way , Miss . Where is the toilet ?", "responses": ["toilets are in the rear . i 'm afraid all the toilets are fully occupied at the moment .", "it is out of service . we are sharing with starbucks next door .", "the men 's is right behind you .", "it is through that doorway over there , under the exit sign .", "it is just past the bar on the right ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Toilets are in the rear . I'm afraid all the toilets are fully occupied at the moment .", "responses": ["what ?", "is there a line ?", "can you tell me when one is free ?", "really ? how many are back there ?", "did you just come from that direction or something ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What ?"}], "index": 261} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You look fresh recently . How do you make it ?", "responses": ["i attend an aerobic class three times a week .", "lots of rest", "been working out a lot", "i eat low fat healthy meals now", "i have peace of mind"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I attend an aerobic class three times a week .", "responses": ["are n't you tired ?", "i might have to look into that .", "it 's really making difference for you .", "where do you take the class ?", "is it free or do have to pay ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Aren't you tired ?", "responses": ["no , i feel young , fresh and energetic .", "no i am not", "i get inspired whenever i go there", "i am always motivated to attend my classes", "i can not be tired of doing something that keeps me healthy"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I feel young , fresh and energetic ."}], "index": 262} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , this is Liu Juan speaking . Is that Mr . Brown ?", "responses": ["no , this is n't .", "yes mr .brown", "how may i help you ?", "who am i talking to ?", "tell why you called"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , this isn't .", "responses": ["could you please get him on the phone ?", "i 'm sorry wrong number .", "did n't mean to bother you .", "may i ask who this is ?", "can you get mr . brown ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you please get him on the phone ?", "responses": ["sure . wait a minute .", "yes of course , please hold for a second .", "yes , may i place you on hold ?", "absolutely , he will be on shortly .", "i 'm sorry but he is out of the office . may i take a message ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Wait a minute ."}], "index": 263} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's especially cold when the wind is blowing .", "responses": ["why do n't you wear a scarf ?", "it depends on the season .", "sometimes it just gets a bit cooler .", "it 's better than being in weather over 100 degress .", "would you like some blankets ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why don't you wear a scarf ?", "responses": ["what can wearing one do for me ?", "i always forget to bring it .", "i do n't like the way they look on me .", "i hate carrying it around .", "it makes my neck itchy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can wearing one do for me ?", "responses": ["you 're cold because the wind is blowing into your open collar . it 's not because your jacket is n't thick enough .", "keep your neck warm !", "well , for starters , it will stop the wind from hitting your neck .", "it will keep you a lot warmer , especially if you wrap it around your ears and over your mouth .", "it will help to stop your body heat from escaping out the collar of your coat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're cold because the wind is blowing into your open collar . It's not because your jacket isn't thick enough .", "responses": ["so wearing a scarf helps your body to stay warm inside your jacket .", "i do n't like scarfs", "i 'll give it a try", "are you sure it can stop the code ?", "thank you so much"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So wearing a scarf helps your body to stay warm inside your jacket .", "responses": ["yes . that 's the secret to wearing a thin jacket .", "exactly .", "they make pretty good fashion statements also .", "i have one you could borrow .", "try it and see ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . That's the secret to wearing a thin jacket .", "responses": ["you know , sometimes i ca n't feel my ears and fingers .", "oh i never knew that , thanks !", "oh interesting !", "i learn something new every day !", "i 'll need to go to the store tomorrow and buy one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know , sometimes I can't feel my ears and fingers .", "responses": ["i 'll lend you my gloves and earmuffs until you get your own .", "well , you probably need a hat and gloves , too .", "you do know you can buy winter accessories in the store , right ?", "there are some scarves available that include a hat and mittens all combined .", "you should get a matching scarf , hat , and gloves . want to go shopping ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll lend you my gloves and earmuffs until you get your own .", "responses": ["thanks , pam . you 're my lifesaver .", "i 'm grateful", "thank you so much", "that 's nice of you", "let 's go get mine"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks , Pam . You're my lifesaver ."}], "index": 264} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hey , could you help me try and figure out how to get ready for my job interview ?", "responses": ["the most important thing to do is to make sure you know the company and what services or products it provides . do you know all about them ?", "sure .", "interviews are just like conversation .", "would you like to do some practice questions ?", "what is the job ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The most important thing to do is to make sure you know the company and what services or products it provides . Do you know all about them ?", "responses": ["yes , i pretty much understand the company .", "no , i should do some research .", "oh good idea . i 'll go to their website .", "yes i know all of that . what else ?", "i think so , though i could probably learn some more ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I pretty much understand the company .", "responses": ["well , after you 've done your research , you have to decide whether the company is casual or formal . have you decided what they are yet ?", "okay , why do n't you tell me what you know ?", "do you want to role play a little ?", "yes , but are you familiar with all of its products or services ?", "you probably do n't need my help then . you 'll do great ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , after you've done your research , you have to decide whether the company is casual or formal . Have you decided what they are yet ?", "responses": ["yes , i 've been observing them .", "yes , i have", "no , i have n't", "i 'm doing that currently", "thank you . i will do that later"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I've been observing them .", "responses": ["when you are choosing what to wear , keep all of that in mind . have you chosen what to wear ?", "so what did you come up with ?", "would you be able to answer questions the interviewer might have about the company ?", "let 's practice then .", "what have you learned ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When you are choosing what to wear , keep all of that in mind . Have you chosen what to wear ?", "responses": ["i already have something to wear .", "not yet . what do you recommend ?", "i have a casual outfit and a formal outfit picked out , but i ca n't decide .", "well they are casual , but should n't i still dress formal for an interview ?", "yes i have the perfect outfit picked out . i need help choosing a tie though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I already have something to wear .", "responses": ["i would always be ready to go shopping with you ! should we talk about other basics ?", "okay , but what exactly are you planning to wear ?", "is there a reason you do n't want to tell me ?", "let me see !", "do you want to go put it on and i 'll give you my professional opinion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would always be ready to go shopping with you ! Should we talk about other basics ?", "responses": ["ok , i am ready to think of other things .", "yes please", "what do you have in mind ?", "let 's talk about it on our way", "i would like that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , I am ready to think of other things .", "responses": ["you need to make sure you arrive on time , smile , be pleasant and friendly , look the person in the eye and answer all questions to the best of your ability . you 'll do great !", "you need to make sure that you have questions lined up that you would like to ask the person conducting the interview relevant to the position or the company . this will make them aware of your genuine interest in the details of the job and the company .", "make sure you get enough rest the night before you go into the interview so you are fresh and alert .", "try to reduce the amount of caffeine you intake before the interview so you are able to keep a calm demeanor while being asked questions .", "we can go over interview questions and appropriate ways to answer them if you wish ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You need to make sure you arrive on time , smile , be pleasant and friendly , look the person in the eye and answer all questions to the best of your ability . You'll do great !"}], "index": 265} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Is there anything I can do for you ?", "responses": ["would you please show me that mural ?", "yes i 'd a beer please .", "could i get a vodka chilled up with no garnish ?", "i 'm looking for some new dress shoes .", "i have a job interview and am looking to buy a new suit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you please show me that mural ?", "responses": ["certainly . here you are .", "i 'd love to .", "sure , right this way .", "which mural are you referring to ?", "i certainly can . come with me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly . Here you are .", "responses": ["it looks so beautiful . how much is it ?", "thanks", "do you have another one ?", "this is nice", "i like it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "It looks so beautiful . How much is it ?", "responses": ["four hundred yuan .", "you can place a bid over here .", "i think it 's around $ 500", "the artist will negotiate if you 're interested .", "would you like for me to get the artist for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Four hundred yuan .", "responses": ["that 's a bit more than i wanted to pay . can you cut the price down a bit ?", "wow that is a deal . i 'll take it !", "i 'm sorry , that 's more than i have .", "would you take 350 for it ?", "shoot , i forgot my wallet . i 'll be right back !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's a bit more than I wanted to pay . Can you cut the price down a bit ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . ours is a fixed price shop and i can assure you this is the best price you can get for a mural like this .", "no , i 'm sorry . i really ca n't .", "that 's already marked down on sale .", "let me talk to my manager and see if we can get a discount for you .", "what price did you have in mind ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm sorry . Ours is a fixed price shop and I can assure you this is the best price you can get for a mural like this .", "responses": ["maybe you are right . ok , i 'll take it .", "this is too expensive", "any sale coming up ?", "are there cheaper ones ?", "thank you . i 'll take it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe you are right . OK , I'll take it .", "responses": ["well , i 'll have it wrapped for you .", "great . how will you be making your purchase today ? we take most credit cards .", "you will not regret it . the quality is fantastic .", "you will love this once you get it into your space .", "i can attest that this mural looks even better in person ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , I'll have it wrapped for you .", "responses": ["thank you . here is four hundred yuan .", "excellent . thank you very much for your help .", "okay , there are some other things i would like to get , too .", "let me ask you , though : what is your return policy here , just in case ?", "wait , do you have any sales or specials coming up soon ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Here is four hundred yuan .", "responses": ["thank you . please come again .", "thank you for patronizing our mural", "here is your mural", "this is a great bargain", "hope your patronize us again"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . Please come again ."}], "index": 266} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s so great to be here ! I ' m so excited to help you and my daughter with your new home !", "responses": ["we 're glad that you 're here . would you like a tour of the house ?", "we are grateful to have the help .", "i 'm glad you 're here , too !", "okay , where should we get started ?", "we can use all the help we can get !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "We ' re glad that you ' re here . Would you like a tour of the house ?", "responses": ["that 'd be great , but could i have a cup of tea first ?", "yes , thank you", "definitely .", "i would love that", "no , thank you"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That ' d be great , but could I have a cup of tea first ?", "responses": ["sure , i 'll just go put the kettle on . why do n't you have a seat on the sofa and i 'll go take care of things in the kitchen .", "we have n't bought any tea yet .", "sure . what kind do you like ?", "i actually just made fresh coffee .", "i could go for some tea also ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure , I ' ll just go put the kettle on . Why don ' t you have a seat on the sofa and I ' ll go take care of things in the kitchen .", "responses": ["that would be lovely , thanks .", "excellent , thank you !", "wow i love the sofa !", "sounds wonderful . where did you get the sofa ?", "fantastic ! then a tour !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That would be lovely , thanks .", "responses": ["do you take milk or sugar with your tea ?", "no problem .", "do you want black , green , or herbal tea ?", "would you like a little snack with your tea ?", "do you need any sweetener ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you take milk or sugar with your tea ?", "responses": ["i 'll take a little milk , but no sugar , please . make sure you let the tea steep a few minutes before you take the tea bag out of the cup .", "milk alone please", "both , thank you", "do n't add any", "sugar would be fine"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' ll take a little milk , but no sugar , please . Make sure you let the tea steep a few minutes before you take the tea bag out of the cup .", "responses": ["ok . what do you think about our living room ?", "got it . i 'll be out with that shortly .", "understood . i hope you enjoy it .", "your wish is my command .", "if you need anything else just let me know . i 'll be right out with your tea just the way you like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Ok . What do you think about our living room ?", "responses": ["well , i do like the mantelpiece and the coffee table , but i do n't really care for curtains . did you get them at a yard sale ? they look ancient .", "i think it 's great !", "it 's a nice living room !", "it 's perfect !", "i like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , I do like the mantelpiece and the coffee table , but I don ' t really care for curtains . Did you get them at a yard sale ? They look ancient .", "responses": ["my parents gave them to us as a house warming gift .", "yes we got them at a yard sale", "no we got them at a store", "no , the interior decorator got them for us", "yes . would you like to get one"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My parents gave them to us as a house warming gift .", "responses": ["oh dear . well , i suppose they will do for now . do you ever dust in here ? it seems a bit dusty in here .", "well , it is a little too old for the house .", "oh really , you need to change them to something more modern", "wow .. that is so thoughtful of them . can i see the kitchen ?", "nice . it blends well with the rug ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh dear . Well , I suppose they will do for now . do you ever dust in here ? It seems a bit dusty in here .", "responses": ["your daughter usually does the dusting , and i do the vacuuming .", "i dust this place every weekend", "no i do n't the boy over there does it .", "i kind of love ancient antiques too", "would you love to have the mantelpiece ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your daughter usually does the dusting , and I do the vacuuming .", "responses": ["i see . well , i can help with the chores while i 'm here . you two could probably use my help .", "tell my daughter to dust more often .", "would you like help cleaning ?", "is the tea done already ?", "i am sorry for being so picky and complaining too much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see . Well , I can help with the chores while I ' m here . You two could probably use my help .", "responses": ["that 's very nice of you to offer . here 's your tea . be careful , it 's still quite hot .", "oh great i appreciate that", "thank you for your kind gesture", "no , we will handle this ourselves", "wow , this is so nice of you"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That ' s very nice of you to offer . Here ' s your tea . Be careful , it ' s still quite hot ."}], "index": 267} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "my lease ends next month , so I have to find a new place .", "responses": ["i feel sorry for you . it 's a jungle out there .", "okay , good luck with that", "what ? why ?", "you could extend", "okay . do you need any help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I feel sorry for you . It's a jungle out there .", "responses": ["do you know any places ?", "i should 've been looking long ago .", "i ca n't really afford anything nice either .", "i wish i could afford a house .", "i think i would do better getting a roommate ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know any places ?", "responses": ["well . i guess i can ask around to see if anyone 's got a room or apartment available .", "there 's a room in our building that should be coming up soon .", "i always use an apartment hunter . i 'll give you the number of one .", "what neighborhood are you interested in ?", "do you want to stay in the same area or are you willing to venture out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well . I guess I can ask around to see if anyone's got a room or apartment available .", "responses": ["thank you . i think i should also have a look at the internet to see if anyone 's got a sublet .", "that would be great .", "i 'd appreciate that . thanks !", "i really do n't want a roommate , but if you hear of an empty apartment , i 'd be interested .", "it needs to allow pets ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "thank you . I think I should also have a look at the Internet to see if anyone's got a sublet .", "responses": ["how much do are you looking to spend ?", "alright , do that", "i 'll get on it right away", "good luck with that", "no need for that , i found one already"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how much do are you looking to spend ?", "responses": ["i can only afford about 1,000 yuan a month .", "hopefully not too much !", "no more than a few hundred dollars a month . it would be nice not to go over 1,000 .", "less than 1,000 dollars .", "i want to spend about as much as i did on my last apartment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can only afford about 1,000 yuan a month .", "responses": ["looks like you 'll have to get a place in the suburbs .", "okay i will try to look for an apartment for you .", "i will let you know if i find something .", "i do n't think you can get a good place with that little of a budget .", "what kind of place are you looking for ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "looks like you'll have to get a place in the suburbs .", "responses": ["it does n't matter , but it needs to be close to the subway or on a convenient bus route .", "i would not mind a place in the suburbs", "do you have recommendations", "any idea of the best suburbs", "any suburb for my budget"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it doesn't matter , but it needs to be close to the subway or on a convenient bus route .", "responses": ["anything you need to have in the place ?", "great . i will tell some agents", "ok then , will let you know when anything pops up", "i am sure 1000 yuan will get a nice apartment at the suburbs", "that is no problem . i will help you look up for some online"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "anything you need to have in the place ?", "responses": ["i want a bedroom with full bath , and it 'll be better if the bedroom is on the sunny side .", "i would need a jacuzzi", "i need a spacious room", "i need at most two neighbours", "i need a clean environment"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want a bedroom with full bath , and it'll be better if the bedroom is on the sunny side .", "responses": ["you can also check out university bulletin boards .", "how about a kitchen and stuff ?", "do you have any other requirement in terms of kitchen and floor ?", "that should n't be too hard to find .", "let me ask around and see what i can find for you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "you can also check out university bulletin boards .", "responses": ["why ? will those be students who are leaving ?", "i am not sure if that will help", "i already did that", "thank you so much for the advice", "i think i will do that shortly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "why ? Will those be students who are leaving ?", "responses": ["not really , but landlords put up notices to attract students and they often have low rent .", "i would love a washer and dryer .", "they leave at the end of every semester .", "most of the are students .", "yes and you can ask about previous tenants too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "not really , but landlords put up notices to attract students and they often have low rent .", "responses": ["thank you . i 'll be sure to take a look .", "that sounds nice", "do you mind sharing a room ?", "thank you", "i 'll check it out"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "thank you . I'll be sure to take a look .", "responses": ["good luck .", "you can also call an apartment hunter . they 'll do all the dirty work for you .", "there is also craigslist .", "have you checked the local newspaper ?", "you 're welcome . i 'll keep my eyes and ears open for you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "good luck ."}], "index": 268} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon , how may I help you ?", "responses": ["hi , i 'd like to order some flowers .", "hi , i was wondering about the weather in las vegas during june so i can pack for my trip appropriately .", "hi , i just need to talk .", "i have a question about a product .", "do you have a suggestion for how i might fix a broken sink pipe ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , I'd like to order some flowers .", "responses": ["who are they for ?", "how many flowers would you like ?", "sure , what kind of flowers ?", "did you have a particular flower in mind ?", "we have all kinds of flowers available . which one do you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who are they for ?", "responses": ["they 're for my wife . her name is samantha .", "they are for my wife", "they are for my lover", "a colleague of mine who is in the hospital", "a girl i 'm trying to ask out"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They're for my Wife . Her name is Samantha .", "responses": ["what kind of flowers would you like ?", "ok . do you have any special preference ?", "we have some new arrivals . would you like to check them out ?", "great . we have some new roses . is that ok ?", "and when is the expected day of delivery for the flowers ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of flowers would you like ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . i do n't know too much about flowers . can you recommend something ?", "i would love to get her roses", "are there any natural flowers in here ?", "a nice scented flower is good", "just give me any flower"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . I don't know too much about flowers . Can you recommend something ?", "responses": ["ok . what 's the reason you are sending her flowers ?", "do you have a specific budget in mind ?", "what kind of flowers does she like ?", "are you looking for an arrangement or a bouquet ?", "do you think she will like roses or carnations ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . What's the reason you are sending her flowers ?", "responses": ["today 's her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers .", "it is our wedding anniversary", "i will like to make her happy", "she just delivered me a baby", "to say sorry to her for what i did to her"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Today's her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers .", "responses": ["do you know what kind of flowers she likes ?", "most wives are n't so specific .", "well roses are a great choice .", "do you know her favorite color ?", "we have lots of birthday bouquets to choose from ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know what kind of flowers she likes ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure . i know i should know that , but i ca n't remember right now .", "no i do n't", "yes i do", "she likes roses", "she absolutely does n't like roses"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not sure . I know I should know that , but I can't remember right now .", "responses": ["well , they 're for your wife , so i think you should give her roses .", "does she like roses ?", "how about some red roses ? all women like those !", "you probably should , but that 's okay . how about a beautiful bouquet of roses ?", "what are her favorite colors ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , they're for your wife , so I think you should give her roses .", "responses": ["roses will be fine .", "i think roses will be ok", "are there others to choose from", "she is going to love the roses", "i will take the roses"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Roses will be fine .", "responses": ["what color ?", "what color ?", "what color roses would you like ?", "how many ? we sell a dozen , half dozen , two dozen .", "great ! let 's pick a color and quantity ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What color ?", "responses": ["i think red would be nice .", "red roses are best", "i would love the brown roses", "the pink colored roses excites my fantasy", "any color with a nice scent would be okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think red would be nice .", "responses": ["do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them ?", "that 's a smart choice .", "long stemmed or short ?", "one dozen or two ?", "red is a little cliche . may i recommend a different color ? do you know your wife 's favorite color ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them ?", "responses": ["can you deliver them , please ?", "i would love to pick them up", "delivery will be ok", "i want it delivered to my wife 's office", "here is the delivery addresss :"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you deliver them , please ?", "responses": ["what 's the address ?", "yes we can at an extra cost .", "of course . let me have the address please", "yes you can have it delivered anywhere", "we charge $ 5 for deliveries"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the address ?", "responses": ["241 main street .", "let me write that out for you", "in a minute", "can i pick a time for delivery ?", "here you go"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "241 Main street ."}], "index": 269} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think I should do , doctor ?", "responses": ["why do n't you try chinese herbal medicine ?", "i think you should rest for the entire weekend .", "you should drink more water .", "you are out of shape . you need to exercise more .", "i think surgery is the best option ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you try Chinese herbal medicine ?", "responses": ["is it useful for me ?", "i do n't like herbal medicines", "will the chinese herbal medecine work", "any recommendation on the chinese herbal medicine", "i will try on your recommendation"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it useful for me ?", "responses": ["you have to try at least .", "yes it is .. it has great therapeutic powers .", "of course it is . it is also very safe", "yes . a trial will convince you", "yes . it is also a very safe alternative"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You have to try at least .", "responses": ["ok . thanks a lot .", "i was told they are dangerous", "i do n't know where to get them", "what is your thoughts about the drugs", "i would look for a shop to get them from"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . Thanks a lot .", "responses": ["that 's nothing .", "also exercise as often as you can", "stay off gluten", "lots of rest can help too", "glad i can be of help to you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's nothing ."}], "index": 270} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you need today ?", "responses": ["i need to take a few classes .", "i would love some orange juice and roasted beef please", "i will make my order later , still waiting on someone", "a bowl of cheese please", "can i get some homemade pancakes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to take a few classes .", "responses": ["what kind of classes would you like to take ?", "after classes what next", "do you mind me joining you in school ?", "we could solve our assignments together in class", "when is your classes ending ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of classes would you like to take ?", "responses": ["how about a driver 's course ?", "i would like to take a cooking class .", "it depends , how much is each class .", "i just want to take the basic classes for now .", "what kind of classes do you offer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about a driver's course ?", "responses": ["okay , you 're going to need to make an appointment .", "are you sure you are ready for that ?", "have you attended any classes before ?", "will this be your first time ?", "i could be of help as regards that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay , you're going to need to make an appointment .", "responses": ["i do n't understand why i need to make an appointment .", "where can i do that ?", "i need an appointment to sign up for classes ?", "are the instructor 's any good .", "what other classes do you offer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I don't understand why I need to make an appointment .", "responses": ["you need to make one to come down and fill out your paperwork .", "we need to prepare for you", "we need to find you a tutor", "it 's the protocol sir", "there are no tutors available right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You need to make one to come down and fill out your paperwork .", "responses": ["i 'd like to make one now if i could .", "why ca n't i just come in ?", "i ca n't just come in and fill out the paperwork anytime ?", "can i do it online ?", "that seems silly , but okay . what times do you have available ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to make one now if I could .", "responses": ["sure you can ; when would you like to come in ?", "send your appointment to get the paperwork", "the paperwork will e ready when you make the appointment", "i am awaiting your appointment", "i am awaiting your response"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure you can ; when would you like to come in ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to come in tomorrow morning at 9", "tomorrow afternoon , please .", "if there are any today , that would be wonderful . thank you .", "are there any available appointments for next tuesday morning ?", "what is your next available appointment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to come in tomorrow morning at 9", "responses": ["that 'll be fine .", "you have to come earlier that 9", "coming now would secure your chances", "do you think tomorrow is better ?", "ok we would be expecting you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That'll be fine .", "responses": ["that 's great . thank you very much .", "when do the classes start ?", "how long will it take ?", "can i take of everything at once ?", "perfect , i will see you then ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's great . Thank you very much ."}], "index": 271} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , thank you for calling Bradford and Sons . This is Tracy speaking , How may I help you ?", "responses": ["hello . i would like to speak to your director of human resources , ms . jenkins , please .", "hello tracy , how are you ?", "i will like to make inquiry about your service tracy", "tracy i will like to give some complaints", "can i speak to the director ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello . I would like to speak to your director of human resources , Ms . Jenkins , Please .", "responses": ["just a moment . i 'll check to see if she is at her desk . may i tell her who is calling ?", "can you hold for a moment ?", "may i ask what this is regarding ?", "she is currently in a meeting .", "mrs jenkins is out today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Just a moment . I'll check to see if she is at her desk . May I tell her who is calling ?", "responses": ["this is bill burton from milford insurance , i 'm calling in regards to our meeting next tuesday .", "this is mr . doran", "tell her it 's her brother", "i 'm from cadbury", "yes please"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance , I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday .", "responses": ["thank you , mr . burton . can you please hold for a moment ? i 'll check to see if she is available .", "oh yes mr . burton . hold on just a minute .", "thank you mr . burton . i 'll check right now .", "yes of course , mr . burton . i 'll let her know you are on the line .", "yes mr . burton . i see she is at her desk . please hold on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you , Mr . Burton . Can you please hold for a moment ? I'll check to see if she is available .", "responses": ["no problem .", "ok i wait", "do n't take long", "yes i will", "thank you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , ms . jenkins is away from her desk . she has already left for lunch . would you like to leave a message for her ?", "mr . burton , she will take your call now .", "mr . burton ? she is unavailable . can i take a message for you ?", "she is unable to take your call , i can send you to her voicemail . she will return your call as soon as possible .", "mr . burton ? she is out of the office until tomorrow . you can try her back then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry , Ms . Jenkins is away from her desk . She has already left for lunch . Would you like to leave a message for her ?"}], "index": 272} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How's Jimmy today ?", "responses": ["better , thank you , doctor .", "he 's doing better that yesterday .", "you can ask him . he is speaking now .", "the doctor said he might not make it .", "i ca n't believe they removed his lung ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Better , thank you , doctor .", "responses": ["can i see him please , mrs williams ?", "is he taking his drugs ?", "nice to hear", "bring him over . i would like to run some tests", "say hi to him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I see him please , Mrs Williams ?", "responses": ["certainly , doctor . come upstairs .", "he 's sleeping now .", "yes , of course . right this way .", "yes doctor . he 's just now eating lunch .", "absolutely . he 's in his room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly , doctor . Come upstairs .", "responses": ["you look very well , jimmy . you are better now , but you must n't get up yet . you must stay in bed for another two days . the boy must n't go to school yet , mrs williams . and he must n't eat rich food .", "oh thank you doctor", "when will jimmy be discharged", "will jimmy go home with me today ?", "i would love to take jimmy home today"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You look very well , Jimmy . You are better now , but you mustn't get up yet . You must stay in bed for another two days . The boy mustn't go to school yet , Mrs Williams . And he mustn't eat rich food .", "responses": ["does he have a temperature , doctor ?", "thank you for the advice , doctor . we will ensure all of his needs are met .", "thank you for your time , doctor .", "thank you doctor , we will keep him home and make sure to watch his diet", "wonderful , thank you for your visit , doctor ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does he have a temperature , doctor ?", "responses": ["no , he does n't .", "yes , for sometime he has been running a temperature .", "he is stable today", "i do n't know about his temperature", "i think you should check the temperature"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , he doesn ' t .", "responses": ["must he stay in bed ?", "so he can go to school in two days ?", "what kind of food should i make for him ?", "oh that 's a relief . so he 'll be alright then ?", "okay , so two more days in bed and no rich food . got it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Must he stay in bed ?", "responses": ["yes . he must remain in bed for another two days . he can get up for about two hours each day , but you must keep the room warm . where 's mr williams this evening ?", "yes he must", "it is for his health", "he must be in bed at all time", "he must to be able to get well quick"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . He must remain in bed for another two days . He can get up for about two hours each day , but you must keep the room warm . Where's Mr Williams this evening ?", "responses": ["he 's in bed , doctor . can you see him , please ? he has a bad cold , too !", "he stepped out not too long ago", "he went to the store to get some groceries . he should be back soon .", "ok , i will keep him in bed . williams is out in the garden .", "he will join us very soon"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "He's in bed , doctor . Can you see him , please ? He has a bad cold , too !"}], "index": 273} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , tell me something of yourself .", "responses": ["what would you like to know , mr . green ?", "i am an athlete", "i am a marvel fan", "valar morghulis .", "i 'm six foot tall"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you like to know , Mr . Green ?", "responses": ["what working experience have you get ?", "where are you from ?", "how old are you ?", "do you have any children ?", "what is your favorite hobby ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What working experience have you get ?", "responses": ["in 2004 , i got a job in the sales department of a trading company near guangzhou . i started a sales representative . a year later , i was promoted to the position of sales manager . i had that job ever since , which is just over a year now .", "i have never worked", "i have just a bit of experience", "i would like to gain experience here", "i have a whole lot of experience"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In 2004 , I got a job in the sales department of a trading company near Guangzhou . I started a sales representative . A year later , I was promoted to the position of sales manager . I had that job ever since , which is just over a year now .", "responses": ["oh , good . irene , can you tell me why you plan to quit being a sales manager to work here as my assistant ? do n't you like your present job ?", "and why are you looking to change jobs ?", "what do you like most about your current job ?", "do you enjoy being a sales manager ?", "and what is it about our company that interests you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , good . Irene , can you tell me why you plan to quit being a sales manager to work here as my assistant ? Don't you like your present job ?", "responses": ["frankly , some part of it i enjoy very much , but i prefer something more professional . it happens that i have a friend working here in this company . she told me the export department was to recruit an assistant . i felt very excited at this news . that 's why i 'm here .", "i want to learn from a sales manager like youself", "you are among the top sales manager", "it will be an honor to learn from you", "it will be an honor to work for your great company"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Frankly , some part of it I enjoy very much , but I prefer something more professional . It happens that I have a friend working here in this company . She told me the export department was to recruit an assistant . I felt very excited at this news . That's why I'm here ."}], "index": 274} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This looks wonderful , Madame Culot .", "responses": ["yes , it 's very nice . all our foreign visitors enjoy it . the food is wonderfully well - prepared . let me know if you need any help with the menu .", "thanks for appreciating", "do you mind having a taste", "i would love to make more some other time", "i can teach you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it's very nice . All our foreign visitors enjoy it . The food is wonderfully well-prepared . Let me know if you need any help with the menu .", "responses": ["thank you . mmm . can you tell me about the terrine ?", "i will , thank you .", "no i think i can manage , thank you .", "only foreign visitors like it ?", "yes , what does this word here mean ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . Mmm . Can you tell me about the terrine ?", "responses": ["yes . a terrine is a kind of meat pate . it 's meat turned into a paste . it sounds horrible but it 's actually really good .", "terrine is made from a mixture of vegetable and pastries", "what do you want to know about terrine", "i will tell you everything", "everything you need to know"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . A terrine is a kind of meat pate . It's meat turned into a paste . It sounds horrible but it's actually really good .", "responses": ["mmm . maybe another time .", "it really do sound horrible . how is it prepared ?", "made from meat ? i want it already", "would love to have a taste", "i will definitely love a bite . it smells really nice too"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mmm . Maybe another time .", "responses": ["you could try the ravioli . they are rather like your chinese dumplings , and the sauce is delicious .", "you need to try it", "yes , maybe", "do n't forget to try it", "i 'll be waiting for you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You could try the ravioli . They are rather like your Chinese dumplings , and the sauce is delicious .", "responses": ["sounds good . i think i 'll have the lamb for my main course . what does it come with ?", "what kind of sauce is it ?", "i have n't had dumplings in a while .", "if you cook it i bet it 's delicious .", "remember i am allergic to shellfish ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sounds good . I think I'll have the lamb for my main course . What does it come with ?", "responses": ["well , you can have fries - french fries - or simple boiled potatoes .", "there 's chinese rice", "we also have sou soup", "it comes with chinese rice", "chinese rice"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you can have fries-French fries-or simple boiled potatoes .", "responses": ["i 'll have the potatoes . what are you having ?", "would it be possible to swap it for some salad ?", "great . i will have some french fries please .", "am not sure about the potatoes . can i have some salad instead .", "i prefer french fries to the boiled potatoes . thanks"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'll have the potatoes . What are you having ?", "responses": ["i 'm having my usual . i like the fish here . would you like some wine ?", "chicken and chips", "i would prefer some big - mac", "burger would be nice", "nothing , i 'm okay"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm having my usual . I like the fish here . Would you like some wine ?", "responses": ["oh , yes . that would be lovely .", "ill have steak", "i would like pizza", "i would not like wine", "wine is too much for me"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , yes . That would be lovely ."}], "index": 275} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi , could we have two orange juice smoothies ?", "responses": ["would you like those with yogurt ?", "how do you want it", "cool or ice ?", "coming right up", "i will be back with your order"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like those with yogurt ?", "responses": ["sure , why not ?", "no please . i want just the juice", "what brand of yogurt do you have ? i am a little choosy .", "yes please . help add a little .", "that is a bright idea ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , why not ?", "responses": ["what else would you like to add ? we highly recommend caterpillar fungus .", "here you go", "give me a second", "okay , i 'll be right back", "hold on a minute"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What else would you like to add ? We highly recommend caterpillar fungus .", "responses": ["caterpillar fungus ? ! what the heck is that ?", "are you being serious ?", "i will not be having any fungus today .", "i think we 'll pass .", "that just ruined my appetite ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Caterpillar fungus ? ! What the heck is that ?", "responses": ["it 's a special kind of chinese herb . it 's good for you !", "it is not as bad as it sound", "it is a topping for the drink", "you need to check it out", "i recommend caterpillar fungus . you are going to enjoy it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s a special kind of Chinese herb . It ' s good for you !"}], "index": 276} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Wow , Amy , look at that number .", "responses": ["what 's so great about it ?", "ok , what about it ?", "oh , that is number 7", "is that not your phone number ? who wrote it there ?", "wow , your lucky number"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's so great about it ?", "responses": ["what do you mean ? it 's a scrim .", "it 's easy to memmorize", "do you know the owner ?", "nothing", "save it on your phone"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ? It's a scrim .", "responses": ["not to me , i would n't be caught dead in that .", "what is a scrim ?", "am i supposed to know what that means ?", "you 're right !", "i do n't think it is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not to me , I wouldn't be caught dead in that .", "responses": ["i love that kind of stuff .", "you are a killjoy", "wow . how did we become friends", "it really is amazing", "not me . i love it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I love that kind of stuff .", "responses": ["yeah , you seem to like those styles .", "that 's just not like me .", "i do n't think its that great though .", "i do n't care much for it .", "well , good for you . it 's not me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , you seem to like those styles .", "responses": ["sure do . i get a kick out of looking punk .", "i do", "why do n't you like them ?", "they seem nice", "why not ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure do . I get a kick out of looking punk .", "responses": ["this one looks really expensive though .", "i do not", "i hate the punk look", "you look silly", "do not dress that way"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This one looks really expensive though .", "responses": ["i do n't care how much it costs . i 'm rolling in it .", "it 's actually quite reasonably priced .", "i think it is well worth the money .", "it is very well made though .", "i ca n't wait to wear this tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't care how much it costs . I'm rolling in it .", "responses": ["lucky you ! i ca n't buy anything else . i 'm flat broke .", "you need to learn not to spend unnecessary money", "my advice to you my friend is to learn how to save", "someday you are going to outgrow impulse buying", "well good for you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Lucky you ! I can't buy anything else . I'm flat broke .", "responses": ["i got a replace my party outfit , i trashed it last week .", "i could lend you some funds to get it", "you are always broke when it comes to buying", "i could get you one", "there is no need for you to get one . wait till you have enough money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I got a replace my party outfit , I trashed it last week .", "responses": ["why did you drag me into this ? i 've spent a week salary .", "i can buy you a new outfit", "forget about partying outfits", "you should not be partying anyway", "you sound like a crazy person"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why did you drag me into this ? I've spent a week salary .", "responses": ["are you on the level ? you 're the one who called me , remember ?", "i can let you borrow a few bucks .", "you make your own decisions .", "do n't blame that on me .", "i 'm sorry . i can get carried away ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Are you on the level ? You're the one who called me , remember ?", "responses": ["just joking , tonia . i 've got some wonderful clothes . let 's go and have a close look at your outfit .", "i called you to have a good time not force me to spend money", "i thought i told you i was flat broke and you are paying for me", "i remember calling you but i do n't remember saying we are buying the store", "ahaha . i love you . lets just get out of here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just joking , Tonia . I've got some wonderful clothes . Let's go and have a close look at your outfit ."}], "index": 277} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I have just received your note which informs me that you have offered the accountant position to another candidate . May I ask why I was defeated ?", "responses": ["we have thought of you carefully with discretion , but the other candidate has more experiences .", "i 'm in no position to answer that", "the other candidate is more qualified", "the other candidate has more experience", "can i redirect you to the hr department ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have thought of you carefully with discretion , but the other candidate has more experiences .", "responses": ["experience is important , but do n't you think capability is more valuable than that ?", "i thank you for the opportunity .", "would you have any positions that i am suited for ?", "can you keep my application on file for future reference .", "i would have loved to be a part of this company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Experience is important , but don't you think capability is more valuable than that ?", "responses": ["yes , i think so . but how do you prove to me that you are more capable ?", "in our company we value both experience and capability", "the other candidate is capable and has the experience", "the other candidate edged you out a bit", "sorry for the disappointment"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I think so . But how do you prove to me that you are more capable ?", "responses": ["maybe you can hire me on trial . if i 'm not qualified for the job , you can let me go .", "give me the chance and i will show you how capable that i am . i guarantee you will be impressed .", "how about we do this on a trial basis to show my capabilities , as i really need this job and am eager to prove myself .", "one can only prove their capabilities if given a chance to do so .", "maybe i was shown in a brighter light than the other individual . but i would really like this job and am willing do do more to show you that you hired the right person , if your consider giving me a chance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe you can hire me on trial . If I'm not qualified for the job , you can let me go .", "responses": ["good idea .", "okay , let me transfer you to the hr department", "we do n't do that", "i 'll think about it", "we 'll get back to you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good idea ."}], "index": 278} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , sir . Is there a barber near here ?", "responses": ["yes , the nearest one is at the third cross of this road .", "i am a barber .", "i 'm not sure . i 'm not from here .", "there is actually one a few blocks west .", "not any good ones ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , the nearest one is at the third cross of this road .", "responses": ["i 'm a stranger here . how can i get there , please ?", "thank you", "how do i get there ?", "you are helpful . thank you", "i will check that out"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm a stranger here . How can I get there , please ?", "responses": ["just walk down the road for a few minutes , and you 'll find it on your right .", "go that way until the third intersection and turn left .", "i have time , follow me there .", "head west down the street . you ca n't miss it .", "if you keep on walking until the stoplight , it is on your right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just walk down the road for a few minutes , and you'll find it on your right .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "thank you so much", "alright then . thank you", "on my right yeah ?", "thanks"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 279} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Unfortunately , according to our regulations I have to confiscate these counterfeit notes .", "responses": ["so , this 500 rib is worthless ?", "what ? those are n't counterfeit !", "i see . i think i need to talk to my lawyer .", "can i have them back and you forget this happened ?", "you 're crazy , those are legitimate !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , this 500 RIB is worthless ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry but it is our regulation , so i must follow it . we will issue you with a receipt to show that the notes you presented us with are counterfeit and have been confiscated . then , if you wish to pay in some more cash , you are free to do so .", "yes it is", "these notes are fake", "we offer replacements for counterfeits", "it totally is worthless"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry but it is our regulation , so I must follow it . We will issue you with a receipt to show that the notes you presented us with are counterfeit and have been confiscated . Then , if you wish to pay in some more cash , you are free to do so .", "responses": ["right , i see . let me give you another 500 rib .", "i will not pay in cash", "that is unacceptable", "i do not like this resolution", "that is terrible response"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Right , I see . Let me give you another 500 RIB .", "responses": ["here 's your passbook back and the receipt to say we confiscated the 500 rib worth of counterfeit notes .", "ok , let me just finish preparing your receipt for you .", "sure , i just need to make sure that the new bill is not fake .", "this bill looks fine . we can complete your payment now .", "i apologize for the inconvenience sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here's your Passbook back and the receipt to say we confiscated the 500 RIB worth of counterfeit notes .", "responses": ["thanks . now can i make the full deposit ?", "i wish you did n't do that", "i feel bad for paying twice", "i am going to sue the store that gave me the counterfeit notes", "i am keeping the receipt for my lawsuit"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thanks . Now can I make the full deposit ?", "responses": ["yes . please fill in a new deposit slip and we can continue .", "yes you can go ahead to make your deposit", "you need to wait for a confirmation", "you need to visit us tomorrow to make a deposit", "no , you ca n't make a deposit yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Please fill in a new deposit slip and we can continue ."}], "index": 280} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , honey , time to take down the Christmas tree .", "responses": ["do we have to ?", "i do not want to", "i want it to stay up", "i hate christmas trees", "i am happy now"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do we have to ?", "responses": ["come on , it 's losing needles all the time and the branches are sagging .", "well i guess we could leave it up for a few more days .", "it is january , so i think we should .", "it 's drying out and the needles are falling off , so yes .", "we 'll take some photos first so you can remember it all year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on , it ' s losing needles all the time and the branches are sagging .", "responses": ["it 's not that bad , besides it really looks nice in that corner . it gives the room a good atmosphere .", "i really love . would n't want it down", "we can always patch it", "can we just buy a new one if it gets spoilt", "but i do n't want to"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s not that bad , besides it really looks nice in that corner . It gives the room a good atmosphere .", "responses": ["a good atmosphere ? the tree is falling apart , and it 's messing up the room .", "come on , we have to set it up next christmas", "i it going to litter the corner", "i want to fix the falling needles", "alright , we would leave the tree then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A good atmosphere ? The tree is falling apart , and it ' s messing up the room .", "responses": ["but it makes the place feel so much like christmas . i 'd really hate to have to take it down .", "i think you are seeing different things from me", "i think you are not too bright", "i think the room being messed up is good", "that is your opinion"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it makes the place feel so much like Christmas . I ' d really hate to have to take it down .", "responses": ["but christmas was two weeks ago ! it 's been there only because we 've been too busy to get rid of it .", "christmas was over two weeks ago .", "whatever you want honey .", "can you at least help me clean up around it ?", "christmas has always been your favorite holiday ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "But Christmas was two weeks ago ! It ' s been there only because we ' Ve been too busy to get rid of it .", "responses": ["i know , but it seems like such a shame to have to take it away .", "i do not want it gone", "can we leave it for two weeks", "pleaseeeee . i am going take it down myself . just leave it for two more weeks", "i do n't care . i love it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know , but it seems like such a shame to have to take it away .", "responses": ["but it 's falling apart , and the cat keeps playing with the lower branches .", "i know , but we have plenty of pictures with it to keep as memories .", "i understand , but there come a time and place for everything , and it 's time the christmas tree was taken out to the curb .", "do n't worry . we 'll get another tree for next christmas and it 'll be just as beautiful as this one was .", "a tree is a tree . the memories that we have with it will be forever . we do n't have to hang onto the physical tree ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it ' s falling apart , and the cat keeps playing with the lower branches .", "responses": ["i know , i know . but it reminds me of the great christmas we just had . all of us were here - - my parents , your parents , the kids , and the cousins - - the food was good , and everybody got what they wanted .", "let 's get rid of the cat instead .", "i am not going to keep having this conversation .", "i want it to be christmas forever .", "ok fine . let 's do it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know , I know . But it reminds me of the great Christmas we just had . All of us were here - - my parents , your parents , the kids , and the cousins - - the food was good , and everybody got what they wanted .", "responses": ["yeah , it was a good christmas . it wo n't always be this good , but we ca n't make it last longer than it should .", "we took lots of photos . we can look at them all year and remember how wonderful the holiday was .", "i 'm sorry , but the tree is becoming a fire hazard . we have to take it down .", "i know you feel sentimental , but the holiday is over . it 's time to move on .", "we 'll have a beautiful , healthy , new tree next year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , it was a good Christmas . It won ' t always be this good , but we can ' t make it last longer than it should .", "responses": ["ok , fine . we need to take down the tree .", "i know but i just love the feeling of christman", "with it there , i would not miss my kids", "you can take it off", "can you just leave it for a day more ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , fine . We need to take down the tree .", "responses": ["i 'll make a deal with you . we 'll leave it up until sunday , and then we 'll take it down after church .", "lets take one last picture in front of the tree before we take it down .", "can you grab the box for the ornaments ?", "i will get the lights rolled up .", "can you get the sweeper for the needles on the loor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' ll make a deal with you . We ' ll leave it up until Sunday , and then we ' ll take it down after church ."}], "index": 281} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Welcome , how may I help you today ?", "responses": ["i 'm ask for a pizza , please .", "i would like a new car", "i would like a different product", "i need to return this product", "i need more money"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm ask for a pizza , please .", "responses": ["then you will be happy to here that today all our pizzas are on sale . two for one .", "what size pizza would you like ?", "are you dining here or would you like to take your pizza home ?", "would you like a drink with that ?", "what toppings would you like on your pizza ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Then you will be happy to here that today all our pizzas are on sale . Two for one .", "responses": ["you 're right , that is great .", "can i have two", "is there an extra charge", "i would love to order two of those", "please give me two of thos"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "You're right , that is great .", "responses": ["what size would you like ?", "so , do you like the two for one offer", "can i go ahead with your order", "what else outside pizza do you want", "how many pizzas do you want"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What size would you like ?", "responses": ["medium one will be perfect , thank you", "i would like a large zize", "i would like a large size of course", "i would like a small", "i would like a medium"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Medium one will be perfect , thank you", "responses": ["which kind do you want ?", "what toppings ?", "do you like hawaiian pizza ?", "will your second pizza be medium also ?", "i recommend a supreme pizza ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which kind do you want ?", "responses": ["i like seafood on my pizza .", "i want the greek pizza with those little toppings . i do n't know the name of the topping", "give me two medium size greek pizza", "i would love the medium greek pizza", "greek pizza will be perfect . please add the little toppings"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like seafood on my pizza .", "responses": ["we have two seafood pizzas . tuna and crab .", "what kind of seafood would you like ?", "we have lobster and shrimp . which topping would you prefer ?", "seafood is a great choice . what type of seafood would you like to add ? we have lobster and shrimp .", "sounds good . would you like seafood on half of the pizza or on the whole thing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have two seafood pizzas . Tuna and crab .", "responses": ["tuna sounds good today .", "i have never had tuna on a pizza .", "i love crab !", "what toppings come with crab ?", "i 'll take the tuna and a cola ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Tuna sounds good today .", "responses": ["would that be for here or take away ?", "what else would you like on your tuna pizza ?", "would you like this order to go ?", "the pizzas are two for one today , so if you 'd like you can have the tuna and the crab .", "do you want anything for dessert ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would that be for here or take away ?", "responses": ["that would be to go .", "i would like to take the tuna here", "you can package the crab for me to take away", "are there extra charges for take away ?", "how long would it take to be ready"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That would be to go .", "responses": ["that 'll be in a ten minutes . please sit over there , and i 'll call you over as sooner as it 's ready .", "what would you like on your second pizza ?", "we take cash or credit cards , how will you be paying .", "it will be ready in 20 minutes .", "would you like to order any beverages to go ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That'll be in a ten minutes . Please sit over there , and I'll call you over as sooner as it's ready .", "responses": ["no problem .", "alright i would wait", "is this for the take away of the one i would take here", "sure there wo n't be more time used ?", "please make it fast"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem ."}], "index": 282} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["i need some remedies for an upset stomach .", "yes , i would like to return something please .", "can i please have the key for the fitting room ?", "do you have this item in a size 6 ?", "could you tell me about your return policy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need some remedies for an upset stomach .", "responses": ["are you also suffering from pain and fever ?", "i recommend you see a doctor . should i book an appointment with doctor ?", "you can get an over the counter drug", "what did you eat . it might be as a result of an allergy or food poisoning", "i recommend dr dolo , he is the best"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you also suffering from pain and fever ?", "responses": ["yes , and i also have the runs", "i have no pain or fever", "yes i think so", "i am just feeling weak , what might be causing that", "just a slight head ache"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , and I also have the runs", "responses": ["i 'll give you some tablets that should make you feel better . one moment , please . here you are . take these tablets three times a day swallow them with water .", "i will prescribe you medicine", "i can give you certain medicine", "i think you just need to take some vitamin c", "i think you are faking these symptoms"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll give you some tablets that should make you feel better . One moment , please . Here you are . Take these tablets three times a day swallow them with water .", "responses": ["when should i take them ?", "for how long ?", "when will i feel better ?", "thank you .", "i hope they work quickly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When should I take them ?", "responses": ["take on after each meal .", "you should take them three times daily", "take first dose first thing in the morning , and the last at night before bed", "use the drugs eight hours interval for three days . if you do n't get better get back to me", "take them after every meal . this will make the drug very effective"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Take on after each meal .", "responses": ["how long should i continue taking them ?", "do i need to drink anything when i take them ?", "how many hours should i span out my meals when taking them ?", "will the tablets have a bad taste ?", "are the tablets chewable ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long should I continue taking them ?", "responses": ["take them for two days . if your symptoms persist for more than two days , you should see a doctor also , be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration .", "until you feel better .", "i would say a couple of days would be fine .", "it depends on how long you 've been sick already .", "you should finish the bottle ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Take them for two days . If your symptoms persist for more than two days , you should see a doctor Also , be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration .", "responses": ["thank you for your advice .", "what kind of medication is this ?", "can i drive while i 'm taking this medication ?", "will this make me drowsy ?", "is it ok to take this with my high blood pressure medication ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you for your advice ."}], "index": 283} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Ticket , please . Do you have a seat preference ?", "responses": ["yes . i want a window seat definitely , in the smoking section .", "i would like a front seat", "i would like the best seat", "i would like a seat with plenty of room", "i would like a seat near the air conditioner"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . I want a window seat definitely , in the smoking section .", "responses": ["sure . please put your baggage on scale .", "we do not have a smoking section here .", "if you would like to smoke , you have to sit outside .", "let me see what we have available .", "is the balcony good for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Please put your baggage on scale .", "responses": ["what 's the weight limit ?", "here is my baggage", "can any one help with my baggage", "this is my baggage", "i do n't have any baggage . i love to travel light"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the weight limit ?", "responses": ["20 kg . yours is not overweight . here is your boarding pass and baggage tag . please go to the satellite hall to wait for boarding .", "the weight limit is 50 pounds .", "the standard weight limit for baggage is 20 pounds .", "any baggage after 25 pounds is restricted .", "all bags must be 25 pounds or less ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "20kg . Yours is not overweight . Here is your boarding pass and baggage tag . Please go to the satellite hall to wait for boarding .", "responses": ["thank you .", "where is the satellite hall ?", "is there a meal on this flight ?", "do i have time to stop at the restroom ?", "i need this vacation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 284} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time is our connecting flight ?", "responses": ["let me check . oh , oh ! it 's at 3:25 .", "i 'm not sure . the time should be located on the ticket .", "it should be an hour after we land .", "i ca n't recall . look at the ticket receipt -- the connecting flight time should be listed on there .", "i think i remember seeing the connecting flight taking off an hour after we initially land ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me check . Oh , oh ! It ' s at 3:25 .", "responses": ["wow , that 's cutting it close ! that means we only have 25 minutes to make the connection ! what gate is it at ?", "i think we are going to miss it .", "i hate when i have to take more than one plane .", "i think we have enough time to grab a bite to eat .", "i wonder if it 's going to be late like this one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wow , that's cutting it close ! That means we only have 25 minutes to make the connection ! What gate is it at ?", "responses": ["it 's at ... gate 14 .", "we need to find gate 7 .", "we better get going we have to go all the way to gate 12 .", "if we hurry we 'll have just enough time to make it to gate 5 .", "i 'm not sure . let 's ask someone for help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s at ... gate 14 .", "responses": ["oh , great ! that 's at the other end of the terminal !", "that is good to hear", "what is the duration of the flight", "are we flying straight or we are branching", "what airline are we using"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , great ! That ' s at the other end of the terminal !", "responses": ["ok , so here 's the plan ; when we land , run to gate 14 !", "are you ready to make a run for it ?", "i hope the connecting flight is late .", "bummer , i wanted to stop and get a snack , looks like there wo n't be time .", "think i can run into the bathroom on the way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , so here ' s the plan ; When we land , run to gate 14 !", "responses": ["i 'm be right behind ya !", "sure we can meet up ?", "i would try my best", "is there no way to join the next flight", "give me description to the gate"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m be right behind ya !"}], "index": 285} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to get my high speed internet installed .", "responses": ["you 'll need to make an appointment .", "sure , i can help you with that . what day would you like to schedule the installation ?", "would you like to bundle any other services with your high speed internet ?", "if you give me your address i can send someone over to take care of that tomorrow .", "do you know about the special that we are running right now for high speed internet service ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You'll need to make an appointment .", "responses": ["could i do that right now , please ?", "please book me now", "what are the procedures need to make an appointment", "how soon is the schedule", "can they fix it today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I do that right now , please ?", "responses": ["what day would you like us to do the installation ?", "sure what day works for you ?", "we have an opening monday between 10 am and 4 pm .", "we are booked out for the next few days , we have thursday available .", "let me transfer you to the scheduling department ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What day would you like us to do the installation ?", "responses": ["is friday good ?", "i need it to be as fast as before", "i need a stronger network", "i need the speed increased", "i need a wider bandwidth"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is Friday good ?", "responses": ["we 're only available at 3", "no make it monday", "yes friday is good", "what other days are there ?", "we would need you to be around while we run the installation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We're only available at 3", "responses": ["you ca n't come any earlier than that ?", "by 3 we might not be available by then", "i would send the boys over by then", "that time is ok by us , expect us .", "is that all we are going to do for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You can't come any earlier than that ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . that 's the only available time .", "no we have other things to take care of", "no , we do not want to come any earlier", "we can not make it any earlier", "we do not come out to houses that early"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry . That's the only available time .", "responses": ["are you available this saturday ?", "do you have any time the next monday , then ?", "okay , i guess 3 will work .", "i need it to be earlier . what other days work ?", "i can do it , but you have to be here right at 3 . can you guarantee that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you available this Saturday ?", "responses": ["yes . anytime on saturday will be fine .", "yes , we have slots on saturday at noon and 2 .", "yes , but not until after noon .", "no i 'm sorry , saturday is booked .", "yes , it looks like saturday is clear , what time would you prefer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Anytime on Saturday will be fine .", "responses": ["how does 11", "i want you to come out as early as possible .", "i think 8 in the morning would work well .", "i need my internet up and running as early as possible on saturday morning .", "any time before 10 in the morning would be appreciated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How does 11", "responses": ["we can do it . see you then .", "let me quickly check the availability and get back to you .", "yes , we can do 11 .", "11 sounds good . can you confirm your address for me ?", "11 should be okay . please confirm your address for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "We can do it . See you then ."}], "index": 286} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's such a nice day .", "responses": ["yes , it is .", "yes i love the weather today", "it is a good day as always", "yeah . today is better than yesterday", "i love the way today is going"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is .", "responses": ["it looks like it may rain soon .", "what do you have planned ?", "it is about time , we have had so much rain !", "i am going to walk the dog , want to come ?", "too bad i have to go into work !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It looks like it may rain soon .", "responses": ["yes , and i hope that it does .", "same as yesterday , but it did n't rain", "do n't mind the weather , there is no rain soon", "yes it looks like it would rain soon", "the rain is coming hard let 's hurry home"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , and I hope that it does .", "responses": ["why is that ?", "i need the cold from the rain", "i hope it does n't rain", "we need to get home sooner to avoid being drenched .", "the soil needs to be watered"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why is that ?", "responses": ["i really love how rain clears the air .", "i love the breeze that follows after the rain", "it 's been a while i felt the rainy season", "i need to be drenched", "i love when it rains"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really love how rain clears the air .", "responses": ["me too . it always smells so fresh after it rains .", "i did not notice that", "i do not think rain clears the air", "rain does not clear the air though", "rain only clears the air somewhat"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too . It always smells so fresh after it rains .", "responses": ["yes , but i love the night air after it rains .", "yeah , and it usually cools the temperature down .", "i agree , the smell is so nice .", "and of course it helps the flowers grow .", "i love the feeling of a rainy day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but I love the night air after it rains .", "responses": ["really ? why is that ?", "i find the night air after a rain to be very relaxing .", "same here ; i can always sleep really well the night after a rain .", "me too ; everything just seems cleaner .", "oh same ! i sometimes have trouble sleeping due to allergies , but the rain washes away all the pollen ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Why is that ?", "responses": ["because you can see the stars perfectly .", "the air seems more moist .", "the air on my skin feels like heaven .", "the grass seems greener and has been refreshed .", "the animals appreciate the water from the rain ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Because you can see the stars perfectly .", "responses": ["i really hope it rains today .", "i see . i agree there is something so head clearing about a night after the rain is over .", "yes , the night air smells cleaner and fresher after the rain has lifted and you have a good view of the stars", "the night air is much more crisper smelling and the stars are much brighter looking .", "i love to be able to see the night sky after the rain , i see what you mean ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really hope it rains today .", "responses": ["yeah , me too .", "me too , i really love a good storm .", "i do too , my garden could use some water .", "i 'm hoping for a clear day for my son 's baseball game , but it can rain tonight !", "that sounds great . maybe we 'll see a rainbow !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , me too ."}], "index": 287} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can we have a table for three , please ?", "responses": ["sorry , all the tables for three are reserved .", "yes immediately", "should we book that now ?", "okay , three would do right ?", "there is no more reservations for now"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , all the tables for three are reserved .", "responses": ["do you have a table for four , please ?", "when is the next available reservation", "i need to know when i can check back", "can you please release three for me ?", "alright i would check somewhere else"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you have a table for four , please ?", "responses": ["yes , smoking or non - smoking ?", "yes there is , do you want that ?", "it comes at a slightly higher price", "we can make that available for yo", "do you want to place the reservation now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , smoking or non-smoking ?", "responses": ["we 'd like a non - smoking table , please .", "i only want a smoking table", "i only want a non - smoking table", "no table at all", "give me a table in the back"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'd like a non-smoking table , please .", "responses": ["come with me , please .", "yes sir , right this way .", "we only have one booth available , does that work ?", "the wait will be 30 minutes . i could do less if you were willing to sit in smoking .", "okay , no problem . follow me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Come with me , please ."}], "index": 288} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm a little rushed . Is there any quicker way to get there ?", "responses": ["yeah , of course . you can take a taxi .", "you can take that way by the tree", "there is no quicker way unless you take a bus", "yes , jimmy would show you the route", "the shorter route is dangerous"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , of course . You can take a taxi .", "responses": ["how much will that run me ?", "i do n't have any funds on me", "you feel it would be faster that way ?", "please help me order an uber", "i would do that right away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much will that run me ?", "responses": ["it depends on traffic and distance , but it is reasonable .", "should be about 20 dollars", "it will not be much", "a lot of extra money", "it will be free of charge"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It depends on traffic and distance , but it is reasonable .", "responses": ["do the drivers speak english ?", "or maybe i should try an uber ?", "well , it 's just a few miles so i 'd hope it does n't take long .", "traffic seems a little heavy today , how much of an effect would that have ?", "all right , sounds fair enough . o"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do the drivers speak English ?", "responses": ["some are better than others . but , you should n't have a problem .", "yes , most taxi drivers speak english .", "i 've never encountered a taxi driver that did not know some english .", "i 've never encountered a taxi driver that did not know some english .", "of course the drivers speak english , that would be weird if they did n't ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Some are better than others . But , you shouldn't have a problem .", "responses": ["are they safe ?", "i need to know if the drivers are fluent in english ?", "i want to request only english speaking drivers .", "i think it best if i only use the drivers who are english speakers .", "i will not have an issue . i want to request only english speaking driver.s"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are they safe ?", "responses": ["for the most part , yes . if you do n't feel comfortable with it , then it is best not to take one at night .", "yes , they all receive training on customer safety .", "i 've never had a problem and i 've taken quite a few taxis .", "yes , if there was a big problem with taxi safety , we 'd hear it on the news .", "yes , i do n't think you will have a problem ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "For the most part , yes . If you don't feel comfortable with it , then it is best not to take one at night ."}], "index": 289} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hey Jimmy . Let's go workout later today .", "responses": ["sure . what time do you want to go ?", "what time are you looking at", "i do n't think i would be free today", "what route are we taking", "do you think this rain won"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . What time do you want to go ?", "responses": ["how about at 3:30 ?", "i would like us to go towards the evenings", "anytime you are free is good for me .", "let us see , pass by my place", "sometime this afternoon is okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about at 3:30 ?", "responses": ["that sounds good . today we work on legs and forearm .", "no that is too late", "no that is too early", "let 's not go at all", "i can not go at all because i am sick"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That sounds good . Today we work on Legs and forearm .", "responses": ["hey . i just played basketball earlier , so my legs are a little sore . let 's work out on arms and stomach today .", "good idea , i need to strengthen my calves .", "i 'd rather focus on my core today , if that 's all right .", "perfect . ca n't wait to get pumped !", "all right , i 'll bring some gatorade for after the workout ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hey . I just played basketball earlier , so my legs are a little sore . Let's work out on arms and stomach today .", "responses": ["i 'm on a weekly schedule . you 're messing everything up .", "okay , i could use the stomach workout .", "that is fine i could work on legs tomorrow .", "i really wanted to do legs today , but that is fine .", "we can squeeze in a light leg workout just to be easy on you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm on a weekly schedule . You're messing everything up .", "responses": ["c'mon . we 're only switching two days . you can do legs on friday .", "oh , sorry . so maybe i 'll meet you there but we 'll work out different body regions then .", "okay , i still am going to work on my arms and stomach . you do you then .", "how about if we work on our backs , ankles and waist instead and come back to the legs and forearms another day ?", "i ca n't join you today . how about another day ? do n't want to mess up your work out then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "C'mon . We're only switching two days . You can do legs on Friday .", "responses": ["aright . i 'll meet you at the gym at 3:30 then .", "ok , i suppose that schedule works .", "i 'm on a strict schedule , but you can do arms and stomach while i do legs .", "you 're right , i 'll schedule that for friday .", "i ca n't change my schedule , but i guess we can do different routines ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Aright . I'll meet you at the gym at 3:30 then ."}], "index": 290} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I have some great news ! I was able to switch to the night shift !", "responses": ["i knew everything would work out for you !", "how long do you think it 'll take to adjust your sleep schedule ?", "fantastic ! now we 'll have the same hours .", "make sure you get some blackout curtains so you can sleep during the day .", "i 'll bring the coffee so you do n't fall asleep on your first shift ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I knew everything would work out for you !", "responses": ["i got to meet the night anger today too . we got along right from the start .", "this will be a great job for you .", "the night shift will fit perfectly in your schedule .", "the night shift is something you have really been striving for .", "you 've been waiting patiently , glad this has happened for you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I got to meet the night Anger today too . We got along right from the start .", "responses": ["wonderful ! do you already have your work schedule ?", "who is the night anger ? what is an anger ? sounds like someone i would n't want to know .", "great , besides the weird name of anger . as long as everything worked out for you then . fine .", "what is your shift like : five or seven days a week ?", "what is anger like ? is there an employee , a supervisor , or upper middle management ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Wonderful ! Do you already have your work schedule ?", "responses": ["not yet , i pick it up tomorrow .", "yes , they gave me the schedule for the next two weeks .", "not yet , i 'll get my schedule tomorrow .", "yes , but it might change over the next few days .", "yes , and it works out for me perfectly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet , I pick it up tomorrow .", "responses": ["do you know what you will be doing yet ?", "i 'm glad your manager agreed to this .", "do you think you will miss having nights off ?", "what if they forget and schedule you for days again ?", "take a picture of the schedule when you get it , and send it to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know what you will be doing yet ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'll be managing the guys on the dock .", "i 'll find out tomorrow", "yeah , i have a good idea", "i am not totally sure yet", "mostly the same duties i had on the day shift"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I'll be managing the guys on the dock .", "responses": ["you 're so good with people . i think they will like you !", "all the best on your new job", "it will be great working with the guys", "how many guys will you be managing ?", "who is your senior ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're so good with people . I think they will like you !"}], "index": 291} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Next , please . May I help you , sir ?", "responses": ["hello , yes , i 'd like to open a bank account .", "yes , i 'd like to purchase this set of plates .", "yes , i 'd like to buy a movie ticket .", "thank you , do you know how to get to the bus station ?", "thank you , i 'd like to check out this book ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , yes , I ' d like to open a bank account .", "responses": ["certainly , i can can help you with that . what type of account would you like to open ? a chequing or a savings account ?", "great , i can help you right away .", "have you banked with us before ?", "sure , i just need a form of identification to get started .", "would you like a checking or a savings account today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Certainly , I can can help you with that . What type of account would you like to open ? A chequing or a savings account ?", "responses": ["what what features do they offer ?", "a checking account", "do you offer a high interest savings account ?", "i 'm interested in a savings account", "checking , please"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What What features do they offer ?", "responses": ["well , if you just take a look here , see , with our chequing account , you can have unlimited daily transactions for a small monthly fee , and our savings account has a higher interest rate , but you must carry a minimum balance of $ 10,000 dollars .", "they help you save", "there is no minimum balance", "they can be run via mobile", "they earn interest"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , if you just take a look here , see , with our chequing account , you can have unlimited daily transactions for a small monthly fee , and our savings account has a higher interest rate , but you must carry a minimum balance of $ 10,000 dollars .", "responses": ["i see , well , i think i 'm more interested in a chequing account . i like to have easy access to my money .", "what is the monthly fee ?", "what is the interest rate ?", "what if my balance is under $ 10,000 ?", "that seems very reasonable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see , well , I think I ' m more interested in a chequing account . I like to have easy access to my money .", "responses": ["alright , then , with this chequing account you 'll be issued a debit card and a cheque book . will you require overdraft protection ? there is an extra fee for that .", "certainly . may i ask how much you would like to deposit ?", "you will get a debit card and 100 printed checks upon opening the account .", "do you want overdraft protection ?", "will you want printed checks or just a debit card ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Alright , then , with this chequing account you ' ll be issued a debit card and a cheque book . Will you require overdraft protection ? There is an extra fee for that .", "responses": ["no , that wo n't be necessary .", "no , i will not be needing overdraft protection ; it 's usually costs the same if not more after all is said and done .", "can you explain to me the overdraft protection and whether it 's worth it to me or not ?", "what is your overdraft protection rules ?", "how much is the extra fee for the overdraft protection and why is there this fee ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , that won ' t be necessary .", "responses": ["in that case , i 'll get you to fill out this paperwork . i 'll need your social insurance number , and two pieces of government i d . if you could just sign here , and here , and here . we 'll be all set . would you like to make a deposit today ?", "sounds good . what is your address to get yous tarted ?", "great . step right over here and we 'll start the paper work .", "would you like to make deposit today to open your account ?", "will you be the only signer on the account ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "In that case , I ' ll get you to fill out this paperwork . I ' ll need your social insurance number , and two pieces of government ID . If you could just sign here , and here , and here . we ' ll be all set . Would you like to make a deposit today ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'd like to deposit one billion dollars .", "sure , is there a minimum amount i need to meet for this deposit ?", "is it alright that i make a deposit of $ 2000 dollars ?", "no that wo n't be necessary , i plan to deposit some money later .", "yes , deposit four hundred dollars into my account ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I ' d like to deposit one billion dollars ."}], "index": 292} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you check the engine , please ? It is knocking .", "responses": ["sure . do you want to have the car washed ?", "are you hearing any other noises when driving ?", "have you checked the oil recently ?", "are you getting gasoline from the same station as usual ?", "i would be glad to take a look under the hood for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . Do you want to have the car washed ?", "responses": ["yes , please . when can you get it done ?", "no thank you", "yes please", "that would be great", "no , not today"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , please . When can you get it done ?", "responses": ["you can pick it up in half an hour . by the way , how are you going to pay , cash or credit ?", "in an hour 's time", "in the next thirty minutes .", "give me two hours please .", "i will be done in an hour 's time"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You can pick it up in half an hour . By the way , how are you going to pay , cash or credit ?", "responses": ["by credit .", "i will pay with a credit card .", "which types of credit cards do you accept ?", "i will pay with cash .", "how much will the car wash cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "By credit ."}], "index": 293} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you decided what you ' re going to do during your holiday ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'm going to travel around europe .", "i might just stay home and read .", "we 're thinking about taking a weekend trip .", "i ca n't seem to make up my mind yet .", "we 're going to relax with the family ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I ' m going to travel around Europe .", "responses": ["wow , that sounds great ! where are you going ?", "and what type of hotel would you like to stay at ?", "where are you going first ?", "when will your trip begin ?", "and when do you leave for your trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wow , that sounds great ! Where are you going ?", "responses": ["i think i will start off in paris . then i 'm going to take the train to nice and then go on to milan .", "i want to hear your opinions please", "england sounds good to me .", "tell me about germany", "have you any information about what to expect in france ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I will start off in Paris . Then I ' m going to take the train to Nice and then go on to Milan .", "responses": ["oh that will be lovely . you 'll be able to do lots of shopping i expect .", "what do you most want to see in paris ?", "do you plan to do a lot of shopping ?", "what food are you most looking forward to trying .", "do you think you will get homesick ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh that will be lovely . You ' ll be able to do lots of shopping I expect .", "responses": ["oh yes and try lots of new food too .", "yeah , the only problem is getting all the stuff home .", "yes , and i plan to ship the stuff home so i do n't have to lug it around .", "i 'm taking an empty suitcase for all the loot i 'll buy .", "there are really just a few things i really want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh yes and try lots of new food too .", "responses": ["great . make sure you buy me a souvenir !", "i hear the pasta in milan is incredible .", "you have to try the pizza once you get there .", "what food are you the most excited about trying ?", "do you have any allergies that will keep you from trying anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Great . Make sure you buy me a souvenir !", "responses": ["oh , do n't worry , i will !", "you know i will .", "where would you like it from ?", "is there a particular place you would like it from ?", "do n't i always ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , don ' t worry , I will !"}], "index": 294} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s nice meeting you .", "responses": ["it 's nice to meet you , too .", "i have looked forward to meeting you as well .", "it 's always great to put a face to a name .", "i 'm happy we both could make the time to meet .", "maybe we can meet again for coffee sometime ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s nice to meet you , too .", "responses": ["i am happy to be speaking to a presidential candidate .", "would you like to go have a coffee ?", "have a good day !", "see you later !", "goodbye for now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am happy to be speaking to a presidential candidate .", "responses": ["would you like to ask me anything ?", "should i count on your vote ?", "make sure you vote for me", "i am banking on your vote", "tell your friends to vote for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like to ask me anything ?", "responses": ["what do you feel about gay marriage ?", "what do you plan to about climate change ?", "what sets you apart from the other candidates ?", "what is your position on immigration ?", "why should i vote for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you feel about gay marriage ?", "responses": ["i think everyone has the right to love who they want .", "i think that anything that forms a family is a good thing .", "i think that it creates a strong community to have married couples .", "i think all people should be free to follow their hearts .", "that 's a complicated question , how do you feel about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think everyone has the right to love who they want .", "responses": ["would you legalize gay marriage ?", "i agree with your stance .", "i 'm glad to hear that . what makes you think that ?", "have you always felt that way ?", "are you willing to stand behind the stance publicly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you legalize gay marriage ?", "responses": ["yes , i would .", "i actually have plans to do so if i get elected .", "i feel that it would be a step in the right direction .", "i believe everyone should have a right to marry .", "i would do everything in my power to get gay marriage legalized ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I would .", "responses": ["many people wo n't like that .", "what 's your opinion on taxes , would you support increases or decreases ?", "what about schools , do you support increasing their funding ?", "what would you do the address unemployment and homelessness ?", "can you tell me about your policy on law enforcement , and other government policies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Many people won ' t like that .", "responses": ["i 'm sure they wo n't , but that 's my view on gay marriage .", "i understand but that is ok .", "but we need to recognize everyone .", "i do n't worry about that too much .", "i think it will be ok to do that though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sure they won ' t , but that ' s my view on gay marriage .", "responses": ["i really like you .", "that 's great !", "then you have my vote", "you are so brave", "you have the lgbt vote then i 'm sure"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I really like you .", "responses": ["i really appreciate that .", "it is their body !", "it is their own free will .", "it is their choice .", "as long as no one is harmed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really appreciate that ."}], "index": 295} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello ? This is John Smith . Can I speak to Mr . White , please ?", "responses": ["this is mr . white speaking .", "i am sorry but he is not available .", "this is he .", "to whom am i speaking , please ?", "i believe you have the wrong number"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "This is Mr . White speaking .", "responses": ["hi . i understand that you have a house for sale , have n't you ?", "good morning mr . white . how are you today ?", "good morning . i wanted to get in touch to discuss our mutual friends .", "hi there . i am so glad to be able to touch base with you .", "i am calling about a matter of concern to us both ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi . I understand that you have a house for sale , haven ' t you ?", "responses": ["yes .", "i do . would you like to see it ?", "yes , do you have any questions about the house ?", "yes . it has been on the market for 3 weeks .", "it is four sale . are you interested in buying it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes .", "responses": ["i 'd like to know more about it .", "could you tell me the square footage of the house ?", "how much are you selling it for ?", "how many bedrooms does it have ?", "could i schedule a viewing of the house ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' d like to know more about it .", "responses": ["can you come to my office this afternoon at 3 o'clock ?", "the house is in pristine condition , and up to date with all appliances and amenities .", "the house is located near a scenic trail , and offers spacious parking .", "the house was built in the 1950 's , but has been recently renovated by the owners .", "the house has four bedrooms , two bathrooms , and a one car garage ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you come to my office this afternoon at 3 o ' clock ?", "responses": ["ok . i will be there .", "no i am busy then .", "yes i can be there by 3 .", "where are you located ?", "is there a time later in the day available ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . I will be there .", "responses": ["thank you for calling . goodbye .", "great see you then", "will you need parking ?", "do you need the address ?", "will you be bringing anyone else ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you for calling . Goodbye .", "responses": ["bye .", "goodbye , talk to you soon .", "talk to you later .", "adios .", "bye ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Bye ."}], "index": 296} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please fill in the arrival card and sign the register .", "responses": ["all right . which room shall i have ?", "ok , do you have a pen ?", "why do i have to do this ?", "is this required by law ?", "why do you need this information ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "All right . Which room shall I have ?", "responses": ["room 202 , but i 'm afraid we have to ask for a deposit of $ 200 .", "you can proceed to room 4", "you can choose between room 3 or room 6", "do you have a preference on which room ?", "you can have any room you would like"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Room 202 , but I'm afraid we have to ask for a deposit of $ 200 ."}], "index": 297} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Marketing manage office , can I help you ?", "responses": ["mr green , please .", "i need to set up an appointment to speak to the marketing manager please .", "i was wondering if you have any openings .", "could you please direct my call to the marketing manager please ?", "yes , could you please transfer me to the marketing manager please ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr Green , please .", "responses": ["sorry , he 's out .", "of course , passing you to mr . green right now .", "please wait as i transfer you to him .", "mr . green is currently busy , can you hold ?", "please stay on the line as i transfer you to mr . green ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , he's out .", "responses": ["what time you suspect back them ?", "when will he be back ?", "when can i see him ?", "is there someone else i can talk to ?", "where is he now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time you suspect back them ?", "responses": ["sorry , i am not sure , can i take a message ?", "probably after lunch", "around 6 pm", "he wo n't be back until tomorrow", "he will be back in about 15 minutes"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry , I am not sure , can I take a message ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 'll call back later .", "yes , please . let him know when we can meet .", "no thank you , i will contact him personally .", "thank you but no thanks .", "yes , please let him know not to forget to forward the files !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks . I'll call back later .", "responses": ["that 's fine . please call again later .", "ok .", "have a nice day .", "goodbye .", "hope you find what you 're looking for ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's fine . please call again later .", "responses": ["ok , thank you . goodbye .", "i will . thank you .", "thank you for your time .", "i appreciate your time . have a nice day .", "okay , i 'll try back after lunch ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok , thank you . Goodbye ."}], "index": 298} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So tell me , what's the difference between the Board of Directors , the CEO , and the stockholders ? They all seems ot be the same group of people to me ...", "responses": ["no , there 's a definite difference . you know , the stockholders are the people who own the company ... they 're the financial control system . then there 's the ceo -- the chief executive officer . he 's the hot shot , the main guy who is the boss . if there is only one person with absolute power in the organization , everyone knows that the power will go to their head . it 's too dangerous . that 's the reason for a board of directors . the board is made up of people who are experts in the industry . they could be related to the organization , but more commonly , they are independent and non - biased .", "what problems are you specifically having with that question ?", "can you tell me first hand what you know about the ceo , board of directors , and the stock holders ?", "while those positions may seem similar at a glance , they are notably different .", "the ceo serves as the companies image , a person that interacts with the public and acts to manage several aspects of the company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , there's a definite difference . You know , the stockholders are the people who own the company ... they're the financial control system . Then there's the CEO -- the chief executive officer . He's the hot shot , the main guy who is the boss . If there is only one person with absolute power in the organization , everyone knows that the power will go to their head . It's too dangerous . That's the reason for a Board of Directors . The board is made up of people who are experts in the industry . They could be related to the organization , but more commonly , they are independent and non-biased .", "responses": ["how many people are on the board of directors ?", "wow that is a big explanation .", "wow that is information overload .", "that is more than i wanted to know .", "i am not sure you are correct ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many people are on the board of directors ?", "responses": ["usually not more than 15 , not less than 10 . they meet monthly , quarterly , or biannually to oversee an organization or company . they provide long term planing and vision , and also act as moral watchdogs rto keep the company in line .", "that is confidential", "we have 5 people that make up the board", "it depends on the number of shareholders that we vote onto it yearly", "as of now we have over a dozen members"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Usually not more than 15 , not less than 10 . They meet monthly , quarterly , or biannually to oversee an organization or company . They provide long term planing and vision , and also act as moral watchdogs rto keep the company in line ."}], "index": 299} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much will my pay be , if you don ' t mind my asking ?", "responses": ["we would like to start you off at 1,500 yuan a month , not including bonus and overtime pay . we do n't give bonus every month , but we offer a semi - annual bonus . and you will receive two weeks paid vacation a year , as well . does it suit you ?", "you will be compensated fairly .", "you will get $ 20/hour .", "your starting salary will be $ 45,000 a year .", "we will pay you $ 100 per task ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We would like to start you off at 1,500 yuan a month , not including bonus and overtime pay . We don ' t give bonus every month , but we offer a semi-annual bonus . And you will receive two weeks paid vacation a year , as well . Does it suit you ?", "responses": ["yes , thank you . may i ask for an apartment ?", "i 'd like another week of vacation , please .", "how about we go up to 1,750 yuan a month ?", "that sounds like a reasonable offer .", "when can i start ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , thank you . May I ask for an apartment ?", "responses": ["no problem . we 'll supply you with an apartment of two bedrooms and a living room .", "we do n't offer housing as part of our pay package .", "i am sorry , but we do not offer apartments .", "we do have company owned housing , but it costs 250 yuan a month .", "none of our company apartments are available at the moment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem . We'll supply you with an apartment of two bedrooms and a living room ."}], "index": 300} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mum , can I finish my homework later ?", "responses": ["sorry . you know the rules .", "i 'd rather you do it now , then go play .", "work on it for 30 more minutes then you can go play .", "sure , but you better finish it tonight .", "yes you can do it after dinner ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry . You know the rules .", "responses": ["but i want to watch tv now .", "just this once can i do it later ?", "but i have something i want to see on tv !", "but i have to do a project with a friend .", "i promise i 'll get it done later if you let me do something else now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "But I want to watch TV now .", "responses": ["that 's out of the question .", "record the program for later .", "you will be too tired later .", "you know the rule is for your own good .", "succeeding at school is more important than your entertainment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That ' s out of the question .", "responses": ["please .", "that is not fair .", "you are so mean .", "that is awful .", "now i am mad at you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please .", "responses": ["not a chance .", "i already said no .", "ok , but i expect all a 's this week .", "no ! and do n't ask me again !", "you already know the answer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Not a chance .", "responses": ["not even for an hour ?", "very good", "well behaviour", "rally size", "none"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Not even for an hour ?", "responses": ["sorry , it 's impossible .", "no , we 've been through this . not even for an hour .", "no , you know the rules .", "nope . sorry , now please get your homework finished .", "i do n't want to debate this , sweetheart . just finish your homework first , then you can watch tv ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , it ' s impossible ."}], "index": 301} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where ' s Sally , Jack ?", "responses": ["she 's in the garden , jane .", "sally is in her room .", "sally is at school .", "i think sally is at work .", "sally said she was going to the grocery store ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She ' s in the garden , Jane .", "responses": ["what 's she doing ?", "what 's she doing there ?", "is she planting something , or just relaxing ?", "do you think she 'd mind if i went back to talk to her ?", "how long has she been back there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s she doing ?", "responses": ["she 's sitting under the tree .", "she is laying on the hammock .", "she is planting some flowers .", "she is smoking a cigarette .", "she getting the dog to take him on a walk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She ' s sitting under the tree .", "responses": ["is tim in the garden , too ?", "oh why is she doing that ?", "is she reading under the shade again ?", "why is she sitting there ?", "which tree are you talking about ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is Tim in the garden , too ?", "responses": ["yes , he is . he 's climbing the tree .", "yes , he 's mowing the grass .", "yes , i see him on the bench .", "no , he 's in the house .", "i 'm not sure , i have not seen him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , he is . He ' s climbing the tree .", "responses": ["i beg your pardon ? who 's climbing the tree .", "the tree", "climbing under", "very good", "well"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "I beg your pardon ? Who ' s climbing the tree .", "responses": ["tim is .", "i just told you , tim is .", "tim is . you should really come see this .", "tim is climbing the tree . do n't worry , he 's fine .", "tim is , but i 'm watching him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Tim is .", "responses": ["what about the dog ?", "why is tim climbing the tree ?", "is he safe ?", "where is everyone else ?", "what are you guys doing !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about the dog ?", "responses": ["the dog 's in the garden , too . it 's running across the grass . it 's running after a cat .", "the dog is napping .", "the dog is with sally .", "sally is feeding the dog .", "the dog is digging in the garden ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The dog ' s in the garden , too . It ' s running across the grass . It ' s running after a cat ."}], "index": 302} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with you ?", "responses": ["i have a sore throat and headache .", "i 'm feeling a little sad .", "i think i 'm catching a cold .", "i 'm not sure , i 'm going to the doctor 's office tomorrow .", "i 'm suffering from allergies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a sore throat and headache .", "responses": ["do you feel tired ?", "you should head to the doctor .", "there 's a lot of that going around lately .", "you might want to try some vitamin c to help it pass .", "i had that last week . it 'll pass soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you feel tired ?", "responses": ["yes , my whole body feels weak . and i really feel terrible .", "yes , and i ache all over .", "no , but i am feeling a bit woozy .", "yes , and i am congested too .", "just a little bit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , my whole body feels weak . And I really feel terrible .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry to hear that . i 'll have to examine you .", "try taking some medication ?", "try drinking some water .", "you should get some sleep .", "you should lay down ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry to hear that . I'll have to examine you .", "responses": ["ok , go ahead .", "ok , doctor .", "my chest is also tight and i feel faint .", "should i take off my shirt ?", "what do you think it is ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok , go ahead .", "responses": ["open your mouth and show me your tongue . say ah ... you have a bad cold . so you must stay in bed for a week .", "ahead", "headache", "very well", "very good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Open your mouth and show me your tongue . Say ah ... You have a bad cold . So you must stay in bed for a week ."}], "index": 303} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Leo ! I wanted to tell you thanks for all your hard work on the budget . We ' re having a get-together after work tonight at Carl ' s Karaoke Club to celebrate having finished it . We ' d love to see", "responses": ["what fun ! normally i 'd love to , but i 'm afraid i have to work late tonight . we 've got to get the contract ready for miss king .", "sounds fun , i love karaoke !", "that sounds great but i 'm busy tonight , sorry .", "awesome i 'll be there !", "what a great idea - i 'll start thinking of songs to sing now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "What fun ! Normally I ' d love to , but I ' m afraid I have to work late tonight . We ' Ve got to get the contract ready for Miss King .", "responses": ["oh , right . you 're busy with that contract . maybe you could join us later ?", "c'mon ! it 'll be fun !", "the contract can wait . it 's time to celebrate !", "i understand . next time for sure , though !", "how about you just come for one drink and then get back to it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , right . You ' re busy with that contract . Maybe you could join us later ?", "responses": ["unfortunately , i just ca n't make it this time . i have to go straight home . it 's my second wedding anniversary , and we 're supposed to be having a big dinner susan would kill me if i missed it .", "if i finish by seven , i 'll try to get there .", "i think i will be working until midnight so i 'll have to take a rain check .", "that would be great , i 'll do my best to finish quickly .", "i do n't think there is a chance , but thanks for asking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Unfortunately , I just can ' t make it this time . I have to go straight home . It ' s my second wedding anniversary , and we ' re supposed to be having a big dinner Susan would kill me if I missed it .", "responses": ["happy anniversary ! sorry you wo n't be there . maybe some other time ?", "oh you definitely do n't wanna miss that . well , thanks again !", "alright , hope we can get together another time .", "oh yeah ! congratulations !", "tell susan i said hi !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Happy anniversary ! Sorry you won ' t be there . Maybe some other time ?", "responses": ["yeah , maybe . thanks , anyway . hope you guys have a great time !", "absolutely . talk to you soon !", "you bet . thanks for understanding .", "no problem ! take care .", "definitely ! i 'll be in touch ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , maybe . Thanks , anyway . Hope you guys have a great time !"}], "index": 304} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . Do you mind if I try this on ?", "responses": ["not at all . the changing rooms are just this way .", "no problem .", "need any help ?", "sure ! and do you want to try on anything else ?", "go right ahead ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Not at all . The changing rooms are just this way .", "responses": ["thanks . it 's a little tight . do you have any in a larger size ?", "go ahead . let me know if you need help .", "no.let me take you to the changing room .", "great choice . go ahead !", "not a bit . it will look great on you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . It's a little tight . Do you have any in a larger size ?", "responses": ["sure . i 'll give you the next size up . that one is small , right ?", "yes", "its really good", "large size", "very well"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . I'll give you the next size up . That one is small , right ?", "responses": ["yes . also , i 'm not so sure about the color .", "yes , this is a small .", "no , actually , i think this is a medium .", "this one is actually an extra small , so if i could try a small , that would be good .", "i believe so , yes . so maybe i should try the medium ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Also , I'm not so sure about the color .", "responses": ["well . it does n't go with your skirt . i think the color itself is fine though .", "we have it in three other colors too .", "would you like me to get it in the other colors ?", "we have it in several other colors .", "i have a similar item , but in another color . would you like me to get that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . It doesn't go with your skirt . I think the color itself is fine though ."}], "index": 305} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you going to vote ?", "responses": ["of course ! are you ?", "good", "very good", "its really god", "yes i will"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course ! Are you ?", "responses": ["i plan to , but what day is the election ?", "i honestly do n't know . i 'm not crazy about any of the candidates .", "i have n't decided yet . who are you voting for ?", "probably , but i really do n't feel strong about any of the candidates .", "i know i should , but i 'm so busy that day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I plan to , but what day is the election ?", "responses": ["you should know that .", "it 's november 6 .", "it 's next tuesday .", "we have mail - in voting in this state so you can send your envelope anytime between now and november 6 .", "the 6th !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You should know that .", "responses": ["can you just tell me ?", "i 'm sorry , i really do n't .", "i 'm just kidding . i do know .", "i know , i just wanted to see if you did .", "i thought it was this tuesday , but someone else told me it was wednesday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you just tell me ?", "responses": ["the election is this tuesday .", "dude , it 's on tuesday .", "how do you not know ? every american should know !", "look it up !", "yup , it 's this week . the day after monday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The election is this Tuesday .", "responses": ["are you serious ?", "what is the date of this tuesday ?", "will this tuesday be free fro everyone ?", "where will the election hold this tuesday ?", "what are the provisions for the election this tuesday ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Are you serious ?", "responses": ["i 'm not kidding .", "yes , do you need a ride ?", "yes , do you know who you are voting for ?", "yes , but they do have advanced voting today if you ca n't go on tuesday .", "yep , wanna go with me ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m not kidding .", "responses": ["it 's a good thing i asked you .", "why is n't it on the weekend ?", "is early voting available ?", "where is my polling location ?", "what time do polls close ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s a good thing I asked you .", "responses": ["that should 've been something you knew already .", "you have to go for a short while to vote .", "because there is a lot of crowd there .", "forget the voter identity card .", "we must vote for someone who does good to our country ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That should ' Ve been something you knew already .", "responses": ["i could n't remember .", "well , i 've been busy with school the last two weeks so i 'm kind of lost in time .", "i know i should have , it 's always on the tuesday following the first monday in november . what was i thinking ?", "i know and i have class all day tuesday , i 'll have to go in early to vote .", "do n't get mad , at least i will vote . the low turnout here in america is a crime ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I couldn ' t remember .", "responses": ["whatever . just make sure you go vote .", "it 's been on the news every day .", "you should write important dates down in a calendar .", "that 's why the election board sends out reminders . did n't you get one ?", "it seems like you 're having a lot of memory problems lately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whatever . Just make sure you go vote ."}], "index": 306} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Dave , there's something I want to talk to you about .", "responses": ["zina , why are you whispering ?", "ok , sure , what do you want to talk about ?", "i 'm ready to listen whenever you want to start .", "ok , let me just wrap up this email real quick and i 'm completely available .", "sure , let 's talk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Zina , why are you whispering ?", "responses": ["i 've been talking to webtracker . i 'm thinking of jumping ship .", "i do n't want anyone to hear me .", "i did n't realize i was .", "the walls have ears .", "why are n't you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've been talking to WebTracker . I'm thinking of jumping ship .", "responses": ["what ? are you serious ? you 'd defect to our archrival ! ?", "why ? what is the problem ?", "are they going to pay you better ?", "how long have you been in conversation with them ?", "whoah , we should go somewhere more private to talk about this ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What ? Are you serious ? You'd defect to our archrival ! ?", "responses": ["keep your voice down . we 'll talk more later . right now i need to see vince .", "it 's a better offer .", "i should at least consider their offer .", "i do n't feel loyalty to this place .", "it 's very appealing to jump ship ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Keep your voice down . We'll talk more later . Right now I need to see Vince .", "responses": ["we definitely have to talk , zina . and watch your back . elvin is still mad about his nose .", "is it not better if we talk now", "is vince helping with the jumping of ship ?", "where are you meeting with vince ?", "has vince agreed to meet with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We definitely have to talk , Zina . And watch your back . Elvin is still mad about his nose .", "responses": ["ok , but do n't tell anyone what i said .", "what happened to his nose ?", "well , he really deserved that !", "ok , how about dinner after work tonight ?", "we really do , can you come over to my house around 7 pm tonight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , but don't tell anyone what I said ."}], "index": 307} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You get your bus pass ?", "responses": ["i 'm not going to buy one .", "no , the line was too long and i could n't wait .", "no , i could n't find it anywhere . i 'll have to get a replacement .", "yes , i have it right here .", "yep , it 's in my backpack ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not going to buy one .", "responses": ["you 're not ?", "why not ?", "but you will need it for the trip !", "was it too expensive ?", "do you need money for it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You're not ?", "responses": ["i think it 's a waste of money .", "i bought one last year and did n't use it a lot .", "i may regret it , but no .", "not at this time , but maybe later .", "i 'd rather beg my sister for a lift when i need one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it's a waste of money .", "responses": ["it actually costs less if you have a bus pass .", "why do you think it is a waste of money ?", "what features and services discouraged you ?", "will you be able to correct this issues if necessary ?", "is there other means of making the bus pass less look like waste of money ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It actually costs less if you have a bus pass .", "responses": ["how is that ?", "but i 'm not planning on riding all the time .", "even if i wo n't be on the bus every day ?", "i know , but i 'm just a little short on cash this week .", "i 'm contemplating buying a car so i do n't want to buy a pass quite yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How is that ?", "responses": ["you can use it however many times you need to .", "over time you will save a lot of money .", "you will be able to use the time saved by taking the bus to earn more money at work .", "when you use a bus pass , you do n't have to pay for parking .", "the bus pass can be used throughout the city when you run errands , too - so it saves you money overall ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can use it however many times you need to .", "responses": ["is that right ?", "i think it will come only for a few days .", "and i think some of the rules will be handled .", "it can also be crowded when going to the bus .", "and i do not know if the bus is in my own time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that right ?", "responses": ["yup , and you can keep the money in your pocket .", "yes , once a month or 30 rides a month , it costs the same .", "plus , it so convenient , you do n't have to hassle with cash and change .", "yes it is , and your a student so you 'll get a big discount to boot .", "yes , let 's walk down to the station and we can look into buying you one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yup , and you can keep the money in your pocket .", "responses": ["that sounds nice .", "maybe i will get one -- i like saving money .", "but i am buying a car , and i wo n't use the bus so much any more .", "how many times do i need to use the bus to make it worthwhile ?", "thanks ! you 've convinced me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That sounds nice .", "responses": ["you should go get yours .", "yeah it is , you should get one .", "i buy one every month . the savings really add up .", "yeah , you can buy one at the mini mart , the grocery store , the student union .", "it may seem like a big expense initially , but it pays off eventually ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You should go get yours .", "responses": ["yeah , i think i will .", "how much does it cost ?", "when will i have it in hand ?", "what is the other way to ride ?", "can i ride without the pass ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , I think I will ."}], "index": 308} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . Craftsman Company . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , good morning . this is mr . suzuki from video tv . may i speak to mr . johnson ?", "yes , i would like to inquire about your selection of poplar wood .", "yes , i am calling to see what your hours are today .", "would you be able to connect me to the lawn service department ?", "will you honor my coupon from home depot ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , good morning . This is Mr . Suzuki from Video TV . May I speak to Mr . Johnson ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , but mr . johnson is out at the moment . can i take a message ?", "this is he .", "just a moment please .", "i 'm afraid he 's not available .", "he should be available in an hour ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry , but Mr . Johnson is out at the moment . Can I take a message ?", "responses": ["uh , yes , okay . tell him john suzuki called . that 's s - u - z - u - k - i .", "am calling to inquire about some of your services", "can you kindly tell him to reach me back when he is around", "i will like to discuss a business deal with him", "by when will he be back ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Uh , yes , okay . Tell him John Suzuki called . That's S-U-Z-U-K-I .", "responses": ["yes .", "of course , can i get a number where he can return the call ?", "is there a certain time that he should call you back ?", "certainly , he should be back in the next hour or so i think .", "can i tell him what this is in reference to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes .", "responses": ["from video tv .", "can you please ask him to call me back ?", "please tell him i have a question and need him to return my call .", "please let him know i need to hear from him as soon as possible .", "have him get back to me whenever he is free to talk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "From Video TV .", "responses": ["yes , video tv .", "can i have some information ?", "what kind of entertainment are you broadcasting in your company ?", "how much money do you buy that broadcasts ?", "how much money do you buy for a day ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , Video TV .", "responses": ["tell him i telephoned . i 'd like to see him about the videotapes . can he call me this afternoon ?", "tell him it 's about our lunch meeting on wednesday .", "i want to discuss installing that new control panel in the monitoring room .", "the largest provider here in the city .", "remind him that we need to discuss all the materials he needs for that upcoming project your building ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell him I telephoned . I'd like to see him about the videotapes . Can he call me this afternoon ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . what 's your telephone number ?", "he wo n't be back tomorrow , i 'm afraid .", "i 'll give him the message , sir .", "i 'm sure he will call if he has time .", "he will be on a conference call all afternoon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , Of course . What's your telephone number ?", "responses": ["it 's , area code 413 , 447 - 9626 .", "my telephone number is 231 - 8745 , thank you so much !", "my number is 398 - 8545 , i am available until noon today and all day tomorrow .", "387 - 9945 , again that is 387 - 9945 .", "my number is 399 - 1984 please let mr . johnson know that i am at the office all day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's , area code 413 , 447-9626 .", "responses": ["that is 413 - 447 - 9662 ?", "what is the best time to call you ?", "should he ask for suzuki ?", "would you like to call him back also ?", "would you like to take down his personal number ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That is 413-447-9662 ?", "responses": ["no , that 's 447 - 9626 .", "no that is incorrect .", "nope that 's not my telephone number .", "you got the last four digits of my phone number wrong .", "no i 'll repeat it 's area code 413 447 - 9626"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , that's 447-9626 .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry , 447 - 9626 .", "oh sorry about that . 447 - 9626", "447 - 9626 got it", "i see i 'm sorry", "okay i got it this time"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm sorry , 447-9626 .", "responses": ["yes , that 's right . extension 162 .", "no problem , thanks for taking the message .", "correct , area code 413 as well .", "do n't worry you have the correct number to contact me now .", "i look forward to hearing from him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's right . Extension 162 .", "responses": ["extension 162 . okay , mr . suzuki . i 'll give him the message .", "i will pass along the message .", "is there a good time to call you back ?", "he will be back in shortly and i 'll have him call you .", "is there anything that i can help you with in the meantime ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Extension 162 . Okay , Mr . Suzuki . I'll give him the message .", "responses": ["thank you . good - bye .", "do you have any idea when you expect him ?", "does he return calls the same day ?", "would you mind if i call back later today ?", "what time does he leave the office for the day ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Good-bye .", "responses": ["good - bye .", "you 're welcome . good - bye to you .", "no problem . anything else that i can help you with ?", "my pleasure . have a good day .", "mr . johnson will contact you as soon as possible , anything else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good-bye ."}], "index": 309} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's quit a big cafeteria , isn't it ?", "responses": ["sure . i usually have my lunch here . the food is tasty and they offer a big variety .", "yes , i wonder how many people can be seated here", "yes , the size is pretty impressive .", "it is , and quite crowded as well .", "yes i imagine quite a few people can fit in here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . I usually have my lunch here . The food is tasty and they offer a big variety .", "responses": ["let 's line up . the steak is very inviting . i 'll have it .", "since when have you started having lunch here ?", "how well have you gone through all their menus ?", "is their services offered also cheap ?", "is it possible to get any type of lunch meal i need ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's line up . The steak is very inviting . I'll have it .", "responses": ["i 'll have ham and egg with french fries . what dessert do you want ?", "i would not suggest the steak actually .", "it 's really good , i have it at least once a week .", "i think i may have the chicken today , it smells so good .", "you should try their baked potato also ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'll have ham and egg with French fries . What dessert do you want ?", "responses": ["banana pie .", "chocolate pudding .", "i am on a diet and will pass on dessert .", "cheesecake , but no berries .", "i have a snickers in my purse , so i will just stick with that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Banana pie .", "responses": ["where shall we sit ?", "do you think they made that here , from scratch ?", "that 's something new", "i think i 'm going to cheat on my diet and have some cheesecake", "i ca n't decide because it all looks good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where shall we sit ?", "responses": ["how about there ?", "how about over there by the window ?", "there 's two spots there at the end , i 'll get on the other side .", "i see my friend sally over there , let 's sit with her .", "i like the round table over there by the door . that way we can watch who comes and goes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about there ?"}], "index": 310} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you like cooking ?", "responses": ["i love it . i really enjoy creating a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it . it gives me a real sense of satisfaction . do you enjoy cooking ?", "i love cooking , especially mexican food .", "i do n't really enjoy cooking very much .", "i like cooking , but i 'm not very good at it .", "i like cooking sweets and baked goods , but do n't like preparing meals ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I love it . I really enjoy creating a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it . It gives me a real sense of satisfaction . Do you enjoy cooking ?", "responses": ["i do n't like it . it takes up too much time and i really hate having it clean up after the meal . i ca n't stand doing the washing up , drying up and putting all the dishes and cutlery away .", "yes", "do you like movies ?", "do you enjoy traveling ?", "do you love someone ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don ' t like it . It takes up too much time and I really hate having it clean up after the meal . I can ' t stand doing the washing up , drying up and putting all the dishes and cutlery away .", "responses": ["you can ask the guests for help . my guests usually insist on doing the washing up . i just have to remind them where everything goes .", "well , you can cook meals that are n't quite as messy to cleanup .", "well come over saturday evening and i 'll show you the joy in it .", "do you have a dishwasher , that makes the clean up a thousand times easier .", "sounds like you need to meet the right partner who does n't mind dishes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can ask the guests for help . My guests usually insist on doing the washing up . I just have to remind them where everything goes .", "responses": ["so what kinds of dishes do you usually make ? i know you like italian food .", "i 'd be afraid they would break my dishes .", "i could n't ask my guests to wash dishes !", "do n't they get insulted ?", "wow , you have helpful friends !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So what kinds of dishes do you usually make ? I know you like Italian food .", "responses": ["italian , indian and chinese . i 've only recently started cooking chinese meals and i need some more practice .", "yeah , i love it . lasagna , pizza , homemade pasta are my specialties .", "i love italian , but mainly cook soups and casseroles .", "i love all types of ethnic food , especially italian and mexican . i am perfecting my tortillas now .", "i usually make comfort food . especially when it is cold ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Italian , Indian and chinese . I ' Ve only recently started cooking chinese meals and I need some more practice .", "responses": ["do you find it hard to get ingredients for chinese food ?", "which is your favorite ?", "what indian dishes can you cook ?", "what chinese dishes do you know how to cook ?", "what kind of italian food can you make ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you find it hard to get ingredients for Chinese food ?", "responses": ["not at all . you can find most of them in supermarkets . the ingredients are usually the same as in western food . the way that the food is prepared is the big difference , not the ingredients .", "yes because i 'm not really sure what ingredients i should use .", "of course because the ingredients are hard to understand some time .", "yes but it 's easier to get ingredients for italian food .", "yes but i 'm determined to make best chinese dish i can even though the ingredients are hard to come by ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not at all . You can find most of them in supermarkets . The ingredients are usually the same as in Western food . The way that the food is prepared is the big difference , not the ingredients .", "responses": ["how long does it take you to cook a meal for 5 or 6 people ?", "is there anything else you like to make ?", "i can give you some recipes", "how long does it take usually ?", "i can help"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long does it take you to cook a meal for 5 or 6 people ?", "responses": ["obviously , it depends on what i 'm cooking . but i 'd say it generally takes about one and a half hours .", "depends on the meal but most of the time at least a half hour .", "it can vary , but for 5 or 6 people , at least an hour .", "not much longer than if i were cooking for less people .", "if i am familiar with the recipe it can be pretty fast , if its a newer recipe sometimes it can take a bit longer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Obviously , it depends on what I ' m cooking . But I ' d say it generally takes about one and a half hours ."}], "index": 311} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm searching for an old music box .", "responses": ["you came to the right place . any particular decade ?", "follow me and i will show you what we have .", "the antique store is down the street ; this is a clothing store .", "i 'll send you a link to a music box website .", "you 've come to the right place !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "You came to the right place . Any particular decade ?", "responses": ["if you had a box made in the'20s , that would be nice .", "i would like something from the early 1900 's .", "do you have any music boxes from the 1920s ?", "i 'm looking for a music box from 1920 or earlier .", "i collect music boxes from all years before 1920 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If you had a box made in the ' 20s , that would be nice .", "responses": ["we just got one in yesterday , so now we have six .", "do you like any type of wood ?", "what is your favorite colors ?", "do you like any animals ?", "do you like any special types of decorations ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We just got one in yesterday , so now we have six .", "responses": ["would any of them have dancing figures ?", "wow i ca nt believe you guys have six in stock .", "i would like to purchase one of those", "how much are you selling them for .", "i could n't find one music box the other day now i have the option to choose from six different ones today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would any of them have dancing figures ?", "responses": ["yes , we still have two boxes left that have dancing figures .", "yes , i will show you .", "we do .", "yes , we have two .", "just one"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we still have two boxes left that have dancing figures .", "responses": ["oh , they 're both so beautiful . let me have this one , i think .", "can i see the two boxes with the dancing figures .", "how much do they cost ?", "which of the two with dancers do you think is the nicer box ?", "how often do you get similar boxes ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , they're both so beautiful . Let me have this one , I think .", "responses": ["that one truly is a beautiful piece of work , is n't it ?", "excellent choice .", "let me wrap it up for you .", "let 's go over to the counter and i 'll ring you up .", "just in time . there was someone else thinking about that one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That one truly is a beautiful piece of work , isn't it ?", "responses": ["one last question", "what is the name of the tune that it plays ?", "is this suitable for a child ?", "what is the material this one is made of ?", "do you warranty they will work for a certain length of time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One last question", "responses": ["oh , no . everything we sell here is \" as is . \"", "yes , what do you need ?", "go ahead .", "what can i help you with ?", "okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , no . Everything we sell here is \" as is . \"", "responses": ["i guess i was asking for too much .", "but i have n't asked the question yet . i do n't understand why clarify that .", "oh yeah , but i hope i have some return in case is totally defective .", "in that case i rather not the box then .", "i would assume that since this is very old . i will take it anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess I was asking for too much .", "responses": ["if it breaks down , maybe you can find a repairman on the internet .", "not at all , should i ring that up for you ?", "we sell other figures that come with a warranty .", "we do repairs if it breaks .", "if there 's an issue we can work with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If it breaks down , maybe you can find a repairman on the Internet ."}], "index": 312} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "We have been over this a hundred times ! We are not getting a pet !", "responses": ["why not ? come on ! just a cute little puppy . or a kitty !", "but i have shown i can be responsible for animals !", "but i am old enough to own and care for a pet .", "a pet will keep me company when you are away from home .", "all my friends have pets , i think i should have one , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Why not ? Come on ! Just a cute little puppy . or a kitty !", "responses": ["who is going to look after a dog or a cat ?", "why do you not understand what i told you ?", "okay we can get one puppy .", "okay we can get one gold fish .", "okay we can get one kitty ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who is going to look after a dog or a cat ?", "responses": ["i will ! i 'll feed it , bathe it and walk it every day ! we can get a labrador or a german shepard !", "we are going to look after the pets", "i will look after the cat or dog", "we can take turns looking after the cat or dog", "my friends can help us look after our pets if we get one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I will ! I ' ll feed it , bathe it and walk it every day ! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard !", "responses": ["what if we want to take a vacation ? who will we leave it with ? plus , our apartment is too small for that breed of dog .", "you said that before and it never happened", "i do n't believe you", "i 'll be the one handling it", "not going to happen , sorry"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What if we want to take a vacation ? Who will we leave it with ? Plus , our apartment is too small for that breed of dog .", "responses": ["ok . how about we get a cat or a ferret ?", "so lets get a smaller dog that better fits the apartment .", "we can have the dog boarded in a kennel if we go on vacation .", "we could leave it with friends or family if we really need to .", "we can look for a larger apartment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok . How about we get a cat or a ferret ?", "responses": ["we 're planning on having children soon , i do n't think those animals are a good idea with a baby in the house .", "we still need someone to care for them when we take a vacation .", "who is going to pay the vet bills ?", "these pets are still alot of work .", "i 'm sorry , but we are not getting any kind of pet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "We ' re planning on having children soon , I don ' t think those animals are a good idea with a baby in the house .", "responses": ["fine ! let 's get a bird then ! we can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk ! a parrot would be awesome !", "we could get a fish !", "how about a turtle ?", "i suppose a child could be considered a type of pet .", "those japanese moss balls are pretty easy to care for and lots of people regard them as pets ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Fine ! Let ' s get a bird then ! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk ! A parrot would be awesome !", "responses": ["i 'll tell you what , i can get you some hamsters and we 'll take it from there .", "no , i 'm done with this conversation .", "that", "that would be kind of neat .", "i do n't like the idea of a caged bird , too cruel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' ll tell you what , I can get you some hamsters and we ' ll take it from there .", "responses": ["yay !", "that can work too , i love hamsters .", "ehh , i really do n't think i am hamsters friendly .", "no , but i am thinking on a fish instead . they require very low maintenance and space .", "but i still insist that a small dog will be harmless and considering my care , you and our child will not notice ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yay !"}], "index": 313} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Over here is our gym . We have all the latest equipment .", "responses": ["but i have n't used exercising equipment before . can you tell us some more details ?", "how much is membership ?", "what are the hours ?", "what are the amenities ?", "how busy is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "But I haven't used exercising equipment before . Can you tell us some more details ?", "responses": ["certainly . we have here the race apparatus , stationary bike , muscle builder set , chest expander , bar bell , dumb bell and so on .", "you can run on a treadmill or lift weights", "you can use whatever equipment for whatever style you have", "there is every kind of piece for whatever your needs are", "we have the basic but latest equipment"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly . We have here the race apparatus , stationary bike , muscle builder set , chest expander , bar bell , dumb bell and so on .", "responses": ["working in the gym is a very good way for losing weight . what else do you have ?", "what does the race apparatus do ?", "what would you recommend for someone new to exercise equipment .", "what do you think is the best equipment to use ?", "what are the most popular exercises ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Working in the gym is a very good way for losing weight . What else do you have ?", "responses": ["here 's the swimming pool . it 's open from 10 a . m . to 11 p . m . there are also massage rooms here .", "we have exercise classes as well .", "we also have a track .", "we offer personal training , which is a great way to get started .", "we offer nutrition counseling as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here's the swimming pool . It's open from 10 a . m . to 11 p . m . There are also massage rooms here .", "responses": ["that 's wonderful ! i like swimming .", "what types of massage do you offer ?", "is there a steam room for after the massage ?", "is there a lifeguard at the pool ?", "are there swimming lessons given ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's wonderful ! I like swimming ."}], "index": 314} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "John , I was looking through some magazines for ideas about where we might go on vacation this year .", "responses": ["i 've already told my buddy , mark , that i am going hunting with him in alaska .", "i am really looking forward to taking a vacation .", "are any destinations standing out to you ?", "i was thinking we could go someplace warm .", "are you thinking it will just be the two of us ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I've already told my buddy , Mark , that I am going hunting with him in Alaska .", "responses": ["you ca n't be serious !", "well , you could go hunting in alaska with mark and i could go somewhere else .", "we could go to alaska and i could stay in one of the bigger cities .", "we could flip a coin , alaska or . . .", "how about you go to alaska for half the vacation and then meet me in rome ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "You can't be serious !", "responses": ["hey , i 've always gone hunting or fishing on vacation . i am sorry that bothers you .", "i am .", "you can join us if you want .", "i 'm sorry .", "you did n't let me know in time ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Hey , I've always gone hunting or fishing on vacation . I am sorry that bothers you .", "responses": ["after a year together , i thought it pretty safe to assume that we would automatically spend our vacation together .", "no , i only think alaska is really not the right place to enjoy hunting", "its funny , because you can easily frost over there .", "the only thing you 're likely to hunt is a polar bear", "it does n't bother me , i see no reason for that to bother me . but i would appreciate if you ask me if i 'd like to go there too ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "After a year together , I thought it pretty safe to assume that we would automatically spend our vacation together .", "responses": ["says who ? i do n't think that is necessarily the case .", "you never mentioned anything to me", "you should have told me sooner .", "how was i to know ?", "sorry , should i tell mark no ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Says who ? I don't think that is necessarily the case .", "responses": ["you know , now that i think about it , i really do n't have much more to say to you at all !", "it 's a known thing that couples vacation together !", "says almost anyone ! i 've been looking forward to it .", "every couple i know goes on vacation together .", "you 're being ridiculous . it 's definitely a thing for couples to vacation together ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "You know , now that I think about it , I really don't have much more to say to you at all !", "responses": ["whatever you say !", "you can try going fishing with me", "hunting is fun why do n't we try it", "i would appreciate if you follow me this time", "why not try something new"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Whatever you say !"}], "index": 315} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you declared your income and are you prepared to pay tax ?", "responses": ["not yet . i do n't know how to fill out the form . what is the tax - free allowance for supporting a dependent ?", "yes .", "no , not yet .", "i need to do that .", "i 'm never prepared to pay tax ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet . I don't know how to fill out the form . What is the tax-free allowance for supporting a dependent ?", "responses": ["i do n't really know . why not ask the accountant or the lawyer of the law firm ? they will tell you which is subject or not subject to taxation . he can even help you avoid paying tax legally .", "i really do n't have a clue for that question , you might want to look it up .", "i do n't think you are allowed to do that , based on your family circumstances .", "you need to use a free tax app that help you with those specific issues .", "i can actually help you fill it out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I don't really know . Why not ask the accountant or the lawyer of the law firm ? They will tell you which is subject or not subject to taxation . He can even help you avoid paying tax legally .", "responses": ["if i do n't pay my taxes , would the tax officials discover it ?", "oh , ok . i guess i 'll ask him .", "ok , i figured you could help since you asked .", "i 'll do that and get back to you asap .", "i ca n't as they are not available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If I don't pay my taxes , would the tax officials discover it ?", "responses": ["certainly . no one who evades tax can escape from their detection . they 'll check your income through computers . you 'd better make a declaration to the tax authorities as soon as possible . if you fail to meet the deadline , you will be fined .", "i 'm no tax expert but i 'm pretty sure they would find it out .", "i 'd definitely say that they will .", "yes ! you 'll get in a lot of trouble too .", "you have to pay your taxes . it 's the law ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Certainly . No one who evades tax can escape from their detection . They ' ll check your income through computers . You'd better make a declaration to the tax authorities as soon as possible . If you fail to meet the deadline , you will be fined ."}], "index": 316} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's up ? You sound a little down in dumps .", "responses": ["i quarreled with my roommate last night . he is really stubborn .", "nah , i have just been busy with school .", "i am , sorry but its been keeping me away from everybody .", "yeah , but lets shake it up and go out tonight , something like movies .", "i am doing good . i am unsure what are you on about , or it could be my sleep medicine though ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I quarreled with my roommate last night . He is really stubborn .", "responses": ["calm down ! shouting wo n't help ?", "what happened ?", "oh no , is everything good ?", "have you talked about it ?", "yes , he is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Calm down ! Shouting won ' t help ?", "responses": ["he is really outrageous .", "i 'm not shouting .", "i am calm .", "why are you being aggressive ?", "i 'm just telling you what happened ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "He is really outrageous .", "responses": ["what happened ?", "i understand but you have to calm down", "still not enough reason to shout", "take things easy", "i understand your frustration but have a rethink"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened ?", "responses": ["i went back home last night . you know tired as a dog , so i took a quick shower and went to bed . i could n't fall asleep , because brian was there in the living room , playing his stupid stereo so loud . i kindly told him to turn that down a little bit . he shouted at me .", "refused to do the dishes he dirtied .", "told my girlfriend i was a loser .", "wants to use the rent money to go gambling .", "he is a slob never cleans up his own messes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I went back home last night . You know tired as a dog , so I took a quick shower and went to bed . I couldn't fall asleep , because Brian was there in the living room , playing his stupid stereo so loud . I kindly told him to turn that down a little bit . He shouted at me .", "responses": ["what ? he ca n't do this to you .", "is brain mentally unstable ?", "that sounds like a reasonable request .", "you should get a new roommate .", "do you have any ear plugs ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "What ? He can't do this to you .", "responses": ["well , he did it anyway . then he came into my room and shot all his shit blah blah blah ... you know .", "he was really rude . i do n't know what to do .", "i did n't even know what to say .", "i ca n't figure out why he was so angry . i thought i was polite about it", "i 'm a little worried about him ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , he did it anyway . Then he came into my room and shot all his shit blah blah blah ... you know .", "responses": ["what did you do ?", "you are going to have to get a new roommate .", "this guy sounds dangerous , you need to get out of this arrangement , like now !", "this guy is bad news , get out of this , now !", "i will help you and you have to get out of this arrangement , this is really bad !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you do ?", "responses": ["i shouted it back of course .", "i decided to be the better person and forget all about it .", "i took some alone time to stew and got over it .", "i spoke right back at him angrily .", "i just pretended to ignore what he said ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I shouted it back of course .", "responses": ["hold it , mike . you wo n't accomplish anything by hollering at him , right ? you worked it all up till now . why not wait until you cool down a bit ?", "how did he respond to that ?", "that was rude .", "he 's so loud .", "how did you respond to that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hold it , Mike . You won't accomplish anything by hollering at him , right ? You worked it all up till now . Why not wait until you cool down a bit ?", "responses": ["what would you do if you were in my shoes ?", "i could n't help it . he was really annoying me .", "you 're probably right . i just lost my temper .", "i should have waited . i was just really angry with him .", "that 's good advice . i should do that next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you do if you were in my shoes ?", "responses": ["just stay cool . you know . when you get back home tonight , tell him that you did n't mean to quarrel with him .", "i 'd schedule a meeting time when you are both calm to discuss the matter .", "i 'd start looking for a new roommate .", "the two of you should establish quiet hours and stick to them .", "you could give him a taste of his own medicine and start blaring the stereo when he is asleep ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just stay cool . You know . When you get back home tonight , tell him that you didn't mean to quarrel with him .", "responses": ["no way , kate . i mean it 's just not my fault .", "right now i really do n't feel like talking to him .", "i guess i can tell him i was just tired and snapped", "i really ca n't stand him right now", "i 'm afraid it 'll just turn into another argument"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "No way , Kate . I mean it's just not my fault .", "responses": ["i know . it would n't hurt much to say sorry first . and after that , you can casually mention the problem . i am sure he will cooperate .", "i suppose it 's not .", "i just think you should give it a try .", "are you sure you wo n't reconsider ?", "but would n't it make you feel better if you did ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . It wouldn't hurt much to say sorry first . And after that , you can casually mention the problem . I am sure he will cooperate .", "responses": ["i am too angry to do that .", "okay.sounds like a great idea.i'll give it a try .", "i do n't know if it 'll work kate but thanks for the advice anyway .", "you think apologizing would work?okay i 'm going to take your suggestion .", "do you seriously think it would work ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I am too angry to do that ."}], "index": 317} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . I am looking for a book called Little Women , but I can't find it anywhere .", "responses": ["let me see . i am sorry we just have sold it out .", "i 'd be glad to help you find it .", "have you checked the fiction section ?", "it 's right over here .", "sorry , we do n't carry it ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Let me see . I am sorry we just have sold it out .", "responses": ["will you have it later ?", "it 's ok .", "i will look somewhere else for it .", "i will order it online .", "do you know what other stores have it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will you have it later ?", "responses": ["i think so . could i have you name , telephone number ? if we get one , i will call you .", "we have placed orders check by tomorrow", "i would notify the management about the shortage", "i do n't know when next we would have it", "yes it would probably be available later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think so . Could I have you name , telephone number ? If we get one , I will call you .", "responses": ["that 's terrific . thank you .", "thank you my number is 390 5534 .", "my name is ralph fernalas number 657 2230 .", "uh no i will just call back in a few days .", "just call this number and leave a message , 660 7984 thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's terrific . Thank you ."}], "index": 318} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who do you think is the greatest novelist in the history of English literature ?", "responses": ["charles dickens . actually no one can parallel him in writing .", "i think that the work of dickens is outstanding .", "that 's a tough one . i 'd have to say john steinbeck .", "it 's a matter of personal opinion but i think that mark twain is excellent .", "it 's hard to beat the works of chaucer i think ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Charles Dickens . Actually no one can parallel him in writing .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid i ca n't agree with you on that . i like d . h . laurence 's novels better .", "how many of his books have you read", "i disagree with you on this", "yes , i know him and his books are pretty good", "wole shoyinka is also a good writer"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid I can't agree with you on that . I like D . H . Laurence ' s novels better ."}], "index": 319} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What game do you like ?", "responses": ["i like board games . i like chinese chess and draughts .", "i do n't do games", "i love games that are funny", "arcade games are the best", "i really like games that are easy to understand"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like board games . I like chinese chess and draughts .", "responses": ["i 've never played chinese chess before , but i 've seen old men playing it in the street . it looks complicated .", "what is chinese chess ?", "draughts can not say as i have heard of this .", "board games monopoly is my favorite .", "what do you think of checkers ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' Ve never played Chinese chess before , but I ' Ve seen old men playing it in the street . It looks complicated .", "responses": ["it 's about as complicated as chess . the basic rule and moves are simple enough , but there are many strategies that players need to learn .", "oh , it is !", "the rules are simple .", "i like occidental chess as well .", "it takes a long time to learn to play well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s about as complicated as chess . The basic rule and moves are simple enough , but there are many strategies that players need to learn .", "responses": ["i like playing cards . i 'm pretty good at poker . do you play cards ?", "what is the first thing to learn if you want to play ?", "could you teach me ?", "do you want to play ?", "i 'm not sure i 'd be very good at it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I like playing cards . I ' m pretty good at poker . Do you play cards ?", "responses": ["i 'm terrible at cards and so i never play games which involve gambling , like poker . if i did , i 'd lose all my money .", "i like cards , too , let 's play cards !", "oh , i like poker too ! we 'll have to play poker sometime !", "sure , i 'm always up for a card game !", "i used to play cards a lot and sure i would play sometime !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m terrible at cards and so I never play games which involve gambling , like poker . If I did , I ' d lose all my money .", "responses": ["do you play bridge ?", "i like playing gin rummy with cards as well .", "not all games with cards require gambling .", "i like to play uno with cards with no gambling involved .", "all card games are not equal in difficulty , i am sure there is a fun card game for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you play bridge ?", "responses": ["yes , i do . it 's hard to find four players though , so i do n't play very often . do you know anyone who plays ? if so , we could set up a game .", "bridge is too complicated . i could never learn it .", "unlike other card games , i 'm great at bridge . my aunt taught me .", "nah , i 'm no good at cards .", "sometimes . do you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do . It ' s hard to find four players though , so I don ' t play very often . Do you know anyone who plays ? If so , we could set up a game .", "responses": ["i can play quite well . i have a friend who likes playing , but she 's not very good at it . shall i invite her to play ?", "i think some of my friends do . i could see if they are interested .", "i think i could find enough people so we could play .", "it should n't be too hard for me to find some people .", "i know quite a few people who would want to play . i 'll get it set up soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can play quite well . I have a friend who likes playing , but she ' s not very good at it . Shall I invite her to play ?", "responses": ["sure , i have a friend who play fairly well . we should find out when our friends are free and arrange a game .", "sure , it will be a good way for all of us to ease our way into the game .", "well , i 'd rather not play with someone who is just in the learning stage .", "as long as she like the game and is up for a little advice , i do n't see why not .", "i suppose it just depends upon just how bad she is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , I have a friend who play fairly well . We should find out when our friends are free and arrange a game .", "responses": ["i 'll call my friend now . you call yours .", "that would be great", "yes let 's i will see when my friend is available", "check with your friend and i 'll check with mine and we can coordinate", "what other games do you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' ll call my friend now . you call yours ."}], "index": 320} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you give me more details on what is included in the package ?", "responses": ["sure . the coach leaves at 6:30 a . m . , in front of our office . the drive takes eight hours , with two stops to see some sights .", "a nights stay at a luxury hotel .", "five dollars play and a drink .", "three days and four nights aboard the star of africa , meals included as well as sightseeing tours .", "all expense paid weekend aboard the needle may on the mississippi ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . The coach leaves at 6:30 a . m . , in front of our office . The drive takes eight hours , with two stops to see some sights .", "responses": ["what about the hotel accommodations ?", "that 's a long drive !", "is it even daylight yet at that hour ?", "what sights ?", "does he travel alone ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about the hotel accommodations ?", "responses": ["you 'll be staying at holiday inn . it 's a three - star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool .", "there are several nearby . would you like the names of those ?", "we work with several that we could connect you with .", "there are a few , but i would particularly recommend puddin place .", "there are n't many hotels , but there are a few nice b&b 's near us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You'll be staying at Holiday Inn . It's a three-star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool .", "responses": ["great . what types of things will we do at lushun falls ?", "three star is not great , is it a nice enough hotel ?", "how long are the stops during the day/", "do we eat dinner together as a group and is it included ?", "why is the hotel rated only three - star ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Great . What types of things will we do at Lushun Falls ?", "responses": ["the second day you take a four - hour city tour . in the afternoon you go on the famous boat cruise under the falls .", "you could visit the falls themselves .", "i would suggest going to the local carnival .", "there is a large shopping center in the middle of town you might like .", "could go swimming in the hotel pool and relax ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The second day you take a four-hour city tour . In the afternoon you go on the famous boat cruise under the falls ."}], "index": 321} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , 332440 .", "responses": ["oh hello , sally . this is dave thomson here . could i speak to jim please ?", "who is this ?", "yes this is 332440 how may i help you ?", "umm i think you have the wrong number .", "yes this is the office of the federal government .what extension would you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh hello , Sally . This is Dave Thomson here . Could I speak to Jim please ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid he 's not in at the moment dave . he went out about an hour ago and he 's not back yet .", "jim 's not here right now .", "can i have him call you in a few minutes ?", "jim 's out sick for the day .", "he 's in a meeting with clients ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave . He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet .", "responses": ["any idea when he might be back ?", "can you please ask him to call me when he returns ?", "is there anyone else who works in the same capacity that i could speak with ?", "is everything ok ?", "are you able to tell me the status of my claim ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Any idea when he might be back ?", "responses": ["well , he should n't be long . he said he was just going to get some paint . but i would n't be surprised if he 's stopped off at the pub on the way back .", "no , i have no idea , but you can call him on his cell if you would like to .", "he should be back any minute now . should i ask him to call you ?", "he should be back soon but you can call him on his cell .", "i am not sure , he can take calls on his cell ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , he shouldn't be long . He said he was just going to get some paint . But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back .", "responses": ["ok . well , tell him i 've called , will you , and i 'll try again later .", "why would he be going to the pub ?", "do you happen to have his cellphone number ?", "could you have him call me immediately when he returns ?", "ok , i will try another time , thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK . well , tell him I've called , will you , and I'll try again later .", "responses": ["all right . goodbye , dave .", "can i take a message ?", "i 'll let him know .", "yeah , try again in a couple of hours , dave .", "hopefully he 'll be here soonish ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . Goodbye , Dave .", "responses": ["thanks then sally . goodbye .", "goodbye sally , and you have a nice evening .", "thanks for your help sally .", "bye - bye sally .", "ok , do n't forget to tell him i called , ok ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks then Sally . Goodbye ."}], "index": 322} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Honey , the house is such a mess ! I need you to help me tidy up a bit . My boss and her husband are coming over for dinner and the house needs to be spotless !", "responses": ["i 'm in the middle of something right now . i 'll be there in a second .", "we 're having guests tonight ?", "i did n't know she was married .", "what time are they coming over ?", "i 'll get out the vacuum ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m in the middle of something right now . I ' ll be there in a second .", "responses": ["this ca n't wait ! i need your help now !", "alright , please do n't be too long- they 'll be here in an hour", "no , i need you to come help me now", "fine , i 'll call my friend alice to come help instead", "well , could you pick up some food from that great restaurant on your way home then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This can ' t wait ! I need your help now !", "responses": ["alright , alright . i 'm coming .", "ok , just a minute or two , dear !", "let me finish this , two minutes , and i 'll help !", "start and i 'll be right there , dear !", "i 'll be there in about 5 minutes , go ahead and start , sorry !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Alright , alright . I ' m coming .", "responses": ["ok , here 's a list of chores we need to get done . i 'll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight . you can sweep and mop the floors . oh , and the furniture needs to be dusted .", "thank you this is very important .", "this should not take long .", "oh thank you so much , can you work on the carpet ?", "great , how about dusting the table ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , here ' s a list of chores we need to get done . I'll do the dishes and get all the groceries for tonight . You can sweep and mop the floors . Oh , and the furniture needs to be dusted .", "responses": ["you know what , i have to pick something up at the mall , so why do n't you clean the floors and i 'll go to the supermarket and get all the groceries .", "i 'm glad we 're deciding democratically .", "i can do that .", "that 's not so bad . have you seen the duster ?", "yeah , alright ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You know what , I have to pick something up at the mall , so why don ' t you clean the floors and I'll go to the supermarket and get all the groceries .", "responses": ["sure that 's fine . here is the list of all the things you need to get . do n't forget anything ! and can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home ?", "that sounds reasonable to me .", "fine , but do n't be gone all day !", "sounds like i 'm doing all the hard work around here .", "that does n't sound like a very fair division of labor to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure that ' s fine . Here is the list of all the things you need to get . Don't forget anything ! And can you pick up a bottle of wine on your way home ?", "responses": ["hey , honey i 'm back . wow , the house looks really good !", "yeah , okay . i 'll be sure to get the wine .", "the wine store is really far , is it necessary ?", "alright , i wo n't forget .", "what type ? i 'm sure i can get it at the grocery store ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Hey , honey I ' m back . Wow , the house looks really good !", "responses": ["great ! can you set the table ?", "thank ' s i worked so hard . did you get the wine ?", "thank ' s babe ! i could use some help with the dishes if you have a minute", "thank ' s can you vacumn the living area ?", "thank ' s , can you please dust while i finish up here ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Great ! Can you set the table ?", "responses": ["just a sec i 'm just gon na vacuum this rug real fast", "sure ! let me put away the groceries first .", "do you want to use the good dishes ?", "i 'll do it right away honey .", "ok dear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Just a sec I ' m just gonna vacuum this rug real fast", "responses": ["wait ! do n't turn it on ...", "okay , great idea i 'll take the groceries to the kitchen .", "fine with me.i guess i did forget to vacuum that rug .", "oh my , i actually thought i did a good job vacuuming the rug already.perhaps not .", "yes the rug does need vacuuming.while you do that i 'll go and set the table ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Wait ! Don ' t turn it on ..."}], "index": 323} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon , welcome to IBA . How can I be of service ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to talk to somebody about the group account deposit service .", "i 'm here to see mr . dickens .", "could i use your restroom ?", "i have a job interview appointment with ms . garafolo .", "i 'm here to repair your copy machine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to talk to somebody about the Group Account Deposit Service .", "responses": ["this refers to the deposit business offered to the level 1 account of group companies .", "are you a current customer at iba ?", "sure , is there anyone in particular you 'd like to speak to ?", "i 'm afraid they are all busy at the moment , would you mind holding ?", "i 'll transfer you to zach , he is one of our specialists ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This refers to the deposit business offered to the level 1 account of group companies .", "responses": ["what is it used for ? i mean , why bother to get this special account ?", "yes , i believe my company is level 1 .", "i 'm sorry , i do n't think i fit that category .", "yes , that 's exactly what i 'd like to talk about .", "that 's correct . i have some questions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is it used for ? I mean , why bother to get this special account ?", "responses": ["group companies can use this to make their arrangement of funds flexible , when dealing with their subsidiaries .", "can you give me more information on this ?", "what info do you need to open the account ?", "do i get any special perks by having this account ?", "i 'd like to more more"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Group companies can use this to make their arrangement of funds flexible , when dealing with their subsidiaries .", "responses": ["i see , so this can really cut down on time and centralise management . interesting ...", "i am going to need more information about this .", "i am going to need more information about this .", "how flexible ?", "and does it do more than that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see , so this can really cut down on time and centralise management . Interesting ..."}], "index": 324} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this a duty-free shop ?", "responses": ["yes , sir . what can i do for you ?", "yes , this shop is duty - free .", "no , i 'm sorry , it is not .", "yes , what are you looking for ?", "yes , how may i be of help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , sir . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i want to buy some specialties . can you recommend me some ?", "i 'd like to see more of your selection", "i 'd like to purchase these", "what does duty - free mean exactly ?", "nothing right now i 'll just browse and let you know"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to buy some specialties . Can you recommend me some ?", "responses": ["sure . i strongly advise you to buy a bottle of perfume and a lighter .", "i sure can . what kind are you looking for ?", "yes sir right away .", "of course sir .", "what price range are we considering ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . I strongly advise you to buy a bottle of perfume and a lighter .", "responses": ["fine . they look nice . i will take both of them .", "how much would the perfume and lighter cost .", "no thanks.i'm only interested in buying some specialties .", "thanks but are there any other recommendations ?", "i 'd be more than willing too.what's the cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Fine . They look nice . I will take both of them .", "responses": ["may i have a look at your passport , please ?", "great choice . would you like a bag ?", "wonderful choice . do you need a gift receipt ?", "excellent . is there anything else i can help you with today ?", "very well . do you know our store 's return policy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I have a look at your passport , please ?"}], "index": 325} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning , sir . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["good morning . i 'm interested in antiques . do you have any ?", "yes you can .", "no thank you .", "not at this time , thank you .", "yes please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . I'm interested in antiques . Do you have any ?", "responses": ["yes , we have a great variety of chinese antiques .", "yes i do.are you looking for anything in particular ?", "sure.right this way i 'll show you some i think you might be interested in .", "yes i do as a matter of fact and i would be glad to show you them .", "i have any antique you need and anything i do n't have i can order ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we have a great variety of Chinese antiques .", "responses": ["what do you have ?", "i am looking for a vase . do you have any ?", "i am looking for items from the ming dynasty . is there anything available ?", "i do not know about chinese antiques . could you tell me more ?", "do you have any antiques from germany ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you have ?", "responses": ["well , we have some painting and some porcelain . which do you like better ?", "we have a large selection of vases .", "we have a collection of plates from the ming dynasty .", "we have all sorts , are you interested in anything in particular ?", "our chinese wood carvings are very popular ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , we have some painting and some porcelain . Which do you like better ?", "responses": ["i 'd like porcelain .", "i am interested in learning more about the porcelain .", "what is the price range for your porcelain items ?", "are the paintings framed ?", "what period is the porcelain from ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like porcelain .", "responses": ["good . how about the table set ?", "i have a nice porcelain vase you might like .", "great , we have lots to choose from .", "okay , follow me . we just got a few new pieces you might be interested in .", "excellent , we have many nice porcelain pieces to choose from ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good . How about the table set ?", "responses": ["oh , it looks well . i like it very much .", "is it a full set of 6 setting ?", "what color is it ?", "no thank you , i already have one . what else do you have ?", "how old is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , it looks well . I like it very much .", "responses": ["it 's made in jingdezhen .", "is there a size limit that you would prefer for the table set ?", "when would you like it delivered ?", "would you like to pay cash or credit ?", "what color or pattern for the table set porcelain would you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's made in Jingdezhen .", "responses": ["how much is it ?", "what year was it made ?", "what 's the price on it ?", "could you wrap it up for me ?", "my husband would love it . i 'd like to go ahead and get it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is it ?", "responses": ["one thousand eight hundred yuan .", "it 's very expensive .", "what is your price range ?", "it 's $ 500 today .", "today it is on sale and will be 20 % off original price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One thousand eight hundred yuan .", "responses": ["it 's not expensive . i 'll take it .", "do you happen to know how much that is in us dollars ?", "that 's a high price . are you willing to go down a bit ?", "let me bring my wife back here and see what she thinks . what time do you close ?", "great , i 'll take it . do you have any other porcelain products ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not expensive . I'll take it ."}], "index": 326} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , so Dalian is hotter than New York now .", "responses": ["not hot but warm . very comfortable .", "yes it is and i 'd like to spend my summer vacation there .", "trust me , it is.i'll be sure to wear shorts when i arrive there .", "oh , you did n't know.perhaps you should look it up on the internet , it 's pretty surprising .", "yeah and you know what , i 'm sure there will be a lot of people at the pools in dalian too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not hot but warm . Very comfortable .", "responses": ["are you staying at the hilton ?", "do you prefer hot or cold weather ?", "what do you like to do in the warmer months ?", "when was the last time you were in new york ?", "what do you do to stay cool in the heat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you staying at the Hilton ?", "responses": ["yes , i have already booked a room .", "yes , i 'm staying at the hilton .", "no , i 'm not staying at hilton .", "no , but do you recommend it ?", "yes , it 's my preferred hotel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have already booked a room ."}], "index": 327} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you show me what you've got ?", "responses": ["we 've got several good chicken dishes if you like chicken .", "i am sorry we are sold out . i do not have any more .", "the ice cream flavors we have a vanilla , chocolate and strawberry . would you like a free sample ?", "the pasta specials tonight are ravioli and spaghetti . would either of those interest you ?", "these are the only video games we have left . i could order a title for you and have it next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "We've got several good chicken dishes if you like chicken .", "responses": ["we 'll try one of your specials this time .", "i 'm actually a vegetarian , do you have any dishes that are made without meat ?", "i 'm not a huge fan of chicken , do you have any dishes with beans or tofu ?", "i do n't eat meat , do you have any vegan dishes ?", "i do n't really like chicken . what other options are there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'll try one of your specials this time .", "responses": ["this is worth trying .", "our specials today are fried chicken or broiled flounder . which would you prefer .", "sure , would you like an appetizer before your main course ?", "you get to choose a side with that . do you want fried , cole slaw , or the veggie of the day .", "would you like that for here or to go ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "This is worth trying ."}], "index": 328} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Welcome to China , Mr . Smith .", "responses": ["thank you . so pleasant to meet you here !", "thank you . what type of activities are popular ?", "thank you . what is nearby to eat ?", "thank you . where can i find a taxi ?", "thank you . could i trouble you for a glass of water ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . So pleasant to meet you here !", "responses": ["i heard that you are interested in our silk skirts and new style of coats .", "nice to meet you too .", "how was your trip ?", "i hope your journey has been good .", "is this your first time here ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I heard that you are interested in our silk skirts and new style of coats .", "responses": ["yes , i 've brought a list of your recent products with me . we 'd like to import some of your latest clothes for the second half of this year . we 're ready to place an order with you .", "yes , your line of clothing comes highly recommended .", "i might be interested depending on your prices .", "can you show me an example of the new style of coat ?", "what sizes do the skirts come in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I've brought a list of your recent products with me . We'd like to import some of your latest clothes for the second half of this year . We're ready to place an order with you .", "responses": ["great ! b , most of the items listed are available this year . i hope we can come to an agreement and sign the contracts , so as to enable our timely delivery .", "that sound 's great .", "i ca n't wait to start working with you .", "let 's get started on this right away .", "i will look at your order and get everything in motion for the transaction ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Great ! B , most of the items listed are available this year . I hope we can come to an agreement and sign the contracts , so as to enable our timely delivery .", "responses": ["that sounds good . but i have a proposal now .", "i hope so too .", "when is the soonest you can deliver ?", "can you tell me your pricing for the silk shirts ?", "i agree to your terms and have already signed the contract ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That sounds good . But I have a proposal now .", "responses": ["what 's the proposal ?", "that 's too bad .", "i hope you have a good day then !", "what proposal ?", "would you like to see or know anything else about our products then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the proposal ?", "responses": ["both of our two parties were involved in the discussion previously . shall we also allow some of our clients to join us ?", "can we sit down so i can review it with you ?", "i 'd like to order a three dozen of the shirts and two dozen coats .", "i 'd like to break my purchase into two shipments per season .", "i have written it out , i 'll hand it to you now to review ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Both of our two parties were involved in the discussion previously . Shall we also allow some of our clients to join us ?", "responses": ["good idea ! in this way , our clients'needs will be met and disagreements between the two parties avoided .", "i think that would be fine .", "which clients are you speaking of ?", "i think we should spend a little more time in closed discussions before letting in the clients .", "that would be fine . i have a few clients i would like to invite as well ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good idea ! In this way , our clients ' needs will be met and disagreements between the two parties avoided .", "responses": ["sounds like we have the same idea .", "thank you , i 'm very happy you agree . i think it would help facilitate a agreement .", "great , i 'll will contact the clients on my end and get it started .", "good , i 'll contact my client . what day and time would be convenient for you ?", "let me know what times and days you have available and i 'll see what i can get set up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds like we have the same idea ."}], "index": 329} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you please tell me how I can go job-hunting in the web ?", "responses": ["generally speaking , job seekers can enter the websites either of job agencies or of some units for job advertisements .", "you could make a profile on linkedin .", "i think a lot of people use monster.com", "i think google has a jobs search page", "i 'm not really sure , maybe try searching for the type of job you 're interested in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Generally speaking , job seekers can enter the websites either of job agencies or of some units for job advertisements .", "responses": ["how should i contact them ?", "do you have a list of job agencies i can refer to ?", "where can i find advertisements for jobs ?", "can i also apply for the jobs online ?", "when is the best time to consult those sites ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How should I contact them ?", "responses": ["you can e - mail your application materials for application to the websites of job agencies for enrollment in their database .", "just read their website and see how it says to contact them .", "each company has a different procedure to follow for that .", "i would call and ask for someone in human resources .", "try to email them and see what they say ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can e-mail your application materials for application to the websites of job agencies for enrollment in their database .", "responses": ["can i get a quick reply from the sites ?", "when will i hear back from them ?", "how do i know they have received my application ?", "are there websites for field - specific applications ?", "how can i view specific job postings ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I get a quick reply from the sites ?", "responses": ["yes , usually it takes a short time , but you have to await the choice of the units for a while .", "sometimes the response time can be pretty quick .", "not always , make sure to check when the job listing was posted because if it 's too old it might have already been filled .", "generally the response time should be timely .", "i 'm sure they will !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , usually it takes a short time , but you have to await the choice of the units for a while ."}], "index": 330} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you direct me to Holiday inn ?", "responses": ["cross the street and walk two blocks west . you ca n't miss it .", "sure , just go about 3 blocks north .", "are you looking for the downtown holiday inn or the one by the river ?", "it 's about 2 miles from here . just take a right and go straight .", "i do n't think there is a holiday inn near here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Cross the street and walk two blocks west . You can't miss it .", "responses": ["thanks .", "great , thanks !", "thanks so much !", "also , do you know where i can get groceries ?", "wonderful - have a good day !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks ."}], "index": 331} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to buy a bottle of cleansing milk . Can you recommend me some kinds ?", "responses": ["sure . what kind of skin do you have ?", "what is your price range ?", "what kind of results are you looking for ?", "we have several kinds so i can help you with that .", "no , but i will get someone who can help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . What kind of skin do you have ?", "responses": ["my skin is oily .", "i have combination skin .", "my skin is very dry .", "my skin is sensitive .", "i have oily skin ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My skin is oily .", "responses": ["then i advise you to buy the lay cleansing milk .", "have you tried google ?", "are you allergic to anything that you know of ?", "okay , you need something that will keep skin from producing too much oil without drying it out .", "do you have a preferred brand of skin cleanser or are you open to anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Then I advise you to buy the LAY cleansing milk .", "responses": ["can you tell me more ?", "do you have any in stock ?", "how much does that cost ?", "does it work well ?", "that sounds good , i'l like a bottle please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you tell me more ?"}], "index": 332} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , is Sue there ?", "responses": ["who ?", "yes , this is susan .", "sorry , i 'm afraid you have the wrong number .", "no , she 's not here . can i take a message ?", "no , this is bob ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who ?", "responses": ["sue john .", "i 'm looking for sue , is this her number ?", "who are you ?", "maybe i 've dialed the number wrong , does a sue live there ?", "do you know a sue at this number ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sue John .", "responses": ["you must have the wrong number .", "i 'm sorry , i did n't hear you the first time . i 'll get her .", "sure , hold on a second .", "i 'm sorry , there 's no one by that name at this number .", "no , she is n't here right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You must have the wrong number .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry .", "she told me this was her number .", "i 'm sorry .", "what is your name ?", "i 'm going to check the number and dial again ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm sorry ."}], "index": 333} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sorry , stewardess . Where shall I put my bags ?", "responses": ["you can place the smaller one in the overhead bin and put the bigger one under the seat in front of you .", "there 's room in the overhead bin here .", "i 'll have to take it , we 're out of room in the overhead bins .", "it looks like that will fit under the seat in front of you .", "there room in the overhead a few rows back . i can put it up there for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can place the smaller one in the overhead bin and put the bigger one under the seat in front of you .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "can you please tell me where my seat is ?", "can i put the smaller bag on my lap ?", "what if the larger bag does n't fit under the seat ?", "can i put both of my bags in the overhead bin ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much .", "responses": ["please make sure to fasten your seat belt . we are to take off .", "you 're welcome , is there anything else i can help you with ?", "my pleasure , do you need help with that ?", "you 're welcome , if there 's anything else you need , just push the button .", "you 're welcome and thank you for traveling with us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please make sure to fasten your seat belt . We are to take off ."}], "index": 334} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think about this store ? I heard it ' s a posh store that ' s only got branches in big cities .", "responses": ["i love this store . the only problem is that it 's extremely expensive .", "i think this store is quite expensive .", "what big cities are they located in ?", "this store is very elegant .", "i would like to go to other branches too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I love this store . The only problem is that it ' s extremely expensive .", "responses": ["do n't worry . i 've decided that for your birthday i 'm going to take you shopping for a new dress .", "i know ... but look at this stuff ! i just want all of it !", "yes , but they have things you ca n't get anywhere else .", "yes , it is . i ca n't only buy something here if it 's been really busy at work .", "i know , i 've only bought one thing here and that was for my parents ' anniversary ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t worry . I ' Ve decided that for your birthday I ' m going to take you shopping for a new dress .", "responses": ["really ? i thought you hated shopping ?", "i love dresses ! i ca n't wait to try some on .", "thanks , i appreciate it . i have n't been wearing dresses very much lately and could use a new one .", "what kind of dress were you thinking of for me ?", "thanks , that 's a nice thought . i do n't really wear dresses though ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I thought you hated shopping ?", "responses": ["i do , that 's why you should appreciate this gift !", "well it 's your special day , i 'll make special exceptions !", "only the best for your special day .", "i think you deserve something nice for your birthday .", "i do , i just want to do something nice for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I do , that ' s why you should appreciate this gift !", "responses": ["sure . that 's really nice of you . let 's go in and try some things on .", "i 'd rather spend the day with you doing something we 'd both enjoy .", "you could just get me a gift certificate and get out of going shopping yourself .", "really ? when should we meet up ?", "thank you so much !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . That ' s really nice of you . Let ' s go in and try some things on .", "responses": ["how about this red dress ? i think it would really suit you .", "i 'll pay for the dress , never mind the cost :)", "looking forward to it !", "let 's go and find you a nice dress !", "ca n't wait ! i think it 'll be fun !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about this red dress ? I think it would really suit you .", "responses": ["that 's gorgeous ! do they have it in a size 8 ?", "i like red , but i do n't look good in it .", "i love the dress but would rather find it in blue or yellow .", "i do n't care for the style . i 'm not comfortable wearing very short dresses .", "it 's alright , but i 'd rather find something more elegant ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That ' s gorgeous ! Do they have it in a size 8 ?", "responses": ["here you go . on any other day , it would cost me a fortune , but it 's on special offer today .", "yes , they do !", "no , but they have it in sizes 7 and 9 !", "i know , they are very gorgeous !", "enjoy !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here you go . On any other day , it would cost me a fortune , but it ' s on special offer today .", "responses": ["i think this color is n't quite right for me . do they have the same dress in white ?", "how much is it today ?", "what 's the special occasion for the offer ?", "i guess today is the best day to buy it then .", "how much is it usually ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I think this color isn ' t quite right for me . Do they have the same dress in white ?", "responses": ["let me look . let 's see ... they 've got one in blue , green , pink , black ... and white . here you are .", "yes the same dress is available in white .", "yes , do you want to see it ?", "no , red is the only color available now .", "we have the dress in black or blue for that price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me look . Let ' s see ... they ' Ve got one in blue , green , pink , black ... and white . Here you are .", "responses": ["this is perfect ! what do you think ?", "are there any other colors available ?", "i would like the white one , please .", "i wonder if these colors are available for other selections .", "what would you recommend ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "This is perfect ! What do you think ?", "responses": ["i think you look fantastic . happy birthday !", "i think it 's a great fit on you .", "awesome , let 's get you some shoes too !", "well , you are going to need a slip under it . it 's a bit see - thru .", "i think you may be able to go down a size , it seems a bit big in the waist ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think you look fantastic . Happy Birthday !", "responses": ["i 'm so lucky . you only get a chance like this once in a blue moon ! thanks honey !", "thank you so much . this is very thoughtful of you .", "i 'd like to try on the blue one too . what do you think ?", "i am overwhelmed by you generousity . thank you for thinking of me .", "i think you should get a new dress too and let me take you to dinner !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m so lucky . You only get a chance like this once in a blue moon ! Thanks honey !"}], "index": 335} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The hotel operator . Anything I can do for you ?", "responses": ["i 've been trying to get through to the booking office for the last ten minutes . but the line has been engaged all the time . why is it taking so long ?", "would you connect me to room service , please ?", "i 'm having a problem with my sink . would you please send up a maintenance person to fix it ?", "i 'd like to put in a wake - up call , please . for tomorrow at 6:00 am .", "i 'm expectin a mr . ted randall and ms . jan parks for a business meeting . when they get here , please send them to my room , you do n't have to call ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I've been trying to get through to the booking office for the last ten minutes . But the line has been engaged all the time . Why is it taking so long ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry to hear that . i 'm afraid it is often the case during the peak hours . shall i ask them to call you when the line is free ?", "i apologize for the delay , we 've been experiencing a higher than normal call volume . what can i help you with ?", "i 'm so sorry for the wait . we have had a lot of calls today , but i am here now to take care of your booking .", "i 'm sorry for the wait , we 've had a lot of people booking with us today , and i 'm happy to book your stay with us right away .", "i apologize for the delay , we 've had some technical difficulties with our phone system . please let me help you book your stay with us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry to hear that . I'm afraid it is often the case during the peak hours . Shall I ask them to call you when the line is free ?", "responses": ["ok . please do so if it is not troublesome .", "yes , please have them call me at their earliest convenience .", "yes , that would be terrific . thank you .", "no thanks . i am annoyed and would really like to speak with someone now , is there anything you can do ?", "that would be just lovely , please do that !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . Please do so if it is not troublesome .", "responses": ["no trouble at all . may i know your name and room number ?", "is this a good number to call you back at or is there another that would be better ?", "actually it looks like there may be may be an opening right now . may i transfer you over ?", "thank you so much for your understanding .", "it 's no trouble at all . sorry for the difficulties ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No trouble at all . May I know your name and room number ?", "responses": ["i 'm du juan , in room 312 .", "bob smith , room 430", "jon williams , 1021", "i am in room 313 , and my name is jack ellis", "my name is phil a and i am in room 500"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm Du Juan , in Room 312 .", "responses": ["i see . wait in the room , please .", "i am glad to be of assistance to you today .", "is there anything else i can assist you with ?", "i will have them call you as soon as possible .", "i will let them know your name and room number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see . Wait in the room , please .", "responses": ["thank you for your kindness .", "how long will it take for someone to call me back ?", "is it faster if i go down to the booking office in person ?", "will someone call me within the hour ? i want to go out sightseeing today .", "i really do n't have time to wait . can someone in booking call me later ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you for your kindness ."}], "index": 336} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's have seafood for a change . How about oyster and lobster ?", "responses": ["i could n't agree more !", "i love oysters . maybe we can find an oyster happy hour somewhere ?", "sure , i love both of those . do you like octopus ?", "i 'm allergic to seafood , unfortunately .", "that sounds great , i could really go for a lobster roll ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I couldn't agree more !", "responses": ["anything else you want to add ?", "do you happen to know of any seafood restaurants around here ?", "i 'll go buy some shrimp and lobster at the market . you cook .", "want me to cook or you want to ?", "i 'm so hungry . need shrimp in my belly now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anything else you want to add ?", "responses": ["oh , yeah , two beers .", "can i get a look at the wine list ? a drink might be nice .", "no , the lobster and crab should be more than enough .", "i like the look of that risotto appetizer .", "maybe ask me that again after the main course ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yeah , two beers ."}], "index": 337} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I see your ticket and passport , PLS ?", "responses": ["sure , here they are .", "hi , yes , here it is .", "sure , let me find it . i think it 's in my purse .", "i was n't aware that i needed to purchase a ticket .", "one second , i 've got them right here in my bag ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , here they are .", "responses": ["any luggage ?", "thank you . one moment please .", "i appreciate your patience .", "wonderful lets get you set up .", "alrighty , just a moment please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Any luggage ?", "responses": ["just this suitcase .", "nope , no luggage today .", "yes and this bag has fragile things inside . can i get one of the \" handle with care stickers \"", "we have three bags between the two of us .", "will this fit in the overhead bins or will i need to check it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just this suitcase .", "responses": ["your backpack is very big and today 's flight is quite full . i am afraid that you will have to check your backpack too .", "any carry - on items ?", "are you traveling alone , or with other people ?", "anything to declare ?", "anything to declare ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Your backpack is very big and today's flight is quite full . I am afraid that you will have to check your backpack too .", "responses": ["no problem . what about this carry - on ?", "will there be an extra charge to check my backpack ?", "will there be an extra charge to check my backpack ?", "will there be an extra charge to check my backpack ?", "will there be an extra charge to check my backpack ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No problem . What about this carry-on ?", "responses": ["you can take that with you .", "as long as it fits under your seat it 's fine .", "yes . you can store it in the overhead compartment .", "yes , but you may end up holding it since the flight is pretty much booked .", "no , you 'll have to check it in too . there is n't enough room in the overhead compartments for you to store it there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can take that with you .", "responses": ["can i have an aisle seat , pls .", "why ca n't i take it with me ?", "okay i wo n't take it with me .", "what am i supposed to do with it then ?", "this is an outrage ! get your manager !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have an aisle seat , PLS .", "responses": ["no problem . i 'll give you an aisle seat in the center row . and here is your ticket , passport and boarding pass . please board the plane at gate 15 .", "no , only windows are available for the flight", "yeah , i have one on the back is that ok ?", "yes front or end of the plane ?", "i m sorry but i have only middle seats and windows left ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem . I'll give you an aisle seat in the center row . And here is your ticket , passport and boarding pass . Please board the plane at Gate 15 .", "responses": ["thank you . and when is the latest time for me to board the plane ?", "ok , thank you .", "thank you for the help .", "i appreciate it .", "where is gate 15 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you . And when is the latest time for me to board the plane ?", "responses": ["15mins before the plane takes off . the plane is scheduled to leave on time .", "you will need to be at the gate by 4:10 .", "roughly about 15 minutes before the time on your ticket is a good time .", "they will close boarding exactly at 3 pm , so be there before then .", "they will not hold the plane past the time on your ticket , so plan accordingly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "15mins before the plane takes off . The plane is scheduled to leave on time .", "responses": ["thank you very much !", "thank you . how far is the snack stand from gate 15 ?", "b. what time is the plane scheduled to take off ?", "will there be a movie on this flight ?", "how might i order a meal for this trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much !", "responses": ["you are welcome ! have a nice flight .", "you 're quite welcome .", "is there anything else i can do for you ?", "will that be all for you today ?", "absolutely . we 're happy to provide the best customer service around ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome ! Have a nice flight ."}], "index": 338} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me about yourself and your past experience .", "responses": ["i have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years , first for trading companies , and now i am working for a trust company . i interact well with peers , clients , administrators and bosses . i thrive on challenge and work well in high - stress environments .", "i 'm a psychologist living in philadelphia . i have 6 years experience as a psychotherapist . i 'm originally from california but moved here when i was in college .", "i work in an office as an administrative assistant . i have two dogs named lady and lucky . on the weekends i like to go camping and hiking with my spouse .", "i 'm a doctor specializing in orthopedic surgery . i went to medical school and completed a residency in this area , and now i am looking for a full time role .", "i have 10 years experience as a dog trainer and am looking for a new position training animals for medical purposes such as therapy dogs . i have a degree in animal science and have completed training programs related to dog training ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years , first for trading companies , and now I am working for a trust company . I interact well with peers , clients , administrators and bosses . I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments .", "responses": ["how are your typing and shorthand skills ?", "give me some more details on your executive secretary position if you would please .", "that s great , we are always looking for people who love to take on challenges .", "can you tell me some of the daily tasks you performed in your secretarial work ?", "can you tell me a little bit of your experiences working for the trust company ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are your typing and shorthand skills ?", "responses": ["i can type 100 chinese words a minute and take dictation in english at 150 words a minute .", "i have extensive training in taking dictation .", "as you can see on my resume , i 've done several courses in typing and shorthand .", "i 've done quite a bit of typing but i have n't needed to use shorthand as much", "i needed to work on typing every day with the trading companies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can type 100 Chinese words a minute and take dictation in English at 150 words a minute .", "responses": ["can you operate computers skillfully ?", "tell me about a challenging client interaction and how you handled it .", "how well do you know microsoft word and excel ?", "how much experience do you have scheduling a complicated calendar ?", "what kind of interactions have you had with your past bosses ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you operate computers skillfully ?", "responses": ["yes , i can . i have received some special training in computers . besides i am good at operating common office machines , such as fax machines and duplicating machines .", "yes . i use word for all my word processing needs .", "yes . i learned how to use a computer when i attended junior college .", "yes . i 've been skillfully using computers for the past five years .", "yes . i 'm very familiar and comfortable using word , excel , power point and other computer programs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I can . I have received some special training in computers . Besides I am good at operating common office machines , such as fax machines and duplicating machines .", "responses": ["sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime . how do you feel about that ?", "wow , you are skilled !", "you must be fast !", "how are your typing skills ?", "how are your network abilities ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime . How do you feel about that ?", "responses": ["that 's all right . but could you tell me how often and how many hours i should work overtime ?", "i love working over time .", "i love helping my company .", "i have to see my family", "my wife is sick ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's all right . But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime ?", "responses": ["it just depends . if we have important visiting delegations , you have to stay with us . it 's not unusual .", "do you have travel flexibility ?", "when can you start ?", "what makes you different than other applicants ?", "what are your long term career goals ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It just depends . If we have important visiting delegations , you have to stay with us . It's not unusual .", "responses": ["mr . smith , i 's like to ask you a question .", "this one has been repeated 4 times .", "this one has been repeated 4 times .", "how often do delegations visit ?", "how much overtime should i expect ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . Smith , I's like to ask you a question .", "responses": ["ok , please .", "sure , what would that be ?", "i would like to finish with my questions first , can you wait a bit ?", "of course , what do you want to know ?", "certainly , ask away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , please .", "responses": ["what specific duties would i perform if i am hired ?", "do you feel the the employees of this company are health conscieious ?", "does your company contribute to the local community ?", "when you think about your future , do you see yourself still working for this company ?", "would you say this company is family friendly , meaning that there will not be any issues accomodating family events like little league or cubscouts ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What specific duties would I perform if I am hired ?", "responses": ["nothing different from a secretary 's common responsibilities . however , you know , our company is an international trade - oriented company , can you handle english papers and write english correspondence ?", "mostly clerical work like payroll , managing appointments , answering the phone , and organizing files .", "do you have experience with microsoft excel ?", "we would definitely need you to be able to use that for several job related tasks .", "how would you describe your interpersonal skills ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nothing different from a secretary's common responsibilities . However , you know , our company is an international trade-oriented company , can you handle English papers and write English correspondence ?", "responses": ["yes . i specialized in english secretary studies at college and that 's one of the main parts of my present job .", "yes , i am fluent in english .", "yes , i can .", "but of course .", "yes . i am quite good at english ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I specialized in English secretary studies at college and that's one of the main parts of my present job .", "responses": ["what are your salary expectations ?", "did you learn alot in your college ?", "do you like to travel alot ?", "we will also need you to travel and meet with foreigners , is that okay ?", "do you have any experience speaking with foreign people ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are your salary expectations ?", "responses": ["i really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary . maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position .", "it depends on your skills to be honest", "we expect it to be competitive with your asking rate", "around $ 30,000 annually", "as of now we still have to negotiate that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary . Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position .", "responses": ["the starting monthly salary would be \u00a5 2,000 , with rises after the half year according to your competence .", "we are open to negotiating depending on a number of different factors . there is not a set budget .", "the amount we have budgeted is flexible . what further information are you looking for , specifically ?", "we have plenty in the budget to pay competitive wages to our employees .", "we have plenty in the budget to pay competitive wages to our employees ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The starting monthly salary would be \u00a5 2,000 , with rises after the half year according to your competence .", "responses": ["i think it 's acceptable and i really like the job . and when can i know the decision ?", "sounds okay . can you give me more information ?", "i need to hear more information about the position .", "i need to hear more information about the position .", "okay , great . is there any room for negotiation ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I think it's acceptable and I really like the job . And when can I know the decision ?", "responses": ["we 'll inform you of our final decision by early july . do you have any other questions ?", "we will make a decision once we have completed all the scheduled interviews .", "we anticipate reaching a decision within 2 weeks .", "we have decided to offer you the position .", "could you make a decision about taking the job within 48 hours ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We'll inform you of our final decision by early July . Do you have any other questions ?", "responses": ["no . thank you for the time .", "what is the dress code for this job ?", "will i get a lunch break ?", "will i ave to work on the weekends ?", "will i have to make phone calls ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . Thank you for the time ."}], "index": 339} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think about the equipment in our company ?", "responses": ["we have to equip our company with a network of work stations at every office and show room as soon as possible .", "it 's a little bit out of date .", "it could be better , but it 's fine .", "i think it could be dangerous if it 's not replaced soon .", "it 's so much better than the old equipment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We have to equip our company with a network of work stations at every office and show room as soon as possible .", "responses": ["i also realized this issue . and office automation is essential .", "are you thinking of cubicles or something more permanent ?", "how many work stations are you thinking about ?", "what type of equipment do we need ?", "what kind of a budget do we have to work with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I also realized this issue . And office automation is essential .", "responses": ["besides , internet tends to be more essential now in the information age .", "it is very so essential !", "the faster , the better .", "this issue has to be resolved quickly .", "our company is aware of this issue as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Besides , Internet tends to be more essential now in the information age .", "responses": ["good idea . a network of work stations is helpful for our management .", "it 's time to move to the future .", "i agree , it 's time to upgrade .", "maybe we should consider this further .", "but we could lose jobs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good idea . A network of work stations is helpful for our management .", "responses": ["and , to be frank , our copying machines are too slow ; our telephone system is limited in function .", "yeah i think we should take the information age in mind .", "yeah we can take a different approach from this .", "thanks , i knew you would like it .", "problem solved right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "And , to be frank , our copying machines are too slow ; our telephone system is limited in function .", "responses": ["you are right . the current equipment of our offices really falls behind . next week , you can provide me a catalogue of new equipment .", "i think we might also need to upgrade our telephone system as well .", "what is the highest speed we can achieve for our internet ?", "i would also like to ensure all workstations can print to our printer via the new network .", "can we do wireless internet or must all stations be wired ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You are right . The current equipment of our offices really falls behind . Next week , you can provide me a catalogue of new equipment ."}], "index": 340} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank your for calling World Airline . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i need to book a plane ticket to london .", "i would like a ticket please .", "can you show me rates to paris ?", "is your refrigerator running ?", "i need to cancel my flight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to book a plane ticket to London .", "responses": ["round - trip or one - way ?", "for what date _", "what is your departure and return dates ?", "are your dates flexible _", "economic or first class ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Round-trip or one-way ?", "responses": ["one - way .", "round - trip please .", "one - way please .", "both please .", "neither please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One-way .", "responses": ["what date would you like to fly ?", "do you want a non - stop flight or are you ok with some layovers ?", "do you want first class , business class , or coach ?", "what day do you want to leave ?", "do you have a seat preference ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What date would you like to fly ?", "responses": ["saturday , july 25 .", "i 'd like to fly on july 2nd .", "i would like to be in london for the first week in july .", "i can fly tuesday , wednesday or thursday mornings the last week of june .", "i would like to fly the evening of june 28 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Saturday , July 25 .", "responses": ["how many people will be traveling ?", "would you like to book that now ?", "would you prefer coach or first - class ?", "will you bringing any carry on luggage ?", "is there anything else i can help you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many people will be traveling ?", "responses": ["just one adult .", "one person will be traveling .", "three people , two adults and one child .", "two adults will be traveling .", "one adult and one child aged thirteen ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just one adult .", "responses": ["which class ?", "would you like first class , business class seats or coach ?", "what is your return date ?", "will you have any checked luggage ?", "would you like a non - stop flight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which class ?", "responses": ["economy , please . economy class is the cheapest , right ?", "what classes are there ?", "what is the difference in price between the classes ?", "business class .", "ecomomy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Economy , please . Economy class is the cheapest , right ?", "responses": ["right . ok , the fare is $ 700 .", "yes , economy is our cheapest option .", "correct . economy is the most inexpensive seating option available .", "that is correct . do you have a preference for aisle or window seat ?", "that 's right , economy is the least expensive . will you be planning on checking any luggage ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right . Ok , the fare is $ 700 ."}], "index": 341} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , the nurse said that you might have my test results in from the other day .", "responses": ["i would like for you to come in and talk about a few more tests that i would like to run .", "let me check on that for you , your name ?", "i will have to check the computer , do you have your medical record i d ?", "i 'm not sure , let me ask the head nurse in charge . what is your i d number ?", "are you sally ? yes , i have them right here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like for you to come in and talk about a few more tests that I would like to run .", "responses": ["does this mean that you have bad news for me ?", "what ? what prompted more tests ?", "of course , are you free today ?", "this is concerning . how soon can you see me ?", "i can be there this afternoon . should i bring my husband ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does this mean that you have bad news for me ?", "responses": ["i just want to talk to you about the tests that i want to run .", "i just would like to share the details with you in person .", "it is too complex for me to explain over the phone .", "no , i just have a lot of detail to explain and need you to be present to verify that you understand it .", "no , but i do not have time to have a long phone conversation about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I just want to talk to you about the tests that I want to run .", "responses": ["ca n't you just tell me now ?", "when woyld you like me to come in ?", "when woyld you like me to come in ?", "are you sure this is necessary ?", "i can come in next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can ' t you just tell me now ?", "responses": ["i do n't know anything for certain . we always do a double check if there is a question .", "i could but we usually wait to talk in private .", "no you must enter the private room for that .", "okay but someone might hear us talking .", "do you mind if the others around us hear your results ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don ' t know anything for certain . We always do a double check if there is a question .", "responses": ["i want to see you right away .", "so what is the question ?", "you are making me really nervous right now", "is there a way to be more certain", "is it really that serious ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to see you right away .", "responses": ["you can come in this afternoon . if you are feeling too stressed , feel free to bring a friend along .", "okay , i will look at available appointment times . please give me one moment .", "unfortunately we do not have any openings today , but i could see you as early as tomorrow morning .", "i have a free appointment slot this afternoon at 4:30 pm . does that work for you ?", "if you come in after 3:00 pm i will be able to see you today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can come in this afternoon . If you are feeling too stressed , feel free to bring a friend along .", "responses": ["i know for sure that something is wrong !", "i will be there and i will bring my brother . see you later . thank you .", "i am going to bring a friend . we will be there around 1 pm .", "should i be stressed ?", "thank you . i will . see you soon"]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I know for sure that something is wrong !", "responses": ["do n't worry about a thing ; we are just taking a second look and talking .", "we wo n't know that until we run the tests and get the results .", "keep a positive frame of mind we do n't know anything at this point .", "it 's natural to be apprehensive but we do n't know anything at this point .", "we 're just looking into this to make certain you have no cause for alarm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don ' t worry about a thing ; we are just taking a second look and talking ."}], "index": 342} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You would be using mainly English in this job . Do you think you could manage ?", "responses": ["yes , i am sure i can .", "i am a native english speaker , so that would not be a problem .", "i am fluent in english and 2 other languages , so i would be very comfortable .", "i have lived in the us for 10 years , so i feel comfortable using english .", "i am comfortable using mainly english in this job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am sure I can .", "responses": ["do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken english ?", "yes , i am very fluent in english .", "yes , i can manage . i 've studied english for a long time .", "yes , there would be no problem .", "oh sure , i 'll have no problems ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English ?", "responses": ["yes , i think i am quite proficient in both written and spoken english .", "yes i am", "i am quite fluent in english .", "yes , , i can manage .", "yes , i am proficient in both ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I think I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English .", "responses": ["do you think you can make yourself understood in english with ease ?", "okay , you will have to take a test to prove it !", "here is your written exam .", "then you will have no troubles with the examination .", "i will need you to write me some things to prove that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease ?", "responses": ["yes , i think i can in ordinary circumstances .", "yes , i am fluent in english so it would not be a problem .", "yes , i am quite confident that i can .", "certainly . i have never had any problems with people understanding my english .", "i do believe that people can easily understand my english ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I think I can in ordinary circumstances .", "responses": ["do you think you can speak english quite fluently ? tell me about your english education .", "may we test your proficiency", "do you have any certificate of english certification ?", "what about extraordinary circumstances ?", "that 's good , it 's very important"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think you can speak English quite fluently ? Tell me about your English education .", "responses": ["yes , i think i speak english quite fluently . i got a high score on toefl . i majored in english in college .", "yes , definitely . i took a lot of classes in school and practice on my own as well .", "yes , i have been learning english since i was five years old .", "yes , i do n't struggle much having conversations in english anymore . i practice everyday .", "yes , i think i am quite fluent at this point . i have studied english in school ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I think I speak English quite fluently . I got a high score on TOEFL . I majored in English in college ."}], "index": 343} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You are looking really healthy lately . What are you doing differently ?", "responses": ["thank you for noticing ! i 've been making a few lifestyle changes over the past year .", "i have started exercising 3 days a week", "i cut sugar from my diet .", "i started meditating for an hour each day .", "i replaced my sitting desk with a standing desk at work ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you for noticing ! I've been making a few lifestyle changes over the past year .", "responses": ["tell me about it . i 'm interested .", "what changes ?", "what have you changed ?", "what are they ?", "they seem to have worked ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me about it . I'm interested .", "responses": ["well , it all started when my brother challenged me to quit smoking .", "i have been exercising alot .", "i changed my eating habits .", "i always work out in the morning and nights .", "i like to workout for many hours , each day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , it all started when my brother challenged me to quit smoking .", "responses": ["ha ! that 's right . you used to smoke . i forgot !", "i see . when was that ?", "how did you respond to that challenge from him ?", "what did he say or do to try and convince you to quit ?", "were you able to quit successfully ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ha ! That's right . You used to smoke . I forgot !", "responses": ["when i kicked that habit , i found i had so much more energy . i started exercising .", "yes , i 'm cigarette free now !", "it was hard to quit , but i got there", "yes , and i used to drink a lot too", "yes , i was a heavy smoker before"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "When I kicked that habit , I found I had so much more energy . I started exercising .", "responses": ["at the gym ?", "what else did you do ?", "how hard was it to smoke ?", "how hard was it to smoke ?", "have you changed anything with your diet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "At the gym ?", "responses": ["no . i like to be outside . i took up hiking and mountain biking .", "yes , i did join a gym .", "no , i do n't care for indoor exercise .", "actually , i started running and am training for a half marathon .", "i 've started doing all kinds of physical things in and outside a gym ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . I like to be outside . I took up hiking and mountain biking ."}], "index": 344} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning . My name is Mr . Brown . I ' m from Australia . Here is my card .", "responses": ["thank you . i 'm pleased to meet you , mr . brown . my name is kathy pewless , the representative of green textile import and export corporation .", "can i call you at anytime ?", "what is the best time for contacting you ?", "that is a very nice card that you have there !", "where did you get your card made ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . I ' m pleased to meet you , Mr . Brown . My name is Kathy Pewless , the representative of Green Textile Import and Export Corporation .", "responses": ["pleased to meet you too , ms . pewless . i travel a lot every year on business , but this is my first visit to your country . i must say i have been much impressed by your friendly people .", "nice to meet you kathy", "hello , i would like to inquire about your services", "i got your contact from an acquaintance , and would like to discuss business with you", "the pleasure is all mine kathy ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Pleased to meet you too , Ms . Pewless . I travel a lot every year on business , but this is my first visit to your country . I must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people .", "responses": ["thank you for saying so . have you seen the exhibition halls ? on display are most of our products , such as silk , woolen knitwear , cotton piece goods , and garments .", "i am happy you are having a good time here mr . brown .", "this is a great area , mr . brown . i am glad you 're having a great time here .", "wonderful ! what are you doing in the country , mr . brown ?", "it is lovely here , mr . brown ! what business are you handling over here ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you for saying so . Have you seen the exhibition halls ? On display are most of our products , such as silk , woolen knitwear , cotton piece goods , and garments .", "responses": ["oh , yes . i had a look yesterday . i found some of the exhibits to be fine in quality and beautiful in design . the exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles . i 've gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter . i 've got some idea of your exports . i 'm interested in your silk blouses .", "the exhibition halls are very impressive . i would like to be able to shop for some of the things on display .", "i would like to see some of the more popular sites in the city . where would you recommend i go ?", "do you have any suggestions for me for dining out ?", "my daughters would like to go to a shopping mall . can you recommend one ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . I had a look yesterday . I found some of the exhibits to be fine in quality and beautiful in design . The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles . I ' Ve gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter . I ' Ve got some idea of your exports . I ' m interested in your silk blouses .", "responses": ["our silk is known for its good quality . it is one of our trade - trional exports . silk blouses are brightly colored and beau - fully designed . they 've met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand .", "thanks for your interest . do you need more information of our silk blouses .", "thanks for your interest . how many silk blouses do you want ?", "thanks for your interest . we have other silk blouses . do you want see them ?", "you have a good eye . our silk blouses are very popular ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our silk is known for its good quality . It is one of our trade - trional exports . Silk blouses are brightly colored and beau - fully designed . They ' Ve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand ."}], "index": 345} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you help me plan the office party ?", "responses": ["sure . what do you need the most help with , the food or entertainment ?", "certainly . do you have a theme in mind ?", "would you consider a beach party ?", "what 's the budget you have to work with ?", "how many people will be attending ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . What do you need the most help with , the food or entertainment ?", "responses": ["i need help with food .", "i will need alot of assistance with the food .", "i need so much help with entertainment .", "can you offer me assistance with both ?", "which would you prefer to help me with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need help with food .", "responses": ["ok , well , let 's coordinate our efforts . should this party be formal or casual ?", "what food do yo prefer ?", "what food do yo like ?", "do yo have any preference about food ?", "how many people at the party ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK , well , let's coordinate our efforts . Should this party be formal or casual ?", "responses": ["i think it should be casual .", "i 'm going for something somewhere between formal and casual .", "definitely casual , so i 'm thinking easy finger foods .", "formal , so i want to make sure there 's nothing with heavy sauces or oils that can ruin dresses and tuxedos .", "i 'm leaning towards casual , but we have some employees that are vegan and others with some food allergies we need to consider ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think it should be casual .", "responses": ["i agree . next , we have to decide on food . we have a choice of chinese or continental cuisine . which one should we have ?", "wings and pizza are perfect choices .", "i think casual tastes the best .", "casual food is tasty , easy to make and simple to clean up .", "casual food is sometimes better than super high end expensive food ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I agree . Next , we have to decide on food . We have a choice of Chinese or Continental Cuisine . Which one should we have ?", "responses": ["i would prefer chinese food for this party .", "i 'm not sure . which one do you think more people like ?", "i think chinese is probably the best , do n't you ?", "maybe we should serve portions of both .", "continental cuisine might be too much for something casual . let 's stick with chinese ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would prefer Chinese food for this party .", "responses": ["perfect choice . for music , should we have a live band or a dj ?", "would you like a variety of options ?", "we can make sure a couple different types of soup are ordered as well .", "do you think we should do chopsticks as well as spoon and forks ?", "should we do spicy and mild chinese ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Perfect choice . For music , should we have a live band or a DJ ?", "responses": ["i think we should hire a live band .", "let 's go with a dj .", "i think a dj will be more affordable .", "i ca n't decide , what do you think ?", "do you think a live band is too much ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think we should hire a live band .", "responses": ["ok then . well , i will work on my part and get back to you with my progress on friday .", "i think everyone would prefer a live band .", "a dj would save us some money .", "a live band is always more fun than a dj .", "i 'd like a variety of music , so i choose a dj ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK then . Well , I will work on my part and get back to you with my progress on Friday ."}], "index": 346} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning . Thank you for the interview .", "responses": ["no problem . now , do you prefer working with others or flying solo ?", "your welcome . i will follow up with you in a few days after we determine who we want to hire .", "i enjoyed speaking with you this afternoon .", "we will let you know if you are hired once i discuss with the other managers .", "i hope you accept the position and look forward to working with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No problem . Now , do you prefer working with others or flying solo ?", "responses": ["actually , i enjoy both .", "i like to do both .", "i like to do both .", "i would prefer to work on a team .", "i mostly like to work together with others but i am fine with also working alone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Actually , I enjoy both .", "responses": ["so , what is most important to you in a job ? do you need job security or professional growth and a chance to advance ?", "great .", "i think you will like the job here .", "do yo have any questions about our work ?", "you will be welcome to our company"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , what is most important to you in a job ? Do you need job security or professional growth and a chance to advance ?", "responses": ["i need job security .", "honestly , i really value both .", "i tend to value job security just a tad bit more , but the chance to advance is important , too .", "i really value professional growth . i guess i feel that if i have a chance to advance and prove myself , i create my own job security .", "both equally , but i also really value the people and environment , as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need job security .", "responses": ["would you be able to relocate ?", "try getting a job you like doing .", "if a job pays enough and you like it then work hard at it .", "i am not sure if job security exists .", "security is important but happiness is everything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you be able to relocate ?", "responses": ["i am open to relocating .", "i 'm open to relocation for the right opportunity .", "i would be willing to relocate , yes .", "no , i would not want to relocate .", "i 'm open to relocation if it is the right fit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am open to relocating .", "responses": ["what are your annual salary requirements ?", "where are you currently located ?", "where are you right now ?", "sounds good . what are your salary requirements ?", "can you tell me more about your previous experience ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are your annual salary requirements ?", "responses": ["i need at least 75,000 per year .", "i would need at least 100,00 a year . is that okay ?", "is 50,000 a year good ?", "can we do this some other time ?", "are you okay with 100,000 a year ? i have a wife and kids ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need at least 75,000 per year .", "responses": ["i 'll keep that in mind . thank you for coming in today . we 'll be in touch .", "the lowest i would be willing to accept is 75,000 .", "i 'd like to ask for 95,000 at this time .", "$ 100,000 would be ideal .", "the minimum i would accept is 75,000 ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' ll keep that in mind . Thank you for coming in today . We ' ll be in touch ."}], "index": 347} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is the right counter to check in for this flight ?", "responses": ["yes , it is . please put your luggage on this scale .", "no , the correct one is over there .", "i think you have to check in over at the other counter .", "yes , you have arrived at the correct counter .", "yes , but you must wait in the back of the line ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , it is . Please put your luggage on this scale .", "responses": ["ok . is the plane on schedule ?", "ok .", "is there a fee for the checked baggage ?", "how many luggage can i check in ?", "what is the weight limit for the luggage ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . Is the plane on schedule ?", "responses": ["yes , it is . how many pieces of hand luggage do you have ?", "yes , it is .", "as of now , there are no delays .", "it is slightly delayed due to weather .", "i believe so ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , it is . How many pieces of hand luggage do you have ?", "responses": ["two .", "i have 3 bags checked and one carry on .", "i have only my lap top bag .", "i have my purse and carry on bag .", "i have no luggage and no need for luggage ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Two ."}], "index": 348} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm looking for a good multivitamin . Can you recommend one ?", "responses": ["yes . come with me to the vitamin section .", "you should get the one from your local drug store .", "have you tried looking on google ?", "do you have any illnesses ?", "are you concerned with getting a certain type of result./"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Come with me to the vitamin section .", "responses": ["i knew there would be a few choices , but this selection is huge !", "what multivitamin do you recommend ?", "could you recommend a good multivitamin ?", "what is the popular vitamin ?", "which vitamin sells best ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I knew there would be a few choices , but this selection is huge !", "responses": ["you 're looking for a multi though , right ?", "as you can see , we really have a great selection .", "i can help you narrow down the choices if you tell me what you 're looking for .", "did you have a particular brand in mind ?", "were you looking for a capsule , tablet , or chewable ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You're looking for a multi though , right ?", "responses": ["that 's right . just a simple multi - vitamin that i can take every day .", "yes multi vitamin is super important .", "no i want just vitamin c and d tablets .", "i want a multi vitamin but a gummy chew - able .", "i want a multi vitamin that is cheap not an expensive one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's right . Just a simple multi-vitamin that I can take every day .", "responses": ["okay . then i recommend this one . it 's made especially for men about your age .", "great , i 'll help you narrow it down . do you want a generic or brand name ?", "ok , that should be easy enough . did you have a particular brand in mind ?", "let 's try to find something then . is there one you 've taken in the past that you liked ?", "ok , sure . do you have a preference on price ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Okay . Then I recommend this one . It's made especially for men about your age .", "responses": ["oh ! you took the guesswork right out of that one .", "would you like a liquid multi vitamin ?", "are you looking for a vitamin that you can take on an empty stomach ?", "would you like tablets or capsules ?", "would you like a probiotic with the multivitamin ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh ! You took the guesswork right out of that one .", "responses": ["that 's my job ! is there anything else i can assist you with ?", "haha .", "that 's my job , after all !", "any other questions ?", "this one is very popular ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's my job ! Is there anything else I can assist you with ?"}], "index": 349} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I only want a little off the top and the sides and back to have clean lines .", "responses": ["okay . is your hair naturally curly or is it a perm ?", "okay , i can do that .", "that 's easy enough .", "so , you do n't want any length removed at the back ?", "no problem . what side do you usually part it on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Okay . Is your hair naturally curly or is it a perm ?", "responses": ["it 's natural . my friend told me you know how to work with curls .", "no , i have beautiful natural curls .", "it 's naturally curly although when i get a perm it is way more curly than this ,", "it is a perm and it cost me a fortune .", "no it is naturally curly , are n't perms from the 80 's"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's natural . My friend told me you know how to work with curls .", "responses": ["that 's my specialty . let me put this around your neck .", "oh , really ? who is your friend ?", "that was a nice compliment . yes , i 'm skilled with curls .", "i 'm definitely good with curls . is your friend a client of mine ?", "i 'd like to think i 'm good with curls , yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's my specialty . Let me put this around your neck .", "responses": ["do you have any product that controls frizz ?", "i would like for you to shampoo and condition my hair first please .", "i have a lot of split ends so i want to ensure those are taken off as well .", "please do n't cut my bangs much at all .", "what is the best way i can ensure it stays healthy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any product that controls frizz ?", "responses": ["with the cut i 'll give you , we will minimize a lot of that .", "i sure do , let me grab a few samples .", "yes i have several . are you allergic to coconut ?", "yes i have a really good mango taming product .", "yes i have a few for frizz , would you like a leave in or washout product ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "With the cut I'll give you , we will minimize a lot of that .", "responses": ["thank you !", "sure . let me go look .", "yes , we have a few to choose from .", "let me show you some tricks to help with that .", "definitely . this one is my favorite ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you !", "responses": ["and when we 're done , i 'll show you some great stuff to take care of the rest .", "you are welcome", "thank you too", "you are too kind", "it was a pleasure"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "And when we're done , I'll show you some great stuff to take care of the rest ."}], "index": 350} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you pour me some of that tea , please ?", "responses": ["okay . say when .", "i 'd be happy to . would you like some sugar ?", "yes , and i have to say , it 's delicious .", "no problem . do you need anything to go with it ?", "absolutely . i hope you enjoy it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay . Say when ."}], "index": 351} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hey , look , there is a circus show over there .", "responses": ["i 'm not in the mood .", "i hate circuses . i 'm scared of clowns .", "let 's tell marcy !", "let 's check it out .", "that is so cool ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not in the mood .", "responses": ["it 's the circus .", "ok , what else would you like to do ?", "do you want to go to the movies ?", "would you like to go get some ice cream ?", "do you want to go home ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's the circus .", "responses": ["i do n't want to sit there and watch them torturing the animals .", "ok , what should we do ?", "me either , let 's go home .", "why not ? it sounds fun .", "can we please go ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't want to sit there and watch them torturing the animals .", "responses": ["oh , come on , they give them treat too . oh , look , that little monkey is so cute .", "ok i understand", "do n't worry there is not animals in this circus", "you can close your eyes when that is going on", "do nt worry the animal do nt mind it so its not torture"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , come on , they give them treat too . Oh , look , that little monkey is so cute .", "responses": ["cute ? hope so .", "it is still torturing the animals .", "do you think that the treat makes it okay to torture the animals .", "the monkey is very cute .", "that monkey is not very cute and is scarry ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Cute ? Hope so .", "responses": ["oh , it is coming to us , come on , ben , get a banana to it .", "it 'll be fun i swear .", "they treat the animals well . come on !", "we do n't have to stay long .", "there are elephants ! i know you love elephants ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , it is coming to us , come on , Ben , get a banana to it .", "responses": ["me ? no way , keep him away from me , please .", "what are you talking about ?", "what do you mean ?", "what is the banana for ?", "why do you want a banana ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Me ? No way , keep him away from me , please .", "responses": ["why are you acting so strange today ?", "are you afraid of monkeys ?", "come on ! you will have a lot of fun", "no , i m not keeping the monkey away .", "do it ! just get the banana ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why are you acting so strange today ?", "responses": ["i 've said that i 've got a problem with the circus . i 'm not kidding .", "i 'm just kinda tired .", "i 'm not acting strange", "well , i told you i 'm not in the mood .", "how am i acting strange ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I've said that I've got a problem with the circus . I'm not kidding .", "responses": ["that 's weird !", "what is so wrong with the circus ?", "the animals are so cute ! how can you not enjoy this ?", "i 'm sorry i did n't mean to upset you", "i wo n't mention it again"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "That's weird !"}], "index": 352} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now please tell me something about your past work achievements .", "responses": ["all right , madam . when i was sales manager at the beijing friendship store . i succeeded in raising the yearly sales volume by 25 % and profit margins from 50 % to 80 % .", "i was recently employee of the month .", "i led my group on multiple projects .", "my boss has written a letter of recommendation that includes my achievements .", "i won an award for most dedicated employee ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "All right , madam . When I was sales manager at the Beijing Friendship Store . I succeeded in raising the yearly sales volume by 25 % and profit margins from 50 % to 80 % .", "responses": ["that is quite an achievement ! do you consider it your most rewarding work experience ?", "congratulations", "that s great", "how did your achieve that", "your mom must be so proud"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That is quite an achievement ! Do you consider it your most rewarding work experience ?", "responses": ["i do n't think so . i 'll create further achievement in the future .", "yes , it was very rewarding for me .", "yes , i learned a whole bunch about the sales department .", "it was not the best experience that i have ever had .", "it was very stressful but also rewarding ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think so . I'll create further achievement in the future .", "responses": ["have you received any honors ?", "do you have any more achievements that you 'd like to share ?", "i like your optimism and confidence . you could be a good fit here .", "how long were you a sales manager at your previous store ?", "any other work experience you 'd like to share with me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you received any honors ?", "responses": ["yes . i got the title of \" advance worker \" in 2006 .", "i have gotten a few honors .", "i have gotten one or two .", "yes i have .", "i have gotten plenty of honors ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I got the title of \" Advance Worker \" in 2006 .", "responses": ["do you have any publications ?", "what salary are you expecting ?", "do you have good recommendations from previous jobs ?", "why should we hire you instead of others ?", "what about your hobbies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any publications ?", "responses": ["yes . i wrote a thesis entitled \" on interpersonal relations in the socialist market economy \" and it was published in china daily .", "no i do n't .", "well , i 'm thinking of writing a book .", "yes , i do .", "what makes you ask that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I wrote a thesis entitled \" On Interpersonal Relations in the Socialist Market Economy \" and it was published in China Daily ."}], "index": 353} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Hit ' em high , hit ' em low . Class of ' 93 -- let's go !", "responses": ["hi there , everyone . we hope you 're having a good night !", "yeah class of 93 lets goooo .", "lets win this game yeahhh", "hit em on the left and hit em on the right", "yes class 93 we are the greatest"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Hi there , everyone . We hope you're having a good night !", "responses": ["was n't that football game great ! i just knew we 'd win !", "yes we are having fun .", "thank you for the party .", "what is your name ?", "everyone is having much fun tonight ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wasn't that football game great ! I just knew we'd win !", "responses": ["the night is young , folks . get some food and mingle with those faces from yesterday .", "it was definitely a night to remember !", "yes ! i had a great time !", "that was a blast !", "it was an awesome game ! does anyone want to do something now that the game is over ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "The night is young , folks . Get some food and mingle with those faces from yesterday .", "responses": ["later we 'll let you know who the king and queen of the reunion will be .", "did you meet anyone new ?", "did you have a good time ?", "are you having fun ?", "are you having a good time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Later we'll let you know who the King and Queen of the Reunion will be .", "responses": ["but for now , the band is playing the songs from our senior year . get out on that dance floor !", "thank let as know as soon as you can .", "please do nt , do nt spoil it for us .", "ok that would great make sure to tell us .", "who do you think will be king and queen this year ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "But for now , the band is playing the songs from our senior year . Get out on that dance floor !"}], "index": 354} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . Can you tell me how to get to City Hall ?", "responses": ["yes . go to the next corner and turn left onto center street . walk three blocks to second avenue and turn right . walk two more blocks and you 'll see city hall on the left .", "absolutely", "take a right turn here and then take the second left", "yeah its two blocks from here", "its actually on the outskirts of the city in that direction"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street . Walk three blocks to Second Avenue and turn right . Walk two more blocks and you'll see City Hall on the left .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . i did n't follow you . could you please repeat that ?", "wait , do you have a pen for me to write that down ?", "could you type it into my phone 's notepad ?", "would you mind just writing that down for me ?", "i ca n't remember all those , please walk with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry . I didn't follow you . Could you please repeat that ?", "responses": ["okay . first , go to the next corner and turn left onto center street .", "what 's your location ? i can put it into google maps and give you directions from there .", "try using a gps .", "try using google maps .", "re - read my message ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay . First , go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street .", "responses": ["uh - huh .", "alright", "i will do that .", "what is next ?", "what should do next ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Uh-huh .", "responses": ["then , walk three blocks to second avenue an turn right . are you with me so far ?", "then you need to walk three blocks in that street", "when you get to center street walk three blocks towards second ave .", "when you reach center street walk 3 blocks towards city hall .", "ok so then you need to walk three blocks until you get to second avenue ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then , walk three blocks to Second Avenue an turn right . Are you with me so far ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'm following you .", "yes i am .", "i think so .", "hold on , let me write this down .", "uh , can you talk more slowly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I'm following you .", "responses": ["then , walk two more blocks an you 'll see city hall on the left . have you got all that ?", "yes . i am with you .", "no . can you start over ?", "yes . please go on .", "yes . thank you i think i know now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then , walk two more blocks an you ' ll see City Hall on the left . Have you got all that ?", "responses": ["yes . now i 've got it . thank you very much .", "yes , thank you so much .", "let me repeat it back to you to make sure .", "i 'm horrible with directions ; thanks for walking me through it again .", "sounds pretty easy , thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Now I've got it . Thank you very much ."}], "index": 355} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's up ?", "responses": ["nothing much , what 's going on ?", "nothing much around here .", "i am about to go shopping .", "i am about to watch a movie .", "would you like to join me for a run ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nothing much , what's going on ?", "responses": ["i 'm having a party this friday .", "i 'm about to make some dinner . how was your day ?", "i 'm just relaxing right now . do anything fun today ?", "i was wondering if you wanted to get together and do something ?", "i was thinking about going to see a movie if you wanted to come along ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm having a party this Friday .", "responses": ["oh , really ? that 's nice .", "what kind of party is it ?", "who is coming ?", "who is invited ?", "is it someone 's birthday ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , really ? That's nice .", "responses": ["i wanted to see if you wanted to come .", "do you want to join", "lets go ill pick you up at 10", "you should come with me .", "yeah i m really excited because of the party ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wanted to see if you wanted to come .", "responses": ["this friday ? sorry , i already have plans .", "i 'll think about it .", "who 's going to come ?", "what type of food will be there ?", "yes , i 'll come ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "This Friday ? Sorry , I already have plans .", "responses": ["doing what ?", "oh that s okay", "what do you have going on ?", ":( sorry you 'll miss it", "okay"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Doing what ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to dinner with my family .", "i need to study for a big exam on monday .", "my mother is coming to visit .", "i have a first date with someone i 've been trying to get to go out with me .", "it 's my aunt 's birthday and i 'm spending the evening with her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm going to dinner with my family .", "responses": ["i really wanted you to come , but i understand .", "ok , see you some other time !", "oof .", "you have my condolences .", "say hi to your sister for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I really wanted you to come , but I understand .", "responses": ["yeah , maybe next time .", "remember family always comes first", "you can join us for dinner", "fix another time", "can you come now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , maybe next time .", "responses": ["i 'll hold you to that .", "maybe i can do both , what time is the party ?", "definitely , i hope to have another party in 2 months .", "if your plans change feel free to stop by .", "ok well have a good dinner with your family ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll hold you to that .", "responses": ["sounds like a plan .", "i promise i will come next time .", "will you please forgive me ?", "okay , i 'll take to you later .", "have fun at the party . i 'll be there in spirit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sounds like a plan ."}], "index": 356} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I find that you spend little on handset charge every month . Have you any trick ?", "responses": ["it 's simple . you can use call transfer .", "i get something cheap .", "i make a negotiation .", "you have to choose a reasonable company .", "sure , i can tell you if you want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's simple . You can use call transfer .", "responses": ["is it so simple ?", "what is that ?", "can you explain more ?", "i ' ve never heard of that", "please go on"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it so simple ?", "responses": ["sure . you know , we spend most of our time at home or in the office every day , so i receive handset calls with the hand - free telephone , so i need pay little for receiving calls .", "yes , it 's that easy .", "once you know what to do it 's quite simple .", "alot of people do n't realize that 's all you need to do .", "you have to push a few buttons but you 'll learn quickly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . You know , we spend most of our time at home or in the office every day , so I receive handset calls with the hand-free telephone , so I need pay little for receiving calls .", "responses": ["it 's true .", "what exactly is call transfer ?", "could go into more detail to what call transfer is ?", "how much exactly is handset charge ?", "how much time do we spend in the office ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's true .", "responses": ["call transfer has many other advantages . when i am in places where network ca n't cover , such as the high building , i also use call transfer function , which transfers my calls to the hand - free telephone and i will not miss any call .", "you can try it out too", "how large are your charges", "you need to be like me man", "it is really sweet when you spend less"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Call transfer has many other advantages . When I am in places where network can't cover , such as the high building , I also use call transfer function , which transfers my calls to the hand-free telephone and I will not miss any call .", "responses": ["that 's all ?", "do you ever have issues dropping calls ?", "how much does the technology cost ?", "how long have you been using call transer ?", "will you please come show how to use the call transfer function ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's all ?", "responses": ["in hospitals or on planes , handsets will interfere with some equip - ment , so we must close our handsets . if you set call transfer , the problem will be solved .", "yep , that 's it ! and it 's cheap , too !", "that 's all i can think of right now .", "yes , it 's just that simple .", "you have to pay extra for it as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In hospitals or on planes , handsets will interfere with some equip-ment , so we must close our handsets . If you set call transfer , the problem will be solved ."}], "index": 357} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Are you doing anything tomorrow morning ? I'm wondering if you'd like to come to my office to discuss the new project .", "responses": ["tomorrow morning ? what about tomorrow afternoon ?", "yes sorry i am meeting a client .", "sure how is 8 am ?", "i 'm sorry i ca n't do tomorrow morning what if we meet for lunch ?", "sure that works for me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tomorrow morning ? What about tomorrow afternoon ?", "responses": ["then i 'll see you in the afternoon .", "i 'd really prefer the morning if possible .", "i could do the afternoon .", "what time are you thinking ?", "that would be fine , i can be available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then I'll see you in the afternoon .", "responses": ["ok .", "okay , sounds good . i 'll see you in the afternoon .", "okay , what time will you be ther ?", "okay sounds good .", "i hope you 're ready with your project ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK ."}], "index": 358} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , I want to apply for the position of an usher in your restaurant .", "responses": ["welcome . one of your duties is to know the number of the customer and accept reservation .", "come with me and i 'll get you an application .", "can you tell me what experience you have ?", "what makes you interested in this job .", "i 'm sorry , we do n't have any open positions right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Welcome . One of your duties is to know the number of the customer and accept reservation .", "responses": ["what else do i need to do ?", "no problem , i can do that !", "what are some of my other duties ?", "oh , never mind . i 'm not comfortable taking reservations .", "okay . do i need to submit a formal application ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What else do I need to do ?", "responses": ["you inform the people in charge and let them reserve dinning tables for guests .", "you need to put it in writting", "you need to appear in person", "you need to appear smart", "we need to see you here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You inform the people in charge and let them reserve dinning tables for guests ."}], "index": 359} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m going to be moving out soon .", "responses": ["you still have time on your lease .", "oh , is there some problem ?", "where will you be moving to ?", "i see . well , i suppose it 's for the best .", "oh no ! we 'll miss you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You still have time on your lease .", "responses": ["there 's no way that i can stay here .", "yes , just want to move out", "my cousin would stay till it elapses", "i no longer like this place", "i just want to move out"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "There ' s no way that I can stay here .", "responses": ["that 's not going to be all right .", "ok , but just so you know i ca nt refund any thing you have already paid .", "your lease is months and you have only been here 10 , you will still be responsible for the last 2 months .", "i understand , we will be sad to see you move out .", "i understand , we will be sad to see you move out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s not going to be all right .", "responses": ["i do n't understand why .", "i have asked for maintenance to fix multiple things and it has n't happened . i ca n't live here under those conditions .", "someone was in my place when i was at work . i do n't know who it was but they had a key . i feel very unsafe and have to leave .", "it is in my contract to have heat and ac and i ca n't get ac unless someone decides it 's okay . that is not acceptable and in breach of my contract .", "i have sent you several emails and left countless messages and no one calls me back . i am not going to stay here under these conditions ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "I don ' t understand why .", "responses": ["i 'm going to have to keep your deposit", "it breaks the leaser", "you signed the lease", "it hurts me financially", "you can not leave because of the lease"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m going to have to keep your deposit", "responses": ["why ca n't i have it back ?", "but why are you going to keep my deposit ?", "how much did i give you for my deposit ?", "how long do i need to stay ?", "can you fix my house problem ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why can ' t I have it back ?", "responses": ["because you 're leaving before your lease is over .", "it is stated in the terms of the lease agreement you signed .", "tenants are required to give advance notice prior to moving out . that 's what the lease agreement said .", "there is damage to the apartment , and as per the terms of the rental contract that means you forfeit the deposit .", "you are forfeiting the deposit by moving out without supplying proper advance notice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Because you ' re leaving before your lease is over .", "responses": ["you have to give it back to me .", "surely leaving sooner would make me entitled to my deposit as you can find a new tenant earlier , right ?", "i 've paid in full every month i have no balances , why are you doing this ?", "i do n't think that 's fair , i still paid for the month you ca n't hold this against me !", "if i find a replacement for me would you give my deposit back ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You have to give it back to me .", "responses": ["you 're not going to get it .", "nope , the rules state that the deposit does not have to be returned in this situation .", "i 'm afraid the rules stipulate otherwise .", "no , i actually do n't , and the property manager has this in print per the agreement .", "you signed a contract that indicates that you must stay the full duration of a lease in order to get the deposit back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You ' re not going to get it .", "responses": ["but i 'm not able to live here anymore .", "you 'll be hearing from my lawyer .", "i believe i am entitled to it .", "why not ?", "you do nt have any right to keep my deposit ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "But I ' m not able to live here anymore .", "responses": ["i ca n't help you with that .", "i m sorry but i ca nt give it back", "well your lease is not over and you re leaving .", "just speak to my lawyer", "its all on the contract so i m sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can ' t help you with that ."}], "index": 360} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have my check , please .", "responses": ["here it is . 350 yuan all together .", "yes right away", "you can come for it later", "i need to see the authentication first", "you check is not yet ready"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here it is . 350 Yuan all together .", "responses": ["may son adores my new hairstyle so i suppose it is worth it .", "ok , and does this include my overtime ?", "how many hours is this for ?", "great thank you so much for getting this to me quickly !", "thank goodness i really needed this money , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "May son adores my new hairstyle so I suppose it is worth it .", "responses": ["hearing you say that is a big reward for us . and here is the receipt .", "definitely , you look fabulous !", "of course , we always make you look great !", "you deserve it too !", "thanks for coming !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hearing you say that is a big reward for us . And here is the receipt .", "responses": ["thank you .", "i am always happy with the haircuts i get here .", "thank you , and i left a tip for you as well .", "thanks , have a nice day !", "you always do a wonderful job with my hair . thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["wait ! congratulations ! you are the lucky customer of our anniversary celebration .", "how old is your son ?", "does your son like to cut hair ?", "what will you buy with your money ?", "do you like the payment amount ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wait ! Congratulations ! You are the lucky customer of our anniversary celebration .", "responses": ["wow , it 's surprising . so what do i get ?", "what does that mean ?", "oh wow ! what have i won ?", "this is exciting ! have i won something ?", "great ! what is my prize ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Wow , it's surprising . So what do I get ?", "responses": ["you can have a free facial and then make up free for you . do you want it now ?", "you get a free haircut for the entire year .", "you won a cruise to hawaii with two other people .", "you won a check for $ 10,000 .", "you get discount coupons in our local mall !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You can have a free facial and then make up free for you . Do you want it now ?", "responses": ["probably not . doing that will probably take another three hours which i ca n't afford now .", "that would be lovely , new hairstyle and makeup ! thank you !", "thank you very much ! yes , i 've love to have it done now .", "thank you , is it permissible to save it for a few weeks ? i have an office party coming up and it would be nice to have the makeup done then .", "thank you so much . if it 's a good time now , i 'd like to go ahead and do it ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Probably not . Doing that will probably take another three hours which I can't afford now .", "responses": ["here is our number . call us when you are ready to come .", "no problem , i will write up a special coupon so you can come back .", "would you be able to come back later today ?", "sorry but the offer is only good for the next 5 hours .", "oh i 'm so sorry to hear that . thanks for your business ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here is our number . Call us when you are ready to come .", "responses": ["you mean i should make an appointment ahead of time ?", "ok i will make sure to call you guys .", "let me write the number real quick .", "ok i will let you know when i am ready", "yeah i hope we can do this soon enough"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You mean I should make an appointment ahead of time ?", "responses": ["yes .", "yes whenever is convenient for you .", "you could try a walk in but you might have a long wait", "yes", "i would recommend it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes .", "responses": ["got it . bye for now .", "how far in advance should i call to make the appointment ?", "do i need some sort of proof that i won your anniversary contest ?", "what kinds of facials do you offer ?", "we i be able to choose which employee does my facial ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Got it . Bye for now ."}], "index": 361} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I borrow this magazine from you ? It's really interesting and I can't put it down .", "responses": ["i am sorry , but i ca n't lend it to you now , for i have n't finished reading it . if you do n't mind , i can lend you some back numbers to you .", "yes absolutly , bring it back when you are done .", "you can borrow it when i am done with it .", "no that s actually not mine its bobs ask him .", "sure it is a really good magazine !"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am sorry , but I can't lend it to you now , for I haven't finished reading it . If you don't mind , I can lend you some back numbers to you .", "responses": ["that would be very kind of you . by the way , is it a monthly magazine ?", "no thanks , i really only wanted this one .", "okay , sure ! can i see what you have ?", "can i tear out this article i was reading ?", "no , that 's okay . can i take a picture of the cover so i can buy it myself ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That would be very kind of you . By the way , is it a monthly magazine ?", "responses": ["no , it is a fortnightly . so , you see , i can get the new one quite soon .", "yes , it 's a monthly . i really like the magazine . i 'd love to share them with you .", "no , it 's a weekly magazine so i have a lot of back issues .", "it 's a monthly , i 've been reading it for years now . i might have quite a few saved .", "i 'll get them out and you are more than welcome to take as many as you want . i 'll make sure to get this one to you , as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , it is a fortnightly . So , you see , I can get the new one quite soon ."}], "index": 362} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you use an anti-virus program to protect your computer ?", "responses": ["yes , i do . i also use an anti - spyware program and a firewall . there are so many nasties on the internet and so many people who are trying to use the internet to hurt other users . you have to be very c", "absolutely , i would n't get online without one .", "yes , in this day and age , it is essential to have protection .", "yes , and i hope you are , too .", "yes , i would never take a chance with all those viruses out there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do . I also use an anti-spyware program and a firewall . There are so many nasties on the internet and so many people who are trying to use the internet to hurt other users . You have to be very c", "responses": ["how often do you run your anti - virus program ?", "you did n't finish your sentence ..", "i agree and am glad for your awareness .", "what is the program that you are using ?", "do you have a favorite program to use ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How often do you run your anti-virus program ?", "responses": ["i usually run it every few days . it finds a virus about half the time .", "i run it on a weekly basis", "the program officially recommends running it every month but i only do it every three months or so .", "i tend to just run it whenever my computer operations seem to start slowing down", "i try to run it at least once per month , but sometimes more . it 's really helpful i 've found ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I usually run it every few days . It finds a virus about half the time .", "responses": ["which anti - virus program would you recommend ?", "what kind of websites do you visit , why are you getting viruses all the time ?", "that makes me worried about my computer . thanks for the tip .", "i think you need a new antivirus program as the one you 're using right now seem to not be too effective .", "you should not constantly get viruses . what programs are you downloading from the internet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which anti-virus program would you recommend ?", "responses": ["have you tried this one ? it 's very good and you can download it for free on the internet . you can also download updates for free .", "i 'd suggest norton", "i 'd suggest malwarebytes", "hm , it depends on your use", "i recommend blocker"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Have you tried this one ? It ' s very good and you can download it for free on the internet . You can also download updates for free .", "responses": ["that sounds very good . which website should i visit to download it ?", "thank you for the recommendation i will try it .", "does it have a large number of good reviews or do i just take your word for it ?", "ok thanks , i 'll research it some more and definitely consider it .", "no i have nt , but i will !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That sounds very good . Which website should I visit to download it ?", "responses": ["just a minute ... go to this one . i 'll send you an email with the line in it . it only takes a few minutes to download . then you have to go through the set up procedures . but they are not complicated .", "you should visit software.com", "you should go to softonic website", "i ca nt recall but i sure you can find it using google", "i do nt remember the site sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just a minute ... go to this one . I ' ll send you an email with the line in it . It only takes a few minutes to download . Then you have to go through the set up procedures . But they are not complicated .", "responses": ["what do you use your computer for ?", "that sounds very good . thank you .", "okay thank you . does it take long ?", "thank you . i appreciate it .", "great thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you use your computer for ?", "responses": ["i use it for several things - surfing the net , word processing and creating presentations . i do n't play many games on my computer , but i do a lot of work with photographs . using a computer program , you", "i work from home , so my computer is my primary source of income .", "i mainly just use it to browse the web and catch up on current events .", "i use my computer to stay in touch with family member who do n't live close by .", "i am a writer , so i use my computer to organize my thoughts and type out my manuscripts ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I use it for several things-surfing the net , word processing and creating presentations . I don ' t play many games on my computer , but I do a lot of work with photographs . Using a computer program , you", "responses": ["computers are great , are n't they ? i should download some programs and learn how to use them .", "mostly to surf the internet and check e - mail .", "i use my computer for everything . streaming , writing , programming , i do it all .", "i edit photos as well . i also browse the web a lot .", "i do play games quite a bit , and am constantly checking my e - mail ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Computers are great , aren ' t they ? I should download some programs and learn how to use them ."}], "index": 363} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A :: You must be Wily . It's nice to meet you .", "responses": ["b : : nice to meet you , mr . wilson .", "i am , thank you . it 's nice to meet you , too !", "hi ! thank you . yes , i am wily and it 's my pleasure .", "", "thank you , i am . i 'm very happy to meet you , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "B :: Nice to meet you , Mr . Wilson .", "responses": ["a : : tim , please . please be seated .", "it is also nice to meet with you wily .", "so is your name wily ?", "thank you and are you called wily ?", "do you know where i can find wily ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A :: Tim , please . Please be seated .", "responses": ["b : : thank you .", "great , i will take a seat . thank you .", "thanks , tim . i appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today .", "thanks . so what is the first item on our agenda today ?", "alright , i will take a seat , thank you . shall we get started with the interview ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "B :: Thank you .", "responses": ["a : : so , wily , you have been with ibm for two years , ready for change ?", "we 've gathered on this conversation because of a very important situation .", "can someone get my coffee ?", "karen , please show the first slide of the presentation .", "now , the only one missing is our vice president . where is she ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A :: So , Wily , you have been with IBM for two years , ready for change ?", "responses": ["b : : well , i think i 'm ready for new challenges .", "yes , definitely mr . wilson", "i 'm ready for more responsibility", "i like it here , yes", "no thanks"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "B :: Well , I think I'm ready for new challenges ."}], "index": 364} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello . Could you have a taxi pick me up before 10:00 a . m . ?", "responses": ["what is your address ?", "i can not pick you up before 10:00 am .", "yes , that is no problem .", "yes , i will send one of my drivers your way .", "yes , but you will have to pay an extra fee for that time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your address ?", "responses": ["i stay at no . 115 fucking road .", "i am at the university library in the town center .", "i am at the capitol building .", "i want to be picked up at the north entrance to the zoo please", "the driver can pick me up at the coffee shop across from the university hospital ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I stay at No . 115 Fucking Road .", "responses": ["ok , a taxi will be there by 9:30 .", "okay , i 'm on my way .", "i 'm calling a taxi now .", "i am on my computer right now , give me 5 minutes .", "sure , it 's not 10 am yet so i will do it later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , a taxi will be there by 9:30 .", "responses": ["what are your rates ?", "ok", "930am right ?", "good , see you then", "excellent ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are your rates ?", "responses": ["it is rib 10 yuan initially and 2 yuan for each kilometer .", "from fucking road , the rates begin at 5 dollars per mile .", "it varies by location and distance , where are you trying to go ?", "if you give me your location we can provide you with a quote .", "5 per mile for the first 10 miles then 8 dollars per mile"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is RIB 10 yuan initially and 2 yuan for each kilometer .", "responses": ["i have a lot of luggage . will those fit in the taxi ?", "ok that sounds great .", "that s a bit expensive", "i love those rates , keep them and you will have a faitfull client", "ok thanks a lot for the info"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I have a lot of luggage . Will those fit in the taxi ?", "responses": ["take it easy . i 'll send a larger to pick you up .", "yes the taxis are quite large", "how many bags do you have ? i could send an suv", "it depends on how much you have . i can fit 4 large suitcases", "yes they will"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Take it easy . I'll send a larger to pick you up .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "is there an extra charge for a second passenger ?", "i would like to bring my dog along . do you allow pets in your taxis ?", "do you allow smoking in your taxis ?", "what kind of vehicle should i be looking for ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 365} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello Mr Waterstone , what can I do for you today ?", "responses": ["hello , becky . well , you see , i have this thing here , called a fixed deposit certificate , and i 've just noticed the date on it .", "i need to book a room for myself and my wife mrs waterstone .", "are there any messages for the waterstones ?", "i need a wake up call for 6 am please .", "i need to order room service please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Becky . Well , you see , I have this thing here , called a Fixed Deposit Certificate , and I've just noticed the date on it .", "responses": ["oh , i see . you have two choices here you can either redeem or renew .", "and what date does it have ?", "what do you want us to do with it ?", "is it still valid ?", "is the date expired or it 's still a valid certificate ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , I see . You have two choices here you can either redeem or renew .", "responses": ["i think i 'll redeem , if that 's not a problem .", "okay can i redeem it please ?", "i 'd like to renew it", "that 's all i can do ?", "is there any other option ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think I'll redeem , if that's not a problem .", "responses": ["no problem at all , mr waterstone . any preference as to how you want the money ?", "that 's no problem . i 'll be happy to help you with that .", "can you tell me the full name on the certificate so i can get your paperwork started ?", "there is a small tax penalty if you choose to redeem .", "would you like that in small bills ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No problem at all , Mr Waterstone . Any preference as to how you want the money ?", "responses": ["anything you like , but not too many large notes . it 's useful to have smaller notes .", "can you put it in my checking account ?", "i 'd like it in cash , if you can .", "i have a savings account with another bank , is that okay ?", "half in cash , half in checking"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Anything you like , but not too many large notes . It's useful to have smaller notes .", "responses": ["here we go , mr waterstone . here 's your money and your interest note .", "how many large notes do you recommend", "okay , good idea", "can you do change as well", "so , like , many 5s ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here we go , Mr Waterstone . Here's your money and your interest note .", "responses": ["yes , yes . everything 's fine . thank you very much , becky .", "thanks , becky . you 're always so helpful .", "do you have an envelope i can put this in ?", "i 'd like to deposit this in my checking account .", "do i have to sign for the money ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , yes . Everything's fine . Thank you very much , Becky ."}], "index": 366} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you , young man ?", "responses": ["i need to rent three pairs of skates for the morning .", "i 'd like to know more about your services .", "can you show me that ring ?", "nothing right now i am just browsing", "can you tell me how to get to city hall ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to rent three pairs of skates for the morning .", "responses": ["what sizes do you need ?", "what size skates do you need ?", "i 'll be happy to help you .", "we do require a deposit for skate rentals .", "how long will you need the skates ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What sizes do you need ?", "responses": ["one pair of 37 , and two pairs of 21 . one for me , and the other two for two kids .", "2 12s and an 11", "9 , 11 , and 13", "i need three size 10s", "women 's 10 , men 's 11 , and child 's 7"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One pair of 37 , and two pairs of 21 . One for me , and the other two for two kids .", "responses": ["here you are . and here are three crash helmets .", "okay , let me get those for you .", "sounds good ! just give me a second to get them .", "do the kids have a preference in color ? red , pink , bright blue ?", "i 'm afraid we 're out of 37s . would a 38 work ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you are . And here are three crash helmets .", "responses": ["thanks . well , those two kids are beginners . what should i do about their safety ?", "do we have to wear helmets ?", "those all look adult size .", "when did you start renting helmets ?", "have those been sanitized ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . Well , those two kids are beginners . What should I do about their safety ?", "responses": ["well , there are a lot to do , but nothing to worry about . first , make sure they do n't go far from the railings .", "you should wear these helmets .", "you can sign up for our safety course", "would you like some papers about safety ?", "here is a safety brochure for you and your friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , there are a lot to do , but nothing to worry about . First , make sure they don't go far from the railings .", "responses": ["oh , yeah , maybe i should ask them just to walk along the railings .", "ok , but do i need any extra equipment for them ?", "ok , anything else i should watch out for ?", "sounds good , should i take any other precautions ?", "thanks . anything else you would suggest ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , yeah , maybe I should ask them just to walk along the railings .", "responses": ["that 's a good idea . and remind them to be slow at the beginning , not to run into the railings .", "that would be a good idea , i think .", "that is probably a wise decision to start out . how old are the kids ?", "that might be the safest option . is it the first time ever for these kids ?", "a lot of people do tend to start out by sticking to the railings , so the kids might be most comfortable that way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's a good idea . And remind them to be slow at the beginning , not to run into the railings .", "responses": ["ok . anything else ?", "is it crowded ?", "are there a bunch of rowdy teenagers racing around ?", "do you have any knee and elbow pads ?", "when do you close ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . Anything else ?", "responses": ["never go to the center of the lake . the ice there is too thin to skate on .", "not really , just remind them to go at a slow pace .", "they should return the skates here when they finish .", "no , just remind them to be careful .", "yes , you should also keep in the safe zone away from pro skaters ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Never go to the center of the lake . The ice there is too thin to skate on .", "responses": ["got it . thanks for reminding me . and , are there any intensive training courses ?", "are there any fish in the lake ?", "will the thinner ice break ?", "have you had any ice accidents this year ?", "how deep is the lake ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Got it . Thanks for reminding me . And , are there any intensive training courses ?"}], "index": 367} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me sir . May I come in ?", "responses": ["mike , you 're late again .", "please , come in !", "what do you want to come in for ?", "no , i do n't think so .", "sure , come on in ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Mike , you're late again .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , but my sister was ill , so i", "yes , i know . i 'm sorry .", "yeah , i 'd like to talk to you about that .", "i 've been here . i was in the parking lot helping someone jump start their car .", "only by two minutes . the bus was late ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry , but my sister was ill , so I", "responses": ["do you think i believe the story like that ?", "so you what ?", "it seems your family is very sickly , because i hear about their illnesses every time you are late .", "sorry to hear that -- what 's wrong with her ?", "which one , mary or susie ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think I believe the story like that ?", "responses": ["but it 's true .", "i did n't get to finish my story sir .", "i do expect you to believe my story .", "yes , i would like to tell you the whole story .", "yes i do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it's true .", "responses": ["how can believe it if the same excuse was used twice within a week ?", "mike , i think we need to have a serious talk about your future here .", "mike , i 'm not an idiot . sick sister ? come on .", "mike , please stop . and i 'm going to have to write you up this time .", "mike , i think we need to have a discussion about attendance ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "How can believe it if the same excuse was used twice within a week ?", "responses": ["that 's coincident .", "she has been ill this whole time .", "i understand your frustration , but it is a serious illness that she has been dealing with", "if you want , i could have her doctor provide documentation", "i am sorry but i really need you to believe me . it is a difficult time for my family ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's coincident .", "responses": ["ok , hold it . remember to be punctual next time .", "if you do n't straighten up and fly right , your days here are numbered .", "you 're not taking your responsibilities very seriously .", "is that supposed to be funny ?", "do you even have a sister ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , hold it . Remember to be punctual next time .", "responses": ["i promise i will .", "ok i will sorry for coming in late .", "i m not lying i have the doctors certificate right here .", "ok thanks a lot , i wo nt be late again .", "i will be on time do nt worry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I promise I will .", "responses": ["you 'd better .", "that 's what you said the last time !", "i think i might have to fire you .", "if you do n't show up on time , then you will be fired .", "i will write you a notice if you are late again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You'd better ."}], "index": 368} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Honey , I have something important to say .", "responses": ["something important ?", "okay , then say it .", "what do you have to say ?", "okay , i better sit for this one .", "what is it , honey ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Something important ?", "responses": ["yes . i have just booked two tickets .", "yes ! i think you 're going to like it .", "i think i know how we can save $ 50 a month on utilities !", "i booked our vacation for the summer , got it cleared with my boss - we 're good to go !", "yes , so please stop interrupting me and let me talk !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I have just booked two tickets .", "responses": ["tickets ? what tickets ?", "for our summer vacation ?", "what kind of tickets ?", "you 've booked to tickets to where ?", "how much did they end up costing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Tickets ? What tickets ?", "responses": ["two air tickets .", "tickets to the bahamas !", "tickets for a cruise ship vacation .", "tickets to a sporting event .", "tickets to your favorite show !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Two air tickets .", "responses": ["air tickets ?", "what ? two air tickets to where ?", "you did what ? are these tickets for us ?", "i 'm sorry , did you just say you bought two air tickets ? as in , two are tickets for us ?", "air tickets for what ? are these for us ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Air tickets ?", "responses": ["yes . we will fly to paris the day after tomorrow .", "yes , i am taking us on a vacation for our anniversary !", "yes , we are going on a tropical vacation . surprise !", "that 's right . i planned a surprise trip for us , i hope you do n't mind .", "yes , we are going on a trip and the plane will leave tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . We will fly to Paris the day after tomorrow .", "responses": ["we ? the day after tomorrow ? what are you talking about ?", "well , that 's kind of sudden do n't you think .", "that 's nice and all , but i do n't have a passport .", "how romantic !", "refund them , we do n't have that kind of money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We ? The day after tomorrow ? What are you talking about ?", "responses": ["today is june 18 , is n't it ?", "we are going to paris suprise .", "its a suprise for our anniversary", "we need to go there for business .", "suprise ! we are going to paris my love ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Today is June 18 , isn ' t it ?", "responses": ["yes . so ?", "yes , did we plan this ?", "yes , but i forgot about our plans .", "no , it 's not even june !", "no , that is next week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . So ?", "responses": ["think about it !", "it 's our anniversary . did you forget ?", "does n't vacation start the day after tomorrow ?", "so you need to take some time off work to go to paris !", "have n't you looked at the calendar lately ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Think about it !", "responses": ["then it is june 20 the day after tomorrow .", "i will .", "i will think about it .", "i will consider it .", "i will get back to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Then it is June 20 the day after tomorrow .", "responses": ["yes . think about it carefully .", "yes , that 's the day that we fly .", "june 20 is the day that we fly .", "we leave on that day .", "you got it right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Think about it carefully .", "responses": ["oh , come on . tell me please . why did you book tickets to paris ?", "when are we leaving then ?", "are we leaving on june 20 ?", "are we connecting flights there ?", "what time do i need to be ready ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , come on . Tell me please . Why did you book tickets to Paris ?", "responses": ["oh , honey ! do n't you remember this important day to us ?", "i did it to surprise you because i love you", "i thought it would be nice for our anniversary", "i know you 've always wanted to go , so i figured there is no time like the present", "i want us to visit while we are still young and able to enjoy it ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , honey ! Don ' t you remember this important day to us ?", "responses": ["sorry .", "i remember it .", "yes i do .", "how could i forget ?", "yes , of course ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry .", "responses": ["it is our 10th wedding anniversary this june 20 .", "you are the worse .", "how can you not remember", "you do nt care about us .", "typical about you , you know what just forget it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is our 10th wedding anniversary this June 20 .", "responses": ["our 10th wedding anniversary ?", "no , we got married on the twenty - first .", "so it is . how could i have forgotten ?", "i 'm just teasing -- i remembered and got you a present , too .", "you 're as beautiful now as you were that day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Our 10th wedding anniversary ?", "responses": ["of course . you completely forgot it .", "yes honey i ca nt believe you forgot !", "yes it is on june 20th every year !", "after ten years i ca nt believe you did nt know that !", "ok you have got to be joking around right ? ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course . You completely forgot it .", "responses": ["darling . i think you have made a mistake .", "oh geez , i ca n't believe i could forget that . i 'm so sorry .", "wow , time has flown by so fast !", "i 'm sorry , sweetheart . i 'm no good at remembering dates .", "you 're right . i did forget . i 'm really sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Darling . I think you have made a mistake .", "responses": ["i have made a mistake ?", "why do you say that ?", "how have i made a mistake ? i do not understand", "i 'm sorry . are you upset with me ?", "i think you are actually the one who is mistaken . i have been looking forward to this anniversary for a while !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I have made a mistake ?", "responses": ["yes . we married on july 20 ten years ago .", "yes , sweetheart . our anniversary is n't until next week .", "considering that our anniversary is not until next week , yes , i 'd say you 've definitely made a mistake .", "yes , darling , this is our ninth anniversary , not our tenth .", "given that last year was our eighth anniversary , and our ninth anniversary is not until next month , yes , i would definitely say you 've made a mistake ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . We married on July 20 ten years ago .", "responses": ["july 20 ? but i think it should be june 20 .", "oh no ! how did i forget !", "no honey , i think you are the one mistaken .", "no , i 'm pretty sure it was june .", "oh my , i 'm so embarrassed !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "July 20 ? But I think it should be June 20 .", "responses": ["yes . we had planned to marry on june 20 , but something happened , so we had to put off our wedding day .", "nope , it was in july .", "i ca n't believe your forgot the whole month !", "i am shocked that you have forgotten the month .", "maybe you got mixed up since they both start with j 's ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . We had planned to marry on June 20 , but something happened , so we had to put off our wedding day .", "responses": ["yes . i remember now . we put it off . i did make a mistake . but how shall we deal with the tickets ?", "you 're right . how could i forget ?", "no honey , you 're completely confused .", "no honey , you 're completely confused .", "oh , i think you 're right . but we can have a fun celebration a month early !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . I remember now . We put it off . I did make a mistake . But how shall we deal with the tickets ?", "responses": ["since you have booked . then let 's celebrate our wedding anniversary before hand .", "see if they can be changed .", "we can still go if you want .", "i do n't care when and where as long as i am with you .", "you would forget your head if it was n't attached ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Since you have booked . Then let ' s celebrate our wedding anniversary before hand ."}], "index": 369} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want some dessert ?", "responses": ["no , thank you . check , please .", "no , i 'm on a diet , but thanks .", "yes , please . chocolate cake !", "let 's go out for soft serve !", "just give me a spoon and a jar of peanut butter ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , thank you . Check , please .", "responses": ["wait a moment . i will calculate it for you . your bill comes to $ 36 .", "here 's your check ! please come again .", "did you enjoy your meal ?", "i will go print it for you .", "here you go . please pay the cashier ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wait a moment . I will calculate it for you . Your bill comes to $ 36 .", "responses": ["here are $ 40 . keep the change . that 's my tip for you .", "does that include a tip ?", "can i get some type of discount ?", "can i order dessert to go ?", "may i add a to go dessert ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here are $ 40 . Keep the change . That's my tip for you ."}], "index": 370} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Food is less expensive in a cafeteria , because you serve yourself .", "responses": ["how to do it ?", "is there an option that includes a server ?", "are there any other places to eat ?", "what kind of food do they have there ?", "will they have a lot of different foods ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How to do it ?", "responses": ["just pick up a tray , then put a knife , a fork , a spoon and a paper napkin on it and stand in the line .", "there is usually a buffet available , and you choose the food you want .", "you browse the selections , and serve yourself whatever you want .", "you look at the options available , and take the food you want . there is no server .", "you choose the food you want , serve yourself , and generally pay for the food before you sit down to eat it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just pick up a tray , then put a knife , a fork , a spoon and a paper napkin on it and stand in the line .", "responses": ["how long will it take to reach the buffet ?", "does it cost money ?", "what sorts of food options are available ?", "does the food taste good ?", "what do i do with the tray after i finish ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will it take to reach the buffet ?", "responses": ["not long , because people rush for lunch .", "it depends on the time of day .", "just a few minutes .", "i do n't know , sometimes it 's really crowded .", "at this time of day , it does n't take too long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not long , because people rush for lunch .", "responses": ["the line sure does move fast .", "yeah i bet they must be hungry .", "oh i see , then i must hurry", "really ? so it must be really crowded", "sounds like lunch time is a busy time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The line sure does move fast .", "responses": ["tell the man behind the counter what you want .", "how many people will be in the line ?", "is there a quicker way to get the food ?", "is there a delivery service available ?", "what types of foods are on the buffet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell the man behind the counter what you want .", "responses": ["ok . i like that green vegetable but i do n't know how to call it .", "oh , right . i 'd like a brisket sandwich , please .", "a tuna melt and just a few french fries .", "hmm , maybe a slice of the pizza .", "a few pieces of bacon , some eggs , and a little bit of the hashbrowns ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . I like that green vegetable but I don't know how to call it .", "responses": ["just point to it if you do n't know the name .", "it is a cucumber .", "it is a tomato .", "it is turnip greens .", "it is a green bean ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just point to it if you don't know the name .", "responses": ["all right .", "can i ask them what it 's called ?", "i do n't want to get the wrong thing and hold up the line .", "do they charge by plate or by weight ?", "what do you think i should get ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right ."}], "index": 371} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , did you hear about Jessica's party this weekend ?", "responses": ["yeah , but i 'm still waiting for my invitation .", "yeah , i heard it was awesome . you did n't go ?", "yeah , totally bummed i missed it . i really wanted to go .", "i heard it got kinda wild , yeah . why , what did you hear ?", "yep , sounded like it was nuts . any good gossip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , but I'm still waiting for my invitation .", "responses": ["oh really ? she gave me mine earlier today .", "oh , well i 'm sure she 'll invite you soon !", "that 's so odd you have n't gotten one yet . are you two in some sort of fight ?", "i 'm surprised she has n't invited you yet . i thought you two were close .", "if she does n't officially invite you , then you can just come as my guest !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh really ? She gave me mine earlier today .", "responses": ["well , she 'll probably just give me my invitation later on today .", "is she still around ?", "do you think she 's snubbing me ?", "so , she not just mailing them ?", "i 'm going to be very hurt if she does n't invite me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , she'll probably just give me my invitation later on today .", "responses": ["yeah , so are you planning on going ?", "yeah i bet she will ..", "yeah she was delivering invites today .", "do you want to go to the party with me ?", "yeah i think she had to send a lot of invites today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , so are you planning on going ?", "responses": ["i think so . it sounds like it 's going to be a lot of fun .", "yes , i will go .", "maybe if i can get an invitation .", "no i will not be going .", "i might go but i have n't decided yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think so . It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun .", "responses": ["it really does , i ca n't wait .", "i hope she gives you your invitation soon .", "i 've already planned out my outfit .", "do you know if her boyfriend will be there ?", "i heard they 're planning on having a bubble machine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It really does , I can't wait .", "responses": ["what time does the party start ?", "me either .", "i ca n't wait myself .", "it is going to be exciting .", "it will be a lot of fun ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time does the party start ?", "responses": ["it starts at 8 o'clock .", "i believe it starts at 8 pm .", "give me a minute to check the invitation .", "i 'll have to get back with you on that . i do n't have the invitation with me right now .", "seven , but you know how her parties are . no one will show up until around eight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It starts at 8 o'clock .", "responses": ["oh , well , how many people has she given invites to so far ?", "i hope i get an invite .", "i would be really sad if i was n't invited .", "i should ask her about her invitations .", "i really hope i get to go !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , well , how many people has she given invites to so far ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure , but i do n't think she 's given out that many .", "i think like thirty people or so", "i 'm not positive , but most people i 've talked to have gotten an invite", "i heard she was inviting the entire class but i 'm not positive", "i only know of about ten others who have gotten an invite from her"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not sure , but I don't think she's given out that many .", "responses": ["well , hopefully she 'll give me my invite later on today .", "i wonder who is coming .", "i hope it will be fun .", "i hope it is fun .", "i hope we have a good time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , hopefully she'll give me my invite later on today ."}], "index": 372} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "After the financial crisis , many industries are in incredibly cloudy situations . How do you think about our company ?", "responses": ["the outlook in the future is very positive . because we have been in this field for hundreds of years and we know how to survive this crisis safely .", "i think the company has lots of potential to advance despite the financial crisis .", "your company has a strong foundation that will survive economic struggles .", "i do n't have enough inside information to know how your company is doing .", "it will be hard to come back from , but with the right strategy , your company will come out ahead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The outlook in the future is very positive . Because we have been in this field for hundreds of years and we know how to survive this crisis safely .", "responses": ["as the department i am applying for is expanding , i would like to contribute by effort .", "i am glad you are optimistic .", "i am glad you feel that way .", "that is great .", "that is good to hear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "As the department I am applying for is expanding , I would like to contribute by effort .", "responses": ["great . welcome to our company .", "the more effort , the more benefit you will have .", "that is a great attitude .", "yes , the department will certainly expand more too .", "your contribution will be appreciated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great . Welcome to our company ."}], "index": 373} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Farmer's Pet Store .", "responses": ["can you please tell me where you are located ?", "is that near here ?", "sorry , you 've got the wrong place . farmer 's is on the next street .", "i 've bought cat food there a few times .", "do they sell animals or just pet supplies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you please tell me where you are located ?", "responses": ["sure , we are off singing road , close to the bank .", "i am in new york .", "i am in new york city .", "i am at 123 main st .", "i am at the grocery store ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , we are off Singing Road , close to the bank .", "responses": ["thank you , i know where that is .", "are you on the right hand or left hand side of the street ?", "are you in the strip mall on the corner ?", "i know exactly where that is , thank you .", "which bank are you referring to ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , I know where that is ."}], "index": 374} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , Bob , this is John Lin .", "responses": ["hello , john .", "hey john , what 's up ?", "hi john lin , did you get the memo i sent ?", "good morning john . what time did work start ?", "john , thank you for reaching out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , John .", "responses": ["i 'm with hartford public relations . i 'd like to set up an appointment to come by and talk with you about our services .", "how are you today ?", "i appreciate you taking the time to speak with me", "how is your family doing ? we have n't caught up in a while .", "i 'm calling to ask about the position at your company and if it has been filled or not yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm with Hartford public relations . I'd like to set up an appointment to come by and talk with you about our services .", "responses": ["how about tomorrow at 11 o'clock ?", "come by tomorrow .", "come by next week .", "next week is good .", "i am free next friday morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about tomorrow at 11 o'clock ?"}], "index": 375} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , Tom , did you enjoy your lunch ?", "responses": ["oh , do n't mention it . it was terrible .", "it was delicious , thanks !", "it was a little salty .", "i liked my salad very much .", "it could have used more flavor ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , don't mention it . It was terrible .", "responses": ["what'the matter ?", "why was it terrible ?", "i 'm sorry to hear that . what was so wrong with it ?", "what a bummer ! i hope your dinner goes better .", "do you want to talk about it further ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' the matter ?", "responses": ["the food station was as crowded as usual . i waited for 20 minutes for my sandwich , and when i finally got it the chicken was underdone .", "they got my order wrong .", "they would not fill my drink .", "the wait time was bad .", "the food was bad ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "The food station was as crowded as usual . I waited for 20 minutes for my sandwich , and when I finally got it the chicken was underdone .", "responses": ["i see . you simply ca n't blame the server for this .", "oh that s too bad you should complain to the manager .", "i m sorry to hear that , they have lost quality .", "sounds like you wo nt be returning any time soon .", "that sounds terrible what did you do next ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see . You simply can't blame the server for this .", "responses": ["yes , i know . fast food is so popular in this district .", "i know , but i wish it was cooked better .", "true , it was n't the server 's fault .", "the servers were very busy . i felt sorry for them .", "they should have had more servers working ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I know . Fast food is so popular in this district .", "responses": ["that 's true .", "which restaurant was this again ?", "did they replace the chicken for you ?", "yes we have way to much fast food around here .", "well thanks for letting me know , now i know not to go there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's true .", "responses": ["anyway , how was your such , catherine ?", "maybe i should try to take my lunch a little earlier and see if that helps .", "how about you ? did you enjoy lunch ?", "i 've got to start checking out some other options .", "i think tomorrow i 'll bring my lunch from home and avoid the crowd ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anyway , how was your such , Catherine ?", "responses": ["it was good . i brought lunch from home today .", "do you mean my lunch ? if so , i enjoyed it . i kept it simple with a turkey sandwich from home .", "my lunch was fine . i just had a salad because i am trying to be healthy .", "i actually did not even have time for lunch today . work has been extremely stressful and busy !", "it was pretty uneventful . i just had some leftover pizza ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It was good . I brought lunch from home today .", "responses": ["you did ? i thought you must feel right at home here as we get as many fast food restaurants as you do in america .", "oh really , what did you make ?", "i should bring mine more often . it 's a lot cheaper is n't it ?", "that sounds good . what did you bring ?", "oh , really ? do you normally bring your lunch ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You did ? I thought you must feel right at home here as we get as many fast food restaurants as you do in America .", "responses": ["well , i personally do n't like them because i do n't believe that they are healthy .", "yeah , but it 's cheaper to pack lunch .", "i do feel right at home , but i like the food that i make better .", "i was n't in the mood for fast food today .", "yeah , but i 've never been a fan of fast food ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I personally don't like them because I don't believe that they are healthy .", "responses": ["i guess you 're right . more often than not , people go there only for convenience . the foods may taste good , but generally speaking , they are high in calories , salt and fat .", "why are n't they very healthy ?", "what do you prefer to eat ?", "what is your favorite healthy food to eat ?", "have you found any restaurants that meet your requirements ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess you're right . More often than not , people go there only for convenience . The foods may taste good , but generally speaking , they are high in calories , salt and fat .", "responses": ["yes . i am wondering that you must believe fast food is our lifestyle , do n't you ?", "yes , i 'd rather go to a nice vegetarian restaurant .", "i agree . i prefer the local cafes .", "yes , i would rather cook for myself .", "they are . i really enjoy cooking , anyway !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . I am wondering that you must believe fast food is our lifestyle , don't you ?", "responses": ["you bet . almost all top brands such as mcdonald 's and kfc are from america .", "it 's not just me .", "well , they are 6 restaurants on every corner .", "they do serve salads in some do n't they ?", "do n't shoot the messenger ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You bet . Almost all top brands such as McDonald's and KFC are from America .", "responses": ["well , actually two - thirds of americans may avoid these places .", "i hope healthier options take control some day .", "i would like to see more options to eat at those places .", "i ca n't imagine eating there right now .", "i hope you are n't serious about that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , actually two-thirds of Americans may avoid these places .", "responses": ["seriously ?", "that s true , but its so easy to just go to one and get something to eat .", "that sounds likely , but its so fun to go to fast food restauraunts .", "did you know that most people ca nt even afford healthy food ? so they go to mcdonalds instead .", "i do n't know about that one , i bet 80 % of people go to fast food places ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Seriously ?", "responses": ["yeah , it 's hard to believe but true .", "yes , it seems many are cautious of their health conditions", "no , i was just kidding .", "yes , i think it 's because of their concerns .", "actually , i made that up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , it's hard to believe but true ."}], "index": 376} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you seen this news article ? Apparently an organization has made a list to name the new seven wonders of the world and people could vote for them online .", "responses": ["wow , that 's really interesting . so who won ?", "wow ! my favorite is stonehenge .", "interesting , what will you vote for ?", "oh cool , do you have a favorite ?", "i would love to see the results ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Wow , that's really interesting . So who won ?", "responses": ["well , the great wall of china , the taj mahal in india .", "the voting is still going on", "they have n't determined a winner yet", "voting is still open for two more weeks so we wo n't know until then", "the poll is actually still open so there is not a winner as of yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , the Great Wall of China , the Taj Mahal in India .", "responses": ["i 've been there ! it really is an amazing work of architecture and art . the entire complex is made of white marble and in the interior of the tomb , the walls are covered with gems and emeralds !", "that is fantastic !", "i would like to visit india .", "it would be cool to see those .", "that is interesting ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I've been there ! It really is an amazing work of architecture and art . The entire complex is made of white marble and in the interior of the tomb , the walls are covered with gems and emeralds !", "responses": ["cool ! also amongst the winners is petra , in jordan , mach pitch in peru and the pyramid in chichenitza in mexico .", "i have nt been there before must be nice .", "yeah and there s more places in the article .", "yeah i want to go there some day .", "wow that s amazing , i bet you loved it there ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Cool ! Also amongst the winners is Petra , in Jordan , Mach Pitch in Peru and the pyramid in Chichenitza in Mexico .", "responses": ["wait a minute ! it also says that the christ re - deemer statue in brazil and the colosseum in rome are wonders . i would love to go to italy and see the colosseum , stand in the middle like a gladiator !", "that leaves two -- what are they ?", "i 've always wanted to see the pyramids at chichen itza .", "have you visited any of those places ?", "what would you select as the seven wonders ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wait a minute ! It also says that the Christ Re-deemer statue in Brazil and the Colosseum in Rome are wonders . I would love to go to Italy and see the Colosseum , stand in the middle like a gladiator !", "responses": ["well , let 's see if we can find some cheap airfare and we can go towards the end of the year .", "yes would nt that be amazing to see ?", "do you want me to send you the article to read ?", "i know right , i would love to take a trip to see them all !", "maybe italy can be your next vacation destination !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , let's see if we can find some cheap airfare and we can go towards the end of the year .", "responses": ["good idea !", "seriously ? that would be amazing !", "let 's do it ! i 'll have to renew my passport .", "yeah , we could do a whole tour of italy .", "i 'd love that ! i 'll start looking at hotel packages ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good idea !"}], "index": 377} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , I'd like to reserve a hotel room .", "responses": ["that should be no problem . may i have your full name , please ?", "how many people will be in the room ?", "do you need a king or single bed ?", "are you the only person in the reservation ?", "do you need two beds or just one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That should be no problem . May I have your full name , please ?", "responses": ["my name is john sandals .", "wonderful ! my first name is jennifer . my last name is smith .", "absolutely , it 's michael washington .", "thank you . my name is theresa scoggins .", "yes , of course . it 's nathan fielder ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is John Sandals .", "responses": ["hello , mr . sandals . my name is michelle . what days do you need that reservation , sir ?", "great and how long are you wanting to stay ?", "thank you , and have you stayed here before ?", "thank you john would you like a king or queen ?", "ok john let me pull up which rooms we have available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Mr . Sandals . My name is Michelle . What days do you need that reservation , sir ?", "responses": ["i 'm planning to visit new york from friday , april 14 until monday , april 17 .", "i 'm looking at next saturday and sunday .", "i 'd like to book next monday through friday .", "i 'd like to book may 8 - 11 .", "i 'm looking at the first or second weekend in june ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm planning to visit New York from Friday , April 14 until Monday , April 17 .", "responses": ["our room rates recently went up . is that okay with you , mr . sandals ?", "okay , and is it just you who will be staying ?", "do you have a preference for room type ?", "okay , great . and would you like a smoking or non - smoking room ?", "alright , let me just check our availability . one moment please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Our room rates recently went up . Is that okay with you , Mr . Sandals ?", "responses": ["how much per night are we talking about ?", "yes , that 's fine . i just need to book something quickly .", "how high did the rates go up exactly ?", "i see . can you tell me what the current rates are for those dates ?", "it should be fine , but go ahead and tell me the rates for those specific days first ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much per night are we talking about ?", "responses": ["each night will be $ 308 .", "200 dollars per night , sir .", "we raised rates 30 % from before .", "the rate for our executive suite is 300 , but most rooms are 250", "it depends , would you like a queen or king size bed ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Each night will be $ 308 .", "responses": ["that price is perfectly acceptable .", "that is too much money !", "is there a cheaper room available ?", "do you have any cheaper accomadations ?", "okay , i will take the room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That price is perfectly acceptable .", "responses": ["wonderful ! do you prefer a smoking or nonsmoking room ?", "yes , i agree .", "the price is actually acceptable .", "so will you be taking the room ?", "if you are interested , please let me know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wonderful ! Do you prefer a smoking or nonsmoking room ?", "responses": ["nonsmoking , please .", "either is fine .", "i do not smoke .", "whichever is near the elevator .", "it does n't really matter ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Nonsmoking , please .", "responses": ["next question , is a queen - size bed okay ?", "wonderful , you are all checked in .", "excellent , please follow me to your room .", "of course , right this way .", "indeed , would a king size bed be acceptable ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Next question , Is a queen-size bed okay ?", "responses": ["that sounds fine .", "that is more than fine .", "that s ok", "do you have any king sized beds ?", "no that s not okay , can i get a bigger bed by chance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That sounds fine .", "responses": ["okay , mr . sandals . your reservation is in our computer . all we need now is a phone number .", "okay , will that be cash or credit ?", "we have one room left !", "sorry , we 're booked for those dates .", "will you pay now or when you arrive ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Okay , Mr . Sandals . Your reservation is in our computer . All we need now is a phone number .", "responses": ["certainly . my phone number is 626 - 555 - 1739 .", "okay , it is 5555555 .", "okay , it is 5555556", "okay , it is 5555557 .", "okay , it is 5555558 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Certainly . My phone number is 626-555-1739 .", "responses": ["thank you , mr . sandals . we look forward to seeing you in new york !", "thank you very much for providing that information . we look forward to your visit !", "thank you , mr . sandals . we appreciate your doing business with us and to your upcoming visit !", "thank you for that information , mr . sandals . i 'll see to it that we confirm your reservation 48 hours prior to arrival time . would that be acceptable ?", "thank you , mr . sandals . we appreciate your patronage !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , Mr . Sandals . We look forward to seeing you in New York !"}], "index": 378} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good evening , Pizza House . This is Marty speaking . May I take your order ?", "responses": ["um yes . i 'd like a medium pizza with pepperoni , olives , and extra cheese .", "yes i need a large pizza", "do you have any promotions for today ?", "yes please take my order i need a large and a medium pizza .", "yes , so i need a pepperoni pizza and a meat lovers pizza to go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Um yes . I'd like a medium pizza with pepperoni , olives , and extra cheese .", "responses": ["we have a two - for - one special on large pizzas . would you like a large pizza instead ?", "would you like anything else ?", "do you want to take advantage of our \" buy one , get one half off \" deal ?", "any beverages with that ?", "is this for delivery or pickup ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We have a two-for-one special on large pizzas . Would you like a large pizza instead ?", "responses": ["sure , that sounds good .", "yes , make that large and for the second one the same thing .", "no thank you it is just for me and i do nt want to waste it .", "yes i will have it large and a plain cheese pizza for the free one .", "yes i will have it large and a plain cheese pizza for the free one ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , that sounds good .", "responses": ["great ! would you like your second pizza to be the same as the first ?", "great ! what toppings would you like ?", "what type of crust ?", "so you want to go ahead and order two pizzas then ?", "awesome ! what toppings would you like on the second pizza ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Great ! Would you like your second pizza to be the same as the first ?", "responses": ["no , make the second one with ham , pineapple and green peppers . oh , and make it thin crust .", "for the second one i actually just want cheese please", "yeah , make them both the same please", "hmm , i think i want to try sausage pizza for the second one", "for the second one , can you make it a hawaiian pizza ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , make the second one with ham , pineapple and green peppers . Oh , and make it thin crust .", "responses": ["okay , thin crust . your total is $ 21 . 50 and yourorder will arrive in thirty minutes or it 's free !", "ok , great ! can i get you anything else with that ?", "perfect , i have that down as a thin crust . anything else you 'd like today ?", "ok , got it . did you want to add a dessert to your order ?", "thin crust , got it ! will that be all for today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Okay , thin crust . Your total is $ 21 . 50 and yourorder will arrive in thirty minutes or it ' s free !", "responses": ["perfect . thank you . bye ..", "thank you very much !", "on second thought , i want both thin crust .", "how much are your breadsticks ?", "okay , can i get a two liter of coca cola as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Perfect . Thank you . Bye ..", "responses": ["wait ! ! i need your address !", "did you need my address ?", "would you like a tip ?", "can you add some drinks to my order ?", "could i add another item to my order ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "wait ! ! I need your address !"}], "index": 379} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Personal Banking . How may I help you ?", "responses": ["hi there . i 'm calling about personal internet banking , what details can you give me ?", "hi , i am calling because my debit card keeps being declined and i do n't understand why .", "hi there . i am calling to inquire about opening up an account .", "hi , what are your hours of operation for today ?", "good morning . i would like to report a lost debit card ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi there . I'm calling about Personal Internet Banking , what details can you give me ?", "responses": ["personal internet banking is a self service financial service that is based on the internet . it can be used by both businesses and individuals . we offer an online payment service , personal net banking , which includes services such as account transfers , personal foreign exchange trading . you can also get account management services , online bill payment , for household bills like gas and electricity ...", "what kind of account were you looking to set up ?", "sure , i can help you with that . did you have a specific type of account in mind ?", "was there a specific product you had in mind , or were you just wanting to set up an online checking account ?", "sure , i can help with that . do you already have an account with us ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Personal Internet Banking is a self service financial service that is based on the Internet . It can be used by both businesses and individuals . We offer an online payment service , Personal Net Banking , which includes services such as account transfers , personal foreign exchange trading . You can also get account management services , online bill payment , for household bills like gas and electricity ...", "responses": ["that sounds good . at the moment i spend ages queuing at the post office to pay my bills .", "what do i have to do to sign up ?", "i do n't think i 'm interested in that , thanks .", "thank you very much . how do i log in ?", "can you tell me how hard it is to do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That sounds good . At the moment I spend ages queuing at the post office to pay my bills ."}], "index": 380} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was surprised to see how few people you have on-site . You provide a wide range of goods and services but have a very small workforce .", "responses": ["it depends on the time of year . at peak times we hire in casual workers to help with packing and dispatch . we also contract out certain services all year round , for example , cleaning . we run a very tight operation !", "yes , my workforce is very hard workers .", "yes , we are quite efficient .", "there are also some remote workers .", "the products are easy to make ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It depends on the time of year . At peak times we hire in casual workers to help with packing and dispatch . We also contract out certain services all year round , for example , cleaning . We run a very tight operation !", "responses": ["do you handle the recruiting yourselves ?", "i still think a little more help is in order .", "i 'm impressed with how well they do their jobs !", "are you hiring anyone else soon ?", "what are the peak times of year ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you handle the recruiting yourselves ?", "responses": ["sometimes we use a local employment agency . it depends on the job .", "yes .", "we have had the same people for a long time .", "i do a lot .", "it 's mostly family ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sometimes we use a local employment agency . It depends on the job ."}], "index": 381} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Jeff , look at this listing ! It says there is a cozy studio apartment for rent , and it's only $ 700 per month . What do you think ?", "responses": ["well i think i can afford that apartment . but are pets allowed ?", "that sounds great , can we arrange a tour ?", "that sounds like a good deal . i 'll call the manager tomorrow .", "how many bedrooms does it have ?", "does that include utilities ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well I think I can afford that apartment . But are pets allowed ?", "responses": ["hmm ... let me look . yes , it says it 's a pet - friendly building .", "yes . for a small fee .", "what kind of pet do you have ?", "it does n't say .", "you do n't even have any pets ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hmm ... let me look . Yes , it says it's a pet-friendly building .", "responses": ["that 's great . that means i can bring my cat , mr . twinkles . where is the apartment located ?", "will it take both of our dogs though ?", "i like it ! when can we see it ?", "i hope this is a good deal .", "this almost seems too good to be true ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That's great . That means I can bring my cat , Mr . Twinkles . Where is the apartment located ?", "responses": ["it says it 's located in the suburbs .", "lets see , it says its in the turtle state area , its a nice area to live .", "ah .. yes , it says its in the turtle state area , i do n't know if you have ever been there before , but its nice !", "its in the turtle state area , a great place to live .", "well .. lets see , it say its in the turtle state area , should we go check it out sometime ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It says it's located in the suburbs ."}], "index": 382} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you like to have for dinner ? Chicken or beef ?", "responses": ["chicken , please .", "i would prefer please , please .", "how is the chicken prepared ?", "what type of beef would it be ?", "are there sides as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Chicken , please .", "responses": ["good choice !", "okay , see you soon .", "okay ill be home soon with the food .", "see you soon with the chicken .", "coming home now with chicken in hand ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good choice !", "responses": ["what kind of drinks do you have ?", "i thought it was too !", "i love chicken !", "we had beef last night .", "i figured we 'd change it up !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of drinks do you have ?", "responses": ["well , we have all kinds of beverages in addition to fruit juices .", "there is sweet tea and water .", "there is milk and water .", "there is unsweet tea and water .", "there is orange juice and milk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we have all kinds of beverages in addition to fruit juices .", "responses": ["in that case , let me have a glass of orange juice .", "is there iced tea available ?", "i do n't really like fruit juices . what flavors of soda do you have ?", "i would like a cup of coffee .", "are the juices sugar - free ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "In that case , let me have a glass of orange juice .", "responses": ["anything else ?", "here you go .", "alright .", "great choice .", "sorry , we are out of orange juice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anything else ?", "responses": ["i would like to have some tea as well .", "one coffee , black with one sugar .", "do you have wedge salad ?", "i 'll take a diet cola with that .", "can i get a baked potato with that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to have some tea as well .", "responses": ["another flight attendant is coming down the aisle with coffee and tea .", "would like milk , cream , or almond milk to go with that ?", "you dinner includes a choice of sides ? do you have something in mind ?", "no problem . might i interest you in some chocolate cake for desert ?", "we have quite a few teas to chose from . do you have a favorite ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Another flight attendant is coming down the aisle with coffee and tea .", "responses": ["i see .", "sounds good , thanks .", "very well , i appreciate it .", "oh okay . i will wait .", "can you please get it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see ."}], "index": 383} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to apply for a credit card . Can you help me with my application ?", "responses": ["i 'd be glad to .", "yes ! what kind of rewards do you like ?", "absolutely . i would love to help with that .", "very good . what is your name ?", "splendid . i know just the card for you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'd be glad to .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid that i do n't have a credit history . i just came to this country .", "how should we get started ?", "how do we start the process ?", "where do we start first ?", "thanks , what do we do first ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid that I don't have a credit history . I just came to this country .", "responses": ["do you have an account with this bank ?", "that 's okay .", "really ? i ca n't help you then .", "i can help you in any case .", "you 'll want to build up some credit first , then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have an account with this bank ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid not .", "no .", "i do not .", "i do not have an account .", "yes i do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid not .", "responses": ["in that case i highly recommend you apply for a savings and checking account also . that would help with your credit card application .", "would you like to open a new account with us ?", "it would be in your best interest , for approval - standards , that you open an account with us .", "regretfully , we require credit card applicants to be a current member of our bank . would you like to open an account with us , now ?", "that is fine ! we have some fantastic sign - on offers for new customers . would you be interested in this information ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "In that case I highly recommend you apply for a savings and checking account also . That would help with your credit card application .", "responses": ["what is the interest rate on your card ?", "i will consider it .", "i will think about it .", "that sounds like a plan .", "okay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is the interest rate on your card ?", "responses": ["the annual charge rate is 9 . 5 % .", "that depends on your expected income and level of debts .", "we had three tiers of credit cards available .", "it depends on which bank accounts you sign up for .", "if you do n't have any credit history , the rate will be high i 'm afraid ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The annual charge rate is 9 . 5 % .", "responses": ["that 's very expensive !", "are there transaction fees ?", "what are the terms and conditions ?", "is this a prepaid credit card ?", "are prepaid credit cards really credit cards ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's very expensive !", "responses": ["not really . the credit card is a revolving account . you only pay interest on what you owe .", "credit cards can go up to 18 % interest . this is n't half bad .", "it 's really not that bad for unsecured credit .", "if you do n't keep a balance , you wo n't pay interest .", "were you looking for another type of loan ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really . The credit card is a revolving account . You only pay interest on what you owe .", "responses": ["how does the bank bill its customers for credit card charges ?", "so you are saying if i pay it off i will pay not interest ?", "even still , other banks have quoted me lower !", "what is the benefit of a checking account for the card ?", "can you explain that more to me , this is my first credit card ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How does the bank bill its customers for credit card charges ?", "responses": ["you will receive a monthly statement with each expenditure itemized .", "yes , the card is administered by the bank .", "no , the card is a separate visa service and visa will bill you .", "yes , we handle all charges , fees , interest , and payments .", "you 'll received a monthly statement , either paper or electronically ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You will receive a monthly statement with each expenditure itemized .", "responses": ["does the card provide any other benefits ?", "how will i receive the monthly statement ?", "how do i get the monthly statement ?", "what if i do n't want a monthly statement ?", "i do not need a monthly statement"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the card provide any other benefits ?", "responses": ["you can also get a cash advance up to 1,000 dollars on this card .", "there are no benefits .", "you get to use the atms .", "you get customer service .", "there are no other benefits ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can also get a cash advance up to 1,000 dollars on this card ."}], "index": 384} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You're really fit , Paul . Do you exercise very much ?", "responses": ["well , i almost always get up very early , and i lift weights for an hour .", "i have abs of steel !", "i 'm not that fit", "thank you ! i do !", "i do n't really . twice per week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I almost always get up very early , and I lift weights for an hour .", "responses": ["you 're kidding !", "that must wear you out .", "that must be tiring .", "it seems to pay off .", "you look great ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're kidding !", "responses": ["no . and then i often go rollerblading .", "i 'm used to the routine . i 've been lifting for years .", "not at all . lifting gives me a ton of energy .", "nope . i love to lift weights . it gives me a sense of satisfaction .", "not at all . have you ever tried a weight - lifting routine ? it 's amazing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . And then I often go Rollerblading .", "responses": ["wow ! how often do you exercise like that ?", "is that safe ?", "do you wear pads ?", "do you like bicycling ?", "do you do that often ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wow ! How often do you exercise like that ?", "responses": ["about five times a week . what about you ?", "that depends on the weather mostly .", "everyday , without fail .", "at least 6 days a week .", "not as much as i like , that 's for sure !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "About five times a week . What about you ?", "responses": ["oh , i hardly ever exercise . i usually just watch tv in my free time . i guess i 'm a real couch potato !", "i hit the gym everyday", "chasing my kids around is enough exercise for me .", "my job keeps me fit .", "i run three days and play tennis"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I hardly ever exercise . I usually just watch TV in my free time . I guess I'm a real couch potato !"}], "index": 385} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I don't believe we've met .", "responses": ["no , i do n't think we have .", "hi , my name is john .", "hi , my name is randy .", "hi , my name is suzie .", "hi , my name is tina ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I don't think we have .", "responses": ["my name is gao run .", "my name is mark . it 's a pleasure to meet you .", "i 'm surprised we have n't met , considering how small of a world it can be !", "it 's very nice to meet you . my name is mark . what 's your name ?", "i 'm mark . pleasure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Gao Run .", "responses": ["how do you do ? my name is james green .", "nice to meet you .", "it is great to meet you . my name is john doe .", "nice to meet you . my name is suzie doe .", "it is great to meet you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do ? My name is James Green .", "responses": ["here 's my name card .", "so , how long have you been working here ?", "is this a great party or what ?", "how do you know our host ?", "gao , is that korean ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here's my name card .", "responses": ["and here 's mine .", "thank you . might you say your name again for me ?", "why thank you . i 'm make sure to include you in the group .", "thank you . and here is mine . please call use it anytime you like .", "fantastic . would you happen to enjoy golf ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "And here's mine .", "responses": ["it 's nice to finally meet you .", "how do you pronounce your name ?", "what country are you from , james ?", "very nice to meet you .", "i 'm glad i bumped into you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's nice to finally meet you .", "responses": ["and i 'm glad to meet you , too .", "yes it is , how long have you been here ?", "you as well , thanks for introducing yourself .", "absolutely , so how are you doing today ?", "yes it is wonderful to have finally met you as well ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "And I'm glad to meet you , too ."}], "index": 386} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Marketing Manager ' s Office . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["mr . smith , please .", "yes , i would like a consultation .", "yes , i would like some advice .", "yes , i would like to set up an appointment .", "yes , can i speak to greg ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . Smith , please .", "responses": ["sorry , he is out .", "there 's no smith here , i think you want finance .", "mr . smith has past away i 'm afraid , ms gerson is taking his accounts , shall i transfer you ?", "mr . smith is out to lunch , shall i take a message ?", "can you hold for a minute ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , he is out .", "responses": ["what time do you expect him back then ?", "do you happen to know if he will be back this afternoon ?", "may i leave him a message ?", "is he travelling ?", "might i try his cell phone ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time do you expect him back then ?", "responses": ["sorry , i am not sure . can i take a message ?", "a little after 4 .", "we do n't know if he 's coming back .", "i do n't know , but i can give you his number .", "later . can i help you with something ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry , I am not sure . Can I take a message ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i will call back later .", "sure just let him know sandy called and to call me back .", "no thank you i will try to call again later .", "that s ok do you know what time he works tomorrow ?", "yes tell him bill called and that i would like to meet up with him at his convenience ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks . I will call back later .", "responses": ["that 's fine . please call again later .", "very well . you can try after 3:00 but we 're not sure when he 'll be in .", "all right , but i 'd be happy to take a message if you 'd like .", "very well . have a good afternoon .", "would you like to leave a name so i can tell him you called ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That ' s fine . Please call again later .", "responses": ["ok . thank you . goodbye .", "i will", "i will not call back later", "i am reporting you instead of calling back", "i would rather not"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . Thank you . Goodbye ."}], "index": 387} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i need some traveler 's checks .", "what kind of seasoning is on the roast ?", "the plumbing on this toilet is shoddy .", "who do i talk to about upgrading my tickets ?", "why did i have to wait so long ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I need some traveler's checks .", "responses": ["how much do you need ?", "ok how many checks do you need ?", "i can do that , how many ?", "ok you have to pay for those with cash .", "sure , let me check to see if i have any right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much do you need ?", "responses": ["three thousand us dollars .", "i need $ 100 us dollars .", "i 'd like $ 500 in multiple denominations ?", "what 's the minimum purchase amount ?", "i 'd like two $ 100 checks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Three thousand US dollars .", "responses": ["all right , can i have your passbook ?", "that is a awful lot of money", "that is too much money", "i can not give you that much money in traveler 's checks", "i need to speak to my boss about that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "All right , can I have your passbook ?", "responses": ["yes , here you go .", "sure , here you go .", "no , i do n't like to lend it out .", "sure , but be careful with it .", "yes , you can ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , here you go .", "responses": ["what amounts do you want the checks in ?", "thank you . how would you like your bills ?", "thank you very much . is there a specific denomination in which you would like your checks ?", "thank you for that . where are you traveling to , if you do n't mind my asking ?", "thank you very much . have you purchased traveler 's checks with us before ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What amounts do you want the checks in ?", "responses": ["it 's all the same to me .", "it does not matter .", "i am flexible .", "any amount is okay .", "any amount will do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's all the same to me .", "responses": ["here you are .", "will one hundreds be fine ?", "coming right up then .", "i will do a mix of small and large then .", "may i ask where you are going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["thanks .", "thank you .", "have a nice day !", "i bet you 're tired from working today .", "my vacation has officially started ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks ."}], "index": 388} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The plumbing in my new apartment is not working .", "responses": ["i need you to tell me what the problem is .", "oh no , what s going on with it ?", "how long has it not been working ?", "thank you for reaching out i will come look at it immediately .", "none of the plumbing is working at all ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need you to tell me what the problem is .", "responses": ["the bathroom sink is stopped up .", "i ca n't get water pressure from any of the faucets .", "there 's a whole list . where would you like me to start ?", "the bathtub wo n't drain and the kitchen faucet is dripping .", "this is a new apartment . can you just send out a plumber ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The bathroom sink is stopped up .", "responses": ["is the kitchen plumbing messed up also , or just the bathroom plumbing ?", "i will call a plumber", "i will unclog it", "i can fix it myself", "i will take the bathroom sink away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is the kitchen plumbing messed up also , or just the bathroom plumbing ?", "responses": ["just the bathroom plumbing seems to have a problem .", "it is just the kitchen .", "the kitchen is the only problem .", "only the kitchen is affected .", "the kitchen is the only issue ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just the bathroom plumbing seems to have a problem .", "responses": ["did this just start happening , or has it been going on for a while ?", "did you pour any type of drain clog solution into the sink ?", "have you tried running the shower and bathtub faucet ?", "is the water stagnant , or does it slowly recede ?", "i 'll contact our maintenance staff . they should be there within the hour ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did this just start happening , or has it been going on for a while ?", "responses": ["everything worked beautifully until a few hours ago .", "it just happened .", "it has been going on for a while .", "it only just happened .", "it is a regular ocurrance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Everything worked beautifully until a few hours ago .", "responses": ["are you going to be home so i can come by and take a look at the problem ?", "was anything put down the drain ?", "can the water be shut off for a few hours while we work ?", "we will get someone there as soon as possible .", "what time can we come help you out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Are you going to be home so I can come by and take a look at the problem ?", "responses": ["i am not sure if i will be home later .", "i am home now .", "i can be here whenever you are available .", "my roommate or i will be here .", "i have to be at work in a few hours ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am not sure if I will be home later .", "responses": ["i will be coming by around 10 this morning . if you are n't there , i 'll just use my key .", "do you want me to look at it without you ?", "how about tomorrow ? or is it more urgent ?", "well , if you want to get this taken care of , you should give me a time .", "i 'm happy to look at it for you , just let me know when ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I will be coming by around 10 this morning . If you aren ' t there , I ' ll just use my key ."}], "index": 389} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Grand Theft Auto Three is awesome !", "responses": ["it 's more violent than tv news !", "how long have you been playing it ?", "is it your favorite of the three ?", "i really like the original the best .", "that 's great ! do you want to play sometime ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's more violent than TV news !", "responses": ["what time is it anyway ?", "everything is more violent than tv news", "i think that is true", "it is not as violent as you think", "have you played the game for yourself ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time is it anyway ?", "responses": ["nine - thirty .", "is is 12:00 .", "it is 1:00 .", "it is 2:00 .", "it is 3:00 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nine-thirty .", "responses": ["oh , my god , three hours already ! i have to get the chores done !", "i ca n't believe it 's that late !", "i completely lost track of time !", "wow . the last time i looked at the clock it was seven !", "it 's getting late . i should probably head to bed , soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , my God , three hours already ! I have to get the chores done !", "responses": ["no time . that 's their headlights in the window !", "you better hurry .", "you should get started .", "good luck .", "i hope it goes well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No time . That's their headlights in the window !", "responses": ["ok , emergency measures . let 's throw the dishes in the trash ! two birds with one stone ...", "wow they got here fast !", "better save my game then .", "they are gon na be so mad at me .", "time flies when you are having fun !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , emergency measures . Let's throw the dishes in the trash ! Two birds with one stone ...", "responses": ["little dude , your life is over !", "you ca n't be serious .", "well i guess we wo n't be going to that party tonight .", "let 's just run away .", "maybe they wo n't notice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Little dude , your life is over !", "responses": ["no time to worry . we have to dispose of this evidence .", "i know , i 'm going to be in big trouble .", "ugh , i 'm going to be grounded", "my dad is going to blow a gasket .", "crap , you 're right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No time to worry . We have to dispose of this evidence ."}], "index": 390} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How old is Keith ?", "responses": ["he 's 21 . how old is james ?", "keith is in his 50s .", "keith is 23 .", "keith is 33 .", "keith is 16 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's 21 . How old is James ?", "responses": ["he 's a year older than keith , but he looks younger .", "same age as keith . he 's 21 , too .", "only one year older . he 's 22 .", "younger than keither . he 's 20 .", "he 'll be 20 in less than a month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's a year older than Keith , but he looks younger .", "responses": ["how 's your father ?", "he is young for his age .", "that is true .", "you are right .", "you have a point ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How's your father ?", "responses": ["he 's fine . he retired last week . it 's a turning point in his life . now he can relax and enjoy his retirement .", "he is fine .", "he is not doing to well .", "great ! how is yours ?", "i have not spoken to him in a few weeks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's fine . He retired last week . It's a turning point in his life . Now he can relax and enjoy his retirement .", "responses": ["he can spend more time with his grandchildren .", "i ca n't wait to retire .", "i bet he is having the time of his life .", "that 's cool .", "he deserves it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He can spend more time with his grandchildren .", "responses": ["oh , i do n't think he wants to . he wants to travel to several different countries around the world .", "yes , and he will love that .", "he also has more time for his hobbies .", "i 'm so happy for him", "he does love his grandchildren !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I don't think he wants to . He wants to travel to several different countries around the world .", "responses": ["so , he wants to have a more active retirement . good idea !", "oh , really ? where does he want to go ?", "that 's interesting . where is he looking to travel ?", "how nice . what countries is he considering ?", "how adventurous . where does he want to go exactly ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "So , he wants to have a more active retirement . Good idea !", "responses": ["how do you want to spend your old age ?", "yeah , it is good .", "you are right .", "i agree .", "i am in agreement with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you want to spend your old age ?", "responses": ["in the same way , probably .", "i 'd love to travel . i do n't have much time to do it now , but when i 'm older , that 's what i want to do .", "i 'd love to go on a cruise and backpack through europe !", "i 'd rent a motorhome out and tour the country .", "i 'm not sure . i really have n't thought that far ahead !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In the same way , probably ."}], "index": 391} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you do me a favor and proofread my resume before I send it out to the human resources department ?", "responses": ["sure , let me take a look ... personal information , education , experience , training ... i think you should add another section for language . you speak three languages , so you might as well put that on your resume .", "certainly . is there a specific area that you have increased concern over ?", "of course . when do you have to send your resume out ?", "sure . do you have your employment history listed on there ?", "absolutely . please email it to me at my office email address ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure , let me take a look ... Personal Information , Education , Experience , Training ... I think you should add another section for language . You speak three languages , so you might as well put that on your resume .", "responses": ["but languages do n't have anything to do with engineering . should n't everything i put on my resume have something to do with my field ?", "good idea .", "thanks for the tip .", "maybe i should .", "that is a great idea !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But languages don't have anything to do with engineering . Shouldn't everything I put on my resume have something to do with my field ?", "responses": ["not necessarily . i think people would be impressed by your language abilities . it says something about your level of intellect and experience . also , i think human resources directors want to see more of a well - rounded person in a resume .", "no , put all your skills on there .", "yeah , you are probably right .", "i 'm not sure about that .", "it can not hurt , you never know what skills they may think are useful ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Not necessarily . I think people would be impressed by your language abilities . It says something about your level of intellect and experience . Also , I think human resources directors want to see more of a well-rounded person in a resume .", "responses": ["it 's just a piece of paper , you think that they can tell if i am a well - rounded person by looking at it ?", "i never thought of it like that .", "maybe you 're right .", "can i use your computer to edit it in ?", "i hope it gives me a leg up then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's just a piece of paper , you think that they can tell if I am a well-rounded person by looking at it ?", "responses": ["well , you 're right , the resume is limited in how much it can tell someone about a person . that 's why job interviews are important to let people know the real you that they ca n't see from a piece of paper . but resumes can be helpful in explaining things and giving a good impression to a potential employer .", "the resume is often the first impression , so i think it can be important .", "it ca n't hurt to give that impression from the resume .", "it 's just a piece of paper , but it 's very important for setting the tone .", "it 's just a suggestion , i think it will help your chances ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you're right , the resume is limited in how much it can tell someone about a person . That's why job interviews are important to let people know the real you that they can't see from a piece of paper . But resumes can be helpful in explaining things and giving a good impression to a potential employer ."}], "index": 392} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why not come over to work in my company ?", "responses": ["i need to think it over .", "i 'm happy in my current job .", "what salary can you offer me ?", "i do n't think you can match my current compensation .", "what positions do you have available ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I need to think it over .", "responses": ["tell me what you need .", "yeah , i understand that .", "that 's understandable . you should consider it though .", "definitely think it over , but i think it would be a great match for you .", "sure , that makes sense . it would be a perfect fit for you though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me what you need .", "responses": ["all right . i 'm prepared to , if the pay is reasonable .", "i will do that .", "i will be sure to do that .", "i will !", "i will let you know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . I'm prepared to , if the pay is reasonable ."}], "index": 393} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We are approaching the top of the mountain .", "responses": ["what a beautiful view we have here .", "how high up are we , exactly ?", "thanks for letting us know .", "that was quicker than expected . when do we go back down ?", "is this the highest peak in the area ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "What a beautiful view we have here .", "responses": ["yes , you can have a bird's - eye view of the whole city .", "is n't it ?", "it is nice .", "i love the water !", "i love the trees !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , you can have a bird's-eye view of the whole city .", "responses": ["wonderful . will we have any free time there ?", "i 've never experienced a view quite like this !", "i feel like we could see the edge of the earth from atop here !", "it 's stunning . i had no idea the views were this good .", "i 'm speechless !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Wonderful . Will we have any free time there ?", "responses": ["of course . we will stay there for half an hour and you can do your own business .", "you will have free time in the evenings .", "the events are mainly during the day .", "yes , you have free time at night .", "none of the events are mandatory ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course . We will stay there for half an hour and you can do your own business ."}], "index": 394} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what did you do last night ?", "responses": ["i just stayed at home and watched tv .", "nothing much , just sat around the house . you ?", "absolutely nothing . i was so bored . you ?", "i actually went to that huge party . what did you do ?", "just went to the bar from some drinks . how about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I just stayed at home and watched TV .", "responses": ["did you watch the barcelona versus madrid game ?", "you were lazy .", "you are a bum .", "that does not sound productive .", "you must have been tired ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "did you watch the Barcelona versus Madrid game ?", "responses": ["yes , it was a very evenly matched game .", "no , but i heard it was a buzzer - beater .", "yes ! it was by far one of the best games in the season !", "i forgot that it was on . who won ?", "no , i 'm not much of a basketball fan ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , it was a very evenly matched game .", "responses": ["what were the results of the game ?", "it is close .", "i wonder who will win .", "i wonder who will come out ahead .", "it should be fun to watch ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what were the results of the game ?", "responses": ["it ended in a tie .", "madrid won the match 2 - 1 .", "madrid won at the very end of the game with a wild shot !", "madrid won but they lost a star player due to a leg injury .", "it ended up being a 1-t tie ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it ended in a tie .", "responses": ["what was the actual score ?", "those soccer games are so exciting !", "soccer is so intense like that .", "oh man , what great teams !", "will they play again soon ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what was the actual score ?", "responses": ["it was three all .", "4 to 4 .", "no one scored .", "both got 1 goal .", "it ended 3 to 3 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it was three all .", "responses": ["really ? i thought barcelona was going to win . they are a much better team than madrid .", "did we win ?", "did he score ?", "did she score ?", "wow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "really ? I thought Barcelona was going to win . They are a much better team than Madrid .", "responses": ["if barcelona had played as they normally do , they should have won .", "madrid played their hearts out that game .", "maybe madrid over - performed .", "actually , i think they are both even in terms of skills", "yeah , barcelona played terribly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "if Barcelona had played as they normally do , they should have won .", "responses": ["what happened ?", "i heard one of their players was injured .", "well , next time .", "i 'm very disappointed in the outcome .", "hopefully they 'll pull it together for tomorrow 's game ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what happened ?", "responses": ["their goalkeepers got injured after the first goal , but he kept on playing anyway .", "they just looked really tired .", "they did n't seem to care about winning .", "their star player seemed like he was injured .", "the field was so wet they could n't keep their footing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "their goalkeepers got injured after the first goal , but he kept on playing anyway .", "responses": ["that explains it .", "wow , did he go to the hospital after ?", "who injured the goalkeepers ?", "were the goalkeepers given a time out to be seen by a doctor ?", "did you see when they got hurt ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that explains it .", "responses": ["how many more games are left this season ?", "for being injured he did quite well though .", "everything turned out ok for him though . could 've been worse .", "i 'm not sure exactly how he got injured though .", "i think he 'll be good for the next game so that 's a plus ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how many more games are left this season ?", "responses": ["that was the last game before the playoffs .", "only a few i think .", "the season is ending soon , so about two more games i think .", "it 's a shame the season is ending so soon , considering the goalkeepers injuries .", "i 'm not really sure , i 'll probably have to look it up later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that was the last game before the playoffs .", "responses": ["when do the playoffs start ?", "shall we get together to watch some of the playoff games soon ?", "can i come over to your house to watch the games on your giant tv ?", "i 'm sure barcelona will come out victorious", "if barcelona does n't win , i 'm not watching the finals ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "when do the playoffs start ?", "responses": ["in a few weeks . are you planning on watching them ?", "they start next month .", "the playoffs start in three weeks .", "they start in the first week of march .", "i 'm not completely certain about the exact start date ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "in a few weeks . Are you planning on watching them ?", "responses": ["of course ! i really love watching football games on tv .", "yes", "yeah ! wanna watch them together ?", "yes , i think i 'll hold a viewing party .", "i hope so !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "of course ! I really love watching football games on TV .", "responses": ["me , too ! do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place ? i 'm planning on having a few people over to watch it together .", "you want to watch it at my place ?", "you want to meet up for the game ?", "i hope it will be a good game .", "we should plan a party !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Me , too ! Do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place ? I'm planning on having a few people over to watch it together .", "responses": ["sure , that would be great .", "i would love to come over .", "who is coming over ?", "i am going to be busy .", "what time should i come over ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "sure , that would be great .", "responses": ["ok , it 's a date then !", "can you bring a snack to share ?", "you can come over around 3 pm if you want .", "could you help me set up some refreshments ?", "do you have any folding chairs we can use ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok , it's a date then !"}], "index": 395} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how are you ?", "responses": ["i 'm fine , thanks . just trying to get adjusted . it 's hard to keep track of everything around here .", "i 'm good , thanks . how are you ?", "great , thanks , and you ?", "i 'm doing ok , how about you ?", "i 've had better days , what about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m fine , thanks . Just trying to get adjusted . It ' s hard to keep track of everything around here .", "responses": ["that 's for sure . you 're new , too , huh ?", "it sure is .", "you are right about that .", "that is true .", "you have a point ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That ' s for sure . You ' re new , too , huh ?", "responses": ["yeah . i just got here a couple of days ago . how about you ?", "yeah , i hope it 's not too obvious !", "i am . i 've only been working here for about a week . you ?", "yep . i was hired last monday .", "fairly new . my first day was last friday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah . I just got here a couple of days ago . How about you ?"}], "index": 396} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . I bought this shirt yesterday , but I would like to refund it .", "responses": ["gave me the receipt , please .", "i 'm sorry that you 're not happy with your purchase . what 's wrong with the shirt ?", "can you please tell me why you 'd like to return it ?", "do you have a receipt ?", "sure . do you have your sales receipt ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Gave me the receipt , please .", "responses": ["here is my receipt .", "here you go .", "here is the receipt .", "i need to look for it .", "here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here is my receipt .", "responses": ["what 's wrong with it ?", "thank you , why are you returning it ?", "ok give me a moment to process the refund .", "thank you , was there anything wrong with the shirt ?", "oh this looks like it is the wrong receipt , do you have the right one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with it ?", "responses": ["it 's too small for me to wear .", "it shrunk overnight .", "it has a weird stain on it .", "my fiancee hated it .", "i lost it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's too small for me to wear .", "responses": ["would you like another bigger one ?", "i understand . let me examine the item .", "would you like to this refunded to your credit card or to store credit ?", "would you like to have the shirt in a different size ?", "i am sorry , but the item is too damaged to return ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like another bigger one ?", "responses": ["no thanks . i want to have a refund .", "yes , please the other one was too small .", "yes , please .", "no .", "i would like a refund instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No thanks . I want to have a refund .", "responses": ["ok , here is your money .", "okay i will start the refund process .", "i am sorry we do not offer refunds . we can only replace it .", "okay i will call my manager to handle the refund .", "it looks good on you , are you sure you want a refund ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , here is your money ."}], "index": 397} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , so many kinds of winter hats .", "responses": ["what is your favorite color , miss ?", "it is cold .", "the weather is cold .", "it is time for hats .", "they need the hats ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your favorite color , miss ?", "responses": ["red .", "i really like pink , its my favorite .", "i do nt have a favorite i like all colors .", "i like spring colors , light blues , greens , yellows .", "orange always looks really nice on my skin tone !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Red .", "responses": ["here you are . it 's very attractive .", "we have plenty of red !", "great news , i have a red one right here !", "very good . shall i bag it up ?", "we 're out of red , second choice ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Here you are . It ' s very attractive .", "responses": ["may i try it on ?", "thank you very much .", "i appreciate the compliment . thank you for letting me know .", "can i try it on ?", "how much does it cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I try it on ?", "responses": ["go ahead .", "sure , have at it .", "of course !", "here you go !", "it looks amazing on you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Go ahead .", "responses": ["is there a mirror around here ?", "how much does it cost ?", "it 's a little big , do you have a larger one ?", "it 's a little too loose , do you have one in a smaller size ?", "do you have the hat in black ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there a mirror around here ?", "responses": ["right over there .", "yes , right over there against the wall .", "in the fitting room , let me walk you over .", "i have a hand mirror behind the counter .", "yes , and why do n't you take this one to try on as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right over there .", "responses": ["does it suit me ?", "this looks great .", "do you have anything brighter ?", "i do n't see the mirror .", "does this look too big for my head ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does it suit me ?", "responses": ["yes , you look very nice .", "i think it looks great !", "try pulling it down more .", "if you turn it around backwards it might look good too .", "i think it looks great , are you going to get it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , you look very nice .", "responses": ["how much is it ?", "let 's try on another .", "should i try on another ?", "do you think i should get this same hat in blue ?", "then it 's settled . i 'm buying this one !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is it ?", "responses": ["we 're having a clearance sale . $ 4 plus tax .", "it 's on sale , 50 % off of it 's original price !", "that would be $ 15.99 , miss .", "we currently have a two for one sale going on right now if that helps ?", "oh about $ 30 , but if you buy a second hat you get 30 % off the second one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We're having a clearance sale . $ 4 plus tax .", "responses": ["that 's quite reasonable .", "great ! i 'll take it !", "i 'd like to see a few other options before i decide , please .", "the price is so cheap , i 'm worried about the quality of the item . do you have anything more high - end ?", "do you have any other styles in red ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's quite reasonable ."}], "index": 398} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I help you with ?", "responses": ["may i ask you something ?", "i need you to sign this .", "i need your signature .", "i need help with this policy .", "i do not understand this document ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I ask you something ?", "responses": ["what 's your question ?", "sure , what question do you have ?", "absolutely i am here to help .", "i will try my best to answer .", "ok , you sure can . ask me anything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's your question ?", "responses": ["how many hours behind the wheel do i need ?", "where do you make this delicious pepperoni ?", "where is the sausage imported from ?", "what kind of malt flavors are there ?", "what happened to orange julius ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many hours behind the wheel do I need ?", "responses": ["what do you need to take it for ?", "it depends . what do you need to drive for ?", "you need 30 hours of behind the wheel training to be able to take the test .", "can you tell me more information about the test you are taking ?", "how many hours have you already spent behind the wheel ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you need to take it for ?", "responses": ["i 'm trying to get my license .", "i am applying to be a taxi driver", "i need to know how many hours for a taxi field", "i need a driving job , that 's why .", "need to see how many hours ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm trying to get my license .", "responses": ["you need six hours .", "you need to practice driving for at least 20 hours before trying to get your license .", "you can be behind the wheel for as long you want .", "please review the official driver handbook .", "the test is easy , just practice for a few hours and you will be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You need six hours .", "responses": ["can i do all six hours in one day ?", "that 's not too bad .", "thank you , i think i can do that .", "that 's more than i was expecting .", "thank you for the information . is there anything else i should know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I do all six hours in one day ?", "responses": ["you have to do it in three days .", "it ca n't be in one day", "no , it has to be spread out .", "you can do a max of 1.5 hours per day .", "it has to be spread over at least 4 days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You have to do it in three days .", "responses": ["that 's all i have to do ?", "so i have to do two hours a day for three days ?", "could i do three hours one day , one hour the next , and the last hour on the third day ?", "do i have to do an equal amount of hours each day ?", "do the hours need to be spread out evenly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's all I have to do ?", "responses": ["that 's everything .", "no , you 'll need to fill out these papers as well .", "no . additional paperwork is required .", "yes . we also need to take your photo .", "yes , for the driving portion of the test ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's everything .", "responses": ["well , that 's a relief .", "is there any paperwork i need to bring later ?", "are there any other requirements about getting my license that i should know about ?", "should i study the driving handbook ?", "is there a test i need to take besides the practical driving test ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , that's a relief ."}], "index": 399} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , I have something to trouble you .", "responses": ["yes ? i 'll be very glad if i could be of any help to you .", "ok , what is troubling you ?", "oh no trouble , how can i help ?", "no trouble at all what is going on .", "oh no , what is happening ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes ? I'll be very glad if I could be of any help to you .", "responses": ["an hour ago , i bought this vase with my tourist .", "could i get another ouerderve ?", "where do they find these delicious clams ?", "could you see if there are any salmon crisps left ?", "i would like a spiked punch ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "An hour ago , I bought this vase with my tourist .", "responses": ["oh , yes . i remember it clearly . is there anything wrong with it ?", "do you have a receipt ?", "i understand . what would you like to know ?", "may i see a photo of the vase ?", "where did you buy the vase ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yes . I remember it clearly . Is there anything wrong with it ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid so . we found this crack on the bottom when i went back to my hotel .", "yes there is a crack", "yes the top piece is chipped", "yes i believe the vase is fake", "is this a replica piece ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid so . We found this crack on the bottom when I went back to my hotel .", "responses": ["oh , how awful ! let me have a look , i 'm terribly sorry . it was most thoughtless of me . would you excuse me , please ?", "would you like a replacement for the vase ?", "would you like a refund ?", "do you have a receipt for the vase ?", "i will ask my manager to see what we could do for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , how awful ! Let me have a look , I'm terribly sorry . It was most thoughtless of me . Would you excuse me , please ?", "responses": ["oh , it 's quite all right , i suppose . it ca n't be helped sometimes .", "sure , that 's not a problem .", "yes , of course .", "oh , of course , i 'm not in a rush .", "sure , that 's ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , It's quite all right , I suppose . It can't be helped sometimes .", "responses": ["it 's very kind of you to say so . how about changing another one for you ?", "i 'll be right back with a new one .", "thank you for understanding", "unfortunately , not every customer sees it the same way .", "i hope you know we will do what we can to make it up to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's very kind of you to say so . How about changing another one for you ?", "responses": ["all right . thank you .", "that would be great , can i send this one back", "can i get the same vase instead ?", "will you send this one in a better packaging ?", "i look forward to getting the new vase ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . Thank you .", "responses": ["just a minute , please . i wo n't be long . i 'm sure this one is perfect . you may examine it carefully .", "we do n't have one exactly like this , but how about one with a red hue ?", "i 'm terribly sorry sir but we do n't have a replica of this . what other vases do you like ?", "is there any particular type of vase you would like ? i ask because we 're all out of these .", "here you go sir , a brand new vase . we 've included a complimentary cushion case for it as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just a minute , please . I won't be long . I'm sure this one is perfect . You may examine it carefully .", "responses": ["oh , yes , it is . i 'll take this one .", "the top is chipped though .", "looks good , thank you very much .", "it 's beautiful , thanks for you help .", "this wo n't cost me anything extra , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , yes , it is . I'll take this one .", "responses": ["i 'm very sorry for any inconvenience i 've caused you .", "great , shall i wrap it up for you ?", "wonderful . come over to the counter with me and i 'll ring up the exchange .", "i 'm glad we could come to a resolution . let me put that in a bag for you .", "would you like to purchase an extended warranty / damage policy for fifty dollars ? it will cover any future damages for the lifetime of the product ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm very sorry for any inconvenience I've caused you .", "responses": ["well , there 's no reason to apologize for such a trifle thing .", "thank you for letting me help you with this problem .", "sometimes it is very easy for something to slip past us .", "please feel free to let us know if we can help you with anything else .", "i am terribly sorry you had to come back , would you like a complimentary cup of coffee ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , there's no reason to apologize for such a trifle thing ."}], "index": 400} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here you are . You left the medicine here .", "responses": ["sorry . i was too worried .", "thank you , i needed bit", "i refill my medicine every month", "where did you find it ?", "how can i repay you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry . I was too worried .", "responses": ["i firmly believe that you love your brother very much .", "should i bring it to you ?", "will you pick it up ?", "has it been too long since you last took it ?", "what 's worrying you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I firmly believe that you love your brother very much .", "responses": ["absolutely . by the way , do you sell any traditional chinese medicine ?", "i do love my brother .", "can i come get my medicine ?", "sorry about that , i 'll be by tomorrow to get it .", "i 'll turn around now , i ca n't go home without it.\\"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Absolutely . By the way , do you sell any traditional Chinese medicine ?", "responses": ["yes , we have some chinese medicine for common cold .", "yes we do , what ailments do you have ?", "yes , we have tea and oil of all kinds .", "we do indeed . what ails you ?", "we have medicine of all kinds . how can i help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we have some Chinese medicine for common cold .", "responses": ["i heard chinese medicine has a better lasting effect in cure .", "what kind of medicine is it exactly ?", "will this tradition chinese medicine really help ?", "are there any side effects of the traditional chinese medicine that i should worry about >", "how much is the traditional chinese medicine going to cost me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I heard Chinese medicine has a better lasting effect in cure .", "responses": ["it depends . it 's true that you can take some for prevention .", "yes , many people believe that chinese medicine is healthier than going to a regular doctor .", "yes , herbal chinese medicine is often more effective than taking pills prescribed by a doctor .", "yes , some people believe that chinese medicine is better for you , though i 've never seen any evidence of this that proves it .", "yes , the chinese have perfected their traditional medicines over thousands of years ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It depends . It's true that you can take some for prevention ."}], "index": 401} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of place shall we rent ?", "responses": ["it should be close to the university . neither of us are good at getting up in the mornings and closer it is , the later we can get up .", "how about a nice cabin in the woods ?", "i 'd like to stay in a rooftop apartment in new york city", "just a small apartment will do , we do n't need much space .", "i have so much junk , i need at least an extra bedroom for all my stuff ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It should be close to the university . Neither of us are good at getting up in the mornings and closer it is , the later we can get up .", "responses": ["absolutely . that 's the most important thing to take into consideration . i 'm not too worried about the size of the flat .", "that 's a good point .", "yeah , you 're probably right . what areas do you think are best ?", "yes , closer is probably best .", "closer sounds like a good idea . have you come across any good possibilities ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Absolutely . That's the most important thing to take into consideration . I'm not too worried about the size of the flat .", "responses": ["neither am i . so a small place is ok , but we 'll get a bigger one if it 's not expensive . do you mind if it 's in a noisy area ?", "what 's your budget ?", "are you ok with me bringing my cat ?", "wanna split the furniture costs ?", "when 's your move out date ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Neither am I . So a small place is ok , but we'll get a bigger one if it's not expensive . Do you mind if it's in a noisy area ?", "responses": ["i do n't mind . i 'm not a light sleeper , but quieter is better for when we have to study at home .", "how noisy ?", "no not at all .", "not if it 's big enough .", "yes i would mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't mind . i'm not a light sleeper , but quieter is better for when we have to study at home .", "responses": ["good point . ok , let 's go to the estate agent and see what they can offer us .", "i prefer it to be quiet too .", "it would be cheaper in a noisy area though .", "let 's try to find a quiet area then .", "that 's a good point , we will have to study too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good point . Ok , let's go to the estate agent and see what they can offer us .", "responses": ["yes , if we 're lucky we 'll find something in the next few days . i think you had a good idea to start flat hunting early .", "what time do you want to leave ?", "do you want to drive ?", "what day this week did you want to go ?", "i will bring my mom with us to help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , if we're lucky we'll find something in the next few days . I think you had a good idea to start flat hunting early .", "responses": ["how much do you think the rent will be ?", "i agree . i think there will be a lot of people who miss out on a good flat .", "being near the campus will make it easier without a car as well .", "i would like a pool or gym nearby if possible .", "we could have a common room for tv and guests ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much do you think the rent will be ?", "responses": ["i asked a few people who are already living in places near the university and they said it would cost about one hundred pounds a month .", "it will be $ 900/month .", "it will be 1000 per month .", "it will be 1100 per month .", "it will be 1200 per month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I asked a few people who are already living in places near the university and they said it would cost about one hundred pounds a month ."}], "index": 402} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a terrible toothache .", "responses": ["which tooth is it ?", "oh , that 's terrible . have you taken anything for the pain ?", "i 'm sorry to hear that . can i get you some medicine ?", "that 's awful . have you scheduled an appointment with the dentist ?", "when did it start ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which tooth is it ?", "responses": ["this one here .", "one of my front teeth", "my left canine", "it 's one of my molars", "it 's my left front tooth"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This one here .", "responses": ["ar , yes . there 's a big cavity .", "ok i see it .", "ok open wider .", "oh that looks bad .", "looks like you need to go to a dentist ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ar , Yes . There ' s a big cavity .", "responses": ["can you fill it ?", "i need the cavity filled .", "can you fill the cavity please ?", "what can we do about the cavity ?", "can you help me with this cavity ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you fill it ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid not . the tooth is too far gone . it 'll have to be taken out .", "let me take a closer look >", "no . you will need a root canal .", "let me look at the xrays first .", "yes i can fill it today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m afraid not . The tooth is too far gone . it'll have to be taken out .", "responses": ["then i might as well have it done now .", "will my insurance cover a tooth extraction ?", "can you tell me how long that will take ?", "could i maybe get a root canal and crown instead of having the tooth pulled ?", "do you local nerve agents for the pain or can i be knocked out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Then I might as well have it done now .", "responses": ["you 'd better wait , the gums are swollen . take the medicine i prescribe and come back in three days .", "yes .", "i agree .", "that is right .", "yes you should ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "you ' d better wait , the gums are swollen . Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days ."}], "index": 403} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I have a look at that vase , please ?", "responses": ["of course . it 's the best one i have here --- and it 's only 300 yuan .", "yes , of course . it 's lovely is n't it ?", "this vase ? yes , here you are .", "yes . were you looking for a new vase today ?", "it 's beautiful , is n't it ? yes , here you go ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course . It's the best one I have here---and it's only 300 yuan .", "responses": ["oh , it 's really nice , but to tell the truth , that 's far too expensive .", "thanks !", "can you tell me more about the vase ?", "do you have similar styles ?", "how large is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , it's really nice , but to tell the truth , that's far too expensive .", "responses": ["really ? even for such an excellent one ?", "well maybe we can make deal ?", "the price you pay for craftsmanship .", "i am sure we can come to an arrangement .", "we do have cheaper ones ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Even for such an excellent one ?"}], "index": 404} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you tell me the best way to look for an apartment ?", "responses": ["the local newspaper has ads for housing .", "are you looking to live in an urban or suburban area ?", "i usually use streeteasy .", "have you tried zillow ?", "i can recommend a broker to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "The local newspaper has ads for housing .", "responses": ["is there any way to find a roommate to share an apartment with ?", "you can check with realtors .", "the net should be helpful .", "are you sure ?", "maybe we should check that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there any way to find a roommate to share an apartment with ?", "responses": ["sometimes you can post an advertisement saying that you need a roommate .", "you can try craigslist .", "you can try facebook", "maybe somebody at work needs to share an apartment .", "i 'm sure there 's an app for sharing apartments ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sometimes you can post an advertisement saying that you need a roommate .", "responses": ["what do landlords charge for rent ?", "i will ask around for you .", "i think i know someone .", "you can put an ad up at the college .", "ask on your facebook , maybe someone knows somebody that is looking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do landlords charge for rent ?", "responses": ["would you like an apartment for just yourself , or do you need it for two people ?", "yes , please visit www.zillow.com and they have multiple listings for apartments , the charges should be shown there as well .", "i 'm sure that the rent varies but we can easily look up and find this information .", "a larger , less efficient apartment ranges about 1800 per month .", "a small , 1 bedroom apartment is pretty reasonable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Would you like an apartment for just yourself , or do you need it for two people ?", "responses": ["there are two of us , but we only need a one - bedroom apartment .", "i need it for two .", "i need it for two people .", "it is just me .", "it is only for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There are two of us , but we only need a one-bedroom apartment .", "responses": ["you should be able to easily find that for twelve hundred dollars a month .", "let me show you some options then .", "excellent , i have quite a few one - bedroom apartments .", "and what is your price range ?", "and how many bathrooms would you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You should be able to easily find that for twelve hundred dollars a month .", "responses": ["i really would appreciate it if you could come look at apartments with me .", "does that include utilities ?", "ok , that works .", "how much would it cost to post an advertisement ?", "can you recommend a good location to look into ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I really would appreciate it if you could come look at apartments with me .", "responses": ["sure , i 'll go look at apartments with you anytime you want .", "okay . would you like to go this weekend ?", "my work schedule is pretty tight for the next few weeks . can you wait a while or do you need to find something right away ?", "i would love to look at apartments with you . when would you like to start ?", "is there a particular area of the city that you like best to start looking ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , I ' ll go look at apartments with you anytime you want ."}], "index": 405} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , would you please do me a favor ?", "responses": ["with pleasure .", "what favor ?", "it depends what it is .", "i might be able to do you a favor .", "what 's in it for me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "With pleasure .", "responses": ["i appreciate the building so much . i am wondering if you could take a picture of me against the building .", "would you mow my lawn ?", "could you walk my dog ?", "can you babysit for me tonight ?", "can you switch hours with me this week ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I appreciate the building so much . I am wondering if you could take a picture of me against the building .", "responses": ["no problem .", "i will be glad to help you with this .", "would you prefer one in the front or rear of the building ?", "certainly , the area by the bay window would be lovely .", "would you also like one in the beautiful garden ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem ."}], "index": 406} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The product's selling points is its advanced technoledge .", "responses": ["unfortunately , it 's just too expensive for majority of consumer to afford .", "if you are like me , i am sure that you would appreciate that .", "the new advancements are very user friendly .", "the advanced tech is definitely included in the price .", "i am certain your kids will enjoy showing you how to use this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Unfortunately , it's just too expensive for majority of consumer to afford .", "responses": ["why is the price so high ?", "that is too bad .", "lower the price .", "make it cheaper .", "reduce the price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why is the price so high ?", "responses": ["it 's not just that the price is high , it 's that the overhead to update an entire computer system to be compatible is costly .", "the investors expect their money back .", "we spent too much money in developing the product .", "the construction of the product is very costly .", "the parts that are used are very expensive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not just that the price is high , it's that the overhead to update an entire computer system to be compatible is costly .", "responses": ["model of computers are n't compatible ?", "what can i do to help with your overhead costs ?", "the product will pay for itself very soon .", "the benefits of this product outweigh the costs .", "if you compare the price to others out there , it 's not that much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Model of computers aren't compatible ?", "responses": ["most current computer systems simply ca n't handle it because this model truly has extraordinary capabilities .", "exactly . the product requires the latest in computing technology .", "yes , and most consumers do n't have the additional money and resources to update their entire computer system .", "yes , the product is only compatible with the latest computer models .", "yes , the hardware and operating systems required for this product are brand new , and unfortunately it 's not compatible with older systems ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Most current computer systems simply can't handle it because this model truly has extraordinary capabilities .", "responses": ["maybe after the next generation of technology comes out , the price of this model will become more affordable .", "how can we remedy this ?", "if we remove or hinder some capabilities will that help bring the price down ?", "could we offer a rebate of some kind ?", "what if we partner with a computer company and offer a package deal with newer , faster , more capable computers ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe after the next generation of technology comes out , the price of this model will become more affordable .", "responses": ["but by then , the technology will be outdated .", "TRUE", "i believe that", "i think that is still too soon", "that is what i believe"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But by then , the technology will be outdated .", "responses": ["true , but our focus has never been affordability anyway . coastwise , we may not be very competitive , but qualitywise , we definitely have an edge .", "i would rather wait for new technology .", "do you have any cheaper versions ?", "how long do you think it might last ?", "will the new technology be better and lower in price ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "True , but our focus has never been affordability anyway . Coastwise , we may not be very competitive , but qualitywise , we definitely have an edge .", "responses": ["that 's right , no one else has a product on the market now that is comparable .", "i do not think spending the extra money is worth it .", "let 's see what the consumer says .", "i will set up a demonstration .", "i will send you a catalog of the product ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right , no one else has a product on the market now that is comparable .", "responses": ["this model has advanced technoledge , superior components , it is compact , and it 's a top - quality product .", "see , we shoudln't worry about the cost", "no one can offer what we can , so we have no competition .", "what is something else that we can change ?", "what are the consumers saying about the product ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This model has advanced technoledge , superior components , it is compact , and it's a top-quality product .", "responses": ["i guess you get what you pay for .", "by the time we find a market , the technology may not be so advanced anymore .", "the components are superior , but they raise the cost considerably .", "i 'm concerned that even top quality wo n't help us find a market , at this price point .", "i supposed it 's possible that it will find a niche in the high end market ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess you get what you pay for ."}], "index": 407} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of permanent would you like to have ?", "responses": ["what kinds do you have ?", "i would like to have something that sticks around .", "i would like something fancy .", "i would like something simple .", "i would like something cool ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what kinds do you have ?", "responses": ["oh , yeah , it 's quite of variety . regular , cold perm , straight perm , pink curl and form .", "there 's a book of examples on the table there .", "let me get the stylist for you .", "well , i can pretty much do whatever you 'd like .", "let me first ask you this,\"have you ever had one before , \" ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yeah , It ' s quite of variety . Regular , cold perm , straight perm , pink curl and form .", "responses": ["last time i tried a pink curl perm and form permanent . set the wave a little loose than as usual , please .", "what is a pink curl ?", "how much do they cost ?", "how long will it take ?", "can you cut my hair as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Last time I tried a pink curl perm and form permanent . Set the wave a little loose than as usual , please ."}], "index": 408} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello ! How do I get more amenities ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , sir . i 'm not sure i understand .", "we can hook you up with more amenities right now .", "at this time we do n't have anymore amenities .", "what kind of amenities would you be interested in ?", "i 'll have to ask my manager ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm sorry , sir . I'm not sure I understand .", "responses": ["i 'm talking about the free stuff , like soap and shampoo .", "i would like to know if you have other amenities to provide other than what i already have .", "what other amenities can you offer ?", "may i speak to your manager ?", "i want more amenities . how can i get them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm talking about the free stuff , like soap and shampoo .", "responses": ["oh , i see . so , you 're saying that you 've already run out of your amenities .", "certainly . i will send someone up to your room with additional soap and shampoo .", "i will speak to housekeeping right away and have some additional amenities sent to your room .", "oh of course . i will take care of that right away for you .", "oh certainly . i will send someone to your room with the amenities . is there anything else i can help you with today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I see . So , you're saying that you've already run out of your amenities .", "responses": ["no , no . i 've got plenty left .", "yes , we have run out already .", "no , there were none here when we arrived .", "my daughter poured them into the bathtub .", "there are some here but they look old and gross ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , no . I've got plenty left .", "responses": ["now i 'm confused again ! what is the problem ?", "then why are you asking for more ?", "then how come you want to know how to get more ?", "then there is no problem here", "that is why i do not understand"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Now I'm confused again ! What is the problem ?", "responses": ["what am i going to do about souvenirs ?", "in case of need , how and where to approach for amenities ?", "what is the procedure to get amenities ?", "i might need more amenities in the future .", "to make sure that i can get amenities when i need them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What am I going to do about souvenirs ?", "responses": ["oh , i get it ! you want souvenirs !", "we have a limit on how many we can give out .", "i will send some up .", "i will send up some soaps .", "let me talk to my manager ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I get it ! You want souvenirs !", "responses": ["yes , i 've got enough soap for my use , but no extra soap for souvenirs .", "no , i need some more free amenities", "yes , what can i get ?", "what do you offer for free souvenirs ?", "can i get anything for free ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I've got enough soap for my use , but no extra soap for souvenirs .", "responses": ["sir , our souvenir shop carries all those items , and as a guest you get a discount .", "i can give you a couple of extra soaps .", "i 'm sorry , but my manager would not allow me to give you more soap than you could use during your stay .", "i understand , for your convenience there is a gift shop in the lobby .", "i understand , before you check out , please come down to the desk and request an extra soap ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sir , our souvenir shop carries all those items , and as a guest you get a discount .", "responses": ["please ! free souvenirs are the only true souvenirs .", "okay . i see . thank you .", "how much of a discount do i get as a guest ?", "would it still be possible for me to get just a few samples for free , as a guest ?", "i 've been a long - term guest and i think i deserve a few free souvenirs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Please ! Free souvenirs are the only true souvenirs .", "responses": ["i understand completely , sir . housekeeping will bring you souvenirs in just a moment .", "the amenities you 're talking about are meant for you to use in your room .", "how many would you like ?", "i 'm sorry but you will need to visit our souvenir shop and purchase these items .", "i would be happy to provide you with a few extra soaps ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I understand completely , sir . Housekeeping will bring you souvenirs in just a moment ."}], "index": 409} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . Is this where I catch the bus for the zoo ?", "responses": ["well , you can take the no . 36 bus from here , but then you have to walk about 30 minutes .", "yes it is .", "no , you want the bus stop across the street .", "yes , but it 's a long ride and you have to transfer buses at the downtown station .", "i have no idea ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you can take the No . 36 bus from here , but then you have to walk about 30 minutes .", "responses": ["that does n't sound too bad .", "is there another way to get there ?", "that 's not ideal .", "can i take another bus that will leave me closer ?", "ok , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That doesn't sound too bad .", "responses": ["actually , if you go to the bus stop in the next block , you can take bus 301 which will let you right off in front of the zoo .", "there is a lot of traffic on that stretch of the road , so be careful if you are going to walk the 30 minutes .", "it is a beautiful day for a walk and visit to the zoo . have fun !", "it is actually worse than it sounds . you might want to consider calling a cab .", "be careful if you decide to take that route . the weather forecast is calling for strong storms , and it would n't be good to get caught walking in them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , if you go to the bus stop in the next block , you can take bus 301 which will let you right off in front of the zoo .", "responses": ["maybe that 's what i 'll do . thanks a lot .", "ok , that is great .", "i do n't mind the 30-minute walk", "i will take that bus .", "i would rather take this bus ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe that's what I'll do . Thanks a lot .", "responses": ["you 're welcome .", "your welcome", "no problem", "okay", "sure"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're welcome ."}], "index": 410} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to order breakfast , please .", "responses": ["what 'd you like , madam ?", "i will be glad to take your order . what would you like ?", "let me get your waitress . it will just be a minute .", "great ! that 's what i 'm here for . would you like to start with some coffee ?", "i 'm sorry . we stopped serving breakfast at 10:30 . would you like to order something from the lunch menu ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What'd you like , madam ?", "responses": ["two muffins and a cup of coffee . will it take long ?", "just a coffee .", "i would like some scrambled eggs .", "please give me a menu .", "i would like some oatmeal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Two muffins and a cup of coffee . Will it take long ?", "responses": ["no , just a few minutes .", "only five minutes", "not too long", "it will take long", "i will get it done as fast as possible"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , just a few minutes ."}], "index": 411} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are you ?", "responses": ["i 'm doing well .", "i am fine .", "i do not feel well .", "i am tired .", "not well , i will be taking the rest of the day off ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m doing well .", "responses": ["how may i help you ?", "that is good", "that is great", "that is awesome", "i am doing well too"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How may I help you ?", "responses": ["could you cancel a check for me ?", "yeah , could you tell me how to book a room ?", "i need to go to the restroom . can you please tell me where is it ?", "where is the closest supermarket from here ?", "i need to call a taxi ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you cancel a check for me ?", "responses": ["what 's the problem ?", "sure . could you give me your name and account number ?", "when was this check made ?", "name and account number , please ?", "absolutely ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the problem ?", "responses": ["i wrote the check out for way too much .", "i do not have enough money in my account to cover the check", "i put the wrong address on the check", "my account has been hacked and i need to cancel all checks and cards", "i put the wrong amount on the check"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wrote the check out for way too much .", "responses": ["how much ?", "i 'm sorry , i ca n't do that .", "sure , i 'd be happy to cancel the check .", "do you have the check number and the amount it was written for ?", "how did that happen ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much ?", "responses": ["i wrote the check out for $ 150 .", "does the amount matter in order for me to cancel the check ?", "is there a minimum or maximum amount that applies for my wanting to cancel the check ?", "less than one hundred dollars .", "more than one hundred dollars too much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wrote the check out for $ 150 .", "responses": ["what were you supposed to write it out for ?", "there will be a charge to cancel your check .", "yes , i can help you cancel that check .", "i would be happy to help you with this .", "i can not cancel this check because it has already been cashed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What were you supposed to write it out for ?", "responses": ["i was supposed to write the check out for $ 100 .", "i should 've written the check for $ 100 .", "i meant to write the check out for $ 100 .", "i was supposed to write it out for $ 100 .", "the total amount should have been $ 100 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was supposed to write the check out for $ 100 .", "responses": ["i 'll just cancel it for you right now .", "could you give me your account number ?", "i hate it when that happens !", "do you know the check number ?", "who is the check made out to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' ll just cancel it for you right now .", "responses": ["that 's great . you 're a lifesaver .", "thank you !", "is there a charge to cancel it ?", "can i also get cash out of my account ?", "how long will it take to get the cancel in the system ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s great . You ' re a lifesaver ."}], "index": 412} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like to take a look at the menu , sir ?", "responses": ["yes . thank you .", "yes , please .", "of course , thank you .", "no , thank you . i 'm familiar with this restaurant .", "sure , thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . Thank you .", "responses": ["would you care for a drink before you order ?", "here you go .", "here it is .", "i recommend the filet .", "today we 've got a pasta special and new summer salad ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you care for a drink before you order ?", "responses": ["a glass of qingdao beer .", "yes , can i please have a beer ?", "no , i will wait until i order", "what do you have to drink ?", "can i order 2 drinks ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A glass of Qingdao beer .", "responses": ["yes , sir . i 'll bring it over . have you decided what you 'd like , sir ?", "i 'm sorry , we do n't have that .", "sure , would you like a pitcher instead ?", "excellent choice , sir .", "i 'll bring that right out for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , sir . I'll bring it over . Have you decided what you'd like , sir ?", "responses": ["will you make some recommendation ?", "i think i might like to start with an appetizer .", "no , not yet . could you please come back in a few minutes ?", "are you offering any specials tonight ?", "i do n't know this place . what do you recommend ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Will you make some recommendation ?"}], "index": 413} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m taking BA fright 123 to London . Can you tell me where the reporting desk is , please ?", "responses": ["yes , madam . the reporting desk for the british airway 's flight to london is over there .", "sure , right over there next to jet airways .", "let me look it up for you .", "ba 's desk is at the end of this side .", "please go to the left and turn right . then , you will see the ba 's desk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , Madam . The reporting desk for the British Airway's flight to London is over there .", "responses": ["thank you so much . is this the desk for ba flight 123 to london ?", "thank you !", "thanks", "wow , i walked right past there .", "i appreciate that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you so much . Is this the desk for BA flight 123 to London ?", "responses": ["yes , this is the right desk . have you any luggage ?", "no , the disk is over there", "do you have another question madam ?", "here is a map with the location of the desks", "did you forget what i told you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , this is the right desk . Have you any luggage ?", "responses": ["the suitcase , that 's all . except my handbag . of course .", "no , just carry on .", "yes , i 'd like to check two bags please .", "i would prefer to take both of my bags on board with me .", "how much can i carry with me on the plane ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The suitcase , that ' s all . Except my handbag . Of course .", "responses": ["would you please put you suitcase on the scales ? you need n't weigh your handbag .", "very good . you can check your suitcase and carry your handbag on the plane .", "you might be able to stow that suitcase in the overhead bin . we should measure it .", "that 's fine . it would be a good idea to check in now .", "they will be able to take care of you at the desk then . have a good flight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you please put you suitcase on the scales ? You needn ' t weigh your handbag .", "responses": ["is there a receipt ?", "where is the scale ?", "what is the weight limit ?", "what is the weight limit ?", "i can not lift the suitcase ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there a receipt ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'll attach your baggage receipt to your ticket .", "yes , i will give you the receipt right after weighing the luggage .", "no , there will be no receipt for your luggage , but a luggage tag .", "of course , you will be given the receipt .", "this luggage tag will replace the receipt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I ' ll attach your baggage receipt to your ticket .", "responses": ["what must i do next ?", "is my flight boarding yet ?", "what 's the weather like in london ?", "is my flight on - time ?", "is there any way i can carry it on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What must I do next ?", "responses": ["you must go to immigration to the departure lounge .", "you need to walk down the hall and go through security .", "you have two hours before your flight . you can get lunch before you have to board .", "you will have to take the stuff out of your pockets and open your handbag to get through security .", "you will have to wait for them to call your flight . there are restaurants , bathrooms and shopping areas to fill your time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You must go to immigration to the departure lounge ."}], "index": 414} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's time for bed .", "responses": ["but i 'm not sleepy , mum . can i stay and watch more tv ?", "but i do n't want to go to bed .", "is it ? it seems really early to me .", "i agree . i 'm bushed .", "i think i 'll have a snack before turning in ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "But I'm not sleepy , Mum . Can I stay and watch more TV ?", "responses": ["it 's already half past eleven . you have school tomorrow . you 'll sleepy all tomorrow , if you do n't sleep well tonight .", "no , it 's late and you need to go to bed .", "you may watch tv for 30 minutes more .", "you look very tired and should go to bed now .", "okay , but just until this program is finished ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's already half past eleven . You have school tomorrow . You'll sleepy all tomorrow , if you don't sleep well tonight .", "responses": ["i know . but i promise i wo n't be sleepy tomorrow . i work really hard .", "mom , i 'm not going to school 'cause tomorrow is a holiday .", "okay , i will try to go to sleep .", "i will be fine tomorrow , no worries .", "but , i ca n't sleep and do n't know what to do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I know . But I promise I won't be sleepy tomorrow . I work really hard .", "responses": ["do n't you have the exams coming up soon ? i 'm sure you could spend more time preparing for those .", "you always say that .", "you ca n't be falling asleep in class anymore .", "no excuses , to with you !", "you need to get back on schedule ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don't you have the exams coming up soon ? I'm sure you could spend more time preparing for those .", "responses": ["oh , i nearly forgot the exams .", "yes i do . i will study for another hour .", "i 've spent the evening studying . i just want to watch a little television and then go to bed .", "my exams are in two weeks . we are getting study guides tomorrow .", "i wrote my essay tonight . i just want to listen to music and relax ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I nearly forgot the exams .", "responses": ["you do well in maths , but your history is not good enough . am i right ?", "yeah , that 's what i thought , mister .", "you need a good night 's sleep to do well for the exams", "you need to limit your tv watching until after those exams .", "you need to get to bed , no more tv tonight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You do well in maths , but your history is not good enough . Am I right ?", "responses": ["yeah , i guess so . maybe i can go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow .", "you 're right , mum . i guess i 'll go to bed .", "if i promise to do better can i stay up longer , mum ?", "but mum , i 'm not tired . i do n't want to go to bed .", "just 10 more minutes , mum . please ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I guess so . Maybe I can go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow .", "responses": ["an excellent idea . work now and play later .", "that 's a good girl .", "how mature of you .", "go on .", "that 's what i wanted to hear ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "An excellent idea . Work now and play later .", "responses": ["i know you 're right . school is more important than tv . can i watch one more show , then go to bed .", "alright , you win . i guess i 'm going to go get ready for bed then . goodnight !", "i 'm going to set my alarm for 6 am so that i can have about a half hour to study the material before i go to school .", "just let me stay up for 10 more minutes and then i promise that i 'll go right to bed !", "well , alright . i 'm going to go and brush my teeth and change into my pajamas then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I know you're right . School is more important than TV . Can I watch one more show , then go to bed .", "responses": ["no , now it 's bedtime .", "you heard me . time for bed now .", "alright , one more show , but then straight to bed .", "not tonight . get ready for bed now .", "maybe just one , and only tonight . but then you must get ready for bed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , now it's bedtime ."}], "index": 415} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , madam ? Can I help you ?", "responses": ["oh , yes , please . but you are just closing , are n't you ?", "yes , i am lost and need directions .", "no , thank you , i do not need help .", "yes , please , i could use some help .", "i think i 'm okay , but thank you for asking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yes , please . But you are just closing , aren't you ?", "responses": ["well , yes , we are , madam . the shop shuts down in five minutes .", "we are not closing at this time .", "we are closing now but i might help you .", "we are closing but will open early tomorrow .", "we are not closing at this point , how can i help you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , yes , we are , madam . The shop shuts down in five minutes .", "responses": ["i shall not keep you long then . it was about some saucepans you had in your window last week .", "i just need some toilet paper .", "i thought you were open 24 hours .", "this will only take a couple of minutes , i swear !", "oh well , i stop by tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I shall not keep you long then . It was about some saucepans you had in your window last week .", "responses": ["last week , madam ? i really ca n't remember which ones you mean . what were they like ?", "were they the stainless steel or the telflon saucepans ?", "were you interested in the pan set or was there a specific size of saucepan you were looking for ?", "they came in many different colors . was there a specific color you were looking for ?", "there were several types last week . we only have the blue set of saucepans left . would you like to see them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Last week , madam ? I really can't remember which ones you mean . What were they like ?", "responses": ["oh , they were lovely . sort of imitation wood , dark brown color , country - style you know , and the lids , if i remember rightly , they had a sort of leaf pattern , or was it flowers ?", "they looked like the ceramic ones .", "how many saucepans did you have in your window last week ?", "the set on sale for $ 100", "they were teflon with a red exterior ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , they were lovely . Sort of imitation wood , dark brown color , country-style you know , and the lids , if I remember rightly , they had a sort of leaf pattern , or was it flowers ?", "responses": ["that 's strange . i do n't recognize any of the ones we had from that description . are you sure they were in this shop ?", "i believe i may know the sauce pans to which you are referring . can you elaborate a little more ?", "i apologize , madam , but i can not recall this particular saucepan . do you recall the brand ?", "well , madam , the particular saucepan may be different depending on whether it was a leaf pattern or a flower pattern . can you be more descriptive ?", "these saucepans sound familiar . madam , can you provide any further details ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's strange . I don't recognize any of the ones we had from that description . Are you sure they were in this shop ?", "responses": ["oh , you must know the ones i mean . they were on sale , a real bargain . reduced to a quarter of the original price . i could n't believe my eyes when i saw them .", "yes , i 'm sure .", "i am absolutely certain .", "yes , i am neurotic about these things .", "i 'm pretty sure there are n't any similar stores around here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , you must know the ones I mean . They were on sale , a real bargain . Reduced to a quarter of the original price . I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them .", "responses": ["i am afraid the sales are over now , madam . and you know we all sold out of the saucepans .", "i see . if you wait just one moment , i will ask another employee if they recalled seeing the pans you were talking about last week .", "it 's a possibility that we had these pans and they sold out quickly since they were on special . i can check the stockroom for you , but i do n't believe we have any more left on the sales floor .", "oh , i do remember the ones you 're referring to now ! unfortunately , we did sell out of them last weekend ... we have some similar pans over here though , if you 're interested !", "i 'm very sorry , but i do n't recall the set that you 're referring to . we do have some other cookware that is one sale at the moment , if you 'd like me to show you what we have in stock ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am afraid the sales are over now , madam . And you know we all sold out of the saucepans .", "responses": ["i do n't think you did , you know . my neighbor told me she saw some here only yesterday .", "oh , are you certain ? there were a number of them available last week . they were just beautiful .", "would you mind checking in the back to verify ? surely they must still be here .", "would you perhaps be able to locate them in another location ?", "such a pity . they were so lovely . are you certain you would not be able to possibly locate any ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think you did , you know . My neighbor told me she saw some here only yesterday .", "responses": ["well , it 's all new stock in the window now .", "i believe your neighbor may be mistaken , madam .", "i 'm sorry , but if they were here yesterday , they are n't here today .", "perhaps there 's another item i could interest you in ?", "there 's another shop like this a block away . perhaps you 're thinking of them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , it's all new stock in the window now .", "responses": ["may i just have a look , to see if there is anything else ?", "i can see that . i 'm interested in the pans from last week .", "would you check in the back to see if you still have the ones from last week ?", "where did the pans go from yesterday ?", "was anyone else working in the store last week who would remember the saucepans ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I just have a look , to see if there is anything else ?", "responses": ["eh , well , madam , as you know we are closing .", "sure , come right in .", "yes , i will check in the back as well for you .", "let me ask the other girl here to see if she remembers them .", "our other pans are in the back corner if you 'd like to check them out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Eh , well , madam , as you know we are closing .", "responses": ["yes , yes , i am sorry i wo n't keep you . it must get on your nerves when customers come in right at closing time . but they were such beautiful saucepans . i 'd have bought them if i had made up my mind on the spot .", "okay , well what time is the shop open tomorrow ?", "bummer , i really wanted to take a look at it right now .", "that 's right the shop is closing soon , my apologies !", "is it possible to have the shop open just a little bit longer while i take a look ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , yes , I am sorry I won't keep you . It must get on your nerves when customers come in right at closing time . But they were such beautiful saucepans . I ' d have bought them if I had made up my mind on the spot .", "responses": ["perhaps madam , if you come back tomorrow , i could show you the whole range of kitchen ware . and there are still one or two things at the sale price .", "you can take a look tomorrow morning when we open .", "if you are nearby , i 'll let you take a look really quick while i finish closing up the rest of the shop .", "if you come early tomorrow , you 'll be able to take a look before anybody else buys one .", "i 'll tell you what , if you are in the area , i 'll let you take a quick look . i have to do some paperwork and wo n't leave right at closing time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Perhaps madam , if you come back tomorrow , I could show you the whole range of kitchen ware . And there are still one or two things at the sale price .", "responses": ["oh , look ! that was the one there . that is the sort of thing i was looking for . but it 's not quite the color .", "i have a hair appointment in the area , i 'll drop by after that .", "i 'd really appreciate that , it 's so kind of you .", "i 'll do that , see you tomorrow .", "see you in the morning , thanks a bunch ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , look ! That was the one there . That is the sort of thing I was looking for . But it's not quite the color .", "responses": ["that might be the artificial lighting , madam . of course , if you could come back in daylight , you might find it 's exactly what you are looking for .", "let me know the color and i 'll call you about it tomorrow .", "i 'm sorry but there is n't time to check now but i 'll check first thing tomorrow .", "i will be more than happy to help you with this another day .", "give me your details and i 'll contact you about the product tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That might be the artificial lighting , madam . Of course , if you could come back in daylight , you might find it ' s exactly what you are looking for .", "responses": ["there it is . that is the pattern ! the set behind you . thank goodness , they have n't been sold . and thank you so much for being so patient with me . yes , those are the ones .", "oh , i know what you mean about the lighting . i 'm sure it 's fine .", "yes , perhaps you 're right . but do you have any more of this model in back ?", "tomorrow they might be gone altogether .", "oh , do n't you worry . this should be over in a flash ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "There it is . That is the pattern ! The set behind you . Thank goodness , they haven't been sold . And thank you so much for being so patient with me . Yes , those are the ones ."}], "index": 416} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I've come to hear about your offer .", "responses": ["we have the offer ready for you . let me check . 10 boxes with 50 brooches per box , at 20,000 yuan ; 20 boxes with 50 waistbands per box , at 30,000 yuan ; 15 boxes with other ornaments per box , at 7 , 500 yuan , for shipment in june . the offer is valid for five days .", "thanks for coming .", "we appreciate your time to come see us .", "we 're pleased to see you .", "we 're ready to show you our offer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have the offer ready for you . Let me check . 10 boxes with 50 brooches per box , at 20,000 yuan ; 20 boxes with 50 waistbands per box , at 30,000 yuan ; 15 boxes with other ornaments per box , at 7 , 500 yuan , for shipment in June . The offer is valid for five days .", "responses": ["i can tell you right now that your prices are a little higher than we expected .", "what 's that in usd ?", "are the brooches of the same quality as last time ?", "is there any way to get that shipped by may 25th ?", "i need 25 boxes of waistbands ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I can tell you right now that your prices are a little higher than we expected .", "responses": ["you know that the prices of the ornaments have been rising in recent years . the prices we offer this time compare favorably with quotations you can get else where .", "if you decide to buy multiple packages , we will do a discount .", "i 'm sorry to hear that . our prices are competitive with others .", "we might be a little higher , but our products are better quality .", "how much were you expecting to pay ? we might be able to work something out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You know that the prices of the ornaments have been rising in recent years . The prices we offer this time compare favorably with quotations you can get else where .", "responses": ["i am afraid i ca n't agree with you there . i must point out your prices are higher than the quotations we 've received from other companies .", "i think i will check some other places . thank you .", "can i get a discount on such a large order ?", "i think you 're high - balling me . can we meet to discuss a counter - offer ?", "i suppose you 're right . let 's do the order , but without the ornaments ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am afraid I can't agree with you there . I must point out your prices are higher than the quotations we've received from other companies .", "responses": ["but you must take the design and quality into consideration . you know we are superior to others in design and quality . we have various styles , which the other companies can not catch up with .", "may we see the prices of these competitors ? perhaps we can match them .", "we can not speak on behalf of our competitors , but i assure you our prices are competitive and fair .", "do these other companies offer the same standards of service that we provide ?", "we are always willing to negotiate when able . may we ask which competitors you are referring to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But you must take the design and quality into consideration . You know we are superior to others in design and quality . We have various styles , which the other companies cannot catch up with .", "responses": ["i agree that yours are of the top .", "i 'm willing to work out something if we can agree on a price .", "i 'm sorry , but i will find a different company for this business deal .", "can we talk about a different price quote ?", "if you do n't want to work out a lower price , then i will cancel this deal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I agree that yours are of the top .", "responses": ["well , since your order is large enough , can you give me a rough idea ?", "we take the quality of our products offered very seriously and as such , that does make them a bit more expensive than other companies . despite this , many of the various styles that we carry are exclusive to our company alone as a result .", "i am sorry to hear that you find our prices to be a little high . where our prices are higher however , we more than make up for with both innovation and customer service .", "thank you for recognizing the quality of our items . please take your time thinking our transaction over and i will be happy to assist you further when you have made your decision .", "i appreciate your feedback . i will try to talk to my supervisor and see if there is anything that can be done to lower the cost of your shipment . your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , since your order is large enough , can you give me a rough idea ?", "responses": ["to have this business concluded , i should say a reduction of least 10 % would help .", "of what ? the size of my order ?", "my order will likely be in the range of several dozen boxes .", "roughly several dozen boxes , and possibly more for a bulk discount .", "that largely depends on how much we are able to negotiate on pricing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "To have this business concluded , I should say a reduction of least 10 % would help .", "responses": ["impossible . how about 5 % off ?", "i 'm afraid that 's a little too much . how about 5 % ?", "i can do that if you 're willing to double your order .", "if you 're willing to commit to a recurring order , perhaps we can do that .", "if you 'd like , you can check with other suppliers and then get back to us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Impossible . How about 5 % off ?", "responses": ["right . a reduction of 5 % is acceptable .", "that is too low . i can only agree at a 10 % reduction .", "5 % off sounds fair . thank you , i 'd like to place the order .", "could you split the difference and do a 7 % discount ?", "great , thank you . let 's place the order now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Right . A reduction of 5 % is acceptable ."}], "index": 417} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So I'm on the fifth floor ? How come this hotel has no fourth floor .", "responses": ["four is an unlucky number here , peter . four sounds like death in chinese . hotels often have no fourth floor .", "oh wow , i did n't know about that .", "i think it 's something superstitious .", "the architects forgot to put it in .", "i think it has something to do with access to the pool on the roof ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Four is an unlucky number here , Peter . Four sounds like death in Chinese . Hotels often have no fourth floor .", "responses": ["i see . oh , i know what i wanted to ask . how much should i tip this guy ?", "really ? i did not know that . is this for all hotel in china ?", "i have not heard that before , but it is very interesting .", "really ? have they always been like that ? i think japan does something similar too .", "no kidding ! i did not know that . are there any other culturally inappropriate numbers ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I see . Oh , I know what I wanted to ask . How much should I tip this guy ?", "responses": ["people do n't usually tip here , but you can . fifty dollars should be more enough .", "customers usually tip 20 % here .", "our workers do n't accept tips .", "whatever amount you think is correct", "we do n't allow our guests to tip at this hotel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "People don't usually tip here , but you can . Fifty dollars should be more enough ."}], "index": 418} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello ! This is Ruby speaking from G . O . T . International Travel Agency . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to make a reservation for my trip from detroit to beijing on april 13 on trans pacific airline .", "i 'd like to book a trip to sweden .", "i 'm not sure where i want to go , but i need a vacation this summer .", "i want to plan a surprise trip for my wife and i.", "can i get some quotes for alaskan cruises ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' d like to make a reservation for my trip from Detroit to Beijing on April 13 on Trans Pacific Airline .", "responses": ["do you want a single ticket or a round trip ticket ?", "perfect ! before we continue , are your dates flexible ?", "i would be happy to book that for you ! are you interested in first class ?", "certainly ! can you specify which airport , if any , you would like to depart from ?", "i can certainly assist you with making a booking . are you looking for the most direct flight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want a single ticket or a round trip ticket ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to have a round trip ticket with a one - year open return .", "a single ticket please .", "how much is a round trip ticket ?", "what are the prices for each one ?", "right now , i 'd like round trip ticket prices , but i may change my mind later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' d like to have a round trip ticket with a one-year open return .", "responses": ["economy or business class ?", "i do apologize , but we can not offer a one - year open return on such a ticket . the most that i am able to do is one month . please let me know if this is alright .", "i 'm very sorry , but we are unable to offer a one - year open return on your ticket . our policy clearly states that the maximum amount of time for any returns is one month in advance .", "so i have one round trip ticked with a one - year return ? i 've sent your order to be processed . is there anything else i can assist you with today ?", "would you like to upgrade your seat to first class for an additional $ 70 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Economy or Business Class ?", "responses": ["economy , please . how much is it ?", "economy , please .", "business class , thanks .", "what is the difference in price ?", "that depends . tell me the difference in price and what each includes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Economy , please . How much is it ?", "responses": ["it will be $ 850 .", "it 's $ 500 .", "it depends on which seat you 'd like . window , aisle , or middle ?", "it 's $ 500 , but if you 're willing to travel on another day , we can probably get it cheaper .", "it 's $ 500 , but if you fly through san francisco you can get a cheaper fare ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It will be $ 850 .", "responses": ["very good . could i get an electronic ticket ? i 'm always afraid of losing my tickets .", "okay , i would like to pay using my visa credit card .", "i was hoping it would be less expensive ; is there any way to decrease the cost ?", "would it be any cheaper if i travelled on a different day ?", "i would like to know the terms if i need to change the day i fly or cancel my trip ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Very good . Could I get an electronic ticket ? I ' m always afraid of losing my tickets .", "responses": ["no problem . how do you wish to pay for it ?", "yes we can do that .", "of course you can .", "sorry we do n't offer that .", "they do not sell electronic ones ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No problem . How do you wish to pay for it ?", "responses": ["bank of american card . the number is 6786 9182 12300 8657 .", "i would like to pay it with my credit card please .", "would it be possible to pay with my credit card ?", "i wish to pay using my credit card so let me know when you 're ready so i can provide you with my credit card information .", "is there any offers of financing by any chance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Bank of American card . The number is 6786 9182 12300 8657 .", "responses": ["thank you ! would you like an aisle seat or a window seat ?", "thank you !", "thank you , give me a second while i enter the numbers .", "very well , and what is the expiration date ?", "may i also have the 3-digit security number ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you ! Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat ?", "responses": ["an aisle seat , please . i 'm tall and need to get up and walk pretty often .", "i want a window seat .", "i want an aisle seat .", "i do n't have a preference .", "i want a window seat unless it 's next to the wing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "An aisle seat , please . I ' m tall and need to get up and walk pretty often .", "responses": ["no problem . your ticket is for trans pacific flight 87 from detroit to beijing at 3 forty p . m . on april 13 . you will arrive at beijing international airport at six 35 p . m . on april 14 . your electronic", "great , i have that booked for you .", "do you have a meal requirement ?", "do you mind the exit row ?", "is a bulkhead row to your liking ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No problem . Your ticket is for Trans Pacific Flight 87 from Detroit to Beijing at 3 forty p . m . on April 13 . You will arrive at Beijing International Airport at six 35 p . m . on April 14 . Your electronic", "responses": ["what time should i arrive at detroit airport ?", "pardon ? i think your message cut off there .", "sorry ; my electronic what , my ticket ? your message ended abruptly .", "could you repeat that , please ?", "hello ? sorry , i think i missed half your message ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time should I arrive at Detroit Airport ?", "responses": ["please be at the airport two hours before your departure to check in . you also need to reconfirm your reservation with the airline at least 7 days prior to your departure .", "arriving at 3 pm would be a good bet", "arrive no later than 3 pm", "i would come a hour be fore your flight", "at least a hour before your flight"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please be at the airport two hours before your departure to check in . You also need to reconfirm your reservation with the airline at least 7 days prior to your departure .", "responses": ["what happens if i ca n't leave on april 13 ? can i cancel my ticket or change the reservation to another date ?", "do i need to bring more than just a passport for i d ?", "do i have to go to the ticket counter to confirm when i get there ?", "do i need to call to reconfirm the departure ?", "can i confirm the reservation online ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happens if I can ' t leave on April 13 ? Can I cancel my ticket or change the reservation to another date ?", "responses": ["yes , you can , but you will have to pay a penalty of $ 75 for any change or cancellation .", "you can change your reservation if it 's at least 7 days before date of travel .", "you can change your reservation up to 7 days before departure but you may pay a higher fee .", "i 'm sorry , there are no changes allowed to the departure date on an economy class ticket .", "you can cancel or change the reservation if it 's more than 7 days in advance . there will be a re - ticketing fee ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , you can , but you will have to pay a penalty of $ 75 for any change or cancellation .", "responses": ["that 's ok . what are the weight restrictions for checked baggage ?", "ok that seems fair . thank you for the information .", "that 's a high price ! has your policy always been like that ?", "that is good to know , i will make sure i finalize my plans before the cancellation or change penalty kicks in .", "are there any ways around that fee if an emergency pops up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That ' s OK . What are the weight restrictions for checked baggage ?", "responses": ["on trans pacific international flights , each ticketed passenger is permitted a maximum of two checked bags with a maximum weight per checked bag of 70 pounds .", "up to 50 pounds", "there are no restrictions with this ticket .", "up to 50 pounds , but if you book a business class ticket there is no restriction .", "up to 25 pounds is free . anything over 25 pounds is an additional $ 25 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "On Trans Pacific international flights , each ticketed passenger is permitted a maximum of two checked bags with a maximum weight per checked bag of 70 pounds .", "responses": ["that 's great ! i can have two bags checked for 70 pounds each . i think i 'm all set . you 're really efficient . thank you very much for your help .", "perfect ! i like to travel with plenty of extra clothes as the weather changes often .", "wonderful , that will accommodate my needs perfectly .", "what is the charge for an overweight bag ?", "what is the charge for an extra bag ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s great ! I can have two bags checked for 70 pounds each . I think I ' m all set . You ' re really efficient . Thank you very much for your help .", "responses": ["thank you for the compliment and for calling g . o . t . travel agency . have a nice trip !", "no problem !", "you 're welcome .", "anytime .", "enjoy your trip ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you for the compliment and for calling G . O . T . Travel Agency . Have a nice trip !"}], "index": 419} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I do want to meet with you and take a look at your catalogue . We ' re redecorating and are going to add some things .", "responses": ["well , i 'll be glad to help you out . i can come out anytime on tuesday or thursday of next week .", "that sounds fine . please just get into contact with me whenever you 're ready to set up your appointment !", "that would be great . we 've recently received a new spring collection of home accents that i feel you may be interested in looking over in person .", "what types of things are you looking to add to your home ? if you 'd like , i 'd be able to make some recommendations of our most popular products right now .", "excellent . i can forward a copy of our catalogue to you for you to look over at your own leisure if you 'd like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , I ' ll be glad to help you out . I can come out anytime on Tuesday or Thursday of next week .", "responses": ["let 's put it down for 1:15 on thursday . we 'll definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit .", "ok , that would work . tuesday would probably be better for me .", "ok , that sounds perfect . let 's put it down for tuesday .", "tuesday would probably work better for me . is that ok ?", "i think i 'd prefer tuesday if you 're sure that works for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let ' s put it down for 1:15 on Thursday . We ' ll definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit .", "responses": ["fine . i 'll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogues on thursday .", "do you have any preliminary ideas of what you might like ?", "i 'll bring the catalogue for office furniture then .", "that sounds good . would you be interested in any furniture for the rest of the home ?", "is this for a home office , or is this for a workplace ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Fine . I ' ll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogues on Thursday ."}], "index": 420} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That looks graceful on you .", "responses": ["thank you . but it is too bright for me .", "thank you .", "that 's kind of you to say .", "i just got it yesterday .", "oh , this old thing ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . But it is too bright for me .", "responses": ["how about this brown one ?", "oh no , i disagree ; it 's just fine .", "no , i think it really complements your skin tone .", "you 're right , it might be a little too bright . i 'd get the same thing in a darker shade .", "can you get a darker color instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about this brown one ?", "responses": ["let me try it on . i like that color .", "that would work", "i like that", "i would wear that color", "thanks for the suggestion , i like it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let me try it on . I like that color .", "responses": ["ok , i will get one for your . here you are .", "yes i like the color brown too .", "of course , i am sure if you try it on you will love it .", "certainly , here you go try it on .", "the color brown is a pretty unique color ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok , i will get one for your . Here you are .", "responses": ["but it is too loose . do you have the smaller size ?", "thank you .", "thank you , i 'll go change really quick .", "thanks , give me a second while i try this one on .", "thank you , but this is the wrong size ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But it is too loose . Do you have the smaller size ?", "responses": ["sorry , it had been sold out .", "certainly , let me get a couple of sizes smaller .", "no , i 'm afraid that one is the smallest .", "the sides are adjustable to make fitting perfect .", "here is the next size down ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , it had been sold out .", "responses": ["what a pity !", "oh well i 'll take this one then .", "this one will work out .", "i 'll just tighten the brown one then .", "do you have one in a different color ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "What a pity !"}], "index": 421} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' d like to apply for a personal loan .", "responses": ["how much would you like to borrow ?", "great , let 's see what information you need to get started with your loan application .", "what is the purpose of your loan ?", "will you have any co - signers on your loan ?", "what amount of loan are you interested in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much would you like to borrow ?", "responses": ["a thousand dollars .", "what is my limit ?", "what is the most that i can borrow today ?", "i would like to borrow $ 500 .", "can i borrow $ 10,000 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A thousand dollars .", "responses": ["let me check with a credit manager . a record show your credit reading is quite high . i do n't think you have any problems .", "okay , please provide your social security please before we proceed for the personal loan .", "understood , are you currently employed ?", "certainly , lets run your credit record before we can continue .", "is a thousand dollars is the highest amount that you would like to borrow right now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Let me check with a credit manager . A record show your credit reading is quite high . I don't think you have any problems .", "responses": ["what 's the current interest rate ?", "sounds good !", "i always try to keep it high for instances like these .", "thank you !", "i do my best to keep my credit rating good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the current interest rate ?", "responses": ["our monthly interest is 1 . 5 % of the outstanding balance . would you please fill out the application the form ?", "with your credit score , i think i can keep it low . let me do some calculations .", "depending on how you set the loan up , it can be as low as 4 percent .", "it 's generally going to be around 6 percent .", "it 's 5 percent but if you choose to have the payments drafted , it will be 4.5 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Our monthly interest is 1 . 5 % of the outstanding balance . Would you please fill out the application the form ?"}], "index": 422} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And there's a little upside-down Dilbert on the underside .", "responses": ["when you flip the tie up , he 's right side up . brilliant .", "that 's interesting .", "why is it upside - down ?", "i used to watch the show dilbert .", "dilbert is a funny comic ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "When you flip the tie up , he's right side up . Brilliant .", "responses": ["my dad will love this . he 's a dilbert fan .", "brilliant indeed i must say .", "can you please explain that ?", "there 's no kill switch on awesome .", "what color was the tie when it was flipped up ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My dad will love this . He's a Dilbert fan .", "responses": ["i would n't mind having one myself ...", "my dad is a dilbert fan too !", "does he like any other comic strips ?", "they always love comics from the papers .", "always delighted to hear of other dilbert fans !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wouldn't mind having one myself ...", "responses": ["model it for me .", "i ca n't wait to give it to him for his birthday .", "i hope it 'll make him laugh .", "my mom will roll her eyes when she sees it .", "he does n't really need another tie but i 'm getting it anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Model it for me .", "responses": ["ok !", "tada ! what do you think ?", "does it look better like this or this ?", "how does it look ?", "does this make me look fat ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK !", "responses": ["wow ! you look just as dorky as dilbert !", "but , keep the rest of your clothes on this time .", "i meant the tie . you can stand upright again .", "yes , that 's exactly what dilbert looks like . good job .", "i meant on your neck ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! You look just as dorky as Dilbert !"}], "index": 423} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Welcome . What can I do for you , Madam ?", "responses": ["i hope you can give me some advice . i 'm sick and tired of coming here or to the post office to pay my utility bills . it 's such a long way from my home , but i checked and you are my nearest branch . is there anyway i can do it from home ?", "i need to check into my hotel room", "can i have the bill ?", "i need to check out of my room now", "please give me more water ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I hope you can give me some advice . I'm sick and tired of coming here or to the post office to pay my utility bills . It's such a long way from my home , but I checked and you are my nearest branch . Is there anyway I can do it from home ?", "responses": ["that 's terrible . unfortunately , we do n't have that many branches outside the centre of town . what i 'd advise you to do is set up a direct debit service .", "well , yes . we do have a web site , if that helps you .", "do you have access to a computer or mobile phone ?", "would you like our card ? it has our web address right here on the bottom .", "certainly ! we have a few options , if you 'd like to discuss them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That's terrible . Unfortunately , we don't have that many branches outside the centre of town . What I'd advise you to do is set up a Direct Debit Service .", "responses": ["a direct debit service ? what 's that exactly ?", "how do i do that ?", "i am not sure how to do that", "i have never heard of that", "thank you for your time"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A Direct Debit Service ? What's that exactly ?", "responses": ["a direct debit means that every month we can arrange for all of your utility bills to come directly out of your account , no fuss , no hassle .", "it 's where the money can come directly from your bank account .", "it 's a way to pay without having to come in to the branch .", "it 's an online service we offer to pay your bill .", "it 's a handy alternative where the money is debited automatically each month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A Direct Debit means that every month we can arrange for all of your utility bills to come directly out of your account , no fuss , no hassle .", "responses": ["but how will you know how much i should pay ? i mean , i receive my bills , not you .", "i 'm not sure i 'm comfortable with that . what happens if the bill is wrong ?", "will i still get a bill in the mail ?", "tell me more about how that works .", "well , i do n't know . maybe i 'll just keep driving to your branch ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But how will you know how much I should pay ? I mean , I receive my bills , not you .", "responses": ["we set up an agreement with the , say , phone company . they tell us how much to pay them every month and we pay directly from your account . of course , we are able to do this with all of the utilities companies .", "the utility company will charge the account the exact amount of your bill .", "the utility company handles how much is being charged . have you never used direct debit service before ?", "the utility company charges your account the amount of your bill and it just comes out of your checking account . you can still log in and see the amount taken out to make sure it is correct .", "the amount charged is all taken care of by the utility company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We set up an agreement with the , say , phone company . They tell us how much to pay them every month and we pay directly from your account . Of course , we are able to do this with all of the utilities companies .", "responses": ["i see . so , that would mean that every month it would just come from my account ? that does sound like a good idea , totally trouble free .", "that would be great !", "how do i get that set up ?", "what if i do n't have enough money in my account ?", "are there any bills i ca n't pay this way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I see . So , that would mean that every month it would just come from my account ? That does sound like a good idea , totally trouble free ."}], "index": 424} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello .", "responses": ["hi . it 's tony calling from the dentist 's office . is lily there ?", "hello yourself .", "can i help you ?", "that 's what people tend to say , yes .", "same back atcha ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi . It ' s Tony calling from the dentist ' s office . Is Lily there ?", "responses": ["no , lily is not here at the moment .", "no she is not", "she just left", "no , can i take a message for her ?", "lily does not want to hear from you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , Lily is not here at the moment .", "responses": ["could you ask her to call me back when she gets in ?", "do you know when she 'll be home ?", "can you take a message for her ?", "can you have her call the dentists office when she gets back .", "can you remind her of her appointment with us tomorrow at 10 am ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Could you ask her to call me back when she gets in ?", "responses": ["sure . what 's your number , please .", "sure . does she have your number ?", "i 'm not sure when she 'll be back . how late is the office open ?", "i 'll give her the message . can you tell me your name again please ?", "right . i 'll do that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . What ' s your number , please .", "responses": ["519 367 8901 .", "she has my number already i gave it to her last week .", "yes it is 1 - 800 - 256 - 4250 thank you .", "actually i will just try calling her back tomorrow thank you .", "yes 308 - 641 - 2414 . thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "519 367 8901 .", "responses": ["thanks . and your name is tony , right ?", "thanks . i 'll have her call .", "thank you .", "i 'll let her know when she gets in .", "when is too late to call back ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . And your name is Tony , right ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'm tony . thank you very much .", "yes my name is tony .", "that is correct .", "that 's right .", "indeed my name is tony ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I ' m Tony . Thank you very much .", "responses": ["you 're welcome . bye .", "you 're welcome .", "anytime !", "no problem .", "talk to you later ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You ' re welcome . Bye .", "responses": ["bye .", "actually could you tell me if you know when lily will be in ? maybe i 'll just call back", "before you go , do you know why lily is not in right now ? i thought she was there today", "actually , before you go , could you take a message to give to her ?", "sorry , before you hang up , do you happen to know lily 's email ? i may try reaching her that way as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Bye ."}], "index": 425} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So what do you think of my new dress ?", "responses": ["i think it 's great ! i really like the color , and it goes really well with your eyes . i 've actually been eyeing that dress at maxine 's for a while now , but i was n't sure i could afford ninety - five dollars for a dress at the moment .", "it makes you look fat", "it makes you look great", "it makes you look ugly", "i would take it back to the store"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it's great ! I really like the color , and it goes really well with your eyes . I've actually been eyeing that dress at Maxine's for a while now , but I wasn't sure I could afford ninety-five dollars for a dress at the moment .", "responses": ["um , ninety - five dollars ?", "thank you ! i actually got it on sale for $ 60 .", "i would be happy to let you borrow it sometime .", "thanks , i like how it matches my eyes too .", "thank you , i think maxine 's has the best dresses ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Um , ninety-five dollars ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's the price they were advertising it at . i was hoping it might go on sale soon . why , how much did you pay for it ?", "yes , that was the price i saw at maxine 's .", "yes , ninety - five . is n't that what you paid ?", "yes , how much did it cost you ?", "you sound surprised . was n't that the price ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , that's the price they were advertising it at . I was hoping it might go on sale soon . Why , how much did you pay for it ?", "responses": ["i bought it for one hundred and forty - five dollars at helen 's boutique . i did n't know i could get it cheaper somewhere else .", "i paid $ 500 ! i am really upset right now !", "i paid $ 250 ! i ca n't believe it i feel like they ripped me off now .", "i got it for $ 50 . i wonder if they made a mistake on the pricing .", "it was $ 200 . i am going to have to go back tomorrow and see why they charged me so much !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I bought it for one hundred and forty-five dollars at Helen's Boutique . I didn't know I could get it cheaper somewhere else .", "responses": ["of course ! everything at helen 's is overpriced , and they sell things that you can find at almost every other clothing store ! why did n't you shop around ?", "do you still have your receipt ?", "maybe you can return it and buy it at maxine 's ?", "that 's a shame . helen 's always over charges .", "oh yeah , maxine 's always has decent prices ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Of course ! Everything at Helen's is overpriced , and they sell things that you can find at almost every other clothing store ! Why didn't you shop around ?", "responses": ["i do n't know , i just saw the dress and thought about how pretty it looks and how much i wanted it . i guess i was too impulsive .", "that 's a good idea .", "i should shop around .", "thanks i will do that .", "i will definitely next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know , I just saw the dress and thought about how pretty it looks and how much I wanted it . I guess I was too impulsive ."}], "index": 426} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who gave my dog this cooked chicken bone ?", "responses": ["i did . why ?", "i did to be nice", "i wanted to feed him", "he needed it", "i am not sure"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I did . Why ?", "responses": ["did n't you know dogs should n't eat cooked chicken bones because they 're bad for their stomachs ?", "he is n't allowed to have chicken bones .", "i was just wondering when i saw him with it .", "i 'm afraid he might choke on it .", "no , reason , just making sure he got it from someone and did n't get it out of the garbage ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Didn't you know dogs shouldn't eat cooked chicken bones because they're bad for their stomachs ?", "responses": ["no , i did n't . i 'm sorry . it wo n't happen again .", "i 'm sorry . i did n't know .", "is that right ? is your dog okay ?", "i wo n't do it again . sorry i did n't know .", "are you sure ? he really seemed to love it ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I didn't . I'm sorry . It won't happen again ."}], "index": 427} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it Fred's fault ?", "responses": ["no , i do n't suppose he 's to blame . the man in the other car made a mistake .", "yes . fred acted irresponsibly in this situation .", "no . fred was nowhere near the accident and had nothing to do with it .", "no , fred was n't even at the event today .", "yes , fred did n't mean to cause the accident but he did ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I don't suppose he's to blame . The man in the other car made a mistake .", "responses": ["but he 's equally responsible because he tried to overtake you .", "what did he do ?", "is fred okay ?", "did the other driver have insurance ?", "did the police issue him a ticket ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But he's equally responsible because he tried to overtake you ."}], "index": 428} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In foreign trade , exporters have to adjust their product in a timely manner .", "responses": ["how to adjust ?", "i 'll keep that in mind .", "i did n't know that .", "thanks for the information .", "why do exporters have to do that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How to adjust ?", "responses": ["exporters must ensure that their product satisfies customers'needs , wants and likes .", "exporters can adjust their products by using market knowledge of local factors .", "they adjust on a case - by - case basis . every situation is different .", "adjusting is easiest when you have booths on the ground .", "by predicting what can happen in advance and making contingency plans ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Exporters must ensure that their product satisfies customers ' needs , wants and likes .", "responses": ["ah , some products are successful at home , but not be popular overseas .", "what sorts of products might need to be adjusted ?", "what do you mean by a timely manner ? how quickly must things happen ?", "interesting . how do you know so much about foreign trade ?", "how can exporters know what their customers need and want ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ah , some products are successful at home , but not be popular overseas .", "responses": ["that 's because the fashion , taste and social customs and so on vary considerably .", "this is very true , and very apparent in today 's market .", "agreed . cars are a great example of this .", "absolutely . do you have experience with this type of market ?", "indeed . are you familiar with exports and marketability ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's because the fashion , taste and social customs and so on vary considerably .", "responses": ["yes , sometimes the differences are great .", "yes that is true , every country is different .", "do they have to adjust it for every different country ?", "yes i am sure they do , it must be difficult .", "it is crazy how we are all so similar but also different ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , sometimes the differences are great .", "responses": ["well , we should be in accordance with national conditions and adjust the product .", "exporters who do n't take these things into consideration stand to lose a lot of money .", "exporters who take these things into account do very well .", "exporters who are not conscious of the needs of their customers will fail .", "exporters need to be very in tune with the changing needs of their customers overseas ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we should be in accordance with national conditions and adjust the product .", "responses": ["we have to ensure that the product should be attractive to guarantee sales .", "yes , or it will be a failed exportation", "definitely ! why waste money and trying to export something the other country wo n't buy", "maybe we can take advantage of the difference and it may help the exporters make more money .", "you are right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have to ensure that the product should be attractive to guarantee sales ."}], "index": 429} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I hate doing the damn laundry .", "responses": ["watch your language .", "i do , too . it takes so much time to get it all washed and dried .", "i agree . i 'd rather do any chore before laundry .", "the laundry is n't too bad - it 's better than dusting .", "i do n't mind . would you like me to do a load of laundry for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Watch your language ."}], "index": 430} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I want to buy three tickets . What's the entrance fee ?", "responses": ["$ 10 per person .", "the entrance fee is $ 10 per person .", "$ 10 per person .", "$ 10 per adult , and kids under 18 are free .", "it 's $ 10 a person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "$ 10 per person .", "responses": ["here are $ 30 . by the way , where can i find a guide ?", "do you offer senior discounts ?", "okay . can i purchase the tickets in advance or do i need to buy them when i get there ?", "alright , and when do tickets go on sale ?", "can children get in for free or is it also $ 10 for them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Here are $ 30 . By the way , where can I find a guide ?", "responses": ["turn to the next window and they will help you find one .", "if you go to the red tent near the entrance , you 'll see guides for hire .", "guides will be lined up at the entrance gate .", "guides are not available during weekdays . only on weekends .", "what kind of guide are you looking for ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Turn to the next window and they will help you find one .", "responses": ["thanks a lot .", "which window , the one on the right or the left ?", "ok thank you i will head to that window .", "do the guides cost any money ?", "are you sure you do nt have any lying around ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot ."}], "index": 431} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Shall we share a taxi ?", "responses": ["where are you heading now ?", "sure !", "ok", "let 's do it . what time are you thinking of ?", "good idea ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where are you heading now ?", "responses": ["i want to go back to my college on the huanghe road . it is very close to your house .", "i would like to go see a movie at the movie theater", "i am just going uptown to meet a friend for lunch . what about you ?", "i am heading to the library to do some research . are you going in that direction ?", "i need to go downtown to get to a meeting . where are you headed to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to go back to my college on the Huanghe road . It is very close to your house .", "responses": ["is that the university next to the teachers'college ?", "i know where that is . i drive past there from time to time .", "sure . that 's not far .", "i know exactly where huanghe road is . i used to live on that street .", "i 'm in a bit of a rush , but i do n't see why not , since it 's so close ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that the university next to the Teachers ' College ?", "responses": ["that 's the one .", "yes it is the one right next to the teachers college .", "yes , its about 2 blocks from your house .", "yes it is , so would you like to share ?", "yes it is and that way we can split the taxi cost ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the one .", "responses": ["you mean we 'll share the taxi ?", "yes , i would love to share a taxi .", "let 's arrange for a taxi- i know we can save money that way .", "i 'll call for a taxi now to take us .", "oh great- let 's share a taxi together ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You mean we'll share the taxi ?", "responses": ["yeah . if we share the cab , it 'll be cheaper . besides that your chinese is better than mine . the drivers usually have difficulty understanding me even though i practice my pronunciation carefully .", "yes ! so we can both save some money !", "yes , so we can get back earlier instead of waiting for different taxis", "why not ? it 's easier to get one taxi than two .", "why not ? it 's almost the same location ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . If we share the cab , it'll be cheaper . Besides that your Chinese is better than mine . The drivers usually have difficulty understanding me even though I practice my pronunciation carefully .", "responses": ["well . do n't worry about it , i will be happy to share the taxi with you .", "yeah that s fine", "ha ! yeah we can share the taxi", "really i thought you pronunciation was great", "sounds good i m on a budget so it work out for me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . Don ' t worry about it , I will be happy to share the taxi with you ."}], "index": 432} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . Are you Mr . Liu ?", "responses": ["my name is liu lichi . how do you do ?", "yes , this is mr . liu . how can i help you ?", "i am actually mr . liu 's secretary . are you trying to get in touch with him ?", "i am mr . liu . and what is your name ?", "no mr . liu is actually away on vacation . i am his temporary replacement . can i help you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "My name is Liu Lichi . How do you do ?", "responses": ["how do you do ? please be seated , how is your trip here ?", "i 'm very well , thank you . i 've come to talk to you about ms . lay .", "very well , thank you . and you ?", "i 'm well , thank you for asking . mr . lichi , do you have a moment to speak ?", "i 'm fine , thank you . mr . lichi , are you alone , right now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you do ? Please be seated , How is your trip here ?", "responses": ["quite good , i think . i came here by bus , and it took me about 15 minutes .", "thank you , it was well .", "the trip is great thank you for checking in .", "the trip has been very fun i have really enjoyed myself .", "the trip has been terrible , it has rained everyday !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Quite good , I think . I came here by bus , and it took me about 15 minutes .", "responses": ["oh , yes . how old are you ?", "what are your plans while you are in the city ?", "how can i help you today ?", "ah yes , our bus service is exceptional .", "how can i help make your visit better ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yes . How old are you ?", "responses": ["twenty .", "i am 29 years old .", "1 year to my 30th birthday .", "tomorrow i will be 29 years old .", "i 'm almost 30 , 29 exactly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Twenty .", "responses": ["hum , still a student ?", "why did you apply for this position .", "what school did you attend ?", "what hours are you available to work ?", "how did you find out about this position ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hum , still a student ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'm student of grade 3 in the university majoring in economics .", "yes , i 'm studying for a law degree .", "no , i 'm just here on vacation to see friends .", "yes , i 'm off from school today and came to the city for a checkup at the doctor .", "yes , but i 'm off for the week . i came to visit with my aunt that i have n't seen in a while ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I'm student of grade 3 in the university majoring in economics .", "responses": ["what subjects are you studying ?", "really ? what university do you go to ?", "nice ! so you 're a junior this year , so are you graduating next year ?", "economics is a tough major . what made you choose majoring in economics ?", "a degree in economics is really good . what do you plan to do after you graduate ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What subjects are you studying ?", "responses": ["english , math , commercial and legal studies , and accountancy .", "finance", "everything i possibly can .", "nothing . i 've been partying too much", "tax codes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "English , math , commercial and legal studies , and accountancy .", "responses": ["have you had any working experience .", "that 's great . how much longer will you be studying there ?", "great . are there any subjects you particularly like ?", "that 's nice . how is the course load there ?", "good . are you enjoying your studies so far ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you had any working experience .", "responses": ["well , i worked at a supermarket during last summer holidays .", "yes . i have worked in my parent 's store for several years .", "yes , i am on a work - study program at the university .", "i have worked as an assistant to my professors , tutoring students and grading exams .", "i have been a nanny for several years ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I worked at a supermarket during last summer holidays .", "responses": ["what do you like to do in your spare time ?", "what did you do at the supermarket ?", "did you enjoy working at the supermarket ?", "have you done anything else ?", "what skills did you learn there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you like to do in your spare time ?", "responses": ["i like sports very much . besides that , i also like working on a computer in my spare time .", "i like to run .", "i like to cook .", "i like to snow ski .", "i like to knit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like sports very much . Besides that , I also like working on a computer in my spare time .", "responses": ["how are your english and computer skills ?", "who is your favorite sports team ?", "what 's your favorite computer program ?", "are you good at playing sports ?", "do you like hardware or software better ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are your English and computer skills ?", "responses": ["i have passed the cet - 4 and 6 . as far as computer is concerned i can use the computer for word processing .", "i 'd say they 're both very good .", "i 'm not a native english speaker , but i 've been practicing for years , so i 'm very fluent . i can handle basic computer tasks with ease .", "i 'm a native english speaker , and i 've been tinkering with computer since i was a small child .", "my english is solid . i can handle a computer as long as i have some guidance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have passed the CET - 4 and 6 . As far as computer is concerned I can use the computer for word processing .", "responses": ["okay . mr . liu , we 'll inform you of the results within a week .", "are you good with working with other people ?", "what other computer skills do you have ?", "are you proficient with microsoft office ?", "where do you see yourself in 5 years ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Okay . Mr . Liu , we'll inform you of the results within a week ."}], "index": 433} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That dress is very pretty . Why don ' t you like it ?", "responses": ["it 's too loud .", "i hate the color . it washes me out .", "i dislike how short it is . my knees are so bony .", "i ca n't stand the fabric . it 's so heavy and bulky !", "i feel like a little kid in this dress ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s too loud .", "responses": ["we 've been looking around for many hours . what on earth are you looking for ?", "why do you think so , the colors ?", "i do nt think so it looks great on you !", "oh i could see why you might think that !", "the pattern is loud but the colors are great !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "We ' Ve been looking around for many hours . What on earth are you looking for ?", "responses": ["well , you know , those styles or colors do n't suit me .", "something more flashy !", "something with more color and tone to it .", "something that is n't so loud and dramatic .", "something cool ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you know , those styles or colors don ' t suit me .", "responses": ["what style do you want ?", "i think that one looked good on you , maybe you should try something \" abnormal \" this time .", "i think we may just need to pick one out .", "ok ... let me know what you are looking for and maybe i can also help you find it .", "let 's go home and shop online ! i think it is much easier and more choices ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What style do you want ?", "responses": ["i want to buy a v - neck checked sweater , and it should be tight .", "minimalist style", "something with warm colors to match the season .", "something more casual", "vintage seems to work for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to buy a V-neck checked sweater , and it should be tight .", "responses": ["oh , i see . how about the color ?", "maybe we need to try a different store .", "you know they do n't really have that much to chose from .", "maybe we should just stop for the day and go to lunch ?", "they do n't have much i like either . these styles now days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , I see . How about the color ?", "responses": ["quiet color .", "i want the checked sweater to be black and white .", "i do n't really care about the color .", "what color do you think i should get ? what color goes well with my complexion ?", "well i 'm thinking about the colors blue or red . which do you prefer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Quiet color .", "responses": ["i know a shop selling this kind of sweaters .", "i'n not sure you can find any checkered anything that is n't loud", "what do you consider a quiet color ?", "how big do you want the checkers to be ?", "are you sure you want checkers \" ? '"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I know a shop selling this kind of sweaters .", "responses": ["really ? let 's go there .", "great could you let me know the name and i 'll check it out !", "what 's the shop name ? i 'll see if i have time to go today .", "could you give me the name ? i 'll go look at the sweaters there .", "what 's the store 's name ? i 'll go check it out !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "commissive", "text": "Really ? Let ' s go there ."}], "index": 434} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Julie , you want to go grab something to eat ?", "responses": ["sure ! what do you feel like having ?", "yeah , where do you want to eat ?", "sure , what do you have in mind ?", "no thanks .", "i already ate , sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Sure ! What do you feel like having ?", "responses": ["i really feel like having a big juicy steak !", "i think chicken salad sounds good to me .", "i want sushi ! shall we go to try the new sushi bar in town ?", "i am not sure , what do you think ? some thing spicy ?", "i 'm in the mood for some chinese food ! yum !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I really feel like having a big juicy steak !", "responses": ["oh . ok . i do n't eat meat , but that 's fine , i am sure wherever we are going they will have other options right ?", "i know this great restaurant downtown !", "have you try the steak at morton ?", "have you decided from where ?", "oo you totally read my mind i want a big juicy steak too !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh . OK . I don't eat meat , but that's fine , I am sure wherever we are going they will have other options right ?", "responses": ["i did n't know you were a vegetarian !", "they have a really good salad bar and also a buffet with lots of great vegetables .", "if you like we can go somewhere else , i 'm game for anything . i can have a steak another time .", "hey , i 've heard of a vegetarian place that 's just opened . some friends of mine say it 's great . would you like to give it a try ?", "how about us get chinese , they have lots of great vegetarian options and i love their walnut chicken ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't know you were a vegetarian !", "responses": ["i 'm not , i am a vegan .", "yes , i just started a year ago .", "yes , i want to make a difference in the world and being a vegetarian is one way for me to contribute .", "yes , i want to fight for the rights of animals and be a vegetarian is one way to start .", "i am . my significant other is a great vegetarian chef , and i 'm hooked . i do n't need to eat meat anymore ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not , I am a vegan .", "responses": ["a what ?", "oh i 'm sorry . i always get them mixed up", "what is it you do not eat again . i always get confused .", "i 'm sorry that is what i meant", "i 'm sorry . do you have any spots in mind ? i'/m pretty flexible"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A what ?", "responses": ["a vegan . i do n't eat or use any animal based products . i do n't wear leather , eat eggs , drink milk or anything that comes from an animal . i used to be a pescatarian before , which basically means you do n't eat meat , but still have fish and seafood .", "a vegan ! i do n't eat meat , eggs or dairy !", "i 'm a vegan . i don", "i 'm a vegan i do n't eat meat or use animal products .", "i follow a vegan diet . i do n't eat meat and do n't use animal products like leather ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A vegan . I don't eat or use any animal based products . I don't wear leather , eat eggs , drink milk or anything that comes from an animal . I used to be a pescatarian before , which basically means you don't eat meat , but still have fish and seafood .", "responses": ["wow ! that 's interesting ! it must be tough !", "when did you stop eating meat ?", "it must be difficult to eat out .", "where do you find nice shoes that are n't made of leather ?", "let 's look for a place that has vegan options ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! That's interesting ! It must be tough !", "responses": ["it 's a bit difficult to find vegetarian friendly restaurants sometimes , but since more and more people are vegetarians or vegans nowadays , it 's getting a bit less difficult .", "it can be at times . but i make it work .", "it often is because people judge me for it .", "it 's not so difficult once you get used to it .", "it 's not too bad and it makes me feel better to help out our animal friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a bit difficult to find vegetarian friendly restaurants sometimes , but since more and more people are vegetarians or vegans nowadays , it's getting a bit less difficult ."}], "index": 435} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you feel about that restaurant ?", "responses": ["it was n't all that great .", "its ok but i feel like we can go somewhere better", "it was great the food was amazing", "its ok . i rather go local", "ughh totally dislike the service that they provided ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It wasn't all that great .", "responses": ["what did you dislike the most ?", "i wo n't ever be going back . within eating a few bites of my food , i started feeling sick .", "hmm , i thought it was great i had a wonderful steak .", "hmm , i have n't gotten a chance to try them out yet .", "i did n't think it was that great either , next time let 's try somewhere else ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you dislike the most ?", "responses": ["i do n't think that they had their act together . they did n't seem well prepared .", "i really did n't like the food . it was pretty bland . i wanted it to be tastier than what it was .", "i disliked the service from the waitress . she was so rude and we did n't did n't our food until an hour later .", "i did n't like how dirty the restaurant appeared . the ground was grimy and the tablecloth was sticky .", "the thing i really hate is the amount of people that are crowded into the small restaurant . we were sitting so close to other people ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think that they had their act together . They didn't seem well prepared .", "responses": ["did you think that the food was any good ?", "sloppy service or sloppy food ?", "why do you say that ?", "yeah ? but how was the food ?", "do you think the kids would enjoy it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you think that the food was any good ?", "responses": ["i was n't all that impressed by the food .", "it could have been better . some of the food came out cold !", "i was a bit disappointed . they mixed up some of our orders too !", "maybe it was because they had opened recently ? some of our orders were really behind .", "i was expecting better . i 'm not sure if i 'll go back"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wasn't all that impressed by the food .", "responses": ["the service certainly could have been better .", "what did n't you like about it ?", "did you dislike all of it ? was anything good ?", "how was the wine ?", "why did n't you send it back ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The service certainly could have been better .", "responses": ["the service did not help the situation .", "i do n't think they had enough waitresses .", "it 's true . it took a long time for our food to come .", "the service was the best part , which is n't saying much .", "and their cleaning staff could have been better , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The service did not help the situation .", "responses": ["is this a restaurant that you want to come back to ?", "that is too bad .", "i am sorry .", "sorry about that .", "i am sorry about that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this a restaurant that you want to come back to ?", "responses": ["i am not interested in trying this restaurant again .", "no , not if it 's like this again .", "only if the drastically improve !", "no thank you .", "sure , if they get their act together ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not interested in trying this restaurant again ."}], "index": 436} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let me see your passport . Is London your final destination ?", "responses": ["no . i am a transit passenger going to sweden .", "yes , it is last on our trip .", "no , after we are going to paris .", "we are n't sure , we may visit some other places .", "i 'm going to mexico next ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . I am a transit passenger going to Sweden .", "responses": ["how long are you going to stay here ?", "i love sweden . it 's a great country . you 'll enjoy it .", "really ! i am heading to sweden too .", "nice ! do you have anything planned once you get to sweden ?", "i heard a lot of good things about sweden from my friend that lives there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long are you going to stay here ?", "responses": ["only one night .", "hopefully the whole week", "well that depends on a few things but until the end of the month at least", "i 'm not certain . it depends of if my wife is going to shop .", "we 're heading to a wedding on the 15th and then going back home"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Only one night .", "responses": ["do you have any dutiable items ?", "what are your plans while here ?", "when is your following trip to sweden ?", "are you planning to leave the premises before heading to sweden ?", "are you staying with friends or relatives while in london ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any dutiable items ?", "responses": ["no , i do n't .", "is my medication considered dutiable ?", "i have some bottles of wine . do i have to pay a duty on them ?", "i have some gifts for my hosts . i do n't know whether they 're dutiable .", "i have nothing to declare ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I don't .", "responses": ["what are these ?", "may i inspect your bag ?", "enjoy your night in london .", "it will be just one moment while i check your identification .", "please follow this line to the next checkpoint ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are these ?", "responses": ["they are my personal effects .", "they are shoes .", "they are pants .", "they are shirts .", "they are socks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They are my personal effects ."}], "index": 437} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I heard that you finished my home inspection , and I was wondering how it went .", "responses": ["first of all , we need to understand what i was looking for . do you know what the purpose of an inspection is ?", "you have a leak in your roof , which will need to be fixed , but otherwise things look good .", "overall , the house looks good . you will need to replace some of the boards on your deck .", "you passed with flying colors .", "the hot water heater is leaking . because of its condition , i recommend replacing it rather than trying to fix it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "First of all , we need to understand what I was looking for . Do you know what the purpose of an inspection is ?", "responses": ["i am not sure what a home inspection is all about .", "no , i 'm afraid that i 'm not completely familiar with it .", "yes , you were going to check all my gas lines for leaks .", "yes , you were going to make sure my home was suitable for adopting a child .", "no . not entirely . could you please explain it to me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not sure what a home inspection is all about .", "responses": ["i went there to check for problems with the home , so you are n't surprised when you move in .", "it is checking for bugs .", "it checks for leaks .", "it checks for contraband .", "it checks for rats ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I went there to check for problems with the home , so you aren ' t surprised when you move in .", "responses": ["would n't the owners have told me about any problems ?", "oh , thanks !", "great , so did you find anything ?", "okay , could you tell me what you found ?", "so are there any surprises ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wouldn ' t the owners have told me about any problems ?", "responses": ["sellers are n't always truthful , and there might also be problems that they are n't aware of .", "home owners like to assume everything is fine , but they do n't search as thoroughly as i do .", "you 'd like to think so , but you 'd be surprise what kinds of issue people forget to mention .", "i 'm an expert at finding issues inside homes . the average home owner ? not so much .", "the insurance company requires a licensed inspector to go through the home before they 'll consider giving you a policy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sellers aren ' t always truthful , and there might also be problems that they aren ' t aware of .", "responses": ["can i require the owners to fix the problems ?", "did you find anything wrong with the house ?", "was there any black mold anywhere ?", "were there any leaks in the foundation ?", "is the home clear to be moved into ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I require the owners to fix the problems ?", "responses": ["you can make the sale of the house contingent on them fixing the problems .", "if the owners still own the house , you should speak to them .", "you can take them to court .", "maybe they do n't realize there are problems and would appreciate you letting them know .", "yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You can make the sale of the house contingent on them fixing the problems .", "responses": ["what did you find out when you did the inspection of my new home ?", "ok , thanks for letting me know .", "they will fix the problems ?", "why are n't they truthful ?", "ok , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you find out when you did the inspection of my new home ?", "responses": ["there were no major problems . one leaky pipe under the sink and two broken roof tiles was all that i found .", "that it was dirty", "that your home is worthless", "that you should not buy that home", "that that home has serious problems"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There were no major problems . One leaky pipe under the sink and two broken roof tiles was all that I found ."}], "index": 438} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How you celebrate your Valentine ' s Day with your wife ?", "responses": ["i will take a rain check .", "we go to a restaurant .", "we go out to eat .", "we watch a movie .", "we stay at home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I will take a rain check ."}], "index": 439} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yesterday I had a quarrel with my roommate . I'm really fed up with all this .", "responses": ["tell me what seems to be the problem .", "what did your roommate do ?", "why do n't you just move out ?", "which roommate ?", "what happened with you guys ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tell me what seems to be the problem .", "responses": ["my roommate always brings a lot of friends from off - campus . they stay in the room until midnight , singing and talking , drinking and playing cards while i have no place for study . i even do n't have the quietness to sleep .", "he leaves his old clothes laying around the apartment and expects me to clean them up .", "he keeps inviting strangers into our apartment . they talk all night long and keep me awake .", "he comes home from work at odd hours when i 'm trying to sleep and makes no attempt to stay quiet .", "he invited his ex over again and they spent all night in their bedroom making a lot of commotion while i was trying to sleep ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "My roommate always brings a lot of friends from off-campus . They stay in the room until midnight , singing and talking , drinking and playing cards while I have no place for study . I even don't have the quietness to sleep .", "responses": ["did you ever talk to him about it ?", "have you tried talking to your roommate ?", "why not study at the library ?", "you should loosen up and hang out with them", "you should get some earplugs"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you ever talk to him about it ?"}], "index": 440} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you today ?", "responses": ["i have a question .", "could i order a pizza ?", "i 'd like to change my billing address .", "do you know how to get to palo alto ?", "can you have room service contact me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have a question .", "responses": ["what do you need to know ?", "i 'm eager to help .", "what is it ?", "please share it .", "i 'll try my best to answer it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you need to know ?", "responses": ["i need to take the driver 's course . how many hours do i need ?", "where is the library ?", "where can i get a coffee around here ?", "are there any good restaurants nearby ?", "where can i get a newspaper near here ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I need to take the driver's course . How many hours do I need ?", "responses": ["it depends on what you 're trying to do with the completion of the course .", "we recommend 16 hours for the course", "most people choose the 16 hour course , although 14 and 20 hour courses are also available", "how much prior experience do you have driving ?", "16 hours ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It depends on what you're trying to do with the completion of the course .", "responses": ["i need to get my license .", "i am trying to drive a car after this .", "i am trying to be an uber driver", "i am trying to become a taxi driver", "i am trying to drive a school bus"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need to get my license .", "responses": ["you 're going to need to complete six hours .", "i understand now", "you can get your license a easier way", "then you better pass this course", "ok we will make sure you get it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You're going to need to complete six hours .", "responses": ["how many hours a day can i do ?", "six hours sounds good , thank you .", "that 's what i thought it would be .", "okay , my friend told me the same thing .", "okay , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many hours a day can I do ?", "responses": ["you can do two hours a day for three days .", "it is actually one hour per week .", "two hours per day .", "you can complete all six hours in one day to complete the course .", "you can complete one hour of the course each day for a total of six days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can do two hours a day for three days .", "responses": ["that 's all i need to do to finish ?", "how many days a week do i need to do ?", "can i take classes on the weekend ?", "what are the class timings ?", "anything else i should know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's all I need to do to finish ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's all you need to do .", "yes , after six hours you are done", "yes , unless you fail some tests", "pretty much , yes", "that is the minimum you need to attempt to get your license"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's all you need to do .", "responses": ["thanks . i 'll get back to you .", "great .", "i am relieved .", "i am ready to go .", "i am fired up ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks . I'll get back to you ."}], "index": 441} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like your bags to be taken to your room ?", "responses": ["yes , please .", "yes please .", "yes , thanks .", "i can handle them myself , but thanks for the offer .", "of course ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , please .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll get the bellman to taka them up . which bags are yours ?", "would you like some extra towels ?", "do you need turn down service ?", "do you know that room service ends at 11:00 ?", "is there anything else you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK . I'll get the bellman to taka them up . Which bags are yours ?", "responses": ["my luggage is in the corner over there . they are the leather suitcase , the canvass holdall and the blue backpack .", "the kate spade ones", "the orange one , and the blue one", "the big gray one", "the white one . thanks"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My luggage is in the corner over there . They are the leather suitcase , the canvass holdall and the blue backpack .", "responses": ["ok .", "ok , i will get them for you right away .", "ok , i will get them .", "ok , i see them . be right back .", "right this way !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK .", "responses": ["please be careful with the suitcase , it 's very heavy .", "please be gentle with my luggage", "be careful with my luggage", "watch how you treat my luggage", "my luggage is fragile"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please be careful with the suitcase , it's very heavy .", "responses": ["i 'll let the bellboy know . do n't worry , he 's very strong .", "yes , i will be careful with the suitcase .", "the bellman will handle the suitcase carefully .", "the bellman will put the suitcase on a luggage carrier .", "do n't worry , we will be careful with it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll let the bellboy know . Don't worry , he's very strong .", "responses": ["and the holdall has some fragile items inside , so please be careful with that too .", "good , thank you for the assistance .", "i need him to be careful as well . the suitcase is heavy and has fragile items in it .", "great , i appreciate the help .", "could you ask two bellboys to assist ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "And the holdall has some fragile items inside , so please be careful with that too .", "responses": ["of course .", "do n't worry . i will tell him to be careful .", "he is very responsible and am sure he will take care .", "i will personally take care of your bags and make sure they are handles carefully .", "i will be sure to let him know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course ."}], "index": 442} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How far do we have to go ?", "responses": ["about 50 miles .", "we need to drive for at least 4 hours to get there .", "we can stop when we see the billboard .", "23 miles .", "until they tell us to stop ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "About 50 miles .", "responses": ["the traffic is not very heavy on this high way , is it ? so i 'm sure we 'll make it .", "that 's quite far", "oh that 's not so bad", "what city is it located in ?", "is there any place closer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The traffic is not very heavy on this high way , is it ? So I ' m sure we ' ll make it .", "responses": ["no , but we 've got a hurry . it will be the rush hour soon .", "the traffic on the highway is always heavy", "we will not make it because we will not take the highway", "yes we will make it", "no we will not make it because we have no transportation"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , but we ' Ve got a hurry . It will be the rush hour soon .", "responses": ["do n't worry . there 's plenty of time yet .", "okay , that 's no problem .", "okay , we will make it in time .", "okay , i think we will miss rush hour .", "i am sure we will miss rush hour ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t worry . There ' s plenty of time yet .", "responses": ["but it 's friday today . this road is always jam packed during the weekend , is n't it ?", "not really , we have about 15 minutes until the traffic comes to a halt .", "yes , you are right . we have a lot of time .", "maybe we should find another way to bypass the traffic in the city ?", "i hope you are right , i do n't want to be late ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But it ' s Friday today . This road is always jam packed during the weekend , isn ' t it ?", "responses": ["right .", "not at this hour . we will be okay .", "do n't stress . we will be fine .", "this highway is fine on the weekdays too .", "i checked the traffic pattern and it looks okay . do not worry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right ."}], "index": 443} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello ! I'm sorry to bother you . This is a complimentary fruit tray . Your food will be ready soon .", "responses": ["wow ! it 's a fruit sculpture ! your chef is a real artist !", "thank you !", "do n't worry about it !", "thank you so much !", "that 's very thoughtful ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Wow ! It's a fruit sculpture ! Your chef is a real artist !", "responses": ["actually , uh , i made it myself ...", "they trained really hard , and they are the best of the best", "thank you so much for the kind compliment !", "i will pass your kind words to our chef", "we are considered the best in the business"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , uh , I made it myself ...", "responses": ["you did ? wow ! where did you learn ...", "that s amazing", "you have real talent", "you should be the chef", "that is impressive"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You did ? Wow ! Where did you learn ...", "responses": ["sorry , but i 've got ta run . enjoy your food , and ring the service button if you need anything else !", "i learned from my mom .", "i learned from my grandmother when i was younger .", "i just researched fruit sculptures online .", "my friend taught me how ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry , but I've gotta run . Enjoy your food , and ring the service button if you need anything else !"}], "index": 444} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can we develop a new brand image with no direction whatsoever ?", "responses": ["with the fifty forwards he sent out today , maybe we 'll inadvertently get inspired .", "we should brainstorm .", "we should research some ideas .", "we can discuss our ideas .", "let 's think about our brand as a whole first ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "With the fifty forwards he sent out today , maybe we'll inadvertently get inspired .", "responses": ["i guess this is a good excuse to surf the net on someone else 's dime .", "certainly , someone out of the fifty will give detailed information .", "there has to be one person that will respond .", "hopefully , we will receive responses with concrete information .", "all we can do is wait and see if anyone responds and circle back if that does n't happen ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess this is a good excuse to surf the Net on someone else's dime .", "responses": ["who 'd have thought bean would be this kind of e - mail fanatic ?", "i know , right .", "its funny how they expect up to pull ideas out of thin air .", "there is absolutely no direction", "i hope the situation is resolved before our inbox is full :)"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who'd have thought Bean would be this kind of e-mail fanatic ?", "responses": ["he must have just got online for the first time last week . he still thinks it 's some kind of new toy .", "i know right , he 's so weird", "i feel you , i do n't get it", "at least it works in our favor", "at least it gives us an opportunity to do something with it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He must have just got online for the first time last week . He still thinks it's some kind of new toy ."}], "index": 445} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay , so we're agreed on 900 .", "responses": ["i 'm happy with that price .", "yes , we are good for 900 .", "no , we agreed on 800 , not 900 .", "no , we agreed on 1,000 .", "remind me what the 900 is for ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm happy with that price .", "responses": ["let 's shake on it .", "when can i pick up the bike ?", "what is your address ?", "i am excited to pick it up", "do you accept a personal check ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's shake on it .", "responses": ["okay , let 's shake on it .", "alright we have a deal", "sure thing , you have my word !", "ok let 's shake on it then", "i 'm so glad you agreed so quickly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay , let's shake on it ."}], "index": 446} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "May I help you ?", "responses": ["give me a big mac , a small order of french fries and a medium coke .", "yes , i need two a large pizza with mushrooms , onions , and extra cheese , please .", "no , i am just browsing around looking .", "yes , i am looking for a dependable car that is cheap on gas .", "yes , i am looking for a television that is reasonably priced ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Give me a Big Mac , a small order of French fries and a medium Coke .", "responses": ["you 'll need to wait a few minutes for the fries . they are still in the fryer .", "that will be $ 2.00 .", "that will be $ 3.00 .", "that will be $ 4.00 .", "that will be $ 5.00 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You'll need to wait a few minutes for the fries . They are still in the fryer .", "responses": ["that 's fine .", "do you have onion rings instead ?", "how long will they take to cook ?", "just the big mac and coke , then .", "if i wait over there , can you bring the fries to me when they are done ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's fine .", "responses": ["your total comes to $ 7 .", "here 's your order .", "here 's your food , have a nice day !", "okay , i 've got your food , pull up to the window please .", "hope you enjoy your meal !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your total comes to $ 7 .", "responses": ["here 's a twenty . could you give me some more napkins ?", "sure i need a number 4 with bbq sauce and a vanilla milkshake", "yes i need to get a medium iced coffee ( vanilla ) and small order of fries", "i would love to have 2 double cheeseburgers and 2 small fries to go please !", "i can wait on the fries no problem . in the meantime give me 2 pies also ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Here's a twenty . Could you give me some more napkins ?", "responses": ["sure . your cash back is $ 13 . and we 'll bring out your fries in two minutes .", "sure , can i get you anything else ?", "would you like to add a small milkshake for a dollar extra ?", "ok , here are your napkins and your change . and here is your food tray . please take a seat and we 'll bring your fries to you when they are ready .", "ok , here are the napkins and thirteen dollars change . your food is ready , and the fries will be done in a few minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Your cash back is $ 13 . And we'll bring out your fries in two minutes .", "responses": ["thanks .", "can you bring all the food at the same time please .", "great . fresh fries are better anyway .", "will the rest of the food be ready then too ?", "thanks so much !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks ."}], "index": 447} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me tell you some more . The interest is settled on the 20th of the last month in each quarter , It's paid quarterly . Of course it also needs to be settled if you cancel the account .", "responses": ["miao ping , in your opinion , should we go for the type a or type b account ?", "that sounds like a good account to have open .", "so that means that every 20th on the third month of the quarter you get your interest payment .", "the account seems to be a reliable form of getting your interest payments .", "i would not cancel the account if the interest payments are paid on time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Miao Ping , in your opinion , should we go for the Type A or Type B Account ?", "responses": ["well , the type b account is very restricted . if your aim is to use the account the same way as your use your settlement account , i would recommend the type a account for you .", "go for type a.", "go for type b.", "either one is fine .", "they are both bad ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , the Type B Account is very restricted . If your aim is to use the account the same way as your use your Settlement Account , I would recommend the Type A Account for you .", "responses": ["thanks for your time . i 'll go and discuss everything with my partner and i 'll be back later .", "i think i 'll go with the type b account , then .", "in what way is the type b account restricted ?", "i 'm thinking of using my account a bit differently . how will this affect my decision ?", "if it were you making this decision , what would you choose ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks for your time . I'll go and discuss everything with my partner and I'll be back later ."}], "index": 448} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sarah , you don't look so good . What's the matter ?", "responses": ["i 've got a really bad headache and my stomach hurts .", "i am sick .", "i do not feel well .", "i feel bad .", "i am under the weather ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've got a really bad headache and my stomach hurts .", "responses": ["it sounds like you 're coming down with something .", "you should go see a doctor .", "it sounds like you 're coming down with something .", "i 've heard that 's going around lately .", "perhaps you could try some tylenol and a good night 's rest ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It sounds like you're coming down with something ."}], "index": 449} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , could you give me change for a dollar ?", "responses": ["i 'll see what i have . what do you need it for ?", "yes , here you go .", "sorry .", "i do not have change .", "i can not help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'll see what I have . What do you need it for ?", "responses": ["i want to get cigarettes .", "i need to do laundry .", "it 's really not any of your business .", "i 'm thirsty and i would like a soda .", "if you do n't want to make change , that 's ok with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to get cigarettes .", "responses": ["you can use quarters , dimes and nickels .", "did you know that smoking is the lead cause for lung cancer ?", "smoking is bad for you you know .", "are you sure you want to get those ?", "okay then , here 's your change ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You can use quarters , dimes and nickels ."}], "index": 450} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi . I ' m here to catch flight 513 to New York .", "responses": ["may i see your ticket please ?", "it 's over at gate 14", "it boards momentarily , so make sure you move quickly .", "i 'm sorry , but there 's a weather delay .", "what airline are you traveling on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I see your ticket please ?", "responses": ["here you are . do you need to see my passport ?", "here 's my ticket .", "okay , is there anything else about this flight i should know ?", "is there a particular reason that the flight was late ?", "alright , also the weather should n't be a problem for this flight , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Here you are . Do you need to see my passport ?", "responses": ["any form of picture i . d . will do .", "sure the gate is 403,to the left .", "sure thing , do you have a ticket already ?", "just stand in that line over there", "follow this hallway until you see the bathrooms . the gate for flight 513 in on the left ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Any form of picture I . D . will do .", "responses": ["mmmm ... a photo i . d . i have my new jersey driver 's license . is that ok ?", "i 'll give you my passport since i have it ready", "ok just a moment , let me get my drivers ' license out of my wallet .", "all i have is my passport , here it is .", "ok , here is my drivers ' license ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mmmm ... a photo I . D . I have my New Jersey driver ' s license . Is that ok ?", "responses": ["that will do . what an interesting picture ! how old is it ?", "that works fine .", "as long as it 's still valid .", "as long as there 's a photo on it .", "sure , of course it does ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That will do . What an interesting picture ! How old is it ?", "responses": ["actually it wad taken just last year , but i had a shaved head and a beard . can you still recognize me ?", "that photo is at least two years old .", "my photo is about two years old .", "i think it was taken about two years ago .", "my last photo was taken about two years ago ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Actually it wad taken just last year , but I had a shaved head and a beard . Can you still recognize me ?", "responses": ["barely . will you be checking any luggage today ?", "i do n't know . let me hold it beside you .", "that certainly made quite a difference in your appearance .", "my uncle did the same thing and no one recognized him .", "your features are still discernible behind your beard ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Barely . Will you be checking any luggage today ?", "responses": ["yes , one suitcase . i also have a carry - on bag .", "i will be checking two bags , please .", "i have many bags and they are here beside me .", "no , i have only this carry on bag with me .", "no , i plan on purchasing new clothes when i get to my destination ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , One suitcase . I also have a carry-on bag .", "responses": ["ok . mr . lee , you 're all set . your flight leaves from gate 10 . boarding begins at 10:30", "that is not a problem with your ticket upgrade .", "are you bringing any liquids with you ?", "do you have any weapons or sharp objects in the bags ?", "put the suitcase on the conveyor belt , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok . Mr . Lee , you ' re all set . Your flight leaves from gate 10 . Boarding begins at 10:30"}], "index": 451} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which university did you graduate from ?", "responses": ["i graduated from peking university .", "i graduated from the university in town .", "why do you want to know ?", "i graduated last year from the university of florida .", "i graduated from the university upstate i think ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I graduated from Peking University .", "responses": ["what was your major at university ?", "have you gone to college ?", "have you ever studied abroad ?", "what undergraduate program did you do ?", "do you have a degree ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was your major at university ?", "responses": ["i studied economics , i am especially interested in the economic development of china .", "chinese medicine", "i studied pharmacology", "i was a liberal arts student", "i studied business administration"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I studied economics , I am especially interested in the economic development of China .", "responses": ["what course did you like best ?", "what was your gpa ?", "did you have any minors ?", "how would your degree help at this job ?", "what stands out about their economic development ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What course did you like best ?", "responses": ["i like business management , and i think it 's very useful for the present work .", "i liked history and philosophy best .", "history and philosophy were my favorite courses .", "my favorite courses were history and philosophy .", "the course i liked best was economics ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like Business Management , and i think it's very useful for the present work .", "responses": ["what do you think is the relationship between the subjects you 've taken and the job you are seeking ?", "yes , i can see that would be useful .", "did you have any courses in finance or marketing ?", "and what is your present work ?", "do you own your own business by any chance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think is the relationship between the subjects you've taken and the job you are seeking ?", "responses": ["i 've taken courses on office administration , reports and correspondence writing . i think all these are closely related to the job of assistant manager , because it requires the ability to perform general office work and to assist the manager in handling all paperwork .", "i think you need to take the subjects that pertain to the area that you want to have a career in .", "i think the relationship between the subjects and the job i am seeking will definitely prepare me for my future career .", "i know that they will benefit me when i try to find a job .", "the basics of each class will prepare me to be able to problem solve in my career choice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've taken courses on office administration , reports and correspondence writing . I think all these are closely related to the job of assistant manager , because it requires the ability to perform general office work and to assist the manager in handling all paperwork ."}], "index": 452} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Marco has fallen off a ladder . I think he's hurt his back . What shall we do ?", "responses": ["we 'd better not move him . i 'll get the first - aider .", "call 911 obviously !", "is marco awake and cognizant enough to answer questions ?", "we need to see if he 's okay of course !", "we need to stay calm and make sure marco 's not hurt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'd better not move him . I'll get the first-aider ."}], "index": 453} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever shopped online ?", "responses": ["quite often . it is very convenient , saving me a lot of time .", "yes all the time !", "yes i shop on amazon all the time .", "yup , walmart.com is the best !", "yes but not very often . i try to stick with brick & mortar stores"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Quite often . It is very convenient , saving me a lot of time .", "responses": ["do you have some experiences to share with me ? i want to have a try .", "i think amazon.com is terrific . i use it for all my needs .", "i 'm afraid of giving my credit card information online . how do you know it is safe ?", "i 've never tried it before . can you teach me how to do it ?", "i usually do it around christmas , so i can avoid the crowded shopping malls ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have some experiences to share with me ? I want to have a try .", "responses": ["you are asking the right person . here are two very important tips . first , you need to visit no more than one site to find the best products and prices . i can recommend you some online merchants . second , write your mail address correctly . otherwise , you ca n't receive your delivery in time .", "i can suggest some sites to visit .", "sure . i definitely know where to visit and where not to .", "have you done any online shopping before ?", "i definitely recommend amazon.com"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are asking the right person . Here are two very important tips . First , you need to visit no more than one site to find the best products and prices . I can recommend you some online merchants . Second , write your mail address correctly . Otherwise , you can ' t receive your delivery in time .", "responses": ["what about the registration procedure ? is that complicated ?", "thanks , those are really good tips .", "i 'll have to try those .", "thanks for the helpful tips .", "thanks so much for the help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about the registration procedure ? Is that complicated ?", "responses": ["not at all . you just need to provide your name , address , e - mail address , phone number and bank or credit card information . i will help you with that .", "not usually but in some places i guess it is .", "in most places it 's a snap , just a few lines to fill in .", "autocomplete on your computer can make registration very fast .", "that 's a good question . the procedure varies a bit from place to place ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not at all . You just need to provide your name , address , e-mail address , phone number and bank or credit card information . I will help you with that .", "responses": ["it is so nice of you .", "is the site safe and secure to purchase with my credit card ?", "how long have you been using this site for purchases ?", "i love on line shopping and i will definitely give it a try .", "is there a fee for using this site or is it free ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It is so nice of you ."}], "index": 454} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , you look great ! how's everything ?", "responses": ["yeah , you know what ? i 've been going to the club regularly . the training really pays off . now i am in a good shape and i know more about how to keep fit .", "going good . how about you ?", "not too bad", "thank you . everything is awesome !", "you look great yourself !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , you know what ? I've been going to the club regularly . The training really pays off . Now I am in a good shape and I know more about how to keep fit .", "responses": ["really ? tell me about it . i have n't gone to the club for a long time . i am too busy with work .", "nice ! can you give me some tips on how to lose weight ?", "wow , well you must be really dedicated as you 've slimmed down a lot .", "i need to start training more myself .", "yes i can see you 've bulked up a lot !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? tell me about it . I haven't gone to the club for a long time . I am too busy with work .", "responses": ["it 's important to do proper exercises .", "that 's a shame .", "yeah , i know how busy work can get .", "that happens to me a lot too .", "even when i 'm busy , it always makes me feel better , so it 's worth it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's important to do proper exercises .", "responses": ["you 're right . too much or too little wo n't do any good .", "it 's hard to get exercise with such a busy schedule .", "i can see the exercise is really working for you , i should try it .", "i need to exercise more but ca n't find the time .", "i wish i could find more time to exercise ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're right . Too much or too little won't do any good .", "responses": ["the trainer tells me , besides regular sports activities , i should also have a healthy and balanced diet .", "they 've got great equipment and that helps a lot .", "i keep to a schedule and that really helps order my life .", "they 've got some great personal trainers there and that makes a difference .", "why do n't you come with me and we 'll work out together ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The trainer tells me , besides regular sports activities , I should also have a healthy and balanced diet .", "responses": ["sounds reasonable .", "my diet is another thing i need to work on .", "i 've heard that you have to feed your muscle .", "it 's so hard to eat right and go to the gym when you have a career .", "what kinds of things should i be eating ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds reasonable .", "responses": ["we should eat more vegetables instead of junk food to stay energetic .", "i have to eat more protein and less simple carbs .", "i set up an appointment with the club nutritionist .", "i 've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables .", "i think so too , so i 'm starting a new diet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We should eat more vegetables instead of junk food to stay energetic .", "responses": ["and fruits !", "that makes sense .", "yeah , junk food makes you feel good in the moment but bad afterwards .", "junk food also interferes with the results of working out .", "but i do n't like vegetables ..."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And fruits !", "responses": ["surely it is . getting enough sleep is also crucial for fitness .", "you 're right !", "yes , exactly . balance is key .", "mmm , i could go for a good grapefruit right now !", "it 's important to have a high fiber diet as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Surely it is . Getting enough sleep is also crucial for fitness .", "responses": ["i 've heard that . does your trainer tell you anything about keeping fit ?", "i know the importance of sleep", "most people do not know the importance of sleep", "it sure is", "i agree with that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I've heard that . Does your trainer tell you anything about keeping fit ?", "responses": ["yeah , he advises me to stay in a good mood . that can also help one to keep sound physical health .", "yes he does . getting adequate sleep is key .", "you should also cut down on carbs", "and get 5 fruits and vegetables a day . color variety is best", "finally , try toneat fish and minimize red meat"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , he advises me to stay in a good mood . That can also help one to keep sound physical health .", "responses": ["i think if you follow your trainer 's advice , you 'll be on the right track .", "what else does he tell you about staying fit ?", "that 's cool , what kind of exercises does he tell you about ?", "does your trainer send you home with any homework ?", "how does being in a good mood help you stay fit ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think if you follow your trainer's advice , you'll be on the right track .", "responses": ["you bet it !", "thank you , me too .", "i sure hope so !", "thanks , you can join me whenever .", "as long as i put in the effort ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You bet it !"}], "index": 455} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's your main range ?", "responses": ["generally speaking , we provide bikes for both gentlemen and ladies , size 19 , 21 , 23 , 25 and 27 inches . we can vary the colors according to the buyer 's requirements . here are the catalogues and the pattern books . they will give you a rough idea about our products .", "my main range was 3.0 - 3.3 .", "my range was always north of 3.0 .", "my main range was between 3.0 and 3.3 .", "my main range was anywhere from 3.0 to 3.3 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Generally speaking , we provide bikes for both gentlemen and ladies , size 19 , 21 , 23 , 25 and 27 inches . We can vary the colors according to the buyer's requirements . Here are the catalogues and the pattern books . They will give you a rough idea about our products .", "responses": ["i am interested in your flying pigeon bicycles . i think some of these items will find a ready market in canada . but what our customers appreciate most is a reliable product .", "my goodness , this is a lot to wade through .", "so customers are limited only to these colors in the catalogue ?", "could we special order a particular color for you to blend ?", "do you make any tandem bicycles by any chance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am interested in your flying pigeon bicycles . I think some of these items will find a ready market in Canada . But what our customers appreciate most is a reliable product .", "responses": ["to be reliable is the strong point of our products . as a matter of fact , it 's always our practice to supply high quality goods at reasonable prices . flying pigeon is the best of its kind at the price .", "our bikes are built to last .", "we have a ten year guarantee on our bikes .", "we have a 100 percent satisfaction rating .", "since we use titanium alloys , our bikes are built strong and durable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "To be reliable is the strong point of our products . As a matter of fact , it's always our practice to supply high quality goods at reasonable prices . Flying pigeon is the best of its kind at the price .", "responses": ["then i 'd like to know your availability of the products and the terms of sales , such as mode of payment , delivery , discounts , etc .", "what type of manufactures warranty is available for the flying pigeon bicycles ?", "are individual bike parts available for resale in bulk ?", "the quality and a reasonable price point will be a major attraction with our customer base .", "how long has the flying pigeon brand been available for resale in this competitive bike market ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then I'd like to know your availability of the products and the terms of sales , such as mode of payment , delivery , discounts , etc ."}], "index": 456} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have learnt how to ride a bicycle . I plan to go to the Water Park by bike this weekend .", "responses": ["well , you know , the traffic in beijing is sometimes dangerous . therefore , i have to remind you of something . first , you should obey the traffic rules , do n't break in the red light . second , do n't play a joke with your friends when riding on the bike . third , do not hurry up when riding , or would make an accident . finally , remember come on the left and go on the right !", "how far of a bike ride is that ?", "that sounds too ambitious for me to undertake !", "i hope it does n't rain that day .", "are you riding by yourself to the water park ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , you know , the traffic in Beijing is sometimes dangerous . Therefore , I have to remind you of something . First , you should obey the traffic rules , don't break in the red light . Second , don't play a joke with your friends when riding on the bike . Third , do not hurry up when riding , or would make an accident . Finally , remember come on the left and go on the right !", "responses": ["oh , my dear sister , i am no longer a baby !", "i 'll keep safety in my mind !", "got it .", "will do .", "i know ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , my dear sister , I am no longer a baby !"}], "index": 457} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You have a lovely house , Jack .", "responses": ["thank you . but a number of things have been going wrong lately .", "my wife did all the decorating .", "thanks , we fell in love with it .", "you are always welcome here to visit .", "we put a lot of hard work into remodeling ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . But a number of things have been going wrong lately .", "responses": ["that 's too bad . what problems are you having .", "oh no", "what kinds of things ?", "wait what ?", "sorry to hear that ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "question", "text": "That's too bad . What problems are you having .", "responses": ["oh , the whole house needs re - painting for starters . the carpet in the living room is worn out , and i 'd like to put in new wall - to - wall carpeting . last week , i had to call the plumber to fix the toilet . anyway , all par for the course when you own a house , i guess . i think i am going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over .", "we had a terrible problem with our bathroom plumbing .", "the roof started leaking last week .", "the walls in the basement have started to bow . that can be a big problem .", "we have a termite problem in our basement ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , the whole house needs re-painting for starters . The carpet in the living room is worn out , and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting . Last week , I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet . Anyway , all par for the course when you own a house , I guess . I think I am going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over .", "responses": ["i 've studied home decoration as a hobby . could i make some suggestions ?", "that would be wise", "i would advise against that", "you can do better than that", "i would just sell the house"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I've studied home decoration as a hobby . Could I make some suggestions ?", "responses": ["go right ahead .", "yes , that would be great .", "i 'd love to hear your suggestions .", "what kind of suggestions are you thinking about ?", "yes , please . anything would help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Go right ahead .", "responses": ["well , i think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room , and maybe some new drapes for the windows . also , a grandfather clock would look great in the den . perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room", "i think you could try putting a painting on each wall .", "you could try putting a painting above the couch", "maybe put some tapestries over the curtains .", "you might consider putting a cover on the couch while you are working ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room , and maybe some new drapes for the windows . Also , a grandfather clock would look great in the den . Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room", "responses": ["wow , you really do have a talent for this , alice . thanks for the suggestions .", "great suggestions !", "that sounds expensive !", "i do n't think that 's really my style , thank you though .", "i ve been thinking about getting a nice chandelier , good idea !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , you really do have a talent for this , Alice . Thanks for the suggestions .", "responses": ["you are welcome , jack . glad to be of help .", "you are most welcome", "of course , it 's my pleasure", "i 'm always happy to help you dear", "no problem jack"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome , Jack . Glad to be of help ."}], "index": 458} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Mrs . White ! I'm Anne .", "responses": ["nice to see you with us , anne . please make yourself at home .", "hello anne !", "hello anne ! lovely to hear from you .", "hey anne ! how are you ?", "hey there !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Nice to see you with us , Anne . Please make yourself at home .", "responses": ["thank you . you 're so considerate .", "thank you , mrs . white !", "is it okay if i sit on the sofa ?", "thank you , do you need any help , mrs . white ?", "okay , thanks for your hospitality ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you . You ' re so considerate ."}], "index": 459} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have sport shirts for ladies ?", "responses": ["there are different types . which one do you like best ?", "yes , we do .", "yes ! what colors do you prefer ?", "yes . what sport specifically will this be for ?", "we have a wide variety of sport shirts for ladies . what sizes do you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "There are different types . Which one do you like best ?", "responses": ["i think the red one fits me well . can i try it on ?", "i like the plain white ones .", "the ones that cover my midriff .", "i like the cute blue shirts .", "my favorite brand is nike ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think the red one fits me well . Can I try it on ?", "responses": ["surely , of course .", "yes you may", "no you may not", "i think it is too big for you", "i do not think you can fit in it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Surely , of course .", "responses": ["where is the fitting room ?", "which was is the dressing room ?", "can you direct me to the fitting room ?", "thank you . i 'll be back shortly .", "can i also try the blue one on as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where is the fitting room ?", "responses": ["it 's there , near the mirror .", "the fitting room is around the corner to the left .", "there are two fitting rooms to choose from .", "if you need a fitting room i can point you to the right one .", "i 'll take you to the fitting room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's there , near the mirror ."}], "index": 460} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm a little nervous .", "responses": ["do n't worry . you 'll be fine . first of all , put on your seat belt . adjust the mirrors .", "what are you nervous about ?", "would you like to talk about it ?", "is it about megan ?", "no need to be nervous , you 'll be fine !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't worry . You'll be fine . First of all , put on your seat belt . Adjust the mirrors .", "responses": ["you do n't think i 'll need the seat belt , do you ?", "i do not want to drive", "i am still nervous", "i do not think i will be fine", "i do not want to put on the seat belt"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You don't think I'll need the seat belt , do you ?", "responses": ["of course not . but it 's a good habit to put it on every time you drive .", "you always need to wear your seat belt .", "safety first , always .", "you can pay a hefty fine if you do n't wear a seat belt .", "you do n't want to get into a crash without your seat belt on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course not . But it's a good habit to put it on every time you drive .", "responses": ["just in case , right ?", "i actually do think you should use the seatbelt .", "a seat belt is important even if its inconvenient .", "i think you should use the seat belt .", "a seat belt could save your life , you better put it on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Just in case , right ?", "responses": ["right . hold the steering wheel with your hands at ten o'clock and two o'clock .", "exactly .", "better safe than sorry .", "you never know what could happen out there . better be safe .", "you are correct ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Right . Hold the steering wheel with your hands at ten o'clock and two o'clock ."}], "index": 461} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning , Sir . Where are you going ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to england by flight be987 .", "i am going to the store", "i am going to the mall", "i am not going anywhere", "why do you want to know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m going to England by flight BE987 .", "responses": ["when is your flight ?", "i regret to inform you that flight is delayed .", "do you have any baggage to check ?", "will you be traveling alone ?", "do you have your ticket ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When is your flight ?", "responses": ["10:00 am . when am i supposed to check in ?", "my flight is at 6:00 pm .", "my flight leaves on thursday .", "i have to look up online what time it leaves .", "what is the best way to find out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "10:00 AM . When am I supposed to check in ?", "responses": ["we are checking in . may i have your ticket and your health certificate and your luggage please .", "as early as possible .", "at least 20 minutes prior .", "try and be here by 9:30 am", "any time before 10 will be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "we are checking in . May I have your ticket and your health certificate and your luggage please .", "responses": ["here you are .", "of course , here they are", "yes let me pull them from my case", "yes , but how much for the luggage ?", "if my luggage is overweight , what are the charges ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["are you keeping the small bag as carry - on luggage , sir ?", "thank you", "everything seems to be in order , have a nice flight .", "excellent , you are all set .", "would you be interested in an upgrade to first class ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you keeping the small bag as carry-on luggage , sir ?", "responses": ["yes .", "yes , this bag will be a carry on .", "i will be taking the small bag as a carry on", "no , i am not taking it as a carry on", "i will not be taking the small bag as carry on luggage"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes .", "responses": ["you must weigh that as well .", "would you please place your carry - on onto the conveyer belt ?", "are there any breakables in your carry - on ?", "do you have any open liquid containers in your carry - on ?", "do you have a luggage tag for your carry - on , sir ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You must weigh that as well .", "responses": ["all right .", "why do i have to weigh my carry - on ?", "do all carry - ons have to go into the overhead bins ?", "how long is the flight expected to be today ?", "can we check in for the flight later ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "all right .", "responses": ["your luggage is two pounds over . i 'm afraid they 'll be in excess luggage charge , sir .", "could you do that now please ?", "right this way , sir .", "we appreciate your patience .", "thank you for understanding ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Your luggage is two pounds over . I ' m afraid They'll be in excess luggage charge , Sir .", "responses": ["how much must i pay ?", "alrgight .", "that is fine .", "that is no big deal .", "that is no problem ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much must I pay ?", "responses": ["it 's ten yuan .", "it will be $ 25 for the overage .", "if you have a heavy sweater in there , i would take it out and carry it onboard .", "the overage is $ 5 per pound so it will be $ 10 .", "is there something that you could do to lighten it just a little ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s ten yuan .", "responses": ["here you are .", "oh , ok . that 's reasonable .", "ok , here you go .", "ok , do you need my credit card ?", "ten yuan seems high for two pound , but i guess i do n't have an option ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["this is your luggage check which you must show when you disembark at your destination and here is your boarding pass and your ticket .", "thank you .", "here is your change .", "is there anything else ?", "have a good flight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This is your luggage check Which You must show when you disembark at your destination and here is your boarding pass and your ticket .", "responses": ["thanks .", "who do i show the luggage check to ?", "will i be able to keep my carry - on luggage with me , even though it 's too heavy ?", "can i get a receipt for the ten yuan ?", "is it usual to weigh carry - on luggage ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks .", "responses": ["now , please wait until your flight is called . there 's about twenty - five minutes to go .", "no problem", "your welcome", "okay", "sure"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now , please wait until your flight is called . There's about twenty-five minutes to go .", "responses": ["i 'm a little nervous . i 've never flown before .", "do you know if the flight is on time ?", "where is the boarding entrance ?", "can you direct me to the nearest restrooms ?", "is there a lounge that i can wait in ?"]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m a little nervous . I ' Ve never flown before .", "responses": ["there 's nothing at all to worry about . once you are in the air , it 's just like sitting at your sitting room . it 's going to be a very pleasant flight .", "should i fear turbulence ?", "what is the duration of the flight", "will there be snacks surveyed on the flight", "when can i pick up my luggage ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "There ' s nothing at all to worry about . Once you are in the air , it ' s just like sitting at your sitting room . It ' s going to be a very pleasant flight ."}], "index": 462} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good evening , ma'am . Table for one ?", "responses": ["yes , please .", "yes please !", "actually , we need a table for two please .", "yes please , by a window if possible .", "no , were a party of three today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , please .", "responses": ["will this table be all right ?", "this way please", "would you like to sit at the bar ?", "i have this beautiful window seat for you", "let me show you to a table"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will this table be all right ?", "responses": ["actually , i 'd like a booth by the window if that 's possible .", "do you have anything that is next to a window ?", "do you have anything that is next to a window ?", "i would prefer a booth if possible .", "no , i do not like to sit in the middle of the room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , I'd like a booth by the window if that's possible .", "responses": ["certainly . how about this one ?", "sure , please follow me .", "of course , a booth is available for you .", "i 'm sorry , we have no booths by the window .", "i 'm sorry , but no booths are available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Certainly . How about this one ?", "responses": ["this will be fine , thanks .", "this is perfect , thank you .", "i 'd like to be a little further away from the entrance .", "i do n't want to be so close to the bar . would a few booths down be okay ?", "i do n't want to sit under the air conditioner vent -- i'll get a chill ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "This will be fine , thanks .", "responses": ["( handing her a menu ) your waiter will be here in a minute to take your order .", "can i bring you a beverage ?", "would you like to see tonight 's specials list ?", "would you like a drink from the bar ?", "is there anything else i can bring you right now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "( Handing her a menu ) Your waiter will be here in a minute to take your order .", "responses": ["thank you .", "could you get me a drink ?", "thank you , i hope the wait is n't long .", "ca n't you take my order ?", "i already know what i want ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 463} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have puzzled my brain about how to teach the children .", "responses": ["what is your problem ?", "that sounds frazzling", "what have you found out ?", "so what will you do ?", "i know what you mean"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your problem ?", "responses": ["my children can never be obedient even if i criticized them severely .", "the kids are not listening to me .", "every time i try to teach them , they do n't make any effort .", "i am frustrated and need your help .", "can you just listen and not judge me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My children can never be obedient even if I criticized them severely .", "responses": ["you need not always do that . why do n't you pat them on the back occasionally ?", "maybe you should not use criticism .", "you should use another tactic to make them obedient .", "maybe using criticism is n't the way to go .", "you can teach the children in another way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You need not always do that . Why don ' t you pat them on the back occasionally ?"}], "index": 464} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I have the window seat over there ?", "responses": ["sorry , sir . that table has been booked .", "yes of course", "i 'm sorry , that 's taken", "my dog needs the seat", "yes , when i get off at the next stop"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , sir . That table has been booked .", "responses": ["well , in that case , this table is the only choice .", "would it possible to wait for a window seat to become available ?", "how long is the wait for a window seat ?", "do you have a table against a wall ?", "i guess this table will do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , in that case , this table is the only choice .", "responses": ["actually you can have a window seat if you do n't mind a ten - minute wait .", "yes , i 'm sorry for the inconvenience", "this table is a great table also", "yes , please have a seat at this table", "i apologize for being unable to accommodate you wanting a window seat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Actually you can have a window seat if you don't mind a ten-minute wait .", "responses": ["there is no need . thanks .", "i refuse to wait another ten minutes for a seat .", "i have been waiting long enough for a seat . it 's not my fault you lost the reservation .", "i do n't want any window seat . i would like that specific window seat .", "that 's fine , but only if it 's 10 minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "There is no need . Thanks ."}], "index": 465} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm hungry .", "responses": ["so am i .", "want to order a pizza for delivery ?", "do you want me to make something or go out ?", "i can make sandwiches .", "we could go out to a nice restaurant , you just have to decide where you want to go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So am I .", "responses": ["where should we go eat today ?", "would you like to get food ?", "we should get some food . ,", "let 's go out to eat .", "should i cook something for us ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where should we go eat today ?", "responses": ["how about we go eat in the cafeteria ?", "i was in the mood for a hamburger . what do you think ?", "i have n't had tacos in awhile . do you like tacos ?", "well , we had hotdogs the last time . how about we go for seafood ?", "i was hoping we could try that new mexican restaurant that just opened up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about we go eat in the cafeteria ?", "responses": ["i never bought food from the cafeteria .", "i do n't really want cafeteria food .", "i just ate in the cafeteria yesterday .", "i think the cafeteria is closed because of the fire .", "i heard the cafeteria chef is sick but is still working . i do n't want to eat there !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I never bought food from the cafeteria .", "responses": ["you have n't ? they have a lot of good stuff .", "it 's quite dependable .", "i do n't mind the taste , and it 's economical .", "there are a lot of options there .", "it gets quite crowded ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You haven't ? They have a lot of good stuff .", "responses": ["what do they have ?", "that is what i heard .", "i love a nice selection .", "i like being able to choose .", "i love being able to choose ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do they have ?", "responses": ["they sell everything .", "today is friday , they 'll have fish and chips .", "they have a great selection of salads .", "you can get any kind of sandwich you want .", "their burgers are excellent ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They sell everything .", "responses": ["well , i want chinese food .", "oh really , like what ?", "can you be more specific ? i 've never been there .", "do they have pizza ?", "what do you usually get there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I want Chinese food .", "responses": ["i 've gotten chow mein from there before .", "they have that .", "we will have to check to see if they offer that .", "there hamburgers are good .", "i have had their chinese , it is good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've gotten chow mein from there before .", "responses": ["i guess we can eat there then .", "is it good ?", "i do n't really feel like chow mein .", "is it expensive ?", "are the portions large ? i 'm very hungry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I guess we can eat there then .", "responses": ["trust me , the food is n't half bad .", "yeah chinese is good", "chinese food is amazing", "we do not have to if you do nt want to", "as long as you are okay with that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Trust me , the food isn't half bad ."}], "index": 466} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , who has the remote control ?", "responses": ["i do . why , do you want me to change the channel ?", "i think the control is on the table .", "jill had the remote control last .", "sara used the remote to turn on the movie last night .", "i 'm not sure . did you check if it was stuck in the couch cushion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I do . Why , do you want me to change the channel ?", "responses": ["yes , please . i ca n't stand watching the channel any more .", "i was wondering what comes on tv at 7 pm ?", "i wanted to make sure the dvr recorded my tv show last night .", "no . can you check how many movies are on the dvr ?", "yes please change the tv channel to anything but disney !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , please . I can't stand watching the channel any more .", "responses": ["i think they have pretty good programmes . but i 'll change it if you really want .", "what channel would you like ?", "i really like this channel ...", "you take it , then .", "you can put on whatever you 'd like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think they have pretty good programmes . But I'll change it if you really want .", "responses": ["put it on channel 5 , ok ?", "no that is okay .", "that is alright .", "i will give it a try .", "i will give it a shot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Put it on Channel 5 , OK ?", "responses": ["oh , i hate channel 5 . i 'd rather just listen to the radio .", "channel 5 it is .", "i do n't mind changing it a bit .", "is this program better ?", "this show looks pretty good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I hate Channel 5 . I'd rather just listen to the radio .", "responses": ["do n't make such a fuss . i 'm sure you will like today 's programme .", "oh , come on . just put it on channel 5 , please .", "well , maybe we can find something else , but just change the channel .", "really ? why do you hate channel 5 ?", "can you please just put it on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't make such a fuss . I'm sure you will like today's programme .", "responses": ["what 's on today ?", "i do n't think so .", "i 'm going to listen to the radio .", "here , you can have the remote .", "how about a different channel ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's on today ?", "responses": ["a basketball match between chinese team and american team .", "it 's \" rocking with dr . ed . \" i like dr . ed 's music .", "we 're just full of questions , are n't we ?", "relax . it 's a surprise and i think you 'll like it .", "nothing in particular , but they 've changed their overall programming ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A basketball match between Chinese team and American team .", "responses": ["really ? i 'm interested in it .", "i am rooting for the american team", "i am rooting for the chinese team", "that is cool", "that sounds boring"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I'm interested in it .", "responses": ["it might begin now .", "i heard the chinese team is pretty good .", "i 've never watched a chinese team play basketball before .", "i 'd rather watch basketball than listen to the radio .", "this should be an exciting game ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It might begin now ."}], "index": 467} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am calling to find out why I didn ' t receive an unemployment check this week .", "responses": ["did you send in your continued claim form for the last period ?", "can you please tell me your last name ?", "can you please provide me the last 4 digits of your social security number ?", "can you please confirm your address ?", "do you have a normal case worker ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you send in your Continued Claim Form for the last period ?", "responses": ["i think i forgot to send it in !", "no , i thought it was all set .", "yes , it was easy .", "yes , i know what i 'm doing .", "of course i did ..."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I forgot to send it in !", "responses": ["you need to be very careful to send that form in every two weeks if you want to get paid .", "oh no !", "that is too bad !", "that is unfortunate .", "that is bad ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You need to be very careful to send that form in every two weeks if you want to get paid .", "responses": ["can i send it in now ?", "you 're right , i 'll be more careful .", "is it ok to go ahead and send it now ?", "is there a way i can do the claim form online ?", "how long will it take to get paid if i send it in now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I send it in now ?", "responses": ["you should look at your claim form and see if it has been more than fourteen days since it was due . if it has n't been , we will still accept it .", "no , you need to send it in before the due date .", "no , you are already outside of the payment window .", "no , you missed the deadline . you need to be certain to stay in the appropriate window going forward .", "no , the deadline for this period is already passed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You should look at your claim form and see if it has been more than fourteen days since it was due . If it hasn ' t been , we will still accept it .", "responses": ["can i mail it in early next time so it is n't late ?", "ok , i will check .", "you mean i will not get paid ?", "where do i send it ?", "can i bring it in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I mail it in early next time so it isn ' t late ?", "responses": ["actually , you can not mail it in early , as it needs to reflect all of the information up to the due date .", "you can send it in up to a week early , but not earlier than that .", "i 'm sorry , but you can only send it in on the due date .", "yes , but you 'll still get your money on the same date .", "yes , that 's no problem ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Actually , you cannot mail it in early , as it needs to reflect all of the information up to the due date .", "responses": ["will my paycheck come right away now ?", "that is disappointing", "that is upsetting", "i did not know this", "what should i do then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will my paycheck come right away now ?", "responses": ["your check will arrive a little late .", "you should receive your check in 3 - 5 business days .", "if they received your claim form without any issues , i would assume you will get your check soon .", "i will have to check your file and see if there is any update to the status of your check .", "can you hold while i double check to see if your claim form has been received ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your check will arrive a little late ."}], "index": 468} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , are you Mrs . Green from England ?", "responses": ["yes , i am .", "i am .", "that is my name .", "that is who i am .", "yes i am ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am .", "responses": ["i 'm pleased to meet you , mrs . green . my name is myra . i work in beijing institute of technology . i came here to meet you .", "how are you liking your visit to the us ?", "have you found a decent cup of tea here ?", "how are you enjoying this warm sunny weather ?", "i hope you have fun on your trip ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm pleased to meet you , Mrs . Green . My name is Myra . I work in Beijing Institute of Technology . I came here to meet you .", "responses": ["how do you do ?", "what a pleasure . it 's so nice to meet you .", "how considerate . it 's nice to meet you as well .", "thank you . it 's a pleasure to meet you .", "that 's lovely . nice to meet you too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do ?", "responses": ["how do you do ?", "very well .", "how was your trip ?", "do you have any luggage ?", "here is my car ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do ?", "responses": ["it 's kind of you to meet me at the airport .", "i 'm well , thank you .", "fine , thanks .", "it 's been a long flight , but i 'm glad to be here .", "i 'm feeling tired from my flight ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's kind of you to meet me at the airport .", "responses": ["welcome to beijing . is this your first time in china ?", "well i am a nice person", "well i am a kind person", "it is no big deal", "well i like to please"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Welcome to Beijing . Is this your first time in China ?", "responses": ["no , i have visited china several times , but it 's my first visit to beijing and i think it 's a great honor to be invited to your beautiful city .", "yes it is my first time visiting here .", "did you have to wait long for my flight to arrive ?", "how long will it take us to get to my hotel ?", "do you live in beijing ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I have visited China several times , but it's my first visit to Beijing and I think it's a great honor to be invited to your beautiful city .", "responses": ["it 's our pleasure to have you here . i hope you will have a pleasant stay here .", "what is the best cuisine ?", "what is the best chinese landmark ?", "places to avoid scams ?", "what is the best way to travel around china ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's our pleasure to have you here . I hope you will have a pleasant stay here .", "responses": ["thank you . i 'm sure i will have a wonderful time here .", "thank you so very much .", "i will , thank you .", "i appreciate that .", "thank you . anything specific you recommend ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . I'm sure I will have a wonderful time here ."}], "index": 469} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , there . Look at these . I have collected some ads here . There is a special promotion for Mother's Day this weekend .", "responses": ["oh , yes . mother 's day is coming . do you plan to buy anything ?", "what products are in the ads ?", "i need to go shopping for mother 's day . which stores are advertising ?", "are there any really good deals in those ads ?", "can i see them ? i plan to go shopping tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yes . Mother's Day is coming . Do you plan to buy anything ?", "responses": ["of course . i want to buy some night cream for my mom , and some masques for myself .", "yes , i 'm buying my mom some flowers .", "no , my mom passed away last year .", "yes , that looks like a great sale .", "no , i 'm taking my mom out to dinner instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course . I want to buy some night cream for my mom , and some masques for myself .", "responses": ["hmm . in carrefour , clinique will be promoting their visible skin renewed cream .", "i 'm sure she 'll appreciate that !", "ooh , what brand ?", "that 's a good idea . maybe i 'll get her some cream as well .", "i have n't decided what i will get my mom yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hmm . In Carrefour , Clinique will be promoting their visible skin renewed cream .", "responses": ["how much is it ?", "do you know where i can get some masques ?", "is clinique having a sale as well ?", "where at in carrefour is the promotion ?", "i think i will go there , do you want to come with me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much is it ?", "responses": ["180 yuan , and you can get a free 8 piece gift package .", "what size are you looking for ?", "it starts at $ 20 .", "the small jar is $ 20 . it 's $ 30 for the large jar .", "if you buy it this week it 's actually on promotion ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "180 yuan , and you can get a free 8 piece gift package .", "responses": ["what 's included in the gift package ?", "maybe i can get it cheaper online .", "that sounds like a pretty good deal , maybe i should do that .", "i want to do that , how long will they be there ?", "do you feel like going to the mall with me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's included in the gift package ?", "responses": ["some black mascara , moisturizing orion , eye cream crystal lipstick , a two color eye shadow pack , styling hairspray , and a cosmetics bag .", "i believe there is a night cream and some makeup brushes .", "i will find out for you as i have n't looked into it yet .", "i 'll have an answer for you shortly .", "it 's an amazing gift package that includes lotion , brushes and powder !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Some black mascara , moisturizing orion , eye cream crystal lipstick , a two color eye shadow pack , styling hairspray , and a cosmetics bag .", "responses": ["sounds not bad .", "do they have a better option ?", "will your mother like that gift ?", "what is a moisturizing orion ?", "how big is that cosmetic bag ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds not bad ."}], "index": 470} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Oriental Hotel .", "responses": ["i 'd like to speak to michael baker , please .", "hello , i 'd like to book a room for two .", "hello , do you have any rooms available ?", "hello , how are are you today ?", "hello , i would like to reserve two rooms ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to speak to Michael Baker , please .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , mr . baker is not in . may i take a message ?", "please hold .", "may i ask the purpose of your call ?", "i 'll get him on the line for you .", "this is michael baker . who am i speaking to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry , Mr . Baker is not in . May I take a message ?", "responses": ["yes . tell him mr . cook called and ask him to return my call soon as he gets back .", "can you tell mr . baker that bob called ?", "tell mr . baker that it is urgent that he calls the office", "tell mr . baker that mrs . baker is onto him staying at the oriental hotel", "no , i will try calling mr . baker on his cell phone"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . Tell him Mr . Cook called and ask him to return my call soon as he gets back .", "responses": ["all right , mr . cook . i 'll have mr . baker call you back as soon as he gets here .", "we will relay the message .", "is there a number he should try to reach you at ?", "certainly mr cook .", "should i tell him what this is in regards to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right , Mr . Cook . I'll have Mr . Baker call you back as soon as he gets here ."}], "index": 471} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you spend your day , Helen ?", "responses": ["well , on weekdays i get up around ten . then i read the paper for an hour and have lunch at about noon .", "i like to work mostly .", "i like to exercise twice .", "i like to watch movies and listen to music .", "sometimes i like to work all day long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , on weekdays I get up around ten . Then I read the paper for an hour and have lunch at about noon .", "responses": ["really ? what time do you go to work ?", "what 's your favorite section of the paper ?", "what do you usually have for lunch ?", "wow , ten . i have to get up at eight .", "what do you do after lunch ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? What time do you go to work ?", "responses": ["i start work at three .", "i work afternoons , so i leave around 3:00", "it depends what time my work needs me", "my shift starts at 5:00 so i leave around 4:00", "i start my day later because my work schedule starts me late in the afternoon"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I start work at three .", "responses": ["and when do you get home at night ?", "when does work end ?", "that must be nice .", "i 'd love to sleep in , but i do like finishing work by 5 .", "do you have to stay at work late then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And when do you get home at night ?", "responses": ["i get home pretty late , around midnight .", "i 'm usually out the door by eleven , and i only live a few minutes away .", "it depends on how busy we are . i 'm usually home before midnight , but if we get a last minute rush , i 'll stay late and help out with closing .", "i 'm almost always home by eleven thirty or so .", "i usually get home before midnight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I get home pretty late , around midnight .", "responses": ["so what do you do , exactly ?", "oh wow ! that 's a late shift !", "do you ever get concerned about coming home so late from work ?", "that 's pretty late ! i do n't think i would like that shift .", "do you stay up late even when you 're not working ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So what do you do , exactly ?", "responses": ["i 'm a tv announcer . do n't you recognize me ? i do the weather report on knt !", "i work in a factory that makes car parts .", "i work in a bakery .", "i work at a newspaper .", "i work at a radio station as a dj ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm a TV announcer . Don't you recognize me ? I do the weather report on KNT !", "responses": ["gee , i 'm sorry . i do n't watch tv .", "no , i 'm sorry", "are you ? how exciting", "really ? no i do n't normally watch knt", "oh , that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Gee , I'm sorry . I don't watch TV ."}], "index": 472} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "They don't really think you took it , do they ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . i just know i 've never been asked so many questions in my life .", "they better not .", "that 's so stupid .", "i do n't want to talk about this .", "if they do , we will have a problem ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . I just know I've never been asked so many questions in my life .", "responses": ["how many of them were there ?", "what kind of questions ?", "did you take it ?", "who could have taken it ?", "why would they think that you took it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many of them were there ?", "responses": ["three - but there was one of them who kept asking really stupid questions .", "three .", "i lost count . they kept coming and going .", "four , but two of them did most of the talking .", "just one , but he was really mean ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Three-but there was one of them who kept asking really stupid questions .", "responses": ["like what ?", "what happens now ?", "how long were you in there ?", "when do you think you 'll hear back from them ?", "maybe you should talk to a lawyer before you talk to them again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Like what ?", "responses": ["oh , he wanted to know what time i got up this morning and if i bad a bath or a shower you know , things like that .", "like \" what were you doing this morning ? \" .", "i 'm really concerned as i was out on the deck all morning , but no one was with me .", "they asked to see my receipt from my purchases this morning . this is very insulting !", "they wanted to know where i was this morning when the items disappeared . this is extremely frustrating !"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , he wanted to know what time I got up this morning and if I bad a bath or a shower you know , things like that .", "responses": ["what on earth has that got to do with some money disappearing ?", "what else did he want to know ?", "well , did you , take the shower ?", "did you answer them ?", "how long did they question you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What on earth has that got to do with some money disappearing ?", "responses": ["i 've no idea . oh yes , and the most ridiculous thing . he asked me what i had for breakfast this morning .", "right ?", "you have to wonder", "it was nonsence", "i do n't know"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I've no idea . Oh yes , and the most ridiculous thing . He asked me what I had for breakfast this morning .", "responses": ["oh well , that 's it . they obviously think you 're a desperate criminal and you have to steal to eat . i should think you 'll get thirty years .", "that is such a weird question to ask", "why would he have to ask something like that ?", "i would not think they would have to know that", "what does breakfast have to do with anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh well , that's it . They obviously think you're a desperate criminal and you have to steal to eat . I should think you'll get thirty years .", "responses": ["hmm . thank you very much .", "or , maybe life .", "yes , i 'm hungry .", "i told them i had ham and eggs for breakfast .", "they really ganged up on me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hmm . Thank you very much ."}], "index": 473} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "disgust", "act": "directive", "text": "What a mess !", "responses": ["sorry . i 'll clean it up .", "sorry , i am a slob", "i 'll clean it up , do n't worry", "the dog did it", "i did n't make the mess"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry . I'll clean it up ."}], "index": 474} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to buy some milk powder . what would you recommend ?", "i 'd like a hamburger please .", "just a large order of fries please .", "can i have a chicken sandwich and a cup for water .", "is your ice cream machine working ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'd like to buy some milk powder . What would you recommend ?", "responses": ["we have many kinds of different purpose . i wonder whom you are buying for ?", "we have borden 's on sale .", "sure , do you have a preferred brand ?", "i can help you with that - i like the borden 's , but the parmalat is also really good . the borden 's is a little cheaper right now .", "normally , i prefer the parmalat , but the borden 's is just as good , and we have a two for one sale going right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We have many kinds of different purpose . I wonder whom you are buying for ?", "responses": ["my son . he is two years old .", "i 'm buying it for my mom . it 's the only way she will drink milk .", "it 's for my daughter . she ca n't tolerate regular milk .", "powdered milk is the only way i can drink it as i have digestion problems .", "my dad has requested i get some for him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My son . He is two years old .", "responses": ["i see , sir . this one is very good .", "does he have any allergies ?", "do you have any preferred brands ?", "how much milk powder did you need ?", "did you want the product delivered , or were you planning to pick it up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see , sir . This one is very good .", "responses": ["is it ?", "is that best ?", "is that all you have ?", "does it taste good ?", "will he like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it ?", "responses": ["you may rest assured . it sells well .", "yes this milk powder is great for children", "yes this is one of our best", "yes your son will enjoy it", "yes it is a best seller"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You may rest assured . It sells well .", "responses": ["may i have a look at the introduction ?", "is it good on the quality ?", "are there any other options for this product around ?", "what is the milk made from ?", "are there any added ingredients in the milk powder ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I have a look at the introduction ?", "responses": ["certainly . here it is .", "yes you can .", "of course .", "that wo n't be a problem .", "let me get you a manager ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly . Here it is ."}], "index": 475} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Madam . What can we do for you today ?", "responses": ["hi . i 've been sent over from turner interiors . they said i need to collect some sort of l / c ? do you have it ?", "i 'd like to know if there are any appointments available for this afternoon .", "hi , i 'd like to come in today - i know it 's short notice , but is there anyone available at 3 pm ?", "i 'd like to make an appointment to see lisa , is she working today ?", "yes , i 'd like to come in today , but i do n't have an appointment - are you very busy this afternoon ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi . I've been sent over from Turner Interiors . They said I need to collect some sort of L / C ? Do you have it ?", "responses": ["i certainly do . here it is , an export l / c from tokyo .", "let me check with my manager to see if we have those ready for you !", "i will be back shortly with them . i know exactly where they are .", "oh yes , thank you for coming back on such short notice . i will retrieve them for you .", "please wait here while i go in the back and get them for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I certainly do . Here it is , an Export L / C from Tokyo .", "responses": ["it should be from sayuri beds . is that right ?", "can you explain it to me ?", "what is this l / c that i need ?", "how long have you worked at turner interiors ?", "why do they come from tokyo ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It should be from Sayuri Beds . Is that right ?", "responses": ["yes , it is . sayuri beds , tokyo , japan .", "please", "yes , you are right .", "that 's it exactly", "correct"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is . Sayuri Beds , Tokyo , Japan .", "responses": ["that 's what i want ! do you need me to sign anything ? or fill in some forms ?", "that sounds good , thank you", "that is exactly what i need", "wonderful , thank you very much", "okay , thanks for your help"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That's what I want ! Do you need me to sign anything ? Or fill in some forms ?", "responses": ["just sign right here , please . that 's everything you need to do .", "no , you have everything you need .", "yes , just give me your signature to confirm receipt of the l / c.", "no , we do not require any other exchange of documents . you are all set .", "please sign your copy and our copy to confirm the exchange ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just sign right here , please . That's everything you need to do .", "responses": ["perfect . thank you , goodbye !", "thank you !", "that was very helpful .", "are you sure that 's all ?", "very nice doing business with you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Perfect . Thank you , goodbye !"}], "index": 476} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me . can you tell me where Main Street is ?", "responses": ["turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks .", "no , sorry", "i have no idea", "i would but i do n't know", "you 'll have to ask someone else"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks .", "responses": ["is it far ?", "thank you for your help", "sounds good thank you", "i 'm sorry , can you repeat that", "okay , thank you so much"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it far ?", "responses": ["no . it 's only five minutes walk . you ca n't miss it .", "no , it 's not far at all .", "not really , you can get there in about two minutes .", "no , not at all .", "no , it will take you about five minutes to walk there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . it ' s only five minutes walk . you can ' t miss it .", "responses": ["thanks a lot", "thank you very much .", "that was very helpful .", "are you sure ?", "very good thank you sir ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot", "responses": ["you are welcome", "have a good one", "have a nice day", "you are welcome", "no problem"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome"}], "index": 477} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , sir , what can I do for you today ?", "responses": ["hello , i need a new suit . i have an important interview next week , so i really need to look sharp .", "i would like to know what time the bus will be arriving .", "i would like to know how much this item is", "can you please tell me when the next bus will be coming ?", "i would like to know if there are any discounts for this item"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , I need a new suit . I have an important interview next week , so I really need to look sharp .", "responses": ["no problem ! we have a broad selection of suits , all tailored made so that it will fit perfectly .", "what kind of suit did you have in mind ?", "congratulations on the interview ! we can make sure you look sharp today .", "very well . i think you would look fantastic in a navy blue .", "are you looking for something traditional or more modern ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem ! We have a broad selection of suits , all tailored made so that it will fit perfectly .", "responses": ["great ! i want a three piece suit , preferably made from italian cashmere or wool .", "sounds very good .", "excellent !", "i would like to take a look at them .", "show me the suits please ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Great ! I want a three piece suit , preferably made from Italian cashmere or wool .", "responses": ["very well sir . would you like to have some shirts made also ?", "let 's see what we have in cashmere first", "good i really prefer cashmere", "if you really went to look nice cashmere is the way to go", "could you mix cashmere and wool"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Very well sir . Would you like to have some shirts made also ?", "responses": ["sure . i 'll also take some silver cuff link and a pair of silk ties .", "that would be splendid", "yes thank you", "i would like that very much", "i think that 's a grand idea ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . I ' ll also take some silver cuff link and a pair of silk ties .", "responses": ["very good . now , if you will accompany me , we can take your measurements and choose the patterns for your suit and shirts .", "do you have any color preferences for the ties ?", "would you like patterned ties or solid ?", "would you like any design on the cuff links ?", "do you have a price range for the ties and cuff links you 'd like to stay in ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Very good . Now , if you will accompany me , we can take your measurements and choose the patterns for your suit and shirts ."}], "index": 478} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , what's the time difference between Tokyo and London ?", "responses": ["8 hours . tokyo is 8 hours earlier than london .", "let me look that up .", "hold on please , i 'll check .", "japan is 8 hours ahead of london .", "it is 8 hours ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "8 hours . Tokyo is 8 hours earlier than London .", "responses": ["it 's one day more or one day less from tokyo to london ?", "is that am or pm", "what would the time be right now", "what would the time be right now", "what time will it be when i git there"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's one day more or one day less from Tokyo to London ?", "responses": ["one day more .", "it 's around a day more .", "tokyo is ahead of london", "london is behind tokyo by a day", "when you are waking up in london it 's already night in tokyo ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "One day more .", "responses": ["it means that we will arrive on the same day .", "so in tokyo you gain 8 hours ?", "do you know which time zone tokyo is in ?", "so in tokyo now it 's 8 hours earlier from the time here in london ?", "so when you go from tokyo to london you loose 8 hours right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It means that we will arrive on the same day .", "responses": ["yes .", "yes , that sounds correct", "you should arrive on the same day .", "depends on when you leave .", "what time are you leaving ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes ."}], "index": 479} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Shall we visit the Summer Palace tomorrow ?", "responses": ["good . i do n't want to leave beijing without visiting it .", "maybe if we have time", "do n't know if we have the money", "what mouth would you like to go", "i think i have to work tomorrow"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good . I don't want to leave Beijing without visiting it .", "responses": ["how far is it from our hotel ?", "great , i 'll see you tommorrow", "when should we go ?", "it 's a very special place", "i highly recommend it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How far is it from our hotel ?", "responses": ["it 's about 5 kilometers .", "i think we can walk there easily .", "i 'll look it up on google maps and see .", "i 'll call the front desk and ask .", "another guest that went told me it was only a few blocks away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's about 5 kilometers .", "responses": ["if we start early , do we have some time for yuanmingyuan ?", "do you want to walk there ?", "oh that 's pretty close .", "we should go first thing in the morning .", "do you want to get breakfast first ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If we start early , do we have some time for Yuanmingyuan ?", "responses": ["i think so . we can go there in the afternoon if you like .", "i do not think so", "i think we do", "yes we do", "no we do not"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think so . We can go there in the afternoon if you like ."}], "index": 480} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need a taxi , please .", "responses": ["we have various transportation services . would you prefer a private vehicle ?", "wait right i will get one for you", "what time do you need one", "how will you be paying for the taxi", "it will be some time before a taxi will come"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We have various transportation services . Would you prefer a private vehicle ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . a taxi is just fine .", "what 's the cheapest ?", "whatever can get here soonest .", "no thanks a regular taxi is fine", "sure , i 'll take that instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks . A taxi is just fine .", "responses": ["may i suggest a limo ? it 's nice to pamper yourself .", "would you like me to call one right now for you ?", "is there a certain taxi service you prefer ?", "okay sir , one moment while i call you a taxi .", "all right sir , one taxi coming right up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I suggest a limo ? It's nice to pamper yourself .", "responses": ["i do n't want anything except a taxi , thank you .", "no , i 'll stick to a taxi .", "just a taxi please .", "that seems out of my price range .", "a taxi would work out better ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don't want anything except a taxi , thank you .", "responses": ["i understand . and where will you be going ?", "i will get you a taxi", "i will find you a taxi", "i can get you a taxi", "you are making a mistake"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I understand . And where will you be going ?", "responses": ["rockefeller center .", "i 'll be going to the holiday inn express on route 112 .", "i 'll be going to my workplace , 552 johnson avenue , medford .", "i 'll be going to this address : 30 west 8th street , deer park .", "to the elena bar and grille on park and third ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Rockefeller Center .", "responses": ["and what time would you like to be picked up ?", "we have several taxis available . i 'll send one to you .", "i do n't currently have any taxi available . i 'll see if i can find a different car for you .", "i only have one taxi available right now . i 'll book it for you .", "i can certainly book a taxi to take you there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And what time would you like to be picked up ?", "responses": ["the sooner the better .", "i 'll be ready to go at 5p ,", "i 'd like to leave just after the dinner service", "what address should i send the car to ?", "i will be standing to the left of the reception entrance , thank you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The sooner the better .", "responses": ["a taxi will be here shortly , sir .", "what is your location ?", "we can send a taxi out for you immediately . what is your location ?", "dispatching a driver right now . where is your location ?", "is a 2:00 pm arrival alright with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A taxi will be here shortly , sir .", "responses": ["great ! and remember , a taxi , not a limo .", "thank you very much .", "please hurry .", "how many minutes will that take ?", "what 's the name of the driver ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Great ! And remember , a taxi , not a limo .", "responses": ["a taxi it is , sir .", "why not a limo ?", "a limo could be the best way to ride in luxury .", "what kind of taxi would you like ?", "what is your location ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A taxi it is , sir ."}], "index": 481} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's your turn now , Helen .", "responses": ["ok . i 'm coming .", "oh really , i thought it was yours", "ok here is my answer to the question", "let me get my clubs ready", "thank you , now where are my glasses ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . I'm coming .", "responses": ["this is your song . i picked it for you .", "hurry helen , time is running out .", "oh good , because this game is fun .", "okay , i 've got the car warmed up for you .", "okay , do n't forget to shut the door behind you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is your song . I picked it for you .", "responses": ["thank you . you are so considerate .", "thank you so much", "oh i really like it .", "that was nice of you .", "oh you should n't have"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . You are so considerate .", "responses": ["push the red button on the mike to turn it on .", "your welcome", "no problem", "okay", "sure"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Push the red button on the mike to turn it on .", "responses": ["ok . this key is too high for me .", "i pushed the red button but does n't seem to be working .", "i 'm so nervous . ok , here i go !", "i hope you 'll like my singing .", "this is my first audition . i 'm so excited !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . This key is too high for me .", "responses": ["i think it 's a piece of cake for you .", "i can adjust it for you .", "i 'll be happy to change it for you .", "we can try to find one that works for you .", "let me find one that is more suited for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it's a piece of cake for you .", "responses": ["ok . let me have a try ...", "oh no are you kidding ?", "stop , let me chug some water first .", "can you start that again ?", "oh no , that is way too high ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . Let me have a try ...", "responses": ["well done ! i hope i can sing as well as you one day .", "you can do it !", "i believe in you .", "you 've got this .", "work it !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well done ! I hope I can sing as well as you one day .", "responses": ["thank you . i 'm sure you will .", "please do n't patronize me .", "thanks , that means so much coming from you !", "you 'll be an amazing singer someday !", "that 's so sweet of you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . I'm sure you will .", "responses": ["i hope so . thank you for saying so .", "i believe in you .", "i think you 're gon na do great .", "i think you 'll do amazingly .", "i think everything will work out ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I hope so . Thank you for saying so ."}], "index": 482} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , could you help me pick out a lotion ?", "responses": ["sure , what is the problem ?", "sure i can help you with that .", "what are you using the lotion for ?", "do you have any preferences ?", "do you want an odorless one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure , what is the problem ?", "responses": ["i got poison oak while hiking , and i need something to help me with the itching .", "i need specialized lotion", "i need the correct lotion", "i need cheap lotion", "i need good lotion"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I got poison oak while hiking , and I need something to help me with the itching .", "responses": ["i can suggest a product called techne that comes in a lotion or cream .", "i would definitely suggest this benadryl gel , or perhaps this benadryl spray . you might also want to buy some benadryl in pill form to counteract the itching and swelling .", "sure , follow me to aisle 4 . that 's where we keep the benadryl .", "sure , how about this hydrocortisone cream ?", "sure , i 'd definitely recommend using calamine lotion ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I can suggest a product called Techne that comes in a lotion or cream .", "responses": ["which do you prefer ?", "how much does it cost ?", "how do i use it ?", "does it have any side effects ?", "is it difficult to apply ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which do you prefer ?", "responses": ["hikers tell me that the cream is best because it stays on longer .", "oh i 'm partial to my grandmothers remedy but this one is good .", "i think the lotion is a little easier to apply . the cream you kinda have to rub in", "the cream smells a lot better but they are equally effective", "they are basically the same but there 's a coupon for the lotion this week"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hikers tell me that the cream is best because it stays on longer .", "responses": ["is there anything else i can do to help with the itching ?", "then let 's go with that .", "i 'll take the cream then .", "i want the cream .", "thanks , cream sounds good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything else I can do to help with the itching ?", "responses": ["you can take an antihistamine .", "wash the affected area and try to keep it clean .", "keep the area clean and then cover it up with a bandage or something .", "rub some aloe cream on it .", "not much , sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can take an antihistamine .", "responses": ["thank you so much for all of the information .", "is that dangerous ?", "what are the side effects ?", "where can i acquire such a thing ?", "how much does that cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you so much for all of the information .", "responses": ["you are welcome . please feel free to ask me a question any time you need help .", "anytime .", "of course .", "your welcome !", "let me know if you have any more questions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome . Please feel free to ask me a question any time you need help ."}], "index": 483} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Abby Park Hotel . Can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i would like to book a room for my wife and myself .", "i would like to book a room", "i would like to speak to your manager", "i would like to ask you about prices", "i would like to file a complaint"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I would like to book a room for my wife and myself .", "responses": ["certainly sir . could i have your arrival and departure dates ?", "ok , what type of room would you like ?", "ok , we are almost fully booked right now . the only room we have is a deluxe , two bed room .", "ok , we have a few options available . we have the executive suite at $ 500 per night , a standard room with king sized bed at $ 200 per night , and a standard with queen sized bed at $ 175 per night . which would you like ?", "ok , we have only non - smoking rooms available at this time , is that all right for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Certainly sir . Could I have your arrival and departure dates ?", "responses": ["we will be arriving on tuesday next week and staying for two days .", "we 'll be arriving on the twelfth and leaving on the fifteenth .", "we will get there on may 1 and leave on may 5 .", "we 'd like to arrive on saturday may 4 and depart on monday may 7 .", "we will be arriving on may 8 and leaving on may 12 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "We will be arriving on Tuesday next week and staying for two days .", "responses": ["we have a double room for you with a nice view of the park . would that be ok ?", "tuesday , great . how long will you be our guest ?", "tuesday ? perfect timinng . we have a special offer for you and your spouse .", "great ! would you be interested in a room with a great sunrise view or a sunset view over the harbor ?", "wonderful ! if you would like to be our guest for a third evening i have a fantastic promotion to offer you with our local restaurants . interested ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We have a double room for you with a nice view of the park . Would that be OK ?", "responses": ["yes , that would be great . how much is the room ?", "how much will that be ?", "sounds great , thank you .", "that 's great . can i pay over the phone ?", "do you have any suites?/"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , that would be great . How much is the room ?", "responses": ["it is ninety - five pounds per night . it is a double room with a bathroom . there is a fridge , coffee maker and a television in the room .", "we have great prices here at abby park hotel !", "about $ 105 a night", "if you are staying two nights , then you can upgrade your room for a fraction of the nightly price if you want ?", "around $ 150 a night , but we have free breakfast and two free uses of room service as part of the package ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is ninety-five pounds per night . It is a double room with a bathroom . There is a fridge , coffee maker and a television in the room .", "responses": ["does the bathroom have a bath or a shower ?", "does it have free parking ?", "does it include a fitness center ?", "is there a pool in that area ?", "what discounts might there be ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the bathroom have a bath or a shower ?", "responses": ["all our bathrooms have full size baths with a shower attachment .", "the bathroom has a shower and a bath tub combined .", "the bathroom only has a shower , sir .", "the bathroom only has a bath - tub , sir .", "the bathroom does n't have a tub or a shower , sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "All our bathrooms have full size baths with a shower attachment .", "responses": ["does the room have an internet connection ?", "do you guys have free wifi ?", "can my suite be upgraded ?", "do you have any special offers on the room ?", "what are the timings for gym ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the room have an Internet connection ?", "responses": ["yes , all our rooms have complimentary wireless internet .", "yes , but it will be an extra five pounds per night .", "yes , it comes complementary with the room .", "yes , but you have to pay an extra two pounds per night for a high speed connection .", "i 'm afraid not . we 're planning on getting that next summer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , all our rooms have complimentary wireless Internet .", "responses": ["excellent . do you serve breakfast in the hotel ?", "that sounds perfect .", "i 'll take it .", "do you have anything cheaper ?", "is there a mini - bar ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excellent . Do you serve breakfast in the hotel ?", "responses": ["yes , breakfast is included in the price . our guests have the choice of a full english breakfast or a continental breakfast .", "yes we do", "only if you get the luxury rooms", "no we do not", "we have free breakfast for everyone"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , breakfast is included in the price . Our guests have the choice of a full English breakfast or a continental breakfast .", "responses": ["that 's great . can i book the room ?", "sounds good , i 'll take it .", "what floor is the room on ?", "what time are the breakfast hours ?", "is there a gym at the hotel ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That's great . Can I book the room ?", "responses": ["certainly , sir .", "certainly , i 'll get you booked right now .", "of course , what name will it be under ?", "i 'll get it set up for you , may i have your credit card ?", "do you know what time you 'll need to check in ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly , Sir ."}], "index": 484} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "John ? It ' s Susan Miller .", "responses": ["hi , susan . what 's up ?", "yes , this is john .", "susan ! my god , it 's been years . how are you ?", "sorry , you 've got the wrong number .", "sorry , this is john 's brother . john is n't home right now . may i take a message ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Susan . What ' s up ?", "responses": ["do you know where that memo about office procedures is ? i want to give my secretary a copy .", "nothing much . how about you ?", "nothing really , just school and work . how have you been ?", "same old same old . anything new with you ?", "i 've been pretty busy with work lately . how are things going for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know where that memo about office procedures is ? I want to give my secretary a copy .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . i have no idea . i have n't seen that for ages .", "oh sure . that 's it next to my laptop over there .", "yes ,", "it 's in the procedure folder on the share druve now .", "great minds think alike . i just gave it to your secretary ten minutes ago ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sorry . I have no idea . I haven ' t seen that for ages ."}], "index": 485} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sir what's the boarding time ?", "responses": ["i am sorry . the flight is late . please go to the waiting room for further notice .", "what is your flight number ?", "we begin boarding at 7:00 pm .", "which flight will you be on ?", "boarding begins at 7 sharp ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am sorry . The flight is late . Please go to the waiting room for further notice .", "responses": ["i do n't want to miss my flight .", "what time do you think the flight will get here ?", "did something happen to the flight ?", "was it the weather that delayed the flight ?", "is something wrong ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't want to miss my flight .", "responses": ["do n't worry . we will keep you well informed .", "i 'm afraid i ca n't negate this even though i want to .", "i do n't know if i can do anything else .", "please head to the waiting room .", "i 'm sorry , i do n't want you to miss it either ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't worry . We will keep you well informed .", "responses": ["thank you .", "how will i be informed ?", "how soon will i know ?", "will it be safe to go to the bathroom ?", "will it be safe to step outside ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 486} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "( A stranger stops to help ) Everything OK ?", "responses": ["no ! my tour bus got a speeding ticket not ten minutes ago . now my engine is on fire !", "yes , everything is fine .", "no , i lost my dog .", "it 's okay , i just tripped .", "i 'm alright , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "No ! My tour bus got a speeding ticket not ten minutes ago . Now my engine is on fire !", "responses": ["i think that 's just steam . your engine 's overheated .", "are all the passengers ok ?", "can people exit safely ?", "have you called 911 yet ?", "what is your exact location ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think that's just steam . Your engine's overheated .", "responses": ["do you know a lot about cars ?", "but i just saw flames coming out of it !", "phew ! that 's a relief !", "could you call emergency services just in case ?", "how long do you think it 'll take for it to cool down ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know a lot about cars ?", "responses": ["a little bit . i 'll take a look if you want me to .", "not a lot , but i have some experience .", "i know enough to be sure there is no fire under your hood .", "i do n't know a lot , but i 've seen cars overheat before and that 's what yours is doing .", "i know enough about them to be sure yours will be alright , but you may need to get it looked at ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A little bit . I'll take a look if you want me to .", "responses": ["please . thank you so much for stopping .", "i would appreciate that", "please do", "that is great", "yes i would like you to"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Please . Thank you so much for stopping .", "responses": ["yeah , she 's hot . radiator 's leaking . looks like you were running her pretty hard .", "no problem !", "no worries , i have time to kill anyways .", "i hate to see people in distress .", "you 're welcome ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , she's hot . Radiator's leaking . Looks like you were running her pretty hard .", "responses": ["that must have been just before i got the speeding ticket .", "yes , we 're in a bit of a rush .", "i should n't have pushed the old thing so hard .", "yes but i was worried that we wo n't make the concert .", "yes , that sure backfired on me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That must have been just before I got the speeding ticket .", "responses": ["did you have an accident recently ... hey , wait a second ! i know this car !", "speeding is not ideal with a leaking radiator .", "you will need to take it to a mechanic . i can recommend a good shop for you .", "do you have aaa to tow the bus to a service station ?", "sorry to say you wo n't be driving until the radiator is repaired ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you have an accident recently ... Hey , wait a second ! I know this car !", "responses": ["you do ?", "how do you know this car ?", "really , how ?", "that is funny , how do you know this car", "that is very strange !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You do ?", "responses": ["i ran into it a couple of weeks ago . what do you know ? name 's hal .", "yeah , did you buy this off craigslist last year ?", "belonged to my uncle carlos .", "yeah , i fixed this up a few years back . maybe before you bought it .", "yeah , my friend was selling it and i checked it out for him before he posted it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I ran into it a couple of weeks ago . What do you know ? Name's Hal .", "responses": ["i 'm akimbo . nice to meet you , i guess .", "you must have been the mechanic that worked on it last week !", "hi hal !", "how do you know my car ?", "so where did you see my car a couple weeks ago ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm Akimbo . Nice to meet you , I guess .", "responses": ["boy , i 'm sure sorry about your car . hey , akimbo , i wonder if you 'd like to make a deal ?", "you would n't believe what happened when i saw this car a few weeks back , hal . wow !", "wow . i never thought i 'd see this car , again . what a crazy time .", "well , hal , you have some car on your hands . let me tell you .", "hal , this car is something else ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Boy , I'm sure sorry about your car . Hey , Akimbo , I wonder if you'd like to make a deal ?", "responses": ["what kind of deal ?", "ok ?", "what kind of deal ?", "what are you thinking of ?", "sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of deal ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to give you cash for the damage to your car .", "you want to sell it ?", "i m in a hurry , can we exchange numbers and ill call you this evening ?", "let me explain .", "ill fix it for you , for a price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like to give you cash for the damage to your car .", "responses": ["you do n't want your insurance company to pay for it ?", "really , why ?", "how much ?", "that sounds shady .", "ok maybe , do you not have insurance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You don't want your insurance company to pay for it ?", "responses": ["i 'd rather not . they 'll raise my rates . it 'll cost me more in the long run .", "no , i will pay for it instead .", "yes , please .", "no , thank you .", "yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd rather not . They'll raise my rates . It'll cost me more in the long run .", "responses": ["if you give me cash , do you care if i do n't fix the car ?", "i 'd rather go through the proper channels because i do n't know how much the damage will cost .", "how much money will you give me ?", "no offense , but i do n't want to get ripped off .", "can you guarantee full payment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If you give me cash , do you care if I don't fix the car ?", "responses": ["hell , i do n't care . just do n't submit a report to your insurancecompany .", "i do n't care one bit .", "it 's does n't make a difference as long as it settles the matter .", "it 's your car is n't it ?", "why would i care whether you fix your car or not ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hell , I don't care . Just don'T submit a report to your insurancecompany .", "responses": ["it 's a deal , hal . thanks again for stopping to help . and thanks for smashing my car !", "ok that sounds fair", "ok that is reasonable to me", "sounds good", "awesome"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "It's a deal , Hal . Thanks again for stopping to help . And thanks for smashing my car !"}], "index": 487} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our benefits usually include medical insurance , public accumulation fund and allowances .", "responses": ["what are the allowances ?", "what about dental ?", "how much does the insurance cover ?", "how can i find out more about the insurance ?", "what s the allowances ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are the allowances ?", "responses": ["if you go on a business trip , you will enjoy the allowance . it is 200 yuan per day .", "allowances on irs form", "allowances on number of individuals you support with your income", "allowances on w2 form .", "allowances that are tax exempt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If you go on a business trip , you will enjoy the allowance . It is 200 yuan per day .", "responses": ["well , i see . and what about the vacation in our company ?", "that is a good allowance !", "does this depend on where i 'm traveling ?", "and what is the public accumulation fund ?", "what is it if i 'm not on a business trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , I see . And what about the vacation in our company ?", "responses": ["as a new - comer , you usually have five days of annual vacation . and remember you have to fill out a request form , if you want to ask for leave .", "we get two weeks paid vacation .", "it depends on what you negotiated when you were hired , typically you get one paid week in your first year .", "you do get vacation time , but it depends how long you 've been working here and in what position .", "we get great vacation benefits ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "As a new-comer , you usually have five days of annual vacation . And remember you have to fill out a request form , if you want to ask for leave .", "responses": ["will our company have some recreational activities ?", "ok that sounds reasonable", "that sounds unfair", "ok that is good", "that makes sense"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will our company have some recreational activities ?", "responses": ["of course . in spring and autumn , we will hold some sports actives . and in movie seasons , we bulk purchase film tickets .", "yes , we have an indoor gym .", "yes , we have an indoor swimming pool .", "yes , we do party games every month as a teamwork activity !", "you can take advantage of our indoor gym and swimming pool ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course . In spring and autumn , we will hold some sports actives . And in movie seasons , we bulk purchase film tickets ."}], "index": 488} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I will take it . How much ?", "responses": ["$ 60 .", "what is your budget ?", "i am considering the best offer .", "i can take 200 , if you give cash .", "i can not hold the item for you too long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "$ 60 .", "responses": ["i am sure you can do better than that .", "that sounds good . do you take credit cards ?", "$ 60 seems a bit high . can you come down a bit ?", "$ 60 ! that 's far too much !", "is there any way i could get a discount ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am sure you can do better than that .", "responses": ["sorry , sir . it 's the sale price .", "i 'm sorry , but i 'm already close to cost on this .", "maybe , but i do n't have much room , what were you thinking ?", "i do n't have as much room as you might think , i might be able to wiggle a couple of dollars off if you buy it today .", "i honestly do n't think i can , this is already an incredible deal for you ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , sir . It's the sale price .", "responses": ["well , what about $ 70 with a scarf ?", "i would like a another discount", "that is not a good sale", "that is still too expensive", "i will have to pass"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , what about $ 70 with a scarf ?", "responses": ["it 's my rock bottom price . take it or leave it .", "the scarf is $ 15 . you can purchase both for $ 75 .", "i 'm sorry , i 'm not allowed to modify the sale price .", "ok , sounds good !", "75 $ and it 's a deal !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It's my rock bottom price . Take it or leave it ."}], "index": 489} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon , sir . Have you made a reservation ?", "responses": ["i am afraid not . are there any vacant tables ?", "yes , i did", "yes , for party of three", "yes , for party of three", "no , i did not"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I am afraid not . Are there any vacant tables ?", "responses": ["i do n't think so . you have to wait for about 10 minutes .", "no , i 'm afraid not .", "no , there will be a 30 minute wait .", "not at this time . perhaps you 'd like to wait at the bar for a table .", "yes , please come this way ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "I don't think so . You have to wait for about 10 minutes .", "responses": ["that 's all right .", "that 's not bad , do you have a place i can sit ?", "fine , can i wait at the bar ?", "i have no problem with that .", "very good , thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's all right ."}], "index": 490} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am calling to consult you about the job as a copywriter .", "responses": ["yes , what do you want to know ?", "ok that is fine", "i appreciate that", "yes we have already filled that job", "i was just about to call you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , what do you want to know ?", "responses": ["the information is scanty for me . and can you describe the responsibilities of the position ?", "how much is the pay ?", "what days would you need work ?", "how many hours is it a week ?", "what tasks would i have to do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The information is scanty for me . And can you describe the responsibilities of the position ?", "responses": ["yes . copywriters are supposed to design and write articles for the advertising company .", "i write promotional material materials .", "what advertising material needs do you have ?", "do you need some brochures made up ?", "i 'd be happy to go over some possibilities with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Copywriters are supposed to design and write articles for the advertising company ."}], "index": 491} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How would you like your hair set ?", "responses": ["i 'd like to have it in big waves .", "i want it blown straight .", "i 'd like some curly bangs .", "i want the ends to be curled up .", "i need an updo with side curls ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like to have it in big waves .", "responses": ["shall i put some oil on ? b", "great idea , it will look beautiful .", "sure thing , i 'll use the hot rollers for your style .", "do you want then beach hair big waves or smoothed waves ?", "good , that will look great on you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Shall I put some oil on ? B"}], "index": 492} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Jack . I'm John .", "responses": ["i 'm glad to see you !", "hi john , it 's nice to meet you .", "how do you do john ?", "it 's lovely to see you john .", "what brings you here john ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm glad to see you !", "responses": ["sit down , please . maybe you have read the contract , but i want to give you the details again before you sign the contract . you must have a three - month internship .", "good to see you , as well .", "it is great meeting you . are you enjoying the conference ?", "you as well ! how can i help you ?", "it 's nice to finally put a face to a voice !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sit down , please . Maybe you have read the contract , but I want to give you the details again before you sign the contract . You must have a three-month internship .", "responses": ["yes , i know .", "okay please tell me more about everything", "three months sounds good to me", "will this fulfill all of my credits ?", "yes i would like to review details before signing the contract"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , I know .", "responses": ["when you become a permanent employee , you will have the insurances . you will get monthly pay and will be on eight - hour / day work shift .", "and you are fine with that ?", "and after that the pay is $ 10 an hour .", "once the internship is up you are a full associate .", "do you understand the requirements of the internship ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "When you become a permanent employee , you will have the insurances . You will get monthly pay and will be on eight-hour / day work shift .", "responses": ["wait , will i have five insurances and one fund ?", "great !", "i ca n't wait !", "that sounds fair .", "ok , i can live with that !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wait , will I have five insurances and one fund ?", "responses": ["yes . you can also enjoy legal holidays and year - end bonus .", "all insurances are separate entities .", "insurances are paid for in part by the employee and the employer .", "i 'm unsure as to what you mean . one fund ?", "insurance premiums are unique to their respective plans ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . You can also enjoy legal holidays and year-end bonus .", "responses": ["it sounds great !", "thanks for going over this with me .", "got it .", "i 'm ready to sign .", "how is the bonus calculated ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It sounds great !", "responses": ["if you need to work overtime , you will get twice the usual salary as overtime pay .", "see you soon !", "look forward to having you here .", "any other questions ?", "i m sure you 'll love it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you need to work overtime , you will get twice the usual salary as overtime pay .", "responses": ["ok .", "fantastic news , but how much will i usually need to do ?", "is there a lot of overtime required for the position ?", "i ca n't work overtime , sorry .", "if overtime is required i ca n't do the job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK .", "responses": ["you have read the relevant terms of the contract . do you have other questions ?", "so when can you start ?", "so when are available ?", "so does it sound good ?", "yes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You have read the relevant terms of the contract . Do you have other questions ?", "responses": ["how long will the induction training be ?", "not at the moment , thank you .", "what are the people like that i will be working with ?", "what is the office dress code ?", "what is the sick day policy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will the induction training be ?", "responses": ["about two weeks .", "induction training will be covered in the three month internship .", "we do not require induction training because all of that is covered in the internship .", "the induction training period is two weeks .", "induction training is typically two weeks to a month , though depending on how well you perform in your internship , it may not be necessary ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "About two weeks .", "responses": ["i see .", "that is a long time", "that is a short time", "that sounds fair", "i will do the two weeks"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see .", "responses": ["if you do n't have other questions , just sign here .", "will that be a problem ?", "does that work for you ?", "you 'll learn everything you need to know .", "we like to be thorough at our company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you don't have other questions , just sign here .", "responses": ["ok .", "i am looking forward to working with you john .", "i really appreciate you taking time to go over this with me .", "that 's a fairly easy process .", "it was really nice to meet you john ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK ."}], "index": 493} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , I'm George . I'll be your waiter this evening . Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes ?", "responses": ["i 'm ready now . i 'd like the roast chicken and a side order of corn .", "yes , i am ready to order . i will have the steak and a glass of the house red wine , please .", "actually , can you please give me a few more minutes to look at the menu ?", "no , i am still deciding on what to order . what can you recommend ?", "i think i am ready to order , but can you tell me the specials again ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm ready now . I'd like the roast chicken and a side order of corn .", "responses": ["and would you like an appetizer before your meal ? the soup of the day is our delicious tomato soup .", "that sounds great", "that is one of my favorite dishes", "wonderful , do you need anything to drink", "i will get that for you in a jiffy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And would you like an appetizer before your meal ? The soup of the day is our delicious tomato soup .", "responses": ["i 'll pass on the soup , but i 'd like a garden salad .", "no thank you .", "are there any appetizers you recommend ?", "that sounds great .", "is that a cream based soup ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll pass on the soup , but I'd like a garden salad .", "responses": ["can i get you anything to drink ? :", "what kind of dressing would you like ?", "great , i will bring it right out !", "would like that with your meal or before ?", "are you sure i ca n't interest you in soup ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I get you anything to drink ? :", "responses": ["yes , i 'd like a glass of iced tea .", "what flavors of tea do you have ?", "a water with lime for now , and may i please see your wine list ?", "a ginger ale for the time being . may i see your spirits menu ?", "a coffee , black - no - sugar , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , I'd like a glass of iced tea .", "responses": ["okay . i 'll be back in a minute with your drink and salad .", "with sugar , or unsweet ?", "we 'll be right on it .", "and any dessert ?", "yes sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay . I'll be back in a minute with your drink and salad .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you so much .", "can i get a lemon slice for my tea ?", "no straw with the tea please .", "would i be able to get the dressing on the side ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 494} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want to help me make the cookies , Anna ?", "responses": ["i 'd love to .", "no , sorry . i have to finish my homework .", "sure , what can i do to help ?", "actually , i was just on my way out to see a friend .", "yes , i can help you . i love those cookies !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd love to .", "responses": ["first , put away your toys .", "great , i have the recipe", "can you pick up something from the store ?", "i ca n't wait to make the cookies", "thank you so much !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "First , put away your toys .", "responses": ["ok .", "ca n't i do it later ?", "can you help me with that ?", "can i do it after the cookies ?", "okay ! i 'll be fast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK .", "responses": ["i 'll get the flour out .", "meet me in the kitchen when you are done .", "i will start getting stuff ready .", "i will start getting stuff ready .", "i will help you/"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll get the flour out .", "responses": ["let me help you .", "i 'll get the sugar !", "can i get the milk and eggs ?", "i 'll get the cookie cutters . we can make heart - shaped cookies .", "do n't start without me !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me help you ."}], "index": 495} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We have made some adjustment on the prices . And this is renewed price list .", "responses": ["thank you for allowing us 3 % reduction , but still we find your price is on the high side .", "why were there adjustments ?", "can you go over the adjustments with me", "what is on the renewed price list", "thank you , i will look this over"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you for allowing us 3 % reduction , but still we find your price is on the high side .", "responses": ["this is our rock - bottom price , and we ca n't make any further reduction .", "that 's the best we can offer .", "we can only go up to 3.5 %", "would 3.5 % be acceptable ?", "i 'll talk to my manager to see if i can go any lower ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "This is our rock-bottom price , and we can't make any further reduction .", "responses": ["if so , we find it difficult for us to go on with our talks .", "ok , how long is that price guaranteed for , i want to check around a bit .", "ok , i guess i will accept that price .", "thank you but i will have to turn that down .", "are n't there any other discounts i could apply ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "If so , we find it difficult for us to go on with our talks .", "responses": ["then what 's your counter - offer ?", "i truly want us to come to a mutual agreement in terms of pricing . what figure did you have in mind ?", "i apologize , sir , but this is the best we can do without cutting into a small profit margin .", "this seems a bit drastic . let 's revisit the figures .", "i 'm afraid there is nothing further that we can do , sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then what ' s your counter-offer ?", "responses": ["this is our counter - offer .", "we were hoping for closer to 10 % .", "5 % . take it or leave it .", "we really ca n't go beyond 5 % .", "5 % ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is our counter-offer .", "responses": ["we are sincere to make business with you , but the difference between your counter - offer and our price is too great .", "fine have a nice day .", "alright ill see what i can do .", "thanks for your time .", "let me talk to my supervisor and get back to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We are sincere to make business with you , but the difference between your counter-offer and our price is too great .", "responses": ["so are we . our counter - offer is in line with the world market .", "we ca n't change the figures anymore", "it 's really the best we can give .", "let me ask the manager .", "this is the last and final offer we can give you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "So are we . Our counter-offer is in line with the world market .", "responses": ["how about meeting each other half - way in order to conclude the business ?", "yes , the deal is too good to be true .", "please contact us again .", "thank you .", "sounds good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about meeting each other half-way in order to conclude the business ?", "responses": ["agreed .", "let 's meet up to discuss .", "no , i do n't think so , i 'll take my business elsewhere .", "that could work . i 'll give 2 % above my previous counter - offer .", "this is too much hassle . i 'll just find someone else with more reasonable prices ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Agreed ."}], "index": 496} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you usually have for breakfast ? Pancakes or waffles ?", "responses": ["i usually have cereal for breakfast .", "which do you recommend ?", "whatever 's your favorite .", "can i get fruit on the pancakes ?", "are the waffles belgian ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I usually have cereal for breakfast .", "responses": ["but is n't it served with cold milk ?", "that 's it ? !", "you can do better for that !", "do you not enjoy cooking ?", "simple . i like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But isn't it served with cold milk ?", "responses": ["yeah . cold milk wakes me up .", "that 's usual", "i do n't mind cold milk .", "sometimes i heat up the milk .", "cereal with milk is healthy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . Cold milk wakes me up .", "responses": ["chinese people do n't like to eat cold food .", "cold milk wakes me up also .", "that makes sense .", "i love cereal also !", "duh !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Chinese people don't like to eat cold food .", "responses": ["is that right ?", "ah interesting ! any reason ?", "why do n't they ?", "you should try it , you might like it !", "you could eat cereal dry , as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that right ?", "responses": ["but i 'm open to new things . i 'll have a bowl of cereal , too .", "yes , chinese people prefer to eat warm food .", "yeah , is n't it interesting ?", "yes , they usually eat warm or room temperature food for breakfast .", "yes , they may prefer a breakfast of rice and eggs , would you like that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I'm open to new things . I'll have a bowl of cereal , too .", "responses": ["with cold milk ?", "sounds good", "coming right up", "that is weird", "i m sure you will"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "With cold milk ?", "responses": ["with cold milk !", "i guess so , since that 's how i 'm supposed to have it !", "haha , yes of course !", "maybe , but i might like it better dry .", "yes , i 'll try it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "With cold milk !"}], "index": 497} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am so happy to know that the promotion campaign for our new product is very successful . We just made a record sale this season .", "responses": ["that is very encouraging news . i heard that the marketing department has done a three months research , they sent the feedback information to the research and development center by the end of every month . that is to say , the r & d center redesigned the product twice before it was launched into the market .", "that sounds really great .", "congratulations !", "fantastic news !", "how much in sales then ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That is very encouraging news . I heard that the marketing department has done a three months research , they sent the feedback information to the research and development center by the end of every month . That is to say , the R & D center redesigned the product twice before it was launched into the market .", "responses": ["it is not an easy job . how do you like the advertisement for the new product ?", "wow , twice ?", "everything sounds great !", "sounds good !", "amazing , the record sales are great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It is not an easy job . How do you like the advertisement for the new product ?", "responses": ["that is the best one i have seen . i am sure our target customers , young people will love it .", "i like the new jingle a lot !", "i do n't care for it .", "i would n't buy the product based on the advertisement .", "i thought it was fresh and exciting . i 'm excited about this new campaign !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That is the best one I have seen . I am sure our target customers , young people will love it .", "responses": ["certainly .", "yes , we have been focusing our marketing more towards young people recently , with promising results .", "yes , the young people in our marketing research showed high levels of interest .", "yes , young people are our target audience after all .", "indeed , we have seen a very promising level of interest from young people ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Certainly ."}], "index": 498} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi , I need to copy something right now .", "responses": ["our computer lab on the first floor has a copy machine , sir .", "ok , what would you like to copy ?", "sure , is there anything i can help with ?", "hello , what can i do to help ?", "certainly , i will prepare the copier for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our computer lab on the first floor has a copy machine , sir .", "responses": ["great ! how much per copy ?", "thank you", "thanks", "i appreciate it", "okay"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Great ! How much per copy ?", "responses": ["sir , one copy is ten cents .", "five cents .", "10 cents for black and white , 15 for color", "i 'm not sure , but they can tell you downstairs .", "i think it 's 10 cents per copy , but you 'll have to confirm that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sir , one copy is ten cents .", "responses": ["okay , i 'll be down there shortly .", "thank you so much !", "10 cents ? that 's ridiculous", "is the copy machine available 24/7 ?", "do you have 10 cents ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay , I'll be down there shortly .", "responses": ["you probably wo n't have to wait for anyone , sir .", "great ! glad i could help .", "that sounds fine .", "i 'll tell them you 're coming .", "thanks for coming in ! have a good night !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You probably won't have to wait for anyone , sir ."}], "index": 499} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , Ellen . That outfit looks terrific !", "responses": ["thanks , jim . i did n't think guys paid attention to stuff like that .", "thank you", "thanks", "your outfit looks great too", "i appreciate it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks , Jim . I didn ' t think guys paid attention to stuff like that .", "responses": ["no , we just do n't usually admit it !", "haha , some of us do !", "those colors really complement you .", "some do , some do n't . i happen to notice .", "yep ! just wanted to give you a compliment ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , we just don ' t usually admit it !", "responses": ["well , thanks for the compliment anyway !", "well that is always nice to know !", "you should definitely keep that up .", "that brightened up my day !", "how sweet of you do notice !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , thanks for the compliment anyway !"}], "index": 500} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "This Olympic park is so big !", "responses": ["yes . now we are in the olympic stadium , the center of this park .", "i know , bigger than i thought it would be .", "haha true , but what did you expect ?", "it has to be , to accommodate all of the events and athletes !", "you think so ? it 's smaller than i thought ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Now we are in the Olympic stadium , the center of this park .", "responses": ["splendid ! when is it gon na be finished ?", "must be nice to be able to visit this area !", "are you enjoying your visit here ?", "is there a lot of places to stop at ?", "hope you are having a good time while you are here !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Splendid ! When is it gonna be finished ?", "responses": ["the whole stadium is to be finished this june .", "they say it will be sometime next year .", "i 'm not sure . i have n't really been keeping up with it .", "i 'm not sure , because construction has been going slower than usual .", "which , the stadium or the park ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The whole stadium is to be finished this June .", "responses": ["how many seats are there in the stand ?", "i ca n't wait !", "i 'm looking forward to it !", "what do you think the stadium will be used for ?", "how many people do you think the stadium will hold ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many seats are there in the stand ?", "responses": ["oh , there are 5000 seats in total .", "65,000 and 150 luxury boxes .", "the seating is variable , which makes the stadium multi - purpose after the olympics .", "there 's 30,000 in the first deck and 35 in the second .", "i do n't actually know , but it 's a lot that for certain !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , there are 5000 seats in total .", "responses": ["i did n't know it would be so big !", "that is a lot of seats", "that is not enough seats", "that is just the right amount", "that is more than enough"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn ' t know it would be so big !", "responses": ["it is ! look there , those are the tracks . and the jumping pit is over there .", "5000 is not a lot of seats", "it is not that big for an olympic stadium", "the other stadiums are bigger", "yeah , it is really nice and has room for all kinds of activities"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is ! Look there , those are the tracks . And the jumping pit is over there .", "responses": ["ah ... i see . hey , look the sign here , no climbing .", "is the stadium going to be large enough for the olympic crowds ?", "where is the pole vault section ?", "i can hear myself echo in the empty stadium", "where do the marathon runners re - enter the stadium ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ah ... I see . Hey , look the sign here , No climbing .", "responses": ["we put many signs with english translations for foreign visitors .", "i see that sign everywhere", "yeah we should leave the climbing to the olympians", "that sign is for children", "that is a funny sign"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We put many signs with English translations for foreign visitors ."}], "index": 501} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's located in the suburbs ? Well even though that sounds like a steal , I really want something downtown .", "responses": ["ok . well the problem is that the apartments in the heart of the city are usually more expensive .", "where is your apartment located ?", "what is the area like that you are looking for ?", "downtown ? i would never want to live somewhere downtown .", "the suburbs sound like a good place to locate to ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . Well the problem is that the apartments in the heart of the city are usually more expensive .", "responses": ["i know , that 's my problem . what do you think i should do ?", "that 's fine . i 'm willing to pay extra .", "the suburbs it is , then !", "are there any smaller apartments that might be less expensive ?", "would it be possible to sublease my apartment if it does n't work out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I know , that's my problem . What do you think I should do ?", "responses": ["well , maybe you could get a two - bedroom apartment downtown and share the rent with a roommate .", "have you tried looking for roommates ?", "maybe you could share an apartment .", "i 'd save up some money and try looking again in a few months .", "i 'd settle for the suburbs . downtown apartments are way overpriced ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , maybe you could get a two-bedroom apartment downtown and share the rent with a roommate .", "responses": ["oh , great idea !", "i was really hoping to not have to have a roomie .", "yeah , that 's an option .", "i was looking for a studio , it does n't have to be very big .", "i 've never had a roommate , i 'm sure i can get a friend to room with me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , great idea !"}], "index": 502} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , Monica , how do you like your new office ?", "responses": ["well , i love it . the room is spacious and clean with big windows and a lot of sunshine . there are plants along the corridor . especially , i got my own desk with computer and telephone . such a great place !", "it 's nice ! i like the view !", "not too much . there are no windows and the ventilation is bad .", "it 's fine . a lot like my last office .", "it 's much bigger than my last one . i think i 'll be happy here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I love it . The room is spacious and clean with big windows and a lot of sunshine . There are plants along the corridor . Especially , I got my own desk with computer and telephone . Such a great place !", "responses": ["that 's very good . i once turn down a job offer just because the office is awful .", "i 'm glad you like it .", "that 's good to hear .", "awesome !", "it really is a nice office , is n't it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s very good . I once turn down a job offer just because the office is awful .", "responses": ["what was so bad about it ?", "no chance here , this place is almost ritzy !", "i 've had to put up with some really horrible places before .", "i know exactly what you mean", "well , you and i work at the right place now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was so bad about it ?", "responses": ["small rooms , small window , a small desk shared by three people . i would have been interrupted all the time and for sure not be able to deliver good work .", "it was too small", "it was too hot", "it was too cold", "it was too ugly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Small rooms , small window , a small desk shared by three people . I would have been interrupted all the time and for sure not be able to deliver good work .", "responses": ["sounds bad ! lucky you ! you did n't take that job . i think a good office environment is also important to work efficiently .", "what company was this ?", "i would n't want to work like that either", "that sounds terrible", "did that job pay more than this one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds bad ! Lucky you ! You didn ' t take that job . I think a good office environment is also important to work efficiently .", "responses": ["totally agree . by the way , the number of the telephone on your desk is extension 506 . you can pick up your office supplies from the supply room at the end of the corridor .", "i do n't know what i would have done if i did n't get along with the other people .", "i ca n't work in a noisy environment", "my office in my new job is much better", "i am so happy that your new job is off to a good start ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Totally agree . By the way , the number of the telephone on your desk is extension 506 . You can pick up your office supplies from the supply room at the end of the corridor ."}], "index": 503} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Now , if I look here I see that you completed a BA in English ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's right . after graduating from high school in new york i attended york university in the uk . my major was english , and my minor was business studies . i completed my ba in 2004 .", "yes , that 's right .", "i also completed my ma in english .", "it was a double major with anthropology .", "that 's right . i loved my studies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that ' s right . After graduating from high school in New York I attended York University in the UK . My major was English , and my minor was business studies . I completed my BA in 2004 .", "responses": ["yes , i 'm pleased to see that you also got a distinction .", "that 's very impressive .", "a few of my friends also went to school in new york . i heard it 's a nice place .", "going to school in a different country sounds like quite an adventure .", "those are some solid credentials ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I ' m pleased to see that you also got a distinction .", "responses": ["yes that 's right . i 've always enjoyed studying . my friends say i 'm a bit of a bookworm , but my father always pushed us to succeed academically .", "i figure i can always fall back on good ol' capitalism if i need to .", "business knowledge is handy to have in any field , i think .", "business is a prudent minor to have for anyone in the humanities .", "i hope it will be of use to me here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes that ' s right . I ' Ve always enjoyed studying . My friends say I ' m a bit of a bookworm , but my father always pushed us to succeed academically .", "responses": ["well , it looks like his encouragement paid off rebecca . so how about extracurricular activities at university ?", "sounds like a good dad", "sounds like a good father", "sounds like a good parent", "that is what parents are suppose to do"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , it looks like his encouragement paid off Rebecca . So how about extracurricular activities at University ?", "responses": ["well i 've always been keen on writing , so i became the editor for the university student magazine , which i really loved . also i volunteered for a group called shelter , to help the homeless in york .", "i did n't have any . all i did was study", "i played lacrosse and soccer", "i volunteered at a hospital and i helped the homeless", "i was in a rock band and we toured the country on weekends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well I ' Ve always been keen on writing , so I became the editor for the University student magazine , which I really loved . Also I volunteered for a group called Shelter , to help the homeless in York .", "responses": ["what did that involve ?", "what did you do when you volunteered for shelter ?", "what was your favorite class ?", "have you published any of your writings ?", "what genre do you write in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did that involve ?", "responses": ["providing warm meals and shelter , especially in the winter months . i found it really fulfilling to be part of that group .", "we provided meals", "we provided one on one counseling", "i helped people in shelters by serving food", "i helped with recreation for the homeless"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Providing warm meals and shelter , especially in the winter months . I found it really fulfilling to be part of that group .", "responses": ["i 'm sure . okay , now let 's move on to your work experience , shall we ?", "how long were you a volunteer there ?", "was that a university volunteer program or an independent pursuit of yours ?", "what kind of responsibilities did you have while volunteering for shelter ?", "tell me about a memorable time when you solved a conflict while volunteering ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m sure . Okay , now let ' s move on to your work experience , shall we ?", "responses": ["yes , okay .", "i have spent the last three years working for a fortune five hundred publishing company", "most recently i worked at a pr firm for the last 2 years", "i 'm currently working at an advertising agency as a copywriter", "i 've been working at a well known advertising company for the last 5 years ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , okay ."}], "index": 504} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you change these for me , please ?", "responses": ["what would you like ?", "right away , sir .", "of course .", "as you wish .", "i 'll get right to it . is there anything else you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you like ?", "responses": ["twenties and some smaller bills , please .", "i need one size larger .", "red is n't really my color , how about the seafoam one .", "i was looking for some strapless pumps in this color .", "well i ordered onion rings and i got french fries ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Twenties and some smaller bills , please .", "responses": ["anything else ?", "ok no problem", "ok i can do that", "we do not have any twenties", "we do not have any smaller bills"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anything else ?", "responses": ["yes . could you tell many balance ? here 's account number .", "i need some quarters as well", "i could use a newspaper and some chewing gum", "no , that will be it , thank you so much", "yes , i need a bottled water and a snickers bar"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Could you tell many balance ? Here's account number ."}], "index": 505} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Now , what seems to be the trouble ?", "responses": ["it 's nothing serious . but i always have a headache , and i have n't slept properly for several weeks . i 've also lost appetite and my eyes are burning .", "i was mugged", "i was attacked", "i was annoyed", "i was sabotaged"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's nothing serious . But I always have a headache , and I haven't slept properly for several weeks . I've also lost appetite and my eyes are burning .", "responses": ["mm , you do look rather pale . let me take your temperature . would you put the thermometer under your arm , please ? now , let me listen to your pulse . mm , do you feel weak ?", "are you going through a lot of stress ?", "are you overly worried about something ?", "are you getting enough exercise ?", "are you feeling depressed ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mm , you do look rather pale . Let me take your temperature . Would you put the thermometer under your arm , please ? Now , let me listen to your pulse . Mm , do you feel weak ?", "responses": ["yes , i never seem to have any energy .", "1 . i feel weak in the mornings right when i get up .", "my legs are shaky when i walk", "no , i do n't feel weak", "some days i am , and some days i am not"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I never seem to have any energy .", "responses": ["i 'll give you a blood test . would you roll up your sleeve ? just as i thought . you 're anemic . you 'd better pay more attention to your diet . eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein . and do n't stay up late working . try to get more rest .", "we will get to the bottom of this in no time", "let me examine you and see what i can find", "you have a high fever", "we can get you some medication"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll give you a blood test . Would you roll up your sleeve ? Just as I thought . You're anemic . You'd better pay more attention to your diet . Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein . And don't stay up late working . Try to get more rest .", "responses": ["thank you .", "wait , what does \" anemic \" mean ?", "what kind of foods are high in protein ?", "i ca n't be anemic . i take iron supplements !", "but i ca n't help staying up late working with my job schedule ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 506} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , I would like to know something about this campus . Right now it seems very big and confusing ! I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing .", "responses": ["do you have a map of the campus ?", "hi , i would be glad to help you", "tell me what you need to do here", "it is a big campus , many newcomers get lost the first time", "you should take an orientation class to help you figure out where everything is"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have a map of the campus ?", "responses": ["yes , i have , but it does n't help me very much . i 'm not very good at reading maps .", "i do not have a map , where can i get one ?", "yes i do , but it 's very confusing to me", "no i do not", "yes i have a map"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have , but it doesn ' t help me very much . I ' m not very good at reading maps .", "responses": ["do you know where your classes are ?", "let 's look at the map together and i 'll see if i can help you .", "are you looking for a specific building ?", "let me point out the student resource center , and they can help you there .", "the campus map online looks a lot better , if you can access it on your phone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know where your classes are ?", "responses": ["more or less . i go to three different buildings , and always get there late . i feel so hopeless . i do n't know why i am late all the time . no one else seems to be .", "i know that i have to go to the main building for my first class", "i know the name of the building , but i do n't know where it is .", "i do n't know where the building is for my first class .", "i 'm not certain , but i think the first one is in the computer science building ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "More or less . I go to three different buildings , and always get there late . I feel so hopeless . I don ' t know why I am late all the time . No one else seems to be .", "responses": ["that 's because you do n't know the short cuts . you 'll learn them after a while . i can show you the ropes .", "you can contact me for help about finding your classes .", "it 's okay , many people call me to complain about being late . it 's more common than you think .", "perhaps you could try the map on your phone instead ?", "why do n't you tell me which building you need to go to now , and i 'll tell you how to get there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's because you don't know the short cuts . You'll learn them after a while . I can show you the ropes ."}], "index": 507} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning , I would like to reserve a berth .", "responses": ["which train do you like ?", "what date and time ?", "sure what date and time would you like to reserve it", "that is no problem", "we have no more available , i am sorry"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which train do you like ?", "responses": ["t112 to washington please .", "is there space on any of the trains to london tomorrow ?", "i 'll be taking the train from station three .", "the train leaving at two in the afternoon .", "which trains offer private berths ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "T112 to Washington please .", "responses": ["may i have your name ?", "what departure time do you want ?", "do you want a big berth or a small berth ?", "would you like it to be private or semi - private ?", "do you want economy or would you like something premium ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I have your name ?", "responses": ["that 's lincoln .", "it 's mr . samson , thank you .", "yes , it 's ms . adams .", "just put it under \" johnson \" , please .", "why do you need it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's Lincoln ."}], "index": 508} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will you be voting ?", "responses": ["i ca n't wait to vote .", "absolutely . it 's my duty as a citizen .", "i actually already voted during the early voting period a few weeks ago .", "i 'm waffling about it . none of the candidates seem strong .", "yeah , i took a day off work so i could go to the polls on election day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can ' t wait to vote .", "responses": ["who are you voting for ?", "who do you think you will vote for ?", "what time are you going to go vote ?", "have you voted before , or is this your first time ?", "what issue is getting you most excited ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who are you voting for ?", "responses": ["the person i 'm voting for is the best .", "the democratic candidate .", "the green party candidate .", "the independent candidate .", "the republican candidate ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The person I ' m voting for is the best .", "responses": ["what do you like about him ?", "so definitely not jones .", "why are they the best ?", "what do you like about them ?", "let 's go to the voting booths together ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you like about him ?", "responses": ["he is very intelligent .", "for one thing he 's authentic and honest .", "i really like his stand on the issues . that 's most important .", "his got lots of experience and that means a lot to me .", "just about everything . i ca n't think of anything i disagree about with him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is very intelligent .", "responses": ["you think so ?", "i do n't think so .", "some would disagree .", "are you afraid to say their name ?", "i think we are voting for the same person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You think so ?", "responses": ["that 's right . plus , i agree with his policies .", "yes , i enjoyed his last speech .", "yes , he is always so eloquent when he speaks .", "yes . did you know he graduated first of his class from yale ?", "yes , i think he will do us a world of good ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s right . Plus , I agree with his policies .", "responses": ["i 'm glad to hear that you are so excited .", "it 's always easy to like someone you agree with .", "what do you think about the chances he 'll keep his promises once elected ?", "any hint of corruption in his background ?", "what 's his family situation ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m glad to hear that you are so excited .", "responses": ["i 'm voting for the next president .", "yeah he is the best", "yeah i have faith in him", "yeah i know he will do the right thing", "yeah he is awesome"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m voting for the next President .", "responses": ["i 'm sure he will be .", "do you have any idea , who that might be ?", "when will you vote ?", "are you excited to vote ?", "i may or may not vote"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sure he will be .", "responses": ["i 'm going to make sure and vote .", "he 'll be elected for sure !", "i really like his policies on prison reform !", "who are you voting for ?", "i 'm sorry , i forgot to ask if you 're voting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m going to make sure and vote ."}], "index": 509} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . May I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'd like to check out now . my name 's adams , room 312 . here 's the key .", "yes , can you help me with some directions ?", "yes , i was hoping you could give me some information", "do you have a faq ?", "i 'm trying to find out if i need to bring anything to my first class"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I'd like to check out now . My name's Adams , room 312 . Here's the key .", "responses": ["one moment , please , sir . ... here 's your bill . would you like to check and see if the amount is correct ?", "alright , we hope you had a wonderful stay .", "are you sure you want to leave us so soon ?", "anything else i can help you with today ?", "would you like to tell me more about your experience ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "One moment , please , sir . ... Here's your bill . Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct ?", "responses": ["what 's the 14 pounds for ?", "sure , why not .", "ok .", "i trust you !", "looks like it 's all god ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the 14 pounds for ?", "responses": ["that 's for the phone calls you made from your room .", "let 's see . that charge is for room service last night .", "that 's the vat tax for last night 's accommodations .", "i believe you used some beverages from the minibar .", "that appears to be for the rollaway bed you ordered for your stay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's for the phone calls you made from your room .", "responses": ["can i pay with traveller 's cheques ?", "i did n't make any calls .", "you must be mistaken .", "14 pounds for 2 calls ? that outrageous .", "i bet i will use my cell phone next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I pay with traveller's cheques ?", "responses": ["certainly . may i have your passport , please ?", "of course , sir .", "i 'm afraid that we do n't accept traveler 's cheques , sir .", "i will have to check with my supervisor .", "i 'm not sure . let me look that up in our protocol book ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Certainly . May I have your passport , please ?", "responses": ["here you are .", "you have my passport in the safe .", "the local police have my passport . i witnessed a crime last evening and they kept it .", "oh , i misplaced it . i 'm on my way to the embassy after i check out .", "why do you need my passport for check - out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["could you sign each cheque here for me ?", "this passport is fake", "this passport is expired", "this passport is about to fall apart", "this is not a passport"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you sign each cheque here for me ?", "responses": ["sure .", "ok", "sure", "have a pen ?", "alrighty"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure .", "responses": ["here are your receipt and your change , sir . thank you .", "thank you , this will be just a moment .", "can i see another form of i d ? your signature is different than the one of the cheque .", "i could cash an extra one for you if you like for traveling money .", "and will there be anything else i can help you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Here are your receipt and your change , sir . Thank you .", "responses": ["thank you . goodbye .", "thank you very much .", "i appreciate your help .", "thanks , have a nice day .", "thanks for everything ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Goodbye ."}], "index": 510} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What type of people do you work with most effectively ?", "responses": ["i tend to work well with people who are confident and straightforward . it 's more difficult for me to be around timid people , because i move quickly and i am decisive .", "people that keep to themselves .", "people that work hard .", "people that show up !", "people that are smart ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I tend to work well with people who are confident and straightforward . It ' s more difficult for me to be around timid people , because I move quickly and I am decisive .", "responses": ["what things impress you in your colleagues ?", "how did you realize this about yourself ?", "tell me about a time you had to work with someone who was timid .", "what will happen if you 're put in an environment filled with timid people ?", "is your current team one you work well with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What things impress you in your colleagues ?", "responses": ["i admire and work best with people who are of good character and integrity . i also think confidence and enthusiasm is positive in any business environment .", "they are confident and direct people . i really like that .", "they do n't tend to hesitate so we can make decisions very quickly .", "well , some of them are deliberative and that 's a good antidote for my impatience .", "they 're absolutely fearless . no timidity in that bunch ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I admire and work best with people who are of good character and integrity . I also think confidence and enthusiasm is positive in any business environment .", "responses": ["what are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked ?", "what are your strengths ?", "tell me about a conflict you recently resolved .", "i think you would be a good fit here .", "i am going to recommend you for the position ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked ?", "responses": ["the only thing i really do n't like is to get feedback in front of others . i want to hear good and bad feedback in private , so that i have time to think and react to the issue without other distractions . i believe that 's the fair way to improve learning or to change future behavior .", "he was often too lax and laid back . it caused a lot of extra work for those of us who wanted to get things done .", "he was caught stealing money . it made me sick because i liked him so much that i did n't want to believe it . but he confessed . i lost so much respect for him .", "he was often late . we could n't get started without him . i really disliked having to wait around when i could be doing something constructive .", "i do n't think she really liked her job . she did n't put forth a lot of energy and joy into it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The only thing I really don't like is to get feedback in front of others . I want to hear good and bad feedback in private , so that I have time to think and react to the issue without other distractions . I believe that's the fair way to improve learning or to change future behavior .", "responses": ["how do you organize and plan for major projects ?", "what kind of performance review did you receive for your last job ?", "where do you see yourself in 5 years ?", "have you ever been dismissed from a job ?", "were you popular with your co - workers at your last place of employment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you organize and plan for major projects ?", "responses": ["i love to brainstorm a best , worst , and most likely scenario . then , i set a timetable that 's realistic . what i usually find is that some combination of my schedule easily as these things unfold because i 've already visualized what could happen and how i 'd react .", "i write my plans down", "i speak to other people", "i brainstorm ideas", "i sit down and think"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I love to brainstorm a best , worst , and most likely scenario . Then , I set a timetable that's realistic . What I usually find is that some combination of my schedule easily as these things unfold because I've already visualized what could happen and how I'd react .", "responses": ["describe an experience when you had to work under great pressure .", "do you look for input from your subordinates ?", "are subordinates encouraged to speak up about issues and concerns ?", "do you trust subordinates with high responsibility tasks ?", "what tools do you use to manage your schedule ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Describe an experience when you had to work under great pressure .", "responses": ["i had to complete an end of quarter report once while i was on the road for two consecutive weeks . the amount of telephoning back and forth was incredible , because i could't bring my office files with me . luckily i had a great secretary and a logical filling system , so we located everything we needed .", "one time my office was flooded from the water fountain next door . i had to get a proposal out that afternoon while there were still plumbers wandering around the place .", "my boss was taken sick unexpectedly and i had to take over her job as well as doing mine .", "when my wife gave birth to our fourth child , i had to figure out how to balance the new baby with the proposal that was due the next day .", "government regulators came by last year to search my boss ' office and i had to figure out what to tell the press ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I had to complete an end of quarter report once while I was on the road for two consecutive weeks . The amount of telephoning back and forth was incredible , because I could't bring my office files with me . Luckily I had a great secretary and a logical filling system , so we located everything we needed .", "responses": ["how do you manage your time in a typical day ?", "have you ever employed a technology to decrease the amount of phone calls necessary ?", "how would you improve the communications between your team members ?", "what types of motivational tactics do you feel comfortable using with your team ?", "describe a time when you felt overworked , and underappreciated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you manage your time in a typical day ?", "responses": ["i 've always given priority to work with established clients , because they offer a better risk / return value . the last thing i do is general correspondence , especially internal correspondence , which i take care of at the end of the day or week .", "i look at my schedule and try to budget my time efficiently .", "i stick to a very rigid schedule .", "i always work through my lunch .", "i rarely take a break once i start working ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've always given priority to work with established clients , because they offer a better risk / return value . The last thing I do is general correspondence , especially internal correspondence , which I take care of at the end of the day or week .", "responses": ["describe a time when you acted on someone 's suggestion .", "that sounds reasonable", "that sounds good", "that is smart", "i agree with what you do"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Describe a time when you acted on someone's suggestion .", "responses": ["i changed my open office hours because several of my employees found it difficult to visit me except in the early mornings .", "one time a coworker suggested me to approach a situation with a client in a way i was not used to , and it was better in the long run .", "my manager have me a plan of action that went against my norm , but in the end it worked out for the best for everybody .", "we had a conflict in the office and my coworker gave me a suggestion on how to alleviate some tension . i incorporated her advice and we were able to remedy the situation at hand .", "i normally do not act on other 's suggestions . i think for myself , and i believe that i know what is best for our clients ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I changed my open office hours because several of my employees found it difficult to visit me except in the early mornings ."}], "index": 511} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you get Bean's ten different good luck forwards , like that one from the Dalai Lama ?", "responses": ["yeah , i deleted all that superstitious crap . what a waste of bandwidth !", "i didn't ... what are you talking about ?", "i did n't realize bean cared about things like that .", "i have n't had a chance to check yet .", "yes , i did ! which one did you like the most ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I deleted all that superstitious crap . What a waste of bandwidth !", "responses": ["i figured i might as well send one or two of them out . maybe my luck will get better .", "really ? i thought they sounded quite wise .", "well , bean can go too far sometimes .", "i guess bean thinks we need a lot of good luck .", "do you think bean himself believes all that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I figured I might as well send one or two of them out . Maybe my luck will get better .", "responses": ["do you really think the dalai lama sent that ? i 'm tired of all these forwards .", "its a waste of time too .", "bean needs to get a new hobby .", "i 'm not forwarding anything .", "i will block you if you send me any ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Do you really think the Dalai Lama sent that ? I'm tired of all these forwards .", "responses": ["it 's worth a shot . maybe we 'll get some luck in thinking up something for this case .", "no , i do n't think the dalai lama sent it . but what does it hurt to throw a little positive thinking around ?", "perhaps you are right . they are a waste of time .", "i 'm sorry you feel that way . perhaps you can ask him to take you off his mailing list .", "a little inspiration in your inbox is n't so terrible . you can always delete it and move on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's worth a shot . Maybe we'll get some luck in thinking up something for this case ."}], "index": 512} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am sorry to have kept all of you waiting . I was delayed by something urgent .", "responses": ["you are not late , mr . thomas . there 're still 15 minutes to go . mr . white has just called you .", "oh no , hope everything 's ok .", "it", "it 's fine . we were just getting started .", "make sure this does n't happen again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are not late , Mr . Thomas . There're still 15 minutes to go . Mr . White has just called you .", "responses": ["what did he say ?", "shew . good thing . i hate to be late .", "where is mr . white ? i need to speak to him .", "thank you . i 'm very glad to hear that . i hate to keep others waiting .", "oh good . i 'm usually a very punctual person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did he say ?", "responses": ["he said there was a traffic jam , but he is coming .", "nothing bad .", "he just asked to see you .", "do n't worry about it . just go in .", "he said you 're always late ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He said there was a traffic jam , but he is coming .", "responses": ["he should n't drive his car . he should come here by bus .", "i 'm glad it 's not just me , then .", "oh , good ! is the conference room all set up ?", "wonderful , that will give me some time to go over the proposal once last time .", "okay . well , if you all would like to follow me into the conference room , we can wait for him in there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He shouldn't drive his car . He should come here by bus ."}], "index": 513} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Want to send out for some Chinese ?", "responses": ["some what ?", "you bet i would .", "let 's do that . make certain you get egg rolls .", "how about vietnamese instead of chinese ?", "can we make that a pizza instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Some what ?", "responses": ["some chinese food . i 'm hungry , and there 's a take - out restaurant near here . we can have them deliver and then watch the news on tv while we eat .", "some chinese food", "some chinese", "i know you heard me", "i can not remember"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Some Chinese food . I'm hungry , and there's a take-out restaurant near here . We can have them deliver and then watch the news on TV while we eat .", "responses": ["no , i 'd rather go out . the chinese food here is rather different from what i had at home . maybe we can try some other food today ... what about that all - you - can - eat place we passed the other day , the one over in the shopping center ?", "sure , call the place across the block", "what do you want to watch ?", "ok , order me some veggie fried rice", "ok what are you going to order ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No , I'd rather go out . The Chinese food here is rather different from what I had at home . Maybe we can try some other food today ... What about that all-you-can-eat place we passed the other day , the one over in the shopping center ?", "responses": ["okay . i could go for that . it 's called al 's steakhouse . they also have great fried fish , and i love their salad bar . you can go back to refill your plate as often as you like .", "no . i prefer take out .", "ok ... that sounds ok with me .", "i 've heard it 's not very good . is there another place nearby ?", "i do n't like all you can eat places because the food is usually stale . how about another place ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay . I could go for that . It's called Al's Steakhouse . They also have great fried fish , and I love their salad bar . You can go back to refill your plate as often as you like .", "responses": ["is that the place that serves such large portions of meat ?", "is the rest of the food all you can eat too ?", "what do they have on their salad bar ?", "how are their steaks at al 's ?", "do they have anything other than steaks and fish ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is that the place that serves such large portions of meat ?", "responses": ["yes , their steaks are enormous . sometimes i ca n't finish what i 've ordered .", "yes , i got a steak that covered the whole plate .", "their ribs are huge , you 'll feel like fred the caveman", "yes , even the fish portions are huge .", "the last steak i got there looked like a roast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , their steaks are enormous . Sometimes I can't finish what I've ordered .", "responses": ["what if that happens to me ? i hate to let food go to waste .", "that is crazy", "that is amazing", "that is stupid", "that is pushing greediness"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What if that happens to me ? I hate to let food go to waste .", "responses": ["do n't worry . we 'll just get a doggie bag .", "you can always bring the leftovers home .", "you can secretly throw out whatever food you do n't finish .", "pass it to me , i will finish it !", "the food wo n't go to waste , we will just have to take small portiond"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't worry . We'll just get a doggie bag ."}], "index": 514} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you get the news that our company is trying to find out new tactics to test us ?", "responses": ["i know something about it . our company often organizes all kinds of lectures to improve our professional skills .", "yes , i did and it 's making me nervous .", "i wonder what they will do ?", "have you heard why they 're doing this ?", "how do people feel about this ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know something about it . Our company often organizes all kinds of lectures to improve our professional skills .", "responses": ["it takes most of our weekends to listen to these boring lectures , so i can not bear it anymore . it is said that they think out some tests to check our management skills .", "that is crazy to me", "that is odd to me", "that is unreasonable to me", "that is unfair to me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It takes most of our weekends to listen to these boring lectures , so I can not bear it anymore . It is said that they think out some tests to check our management skills .", "responses": ["is that true ?", "they should make their tactics more interesting", "we should receive incentives for participating", "lets make the best of it", "i am curious as to the mechanics of these technics"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Is that true ?", "responses": ["definitely !", "that 's what i 've heard .", "that 's not it . they 'll also base pay on how well we do on the tests .", "who knows ? office gossip is never reliable .", "i think so . i 'm not sure i 'll stick around if that happens ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Definitely !", "responses": ["if that information is exact , i guess our company is willing to promote someone .", "i guess i better pay close attention to the lectures then .", "i suspect that it is standard practice to test managerial skills .", "why do you think they are testing our skills ?", "at least they are providing us with a background to do well on the tests , with those lectures ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If that information is exact , I guess our company is willing to promote someone ."}], "index": 515} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello sir , how may I help you ?", "responses": ["i would like to buy some flowers , please . something really nice .", "hi , can you tell me a little more about your services here ?", "yes , i was wondering if you could recommend a good motel nearby ?", "no thank you , i 'm just looking around .", "that 's very kind of you , i 'm a little lost ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to buy some flowers , please . Something really nice .", "responses": ["i see , may i ask what the occasion is ?", "i have some lovely rosed just over here .", "the carnations are very fresh and vibrant .", "do you have a preference in color ?", "this arrangement is one of our most popular ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see , may I ask what the occasion is ?", "responses": ["it 's not really an occasion , it 's more like i 'm sorry .", "it is a birthday", "it is a wedding", "it is for church", "it is a present"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s not really an occasion , it ' s more like I ' m sorry .", "responses": ["very well . this arrangement here is very popular among regretful husbands and boyfriends . it has a dozen long stem red roses with a couple of sunflowers and a single orchid that stands out . it includes a small teddy bear to achieve the effect of immediate forgiveness .", "we can make you a pretty bouquet", "we can put our prettiest flowers together for you", "a woman always loves flowers", "i hope she forgives you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Very well . This arrangement here is very popular among regretful husbands and boyfriends . It has a dozen long stem red roses with a couple of sunflowers and a single orchid that stands out . It includes a small teddy bear to achieve the effect of immediate forgiveness .", "responses": ["i think i 'm gon na need more than just a dozen red roses and a bear . what else do you recommend ?", "how exactly do you know this is going to work ?", "i 'm not sure about the teddy bear . how much is this arrangement going to cost ?", "this sounds expensive . how much is this going to cost me ?", "she 's allergic to sunflowers . do you have anything else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I think I ' m gonna need more than just a dozen red roses and a bear . What else do you recommend ?", "responses": ["mmm , well this is our i 'm sorry i cheated on you package . two dozen red roses lined with tulips , carnations and lilies . the fragrance and beauty of this flower arrangement is sure to make her forgive you .", "we have a wide variety of arrangements as well as sweets .", "we have some upper tier arrangements i might be able to interest you in .", "i can show you our catalogue for starters .", "i 'm sorry to hear that , but we do n't offer too much other than that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mmm , well this is our I ' m sorry I cheated on you package . Two dozen red roses lined with tulips , carnations and lilies . The fragrance and beauty of this flower arrangement is sure to make her forgive you .", "responses": ["i do n't think that 's gon na cut it . i need something bigger and better !", "i like the name of that package , it 's very straightforward .", "do you have a i 'm sorry i was so mean package ?", "i need a package that is going to make her stop being mad at me .", "how much is the i 'm sorry i cheated on you package ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don ' t think that ' s gonna cut it . I need something bigger and better !", "responses": ["i 'm sorry sir but , what exactly did you do ?", "we also have this arrangement with a lovely box of fine chocolates .", "i can also recommend the delivery of an arrangement once a week for a month , or longer , if you like .", "repeated flower delivery should alter her stance eventually !", "what are her favorite flowers ? we can make a custom arrangement ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "I ' m sorry sir but , what exactly did you do ?", "responses": ["well , i may have accidentally insinuated that she is getting chubbier .", "i cheated on her with her sister .", "i got in a fight with her brother .", "i beat up her father .", "i slept with her mother ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I may have accidentally insinuated that she is getting chubbier .", "responses": ["get out of my store , you jerk !", "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh wow .", "yikes ... i do n't think we can help you here .", "you , sir , have my deepest sympathies .", "then you probably wo n't want to see our chocolate combos ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "Get out of my store , you jerk !"}], "index": 516} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "I have to get to Chicago by tomorrow and you're telling me that there are no flights ?", "responses": ["i 'm very sorry , sir . i could put you on a waiting list , but you would be wise to check out other means of travel .", "no , i 'm sorry , there 's nothing available until tomorrow night .", "there is nothing available , would you like me to see if i can book you on another airline ?", "chicago is just two hours away by car , you might be better off driving .", "i wish i could find you one but i 've check everything and there are no flights ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm very sorry , sir . I could put you on a waiting list , but you would be wise to check out other means of travel .", "responses": ["you mean like a bus ? have you ever traveled for ten hours on a bus before ?", "a waiting list is useless", "there is no point of a waiting list", "that is unacceptable", "i resent this news"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "You mean like a bus ? Have you ever traveled for ten hours on a bus before ?", "responses": ["i have not sir . but i do have a number for a very comfortable bus that goes to chicago every hour from here .", "yes i have . while it is tiresome , it will get you there", "no i have not and i understand your frustration", "yes i have , and it is not as bad as you would think", "ten hours on a bus will get you to chicago by the time you need to be there"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have not sir . But I do have a number for a very comfortable bus that goes to Chicago every hour from here .", "responses": ["alright , give me the number . but put me on that waiting list as well .", "what 's the name of the bus company ?", "i 'm not sure i 'm comfortable with such a long distance by bus . what makes this bus so good ?", "what type of comforts and amenities are on this bus ?", "how will i be compensated for this error on the airline 's part ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Alright , give me the number . But put me on that waiting list as well .", "responses": ["here is the number , and your name is on the waiting list .", "the number you are looking for is 573 - 971 - 4316 .", "i 'll get that number for you sir , just one second .", "let 's get you signed up for the waiting list , and then i 'll give you the number , sir .", "not a problem sir , let 's get you signed up and get you that number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here is the number , and your name is on the waiting list .", "responses": ["how many people are on the waiting list right now ?", "i got so many numbers to remember already .", "could you write down the number for me please ?", "do you mind giving me a reminder when my number is called ?", "i would n't mind waiting if i could sit down ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many people are on the waiting list right now ?", "responses": ["right now i show that there are 176 people on the list . and you are number 176 .", "at the moment , there are four other people on the waiting list .", "you are the first on the list .", "you are the third on the list of seven people total on the wait list .", "you only have one other person ahead of you on the list ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right now I show that there are 176 people on the list . And you are number 176 ."}], "index": 517} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you think they could be ended ?", "responses": ["i do n't think that there is any easy way . the united nations could send peacekeepers into the country . at least then the warring parties could be forced to negotiate .", "we could go back to the bargaining table again .", "we have to convince them that this is our final offer .", "we could give them the raise they 're demanding .", "i think we should just pay the money they 're asking for ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think that there is any easy way . The United Nations could send peacekeepers into the country . At least then the warring parties could be forced to negotiate .", "responses": ["so , if the cause is poverty , there should be a program to make the country richer . if the problem is resources , share them .", "i say wipe out both the parties", "i say get rid of both parties", "i say wipe the whole country out", "i say kill the leaders of both parties"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So , if the cause is poverty , there should be a program to make the country richer . If the problem is resources , share them .", "responses": ["it sounds easy when you say it like that . in reality , it 's harder to make peace between countries .", "i completely agree with you", "i do not think that is the solution to these problems", "nothing is as easy as that", "i agree , but there is more to take into consideration"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It sounds easy when you say it like that . In reality , it's harder to make peace between countries .", "responses": ["yes , it is . one way to stop countries fighting is to cut off their financial support . wars are very expensive .", "what confines make it so hard ? the solution is purely pragmatic . why does it need to be so complicated ?", "why is this such a hard matter to resolve ?", "why is this issue so difficult ? the solution is simple . people make it more difficult than what it should be .", "i do n't understand why this needs to be more difficult than what it is . please , explain ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is . One way to stop countries fighting is to cut off their financial support . Wars are very expensive ."}], "index": 518} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You still have not given me those files I ' Ve asked you for .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , mr . myers . i 've just been so busy today .", "i 'm sorry . i have been so bogged down with other tasks . i have n't had the time .", "i 'm truly sorry . i have n't had the opportunity to get to them .", "with all due respect , sir . i was only given an hour 's notice , and i was in the midst of a meeting when i was made aware of this .", "i had sandra walk the files over to you . did she not do it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m sorry , Mr . Myers . I ' Ve just been so busy today .", "responses": ["i really do n't want to hear your excuses , janet . we 're running a busy office here . you 're going to have to keep up .", "i 'll need them today .", "do you have them on you now ?", "are they even finished ?", "do you have any of the rest of the work done ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "I really don ' t want to hear your excuses , Janet . We ' re running a busy office here . You ' re going to have to keep up .", "responses": ["you 're right , sir . i apologize . i 'll get those files for you now .", "i did n't want to be late but the traffic was terrible .", "i 'm sorry i wo n't give any more excuses .", "what else could i have done to get here sooner ?", "i 'm sorry i got here as fast as i could ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You ' re right , sir . I apologize . I ' ll get those files for you now ."}], "index": 519} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What sort of job would you like to take ?", "responses": ["i prefer a sedentary job and i used to work as an operator .", "what type of jobs are currently available ?", "i was always interested in managerial work .", "i 'd enjoy working with children . is the assistant position will open ?", "i feel most comfortable working in marketing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I prefer a sedentary job and I used to work as an operator .", "responses": ["we need an operator now .", "we have a few openings as operators for a small company .", "i 'll check in to openings with your qualifications .", "i think we have a few desk jobs available .", "unfortunately we have no openings for desk jobs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We need an operator now .", "responses": ["it 's just the job i 've been searching for .", "great , how soon can i start ?", "i 'd love to be an operator since i have the experience .", "i would be a great operator , i 'm very experienced in operating heavy machinery .", "i would probably be able to start tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's just the job I've been searching for ."}], "index": 520} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wish the politicians would quit digging up dirt about each other's past .", "responses": ["i know . it really makes a mess of the whole election process .", "politics in general is very dirty", "i agree , i wish it was n't so dirty .", "i think that some of it is necessary , but a lot of it is mud slinging .", "there 's not much we can do about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . It really makes a mess of the whole election process .", "responses": ["and it takes up all the news .", "it 's not relevant anymore if they already apologized for it .", "there really is n't any point other than to smear them .", "when people dig up dirt it only hurts everyone involved .", "sometimes its good to call politicians out for their past ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And it takes up all the news .", "responses": ["the problem is that there always a large number of people who eat that kind of stuff up .", "i am only interested in past events if there was something criminal , not about superficial events .", "the news need to state how the politicians stand on each issue .", "i only want concrete information about the candidates . the news never seems to report unbiased facts , either .", "the news needs to focus on the issues not unimportant fluff about the politicians ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The problem is that there always a large number of people who eat that kind of stuff up .", "responses": ["it 's so small . the fact that there is public interest , does n't say much for us as the public .", "i wish they would just focus on the issues .", "i know it works , but it 's still annoying .", "it 's too bad because it does n't help anyone .", "there has to be a better way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's so small . The fact that there is public interest , doesn't say much for us as the public .", "responses": ["have you ever listened to am radio ? it 's quite a different experience than the traditional news stations on tv and fm radio .", "it 's so frustrating .", "i wish people like us could do something .", "think of how dumb the average person is . then realize that half of the population is dumber than that .", "it 'll be over eventually ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Have you ever listened to AM radio ? It's quite a different experience than the traditional news stations on TV and FM radio .", "responses": ["i do n't remember the last time i listened to am radio .", "i tried it once . it 's not any better .", "i might give it a shot in the future .", "are there any channels you 'd recommend ?", "i used to listen , but i got sick of all of the commercials ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't remember the last time I listened to AM radio .", "responses": ["another place you can get real insight is european papers . you can get them on - line .", "you should give it a try ! it 's a much more enjoyable experience when it comes to news and politics .", "i listen to it all the time . i feel much more educated and well informed when it comes to news .", "what do you usually listen to when you 're driving ? you really should give it a shot again .", "it really does a good job of making me less cynical when it comes to politics and news in today 's day and age ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Another place you can get real insight is European papers . You can get them on-line ."}], "index": 521} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , Miss Wu , This is Dan Robson calling from OTC limited . I'd like to check my last order . When exactly was it sent out ?", "responses": ["i can check that for you right now . would you mind holding ?", "the order was sent out last wednesday at 10:00 a.m.", "the last order was sent out on march 5th for next day delivery by noon .", "the last order was processed two days ago with three day shipping .", "the last order was over a month ago on march 1st . would you like the tracking information ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I can check that for you right now . Would you mind holding ?", "responses": ["sure . no problem .", "sure , no problem .", "that would be fine .", "i can hold .", "ok , that 's fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . No problem .", "responses": ["mr . robson , i 'm sorry . our computer system is down . could i call you back later ?", "please hold .", "checking right now .", "your last order was sent out two days ago .", "your order was sent out april 23 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mr . Robson , I'm sorry . Our computer system is down . Could I call you back later ?", "responses": ["sure . do you have my number ?", "yes , it 's no problem .", "i do n't really have a choice , do i ?", "well , okay , i suppose .", "i 'm going out soon . i 'll call back tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . Do you have my number ?", "responses": ["yes , i have it right here . i 'm so sorry about this .", "yes we do it is in the system . i will call you when the system is back up .", "yes , but why do n't you give it to me again and i will write it down just in case .", "yes i have 307 - 274 - 4214 is that correct ?", "no we do not i am ready to copy it down ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have it right here . I'm so sorry about this .", "responses": ["no problem . i 'll wait for your call .", "no problem .", "that 's ok .", "nothing to worry about .", "it is fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem . I'll wait for your call ."}], "index": 522} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you typing there ?", "responses": ["i 'm working on my resume .", "i am typing the monthly report for jan .", "i am typing the minutes from the last staff meeting .", "i am typing my expense report from the last conference .", "i am typing an e - mail to a customer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm working on my resume .", "responses": ["really ? did you find any information about a new job ?", "oh are you looking for a new job ?", "do you need any help ?", "did you decide to go back to work ?", "oh i should probably do that too ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Did you find any information about a new job ?", "responses": ["yeah , i just got some good information off the internet .", "i found a bunch on indeed .", "yeah , kyle told me about it over coffee .", "i found a lot .", "yeah , so now i 'm going to tailor my resume to the posting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I just got some good information off the internet .", "responses": ["great ! do you think you have a chance at getting the job ?", "if you want help , i can take a look at it once you 're finished .", "what kind of job is it ?", "i hope everything works out for you .", "i 'm good at writing resumes . i can give you some advice if you 'd like ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Great ! Do you think you have a chance at getting the job ?", "responses": ["i did n't just find out about one job . there were several ones that looked good .", "it will be tough , there is a lot of strong competition out there for this position .", "i am not really sure , but if i get an interview i think my confidence will help me out a lot .", "i am not really sure , but if i get an interview i think my confidence will help me out a lot .", "i think so . i have a lot of experience and i think my skills and background speak for themselves ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn ' t just find out about one job . There were several ones that looked good .", "responses": ["maybe i should try looking on the web for work .", "that is great news .", "how many ?", "which one are do you like ?", "nice job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe I should try looking on the web for work .", "responses": ["sure you have to be patient . but i think it 's much less trouble to sit in front of a computer than to go door to door or to make a lot of phone calls .", "i will email some to you .", "the internet is a good source for job searching .", "maybe we will end up working at the same place .", "where were you looking before ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure you have to be patient . But I think it ' s much less trouble to sit in front of a computer than to go door to door or to make a lot of phone calls .", "responses": ["but there must be so many people who also see the advertisement for that job on the net . you might have no chance .", "who goes door to door anymore ?", "what site did you use to find these jobs ?", "have you gotten any phone calls or emails back yet ?", "i am going to start looking tonight"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But there must be so many people who also see the advertisement for that job on the net . You might have no chance .", "responses": ["how do you know if you do n't have a try ?", "with enough applications , i 'm bound to get one .", "i 'm also dropping resumes at the most promising locations .", "i had n't thought of that .", "but not all of those people are qualified for the job !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How do you know if you don ' t have a try ?"}], "index": 523} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you please show me the necklace in the window ?", "responses": ["is this the one you want ?", "sure give me a second .", "sure i can do that for you", "absolutely right this way .", "i can definitely do that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this the one you want ?", "responses": ["no , the one next to it .", "yeah , that one .", "actually , nevermind . can you show me the bracelet instead ?", "yes , and could you show me the earrings too ?", "can i try it on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , the one next to it .", "responses": ["here you are .", "this one ?", "oh , that one .", "that 's a good choice .", "you have great taste ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["thanks . what kind of stone is this ?", "thank you how much is it ?", "thank you how do you think it looks on me ?", "thank you ! what can you tell me about this necklace ?", "great it is really pretty how much is the price ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks . What kind of stone is this ?", "responses": ["it 's a ruby . it is from south africa . would you like to try it on ?", "it 's a diamond .", "that 's a ruby .", "it is a emerald .", "that is a one of kind !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's a ruby . It is from South Africa . Would you like to try it on ?", "responses": ["yes , please . how much is it ?", "i think i would .", "are their matching earrings ?", "i think it 's too long .", "i love rubies . yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , please . How much is it ?", "responses": ["it costs $ 200 .", "it is $ 299.99 plus tax", "oh , you came in at a good time , it is on sale this week", "it is really affordable at the sale price this week", "this necklace is pretty expensive"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It costs $ 200 .", "responses": ["it looks good . ok . i 'll take it .", "that sounds reasonable .", "could you bring down the price a bit ?", "can i get a discount if i also buy the matching earrings ?", "could i also get it appraised after buying it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It looks good . OK . I'll take it ."}], "index": 524} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Happy birthday , Jim !", "responses": ["thank you , lisa .", "thanks !", "glad you remembered !", "is it my birthday ? i completely forgot !", "hope to see you at the party later ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , Lisa .", "responses": ["here is a present for you . i hope you like it .", "you 're welcome ! any big plans for your birthday ?", "of course i hope you have an amazing and special day .", "you are welcome how old are you now ?", "of course ! do you have any friends or family in town to celebrate ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Here is a present for you . I hope you like it .", "responses": ["oh , great ! i love it ! you know i 've been expecting this for a long time .", "oh how nice .", "wow !", "thank you very much .", "that was awfully nice of you ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , great ! I love it ! You know I've been expecting this for a long time .", "responses": ["i 'm very glad to hear that .", "i know . that 's why i got .", "remember this when my birthday comes around .", "what are best friends for ?", "you deserve it jim ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm very glad to hear that .", "responses": ["come here , let me introduce some friends to you .", "that was rude of me to say i was expecting a gift from you , i 'm sorry", "i hope you bought me the right size this year", "this present is what i always wanted", "thank you so much for my wonderful gift"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come here , let me introduce some friends to you ."}], "index": 525} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with you ? You look pale .", "responses": ["i 'm not sure , i feel hot and cold .", "i 'm not feeling well .", "i feel dizzy .", "i 'm ok .", "i am fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not sure , I feel hot and cold .", "responses": ["when did the trouble start ?", "that 's strange .", "have you been to the doctor ?", "i can take your temperature .", "that 's not good . have a seat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When did the trouble start ?", "responses": ["i was sick most of the night .", "it started this morning when i woke up", "all night last night , i was sweating but freezing at the same time", "i 've been feeling bad all week", "it started a few days ago"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was sick most of the night .", "responses": ["it sounds like you are coming down with the flu . let me take your temperature .", "you should go home and get some rest .", "you should go to the doctor 's .", "you might want to try vitamin c to get better .", "my grandma always said that chicken soup and hot tea was the best cure for this sort of thing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It sounds like you are coming down with the flu . Let me take your temperature .", "responses": ["have i got a high fever ?", "i started feeling sick last week .", "i started feeling sick yesterday and it 's just getting worse .", "i just started feeling sick an hour ago .", "i 've been sick off and on for the past month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have I got a high fever ?", "responses": ["yes , thirty - eight point seven . do you have a headache , chest or throat pain ?", "no , everything looks fine .", "it does nt look very good .", "i think you should see a doctor .", "i ca nt tell for sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , thirty-eight point seven . Do you have a headache , chest or throat pain ?", "responses": ["yes , i have .", "maybe just a little . what do you think it is ?", "i do n't think so , i 'm just not feeling well .", "no . i think it might be something i ate last night .", "a slight headache ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have .", "responses": ["now , let me have a look at you . i 'd like to listen to your chest . now breathe in , a deep breath , that 's it cough , now again . i want to examine your throat , too . open wide , say'ah - - '", "can you show me where it hurts the most ?", "are you feeling any other symptoms ?", "have you already taken any medicine ?", "let 's see if we can find some medicine for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now , let me have a look at you . I'd like to listen to your chest . Now breathe in , a deep breath , that's it Cough , now again . I want to examine your throat , too . Open wide , say ' Ah - - '", "responses": ["aaaaahh , aaaaahh .", "my throat hurts .", "does my throat look red ?", "how does my chest sound ?", "i am opening my mouth as wide as i can"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Aaaaahh , aaaaahh .", "responses": ["yes , it does look a bit sore . let 's take an x - ray of your chest and give you a few tests .", "that looks really bad .", "oof ... your throat is pretty red and inflamed .", "well , i found the problem . it 's an infection of some sort .", "ugh ... something bad is going on in there . you should get to a doctor ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , it does look a bit sore . Let's take an X-ray of your chest and give you a few tests .", "responses": ["all right , thanks .", "wait , i really need an x - ray ?", "dang . i have an important meeting this week .", "i hope it is n't anything more serious .", "ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right , thanks .", "responses": ["the tests showed nothing wrong . a slight viral infection .", "i 'll prescribe you a mild antibiotic just in case . take them twice a day with a full glass of water .", "i think you have a cold . i 'll give you some antibiotics , and you can purchase some painkillers at the pharmacy for your pain .", "my assistant here will guide you to the x - ray machine . when you 're done , you can head to the receptionist 's desk for your bill and prescription .", "follow me to the x - ray room . this will just take a few moments ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The tests showed nothing wrong . A slight viral infection .", "responses": ["what shall i do today ?", "what do you mean a slight viral infection ?", "by slight , does that mean i do n't have to take any antibiotics ?", "so do you think i 'll recover in a day or two ?", "what should i take to take care of this infection ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What shall I do today ?", "responses": ["i 'm giving you some antibiotics and aspirins . take an aspirin when you 've got a fever , and take one antibiotic capsule every four hours , and go home and rest in bed for two days . drink plenty of water , then you 'll feel better . here 's the prescription .", "well i think i 'll sleep in today cause even though nothing shows up as wrong i still do not feel good .", "i do not have anything planed for today anyway .", "normally i would clean my house but not today .", "maybe if i rest i will feel better tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm giving you some antibiotics and aspirins . Take an aspirin when you've got a fever , and take one antibiotic capsule every four hours , and go home and rest in bed for two days . Drink plenty of water , then you'll feel better . Here's the prescription ."}], "index": 526} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have to check out today . I'd like my bill ready by 10 this morning .", "responses": ["you can be sure of that , sir .", "sure .", "i could take of it now if you like .", "why so soon ?", "i would be happy to help you with that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You can be sure of that , sir .", "responses": ["thank you .", "can i pay with cash ?", "do you take american express ?", "do you know what the bill will be ?", "will checking out take a long time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 527} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I called HP about my computer .", "responses": ["what did they say ?", "what 's wrong with your computer ?", "what did they tell you ?", "i 've heard that their customer service is pretty good .", "can it be fixed ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did they say ?", "responses": ["they said i need a new hard drive .", "hp told me to send my computer to them in the mail for repair .", "they sent me an email with tracking information for the shipment with my new computer .", "they offered to give me a partial refund for my computer .", "that i should ask for a refund from the retailer i bought the computer from ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They said I need a new hard drive .", "responses": ["that 's too bad . how much is a new one ?", "why do you need a new drive ?", "why what happened ?", "are you going to buy one ?", "what exactly happened to your hd ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's too bad . How much is a new one ?", "responses": ["it 's not too much , only about $ 85 .", "too much , i 'm sure .", "i 'm not worried about the price , it 's the hassle .", "i do n't know .", "with the installation cost , it might be cheaper to buy a new computer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not too much , only about $ 85 .", "responses": ["plus installation ?", "oh , really ? that 's not bad at all .", "oh wow , i thought it would be more than that .", "that 's reasonable . did you buy it yet ?", "do you have to purchase it directly from hp ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Plus installation ?", "responses": ["no , my hard drive is easy to remove and replace .", "no , installation is extra of course", "they said it was free installation", "yes , is n't that a great deal ?", "i forgot to ask ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , my hard drive is easy to remove and replace .", "responses": ["really ?", "you 're going to do it yourself ?", "do you have the tools to safely pick apart your computer ?", "have you removed and replaced a hard drive before ?", "when are you planning of knocking that out ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Really ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's just a couple of screws .", "yeah , i did n't realize it would be this easy either .", "i 'll get ryan to do it for me .", "yeah . this is great because it means i can get back to work sooner .", "right ? i 'm wondering why i did n't call them sooner ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it's just a couple of screws .", "responses": ["that 's nice .", "that 's great you know how to do that . i 'm all thumbs when it comes to working on computers .", "i 'm always afraid i 'll be electrocuted if i touch any components of my computer .", "is there any chance you could damage the components ?", "how do you attach the hard drive to the mainframe of the computer ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's nice .", "responses": ["it 's a lot better than paying someone $ 60 .", "it is nice because it 's something i can do myself .", "yes , it 's nice . i do n't have to pay extra for the installation .", "it 's pretty cool because i do n't have to dish out more money for the installation .", "yes , i 'm lucky because i can install it myself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a lot better than paying someone $ 60 .", "responses": ["if my hard drive crashes , i 'll just call you .", "i 'm glad it an easy fix . good luck .", "it sounds like you know what your doing .", "i hope your computer works well for a long time after that .", "was there anything else wrong with your computer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If my hard drive crashes , I'll just call you ."}], "index": 528} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Gosh , it's 7:30 , I'll miss the first class .", "responses": ["do n't get up so late next time . you should have gone to bed earlier last night .", "try to get there as early as possible . better late than never .", "you 'd better set your alarm earlier , then .", "do n't worry . as long as you do n't miss too many of them you should be ok .", "tell the professor you got a flat and you 'll be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't get up so late next time . You should have gone to bed earlier last night .", "responses": ["yes , mum .", "i will try to go to bed earlier tonight .", "i tried to go to bed early but there was a dog barking outside my window all night .", "i wanted to go to bed early but i had a ton of homework to finish .", "they forced me to work overtime last night so i could n't go to bed as early as i would have liked too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , Mum ."}], "index": 529} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything wrong ?", "responses": ["i 'm worried about my daughter . she ca n't decide about college .", "no , i 'm just tired today .", "yes , i lost my phone .", "yes , i lost my keys .", "no , i 'm just swamped with work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m worried about my daughter . She can ' t decide about college .", "responses": ["do n't worry . that 's just a part of being a teenager .", "do nt worry , she 'll figure it out .", "has she seen a counselor ?", "where to go or what to major in ?", "i had the same problem too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t worry . That ' s just a part of being a teenager .", "responses": ["i do n't mind that . but she disagrees with me about everything .", "i know , but it is an important decision .", "yeah , i 'm just worried her decision will affect the rest of her life .", "yeah , i guess we 've all been there .", "easy to say , hard to do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don ' t mind that . But she disagrees with me about everything .", "responses": ["you should encourage her to make up her mind by herself . you should n't affect her decision .", "oh , i see . have you told her how you feel ?", "that can be frustrating . have you tried talking to her about it ?", "that sounds like a teenager . it will get better with time .", "that 's to be expected . it might help to try talking to her about it though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You should encourage her to make up her mind by herself . You shouldn ' t affect her decision .", "responses": ["but i just want to give her some tips .", "i feel like she does n't want to talk to me anymore", "i think she still needs some guidance", "i understand that but always disagreeing with me will get nobody anywhere", "i 'll try to get off of her back and let her decide"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But I just want to give her some tips .", "responses": ["oh , she can make her own decisions .", "that 's reasonable . where did you go to college ?", "what kind of tips do you think she 'd be receptive to getting ?", "you could talk about what you did during your college experience .", "i do n't think she 'd \" disagree \" with you if you were just offering her tips . what exactly have you tried saying ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , she can make her own decisions .", "responses": ["i guess you are right .", "i guess i 'll have to let her do her own thing sometime so the sooner the better .", "i do n't want her to make the wrong choice .", "i do n't think she knows enough to make an informed decision .", "but she 's so young ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess you are right .", "responses": ["believe me . everything will be ok .", "if you give her tips , she might end up doing the complete opposite of what you suggest .", "if you do want to discuss it with her , try asking her what her ideal college would be like .", "yes , she still has plenty of time before she has to start applying . do n't worry !", "she 's a smart girl , she 'll be fine !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Believe me . Everything will be ok .", "responses": ["i hope so .", "i really do hope everything works out . you know how much i can worry .", "everything will work out . my daughter always figures things out .", "i am sure that everything will work out . thank you , you 're always there for me .", "i do believe you , but i just help but worry for my daughter ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I hope so ."}], "index": 530} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's beautiful here .", "responses": ["yes . i feel refreshed .", "i love all the flowers .", "i agree this is the prettiest place i 've ever been .", "we should come here more often .", "it 's so beautiful that i could cry ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I feel refreshed .", "responses": ["how long will we dock ?", "the scene here is amazing .", "i m glad you feel that way .", "the scenery is so quiet here .", "i m glad you like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long will we dock ?", "responses": ["in half an hour . the surface of the lake is calm .", "long enough to enjoy the sights , i hope .", "not long enough .", "i 'm not sure .", "i do n't know , but i 'm sure they will tell us when we disembark ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In half an hour . The surface of the lake is calm .", "responses": ["yes . we come at the right time .", "yes , it is very calm .", "yes , it 's so tranquil to look at .", "it is quite calm . it 's so nice to be out in nature .", "half an hour ? i thought it would be longer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . We come at the right time ."}], "index": 531} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "that was a really good meal , Gordon .", "responses": ["it sure was . i could n't eat another bite .", "thank you , i m glad you enjoyed it .", "glad you liked it .", "its one of my specialties .", "really , it took me some time to prepare everything ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It sure was . I couldn't eat another bite .", "responses": ["well , it is getting pretty late . i think we should go home .", "i know , me either .", "that was so good i might have room for one more bite .", "are you sure ? it was really good .", "good food will do that to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "well , it is getting pretty late . I think we should go home .", "responses": ["you 're right . i have to get up early to go to work tomorrow .", "yeah , it is getting late .", "yeah , we should probably be heading home .", "i agree . let 's make our way out of here .", "yeah , i need to get to bed soon anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "you're right . I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow .", "responses": ["let 's see how much the bill is .", "i do too , but tonight was fun", "do you remember where you parked the car ?", "i 'll call an uber for us", "i have work early in the morning too"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "let's see how much the bill is .", "responses": ["do n't worry about it . tonight is my treat .", "want to split it 50/50 ?", "who should we call to get this bill paid ?", "want to put it on my card and then you can venmo me the difference ?", "that 's sort of pricey ... did they charge us for something we did n't get ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "don't worry about it . Tonight is my treat .", "responses": ["what are you talking about ? we 'll split the bill .", "then i 'll get the next one .", "thank you so much !", "i could n't let you do that .", "that 's really nice of you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what are you talking about ? We'll split the bill .", "responses": ["no , i insist . i kept telling you that i would treat you to dinner but i still have n't .", "no , i insist . you paid last time . now it 's my turn .", "no , i 've been meaning to treat you to dinner for a long time .", "you can pay next time .", "oh all right . next time i 'm paying the whole thing though !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no , I insist . I kept telling you that I would treat you to dinner but I still haven't .", "responses": ["no way , gordon . i know that you are a little short on cash at the moment . there 's no need for you to pay for the whole bill .", "thank you , i 'll pay for our meal next time .", "well i ca n't argue with that . you have been saying you 'll treat me for dinner for a while now .", "if you insist , then i ca n't argue with that . thank you .", "that 's very nice of you . i will owe you one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "no way , Gordon . I know that you are a little short on cash at the moment . There's no need for you to pay for the whole bill .", "responses": ["alright , if that 's the way you are going to be , we 'll split the bill .", "it 's ok i specifically put money aside to pay for tonight 's meal .", "i had planned to pay so let me pay", "i am honored to pay for you , you have payed for me many times .", "end of discussion it 's my treat and that is final ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "alright , if that's the way you are going to be , we'll split the bill .", "responses": ["that 's better . this way we will both have money to take a cab home , otherwise , you would probably have to walk .", "cool . the important thing is hanging out together , not who pays the bill .", "good , you can treat another time .", "thanks . i feel better about doing it this way .", "tell you what . we 'll split the bill , and you can leave the tip . how does that sound ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that's better . This way we will both have money to take a cab home , otherwise , you would probably have to walk .", "responses": ["just promise you will let me treat you to dinner next week , ok ?", "yes , it is a long way . thanks for thinking of that .", "that would be tough and the rain would make it a miserable time for me .", "i appreciate your thoughtfulness . next time , then , it will be my treat !", "yes , i appreciate that . but you have paid for the last two times we 've been out . seems quite unfair . but thanks anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "just promise you will let me treat you to dinner next week , ok ?", "responses": ["you 've got a deal .", "that would be great .", "i 'll be looking forward to it .", "ok , if you let me pick the place .", "that sounds like a great idea ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "you've got a deal .", "responses": ["great . bye .", "great ! i 'll make sure it 's somewhere good , too !", "and promise me you 'll order the lobster so i do n't feel guilty .", "where do you think you 'll want to go then ?", "ok ... let 's go get a cab ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "great . Bye .", "responses": ["bye .", "bye bye now .", "see you next week , gordon !", "bye , gordon !", "okay , we 'll talk later !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "bye ."}], "index": 532} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hear you are planning to travel abroad .", "responses": ["yes . i 'm going to the untied states for travel . what places do you recommend ?", "i am , do you have any advice for me ?", "yes , i am a little nervous about it", "yes , i think it will be a great experience for me", "yes , i know you did and loved it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . I'm going to the Untied States for travel . What places do you recommend ?", "responses": ["in my opinion , there are several places you must n't miss , like washington d . c , las vegas , new york and los angeles .", "oof ... do n't go to the us . that place is sort of a dump . did you see who they elected president ?", "hawaii is really nice , but it 's not in the continental us .", "the biggest problem with the usa is that it 's filled with americans . maybe cruise over to one of the national parks .", "what kind of stuff are you hoping to do on your trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In my opinion , there are several places you mustn't miss , like Washington D . C , Las Vegas , New York and Los Angeles .", "responses": ["someone suggests that i should go to seattle and hawaii .", "i do n't have time to go to all those places . if you could only choose one , which one would you choose ?", "i was actually hoping to go somewhere without a lot of people .", "i 've been to las vegas and hated it .", "i 've wanted to go to ny forever ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Someone suggests that I should go to Seattle and Hawaii .", "responses": ["yes , you may consider those two places also . seattle , for example , is worth visiting and there 's a very famous museum called museum of flight .", "those are wonderful places to visit as well .", "i 'd pick seattle . hawaii is beautiful but life on those islands is quite different from mainland america . if you want to see the crux of american culture , i 'd definitely go to the mainland .", "hawaii is gorgeous . you should definitely go if you get the chance !", "well , would you prefer to go someplace urban , or some place on a tropical island ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , you may consider those two places also . Seattle , for example , is worth visiting and there's a very famous museum called Museum of Flight .", "responses": ["and seattle is the home of microsoft and boeing . that must be a great place . i ca n't miss it .", "have you been to that museum before ?", "is the museum of flight about airplanes ?", "i 'll make sure to go to the museum . what else should i do in seattle ?", "seattle sounds interesting , but i really need to consider hawaii . they have beautiful beaches ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "And Seattle is the home of Microsoft and Boeing . That must be a great place . I can't miss it ."}], "index": 533} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This looks like a very nice house .", "responses": ["you know , i fell in love with this house the first moment i laid eyes on it .", "it does look like a nice house , is it for sale ?", "i especially like the layout of the first floor .", "the yard is big enough so you can put a pool back there .", "i wonder how much they are selling it for ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You know , I fell in love with this house the first moment I laid eyes on it .", "responses": ["the style of the exterior is just what i 've been looking for !", "i can understand why !", "what was your favorite thing about the house ?", "is n't it great having a house you love ?", "i 'm so happy for you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The style of the exterior is just what I ' Ve been looking for !", "responses": ["the exterior is only half of the story . the interior is incredible .", "i totally agree . it 's a very beautiful house !", "i just know you are going to love this home . shall we check it out ?", "if you think the exterior is just right , then check out the interior !", "shall we ask the owner if we can make an appointment to view the home ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The exterior is only half of the story . The interior is incredible .", "responses": ["this home is gorgeous on the inside !", "i ca n't wait to see it .", "do you have time to give me a tour ?", "if it 's half as nice as the exterior , it will be fantastic .", "if it 's half as nice as the exterior , it will be fantastic ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This home is gorgeous on the inside !", "responses": ["everything that you see on the walls , floors , and windows is brand new .", "yes , it was just remodeled .", "they 've done a nice job furnishing it .", "it 's also wheelchair accessible . the man who lives here is disabled .", "they 've got wonderful taste , do n't they ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Everything that you see on the walls , floors , and windows is brand new .", "responses": ["the wall colors totally suit the style of this house .", "i ca n't believe how perfect this house is !", "i think we should make an offer .", "those bathrooms are really impressive !", "that interior was obviously designed by someone with a sense of style !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The wall colors totally suit the style of this house .", "responses": ["straight ahead is the gourmet kitchen .", "yes , they have a great decorator .", "glad you liked the style .", "the style is very modern .", "it goes well with the rest of the house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Straight ahead is the gourmet kitchen .", "responses": ["i love the bamboo flooring and granite countertops .", "oh wow what is in the kitchen ?", "how many gas burners does it have ?", "it has so many cabinets !", "i love the design of the kitchen tile"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I love the bamboo flooring and granite countertops .", "responses": ["the master suite is the best . let 's go look at that next .", "the gorgeous sunroom out the back was added in 2014 .", "to your left is the master bathroom , complete with jacuzzi .", "to your right is the study with its fantastic natural lighting .", "the view from the picture window to your left is unparalleled ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "The master suite is the best . Let ' s go look at that next .", "responses": ["there is plenty of room for our king - sized bed , and i love the light in this room .", "what is the square footage ?", "i ca n't wait to see it .", "i love this house so far , and i 'm sure i 'll love the suite too .", "hopefully it will be as great as the rest of the house ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "There is plenty of room for our king-sized bed , and I love the light in this room .", "responses": ["i know that you like this house , but let 's take a look at the others before you make up your mind .", "have you seen the outdoor patio ?", "the bathrooms are decorated with the finest linoleum floors .", "the deck has a hot tub for the winter time !", "you should check out the guest bedrooms in the basement ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I know that you like this house , but let ' s take a look at the others before you make up your mind ."}], "index": 534} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Room service . What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["l am afraid there is n't any fancy soap in my room .", "i do not have enough towels .", "can someone please bring me more towels ?", "i also do not see coffee for the coffee maker .", "what kind of coffee do you have ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "l am afraid there isn't any fancy soap in my room .", "responses": ["sorry sir , we will bring you one . anything else ?", "let me be sure i understand . is there any soap at all ?", "i can have the maid service bring you some soap .", "i 'm sorry . we 'll get that taken care of .", "my apologies . how many soaps do you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sorry sir , we will bring you one . Anything else ?", "responses": ["yes . bring me a bath towel as well .", "yes . could you please bring more towels when you return , please ?", "the bathroom was never cleaned from the last visitors and it needs to be cleaned as soon as possible .", "yes . we would like to know when we can expect someone up her with the soap .", "no . we just need a few bars of the fancy soap and soon , if that 's alright ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Bring me a bath towel as well ."}], "index": 535} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon . British Airline . Is there any thing I can do for you ?", "responses": ["can i make a reservation for flight fw58 to san marino ?", "yes , i want to book a flight from new york to london .", "hello . i need to confirm a reservation i made last week .", "i hope so . i 'm having a problem with my reservation .", "good afternoon . can you give me fare information for round - trip flights from miami to london ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I make a reservation for flight FW58 to San Marino ?", "responses": ["sure . when do you want to take the plane ?", "of course . will you be traveling alone or with someone else ?", "yes , i can help you . we still have a vacancy for tomorrow at 2 pm . will that time be alright or would you prefer something else ?", "i 'm sorry , but we are all booked up for the next two weeks . is that ok ?", "yes , but the only thing we have available in the next week is the red - eye flight in two days . is that acceptable ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . When do you want to take the plane ?", "responses": ["next monday .", "i need to make it as early thursday as possible .", "i 'd like a direct flight as early as possible .", "what is the first flight of the day on wednesday that you have available ?", "what are my options for tomorrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Next Monday .", "responses": ["will that be first class or economy seat ?", "at what time ?", "would you like first class , business , or coach ?", "do you have a seat preference ?", "will you need a refundable ticket ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will that be first class or economy seat ?", "responses": ["what 's the fare for a first class seat ?", "economy , please .", "what is the difference in price ?", "do you have any deals on first class ?", "i do n't care , i just want a window seat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the fare for a first class seat ?", "responses": ["$ 200 .", "the first class seat fares start at $ 1000 .", "we have a few specials right now .", "we can sit you in front for just a bit more .", "we only have a few seats left ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "$ 200 .", "responses": ["oh . i am not a wall streeter . give me an economy one please .", "sounds good , can you book me a ticket please ?", "that 's a little pricey , is there anything cheaper ?", "can i get an aisle seat ?", "do you accept cash or only credit card ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh . I am not a wall streeter . Give me an economy one please ."}], "index": 536} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Sir . So , you are back ?", "responses": ["yes , hello again . i would like to know the exact difference between dividend deposit and dividend participated deposit .", "yes , i 'm back .", "yes , i got in last night .", "i am . i 'll be in town for several days .", "i 'm just staying overnight so i 'm not really back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , hello again . I would like to know the exact difference between Dividend Deposit and Dividend Participated Deposit .", "responses": ["that 's pretty easy to explain . with the deposit , the interest is fixed , but the dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your bank account by the end of each year . the longer the term , the higher the dividend you earn . this is because it is calculated at the compound interest rate .", "of course . would you please have a seat so i can help explain the difference ?", "i will get the officer in charge of personal deposits to come and assist you .", "yes , there is and i would be happy to help you . would you please step into my office ?", "this kind of deposits have different interest rates and there are other differences . would you be so kind as to come to my office and we can discuss this further ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's pretty easy to explain . With the Deposit , the interest is fixed , but the Dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your bank account by the end of each year . The longer the term , the higher the Dividend you earn . This is because it is calculated at the Compound Interest Rate .", "responses": ["and i can purchase that here ?", "which would you suggest for long term goals ?", "which is better if i need easy access to the balance ?", "which is better for saving for college ?", "what is the difference in the interest rates ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "And I can purchase that here ?", "responses": ["yes . and if you already have a current account with us , the insurance premium can be paid through it , which saves all of us a lot of hassle .", "of course . we can help you with that now if you 'd like .", "it 's not really a purchase , but an investment .", "if you 'll step over here i 'll have a manager assist you .", "of course . how much money are you planning on depositing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . And if you already have a Current Account with us , the Insurance Premium can be paid through it , which saves all of us a lot of hassle ."}], "index": 537} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are there any beds vacant ?", "responses": ["yes , what kind of room do you want ?", "no , i 'm sorry , we 're fully booked for tonight .", "we have one bed but i 'm afraid it 's under the stairs .", "yes , we have several , how many will you be needing ?", "we have two vacant but they wo n't last long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , what kind of room do you want ?", "responses": ["i prefer one facing the sea . besides , it should have a shower .", "a room with a view of the courtyard .", "a room with two double beds .", "anything is fine .", "a room where smoking is allowed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I prefer one facing the sea . Besides , it should have a shower .", "responses": ["sorry , right now we can only have you a room without shower .", "not a problem , sir .", "we do n't have any more rooms like that available .", "i can assure you that all of our rooms have showers .", "i 'm so sorry sir , but we are all out of rooms facing the sea ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , right now we can only have you a room without shower .", "responses": ["well , that 's fine .", "well , not all happy about that .", "are you sure , can you check again ?", "i prefer a shower , but a bath will do .", "that 's not good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , that's fine ."}], "index": 538} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Welcome to the company . We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company .", "responses": ["that 's easy . it was your office ergonomics that decided me .", "great ! what questions do you have for me .", "i chose the company for the positive culture .", "i wanted to work here because i believe in the core values of the company .", "oh , okay . are there any specific questions ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's easy . It was your office ergonomics that decided me .", "responses": ["you 're kidding ! something as simple as that ?", "ergonomics were well studied and applied .", "glad you like it .", "what else suits you ?", "wait till you see the rest ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You're kidding ! Something as simple as that ?", "responses": ["yes . it is very important to me . my mother worked in offices for twenty years , and she finally had carpal tunnel syndrome . i have been reading about repetitive stress injuries , and i know that t", "yes actually it was !", "no not kidding at all , it 's true", "i love simplicity to be honest", "sometimes the simple option is the most efficient"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . It is very important to me . My mother worked in offices for twenty years , and she finally had carpal tunnel syndrome . I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries , and I know that t", "responses": ["yes , there has been a lot of research into rsi 's . something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries . tell me , did anything else influence your decision ?", "wow , i never would have guessed . was there anything else that factored into your decision ?", "that 's interesting . i do know we take our employees ' health very seriously , so you 're in the right place .", "thanks for the input . we 'd also like to know what you think of our new employee orientation program . can you tell me about its strengths and areas for improvement ?", "well , you 'll be first in line for the new ergonomic keyboards !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , there has been a lot of research into RSI's . Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries . Tell me , did anything else influence your decision ?", "responses": ["yes , i noticed that you have professional training and team - building days . i like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff .", "no , nothing else influenced me .", "i took a look at the square footage as well .", "there were other factors that i did n't mention .", "yes , many things ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I noticed that you have professional training and team-building days . I like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff .", "responses": ["well , welcome to the team .", "that 's very true . our staff is like family .", "great to hear ! we treat our staff like we all would like to be treated .", "that 's awesome . we invest much time and love into our entire staff .", "yes , that 's correct ! we feel our staff 's well being is important to the company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , welcome to the team ."}], "index": 539} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good afternoon . I've brought the extra blanket you asked for .", "responses": ["oh , thank you .", "thank you so much .", "good , i was cold .", "i like the color .", "it 's a bit thin ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , thank you .", "responses": ["is there anything i can do for you now ?", "where do you want me to put it ?", "did you need anything else ?", "i love your blanket by the way", "should i bring more thing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Is there anything I can do for you now ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'm rather tired and want to go to bed early . please make the bed .", "actually , i forgot to ask for extra pillows earlier , too . would you mind bringing some ?", "no , thank you , that was all i needed . have a great day !", "would you mind asking housekeeping to bring some extra towels , as well ?", "i 'm sorry , i actually needed two extra blankets . would you mind grabbing another one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . I'm rather tired and want to go to bed early . Please make the bed .", "responses": ["certainly , sir .", "right away .", "i 'll get right on it .", "certainly . thank you for your patronage .", "of course . i hope you have a good rest ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly , sir ."}], "index": 540} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Lin's office supplies . How may I direct your call ?", "responses": ["marry lin please .", "yes can i talk to your manager please", "may i get directed to customer service ?", "can i just ask what time your store hours are ?", "can you pass me off to the returns department"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Marry Lin please .", "responses": ["sure , just a moment . ... i 'm sorry no one answer the phone .", "i 'm sorry , she 's unavailable right now . may i direct you to her voicemail ?", "just a minute , please . i 'll connect you to her right now .", "may i ask who 's calling ?", "unfortunately , she 's in a meeting . is there something i can assist you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , just a moment . ... I'm sorry no one answer the phone .", "responses": ["all right , could i leave a message ?", "well , please tell her i called when she comes in .", "can i talk to her supervisor then ?", "she is supposed to be in today . can i leave a message ?", "why is n't she here yet ? is she all right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "All right , could I leave a message ?", "responses": ["certainly !", "yes , please go ahead and it will be given to marry lin .", "yes , you can record a message now .", "yes , please leave a message for marry lin .", "yes you can now leave a message for her if you wish ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly !", "responses": ["please ask her to call john .", "i would like to tell her i need another order of pens as soon as possible .", "i need her to call me back , please write my number down .", "i need a refund on a purchase , please let her know", "actually , i 'll just call back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please ask her to call John ."}], "index": 541} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . Where is the way out ?", "responses": ["well , that 's what i 'm looking for myself .", "i 'm sorry , i 'm new here and a little lost myself .", "go down the stairs , go straight past housewares , and take a left at shoes . you should then see the entrance to the parking garage straight ahead .", "turn around and take your second left . the park 's exit will then be on your right .", "believe it or not , you 're almost there . it 's directly to your left ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , that's what I'm looking for myself .", "responses": ["it 's very confusing in here , is n't it ?", "do you want to look together ?", "have you seen any wall maps around here ?", "maybe we could ask someone else .", "you check right , i 'll check left ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's very confusing in here , isn't it ?", "responses": ["absolutely . oh , do you see a sign there ?", "yes , i can feel your struggle .", "yes it is . let 's work together on this .", "i agree . do you have a map we could use ?", "totally ! let 's figure this one out !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Absolutely . Oh , do you see a sign there ?", "responses": ["it should be the way out .", "i do not see a sign", "yes i think i see a sign over there", "what sign ?", "i am so confused , what sign ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It should be the way out .", "responses": ["ok . let 's go and see .", "it 's just a stop sign .", "the sign 's blank , i do n't get it .", "the sign just says \" go back \" .", "the sign is just all black ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK . Let's go and see ."}], "index": 542} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Excuse me , I ordered the well-done steak , but this one is so tough .", "responses": ["well , sir , i think i have made a mistake . i will take it back to the kitchen right now .", "i am so sorry . would you like another steak ?", "sorry to hear that . how about a refund ?", "very sorry . how can we remedy this for you ?", "our apologies . can we make you a new steak ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , sir , I think I have made a mistake . I will take it back to the kitchen right now .", "responses": ["i think you should be more careful next time .", "i am sorry for the trouble , thank you", "that 's okay , thank you so much", "thanks , i just do n't like my steak so tough", "okay , i 'll wait"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think you should be more careful next time .", "responses": ["yes , sir . i 'm really so sorry about that .", "i think so too !", "anything else you 'd like to think today , sir ?", "what a great idea , sir .", "i sure will , sir !"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , sir . I'm really so sorry about that ."}], "index": 543} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Allan , I am really disappointed by your lack of effort on this project .", "responses": ["look , sally . i 've put just as much work into this as anybody else .", "i have been very busy with my home life and family", "i am putting just as much effort into it as you are", "i do n't know how you can say that", "i have been putting a lot of effort , i am not sure what you 're talking about"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look , Sally . I ' Ve put just as much work into this as anybody else .", "responses": ["no , i 'm sorry . i disagree . i do n't think you 've been working at full speed at all .", "i do n't think the others would agree .", "i 'm just telling you what the performance report says .", "i disagree .", "i doubt that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I ' m sorry . I disagree . I don ' t think you ' Ve been working at full speed at all .", "responses": ["well . i 'm sorry you feel that way .", "how would you know ? you have n't been helping at all .", "well , i guess it 's a good thing that you 're not the one reviewing the project .", "i 'm hurt that you would even say that ! i 've been staying late every night this week .", "i 'm working just as fast as i can , sally ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . I ' m sorry you feel that way ."}], "index": 544} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi Joe , how are you doing today ?", "responses": ["things are going good today . how have you been doing , mary ?", "i am doing good , how are you ?", "i am good thank you for asking", "i have been better", "not too good , unfortunately"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Things are going good today . How have you been doing , Mary ?", "responses": ["things are going well for me , joe .", "bad , my dog 's been really sick .", "not great , the bills are really pilling up .", "pretty good , i found a twenty on the ground !", "not great , i ca n't find my reading glasses !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Things are going well for me , Joe .", "responses": ["want to go see a movie tonight ?", "i 'm glad to hear that !", "that 's good news . how 's bob doing ? i have n't seen much of him .", "wonderful ! would you guys like to join us for a bbq this weekend ?", "good . are you ready for the meeting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Want to go see a movie tonight ?", "responses": ["my parents are taking me to dinner tonight .", "i need to know what time the movie is .", "what time are we going ?", "what are the films available ?", "i am wondering if i will be off in time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "My parents are taking me to dinner tonight .", "responses": ["could you go with me to the movies on friday night , instead ?", "maybe next time .", "where are they taking you ?", "sounds like fun .", "have a good time !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you go with me to the movies on Friday night , instead ?", "responses": ["what movie did you want to see ?", "sure , that would be fun .", "i would love to but i already have plans .", "yes , what movie are you interested in seeing ?", "i am sorry i ca n't that night , can we make it another night ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What movie did you want to see ?", "responses": ["there is a new horror flick about a rapist serial killer .", "the new avengers movie .", "a dog 's purpose .", "i chose last time so you can decide this time .", "i 'm trying to decide between the proposal and devil wears prada ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There is a new horror flick about a rapist serial killer .", "responses": ["i was thinking that i would like to see \" the secret life of bees . \"", "that 's not my kind of movie .", "really ?", "how about something else ?", "i do n't want to see that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I was thinking that I would like to see \" The Secret Life of Bees . \"", "responses": ["oh great ! sounds like something i need to bring kleenex to !", "oh yea we can see that indtead", "what 's it about", "what about avengers ?", "okay i 'm good which ever movie"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh great ! Sounds like something I need to bring Kleenex to !"}], "index": 545} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How's the bride-to-be ?", "responses": ["tired and stressed . this wedding is giving me a headache .", "good , she 's getting her makeup done .", "bad , she 's having second thoughts .", "good , she seems pretty happy .", "bad , she 's pretty stressed about the wedding ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Tired and stressed . This wedding is giving me a headache .", "responses": ["just relax . with me as your maid of honor , everything will be fine !", "it 's all going to be worth it though !", "you look absolutely beautiful . if that makes you feel any better .", "is there anything i can do to help out ?", "i have some tylenol in my purse if you need it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Just relax . With me as your maid of honor , everything will be fine !", "responses": ["i 'm worried that everything will be chaotic !", "thank you for saying that .", "oh , that makes me feel better .", "really ? i 'm glad you 're here .", "great , i just ca n't wait to get this over with ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm worried that everything will be chaotic !", "responses": ["hey ! i 'm the tour guide . i 'll take care of the taiwanese guests .", "just relax and enjoy the day .", "you 'll make it through this .", "of course it will be chaotic . that 's why weddings are fun .", "maybe you should sit down for a spell ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hey ! I'm the tour guide . I'll take care of the Taiwanese guests .", "responses": ["you 're going to have to tell them what to do in church , what everything means ...", "yes , but they are rather prim and that is what worries me .", "you are the best maid of honor ever ! !", "i know i just need to calm down but it 's hard .", "this is supposed to be the best day of my life but i 'm too tired to enjoy it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You're going to have to tell them what to do in church , what everything means ...", "responses": ["i will . do n't worry !", "do n't worry , i 'm experienced with these kinds of things .", "anything for my best friend .", "it 'll be a challenge but learning new things is always a good thing .", "they 're my problem now , not yours ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I will . Don't worry !"}], "index": 546} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Jim ? Jim ? ... What are you doing in the kitchen ?", "responses": ["nothing , mummy . i was hungry so i came here for some milk .", "getting a snack .", "the faucet was leaking , so i decided to fix it .", "do n't be mad , honey . but , i 'm hiding from your mother .", "getting us some more chicken for the grill ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing , Mummy . I was hungry so I came here for some milk .", "responses": ["milk ? i thought you did n't like milk .", "i would probably say you could go to your room now .", "stop sleepwalking at night !", "i will get you the milk .", "go back to your room !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Milk ? I thought you didn't like milk .", "responses": ["i do n't , but i could n't find anything to eat in the refrigerator .", "i 'd like to try some again , mummy .", "that 's wrong mummy !", "can you pour me some milk , mummy ?", "i love milk !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't , but I couldn't find anything to eat in the refrigerator .", "responses": ["nonsense . there 's lots of food in the refrigerator ... what 's behind your back ?", "would you like me to make you a sandwich ?", "we just had dinner an hour ago , you 're a bottomless pit these days !", "would you like some crackers and cheese ?", "why do n't i fix you a nice snack ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nonsense . There's lots of food in the refrigerator ... What's behind your back ?", "responses": ["nothing .", "... nothing .", "um ... what are you talking about ?", "there 's nothing behind my back .", "i 'm sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing .", "responses": ["what are you hiding behind your back ? let me see .", "i do n't believe you .", "turn around .", "are you sure ?", "what are you hiding ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you hiding behind your back ? Let me see .", "responses": ["promise that you wo n't get angry .", "okay you got me its milk", "nothing i was just messing with you .", "lol its just cheese", "nothing see"]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "directive", "text": "Promise that you won't get angry .", "responses": ["ok , i promise . what is it ?", "i would get angry if you do n't show me now", "i would try to control my anger", "show , me i want to see it", "let me get a view of it first"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK , I promise . What is it ?", "responses": ["it 's a kitty .", "nothing", "a cookie", "ummmmmmm , water", "promise ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a kitty .", "responses": ["oh , jim . i told you . no pets . it 'll make a mess of this house .", "jim ! where did you get that cat ?", "where did that cat come from ?", "i ca n't believe you snuck a cat into this house .", "absolutely not . there will be no cats in this house ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , Jim . I told you . No pets . It'll make a mess of this house .", "responses": ["please , mummy . everybody else in my class keeps a pet . please , i 'll take care of it . it 's a good kitty . it 'll not bring you any trouble .", "but i love him !", "please !", "i promise to take care of her .", "can we please keep it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please , Mummy . Everybody else in my class keeps a pet . Please , I'll take care of it . It's a good kitty . It'll not bring you any trouble .", "responses": ["no way . it might belong to somebody else . you ca n't keep it here .", "no pets !", "no , take it out of here .", "fine , but keep the area clean .", "get that out of here !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "No way . It might belong to somebody else . You can't keep it here .", "responses": ["please , mummy . i found it this afternoon by the garbage bin . it was starving and looking for something to eat . please ! you see , it 's so cute and tame .", "it does n't belong to anyone else . someone was giving the kittens away on the corner .", "i promise to take care of her . you wo n't have to do anything at all .", "please can i keep it ? look at how cute she is ? i know you will love her !", "ok , i will give her back to the person who was giving them away . i am so sad though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please , Mummy . I found it this afternoon by the garbage bin . It was starving and looking for something to eat . Please ! You see , it's so cute and tame .", "responses": ["all right . but you have to clean up everything it messes up .", "we have to see if it 's someone else 's kitty first", "this kitty might not be safe", "it is pretty cute , it is kind of hard to say no", "i 'm sorry , we just ca n't keep the kitty"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . But you have to clean up everything it messes up .", "responses": ["i will . thank you , mummy .", "oh , thank you mummy ! i promise i will !", "oh mummy , thank you ! i will clean up after it , i promise .", "oh thank you , thank you ! i promise i will , mummy !", "i promise i will , mummy ! thank you so much !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I will . Thank you , Mummy ."}], "index": 547} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I was wondering if you could help me with something .", "responses": ["sure , anything you say .", "of course , what do you need ?", "i would be happy to help you any way that i can .", "sure ! what 's going on ?", "normally i would , but i am very busy right now ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , anything you say .", "responses": ["actually , it 's a little bit silly .", "i need you to help me move .", "i need help lifting the fridge .", "i would hurt myself without your help .", "there are some things that are too heavy to lift ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , it ' s a little bit silly .", "responses": ["do n't worry about it , just ask .", "that 's okay .", "i do n't mind .", "what 's the problem ?", "i 'm sure i 've heard sillier ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Don ' t worry about it , just ask .", "responses": ["what words do i need to know to buy a pair of shoes ?", "okay , i 've been getting weird looks from people , is my shirt see - through or something ?", "well , do you know a good meatloaf recipe because i am trying to make meatloaf for my boyfriend but i do n't know which recipe to use .", "does lol mean ' lots of love ' ?", "is it okay to cook a chicken without removing the innards that the grocery store leaves inside ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What words do I need to know to buy a pair of shoes ?", "responses": ["you need to know the type of shoes you want .", "is english not your first language ?", "what words do you know already ?", "have you ever bought a pair of shoes ?", "why do n't i just buy the shoes for you ..."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You need to know the type of shoes you want .", "responses": ["do n't worry about that . i can point it out in the store .", "ok , what else ?", "thanks , that helps", "how do i say that ?", "what types are there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don ' t worry about that . I can point it out in the store .", "responses": ["the shoes can be comfortable or not comfortable , too wide , too narrow , or just right ; and long or short . in girls shoes , the heel can be high or low .", "okay thank you", "i think its a high top sneaker", "i m actually not sure the kind", "great that works for me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "The shoes can be comfortable or not comfortable , too wide , too narrow , or just right ; and long or short . In girls shoes , the heel can be high or low .", "responses": ["let me write all that down . i 'm going shopping this afternoon .", "mine just have to be comfortable", "i love narrow shoes for my feet is narrow", "i like to put on long shoes", "high shoes are not good on my"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me write all that down . I ' m going shopping this afternoon ."}], "index": 548} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . How long has it been since the business was founded ?", "responses": ["it has been 12 years since it was founded in 1998 .", "it has been 25 years .", "the business was founded in 1955 .", "i think its been a decade .", "hold on , i 'll look for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It has been 12 years since it was founded in 1998 .", "responses": ["so , it has a history for more than a decade ?", "and who is the business 's owner ?", "what type of services do you provide ?", "what industries do you operate in ?", "what country was the business founded in ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , it has a history for more than a decade ?", "responses": ["yes . and it was incorporated with other businesses in 2008 due to the global financial crisis .", "yes and it 's a rather colorful one too .", "yes , it 's hard to believe that this business has been here for over 20 years .", "yes , and it has been a blessing to the community .", "yes and it is still going strong !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . And it was incorporated with other businesses in 2008 due to the global financial crisis ."}], "index": 549} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you , Madam ?", "responses": ["can you help me with comprehensive credit granting ?", "i need a doctor . now !", "i was wondering if you could tell me where the restroom was .", "is there a woman named jane smith staying here ?", "is this the renaissance hotel ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you help me with Comprehensive Credit Granting ?", "responses": ["certainly , madam . what would you like to know ?", "sure , no problem", "yes i can help with that", "what exactly do you need help with ?", "sorry , i ca n't"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Certainly , Madam . What would you like to know ?", "responses": ["well , everything really .", "how much is it ?", "how long will it take ?", "what exactly is it for ?", "how to i get approved"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , everything really .", "responses": ["all right . we can grant a financing promise quota , if you qualify . this means that we can deal with all of your needs in a speedy and efficient way . firstly , your credit rating must be class a , and your debt to asset ratio must be top notch , for the industry you are involved in .", "you have to be specific madam", "i am not chanced for that now", "you can meet that woman over there for assistance", "you can check it in that book"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "All right . We can grant a Financing Promise Quota , if you qualify . This means that we can deal with all of your needs in a speedy and efficient way . Firstly , your Credit Rating must be class A , and your Debt to Asset Ratio must be top notch , for the industry you are involved in ."}], "index": 550} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's do something outdoors today .", "responses": ["all right . but i do n't want to play tennis . we played tennis last weekend .", "yes ! like what ?", "definitely , it 's so nice out", "ca n't wait !", "sounds great"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . But I don't want to play tennis . We played tennis last weekend .", "responses": ["okay . what do you want to do ?", "okay how about baseball", "what would you like to play then", "darn , tennis is my favorite", "how about basketball then"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Okay . what do you want to do ?", "responses": ["i want to go jogging .", "i want us to play football", "how about us playing basketball", "we can just take a stroll", "we can jog"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to go jogging .", "responses": ["all right . that sounds like fun .", "sounds good to me", "where do you want to jog ?", "could we play basketball instead ?", "hm , okay , but tennis next weekend ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "All right . That sounds like fun ."}], "index": 551} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good afternoon . I come here specially to pick up my tickets . I booked it last month . This is my reservation note .", "responses": ["i am terribly sorry . you did n't come to reconfirm recently . you should have come to pick up your ticket three days ago since it 's an international flight , any reservation without reconfirmation within 72 hours will be cancelled .", "you can drop the reservation note here", "where was the reservation note issued", "how soon do you need the service", "can i have your reservation note"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am terribly sorry . You didn't come to reconfirm recently . You should have come to pick up your ticket three days ago since it's an international flight , any reservation without reconfirmation within 72 hours will be cancelled .", "responses": ["but i have been so busy all these days . well , is there any other ticket available ? i want the next one .", "why would i have to reconfirm a reservation i made ?", "i 'm here now , are n't i ? is n't this within 72 hours ?", "what can i do then ?", "oh , well that is unfortunate"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But I have been so busy all these days . Well , is there any other ticket available ? I want the next one ."}], "index": 552} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The last thing to be ignored at a Chinese dinner table is to keep modest .", "responses": ["does that suggest diners avoid speaking much ? the same is true in the west .", "bro you okay ?", "i do n't know what that means", "uhhh , what ?", "i too love the chinese modest tables ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does that suggest diners avoid speaking much ? The same is true in the West .", "responses": ["no , absolutely not ! on the contrary , you 'll be considered a well - connected , sociable man , if you keep involved in the conversation all the time . but always pay attention to what you say . if the table has a senior guest , say something as upbeat and cheerful as possible . or maybe , you may give the floor to him and keep listening as if very interested .", "it 's not so much the quiet , but the quality of conversation .", "quality of conversation of quantity is important .", "agreed , but only if there is nothing of importance to say .", "yes , but only if there is nothing important to speak about . rambling is rude ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , absolutely not ! On the contrary , you'll be considered a well-connected , sociable man , if you keep involved in the conversation all the time . But always pay attention to what you say . If the table has a senior guest , say something as upbeat and cheerful as possible . Or maybe , you may give the floor to him and keep listening as if very interested .", "responses": ["you mean , keeping a low profile in the presence of the old ? that goes in like with confucius'preachings , right ?", "that 's very good advice .", "you are very good at this .", "thank you sir .", "i hope this goes well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You mean , keeping a low profile in the presence of the old ? That goes in like with Confucius ' preachings , right ?", "responses": ["correct . show respect for the older people . conventionally , before the meal starts , the younger members are supposed to address each one of the elderly members of the table one by one . others are kept in waiting until the most venerable guest proclaim the beginning of the meal and takes the first bite . toasts also go to these men first before people can toast to each other .", "yes , that sounds right .", "wow , you are so smart .", "i think that 's right ?", "maybe ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Correct . Show respect for the older people . Conventionally , before the meal starts , the younger members are supposed to address each one of the elderly members of the table one by one . Others are kept in waiting until the most venerable guest proclaim the beginning of the meal and takes the first bite . Toasts also go to these men first before people can toast to each other .", "responses": ["any other rules to observe in order to keep modest ?", "there is a lot of protocol to follow with the meals .", "i hope i can remember all of the correct steps to take at the next dinner .", "why are women excluded from the initial toasts ? i do n't agree with that at all .", "i am too nervous with all of these instructions to follow . i know i will forget something !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Any other rules to observe in order to keep modest ?", "responses": ["yes , plenty of them . do n't eat fast ! people usually keep their dining pace accorded with others . and all the dishes should not be eaten up completely .", "do not make a lot of eye contact , it is considered to be quite rude", "that is all of the advice i have for you .", "no , you now know everything you have to", "no more rules , i have explained everything to you . now you can take this knowledge and apply it to apply modesty ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , plenty of them . Don't eat fast ! People usually keep their dining pace accorded with others . And all the dishes should not be eaten up completely .", "responses": ["is it because that would give the host the impression that the food was insufficient ?", "that sounds like a lot to remember . anything else ?", "i think i can manage all that . anything else i should know ?", "are there any specific things i should know about the seating arrangements ?", "how much food should i leave exactly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it because that would give the host the impression that the food was insufficient ?", "responses": ["haha , i 'm afraid it 's simply because no one wishes to be too noticeable by finishing off the plate .", "yes , exactly , they will keep serving you food unless you leave a little bit", "yes , it shows that you are full if you have leftover food on your plate", "it sounds wasteful to leave food , but it shows you have gotten enough to eat", "yeah , it is pretty weird , but just leave a little bit on the plate"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Haha , I'm afraid it's simply because no one wishes to be too noticeable by finishing off the plate ."}], "index": 553} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Our toner cartridges are already out of ink ... Could you make an order for a new set ?", "responses": ["we will need new cartridges for all of the office printers ? that will be a large order , probably about two or three cases . the office supply store we usually go through might not have that many in stock .", "sure !", "i 'd love to , what 's the serial number ?", "just one ?", "damn already ? okay , could you split the cost ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We will need new cartridges for all of the office printers ? That will be a large order , probably about two or three cases . The office supply store we usually go through might not have that many in stock .", "responses": ["you can double check with the housekeeping department , but i am pretty sure all of the machines will need new cartridges . last time when we made our order to the supplier , the quantity was also especially high . they are used to receiving such bulk orders from us . as long as we give them a heads up a couple days in advance , they can usually fill the order .", "is there another company we could look into ordering from ?", "i do n't think we need to order that many up front . see how many they have in stock and we 'll go from there .", "can you call them to see how many they have in stock and let me know ?", "how many do they usually have in stock at one time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can double check with the housekeeping department , but I am pretty sure all of the machines will need new cartridges . Last time when we made our order to the supplier , the quantity was also especially high . They are used to receiving such bulk orders from us . As long as we give them a heads up a couple days in advance , they can usually fill the order .", "responses": ["ok , i will make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure . is there anything else we need to order while i am at it ?", "i 'll call them right away .", "yes sir .", "i 'll get our order in .", "i 'll talk with them first ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK , I will make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure . Is there anything else we need to order while I am at it ?", "responses": ["i think the only thing is toner . try to see if they can deliver it before the end of business day tomorrow . we should really try to do better about waiting until the last minute to fill orders that are usually made on a monthly basis . anyhow , see what you can do to expedite the order this time .", "i am not sure .", "maybe .", "i will ask our supplier .", "i think so , i have to double check ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think the only thing is toner . Try to see if they can deliver it before the end of business day tomorrow . We should really try to do better about waiting until the last minute to fill orders that are usually made on a monthly basis . Anyhow , see what you can do to expedite the order this time .", "responses": ["ok , will do .", "yes , i will ask the supplier to over night ship the order .", "i will make a note to check all toners on a monthly basis from now on and will ask for expedited shipping on the order .", "i placed the order and was told we will have the toner cartridges by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning .", "the supplier is able to rush the order for delivery the day after tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , will do ."}], "index": 554} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want a pair of sports shoes , Adidas .", "responses": ["what size do you want ?", "you know , those shoes are a bit expensive .", "but , you just got new shoes last month !", "you never wear sneakers , though . why the change of heart ?", "do you know what color you would like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What size do you want ?", "responses": ["i wear size 40 .", "size 7 .", "do you have any size 8 1/2 ?", "i 'm looking for a size 13 .", "what do you have in stock ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wear size 40 .", "responses": ["how about this one ? it 's the latest design .", "i will see what we have in that size .", "is there a color preference ?", "are you looking for a walking sport shoe ?", "or rather for a specific sport ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about this one ? It's the latest design .", "responses": ["oh , i like the color .", "that 's not really my style . it is a bit too flashy .", "i would prefer the classic style . do you carry it in my size .", "oh , that is cool . may i try them on ?", "perhaps if they were in a different color . what other colors do you have ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I like the color ."}], "index": 555} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "May I help you ?", "responses": ["i 'm looking for a pair of shoes .", "yes , i 'm looking to return this dress .", "hi . i need to make a withdrawal .", "yes , hello . i need to see someone about purchasing a television .", "hello . i 'd like to speak with someone about the car for sale that 's parked outside ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm looking for a pair of shoes .", "responses": ["what size do you wear ? these shoes are on sale .", "i can help you .", "i am sorry i ca n't help you .", "i am sorry i ca n't help you .", "very good sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What size do you wear ? These shoes are on sale .", "responses": ["i wear size 36 . this pair looks nice . can i try them on ?", "yes , 20 % off this week .", "what size can i get you ?", "i will see if i can find your size ?", "those are very popular ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wear size 36 . This pair looks nice . Can I try them on ?", "responses": ["of course , yes . they look nice . and they 're not expensive .", "of course , let me help you try them on .", "certainly , they look great on you . how do they feel ?", "yes , let me get you a pair in the back . i will only be a moment .", "but , of course . they are very comfortable , too ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course , yes . They look nice . And they're not expensive .", "responses": ["how much are they ?", "that is exactly what i am looking for", "great , i really like them", "i would love to purchase them", "good , i am on a budget !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much are they ?", "responses": ["they are $ 168 .", "they are $ 65.00 .", "they are $ 65.00 , but we are having a 20 % off sale .", "they were actually just marked down to $ 50.00 .", "they are normally $ 65.00 , but we just marked them down to $ 50.00 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They are $ 168 .", "responses": ["i 'll take them .", "that sounds expensive to me", "do you have anything cheaper ?", "that sounds reasonable , can i try them on ?", "do you have them in black ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll take them ."}], "index": 556} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A friend of mine has been taking an online career planning course these days . He told me the other day he has learned a lot from it . He recommended me to subscribe to it . What do you say ?", "responses": ["i think it is good if we know enough about career planning . we will make wiser choices . what else did he tell you about it ?", "i think that you should go for it . it sounds promising ,", "i have done something similar and have greatly benefited .", "yes , i think that is a great idea", "a career planning course would be beneficial for anyone . i say go for it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I think it is good if we know enough about career planning . We will make wiser choices . What else did he tell you about it ?", "responses": ["well , just something in general , like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals .", "he said that the coursework was challenging but well planned and that he was able to work around his schedule .", "he said that the instructors were always available when he emailed about questions , and he felt gained a considerable amount of new information from the course .", "he did n't elaborate much beyond that , but i could tell he really appreciated it .", "he primarily focused on the accessibility of the coursework and availability of the instructors . it was a great experience for him . i just wanted to get a second opinion ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , just something in general , like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals .", "responses": ["sounds practical ! to be honest , sometimes i feel puzzled about my future career . i am not sure if this job suits me the best though i work very hard on it and enjoy being a hard worker . i have always wanted to try something else and learn some new skills .", "how much does it cost ?", "is it free ?", "did he find a better job because of the course ?", "how long is the course ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sounds practical ! To be honest , sometimes I feel puzzled about my future career . I am not sure if this job suits me the best though I work very hard on it and enjoy being a hard worker . I have always wanted to try something else and learn some new skills .", "responses": ["making a decision to start over is not an easy thing to do . it seems that you need this course more than i do . i love my current job . if i take this course , i hope to learn some tricks to get myself more organized at work . if they can give suggestions about how to boost work relationships , that will be great . i need these to improve my current work performance .", "it 's never too early to learn !", "do n't let yourself think about what could have been , just do it !", "i 'll be there for you if you want to switch your career .", "it 's never too soon to try ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Making a decision to start over is not an easy thing to do . It seems that you need this course more than I do . I love my current job . If I take this course , I hope to learn some tricks to get myself more organized at work . If they can give suggestions about how to boost work relationships , that will be great . I need these to improve my current work performance .", "responses": ["ok , then we can sign up for it together .", "i 'm sure they 'll be willing to help you improve .", "it would benefit your employer if you can be better organized .", "it sounds like you have a good plan to be the best you can be .", "yes , i 'm hoping this course will give me some direction ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , then we can sign up for it together ."}], "index": 557} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who's it knocking at the door ?", "responses": ["i think it 's the postman . will you go and open the door ?", "i think it 's my friend", "it 's just the mailman", "i am not sure , i 'll check", "i did n't hear any knocking"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think it's the postman . Will you go and open the door ?", "responses": ["all right . i 'll get it .", "sure , i 'll get it .", "ok , sure .", "i really do n't want to get up . can you get it instead ?", "yeah , i 'll go answer it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . I'll get it ."}], "index": 558} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good evening . Welcome to Cherry's . Do you have a reservation ?", "responses": ["no , we do n't .", "yes , i have one for 4 people at 7:00", "no , did i need to make a reservation ?", "yes , the name on the reservation is smith", "no , but i need a table for 2 right away"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , we don't .", "responses": ["how many of you , please ?", "then i 'm sorry , we need a reservation .", "that 's okay , we are n't booked tonight .", "let me find you a table .", "would you like to make one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many of you , please ?", "responses": ["six , including two kids .", "there are six of us .", "there are only two of us .", "two adults and a baby .", "it 's just me tonight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Six , including two kids .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid all the big tables are taken .", "what kind of room are you looking for ?", "sorry , we do nt have anything available .", "let me check see i can do .", "we only have the king suite available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid all the big tables are taken ."}], "index": 559} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi , I think I was supposed to call for my test results today .", "responses": ["if you go onto our website and put in your password , you can access your test results .", "and what is your name ?", "who was your doctor ?", "when did you come in for testing ?", "what kind of tests were done ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you go onto our website and put in your password , you can access your test results .", "responses": ["are you saying that there were n't any problems ?", "ok , thanks !", "oh , then why did they tell me to call ?", "i never made an account .", "i do n't know what my password is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you saying that there weren ' t any problems ?", "responses": ["i will always have you come in for a discussion if there is a major problem .", "no , i have n't looked but it would be much faster if you checked online .", "i have n't looked but if you 'll give me a few minutes , i will .", "no , i do n't have access but i can have the nurse call you back . it would be faster for you to check online .", "i ca n't interpret the results for you but the doctor would have done that for you on your online profile ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I will always have you come in for a discussion if there is a major problem .", "responses": ["will i be able to read the results on the website and understand them ?", "thank you so much .", "great , that s a huge relief .", "glad to hear it .", "that s great news , i was worried there for a sec ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will I be able to read the results on the website and understand them ?", "responses": ["yes , if you go there , you can see what each test is about .", "yes . let me know if you have trouble understanding anything .", "if you have a hard time understanding anything , let me know .", "if you have a hard time understanding anything , let me know .", "your test results came back fine . you can ask me anything you do n't understand ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , if you go there , you can see what each test is about .", "responses": ["how will i know what the numbers mean ?", "i think i would rather come in .", "i am afraid to look .", "i will check it out and call back if i have any questions .", "i think i am way too nervous ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How will I know what the numbers mean ?", "responses": ["you can see your results and how they compare to the normal range .", "google , it 's your friend .", "there are ranges of numbers in the far right column , that 's the objective range , it 's what you want your numbers within .", "hover over the numbers with your mouse and a pop - up will tell you what each one means .", "just email any questions you have and i 'll answer it before 10 pm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can see your results and how they compare to the normal range .", "responses": ["how can i see test results from tests i have taken before ?", "ok , good to know . i 'll do that now . thank you !", "i 'm really hoping i passed the test and did well !", "i am so nervous about the results of my test !", "i think i did pretty good on the test , but i will go on the website to check . thanks !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can I see test results from tests I have taken before ?", "responses": ["we put all of your test results up in the same place . just check the dates for what you need .", "there is a past results option .", "the last 4 visits will also be listed with the current results .", "you can search by date .", "you ca n't from the website ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We put all of your test results up in the same place . Just check the dates for what you need ."}], "index": 560} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is our rock-bottom price , Mr . Lee .", "responses": ["if that 's the case . there 's not much point in further discussion . we might as well call the whole deal off .", "then i 'll have to look elsewhere .", "very well , i 'll take it .", "are you sure about that ?", "i ca n't get you to go a bit lower ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If that's the case . there's not much point in further discussion . We might as well call the whole deal off .", "responses": ["what i mean is that we 'll never be able to come down to your price . the gap is too great .", "i wish i could go lower but we ca n't go in the hole on it .", "we 're barely covering cost at this price .", "why do n't you check around a little , you 'll see how great a price this is .", "i 'm sorry that i ca n't get you the price you want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price . The gap is too great .", "responses": ["i think it unwise for either of us to be inflexible . how about meeting each other halfway ?", "how low are you willing to go .", "thanks for your help .", "i guess that s it then .", "i guess there s no more use talking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think it unwise for either of us to be inflexible . How about meeting each other halfway ?", "responses": ["what 's your proposal ?", "even half way is too great of a gap , mr . lee .", "mr . lee , we already gave you the rock - bottom price .", "we can go down another 100 but that is it .", "mr . lee , we would be happy to give you an additional 10 percent discount on the rock - bottom price we gave you but that is as low as we can go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's your proposal ?", "responses": ["your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we want . well , i suggest we meet each other halfway .", "i am willing to pay 500 .", "maybe i should speak with your boss .", "would you take off another 100 ?", "i will search online for a better price ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we want . Well , I suggest we meet each other halfway .", "responses": ["do you mean a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price ? that 's impossible !", "mr lee , you 'll be takin ' food out of my children 's mouths at that price .", "mr . lee , be reasonable , that 's too low .", "you ca n't find a better price anywhere and you know it !", "come down fifty bucks , ok , i can do that for my best customer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Do you mean a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price ? That's impossible !", "responses": ["what would you suggest ?", "apparently you do n't want to do business with me so i will go elsewhere !", "i think it 's very possible , but you are too greedy !", "i think it 's very possible , but you are too greedy !", "come now , i think you can work with me here . how about 60 dollars ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you suggest ?", "responses": ["the best we can do is another 30 dollars off . that 's definitely the lowest we can go .", "maybe a reduction of 25 dollars ?", "we can give you other types of incentives .", "you should consider all we provide for our price .", "here is my counter offer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The best we can do is another 30 dollars off . That's definitely the lowest we can go .", "responses": ["that still leaves a gap of 20 dollars . let 's meet each other half - away again and split the difference ; i think this is a price we can both be satisfied with .", "i thought the earlier offer was the lowest you could go ?", "okay , that 's more like it . we have a deal .", "i can see you do n't want this sale . i will take my business elsewhere . thank you .", "okay . i accept your offer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That still leaves a gap of 20 dollars . Let's meet each other half-away again and split the difference ; I think this is a price we can both be satisfied with .", "responses": ["ok . we can meet halfway again .", "sounds fair .", "sounds good .", "meet me halfway please .", "ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . We can meet halfway again ."}], "index": 561} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello .", "responses": ["good morning , ruth . did i wake you up ?", "hi , how are you ?", "who is this ?", "greetings .", "hello ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning , Ruth . Did I wake you up ?", "responses": ["no , i was just about to get up . what 's up , carl ?", "no , i had to wake up to answer the phone anyway .", "yes , i was sound asleep .", "oh no , i 've been up for hours .", "yes but i needed to get up anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , I was just about to get up . What's up , Carl ?", "responses": ["listen , i am calling to confirm what you said yesterday . are we supposed to meet at the chinatown terminal of the avenue b bus or d bus ?", "wanna go have breakfast ?", "did you get my text message ?", "great , i just wanted to hear your voice .", "i wanted to see if i could talk to your husband ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Listen , I am calling to confirm what you said yesterday . Are we supposed to meet at the Chinatown terminal of the Avenue B bus or D bus ?", "responses": ["b as in boy . you should get off at the last stop in chinatown .", "good question . i am going to google it , carl .", "let 's meet at the d bus .", "no problem . let 's meet in between the bus stops later .", "i did n't say ! good question . lets meet at the starbucks across the street of the terminal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "B as in boy . You should get off at the last stop in Chinatown .", "responses": ["oh , you mean canal street ?", "okay . see you there .", "i was definitely going to get on the wrong bus .", "how long do you think the ride is ?", "i have n't been that far into chinatown before ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , you mean Canal Street ?", "responses": ["that 's the wrong direction . canal street is on the other side of chinatown .", "yes , that 's the street the terminal 's on .", "no , it 's actually on bowery , i 'll see you there !", "no , it 's avenue b like i said .", "yeah , i see you then !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the wrong direction . Canal Street is on the other side of Chinatown .", "responses": ["oh , i get it . when did we decide to meet ?", "oh , so you mean the other way on main street .", "now i know where you 're talking about . i think there is a deli right by there .", "ok , that means i 've gone way too far if i reach canal street .", "i guess i 'm not very familiar with that route ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , I get it . When did we decide to meet ?", "responses": ["at 10,45 . is ann coming along ?", "did you pay attention at all ?", "oh my . you 're gon na get lost .", "we are meeting at noon .", "i want to make sure you know where you are going first ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "At 10,45 . Is Ann coming along ?", "responses": ["i can not get hold of her yet .", "not today , she is n't feeling well .", "i think so , let me ask her .", "yes she is . we ca n't wait to see you .", "she wanted to , but she had already made other plans ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I cannot get hold of her yet .", "responses": ["see you around , carl .", "where is she ?", "i will contact her instead .", "wow , she is late .", "where is ann ? ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "See you around , Carl .", "responses": ["see you later .", "ok . bye ruth .", "see you in chinatown .", "ok . see you . i 'll try ann again .", "yes . see you soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "See you later ."}], "index": 562} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Has your company been affected much by government legislation ?", "responses": ["yes , we have . we 've had to clean up our production process a lot to meet tough government standards .", "not that i m aware of .", "i 'll have to ask someone higher up .", "we do nt pay as much in taxes .", "no , its had no effect ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we have . We've had to clean up our production process a lot to meet tough government standards .", "responses": ["what about your use of raw materials ?", "has your company been affected in any other way ?", "how does your company feel about the government legislation ?", "i am sorry to hear . how is your company handling the change ?", "in what ways has your company had to clean up its production process ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about your use of raw materials ?", "responses": ["well , we 've had to cut down the amount of solvents we use and we 're not allowed to use lead in our products any more .", "you will have to speak to sam about that .", "i ca n't give you any details .", "yes , much not much .", "it 's a strange business , politics ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we've had to cut down the amount of solvents we use and we ' re not allowed to use lead in our products any more .", "responses": ["what happens if you exceed the limits ?", "has that effected durability ?", "that will reduce potential legal liabilities in the future i 'm sure .", "i thought you 'd cut lead out twenty years ago .", "how will that effect production costs ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happens if you exceed the limits ?", "responses": ["we try not to because you might have to pay quite a heavy fine .", "if we exceeded the limits , we would get severely fined .", "i do n't want to find out . i 'm complying with all codes .", "they could potentially shut my company down .", "if i did that , i would lose everything if the government found out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We try not to because you might have to pay quite a heavy fine ."}], "index": 563} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you got any better ?", "responses": ["that 's the best there is .", "still sick !", "thank you for asking ! i am a little better . how are you ?", "i 'm okay now .", "so much better ! how are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's the best there is .", "responses": ["okay , i 'll take one .", "are you sure ?", "i 'll try it and let you know what i think .", "are you some kind of expert ?", "why should i trust you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Okay , I'll take one .", "responses": ["that 'll be $ 200 , sir .", "these bananas will take days to ripen !", "i 'm getting some wagu in tomorrow .", "i sell the best knock - off rolexes in the city !", "the explosion of cronut popularity has put a dent in the quality , i 'm afraid ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That'll be $ 200 , sir ."}], "index": 564} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning , sir . Sorry to disturb you . May I make up the room now ?", "responses": ["yes , please . we 're on our way out , so we put the'make up'sign on . could you bring us some towels and hangers ?", "good morning , yes of course !", "i 'm just not getting up and would prefer that you come back later .", "hello , yes , that would be fine . i was just going to go for a walk .", "my room is fine , i do n't need any service today . thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , please . We're on our way out , so we put the ' make up ' sign on . Could you bring us some towels and hangers ?", "responses": ["no problem , sir . everything will be ready when you come back .", "no problem .", "enjoy your day out .", "i already have towels and hangers ready to go .", "how many hangers did you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem , sir . Everything will be ready when you come back ."}], "index": 565} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are the factors that have great impact on the perspective of this corporation ?", "responses": ["external factors . i think the main external factors are political , economic , social and technological factors .", "we value the customer feedback .", "our employees are our main focus .", "we look at current and future market trends .", "we have a high level analytics team that drives our model ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "External factors . I think the main external factors are political , economic , social and technological factors .", "responses": ["what are the internal factors that influence the company ?", "can you expand upon the political factors ?", "are there any internal factors ?", "can you prepare a report on the specific economic factors ?", "what is your perspective on the technological factors >"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are the internal factors that influence the company ?", "responses": ["the internal factors are composed of human resources , team spirit , innovation spirit and coordination between different departments , etc .", "the quality of our workforce . we have a staff of the most dedicated individuals in the country .", "our leadership . our president and ceo came from humble backgrounds , yet they both rose to the highest positions in the company by sheer determination and hard work . they are an inspiration for all of us .", "our company policies . we emphasize making profits ethically .", "our ratio of work to play . we work hard all week , and on the weekends our softball team brings us together for some competitive play . we all bond during our games , and that makes us work together well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The internal factors are composed of human resources , team spirit , innovation spirit and coordination between different departments , etc ."}], "index": 566} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don ' t want you to be worried , but our son has some bad habits now . He says painful words everyday .", "responses": ["what words ? can you tell me ?", "what words ?", "what has he said to you ?", "i know , we 'll have to talk with him .", "he has n't been like that to me . we need to set him straight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What words ? Can you tell me ?", "responses": ["he says kick mommy , beat mommy , do n't want mommy , very quickly if i do something that he does n't like . you know , if i wash his face or change his clothes , things like that .", "he has become very irritable , cruel and insulting . he often makes me cry . i do n't know where i 've gone wrong raising him .", "he swears at me and tells me i 'm a bad mother . i do n't know what brought this on .", "he just stays in his room every day . when i try to get him to come out , he swears at me .", "he insults me and swears at me . he seems to be so angry for no reason ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "He says kick mommy , beat mommy , don ' t want mommy , very quickly if I do something that he doesn ' t like . You know , if I wash his face or change his clothes , things like that .", "responses": ["honey , i do n't know what to tell you . of course tony is a young child . but do not underestimate his ability to learn and reason .", "that 's strange .", "that 's not good . i wonder where he picked up that habit ?", "probably because his friends are saying those things .", "i 'm sorry . i 'll have a talk with him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Honey , I don ' t know what to tell you . Of course Tony is a young child . But do not underestimate his ability to learn and reason .", "responses": ["yes , but sometimes he is just not reasonable .", "he calls me stupid all the time and tries to hit me .", "he has learned some vulgar four - letter words that he calls his brothers and sisters .", "he uses the lord 's name in vain on a daily basis .", "he tells racist jokes that he learned from some of his friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , but sometimes he is just not reasonable .", "responses": ["i suggest you treat him with patience , affection , and respect . if he needs to do something , like go to bed , or be washed , etc . , please guide or help him to get it done , but lead him with gentleness .", "maybe we need to do some counseling", "we need to work with him more", "maybe he needs more focused attention", "let 's have a family meeting tonight"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I suggest you treat him with patience , affection , and respect . If he needs to do something , like go to bed , or be washed , etc . , please guide or help him to get it done , but lead him with gentleness .", "responses": ["it 's easy to say , but i will try .", "it 's tough , he hurts with his words", "okay , i 'll try that", "do you think that will work ?", "what else could i do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s easy to say , but I will try .", "responses": ["motivate tony to cooperate by rewarding his good behavior . do not emphasize punishment for bad moods , etc . do not threaten him with punishment if he resists the actions you desire .", "i understand , and i appreciate that you are trying your best .", "you 're a good mom , and i will support you in every way that i can .", "i believe in you , i will be here to help you along the way .", "we should sit him down and and have a talk with him , together . you do n't need to go through this alone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Motivate Tony to cooperate by rewarding his good behavior . Do not emphasize punishment for bad moods , etc . Do not threaten him with punishment if he resists the actions you desire .", "responses": ["i know my parents sometimes threaten to punish him . but this does n't work , instead he picks up another bad habit .", "i would n't threaten him but i 've already been doing the things you recommended and it 's not working .", "i am treating him with patience and affection and but it makes him even more angry .", "i have done everything you mentioned and more . i need help from you . sit down and talk to him , maybe he 'll tell you what 's going on with him . he wo n't tell me .", "i 'm at my wits end . i will continue trying to work with him , but you need to help , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I know my parents sometimes threaten to punish him . But this doesn ' t work , instead he picks up another bad habit ."}], "index": 567} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How can I help you ?", "responses": ["yes , i am james mason from anderson and associates . i would like to see mr . smith .", "i 'm looking for a new hat .", "do you have any rooms available for next thursday ?", "i 'd like a burger with a side of fries , please .", "can i get a car insurance quote for my chevy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates . I would like to see Mr . Smith .", "responses": ["do you have an appointment ?", "sure . please have a seat .", "yes . he is expecting you .", "hello , mr . mason . have a seat and i 'll let him know you 're here .", "mr . smith is not here today . would you like me to take a message ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have an appointment ?", "responses": ["yes , he knows i 'm coming . our meeting is set for 2 o'clock .", "no , i do n't have an appointment . is that okay ?", "yes i do , it 's supposed to be right now .", "no i do n't . just tell mr . smith jane is here .", "yes i do . how are you doing today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , he knows I'm coming . Our meeting is set for 2 o'clock .", "responses": ["i wonder if mr . smith forgot your meeting . i am afraid he left this office this morning and is not expected back until after 4 pm . let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place . will you please have a seat ?", "no , but mr . smith said i can come by anytime i 'm in town .", "yes , i made an appointment this morning with the other secretary .", "no , but i have an appointment at 4 with his partner mr . green .", "yes , he told me to come by so he could sign some paperwork for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wonder if Mr . Smith forgot your meeting . I am afraid he left this office this morning and is not expected back until after 4 pm . Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place . Will you please have a seat ?", "responses": ["sure .", "sure , thank you .", "we can reschedule also", "yes , but may i use your restroom first ?", "thanks for your help !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure .", "responses": ["yes , mr . mason , i just checked with our office manager , ms . terry , she said mr . smith briefed her on your project . she is just finishing up a meeting now . she could be with your shortly . would you like me to show you around while you are waiting ?", "thank you , i shall return momentarily", "excellent , give me a moment", "i shall call him shortly , thank you", "let me see what i can do"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , Mr . Mason , I just checked with our office manager , Ms . Terry , she said Mr . Smith briefed her on your project . She is just finishing up a meeting now . She could be with your shortly . Would you like me to show you around while you are waiting ?", "responses": ["that would be very nice . thank you .", "thank you , that would be lovely .", "alright , i would appreciate that .", "that sounds good , thanks .", "yes , i would like you to show me around while i wait ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That would be very nice . Thank you .", "responses": ["right this way , mr . mason . we can start with our front office . when ms . terry is ready , you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor . there is a conference room already prepared", "it would be my pleasure , mr . mason . i 'm sorry you have to wait .", "you 're very welcome . let me inform someone that i will be away and we 'll get going .", "you 're welcome . would you like a cup of coffee or a cold drink before we go ?", "you 're welcome . would you like me to put your jacket and briefcase in the office so you do n't have to carry them around ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Right this way , Mr . Mason . We can start with our front office . When Ms . Terry is ready , you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor . There is a conference room already prepared"}], "index": 568} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "did you watch the Oscars on Sunday night ?", "responses": ["no , but i heard about that angelina jolie and brad pitt did n't attend .", "no .", "yes .", "no . we were out at the baseball game .", "yes . i was n't as into it as i was last year though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no , but I heard about that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt didn't attend .", "responses": ["yes , that was surprising . i heard that they got into a fight and then decided not to go .", "yes the show was way too long .", "no i do n't own a tv .", "yes , i went to an oscar party at a local movie theater .", "no , i accidentally slept through the show ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , that was surprising . I heard that they got into a fight and then decided not to go .", "responses": ["they must be the most famous celebrity couple in hollywood .", "you never know ...", "you ca n't believe everything in the press", "it 's possible", "it 's hard telling , you just never know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "they must be the most famous celebrity couple in Hollywood .", "responses": ["they 're also one of the richest couples . they have so many money and they can buy almost anything they want .", "most likely , yeah", "i certainly ca n't think of a more famous one", "are you certain of that ?", "indeed , it 's odd they did n't attend"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "they're also one of the richest couples . They have so many money and they can buy almost anything they want .", "responses": ["i also heard that tom cruise and katie holmes made an appearance at the oscars .", "imagine being that rich , it must be nice .", "what would you do if you were that rich ?", "how rich are they ?", "i wish i could buy anything i want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I also heard that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes made an appearance at the Oscars .", "responses": ["did either one of them win an oscar this year ?", "i do n't care for tom cruise ... i'd much rather see pitt or johnny depp .", "i heard that katie holmes ' nickname is robo bride since she married him because of the brainwashing in scientology .", "i heard that tom cruise kind of boycotts the oscars because he never gets nominated for anything .", "i wonder if katie holmes was towering over tom cruise when they showed up . i think that always looks so funny because she tries to shorten herself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "did either one of them win an Oscar this year ?", "responses": ["i think tom might have been nominated for one of his films , but i do n't think he won anything .", "i 'm not sure , i did n't watch .", "well , i never watch the oscars .", "i did n't watch , but i wish i knew .", "i am not sure who won . let 's google it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think Tom might have been nominated for one of his films , but I don't think he won anything .", "responses": ["tom cruise may be handsome , but i think he 's a bit crazy , do n't you ?", "that 's a shame , he 's a good actor", "oh well , there 's always next year", "does n't he have a few awards already anyway ?", "sucks that they showed up and he did n't win anything"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Tom Cruise may be handsome , but I think he's a bit crazy , don't you ?", "responses": ["yes , his marriage to katie is actually quite scandalous .", "depends on your definition of crazy .", "i would nt call someone crazy for having different religious beliefs .", "i dunno , i do nt know much about him .", "are nt we all a little bit crazy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , his marriage to Katie is actually quite scandalous .", "responses": ["i still think that they only got married to get more publicity for their movies and themselves .", "i heard he is a scientologist .", "i heard that they are going to break up .", "i read about them in a magazine the other day .", "i like him even though he is crazy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I still think that they only got married to get more publicity for their movies and themselves .", "responses": ["people in show biz can have such an easy life ; i do n't know why they have to make it so complicated .", "i do n't think so", "they seem to really love themselves", "we would know on the long run", "we should try to think good of situations sometimes"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "people in show biz can have such an easy life ; I don't know why they have to make it so complicated .", "responses": ["i would never want to be a celebrity because the paparazzi would also be after you .", "i guess it 's part of the hollywood allure .", "it 's just all about image . hollywood is a game . they 're playing a game to get ratings .", "i agree . if only our lives were that \" complicated ! \"", "drama makes money . nobody tunes in to watch stars who have nothing fantastical happening ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I would never want to be a celebrity because the paparazzi would also be after you .", "responses": ["that 's true . i guess it would be difficult to have people taking pictures of you everywhere you go .", "that would be rough", "yeah , i too would hate being rich and famous for that reason ... (i'm lying )", "maybe , i disagree though", "eh , i do n't think it 's that bad"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that's true . I guess it would be difficult to have people taking pictures of you everywhere you go .", "responses": ["thank goodness we 're not rich and famous !", "yes , i would hate the paparazzi waiting outside my house all the time .", "can you imagine not being able to do whatever you want with out having people follow you around .", "so true . if i wanted to have a private moment , i would n't be able to because my picture would be taken everywhere i go .", "indeed , what an invasion of privacy that would be ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "thank goodness we're not rich and famous !", "responses": ["being famous , i can do without , but i would n't mind being rich .", "oh come on now , who would n't want to be rich and famous ?", "there 's nothing wrong with being rich and famous , as long as you do n't act like tom cruise !", "i would n't want to famous . but i sure would n't mind being rich !", "i would n't mind dealing with the paparazzi if i were rich and famous . think of the lavish lifestyle we could live !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "being famous , I can do without , but I wouldn't mind being rich ."}], "index": 569} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Next , please .", "responses": ["could i purchase euro with rib here ? i have to stay here for months .", "hi .", "yes . that 's me .", "yes . hello .", "i 'm next . hi ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could I purchase Euro with RIB here ? I have to stay here for months .", "responses": ["yes , the rate for cash purchases is listed on the electronica screen , so you have seen the rate of exchange .", "you can only purchase that online not here in person .", "i ca n't help you with that purchase but my manager can . i will go get them .", "if you have proper identification you can make the purchase .", "you can only make that purchase if you have cash no credit is accepted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , the rate for cash purchases is listed on the electronica screen , so you have seen the rate of exchange .", "responses": ["yes , i have known of it .", "ok", "ok , i 'm ready to purchase now", "how much can i purchase in 1 transaction ?", "the exchange rate is good , i ready"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have known of it .", "responses": ["how much do you like to exchange ?", "how much euro would you like to buy ?", "how much rib do you have ?", "excellent , are you ready to begin the transaction ?", "great , i 'm happy to help you exchange then"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much do you like to exchange ?", "responses": ["20,000 rib .", "i would like to purchase 100 euro .", "how much would you recommend exchanging ?", "okay , how much euros can i get for 10,000 rib ?", "i 'll exchange all the rib i have for as many euros as possible , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "20,000 RIB .", "responses": ["in what denominations ?", "fine , give me a minute to make the exchange .", "thank you , just a moment . i 'll be right back with your euros .", "thank you . 20,000 rib is a bit higher than i am authorized to exchange . let me call the manager to approve it and it 'll just take a few minutes after that . thank you for you patience .", "okay , here are your euros . let me count it out for you . and , is there anything else i can help you with ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "In what denominations ?", "responses": ["it does n't matter , but leave me some small changes , that will be convenient in daily life .", "i do n't mind which ; whatever is easiest for you is fine .", "i 'll take denominations in a single hundred and the rest 50", "i 'd like my denominations to be all 100 's , please .", "i 'd like them all as 20 's , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It doesn't matter , but leave me some small changes , that will be convenient in daily life .", "responses": ["right , i will exchange for you now . please sign the exchange form giving the name and telephone .", "i can give you 18,000 in large bills and the rest in change .", "how much small change do you need ?", "i will make it half large bills and half change .", "i need to know the denominations ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Right , I will exchange for you now . Please sign the exchange form giving the name and telephone .", "responses": ["well , could you change them too ? the dollars , i want to change them into swiss francs .", "i do nt yet have a telephone number .", "great , thank you so much .", "where is the form .", "do you need my passport ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , could you change them too ? The dollars , I want to change them into Swiss francs .", "responses": ["ok , wait for a moment . well , i am sorry , but we are not authorized to exchange coins because it is low and we do not have enough foreign coins . in this case , you 'd better change 2,000 $ to swiss francs .", "i would be happy to do that for you .", "i can change the dollars to francs as well .", "i can do that , but it will be an extra fee .", "i can change that for you but will be a new transaction ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK , wait for a moment . Well , I am sorry , but we are not authorized to exchange coins because it is low and we do not have enough foreign coins . In this case , you'd better change 2,000 $ to Swiss francs .", "responses": ["it does n't matter .", "so is there no way to accept coins", "i really want to do away with these coins", "where can i get the coin exchange", "coins are too much on me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It doesn't matter .", "responses": ["please sign the memo on the bottom and keep your money and memo .", "so , you would be content with making the switch ?", "i just want to make sure -- are you okay with making that adjustment ?", "are you sure , sir ?", "sir , are you sure ? i want to make sure you 're pleased ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please sign the memo on the bottom and keep your money and memo .", "responses": ["thanks a lot . good - bye .", "okay , i can do that", "what about the coins", "why must it be 2000", "okay , i will ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks a lot . Good-bye ."}], "index": 570} {"fold": "test", "topic": "politics", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why are you holding me in this jail cell ?", "responses": ["we 'd like to hear your account of the events of last night .", "we ca n't release you until you post bail .", "it 's a holiday and we do n't release inmates on holidays .", "you broke the law so you are being detained .", "we are holding you until you sober up . it 's for your own safety ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'd like to hear your account of the events of last night ."}], "index": 571} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have to go up to London for a couple of days next week . Would you like to come ?", "responses": ["that would be nice . how are you getting there ?", "i would love to !", "of course i would !", "london , that 's exciting -i'm in !", "yes !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That would be nice . How are you getting there ?", "responses": ["well , i prefer to go on the train , but i suppose you want me to take the car .", "i was thinking of driving", "i was planning to take the train , would that be good ?", "maybe flying", "i could possibly hitchhike , or drive , i 'm undecided"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , I prefer to go on the train , but I suppose you want me to take the car .", "responses": ["oh , i much prefer to go by car , then we do n't need to get to the station with our luggage and ...", "actually , by train would be fine .", "yes , i would prefer you take the car .", "it is up to you whether we take the train or the car .", "no , i 'd prefer to take the train ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , I much prefer to go by car , then we don't need to get to the station with our luggage and ...", "responses": ["and i 've got to drive . you know i 'm not fond of that . i found it much more relaxing to sit in the train .", "well , okay . i guess we can go by car if you really want to .", "alright , i will gas up the car and clean it up a bit .", "ok , it guess that 's what we 'll do then .", "whatever you want to do is fine with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "And I've got to drive . You know I'm not fond of that . I found it much more relaxing to sit in the train .", "responses": ["which is more expensive ?", "would you like me to drive you instead , then ?", "how about i drive instead of you , and that way you can still relax .", "if i take care of all the luggage on the train , would you go then ?", "can i somehow convince you to go on a train in any way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which is more expensive ?", "responses": ["but very much quicker . but i know we 'll never agree on this subject . you prefer the car . i prefer the train .", "probably the train , but not by much .", "i can see how much tickets are .", "it 's a long drive , the train might be more economical .", "i think we should still take the train ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But very much quicker . But I know we'll never agree on this subject . You prefer the car . I prefer the train .", "responses": ["now , have you ever thought of going by express bus ?", "i guess we can call a taxi to take our things to the train station .", "how about we ride our bikes then ?", "we should figure something out soon .", "i do nt know what else to say ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Now , have you ever thought of going by express bus ?"}], "index": 572} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to take a look at that home with the Open House flags out front .", "responses": ["what a wonderful neighborhood ! can you find that house on our open house list ?", "i 'd like to go with you !", "can we go together ?", "i do n't think i 've ever looked at a home like that before , have you ?", "i 've never seen such a nice house ! i 'd like to look at it , also ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "What a wonderful neighborhood ! Can you find that house on our Open House list ?", "responses": ["yes , that is one of the houses that we have on our list .", "i 'll check the website .", "i do n't think i know how to find that .", "i just saw the house on the street , i can give you the address .", "where can i find the list ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that is one of the houses that we have on our list .", "responses": ["they always make the front yards look so great for open houses . let 's see what the inside looks like .", "how much is it worth ?", "if i had enough , i d buy it in a second .", "what an amazing piece of property .", "i ca nt wait to go the open house ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "They always make the front yards look so great for Open Houses . Let ' s see what the inside looks like .", "responses": ["i am going to go sign my name in the registry to let the listing agent know that we were here .", "sounds good , let 's go inside .", "i ca n't wait to see what the inside looks like .", "i hope that there is a nice bathroom .", "i wonder what the kitchen looks like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am going to go sign my name in the registry to let the listing agent know that we were here .", "responses": ["signing the registry is a good idea . i think i want to see the kitchen next .", "i hope inside the houses are good", "where are the cheapest houses in this place", "i would love to have one of these beautiful front yards", "is it possible you sign with my name"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Signing the registry is a good idea . I think I want to see the kitchen next .", "responses": ["i really appreciate that the listing agent provided water on such a hot day .", "same here . i expect the kitchen to be big and beautiful .", "that kitchen must look like a million dollars .", "the kitchen must be updated .", "i would imagine that the kitchen is modern , to go with the rest of the house ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I really appreciate that the listing agent provided water on such a hot day .", "responses": ["i need to pick up a flyer with the information about the house on it .", "that was very kind of them", "i agree , where would you like to go next ?", "me too , how about we check out the bedrooms ?", "speaking of water , is there a pool ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I need to pick up a flyer with the information about the house on it .", "responses": ["is the current asking price listed on the flyer ?", "good idea . the flyer will have more information about the house .", "yes , let 's go pick up a flyer . we need to know more about this house .", "do you think the flyer will provide the information we need to know about the house ?", "for sure , the flyer will have all the information we need to know about the house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is the current asking price listed on the flyer ?", "responses": ["the asking price has recently gone down to two hundred and twenty - five thousand dollars .", "yes it is , you can find at the bottom of the page .", "no , it is n't , but i have that information available . would you like me to tell you the price ?", "no , it is n't . but the price is $ 425,000 . the seller is also accepting reasonable offers .", "yes it is , you can see it at the bottom of this page . the price is $ 425,000 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The asking price has recently gone down to two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ."}], "index": 573} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello . This is Mrs . Wilson . I'd like to buy a new car . Could you offer me a new type of the car , please ?", "responses": ["oh , madam , buy what ?", "yes , of course ! would you like to test drive some today as well ?", "i 'd love to help you ! just let me know what you are looking for as far as style and engine .", "i 'd be more than happy to help you find a new car . did you have a specific make , model , or color you are most interested in ?", "yes , what type of car , exactly , would you like to look at today ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , Madam , buy what ?", "responses": ["a new car . and i 've got a small family , two children , and i have n't got a lot of money and ...", "a car , can you recommend one ?", "i 'd like a car , please .", "can you help me purchase a car ?", "i said i need a car , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A new car . And I've got a small family , two children , and I haven't got a lot of money and ...", "responses": ["oh , oh , madam , madam , i 'm afraid you have the wrong number .", "what is your current budget ?", "how much are you looking to spend ?", "let me see what i can do .", "so , you re looking for a used car then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , oh , Madam , Madam , I'm afraid you have the wrong number .", "responses": ["is n't this the car store ?", "could you tell me the right number ?", "i am looking for an auto dealership .", "do you know the number of an auto dealership ?", "sorry for bothering you today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Isn't this the car store ?", "responses": ["no . it 's mike 's sporting goods .", "yes it is a car store", "we do n't offer such services here", "please check the number well", "no this is not a car store"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . It's Mike's Sporting Goods .", "responses": ["oh , sorry . do you know the number for a car store , then ?", "oh , i 'm so sorry for my mistake !", "i 'm so sorry ! i feel so foolish .", "how incredibly foolish of me .", "i 'm terribly sorry . i thought i dialed the right number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , sorry . Do you know the number for a car store , then ?", "responses": ["no . i do n't . i suggest you look in the phone book .", "i do not , i 'm sorry", "i believe it 's 123 - 456 - 7890", "no , have you tried the phone book ?", "i do n't , goodbye"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . I don't . I suggest you look in the phone book .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry to have bothered you .", "thank you . i will check the phone book .", "a phone book ? i do n't think i own one , but thank you for your help .", "sorry for bothering you , thank you for your help .", "thanks for your help . do you think i can find the phone number online instead of a phone book ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry to have bothered you .", "responses": ["no problem .", "no problem at all . goodbye .", "that 's all right . have a nice day !", "it 's ok . good luck buying your car !", "that 's ok . good luck !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No problem ."}], "index": 574} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about going to the cinema tonight ?", "responses": ["that 's great . what 's on tonight ?", "sure , let 's go to the cinema .", "i ca n't tonight . i am busy .", "how about tomorrow night ?", "sure , what movie do you want to see ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's great . What's on tonight ?", "responses": ["i am not sure about the name of the film , but i know it 's a romantic one .", "we would check dropbox", "any good movie would be perfect", "advengers is on , why do n't we see it", "no idea for now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not sure about the name of the film , but I know it's a romantic one .", "responses": ["romantic ? i am afraid i like thrillers better .", "i thought you did n't like romance films .", "a romance film ? you usually like action films .", "do you remember who 's starring in it ?", "i think i recall seeing a romance film called , \" love actually . \" does that sound familiar ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Romantic ? I am afraid I like thrillers better .", "responses": ["do n't you think it 's too bloody ?", "i m open to a thriller , if you 'd prefer", "are you sure ? i 've heard very good things", "oh , okay , we can see something else", "ah , but i love romantic ones"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don't you think it's too bloody ?", "responses": ["on the contrary , very exciting .", "bloody ? yes , but that is the fun part of watching a thriller .", "thriller 's are n't that bloody .", "thrillers can be bloody , but it all depends on what type of thriller we 'll be watching .", "does the sight of blood in movies scare you ? i am sure you can handle it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "On the contrary , very exciting ."}], "index": 575} {"fold": "test", "topic": "health", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , I scheduled an appointment with Dr . Smith , and I can ' t make it on that day .", "responses": ["what day was your appointment on ?", "that is no problem . would you like to reschedule your appointment ?", "i will let dr . smith know . would you like to come in another day ?", "what day can you make it ? i am sure we can accommodate you .", "dr . smith was really looking forward to seeing you . i 'll make sure to reschedule your appointment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What day was your appointment on ?", "responses": ["my appointment was on monday .", "wednesday the first .", "wedneday , may 1st .", "wednesday may 1st and 2:00pm", "this coming wednesday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My appointment was on Monday .", "responses": ["what time had you chosen ?", "did you have a day in mind to reschedule ?", "i have an appointment available on tuesday if that works for you .", "what time was the appointment ?", "do n't worry , we 'll set you up with a new date ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time had you chosen ?", "responses": ["it was for 10", "it was at 3 p.m.", "i ca n't remember exactly , but it was in the morning .", "i think it was 9 in the morning .", "i 'm afraid i ca n't remember , and i do n't have my calender with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was for 10", "responses": ["i am looking at your appointment right now . what day would you prefer ?", "ok , i 'll cancel that appointment .", "would you like to reschedule it for another day ?", "thank you so much for letting us know .", "my records show it was actually on tuesday , can you make it then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I am looking at your appointment right now . What day would you prefer ?", "responses": ["i would prefer next thursday .", "i was hoping to come in on friday , if that works .", "i would really like to come in the following monday if you have an opening .", "next tuesday would be ideal , but i could also do thursday .", "ideally i would like to reschedule for next wednesday . is that an option ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would prefer next Thursday .", "responses": ["what time would be best for you ?", "we do n't have 10 open , how about 11 ?", "yes , we have a spot at 10 on that day , does that work for you ?", "we are fully booked for that day , can you do friday ?", "what time on thursday ? we are pretty open that day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What time would be best for you ?", "responses": ["i want to come in at 2", "10 will still be fine", "anytime in the morning", "sometime in the afternoon if that 's available", "whatever the earliest time you have open will work for me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to come in at 2", "responses": ["i am writing you down for that time . we look forward to seeing you .", "2 works for us . please come in then .", "we do have a spot at 2 . would you like that ?", "we do n't have anything at 2 , sorry .", "would 3 work for you , we have an opening then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am writing you down for that time . We look forward to seeing you ."}], "index": 576} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Office Supplies , Inc . Robert speaking , may I help you ?", "responses": ["hi , robert . this is janet reese calling from american advertising . we placed an order with you about a week ago .", "hello , i was wondering if you have office chairs on sale ?", "hello , i need an ergonomic office chair . do you happen to have any ?", "yes , thank you robert . i need to speak with someone about returning a faulty office chair i purchased from your store .", "yes , may i speak with your manager ? i need to lodge a complaint about a faulty office chair ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , Robert . This is Janet Reese calling from American Advertising . We placed an order with you about a week ago .", "responses": ["yes , ms . reese . i remember , you spoke with me . is there a problem ?", "i see . is there something the matter ?", "all right , let me look you up in our system .", "what seems to be the problem ?", "did your order arrive in timely fashion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , Ms . Reese . I remember , you spoke with me . Is there a problem ?", "responses": ["well , it still has n't gotten here , and my boss is pretty angry about it .", "i was wondering if we could get an extra 100 copies ?", "is it too late to make changes to my order ?", "no , there 's not a problem . i was hoping you could give me an estimated time of arrival so i can tell my boss .", "i received your mockup , and i was hoping to make some changes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , it still hasn ' t gotten here , and my boss is pretty angry about it ."}], "index": 577} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Ms Anderson , my name is Mike . I am Division Chief of ABC Company . Welcome to Toronto .", "responses": ["thank you . it 's a pleasure to meet you .", "hello , mike .", "thank you for the warm welcome .", "shall we get down to business then ?", "what exactly does a division chief do ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . It's a pleasure to meet you .", "responses": ["a pleasure meeting you as well , the flowers are for you .", "it is good to meet you as well . how was your flight ?", "it 's an honor to meet you . thank you for coming all this way to help us .", "i 'm sorry for the last minute change in plans , but , things have escalated quickly .", "i 'm pleased to meet you , too . if you 'll follow me , i 'll show you to your office ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "A pleasure meeting you as well , the flowers are for you .", "responses": ["thank you , they are beautiful .", "that 's so thoughtful of you .", "what a beautiful arrangement , thank you .", "those are stunning , thank you for thinking of me .", "i love flowers , these will brighten my office ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , they are beautiful ."}], "index": 578} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am really interested in buying this television .", "responses": ["that 's so great !", "will you be paying cash or credit ?", "can i interest you in a warranty ?", "do you need to set up a payment plan or will you be paying all at once ?", "thank you for choosing our store . i 'll make sure to check you out right away ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's so great !", "responses": ["how much are you selling it for ?", "does it connect to wifi and play netflix ?", "how much is it ?", "can you suggest a surround sound to go with it ?", "would it be possible to have it delivered ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much are you selling it for ?", "responses": ["this t . v is only $ 2500 .", "i 'm asking for $ 250 .", "it 's almost brand new so i 'm asking $ 300 .", "it has a little crack on the stand so i only want $ 50 .", "how much are you willing to pay for it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This t . v is only $ 2500 .", "responses": ["you ca n't be serious .", "$ 2,500 seems kind of high . are there any discounts available ?", "that sounds great . does it have 4k ?", "that 's a little more than i was looking to spend . is there anything similar ?", "that seems high . are there any sales coming up soon ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "You can't be serious .", "responses": ["that 's how much this t . v costs .", "i am serious .", "do you think that is too high ?", "i know , it 's quite a bargain .", "i paid 3000 for it , so it 's a pretty good deal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's how much this t . v costs .", "responses": ["that 's too expensive for me .", "that is way more than what the tv is worth", "okay well that 's out of my price range , thanks !", "would you be willing to negotiate that price ?", "i 'll give you $ 1000 for it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's too expensive for me .", "responses": ["this television is of very high quality .", "well it is a really nice t.v .", "it is a very big size , so that is why the price .", "well we can negotiate .", "what do you have to spend ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This television is of very high quality .", "responses": ["you ca n't go down on the price .", "sorry , ca n't do it .", "nope , not happening .", "maybe we can haggle a bit ?", "what else do you got ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can't go down on the price .", "responses": ["by how much ?", "i can not , sorry", "unfortunately no , no i can not", "maybe slightly , how about 2250", "not really , no ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "By how much ?", "responses": ["i 'll buy it for $ 2000 .", "by a little hundreds", "you can remove a discount", "just too much for me", "help me with a cheaper one"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll buy it for $ 2000 .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , but the price is final .", "i 'll have to think about it .", "that s too low .", "how about 2225 ?", "ok , sounds good to me ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm sorry , but the price is final ."}], "index": 579} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you pack this bag yourself ? Has it been out of your possession at any time before checking-in ?", "responses": ["yes , i packed it myself , and it has n't been out of my possession .", "no , sir .", "i left it on my seat when i went to the bathroom so it would n't get germs on it .", "my wife packed the bag .", "what 's the issue , sir ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I packed it myself , and it hasn ' t been out of my possession .", "responses": ["are you bringing in any plants or animal products ?", "please , place it on the conveyor for scanning .", "i will need to inspect it . please open the bag for me .", "please step out of the line for a random search .", "do you have any weapons , liquids , or explosive devices that you would like to tell me about before we scan your bag ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you bringing in any plants or animal products ?", "responses": ["no .", "no , i do n't have any plants or animals .", "i do n't have any plants unless you count this apple .", "i do n't have any plants but i have my service dog .", "i do n't have any animals but i have a bag of herbs in my suitcase ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No .", "responses": ["our sniffer dog seems to disagree . do you mind if we look in your suitcase ?", "can i see your boarding pass and passport , please ?", "can you step through the x - ray machine please ?", "do you have your barding pass and i d ?", "can you move to the side of the line , please . you 've been chosen for a secondary bag inspection ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Our sniffer dog seems to disagree . Do you mind if we look in your suitcase ?", "responses": ["not at all . go right ahead .", "you may take a look .", "no , i 'd rather you not .", "uh ... okay .", "do you have to ? i do n't want you to rearrange anything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Not at all . Go right ahead .", "responses": ["what 's this sir ?", "please stand aside while we inspect your suitcase", "are you sure there is n't something in here we should know about ?", "since you have given me consent i will now search your suitcase", "before i look is there anything in here that could poke me or stick me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s this sir ?", "responses": ["it 's traditional chinese medicine . i mix it with hot water like tea . sorry . i forgot about it .", "that is my hair gel .", "that is my sleep apnea mask .", "i 'm not sure i have never seen that before .", "i do not know . that is not mine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s traditional Chinese Medicine . I mix it with hot water like tea . Sorry . I forgot about it .", "responses": ["what are these red things sir ?", "is that so ?", "oh really ?", "you 'll have to step out of line .", "i 'm going to have to call my supervisor ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are these red things sir ?", "responses": ["oh no ! i forgot about those too ! those are chinese sausages for my aunt lily .", "they are peppers", "those are shoes , sir", "that 's a bouncy ball", "those are a couple pairs of pants ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh no ! I forgot about those too ! Those are Chinese sausages for my Aunt Lily .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry sir , but you ca n't take any of this into the country . we will also have to check your carry - on . please step this way . don't'be nervous ; we 'll just look through it briefly and then", "are they good for you ?", "why must you mix with hot tea", "i would like to taste it", "sure there are no long term effects\\"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m sorry sir , but you can ' t take any of this into the country . We will also have to check your carry-on . Please step this way . Don ' t ' be nervous ; we ' ll just look through it briefly and then"}], "index": 580} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello . Is Bob there , please ?", "responses": ["hold on a second please . i 'm sorry . he has gone out .", "bob is here but he 's in a meeting .", "no , bob has already left for the day .", "we do n't expect bob to come in for another hour .", "no , bob is on vacation this week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hold on a second please . I'm sorry . He has gone out .", "responses": ["oh . this is paul . when will he be back ?", "do you know when he 'll be back ?", "thanks , will he be back soon ?", "is he going to be coming back anytime soon ?", "oh ok . can i leave a message for him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh . This is Paul . When will he be back ?", "responses": ["he will be back at about seven o'clock .", "i 'm not sure , can i take a message ?", "he should be back by 4 pm . can you call back then ?", "hmm , maybe 1 or 2 . i 'm not exactly sure .", "probably not until tomorrow , i 'm sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He will be back at about seven o'clock .", "responses": ["can i leave a message please ?", "okay thanks i 'll call back then", "do you know where he went ?", "oh okay thanks paul , goodbye !", "would it be okay if i called back sometime after then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I leave a message please ?", "responses": ["yes , certainly .", "sure i can take a message .", "yes , i will deliver it to him .", "sure , i will write it down .", "of course , i will send you to his voicemail ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , certainly .", "responses": ["please tell him i 'll call him at the office tomorrow afternoon .", "ok . let him know we 're all right .", "never mind just tell him i called .", "please let him know they came in .", "thank you . can you have him call me back please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please tell him I'll call him at the office tomorrow afternoon .", "responses": ["all right . i 'll tell him when he comes back .", "okay , i will", "i can dot hat", "would you like to leave anything else in your message ?", "i shall let him know , sir"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . I'll tell him when he comes back .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "make sure you do n't forget", "is there any number i can reach him with", "can you forward me his emai ;", "i would be waiting to hear from him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 581} {"fold": "test", "topic": "finance", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , son , are you insured ?", "responses": ["not yet , but i 'm thinking of it . have you bought one , dad ?", "oh course , dad .", "yeah , i am . why do you ask ?", "yes , i 'm insured , why ?", "do you mean , like , car insurance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not yet , but I'm thinking of it . Have you bought one , Dad ?", "responses": ["i took out a life insurance policy and made your mother the beneficiary .", "of course , insurance is required !", "no , i have n't . i 'm a bit embarrassed .", "yes , and i got a good deal .", "yes , but it was a long time ago , so i do n't remember the details ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I took out a life insurance policy and made your mother the beneficiary .", "responses": ["can you tell me why you want to buy it ?", "okay that sounds good", "does she know about this ?", "how much is it for ?", "that 's a good idea , i think i 'll sign up for one too"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you tell me why you want to buy it ?", "responses": ["i am a fireman and it is a dangerous job . i have to consider your mother 's life .", "i think it is a good value .", "i think we need it in case something happens .", "i want to make sure your mother is taken care of .", "i want to know my family will be taken care of ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I am a fireman and it is a dangerous job . I have to consider your mother's life .", "responses": ["oh , i see . do you advise me to buy one ?", "that 's very kind .", "it 's nice to know she 'll be taken care of .", "was it expensive ?", "how much did you get ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , I see . Do you advise me to buy one ?", "responses": ["you have children now . what if something , god forbid , happens to you ?", "yes , life is dangerous and death will come at any moment", "yes , it 's good to be prepared", "what would your wife do after your death otherwise ?", "you should consider your loved ones , yes"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You have children now . What if something , God forbid , happens to you ?", "responses": ["that 's true . well , how much do you think i should get ?", "that is why i need it", "you have a point", "i do n't pray for that", "no one knows the next minute"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's true . Well , how much do you think I should get ?", "responses": ["a $ 100 000 policy should n't be too expensive . here , call my agent . he 'll give you a good deal .", "go with the most expensive plan .", "find what you think is best .", "you have to figure it out for yourself .", "talk to your agent about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A $ 100 000 policy shouldn't be too expensive . Here , call my agent . He'll give you a good deal ."}], "index": 582} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , Mr . Emory ? Mr . Macmillan , would like to know if you have the completed schedule for next week ?", "responses": ["yes , i do , susan . just a moment . here it is .", "tell him i do .", "of course i do .", "let mr.macmillan know i do have them .", "let me check on that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I do , Susan . Just a moment . Here it is .", "responses": ["thank you , sir . sorry to trouble you .", "excellent , thank you", "hm , is this accurate ?", "this appears to be for this week , i need next week 's", "great ! this made my job a lot easier , thank you mr . emory"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , sir . Sorry to trouble you .", "responses": ["not at all , susan . just tell him to leave it with my secretary when he 's finished with it", "it was omitted but i just scheduled you", "i think there was an error and i just corrected it", "yes you have been scheduled", "i ca n't find you here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Not at all , Susan . Just tell him to leave it with my secretary when he ' s finished with it"}], "index": 583} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where are you going , Jane ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to the hospital to see susan .", "i am headed to the mall .", "none of your business .", "why do you want to know ?", "headed out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm going to the hospital to see Susan .", "responses": ["i saw her yesterday . she was a little better .", "i 'm going to work .", "i 'm going to see a play .", "i 'm not going anywhere i need to clean the house .", "i 'm going out later today but not right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I saw her yesterday . She was a little better .", "responses": ["must i catch a number 7 bus to get there ?", "that 's good to hear .", "did she say what was wrong with her ?", "good , she had me worried after i heard about the accident .", "in that case , i 'll stay here and talk to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there ?", "responses": ["no , you need n't . a number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital .", "you can take the number 7 or the number 4 .", "the number 7 is the only bus that runs the route .", "the number 7 does n't run that route . you 'll need to catch the number 2 .", "yes . the number 4 takes you directly there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , you needn't . A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital .", "responses": ["number 13 buses run much more frequently , do n't they ?", "okay , thank you .", "okay , thank you .", "oh nice , i did n't know i could take 13 to get there , thanks !", "tell susan i love her !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Number 13 buses run much more frequently , don't they ?", "responses": ["yes . i caught a number 7 bus yesterday , and they said i had taken a wrong bus .", "correct", "not really , it 's slightly more frequent than the number 7", "actually , the number 7s run more frequently", "hm , i 'm not sure to be honest"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I caught a number 7 bus yesterday , and they said I had taken a wrong bus .", "responses": ["thank you , henry . i 'll get a number 13 .", "alright , then i 'll take 13 .", "bus 13 it is then .", "13 then ? thank bruh .", "so what bus am i thinking of , if not 7 ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , Henry . I'll get a number 13 .", "responses": ["but number 13 buses leave from the center of town . you 'll have to walk two miles to catch one .", "no problem . happy to help .", "no worries , had to do it the other day .", "of course , learned it myself the other day .", "it is the quickest route ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But number 13 buses leave from the center of town . You ' ll have to walk two miles to catch one ."}], "index": 584} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good morning , Passport , please .", "responses": ["here you are .", "here you go .", "one second please .", "i already gave it to you .", "its on the table ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you are .", "responses": ["ah , thank you . please bring your luggage here for inspection .", "i hope you are having a good morning .", "one moment i need to find my passport .", "how is your day going ?", "sorry i forgot my passport . i need to go back and get it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ah , thank you . Please bring your luggage here for inspection .", "responses": ["ok . but is there anything wrong ?", "why does it have to be inspected ?", "give me a moment . it 's rather heavy .", "okey - dokey .", "you want every bag ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Ok . But is there anything wrong ?", "responses": ["it 's just a regular inspection . do you have anything to declare ?", "no , sir . this is merely protocol .", "not at all , sir . this is simply standard practice .", "no , sir . i apologize if i alarmed you . this is just standard policy .", "no , this is just a common policy and procedure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's just a regular inspection . Do you have anything to declare ?", "responses": ["i 've got 6 packets of cigarettes and 2 bottles of champagne . besides , i have two cameras , one is for my own use , and the other is a gift .", "no , nothing . are you sure this is a regular inspection ? or am i being pulled beside because of my race ?", "yes i have a bag of tomatoes .", "is it okay if i set my bag down right here ?", "okay , no problem . how 's your day going so far ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've got 6 packets of cigarettes and 2 bottles of champagne . Besides , I have two cameras , one is for my own use , and the other is a gift .", "responses": ["well , the cigarettes and the champagne are not in excess of the duty - free allowance . but according to our law , each passenger is allowed only one camera duty - free . you 'll have to pay duty for the other one .", "great , give me just a moment to inspect your baggage", "hm , sir , what is this ?", "excellent , you 're clear to go sir", "hm , then what is this mysterious bag"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , the cigarettes and the champagne are not in excess of the duty-free allowance . But according to our law , each passenger is allowed only one camera duty-free . You ' ll have to pay duty for the other one .", "responses": ["ok . where shall i pay duty for it ?", "that 's fine as long as i can bring it .", "that won", "that wo n't be a problem .", "alright , will do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Ok . Where shall I pay duty for it ?", "responses": ["please wait a minute . i 'll make out the duty memo ... here you are . take this and pay to the woman over there .", "you can pay at the counter .", "i will ask someone for you .", "i can show you on this map .", "it is right down this hall ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please wait a minute . I'll make out the duty memo ... Here you are . Take this and pay to the woman over there .", "responses": ["i 've paid for it . here 's the receipt .", "thank you so much .", "wow , duty is so expensive .", "what if i do nt want to pay the duty fee ?", "how much is the tax rate ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've paid for it . Here's the receipt .", "responses": ["very well . i hope you 'll enjoy your stay in america .", "excellent , then you are all set", "good , just sign here then", "good , have a great day then sir", "great , your flight is this way sir"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Very well . I hope you ' ll enjoy your stay in America .", "responses": ["thank you .", "i hope so too", "i have many expectations . hope i meet them", "thanks for having me in your country", "god bless america"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 585} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Nancy , nice to see you .", "responses": ["nice to see you , too . i heard you are a staff of nokia company .", "you too ,", "sorry , what s your name again ?", "yeah , it was nice talking to you too .", "nice seeing you too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nice to see you , too . I heard you are a staff of Nokia company .", "responses": ["yes , i 'm satisfied with this job .", "i 've been wanting to meet you for a long time .", "i love working for nokia . i 've been there 10 years .", "i do n't work at nokia any more i have a new job .", "it 's been waiting all week to speak with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I ' m satisfied with this job .", "responses": ["congratulations . what did you do during the interview ?", "how much does it pay ?", "do you get any benefits ?", "i heard it was a terrible place to work .", "i heard the boss was a jerk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Congratulations . What did you do during the interview ?", "responses": ["pay more attention to the external expressions , because they are important for the first impression . good manner and style of conversation can let other feel your good self - cultivation . good gestures and mien can let other feel very comfortable .", "i spoke of the training i had done in my previous position .", "i was very open about my work experiences with my previous companies .", "i 'd spoken with the human resources director very candidly .", "i had spoken about my educational background that led me to my choice in this career field ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Pay more attention to the external expressions , because they are important for the first impression . Good manner and style of conversation can let other feel your good self-cultivation . Good gestures and mien can let other feel very comfortable .", "responses": ["how can i have the good external expressions ?", "nice , i 'm sure you will get the job !", "great , it seems like you know your stuff !", "i think you 'll do just fine .", "great i look forward to seeing you on the floor of our building !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can I have the good external expressions ?", "responses": ["do n't worry about that . you just pay more attention to the details of people 's action in life , and you will know how to transfer information by their body language .", "watch others and emulate theirs", "practice in a mirror", "do good facial expression", "try being happy outside"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don ' t worry about that . You just pay more attention to the details of people ' s action in life , and you will know how to transfer information by their body language ."}], "index": 586} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Stupid girl , making me spend so much money , now I have to get it from the ATM ...", "responses": ["hello , welcome to universal bank . please insert your card into the slot .", "i 'm sorry that everything cost so much .", "i 'll pay for some things today .", "i 'll chip in and pay for everything else .", "i 'll pay you back when i get paid ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Hello , welcome to Universal Bank . Please insert your card into the slot .", "responses": ["i know where to put my card ! stupid machine , talking to me like i 'm an idiot ...", "i 'll insert it when i 'm good and ready .", "do n't tell me what to do , stupid machine .", "i 'll insert it . i 'll insert the heck out of it .", "girl , put your own card in . why should i pay for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "I know where to put my card ! Stupid machine , talking to me like I ' m an idiot ...", "responses": ["please input your 6 digit pin code followed by the pound key . thank you . please select an option . thank you . you have selected withdrawal .", "please reinsert your card into the slot .", "i 'm sorry . please reinsert your card .", "i 'm sorry . we can not read your card . please reinsert .", "i 'm sorry . your request can not be processed . please reinsert your card ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Please input your 6 digit PIN code followed by the pound key . Thank you . Please select an option . Thank you . You have selected withdrawal .", "responses": ["yeah , yeah , i know what i selected . just gimme my money !", "i know i selected withdrawal , you dumb machine .", "do n't tell me what to do , machine .", "i do n't like this stupid machine .", "dang ! , i 'm almost out of money !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , yeah , I know what I selected . Just gimme my money !", "responses": ["please type the amount you would like to withdraw . thank you , you want to transfer 10000 usd to the world wildlife foundation . if this is correct please press 1 .", "here is your money", "please remove bills from the bill slot", "please select withdrawal amount", "please insert pin again"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Please type the amount you would like to withdraw . Thank you , you want to transfer 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation . If this is correct please press 1 .", "responses": ["no , no ! stupid machine , what are you doing ! no !", "what even is this ?", "why would i transfer that much money ?", "i do n't even have that much money right now .", "why would a bank ask me to donate money ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , no ! Stupid machine , what are you doing ! No !", "responses": ["confirmed . thank you for using our bank ! please remove your card from the slot . goodbye !", "sorry for the error .", "there seems to be an issue .", "what can i do for you today then ?", "how much money would you like to donate ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Confirmed . Thank you for using our bank ! Please remove your card from the slot . Goodbye !", "responses": ["no , no way ! what happened ? give me my money !", "no , please cancel .", "customer service please .", "no , i do nt want to transfer 10000 .", "i ca nt believe this ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "No , no way ! What happened ? Give me my money !", "responses": ["danger , danger ! the exits have been sealed and the doors will remain locked in until the local authorities arrive . thank you for using our bank . have a nice day .", "goodbye !", "please remove receipt and card , have a good day !", "error : transfer failed , please call your bank", "error : account overdrawn , please call bank to unlock your account"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Danger , danger ! The exits have been sealed and the doors will remain locked in until the local authorities arrive . Thank you for using our bank . Have a nice day ."}], "index": 587} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Joe , how are you doing ?", "responses": ["i am great ! how about you , mary ? how are you ?", "pretty good . i 'm having a good day .", "not so great i have a cold", "great ! today is my birthday .", "i 'm doing well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I am great ! How about you , Mary ? How are you ?", "responses": ["i am doing great ! thank you for asking , joe .", "i 'm doing fine . what 's up ?", "i 'm doing good . what 's up in your life ?", "great . how is your family ?", "not so good . i was diagnosed with schizophrenia ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am doing great ! Thank you for asking , Joe .", "responses": ["i was wondering if you want to go see a movie with me tonight ?", "fantastic ! hey , have you seem barbara , lately ?", "great ! so , have you seen harold around ?", "good to hear ! listen , i have a problem that i was hoping you could help me with .", "great ! i 'm sorry that i have n't been around lately . i 've been so busy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I was wondering if you want to go see a movie with me tonight ?", "responses": ["i need to stay home tonight and finish my term paper .", "i ca n't . i already have plans - what about tomorrow though ?", "that would a lot of fun - sure !", "what were you thnking about seeing ?", "sure- what 's playing right now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I need to stay home tonight and finish my term paper .", "responses": ["ok . what about going to the movies on friday night ?", "oh , okay . best of luck !", "really ? when is it due", "oh , i already finished that one , i could help you", "darrn , okay :("]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK . What about going to the movies on Friday night ?", "responses": ["what were you planning on seeing ?", "i guess i can take a break and spare it .", "sure , but after , i have to go meet some friends at this new bar . why do n't you come with ?", "which theater ? the one on westheimer ?", "let me see how much i can get done tonight . maybe i 'll stay up late and finish it so we can go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What were you planning on seeing ?", "responses": ["i was thinking about seeing that one about the rapist serial killer .", "i wanted to see the new action movie .", "i wanted to see the new comedy .", "i do n't know , what do you want to see ?", "why do n't you look and see what looks good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was thinking about seeing that one about the rapist serial killer .", "responses": ["how about \" the secret life of bees \" ?", "why would you want to see that ?", "um not thanks .", "what s are the critics saying ?", "is it any good ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about \" The Secret Life of Bees \" ?", "responses": ["that 's a chick flick !", "that does sound much happier than my idea", "no thank you , let 's watch the rapist one", "that sounds quite interesting", "are you sure you would n't prefer the movie about the rapist serial killer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's a chick flick !"}], "index": 588} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think we need to do to get our new branch office running well ?", "responses": ["first , i 'd make sure that we have a good , local , corporate lawyer . he or she will know all the local laws and regulations .", "ask around and see if anyone has any suggestions .", "we 're doing fine , but we need to add more creativity .", "it has to make a strong start or else it will get off on the wrong foot .", "just do what we did for the last office and it should be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "First , I'd make sure that we have a good , local , corporate lawyer . He or she will know all the local laws and regulations .", "responses": ["that 's very important . a friend recommended a good law firm to me . we 'll need someone to hire staff .", "having a lawyer is always a good plan .", "that sounds like a good idea , who should we call .", "awesome idea , what should we do after that .", "great plan , i will do some research ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "That ' s very important . A friend recommended a good law firm to me . We ' ll need someone to hire staff .", "responses": ["i think that we should send one of our hr people to do that . i do n't think we should use an agency , because they wo n't be familiar with the type of people we employ . have we decide on the location of", "how many staff do we need ?", "i 'll have to take a look at your budget .", "who do you think we should hire to hire staff .", "anyone you think we should hire ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think that we should send one of our HR people to do that . I don ' t think we should use an agency , because they won ' t be familiar with the type of people we employ . Have we decide on the location of", "responses": ["yes . we have . we chose the location in the northeast of the city , not too far from the airport and on the edge of the cbd .", "i think that 's a good idea", "i think the best plan is having the hr department working with the law firm as well", "i disagree , they 're professionals and i trust them", "maybe , let 's have a meeting and discuss this further"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes . We have . We chose the location in the northeast of the city , not too far from the airport and on the edge of the CBD .", "responses": ["why did n't we choose an office in the cbd ?", "yea . a location nearer the airport is best", "we should be closer to the cbd", "i still insist we do n't use an agency", "i agree that we close the location"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why didn ' t we choose an office in the CBD ?", "responses": ["the offices there were too expensive . have we negotiated any contracts yet ?", "we think we chose the most central location .", "we did a market survey to assist in the choice .", "we were advised by multiple sources to take this position .", "what are your thoughts on this ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The offices there were too expensive . Have we negotiated any contracts yet ?", "responses": ["yes . we 've signed two contracts with companies that we already do work for in other countries . we hope to sign another three this month .", "i think we can afford it .", "we have three in the works right now .", "i think you should talk to shawn about that .", "i have no idea how many , but are know one is being finalized ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . We ' Ve signed two contracts with companies that we already do work for in other countries . We hope to sign another three this month .", "responses": ["when will the branch office open ?", "that is good news .", "it sounds like we 're off to a great start .", "another three would sure impress the bosses .", "keep me posted on the new contracts ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When will the branch office open ?", "responses": ["hopefully next month . everything is a little rushed . we should be able to set up our branch office and expand our business quickly .", "we are thinking they should open next week .", "the branch office should open as soon as possible , so it should open next month .", "the branch office should open in a few weeks .", "by next month , the branch office should be open and running ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hopefully next month . Everything is a little rushed . We should be able to set up our branch office and expand our business quickly .", "responses": ["has and advertising campaign been prepared ?", "that 's good , we want to get started quickly .", "no need to rush , there is plenty to take care of before we move .", "yes it may seem rushed , but it 's important that we get it done .", "good , good . i 'm happy to hear that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Has and advertising campaign been prepared ?", "responses": ["yes , it has . we 're going to target the business community through business magazines .", "mitchell has it all nailed down and powerpointed .", "i do n't know how they are going to promote it , not my lane .", "that a problem , working with three different languages is problematic to say the least .", "i know they are going to put ads in the journal , but other than that i ca n't say ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it has . We ' re going to target the business community through business magazines .", "responses": ["i made plenty of business contract on my last visit and through the embassy . we should be able to get plenty of customers .", "do people actually read those ?", "are we doing any online advertising ?", "what about newspaper advertising ?", "maybe we could do a radio ad ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I made plenty of business contract on my last visit and through the embassy . We should be able to get plenty of customers ."}], "index": 589} {"fold": "test", "topic": "tourism", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon . what can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i want to pick up my valuables .", "i need to cancel my account .", "i need to talk to customer service .", "i need to open a new savings account .", "i need to talk to a live agent ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to pick up my valuables .", "responses": ["may i have your key please ?", "what is your name ?", "do you have a receipt for them ?", "what valuables ?", "where would you like to pick them up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I have your key please ?", "responses": ["sure . here you are .", "i just sent you my key", "i was not given any key", "what does the key look like", "sure you can help with just the key ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Here you are .", "responses": ["here is your valuable . is that right ?", "thank you .", "how good your service is .", "this is great , you 're so efficient .", "thanks for making this painless ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Here is your valuable . Is that right ?", "responses": ["yes , thank you .", "where is the rest of it ?", "that 's it .", "do you have a bag ?", "it 's just as i remember it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , thank you ."}], "index": 590} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "did you know that abortion is still illegal in many states in the USA ?", "responses": ["why ? i thought americans were supposed to be more open than that .", "yes i know", "some hospitals still do it for some reasons", "abortion is fully legal to me", "the united states should not ban it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "why ? I thought Americans were supposed to be more open than that .", "responses": ["well , for many religious people , they believe that people who abort their babies are murderers .", "sometimes we are not so oen .", "we have a deep belief in life .", "we think everyone should have a chance to grow up .", "we respect life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , for many religious people , they believe that people who abort their babies are murderers .", "responses": ["do you think most people in america believe that abortion is wrong ?", "i think it 's ridiculous .", "why do people think they can tell a woman what to do with her body .", "that 's terrible for the children especially .", "it 's going to be an endless cycle for them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you think most people in America believe that abortion is wrong ?", "responses": ["no , i think it 's mostly the older generation who are against abortions .", "i do n't know that most people in america believe that .", "i think it 's more the politicians than the american people .", "there 's too much brain washing by the church .", "i think they do n't really understand the issue ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no , I think it's mostly the older generation who are against abortions .", "responses": ["it 's no wonder there are so many teenage pregnancies in america .", "yes that sounds about right . older generations do n't agree with abortions .", "you think so , i do n't think older generations are the only ones against abortions .", "can you blame the older generations , they want the best for the younger generations . abortion is n't good for our society .", "i think older generations should get with the program . it 's 2019 , and if a woman wants to abort that she has every right to do so ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's no wonder there are so many teenage pregnancies in America .", "responses": ["religious people blame it on pre - marital sex , not on abortion being illegal .", "yes , the old generations are too prudish .", "what does abortions have to do with teen pregnancies ?", "yes , i agree .", "i think that 's more of an issue of education ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "religious people blame it on pre-marital sex , not on abortion being illegal .", "responses": ["what do you think about abortion ?", "blaming pregnancy on sex , that makes sense i guess .", "i read somewhere that teen pregnancy was actually going down .", "anti - abortion protests seem to be getting less vocal these days .", "i thought roe v wade was considered settled law ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what do you think about abortion ?", "responses": ["i personally would never want to have one , but i think that since a pregnancy can affect a woman 's entire life , she should have the right to decide for herself .", "i think it should be legal", "i think women should have the choice .", "i do n't think the government should have a say", "it is a reasonable option"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I personally would never want to have one , but I think that since a pregnancy can affect a woman's entire life , she should have the right to decide for herself .", "responses": ["do you think the fathers should have some kind of say in the matter ?", "interesting , thank you for sharing you opinion .", "i agree , that is how it should be .", "do you think that people 's opinions are changing ?", "why do you think that way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you think the fathers should have some kind of say in the matter ?", "responses": ["i know this is going to sound sexist , but i do n't think that men should have to give their approval to the mothers of their children .", "no .", "yes .", "maybe .", "i would really have to think on that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know this is going to sound sexist , but I don't think that men should have to give their approval to the mothers of their children .", "responses": ["why not ? it 's their children , too .", "i 'm not sure how i feel about it . i definitely see both sides .", "i think the father should have a say in the situation . it 's his baby too !", "i know it does affect the mother , but what if the father wants to raise the child ?", "it 's a tough situation , but i do wish there was more awareness and use of birth control to avoid the whole situation !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "why not ? It's their children , too .", "responses": ["that may be true , but when a woman gets pregnant , it changes her life completely . men can still carry on with their lives after the birth exactly as they did beforehand .", "but its the womans boday .", "that s a good point .", "i never thought of it that way .", "yeah , its definitely a complex issue ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that may be true , but when a woman gets pregnant , it changes her life completely . Men can still carry on with their lives after the birth exactly as they did beforehand .", "responses": ["that might be true , but i think men should have some kind of say in the matter .", "i agree with you that pregnancy is not easy", "when i got pregnant i became more aggressive", "i home you know that it is their children too", "men have to work to bring money home to them"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "that might be true , but I think men should have some kind of say in the matter ."}], "index": 591} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Come to think of it , you should get out your English books and catch up on your reading assignments .", "responses": ["but i do n't have any reading assignments .", "i would do that right away", "i was not given any assignments", "i have long finished my assignments", "can you help me with the assignments ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But I don't have any reading assignments .", "responses": ["then review for your test . you 'll do even better . and maybe reading will help you get to sleep .", "you should have a list .", "well , i will send you one immediately .", "did you look in your spam folder ?", "have n't you talked with your classmates ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then review for your test . You'll do even better . And maybe reading will help you get to sleep .", "responses": ["aw , mom - you're such a drag .", "you always know what 's best .", "what would i do without you ?", "i ca n't imagine myself reading for fun .", "reading is so boring , it would help me fall asleep for sure ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Aw , Mom-you're such a drag .", "responses": ["you say that now , lily , but you 'll thank me later . i 'm your mom , and mother knows best .", "i want you to be able to be the best you can be .", "you know you need to get a scholarship .", "i just want you to make good use of your time .", "it does n't hurt to be prepared ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You say that now , Lily , but you'll thank me later . I'm your mom , and mother knows best ."}], "index": 592} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm just calling to see if you have made any decision about the position .", "responses": ["sorry , we have n't made the decision at all .", "yes , we have .", "we will be publishing our decision soon .", "we have to notify everyone at once .", "we can not notify anyone earlier than anyone else ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , we haven't made the decision at all .", "responses": ["do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision ?", "is there is something that is holding you up ?", "do you not like the salary ?", "can i help you with anything ?", "we will be asking another candidate tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision ?", "responses": ["we will let you know probably next monday . i hope to give you a positive reply .", "we wo n't decide until our staff meets on thursday .", "we should know by friday afternoon .", "we will give you a call on monday after we decide .", "i 'll let you know by tuesday at the latest ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We will let you know probably next Monday . I hope to give you a positive reply .", "responses": ["i 'm willing to wait until you have come to a decision .", "i hope so too . thank you for your help .", "great , i look forward to hearing from you on monday .", "monday works ! i will wait for your phone call .", "please call whenever you want . i will be available any time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm willing to wait until you have come to a decision ."}], "index": 593} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How did you find your apartment ?", "responses": ["you can check on the bulletin boards at school for local housing .", "i put an ad in the paper .", "i went through a realtor .", "a friend told me about it .", "i was just driving past and saw the for rent sign ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can check on the bulletin boards at school for local housing .", "responses": ["what if i need a roommate ?", "have you ever found housing from looking at those boards ?", "where is the bulletin board located ? i need to check it out .", "do people post a lot on the bulletin boards ?", "i never thought of looking on the bulletin boards . thank you for your advice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What if I need a roommate ?", "responses": ["there are websites that can hook you up with a roommate .", "a lot of the postings are asking for a roommate anyway .", "you can post on the bulletin board as well .", "do you have any friends to ask ?", "have you thought about posting a classified ad ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There are websites that can hook you up with a roommate .", "responses": ["how much do apartments cost around here ?", "yeah , but how reliable are those ?", "i do n't want to end up with some nihilistic slob !", "i 've already got an idea of who i want as a roommate .", "what like craigslist ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much do apartments cost around here ?", "responses": ["it depends on what you want . do you want a one - or two - bedroom apartment ?", "depends on how many bedrooms you want", "they are around $ 1000", "depends on the amenities you need", "there is a website that will show you your options"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It depends on what you want . Do you want a one - or two-bedroom apartment ?", "responses": ["i just need a one - bedroom apartment .", "i think i want a 1 bedroom .", "i think i want a 2 bedroom .", "i think 2 would be better with a roommate .", "i 'm not sure , depends on the prices ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I just need a one-bedroom apartment .", "responses": ["that will probably cost you around twelve hundred dollars a month .", "ok that 'll be easy enough .", "no problem .", "yes we can do that .", "and the view ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That will probably cost you around twelve hundred dollars a month .", "responses": ["would you come with me to look at apartments ?", "that 's about what i figured , but that 's a lot to come up with every month .", "on second thought , maybe i should check into a two - bedroom apartment and find a roommate . i think that will be more feasible for me .", "ok , well twelve hundred is less then what i had originally thought .", "wow , the rent here is so expensive ! i may need to find a roommate !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you come with me to look at apartments ?", "responses": ["i would be happy to look at apartments with you .", "sure , when you want to go ?", "i m free during the weekend .", "let me see when i m free ?", "sounds like fun ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I would be happy to look at apartments with you ."}], "index": 594} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you heard what happened ?", "responses": ["heard what ?", "no , what happened ?", "what happened ? i did n't hear anything .", "tell i do n't know what you are talking about .", "is it bad news or good news ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Heard what ?", "responses": ["deborah already had her baby .", "jerry asked heather for a divorce .", "megan 's basement flooded and she has to pay so much to fix it .", "jason and brittany were in a terrible car accident . luckily timmy was n't hurt .", "katie got a promotion at work ! i think she deserved it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Deborah already had her baby .", "responses": ["i did n't know that .", "i did n't know she was pregnant !", "i thought it was n't due for another month .", "is it a boy or a girl ?", "is she still planning to raise it gender neutral ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't know that .", "responses": ["i thought you knew .", "she had a boy", "she had a girl", "yeah she had it yesterday", "they did n't tell many people"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I thought you knew .", "responses": ["i honestly did n't know .", "she never told me .", "she should have called me .", "i ca nt believe she did n't tell me .", "i am so happy for her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I honestly didn't know .", "responses": ["the baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces .", "she did n't tell you ?", "well now you know .", "are you going to see it ?", "are you going to give her a ring ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces .", "responses": ["that 's good to hear .", "wow , i 'm surprised the baby weighed so much since she was early !", "that 's a good size . is the baby healthy ?", "my goodness , i had no idea ! i better go visit her and the baby !", "oh , she must be so happy ! probably exhausted too ! i 'll pay her a visit soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's good to hear .", "responses": ["will you go and visit them ?", "i ca nt believe they did nt tell you .", "yeah , they re all doing good .", "want me to send you pics ?", "you should come to the hospital ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will you go and visit them ?", "responses": ["of course i will .", "later today i would go there", "weekends is the best time to visit", "let us all go there now", "i do n't think i would be going"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course I will .", "responses": ["i just wanted to give you the good news .", "let 's go together .", "we should get them a gift .", "i bet it looks just like her .", "i ca n't wait to have a baby of my own ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I just wanted to give you the good news .", "responses": ["thanks for letting me know .", "thank you . i love good news .", "i ca n't wait to see the new baby .", "i ca n't believe she did n't tell me .", "i will go see them soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks for letting me know ."}], "index": 595} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "How silly of you to jump out of the window !", "responses": ["but that was the first thing that came into my mind when i heard the shout earthquake !", "i know , i thought it would be fun .", "it was n't silly for me , i was feeling very depressed .", "you should n't use the word \" silly , \" it makes me feel invalidated .", "yes , very silly . i do n't know what i was thinking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But that was the first thing that came into my mind when I heard the shout earthquake !", "responses": ["why not use staircases ? the terror was not so violent at that time .", "do n't be so gullible !", "you 're supposed to get into a doorway or table or something , not defenestrate yourself !", "he actually \" my uber wait ! \"", "you sure are lucky we were on the ground floor !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why not use staircases ? The terror was not so violent at that time .", "responses": ["that would be too late .", "i was n't thinking", "i panicked .", "i got scared", "i freaked out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That would be too late .", "responses": ["maybe the situation is too urgent .", "i think it 's better to use the stairs than the window .", "you are crazy to jump out the window .", "how did you think the window was a better idea ?", "you could of hurt yourself even more ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe the situation is too urgent .", "responses": ["yes , i think i should have jumped in any case .", "maybe not .", "i did n't think so .", "maybe your right .", "i was n't thinking ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I think I should have jumped in any case ."}], "index": 596} {"fold": "test", "topic": "ordinary_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I need to stop eating such unhealthy foods .", "responses": ["i know what you mean . i 've started eating better myself .", "try eating more fruits and vegetables .", "what do you eat now ?", "how much junk food do you eat ?", "do you exercise a lot ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know what you mean . I've started eating better myself .", "responses": ["what foods do you eat now ?", "what are you doing now ?", "what kind of food are you eating now ?", "maybe we can join a gym ?", "maybe you can help me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What foods do you eat now ?", "responses": ["i tend to stick to fruits , vegetables , and chicken .", "i have to a total vegetarian diet i no longer eat meat .", "i 'm eating more proteins then i used to and less carbohydrates . so foods like eggs , milk , nuts and cheese .", "i have been eating only things like chicken , fish and vegetables . i feel so much better since i started .", "i 'm having amazing results with just eating meats and vegetables . i 've cut out most of my carbs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I tend to stick to fruits , vegetables , and chicken .", "responses": ["those are the only things you eat ?", "where do you go to buy groceries .", "healthy food is so expensive .", "i wish i knew how to cook .", "why chicken . is it healthier ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Those are the only things you eat ?", "responses": ["that 's basically what i eat .", "yes for protein\\", "i now take less starch", "i do n't know other foods", "i eat a lot others this is just a few"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's basically what I eat .", "responses": ["why are n't you eating anything else ?", "i hear that fish is pretty good .", "sounds like you eat a lot of salad .", "do you like smoothies ?", "i 've been trying to eat better , but i always fail ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why aren't you eating anything else ?", "responses": ["well , fruits and vegetables are very healthy .", "they are not as healthy .", "i do n't like the taste of much else .", "i really want to eat healthy all the time .", "it is the best thing to eat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , fruits and vegetables are very healthy .", "responses": ["and the chicken ?", "yeah , but there is so much more to eat .", "what about fish ?", "yes , but have you tasted steak ? its delicious .", "what do you drink ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And the chicken ?", "responses": ["it 's really healthy to eat when you bake it .", "chicken is very healthy .", "if it 's just lean breast , it 's low fat .", "i have it with no skin , it 's healthier .", "chicken is very good for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's really healthy to eat when you bake it .", "responses": ["i guess that does sound a lot healthier .", "nice .", "sounds great !", "does n't sound so bad .", "that 's pretty good ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess that does sound a lot healthier ."}], "index": 597} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning ! I am a new comer in our office .", "responses": ["good morning ! welcome to our office !", "hello there and welcome to our office ! what 's your name ?", "hello there and welcome to our office ! what 's your name ?", "i did n't realize we had hired someone ! are you here for the receptionist job ?", "good morning ! my name 's mary . let me show you around ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning ! Welcome to our office !", "responses": ["nice to meet you ! my name is grace williams .", "what s your name ?", "glad to meet you .", "i m very excited to be here .", "i m so nervouse ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Nice to meet you ! My name is Grace Williams .", "responses": ["nice to meet you too ! i am peter smith .", "my name is james", "we are all happy to have you here", "can you please see the md now", "you are not supposed to be in this office"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Nice to meet you too ! I am Peter Smith .", "responses": ["today is my first day at work !", "how long have you been here ?", "i think i 'm going to like it here .", "this is a totally different workplace than my last job .", "i am so excited to get to work !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Today is my first day at work !", "responses": ["well , hope you will enjoy your first day ! just ask me if you need any help .", "great , happy to have you !", "let me show you to your desk .", "let me introduce you to everyone .", "nice , i will grab the boss so he can talk to you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , hope you will enjoy your first day ! Just ask me if you need any help .", "responses": ["thank you . it 's very kind of you .", "thank you so much !", "thanks , will do !", "actually , i 'm having trouble with this paperwork i have . could you help me figure it out ?", "where 's you office at ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you . It's very kind of you .", "responses": ["you are welcome .", "my office is just over there .", "has anyone shown you the break room ?", "do n't drink the coffee if alex makes it , it 's terrible .", "i 'll leave you to settle in , you 're going to like it here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome ."}], "index": 598} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have experience in advertising ?", "responses": ["yes , i used to have a part - time job in advertising company .", "no there is none", "i have advertised before", "i am willing to learn", "please delegate someone to tutor me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I used to have a part-time job in advertising company .", "responses": ["what were you mean duties there ?", "which company ?", "how long did you stay ?", "did you like it ?", "tell me what you know about our company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What were you mean duties there ?", "responses": ["i mostly did advertising planning .", "i was in charge of all advertising .", "i helped make all of the advertisements .", "i did general clerical work .", "i was an apprentice to the main designer there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I mostly did advertising planning .", "responses": ["what qualities do you think an advertising planner should have ?", "oh , that 's interesting .", "i see .", "what did your company advertise ?", "how was that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What qualities do you think an advertising planner should have ?", "responses": ["i think an advertising planner should have active thoughts , creative talent , and be sensitive to the changes in the market .", "they should have good organizational skills .", "communication skills are the most important .", "willingness to work with a team .", "being creative is very important ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think an advertising planner should have active thoughts , creative talent , and be sensitive to the changes in the market .", "responses": ["what was the most important thing you have learned at work ?", "and what else ?", "that sounds promising .", "i like were your going .", "interesting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was the most important thing you have learned at work ?", "responses": ["the most important thing i learned was that i must continuously improve my abilities . advertising is a constantly evolving trade and creativity is an important fact to success . if i want to make in marking in advertising industry , i ca n't stop studying and creating .", "that teamwork is very helpful .", "there is no such thing as a bad idea .", "communication is key .", "it just as important to follow orders as it is to give them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The most important thing I learned was that I must continuously improve my abilities . Advertising is a constantly evolving trade and creativity is an important fact to success . If I want to make in marking in advertising industry , I can ' t stop studying and creating ."}], "index": 599} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The air conditioning is not working ! We need to call a handyman before we start to fry in here !", "responses": ["dan is on top of that . i think they are also getting the handyman to fix the bathroom toilet that keeps clogging up .", "i do n't know any !", "i knew something was wrong with it .", "i think my brother knows a guy .", "let 's look online for one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Dan is on top of that . I think they are also getting the handyman to fix the bathroom toilet that keeps clogging up .", "responses": ["that would be convenient . they might as well ask him to fix the electrical wiring . the circuit breakers keep going out all the time . it 's really annoying !", "i am glad we are finally getting it fixed .", "nice , the toilet has been broken for awhile .", "that is good , we need those fixed .", "i hope he comes soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That would be convenient . They might as well ask him to fix the electrical wiring . The circuit breakers keep going out all the time . It ' s really annoying !", "responses": ["yeah you are right . this office is falling apart ! frank told me the other day that the gutters outside were clogged and that 's why the parking lot was flooded .", "how bad is your place ?", "you might as well get a new house at this point . it would be a lot easier that 's for sure .", "anything else going wrong ?", "that 's why you should have found a newer house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah you are right . This office is falling apart ! Frank told me the other day that the gutters outside were clogged and that ' s why the parking lot was flooded .", "responses": ["i know ! i was in ankle deep water trying to get to my car that day ! the handyman definitely has his work cut out for him .", "we probably just need to move .", "i wish they would stay on top of things better .", "we need an in house maintenance person .", "they can get a service to keep the gutters clear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know ! I was in ankle deep water trying to get to my car that day ! The handyman definitely has his work cut out for him ."}], "index": 600} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have anything to do after this ?", "responses": ["no , i do n't .", "not really .", "i think i 'm free .", "i was going to meet up with a friend , but they bailed on me at the last minute .", "why , do you want to go do something ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I don't .", "responses": ["shall we drop in somewhere for a couple of drinks ?", "do you want to go grab a beer ?", "how about going to get pizza ?", "do you think we have time for a quick game of basketball ?", "let 's go do some shopping for the party ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Shall we drop in somewhere for a couple of drinks ?", "responses": ["that sounds like a good idea .", "sure !", "yes .", "ok .", "i would ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That sounds like a good idea .", "responses": ["i know a very interesting place .", "i know a great spot downtown .", "first round is on me .", "i will let my wife know we are having a boys night .", "we can share a cab after ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "I know a very interesting place .", "responses": ["oh , do you ? good .", "sounds cool , where is it ?", "do they have food there ?", "is there any music to listen to ?", "awesome , let 's get going ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , do you ? Good ."}], "index": 601} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , hi , Jessica , are you going to see this movie too ?", "responses": ["i 'd love to , the movies are smash hit .", "yes i am .", "oh hi !", "hi , yes i am .", "of course ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd love to , the movies are smash hit .", "responses": ["then let 's go in .", "let 's go to the drive in .", "i love all super hero movies .", "i heard this one is going to break records .", "i hope its better than the last one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then let's go in .", "responses": ["i ca n't . i 'm waiting for paul , but he 's late .", "awesome , do you want some popcorn .", "let 's go , i ca n't wait to see it .", "do you want me to get you a soda ?", "should we sit in the front or the back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can't . I'm waiting for Paul , but he's late .", "responses": ["i 'll say the movie 's starting in the minute .", "i want to go buy popcorn first .", "you head in . i 'm going to the bathroom really quickly .", "ok i 'm ready to head in .", "i want to buy a drink first ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll say the movie's starting in the minute .", "responses": ["i know . i wonder what 's keeping him .", "please find paul for me !", "i ca n't go without paul", "i hope he is n't too late for the start .", "paul loves movies too much for this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . I wonder what's keeping him .", "responses": ["looks like he wo n't show up . he 's done this before , has n't he ?", "i 'm going to go in , you can keep waiting .", "i 'm sure he 'll understand , let 's just go in .", "he probably got stuck in traffic .", "have you called him yet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Looks like he won't show up . He's done this before , hasn't he ?", "responses": ["yeah , a number of times .", "he does seem to be late a lot .", "not usually , something could be wrong .", "i 'll try to call him .", "a few times , but he 's usually considerate ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , a number of times .", "responses": ["what 's he trying to pull anyway .", "do you want me to save you a seat ?", "is he answering texts ?", "i 'll save a seat , find me if he does n't show up .", "i 'll get some popcorn to save you time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What's he trying to pull anyway .", "responses": ["i do n't know . but this is definitely the last straw .", "he likes to make me mad .", "he likes to make me sad .", "he likes to make me angry .", "he likes to make me upset ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . But this is definitely the last straw .", "responses": ["maybe you should start seeing someone else .", "i agree we should n't invite him out anymore .", "we should text him and tell him how mad we are .", "we should go into the movie without him .", "i 'm not sure but i do n't want to be his friend anymore ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe you should start seeing someone else .", "responses": ["you said it . ok , let 's go in , sandy .", "maybe i should just be on my own for a while .", "you may be right , that would serve him right .", "i do n't know , he can be sweet at times .", "you are right , i 'm so tired of him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You said it . Ok , let's go in , Sandy ."}], "index": 602} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't believe how hot it is .", "responses": ["it 's not even noon yet .", "yes very hot out today .", "me either !", "does seem warm .", "does n't seem that hot .."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not even noon yet .", "responses": ["that means it will get hotter .", "this might be our hottest summer yet .", "i ca n't wait to move away from here .", "if we did n't have air conditioner , we would die .", "i ca n't wait for fall ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That means it will get hotter .", "responses": ["i am dying from the heat .", "i really do n't like the heat", "i wish it would cool down .", "i need to get an air conditioner .", "i wish summer was already over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am dying from the heat .", "responses": ["turn on the air conditioner .", "the heat makes me feel sick .", "i need to drink some cold water to cool off .", "we should turn the air conditioning up .", "i 'm going to change into cooler clothes . you should too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Turn on the air conditioner .", "responses": ["it does n't work .", "you turn on the air conditioner", "it 's been broken for a while .", "i will do that right now .", "what temperature would you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It doesn't work .", "responses": ["what happened ?", "that sucks .", "ah , maybe go to the movies . they have good air conditioning at the theater .", "the library can be a good option .", "ah , i guess you 'll just have to endure it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened ?", "responses": ["i do n't know .", "it made a clicking noise , but did n't turn on .", "it 's blowing hot air .", "it 's not doing anything at all .", "it turns on but the fan does n't work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know .", "responses": ["did you call the repairman ?", "have you had anyone look at it ?", "have you called anyone to check it ?", "let me take a look at it .", "maybe the filter just needs changing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you call the repairman ?", "responses": ["of course .", "they went out of business !", "they are closed to sunday .", "he is out of town till next friday", "i forgot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course .", "responses": ["when is he coming ?", "did the repairman say when he could come ?", "we should try fixing it ourselves .", "i 'm tired of it breaking . we should buy a new one instead of getting it repaired", "i 'll help pay for the repairman 's fees ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When is he coming ?", "responses": ["he 's busy . he said next week .", "he said between 2 and 4 pm .", "i hope it 's soon .", "he said he would come as quickly as he could .", "you know how repairmen are , it could be anytime ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's busy . He said next week ."}], "index": 603} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Please help yourself to whatever you like , don't be shy .", "responses": ["yes , thank you . i 've already been helping myself .", "are there peanuts in anything ?", "i ca n't believe you have such a spread !", "everything looks so great .", "today was not a good day to start dieting ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , thank you . I've already been helping myself .", "responses": ["this dish taste terrific . would you like to try a little ? it is a little hot , but very good .", "my home is your home .", "well keep helping yourself .", "i am happy to be hosting you today .", "are you enjoying what you 've been helping yourself to ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "This dish taste terrific . Would you like to try a little ? It is a little hot , but very good .", "responses": ["i like hot food , especially sichuan cuisine .", "you 've only tried one thing . get some of everything .", "i 'm glad to share this meal with you .", "we made it all especially for you . eat up .", "everything came out better than i expected ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I like hot food , especially Sichuan cuisine .", "responses": ["would you like another beer ?", "then you will absolutely love this !", "taste is for me", "i have prepared you a plate .", "it 's right over there to get for yourself ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like another beer ?", "responses": ["i 'll have another cup of beer insist . i know i do n't like to drink alone , especially there are someone sitting there next to me .", "no , i 've already had enough .", "yes please , i think i will .", "no thanks , beer does n't go well with this food .", "maybe , if you have another kind ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll have another cup of beer insist . I know I don't like to drink alone , especially there are someone sitting there next to me .", "responses": ["come on , it 's the weekend . let 's taste and enjoy this meal . cheers !", "would you like to move to another seat ?", "would you like to join a group of others ?", "please let me know if you would like someone to talk to .", "would you like to grab another snack ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Come on , it's the weekend . Let's taste and enjoy this meal . Cheers !", "responses": ["bottom 's up , and you 're right . this meal is incredible . i wish i had known this restaurant before . thanks for bringing me here . i know i 'll be back agile soon .", "cheers , this is great beer .", "i think i will .", "i agree , we should have fun .", "thanks for the great advice ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Bottom's up , and you're right . This meal is incredible . I wish I had known this restaurant before . Thanks for bringing me here . I know I'll be back agile soon ."}], "index": 604} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a complaint to make . The bill you sent me was incorrect . What's more , it isn't the first time", "responses": ["well , i must apologize , madam . we have new computers here , you know .", "i am sorry for this issue , can you give me more information ?", "i apologize , can you tell me your billing number .", "i 'm sorry , i will try and fix this .", "i apologize for the issue , can you give me some more info ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I must apologize , madam . We have new computers here , you know .", "responses": ["do n't you think it 's about time you got them working properly ?", "i understand you have new computers but this is n't acceptable .", "thanks for the apology .", "how are you going to rectify this problem ?", "i understand but i want to file a formal complaint ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Don't you think it's about time you got them working properly ?", "responses": ["i agree entirely . i assure you it wo n't happen again .", "i completely agree and we are on it .", "i have called a tech and will be here soon .", "i sincerely apologize for the delay .", "i will be happy to refund you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I agree entirely . I assure you it won't happen again ."}], "index": 605} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the weather forecast for today ?", "responses": ["cloudy in the morning , overcast in the afternoon .", "i 'm not sure let me check my phone .", "well i looked out the window and it 's raining .", "i would grab a jacket . it 's supposed to be chilly .", "i 'll turn the news on so we can see the weather ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Cloudy in the morning , overcast in the afternoon .", "responses": ["any rain ?", "what about the evening ?", "will it rain at all ?", "great , i wo n't get burned .", "how about the temperature ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Any rain ?", "responses": ["no , but i would n't be surprised if it rained tomorrow .", "no , i did n't hear anything about rain .", "yeah , 30 % chance .", "the weatherman did n't say anything , but i think it will .", "no rain today , but probably tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , but I wouldn't be surprised if it rained tomorrow .", "responses": ["i would n't either . it 's been looking like rain for several days .", "did you check the weather report ?", "do you have to go out ?", "do you think you will use an umbrella ?", "is it cold outside ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wouldn't either . It's been looking like rain for several days ."}], "index": 606} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , Linda , you must be so excited about going to study in America .", "responses": ["oh , yes , i am . i have always wanted to go to the states . i love meeting new people . and making new friends .", "i am , but i 'm also nervous .", "i ca n't wait ! it 's going to be so much fun !", "i think i 'm going to miss my friends and family at home .", "i keep on reading horror stories about going to america . it 's making me nervous ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes , I am . I have always wanted to go to the States . I love meeting new people . And making new friends .", "responses": ["well , i 'm sure you will .", "which state are you going to ?", "are you staying at someone 's house ?", "will you be rooming at the school ?", "i hope you take a lot of pictures to share with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I'm sure you will .", "responses": ["well , there 's one thing .", "i do n't think it 'll be hard to make friends .", "americans are very friendly , i think you 're right .", "yes , i 'm looking forward to meeting new people .", "it 's a great new adventure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , there's one thing .", "responses": ["what 's the matter", "what is it ?", "what is it ?", "what is it ?", "what is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the matter", "responses": ["i 'm a little worried about my host family . you know , in the agreement i have to do some cooking for them .", "i 'm afraid of flying .", "i still need to get a passport .", "i 'm sad about leaving my family .", "i need to buy a new wardrobe since the weather is so different ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm a little worried about my host family . You know , in the agreement I have to do some cooking for them ."}], "index": 607} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are the most popular sports in your country ?", "responses": ["swimming in summer and skating in winter . what 's your favorite sport ?", "baseball is the most popular in the summertime .", "in the winter time we like basketball .", "football is our favorite fall sport .", "golf is pretty popular here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Swimming in summer and skating in winter . What ' s your favorite sport ?", "responses": ["jogging and bowling . do you know how to practise bungfu ?", "ice skating .", "football .", "baseball", "socor ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Jogging and bowling . Do you know how to practise Bungfu ?", "responses": ["no i do n't but l do taijiquan or shadow boxing . people everywhere in china usually do taijiquan early in the morning . it can help people keep fit . it has a history of over three hundred years .", "everyone loves soccer .", "i 'm not sure i do n't know anything about sports .", "our national sport is rugby .", "i like gymnastics but everyone else loves futbol ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No I don't But l do Taijiquan or Shadow boxing . People everywhere in China usually do Taijiquan early in the morning . It can help people keep fit . It has a history of over three hundred years .", "responses": ["is it easy to learn ?", "that sounds like a fun routine .", "what if it 's cloudy and you ca n't see your shadow ?", "do all ages shadow box ?", "i would be afraid of punching someone by accident ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it easy to learn ?", "responses": ["yes . it is i can teach you if you like .", "is it like bungfu ?", "do you know of any bungfu groups ?", "know anybody who does bungfu ?", "can you teach me shadow boxing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . it is I can teach you if you like .", "responses": ["thank you . i can teach you how to bowl .", "that would be great .", "do i need gloves ?", "where 's a good place to practice ?", "it 's nice of you to offer , i 'll have to check my schedule ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . I can teach you how to bowl .", "responses": ["right . let 's help each other .", "sounds like a plan . are you free tuesday ?", "i would love to learn . where is your bowling alley ?", "what days are you free ? i can go most days", "do you bowl candleopins ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Right . Let's help each other ."}], "index": 608} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When was America discovered , Tony ?", "responses": ["i 'm not certain . do you know ?", "i do n't know", "the 1700s .", "the 1700s .", "the 1700s ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm not certain . Do you know ?", "responses": ["america was discovered by christopher columbus in 1492 .", "i 'm not sure either let 's google it .", "i do n't know let 's ask your sister .", "let 's look it up in our text book .", "i think the answer is in my notes . let 's check ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 .", "responses": ["in a way that 's right . but the vikings travelled there long beforecolumbus . and what about the red indians ?", "somebody discovered it before then because there were people already living there .", "i think that native americans would disagree with that .", "christopher columbus was so lost , he did n't know what he had found .", "1492 sounds like the right year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "In a way that's right . But the Vikings travelled there long beforeColumbus . And what about the Red Indians ?", "responses": ["all right . ask me a question now .", "we do n't know the red indians did n't originate here .", "we do n't call them red indians anymore .", "red indians is a slur .", "we do know about the vikings but they left no written records ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "All right . Ask me a question now .", "responses": ["who invented the electric light bulb ?", "who is the president of france ?", "who discovered hawaii ?", "when did king henry vii reign ?", "who assassinated robert kennedy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who invented the electric light bulb ?", "responses": ["that 's easy . it was invented by edison .", "was it tommy edison ?", "i 'm not sure . was it tesla ?", "try a harder question", "seriously , can you find a harder question ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's easy . It was invented by Edison .", "responses": ["correct . now for a harder question . who will be the first men on mars ?", "you got it right .", "i should have asked you something harder .", "that was much too easy for you .", "i 'll ask a harder question next time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Correct . Now for a harder question . Who will be the first men on Mars ?", "responses": ["i ca n't answer that . but i think mars will be visited by men before theed of this century .", "maybe it will be a woman first , i 'm not sure !", "i 'm not sure but have you heard of mars one ?", "whoever sets foot down first will likely live there from what i hear .", "i 'd imagine it would be some kind of mining company trying to make a profit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't answer that . But I think Mars will be visited by men before theed of this century .", "responses": ["ask me a question now .", "you 're probably right . what country do you think will get to mars first ?", "okay , you 're turn . ask me something now .", "do you think we might get to another planet before mars ?", "do you think it could happen in the next fifty years ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ask me a question now .", "responses": ["all right . what is the nearest planet to the sun ?", "okay sure . which country has the highest population ?", "who was the author of around the world in 80 days ?", "how many elements are there in the periodic table ?", "who was the famous scientist that worked with radium ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "All right . What is the nearest planet to the sun ?", "responses": ["that 's easy . it 's .. er . venus . no . pluto . no . wait a minute . it 's anthe tip of my tongue . oh dear , what is the nearest planet to the sun ?", "the nearest planet to the sun is mercury .", "i know it is now mars", "that is a good question , i am not sure .", "it could be venus , but i think it 's mercury ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's easy . It's .. er . Venus . NO . Pluto . No . Wait a minute . It's Anthe tip of my tongue . Oh dear , what is the nearest planet to the sun ?"}], "index": 609} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Check out these wheels !", "responses": ["you bought a compact car ?", "wow , that is a nice car .", "is that yours ?", "that color is great on a car .", "i wonder how fast it goes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You bought a compact car ?", "responses": ["no , i borrowed it .", "yes i did .", "i thought it was responsible ecologically .", "i like small cars .", "it was all i could afford ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I borrowed it .", "responses": ["let me guess , from sarah . it looks like something she would drive .", "good , with twins on the way , that one is too small .", "who did you borrow it from ?", "how long will you get to keep it ?", "did you check the insurance status ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me guess , from Sarah . It looks like something she would drive .", "responses": ["you guessed right . besides , the color violet is a little girly for me .", "yes but she bought it for her daughter", "yeah , it 's hers but i 'm starting to like it", "can you blame her ? it handles so well", "what to take it for a spin ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You guessed right . Besides , the color violet is a little girly for me .", "responses": ["i love it . it 's so festive ! and where did you get that cup ? it 's got the same logo .", "that is pretty purple .", "the glittery license plate is too .", "how long before she wants it back ?", "is it standard or automatic ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I love it . It's so festive ! And where did you get that cup ? It's got the same logo ."}], "index": 610} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We quarreled yesterday , and he picked up and left .", "responses": ["terrible ! does he want to divorce ?", "i 'm sorry .", "how are you doing .", "are you ok ?", "how can i help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Terrible ! Does he want to divorce ?", "responses": ["i am not sure .", "i do n't know , it 's too soon to tell .", "at this point , i just do n't care .", "i hope so , i 'm tired of him .", "if he does n't ask for one , i will ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not sure .", "responses": ["do n't lose your reason . go to find him and talk with him .", "maybe some space will help", "we 'll at least he had enough sense to go cool off", "i 'm sorry to hear that .", "it 's not just him . everyone with allergies is cranky and difficult ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don ' t lose your reason . Go to find him and talk with him ."}], "index": 611} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whew ! I had to wait for almost an hour to get to the front of the line .", "responses": ["you have much patience .", "that 's how it goes .", "sorry you had to wait so long .", "bummer !", "well it 's good you did n't cut in front of people ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You have much patience .", "responses": ["wow ! your calligraphy is very beautiful . it was worth the wait !", "well , i really wanted to get these tickets .", "i had to , my girlfriend would kill me if i did n't get the tickets .", "it was actually kind of fun , i was talking to some other kids .", "it was n't that bad , i was playing a game on my phone ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! Your calligraphy is very beautiful . It was worth the wait !", "responses": ["thank you . today i 'm writing a kind of poem called a chinese couplet .", "thank you . i have been practicing many years", "so kind of you to say .", "is there something i could write for you ?", "thank you for the compliment . what would you like me to write ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Today I'm writing a kind of poem called a Chinese couplet .", "responses": ["what does it say ?", "i 'm not familiar with that type of poem .", "what will you name the poem ?", "good luck with your poem .", "that sounds like an interesting poem ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does it say ?", "responses": ["this is an especially famous one . it says \" may the passing days bring you health and longevity . may this season of renewal find you basked in riches . \"", "you can read each of them right here .", "take a look , i have many samples for people to view .", "it 's better to show you instead of tell you , so here take a look .", "it says traditional chinese words formed into different couplets . take a look !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is an especially famous one . It says \" May the passing days bring you health and longevity . May this season of renewal find you basked in riches . \"", "responses": ["that 's very nice . is it for sale ?", "that 's great ! who is the poet ?", "that 's fantastic ! how long have you been doing this ?", "what a beautiful sentiment ! and the calligraphy just makes it even more so !", "that 's really uplifting ! who wrote it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's very nice . Is it for sale ?", "responses": ["no . i never sell my artwork .", "i 'm afraid not . this one has been specially requested .", "this one has been spoken for .", "this poem is already sold to the requestor .", "it is not . i am sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . I never sell my artwork .", "responses": ["really ? then what do you do with it ?", "you should think of selling your artwork .", "i would buy some if you did sell it .", "i can respect that .", "i think people would pay for your art ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Then what do you do with it ?", "responses": ["i give it away . here , this one is for you .", "i just kind of keep them in a notebook .", "i just stick them in a binder or something .", "i post them to facebook once in a while .", "nothing really . i just make them for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I give it away . Here , this one is for you .", "responses": ["wow ! really ? are you sure ? now i 'll have a lucky year !", "oh wow thank you so much .", "that is very generous of you to do that .", "how do people respond when you just give it to them ?", "thanks , i know just where i 'll hang it ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Wow ! Really ? Are you sure ? Now I'll have a lucky year !", "responses": ["remember , real luck must be created ( by ) yourself , and then it can not be given or taken away ...", "it 's my pleasure .", "certainly - this year will be your best year .", "i 'm positive . it 's the least i can do for you waiting so long", "i really think you will emjoy it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Remember , real luck must be created ( by ) yourself , and then it cannot be given or taken away ..."}], "index": 612} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I often recalled the days when Tom and I were madly in love .", "responses": ["very romantic ?", "those are good memories .", "it 's nice to remember good times .", "you two were made for each other .", "i bet you miss him a lot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Very romantic ?", "responses": ["yeah . he always tickled my finny bone with his college stories .", "indeed . we did everything together .", "to say the least . we were inseparable .", "yes , it was like living in a dream .", "yes , a feeling i have n't felt in a long time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . He always tickled my finny bone with his college stories .", "responses": ["you married him for that reason ?", "that 's adorable . how long have you been together ?", "he 's very entertaining . what else do you remember ?", "that 's a great memory . does he still tell good stories ?", "is that how he swept you off your feet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You married him for that reason ?", "responses": ["definitely not . the most important thing was we loved each other .", "what can i say ? i like a guy with a sense of humor .", "not only was he funny , but sympathetic too . that 's the trait that really won me over .", "i did n't marry him for sense of humor alone , but it certainly helped !", "a good laugh and a good heart are reason enough to marry a man i say ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Definitely not . The most important thing was we loved each other ."}], "index": 613} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It seldom rains this summer .", "responses": ["yeah , some places are very short of water .", "we really need the rain .", "the grass is all dying .", "i hope it rains soon .", "i 'm concerned about fire hazards ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , some places are very short of water .", "responses": ["because of pollution and other things , our environment has become worse and worse .", "hopefully we do n't experience any shortages here .", "do you think we 'll have a shortage here ?", "i 've been stocking up just in case there 's a shortage .", "do you think the crops will be effected ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Because of pollution and other things , our environment has become worse and worse .", "responses": ["you see , this time i traveled to the west . when i looked out of the windows of the rain , all the lands that i could see are as dry as a bone .", "yeah , it 's gotten so bad .", "i know . it 's only going to keep getting worse too .", "yeah , the pollution is out of control .", "i know , the pollution has caused a lot of problems ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You see , This time I traveled to the West . When I looked out of the windows of the rain , all the lands that I could see are as dry as a bone .", "responses": ["it is serious .", "it seems drought and despair are everywhere .", "there must be something that can bring rain back to our land .", "is the west polluted like it is here ?", "dry in the west , what a shame to hear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is serious ."}], "index": 614} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm looking forward to summer vacation .", "responses": ["me too .", "oh yea ? what do you have planned ?", "me too ! i ca n't wait to go to disney world .", "that 's nice , i do n't ever get a summer vacation because of work .", "when does your summer vacation start ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too ."}], "index": 615} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My granny is such a kind-hearted person . She is willing to help .", "responses": ["she does have a heart of gold .", "oh , that 's nice . she sounds sweet .", "she sounds like a kind woman . are you close with her ?", "mine is too . she 's always lending a hand to everyone .", "she sounds wonderful . does she live nearby ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She does have a heart of gold .", "responses": ["you can say that again .", "let me know what she can do to help , and i will let her know .", "she has the biggest heart of anyone i know .", "what can granny do to help you ?", "i know she 'll have some ideas to help you out ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You can say that again ."}], "index": 616} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look at this newspaper article about this famous local medium . It says that she is really gifted and so popular now , that she is booked solid with appointments for the next twelve months !", "responses": ["you do n't really believe in all that hocus pocus mumbo jumbo , do you ?", "i do n't believe in mediums .", "it would be cool to see what she has to say .", "i think all that stuff is fake .", "did you make an appointment ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You don't really believe in all that hocus pocus mumbo jumbo , do you ?", "responses": ["well , i have had many friends that went to a psychic and got their palms read and most of the things the psychic told her came true !", "actually , i do !", "i really do , actually .", "part of me does , part of me does n't .", "i take it with a grain of salt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I have had many friends that went to a psychic and got their palms read and most of the things the psychic told her came true !", "responses": ["of course it does ! they tell you general and obvious things like that you will be successful or have a big house . i think most of the times they are just scam artists .", "really , i am skeptical about all that stuff .", "i myself find it a waste of time .", "how much do you spend on one reading ?", "should n't everything came true not just some of it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course it does ! They tell you general and obvious things like that you will be successful or have a big house . I think most of the times they are just scam artists .", "responses": ["well , historically it is a practice that many cultures share . reading the tarot cards , in the east they would even read tea leaves ! i even heard that there are people that make you smoke a cigar , and then read your ashes .", "i would n't mind going some time to hear it for myself .", "i think you should give it a shot .", "i hear that too , but they always seem to know details that just seem weird .", "lets go together sometime and see for ourselves !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , historically it is a practice that many cultures share . Reading the tarot cards , in the east they would even read tea leaves ! I even heard that there are people that make you smoke a cigar , and then read your ashes .", "responses": ["all superstitious nonsense ! i would still like to go to one and see what he or she has to say , just for kicks .", "it 's all smoke and mirrors .", "you 're being deceived .", "none of that is real . it 's all just a ruse .", "it 's just a fun act . they ca n't actually predict anything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "All superstitious nonsense ! I would still like to go to one and see what he or she has to say , just for kicks ."}], "index": 617} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I help you , sir ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'd like a book about law .", "yes , i need help with my room .", "i have an issue with my service , can you help ?", "i need to find the nearest doctor 's office .", "can you give me the time for the show tonight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I'd like a book about law .", "responses": ["would you tell me the name of the book and the author ?", "what kind of law ?", "is there a specific area of law you 're looking at ?", "is there anything specific ?", "any law in particular ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you tell me the name of the book and the author ?", "responses": ["uh , the origin of law . and it 's written by professor felix of harvard .", "it is called \" how to read what a law means \" , written by robert jones .", "robert jones wrote it called \" how to read what a law means \" .", "the author is robert jones and the title is \" how to read what a law means \" .", "i 'm looking for \" how to read what a law means \" by a man name robert jones ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Uh , the Origin of Law . And it's written by Professor Felix of Harvard .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . it 's out of stock now . could you come by again next week ?", "let me look that up for you .", "that it is in the 3rd row , on the bottom right , about half way down .", "let me take a look - one moment please", "i 'd be happy to see if we have that available ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'm sorry . It's out of stock now . Could you come by again next week ?", "responses": ["next week ? it is too late . i need it urgently .", "can you check if any other libraries have a copy ?", "sure , no problem .", "i really need it in a hurry . is there any way you can help me ?", "is there a way i can reserve a copy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Next week ? It is too late . I need it urgently .", "responses": ["well , then , is it convenient to leave your phone number so that i can inform you as soon as we restock it ?", "let me call another sore for and ask them , if they have it .", "i can call the library in town for you .", "let me please contact my manager and see , if he has a solution .", "well , that 's amazing ! i have that book at home . i 'll call my wife immediately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , then , is it convenient to leave your phone number so that I can inform you as soon as we restock it ?", "responses": ["no , thanks any way .", "is there any way you can find a copy for me this week ?", "i can leave my phone number .", "do you know where else i could find the book ?", "is it possible to order the book online and get it quickly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks any way .", "responses": ["you 're welcome .", "i will call another store and see if they have the book in stock", "if you can wait one moment i will check our website and see if it is available online", "have you tried to find the book on amazon ?", "this is available on our website , i can have it express mailed to you"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're welcome ."}], "index": 618} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Bob !", "responses": ["anne ! i have n't seen you for ages . how 've you been ?", "hey , how 's it going ?", "what can i do for you ?", "how 's it going today ?", "i think you have the wrong number ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Anne ! I haven't seen you for ages . How ' Ve you been ?", "responses": ["fine , just fine . and you ?", "i 've been great . busy .", "i have been super busy .", "i have been busy with school .", "i have been doing a ton of work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Fine , just fine . And you ?", "responses": ["not bad . it really is great to see you again . where have you been ?", "i am doing pretty good .", "thank you for asking , things are going okay .", "i 've been better .", "i am still working at the same and doing fairly well ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Not bad . It really is great to see you again . Where have you been ?", "responses": ["guangzhou . i 've got a cousin there .", "same old , same old . busy with work .", "kids are keeping me busy 24/7", "doing some traveling for work and have n't beee around much .", "been busy with work mainly , how 's the family ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Guangzhou . I've got a cousin there ."}], "index": 619} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am so glad I caught you at home . I need your help !", "responses": ["what 's up , robert ?", "what is it that you need ?", "i am glad to help you .", "what 's up ? how can i help ?", "i would love to help you out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's up , Robert ?", "responses": ["cafe au lait , cafe latte , cappuccino , cafe mocha ... i ca n't keep them all straight !", "i need your help to move a sofa .", "can you please help me move something ?", "i need some help doing my taxes .", "can you spare some time , i need your help ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Cafe au lait , cafe latte , cappuccino , cafe mocha ... I can't keep them all straight !", "responses": ["slow down . what are you talking about ?", "i have trouble with the names as well .", "they 're pretty hard to keep track of .", "just focus on learning one at a time .", "maybe you could draw up some flash cards ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Slow down . What are you talking about ?", "responses": ["it 's about a girl . no , an angel ! i 'm going to the coffee shop where she works right now .", "what 's the difference between those ?", "which one is the best ?", "are they hot or cold beverages ?", "are they french or italian ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's about a girl . No , an angel ! I'm going to the coffee shop where she works right now ."}], "index": 620} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , is this the ABC company ?", "responses": ["yes , may i help you ?", "how can i help you ?", "yes , that 's us . what do you need ?", "sorry , but you have the wrong number .", "you have the right number . what can i do for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , may I help you ?", "responses": ["we have just arrived from tokyo only ... looking for a reserve car of your company . all of above , we can not find it .", "i need some information about one of your products .", "i am interested in applying for a job .", "i am trying to get in touch with your sales department . can you connect me with someone ?", "i ordered a shipment from you two weeks ago and it still has n't come in yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "We have just arrived from Tokyo only ... looking for a reserve car of your company . All of above , we cannot find it .", "responses": ["what is your reservation number ?", "can you tell me your name , please ?", "do you have a reservation number ?", "what type of car did you reserve ?", "please tell me your name ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your reservation number ?", "responses": ["our reservation number is j - 221 .", "my reservation number is 4256421", "i can not find my reservation number but my last name is jones", "i have a reservation number of 6298557", "the reservation number that i was given 2285692"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our reservation number is J - 221 .", "responses": ["let me see . oh , yes , we have your reservation number .", "give me a minute to look this up", "can i have the name under the reservation ?", "i ca n't find your reservation in the system", "let me see what s going on"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me see . Oh , yes , we have your reservation number .", "responses": ["you mean you have n't arranged any car ?", "okay . where is reserve car ?", "i 'm so glad . you can help ?", "okay . help us find car please ?", "that 's good . where can we find car ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You mean you haven ' t arranged any car ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry to say no .", "we did , but something must have gone wrong.let me ask my manager , please .", "there is a problem here.a car is not attached to your number . i 'll fix it right away for you .", "i , m sorry , sir . the car is in the washstreet.it will be here in 5 minutes .", "oh , your flight arrived 1 hour earlier ! i need 30 minutes , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sorry to say no .", "responses": ["here i 'll take taxi instead , how do you refund us ?", "well we 'll have to arrange one now .", "what am i supposed to do then ?", "why not ? !", "does that mean we have no car ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Here I ' ll take taxi instead , how do you refund us ?"}], "index": 621} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of gas does this car take ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . it 's a rental .", "i usually put in unleaded .", "she needs premium .", "i 'm not really sure . i usually buy the cheap stuff .", "it requires an ethanol blend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . It's a rental .", "responses": ["i will give you premium unleaded . alright ?", "is it a car or a van ?", "do you know the make and model of the car ?", "what type of car is it ?", "can you give me any specific information about the car ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I will give you premium unleaded . Alright ?", "responses": ["sure , why not ?", "i would rather have the less expensive unleaded .", "premium unleaded will be fine .", "let me look at the manual if it is here .", "can you help me find out what the car takes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure , why not ?", "responses": ["that is the pump you are in front of .", "would you like a receipt for your gas purchase ?", "would you likke a car wash with your fill up ?", "do you want anything else besides gas today ?", "would you like the windshield washed today ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That is the pump you are in front of .", "responses": ["is it expensive ?", "i did n't know that", "is it this one ?", "i see it", "thanks for telling me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it expensive ?", "responses": ["it is the most expensive .", "it 's more expensive than regular unleaded .", "it 's a bit more expensive but you 'll get better performance .", "it 's a little more expensive but it 's the best choice for your car .", "not very . just a little bit more than regular ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is the most expensive .", "responses": ["well , i do n't want it then . can i move to another pump ?", "no , i don , t want that .", "no . give me something cheaper , please .", "i 'll go look for a cheaper place .", "oh well ok.fill it up !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , I don't want it then . Can I move to another pump ?", "responses": ["yes , i can give you regular unleaded . but you have to back up the car a little .", "sure , we have a medium option .", "no i 'm sorry , this is the only one we can give you .", "sure , we have something much cheaper .", "it depends on your type of car ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , I can give you regular unleaded . But you have to back up the car a little .", "responses": ["give me regular unleaded then . i will back up . can you wash my windows for me ?", "ok no problem just give me a minute .", "i will do that right away .", "perfect , thanks for helping me decide !", "sure thing i will move it back now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Give me regular unleaded then . I will back up . Can you wash my windows for me ?", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , sir . this is not a full service gas station . i will help you fill the gas , but we do n't wash windows here .", "sure , not a problem .", "that 's fine , i 'll do your windows as the gas is pumping .", "sorry , we do n't have the facilities to wash windows here .", "i wo n't be able to do that , but we have a car wash around the side !"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm sorry , sir . This is not a full service gas station . I will help you fill the gas , but we don't wash windows here .", "responses": ["really ? well , i guess i have to get used to it .", "well ok . i 'm in a hurry anyway .", "that 's too bad because the windows are really dirty . do you have a window cleaning brush so i can do it ?", "fine . can you then just fill the car up . i 'd appreciate that anyway .", "let me back up the car . at least the tank will be full . thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Well , I guess I have to get used to it ."}], "index": 622} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Mary , it's good to see you !", "responses": ["josh and i were just on our way back home from the beach and thought we 'd drop by .", "wow!!what a surprise !", "hey tom . how are you ?", "good to see you too ! !", "come on . let 's have a drink somewhere and talk ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Josh and I were just on our way back home from the beach and thought we'd drop by .", "responses": ["i am so glad that you decided to stop by !", "i 'm so glad you stopped by !", "come on inside .", "would you like a drink ?", "how have you guys been ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am so glad that you decided to stop by !", "responses": ["yes , it has been a long time since we have seen you .", "me too , we have not seen each other in a long time", "i was worried about coming by without calling first", "i 'm so glad that you are home", "i brought you the $ 100 i borrowed from you last month"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it has been a long time since we have seen you .", "responses": ["mary , can i get josh or you something to drink ?", "you too ! i 've missed you guys", "when was the last time we saw each other ?", "i was so happy to see you", "hopefully , you guys can come back soon !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Mary , can I get Josh or you something to drink ?", "responses": ["oh no , thank you . we are n't all that thirsty .", "thanks , but no . we ca n't stay long .", "some water would be nice . thanks !", "no , please . we do n't want to be a bother .", "nothing for me . what about you , josh ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh no , thank you . We aren't all that thirsty .", "responses": ["how about a little snack then ?", "how about something to eat ?", "no problem , would you like to sit down ?", "no problem , if you get thirsty just let me know !", "i 'm brewing some tea right now , so if you change your mind just tell me !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "How about a little snack then ?", "responses": ["no , thank you , we just ate lunch a little while ago .", "sure , i 'll take anything you have .", "no thank you .", "on second thought , i 'll take some water .", "sure , do you have any pretzels ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thank you , we just ate lunch a little while ago .", "responses": ["well then , how is your family ?", "ok sounds good , just wanted to make sure you are taken care of !", "oh nice where did you eat ?", "glad to hear that i also ate lunch recently as well .", "oh no worries , maybe we can get lunch together sometime !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well then , how is your family ?", "responses": ["everyone is doing great . my sister finally had her baby .", "our family is doing very well .", "the family is staying quite busy .", "my family is getting ready for our vacation .", "my family is getting ready for the kids graduation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Everyone is doing great . My sister finally had her baby ."}], "index": 623} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Everything is now . I'm kind of sick of it .", "responses": ["each ring has 3 small diamonds inside the band .", "tell me more about your problem .", "i do n't quite understand what 's wrong . please give me more information .", "you sound like you are having a rough time . what can i do for you ?", "how can i help you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Each ring has 3 small diamonds inside the band .", "responses": ["oooh ! one for each of the zeros in 2000 ! wow !", "is there anything a little cheaper ?", "i 'm looking for a single diamond .", "can you give me some price ranges ?", "what do you think she would like ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oooh ! One for each of the zeros in 2000 ! Wow !", "responses": ["stop making fun of me .", "yes , it 's a bit pricey but very worth it", "i realize that the cost is high but so is the quality", "the ring will sell elsewhere for $ 10,000", "this ring is an investment not just a purchase"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Stop making fun of me .", "responses": ["so find a guy to marry and you can get one !", "i 'm being sarcastic", "i 'm sorry , that was too much", "are you overreacting ?", "i 'm just kidding"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "So find a guy to marry and you can get one !", "responses": ["i do n't need a guy to buy a wedding ring !", "why ca n't you just enjoy looking at rings with me ?", "i probably will get married one day . what 's wrong with you ?", "you 're sure in a bad mood .", "okay , i get it . want to go do something else ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't need a guy to buy a wedding ring !", "responses": ["oh , i see . you 're going to wear one and pretend you 're married to try to attract guys .", "you 're right , get any ring that you like .", "that 's true , although i would n't wear it on my ring finger .", "true , maybe you 'll find a nice woman instead .", "no , but people will look at you weirdly for wearing a wedding ring ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I see . You're going to wear one and pretend you're married to try to attract guys ."}], "index": 624} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I went to the tutoring service centre on campus today . And I got a job .", "responses": ["congratulation . what will you do ?", "good job !", "so great for you !", "what 's the pay like ?", "what subject are you tutoring ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Congratulation . What will you do ?", "responses": ["they got me a part - time tutoring job , teaching an australian businessman chinese .", "i 'm going to tutor incoming freshman in basic english .", "i 'm going to work the front desk , make appointments , things like that .", "i 'll be training first , then tutoring students in math .", "i 'll be doing paperwork at first , then hopefully tutoring when a spot opens up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They got me a part-time tutoring job , teaching an Australian businessman Chinese .", "responses": ["that 's wonderful . i want to get a part - time job too . tell me what i should do .", "that sounds like the perfect job for you !", "that 's impressive . i 'm proud of you !", "i 'm sure that will be very helpful to him .", "you 're so smart . i 'm impressed with your skills ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That's wonderful . I want to get a part-time job too . Tell me what I should do .", "responses": ["it 's very simple actually . you can go to the service centre and have your name and job interest resisted . they will give you a call if any job comes up .", "you should start with working on your resume .", "you need to update your resume to make sure everything is recent .", "you should know what type of job you want .", "you should take an online skills test to find out what suits you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's very simple actually . You can go to the service centre and have your name and job interest resisted . They will give you a call if any job comes up .", "responses": ["good . i 'll do it .", "that sounds really great i will give it a try .", "thanks so much for letting me know i bet it will work for me too .", "how long did it take for them to call you about a job ?", "i will definitely try it and hopefully it will work out as well for me as it did for you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good . I'll do it ."}], "index": 625} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Has Robert ever missed coming to one of our parties ?", "responses": ["only once or twice at the most .", "yes , he talks about it sometimes .", "yes , but he always has work .", "no , i think he 's moved passed them .", "no , they are n't as fun for him anymore ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Only once or twice at the most .", "responses": ["do you know why ?", "what was his reason for not coming ?", "oh ok i thought it was more than that .", "well i hope he does n't miss anymore !", "i suppose that is excusable as long as he does n't miss any more in the future ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know why ?", "responses": ["i have no idea .", "i think he was ill those times .", "he had a wedding and a funeral to attend , if i recall .", "i 'm not sure , but he promised he wo n't miss the next one !", "i do n't know , but you could ask him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have no idea ."}], "index": 626} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! What a beautiful scenic spot ! It's so open . And just breathe that fresh air , you can almost taste its freshness .", "responses": ["you can have a bird view of guiling city from the top of the mountain .", "it truly is beautiful !", "i hope you got some good pictures to show me !", "is n't it just breathtaking ?", "i agree you really can taste the freshness ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You can have a bird view of Guiling City from the top of the mountain .", "responses": ["wonderful ! i 'll often come here for mountain climbing .", "it so wonderful being here compared to the city .", "the fresh air is really great for my lungs .", "i can breathe so much better up here .", "i wish i could stay here longer ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wonderful ! I'll often come here for mountain climbing .", "responses": ["you should . many guiliners , especially the old and the young , will climb mountains here in the morning .", "when you are rested , perhaps we can hike the rest of the way up together .", "i have n't been here in a long time . but i remember the fun i had the last time i hiked this mountain .", "you certainly look in shape ! unfortunately for me , i do n't do enough of it anymore .", "do you come alone or do you bring your kids along for the hike ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You should . Many Guiliners , especially the old and the young , will climb mountains here in the morning .", "responses": ["no wonder people say", "it 's a nice place , i can see why", "gulliners ?", "you 're right , i will", "will you join me ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No wonder people say", "responses": ["quick ! pass me your binoculars . look at that bird ... i 've never seen one of those before . it 's indigenous to guiling , and an endangered species too . this is lucky !", "no wonder people say ... ?", "what were you going to say ?", "were you going to compliment the guiliners ?", "what ? i did n't hear the last of what you said ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Quick ! Pass me your binoculars . Look at that bird ... I've never seen one of those before . It's indigenous to Guiling , and an endangered species too . This is lucky !", "responses": ["i did n't know you liked bird - watching .", "wow , so glad you are with me to point this out .", "this is so exciting .", "i think i need to start keeping a diary of what i see up here .", "this is just the best !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't know you liked bird-watching .", "responses": ["i do n't really . i just like wildlife , and you do n't get to see too much of it in the city . this place is full of it .", "yes its", "i \u2019ve loved birds all of my life", "as a kid , i spent hours watching the birds that visited my back yard .", "it \u2019s really easy to attract birds to your garden"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't really . I just like wildlife , and you don't get to see too much of it in the city . This place is full of it ."}], "index": 627} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hide me , Yi-jun ! The kids all think I'm the real Easter bunny !", "responses": ["aw , that 's sweet ! i knew your costume would be a success .", "why would they think a thing like that ?", "how sad that you are hiding fro those sweet children .", "i hope you have treats for the kids when they find you .", "what are your plans as the easter bunny ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Aw , that's sweet ! I knew your costume would be a success .", "responses": ["it 's a success all right . the kids keep trying to catch me .", "yes . but it 's so hot . i do n't want to do this again next year . could you do it instead ?", "i 'm too skinny to look the part . but i am having fun anyway !", "well . the kids will like it and that 's what 's important .", "not exactly the real me , or is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a success all right . The kids keep trying to catch me .", "responses": ["yeah , i saw that . i thought you were playing a game with them .", "that 's adorable", "haha , better run fast bunny", "that sounds like fun", "make sure to tire them out ! haha"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I saw that . I thought you were playing a game with them .", "responses": ["some game ! you try being tackled by ten kids at once !", "they think it 's a game . i 'm just trying to get away !", "these kids are relentless !", "i was trying to escape . next time , come help me !", "no , i really need to get away for a little while ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Some game ! You try being tackled by ten kids at once !", "responses": ["um , holly ? look behind you . they 're coming this way .", "good thing you 're big and strong .", "lol , there 's danger in being too popular .", "you 're great , thanks for not giving away you 're not real .", "you 're the # 1 bunny in my book !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Um , Holly ? Look behind you . They're coming this way ."}], "index": 628} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "hi , Bob , I am so glad that you came .", "responses": ["of course i 'd come . i could n't think of a better chance to see all my old friends .", "thank you for the invitation . i am looking forward to it !", "i 'm glad to be here and be a part of this historic event !", "i would not have missed it for the world !", "i felt the occasion was important to you and so i made the effort to come ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "of course I'd come . I couldn't think of a better chance to see all my old friends .", "responses": ["yeah . it 's hard to believe that it 's been ten years since graduation . it feels just yesterday we collected our diplomas .", "me too , it 's a nice party", "we really appreciate you coming", "that 's why i figured we should all get together", "my thoughts exactly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yeah . It's hard to believe that it's been ten years since graduation . It feels just yesterday we collected our diplomas .", "responses": ["how time flies . but hey , how are things going with you ?", "yes it does . i sure miss those days .", "i ca n't believe it either . next we will be celebrating 20 years .", "yeah , have you had a chance to catch up with everytone ?", "those were definitely the good old days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how time flies . But hey , how are things going with you ?", "responses": ["oh , where to start ? there have been ups and downs . i 'm still trying to find my place in this world . it 's only recently that i 've been able to start settling down . how about you ? you still with jenn", "great ! life could n't be better .", "life is all that i ever dreamed about .", "well , you know , you take the lumps and bumps in stride .", "overall , i 'd say , great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "oh , where to start ? There have been ups and downs . I'm still trying to find my place in this world . It's only recently that I've been able to start settling down . How about you ? You still with Jenn", "responses": ["yeah , jenny and i got married right after graduation . it was tough the first years trying to make ends meet . i was supporting us both while she continued her studies . but now things are getting better", "which place do you choose", "yes i 'm with her", "what about you", "nice to hear"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yeah , Jenny and I got married right after graduation . It was tough the first years trying to make ends meet . I was supporting us both while she continued her studies . But now things are getting better", "responses": ["oh , that sounds wonderful . i have always known you two would make it . i hope i can keep in better contact with you guys . i do n't want us to drift apart again .", "that 's really good to hear .", "i 'm glad you are working through things .", "that sounds like things are improving which is nice .", "i 'm happy you could work through the hard times ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "oh , that sounds wonderful . I have always known you two would make it . I hope I can keep in better contact with you guys . I don't want us to drift apart again .", "responses": ["definitely ! actually , we just moved into a new place . there 's a house - warming party this saturday , if you are free ? i know jenny would love to see you again and it should be a good party .", "it would be nice to hang out more .", "yeah i would love to keep in touch", "it 's always hard when people move away", "we should make plans to meet up"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "definitely ! Actually , we just moved into a new place . There's a house-warming party this Saturday , if you are free ? I know Jenny would love to see you again and it should be a good party .", "responses": ["sounds great ! i 'll be there .", "that would be fun , i would love to come .", "i should check my schedule to make sure i am free .", "do you mind if i bring someone with me ?", "we can catch up on old times ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "sounds great ! I'll be there ."}], "index": 629} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess I'm just a little nervous . I'm giving everything I have to invoking , and ...", "responses": ["and what if it does n't work out , right ?", "step back and try to focus on what 's important .", "you 're on the right track . do n't give up yet !", "well , you 're almost done . just a little more effort and you 're done !", "relax and focus on what 's important under the circumstances ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "and what if it doesn't work out , right ?", "responses": ["exactly .", "exactly", "yeah , and what 'll i do , ya know ?", "i 'm worried about losing her", "i 'm really scared of it , yeah"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Exactly .", "responses": ["you need to quit thinking like a loser . invoking is going to kick butt . you know how i know ?", "well , have you thought through what your options are ?", "i understand that you 're nervous . you 're putting a lot on the line .", "tell me more about what you 're thinking .", "but what if it does work out , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You need to quit thinking like a loser . invoking is going to kick butt . You know how I know ?", "responses": ["how ?", "no , how do you know ?", "why do you label me a loser ?", "i 'm being realistic , not a loser .", "you need to get a little more real in your outlook ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How ?", "responses": ["because i wo n't let it fail .", "i was so worried", "but i never give", "still i 'm very nervous", "no chance"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Because I won't let it fail .", "responses": ["but what about tomorrow ? what if stars . com decides to go with webtracker , and not us ?", "how do you know ?", "are you sure ?", "what makes you think that ?", "can you be really sure ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But what about tomorrow ? What if Stars . com decides to go with WebTracker , and not us ?"}], "index": 630} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you ready for the camping trip ?", "responses": ["all set . i 've got my makeup , my cds , and my portable tv set ...", "hell yeah buddy", "mostly , just got ta pack", "yeah , i ca n't find my sleeping bag though", "yep ! are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "All set . I've got my makeup , my Cds , and my portable TV set ...", "responses": ["hello ! we 're supposed to be getting back to nature .", "i hope you 're joking . there 's no electricity where we 're going .", "my list includes sunscreen , ingredients for s'mores and a good book !", "um , you 've been camping before , right ?", "maybe you want to rethink your packing list . :)"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello ! We're supposed to be getting back to nature .", "responses": ["yeah , yeah . anyway ... i 'm packed . are you ?", "yes , but there are some things i ca n't live without .", "this is supposed to be a fun trip is n't it ?", "i 'm just taking the bare necessities .", "these things are true to my ' nature ' ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , yeah . Anyway ... I'm packed . Are you ?", "responses": ["i 've been packed for a week . all my stuff is in this backpack .", "i think its not necessary for this trip", "enjoy nature is ultimate goal right", "k", "get readt"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've been packed for a week . All my stuff is in this backpack .", "responses": ["let me see ... two books ... birdseed ?", "what did you pack ?", "how much did you pack ?", "i packed only a few items .", "will you be able to carry everything ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let me see ... two books ... birdseed ?", "responses": ["that 's trail mix !", "yeah we are n't supposed to bring much", "what more could i need ?", "i want to see the different birds", "i like bird watching"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's trail mix !", "responses": ["same difference . what 's this ?", "what is trail mix ?", "i hate trail mix", "it looks like birdseed to me", "that 's the only food you brought ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Same difference . What's this ?"}], "index": 631} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's getting late . I really have to go .", "responses": ["i hope we 'll get together again soon .", "but i 'm not feeling sleepy", "i have to go because i want to wakeup early", "k bye", "see you good night"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I hope we'll get together again soon .", "responses": ["i hope so . a good journey to you !", "i 'm really looking forward to it .", "that would be a great idea .", "that will be so awesome .", "that sounds good ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I hope so . A good journey to you !", "responses": ["thank you .", "drive safely", "stay safe", "and to you as well", "call soon"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 632} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m fed up with marriage .", "responses": ["why do you say so ? everyone admires that you have a good wife .", "what 's so wrong with marriage ?", "why are you so fed up ?", "i 'm so sorry to hear that .", "wow , i wish things were easier for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you say so ? Everyone admires that you have a good wife .", "responses": ["oh , no . when we were poor , we often tried our best to make ends meet . it was a hard time .", "we argue all the time .", "i 'm tired of not having alone time", "i do n't love her anymore", "she is always bossy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , no . When we were poor , we often tried our best to make ends meet . It was a hard time .", "responses": ["but now you are rich .", "and things are better now with finances ?", "tell me more about why you 're fed up .", "you got through those hard times . what 's going on now ?", "you worked together during hard times . are you still working together toward goals ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But now you are rich .", "responses": ["and we have some squabbles on some boring things .", "yes , and we still argue about money .", "being rich means we spend much less time together .", "she has so many hobbies that she does n't have time for me .", "we stay so busy that we never see each other ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And we have some squabbles on some boring things .", "responses": ["this is ordinary marriage life .", "like what kind of squabbles ?", "perhaps you should try to talk about it ?", "maybe try counseling ?", "maybe you need more excitement in your life"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is ordinary marriage life ."}], "index": 633} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How about you and Tom ? What time is your wedding ?", "responses": ["do n't be kidding , ok ?", "4 pm saturday", "tomorrow afternoon", "it 's in a month", "we called it off"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t be kidding , OK ?", "responses": ["what 's the matter ? so angry . i 'm just playing a joke with you .", "i am being serious", "i am not kidding , do n't worry", "why would i joke about this ?", "i really want to know , i swear"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the matter ? So angry . I ' m just playing a joke with you .", "responses": ["because i have given him up as a bad job . our relation has been over .", "well , tom and i are getting along these days .", "i do n't want to even joke about it .", "i do n't think it 's a joking matter .", "your jokes are terrible ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Because I have given him up as a bad job . Our relation has been over ."}], "index": 634} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Margaret , do you think I should enroll in the science course ?", "responses": ["yes , i think so , if you want to graduated this year , you 've got to take a science course .", "yes i think you should", "it depends on what your end goal is", "well you love science , you should !", "yes , you should do it before the deadline"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , I think so , If you want to graduated this year , you've got to take a science course .", "responses": ["right , i figure since you are doing premedical , you know about the very courses .", "i sure want to graduate .", "that 's a good point .", "i guess i should then .", "thanks for the advice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right , I figure since you are doing premedical , you know about the very courses .", "responses": ["well , i have to take biology , chemistry , maps and physics . what you need is a good introductory course for non - science majors .", "yeah , i got to graduate this year !", "more points .", "it 's faster .", "well , yeah !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I have to take biology , chemistry , maps and physics . what you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors .", "responses": ["yes , i really weak in maps , i did poorly in high school .", "thanks for the advice .", "that was a huge help , i will do that .", "i ca n't wait to take the science class .", "how did you do in your courses ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I really weak in maps , I did poorly in high school .", "responses": ["that 's a problem .", "i could help tutor", "hm , maybe start elsewhere", "that 's okay , you can still learn", "maybe start with chemistry"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's a problem ."}], "index": 635} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you listening to ? Is that Beethoven or Mozart ?", "responses": ["it 's beethoven . do you like it ?", "it 's neither , it 's bach .", "it 's beethoven , do you like it ?", "it 's mozart but it 's not my favorite .", "it 's brahms , do you know his music ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's Beethoven . Do you like it ?", "responses": ["i think beethoven 's music is incredible . i 've heard that listening to it can make you more intelligent , too . do you believe that ?", "i do like it a lot", "to be frank i 'm not a huge classical music fan", "yes i do , but i prefer mozart", "it 's alright to be honest"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I think Beethoven's music is incredible . I've heard that listening to it can make you more intelligent , too . Do you believe that ?", "responses": ["i do n't know about that , but i do think that it helps people relax .", "i think that it can help .", "it definitely makes you look smarter .", "i think it helps with concentration .", "i do n't know , it could help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know about that , but I do think that it helps people relax .", "responses": ["what other kind of music do you listen to ?", "yeah , i 'm a bit doubtful of the claim myself", "me too ! i love it", "nah , it totally does . there 's science", "agreed"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What other kind of music do you listen to ?", "responses": ["actually , i mostly just listen classical music . what about you ?", "i like soft rock sometimes .", "i like listening to folk music .", "i really like some bach pieces .", "i mostly listen to classical ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Actually , I mostly just listen classical music . What about you ?", "responses": ["to be honest , i think classical music is too complicated for me .", "i am mostly a rock kind of guy .", "i am a really huge blues fan .", "mostly jazz , some rock as well .", "i am mostly an edm fan myself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "To be honest , I think classical music is too complicated for me .", "responses": ["what kind of music do you prefer then ?", "yeah , it is pretty complicated to be fair .", "wow .", "not many people like it .", "nice !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of music do you prefer then ?", "responses": ["i like pop music . do you ?", "heavy jazz ensembles .", "i like radio rock and country crock .", "i believe in bebop .", "whatever is on npr at the time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I like pop music . Do you ?", "responses": ["not really . i do n't think pop music has much depth .", "a little , yeah", "not really , do you like any others ?", "no , but i 'm a fan of country", "i 've never really been into it , but i like hip hop"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really . I don't think pop music has much depth .", "responses": ["i see what you mean . i think that 's way i like it so much .", "there are some pop songs that are more slowed down that you might like .", "i can accept that .", "you might like some of the folk ballads .", "there are some nice instrumentals out there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see what you mean . I think that's way I like it so much .", "responses": ["how long have you been in to pop music , then ?", "you 're selling yourself short", "well we all have our likes", "nothing wrong with that", "whatever makes you happy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long have you been in to pop music , then ?", "responses": ["i 've always been into it . have you always liked classical music ?", "oh , probably most of my life .", "just the last few years as i have gotten older .", "a bit . i find the mindlessness soothes me .", "oh , i do n't know . you know it 's everywhere and you just kind of incorporate it into your life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I've always been into it . Have you always liked classical music ?", "responses": ["not really . when i was little , we did n't really listen to music at all .", "yes , i have always like classical music .", "no , i just started listening to it .", "for awhile , how long have you liked pop ?", "i have listened to it for most of my life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really . When I was little , we didn't really listen to music at all .", "responses": ["so , how did you become interested in it ?", "ah , that makes sense", "when did you get into it ?", "why did n't you guys listen to music ?", "what other genres have you listened to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , how did you become interested in it ?", "responses": ["well , when i was about 10 years old , i started playing the piano . i think that 's how it all started .", "i spent the summer with my grandparents who played it .", "my grandparents sent me some records .", "i started listening to it on the radio and got hooked .", "i got a job in a music store and discovered that i love it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , when I was about 10 years old , I started playing the piano . I think that's how it all started .", "responses": ["do you still play piano ?", "i really want to learn !", "i would love to learn , myself .", "i really want to get a handle on playing it .", "i really want lessons ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you still play piano ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's one of my hobbies .", "not as often as i used to , but often enough .", "i do pretty regularly , yeah . do you play any instruments ?", "yes , i do . can you play anything ?", "not as much as i used to , but i still enjoy it when i do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it's one of my hobbies ."}], "index": 636} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi Paul . How are you , friend .", "responses": ["not good . my cousin is driving me up the wall .", "i 'm doing great , how about you ?", "i 'm staying really busy .", "i 'm good , i just started a new job .", "i 'm doing better than ever ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Not good . My cousin is driving me up the wall .", "responses": ["how so ?", "wow , what happened ?", "how ?", "why ?", "what are they doing ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How so ?", "responses": ["he stays up untill all hours of the night , and he never lifts a finger to help .", "he wo n't stop calling me .", "he talks all the time .", "he wo n't clean up after himself at the house .", "he is always being so loud and annoying ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "He stays up untill all hours of the night , and he never lifts a finger to help .", "responses": ["have you talk to him about it ?", "ugh , that sounds awful", "have you tried talking to him ?", "i had a cousin like that , he shaped up after he got kicked out though", "what a jerk"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you talk to him about it ?", "responses": ["not yet , but i have to soon . he 's eating me out of house and home . i caught him reading the fridge again last night", "yeah , he just snaps at me .", "no , he would just complain .", "he thinks he does n't have to do anything .", "he would just laugh at me ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet , but I have to soon . He's eating me out of house and home . I caught him reading the fridge again last night", "responses": ["ahahah , maybe that will help you lose weight .", "i am sure if you bring it up , it will change .", "it sounds like he needs a talking to .", "yeah , i think you need to sit down with him .", "talk to him right away for sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ahahah , Maybe that will help you lose weight .", "responses": ["this is no laughing matter , nick .", "i 'm glad you can joke about it .", "that 's true , and my doctor might give me a clean bill of health .", "i just wish he would leave me some food for breakfast .", "this is the last time i let him stay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is no laughing matter , Nick .", "responses": ["sorry paul . i could n't help it . so why does n't he give you a hand ?", "of course it is , i 'm not involved !", "it 's a solid diet idea .", "i laughed at it at least .", "lighten up , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sorry Paul . I couldn't help it . So why doesn't he give you a hand ?", "responses": ["he watch the tob too much . now really i do n't know . but i ca n't handle this much longer .", "he 's a lazy jerk", "i do n't know , he just refuses", "he ignores me when i ask", "i think it 's a problem with his foot"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He watch the tob too much . Now really I don't know . But I can't handle this much longer .", "responses": ["well , talk to him , and let me know what happens , ok ?", "maybe you should just kick him out .", "just because he 's related does n't mean you should put up with it .", "maybe you should give him specific chores to do .", "you definitely should talk to him about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , talk to him , and let me know what happens , OK ?"}], "index": 637} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You're from New York , aren't you ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's right .", "no .", "yes .", "maybe .", "why ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's right .", "responses": ["what do you suggest i should see in new york ?", "how did you like growing up there ?", "what is it like living in such a big city ?", "did you take the subway all the time ?", "what is you favorite pizza place ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you suggest I should see in New York ?", "responses": ["well , how about the museum of modern art ?", "definitely the statue of liberty", "got ta go to time 's square my man", "the empire state building", "literally just any pizza place , they 're all great"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , how about the Museum of Modern Art ?", "responses": ["no , i do n't like museums . they 're boring .", "that sounds like it would be fun .", "what are the hours there ?", "can i take pictures in there ?", "are there really new exhibits ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , I don't like museums . They're boring .", "responses": ["why do n't you go to see the empire state building ?", "really ? what do n't you like ?", "really ? i love them !", "why do n't you like them ?", "what 's wrong with them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you go to see the Empire State Building ?", "responses": ["ah ! that sounds interesting .", "no , i do n't like heights at all .", "how much does it cost to get in ?", "is there a long line of people there usually ?", "tell me about something else in new york that is n't so tourist ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ah ! That sounds interesting ."}], "index": 638} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's your favorite book ?", "responses": ["it 's gone with the wind .", "harry potter is my favorite book .", "i would have to say lord of the rings .", "i think it would be pride and prejudice .", "i do n't know , i do n't like to read ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's Gone With the Wind .", "responses": ["why do you like it best ?", "good pick", "mine too !", "huh , i prefer jurassic park", "old school , i like it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you like it best ?", "responses": ["i enjoy the various characters and the plot .", "i love the hero aspect of it .", "i love books about the south .", "it 's such an epic story .", "the writing is really great ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I enjoy the various characters and the plot .", "responses": ["well . i like the thom birds best .", "where does it take place ?", "what are these characters like ?", "i know nothing about it , tell me something interesting about the characters .", "i have heard the same , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . I like the Thom Birds best .", "responses": ["is it very interesting ?", "that 's a good one .", "i agree .", "yes !", "eh ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it very interesting ?", "responses": ["sure . i like the writer 's language , too .", "yes , it 's my favorite .", "yes , the birds are very interesting .", "i think so . it 's good .", "i believe it is , yes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . I like the writer's language , too .", "responses": ["if i have a chance , i 'll enjoy the book .", "that 's good", "who is the author anyway ?", "what 's it about ?", "that 's nice , i love when i enjoy the writing style of an author"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If I have a chance , I'll enjoy the book .", "responses": ["would you like to go to the bookshop with me ?", "it 's got a lot of adventure in it .", "it 's a saga which i think you 'd like .", "it 's a long story about a family .", "you can probably find a copy pretty cheap ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you like to go to the bookshop with me ?", "responses": ["that 's a good idea . let 's go !", "sounds like a plan", "i 'd love to", "sure let 's go", "maybe tomorrow"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's a good idea . Let's go !"}], "index": 639} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "John , my father isn't there at all . Are you kidding ?", "responses": ["cool , fellow , what 's the date today , buddy ?", "i did n't see him .", "would you like me to page him ?", "should i give him a call ?", "where do you think he is ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Cool , fellow , what's the date today , buddy ?", "responses": ["it 's ... oh it 's the 1st april , april fool 's day .", "it 's the 5th , buddy .", "buddy , it is the 10th .", "do n't you have a calendar , buddy ?", "it is the 27th , buddy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's ... oh it's the 1st April , April Fool's Day .", "responses": ["you forgot all of about it , did n't you ?", "yeah i got you with that one .", "i feel bad for joking you like that .", "are you always so forgetful ?", "what did you think happened to him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You forgot all of about it , didn't you ?"}], "index": 640} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m pretty sure that Jim will turn out to be a good lawyer .", "responses": ["how can you be so sure ?", "what are his credentials ?", "i think so too ! i hope he gets chosen .", "have you tried the bar exam ? not easy !", "i hope he is as good as they say ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can you be so sure ?", "responses": ["he knows a lot about law and he 's eloquent , too .", "i can feel it in my bones", "he 's just got that attitude about him , ya know ?", "the way he handles himself", "he 's always been good at arguing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He knows a lot about law and he ' s eloquent , too ."}], "index": 641} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you tell me if you have ever taken a class from Dr . Miller ?", "responses": ["yes . are you going to be taking a class from him ?", "could you tell me his first name ?", "yes , what is your name ?", "what class does he teach ?", "certainly ! give me a moment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . Are you going to be taking a class from him ?", "responses": ["yes , but i have never taken his class before .", "depends , is he any good ?", "yeah , have to .", "i think so , does he teach physics ?", "mmhmm ! did you like him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but I have never taken his class before .", "responses": ["he is very interesting and challenging . is that what you are looking for ?", "he is a fair teacher .", "he can be impatient sometimes .", "he really makes sure people understand .", "he grades on a curve ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "He is very interesting and challenging . Is that what you are looking for ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's what i need .", "yes , thank you", "does he require a lot of writing ?", "i was wondering if there was a lot of reading", "no i was wondering how often he gave tests"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's what I need .", "responses": ["he is really clear on what you need to learn to get a good grade . are you willing to study hard ?", "well , he grades on the bell curve .", "he insists you participate in class .", "he 's tough but fair .", "i think you 'll learn a lot from him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "He is really clear on what you need to learn to get a good grade . Are you willing to study hard ?", "responses": ["yes , i guess so .", "yes , i like to study hard .", "i do n't really like to study that much .", "is it really that necessary to study ?", "i prefer to study all at the last minute ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I guess so .", "responses": ["what i really liked about him is that he was an understanding and friendly teacher . do you enjoy that in a teacher ?", "then you 'll be fine", "that 's good , you should be okay", "as long as you apply yourself you 'll be fine , then", "you guess so ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What I really liked about him is that he was an understanding and friendly teacher . Do you enjoy that in a teacher ?", "responses": ["yes , i had a teacher like that before .", "yes , that makes for a great teacher .", "that is my favorite kind of teacher .", "oh yes , i hate it when they 're mean .", "i do , sounds like i would enjoy his class ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I had a teacher like that before .", "responses": ["did you know that he has 20 years teaching experience ?", "really ? where ?", "in college or high school ?", "in high school ?", "where at ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you know that he has 20 years teaching experience ?", "responses": ["no , i did n't , but that could be a good thing .", "no , i had no idea .", "i was n't aware of that , no .", "i did n't know that .", "that 's a lot of experience . so , he 's good then , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I didn't , but that could be a good thing .", "responses": ["well , take a look at everything and figure out what is best for you . good luck !", "did you know he 's also written several books ?", "did you know he 's considered an expert in his field of teaching ?", "did you know he also taught overseas for several years ?", "did you know he also volunteers for another school on the weekends ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , take a look at everything and figure out what is best for you . Good luck !"}], "index": 642} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Honey , what's wrong with you ?", "responses": ["i 'm not feeling well . i 'm very nervous .", "i 'm just tired .", "i hate when people do n't listen to me .", "i had a bad day at work .", "i did n't get the book i wanted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not feeling well . I'm very nervous .", "responses": ["take it easy . we are going to have our own baby . you should be happy .", "you 'll do great", "you 're prepared no need to be nervous", "understandable but you 'll be fine", "you 've got this"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Take it easy . We are going to have our own baby . You should be happy .", "responses": ["yeah , i know .", "i am happy , i 'm just feeling the pressure .", "i am happy . it 's normal to have some nerves about this .", "all expectant mothers have times of doubt .", "our baby is my top concern so of course , i 'm nervous ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I know .", "responses": ["the doctors and the nurses will help you . and i will be waiting for you right here , praying for you and our baby .", "what do you think we should name it ?", "i want you to be happy for us and our baby .", "are you worried we wo n't love you anymore ?", "can we help you not feel so nervous ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The doctors and the nurses will help you . And I will be waiting for you right here , praying for you and our baby .", "responses": ["thank you , dear . i feel better now .", "thanks , hon", "i 'm just scared , i guess . what if something goes wrong", "i 'm glad you 'll be here", "i hope everything goe sokay"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , dear . I feel better now ."}], "index": 643} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The weather is terrible .", "responses": ["yeah . it 's been raining a lot these days .", "i love the rain", "it sure is", "this snow is crazy", "did you see the lightning ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . It's been raining a lot these days .", "responses": ["i have been watching a lot of videos at home because of the constant rain .", "it 's that time of the year .", "it 's a result of global warming .", "it 's good for the flowers .", "it 's a bummer at times is n't it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have been watching a lot of videos at home because of the constant rain .", "responses": ["have you heard when it 's supposed to get better ?", "i like to sit and read a book .", "what videos have you been watching ?", "have you watched anything good ?", "i like to play video games when it rains ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you heard when it's supposed to get better ?", "responses": ["i saw the weather report , and it 's going to rain for the next eight days .", "nope , unfortunately", "i think in a couple days", "i heard it may last all week", "nope , let 's check the weather together"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I saw the weather report , and it's going to rain for the next eight days .", "responses": ["that sucks so much . what are we going to do ?", "i do n't think i can take it for another eight days .", "we 'll need to build an ark .", "i hope it wo n't flood .", "i hate that , my yard is already waterlogged ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That sucks so much . What are we going to do ?", "responses": ["i 'm getting pretty bored . we should do something despite the rain .", "we can just make other plans .", "let 's just find stuff indoors .", "i think we can just find something else to do .", "i am sure we can find an indoor activity ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm getting pretty bored . We should do something despite the rain .", "responses": ["i 'm with you . what do you have in mind ?", "yeah , we should . what is everyone else up to ?", "me too . i 'm bored out of my mind . let 's get out of here .", "where do you want to go ?", "let 's see what everyone else is up to and make a plan ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm with you . What do you have in mind ?", "responses": ["i have n't been to the mall in a long time . let 's go there .", "how about bowling ?", "what do you say we go catch a movie ?", "do you want to go out to eat ?", "what do you think of going to the flea market ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I haven't been to the Mall in a long time . Let's go there .", "responses": ["that sounds good . they have a movie theatre there , so if we get bored , we can watch a movie .", "sounds good to me", "i vote we drive , due to the rain", "okay , but i need to be back by 8", "what if we went to the movies instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That sounds good . They have a movie theatre there , so if we get bored , we can watch a movie .", "responses": ["great . i 'll stop by your place now .", "oh , yeah , we could see a movie !", "do you know what is playing ?", "we can eat at the food court .", "we should check the listings before we go ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great . I'll stop by your place now .", "responses": ["ok . do n't forget to bring your umbrella . the rain can start up again anytime .", "cool i 'll have the door unlocked", "ok i 'll go get ready", "see you soon", "ca n't wait to see you"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Ok . Don't forget to bring your umbrella . The rain can start up again anytime ."}], "index": 644} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Come in , come in , what can I do for you ?", "responses": ["professor donald , are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester ?", "oh , i just stopped to say hello .", "i need a new platter for my holiday table .", "i just wanted to chat with you about the latest gossip .", "i wanted to have a serious talk about our kids ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Professor Donald , are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester ?", "responses": ["yes , i am applying on it .", "yes , i will be giving that course .", "why are you interested in taking it ?", "no , i only do that course once a year .", "i will , would you like to enroll ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am applying on it .", "responses": ["i wonder if i could enroll in it . i know it is a graduate course and i 'm a junior , but ...", "excellent , may i take it ?", "may i apply for it as well ?", "that sounds fantastic , do you need a ta by any chance ?", "would it be possible to ta for the course/"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wonder if I could enroll in it . I know it is a graduate course and I ' m a junior , but ...", "responses": ["are n't you a bit young ? i have a lot of qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time keeping up .", "you 'd have to wait to see if there was an empty spot .", "yes , if the graduate students leave an empty spot .", "i would consider letting you audit it .", "the graduate students have first priority ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Aren't you a bit young ? I have a lot of qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time keeping up .", "responses": ["i know , but geology of the american west is my major interest and i have done a large reading in the field .", "i think i can handle it .", "i will be just fine . thanks .", "i am good . i am confident .", "i can totally do this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I know , but geology of the American west is my major interest and I have done a large reading in the field .", "responses": ["well , if you think you are ready , i 'll let you enroll .", "i still think the course might be a bit advanced for you . have you spoken to your counselor about it ?", "that 's in your favor , certainly , but i would still be apprehensive about your ability to keep pace .", "i 'll have to think about it . the spots are very limited right now . why do n't you leave me your information and i can follow up with you .", "that 's respectable , and understandable . but are you sure you would be able to keep up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , if you think you are ready , I'll let you enroll .", "responses": ["oh , thanks , professor donald . this is really very nice of you .", "really ? thanks so much ! i wo n't let you down , professor .", "wow , thank you professor . that means a lot to me , this means a lot to me . i 'll study hard !", "that 's awesome professor , thank you ! do you think i can earn extra credits for it ?", "yes , i 'd like to do that right away ! how do i get started ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , thanks , professor Donald . This is really very nice of you ."}], "index": 645} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "... so , I said , let ' s take a break . And since that night , I ' Ve been waiting for him to call , but I still haven ' t heard from him . You don ' t think he ' s seeing someone else , do you ?", "responses": ["come on , do n't be so dramatic ! i 'm sure everything is going to work out just fine .", "it 's hard to say .", "do you think he is ?", "are there any signs that he is ?", "i really have no way of knowing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on , don ' t be so dramatic ! I ' m sure everything is going to work out just fine .", "responses": ["you think so ? oh , no ! how can he do this to me ? i 'm sure he 's cheating on me ! why else would n't he call ?", "i know , but it does n't seem like it .", "i do n't think so .", "i am not so sure .", "i love your confidence ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "You think so ? Oh , no ! How can he do this to me ? I ' m sure he ' s cheating on me ! Why else wouldn ' t he call ?", "responses": ["but , you two are on a break . theoretically he can do whatever he likes .", "you really should calm down . i 'm sure everything is ok .", "you 're probably just imagining things . why would you think that ?", "i doubt that 's actually true . he 's probably just busy .", "i 'm really sure it 's fine . do n't stress yourself out about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But , you two are on a break . Theoretically he can do whatever he likes .", "responses": ["he 's the love of my life ! i 've really messed this up .", "i guess so . but still - what if he is ? then that would mean he does n't really care about me .", "it 's still wrong . i do n't know . should i call him ?", "i do n't think it matters , because it would prove where he stands . should i break up with him for good ?", "i know , but i guess i really care for him more than i thought . do you think i should get back together with him ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "He ' s the love of my life ! I ' Ve really messed this up .", "responses": ["come on , hon . pull yourself together . it 's going to be alright .", "then go to him ! tell him !", "that 's on you , you just have to try your best to deal with it and hope it works out", "that 's rough , i 'm sorry", "it 'll be okay , just try to relax"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Come on , hon . Pull yourself together . It ' s going to be alright .", "responses": ["but i ... i still love him ! and it 's all my fault ! i ca n't believe how immature and selfish i was being . i mean , he is a firefighter , it 's not like he can just leave someone in a burning building and meet me for dinner . i 've totally messed this up !", "i do n't want him to see other people .", "i want to call him and get back together .", "maybe he does n't even like me anymore .", "i should just go see him ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "But I ... I still love him ! And it ' s all my fault ! I can ' t believe how immature and selfish I was being . I mean , he is a firefighter , it ' s not like he can just leave someone in a burning building and meet me for dinner . I ' Ve totally messed this up !", "responses": ["you know what , veronica , i think you should make the first step . i 'm sure he 'll forgive you ...", "well why do n't you try calling him ?", "i 'm sure everything is ok .", "he 's probably just been busy .", "maybe you should go see him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You know what , Veronica , I think you should make the first step . I ' m sure he ' ll forgive you ...", "responses": ["no , this is not gon na happen ! i ... i 've ruined everything ...", "i think you 're right i should call him .", "but he is the man , i think he should make the first move .", "i do n't know , i do n't want to seem desperate .", "i have to do something . i do n't want to lose him ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , this is not gonna happen ! I ... I ' Ve ruined everything ...", "responses": ["do you hear something ?", "you do n't know that , you have to try", "even if you did so what ?", "yeah , you did . sucks , but you got ta move on", "i think you should still try , it ca n't hurt"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you hear something ?"}], "index": 646} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what's wrong , Jerry ? You look so upset .", "responses": ["to be honest , i was just dumped .", "i 'm fine , just tired .", "i lost my job .", "i lost my wallet , i ca n't find it .", "my girlfriend just left me ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "to be honest , I was just dumped .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry to hear that . you can go on a holiday to cheer you up .", "damn , that 's rough man", "that stinks , wanna talk about it ?", "oh no , what happened ?", "i 'm sorry to hear that , jerry"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "oh , I'm sorry to hear that . You can go on a holiday to cheer you up .", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 'm not in the mood for traveling .", "i do n't feel like doing anything .", "maybe i could do that .", "i just feel like drinking .", "i 'll probably stay home and watch tv ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "no , thanks . I'm not in the mood for traveling .", "responses": ["come on . a trip will do you good . are you doing anything this weekend ?", "is there anything i can do ?", "i understand . well i 'm here if you need anything .", "aww i 'm sorry you 're upset .", "it 'll take time but i 'm sure it 's for the best"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "come on . A trip will do you good . Are you doing anything this weekend ?", "responses": ["i was planning on doing a lot of wallowing .", "no , but i want to stay home ,", "yes , i have plans with my parents .", "i really do n't feel like doing anything , but it could be good .", "no i do n't have plans , i think that would be good for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was planning on doing a lot of wallowing .", "responses": ["well , my friends and i are planning on going to shangri - la on saturday . do you want to come with us ?", "sometimes it 's better to be with friends instead", "okay , can i join you ?", "i totally understand man", "enjoy the wallowing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "well , my friends and I are planning on going to Shangri-La on Saturday . Do you want to come with us ?", "responses": ["where is that ?", "i 'd have to think about it and check my bank balance .", "i think that i really need time alone .", "great idea . i 'll pack my bags .", "maybe , give me an hour to mull it over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "where is that ?", "responses": ["not very far from here . we 'll fly . it 's about one and a half hours .", "shangri - la is that new cocktail bar that opened up downtown . you sure you do n't want to go ?", "oh , you have n't heard ? it 's that chinese american cultural festival in the next town over .", "it 's that new theme park that opened last month . it 's only an hour away , but has that cool resort attached .", "about two hours south of here . it 's that week long music festival everyone 's talking about ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "not very far from here . We'll fly . It's about one and a half hours .", "responses": ["what 's there to see ?", "maybe it would make me feel better .", "i do n't know if i can handle that .", "i probably will just stay home .", "i 'm not feeling sociable at all ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what's there to see ?", "responses": ["there is a large canyon , vast grasslands , ancient forests and mountain lakes .", "some beautiful scenery", "i 've heard there 's beautiful women there", "it 's full of amazing trees", "ya know , beautiful stuff"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "there is a large canyon , vast grasslands , ancient forests and mountain lakes .", "responses": ["oh , sounds nice .", "that sounds like just what i need .", "that would take my mind off of things .", "it would be great to get out of town .", "a get away would help me think things through ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "oh , sounds nice .", "responses": ["yes , the scenery there is breathtaking . i have some pictures at home . you can come over and take a look if you like .", "so you 'll come then ?", "it 'll be a blast", "everyone would love for you to come", "it 's really gorgeous there"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "yes , the scenery there is breathtaking . I have some pictures at home . You can come over and take a look if you like .", "responses": ["ok . then i can make up my mind .", "sounds good , i will come over later .", "i would love to look at the pictures , i need something good in my life .", "i think it would be great to go , sounds beautiful", "i 'm not sure , i will come over and we can talk about it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "ok . Then I can make up my mind ."}], "index": 647} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you have any kind of punishment in your life and studies ?", "responses": ["yes , just once .", "not really", "a little , yeah", "if i do n't do well , bad things happen", "if i fail a test , i lose my computer"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , just once .", "responses": ["what was the reason ?", "what was it ?", "did it mess you up ?", "did it make you want to give up ?", "are you doing okay now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was the reason ?", "responses": ["i once played truant when i was in college because i intended to organize a donation activity for the disaster - hit areas in sichuan .", "i was caught cheating", "i plagiarized a paper", "they saw me stealing", "i got in a big fight"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I once played truant when I was in college because I intended to organize a donation activity for the disaster-hit areas in Sichuan ."}], "index": 648} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you want to hang out tomorrow ?", "responses": ["oh , i ca n't . i have a date !", "i 'd love to", "where are we going ?", "nah", "sure ! what you wanna do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I can't . I have a date !", "responses": ["really ? wow with who ?", "oh , who 's the lucky guy ?", "is it the guy you talked to at school ?", "when can you hang out ?", "aw , i 'm glad you have a date ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Wow with who ?", "responses": ["this girl i 've been chatting with for the past couple of months . she 's really cool and she 's driving over here this weekend .", "jenny from accounting", "a girl i met online", "yeah it 's a blind date", "this girl i met at the bar last night"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This girl I've been chatting with for the past couple of months . She's really cool and she's driving over here this weekend .", "responses": ["wait a minute , you mean you met her online ?", "that 's awesome , i am glad you have a date .", "aww man , i really wanted to hang out .", "do you want to do something this weekend .", "cool , i hope you have a great time !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wait a minute , you mean you met her online ?", "responses": ["yeah ! i signed up for a website called match @ . com and it is great ! you fill in all your details and preferences , like if you are a smoker or if you have any pets . then you find people that have similar characteristics and you can email them or chat .", "yes i did", "yeah , why ?", "did n't i mention that before ?", "yeah , she 's great"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah ! I signed up for a website called match @ . com and it is great ! You fill in all your details and preferences , like if you are a smoker or if you have any pets . Then you find people that have similar characteristics and you can email them or chat .", "responses": ["that is kind of weird ! what if she is a psycho or something like that ?", "how do you know what she said is the truth ?", "are you going to be disappointed if she turns out to be the opposite of what she said online ?", "are you certain this is a good way to meet a girl ?", "why do n't you try the old fashioned way of meeting girls ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That is kind of weird ! What if she is a psycho or something like that ?", "responses": ["it 's the same as meeting people anywhere and dating them ! i am just tired of going to bars or being set up for dates by my friends ! i think this is a really cool alternative , especially if you are a bit shy .", "we 've been chatting now for 3 months . i do n't think she 's a psycho .", "oh , c'mon . do n't be mean just because i have a date and ca n't hang out with you .", "well , she did n't check the psycho box in her profile .", "we 'll be meeting in a cafe downtown , so i think things will be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's the same as meeting people anywhere and dating them ! I am just tired of going to bars or being set up for dates by my friends ! I think this is a really cool alternative , especially if you are a bit shy .", "responses": ["i guess it does seem logical . i 'll have to check it out !", "i do n't think it sounds safe .", "she could be any kind of weirdo .", "what if she 's really some big dude ?", "you should let me know where you meet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess it does seem logical . I'll have to check it out !"}], "index": 649} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I'm afraid I must be going now . I have no idea it was so late .", "responses": ["stay for dinner with us .", "be safe on your way home .", "okay , have a safe trip home .", "wow , it really is late , let me call you a cab .", "it is very late , how are you getting home ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Stay for dinner with us .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid i ca n't . i have a dinner party at seven tonight . you see , i am going to england the day after tomorrow .", "i 'm sorry , i must go", "ohh , okay", "hm , what 's for dinner ?", "alright , alright , let 's do it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid I can't . I have a dinner party at seven tonight . You see , I am going to England the day after tomorrow .", "responses": ["well , i wo n't keep you then . it was very nice of you to come to see me .", "oh , well you 'd best run along .", "what are you going to be doing in england ?", "are you certain you ca n't afford the time to stay for just a bit ?", "have a wonderful trip ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I won't keep you then . It was very nice of you to come to see me .", "responses": ["it has been a pleasure . goodbye .", "it was very lovely being your guest .", "it was very nice of you to invite me over .", "i wish i could stay longer , but i ca n't break this obligation .", "perhaps i can come around again once i get back from my trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It has been a pleasure . Goodbye .", "responses": ["goodbye . thank you again for coming .", "thanks so much for thinking of me .", "i hope you have a nice dinner !", "do n't be such a stranger !", "it 's been so great seeing you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Goodbye . Thank you again for coming ."}], "index": 650} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Honey , do you have a second ?", "responses": ["sure ! are you okay ? you seem a bit worried . what 's on your mind ?", "sure , what do you need ?", "yes , what can i do ?", "no , i am busy , can i call you later .", "of course , tell me what 's happening ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure ! Are you okay ? You seem a bit worried . What ' s on your mind ?", "responses": ["we need to talk .", "are you cheating on me ?", "is there something wrong with you babe ? you 've been weird all day", "i think i 'm sick", "i found this letter and ... do you have cancer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We need to talk .", "responses": ["okay ...", "ok . i hope this is n't about something deadly .", "are you having an affair ?", "are the kids ok ?", "oh , no . you have n't lost your job have you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay ...", "responses": ["i 've been thinking , and well , i think we need to start seeing other people .", "i think it 's time we decided on what to do with the family business .", "we should seriously start thinking about putting more away into our retirement fund .", "i just opened the mail and saw the utility bills for this month .", "the firm called back about that interview i had two weeks ago ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' Ve been thinking , and well , I think we need to start seeing other people .", "responses": ["what ? why ? i mean , we 've had our ups and downs , and we have the occasional disagreement , but we 're happy together , are n't we ?", "oh , wow , what brought this on ?", "i do n't want to see other people !", "how can you do this to me ?", "are you breaking up with me ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What ? Why ? I mean , we ' Ve had our ups and downs , and we have the occasional disagreement , but we ' re happy together , aren ' t we ?", "responses": ["that 's just it , i 'm not happy anymore , tim . it 's not you , it 's me . i know that i can be hard to deal with , and you are a great guy ! you are the type of guy that any woman would kill for !", "it 's not you , it 's me", "because you beat me , dude", "no , not for a long time", "maybe you , but not me"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s just it , I ' m not happy anymore , Tim . It ' s not you , it ' s me . I know that I can be hard to deal with , and you are a great guy ! You are the type of guy that any woman would kill for !", "responses": ["so , what are you saying ? you 're breaking up with me because i 'm perfect ?", "what have i do n't wrong ?", "tell me what i can do to make you happier .", "i do n't want to break up . i love you .", "please do n't do this to us ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "So , what are you saying ? You ' re breaking up with me because I ' m perfect ?", "responses": ["tim , you are too good for me . you deserve someone who can make you smile and make you happy the way that you made me happy . oh , i could say that i 'll be all you need , but that would be a lie . i know i 'd only hurt you , i know i 'd only make you cry .", "yeah i do n't feel like i 'm good enough", "it 's not you . it 's me", "i guess i just do n't know what i want .", "i just want to be alone for a while i guess"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Tim , you are too good for me . You deserve someone who can make you smile and make you happy the way that you made me happy . Oh , I could say that I ' ll be all you need , but that would be a lie . I know I ' d only hurt you , I know I ' d only make you cry .", "responses": ["baby , come on . do n't do this to me ! whatever it is , we can work it out . just give me another chance ! i know that we can get through this , but we got ta stick together ! do n't leave me .", "i think that we should talk in person about this .", "this is so out of the blue , i do n't know what to say .", "you do make me happy , can we talk about this .", "i really think we should talk about this over dinner or something ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "Baby , come on . Don ' t do this to me ! Whatever it is , we can work it out . Just give me another chance ! I know that we can get through this , but we gotta stick together ! Don ' t leave me .", "responses": ["i ca n't , tim . i hope someday you can find some way to understand i 'm only doing this for you . i do n't really wanna go but , deep in my heart i know this is the kindest thing to do .", "look , i care about you , i just do n't think we 're right for each other .", "i am tired of worrying that i am not good enough for you .", "i have tried to work it out and i just ca n't deal with this anymore .", "i am sorry if i am hurting you , but i have to go ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can ' t , Tim . I hope someday you can find some way to understand I ' m only doing this for you . I don ' t really wanna go but , deep in my heart I know this is the kindest thing to do .", "responses": ["laura ...", "this is n't fair !", "you have to give me another chance .", "after all we 've been through , are you really going to end it like this ?", "i think you 're lying to yourself ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Laura ...", "responses": ["here are your keys . i 'll send my sister to pick up the rest of my things next week . i 'm sorry , tim . i wish you all the best , and i hope that one day we can meet again . i 'll always love you . goodbye .", "you have another guy do n't you ?", "this is baloney . i know a ' story ' when i hear it .", "come clean . what 's really behind this ?", "you 'll never find anybody who will treat you as well as i do ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Here are your keys . I ' ll send my sister to pick up the rest of my things next week . I ' m sorry , Tim . I wish you all the best , and I hope that one day we can meet again . I ' ll always love you . Goodbye ."}], "index": 651} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , my God . I can't take it any more .", "responses": ["what 's wrong , honey ? take it easy .", "what ? what 's wrong ?", "you can . you 're stronger than you think .", "you can get through this . i believe in you .", "everyone feels this way at times . you 'll come through it ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong , honey ? Take it easy .", "responses": ["i am tired of doing that boring work . i just repeat doing counting everyday . it 's so terrible .", "i have had the worst day !", "the banging from our upstairs neighbors is driving me crazy !", "my boss is doing reviews and i got snubbed for promotion , again !", "the school called , and guess who 's in the principal 's office ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am tired of doing that boring work . I just repeat doing counting everyday . It's so terrible .", "responses": ["me too . but i think we can do something else for a change .", "maybe you should look for another job .", "what can i do to make you feel better ?", "do you want to sit with me ?", "let me run you a bath ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too . But I think we can do something else for a change .", "responses": ["you know i work with my professional knowledge not passion . sometimes i do n't know what the meaning of working is ?", "like what ?", "how much longer do we have to endure this ?", "what would you like to do ?", "no we ca n't , we 're stuck here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know I work with my professional knowledge not passion . Sometimes I don't know what the meaning of working is ?", "responses": ["but you did a good job . you always perform the best in our company .", "i know what you mean , it 's tough .", "have you looked for anything else ?", "i hope you can find something you love .", "it sounds like it 's time for a change ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But you did a good job . You always perform the best in our company .", "responses": ["yes , that 's in the past . maybe i need to go to my psychologist for help .", "but is it really worth it ?", "i know but i just hate it", "i just wish i enjoyed it more", "i want to do something else"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's in the past . Maybe I need to go to my psychologist for help .", "responses": ["perhaps you 've just tired and you need a vacation .", "maybe , if you think it would help .", "i think we just need to do something different for a change .", "i think you should go see someone .", "maybe you should look for a new job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Perhaps you've just tired and you need a vacation .", "responses": ["i was full of ambitions before . but now i have no aim for my career .", "we could go somewhere really relaxing like the beach .", "i do n't know if i can stop thinking about this on a vacation .", "i probably need some good sleep .", "maybe i should try working in a different department ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was full of ambitions before . But now I have no aim for my career .", "responses": ["maybe we should keep on studying to enrich our knowledge and make our life exciting .", "it sounds like you really need a vacation .", "maybe you should take some time off of work .", "try taking it easy for a little while .", "have you considered looking for a new job ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe we should keep on studying to enrich our knowledge and make our life exciting .", "responses": ["that sounds interesting . but i do n't know how to do that .", "i think i am beyond that now .", "have you thought of an alternative career ?", "could this have something to do with our relationship ?", "are you feeling trapped ? is that it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That sounds interesting . But I don't know how to do that .", "responses": ["how about a training course ?", "reading new books", "meeting new people", "i 'm not sure , let 's discover together", "i do n't know either"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about a training course ?", "responses": ["a training course ? that must be costly .", "that could be interesting", "did you have any in mind ?", "how would we do that ?", "what kind of training ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "A training course ? That must be costly .", "responses": ["but it 's worth it . maybe it can get us into a good mood and also helps us learn something to use for the future .", "i think it would be worth it .", "but it would help with things .", "it would be a great thing to do .", "i want to do it anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it's worth it . Maybe it can get us into a good mood and also helps us learn something to use for the future .", "responses": ["ok , let 's have a try .", "that 'd be good , yeah", "is there anything else we could do ?", "hmmm , we could always do something else then", "true ! i 'd love to do something like that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , let's have a try .", "responses": ["ok .", "i 'm glad you 're open to doing something .", "i really think it would be good for you .", "i will help you look for something when we get home .", "we should look online for something recommended ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK ."}], "index": 652} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you seen the new James Bond movie ?", "responses": ["oh , yes . you ?", "james bond ?", "yes i have !", "no , would you like to go together ?", "nope , never have ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yes . You ?", "responses": ["yes . what did you think of it ?", "i have n't seen it yet .", "i 'm going to see it friday .", "no but i 'm looking forward to seeing it .", "not yet , what did you think ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . What did you think of it ?", "responses": ["i thought it was better than the others - i really liked it . what did you think of it ?", "i thought it was kinda boring", "i was expecting it to be better", "it was pretty good", "it was n't as good as the last one"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I thought it was better than the others-I really liked it . What did you think of it ?", "responses": ["yes , i liked it , too . it was exciting , but not over the top . do you know what i mean ?", "i thought it was amazing , great action .", "i though it was pretty good , i liked the acting .", "it was an okay movie , could of had more action .", "i loved the movie , the actor who plays bond is amazing ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I liked it , too . It was exciting , but not over the top . Do you know what I mean ?", "responses": ["mmm . that 's what i thought too . i really liked the car chase , and the opening credit sequence was very exciting . and i always enjoy watching pierce brosnan .", "yeah , i agree , it was really cool , though .", "i liked the movie because it was more up to date .", "i hope they make another one soon .", "what did you like about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Mmm . That's what I thought too . I really liked the car chase , and the opening credit sequence was very exciting . And I always enjoy watching Pierce Brosnan .", "responses": ["oh , yes . he 's brilliant . did you like the title song ?", "pierce brosnan is a good actor .", "the opening sequence was really cool !", "i completely forgot the car chase .", "i might watch the movie again soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yes . He's brilliant . Did you like the title song ?", "responses": ["not as much as last time , actually . what 's the name of the american actor who was in the supporting role ?", "pierce is the bomb is n't he ?", "the car chase got my heart pumping .", "it was exciting and very well filmed .", "i loved the title song . i 'm going to buy it online ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not as much as last time , actually . What's the name of the American actor who was in the supporting role ?", "responses": ["hum , edward norton , or something like that . did you like him ?", "i do nt know", "whoever he is , he 's handsome", "i 'm really not sure to be honest", "maybe it 's justin long"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hum , Edward Norton , or something like that . Did you like him ?", "responses": ["yes . he was excellent . they worked well together , do n't you think ?", "yeah i always think he 's great", "he was good . did you like him ?", "i 've like him since fight club . have you seen that ?", "he played the role very well"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . He was excellent . They worked well together , don't you think ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . i think the woman was better . she provided a good love interest . lucky james bond !", "i think everyone worked well together .", "i ca n't believe how into it i was .", "it kept my interest the whole time .", "i really love the acting ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . I think the woman was better . She provided a good love interest . Lucky James Bond !", "responses": ["yes !", "yeah , lucky guy", "he always gets the girl , ya know ?", "i 'd love to have his life", "i wish i could be a secret agent"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes !"}], "index": 653} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My friend Jean is very beautiful .", "responses": ["what 's her figure ?", "she tall ?", "does she have red hair ?", "is she available ?", "do you want me to date her ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's her figure ?", "responses": ["perfect , and i like her charming eyes too .", "she 's very slim .", "she 's not very tall and very petite .", "she 's a tiny little slip of a thing .", "she 's slender and short ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Perfect , and I like her charming eyes too .", "responses": ["what 's the color of her eyes ?", "you should ask her out", "sounds like you have a crush", "is she single ?", "how did you meet her ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the color of her eyes ?", "responses": ["dark blue .", "her eyes are a beautiful blue .", "she has wonderful green eyes .", "the most gorgeous brown eyes .", "her eyes are the color of the evening sky ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Dark blue ."}], "index": 654} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where are you going ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to buy a cd .", "i feel like going out .", "i 'm not going anywhere .", "probably to a moviel", "to see my friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm going to buy a CD .", "responses": ["why not listen to music online ?", "what kind of cd ?", "well , be careful .", "be back soon !", "can you afford it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why not listen to music online ?", "responses": ["then i will have to pay quite a lot to listen to music on line , is n't it ?", "i do n't think digital music has the same depth .", "i 'm a luddite .", "i think cds are much superior to digital recordings .", "i like having the cds so if the internet fails i still have tunes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then I will have to pay quite a lot to listen to music on line , isn't it ?", "responses": ["you can audition music on line , and you can audition it off line after downloading it , so you need n't pay for it .", "it 's about as much as the cost of a cd really", "nah , it 's not that much", "it 's pretty cheap , especially give you get all songs", "i 'm not sure , i do n't listen to music"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can audition music on line , and you can audition it off line after downloading it , so you needn't pay for it .", "responses": ["i have downloaded one , but it still ca n't be listened .", "is n't that stealing ?", "is that legal ?", "i thought you had to pay to listen ?", "is n't it only free if there are ads ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have downloaded one , but it still can't be listened .", "responses": ["in order to listen to music , you must have the necessary software .", "maybe there 's a technical issue .", "you should try again .", "tell me the steps you took .", "i 'll try to help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In order to listen to music , you must have the necessary software .", "responses": ["can you recommend some to me ?", "i have said software", "what is the software ?", "where do i get the software ?", "why ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you recommend some to me ?", "responses": ["certainly . realplayer is a good .", "i need to know what kind of computer you have .", "you should do some research online .", "i think itunes is a good music service .", "what type of computer are you using for the music ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Certainly . Realplayer is a good .", "responses": ["can i download it ?", "is n't that a bit old ?", "is n't that an older one ?", "i did n't know it was still around .", "i did n't know that existed still ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can I download it ?", "responses": ["yes , but you need install it after downloading so that you can use it .", "it 's probably already there , i 'll show you how to find it .", "yes , it 's a pretty easy download .", "i 'm not sure . let 's search it online .", "yes . let me help you download it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but you need install it after downloading so that you can use it .", "responses": ["i 'll try it tonight .", "will it be easy to find after i download ?", "will it be in a normal format ?", "i hope i can figure this out .", "will it be easy to use ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll try it tonight ."}], "index": 655} {"fold": "test", "topic": "culture_and_educastion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What were you and Richard talking about earlier ? It looked intense .", "responses": ["yeah , richard said something to me that i did n't appreciate .", "it was private .", "he wanted to borrow money .", "he did n't think i should be here .", "he is breaking up with his girlfriend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , Richard said something to me that I didn't appreciate .", "responses": ["oh , no . i know how insensitive he can be . what has he done now ?", "was it something really bad ?", "did you get into a fight ?", "are you still friends ?", "i hope everything works out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , no . I know how insensitive he can be . What has he done now ?", "responses": ["he asked me how long it took me to learn english .", "he was very judgmental .", "he was very critical .", "he was very insulting .", "he just told it like he saw it . it was disturbing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He asked me how long it took me to learn English .", "responses": ["but , you were born and raised in california !", "what an insensitive question", "why would he ask that", "what did you say ?", ".... what a jerk"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "But , you were born and raised in California !", "responses": ["yeah , but i get that sometimes . it does n't matter how many generations my family has lived in the u . s . , we 'll always be foreigners in their eyes .", "yeah , that 's why i was so upset", "i 'm so tired of racist comments .", "guess he did n't think so", "i guess i do n't look like it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , but I get that sometimes . It doesn't matter how many generations my family has lived in the U . S . , we'll always be foreigners in their eyes .", "responses": ["what a racist ! how can you stand working with the guy ?", "he should n't be rude to you .", "he can be such a jerk .", "do n't let his attitude get to you .", "you are a great person ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What a racist ! How can you stand working with the guy ?", "responses": ["you know , richard is n't such a bad guy . he made the comment out of ignorance , not malice .", "i ca n't , but what can i do ?", "i leave crap on his chair", "i do n't have a choice", "i 'm leaving soon , that 's hwo"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know , Richard isn't such a bad guy . He made the comment out of ignorance , not malice .", "responses": ["so , what did you say when he asked you how long it took you to learn english ?", "at least you do n't hold it against him .", "he still should be more aware of what he says .", "i think he needs to watch what he says .", "i 'm glad you handled it in such a good way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , what did you say when he asked you how long it took you to learn English ?", "responses": ["i told him 28 years . and , he knows i 'm 28 years old since i just celebrated my birthday last week . he was puzzled for a minute , and then he got it .", "i said i am still learning .", "i told him 1 year .", "about 2 years ,", "i told him 3 years ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I told him 28 years . And , he knows I'm 28 years old since I just celebrated my birthday last week . He was puzzled for a minute , and then he got it .", "responses": ["are you sure he really got the message ?", "oh man ! did he get embarrassed ?", "i hope that helped his ignorance a little bit .", "what did he say once he got it ?", "did he apologize ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you sure he really got the message ?", "responses": ["yeah , i 'm pretty sure since i then asked him how long it took him to learn english .", "yeah , he was nice about it after that .", "i think so .", "he was a little weird about it .", "he did n't seem to be mean about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I'm pretty sure since I then asked him how long it took him to learn English .", "responses": ["that 's hilarious ! what did he say ?", "what did he say ?", "and what was his response ?", "if i was you , i 'd stay away from him for a while .", "how did he react ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's hilarious ! What did he say ?", "responses": ["he said , ' 36 years , ' and we both laughed about it . he apologized and now , it 's all good .", "he said he was just joking .", "he said he was just joking .", "he apologized and asked if he could buy me a coffee for his ignorance .", "he said he did n't realize and thought i was born in another country . he laughed and said yea i am stupid sometimes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He said , ' 36 years , ' and we both laughed about it . He apologized and now , it's all good .", "responses": ["i 'm glad . i bet he wo n't make that mistake again .", "well i 'm glad it worked out", "you took it much better than i would have .", "it 's good you could laugh about it", "hopefully he learned his lesson"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm glad . I bet he won't make that mistake again ."}], "index": 656} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you tell me the origin of the Dragon-Boat Festival ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's a way to commemorate a great ancient romantic poet , and the race is a symbol of the attempt to save him .", "sure , it 'll take awhile . are you ready ?", "i 'd be happy to", "no , but i can lead you to one who can", "nope , try asking that dude"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , it's a way to commemorate a great ancient romantic poet , and the race is a symbol of the attempt to save him .", "responses": ["i see . did they succeed in the end ?", "who was the poet ?", "what was the poets name ?", "save him from what ?", "why are they trying to save him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I see . Did they succeed in the end ?", "responses": ["of course not . he drowned .", "i think so .", "it seemed like it worked .", "yeah , it was a great end .", "i think the whole thing worked out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course not . He drowned ."}], "index": 657} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you today ?", "responses": ["i would like to use a computer .", "i 'd love to buy a house", "can you help me find my son ?", "i 'm in the mood to buy a car", "i wanna go home"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to use a computer .", "responses": ["do you have your library card ?", "we have computers over here .", "we have many computers for use .", "we have computers to use , but it costs a fee .", "do you have money to pay for the computer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you have your library card ?", "responses": ["i sure do .", "i totally do .", "i do . i use it a lot .", "i use it all the time .", "yes , i sure do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I sure do .", "responses": ["there is a wait for the computers .", "great . you can use your account number to log into any open computer .", "wonderful ! the computers are in the back . do you need help logging in ?", "thank you . i can use it to assign you a computer . sessions last 2 hours , after that , you will need to come back up and request it again .", "perfect ! all you do is scan your card over here , and it will assign you a computer for 2 hours . let me know if you have trouble finding your assigned computer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "There is a wait for the computers .", "responses": ["that 's all right .", "how long of a wait is there ?", "will it take a long time ?", "how long can i use it for ?", "how many others are waiting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That ' s all right .", "responses": ["you need to print your name on this list .", "i 'll send you a text message as soon as there 's an opening .", "you might have to wait up to an hour .", "something should open up in 15 or 20 minutes .", "while you 're waiting , feel free to grab some juice or a coffee ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You need to print your name on this list .", "responses": ["okay . now what ?", "how many people are waiting in front of me ?", "what time will you be closing them down today ?", "is there a time limit today since it is so busy ?", "can i look around and not lose my place in line ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Okay . Now what ?", "responses": ["once a computer is available , i will let you know .", "we 'll call you when it 's your turn", "you can go sit over there while you wait", "i 'll come get you when it 's time", "you can go look around while you wait"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Once a computer is available , I will let you know .", "responses": ["how am i supposed to log on to the computer ?", "can you just text me when it is ?", "how long of a wait do you anticipate ?", "will you come and get me in the library aisles ?", "sounds good , i 'm just going to browse some materials ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How am I supposed to log on to the computer ?", "responses": ["all you do is type in the number on the back of your card .", "the computer will showing the log in screen . each station has a userid and password under the keyboard to use .", "there is no log in required .", "not to worry . we will log you in .", "just key your last name and use the password \" sunshine \" in all lowercase letteres"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "All you do is type in the number on the back of your card .", "responses": ["that 's it ? thank you very much .", "ok , thank you for the help !", "great , thank you for your help . i 'll just wait over by the stacks .", "thanks for your help . i 'll go grab a quick snack then .", "thank you . i 'll just grab a desk and wait for a bit then ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That ' s it ? Thank you very much ."}], "index": 658} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how are you doing , Christopher ?", "responses": ["to be honest , i 'm really fed up with work at the moment . i need a break !", "i am doing great , how about you ?", "not so great , i am pretty upset .", "i have had better days , today sucked .", "it 's been going great , how have you been ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "to be honest , I'm really fed up with work at the moment . I need a break !", "responses": ["are you doing anything this weekend ?", "take one then .", "go take one .", "m sure you could use one .", "i know you do . why not take one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "are you doing anything this weekend ?", "responses": ["i have to work on saturday all day ! i really hate my job !", "i have n't made any plans yet . what are you doing ?", "i was thinking of going camping .", "i 'm going to my sister 's wedding in oregon . i ca n't wait to get out of here .", "i had n't given it much thought . are you up for a bbq on saturday ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I have to work on Saturday all day ! I really hate my job !", "responses": ["are you available on sunday ?", "maybe we can do something that night .", "would you like to hang out ?", "can we spend some time together sunday ?", "maybe you can take half the day off ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "are you available on Sunday ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's my only day off until thursday .", "i 'm just as busy on sunday . i ca n't stand this job !", "i have a few hours in the afternoon , but for the rest of the day , i 'm stuck working .", "no time at all , i 'll be busy working !", "i can ask for some time off on sunday , but everything is so busy i doubt my boss will agree ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , that's my only day off until Thursday .", "responses": ["ok , well , my friends and i are planning on going to the beach on sunday . we tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere , so you could still sleep in . do you want to come with us ?", "let me come over tomorrow and grill you some good food for the week .", "lets catch a movie tomorrow so you can relax for a while .", "let me bring over some wine and have a lazy afternoon tomorrow .", "one day off sure does n't give you time to relax much !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "ok , well , my friends and I are planning on going to the beach on Sunday . We tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere , so you could still sleep in . Do you want to come with us ?", "responses": ["that 'd be fantastic ! which beach are you going to ?", "sure that sounds fun", "i do n't really like the beach", "is n't the weather supposed to be bad ?", "who all is going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that'd be fantastic ! Which beach are you going to ?", "responses": ["it 's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city .", "we always go to the ocean .", "the one right down the road from your house .", "we have n't decided which one to go to yet .", "we like the one of the other side of the city , since it is less crowded ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city .", "responses": ["what should i bring with me ?", "can i travel with you ?", "should i pack a cooler or do you guys bring a grill ?", "excellent . i ca n't wait .", "should i bring the sun umbrellas ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what should I bring with me ?", "responses": ["we 've got plenty of inflatables , but if you want to sit on a chair , you 'll have to bring your own sunlounger .", "we should have most of the stuff covered . just bring items for yourself like sunscreen , towel , water , sunglasses .", "oh , you could bring some sandwiches to put in the cooler , and whatever else you would normally bring to the beach .", "some drinks would be good . we 'll have a cooler so bring whatever lunch you would want to have also .", "the usual stuff you 'd bring to the beach , some snacks for the group would be good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "we've got plenty of inflatables , but if you want to sit on a chair , you'll have to bring your own sunlounger .", "responses": ["i can just use my beach towel . i love lazing around in the sun .", "how about refreshments ?", "may i bring a friend along ?", "is it possible to surf there ?", "what time do you think we 'll be back ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can just use my beach towel . I love lazing around in the sun .", "responses": ["do you like surfing ?", "awesome , could you bring a cooler ?", "yeah , me too", "okay , great", "cool , see you sunday then : d"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you like surfing ?", "responses": ["i 've actually never tired . do you have a surfboard ?", "yes , i have my own board and love it !", "i have never been , but i would love to try it .", "i usually prefer to just lay in the sun and not get in the water .", "no , but i do enjoy using my bogey - board since its a lot easier to use ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I've actually never tired . Do you have a surfboard ?", "responses": ["we 've got a few . i can teach you how to surf on sunday . it 'll be fun !", "i do n't have one . i usually rent one at the beach .", "i do have one . but if you want to try it out you can get one on the beach .", "i usually borrow my brothers . there are rental places on the beach though .", "i do n't have one , but i 've been thinking about getting one ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "we've got a few . I can teach you how to surf on Sunday . It'll be fun !", "responses": ["i ca n't wait ! it sounds like we 're going to have a great time . how much money should i bring ?", "i would love to learn to surf .", "awesome , i hope you can teach me .", "this is going to be so much fun .", "i am really excited for this trip , i ca n't wait ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I can't wait ! It sounds like we're going to have a great time . How much money should I bring ?", "responses": ["you 'll just need roughly $ 10 for food and gas money . my friend is driving , so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money .", "we 'll probably stop for lunch so maybe $ 20 ?", "we 're packing a cooler so you wo n't need any money", "we 'll have food and drinks so whatever you think is fair to chip in", "i think parking is $ 20 so at least $ 5 to pay your share"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "you'll just need roughly $ 10 for food and gas money . My friend is driving , so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money .", "responses": ["ok , where and when should i meet you ?", "this sounds like so much fun . i 'm looking forward to it !", "how far away is the beach ?", "i 'll bring some sunscreen for us all as well !", "i 'm really excited about this . it 'll be cheap and fun !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "ok , where and when should I meet you ?", "responses": ["we 'll pick you up at your place at noon . be there or be square !", "somewhere halfway .", "somewhere close because i only have a few dollars .", "tomorrow ?", "soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "we'll pick you up at your place at noon . Be there or be square !"}], "index": 659} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not really accustomed to the style of the new boss .", "responses": ["it 'll take us all some time to get used to the change .", "oh yea ? what 's he like ?", "what are they like ?", "what is it about them ?", "why is that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It'll take us all some time to get used to the change ."}], "index": 660} {"fold": "test", "topic": "culture_and_educastion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I give up ! I simply can't learn French !", "responses": ["why do you say that ? i think you 're making a lot of progress .", "it 's not the easiest language . it will take practice .", "what are you having trouble with ?", "were you thinking of switching to spanish ?", "i 'm having trouble , too . would you like to study together ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you say that ? I think you're making a lot of progress .", "responses": ["no , i 'm not . i try and try and i still ca n't speak it very well .", "thank you for that .", "i have trouble with the accent .", "it 's just really hard .", "i get so frustrated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I'm not . I try and try and I still can't speak it very well .", "responses": ["learning any language takes a lot of effort . but do n't give up . why do n't we practise those dialogues together ?", "you 're making progress . do n't give up now .", "you 're probably burned out . try taking a break .", "french is a hard language to learn . you should give it more time .", "have you tried taking some extra lessons ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Learning any language takes a lot of effort . But don't give up . Why don't we practise those dialogues together ?", "responses": ["good idea . that might help .", "that would be very helpful , thank you !", "i think maybe i need to take a bit of a break for now .", "can we do it after i get back from the store ? i think i need a minute .", "lets start right now , i will get some drinks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good idea . That might help ."}], "index": 661} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He said I have a big nose . I wonder what that means .", "responses": ["you are interested in other people 's business , are n't you ?", "he 's just having fun .", "he does n't really mean it .", "he had a bad day . give him a break .", "he does n't know what he 's talking about ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You are interested in other people ' s business , aren ' t you ?", "responses": ["does he mean i am inquisitive or i 'm noisy ?", "i can be but i do n't see where that has to do with my nose ?", "and my nose has what to do with that ?", "i am always in other people 's business !", "well no , but i guess i should start if that s what everyone thinks of me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does he mean I am inquisitive or I ' m noisy ?", "responses": ["yes .", "he thinks you 're inquisitive", "you 're in everyone 's business", "you 're always curious", "you need to know everything"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes ."}], "index": 662} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , I'd like to ask you a few questions about the city .", "responses": ["ok , please .", "sure . what do you want to know ?", "what are you interested in ?", "i can help you with that", "i 'll be happy to help"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , please .", "responses": ["my wife wants to take the children to go shopping , where is the best place to go ?", "how large is it ?", "can you get around it easily ?", "what 's the crime rate like ?", "how is the food there ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "My wife wants to take the children to go shopping , where is the best place to go ?", "responses": ["i would recommend the mall , it 's about 20 minutes , drive to the south in a taxi . it has a wide range of shops and restaurants .", "i would head to the mall . they have something for everyone .", "how old are the kids ?", "are you looking for touristy stuff or did you need something specific ?", "i 'd be happy to show you guys a few good spots"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I would recommend the mall , it's about 20 minutes , drive to the south in a taxi . It has a wide range of shops and restaurants .", "responses": ["thank you . also , we 'd like to do some sightseeing while we 're in town . can you recommend some local attractions ?", "ok great that sounds just like what they were looking for !", "thank you . do you have the name ? i 'll check out the website to send her the info .", "thanks . i 'll look into it . it sounds like that will work .", "i think that 's what she was looking for . i 'll go get them ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Thank you . Also , we'd like to do some sightseeing while we're in town . Can you recommend some local attractions ?", "responses": ["how old are your children ?", "certainly . what exactly are you interested in ?", "do you prefer cultural activities or something more active ?", "would you like to take a walking tour or a bus tour ?", "what are the ages of your children ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How old are your children ?", "responses": ["i have a 10 - year - old boy and a 6 - year - old girl .", "they 're pretty young", "they 're around 5", "they 're teenagers", "just infants , really"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a 10 - year-old boy and a 6 - year-old girl .", "responses": ["i would recommend a day at the zoo . it 's fun for all the family . there is also a water park just outside the city if you would like a day trip .", "natural history museums are good for all ages .", "the zoo is always popular with younger children .", "we have many amazing parks that also have fun activities for younger children .", "we have many types of interactive theater programs that are for children of all ages ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would recommend a day at the zoo . It's fun for all the family . There is also a water park just outside the city if you would like a day trip .", "responses": ["it sounds marvelous . thank you for your help .", "is there anywhere nearby to have lunch ?", "what is the cost for admission ?", "how far outside the city is the water park ?", "which one is generally more popular with families ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "It sounds marvelous . Thank you for your help ."}], "index": 663} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Boy , it looks like everyone in your family is here , from young to old .", "responses": ["easter 's a good day for reunions . the family goes to church together .", "they sure are !", "you 've got that right .", "yep . spot on !", "they are all here it seems ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Easter's a good day for reunions . The family goes to church together .", "responses": ["and after church they come here for lunch ?", "joining you have confused your aunt . she ca n't figure out who 's kid i am .", "that 's nice . how many come to dinner ?", "how many grandchildren are there ?", "do you host every year ? that 's a lot of work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And after church they come here for lunch ?", "responses": ["yup , a big potluck buffet . and then - notice there are no children around ?", "yes , we all get together at my aunt and uncle 's house and have a big lunch afterward .", "yep , we all get together and go to the park for a nice potluck lunch .", "yes , we all meet up at the local cafe for lunch .", "of course ! we meet at my relative 's place and have a nice lunch in the backyard ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yup , a big potluck buffet . And then-notice there are no children around ?", "responses": ["yeah , what 's up with that ?", "where are the kids ?", "do the kids have a special activity apart from the adults ?", "wow , that 's convenient .", "how do you manage to be childless ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , what's up with that ?", "responses": ["the kids wait in the house while the grownups hide these . hide away , yi - jun !", "i do n't know , it 's odd", "they have their own party", "we have a sitter", "there 's a daycare near here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The kids wait in the house while the grownups hide these . Hide away , Yi-jun !"}], "index": 664} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi ! I'm happy you could make it .", "responses": ["well , i 've been looking forward to seeing you .", "hey ! i 'm glad you could too", "welcome !", "welcome to the party , buddy", "i 'm happy to see you"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I've been looking forward to seeing you .", "responses": ["what can i get you ?", "likewise . have you eaten yet ?", "i thought the weather would have stopped us again", "how was your trip ?", "how long can you stay in town ? >"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "What can I get you ?", "responses": ["i 'd love a gin and tonic .", "oh nothing right now . i 'm ok", "a water would be fine , thanks", "do you have any wine ? that would be nice .", "tea would be good . thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'd love a gin and tonic ."}], "index": 665} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you please help me to check out the book ?", "responses": ["sure , what 's the author 's name , please .", "of course .", "you may choose to use the automated check out system if you have your card with you .", "do you have your library card ?", "do you know your library card number ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure , what's the author's name , please .", "responses": ["i ca n't remember that clearly . it probably be charles ...", "i do n't know the author 's name", "i only know the title", "i am not sure", "i only know the author 's last name"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't remember that clearly . It probably be Charles ...", "responses": ["charles dickens ?", "do you happen to know any part of the title ?", "do you know when the book was released ?", "can you describe any part of the plot of the book ?", "do you know what the cover of the book looks like ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Charles Dickens ?", "responses": ["no , no , no . i 'm not interested in literature .", "yes , that 's it . the book is great expectations .", "i think that 's who it is , yes .", "dickens , yes . the title is a tale of two cities .", "yes , that 's right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , no , no . I'm not interested in literature .", "responses": ["ok , do you know the title of the book ?", "do you have any idea what the last name is ?", "you do n't like literature but you want a book .", "there are lots of people named charles , any other hints .", "here is a list of charles , do any sound familiar ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "OK , do you know the title of the book ?", "responses": ["oh , sorry . i 'm always absent - minded . i remember that i 've put a note in my pocket .", "no , i 'm not sure", "it 's something about a pilot", "that would be good to know", "i wish i had written it down"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , sorry . I'm always absent-minded . I remember that I've put a note in my pocket .", "responses": ["so , show me the note please .", "that 's not a problem . take your time !", "it 's quite okay . i 'm absent minded too !", "you 're fine . you 've been so helpful anyways !", "it 's okay . i ca n't think of the title either !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "So , show me the note please .", "responses": ["i ca n't find it now .", "the note ?", "hm , i ca n't seem to find the note now", "oh , here it is", "give me a moment to find it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can't find it now .", "responses": ["oh , such bad luck , sir . can you please name the category of the book ?", "where is it ?", "why ?", "show me the note ?", "so are you not interested ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , such bad luck , sir . Can you please name the category of the book ?", "responses": ["let me see . it 's not fiction . it 's biography .", "it was a book of true crime stories .", "i suppose it would be considered non - fiction , but i 'm not sure .", "i believe it would be in the biographies section .", "some type of history . it was about the civil war ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let me see . It's not fiction . It's biography .", "responses": ["ok , i 'll search it for you . a moment , please .", "what did this person do ?", "what is the person known for ?", "do you recall the period of time this person lived in ?", "why are you interested in this book ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , I'll search it for you . A moment , please .", "responses": ["thanks .", "have you found it ?", "any luck ?", "thank you !", "i appreciate your assistance"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks ."}], "index": 666} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you decide what grade we get ?", "responses": ["i look at many things , attendance , quizzes , and tests .", "i carefully evaluate your work .", "i evaluate your understanding of the material based on your test performance .", "i fact your participation into the equation when i figure out your final grade .", "i make a fair assessment of your understanding factoring in participation , test grades and your essays ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I look at many things , attendance , quizzes , and tests .", "responses": ["what is the most important factor ?", "what about other things ?", "is that everything ?", "are you sure ?", "wow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is the most important factor ?", "responses": ["obviously i look for improvement as we go along , but i would like you to do your best from the beginning .", "quizzes are a very important factor when i decide the grade .", "tests will make up the largest part of the final grade .", "the first major factor is attendance , since you have to show up to get a grade .", "when making the final grade i take into account several different things like test and quiz scores ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Obviously I look for improvement as we go along , but I would like you to do your best from the beginning .", "responses": ["how can we keep track of our grades ?", "do you offer extra credit ?", "is class participation part of our grade ?", "do you have office hours available for extra help ?", "how important are the exams ? what percentage of our grade are they ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can we keep track of our grades ?", "responses": ["the final and midterm are 40 percent of your grade ; homework , attendance , and quizzes total 60 percent .", "you can ask me what your current grade is .", "i will post them online when they are ready .", "i will let each student know individually .", "you wo n't get you 're grade until the end ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The final and midterm are 40 percent of your grade ; homework , attendance , and quizzes total 60 percent .", "responses": ["what if we ca n't get to school ?", "how many days are we allowed to miss ?", "i guess i better make sure not to miss class .", "so there are no writing tasks ?", "i hope i can learn the material"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What if we can't get to school ?", "responses": ["you can only miss one class without penalty .", "you should call me if this happens and i 'll arrange a ride .", "i 'd be happy to pick you up on my way to work from time to time .", "attendance is just a small part of the grade , so do n't worry too much .", "you should try to call your friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can only miss one class without penalty .", "responses": ["if we have a major problem , will you let us know ?", "is there any exception to the rule ?", "what if we have an excused absence", "i think that is a little unfair", "i will try not to miss any classes then"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If we have a major problem , will you let us know ?", "responses": ["i will be letting you know during the year if you have a major problem .", "yes .", "no .", "maybe .", "i will let you know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I will be letting you know during the year if you have a major problem ."}], "index": 667} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We're thinking about going to America .", "responses": ["have you thought about the cost ?", "that sounds like a lot of fun , where in america do you plan on going ?", "that sounds like a lot of fun , where in america do you plan on going ?", "when do you plan on taking the trip ?", "how long were you planning on staying in america ? what kind of places did you want to see while visiting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you thought about the cost ?", "responses": ["there is that .", "yes , and it actually seems pretty reasonable .", "i have , and it mostly seems affordable .", "i 've considered the cost , but probably need to get some more specifics . have you been there ?", "yes , i 've worked out all the costs . i just need to figure out where , exactly we want to go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There is that .", "responses": ["i believe it 'll be very expensive .", "i 've heard that it can be a lot of money .", "it is also a lot of paperwork .", "do you have your passport ?", "if you can afford it , i think you should go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I believe it'll be very expensive ."}], "index": 668} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "May I help you with something ?", "responses": ["i would like to return some books .", "yes , i 've had an issue with my room and i need help .", "i am having issues with my service .", "can you please help me locate the nearest hospital ?", "what time is the show tonight ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I would like to return some books .", "responses": ["i 'll take them .", "sure i can help with that", "ok put them on the counter", "you can just leave them here", "just put them in the slot over there"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' ll take them .", "responses": ["here you go .", "thank you ! actually , i think i want to keep one of them .", "in addition , can i get an extension on one of them ?", "sounds great . where can i go pick up some more ?", "okay , this one here is overdue . is there a fee ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Here you go .", "responses": ["these books were due two weeks ago .", "thank you .", "that 's a lot of books .", "ok .", "gracias ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "These books were due two weeks ago .", "responses": ["yeah . i totally forgot they were due .", "so do i have to pay a fee ?", "what does that mean then ?", "i know but i forgot , i 'm sorry", "oh i was unaware there was a due date !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . I totally forgot they were due .", "responses": ["you will need to pay late fees on these books .", "please give me a moment while i figure your late fee .", "it happens more often than you 'd think .", "you 'll have to pay the late fee before you 're allowed to check out anything else .", "i understand . there will be a late fee charged however ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You will need to pay late fees on these books .", "responses": ["how much are the late fees ?", "of course . i expected that .", "how much is the fine in total ?", "may i use my debit / credit card for the fines ?", "i am so sorry they are late . what is the fine ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much are the late fees ?", "responses": ["the fee is 25 cents every day .", "5 $", "it 's around five dollars , but we can waive it with a good reason", "well , a few cents a day for each book times two weeks , comes to 2.45", "not too much , sign here"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The fee is 25 cents every day .", "responses": ["i have to pay 25 cents a day ?", "wow .", "is that refundable ?", "does that stack ?", "ok ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "I have to pay 25 cents a day ?", "responses": ["and that 's for each book that is late .", "yes , that is the late fee .", "you will have to pay that to rent books again .", "you should have paid attention to the time .", "we have some payment options if you need it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "And that ' s for each book that is late .", "responses": ["that should n't be a problem .", "ok . let me get my money .", "wow , i 'll get the money and never do that again .", "oops , i 'll get my money .", "so how much is that , wow , i 'll get my money !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That shouldn ' t be a problem ."}], "index": 669} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This is such a beautiful day ! Great for sailing !", "responses": ["it sure is ! the water looks so nice ! anchor the boat for a little while . i 'm going to take a dip .", "yeah the breeze is really nice", "i 'm so glad the sun is out today", "i love being out on the water", "thanks for inviting me"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It sure is ! The water looks so nice ! Anchor the boat for a little while . I ' m going to take a dip .", "responses": ["why are you doggy - paddling ? i taught you how to swim ! do your breast stroke !", "watch out for other boats while you swim !", "i think i 'll stay on the boat to fish !", "i 'll join you . let me grab my snorkel !", "great idea . it 'll definitely cool me off ! it 's hot !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Why are you doggy-paddling ? I taught you how to swim ! Do your breast stroke !", "responses": ["i get too tired ! i 'll just backstroke , it 's easier !", "the water still scares me !", "i know , i suck at swimming .", "oh shut up !", "haha ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I get too tired ! I ' ll just backstroke , it ' s easier !", "responses": ["try kicking your legs more . that 's good . do n't go out too far !", "easy is not better though", "do n't be such a sissy , just do the breast stroke", "you need to work on your fitness then", "ok if that makes you feel better , keep doing it then"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Try kicking your legs more . That ' s good . Don ' t go out too far !", "responses": ["it 's fine . jump in !", "hey , the water 's great !", "this is fantastic ! you should jump in with me !", "how far is too far ?", "okay ! do n't worry about me ; i 'll be fine !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s fine . Jump in !", "responses": ["kathy ! get back here ! i see a shark !", "ok , just be a bit careful .", "i ca n't have you drowning on my watch .", "hold on , i 'll just secure the ladder .", "ca n't . one person should stay on the boat at all times ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Kathy ! Get back here ! I see a shark !", "responses": ["ahahah ! ! ! help me ! help ! bring the boat closer ! the shark is coming straight towards me !", "oh my god ! ! !", "a what ?", "shark", "help me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ahahah ! ! ! Help me ! Help ! Bring the boat closer ! The shark is coming straight towards me !", "responses": ["it 's right under you ! kathy ! ! !", "kathy ! ! ! come closer !", "kathy ! over here !", "kathy ! here 's the rope !", "come here kathy ! !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s right under you ! Kathy ! ! !"}], "index": 670} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what was your wedding ceremony like , Abigail ?", "responses": ["my husband and i got married in a registry office with just two friends there as witnesses . but then we had three parties to celebrate .", "it was simply incredible", "to be honest it was n't everything i 'd hope it would be", "it was beautiful , the weather was so nice and it just felt right", "it was my dream ceremony , come to life"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "my husband and I got married in a registry office with just two friends there as witnesses . But then we had three parties to celebrate .", "responses": ["three parties ? that 's quite a lot . that must have been expensive !", "well , that 's certainly a way to do it !", "i guess the celebration is the more memorable part of it afterall .", "why did you decide to do it that way ?", "just down at the registry ? really ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "three parties ? That's quite a lot . That must have been expensive !", "responses": ["well , since my husband and i are from two different countries , and we live in a third country , we decided to have one in each country . it was n't actually that expensive .", "no , our friends hosted the parties .", "they were small parties and very inexpensive .", "well , hopefully , you only do this type of thing once .", "it was so worth it . i have a million dollars in memories ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , since my husband and I are from two different countries , and we live in a third country , we decided to have one in each country . It wasn't actually that expensive .", "responses": ["were your parents upset that they were n't there to see you get married ?", "oh , well that 's good", "where are you two from ?", "that sounds nice", "that must be interesting culturally"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "were your parents upset that they weren't there to see you get married ?", "responses": ["i would have liked them to be there , but they could n't afford to fly out to see us , and we could n't afford to fly out to see them , so they understood .", "yes , they were upset .", "no , they were not upset .", "they are very strict .", "they are controlling sometimes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I would have liked them to be there , but they couldn ' t afford to fly out to see us , and we couldn't afford to fly out to see them , so they understood .", "responses": ["did your husband 's family get to meet your family ?", "i think that was a good way to do things then .", "i can understand why you did it that way then .", "i still think your parents would of liked to of been there .", "i think it 's cool that you had such a small ceremony ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "did your husband's family get to meet your family ?", "responses": ["my husband 's parents flew out to meet my family when we got married in my hometown , so that was great . some people spend ridiculous amounts of money on extravagant wedding receptions , but we agreed t", "not yet , but we are working on getting them to meet each other .", "yes , my parents were able to come to meet his parents at the party we had for his family .", "no , it was just too expensive for them to come to the other parties .", "yes , his parents came to the party we had for my family . it was great having them meet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "my husband's parents flew out to meet my family when we got married in my hometown , so that was great . Some people spend ridiculous amounts of money on extravagant wedding receptions , but we agreed t", "responses": ["that makes sense . did you go on a honeymoon ?", "it 's good to be practical", "which party was your favorite ?", "i 'm glad a", "it 's nice all families got to be involved in the parties"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that makes sense . Did you go on a honeymoon ?", "responses": ["we waited until our one - year anniversary to go on our honeymoon to africa .", "a brief one , yeah", "not yet , we wanna save money", "we did , and it was magical", "i wish"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "we waited until our one-year anniversary to go on our honeymoon to Africa .", "responses": ["you really did n't have a very traditional wedding , did you ?", "that sounds wonderful . did you enjoy it ?", "that 's a long trip . what countries did you visit ?", "how long did you stay there ?", "that sounds like it was worth the wait . did you have a good time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "you really didn't have a very traditional wedding , did you ?", "responses": ["not at all , but we do n't have a very traditional marriage either , so it suited us perfectly !", "no , i wanted to do something out of the ordinary just for us", "actually it was pretty traditional , just the honeymoon was n't", "i decided to get married outdoors with just family", "i thought it would be better to spend money on something besides a wedding !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "not at all , but we don ' t have a very traditional marriage either , so it suited us perfectly !"}], "index": 671} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , hi , Jessica , are you going to see this movie too ?", "responses": ["i 'd love to , the movies are smash hit .", "i am ! the trailers made it look really good !", "yeah , i 'm here with my boyfriend . he 's the one who really wanted to see it .", "oh hey ! i did n't expect to see you at the theater !", "of course . i 've seen all of the other movies in the series ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd love to , the movies are smash hit .", "responses": ["then let 's go in .", "great , let 's go together !", "shall we plan to go to the matinee together ?", "shall we invite our siblings and friends along ?", "do you have any coupons for the concession ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Then let's go in .", "responses": ["i ca n't . i 'm waiting for paul , but he 's late .", "sounds good to me , when do you want to go ?", "after you", "wanna get popcorn ?", "i\"d love a soda"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can't . I'm waiting for Paul , but he's late .", "responses": ["i 'll say the movie 's starting in the minute .", "where is he coming from ?", "how long until paul gets here", "he 's always late !", "tell him to hurry , the movie is about to start"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll say the movie's starting in the minute .", "responses": ["i know . i wonder what 's keeping him .", "i will just wait a little while longer .", "paul should be here any minute .", "there are always previews before .", "i do n't mind missing the first few minutes ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . I wonder what's keeping him .", "responses": ["looks like he wo n't show up . he 's done this before , has n't he ?", "i hope he gets here in time . the traffic has been bad .", "the traffic has been bad . i better get in there , enjoy the movie jessica !", "hope he get 's here soon ! say hi to paul , enjoy the movie jessica !", "i 'm sure he will be here any minute ! say hi to paul for me , i hope the movie is great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Looks like he won't show up . He's done this before , hasn't he ?", "responses": ["yeah , a number of times .", "yes , and i was n't happy about it .", "that was n't him , that was joe", "yes , i think we should just go in and not miss any of the movie", "yes , and i guess it 's his loss because i 'm not going to put up with it anymore"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , a number of times .", "responses": ["what 's he trying to pull anyway .", "what a jerk", "huh , well , his loss", "i guess it 's just the two of us then", "how rude of him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What's he trying to pull anyway .", "responses": ["i do n't know . but this is definitely the last straw .", "who knows . he 's probably stuck it traffic .", "you never know with him . i just wish he would get here already .", "he probably left work late . are you here with anyone else ?", "i do n't know . but i wish he would hurry up . i really want to go in ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . But this is definitely the last straw .", "responses": ["maybe you should start seeing someone else .", "i would dump him right away", "do n't waste your time on losers ! you can do better", "oh just give him a chance . you know how guys are", "i bet he will show up any minute . he would be crazy not to !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe you should start seeing someone else .", "responses": ["you said it . ok , let 's go in , sandy .", "but i still have feelings .", "but the times we did hang out were fun .", "maybe he has a good reason this time ?", "if only it were that easy ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "You said it . Ok , let's go in , Sandy ."}], "index": 672} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , you ' re applying for a B2 visa , where is your final destination and what ' s the purpose of your trip to the United States ?", "responses": ["i 'm going to visit my brother . he 's just had a baby . he lives in minneapolis .", "australia .", "tourism .", "family .", "business ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m going to visit my brother . he ' s just had a baby . He lives in Minneapolis .", "responses": ["and how long do you you plan to remain in the united states ?", "how long do you plan on staying ?", "are you going to be visiting anywhere else ?", "when will you be returning to your country ?", "will you be bringing anything back with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And how long do you you plan to remain in the United States ?", "responses": ["i 'll be here for approximately three weeks . see , here 's my return ticket for the twenty - sixth of march .", "i plan to stay for 2 weeks .", "i plan to stay for 2 weeks . it will be so nice to see them , it has been awhile .", "i plan on staying for a couple of weeks . i ca n't wait to see them and meet the baby !", "i will stay for 2 weeks which is all the vacation time i have ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' ll be here for approximately three weeks . See , here ' s my return ticket for the twenty-sixth of March .", "responses": ["and , who is sponsoring your trip ?", "that will be a nice long visit", "looks like you have it all figured out !", "i bet your brother is excited to see you", "minneapolis is a fun city , you will enjoy your time there"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And , who is sponsoring your trip ?", "responses": ["my brother , here , this is an invitation letter from him . i will stay with him and his family in their home .", "my wife", "a couple of my family members", "my brother and his wife", "i need a sponsor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My brother , here , this is an invitation letter from him . I will stay with him and his family in their home .", "responses": ["alright , tell me about the ties you have to your home country .", "and will you be traveling alone ?", "thank you . here is the application you need to fill out .", "is the letter dated within six months from the date of the writing ?", "and will you be traveling with any pets ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Alright , tell me about the ties you have to your home country .", "responses": ["well , i own a house . actually , i 'm leaving my dog there with my neighbors . i have a car at home , and oh , my job ! i 'm employed by tornal as an engineer . actually , i only have three weeks'vacation , so i have to go back to work at the end of march .", "i have lived in the uk since birth but most of my family live in the usa now", "i am from iran but am trying to detach myself from the religious violence", "i have lived in paris since birth but recently relocated to berlin", "i was born in south africa and have lived here off and on my whole life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I own a house . actually , I ' m leaving my dog there with my neighbors . I have a car at home , and oh , my job ! I ' m employed by Tornal as an engineer . Actually , I only have three weeks ' vacation , so I have to go back to work at the end of March .", "responses": ["and what evidence do you have that you are financially independent ?", "that 's interesting ! what kind of engineering work do you do ?", "can you cook any food from there ?", "what have you been doing with your vacation ?", "what kind of dog do you have ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And what evidence do you have that you are financially independent ?", "responses": ["well , i do have assets in my country . like i said , i own a house , and see , here 's a bank statement showing my investments , and my bank balance .", "i have my tax information .", "i have my bills under my name .", "i can provide proof that my house and car are under my name and i make monthly payments .", "my bank statements show the deposits from my employer ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I do have assets in my country . like I said , I own a house , and see , here ' s a bank statement showing my investments , and my bank balance .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , sir , we can not grant you a b2 visa at this time , instead , you are granted a resident visa ! congratulations , you are the millionth person to apply for a visa ! you win ! congratulations !", "ok , make certain you do n't overstay .", "have a great time and contragulations on being an uncle .", "is this your first niece or nephew ?", "welcome to the usa . enjoy !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sorry , sir , we cannot grant you a B2 visa at this time , instead , you are granted a resident visa ! Congratulations , you are the millionth person to apply for a visa ! You win ! Congratulations !"}], "index": 673} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon , madam . How can I help you ?", "responses": ["well , i am a bit out of shape . i 'm thinking about getting some exercises to keep fit .", "i need help with my room service .", "i am having an issue with my card and need it fixed .", "i am looking to find out how to get a reservation .", "can you tell me the nearest grocery store ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I am a bit out of shape . I'm thinking about getting some exercises to keep fit .", "responses": ["oh , that 's good news for us .", "wonderful , we have so many different programs , what do you enjoy ?", "that is great , what kind of exercise do you like ?", "how wonderful , let me help you pick a program that you will enjoy !", "great , it is so easy to forget make time for ourselves , let me help you find exercises you will enjoy !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that's good news for us .", "responses": ["so what do you provide ?", "i 'm excited about it", "i think it will be a good lifestyle change", "i 'm excited to work with you guys", "getting fit is really important to me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So what do you provide ?", "responses": ["first of all , we 'll design a custom - made work - out plan according to your habits .", "we provide many pieces of equipment", "many things , what are you interested in", "a personal trainer", "dietician and support staff"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "First of all , we'll design a custom-made work-out plan according to your habits .", "responses": ["how can you get that done ?", "oh , that sounds good . tell me more about it .", "do you offer personal trainers ?", "does it include a diet plan ?", "how many days a week will i need to go to the gym ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can you get that done ?", "responses": ["well , we give each of our customers a personal trainer who is qualified . and he will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work - out plan for your needs .", "just come into my office for a meeting .", "contact my assistant and she can schedule you in", "you can go online and fill out a personality test and we can match you with a plan from there .", "we can go over some questions over the phone or face to face and i 'll get started on your profile ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we give each of our customers a personal trainer who is qualified . And he will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work-out plan for your needs .", "responses": ["what else ?", "what about a diet ?", "how intense are he workouts ?", "do people usually stick to the plan ?", "i have been needing to get in better shape ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What else ?", "responses": ["since everyone is different , your personal trainer will find you a suitable type of exercise equipment and teach you all the techniques to help you achieve your fitness level and goal .", "we will also create a diet plan that fits your needs that you follow .", "you can meet with the personal trainer four times a week .", "we will track your progress and indicate where you can improve .", "if you are not satisfied with the results after 2 months then we will give you a refund ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Since everyone is different , your personal trainer will find you a suitable type of exercise equipment and teach you all the techniques to help you achieve your fitness level and goal .", "responses": ["sounds pretty good . what about the charge ?", "great ! i am looking forward to it .", "i do n't want to be too sore after doing the exercises .", "how long do you think it will take me to get in shape ?", "are your trainers certified ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Sounds pretty good . What about the charge ?", "responses": ["that depends . we offer membership for one month , half a year and one year .", "we have many different options . your trainer will recommend one that fits you best .", "we charge $ 35 monthly , or you can save 30 % by paying for a whole year .", "that depends . will you just be working out ? or will you be using the pool , too ?", "it 's $ 20 a month for a single person . but it 's $ 40 a month for a family pass ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That depends . We offer membership for one month , half a year and one year .", "responses": ["maybe one month . just have a try first . not too tough at the beginning .", "ok . sounds good . thank you .", "i will have to think about it and decide which membership to purchase .", "sign me up for the one month membership .", "i 'm not sure i can commit to one year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe one month . Just have a try first . Not too tough at the beginning .", "responses": ["wise decision . you 'll find it 's totally worth it .", "ok . we can handle that .", "i think that is a wise decision .", "you may find paying for 6 months will motivate you to stick with it .", "you know what they say - no pain no gain ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wise decision . You'll find it's totally worth it ."}], "index": 674} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you watch a lot of TV ?", "responses": ["not really . i could take it or leave it .", "not really since i do n't have cable", "yes , almost too much !", "i limit myself to a few hours a week", "not really , how about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really . I could take it or leave it .", "responses": ["not me . i have to have my tv and watch whatever comes on .", "why ?", "oh , what do you prefer to do in your free time ?", "so no favorite shows or anything then ?", "makes sense , do you own a tv then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not me . I have to have my TV and watch whatever comes on .", "responses": ["how can you do that ?", "really ? i just ca n't seem to get into anything .", "everything i watch is always so boring .", "i 'd rather do something outside than sit in the house watching tv i guess .", "what are your favorite shows ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can you do that ?"}], "index": 675} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi . What's your name ?", "responses": ["my name is jung min . what 's your name ?", "cindy , what s yours ?", "who is asking ?", "brandy , what can i do for you ?", "kelly . so nice to meet you finally !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "My name is Jung Min . What's your name ?", "responses": ["my name is jessica . it 's nice to meet you .", "i 'm ted . how 's it going ?", "my name 's frank .", "oh , i 'm evan . i 'm pretty popular and ladies like me . what describes you ?", "i 'm justin . i 'm kind of shy but i can open up with the right people . also , i collect action figures . what about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My name is Jessica . It's nice to meet you .", "responses": ["yes . it 's nice to meet you too . are you a new student too ?", "it 's nice to meet you too", "it 's very nice to meet you as well .", "nice meeting you as well .", "pleasure meeting you as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . It's nice to meet you too . Are you a new student too ?", "responses": ["no . i 'm a sophomore . i take it you are a new student ?", "yes , i am .", "i am new . i am a little nervous about meeting new people .", "i am . would you like to take a walk around campus ?", "i am . where is your dorm ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No . I'm a sophomore . I take it you are a new student ?", "responses": ["yeah . it 's pretty exciting to be here .", "yes . today is my first day .", "i am . and i 'm completely lost . where is the main office ?", "yes , but i went here last year for one semester . i decided that i liked it better here .", "yes . this campus is beautiful !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . It's pretty exciting to be here .", "responses": ["have fun while it lasts . the excitement wears off real quick . especially after you see how much homework you get . where are you from ?", "it 's a very good school .", "i love the campus . i 'll show you around sometime .", "i can introduce you to some of my friends .", "what courses are you taking this semester ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have fun while it lasts . The excitement wears off real quick . Especially after you see how much homework you get . Where are you from ?", "responses": ["i 'm from korea . my parents wanted me to go to an american university , so i came here .", "i am from kansas . i 'm used to lots of homework .", "i intend to balance work and play .", "i think school should be a combination of social and eduction .", "where are you from ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm from Korea . My parents wanted me to go to an American university , so I came here .", "responses": ["i have never been to korea . i 've been to japan before , but never korea .", "oh where in korea are you from ?", "i wonder how work here compares to work in korea , maybe it will be easier for you !", "enjoy university ! here 's my phone number if you ever need anything !", "what do you wish to study ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have never been to Korea . I've been to Japan before , but never Korea .", "responses": ["why were you in japan ?", "korea is very different from japan .", "i have never been to japan either . i am from seoul .", "where are you from ?", "you should visit korea . it is a beautiful place ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why were you in Japan ?", "responses": ["my father thought it would be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country . he 's so into learning about different cultures .", "i went on vacation with my family .", "i did an internship there .", "i was an exchange student .", "my mom was stationed there for 2 years ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My father thought it would be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country . He's so into learning about different cultures .", "responses": ["that 's pretty cool .", "what did your father think of japan ?", "i 've never been to japan . what was it like ?", "vacation and studying seem like very different ways to learn .", "did you enjoy it as well ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's pretty cool .", "responses": ["i thought it would have been more fun if i went without my parents .", "yeah , it is . and it 's cool that you 're here going to school !", "i enjoyed that vacation ; he 's right about visiting different places .", "thanks . maybe i 'll mention korea to him for next time !", "i guess we 're both travelers !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I thought it would have been more fun if I went without my parents .", "responses": ["well , if you ever want to visit korea , i would be happy to show you around .", "what would you have done differently ?", "why , what was wrong with them ?", "why , so you could go around getting up to trouble ?", "it could n't have been that bad though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , if you ever want to visit Korea , I would be happy to show you around .", "responses": ["thanks for the offer . i 'll keep that in mind . oh , the professor is coming . we 'll talk more after class .", "having a native - born guide would be really awesome !", "thanks ! why do n't you let me show you around here , which is what i can do for you now .", "so , you 'd be ok if i just showed up in korea ?", "exotic foreign vacations , with the student debt i 'm building up , vacations will mean camping for the next 10 years !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks for the offer . I'll keep that in mind . Oh , the professor is coming . We'll talk more after class .", "responses": ["ok .", "i ca n't wait !", "is he a nice professor ?", "oh no ! my pen is out of ink . can i borrow one ?", "sounds good !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok ."}], "index": 676} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Guess who I saw just now ?", "responses": ["who ?", "who ?", "do tell .", "was it the rock ?", "was it someone famous ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who ?", "responses": ["john smith , the escaped criminal .", "my ex - boyfriend :(", "my ex - boyfriend :(", "the girl from high school that always bullied me .", "your crush !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "John Smith , the escaped criminal .", "responses": ["that bad egg , who took the low road since he was a boy .", "how did you know ?", "no , it was just your brother !", "if i saw john smith i 'd be phoning the police so i could collect the reward .", "what a dream , to see john smith and get the reward for his capture !"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "That bad egg , who took the low road since he was a boy .", "responses": ["i think i must report to the cops .", "did you actually know him as a boy ?", "yep , that 's the one . i saw him at the gas station .", "i know ! i was terrified !", "yes . and he looks even more creepy in person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think I must report to the cops .", "responses": ["ok .", "yeah . that 's a good idea .", "where did you see him ?", "what does he look like , just in case i see him .", "yes . i would call the cops as soon as possible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok ."}], "index": 677} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think of this one ?", "responses": ["eh , so so .", "that one is perfect !", "it is nice , but i think the other one is better to be honest .", "that one is just how i envisioned it , perfect !", "that one looks great on you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Eh , so so .", "responses": ["and this one ? too flashy ?", "really ? i thought it was great .", "do n't you think that 's a bit harsh ?", "why do you think this one was just okay ?", "why did you like the others better ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And this one ? Too flashy ?", "responses": ["nah , not too flashy .", "way too flashy .", "i like that one a lot better .", "actually , that looks perfect !", "oh ! that is hideous !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nah , not too flashy .", "responses": ["hug ! and this sweater from my aunt ? is n't it hideous ?", "so which one should i pick ?", "i have another option here too .", "which one do you like the most ?", "which one looks the most expensive ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hug ! And this sweater from my aunt ? Isn ' t it hideous ?", "responses": ["i guess .", "yes , pretty bad .", "well , it was made with love .", "i would n't wear it !", "i think you can pull off wearing it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess .", "responses": ["are you even listening ? i 'm trying to have a conversation with you .", "you guess ... it 's yours if you want it !", "i have to throw it out .", "there 's literally no way i could ever wear this outside !", "what do you mean ? ! it 's horrible ! ! ! !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you even listening ? I ' m trying to have a conversation with you .", "responses": ["and i 'm trying to watch the game , but you 're yapping on about your new clothes !", "you know i 'm not really interested in talking about clothes .", "i 'm sorry . i 'm just really distracted right now .", "of course i 'm listening . just go with the other one that i said was n't too flashy .", "do n't be like that . maybe i like the sweater from your aunt ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "And I ' m trying to watch the game , but you ' re yapping on about your new clothes !", "responses": ["well i have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones when i go to the boxing day sales this afternoon !", "that 's mean !", "i ca n't believe you !", "i 'm going to give you 5 seconds to reevaluate what you just said .", "you realize that this is n't going to end well for you , right ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Well I have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones when I go to the Boxing Day sales this afternoon !", "responses": ["well could you do me the favor of making this quick ? it 's the third quarter and you 've been blabbering on since the first !", "hey , you do n't hear me complaining about what gifts to exchange .", "that sounds like a personal problem to me .", "and i 'm trying to decide on what pizza toppings to order before half time .", "maybe it 'll be quieter once you 're at the sales ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Well could you do me the favor of making this quick ? It ' s the third quarter and you ' Ve been blabbering on since the first !", "responses": ["oh , your precious game . you watch the same game every year , and each year your beloved hometown team loses by at least three goals !", "okay then . i 'll just make my own choices !", "i thought you 'd like to give your opinion . sorry to get in the way of your precious game .", "if you 'd just pay attention , we would have been doing long before .", "fine ! i 'll stop asking what you think ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , your precious game . You watch the same game every year , and each year your beloved hometown team loses by at least three goals !", "responses": ["oh no you did n't . you did n't just insult the sals - bury seals , did you ? why do n't you just . just go and return all of those stupid clothes and not come back until the sales are over ?", "this is their year though !", "i do n't say anything about the stuff you like .", "my team is great this year !", "not this year ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Oh no you didn ' t . You didn ' t just insult the Sals-bury Seals , did you ? Why don ' t you just . just go and return all of those stupid clothes and not come back until the sales are over ?", "responses": ["i might just ! enjoy your stupid game !", "maybe i should return more than just clothes , maybe i should trade in my husband while i 'm about it !", "maybe you should think about what 's important in your life and ignore all the frivolous diversions .", "the seals are a perennial disappointment , i do n't know why you waste your time on that .", "a loser following a losing team , apropos ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I might just ! Enjoy your stupid game !"}], "index": 678} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello . Nice to see you again . I heard you went into hospital for a few days to undergo surgery . I hope everything ' s OK .", "responses": ["yes , fine . i had something wrong with my stomach . i wo n't go into detail , but it was n't serious .", "it is thank you .", "a bit of bad news i 'm afraid .", "it was a success .", "my surgery went very well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , fine . I had something wrong with my stomach . I won ' t go into detail , but it wasn ' t serious .", "responses": ["i really dislike going to a doctor or to a hospital .", "well , i 'm glad you 're doing all right .", "that 's good to hear .", "i hope your insurance covered it .", "who was your doctor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really dislike going to a doctor or to a hospital .", "responses": ["i think most people are a little nervous about it . i was really very , very nervous just before i had the operation , but the anaesthetist gave me an anaesthetic and the next thing i remember was waking up after the operation .", "sometimes you have no choice .", "unfortunately , i did n't have a choice .", "i 'm just grateful they were there and available .", "if you go regularly to the doctor you may avoid the hospital ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think most people are a little nervous about it . I was really very , very nervous just before I had the operation , but the anaesthetist gave me an anaesthetic and the next thing I remember was waking up after the operation .", "responses": ["it must have really hurt afterwards .", "i 'm glad it was n't serious , and glad it went well .", "are you home now ?", "well that 's nice to know . did you ever see that movie where the guy was under anesthetic but basically awake during surgery ?", "well at least it 's all over now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It must have really hurt afterwards .", "responses": ["well , the nurse game me plenty of painkillers , but it did feel uncomfortable . i was n't permitted to eat anything for 48 hours . that was the worse thing .", "not as much as you 'd think . the anaesthetic took a long time to wear off afterwards .", "not with all the pain medication they prescribed me , it did n't .", "the pain was n't as annoying as having to watch what i ate .", "it did hurt , especially if i stood up for too long , but only for a few weeks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , the nurse game me plenty of painkillers , but it did feel uncomfortable . I wasn ' t permitted to eat anything for 48 hours . That was the worse thing .", "responses": ["i bet you were ready for a thick juicy steak when you got out of hospital .", "that sounds horrible .", "you must have been so hungry !", "well , i 'm glad that you 're better now .", "and you 're feeling all better now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I bet you were ready for a thick juicy steak when you got out of hospital .", "responses": ["i certainly was ! however , the doctor gave me a list of food i could n't eat for another 72 hours , and steak was on the list !", "not really . everything was still sore , so i had to pick something a little easier to start with .", "pretty much , but heavier foods like steak did have to wait until i got out . i was still pretty out of it from the anesthetic once i woke up , so there was no way i could have chewed on one for very long at all .", "as soon as the doctors gave their approval , i was all for it .", "yes , but i was on a strict post - surgery diet to make sure everything healed up like it was supposed to ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I certainly was ! However , the doctor gave me a list of food I couldn ' t eat for another 72 hours , and steak was on the list !", "responses": ["is there any pain now ?", "that 's too bad . i hope you 're back to eating everything now .", "bummer . that first steak must have tasted wonderful .", "that really is the worst ! sorry you had to go through all that .", "oh no ! what else was on the list ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there any pain now ?", "responses": ["no , not at all . i stopped taking painkillers after a couple of days .", "a little but i feel much better now .", "yeah , just a bit though .", "sometimes i do , but i think it is mostly gone .", "well i 'm hungry , so there is that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , not at all . I stopped taking painkillers after a couple of days .", "responses": ["did they take good care of you in the hospital ?", "laparoscopic surgery does n't do as much damage as the old fashioned kind .", "doctors are really leary about giving people painkillers these days .", "that really good to hear .", "is there any chance the condition could come back ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did they take good care of you in the hospital ?", "responses": ["oh , yes . the nurse were very kind , though they were strict about what i could drink . in the end , i just drank water and nothing else . everyone was very professional and i actually enjoyed some aspects of my stay .", "as good as they could . i was really uncomfortable .", "they tried . but i think i was a little cranky with the nurses .", "the nurses were really great , but the doctor was a little dismissive .", "yes , they did . but i 'm glad to be out now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . The nurse were very kind , though they were strict about what I could drink . In the end , I just drank water and nothing else . Everyone was very professional and I actually enjoyed some aspects of my stay ."}], "index": 679} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How was the party ?", "responses": ["i had a fantastic time .", "it was the best !", "i wish you could have been there it was awesome !", "could n't have been better .", "i could do one every weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I had a fantastic time ."}], "index": 680} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Monica , how is everything going ?", "responses": ["everything goes well , but i am thinking about quitting my current job .", "everything 's fine , thanks , how are you ?", "this week has been insane ! i 've been so busy with work .", "it 's going ... what have you been up to lately ?", "hey there ! things are going great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Everything goes well , but I am thinking about quitting my current job .", "responses": ["why ? you 're not satisfied anymore ?", "oh no , what 's wrong with your job ?", "are you having problems with your coworkers again ?", "that 's a big move . do you have any other jobs or interviews lined up ?", "be careful to have enough money saved up if you 're going to do that ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? You ' re not satisfied anymore ?", "responses": ["i just sense . but i can not grow anymore . my boss is not really supporting me . i am interested in some positions in other jv companies , but i need to do some more in - depth research before i send my application letters out .", "no . my new boss is not a nice person .", "i love the job , but i ca n't handle the hours anymore .", "i just think that it 's time for a change .", "i just need more money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I just sense . But I cannot grow anymore . My boss is not really supporting me . I am interested in some positions in other JV companies , but I need to do some more in-depth research before I send my application letters out .", "responses": ["that is important . doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application .", "what sort of position would allow you to grow ?", "research is always a good idea when applying .", "what makes you think your boss is n't supportive ?", "be sure you wo n't get in trouble with your boss for looking ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That is important . Doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application .", "responses": ["certainly , it is very nice talking with you . but i really have to go now . catch you later .", "yes , i do n't want to switch jobs without checking everything out .", "you 're right , and i 've come across some interesting possibilities .", "research should also help me make a better choice with my next job .", "i 've heard that companies really like it when you know about them"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Certainly , it is very nice talking with you . But I really have to go now . Catch you later .", "responses": ["ok , good luck to you .", "alright then , see you later .", "peace out . talk to you later .", "alright , catch you on later .", "alright . hey , are we still on for tomorrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok , good luck to you ."}], "index": 681} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Henry married Rose only after her father's money , didn't he ?", "responses": ["yeah . but he soon feel regretted for it .", "i mean maybe , but we do n't know them well enough to know .", "i heard he lost all the money in the stock market .", "you do n't even know henry . for all we know he 's absolutely smitten with her !", "henry comes from money too you know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . But he soon feel regretted for it .", "responses": ["but he seems to be very happy with rose .", "he obviously did n't expect rose 's father to cut them both off .", "was rose that bad of a wife ?", "he deserved to regret it after using rose like that .", "you 'd think that much money would pay for any amount of regret ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But he seems to be very happy with Rose .", "responses": ["he is more nice than wise .", "yes he was .", "unfortunately , he was n't .", "that 's just the face he put on for everyone . he was n't happy .", "i do n't think he was ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is more nice than wise ."}], "index": 682} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , is that Cathy speaking ?", "responses": ["yes , is that you , allen ?", "yes , this is cathy . how may i help you ?", "this is cathy speaking . may i ask who 's calling ?", "no , there 's no one named cathy here .", "cathy is my daughter . can i ask who 's asking for her ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , is that you , Allen ?", "responses": ["yes , how are you doing ?", "yeah , it 's me . glad i caught you .", "hi , you recognize my voice !", "yes , it 's allen . i hope i 'm not calling too late .", "it is . how are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , how are you doing ?", "responses": ["not bad .", "i 'm doing fine , thanks . how about you .", "i 'm alright , what about you ?", "great ! how about you ?", "i 've been better , but i 'm alright now . how have you been ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Not bad .", "responses": ["say i 've got two tickets for the concert this evening . would you like to come with me ?", "i was just calling to see if you decided about buying my car .", "not bad is sometimes just good enough .", "i was wondering if you 'd like to go out for dinner and a movie friday night ?", "it sounds like you 've gotten over that cold you had ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Say I've got two tickets for the concert this evening . Would you like to come with me ?", "responses": ["sure . thank you very much .", "i would love to !", "i 'm afraid that i already have plans .", "that sounds great ! when does it start ?", "sure ! it 's a date !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . Thank you very much .", "responses": ["then i 'll pick you up at six thirty . ok ?", "no problem .", "do n't mention it .", "anytime .", "you are welcome ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Then I ' ll pick you up at six thirty . OK ?", "responses": ["ok , see you .", "that sounds lovely .", "ok ! i will be looking forward to it .", "six thirty is perfect . i 'll be ready when you arrive .", "that will be fine . what should i wear to the show ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok , see you .", "responses": ["see you .", "ca n't wait .", "i 'll give you a call when i 'm a few minutes away .", "bring a jacket in case it gets cool .", "see you soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "See you ."}], "index": 683} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The weather has been terrible this week .", "responses": ["yeah , i 'm worried . if it 's like this tomorrow , our big outdoor party will have to be canceled .", "i do n't know , i kind of like the rain .", "shoveling snow the old fashioned way is good cardio .", "we 're about due for a warming trend .", "spring is only 8 weeks away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I'm worried . If it's like this tomorrow , our big outdoor party will have to be canceled .", "responses": ["let 's hope it clears up .", "we could always rent some tents .", "today is supposed to be our last rainy day .", "oh no ! that would be terrible !", "do you think we could move it to your mom 's garage if it rains ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's hope it clears up ."}], "index": 684} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Is that pesky lady coming to the office again ?", "responses": ["yeah , i 'm afraid so .", "no . it looks like she left something in her car .", "yes . but i do n't think she 's pesky .", "why ? are you going to hide if she is ?", "yes . tom told her to come in for a follow up ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I'm afraid so .", "responses": ["if there 's one thing that bugs me , it 's her critical attitude .", "oh no .", "that is terrible .", "i was hoping she was n't .", "that 's too bad ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "If there's one thing that bugs me , it's her critical attitude .", "responses": ["yes , it is annoying .", "do n't take it personally . she does that to everyone .", "well , she is the building inspector after all . it 's part of her job to be critical .", "i do n't care much for it either , but what else can we do ?", "just be as polite as you can manage . do n't give her anything to pick apart ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is annoying ."}], "index": 685} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Mr . Smith . what's new ?", "responses": ["nothing particular . but , ...", "not much .", "nothing much you ?", "i 'm working a new job .", "i have a new partner ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing particular . But , ...", "responses": ["what 's the matter ?", "\" but ? \" that does n't sound good .", "uh - oh . what 's been going on ?", "you sound hesitant . is something wrong ?", "oh . is everything alright ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the matter ?", "responses": ["i , i do n't know how to explain it to you .", "well , i 'm afraid i have some bad news .", "nothings wrong !", "oh , nothing major , just need to catch you up on a few things .", "do n't worry ! nothing big is going on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I , I don't know how to explain it to you .", "responses": ["go ahead . it 's nothing serious . we are good friends , are n't we ?", "well , begin from the beginning .", "that 's alright . just tell me what you can .", "should i be sitting down for this ?", "it will be alright . go ahead and tell me about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Go ahead . It's nothing serious . We are good friends , aren't we ?", "responses": ["yes , of course . but i 'm afraid i ca n't tell you .", "i have to cancel our golf game this weekend .", "i 'm afraid that i broke the lawn mower that you lent to me .", "i accidentally dinged your car when i got out of mine .", "i 'm sorry to have to do this to you , but i need you to work this weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , of course . But I'm afraid I can't tell you ."}], "index": 686} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do ?", "responses": ["how do you do ? nice to meet you , ms . smith . i 'm jack stevens from the marketing department . here is my card .", "i 'm doing well .", "i 'm okay .", "i 'm fine and you ?", "i 'm good how about yourself ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "How do you do ? Nice to meet you , Ms . Smith . I ' m Jack Stevens from the Marketing Department . Here is my card .", "responses": ["it 's nice to meet you , mr . stevens .", "thank you mr . stevens . thank you for coming .", "i appreciate you taking the time to meet with me mr . stevens .", "i am doing well , thank you for asking .", "what brings you into my office today mr . stevens ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s nice to meet you , Mr . Stevens .", "responses": ["please call me jack . have a seat , please .", "same here , ms . smith .", "do you have some time to talk right now ?", "is this a convenient time for you ?", "ms . smith , i wanted to tell you about a new product we 're offering ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please call me Jack . Have a seat , please .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you jack . what have you arranged to discuss ?", "i appreciate it . shall we get this meeting started ?", "of course , thank you . i know you 're very busy , so do n't let me keep you .", "thank you . what can i do for you this afternoon ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 687} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks for your hospitality .", "responses": ["you 're welcome .", "you are welcome .", "no problem .", "happy to help .", "glad to be here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're welcome ."}], "index": 688} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm terribly sorry to have caused you so much trouble .", "responses": ["that 's all right .", "do n't mention it . things will work out .", "it was n't any trouble at all really . do n't worry about it .", "everyone makes mistakes . so long as you 've learned something , we 'll be alright .", "apology accepted . we 'll work on cleaning this mess up together , okay ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's all right ."}], "index": 689} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , what's new ?", "responses": ["not much . just sitting here eating some chinese food . is that the paper ? why do n't you open it and tell me my horoscope ?", "nothing much , how about with you .", "tons ... where should i begin ?", "hi , long time no see !", "hey there . what 's new with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not much . Just sitting here eating some Chinese food . Is that the paper ? Why don't you open it and tell me my horoscope ?", "responses": ["ok , wait a minute ... let 's see . i 'm a taurus , and it says , mars is in the third house , and is soon to eclipse venus . i do n't know what that means , but then it says , your charm and drive will win others over to your way of thinking . remember to be positive . sounds good to me .", "okay , sure . what sign do you fall under ?", "horoscopes ? do you really believe in those things ?", "what sign are you ?", "it says mercury 's in retrograde , which means you 're much more liable to fall for dumb horoscopes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok , wait a minute ... let's see . I'm a Taurus , and it says , Mars is in the third house , and is soon to eclipse Venus . I don't know what that means , but then it says , Your charm and drive will win others over to your way of thinking . Remember to be positive . Sounds good to me .", "responses": ["what about gemini ? what 's the prediction ?", "but , you 're always positive !", "i hope mine is as good as yours !", "looks like you 'll finally find some charm , eh ?", "you could n't be any more charming if you had shining armor and a white horse !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about Gemini ? What's the prediction ?", "responses": ["since mercury has crossed paths with jupiter , your fortunes are falling . bad luck will follow you today , and you will lose that which you value . be careful .", "let me flip the page and check .", "for taurus it says that jupiter is in retrograde -- whatever that means-- but then it says that you will meet a charming stranger next month .", "okay sure , which month is gemini ?", "i 'll skip the part about the planets , but the prediction for gemini is that you will receive great riches that will test your relationships with others ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Since Mercury has crossed paths with Jupiter , your fortunes are falling . Bad luck will follow you today , and you will lose that which you value . Be careful .", "responses": ["that sounds bad ! i 'm really worried , what should i do ? maybe i should go home and stay in the rest of the day .", "ok , i will watch my step today .", "i just read it for the entertainment . i do n't actually believe it .", "you ca n't be too careful . thanks for the heads - up .", "do you really follow the advice ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That sounds bad ! I'm really worried , what should I do ? Maybe I should go home and stay in the rest of the day .", "responses": ["but we have a date tonight ! you ca n't stay at home because of a stupid horoscope .", "i would n't worry so much about it . i mean maybe your team is gon na lose today , while that stinks it 's not the end of the world .", "i would just enjoy your day , if something is going to happen it 's going to happen .", "do n't worry about it , these things are for fun anyway .", "yes ! go home and stay inside and be careful . you do n't want to risk it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But we have a date tonight ! You can't stay at home because of a stupid horoscope ."}], "index": 690} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Lily , can you take part in our picnic this weekend ?", "responses": ["that sounds great . where are you going ?", "i 'd love to !", "sure , what can i bring ?", "i 'm sorry , i ca n't make it .", "i would n't miss it . what time does it start ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That sounds great . Where are you going ?", "responses": ["i think we can go to the river , go around and have supper .", "to the park by the lake with the ducks in it .", "we 'll be going to amy 's vacation home in the country .", "we 'll meet at the base of the hiking trail ; then have lunch at the summit .", "there 's a beautiful ocean side spot a few miles east of town ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think we can go to the river , go around and have supper .", "responses": ["what should i bring ?", "nice ! what can i bring ?", "can i bring my dog , too ?", "maybe we can play frisbee , too !", "how fun ! i can bring a salad !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "What should I bring ?", "responses": ["nothing . just wear comfortable clothes and good shoes for walking . we 'll bring everything .", "no need to bring anything other than yourself !", "if you could bring some bread rolls , that would be great .", "any chance you could bring a bottle of wine ?", "some chips or maybe some soda would be great !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing . Just wear comfortable clothes and good shoes for walking . We'll bring everything ."}], "index": 691} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think of doctor Thomson ?", "responses": ["i feel confident of his ability to cure my daughter 's disease .", "dr . thomson is a fine man , but i 've never been to his practice .", "he 's a very fine surgeon . why do you ask ?", "he 's the best psychiatrist in the area . is there something you need his opinion on ?", "i 've never met the man , but i 've heard he is very charitable ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I feel confident of his ability to cure my daughter's disease .", "responses": ["how can you be so sure ?", "what treatment did he recommend ?", "he does have quite the reputation .", "i knew that you would like him .", "he 's smart , but i always found him to be dismissive . you did n't feel that way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can you be so sure ?", "responses": ["i can tell form the way he spoke to us .", "i 've seen his degrees , he went to some very impressive schools .", "i did some research , and he has treated other similar cases in the past with great success .", "my family has been going to see him for years and he always does a great job .", "our regular family practitioner recommended him to us , and i trust her recommendations ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can tell form the way he spoke to us .", "responses": ["never believe his words .", "have you checked his credentials with the hospital ?", "have you checked his advice online ?", "have you read any reviews of him by former patients ?", "have you checked his credentials online ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Never believe his words ."}], "index": 692} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Should we ask Jason to play ? He's always watching movies on HBO .", "responses": ["i guess we should invite him . i just hope he does n't start talking about sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzenegger again .", "never hurts to try .", "yes , we should ask him . he needs to get out of the house .", "yes , tell him he can watch hbo later .", "yes , there 's more to life than tv ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I guess we should invite him . I just hope he doesn't start talking about Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger again .", "responses": ["oh , come on ! the game is better with three people . anyway , if we do n't ask him to play , he 'll be mad .", "yea , he does have a tendency to do that .", "i 'm sure it will be fine , if he does we can just switch the topic .", "true , maybe we should not invite him this time ?", "if he tries to bring them up i will politely nudge the conversation in a different direction ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , come on ! The game is better with three people . Anyway , if we don't ask him to play , he'll be mad .", "responses": ["yeah , you 're right . we 'll never hear the end of it .", "you 're right . he 's a good buy besides .", "you 're right . we all have our quirks .", "we can just ignore his movie talk i guess .", "maybe we can invite that new guy we met instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , you're right . We'll never hear the end of it ."}], "index": 693} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think about violence in movies ?", "responses": ["personally , i 'm not for it . i feel it 's bad for kids to watch .", "i try to stay away from it , it makes me nauseous if there 's too much blood .", "it does n't really suit my fancy , but to each there own i guess .", "i do n't mind it , i just try to keep the kids away from it .", "it depend on the type of violence i guess ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Personally , I'm not for it . I feel it's bad for kids to watch .", "responses": ["but kids like watching things like that . it 's just for fun , would't you say ?", "i agree , if it 's too much it 's bad .", "the world is a violent place .", "you need to pay close attention to the ratings on the movies .", "violence is exciting , it 's what sells movies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But kids like watching things like that . It's just for fun , would't you say ?", "responses": ["if you ask me , i have to disagree . something should n't be watched for fun .", "sure it is for fun but it depends on the movie and how graphic it is .", "yeah it 's fun and explosions and fluff like superhero movies are fine but the r rated films violence is way too much for kids .", "i do n't think kids should be exposed to it even for fun .", "i agree it is just for fun and some movies the violence is basically cartoon level ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If you ask me , I have to disagree . Something shouldn't be watched for fun ."}], "index": 694} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you free tomorrow night ?", "responses": ["yes , i am .", "what do you have in mind ?", "maybe . it depends on what you have in mind .", "nope . i 'm washing my hair .", "i 'm having a stay at home night tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am .", "responses": ["shall we have dinner together ?", "would you want to go grab something to eat with me ?", "how about going to the movies with me , the new avengers is out .", "sweet , mind if i stop by ?", "cool , is there anything you would like to do tomorrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Shall we have dinner together ?", "responses": ["do you have a special restaurant in mind ?", "where will we be having the dinner ?", "what are we having for diner ?", "at what time ?", "i am happy about it"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have a special restaurant in mind ?", "responses": ["yes , i do . i know a place that has excellent food .", "yes , that new one .", "how about italian ?", "i like mexican .", "when do you want to go ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do . I know a place that has excellent food .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll be happy to join you .", "i trust your judgement so make reservations wherever you think is best .", "great ! i look forward to having dinner with you tomorrow .", "what type of cuisine does the restaurant serve ?", "as long as it is n't mexican cuisine , i am fine . my stomach does n't agree with mexican food ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK . I'll be happy to join you ."}], "index": 695} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If only our company prescribe flex time .", "responses": ["the board has been considering introducing flex time .", "i agree that would be a great benefit .", "it would be easier to schedule appointments during work hours if we had flex time .", "flex time would help for those days i have to work 12 hours .", "it would help those of us with children if we had to leave early some days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The board has been considering introducing flex time .", "responses": ["good news . ah , what if be even better if alternative work place is provided .", "what has been the decision ?", "how far are they with it ?", "since when ?", "any feedback from the board ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good news . Ah , what if be even better if alternative work place is provided .", "responses": ["then our entire job could be done by telecommuting .", "have n't we already had this conversation ?", "what is going on ?", "how many times do i have to answer this ?", "is this hit broken ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Then our entire job could be done by telecommuting ."}], "index": 696} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Brian , do you know how to speak English ?", "responses": ["yes .", "yes i do , very well in fact .", "i do , i am a native english speaker .", "yes i am very familiar with speaking english .", "of course i can !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes .", "responses": ["where did you learn ?", "how well ?", "are you sure ?", "that is nice", "greate"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where did you learn ?", "responses": ["i learned in college .", "in school .", "i read a lot .", "it 's important .", "i learned in my country ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I learned in college .", "responses": ["you speak really well .", "how many classed did you take in college for it ?", "is it hard to learn as a second language ?", "how hard is it to learn as a language ?", "did you take any english classes in high scchool ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You speak really well .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you !", "i appreciate your affirmation . it means a lot to me .", "i made learning english a priority because i wanted to date jan .", "learning english has opened up so many doors for me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["how long have you been in the u . s . ?", "how long have you been in the united states ?", "was it difficult to learn english ?", "do you have friends you can have english conversations with ?", "you have a very small accent- i can hardly tell you are n't a native english speaker ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long have you been in the U . S . ?", "responses": ["3 weeks .", "i have been here for several years .", "i have been here for less than a year .", "not very long actually !", "about four years , i came to the u.s for college ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "3 weeks .", "responses": ["is your wife with you ?", "so how are you enjoying it so far ?", "have you settled in , or are things still crazy ?", "how was your flight over to the states ?", "have you been able to converse with americans smoothly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is your wife with you ?", "responses": ["yes , she just got here yesterday .", "not yet , she 's coming over next month .", "yes , she just joined me last night .", "yes , she flew over with me when i came", "no . she will not be joining me at this time . we are trying to figure out her timeline ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , she just got here yesterday .", "responses": ["have you been to california before ?", "that 's great news , welcome !", "i hope she enjoys her stay .", "does she speak english ?", "i would love to meet her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you been to California before ?", "responses": ["no . i 've never been there .", "no i have not been yet", "no , but i really want to go !", "yes i have been there once or twice", "yes , i was actually there last month"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . I've never been there .", "responses": ["have you ever been to las vegas ?", "california has a lot of tourist attractions that you need to check out .", "you have got to go around the corner on first street and try their deep dish pizza .", "the state has so many things to do there , it is endless attractions .", "i would go to california and visit before you go home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever been to Las Vegas ?", "responses": ["yes . i went there once on a business trip .", "i have n't been there yet .", "yes , and it was great !", "i 'd love to go .", "i do not want to go there ever ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I went there once on a business trip ."}], "index": 697} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are the children doing at sport ?", "responses": ["i 'm very pleased with their performances . timmy can cover the 100 meters in 12 seconds . that 's very fast for a kid his age .", "my children do not play sports", "they have an upcoming event this weekend", "they are doing great so far", "they are fine . not playing a lot though"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m very pleased with their performances . Timmy can cover the 100 meters in 12 seconds . That ' s very fast for a kid his age .", "responses": ["he 's not very good at the long jump though , is he ?", "wow ! that 's fast !", "how old is he ?", "really ? wow !", "he 's fast !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "He ' s not very good at the long jump though , is he ?", "responses": ["he 's not bad . he can jump a distance of over four meters . i think he just prefers running to jumping . jimmy 's very good at the high jump . he can jump over two meters . again , that 's fine for someone his age .", "he does well at that too .", "no , but his coach is really working with him on that so he can improve .", "no , he is n't right now , but he just started that so i think he will improve over time .", "actually he does quite well at that also ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He ' s not bad . He can jump a distance of over four meters . I think he just prefers running to jumping . Jimmy ' s very good at the high jump . He can jump over two meters . Again , that ' s fine for someone his age .", "responses": ["two meters ? that means that the high jump bar is above his head ! are any of them good at long - distance running ?", "they both have their own talents , that 's awesome !", "i 'm glad to hear they are both excelling at their sports .", "at least timmy is working on being well rounded .", "wow , yes , two meters is great for him !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Two meters ? That means that the high jump bar is above his head ! Are any of them good at long-distance running ?", "responses": ["the longest race we run is the 1500 meters . a few of the boys and one girls can do it in less than five minutes .", "they are better at short distances and sprints than long distances .", "they are working on long distances , but it 's difficult at their age .", "timmy won a long - distance race recently .", "they have been training for a half marathon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The longest race we run is the 1500 meters . A few of the boys and one girls can do it in less than five minutes .", "responses": ["how are they at swimming ?", "wow that 's great !", "well it 's better than i could do , good for them .", "i 'm impressed !", "very cool , tell them i said to keep up the good work !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How are they at swimming ?", "responses": ["they 're ok . i ask them to swim 500 meters each day . that 's 20 lengths of the swimming pool . they 're not very fast , but that 's ok . i just want them to build their strength up and keep in shape .", "they actually ca n't swim yet !", "the girls have really taken to it , but the boys are hesitant .", "jimmy just set a breast stroke record !", "they need to get a better swim coach in order to perform better ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They ' re ok . I ask them to swim 500 meters each day . That ' s 20 lengths of the swimming pool . They ' re not very fast , but that ' s ok . I just want them to build their strength up and keep in shape .", "responses": ["kate is very good at diving from a height of 10 meters .", "how do we get them to be faster ?", "how often should they be swimming ?", "will seeming have a positive effect on their running ?", "should they be swimming more than 500 meters ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Kate is very good at diving from a height of 10 meters .", "responses": ["i 'd be afraid to jump from that height !", "yes , she is , she has been working hard on it .", "oh thank you , i will let her know that you said .", "i think she is an excellent diver too !", "i hope they the others can learn to dive also ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' d be afraid to jump from that height !", "responses": ["i think that these kinds have n't learnt to be afraid yet . she started diving from a lower height , but she soon wanted to go higher .", "same here , it 's so high", "you kind of get used to the height if you keep doing it", "they are very brave to do it", "it takes a lot of practice to ease the fear"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think that these kinds haven ' t learnt to be afraid yet . She started diving from a lower height , but she soon wanted to go higher .", "responses": ["it seems that they really enjoy trying to go faster , higher and further .", "all these kids are talented in their own way .", "they think nothing can hurt them when they are that young .", "with more practice , i think everyone of them will be good athletes .", "kate is building up her endurance and conquering her fear of being scared ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It seems that they really enjoy trying to go faster , higher and further ."}], "index": 698} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Mary . I haven't seen you in ages ! I heard that you and Daniel are getting married on August 8th , the opening day of the 2008 Olympic Games . Is it true ?", "responses": ["yes , it is . we 've been dating for over 7 years . we have decided to get married on a special day and we think august 8th , 2008 is a red - letter day .", "hi . its been long time", "that will be our great day", "you are welcome to my wedding .", "the olympic is a coincidence . we had not planned it at all but glad"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is . We've been dating for over 7 years . We have decided to get married on a special day and we think August 8th , 2008 is a red-letter day .", "responses": ["good for you ! it sounds like you 've done a lot of planning in a very short time .", "well , congratulations !", "what is special about that day ?", "where will you be married ?", "seven years is a long time !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good for you ! It sounds like you've done a lot of planning in a very short time .", "responses": ["yes , there is a lot of to be taken care of --- wedding photos , wedding dress , catering , transport , hotel , etc ...", "we have . i;m so excited about the day .", "we had a wedding planner to help us so it 's been easy .", "my family has been helping with the planning too .", "both of our families have really helped us with all the planning ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , there is a lot of to be taken care of---wedding photos , wedding dress , catering , transport , hotel , etc ...", "responses": ["is everything ready now ?", "i 'm so happy for you !", "well congratulations ! i know you are looking forward to the big day .", "oh i ca n't wait to see your wedding dress ; i 'm sure you will look amazing !", "oh and flowers , picking flowers was one of my favorite parts !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Is everything ready now ?", "responses": ["almost . the only thing that is n't ready is the hotel . as a lot of people have chosen that day to get married , it is hard to find a hotel that is n't too expensive .", "no , i still need to arrange a few things , but most everything is in place .", "i need to get a firm number of attendees for the caterer and then we are good !", "yes , everything is ready to go . i ca n't wait !", "i need to make final arrangements with the florist and a few other things ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Almost . The only thing that isn't ready is the hotel . As a lot of people have chosen that day to get married , it is hard to find a hotel that isn't too expensive .", "responses": ["have you tried the peninsula palace beijing ? my wedding reception was held there and they did an excellent job .", "i have a few hotel recommendations if you need any .", "well , it seems like you have everything else covered !", "i can look around for a few available hotels if that would help .", "what price range are you looking for ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Have you tried The Peninsula Palace Beijing ? My wedding reception was held there and they did an excellent job .", "responses": ["yes , we called , but it is booked up . the only choice is the regent beijing but we have n't made up our minds yet .", "they are already booked up on that date .", "it sounds great , but how much is it generally ?", "we actually want to stay a bit further out of town .", "my fiance looked into that place , but they did n't have enough rooms available for our party ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we called , but it is booked up . The only choice is the Regent Beijing but we haven't made up our minds yet .", "responses": ["it 's an excellent hotel . a friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect , though very expensive .", "got it . let me know if i can be helpful .", "oh i love the regent beijing !", "the regent is a great hotel too", "okay . do you know when you might make that decision ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's an excellent hotel . A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect , though very expensive .", "responses": ["that 's why we want to have a look at other hotels . we do n't want to spend too much on an extravagant wedding reception .", "yes , that is what i am worried about .", "oh great , i was wondering if we would like it .", "i 'm glad to hear someone that used the place so we know it will be nice .", "let me know if you can think of another hotel we can try ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's why we want to have a look at other hotels . We don ' t want to spend too much on an extravagant wedding reception .", "responses": ["i guess you 're right . i can help you ask other hotels . i am sure there are probably some available .", "i understand , you really have to weigh your options carefully", "you only get married once , so you really should be choosy", "yes i understand , i 'm pretty frugal too", "yes looking and canvassing for the best rate is good"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "I guess you're right . I can help you ask other hotels . I am sure there are probably some available .", "responses": ["thank you .", "there should be at least one hotel that is not booked on that day .", "you are absolutely right for not wanting to spend a lot on the reception .", "i will try and call some hotels when i get home to see if any is in your price range .", "i need one that is not to expensive but will accommodate all the guests ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["my pleasure .", "no problem , anything for a friend .", "i love being able to help out .", "i hope you find the right place to have your wedding .", "best of luck trying to find a hotel , i wish you a great wedding day ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My pleasure ."}], "index": 699} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend ?", "responses": ["sorry , i thought you knew .", "i did n't think it really mattered .", "i thought maybe you would n't talk to me if i did .", "i did n't tell you because we were talking about breaking up .", "i did n't think you would care either way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I thought you knew .", "responses": ["but you should have told me you were in love with her .", "it seems like you should be talking about her more often .", "that 's exciting ! what is she like ?", "who is she ? do i know her ?", "when do i get to meet her ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "But you should have told me you were in love with her .", "responses": ["did n't i ?", "i was n't hiding it from you , i just assumed you already knew .", "i did n't know you had feelings for me .", "i did n't know how to broach the subject .", "i felt uncomfortable talking about it with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Didn't I ?", "responses": ["you know you did n't .", "no you did not .", "why would i seem so surprised if you had already told me ? ?", "no . i 'm completely shocked by this !", "seriously ? no !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "You know you didn't .", "responses": ["well , i 'm telling you now .", "i like to play things close to the vest .", "i feel ashamed about my sneakiness .", "i thought you knew more , and i did n't have to come out and tell you directly .", "what do you want from me , an apology ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I'm telling you now .", "responses": ["yes , but you might have told me before .", "that 's really messed up of you .", "i would n't have considered dating you if i knew you had a girlfriend .", "i 'm going to let her know about this whole situation", "you 've made me feel really badly about things"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but you might have told me before .", "responses": ["i did n't think you 'd be interested .", "all i can say is i 'm sorry .", "i did n't want you to leave me .", "i wanted to , but i was n't sure how you would respond .", "i was scared to tell you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't think you'd be interested .", "responses": ["you ca n't be serious . how dare you not tell me you were going to marry her ?", "well what makes you think i 'd be interested if i found out on my own ? !", "you 're right i would n't be interested", "you are a liar , and i think that it 's wrong what you did", "obviously i would n't be"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "You can't be serious . How dare you not tell me you were going to marry her ?", "responses": ["sorry , i did n't think it mattered .", "i thought you knew that i was engaged .", "i just wanted someone to talk to that was different before i get married .", "i did not lead you on , i just wanted someone to hang around with for a while .", "i am sorry that i did not tell you i was getting married soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I didn't think it mattered .", "responses": ["oh , you men ! you 're all the same .", "that totally matters !", "i 'm so upset you would keep something like that from me .", "who keeps such a big secret like that from someone ?", "nothing matters more than being honest with the people you love ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , you men ! You're all the same ."}], "index": 700} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Professor , I've handed in my paper . Did you read it ?", "responses": ["yes . you 've done a good job . but there 's one thing . you should narrow down your topic .", "i 'll have the papers back to everyone on monday .", "i 'm planning to grade them this evening .", "i read yours and you 'll be excited to see my comments .", "yes , you have some work to do still ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . You've done a good job . But there's one thing . You should narrow down your topic .", "responses": ["what about water pollution instead of pollution ?", "how should i narrow it down ?", "what specifically should i focus on ?", "i 'm sorry it was too broad . do you have any suggestions on how to narrow it down ?", "i 'll narrow it down and hand it back in tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "What about water pollution instead of pollution ?"}], "index": 701} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How ' s it going ?", "responses": ["i 'm fine . thank you .", "pretty good , how about yourself ?", "it 's going alright , you ?", "ca n't complain ! what 's up ?", "good . how 's it going with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m fine . Thank you .", "responses": ["do you need anything ?", "i just wanted to check that you were better .", "well let me know if you need any help .", "have you been enjoying your day off ?", "if you need any assistance , i 'll be right over at the front desk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you need anything ?", "responses": ["i need you to help me .", "no i 'm good .", "yes , could you run by the grocery store for me .", "not from you , no .", "i 'm fine . thank you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I need you to help me .", "responses": ["what can i do for you ?", "what can i do to help ?", "anything for a friend , let me know what to do .", "what is wrong ?", "sure i will help you , what do you want me to do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can I do for you ?", "responses": ["i am looking for an article in a newspaper .", "can you help me with some chores", "can you help me move ?", "i need you to pick me up", "i want to ask if you can loan me money"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I am looking for an article in a newspaper .", "responses": ["did you check the periodicals ?", "there are many articles on file in the back if you would like to wait .", "i can search the database for you and see what we have .", "what particular article are you looking for ?", "do you know what the title of the article is ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Did you check the periodicals ?", "responses": ["i did n't even bother to think of that .", "i have n't checked them yet .", "yes , i took a look at them .", "yes , i took a look at them .", "the periodicals did n't have what i needed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I didn ' t even bother to think of that .", "responses": ["i 'll show you where to find your article .", "yeah , do n't forget to check those .", "do n't forget .", "it can be easy to forget those .", "yeah ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' ll show you where to find your article .", "responses": ["i get lost in this library .", "great . thank you .", "apparently i can take all the help i can get .", "that would be very much appreciated .", "you 're too kind . thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I get lost in this library .", "responses": ["it 's right this way .", "so what we will", "have you get shortly", "not like that we will arrange that", "we will meet shortly"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It ' s right this way .", "responses": ["thanks a lot for your help .", "which way is the library though ?", "ok , thank you .", "can i view the article online instead ?", "are you sure the periodical is in the library ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot for your help ."}], "index": 702} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about eating out for a drink with me tonight .", "responses": ["tonight ? i 'm afraid i ca n't . i 've promised mark to go to the gym . can we make it tomorrow ?", "that sounds like a good idea !", "sorry , i 'm busy tonight .", "what place are you thinking ?", "i 'm definitely interested in going out with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Tonight ? I'm afraid I can't . I've promised Mark to go to the gym . Can we make it tomorrow ?", "responses": ["no problem . let 's say 6:30 p . m . at the royal restaurant , ok ?", "sure , sounds good .", "aw , come on !", "stop lying !", "ok ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "No problem . Let's say 6:30 p . m . at the Royal Restaurant , OK ?", "responses": ["all right . see you tomorrow night .", "sounds great . see you then .", "oh yes . i love that place !", "great . i hear they have good cocktails .", "could we go somewhere else ? i just ate there yesterday . sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right . See you tomorrow night ."}], "index": 703} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Helen ! how is it going ?", "responses": ["i 'm very busy these days . it seems i can never finish my work .", "it is going great now that you texted me !", "amazing , what about you !", "i 'm sick again , i got ta go to the doctor .", "nothing much , what about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm very busy these days . It seems I can never finish my work .", "responses": ["well , take it easy ! do n't let it get on top of you .", "you and me both !", "i completely understand .", "do you need some help with anything ?", "did your assistant quit or something ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , take it easy ! Don't let it get on top of you .", "responses": ["i 'll try . i 'm under a lot of pressure right now .", "okay and thanks for your reply", "i will tried for come to finish my work shortly", "i 'm busy for sometimes but i have tried too", "okay"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll try . I'm under a lot of pressure right now .", "responses": ["why do n't you take a few days off ?", "that 's understandable , just do your best !", "there 's nothing wrong with taking a break .", "maybe you should think about doing some different work ?", "do you want to talk about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you take a few days off ?", "responses": ["i ca n't . i am really behind of my work .", "i wish i could , but i need all the money i can get .", "my job needs me too much right now .", "my job needs me too much right now .", "i ca n't yet , but i have a vacation coming up in june ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I can't . I am really behind of my work ."}], "index": 704} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you speak Japanese ?", "responses": ["yes , i can , but not very well .", "no .", "yes .", "maybe .", "why ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I can , but not very well .", "responses": ["where did you learn it ?", "what about korean ?", "that 's fine . i 'm horrible at japanese .", "japanese seems like a complex language to learn .", "i know someone that could teach you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where did you learn it ?", "responses": ["at school . and i 'm still learning it now .", "i went class and learn that .", "but unfortunately i have forget something about that language", "now i have plans retry that", "it is used for sometimes in working time for some employees are from japan so used that language ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "At school . And I'm still learning it now .", "responses": ["how long have you been learning it ?", "interesting , i 've heard that it 's hard to learn .", "good luck with school !", "i wish that i knew japanese .", "that 's good , that language has a lot of uses all over the world ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long have you been learning it ?", "responses": ["about three years .", "it 's been about 3 years now .", "i started in 10th grade .", "i started my senior year of college .", "i started 4 years ago ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "About three years .", "responses": ["can you speak any other languages ?", "can you read it ?", "can you write it ?", "what made you decide to learn it ?", "how long did it take for you to learn it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you speak any other languages ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid not .", "chinese", "no .", "portugese .", "russian ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid not ."}], "index": 705} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good afternoon , Johnson .", "responses": ["good afternoon , mary . how 's business ?", "good afternoon .", "hello !", "how are you .", "greetings"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon , Mary . How's business ?", "responses": ["not bad , thanks .", "business is going very well .", "well , this is our slow season , but it 's going ok .", "very good . this has been our strongest quarter yet .", "ca n't complain ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Not bad , thanks ."}], "index": 706} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm too tired now . I've already worked for 12 hours overtime !", "responses": ["god ! do n't you think they should get you an assistant ?", "what i do for you ?", "if you have work more you have earn more that 's all", "why have stain more and spend 12 hours here", "take rest"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "God ! Don't you think they should get you an assistant ?", "responses": ["yes , they were supposed to , but so far nobody 's turned up , and i have to do the work alone . this is the first break i 've had all day .", "no , i like having the overtime and the extra pay .", "they seriously should , there are many tasks that are below my job .", "i am not sure , i do n't think i really need one , but it could help .", "they ca n't afford to hire another person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , they were supposed to , but so far nobody's turned up , and I have to do the work alone . This is the first break I've had all day .", "responses": ["they 're really running you into the ground . why do n't you ask for some time off ? you could take a long weekend and have a good rest .", "i 'm sorry , can i bring you lunch later ?", "that 's awful , i hope you get a break soon .", "oh no , they should hire more people .", "that 's terrible ! you deserve a break ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "They're really running you into the ground . Why don't you ask for some time off ? You could take a long weekend and have a good rest .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid i ca n't before i finish this project .", "i have way too much work to do .", "i have way too much work to do .", "i am thinking about taking time off in june", "maybe after this big project is over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm afraid I can't before I finish this project .", "responses": ["you 'd better pay more attention to your health .", "you should still have time ?", "take a break first !", "you deserve a break to be honest .", "the timing is so bad !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You'd better pay more attention to your health .", "responses": ["i will , thanks for your concern .", "i know , but as soon as this project is done then things will get easier .", "i am just trying to finish this project first .", "i know . i plan on taking some time off after this project is done .", "thanks for worrying , but i think i can handle it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I will , thanks for your concern .", "responses": ["you 're welcome .", "maybe you should change your diet up and that will help .", "i 'd suggest starting with trying to eat healthier .", "no problem . i 'm just worried about you .", "it 's important to keep your health in mind , above all else ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're welcome ."}], "index": 707} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is too bad today .", "responses": ["what happened ?", "are you having a bad day ? what 's going on ?", "too bad today ? something bad happen to you ?", "that 's no good . maybe tomorrow will be a better day for you .", "sorry to hear that . i hope things look up for you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened ?", "responses": ["my som was lost . i told him to stand rooted to the spot when i went shopping , but he ignored it .", "i just had a difficult day", "i had to spend the night in the hospital .", "i woke up with a headache .", "i missed a bill that was due today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My som was lost . I told him to stand rooted to the spot when I went shopping , but he ignored it .", "responses": ["how did you find him at last ?", "oh no , did they find him quickly ?", "how terrifying for you . is he ok now ?", "that sounds very worrying , i hope everything is ok now .", "oh no , what happened next ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How did you find him at last ?", "responses": ["it was the police wo helped me to do that .", "i had them announce him on the speaker !", "i just looked around the whole store .", "i screamed and screamed until he came back .", "i asked people for help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was the police wo helped me to do that .", "responses": ["it must have taught you a lesson this time .", "wow , at least you found him !", "is he safe ?", "so you found him ?", "yikes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It must have taught you a lesson this time ."}], "index": 708} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to give our kitchen the works .", "responses": ["why ? i think it 's convenient and good .", "that sounds exciting ! what will you do first ?", "that sounds like fun . i love renovation projects .", "you should do it . i love a fancy kitchen .", "sounds great , i want to work on my kitchen , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? I think it ' s convenient and good .", "responses": ["no . the decoration has been out - of - date . my friends have a whole kitchen now . it 's modern .", "i do n't like the counter tops and i think it 's very outdated .", "my oven is really broken and needs to be replaced .", "it 's really narrow between the counter and the island and i ca n't fit so i want to open the space up .", "it 's really narrow between the counter and the island and i ca n't fit so i want to open the space up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . The decoration has been out-of-date . My friends have a whole kitchen now . It ' s modern .", "responses": ["why should we run after the fashion ?", "yeah , mine is a bit outdated too .", "i think it looks fine !", "it looks fine as it is .", "same ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why should we run after the fashion ?", "responses": ["i am not running after the fashion . i just want a very beautiful and clean kitchen .", "it 's not that i 'm running after the fashion . i think our kitchen is really outdated .", "our appliances are outdated and barely working .", "it 's not running after the fashion as much as it 's fixing the problems of our kitchen .", "the kitchen has too many problems not to be updated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not running after the fashion . I just want a very beautiful and clean kitchen ."}], "index": 709} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Rock music really leaves me cold . What about you ?", "responses": ["i 'm crazy about it . it makes me very excited .", "i love rock !", "i totally agree , it 's boring .", "i grew up listening to rock so it 's nostalgic for me .", "eh , it 's okay . so what kind of music do you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm crazy about it . It makes me very excited .", "responses": ["then tell me what 's good about it .", "how could you like rock music ?", "the music is so bland !", "yeah .", "sometimes ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Then tell me what's good about it .", "responses": ["it ca n't be expressed by words .", "it 's what i grew up listening to . it makes me think of all of my memories .", "everything is good about it . give it a shot and you will understand .", "i think you just do n't listen to the right bands . let me give you a few bands to listen to and see if you change your mind .", "it 's a preference of mine just like you prefer certain music ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It can't be expressed by words ."}], "index": 710} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with Debbie today ? She seems upset about something .", "responses": ["i have no idea . maybe she had a fight with her husband .", "yeah , she just found out her husband cheated on her .", "she 's having problems at home .", "i think she is coming down with a cold .", "her father is sick and she 's worried about him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have no idea . Maybe she had a fight with her husband ."}], "index": 711} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Look , here is a very special business card from an illustrator . Every time I go through my book of business cards , I will notice it . It is an eye-catching one .", "responses": ["wow , fantastic . i like the font and color for his name . it is creative yet personal .", "wow . that illustrator does great work .", "you should give me the name of that company . i would like to get business cards made from them .", "wow . their work is impressive . i could use some help on my business cards .", "that 's one of the best business cards i think i have ever seen ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , fantastic . I like the font and color for his name . It is creative yet personal .", "responses": ["yes , it is a bold design . people will believe he can make an illustration as an impressive as a business card . it just stands out from those plain and standard ones used by government people or other big private and public organizations .", "i agree . he definitely put some thought into it .", "yeah , so many people have generic ones these days .", "definitely . it really stands out .", "after looking at this , i sort of feel like i need to get some new cards made ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is a bold design . People will believe he can make an illustration as an impressive as a business card . It just stands out from those plain and standard ones used by government people or other big private and public organizations .", "responses": ["i agree . business cards are great tools for promoting personal business . it wo n't take much time to design an amazing card , but it can make a big difference among the crowd . and you 'll always notice it from your collection . for they have outspoken colors , own design and the sizes are not always according the mainstream business card . i wish to have one like this . but for sure our company has its own corporate design which all employees have to follow .", "how much do these cost ?", "i love how you 've thought this through", "that makes perfect sense , let 's make a deal", "i want to order from you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I agree . Business cards are great tools for promoting personal business . It won ' t take much time to design an amazing card , but it can make a big difference among the crowd . And you ' ll always notice it from your collection . For they have outspoken colors , own design and the sizes are not always according the mainstream business card . I wish to have one like this . But for sure our company has its own corporate design which all employees have to follow ."}], "index": 712} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Morning , Peter . Nice suit ! A new one ?", "responses": ["oh , yes . my wife bought it for me yesterday . hmm , you look nice in that yellow dress . yellow suits you really well .", "thanks . yeah , picked it up last weekend .", "thank you . yes , it is .", "i 've worn it before , but thanks !", "not new , but i do n't wear it too often . thanks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes . My wife bought it for me yesterday . Hmm , you look nice in that yellow dress . Yellow suits you really well .", "responses": ["maybe . several people have suggested that i get more yellow clothes . they say the color suits me because i have a fair complexion .", "thank you so much", "i 've never heard that before", "i 've been told yellow really is great on me", "that 's so nice since yellow is my favorite color"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe . Several people have suggested that I get more yellow clothes . They say the color suits me because I have a fair complexion .", "responses": ["that 's right . you know , pink , green and black could also be good for you . actually , i think that all colors are okay for a person with your complexion . it 's just that different colors can give people different impressions . for example , black could make you look mature , while pink could make you look young and energetic .", "you do look very nice in that color .", "yellow is so vibrant on you .", "i agree with them - yellow is a good color for you .", "you wear yellow very well with your complexion ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right . You know , pink , green and black could also be good for you . Actually , I think that all colors are okay for a person with your complexion . It's just that different colors can give people different impressions . For example , black could make you look mature , while pink could make you look young and energetic .", "responses": ["thank you for your compliments . it sounds like you 're a clothing expert .", "it is spring now so i think i will explore vairous colors .", "i already have a lot of black clothes , so i may try something bright .", "i 'm not a huge fan of pink clothes .", "anything but orange , not a flattery color ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you for your compliments . It sounds like you're a clothing expert .", "responses": ["well , compared with my wife , i 'm just a beginner .", "i 'm more of a clothing enthusiast .", "i do enjoy learning about clothing styles .", "people tell me that all the time !", "i love studying clothing trends and styles ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , compared with my wife , I'm just a beginner ."}], "index": 713} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you set your clock forward for daylight savings time ?", "responses": ["what ? why do we have to do that ?", "yeah , i did it before i went to bed .", "i knew i forgot something !", "had i remembered this , i would n't be late right now .", "i did . did you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ? Why do we have to do that ?", "responses": ["well , at the start of the spring we usually have more daylight in the mornings and less in the afternoon . this is basically due to our position on the planet and the rotation of the earth . in any case , to take better advantage of the daylight available , we compensate by moving our clocks forward one hour .", "because we can all be on the same time", "so you wo n't get confused", "it 's how time works obviously", "because it 's part of how daylight savings works"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , at the start of the spring we usually have more daylight in the mornings and less in the afternoon . This is basically due to our position on the planet and the rotation of the earth . In any case , to take better advantage of the daylight available , we compensate by moving our clocks forward one hour .", "responses": ["i see . that 's convenient ! i never understood things like this , such as gmt . i never know what time zone we are in or when to change my clock !", "i wish we did not have to change our clocks at all .", "i try to remember to spring forward .", "i just hate losing an hour of sleep .", "a couple of states do n't have to change their clocks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see . That ' s convenient ! I never understood things like this , such as GMT . I never know what time zone we are in or when to change my clock !", "responses": ["that just stands for greenwich mean time . here in california , we are in pacific standard time , that is eight time zones west of greenwich . remember when we were in beijing ? well , then we were in china standard time , and that 's eight time zones east of greenwich !", "you really should lookup these things as they are important things to know .", "with the internet you can find out anything you do n't understand .", "if you travel then it would be important for you to know about time zone changes , just incase it may affect you .", "i did n't understand that either until we relocated , now it affects us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That just stands for Greenwich Mean Time . Here in California , we are in Pacific Standard Time , that is eight time zones west of Greenwich . Remember when we were in Beijing ? Well , then we were in China Standard Time , and that ' s eight time zones east of Greenwich !", "responses": ["that 's why it was so weird traveling from beijing to la ! because of the huge time difference , even though we left beijing at noon and flew for more than eight hours , we still arrived in la the same day at noon ! it 's like we went back in time !", "oh wow , that sounds a bit confusing .", "i 'm not very good with time zones , so that 's confusing .", "that 's interesting . i should learn more about time zones .", "eight time zones ? wow , that 's a lot !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s why it was so weird traveling from Beijing to LA ! Because of the huge time difference , even though we left Beijing at noon and flew for more than eight hours , we still arrived in LA the same day at noon ! It ' s like we went back in time !"}], "index": 714} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I would like to watch the Oscars on tv tonight . How about you ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'd love to . it 's interesting to see who is considered the best in their field and which film are thought to be particularly good .", "definitely . i 'm going to watch it as well .", "yes . who are you excited to see most ?", "yup ! who do you think will win ?", "i ca n't wait to see who wins the awards ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I ' d love to . it ' s interesting to see who is considered the best in their field and which film are thought to be particularly good .", "responses": ["i like watching it for the fashion . i like to see what the ladies are wearing . of course , the men nearly always just wear the traditional tuxedo .", "i am looking forward to it as well", "i love movies too , i hope my favorites win", "yes i am always interest in the field of film", "what did you find particularly good ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like watching it for the fashion . I like to see what the ladies are wearing . Of course , the men nearly always just wear the traditional tuxedo .", "responses": ["sometimes the men wear flamboyant colours . which films do you think will win awards this year ?", "some of the styles are really very interesting and creative .", "the women 's fashions are very daring in some cases .", "i ca n't believe what some of the ladies wear .", "occasionally a man will wear a very weird outfit just to stand out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sometimes the men wear flamboyant colours . Which films do you think will win awards this year ?", "responses": ["i 'm really not sure . usually just one or two films look set to sweep the awards ceremony , but this year there are several contenders .", "there are some great movies out there , it is really hard to choose .", "that lady gag movie should win something , i heard it is really great .", "i heard the \" if beale street could talk \" might win as well .", "i have n't seen many movies at the theater recently , so its hard to say ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m really not sure . Usually just one or two films look set to sweep the awards ceremony , but this year there are several contenders .", "responses": ["you 're right . this year should be much more exciting than usual . what 's you favourite award category ?", "are there any you want to win ?", "i ca n't remember who is nominated , can you ?", "who are you looking forward to seeing on the red carpet ?", "who has been your favorite host of the oscars ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You ' re right . This year should be much more exciting than usual . What ' s you favourite award category ?", "responses": ["you might think this strange , but i like the category for best foreign language film .", "i like the horror films .", "i like the comedy films the best .", "i am not sure but am excited to see .", "i like all of the categories ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You might think this strange , but I like the category for best foreign language film .", "responses": ["it 's nice to see foreign language films making a little impact on hollywood . i like the best actor and actress .", "that 's not strange at all . i enjoy that category too .", "really ? it 's not strange but i am not familiar with anything in that category .", "not strange at all ! there were a lot of great foreign language films this year .", "that 's cool . i like the best editing and cinematography categories myself ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s nice to see foreign language films making a little impact on Hollywood . I like the best actor and actress ."}], "index": 715} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many cleaning ladies does your company hire ?", "responses": ["we have two cleaning ladies . but both of them have received little education .", "we hire only three", "we hire one , and she comes once a week", "we do n't hire any , we do it ourselves", "we have 6 cleaning ladies on staff"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have two cleaning ladies . But both of them have received little education .", "responses": ["most cleaning ladies are illiterate . but some of them do a very nice job .", "that 's a shame .", "it seems that many undereducated people work in the cleaning service .", "it would be nice if companies would pay for educational services .", "i suppose they pay them a very cheap labor rate too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Most cleaning ladies are illiterate . But some of them do a very nice job .", "responses": ["but i actually dislike another lady . she is more capable and seems to have ideas of her own . but the trouble is she is a backseat driver with some of us . she would tell you what to do and where to put things .", "i would n't say that , i think that is rude to say .", "some are just trying to make ends meet .", "most are taking the jobs that most americans are too lazy to do .", "i think the cleaning job probably pays more than you make in a week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I actually dislike another lady . She is more capable and seems to have ideas of her own . But the trouble is she is a backseat driver with some of us . She would tell you what to do and where to put things ."}], "index": 716} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you celebrate national day in your country ?", "responses": ["there are parades in many cities and people fly the national flags from almost every public building .", "i like to have a cook - out with friends .", "setting off fireworks for the fourth of july is fun .", "i love watching firework shows with friends and neighbors .", "our entire neighborhood puts on our own fireworks display after a cookout ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There are parades in many cities and people fly the national flags from almost every public building .", "responses": ["what kinds of parades are there ?", "do you dress a certain way as well ?", "i bet there are beautiful fireworks at the parades .", "i would like to go one of these times .", "i 'm sure there a lot of flag souvenirs being sold around the area ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kinds of parades are there ?", "responses": ["the parades are usually military ones , but sometimes there are procession of people carrying flags and singing patriotic songs . what do you do on national day in your country ?", "there are parades with marching bands and dancers .", "there is a parade with large floats !", "we have a parade where the president and vice president arrive on a float .", "we have a 4th of july parade with fire works and candy and floats ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The parades are usually military ones , but sometimes there are procession of people carrying flags and singing patriotic songs . What do you do on national day in your country ?", "responses": ["we do n't have a national day .", "do you like to go to the events ?", "what is the biggest parade that you have seen ?", "is there live animals involved ?", "are there any community designed floats ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We don ' t have a national day .", "responses": ["really ? that 's unusual .", "that 's a shame . it 's a really great time to get together with people .", "i wonder why ? your country probably has a rich history .", "sorry to hear that ! maybe some day your country will adopt one .", "it 's such a great time , sorry that you do n't have one . i will be thinking about your country for you during our celebrations !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? That ' s unusual .", "responses": ["i guess it is . most countries have on , but we do n't .", "yeah , most countries have that .", "yeah , i thought it was strange and unusual too .", "yeah .", "we still have pride though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess it is . Most countries have on , but we don ' t .", "responses": ["actually , even though we have parades , most people just use the national day holiday to visit family or go shopping . in the evening , many people watch special tv shows which celebrate national day .", "yes , i thought all countries had that holiday .", "well , you have lots of other holiday with parades , right ?", "you can come with me to my country 's parade if you want .", "well , parades are sometimes boring anyway , they are very long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , even though we have parades , most people just use the national day holiday to visit family or go shopping . In the evening , many people watch special TV shows which celebrate national day ."}], "index": 717} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi Melissa , are you going home this weekend ?", "responses": ["no , not this weekend . i have too much work to do .", "yes , i 'm taking a trip for my mom 's birthday .", "i was n't planning on it , are you going to be around ?", "i was thinking about it if the weather cooperates .", "i do n't think so for this weekend . maybe next weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , not this weekend . I have too much work to do .", "responses": ["where do your parents live ?", "what kind of work do you need to get done ?", "can i help you finish quicker ?", "maybe you should just skip the work .", "can you take the work with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where do your parents live ?", "responses": ["my father lives in washington dc .", "they live up north , the upper peninsula to be exact .", "they live in marquette michigan . it 's really far .", "they live really far and i do n't have time to get up there now .", "about 10 hours north , it 's too far too worry about for this weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My father lives in Washington DC .", "responses": ["how about your mother ?", "wow , that 's far .", "ok , let me know what happens .", "ok , how about next time ?", "what about your mother ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How about your mother ?", "responses": ["my mother died two years ago .", "she lives in virginia .", "my mother is no longer with us . she died last year .", "i do n't speak to my mother anymore .", "she lives in hawaii , so i do n't see her very often . but we talk on the phone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My mother died two years ago .", "responses": ["oh , i am sorry to hear that . is your father still working ?", "what are all your weekend plans", "how many days work on this field", "what is your hobby", "which program you like on the tv"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , I am sorry to hear that . Is your father still working ?", "responses": ["no , he 's retired .", "no , he 's retired .", "he retired but still freelances .", "yes , he 's a teacher .", "he 's between jobs right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , he's retired .", "responses": ["do you have any family here ?", "does he do any extracurricular activities ?", "is he lonely because your mother passed away ?", "what did he do for a living ?", "does he enjoy being retired ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any family here ?", "responses": ["yes , two of my cousins live here and my aunt and uncle live about 30 miles from here .", "yes", "yes i have two child", "yes i have father", "no additional family"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , two of my cousins live here and my aunt and uncle live about 30 miles from here .", "responses": ["do you have any brothers or sisters ?", "do you ever meet up with them ?", "are you close with those relatives ?", "how often do you get to see them ?", "how long does it take to travel to d.c . to see your dad ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any brothers or sisters ?", "responses": ["yes , i have two brothers who live in new york and a sister who lives in boston .", "no , i 'm an only child .", "yes , i actually live with my brother .", "would you believe i have 12 brothers and sisters ?", "i have one of each ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have two brothers who live in New York and a sister who lives in Boston .", "responses": ["do you see them a lot ?", "do you see them often ?", "i 'd love to meet your siblings sometime .", "having a big family is amazing .", "are you close to your family ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you see them a lot ?", "responses": ["not as much as i 'd like to . usually just on holidays like thanksgiving and christmas .", "not really ... we should get together more often though .", "yes , we make a point of getting together every year .", "no , because we are all on different schedules and scattered around the country .", "we typically see each other at weddings and funerals and special occasions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not as much as I'd like to . Usually just on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas ."}], "index": 718} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , how was the show ?", "responses": ["not great . it 's a kind of boring .", "oh , it was just great !", "i hated it , can i have my money back now ?", "i did n't watch it because it was so boring .", "i do n't know since it put me straight to sleep ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Not great . It's a kind of boring .", "responses": ["really ? i heard it was supposed to be great .", "really ? guess i wo n't be seeing it then !", "that stinks . would you say it 's at least worth watching once ?", "i kind of thought it looked a little boring . thanks for confirming !", "that 's surprising . i thought it looked really interesting . i may still check it out ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I heard it was supposed to be great .", "responses": ["yes , me too . but i 'm disappointed .", "yeah , i thought that too .", "yeah , it was just straight boring .", "yeah me too .", "nope , it was borefest ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , me too . But I'm disappointed ."}], "index": 719} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened , John ?", "responses": ["nothing .", "i was baptised .", "i 'm just sitting here baptizing some people .", "i went in to baptize someone and we almost got eaten by a crocodile !", "the people that are being baptized by me in this water keep getting sick .."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing .", "responses": ["why do you look unhappy ?", "well i 'm here if you want to talk about it .", "that 's not what i heard , i heard that something serious happened .", "at least let me know that you are okay ?", "i can come over and we can talk about it if you prefer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you look unhappy ?", "responses": ["i 'm rather disappointed at not being able to see my best friend off .", "i 'm just sick .", "i 've been having a lot of bad thoughts .", "just thinking back on negative memories .", "no , everything 's fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m rather disappointed at not being able to see my best friend off .", "responses": ["oh , cheer up . he 'll understand you .", "where is he going ?", "why is he leaving ?", "aw , i 'm sure he understands why you could n't be there .", "why could n't you see him when he left ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , cheer up . He ' ll understand you .", "responses": ["i hope so .", "what is the problem for u", "your friend so good but you have some missunderstanding", "do n't confuse think about clear", "take it easy"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hope so ."}], "index": 720} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know that ? Joan has got the scholarship .", "responses": ["really ?", "wow , that 's amazing !", "great for him !", "it 's great seeing him achieve that !", "wow !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ?", "responses": ["but i think henry is a backroom boy . he always helps her with her study .", "yes , she will be starting school this fall .", "she did n't tell you ?", "yes , i am very proud of her .", "yes , she has another scholarship also ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I think Henry is a backroom boy . He always helps her with her study .", "responses": ["you 're right .", "he is very interesting to concentrate the study", "but the same time henry have participate the some games", "scholarship useful for henry education", "then henry situation is ok"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're right ."}], "index": 721} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , Tina , I ' Ve got good news . I have successfully passed the first two rounds of interview with ABC Company . They informed me to go to the final round next Monday . It looks very promising .", "responses": ["that is awesome . congratulation ! i know you can make it .", "that 's great news !", "i hope you get the job .", "awesome , let me know how it goes .", "great ! i will be thinking about you monday ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That is awesome . Congratulation ! I know you can make it .", "responses": ["thanks . let 's go for a celebration this evening . are you free ?", "then i am so happy to select the interview", "this job is my feature", "what is most affected technology included the work", "what is the salery package of working times"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Thanks . Let ' s go for a celebration this evening . Are you free ?", "responses": ["yes . wait for me at the cafe down my office building . see 5 pm , ok ?", "i 'm sorry , i have plans this evening .", "i 'd love to ! what time ?", "i wish i could but i do n't have a babysitter . how about tomorrow ?", "i might be able to make it , what time did you have in mind ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes . Wait for me at the cafe down my office building . See 5PM , ok ?", "responses": ["no problem . see you !", "excellent . i will see you then .", "i wo n't be free until 5:30 . is that okay ?", "that sounds like a plan . i look forward it it .", "that works for me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No problem . See you !", "responses": ["see you !", "yes", "i am outside station", "ok", "good"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "See you !"}], "index": 722} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you like ethnic food ?", "responses": ["i do ! my favorites are mexican , thai , and indian .", "sometime i wood like to eat the ethnic food", "what are all the food items are presented", "what is the special dish of today", "how many hours to take the order"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I do ! My favorites are Mexican , Thai , and Indian .", "responses": ["really ? have you ever tried moroccan ?", "what is your favorite mexican dish?\\", "do you like japanese food ?", "where is your favorite place to go for thai food ?", "do you know how to cook indian food ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Have you ever tried Moroccan ?", "responses": ["i ca n't say that i have . what are the basic ingredients ?", "i have n't . i would love to though .", "i have . there 's a nice moroccan restaurant not too far from where i work . i go there for lunch sometimes .", "i have n't . i do n't know of any restaurants that serve moroccan food .", "i have and it 's just not something i like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I can't say that I have . What are the basic ingredients ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . a friend of mine said i should try it .", "yes", "mexican usage", "i have basic insttrucation", "good"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . A friend of mine said I should try it .", "responses": ["do you know where a moroccan restaurant is ?", "it sounds too adventurous for me .", "were you hoping to get more information from me about the cuisine ?", "if it 's anything like thai or indian , then i would be interested .", "i should look it up when i get home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know where a Moroccan restaurant is ?", "responses": ["as a matter of fact , he gave me this address .", "i heard that there 's one in pittsburgh .", "my friend said there 's a new one across town .", "i do n't think there 's one around here , but i can look for recipes online .", "i 'm not sure . i 'll ask my friend !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "As a matter of fact , he gave me this address .", "responses": ["let 's go there for lunch ! i 'm up for an adventure !", "let 's go tonight to try it !", "let me know when you are going and i will join you .", "sounds good , let me know when we can go .", "do you want to try it together ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's go there for lunch ! I'm up for an adventure !"}], "index": 723} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nicole , your Fettucini is very ... unique .", "responses": ["but not as good as your mother 's , right ?", "you do n't like it ?", "i tried a different recipe this time .", "that sounds ominous .", "sorry . it did n't turn out like i wanted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But not as good as your mother's , right ?", "responses": ["actually , it 's better ...", "it 's close to my mother 's , but not quite as good .", "i would say it 's probably better than my mom 's fettuccine , but do n't tell her .", "my mother 's recipe is an old recipe that has been handed down from many generations .", "it 's just as good as my mother 's fettuccine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , it's better ...", "responses": ["what ? are you kidding ?", "very unique", "good try", "better", "ok"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What ? Are you kidding ?", "responses": ["no . it was the only dish she was n't good at . so we could use you as the new head chef ...", "it has a nice zest to it that her fettucini did n't .", "i am being completely serious with you .", "i love how creamy it is .", "maybe you have a better recipe than she did ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . It was the only dish she wasn't good at . So we could use you as the new head chef ...", "responses": ["oh , uncle giovanni . that 's wonderful ! thank you ! thank you !", "thanks , but i love my job !", "wow , thank you ! i 'd be honored .", "oh wow , i was looking for a new job !", "that sounds like a great opportunity . tell me more !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , Uncle Giovanni . That's wonderful ! Thank you ! Thank you !", "responses": ["ok , ok . get back to work . there 's someone waiting for you in the kitchen ...", "i 've been waiting for the right time to tell you .", "i am so proud of you , nicole .", "so you accept the position , right ?", "congratulations , nicole , we ca n't wait for you to start"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , OK . Get back to work . There's someone waiting for you in the kitchen ..."}], "index": 724} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many people are there in your family ?", "responses": ["five . my father , mother , brother , sister - in - law and me .", "just me and my mom .", "i have a lot of uncles .", "i have two brothers and one sister .", "three ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Five . My father , mother , brother , sister-in-law and me .", "responses": ["is your brother older or younger than you ?", "i am an only child so i do n't have that many .", "i have five siblings plus they are all married so we have a huge family .", "do you get along with all of them ?", "who are you closest to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is your brother older or younger than you ?", "responses": ["he is five years older than me , he got married last sunday . my brother and my sister - in - law are the same age .", "1", "yes", "congrats", "ok"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is five years older than me , He got married last Sunday . My brother and my sister-in-law are the same age ."}], "index": 725} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Tom . Where are you heading for ?", "responses": ["i am going to a movie theater . you know there is a new action film produced by hollywood . a thriller , really .", "i 'm going to the ballgame today .", "i 'm just on my way into work .", "i have to meet up with an old friend of mine for coffee .", "i am going to spend the day by the river ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am going to a movie theater . You know there is a new action film produced by Hollywood . A thriller , really .", "responses": ["another terror film ? there is too much terror and violence in the films . do you like seeing such a picture ?", "i did n't know . what 's it called ?", "that sounds great , i might try to catch that later .", "i 'm not really into thrillers , i like romantic comedies .", "sounds like fun , i hope you enjoy the show !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Another terror film ? There is too much terror and violence in the films . Do you like seeing such a picture ?", "responses": ["i do n't really like seeing bloody frames , but i appreciate the lifelike frames simulated with the highly skillful special effects .", "yes , i enjoy it quite a bit . it does n't bother me at all .", "yes , it 's my favorite type of movie genre .", "yes , i do . how come you do n't like them ?", "yes , i do n't get scared . does it give you nightmares ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't really like seeing bloody frames , but I appreciate the lifelike frames simulated with the highly skillful special effects ."}], "index": 726} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you go to the concert last weekend ?", "responses": ["no , i did n't . and you ? was it good ?", "no , i do n't really like live music .", "yes , but my friends made it a horrible experience .", "i went with my girlfriend and her family .", "i would n't miss a show by that band !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , I didn't . And you ? Was it good ?", "responses": ["yes . i did . i enjoyed it a lot . there was a folk singer , a violinist and a pianist .", "i did , i got to see my favorite band !", "no , i had to work , sadly .", "i wish , i did n't have enough money for tickets .", "yes , it was an incredible show !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I did . I enjoyed it a lot . There was a folk singer , a violinist and a pianist .", "responses": ["how much was the ticket ?", "i wish i could have gone , i 'm disappointed .", "was it very crowded ?", "who did you go with ?", "i will try to go next year , i hope ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How much was the ticket ?", "responses": ["i only paid two dollars for mine .", "it was $ 39 , which was good for all that entertainment .", "i 'm not sure since my friend treated me to the concert .", "i do n't know for sure , but my boyfriend must 've paid top dollar to get those good seats .", "it was $ 100 , which was actually way too much for this type of concert , but i splurged ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I only paid two dollars for mine ."}], "index": 727} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mary and Tom are breaking up .", "responses": ["it 's unbelievable ! they are only married for one month . then who is at fault ?", "i 'm sorry to hear that .", "really ? what happened ?", "i thought they were a solid couple .", "it must 've been something serious to break them up ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "It's unbelievable ! They are only married for one month . Then who is at fault ?", "responses": ["mary said she could n't put up with tom , for he fell in love with another woman .", "i do n't know , some say mary some say tom .", "that 's almost impossible to answer . it depends on who you ask .", "tom was taking to one of his exes so i think that 's where this stems from .", "mary has just been very demeaning to tom as soon as they got married . it 's almost like she is a different person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mary said she couldn't put up with Tom , for he fell in love with another woman .", "responses": ["do you think they 'll become reconciled ?", "that is so sad to hear .", "i think they should try to work it out .", "they were so good for each other .", "they just got married , i ca n't believe it 's over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think they'll become reconciled ?", "responses": ["no , i do n't think so . she said she would rather be single than cope with an unhappy marriage .", "they might , we can wait and see !", "i think that they probably will become reconciled .", "they definitely wo n't become reconciled .", "what does reconciled mean ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I don't think so . She said she would rather be single than cope with an unhappy marriage .", "responses": ["what a shame ! their marriage is really a mistake .", "wow .", "she seems angry !", "maybe they are better divorced .", "yikes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What a shame ! Their marriage is really a mistake ."}], "index": 728} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "have you ever been invited to a Chinese feast ?", "responses": ["sure . beijingers are distinguished for their warmth and hospitality .", "yes , i 've been invited to a friend 's house who is chinese .", "there is a chinese feast here in the city annually , and everyone is invited .", "i 've been invited , but i do n't eat chinese food , so i passed .", "yes , and i loved it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "sure . Beijingers are distinguished for their warmth and hospitality .", "responses": ["as far as you could see , is dining at a chinese table a distinct experience ? to what extent does it differ from that in your homeland ?", "yes they are very friendly .", "yes they are some of the most welcoming people you will meet .", "they are , i always have a great time with all the beijingers i have met .", "that 's right , it 's always a pleasant experience every time i meet a beijinger ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "as far as you could see , is dining at a Chinese table a distinct experience ? To what extent does it differ from that in your homeland ?", "responses": ["to begin with , i have to use chopsticks .", "the food is much more spicy .", "i was welcomed warmly to their home and table .", "i think that there are a lot of cultural differences .", "i think it was a very distinct experience and i loved it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "to begin with , I have to use chopsticks .", "responses": ["but you look quite proficient in using them now .", "do you have a problem with chopsticks ?", "you could bring along a spoon !", "you could try and use the chopsticks with your hands !", "what else is bad about the place ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "but you look quite proficient in using them now .", "responses": ["certainly . after all , i 've been here for two years . it 's not much uphill work for a foreigner to get used to chinese dinner utensils . though , i do feel hazy about how to behave appropriately at a ch", "it 's still hard .", "i 've been practicing .", "thank you .", "yes , i 'm getting quite good now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "certainly . After all , I've been here for two years . It's not much uphill work for a foreigner to get used to Chinese dinner utensils . Though , I do feel hazy about how to behave appropriately at a Ch", "responses": ["yes , table etiquette . there are a multitude of rules that foreigners might never know until they were told . some practices even appear somewhat awkward or rude to westerners , while they are the norm i", "i wonder if there are any websites that address that .", "i worry about that too .", "do you go to them often ?", "do you have anyone you could ask ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "yes , table etiquette . There are a multitude of rules that foreigners might never know until they were told . Some practices even appear somewhat awkward or rude to Westerners , while they are the norm i", "responses": ["anything strang about that ?", "what seems like a rude one ?", "we all have to eat , we just do it differently .", "it takes time to get used to local traditions and mannerisms , but we are all the same .", "well , the main thing is to try to do your best to keep an open mind about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "anything strang about that ?", "responses": ["maybe you should have placed them horizontally over your bowl or plate . they resemble two incense sticks used at sacrifices . it 's very inauspicious , and might enrage all present .", "not much", "i find that strange .", "do you find it usual ?", "i did not mean bad"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "maybe you should have placed them horizontally over your bowl or plate . They resemble two incense sticks used at sacrifices . It's very inauspicious , and might enrage all present .", "responses": ["oh , sorry ! there 's a long story even with a mere pair of sticks .", "yes , i definitely wish that i had known that information .", "this would have never occurred to me . i have probably offended many people .", "even after two years , i did not realize that . i will place them horizontally next time .", "that is helpful to know . thank you for correcting the gesture ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "oh , sorry ! There's a long story even with a mere pair of sticks ."}], "index": 729} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "It really makes my blood boil when this sort of thing happens . I even want to wring his neck .", "responses": ["do n't be so angry . it 's passed anyway .", "sometimes people act without thinking .", "sorry that happened to you", "what happened ? !", "i agree ... that would upset me too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't be so angry . It's passed anyway .", "responses": ["i ca n't forget it .", "it 's still too recent for me to not be angry .", "it may have passed but i 'm still upset .", "i ca n't help it , he needs to know that i am upset with him .", "it 's not okay though , he needs to know what this has cost us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't forget it .", "responses": ["you 'd better cool yourself down first .", "just try to breathe and relax .", "you should just let it go .", "i can understand why you are so upset .", "are you going to hurt him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You'd better cool yourself down first ."}], "index": 730} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's program your courses . Since you have had English literature , you should take American literature and American prose and fiction . You transcript indicate that your English background is strong , so I don't think you have any problem with it .", "responses": ["how many credits for each course ?", "i enjoy english classes so whatever you recommend i will definitely look into .", "i did well in english but kind of rather move onto other courses .", "thanks , can we add american literature to my schedule then ?", "i like the sound of the american prose and fiction , can i take that class then take american literature next semester ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many credits for each course ?", "responses": ["three , you also should take two three - credit - course in education department .", "it differs from course to course .", "i will have to look that up for you .", "is there a specific class you are interested in ?", "i think that each class is worth 4 credits ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Three , you also should take two three-credit-course in education department .", "responses": ["thank you , sir , i 'm sure i will .", "do i have to take all those ?", "can i get some clep credits for any of those classes ?", "what classes would you recommend for me ?", "do you think i should take any particular classes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you , sir , I'm sure I will ."}], "index": 731} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I hate to go outside .", "responses": ["me too .", "even when it 's nice and sunny ?", "i can understand that if it is rainy and miserable .", "why do you hate going outside ?", "i do n't like it either . i 'd rather stay in all my life ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too .", "responses": ["why do you hate to go outside ?", "should we play video games ?", "i like to hang out and watch movies .", "i love sleeping in and lying in bed .", "it gets so hot where i live ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you hate to go outside ?", "responses": ["i meet too many jerks .", "it 's so hot and sunny .", "there are mosquitoes everywhere where i live .", "sometimes there are mean dogs that try and bite me .", "i always get chapped lips from the wind ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I meet too many jerks .", "responses": ["i agree .", "yeah , most people are jerks .", "people suck .", "some people are just nasty !", "not everyone will agree with you ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I agree .", "responses": ["this city is full of jerks .", "people stink .", "what do you do instead ?", "i 've really turned into a loner .", "yeah . i 'd rather just chill at home ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "This city is full of jerks .", "responses": ["rude people are everywhere .", "yes it is , but there 's good folk too .", "well , i just try to avoid them because the city itself is okay .", "can you tell me any jerks in particular ?", "i 'm sorry you do n't enjoy it here ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Rude people are everywhere .", "responses": ["but what can you do ?", "sorry about the experience .", "what have they done to you ?", "you must be having a bad day", "do not mind them"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "But what can you do ?", "responses": ["you can yell at them .", "move to another city !", "just smile at them , i guess .", "be rude back .", "precisely . that 's why i do n't go outside ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "You can yell at them .", "responses": ["and they will yell back at you .", "or we could just ignore them .", "there 's got to be some place where we can just meet good people .", "is there any good people left ?", "it 's so hard to find polite , nice people now - a - days ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "And they will yell back at you .", "responses": ["yelling does n't do any good .", "you might get in a fight too .", "what are they gon na about it ?", "then i will yell right back .", "i do n't mind , they are jerks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yelling doesn't do any good .", "responses": ["no . the best thing to do is just stay home .", "yes , i 'd rather just ignore them .", "this is why i stay inside .", "fortunately i can get grocery delivery here .", "i 'm just glad i can work from home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . The best thing to do is just stay home ."}], "index": 732} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I had to announce his innocence in court today , but it left a nasty taste in my mouth .", "responses": ["you mean you suspect him .", "do you think that the person is guilty ?", "want some of my drink ?", "would you like a piece of gum for that ?", "you should quit your job then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You mean you suspect him .", "responses": ["i 'm not sure . i 'll try to prove my feeling .", "yeah , i think he did it .", "yeah , it was him .", "yeah , i 'm not sure if i believe him .", "yeah ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m not sure . I ' ll try to prove my feeling .", "responses": ["i hope i can do something for you .", "how are you going to go about doing that ?", "do you have any proof to back up your feelings ?", "i think you are just feeling overwhelmed by the situation .", "your feelings may be correct ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hope I can do something for you ."}], "index": 733} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually I have a passion for Chinese literature .", "responses": ["you do ?", "interesting .", "are you a scholor ?", "is that what you study ?", "nice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You do ?", "responses": ["yeah , those classics from the great writers .", "yes , i discovered a love for it awhile back .", "you really ought to read some for yourself .", "it is really very captivating to read .", "it makes me look at things through the eyes of a different culture ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , those classics from the great writers .", "responses": ["but i find japanese ones better .", "that sounds cool . can you tell me about any great writers ?", "yeah , writers who can stand the test of time are awesome !", "do you have any favorites ?", "i like american literature , but i have never really read too much chinese stories . can you tell me about some ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I find Japanese ones better ."}], "index": 734} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not .", "responses": ["why does n't he ask her ?", "well , maybe he should talk to her and see if he can find out .", "i can discuss it with linda and see what she says .", "i think she may really like him too .", "lets arrange an outing as a group and see how it goes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why doesn't he ask her ?", "responses": ["he is too scared to ask her .", "he is a bit embarrassed .", "he is confused about whether he should , and mess up their friendship .", "he has no confidence , that 's why .", "he has always been afraid to talk to girls ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is too scared to ask her .", "responses": ["he 's a chicken guy .", "will you help him out ?", "that is too bad for him", "no . he is shy", "i will do it for him"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's a chicken guy ."}], "index": 735} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning .", "responses": ["good morning .", "good morning to you too .", "and good morning , right back at you !", "good morning . how are you today ?", "hey , good morning to you too ! how are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good morning .", "responses": ["what does the paper say ?", "good morning", "how is your day", "great to meet you", "are you having a great time ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does the paper say ?", "responses": ["nothing much -- the same old stuff . a lot of bad news as usual .", "things are looking gloomy with the stock market .", "the high temps will reach 75 today . we should go to the zoo !", "mostly that the recession is here to stay .", "i have n't even read more than the top headline yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing much -- the same old stuff . A lot of bad news as usual .", "responses": ["well , what 's the weather report ?", "the news is just so depressing these days .", "is there ever any good news in the paper ?", "\\it 's depressing , is n't it ? we need more happy articles in the paper .", "that 's why i do n't even read the paper anymore ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , what ' s the weather report ?", "responses": ["sunny and mild today , cloudy and rainy tomorrow .", "it is going to be sunny all week .", "i think it is going to rain today .", "i did n't get a chance to look .", "here , look for yourself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sunny and mild today , cloudy and rainy tomorrow .", "responses": ["did they find those bank robbers ?", "sounds like today 's a better day for a picnic .", "well , at least we can enjoy some nice weather today .", "the rain will be good for my garden !", "sounds like a good balance . thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did they find those bank robbers ?", "responses": ["not yet . they were holding two men in ohio , but they let them go . they were n't the criminals after all .", "yes , that was the top news story in there .", "no , they have some leads though .", "i did n't even see anything about it today .", "yes , they caught all three of them last night ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet . They were holding two men in Ohio , but they let them go . They weren ' t the criminals after all .", "responses": ["what about the sports page ? what were the scores of last night 's games ?", "oh gosh , i wonder where the real robbers are ?", "i would be so upset if i was apprehended and did n't commit the crime", "do you know how much they ended up stealing ?", "do you know how long they ended up holding them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about the sports page ? What were the scores of last night ' s games ?", "responses": ["here 's the paper ; you can read them yourself .", "your favorite team won it looks like .", "i do n't know , i do n't like sports .", "i have n't looked yet .", "here you can look at the paper ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here ' s the paper ; you can read them yourself ."}], "index": 736} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I would wondering if you like to stay here for a few days .", "responses": ["it really depends on when and how long", "what are your room rates ?", "i will be honored tonstay with you", "do you provide room service ?", "let me confirm by evening if it will be possible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It really depends on when and how long", "responses": ["until next weekend . that 's ok .", "maybe next week for three days ?", "how about over the weekend ?", "i am free next month , some time toward the middle , i think .", "cool . let 's shoot for next thursday through sunday . that work ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Until next weekend . that ' s ok ."}], "index": 737} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They ' ll do the operation for you this Friday .", "responses": ["but saturday is my birthday .", "good , i appreciate how quickly this can happen .", "what time do i need to be here ?", "is there anything i need to do in preparation ?", "will my insurance cover it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But Saturday is my birthday .", "responses": ["i think it 's important to do now . we can have a birthday party for you when you come out of the hospital .", "when would you like to schedule it then ?", "you really need to get it done soon so i do n't feel comfortable doing it later .", "is there a better time that you would like it scheduled ?", "what would work for you then ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I think it ' s important to do now . We can have a birthday party for you when you come out of the hospital .", "responses": ["but it wo n't be on my birthday .", "can we push it back at all ?", "i think you are right , we should do it now .", "i really want to wait until after my birthday .", "i ca n't believe this is happening ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "But it won ' t be on my birthday .", "responses": ["but your health is more important . believe me !", "we 'll make it extra special to make it up to you .", "how about we have a small celebration in the hospital and a bigger one later ?", "your health is most important so that you have many birthdays to come !", "i 'll bring your gift to the hospital before your party ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But your health is more important . Believe me !"}], "index": 738} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I hate computer games .", "responses": ["why ? they are fine .", "yeah , i would agree with you on that .", "i like the old school games like the old nintendo consoles .", "i prefer the old school games like atari .", "i have to say i love computer games . what do n't you like about them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? They are fine .", "responses": ["because they are too violent . some of them are even disgusting .", "they are so confusing .", "i do n't have a nice computer .", "they are for the younger generation .", "i can never understand what to do ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Because they are too violent . Some of them are even disgusting .", "responses": ["indeed there are bad games . but many of them are good .", "it 's just pretend , it does n't bother me .", "it 's no different than a movie .", "sometimes it makes me feel better to punch imaginary people .", "for me it 's just a stress outlet , i do n't take it seriously ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Indeed there are bad games . But many of them are good .", "responses": ["if boys grow up with computer games , they will surely become bad .", "i must be playing all the wrong ones then .", "which types are not violent ? what are the names ?", "i have not seen any good ones , which ones are they ?", "yes , i guess so , but there are too many violent ones ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "If boys grow up with computer games , they will surely become bad .", "responses": ["come on . things are not so bad . boys can learn to use the computer through games .", "i disagree , that 's not true", "i do n't think playing video games dictates how a person will become", "i think that 's pretty big vast over - generalization", "what makes you think that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on . Things are not so bad . Boys can learn to use the computer through games ."}], "index": 739} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you free this weekend , Miss Rose ?", "responses": ["yes , i am . what 's up ?", "i am free . what did you have in mind ?", "i am not . why ?", "i have some free time on saturday .", "i am busy every day but sunday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I am . What's up ?", "responses": ["then would you please go to a dance party with me ?", "do you want to see a movie ?", "i want to go to the beach .", "do you want to go out to dinner ?", "i was thinking of going for a hike ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Then would you please go to a dance party with me ?", "responses": ["with pleasure . i suppose you dance often .", "i 'd love to , thank you !", "sorry , i hate dancing . could we go out for coffee instead !", "that sounds like fun ! yes !", "i thought you 'd never ask !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "With pleasure . I suppose you dance often .", "responses": ["oh , no . as a matter of fact , i have n't danced for a long time .", "i have been practicing a lot more lately .", "i try to dance often , but i do n't get to as much as i would like to .", "yes , i do . how about you ? do you go often ?", "i do n't get to go much , that 's why i thought i would go this weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , no . As a matter of fact , I haven't danced for a long time .", "responses": ["but i am told that you dance wonderfully well .", "it will be nice to get you back on the dance floor again .", "i am sure you will just as good as you ever were .", "i have not been dancing in a long while so we can relearn together .", "me either ! i guess we can step on each others toes together ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "But I am told that you dance wonderfully well .", "responses": ["thanks for flattering me . i think you dance a lot , right ?", "i used to dance a lot .", "i should practice to show you how i dance .", "you will see how well i dance .", "i wish i could dance more ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thanks for flattering me . I think you dance a lot , right ?", "responses": ["no . just occasionally .", "not as often as i would like too .", "not as often as when i was younger .", "no , i kind of have 2 left feet .", "i can keep up with the best of them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . Just occasionally .", "responses": ["what 's your favorite dance ?", "wanna go dancing with me tonight ?", "should we go on a dancing adventure today ?", "show me your dancing skills , right now !", "wanna watch me dance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's your favorite dance ?", "responses": ["it 's hard to say , but i do love the foxtrot and waltz .", "my favorite would be slow dancing .", "i prefer dancing in large groups .", "my favorite type of dance is to rock and roll music .", "i do n't really have a favorite ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's hard to say , but I do love the foxtrot and waltz .", "responses": ["how about rock'n'roll ?", "wow that s great", "i like those too", "i ca nt wait to see your moves", "cool they are great"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How about rock'n'roll ?", "responses": ["to tell you the truth , i do n't like it . it 's too noisy .", "who does n't like dancing to rock music ?", "that 's really not my style .", "i prefer more structured dancing .", "i think you 're better at that than i am ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "To tell you the truth , I don't like it . It's too noisy .", "responses": ["and the tango ?", "what about salsa then ?", "i think you might like tango then .", "we can do a slow two step if you like .", "i think line dancing is up your alley then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And the tango ?", "responses": ["oh , it 's really beautiful , but i just ca n't do it well .", "i do not know that too well", "that is my favorite .", "i like that a lot", "that is my favorite ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , it's really beautiful , but I just can't do it well .", "responses": ["do n't be so modest . i 'm sure you can do it very well . then i 'll meet you at six . is that at all right ?", "i 've never tried .", "you probably do it better than me .", "let 's try something we both have n't done before .", "let 's find a place to waltz ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't be so modest . I'm sure you can do it very well . Then I'll meet you at six . Is that at all right ?", "responses": ["ok .", "yes , where should we meet ?", "how about seven ? i have to work late today .", "yes , i 'm looking forward to it .", "yes , i 'm free at six , i 'll see you then ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK .", "responses": ["great ! i 'm your lucky fellow then .", "would you like dinner after the dance ?", "i 'll be dressed in blue if you want to coordinate your outfit .", "i ca n't wait to see you this evening !", "wonderful ! i will see you and your beautiful face then !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great ! I'm your lucky fellow then ."}], "index": 740} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are an outgoing person , quite easy to talk with .", "responses": ["yes , my friends like to get along with me well .", "thank you , i appreciate hearing that .", "well , i love talking to you as well .", "that 's because i enjoy listening to you .", "i feel the same way about you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , my friends like to get along with me well .", "responses": ["do you have many friends ?", "have you always been so outgoing ?", "what do you do with your friends ?", "i wish i was outgoing , can you give me any tips ?", "i see that . i look forward to seeing where this friendship goes ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have many friends ?", "responses": ["yes , i like to make new friends .", "yes , i have a lot of friends .", "no , i only have a few friends .", "yeah , i like to meet lots of new people .", "i am a little introverted so i have only a few friends ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I like to make new friends .", "responses": ["what do you usually do with them ?", "i am a quiet person myself so you are better at making friends than i am .", "how do go about making friends so easily ?", "that is an admirable quality to possess .", "i hope to become one of your best friends ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "What do you usually do with them ?", "responses": ["we like to get together , chat and enjoy beautiful music .", "we like to go and fly some kites .", "sometimes we go swimming !", "sometimes we will watch a movie or something like that .", "just hanging out and drinking beers ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "We like to get together , chat and enjoy beautiful music ."}], "index": 741} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Doris , Helen Mall is having a big sale this weekend . Do you wanna go ?", "responses": ["do n't feel like it . i 'm broke .", "i already planned on going , let 's go together !", "yes , that 's a good idea , i need some new shoes .", "yes , but i ca n't buy anything right now , but i will go with you to look .", "i 'd love to , but i have to work this weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Don't feel like it . I'm broke .", "responses": ["well , we can still do some window shopping , can we ?", "that is a bummer , i would hate to go by myself .", "darn , i have some extra money i can give you as a early birthday present .", "we do n't have to buy anything , we can just look .", "ok , what should we do instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , we can still do some window shopping , can we ?", "responses": ["just look around ? nah , that 's boring .", "sure , but i always want to buy something .", "i still will want to buy something .", "i do n't know , i really need to save .", "okay , sounds like a fun time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Just look around ? Nah , that ' s boring .", "responses": ["i 'll go by myself then .", "is there something else you 'd rather do ?", "i 'm going because there are a few things i need . i 'll treat you to lunch if you come with me .", "i have to go because i need to get my sister a birthday gift and that 's her favorite store . maybe you can help me pick out something for her .", "i really want to go . can i convince you to change your mind ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll go by myself then ."}], "index": 742} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day .", "responses": ["great idea ! peter , i could use the drink .", "sounds good , let 's get a drink .", "we should go to the bar next door .", "where do you want to go for a drink ?", "i think that is a great idea ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink .", "responses": ["how about the new bar across the road ?", "great , where should we go ?", "should we call our wives and ask them to go with us ?", "should we play some golf , or leave that for after ?", "should we grab a bite to ear too ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "How about the new bar across the road ?", "responses": ["sounds good . the food there is fantastic too .", "okay let 's go and get some drinks !", "i do n't like that bar .", "wanna try and different bar ?", "we should go to a different town and see what bars they have !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sounds good . The food there is fantastic too .", "responses": ["i agree , i had lunch there last week .", "do you want to take my car or yours ?", "let me just close down my work station and we 'll be on our way .", "great ; i would love some good eats .", "okay ; should we invite anyone else from the office ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I agree , I had lunch there last week .", "responses": ["excellent ! that sounds like a plan .", "what time do you want to go", "should we invite any of our friends", "i ate there two days ago", "i hear their bar is great"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Excellent ! That sounds like a plan ."}], "index": 743} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , are you Chinese ?", "responses": ["no , i 'm korean . where are you from ?", "yesm and what about you ?", "no , i am korean .", "yes how can you tell ?", "only half , the other half is american ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , I'm Korean . Where are you from ?", "responses": ["i 'm from america . are you settling in all right ?", "i am from america .", "i am from china , in the northern part .", "i am also from korea !", "i am from the australia continent ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm from America . Are you settling in all right ?", "responses": ["i 've already found a flat and it 's quite comfortable . what about you ?", "yes , thank you ; i 'm settling in just fine .", "yes ; i 'm just getting used to the set up here .", "well , since you 've asked , there 's a few things you may be able to provide me .", "i 'm trying to settle in , but i 'm experiencing some jet lag ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I've already found a flat and it's quite comfortable . What about you ?", "responses": ["i live in my uncle 's house . he came here ten years ago .", "yes mine is too", "not yet", "maybe but rent is high", "trying to find a better neighborhood"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I live in my uncle's house . He came here ten years ago .", "responses": ["what do you think of the local accent here ? has it been causing you any problems ?", "oh , do you like it here ?", "wow , that s a long time . how long have you been here ?", "the is great you have a place to stay with your uncle .", "how long have you been staying with your uncle ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think of the local accent here ? Has it been causing you any problems ?", "responses": ["i think it 's just a matter of getting used to it .", "so far so good .", "sometimes it 's a little difficult but i will manage .", "a few problems here and there but i can understand most people .", "i really like the local accent . i 'm trying to practice it myself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it's just a matter of getting used to it .", "responses": ["i ca n't agree more .", "yea and also learning", "i am working on it", "it has not been easy on me", "it is hard but i am trying"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't agree more ."}], "index": 744} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Why don't you watch where you're going ?", "responses": ["me ? you 're the one who pulled out in front of me !", "i like the surprise !", "i do watch where i 'm going .", "i like to watch where i am going most of the time .", "why do you like to watch where you are going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Me ? You're the one who pulled out in front of me !", "responses": ["there was plenty of room for me to pull out . you did n't have to stay in the lane you were in .", "i do n't think so , buddy !", "oh , you are right , sorry about that .", "yea , sorry about that , having a bad day .", "sorry , my mind was somewhere else ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "There was plenty of room for me to pull out . You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in .", "responses": ["hey , listen . i had every right to stay in the lane i was in . you were supposed to wait until i passed to pull out . and anyhow , you did n't give me any time to change lanes . all of a sudden -- bang -- there you are right in front of me .", "you need to show a signal", "i have a right to the road too", "maybe you should go to driving school", "the rules apply to everyone"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hey , listen . I had every right to stay in the lane I was in . You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out . And anyhow , you didn't give me any time to change lanes . All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me .", "responses": ["i think my arm is broken .", "that 's why you need to keep your eyes on the road .", "i do n't want to argue ; i need to go .", "you could have caused an accident .", "there 's no point arguing with you ; you do n't get it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think my arm is broken .", "responses": ["sorry about your arm , but it serves you right . you need to learn how to drive . you 're lucky you did n't get killed . and i 'm lucky to be alive too .", "well maybe go to the er then . i ca n't help you .", "and who 's fault is that ?", "okay , i 'll call an ambulance then .", "and what do you want me to do ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry about your arm , but it serves you right . You need to learn how to drive . You're lucky you didn't get killed . And I'm lucky to be alive too .", "responses": ["listen , let 's just wait until the police get here . then we can decide whose fault this accident was .", "that is rude of you", "how can you be so insensitive ?", "i did not expect that from you", "i am calling the cops ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Listen , let's just wait until the police get here . Then we can decide whose fault this accident was .", "responses": ["fine with me . i know the laws of the road . i 'm not worried .", "fine .", "sounds fair to me .", "ok , but i 'll win .", "they 'll side with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Fine with me . I know the laws of the road . I'm not worried .", "responses": ["i have a cell phone in my car . now it 's probably on the floor on the passenger side . why do n't you get it for me , and then i can call the police ?", "well , you better be worried .", "i 'm done talking to you right now .", "you will be when you are paying for that ticket you 'll get .", "i 'm going to call an ambulance for my arm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I have a cell phone in my car . Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side . Why don't you get it for me , and then I can call the police ?", "responses": ["alright .", "i 'm not going to get your phone . i 'll use my phone and call the police .", "here 's your phone , but i 'll call the police . i do n't want the to hear your side of the story first .", "here 's the phone . go ahead and call the police . it was clear i was right .", "go ahead and call the police . i did nothing wrong ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Alright .", "responses": ["it does n't work . it looks like it 's broken . i need to get to a hospital . you should drive me there .", "thank you for your help .", "i 'm sorry about the accident .", "i 'll call right away .", "i 'm going to call for an ambulance , too ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "directive", "text": "It doesn't work . It looks like it's broken . I need to get to a hospital . You should drive me there .", "responses": ["oh , yeah ? it 's better if we make a police report first . then you can go to the hospital .", "my car is not working now .", "okay , i will drive you there .", "i think we should wait for the police .", "i think an ambulance will be on the way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , yeah ? It's better if we make a police report first . Then you can go to the hospital .", "responses": ["damn it ! i 'm injured here . we could wait all day for the police .", "you are right .", "will you walk to that fire station over there and ask for a paramedic ?", "can you use your phone to call ?", "but it hurts so bad !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Damn it ! I'm injured here . We could wait all day for the police .", "responses": ["well , you 'll just have to wait . i 'm not going to move my car until the police arrive . i 'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone . do n't worry . you 'll get to the hospital in time .", "i do nt want to leave the scene , you can get in trouble for that .", "no we need to wait for the police sorry .", "do nt worry i will flag someone down to call the police for us .", "you are overreacting they will be here any minute ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you'll just have to wait . I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive . I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone . Don't worry . You'll get to the hospital in time .", "responses": ["it really hurts .", "move your car asshole", "move ur fucking car", "cool after i call the cops i \u2019m calling my lawyer", "you are a dick"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "It really hurts .", "responses": ["yes , maybe it does . but if you 're going to drive like you did just now , you will have to get used to a little physical pain . you know what i mean ?", "i 'll be as quick as possible . hang tight .", "i think someone already called . i can hear a siren .", "do n't move it or you could make it worse .", "look , someone 's coming from the house right there . i think she called it in already ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , maybe it does . But if you're going to drive like you did just now , you will have to get used to a little physical pain . You know what I mean ?", "responses": ["to hell with you . the accident was your fault .", "just go . i do n't need to hear about my driving from you .", "it 's your fault for driving too fast .", "i can not believe you 're going to moralize while i 'm standing here in agony . just get some help .", "if you were a good person you 'd take me to the hospital instead of waiting ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "To hell with you . The accident was your fault .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid it was n't . and when the police get here , you will also see that it was n't . but enough of this bickering . i 'm going to go find a phone . do n't move that arm while i 'm gone . alright ?", "the accident is your fault ! and anyone who did n't get their license at walmart on the clearance isle would know that .", "let 's find a phone to get the police here to determine fault", "we are getting heated , let 's just relax until the police arrive .", "why do n't you calm down so that your arm would n't hurt as much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I'm afraid it wasn't . And when the police get here , you will also see that it wasn't . But enough of this bickering . I'm going to go find a phone . Don ' t move that arm while I'm gone . Alright ?", "responses": ["to hell with you .", "can you call an ambulance before you call the police ?", "i could n't move it if i wanted to .", "i hope they come quickly .", "please hurry !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "To hell with you ."}], "index": 745} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Bill , do you know if the cafeteria around the corner's open today ?", "responses": ["yes . they were open this morning when i came to work . they must 've finished remodeling . why do you want to know ?", "yes i think that they open at 7 am .", "yes they are open everyday of the week ..", "i am not sure you may want to give them a call .", "no they are closed every monday and wednesday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . They were open this morning when I came to work . They must've finished remodeling . Why do you want to know ?", "responses": ["well , i thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today . that is , if you have n't promised to go with someone else .", "i had nt heard about them opening yet", "did nt see thir sign on", "was hoping they were open", "love their lunch menu"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today . That is , if you haven't promised to go with someone else .", "responses": ["that 'd be wonderful , peter . but i hope you 're in a better mood than you were this morning .", "cool i \u2019m starving", "is it any good", "what are you havjng", "i did already ask someone else but we can all go together"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That'd be wonderful , Peter . But I hope you're in a better mood than you were this morning .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry i was such a grouch . it must 've been the weather . when it rains i get depressed .", "i 'm still waking up .", "oh no i feel much better now .", "i 'm not groggy anymore . it 's fine .", "okay , then it 's settled ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry I was such a grouch . It must've been the weather . When it rains I get depressed .", "responses": ["forget it . i 'll see you at 11:30 am .", "that is so sad", "sorry about that", "you will be well with time", "and now its the rain season . should we expect you to get worse ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Forget it . I'll see you at 11:30 am ."}], "index": 746} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The stepmother was very wicked . She couldn't stand a happy smile on the boy's face .", "responses": ["and ?", "oh no that is terrible , is the boy ok ?", "wow , what happened to the boy ?", "what a sad story , hopefully it ended up happier .", "wow what a terrible woman she was ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And ?", "responses": ["and she did her best to pull out the thorn in her flesh and the boy lost whatever made him happy .", "she would lock him up in his room for hours on end .", "she would not give him food until he did the laundry .", "he had to do chores or get spanked .", "she sent him off to a strange school every day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And she did her best to pull out the thorn in her flesh and the boy lost whatever made him happy .", "responses": ["poor child !", "what made her happy ?", "why was the step mother that evil", "i am sorry for the poor boy", "how did they end"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Poor child !"}], "index": 747} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sorry . I didn't mean to be late . Can I come in ?", "responses": ["what 's your excuse this time ?", "coming .", "yeah , i 'll be there in a sec .", "it 's not a problem .", "finally ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's your excuse this time ?", "responses": ["have i used the one that my sister is sick ?", "my dog got out this morning and i had to chase her down the road .", "no excuse , it wo n't happen again .", "i woke up late again . i need another alarm .", "traffic was terrible , there was an accident ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have I used the one that my sister is sick ?", "responses": ["yes , twice last week .", "you 've used that one more than once .", "i 'm sure you have , and i do n't believe it .", "your sister is sick- what is she sick with this time ?", "yes , you have . try a better excuse ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , twice last week .", "responses": ["are you sure ? i thought i said it was my mother .", "would you believe that my grandmother died ?", "well , i think i caught her illness .", "well , she 's actually still sick .", "i need to get a little more creative with my excuses ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you sure ? I thought I said it was my mother .", "responses": ["i do n't think so . but it could 've been .", "well which one was it ?", "are you being serious right now ?", "i do n't think that is very funny .", "well , i thought you said your sister was sick ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think so . But it could've been .", "responses": ["well . you can trust me this time . my sister is definitely sick . i 'm just coming from the hospital . they say she might even die .", "well my sister is sick once again ..", "well my whole family is sick this time boss ..", "i am very sick , i think i might even throw up ..", "i have been sick for a whole week , with the diarrhea !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . You can trust me this time . My sister is definitely sick . I'm just coming from the hospital . They say she might even die .", "responses": ["i do n't buy your story . try not to have any more sick relatives this week , all right ?", "i am sorry to hear than , hurry in .", "i will need you to bring in some documentation to show that .", "sorry this is the last one , you are fired .", "i hope you are not making that up , that s a terrible thing to say ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "question", "text": "I don't buy your story . Try not to have any more sick relatives this week , all right ?", "responses": ["i 'll do my best .", "sure thing", "got it", "sorry", "ill be on time from now on"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll do my best .", "responses": ["just try to be a little more punctual in the future .", "you really need to show a little more respect for other people 's time .", "have you ever thought about why you have to make so many excuses ? clearly when you make stuff up you know that the facts mean you 're in the wrong .", "next time i 'll be leaving exactly at the time i said , even if i end up going to the movies by myself .", "with all this technology available and you do everything you can to avoid being responsible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just try to be a little more punctual in the future .", "responses": ["i 'm working on it . really !", "what is punctual mean ?", "i will put all my effort into being on time .", "not to worry , i 'm on the straight and narrow now .", "i can not predict the future , but i will give you my word that being on time is a priority for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm working on it . Really !"}], "index": 748} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Becky , what's up ?", "responses": ["not much , except that my mother - in - law is driving me up the wall .", "nothing much , what 's good ?", "hey ! just finished some errands .", "who is this ?", "sorry , i 'm in a rush right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not much , except that my mother-in-law is driving me up the wall .", "responses": ["what 's the problem ?", "what 's going on ?", "so same old things again , right ?", "what has she done this time ?", "do you want to talk about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the problem ?", "responses": ["she loves to nit - pick and criticizes everything that i do . i can never do anything right when she 's around .", "all she does is complain about her problems .", "nothing i do is good enough for her little boy .", "she wants me to reschedule my life in order to suit her needs .", "she keeps saying that i 'm not a good mother to her grandchildren ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She loves to nit-pick and criticizes everything that I do . I can never do anything right when she ' s around .", "responses": ["for example ?", "my mother - in - law can be like that too . i sympathize .", "that sounds incredibly irritating .", "i 'm sorry , would you like to go somewhere and forget about her for a while ?", "i 'm sorry . is there anything i can do to help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "For example ?", "responses": ["well , last week i invited her over to dinner . my husband and i had no problem with the food , but if you listened to her , then it would seem like i fed her old meat and rotten vegetables . there 's just nothing can please her .", "she always complains about everything .", "i tried to talk to her , but she wo n't listen .", "she is always on me about everything .", "she never lets anything slide ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , last week I invited her over to dinner . My husband and I had no problem with the food , but if you listened to her , then it would seem like I fed her old meat and rotten vegetables . There's just nothing can please her .", "responses": ["no , i ca n't see that happening . i know you 're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen .", "maybe you should n't hang out with her on your weekends .", "maybe you should order out .", "do n't invite her into your house then !", "maybe she is a vegan ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I can't see that happening . I know you're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen .", "responses": ["it 's not just that . she also criticizes how we raise the kids .", "ya get to know her", "she sucks", "already has happened before", "trust me it would"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not just that . She also criticizes how we raise the kids .", "responses": ["my mother - in - law used to do the same thing to us . if it was n't disciplining them enough , then we were disciplining them too much . she also complained about the food we fed them , the schools we sent them too , and everything else under the sun .", "as i 'm sure her mother criticized her child rearing . it 's a vicious circl .", "well , parenting these days is not the same as parenting was for her .", "she should n't criticize anyone , lest she want to be criticized .", "you have to draw a line at how to questions your parenting . otherwise she will continue to think it 's appropriate and allowed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My mother-in-law used to do the same thing to us . If it wasn't disciplining them enough , then we were disciplining them too much . She also complained about the food we fed them , the schools we sent them too , and everything else under the sun ."}], "index": 749} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Ella , it's been such a long week . I'm ready to go out and party . Hey , let's go out for a night on the town .", "responses": ["gosh , you took all the word right out of my mouth . let 's go out and get crazy tonight .", "what do you wanna do ? drinks ? dancing ? dinner ?", "where do you wanna go ?", "i 'm tired . i 've had a long week too . let 's stay in and order takeout .", "my boss is making me stay late for a project ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Gosh , you took all the word right out of my mouth . Let's go out and get crazy tonight .", "responses": ["let 's go to the new club on west street .", "text me and let me know what time you want to go .", "why do n't you come get ready at my house after work ?", "sounds fun ! i ca n't wait to go .", "where do you want to meet up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's go to the new club on West Street .", "responses": ["sure , but what do i wear ?", "that sounds great ! what time do you want to go ?", "sounds good . what do you plan on wearing ?", "i agree- i 've heard great things about that club .", "i like it- i 'm ready to let me hair down for the night ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure , but what do I wear ?", "responses": ["you can wear that pretty red dress .", "that purple dress that you got last week is adorable .", "anything you like , but you must wear those new shoes ?", "you look amazing in anything you wear .", "how about we go shopping first ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can wear that pretty red dress ."}], "index": 750} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Alice , what are you doing this sunday ?", "responses": ["nothing really , why , what 's up ?", "i 'm planning to go to a family picnic .", "i 'm taking my kids to the park .", "i do n't have any plans , would you like to do something ?", "i 'm going to a concert in town , would you like to come ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nothing really , why , what ' s up ?", "responses": ["if you are free , maybe you would like to go to a small party and having for my birthday party . it will be fun , you will get to know lots of people .", "do you want to go to the beach ?", "i wanted to go see that new movie .", "i have tickets to this cool show , wanna go ?", "i wanted to hang out with you this weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you are free , maybe you would like to go to a small party and having for my birthday party . It will be fun , you will get to know lots of people .", "responses": ["sounds great , i 'd very much like to accept your invitation , thanks , when ?", "yes , i will go with you .", "okay but can i bring my pet hamster ?", "do i need to bring a gift ?", "that will be fun , count me in !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Sounds great , I'd very much like to accept your invitation , thanks , when ?", "responses": ["around six pm .", "cool next friday", "awesome ! next fri", "sweet , & of course ... sat night", "no thank u for coming .. next fri"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Around six pm .", "responses": ["do you need help setting up or anything ? i do n't mind . i like to do that kind of thing . it 's fun and i have a good eye for decorating .", "six pm sounds great , see you then !", "what type of present would you like ?", "what types of people would i meet ?", "how small is this party ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you need help setting up or anything ? I don't mind . I like to do that kind of thing . It's fun and I have a good eye for decorating .", "responses": ["no . thank you . i can handle it , but thanks for the offer .", "sure ! i 've done most of it , but come around five and to help with the finishing touches .", "thanks for the offer , but my sister has been doing it . she 's a little overprotective of her work , if you know what i mean .", "no , that 's okay . it 's just some balloons . i do n't want a lot of decorations that will just end up in a landfill somewhere .", "i know you do ! i 'm sorry i did n't think of it earlier , but it 's all done ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . thank you . I can handle it , but thanks for the offer .", "responses": ["ok , i will see you then .", "no problem . is there anything you need me to bring ?", "no problem . how many people will be there ?", "okay , do you need me to pick up some drinks ?", "okay , is it alright if i bring a friend ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ok , I will see you then .", "responses": ["great , have a good day , thanks again for the offer .", "it is going to be really fun .", "i like gift cards hint hint .", "i do not need help setting up but can you grab some plastic cups .", "this is going to be the best birthday ever ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great , have a good day , thanks again for the offer ."}], "index": 751} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello . this is Susan .", "responses": ["hello , i 'm mark . i 'm just wondering if you are free this weekend", "hi susan , what can i do for you ?", "what can i help you with ?", "susan , i am so glad you texted .", "hey susan , did you want to go see a movie ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , I ' m Mark . I ' m just wondering if you are free this weekend", "responses": ["yes , i think so .", "yes i am totally free !", "no i am going to be very busy this weekend .", "why do you ask ?", "what are your plans this weekend ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I think So .", "responses": ["good . i was thinking that i 'd like to invite you to watch a movie . i can meet you at the cinema gate .", "oh , excellent !", "good , i have an offer for you .", "i was hoping we could get together one day this weekend .", "that 's great ! i thought we could do something together ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Good . I was thinking that I ' d like to invite you to watch a movie . I can meet you at the cinema gate .", "responses": ["what 's the time ?", "great see you then", "is anyone else coming ?", "can you pick me up ?", "which movie are you planning to see ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the time ?", "responses": ["six thirty , tonight .", "around 8:00 depending on which movie . what do you want to see ?", "whatever 's good for you . we can go to an early show , or if you 'd like to go to dinner with me we could see a later one .", "that depends . there are three movies starting at different times . i 'll test it to you .", "i 'm still thinking . i have n't invited you yet . haha ! no , really . how about 8:00 ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Six thirty , tonight .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry i ca n't because i have to do some housework . you can ask jenny to go with you", "what movie do you want to see .", "okay i will see you there .", "are you going to pay for the tickets ?", "i hope the line is not long for tickets ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I ' m sorry I can ' t because I have to do some housework . You can ask Jenny to go with you", "responses": ["all right . maybe next time i can go with you . bye !", "could you go some other time ?", "do you have jenny 's number ?", "well , let 's schedule for another night .", "i 'd rather not go with jenny , but thanks for the suggestion ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "All right . Maybe next time I can go with you . Bye !", "responses": ["good bye !", "i would enjoy that .", "i look forward to hearing from you next time .", "would you like to set up a time for next weekend ?", "would you like a phone number for jenny ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Good bye !"}], "index": 752} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is life ?", "responses": ["do n't ask such a question . you know it has no certain answer . everyone knows it is in his heart .", "an autonomic response developed through millennia of evolution .", "you ca n't be serious . in what sense ?", "i do n't know . i do n't have one .", "something that can die is alive . there are different levels of it , obviously . some like lasts only seconds , while other life lasts centuries or longer . i saw a documentary a couple of weeks ago about a group that took dna from a whale up near the arctic circle and found that it was nearly 300 years old ! alive when there was active whaling , and probably even escaped it . are you snoring ? ? ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't ask such a question . You know it has no certain answer . Everyone knows it is in his heart .", "responses": ["then do you think that life is arranged by something above us .", "i know right ?", "who creaetd life ?", "did some higher being create life ?", "how do we live honestly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then do you think that life is arranged by something above us .", "responses": ["maybe , the whirligig of time , who knows ?", "i do believe in a higher power .", "sometime i do not know .", "it has to be , just look at all this around us .", "nobody knows until they died in my opinion ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Maybe , the whirligig of time , who knows ?", "responses": ["right .", "what about god ?", "do you believe in god ?", "i think life is predetermined .", "i think we all have our time to die"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right ."}], "index": 753} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "David , I ' m going to China .", "responses": ["really ? how did you get the chance ?", "wow is it a business trip ?", "what will you do there ?", "bring somehting for me", "when are you planning to go ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? How did you get the chance ?", "responses": ["you know . i took part in the chinese contest . i was the best and they gave me this reward . i do n't have to pay for my trip .", "i am going on a business trip", "i am using my airline miles .", "i am chaperoning my child 's study abroad trip .", "i am going to do some volunteer work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know . I took part in the Chinese contest . I was the best and they gave me this reward . I don ' t have to pay for my trip .", "responses": ["congratulations . how lucky you are !", "that 's wonderful !", "so proud of you ! you worked really hard for this .", "that 's so cool .", "wow ! when are you going ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Congratulations . How lucky you are !", "responses": ["thank you . i 'm leaving tomorrow morning .", "i 'm very lucky .", "i do not think it is luck but hard work .", "i hope i like china .", "i 'm glad i won i could never afford this trip on my own ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . I ' m leaving tomorrow morning .", "responses": ["i 'm sure you 'll enjoy the trip . china is such a beautiful country .", "have a good time on your trip !", "do n't forget to get a lot of rest .", "enjoy your vacation .", "bring some extra cash , so you can spend some ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sure you ' ll enjoy the trip . China is such a beautiful country .", "responses": ["i 'm sure i will .", "i 'm really looking forward to it .", "is there anything you would like me to get for you as a souvernir ?", "have you been to china before", "do you have any recommendations for what i should do ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sure I will .", "responses": ["have a nice journey , lily .", "you should look at all of the odd buildings .", "maybe you can visit some of the factories .", "do n't forget to bring me back a gift .", "is that where you have to take off your shoes to go inside ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Have a nice journey , Lily .", "responses": ["thank you , david .", "i 'll send pictures !", "will do . enjoy home life .", "take it easy while i 'm gone .", "i 'll be sure to bring back something cool for you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , David ."}], "index": 754} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Did you watch the final last night ? My favorite singer won !", "responses": ["oh , i love him too . he not only sings well but also shows perseverance when he encounters difficulties in the contest .", "not yet ! i am going to watch it tonight , i recorded it .", "yes , her voice was amazing !", "yes , but i liked the other contestant better .", "i did ! such a good show last night !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I love him too . He not only sings well but also shows perseverance when he encounters difficulties in the contest .", "responses": ["yeah , he got booted after his initial performance in the audition , but he did not give up . he then tried at another two auditions .", "i totally agree", "i know ! that 's why i like him so much .", "did you think he was going to win ?", "i 'm so excited to hear his new stuff ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , he got booted after his initial performance in the audition , but he did not give up . He then tried at another two auditions .", "responses": ["he had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest . fortunately , in the third audition , he has won popularity among the audience . and that 's when i started to notice him .", "that shows how much he really wanted it .", "he is a really hard worker .", "i 'm glad his hard work paid off .", "hopefully he puts out some new music soon ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "He had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest . Fortunately , in the third audition , he has won popularity among the audience . And that's when I started to notice him .", "responses": ["me too .", "yeah that win he got really set him apart finally .", "i started to take notice of him when he finally won has well .", "yeah , its a good thing he did n't give up after the first two losses .", "he really wanted to get in , so he never gave up . good for him ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too .", "responses": ["before he made the top three , i was so nervous . i just fear that he might be knocked out .", "well it was a brilliant performance .", "who was your second favorite ?", "what did you think of the song choices ?", "did you like any other candidates ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Before he made the top three , I was so nervous . I just fear that he might be knocked out .", "responses": ["yeah , there 're so many excellent candidates out there . who knows which one will make it to the final ?", "it is weird how you can get so caught up in this show .", "sometimes the contestants actually get a career boost from doing this .", "i admit i rush home so i wo n't miss getting to see this show .", "i really think he will become famous ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , there're so many excellent candidates out there . Who knows which one will make it to the final ?", "responses": ["absolutely . that 's why when he entered the final , i was so excited .", "the good thing for him though , is that he 's proven he 's resilient and can handle the pressure . he 's already failed and come back , which could give him and edge over the other two !", "yeah , the other two are pretty awesome . i 'm super excited for this episode .", "honestly , i 'll be happy if for any of them to win . he 's my favorite , but all three are so good !", "no matter what happens , this is going to be the most entertaining episode of the season !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Absolutely . That's why when he entered the final , I was so excited .", "responses": ["he really did a great job in the finale , especially in the pk round . he performed so well that the majority of the audience cast their votes for him .", "me too . he really gave it his all .", "he 's so deserving though . he has really worked his butt off through all of this .", "it 's crucial that you have the audience behind you .", "the audience loving him really did make the difference ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "He really did a great job in the finale , especially in the PK round . He performed so well that the majority of the audience cast their votes for him .", "responses": ["and the host announced that he won it all !", "that seems impressive . that 's a lot of votes .", "tell me more about the pk round .", "what is the pk round ?", "who was in the audience ? anyone we know ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "And the host announced that he won it all !"}], "index": 755} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Come in , come in !", "responses": ["hi , gary , what happened ? i was waiting for you at the theater . why did n't you meet me there ?", "thank you", "it 's beautiful in here .", "wow , there 's so many people .", "woah , you really transformed the place ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Gary , what happened ? I was waiting for you at the theater . Why didn ' t you meet me there ?", "responses": ["i thought we were supposed to meet here .", "i was taking a nap and forgot to set my alarm .", "oh , no ! was that tonight ? i totally forgot .", "i waited outside the box office but i did n't see you !", "i was on my way and i had a fender bender ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I thought we were supposed to meet here .", "responses": ["do n't you know our movie starts at seven ? and we were going to meet at the theater at five to seven . then it does n't make sense to meet at the apartment .", "no , gary . we were suppose to meet at the theater .", "gary , how could you do this again .", "gary , what the heck man . how did you mess this one up .", "gary , we went over this multiple times . how did you let this slip you by ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don ' t you know our movie starts at seven ? And we were going to meet at the theater at five to seven . Then it doesn ' t make sense to meet at the apartment .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . we must have misunderstood each other .", "i 'm so sorry , i 've been overwhelmed with everything .", "oh i thought the movie was at eight ! !", "i do n't know what i was thinking . so sorry about that .", "are you sure the movie starts at seven ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sorry . We must have misunderstood each other .", "responses": ["why do n't you try to be clearer about your intentions ?", "i expected something like that from you .", "it is not the end of the world .", "i wish you would have called .", "i think there is another showing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why don ' t you try to be clearer about your intentions ?", "responses": ["you 're right . i am sorry . let 's go and watch the movie .", "right back at you .", "i thought i was clear .", "maybe you should pay more attention when we make plans .", "i do n't think either one of us is to blame for a simple miscommunication ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You ' re right . I am sorry . Let ' s go and watch the movie .", "responses": ["it 's okay . i do n't want to go now . we 've already missed ten minutes of the movie . i do n't want to see a movie without watching the beginning .", "this is always a problem with you .", "okay . it 's just really irresponsible of you to keep me waiting .", "thanks for apologizing . just try to be more clear about your intentions next time .", "could you work on being more clear about your intentions from now on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s okay . I don ' t want to go now . We ' Ve already missed ten minutes of the movie . I don ' t want to see a movie without watching the beginning ."}], "index": 756} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , i am a new student here . Could you tell me where the English Department is ?", "responses": ["it is in that brand new , tall building over there . on the 9th floor .", "i 'll walk with you .", "welcome ! it 's right over there .", "you 're on the wrong side of campus . here 's a map .", "keep to your left until you see the blue building ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is in that brand new , tall building over there . On the 9th floor .", "responses": ["where is the school cafeteria ?", "thank you .", "i see it , thank you for your help .", "the one with the brick front or the concrete building ?", "will i need to sign in to the building ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where is the school cafeteria ?", "responses": ["it is the basement of that red building in front of the tower with big bells .", "i do n't know .", "it is past the auditorium to the left .", "our school does n't have a cafeteria .", "beats me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is the basement of that red building in front of the tower with big bells .", "responses": ["where is the computer center ?", "thanks so much", "thanks for the help ! have you been a student here long ?", "cool ! thanks so much . what do you study here ?", "nice . what is the tower with the bells ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where is the Computer Center ?", "responses": ["the computer center is on the first floor of the library .", "what am i , the answer man ?", "you know there is an information center in the same building as the english department .", "i am surprised they did not give you a map packet .", "what computer class are you taking ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The Computer Center is on the first floor of the library .", "responses": ["where is the library ?", "how about the library ?", "is there a courtyard ?", "how do you get to the nearest bathroom from here ?", "thank you so much for the help !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where is the library ?", "responses": ["the library is next to the adminstration building . the adminstration building is over there near the school 's main entrance . there are school maps for free in the lobby of the admin .", "the library is also in the brand new , tall building over there .", "the library is across the street .", "the library is behind the red building .", "the library is next to the brand new , tall building on the right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The library is next to the Adminstration Building . The Adminstration Building is over there near the school ' s main entrance . There are school maps for free in the lobby of the Admin .", "responses": ["thank you . i will go get one .", "where is the admin building ?", "do they have any maps that are written in braille ? i am completely blind .", "is the main entrance the same one that i came into ? can you help me find it ?", "i want to thank you for you 're help !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . I will go get one .", "responses": ["sure . glad to be of service . by the way , my name is mike sullivan . you will see me around a lot . i am running for president of the student government .", "i m glad to be of help .", "have a great day .", "if you have any other questions just come and ask anytime . i m always here to help .", "would you like me to show you the way ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . Glad to be of service . By the way , my name is Mike Sullivan . You will see me around a lot . I am running for President of the Student Government .", "responses": ["well , hi ! my name is eve markowski . i am glad to meet you . with your friendly smile and helpful attitude . i am sure you will win .", "well , you have my vote !", "that 's great , i hope you win !", "thanks again !", "thank you , mike . see you around ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , hi ! My name is Eve Markowski . I am glad to meet you . With your friendly smile and helpful attitude . I am sure you will win .", "responses": ["thanks you for the encouragement .", "thanks , i hope so .", "that 's kind of you to say , thank you .", "i 'm not so sure about that .", "i will certainly do my best ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks you for the encouragement .", "responses": ["you are welcome . i 'd better go . goodbye .", "thank you . i wish you luck .", "your welcome and thanks again . nice to meet you .", "have a nice day .", "thanks i will be sure to vote for you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are welcome . I ' d better go . Goodbye .", "responses": ["have a good day . bye - bye !", "if you have any other questions come find me in 123 stoddard . that is my dorm .", "if you have any other questions come find me in 123 stoddard . that is my dorm .", "you can add me to your phone if you think you may more questions .", "do n't forgot to vote in the elections this friday ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Have a good day . Bye-Bye !"}], "index": 757} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about another beer ?", "responses": ["no , thanks . i 've had more than enough . in fact , i must be running along .", "oh no , i 've had too much tonight .", "i 'd love to but i 'm trying to cut back .", "i 'm the designated driver so none for me .", "i 'd like a lager please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thanks . I've had more than enough . In fact , I must be running along .", "responses": ["stay around for a while . the party is warming up .", "would you like a water or anything non - alcoholic for the ride home ?", "very good . i 'll get your check .", "well please drive carefully .", "have a good night ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Stay around for a while . The party is warming up .", "responses": ["i 'm afraid i have to leave . i have to be up early tomorrow .", "sorry , i ca nt stay i got places to be .", "i would like to stay and drink some more , but i really got ta get going .", "no thanks . got things to do .", "maybe next time man , i got ta head out though ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid I have to leave . I have to be up early tomorrow ."}], "index": 758} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We have another traditional holiday-the Dragon Boat Festival .", "responses": ["when is it ?", "what does the holiday represent ?", "is this more a religious or national holiday ?", "oh wow , do you have pictures ?", "can you elaborate on that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When is it ?", "responses": ["it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month .", "i 'm not sure .", "in november .", "sometime after the kite festival .", "the second saturday in november every year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month .", "responses": ["could you tell me the origin of the two festivals ?", "i have no idea when that is .", "oh , so learning the actual date is kind of a puzzle ?", "that 's cool . what do you do there ?", "how long has that tradition been going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Could you tell me the origin of the two festivals ?", "responses": ["ok . the dragon boat festival is a way to commemorate a great ancient poet named quyuan . on that day , people will hold a boat race as a symbol of the attempt to save him who threw himself into the river .", "i really do n't know much more about them .", "i would love to .", "yeah , lets do it over a cup of coffee .", "i would love to . do you want to go to lunch and i can explain there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . The Dragon Boat Festival is a way to commemorate a great ancient poet named Quyuan . On that day , people will hold a boat race as a symbol of the attempt to save him who threw himself into the river .", "responses": ["why do people eat rice cakes on that day ?", "what are some of quyuan 's works ?", "tell me why he threw himself into the river .", "wow , can you tell me what kinds of boats are racing ?", "why was he such a great poet ? did he write anything i would know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do people eat rice cakes on that day ?", "responses": ["in order to prevent the fish from eating the poet 's body .", "actually , i 'm not sure . i grew up doing it so it just comes natural .", "not everyone does .", "it 's just a long held tradition .", "it was something that was easily available when the festival first started ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In order to prevent the fish from eating the poet's body .", "responses": ["it sounds so moving .", "tell me more about quyuan , sounds interesting .", "how does eating rice cakes prevent that ?", "what about the other festival ?", "sounds fun ! what else happens ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It sounds so moving ."}], "index": 759} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Nice to see you , Patrick .", "responses": ["bob ! i hear your team won the match .", "good to see you too .", "great to see you also . how have you been ?", "it 's nice seeing you too .", "so nice to see you too . what have you been up to ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Bob ! I hear your team won the match .", "responses": ["yeah . all of us tried our best .", "you heard right ! we really beat em bad !", "no , patrick . you heard wrong . we lost .", "who told you that ? who is running around talking about my team ?", "yes we won , because the other team never showed up and we won by default ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . All of us tried our best .", "responses": ["congratulations !", "congrats !", "how many points did you win by ?", "maybe next time i can come and watch .", "so does that mean you guys are going to the finals ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Congratulations !"}], "index": 760} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think you're being a little naive .", "responses": ["if i want , i can protect myself by paying through an escrow account , which holds the money until i receive the item .", "why do you say that ?", "naive ? i am not being naive !", "i think you are being a bit judgemental and over - critical .", "why on earth would you say that ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If I want , I can protect myself by paying through an escrow account , which holds the money until I receive the item .", "responses": ["that proves my point ! protect yourself or you 'll get burned .", "that is a smart idea .", "i m glad to know you have though this through .", "it could still be dangerous because they will have access to where you live . so please be careful .", "how long till you recieve the item ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That proves my point ! Protect yourself or you'll get burned .", "responses": ["ebay also offers free insurance . you can get a refund of up to $ 200 if you 're not satisfied with your purchase .", "maybe i should reconsider ?", "i know what i 'm doing , but thanks for looking out for me !", "i 'll loo", "i 'll look into the escrow service ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "eBay also offers free insurance . You can get a refund of up to $ 200 if you're not satisfied with your purchase .", "responses": ["$ 200 ? if they get a hold of your credit card number , you 're going to be out a lot more than $ 200 ! i had a friend who ...", "my point remains , protect yourself first .", "well what about the amount over 200.00 you lose ?", "still not worth taking the chance .", "i still think you are being naive !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "$ 200 ? If they get a hold of your credit card number , you're going to be out a lot more than $ 200 ! I had a friend who ..."}], "index": 761} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Your knowledge of English is really surprising .", "responses": ["oh , it 's nothing to speak of .", "is it really that surprising ?", "i m glad to have impressed you .", "i m also quite fluent in french .", "why does it surprise you ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , it's nothing to speak of .", "responses": ["no , seriously . i am impressed .", "was that your college major ?", "yeah , but it 's your second language , you speak better than me and it 's my native language .", "you must be a writer ?", "are you an english teacher ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "No , seriously . I am impressed .", "responses": ["thank you . i appreciate the compliment .", "well thank you , but really it 's nothing .", "i pride myself on speaking properly .", "my job requires such professionalism it became a habit .", "that 's so kind of you to say ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . I appreciate the compliment ."}], "index": 762} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello ?", "responses": ["hey tina . what are you doing ?", "hi , is my dad there ?", "it 's me , can you talk ?", "hi , i 'm calling to place an order .", "is this lee chan restaurant ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Tina . What are you doing ?", "responses": ["i was just watching tv . what 's going on with you ?", "getting ready to go shopping .", "heading out to lunch , want to join me ?", "just working in the yard today .", "getting ready to go to the hairdresser ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I was just watching TV . What's going on with you ?", "responses": ["i just watched a movie and i 'm scared .", "i was just cleaning and needed a break .", "i am trying to figure out what to cook for dinner .", "i m getting ready for a party .", "i m going to the movies later with my kids ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I just watched a movie and I'm scared .", "responses": ["what did you watch ?", "what was the movie ?", "do want me to come over and visit for a while ?", "was it a horror movie ?", "look out behind you ! just kidding ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you watch ?", "responses": ["i saw the sixth sense . i did n't know it was going to be so scary .", "the babadook .", "the exorcist . so scary .", "the shining . i do every halloween .", "hereditary . i knew i should n't have watched it alone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I saw the Sixth Sense . I didn't know it was going to be so scary .", "responses": ["i remember that . it was a great movie . but it was definitely scary .", "yikes , i thought that one was pretty scary too .", "oh , it was n't that scary .", "i have n't seen that one but now that i know it 's scary , i 've got to see it .", "i 'm not going to watch that then , for sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I remember that . It was a great movie . But it was definitely scary .", "responses": ["if you 're not busy , do you want to come over ? i 'm afraid to be alone .", "yeah , i was n't expecting it ! i jumped out of my seat !", "i know . it was a lot scarier than i expected !", "it was good . i definitely need to check out more scary movies !", "yeah , really . maybe i should n't watch scary movies so late at night . i could n't sleep well !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you're not busy , do you want to come over ? I'm afraid to be alone .", "responses": ["sure . i can come over . what should we do ?", "sure , i 'll be right over .", "i ca n't come right now , but i can come in an hour .", "you 'll be fine . it 's just a movie .", "watch a funny movie on tv . it will take your mind off the sixth sense ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . I can come over . What should we do ?", "responses": ["how about if we watch a comedy . i need something to get my mind off the frightening images i have from the sixth sense .", "let 's watch a comedy !", "we could play board games .", "i made a lasagna -- we could eat that up !", "pig out on ice cream and girl talk ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "How about if we watch a comedy . I need something to get my mind off the frightening images I have from the Sixth Sense .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll get ready and leave . i 'll see you in about 20 minutes .", "sounds like a plan .", "ill be there shortly .", "we should watch how to lose a guy in 10 days .", "we should watch gaurdians of the galaxy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok . I'll get ready and leave . I'll see you in about 20 minutes .", "responses": ["hurry , ok . it 's dark out .", "please hurry . i 'm really feeling anxious after that movie", "that sounds good . just do n't be too long as i hate being alone right now .", "okay , please be quick . i 'm shaking as i sit here .", "good . hurry up and get here so i wo n't be alone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hurry , ok . It's dark out .", "responses": ["do n't worry , nothings going to happen . i 'll be there real soon .", "i 'll text you when i reach your home .", "i 'm on the way", "any snacks you want me to bring ?", "should i rent a movie ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't worry , nothings going to happen . I'll be there real soon .", "responses": ["ok . see you soon .", "ok thanks , i feel silly to be scared .", "please hurry anyway .", "ok i 'm going to call and order a pizza for us .", "ok sounds good , are you hungry ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok . See you soon ."}], "index": 763} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "are you a blogger ?", "responses": ["sure i am . i 've been writing a blog for almost three years .", "no i 'm not . why do you ask ?", "yes i am as a matter of fact .", "yes , who could you tell ?", "no and i do n't deal with that stuff ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "sure I am . I've been writing a blog for almost three years .", "responses": ["oh , it seems that i 'm the only one who never blogs . when did you get started ?", "what is your blog about ?", "that s great i have always wanted to try that .", "i love blogs .", "what is the name of your blog ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "oh , it seems that I'm the only one who never blogs . When did you get started ?", "responses": ["i began blogging when i first went to the us for my graduate strides .", "i started in 2017 with a blog titled lazy dayz .", "i have been blogging for five years and have had three different blogs .", "i have been blogging for five years and have had three different blogs .", "i started in 2016 . do you want some tips on how to get started ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I began blogging when I first went to the US for my graduate strides .", "responses": ["what do you usually write about ?", "what do you blog about ?", "do you enjoy it ?", "why did you start blogging ?", "do you think i 'd like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "what do you usually write about ?", "responses": ["at first , i 'll write about my life there . like interesting things on the campus , travel stories , special english words that i come across . sometimes , i 'll post my pictures on my blog so my family an", "i love to write about my travels .", "i usually blog about my experiences with people .", "i typically stick with what i 'm reading about at the time .", "my revelations , you know , those ah ha moments ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "at first , I'll write about my life there . Like interesting things on the campus , travel stories , special English words that I come across . Sometimes , I'll post my pictures on my blog so my family an", "responses": ["that 's interesting . how often do you write a blog ?", "that sounds really interesting . what 's your blog called so i can look it up ?", "cool ! what website do you use to host your blog on ? it seems a bit intimidating ?", "that 's great . maybe i should look into blogging . it seems interesting !", "that 's nice . do you have any other family or friends that blog ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that's interesting . How often do you write a blog ?", "responses": ["it 's random . if there happen to be a lot of things going on , i may add several new entries in a week , and if i 've got nothing to share , i may leave my blog untouched for weeks .", "i write whenever i get a spare moment .", "i am committed to write for a half hour every morning .", "i write when i have a good idea .", "i write when i see something interesting on the news or on the internet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's random . If there happen to be a lot of things going on , I may add several new entries in a week , and if I've got nothing to share , I may leave my blog untouched for weeks .", "responses": ["got it . are you still updating your blog ?", "you ought to consider developing your insights in a longer - form format .", "maybe you could also write on scholarly topics related to your studies .", "you make me want to blog too !", "i 'd like to read it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "got it . Are you still updating your blog ?", "responses": ["sure , since i came back from the us , i 've been keeping the habit of blogging , simply to share my personal insights on any topic i like .", "yes , i do . i do n't do it regularly , but if i have topic to share , i 'll always do it . i 'm trying my best to update my blog regularly .", "no , it depends . if i 'm busy , i do n't update my blog for weeks . however , i may have some inspiration and write a few articles for my blog in couple days .", "i 'm always trying , but sometimes i do n't publish anything for weeks . it depends on my schedule and inspiration .", "yes , i do . honestly , i do n't do it regularly , but i do n't have a goal to do so . the most important for me is write interesting materials for my followers . so if i did n't publish something for couple weeks , it 's ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "sure , since I came back from the US , I've been keeping the habit of blogging , simply to share my personal insights on any topic I like .", "responses": ["good for you . i know many people just leave their blogs alone after the first few months .", "do your readers ever message you about your blogs ?", "do you ever read your old blogs to reminisce on your times in the us ?", "it might be nice to have a permanent account of all your travels .", "i bet your family loves being able to keep up with you that way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "good for you . I know many people just leave their blogs alone after the first few months ."}], "index": 764} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you found a new job yet ?", "responses": ["no , not yet . i 'm still looking . i 've been doing some work through a temp - agency though .", "not yet but i have applied at four stores .", "yes thanks for asking . i start tuesday .", "no but i have an interview tomorrow .", "yes hopefully i go back for my second interview tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , not yet . I ' m still looking . I ' Ve been doing some work through a temp-agency though .", "responses": ["what kind of work ?", "yes , i start work next week for ups .", "no , but i have a few promising leads .", "no , but i have a few promising leads .", "no , but i have a few promising leads ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of work ?", "responses": ["i 'm temping at a pharmaceutic company .", "depends on the day .", "they 've got me helping a small business answer phones .", "boring stuff , answering phones , opening mail .", "mainly i get sent out to clean up sites ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m temping at a pharmaceutic company .", "responses": ["what do you do there ?", "that sounds good . could it become permanent ?", "i 've always wanted to work as a pharmacist .", "that sounds pretty boring .", "how is it going there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you do there ?", "responses": ["mostly office work - filing and so on .", "i help with managing the meetings and scheduling of one of the departments", "i work on some of the graphic design projects there", "i assist with managing some of the paperwork and help out with scheduling in the department there", "i assist the hr department with managing their employees ' benefits and insurance filings"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mostly office work - filing and so on .", "responses": ["how long is the assignment ?", "how long have you been working there ?", "how much do you get paid an hour ?", "which agency are you working through ? i might want to try them out .", "do you think the company will eventually hire you >"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long is the assignment ?", "responses": ["till the end of the month .", "it 's on a weekly stringer basis with no guaranteed renewal .", "it 's open - ended .", "only till the person i 'm covering for comes back from vacation , but there 's a possibility of a full - time opening .", "four weeks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Till the end of the month ."}], "index": 765} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This is just for you . Cheers ! Bottoms up .", "responses": ["en ... it tastes good . i appreciate what you have done for me .", "thanks and cheers to you too !", "yummy . bottoms up to you too .", "i appreciate it and thanks .", "well thanks a million have your next one on me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "En ... it tastes good . I appreciate what you have done for me ."}], "index": 766} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry , ladies . Mr . Smith's viewing is over . It ended an hour ago .", "responses": ["but we just drove across town . ca n't we just go in to see him one last ...", "is there another viewing ?", "can you tell how his wife is doing ?", "can you tell me when the funeral is ?", "do you have his wife 's phone number ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "directive", "text": "But we just drove across town . Can't we just go in to see him one last ...", "responses": ["i 'm afraid not . but at tomorrow 's funeral , the family requested an open casket service .", "i 'm so sorry . we 've got another viewing that we need to get ready .", "i understand , but only five minutes .", "okay , but please know i 'll have to be quick .", "unfortunately not . he 's already been removed from the viewing room . i 'm sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm afraid not . But at tomorrow's funeral , the family requested an open casket service .", "responses": ["this is all too fast . he 's my best friend , and now he 's gone .", "ok , thank you .", "i understand .", "i 'm sorry we missed it .", "atleast we can say our good byes tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "This is all too fast . He's my best friend , and now he's gone .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . i know it must have come as a great shock .", "i 'm very sorry . i have to follow the family 's wishes . you will have to return tomorrow .", "i 'm sorry , we have already cleared up the room and mr . smith is being prepared for the services tomorrow .", "i understand . mr . smith is n't in this building anymore though and was moved after the viewing . the funeral is tomorrow and you will be able to see him then .", "i 'm sorry the family requested no more visitors after the viewing was over as mr . smith will need to be prepared for services tomorrow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry . I know it must have come as a great shock .", "responses": ["the viewing was for saying goodbye , and i did n't even get that .", "i 've known him since i was five years old .", "i was out of town and just found out he died .", "i do n't know what i will do without him around .", "we meet for coffee every friday morning ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "The viewing was for saying goodbye , and I didn't even get that ."}], "index": 767} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I can ' t bear it . The driver is too bad .", "responses": ["he must be green . it 's lucky that we will get off soon .", "can you get out of the car ?", "how much longer is the drive ?", "i hope it did n't cost too much .", "they are n't drunk or anything right ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He must be green . It ' s lucky that we will get off soon ."}], "index": 768} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I prefer potatoes to eggplants .", "responses": ["i feel eggplants are more nutritious .", "why is that ?", "i totally agree with you .", "eggplant parmesian is pretty good though", "especially french fries !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I feel eggplants are more nutritious .", "responses": ["but as a matter of fact , potatoes taste better .", "i do n't like the texture of eggplants though . they 're kind of spongey !", "i like the taste of potatoes so much more , especially with seasonings !", "there 's so much more you can do with potatoes like fries , baked potatoes , roasted , latkes , homefries , etc .", "yeah , you 're right they are more nutritious . i should start eating healthier !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But as a matter of fact , potatoes taste better .", "responses": ["oh , that 's how you see it .", "eggplants taste great . they are my favorite vegetable .", "i learned to like eggplant by eating them more often .", "i agree with you , potatoes do taste better .", "there are all sorts of different recipes to prepare eggplant . you should try some of them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that's how you see it ."}], "index": 769} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That way they look longer .", "responses": ["now what are you doing ?", "i do n't know , it still sounds unattractive to me .", "and once they 're looking longer they 're more likely to buy , right ?", "i 'll definitely have to try that !", "yeah , i 've heard stripes have that effect ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Now what are you doing ?", "responses": ["putting on mascara .", "i need to clarify .", "nothing really interesting . how about you ?", "just listening music . what about you ?", "i 'm doing homework ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Putting on mascara .", "responses": ["nasty . you 'd better not rub your eyes .", "why do you use mascara ?", "does n't that stuff get in your eyes ?", "what happens if you rub your eyes after you put it on ?", "your eyelashes look fine without mascara !"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "directive", "text": "Nasty . You'd better not rub your eyes .", "responses": ["i wo n't .", "do n't worry i 'm good at this .", "do you want to help me ?", "i 'm okay with using mascara .", "i will be careful ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I won't .", "responses": ["and you 'd better not cry or you 'll have black streaks running down your face .", "i do n't think you should wear that until your eye gets better .", "i hope you do n't get your other eye infected too .", "are you sure you should be wearing makeup today ?", "well , ok as long as you do n't make it worse ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And you'd better not cry or you'll have black streaks running down your face ."}], "index": 770} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let's have some lunch ; do you know of a great restaurant somewhere ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'm hungry . what types of food sound good ?", "i know a brew pub with great ipa !", "if you like italian luigi 's has the best stuffed pizza !", "las palmas has gigantic mission - style burritos to die for .", "the chinese buffet has lots of good stuff ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I'm hungry . What types of food sound good ?", "responses": ["maybe just a quick sandwich , salad , or something .", "i like asian food .", "let 's go for spicy food ? how about korean ?", "let 's find pizza ? i want cheese pizza", "any food is ok for me . so choose , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe just a quick sandwich , salad , or something .", "responses": ["i have a great idea of where you might like to go .", "i know a great place around the corner . it 's a new deli .", "there 's a sandwich shop down the road we can stop at .", "i 'd prefer to sit down and have a big meal .", "that sounds good to me , too . do you know anywhere good ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have a great idea of where you might like to go .", "responses": ["can we walk there ?", "okay lets go now .", "where are we going to eat ?", "i am hungry let 's go now .", "what will you get to eat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can we walk there ?", "responses": ["it 's on the second floor . may i join you ?", "yes , actually we can walk , it 's very close .", "no , but i have my car with me .", "yes , it 's just down the block .", "no , but i have already called an uber so you can ride with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's on the second floor . May I join you ?", "responses": ["of course ! let 's go .", "yes please .", "absolutely !", "i 'll meet you by the elevators .", "i 'll stop by your desk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course ! Let's go .", "responses": ["let 's hurry . i 'm starving !", "sweet ! i recommend the blt .", "awesome . thanks for letting me tag along .", "sounds good . my treat .", "cool . on my way to your desk now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's hurry . I'm starving !"}], "index": 771} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "What are you going to do next year ?", "responses": ["i want to go traveling .", "i did n't have time to think about it .", "it depends what you mean . are you asking about job or travel plans ?", "i 'd like to run a marathon in new york . do you want to join me ?", "i 'd like to run a marathon in new york . do you want to join me ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to go traveling .", "responses": ["do you have any where in mind ?", "where do you plan to travel to ?", "where would you like to go ?", "do you have any destinations in mind ?", "that sounds great , i love to travel , too ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any where in mind ?", "responses": ["yes , i 've been thinking about florida .", "i want to visit japan .", "not sure yet , somewhere nice would be good .", "i will go to asia and visit the cultures .", "anywhere , want to come ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I've been thinking about Florida ."}], "index": 772} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Like a cat on hot bricks , as you might say . I don ' t believe you are listening at all .", "responses": ["sorry , i just worried about him . you know , he should be here an hour ago .", "i 'm listening , do n't worry .", "oh sorry , i am distracted by something .", "i am sorry i have many things on my mind .", "yeah , a cat on hot bricks hahaha ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I just worried about him . You know , he should be here an hour ago .", "responses": ["do n't worry him , he has been grown up and i think he can take himself very well .", "i 'm sure it 's just traffic , it 's been terrible lately .", "has he called you at all ?", "should n't he have called you to say why he is late ?", "why do n't you try calling him to see why he is late ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t worry him , he has been grown up and I think he can take himself very well .", "responses": ["but he still does not come back .", "i know , but i ca n't help wondering regardless .", "he 's been having a lot of issues lately .", "i guess you 're right .", "i hope so ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But he still does not come back .", "responses": ["maybe he is on the way home now .", "you have to let him figure it out on his own .", "he 'll be back when he 's ready .", "i think you 're overreacting . do n't get mad at me for saying that .", "his phone could be dead . he lost track of time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe he is on the way home now ."}], "index": 773} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long have you been in England ?", "responses": ["for almost two years .", "i just arrived yesterday .", "i got here last month and i do n't want to leave .", "i got here two days ago and i 'm leaving next week .", "i moved here when i was 18 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "For almost two years .", "responses": ["almost two years ? your english is very good .", "i 've been here for six months .", "wow , almost the same as me ! got here in 2017 .", "what do you like most about england ?", "that 's a long time . do you get homesick ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Almost two years ? Your English is very good .", "responses": ["thank you . but there 's still a lot for me to learn .", "thank you ! i 've been practicing in my down time .", "i appreciate that . you 've helped me a lot .", "that 's kind of you but i have a long way to go", "it could always be better but thanks"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . But there's still a lot for me to learn ."}], "index": 774} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The Johnson are on their way back . You remember them , don't you ?", "responses": ["johnson ? i ca n't place them .", "how could i forget !", "awesome !", "i 've missed them .", "i was just thinking about them the other day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Johnson ? I can't place them .", "responses": ["we met them in bermuda last may .", "johnson is the guy who eats mangoes for lunch every day .", "he 's that guy who wore the sombrero to work prom .", "maybe you never met him . you 'd remember if you did .", "johnson ! the one with the toupee ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We met them in Bermuda last May .", "responses": ["they 've completely slipped my mind .", "oh i remember them now .", "that s right , they were a nice couple .", "yes i recall now - are they stopping by here ?", "i do n't remember - where did we meet them ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They've completely slipped my mind .", "responses": ["the couple with the dogs , think back .", "you never remember anything .", "how could you forget them ?", "they sat with us at dinner .", "remember we all drank rum ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The couple with the dogs , think back .", "responses": ["no , i do n't recall a thing about them .", "i ca n't remember them .", "where they an older couple ?", "where they doing anything memorable ?", "what kind of dogs did they have ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I don't recall a thing about them .", "responses": ["well , i 've invited them for brunch .", "they used to walk their dogs on the beach every morning .", "they had a little black dog and a brown dog .", "remember you petted their little dog and said you wanted one like that .", "they bought us a round of drinks the last night we were there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I've invited them for brunch .", "responses": ["hmm , i must be getting absent - minded .", "well , hopefully i remember something .", "i 'm sure something will come to mind .", "i will remember when i see them .", "i hope i have something to talk about ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hmm , I must be getting absent-minded ."}], "index": 775} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "His grandfather is the richest person in the area .", "responses": ["what a miser ! he cycles to school every day .", "even richer than eric 's dad ?", "explains the attitude .", "oh he 's one of those michaelsons .", "then why is he always pretending he 's poor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What a miser ! He cycles to school every day .", "responses": ["his grandfather 's money is not his .", "that 's how he saved his money .", "good for the environment though .", "maybe he just does n't know how to drive .", "i should be taking notes ! i 'm broke ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "His grandfather's money is not his .", "responses": ["i ca n't understand him anyway .", "wow that 's got to be tough .", "i wonder if he is in line for the inheritance ?", "gee , i 'd be mowing his lawn if it was me", "do you think he 'll ever see any of it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't understand him anyway ."}], "index": 776} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did he say ?", "responses": ["he said he would tell us the secret of becoming a successful man .", "not to come if we have n't left yet .", "not to forget the camera .", "pick up more beer on our way over .", "we need to pick up denise from work ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He said he would tell us the secret of becoming a successful man .", "responses": ["it 's too good to be true ! if i were there , i would ask him if he himself was a successful man .", "are you sure that is what he said ?", "he really said that ?", "is he successful ?", "i wish i could hear ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s too good to be true ! If I were there , I would ask him if he himself was a successful man .", "responses": ["nobody would drive him up a wall by asking him such a question , you know .", "you should and he would probably tell you some secrets !", "maybe you should talk with him .", "you should probably listen and stop being skeptical .", "what do you think he would say to that ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Nobody would drive him up a wall by asking him such a question , you know ."}], "index": 777} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wonder what he looks like . Oh , I can't wait to see him ! His email said he'd be wearing a white hat . oh , there he is .", "responses": ["hey , isabelle ...", "oh just relax , let him find you first .", "stay calm , you do n't want to look over anxious .", "he looks like a keeper to me !", "will you look at the jeans he has on - oh god !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "hey , Isabelle ...", "responses": ["logan ! why on earth are you hiding here ? white hat ! come on ! do n't tell me you 're the guy ! it ca n't be true .", "hello .", "nice to meet you .", "the white hat is easy to spot .", "you look just as i expected ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Logan ! Why on earth are you hiding here ? White hat ! Come on ! Don't tell me you're the guy ! It can't be true .", "responses": ["yes , i am the guy ...", "it is true and i am the guy !", "do you see that i have a white on ?", "does it look like i am wearing a white hat ?", "i think that you are looking in the wrong place ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , I am the guy ...", "responses": ["what a bummer ! you set me up ?", "why did n't you tell me ?", "how could you deceive me like this ?", "i had no idea it was you !", "why did you pretend to be someone else ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "what a bummer ! You set me up ?", "responses": ["let me explain . i did n't mean to hurt you ...", "yes , i set you up .", "i really just wanted to see you .", "i did n't know what else to do .", "i really wanted to talk to you about something ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "let me explain . I didn't mean to hurt you ..."}], "index": 778} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "We are just going round the corner for a drink . Won't you join us ?", "responses": ["well , i 'd like to , but i am not sure i have time .", "sure , let me grab my coat .", "i ca n't - i need to stay late and finish up these reports .", "thanks , that sounds like fun .", "that sounds like fun , let me just finish up this email"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Well , I'd like to , but I am not sure I have time .", "responses": ["oh , come on ! just a quick one !", "i will only take a minute .", "do you need to be back early ?", "it will be fun .", "come on ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Oh , come on ! Just a quick one !", "responses": ["all right , just a quick one .", "okay i will join you .", "no i do n't have any time for that .", "unfortunately i will have to pass .", "okay i will have time for only one drink ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right , just a quick one ."}], "index": 779} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me Miao Li . Could you tell me who Jackie Chan is ?", "responses": ["certainly . jackie chan is a very famous movie star in hong kong . his chinese name is cheng long .", "jackie chan is an actor .", "he is from hong kong .", "what would you like to know ?", "i do n't know much about him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Certainly . Jackie Chan is a very famous movie star in Hong Kong . His Chinese name is Cheng Long .", "responses": ["ha , i know cheng long a lot , he has made 40 films since 1976 . and at that time he was promoted as the new bruce lee . but i 'm not familiar with his english name .", "do you like him ?", "what is your favorite jackie chan movie ?", "have you seen alot of his work ?", "do you like asian actors ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ha , I know Cheng Long a lot , he has made 40 films since 1976 . And at that time he was promoted as the new Bruce Lee . But I'm not familiar with his English name .", "responses": ["ok . then tell me what else you know .", "yeah , i guess he changed his name for his movies in the states .", "i was not familiar with the name cheng long .", "i did n't realize ha had his name changed .", "i wonder why he changed his name ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . Then tell me what else you know .", "responses": ["some movie stars measure their worth by how many millions of dollars they make . do you know how jackie chan measures his worth ?", "he was a huge star in china .", "he was supposed to be the greatest ever .", "he starred in almost every action movie in china .", "he was a big star in china before he came to america ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Some movie stars measure their worth by how many millions of dollars they make . Do you know how Jackie Chan measures his worth ?", "responses": ["he measures his worth by how many of his bones he has fractured while executing his film , incredible stunts . by the way , can you count the breaks ?", "yes he is worth many millions", "he is among the richest stars", "i am not sure of that", "no"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "He measures his worth by how many of his bones he has fractured while executing his film , incredible stunts . By the way , can you count the breaks ?", "responses": ["sure . his skull , his eyes , his nose , three times , his jaw , his shoul - der , is chest , two fingers , a knee . as he said'everything from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet ! '", "i ca n't personally count them , but i can look up how many he had . what 's your guess on the number of bones he has broken ?", "i 'm not able too , but he could . do you think he has broken more bones than anyone else in the world ?", "you can look up how many he has broken . do you think he even knows how many have been broken after all these years ?", "we could look them up . i wonder how he 's broken the most bones . do you think it was fighting or doing stunts for movies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . His skull , his eyes , his nose , three times , his jaw , his shoul-der , is chest , two fingers , a knee . As he said ' Everything from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet ! '", "responses": ["indeed you know much about him .", "true . he considers it as great achievement .", "well , it 's his life and he is happy about all experience he had .", "this is great knowledge about him .", "you know really a lot about him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Indeed you know much about him .", "responses": ["this is because he is the action - movie incarnate or action - star extraordinaire around the world .", "that 's because i did a lot of research , and found great detail on his history .", "of course ! he was friends with my neighbor , and i 've been told many stories .", "i learned a lot about him because i 'm a member of his fan club !", "not really . most of that information is readily available online ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This is because he is the action-movie incarnate or action-star extraordinaire around the world ."}], "index": 780} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry , but I can't find the book you lent me .", "responses": ["oh , that 's all right .", "that 's alright i already read it twice .", "well , maybe it will turn up soon .", "did you look in your car ?", "when did you last see it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that's all right .", "responses": ["i must apologize . i 'll buy you a new one tomorrow .", "i can buy you a new one .", "i am so sorry i lost it .", "thank you for being so understanding .", "i am really sorry , i will get you a new one ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I must apologize . I'll buy you a new one tomorrow .", "responses": ["no , please do n't . i could n't let you do that .", "please do", "that was an important book", "do not bother . i got many more", "no need . it is all right"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , please don't . I couldn't let you do that ."}], "index": 781} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I ask a question ?", "responses": ["yes , what 's it ?", "sure .", "what 's your question ?", "yes , and i will try to answer it for you .", "you sure can ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , what's it ?", "responses": ["what does mph stand for ?", "where is the nearest hospital ?", "can you give me directions ?", "what time is the show this evening ?", "i am having issues with my service today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does mph stand for ?", "responses": ["it 's miles per hour .", "i do not know", "maybe if you tell me", "what is that ?", "let me research"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's miles per hour ."}], "index": 782} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look , that bamboo groves are flourishing . Let's go and play there .", "responses": ["wait ! look at that board , what 's on it ?", "i like that place", "they are green and beautiful", "i do not like the weather .", "i am unwell"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Wait ! Look at that board , what's on it ?", "responses": ["' please do n't enter the bamboo groves .'we're not allowed to go in .", "i ca n't see it from here", "it says do not enter", "oh no we are not allowed to enter", "i am not sure"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "' Please don't enter the bamboo groves . ' We're not allowed to go in .", "responses": ["then we 'd better not go .", "do you see any security guards ?", "that sign is ancient . i doubt it even still applies .", "then we better stay away .", "can we just pretend we did n't see it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Then we'd better not go .", "responses": ["ok .", "we can do something else . what do you want to do ?", "shall we go to the park instead and play monkey bar ?", "yes . shall we ride bike or go for a hike ?", "yes . if we go inside , we may get caught ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK ."}], "index": 783} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you ready to go shopping ?", "responses": ["not yet . i 'm not finished with my research yet .", "yes i am", "give me a minute", "i am ready when you are", "not yet . i need some time"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet . I'm not finished with my research yet .", "responses": ["what research ?", "when would you be free then ?", "what research are you doing ?", "what kind of research", "oh that sounds interesting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What research ?", "responses": ["reading my fashion magazines ! how do you think i know so much about all the latest trends ?", "the research for my school project .", "i 'm researching possible jobs in the area .", "i 'm checking out the local schools .", "i 'm looking at what prices are in the area we want to move ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Reading my fashion magazines ! How do you think I know so much about all the latest trends ?", "responses": ["but they 're just ads .", "oh , i think you are just a fashion genius .", "i suppose you always shop around the fashion shops and know all the latest trends .", "okay , how long does it take for your research to finish ?", "i see . maybe we go shopping the other day ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But they're just ads .", "responses": ["duh ... that 's the point . the people in the ads are wearing what 's in . plus , there are articles on new trends .", "what do you get out of them ?", "is this research for academic reasons ?", "may i look at the ads ?", "what got you interested in fashion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Duh ... That's the point . The people in the ads are wearing what's in . Plus , there are articles on new trends ."}], "index": 784} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there anything worth watching on another channel ?", "responses": ["i think there 's a western on .", "why ? you do n't like this show ?", "doubtful . this is a bad night for television .", "why do n't we just try a streaming service instead ?", "i do n't know . i 'm watching this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think there ' s a Western on .", "responses": ["do you mind if we watch it . i 'd really like to see it .", "i 'm not into westerns . anything else ?", "unless it 's clint eastwood , i 'll pass .", "is it the one with the original wilhelm scream ?", "try a different channel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you mind if we watch it . I ' d really like to see it .", "responses": ["well , i really wanted to see the football game .", "okay , let 's watch it .", "i do n't mind , we can watch it .", "sure , i like it too .", "what is the channel about ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , I really wanted to see the football game .", "responses": ["football game ? ok , and you know what comes on next ?", "how much longer is the game ?", "can i watch the western another time ?", "will there be a re run of the game ?", "how long will i have to wait ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Football game ? Ok , and you know what comes on next ?", "responses": ["i believe there 's a sitcom .", "yes , ru paul 's drag race is on after the game .", "it 's usually gunsmoke and then bonanaza .", "depending on how long the game runs , local and then national news .", "after the game is the sports wrap - up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I believe there ' s a sitcom .", "responses": ["are you interested in watching it ?", "which sitcom is it ? i hope it 's something funny .", "is it one we 've seen before ?", "ok , well , maybe there 's something on another channel .", "well , i want to watch it as soon as the game is over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you interested in watching it ?", "responses": ["let me look in the tv guide first .", "if we can watch football now , you can chooe what we watch next .", "i have n't really thought that far .", "not really , but if you want to we can .", "it looks really funny , so i would be intereted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me look in the TV Guide first .", "responses": ["oh , i am sorry . what 's on channel 2 at 10 pm ?", "ugh , okay .", "i love the tv guide .", "okay , go ahead .", "that 's a good idea because we might find something even better to watch ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , I am sorry . What's on Channel 2 at 10 pm ?", "responses": ["if i remember correctly , it 's a quiz show .", "i think the news .", "i do n't know . that 's why i 'm looking at the tv guide .", "you already know what comes on then !", "am i supposed to know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If I remember correctly , it's a quiz show .", "responses": ["do you want to watch it ?", "oh , ok . well let 's just watch the western .", "hmmm , i do n't really like quiz shows .", "can we watch something other than a quiz show ?", "i do n't think i 'd enjoy that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you want to watch it ?", "responses": ["let 's watch it together .", "no , i think i 'll stay home .", "i 'd really prefer the western .", "i do n't like quiz shows much .", "sure , that 'd be great for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's watch it together ."}], "index": 785} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , how did you enjoy your seaside trip ?", "responses": ["it was funny .", "i loved all the ocean views !", "it was great until i got seasick on a boat .", "wonderful ! i just love driving down the coast .", "it was surprisingly cheap , considering all we were able to do ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It was funny .", "responses": ["tell me about it , will you ?", "what was funny about it ?", "that 's an odd way to respond .", "what 's humorous about a seaside trip ?", "what happened on the trip ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Tell me about it , will you ?", "responses": ["well , we drove through the valley on our way there in the morning . it was a magnificent sight .", "i lived in a hotel facing the sea and had a broad view of the sea everyday .", "i went swimming at the sea every morning . the weather was beautiful .", "i did surfing at the sea , which was really exciting .", "i had my breakfast at the balcony of the hotel facing the sea , which was really an excellent experience ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , we drove through the valley on our way there in the morning . It was a magnificent sight .", "responses": ["did you stop at the big waterfall for pictures ?", "what did you see ?", "what was the best sight ?", "how was the weather ?", "how long did it take to get there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you stop at the big waterfall for pictures ?", "responses": ["sure , we would n't miss it for anything . after that , we took a short cut to the park . there was very little traffic , so we got there in less than an hour .", "yes we did but susan fell in the water !", "the flood gates were closed so the waterfall was more like my dad doing a # 1 .", "no , we passed right by because the gps thought we were in wyoming half the time !", "yes but when i checked the camera , every picture was blurry ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , we wouldn't miss it for anything . After that , we took a short cut to the park . There was very little traffic , so we got there in less than an hour .", "responses": ["you were lucky then . what did you do after that ?", "how long did you stay ?", "how was the weather while you were there ?", "what was the park like ? was it crowded or were you secluded ?", "what did you do once you got to the park"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "You were lucky then . What did you do after that ?", "responses": ["we went for a swim in the sea . that was the best part of the day . just look at my nice tan .", "well , we had a picnic when we got there .", "we hiked the walking trail around the park .", "we relaxed and did some people watching .", "we planned our next stop while enjoying the sun ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "We went for a swim in the sea . That was the best part of the day . Just look at my nice tan .", "responses": ["so you must have had a busy and enjoyable day yesterday .", "yeah , i noticed that and you look great !", "i wish i could tan like that .", "how did you keep from getting sunburned ?", "did you get tan like that for being in the water or did you lay out in the sun ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "So you must have had a busy and enjoyable day yesterday .", "responses": ["yes , you 're right . and i was so tired that i fell asleep on the way back . my arms are still stiff from the swim yesterday .", "yeah , i did .", "it was n't really busy . it was enjoyable though .", "yeah , i hated to come back to work today .", "it was nice . we might go back next weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , you're right . And I was so tired that I fell asleep on the way back . My arms are still stiff from the swim yesterday ."}], "index": 786} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Susan is going to get a divorce .", "responses": ["how do you know that ?", "how long have you know that ?", "i figured . she did n't seem very happy in the marriage .", "that 's a shame . they were cute together .", "do you think we should take her out for a drink ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you know that ?", "responses": ["she told me that peter and she has a quarrel last nigh , and she left this morning , bag and baggage .", "because i talked to her sister today .", "her husband told me .", "because i saw the paperwork sitting on her desk .", "she 's been apartment shopping for a studio online ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She told me that Peter and she has a quarrel last nigh , and she left this morning , bag and baggage .", "responses": ["oh , i see . but i think you are making a fuss . they will make it up . bet it .", "wow , that 's sad . i hope she is ok .", "do you think things will cool down and they will work it out ?", "well , maybe they will make up and she will go home .", "that 's shocking . i had no idea they were having problems ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I see . But I think you are making a fuss . They will make it up . Bet it ."}], "index": 787} {"fold": "test", "topic": "culture_and_educastion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here's the course description guide .", "responses": ["what do i do with it ?", "are there any pre - requisites for this course ?", "how much is the course fee ?", "is there an online version of this course ?", "the course description looks very comprehensive and useful . i may considering taking the course ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do I do with it ?", "responses": ["do you want me to help you ?", "you will go through all the modules and then we will discuss them .", "read through it . at the end are the rules and regulations for the course .", "underline what you think are the most important parts .", "put the requirement timelines on your calendar so you do n't forget ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you want me to help you ?", "responses": ["please .", "yes , if you can , i 'd appreciate that .", "yes please , i really do n't know what i 'm doing .", "no , you do n't have to , i just did n't know what and where it was .", "no thank you , but thanks for showing me where it was !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Please .", "responses": ["look . here are the core classes . everyone has to take them .", "what would you like help with ?", "where do you want to start ?", "what questions do you have ?", "great ! let 's do it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look . Here are the core classes . Everyone has to take them .", "responses": ["so i do n't have to worry about them .", "which classes should i take first ?", "which classes go best together (", "which course is the hardest ?", "may i see the course descriptions ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So I don't have to worry about them .", "responses": ["you 're catching on ! however , there are elective courses like wood shop , metal shop , home economics ...", "well , you do n't have to worry about them , but you do have to take them .", "i 'm not sure what you mean .", "well yeah , you have to worry about them . you do have to take them .", "nope . you have to take them , so you do n't have to make any great decisions until you choose your electives ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You're catching on ! However , there are elective courses like wood shop , metal shop , home economics ...", "responses": ["i 'll take home economics .", "metal shop seems interesting .", "oh nice ! , i did n't know they had wood shop !", "can you make me a copy of all the classes ?", "home economics seems like it would be fun !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I'll take home economics .", "responses": ["good . now you can pick classes by yourself .", "i think you 'd be good at that.\\", "really , i 'd guess you 'd want metal shop .", "let 's first look over all the options .", "great , i 'll take that with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Good . Now you can pick classes by yourself ."}], "index": 788} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , known , Jim , I'm ... I'm pretty much in favour of your computers , I think computers teach kids to think , because they require logical thoughts .", "responses": ["but i ... i do n't agree with thatbecause computers weaken kids'ability to thinkbecause kids do n't learn basic skills .", "yes , they do a lot of things you might not realize .", "yes , they do a lot of things you might not realize .", "they are logical and i think you 'll be entertained as well", "i do n't agree that they teach kids to think but they are invaluable tools to help kids think and learn ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I ... I don't agree with thatbecause computers weaken kids'ability to thinkbecause kids don't learn basic skills .", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "yes , but in our world right now , it 's vital they learn computer skills early .", "maybe there are pros and cons to both , but for the most part , they need to learn to interact with computers .", "maybe yes , but i think a best of both worlds approach is key to teaching them skills on both ends of the spectrum .", "i think they can learn basic skills elsewhere and also learn modern technology with computers ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["they ca n't spell , they ca n't add , they ca n't subtract , they even do n't remember any more . that 's because they rely on gadgets .", "computers do n't allow kids to interact and have conversations with real people .", "computers provent kids from going outside to play .", "computers do n't allow kids to problem - solve real word problems they come across .", "computers prevent the hands - on experiences we had growing up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They can't spell , they can't add , they can't subtract , they even don't remember any more . that's because they rely on gadgets .", "responses": ["that 's not the gadgets . creating programmes is stimulate thoughts . it engages their imagination and sharpen their mind .", "i agree . texting lingo makes kids not spell well", "but there are good parts to technology", "kids know much more about things at a much earlier age", "they do not rely on gadgets but use them to their advantage"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's not the gadgets . Creating programmes is stimulate thoughts . It engages their imagination and sharpen their mind ."}], "index": 789} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Ann , do you have time next Monday ?", "responses": ["yeah , what 's up ?", "i will have to see .", "let me check my schedule .", "no , my schcedule monday is full .", "yes , i am free in the afternoon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , what ' s up ?", "responses": ["next monday is my birthday , and i would like you to attend my party .", "i want to meet with you and brainstorm some ideas .", "i wanted to see if you were free for lunch .", "i wanted you to stop by my office so i can show you some papers .", "i just wanted to catch up with you and see how the project is going ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Next Monday is my birthday , and I would like you to attend my party .", "responses": ["wow . i 'd love to .", "you 're having your party on a monday ?", "i 'd love to attend . email me the time and place .", "where are you having your party ?", "hmmmm , i 'm not too sure about a party on a monday . how about we meet up next weekend and i can take you to dinner or something ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Wow . I'd love to .", "responses": ["great !", "okay , great ! it 's at 3 pm on saturday .", "awesome ! , i knew i could count on you !", "well happy early birthday !", "okay so it 's gon na be on saturday at 3 pm at my house . i'lll see you there !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great !", "responses": ["when and where ?", "where will it be held ?", "when will it be held ?", "should i bring anything ?", "who else will be there ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "When and where ?", "responses": ["five o'clock that afternoon , and in my place , you know ?", "my house at 7:00pm .", "we are going to the pub on clark st . the festivities should begin at 7:00pm .", "we are going to the comedy club on chesnut road . the show begins at 8:00pm .", "sara is throwing me a dinner party at her place . she says people should come by at around 7:00pm ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Five o ' clock that afternoon , and in my place , you know ?", "responses": ["yes , i know . i appreciate your invitation .", "what is your address ?", "who will be there ?", "is ellen invited ?", "do you need me to bring anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I know . I appreciate your invitation .", "responses": ["i am going to invite other guys . see you that day .", "i am happy you can make it", "ca n't wait", "you do n't have to bring a present", "can you bring some chips"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am going to invite other guys . See you that day .", "responses": ["see you .", "okay , thanks again . i 'm looking forward to it .", "happy birthday in advance ! is there anything i can bring ?", "okay , i 'll see you monday ! thanks again !", "i ca n't wait ... i'll bring the champagne !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "See you ."}], "index": 790} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Stacy . What's going on ?", "responses": ["i 'm pretty tired these days .", "not much .", "nothing really . what 's new with you ?", "just running some errands . what are you up to ?", "so much ! i have so much to fill you in on . can you meet for lunch ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm pretty tired these days .", "responses": ["why ? you 're not working so do n't you have a lot of time on your hands ?", "why is that ?", "why are you always tired ?", "me too . i 'm tired aswell .", "are you depressed , stacy ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? You're not working so don't you have a lot of time on your hands ?", "responses": ["i have so much house work to do . i have to take care of the kids , cook , clean , laundry , and the cycle never ends .", "i started back to school .", "my children are keeping me busy .", "i 'm taking care of my mother .", "my health has n't been too good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have so much house work to do . I have to take care of the kids , cook , clean , laundry , and the cycle never ends .", "responses": ["how about your husband . does he help much ?", "wow , i 'm sorry to hear that .", "it does sound like you have a lot of work to do .", "you must be really tired .", "wow . i 'm sorry , that i implied that you have a lot of free time on your hands . it does n't seem like you do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How about your husband . Does he help much ?", "responses": ["not at all . he comes home and complains about his hard day at work . he expects me to do everything . he even wants me to feed him sometimes . can you believe that ?", "he helps when he can", "he is never around when i need help", "his sickness prevents him from helping much", "he feels that it is all my job"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not at all . He comes home and complains about his hard day at work . He expects me to do everything . He even wants me to feed him sometimes . Can you believe that ?", "responses": ["that sucks .", "what ? that is so not right", "have you tried talking to him about what all you do ?", "i ca n't believe that", "show him everything you do throughout the day"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That sucks .", "responses": ["if he was n't so lazy , i think i would n't have any complaints . he mows the lawn , but can you believe he tried to convince me to do it ?", "yes , it really does .", "yes , it really does .", "i wish he was more helpful .", "yeah , i 'm just really tired of everything these days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If he wasn't so lazy , I think I wouldn't have any complaints . He mows the lawn , but can you believe he tried to convince me to do it ?", "responses": ["that 's crossing the line .", "that 's so unreasonable .", "what the heck ?", "ugh , men .", "you need to have a talk with him . what an attitude ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "That's crossing the line .", "responses": ["oh well . i 'll have to live with it . what else can i do ?", "he brought me flowers yesterday .", "his back injury has really taken a toll on us .", "i hope his back heals soon .", "i know , right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh well . I'll have to live with it . What else can I do ?"}], "index": 791} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you like watching the Winter Olympic Games ?", "responses": ["of course . it 's the tradition game in winter , and with good reason . do n't you like watching it ?", "yes i do ! i love the olympic 's", "yes i 'm actually watching right now !", "no , they are pretty boring for me .", "no , i have a meeting at 3 , unfortunately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Of course . It's the tradition game in winter , and with good reason . Don't you like watching it ?", "responses": ["of course i do . i love it . all the games are exciting and the competitors are respectable .", "i 've never been a real fan .", "i do , would you like to come over and watch ?", "i prefer the summer games .", "i 'm not really into that kind of sports ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course I do . I love it . All the games are exciting and the competitors are respectable .", "responses": ["that 's true . for various reasons , it takes more to hold a fierce game for winter olympics than it does for summer olympics . you know , the low temperature may cause many problems .", "i could n't agree more .", "me too . i especially love figure skating .", "yeah , i ca n't wait for the next winter games .", "i totally agree . i love winter sports ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's true . For various reasons , it takes more to hold a fierce game for Winter Olympics than it does for Summer Olympics . You know , the low temperature may cause many problems .", "responses": ["yeah . what 's the difference between the winter olympics and the summer olympics ?", "they try to prepare for the cold weather", "what is your favorite sport ?", "did you watch the last olympics ?", "some contestants are from cold climates so they might not be bothered by the cold"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah . What's the difference between the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics ?", "responses": ["when the olympic games started in modern times , only summer events were included . when it grew popular , there came the winter olympic games , which includes a variety of winter sports .", "one happens in the summer and one happens in the winter", "they have different rules in place between the two olympics", "the winter olympics are more dangerous", "summer olympics are generally held in warmer climates"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "When the Olympic Games started in modern times , only summer events were included . When it grew popular , there came the Winter Olympic Games , which includes a variety of winter sports .", "responses": ["i see . then , what 's your favorite winter sport ?", "oh , that makes sense .", "well it 's a good thing they added the winter sports because there 's so many of them .", "i wonder in what year they added the winter olympics .", "i ca n't imagine it only being summer olympics ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I see . Then , what's your favorite winter sport ?", "responses": ["figure skating . in my eye , nothing beats it .", "it 's a tie between skiing and snowboarding .", "i love watching bobsledding .", "women 's figure skating !", "men 's hockey ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Figure skating . In my eye , nothing beats it .", "responses": ["then you must know shen due and hao hongbo .", "what is it about figure skating that captures you ?", "i really like to watch the downhill skiers .", "my mom use to be a figure skater .", "do you ice skate ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Then you must know Shen Due and Hao Hongbo .", "responses": ["oh , i did n't expect you to know them . but yes , i love them not only because of many medals they 've won , but also because of many medals they 've won , but also because of their spirits .", "i do . they are among the best skaters in the world .", "i know them well- and i see you like ice skating , too !", "i do know them . they are pretty good .", "i know them- i love to watch how graceful they are on the ice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I didn't expect you to know them . But yes , I love them not only because of many medals they've won , but also because of many medals they've won , but also because of their spirits .", "responses": ["you should go to talk with may . she is a big fan of them too .", "you mentioned , because of how many medals they'eve won twice .", "yeah they won a lot of medals , they are very good at what they do .", "they do have strong spirits and have the dedication to bring home many medals .", "yeah , they are very good at what they do . i enjoy watching them a lot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You should go to talk with May . She is a big fan of them too ."}], "index": 792} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you arrange this summer vacation ?", "responses": ["i want to travel .", "i have n't bothered to start arranging it yet . maybe i 'll start on it this weekend .", "it should be easy . just look for vacation packages on tripadvisor .", "i 'm not sure . i 'm still trying to decide whether to go to miami beach or cancun .", "i think you should start by checking out websites like booking.com or tripadvisor.com ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to travel .", "responses": ["where would you like to go ?", "where will you go ?", "foreign or domestic destination ?", "who will you travel with ?", "how expensive is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where would you like to go ?", "responses": ["the seaside .", "france", "the bahamas", "florida", "india"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The seaside .", "responses": ["that 's really a good idea . taking a walk on the beach and lying in the sun are pretty good . i recommend you qingdao or dalian .", "do you have a favorite beach you 'd like to visit ?", "would you prefer a seaside location you 've been to before , or would you like to plan a seaside adventure in a new place ?", "i 'd like to go to fiji , with its pristine beaches .", "can you give me quotes on a flights from philadelphia or new york ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's really a good idea . Taking a walk on the beach and lying in the sun are pretty good . I recommend you Qingdao or Dalian .", "responses": ["i 've been to qingdao before , so i 'll choose dalian . i 've heard that the environment there is very good .", "have you been to those places before ?", "i ca n't afford to travel internationally .", "qindao sounds wonderful .", "i 've wanted to go to qingdao for ages ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' Ve been to Qingdao before , so I ' ll choose Dalian . I've heard that the environment there is very good .", "responses": ["yes , that 's a good place to spend a holiday . last year i went there . it 's really .", "do you prefer a touristy location or more private ?", "what do you like about qingdao ?", "did you not prefer qingdao ?", "i 've never been to dalian , i 've heard it 's nice though ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's a good place to spend a holiday . Last year I went there . It's really .", "responses": ["thank you !", "did you enjoy dalian when you visited ?", "where did you eat when you visited dalian ?", "what do you recommend i see when i go to dalian ?", "would you like to come with me to dalian ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you !"}], "index": 793} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you care for something to drink , Mr . Stone ?", "responses": ["no , thank you , mrs . carter . i 'm fine for now .", "no , i 'm okay . thank you .", "i 'll just have a glass of water . thanks .", "yes . what kind of beers do you have on tap ?", "yes i would . i 'll have a glass of orange juice ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , thank you , Mrs . Carter . I'm fine for now .", "responses": ["just make yourself at home . the other guests should be arriving shortly .", "how about a snack ?", "i have juice and water also", "i have juice and water also", "thank you for coming today"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Just make yourself at home . The other guests should be arriving shortly ."}], "index": 794} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm dreadfully sorry for you .", "responses": ["thank you very much for your kindness .", "so am i", "why are you sorry ?", "why what happened ?", "ok ? why ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much for your kindness .", "responses": ["is there any clue ?", "if you need anything , please let me know . i would love to help .", "i 'm here if you need anything . i would be more than happy to babysit or taxi the kids around so you can have some time . please let me know .", "you have my number and i hope you use it if you need anything . if you do n't feel like going out , i 'll be happy to run to the store , bank , school , whatever you need .", "bill and i are here if you need anything . i 'll be calling you just to check up . i know you do n't feel like talking right now but call me when you do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is there any clue ?", "responses": ["no , he left nothing .", "the police said they 'd let us know as soon as they found anything .", "not yet . i 'm worried sick .", "it 's still too early to tell .", "the investigation just started ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , he left nothing ."}], "index": 795} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Very glad to know something about you , then what are you going to do when you finish .", "responses": ["oh , i 'll go to shanghai to practice there .", "i 'm going to take a long rest .", "i 'm going to forget about it all and put it behind me .", "start on a new project .", "buy a boat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I ' ll go to shanghai to practice there .", "responses": ["that 's a good idea . it must be easy to find a job in shanghai .", "wow , you 're moving away ?", "i 've always wanted to go there .", "are you ready for that ?", "what is your practice ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s a good idea . It must be easy to find a job in shanghai .", "responses": ["i think so , you know there is a great deal of opportunity for business there .", "yes , i 've heard it 's easier in shanghai than it is here .", "i hope so , i need to earn some money while i am there .", "i had n't heard that , but that 's a good indicator for my future success .", "i hope it is easy and that i 'll find a job in no time ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think so , you know there is a great deal of opportunity for business there .", "responses": ["and english is very useful in your job .", "all the business are booming , makes it real easy .", "yeah , it definitely could be a good venture .", "i believe you will have no problem finding a job in shanghai .", "good luck , you got this . you will find a job no problem ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "And English is very useful in your job .", "responses": ["i think it will be very useful in many ways . beside , shanghai is an important trade center , not only in china , but also in the world , english is useful in almost all walks of life .", "yes and i know english very well .", "i 'm very glad i speak english .", "i 'm excited for what this new job will bring .", "i have worked on my english for many years ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it will be very useful in many ways . Beside , shanghai is an important trade center , not only in China , but also in the world , English is useful in almost all walks of life .", "responses": ["you will be a very promising one .", "what type of work will you do there ?", "do you plan on starting your own business in shanghai ?", "are you going to teach english while you look for work ?", "how long do you plan to stay in shanghai ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You will be a very promising one .", "responses": ["that 's my wish .", "i believe you ar right", "i have learned english at a very young age and it has beee very useful", "i hope to be very sucessful", "i would like to advance my carreer as soon as possible"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s my wish ."}], "index": 796} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hear you are expecting your family .", "responses": ["yes , my parents , and soon my brother as well .", "yes , they should be here any minute .", "not yet , they are to arrive tomorrow .", "i have waited for this moment all my life .", "i hope they get here quickly ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , my parents , and soon my brother as well .", "responses": ["i did n't know you had a brother .", "you are lucky to have such a supportive family .", "when will they be arriving ?", "where will your family stay while they are visiting ?", "will your sister be coming ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "I didn't know you had a brother .", "responses": ["oh , yes , he is two years older than me . he lives in new zealand so i do n't see him that often .", "oh did i never mention him , now you know .", "yes , i do got a brother . we get along well .", "well , i also got a sister has well .", "yea , there s a good reason for that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes , he is two years older than me . He lives in New Zealand so I don't see him that often .", "responses": ["oh , nice . is he coming on his own or with the family ?", "that 's very interesting , i would like to meet him some time .", "that 's sad that you do not get to see him much .", "i too wish i got to see my brother more .", "when will you see him next ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , nice . Is he coming on his own or with the family ?", "responses": ["his son is coming as well . he wants to go to university here in england so they will visit a few universities while they are here .", "he has a pilot license so he 's flying into town by himself .", "he plans to travel directly to my house and meet the family there .", "he 's got his own wife and young son so they are traveling alone .", "he 's traveling with the family ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "His son is coming as well . He wants to go to university here in England so they will visit a few universities while they are here .", "responses": ["does your brother have just one son ?", "which universitys is he intrested in ?", "what will be his major", "how many universities will you be visiting ?", "which universities will you be visiting ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does your brother have just one son ?", "responses": ["no , he has two daughters as well . his wife and daughters are visiting her parents . so i wo n't see them .", "oh , no my brother has three sons . the college age one is his middle son .", "yes , he is their only child as well .", "my brother has one other son and a daughter .", "actually , my brother has twin sons . but only francis is coming to england ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , he has two daughters as well . His wife and daughters are visiting her parents . So I won't see them .", "responses": ["i 'm sure your parents are looking forward to seeing their grandson .", "i see . are you going to visit the universities with them ?", "how old is your brothers son ?", "do you plan on visiting him in new zealand in the future ?", "are they staying for very long ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sure your parents are looking forward to seeing their grandson .", "responses": ["oh yes , they are really looking forward to it . they went to new zealand last year and loved it .", "yea they wo n't stop talking about it .", "maybe they will , we will see .", "i think they are actually not looking forward to it for some reason .", "they are sick and not feeling well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh yes , they are really looking forward to it . They went to New Zealand last year and loved it .", "responses": ["so when are they all coming ?", "i 've always wanted to visit new zealand . i 've heard it is beautiful !", "i 've heard it is super hot down in new zealand . is that true ?", "i 'm glad they are going to get to see them !", "i hope they have a wonderful trip !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So when are they all coming ?", "responses": ["my parents are already here . my brother and nephew are arriving on monday .", "in two weeks , but only for a few days .", "they 're flight lands tomorrow , then i 'll have to pick them all up .", "two days from now , i 'm so excited to see them again .", "they should be arriving in a few hours , actually ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My parents are already here . My brother and nephew are arriving on Monday ."}], "index": 797} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You seem to very busy these days . What are you doing ?", "responses": ["i am swapped with work after 10 - day holiday .", "i 've been studying a lot for midterms .", "i 've been preparing for some job interviews i have coming up .", "i 've been binge - watching my favorite shows on netflix .", "i 've been overwhelmed at work and have been bringing assignments home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am swapped with work after 10 - day holiday .", "responses": ["where did you spend your holiday ?", "is that the only thing that s keeping you so busy ?", "oh , that explains why you are so busy . makes sense .", "you have any plans to swap back so you are n't has busy ?", "that sucks , hopefully you schedule clears up and you are less busy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where did you spend your holiday ?", "responses": ["i went to paris .", "i spend my holiday in the bahamas with my family .", "i went to the beach with some friends .", "i decided to go to vegas to gamble .", "i spent my holiday camping in the woods with my closest friends ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I went to Paris ."}], "index": 798} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , Paula , where are you from ?", "responses": ["i 'm from canada , originally .", "i m from montana , what about yourself ?", "i come from the south , are you native here ?", "i come from the north myself , what about you .", "i from texas , where are you from ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm from Canada , originally .", "responses": ["from canada ? where were you born ?", "oh that s very interesting .", "where in canada are you from ?", "i love canada . i really want to go back there .", "i am from canada too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "From Canada ? Where were you born ?", "responses": ["montreal .", "i was born in saskatchewan . have you heard of it ?", "have you ever watched the show corner gas ? well , i was born in rouleau in southern saskatchewan . they used parts of the town in the show .", "i was born in montreal but moved to the united states when i was two so i do n't remember it much .", "i was born in quebec but my mother was american and when my parents got divorced , i moved here with my mom ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Montreal .", "responses": ["when did you come to los angeles ?", "have you lived there your entire life ?", "i have never been there is it nice ?", "what do you do for a living ?", "i am going there next month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When did you come to Los Angeles ?", "responses": ["we moved here when i was fourteen .", "i only moved to los angeles last year .", "my family and i moved here several years ago . in fact , we will be hear ten years this may .", "i have only been in los angeles for two weeks , and you are the first person outside of my family that i have had an actual conversation with .", "would you believe me , if i told you that i have only been here for approximately 3 hours !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We moved here when I was fourteen .", "responses": ["did you go to school here ?", "why did you move to los angeles ?", "where did you go to school ?", "do you have family in los angeles ?", "do you have family back in canada ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you go to school here ?", "responses": ["well , i went to high school here , but i went to college in texas .", "yes , for my early education .", "no , i was home schooled .", "yes , i went to the same high school as you !", "i went to the schools around here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I went to high school here , but I went to college in Texas .", "responses": ["did you get a job right after graduation ?", "i 've always wanted to visit texas !", "what did you study in college ?", "how did you like texas ?", "why did you choose to go to college in texas ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you get a job right after graduation ?", "responses": ["no , i traveled for a while in europe after college , and then i lived in france .", "no actually , the job market sucks .", "yes , but it was n't the same field as my degree though .", "yes , i took an internship at an office nearby after i graduated .", "no , it was really difficult to find a job even after i graduated college ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I traveled for a while in Europe after college , and then I lived in France .", "responses": ["when was that ?", "do you ever think about settling down ?", "do you prefer moving around rather than planting your roots in one place ?", "did you backpack while you were there ?", "was that your first time outside the country ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "When was that ?", "responses": ["let 's see ... that was about six years ago .", "a few years ago .", "right before i moved back here .", "for just a couple years , and then i moved back here .", "just a few years ago . have you always lived here ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's see ... That was about six years ago .", "responses": ["i bet that was interesting . what did you do there ?", "sounds like you love to travel , that 's great .", "what did you do while you were in france ?", "when did you leave france then ?", "did you moved back here after leaving france ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I bet that was interesting . What did you do there ?", "responses": ["i studied french . anyway ... that 's enough about me . how about you ? were you born in l . a . ?", "when i was in france ? or when i travelled europe ?", "i lived in paris , so i saw all the sites .", "mainly the countryside . that 's where i lived . i got to paris a few times though .", "not as much as i would 've liked . i was busy working there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I studied French . Anyway ... that's enough about me . How about you ? Were you born in L . A . ?"}], "index": 799} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you consider yourself a good mother ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'm a very good mother and successful career woman .", "yes , i care deeply for my children .", "of course . i love all of my kids .", "i am definitely a great mother .", "i am the best mother i can be to my children ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I'm a very good mother and successful career woman .", "responses": ["how can you manage to do both ? i mean , it is so hard to be a working mother .", "yes . i put my children first even though i work .", "yes . i never miss a school event or activity due to my career .", "yes , but i must admit that sometimes i put my career over my children .", "not really . i work long hours and let my husband deal with the kids ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How can you manage to do both ? I mean , it is so hard to be a working mother .", "responses": ["i think the most important thing is that you should be nice to yourself , like keeping housework simple , spending money on things that make life easier , buying yourself things you like , and so on . you can only be nice to others when you can be nice to yourself .", "it is hard but i think its worth it", "i get some help now and again from my family", "well my husband is a great partner", "i have a great daily plan that i follow"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think the most important thing is that you should be nice to yourself , like keeping housework simple , spending money on things that make life easier , buying yourself things you like , and so on . You can only be nice to others when you can be nice to yourself .", "responses": ["does your husband feel the same ?", "i think you have the right attitude about kindly to yourself .", "when you say keeping housework simple , does that mean you have a cleaning service ?", "does your husband agree with spending money on things for yourself or do you just kind of sneak those purchases through ?", "we moms should stick together and be nice to ourselves and each other and then maybe go out shopping ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does your husband feel the same ?", "responses": ["yes . he is very understanding and supportive .", "i believe that he does , since he 's very caring and respectful .", "absolutely he does , otherwise i would nt be married to him", "he sure does , and is very supportive of my roles as a mother and career woman .", "yes , and he is also very supportive ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . He is very understanding and supportive ."}], "index": 800} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I find it really hard to express myself in class . I have lots of ideas , but they never seem to come out of my mouth .", "responses": ["let me give you a little advice . you know what the topics are going to be , so prepares what you would like to say in advance .", "you should speak up more often . some of your ideas are really good .", "me too . i get really nervous when i have to talk in front of a group of people .", "maybe you should take a public speaking course to see if that would help .", "well , to be honest , most of your ideas are n't that good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "let me give you a little advice . You know what the topics are going to be , so prepares what you would like to say in advance .", "responses": ["i often do , but i 'm worried about the responses from other people .", "well one of them is my history class", "i try to prepare ahead of time but i keep frezing up", "i think that i will give it a try", "that s good advice i will give it a try"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I often do , but I ' m worried about the responses from other people .", "responses": ["you have to be realistic . not everyone is going to agree with you , but people will respect your opinion and they will respect the fact that you have contributed something to the discussion .", "you ca n't worry about what other people are going to think about your opinions ; that is what college is all about to be liberated and have free thought .", "please do n't let worrying about other people 's opinions of you hold you back . you have a lot of valuable insight and you need to start sharing it in class .", "you should talk to your professor and maybe she would give you the encouragement that you need to speak up in class .", "maybe you should just say what you have written down and see how the professor reacts to your thoughts . i bet that you will get a lot of positive feedback ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "you have to be realistic . Not everyone is going to agree with you , but people will respect your opinion and they will respect the fact that you have contributed something to the discussion .", "responses": ["i 'm worried that what i say will not make sense .", "wow , thank you for the insight .", "i will try to be a little more expressive in class , thank you for the encouragement .", "well that is quite encouraging and i think i 'll be able to next time .", "i really like the positive outlook you have and i hope to employ it myself in class ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m worried that what I say will not make sense .", "responses": ["we could chat about the topic before class . i could check that what you want to say is logical and it would also give you a chance to practice speaking .", "maybe that will help you to form clearer ideas .", "you should n't worry about not making sense .", "you should say things that make sense then !", "do n't say something that does n't make sense and you will be just fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "we could chat about the topic before class . I could check that what you want to say is logical and it would also give you a chance to practice speaking .", "responses": ["that 's a good idea . what should i do if i am in two minds about a topic ?", "i appreciate the thought , but i think i 'll be ok .", "that sounds great ! where should we meet ?", "thank you for letting me vent , but i feel better now .", "i 'm sure i 'll be logical , i 'm just being illogical !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that ' s a good idea . What should I do if I am in two minds about a topic ?", "responses": ["that 's easy . express possibilities . people will think that you are pretty smart to be able to look at the topic from more than one angle .", "just pick one and hope for the best .", "pick your favorite opinion and talk about it .", "weigh both opinions against each other by yourself .", "talk about both if you want ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "that ' s easy . Express possibilities . People will think that you are pretty smart to be able to look at the topic from more than one angle .", "responses": ["i did n't realize that speaking in class could be so easy .", "thanks for calming my nerves and answering all of my questions", "you 're really helping me keep calm . i feel less nervous already .", "can you help me narrow the topic down when i get more specific ?", "can we meet on the weekend to go over the possibilites ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I didn ' t realize that speaking in class could be so easy .", "responses": ["the most difficult thing is being able to predict what other people will say . they will reply to your statements , but you ca n't be sure how .", "it is and it gets easier the more you do it . you 'll see !", "it 's hard at first but after you get that one attempt out , it become far more easy .", "yes , and i 'll be there , too . i 'll be sure to start the conversation or ask you a question to get the ball rolling .", "you 'll be surprised how easy it is after awhile . you 'll wonder why you thought it was hard !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "the most difficult thing is being able to predict what other people will say . They will reply to your statements , but you can ' t be sure how ."}], "index": 801} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's his job ?", "responses": ["he used to be a policeman .", "he is an electrical engineer .", "well , his job tittle is chief technical officer . i think that makes him a computer geek .", "he is a carpenter by trade , but i think he has been involved in the real estate market .", "robert is a nurse ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He used to be a policeman .", "responses": ["but mrs . smith hired him to find her lost son .", "what does he do now ?", "how long was he a policeman ?", "did he like his job ?", "where did he patrol ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But Mrs . Smith hired him to find her lost son .", "responses": ["yeah . he 's a private eye now .", "he has detective skills for that job .", "i think he would be able to complete that job just fine .", "i think that since he used to be a policeman that would be an easy job .", "that 's a great idea to hire a policeman ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . He's a private eye now ."}], "index": 802} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Bother the flies !", "responses": ["where do they come from ?", "i do n't like flies !", "i hate to bother with the flies .", "why do you want me to bother the flies ?", "why do n't you bother the flies yourself ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where do they come from ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . something rotten here ?", "straight from hell !", "no idea !", "they came out of nowhere . this is awful !", "they wo n't leave me alone !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I don't know . Something rotten here ?", "responses": ["i ca n't see it .", "check the air vents for dead animals .", "when was the trash last taken out ?", "something smells awful , did something die and give the flies something to eat ?", "maybe there 's a nest or something nearby ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't see it ."}], "index": 803} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you got your invitation yet ?", "responses": ["my invitation ? no , i have n't . my invitation to what ?", "invitation for what ?", "yes i have . did you ?", "no i have not .", "no . i 'm worrying it got lost in the mail ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "My invitation ? No , I haven't . My invitation to what ?", "responses": ["the house warming party .", "your invitation to the party tomorrow ?", "you do n't remember ?", "that party we talked about last week , obviously !", "oh you have n't heard about the party tomorrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The house warming party .", "responses": ["whose house warming party is it ?", "whose party ? maybe you were n't supposed to tell me .", "this is the first of it i 'm hearing .", "i have no idea . checking my phone now and i do n't see an invitation .", "oh , i was n't invited . we 're kind of on the outs right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Whose house warming party is it ?", "responses": ["tom and bill smith . they are both working now you know ? and they 've bought a new house .", "lisa 's party . she told me she was going to send you one .", "my party , remember ? i told you i was having one . i sent it , i wonder what happened .", "my mother 's . she just moved into a new place and we thought it would be fun to have a housewarming to cheer her up .", "it 's bill and dana 's housewarming . they just bought a new house . i 'm sure they sent you one . i 'll find out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Tom and Bill Smith . They are both working now you know ? And they've bought a new house .", "responses": ["oh , they have ? i did n't know . i have n't seen tom lately .", "sounds fun , i hope i get one in the mail soon .", "what if they did n't invite me to the party ?", "i bet i will get the invitation soon , my mail is so slow .", "no , but i have n't checked my mail today yet . i 'll look for it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , they have ? I didn't know . I haven't seen Tom lately .", "responses": ["it 's out in the suburbs .", "makes sense . he 's been busy at work .", "i have n't either . so i 'm happy to see him at this party .", "i saw him last week . he 's really happy now that they have jobs and a house .", "i saw him yesterday . he mentioned that he had n't seen you in a while either ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's out in the suburbs .", "responses": ["have you seen the house ?", "that 's really cool for him .", "maybe i 'll give him a call this week .", "i wonder why he has n't contacted me about it .", "oh wow , big life changes !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you seen the house ?", "responses": ["yes , i have . i went out with them last weekend .", "i have seen the house , it is nice .", "i have not seen the house yet .", "they showed me pictures , but i have not been there yet .", "i have seen the house , you will like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have . I went out with them last weekend .", "responses": ["is it nice ?", "i would like to visit them this weekend", "do you have the address of their new house", "i think i misplaced the invitation", "i will call them and congratulate them"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Is it nice ?", "responses": ["yes , it is . there are three bedrooms , a living room , a dining room , and a big kitchen .", "it 's so nice . you have to come see it !", "it 's pretty good , but way out there .", "i like it , but i would n't want that commute .", "i 'm the most jealous person on earth right now !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is . There are three bedrooms , a living room , a dining room , and a big kitchen .", "responses": ["there 's also a garden .", "that 's nice .", "i 'm happy for them .", "when is the party ?", "it sounds like you 're closer to them than i am ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "There's also a garden .", "responses": ["well , that does sound nice . have they moved in yet ?", "yes a lovely big garden .", "they 're going to put in a big vegetable garden .", "yes a beautiful flower garden .", "oh yes , they have award winning flowers ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Well , that does sound nice . Have they moved in yet ?", "responses": ["they are moving today . tom 's taken the day off . he 's rented a truck , and they should have all their furniture in the house tonight .", "i do n't think so .", "i think they move in next weekend .", "they asked my son to help move furniture tomorrow , so maybe tomorrow ?", "yes , they moved in last month ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "They are moving today . Tom's taken the day off . He's rented a truck , and they should have all their furniture in the house tonight .", "responses": ["when are they going to have the party ?", "that 's great for them !", "i 'm so jealous the house is so nice", "maybe i can help them move in", "i ca n't wait for the party !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "When are they going to have the party ?", "responses": ["next saturday night . you should get your invitation today or tomorrow .", "it 's saturday afternoon-- a casual thing-- a cookout and cocktails .", "it 's next weekend . i hope the weather hold because it 's a patio party .", "next friday evening . it 's just a small casual party . hopefully you will get your invite .", "it 's next week , a few close friends and coworkers is all they invited from what i 've heard ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Next Saturday night . You should get your invitation today or tomorrow .", "responses": ["wow , that would be something to look forward to .", "i hope they invited me .", "i should start thinking about a gift they would like then .", "i ca n't wait to see their house !", "i 'll bet the dinner will be amazing !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , that would be something to look forward to ."}], "index": 804} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "hi , darling ! I have a one-month vacation saved up . How about a trip to Europe ?", "responses": ["i could go for that . but i 'm afraid our budget is a little tight this year .", "you know i 've always wanted to go there . count me in !", "let 's go next week . who cares about preparation . i need alone time with you my love .", "you know i do n't have any paid time off . maybe next year . we need to save money , sweetheart .", "i love that idea , baby ! we can take the train from london to munich to berlin ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I could go for that . But I'm afraid our budget is a little tight this year .", "responses": ["oh , but i really need to leave this town for a change . working day after day has worn me out . do you have any other suggestions ?", "but it would be a shame to waste a one - month block of vacation without doing something big .", "yes , but we can make it up next year .", "you 're right , of course , but i 'd love to take you to europe .", "we can do without something else , could n't we ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "oh , but I really need to leave this town for a change . Working day after day has worn me out . Do you have any other suggestions ?", "responses": ["we should probably think about going somewhere that is n't too far away . how about the countryside ? there must be many interesting places , and we could enjoy the fresh air and the delicious local spec", "how about something in the country ? that will be cheaper .", "how about some place we could drive to ? that is less expensive than flying .", "i will look at our budget and come up with some ideas for you to look at .", "let 's talk about it tonight after dinner and see what we can come up with ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "we should probably think about going somewhere that isn't too far away . How about the countryside ? There must be many interesting places , and we could enjoy the fresh air and the delicious local spec", "responses": ["wonderful ! i think that 's a great idea . how soon until we can make this happen ? i ca n't wait !", "do you have a place in mind ?", "what about a trip to a local city instead ?", "that would help me get away for a bit .", "that would actually be nice . things are just so busy right now and quiet would help ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "wonderful ! I think that's a great idea . How soon until we can make this happen ? I can't wait !", "responses": ["tomorrow i have an appointment with my dentist . what about next monday ?", "i can take time off whenever i want to .", "i need to give a one week notice before vacation .", "i have that big project this month , so it 'll have to be next month .", "as soon as possible . i 'm excited !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "tomorrow I have an appointment with my dentist . What about next Monday ?", "responses": ["perfect . i 'll start preparing tomorrow . if we 're going to drive , i 'll need to fill up the tank .", "i will have to check with work to see if i can take off that quickly .", "monday works great for me , i am so excited .", "i need to give work a bit more notice , how about the following monday ?", "what about tuesday instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "perfect . I'll start preparing tomorrow . If we're going to drive , I'll need to fill up the tank .", "responses": ["no need . i think it 's still plenty full . even so , i 'd rather travel by bus or train . it would cost much less than driving . oil prices are soaring nowadays , you know .", "we are driving and i will take care of the gas", "i think we will fly and then hire a cab", "i can not wait to go on this trip .", "i will take lots of pictures and post on facebook and instagram"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no need . I think it's still plenty full . Even so , I'd rather travel by bus or train . It would cost much less than driving . Oil prices are soaring nowadays , you know .", "responses": ["we can take the train , that will be faster . i 'll book the tickets tomorrow morning .", "do n't get me started on oil !", "oh okay . i 'll follow your lead .", "my car is fine . we 're taking it .", "oil has no business in our conversations ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "we can take the train , that will be faster . I'll book the tickets tomorrow morning .", "responses": ["great ! oh , one more thing , do n't forget to check the weather before we go . i 'd hate to get caught in the rain .", "we should look for the best deals before deciding to purchase tickets .", "we need to also decidr on where to stay and what we will do while there .", "i think the train will be relaxing for both of us - no worries or stress about driving .", "i think this trip will be what we both need ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "great ! Oh , one more thing , don't forget to check the weather before we go . I'd hate to get caught in the rain .", "responses": ["no problem . i 'm really looking forward to the coming week .", "me too , i dislike being in the rain .", "i will bring an umbrella just in case .", "i will be sure to check the weather this evening .", "i already did and weather is suppose to be lovely ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "no problem . I'm really looking forward to the coming week .", "responses": ["me , too . now let 's make a list for what we need to take with us .", "it will be nice to get away .", "thanks for booking the tickets , let me know what i owe you .", "could you make reservations at that cafe we like for dinner ? i wo n't have time to do it and you know how busy they get .", "if it looks like rain lets pick a different weekend ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Me , too . Now let's make a list for what we need to take with us ."}], "index": 805} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Hi , Kenny . Let's go for a drink .", "responses": ["sounds good . where are we going ?", "barry , let 's do it ! when are you free ?", "ca n't tonight lenny but i 'm free all weekend . what about you ?", "you read my mind ! meet you downtown in an hour .", "same time , same place ? see you then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sounds good . Where are we going ?", "responses": ["somewhere new . it 's a great place to pick up chicks .", "oh , i do n't know . how about that new bar right around the corner ?", "i 'm not picky . where would you like to go ?", "let 's meet half - way between your place and mine .", "i picked last time . it 's your turn ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Somewhere new . It's a great place to pick up chicks .", "responses": ["need a new . girlfriend , huh ?", "what 's the name of the place so i can get the address ?", "sounds fun , what time are you picking me up ?", "awesome , text me the address and i 'll meet you there .", "ok , what time should i pick you up ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Need a new . girlfriend , huh ?", "responses": ["yeah , i broke up with lisa . she blew a gasket over it . whoa , get a load of that !", "nope . not like that .", "more like a hookup .", "definitely not a girlfriend , just a hookup .", "you know me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I broke up with Lisa . She blew a gasket over it . Whoa , get a load of that !", "responses": ["whew ! that getup is terrific !", "what happened between you two ?", "wow ! go for it !", "why did you dump her ?", "wait , i thought you guys were getting along ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whew ! That getup is terrific !", "responses": ["never mind the getup . she 's beautiful !", "she looks really good .", "i am going to go buy her a drink .", "i am going to go talk to her .", "she would never go for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Never mind the getup . She ' s beautiful !", "responses": ["that too .", "she is all beauty but no brains", "iam glad iam out of this", "i can not wait till i get a new one", "is any of your friends single and ready to mingle"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That too .", "responses": ["i 'm gon na introduce myself .", "do you think i have a chance ?", "what should i say ?", "could you talk to her first ?", "you coming with me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm gonna introduce myself .", "responses": ["if you 're lucky , that might do the trick .", "do n't blow it .", "lisa never looked that good .", "good luck with that .", "tell her she must have a mirror around her waist because you see yourself in her pants ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If you're lucky , that might do the trick .", "responses": ["oh , oh , that tears it ! i 'm getting out of here .", "i 'm always lucky .", "i hope so , really want to meet her .", "yeah maybe break the ice at least .", "cross your fingers for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , oh , that tears it ! I'm getting out of here .", "responses": ["hold on ! what 's the big hurry ?", "she is hot , have fun , text me tomorrow with details .", "does she have a friend for me ?", "i 'll go with you man .", "sorry she rejected you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hold on ! What's the big hurry ?", "responses": ["my ex - girlfriend 's here . if she sees me , my goose is cooked .", "she told me she was n't interested ! that 's embarassing .", "she was with her boyfriend !", "she completely ignored me and made me look like a fool .", "she 's my cousin ! i ca n't flirt with her !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My ex-girlfriend's here . If she sees me , my goose is cooked .", "responses": ["i wanna finish my drink first . i 'll meet you at sammy 's .", "oh no ! do you want to go to a different bar ? >", "haha ! you should just calm down . i 'm sure it 's fine and you can stay and hang out with me .", "lol ! well , she is your \" ex \" after all , so you should just stay and avoid her .", "really ? you 're going to run out of here because she 's here ? you ca n't avoid her forever ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I wanna finish my drink first . I'll meet you at Sammy's .", "responses": ["ok , catch you later .", "ok , i 'm outta here .", "ah , never mind . we 're not an item , so what i do is none of her business .", "on second thought , i 'm staying . she 's not the boss of me .", "ok , see you there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , catch you later ."}], "index": 806} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Valerie ! Hi ! Wow how are you ? It ' s been such a long time !", "responses": ["darlene ! indeed , it 's been a while ! how have you been ? wow , you look amazing ! i love what you 've done with your hair !", "it 's so good to see you !", "i 'm great , how have you been doing ?", "it has been a long time , i am so busy that i never see anyone from the old group of friends .", "things are great with me , what about with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Darlene ! Indeed , it ' s been a while ! How have you been ? Wow , you look amazing ! I love what you ' Ve done with your hair !", "responses": ["really ? thanks ! i went to that hair salon that you told me about , but enough about me ! look at you ! you have n't aged a day since the last time i saw you ! what is your secret !", "thanks ! just wanted something new .", "oh really ? i was n't sure if it was too much .", "thanks ! i love this dress of yours .", "you can give my stylist all the credit . she 's the one who picked it out ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Thanks ! I went to that hair salon that you told me about , but enough about me ! Look at you ! You haven ' t aged a day since the last time I saw you ! What is your secret !", "responses": ["ha ha , come on ! well , i 've been watching what i eat , and working out three times a week . by the way , i heard your son recently graduated !", "it 's this amazing new face cream i got last week !", "oh , stop it . you 're just buttering me up .", "no way ! i look like a geezer anymore .", "just a lot of cleanser and moisture ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Ha ha , come on ! Well , I ' Ve been watching what I eat , and working out three times a week . By the way , I heard your son recently graduated !", "responses": ["yes , my little paul is finally a doctor . they grow up so fast you know .", "all of your hard work shows ! you look great .", "lookin good ! my son did recently graduate , he is off to college after the summer . how are your kids ?", "my son did graduate . he is going to take a gap year before college and travel europe .", "he just graduated college and is currently job hunting . fingers crossed for him !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , my little Paul is finally a doctor . They grow up so fast you know .", "responses": ["he is such a handsome guy . he gets his looks from his mother of course !", "thanks for your compliments", "yes they do grow up fast and time just flies", "is there any gym close by the place where you live .", "i would sat stress less life is the key to all happiness"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "He is such a handsome guy . He gets his looks from his mother of course !", "responses": ["thank you ! what about your daughter , pamela ? i heard she has passed the bar exam and married recently .", "haha you 're too kind !", "aw , that 's very sweet of you to say .", "it 's all in his father 's eyes .", "if only his father was still around ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Thank you ! What about your daughter , Pamela ? I heard she has passed the bar exam and married recently .", "responses": ["oh yes . she had a beautiful wedding in cozumel mexico and we all attended .", "yes , they 've moved to chicago , so i do n't see her much .", "yes , she 's got a job with a law firm in chicago .", "yes , her husband is an attorney , too .", "yes . we can both be proud of our children ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh yes . She had a beautiful wedding in Cozumel Mexico and we all attended .", "responses": ["such a lovely girl . i hope my paul is lucky enough to find a girl like that someday !", "wow mexico , bet it 's lovely there .", "is she living in mexico also ?", "i bet you miss her being so far away .", "was the wedding outdoors ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Such a lovely girl . I hope my Paul is lucky enough to find a girl like that someday !", "responses": ["but of course ! well , it 's been great talking to you , but i have to get going .", "he will , he is quite a catch !", "i thought he was seeing the girl he met at medical school ?", "does he have time to date with his hectic schedule ?", "i thought he moved in with that blonde gal you did n't like ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "But of course ! Well , it ' s been great talking to you , but I have to get going .", "responses": ["same here ! we will catch up soon , maybe over coffee !", "oh , sorry . that last comment was uncalled for was n't it .", "okay ! have a nice day !", "wait , there 's something i ve been meaning to ask you", "oh .. okay then . bye ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Same here ! We will catch up soon , maybe over coffee !", "responses": ["that would be great ! give me a call !", "that would be wonderful ! text me sometime and let me know your schedule so we can make a definiate plan !", "yes ! please , let 's do . i 'll be in town again next month , let 's get together while we can !", "i would love that ! let 's do brunch , even .", "yes ! we really need to catch up . let 's do coffee or brunch !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "That would be great ! Give me a call !", "responses": ["see you soon ! bye ! egg ... i ca n't stand that woman or her obnoxious daughter .", "will do ! i look forward to hearing more about how paul is doing .", "i will ! maybe we can try out the new brew pub !", "definitely ! i 'm overdue for a cheat day , so maybe we can pig out at the chinese buffet .", "i 'll call you this evening after work !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "See you soon ! Bye ! Egg ... I can ' t stand that woman or her obnoxious daughter ."}], "index": 807} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you already take the history exam ?", "responses": ["yeah . it was hard . when do you take it ?", "yeah , it was simple .", "not yet . i 'm really nervous .", "no , i have n't even started studying .", "yes . it was a nightmare ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah . It was hard . When do you take it ?", "responses": ["i take it tomorrow morning . there is so much material that i do nt know what to emphasize on . what types of questions did you get ?", "about an hour ago .", "it was hard ! i just finished a few minutes ago .", "i am out of town so i took it early last week .", "i have not taken it yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I take it tomorrow morning . There is so much material that I dont know what to emphasize on . What types of questions did you get ?", "responses": ["mostly on the civil war . you should also study the impact martin luther king jr . had on american society .", "i got a few open ended questions which i did bad", "the miltiple choice questions were too easy", "i thought the question paper was too lengthy", "try to real the old questions from previous years"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Mostly on the civil war . You should also study the impact Martin Luther King Jr . had on American society .", "responses": ["what about abraham lincoln ? did you get any questions about him ?", "oh thanks ! i 'll keep those in mind .", "who was he again ?", "the civil war is my favorite one .", "oh good . i 'll be fine then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about Abraham Lincoln ? Did you get any questions about him ?", "responses": ["i only had 1 question about him . but you might get more . i do nt know if he will have the same exam or not .", "there were several , as the test seemed to focus on the civil war .", "there was a lot about lincoln 's stance on slavery .", "there were a few ; though not as man as i would have thought , given the emphasis placed on the civil war .", "there were a few ; though not as man as i would have thought , given the emphasis placed on the civil war ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I only had 1 question about him . But you might get more . I dont know if he will have the same exam or not .", "responses": ["hopefully he will use the same exam , cause i m going to spend most of my time studying the civil war . it is a huge section and that is what he lectured the most on in class .", "i bet it will be a different one .", "probably not , i think she will change it .", "the exam is probably changed everyday .", "oh i doubt that , too easy to cheat ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hopefully he will use the same exam , cause Im going to spend most of my time studying the civil war . It is a huge section and that is what he lectured the most on in class .", "responses": ["if you ca nt study everything , then that is probably the best way to go .", "i bet he will ask you a lot about the civil war .", "study the civil war in detail . there were so many questions on it .", "good luck on the exam . it was painful . i am glad it is over .", "want to go out and celebrate when your exam is over ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "If you cant study everything , then that is probably the best way to go .", "responses": ["aright . thanks for the info . i got ta go to the library now .", "i agree , i 'll focus on that completely", "maybe he will change it up so i 'll study a range of things .", "do you think you could share some of the questions that you remember ?", "maybe ill just try to cheat like last test"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Aright . Thanks for the info . I gotta go to the library now .", "responses": ["good luck .", "ok . let me know if you need help studying later . good luck !", "ok , good luck on the test . i 'm sure you will do fine , so do n't worry too much !", "ok , they close at 5 today , so make sure you get enough time to study !", "ok , i 'll talk to you later . if you want help studying just text me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good luck .", "responses": ["thanks . see ya .", "thanks ! i 'll let you know how it comes out .", "thanks ! this is so frustrating .", "thanks ! i might also skim over the other chapter summaries and whatever lecture notes i have time for .", "i appreciate your help . fingers crossed !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks . See ya ."}], "index": 808} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the matter with you , then ? You look miserable .", "responses": ["it 's us .", "i just got dumped by my girlfriend .", "i think i have the flu", "i 've been having back pains all day long .", "i have n't eaten since the morning"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's us .", "responses": ["what do you mean by \" us \" ?", "what about us ? what is wrong ?", "what do you mean ? i 'm really worried about you .", "how so ? did i do something to upset you ?", "oh no , i 'm really sorry you feel that way . do you want to talk about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean by \" us \" ?", "responses": ["well , we used to talk to each other before we were married . remember ?", "you and me . we have to talk .", "me and bob . i think he may be having an affair .", "me and carol . our marriage is a mess .", "all of us . the planet is doomed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , we used to talk to each other before we were married . Remember ?", "responses": ["what do you mean ? we 're talking now , are n't we ?", "we talk !", "yes , we both get busy with things . sounds like you want some time for just the two of us .", "i remember . you 're unhappy because we do n't spend time together ?", "i think we talk . what 's missing for you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ? We ' re talking now , aren't we ?", "responses": ["oh , yes , but we used to do so much together .", "yes but not like we used too baby .", "no we are talking but i mean sharing with each other .", "really ? no not really .", "if you consider this talking that s not what i meant ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes , but we used to do so much together .", "responses": ["yes . i remember . but we never used to argue . you used to think i was wonderful . where are you going ?", "that feels like a different time .", "what happened ?", "why are you so concerned ?", "i do n't really know what you are talking about ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . I remember . But we never used to argue . You used to think I was wonderful . Where are you going ?", "responses": ["back to live with my parents . that 's something else i used to do before we were married . remember ?", "i 'm going home , need to relax after a long day at work .", "heading out to eat , want to come ?", "heading to work , i am running a bit late .", "going to buy some groceries , then heading home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Back to live with my parents . That's something else I used to do before we were married . Remember ?"}], "index": 809} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , Blake ! Are you still listening to Mozart ?", "responses": ["yes . do you like it ?", "i still love mozart !", "i am . why do you ask ?", "yes , i am . in fact , i 'm going to a concert next week .", "yes . are you interested in classical music ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . Do you like it ?", "responses": ["it 's great . and i 've heard that listening to mozart can make you more intelligent .", "yes i love it .", "yes i love it .", "yes i love listening to classical music .", "no not really . i love rock music ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's great . and I ' Ve heard that listening to Mozart can make you more intelligent .", "responses": ["really ? i 've never heard that before . i just like it .", "i read something about that too .", "yeah , i do n't really believe it though .", "that is why i always play mozart around my kids .", "just another reason to love it !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I've never heard that before . I just like it .", "responses": ["is classical music your favorite ?", "which songs or pieces do you like best from mozart ?", "yeah i like mozart as well , but the benefits it offers sound good .", "what 's your favorite song from mozart ?", "what are types of artists do you like listening to ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Is classical music your favorite ?", "responses": ["yes . what about you ?", "i really like classical music , it 's not my favorite though .", "yes , mozart is my all time favorite composer as well .", "i really enjoy classical music , it 's definitely one of my favorites .", "it is a great genre of music , but i 'm more of a rock music guy ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yes . What about you ?", "responses": ["i like pop music best . classical music is a bit too heavy for me . i ca n't get fully relaxed in it .", "i also love classical music . my favorite composer is bach .", "i like classical music and world music about the same .", "yes ! it 's rare to find another classical music fan .", "same ! i play violin and cello ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I Like pop music best . Classical music is a bit too heavy for me . I can't get fully relaxed in it .", "responses": ["pop music does n't have any depth for me .", "there are some remixes that make classical music have a bit of a pop beat . you might like them .", "i understand . classical music is not for everyone .", "when i was younger i did not like it , but found the more i listened to it , the more it grew on me .", "i used to hate classical music until i had a classical music cd stuck in my car . after listening to mozart for a while , i could n't get enough ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Pop music doesn't have any depth for me .", "responses": ["yeah , that 's why i can enjoy myself in it .", "i 'm just not into classical .", "classical is too old fashioned for me to listen to much .", "i 'd rather listen to something more recent .", "music does n't need to have depth to be worth listening to ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , that's why I can enjoy myself in it .", "responses": ["did you always like pop music .", "that 's cool . i usually find most pop music is repetitive .", "i see . pop music is very bland and boring in comparison to compositions by classical musicians .", "to each their own .", "nice . pop music is my least favorite genre ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you always like pop music .", "responses": ["i think so , since i was in primary school . how long have you been interested in classical music .", "i have , i heard it as a kid and have always enjoyed listening to it .", "i have nt , i actually just really started listening to it the past few years .", "i did nt , for a long time i used to make fun of it but as i got older i started to enjoy it more .", "i did , my mom used to listen to it all the time so i am very used to hearing it/"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think so , since I was in primary school . How long have you been interested in classical music .", "responses": ["i did n't like it at all until i started to learn violin when i was eight . from then on . classical music has been an important part of my life .", "i 've always loved classical music .", "ever since my parents played it for me as a child .", "classical music was always playing in my home .", "ever since i saw an orchestra at the concert hall i 've loved classical music ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't like it at all until I started to learn violin when I was eight . From then on . classical music has been an important part of my life .", "responses": ["oh , i did n't know you can play the violin . do you still play .", "do you still play the violin ?", "do you play any other instruments as well ?", "did you ever play with others ?", "that 's so interesting . i wish i had learned to play an instrument ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "oh , I didn't know you can play the violin . Do you still play .", "responses": ["sometimes , but these days i 'm often too busy .", "sometimes , but i 'm rusty . i was better when i was younger .", "i try to keep it up so that the lessons were n't all wasted .", "i play it just about every day . it soothes me and reminds me of childhood .", "i do it whenever i think about my mom . she paid a lot for those lessons and she would 've wanted me to continue ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sometimes , but these days I'm often too busy ."}], "index": 810} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was really hard for our parents to save money when they were young .", "responses": ["most people were living form hand to mouth . how could they ?", "what was their situation ?", "i think it 's hard for everyone to save money when they 're young . :)", "how old were they when they got married ?", "did they both work ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Most people were living form hand to mouth . How could they ?", "responses": ["yeah . they simply had no extra money to save up or for other things .", "i know the economy has been horrible .", "life is definately a struggle these days .", "saving money has always been rough for us .", "its sad that so many people had to live like that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . They simply had no extra money to save up or for other things .", "responses": ["fortunately , things are changing these years .", "how did that affect your childhood ?", "what jobs did your parents have ?", "i guess that was pretty normal then though .", "that must have been difficult for them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Fortunately , things are changing these years ."}], "index": 811} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Jane , I was wondering if you you had any plans for saturday afternoon .", "responses": ["a friend and i are planing to go out , why ? what 's up ?", "i 'm not sure yet . why do you ask ?", "i 'll probably just be hanging out with friends . what are you up to ?", "yeah , i 'm headed to the in - laws ' for the weekend .", "i do n't really have any plans . what about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A friend and I are planing to go out , why ? what's up ?", "responses": ["there is a special exhibition of french sculptures at the museum , i was hoping you 'd like to come with me .", "no reason i was hoping we could go out .", "i wanted to invite you to go with me .", "nothing much . i m just trying to make some plans also .", "yes i would be busy this weekend but i am free the next ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "There is a special exhibition of french sculptures at the museum , I was hoping you ' d like to come with me .", "responses": ["i am afraid i ca n't i am going to be out all day .", "sorry , i already have plans .", "oh , would you mind if i invite the friend i was going to hang out with ?", "that does sound like fun , is it showing any other weekend ?", "i 'll see if i can rearrange my schedule ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I am afraid I can't I am going to be out all day .", "responses": ["what about sunday ?", "well , hope it all works out well for you .", "sorry to hear , talk to you later .", "no problem , i guess i 'll find someone else to accompany me .", "its alright , i understand if your busy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "What about sunday ?", "responses": ["i wish i could , but it 's my mums birthday .", "yeah sunday might work , what time you thinking ?", "i think i might be able to schedule some time , i think the exhibit will be really cool .", "i ca n't do sunday , i 'm in church all day , sorry !", "i 'll think about it , can i let you know by friday if i can go ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "i wish i could , but it's my mums birthday .", "responses": ["maybe next week .", "have fun !", "oh ok .", "how old is she turning this year ?", "oh , she 's in town ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe next week .", "responses": ["much as i 'd like to , i am afraid i wo nt be free next week , i have a lot of work .", "yes , i am free next saturday if you are available then .", "that sounds good . give me a call next week and we 'll see if we can make it ..", "next week i am busy , too . how about the week after ?", "i think i am busy then . how long will the exhibition be on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Much as I ' d like to , I am afraid i wont be free next week , I have a lot of work .", "responses": ["sorry to hear that , i was really looking forward to spending some more time with you , i really enjoyed our last chat .", "what about the week after that ?", "are you washing your hair too ?", "fine , if you do n't want to go just say so .", "i 'll ask someone else then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry to hear that , I was really looking forward to spending some more time with you , I really enjoyed our last chat .", "responses": ["i am really sorry too , maybe i can give you a call sometime .", "i definitely understand and i enjoyed spending time with you , too . maybe another week in the next coming month .", "i 'm sorry but i have just been so busy lately .", "i enjoyed our chat , too . i 'll be sure to follow up next weekend that i 'm free .", "ok , sorry about that . but i 'm swamped . hope you have fun tho"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am really sorry too , maybe I can give you a call sometime ."}], "index": 812} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have any plans for the weekend , Tom ?", "responses": ["yeah , i 'm going for a hike in the southern rocky mountains .", "lots of house and yard work . how about you ?", "i 'm going to a club saturday night . want to join me ?", "nothing much special . what are you up to ?", "ah , they 're still up in the air . might go fishing if the weather is nice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I ' m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains .", "responses": ["oh , do you go hiking often ?", "no i m just staying home .", "that sounds fun .", "i hope you do nt see a bear .", "i hope you havde a good time . how far do you hike ususlly ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , do you go hiking often ?", "responses": ["i go as much as i can . i love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature .", "no , this is my first time in a few years .", "yes , i go every chance i get .", "i have been other places , but not to the rocky mountains .", "nope , my wife really wanted to go , so i am taking her ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I go as much as I can . I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature .", "responses": ["it would be nice to get out of the city . do you want some company ?", "yea i get that , it is also nice to relax a bit in nature .", "i also try to hike when i get the chance , any recommendations you can give me ?", "i get that , i love camping because of the sights and sounds of nature .", "how long have you been hiking ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "It would be nice to get out of the city . Do you want some company ?", "responses": ["sure . but , it will be a long hike , 30 miles in three days . have you been hiking before ?", "yeah , that 'd be great , do you have your own tent ?", "i usually like going out by myself , but sure you can come along .", "no , i 'd rather just go on my own , i like to be alone in nature .", "sure , you can come . but you 'll need to bring your own supplies , and make sure to keep up ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . But , it will be a long hike , 30 miles in three days . Have you been hiking before ?", "responses": ["yeah , i go a lot too . i saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike .", "yes , i used to go every weekend when we lived in washington .", "yes , but my previous longest hike was only 15 miles over two days .", "hiking is one of my favorite things to do !", "no , but i love a good challenge ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I go a lot too . I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike .", "responses": ["wow ! you must have been pretty far away from the city .", "oh , wow ! yes , i have heard they have some large animals in that area .", "good - do you have suitable hiking boots ?", "fantastic . when do you want to go ?", "are you able to take a few days off work for the hike ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! You must have been pretty far away from the city .", "responses": ["yeah , my friend and i hiked in a very wild part of the national forest .", "surprisingly , it actually was very far from the suburbs .", "it was about 20 miles from any habitation .", "it was about 2 miles from the park gate .", "there were a ton of elk out there too !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest .", "responses": ["well , bring him along too . we 'll have a great time this weekend .", "that 's cool . i have n't been in that area in a long time . if you think you can handle it you can definitely come .", "interesting . well , if you think you 're ready for this meet me at blah blah on saturday .", "sorry , i have had a busy week . was looking forward to getting some alone time .", "okay . well , if you 're such a hiker we can go together ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , bring him along too . We ' ll have a great time this weekend .", "responses": ["thanks , i 'll ask him .", "that sounds like a great idea ! ill write him and see if he is available", "i would love too ! we would both really enjoy that", "he is not available this weekend , but i d still love to join", "ill see if he wants to come , it would be an amazing weekend !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thanks , I ' ll ask him ."}], "index": 813} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "How upsetting ! He has been away for a week !", "responses": ["i do n't know if anything terrible has happened .", "did he give any reason why ?", "is that normal , has he done it before ?", "how awful , i hope your doing well .", "has he contacted you at all ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know if anything terrible has happened .", "responses": ["i have reported it to the police .", "i do n't think it 's anything too terrible , probably just went off grid for a bit .", "yeah , i am worried as well , seriously wish him all the best .", "yes , i hope not either , i 've been praying for him all week .", "i think he 'll be fine , probably just needed time to relax and think about things ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have reported it to the police .", "responses": ["we 'd better prepare for the worst .", "that was the right thing to do .", "can i help you with anything ?", "i 'm sure he 'll be found soon .", "i 'm sure they 'll find him soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We'd better prepare for the worst ."}], "index": 814} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You've heard of Bruce Jenner , haven't you ?", "responses": ["he won the decathlon in the 1976 olympics , right ?", "yeah , was n't he in the olympics ?", "i think so , he was on a tv show i think .", "yes , he had a sex change operation and now goes by caitlyn .", "i have n't heard of him , who is he ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "He won the decathlon in the 1976 Olympics , right ?", "responses": ["i read that he trained so much that he used to dream about jumping hurdles .", "yes , that one .", "he 's caitlyn jenner now .", "and then he married into the kardashian family .", "he 's a she now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I read that he trained so much that he used to dream about jumping hurdles .", "responses": ["i can think of better things to dream about ...", "that 's not surprising . most athletes train seven days a week .", "wow ! that 's crazy to think that even when he was sleeping his mind was still training .", "that 's amazing . i could never train that much .", "he certainly was a talented athlete ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can think of better things to dream about ...", "responses": ["sometimes he would wake up covered in sweat , with his legs pumping away .", "what you think about during the day leaks into your dreams .", "my dreams are so disjointed , they are just a jumble of images .", "he was just so focused on his object !", "yeah , exotic vacation dreams are the best !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sometimes he would wake up covered in sweat , with his legs pumping away .", "responses": ["that 's crazy .", "that 's interesting . he must have been real invested in his sport .", "that sounds inappropriate . please do n't tell me anymore details .", "wow , i 've experienced that before from a dream too . except my dream was exciting .", "he sounds like a real intense athlete ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's crazy ."}], "index": 815} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Mike ! Look at the floor !", "responses": ["what 's wrong with it ?", "oh no ! what is that huge mess ?", "where did those spiders come from ?", "what is that puddle of blood from ? did someone get hurt ?", "ugh ! i 'm going to have to clean this up before my parents get home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with it ?", "responses": ["what 's wrong with it ? it 's filthy !", "it 's not the color i asked for !", "it 's covered in dust !", "it has the most amazing wood grain pattern !", "there are bugs all over the place !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "What's wrong with it ? It's filthy !", "responses": ["oh ...", "yeah , it looks disgusting .", "i do n't see anything wrong with the floor .", "damn , it looks so filthy ! they need to clean that up !", "it looks clean to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh ...", "responses": ["it 's filthy because you never wipe your shoes .", "yeah , so it needs to be cleaned please .", "would you please change that and get it cleaned up now .", "fix it now , there is a broom in the corner , use it .", "this should never get this bad , fix it and do nt let it happen again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's filthy because you never wipe your shoes .", "responses": ["sorry , love .", "i 'm sorry !", "i 'll try to wipe my shoes off next time .", "i ca n't help that it 's muddy outside !", "i 'll clean it up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , love .", "responses": ["what are you looking for now ?", "please clean it up .", "i 'd appreciate if you 'd be more careful in the future .", "just take your shoes off when you come in the house !", "well i just cleaned it so i expect you clean up your mess now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you looking for now ?", "responses": ["my cigarettes .", "i 'm looking for that old mop i borrowed from stevenson .", "i 'm looking for a dirty rag that i can use for the floor .", "a broom so i can get this dirt out of here .", "my boots so i can go out to the garage and grab a mop ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My cigarettes .", "responses": ["well , they 're not here . they are in the dustbin .", "can you remove your dirty shoes before you search for the ciggies ?", "your cigarettes are empty . can you take off your dirty shoes now ?", "you left your cigarettes over on the mantel . however , i would like you to remove your shoes before you go over there .", "i have n't seen your cigarettes , but those dirty shoes have got to come off now !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , they ' re not here . They are in the dustbin .", "responses": ["in the dustbin ! why did n't you tell me before ?", "oh no , not again !", "i need it badly .", "again i have to go back and get it . my bad !", "why are they in the dustbin ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In the dustbin ! Why didn't you tell me before ?"}], "index": 816} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . Do you study Chinese at this university ?", "responses": ["yes , i do . but my characters are very bad .", "i do , i have been taking it for 2 years now , its difficult but really fun to learn .", "i do not , i opted out of that class , chinese is a difficult language to learn .", "i used to , but i had to drop out to take other courses .", "i will next semester , they did nt have space this semester ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I do . But my characters are very bad .", "responses": ["it takes a long time to learn chinese writing .", "it 's good that you have tried to learn chinese .", "i am sure your characters are ok .", "i can help you practice your characters .", "show me an example of what your characters look like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing .", "responses": ["are you chinese by birth ?", "yes , it is very complicated .", "i have seen progress but i still have a long way to go .", "do you write chinese ?", "i love the beauty of the letters ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you Chinese by birth ?", "responses": ["yes , i am . i am from guangzhou . i am here to study international relations .", "i am not . i started learning in elementary school .", "my parents are chinese born , but i am a first - generation american .", "not by birth , but i have a spiritual connection to the culture .", "yes , which is why it 's easier for me . that 's why you should feel proud !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am . I am from Guangzhou . I am here to study international relations .", "responses": ["how do you like it ?", "do you think it 's easier for a native chinese person to learn english ?", "we could help each other with our language , if you 'd like .", "is n't it expensive to study abroad ?", "guangzhou , where half the world 's consumer products are made !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How do you like it ?", "responses": ["i like it so far . but my english still needs work .", "i love it .", "i like learning about diplomatic relations between countries .", "i find it easy because of a lot of resources .", "i am happy with it as i get to interact with students from different countries ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like it so far . But my English still needs work .", "responses": ["i want to study mandarin and public relations .", "do you enjoy the culture ?", "is there a lot of differences ?", "do you want to stay in the us ?", "i think your english is great ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to study Mandarin and public relations ."}], "index": 817} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Hey , look over there . It seems that there is something interesting going on . Let's go and have a look .", "responses": ["sure . it 's probably a skiing show . adam told me there are many skiing clubs whose members put on shows to attract more visitors .", "i wonder what is happening , i would love to go and take a look .", "oh wow , yeah , that is interesting , lets go check it out .", "i m not sure i want to go have a look , it looks like a lot of chaos over there .", "it is interesting but i m not sure i want to go have a look ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure . It's probably a skiing show . Adam told me there are many skiing clubs whose members put on shows to attract more visitors .", "responses": ["look at that . it 's so dangerous . my mom would never allow me to do that .", "i love to watch people ski .", "i am an avid skier myself .", "skiing is one of my favorite sports , let 's go !", "that sounds like something i would be interested in seeing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look at that . It's so dangerous . My mom would never allow me to do that .", "responses": ["stop all this fuss and enjoy the show .", "mine either .", "my mom does n't like that i do it but she wo n't stop me .", "i 'm sure they built up to what they 're doing now and they are careful .", "hopefully no one will get hurt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Stop all this fuss and enjoy the show .", "responses": ["you are right . but what if an avalanche happened ?", "you 're right . my first instinct is just to worry .", "why ? you do n't agree that it 's dangerous ?", "fine , fine , fine ! i was just saying ...", "you 're right . my mom was always too strict anyway ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You are right . But what if an avalanche happened ?", "responses": ["they are all great skiers and very experienced . so i suppose the chance for them to be buried by an avalanche is slim .", "then a lot of people could die .", "i 've seen video where a skier out ran an avalanche !", "i 'm pretty sure they check the snow first .", "naw , they drop explosives first to dislodge unstable snow ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They are all great skiers and very experienced . So I suppose the chance for them to be buried by an avalanche is slim .", "responses": ["anyway , the show is breathtaking . by the way , where did they get so much snow here ?", "hope so . but you never know .", "good to know . the show will be exciting then .", "oh , i see . how about someone getting injured seriously ?", "okay then , let 's enjoy the show ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Anyway , the show is breathtaking . By the way , where did they get so much snow here ?", "responses": ["well , they have the most advanced snowmaking machine .", "they trucked it in .", "it snowed for the last week .", "we are on a mountain , so there is snow .", "i think they made it themselves ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , they have the most advanced snowmaking machine .", "responses": ["do you think the snowmaking may cause pollution ?", "you sure the snow - making machine is safe ?", "this still looks like it could be really dangerous .", "all that snow is really fake ? its not real snow ?", "oh wow that is amazing , to think they could use a snowmaking machine to get all the snow here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think the snowmaking may cause pollution ?", "responses": ["it 's possible .", "you are such a worrywort !", "does it really matter ?", "i suppose you can google that answer", "i suppose you can google that answer"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's possible ."}], "index": 818} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You'll never guess what I won at work today ! - Tickets to tonight's final NBA game .", "responses": ["two , i hope and i hope that by telling me about them you are planning on taking me !", "that 's awesome !", "who are you bringing with you ?", "i 'll definitely be looking for you when i 'm watching the game .", "how are the seats ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Two , I hope and I hope that by telling me about them you are planning on taking me !", "responses": ["of course ! and here 's the best part , they are court side seats !", "of course .", "are you free ?", "actually i need to take my wife with me .", "you were the first person i thought of !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course ! And here's the best part , they are court side seats !", "responses": ["how in the world ! who came up with seats like that from your company ?", "oh my god ! thank you so much for thinking of me !", "are you sure you want to waste those on me ! ? jk i love you !", "are you kidding me ! ? am i being punk'd right now ! ?", "no way ! how did you get those ! ? i need to pay you back somehow !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "How in the world ! Who came up with seats like that from your company ?", "responses": ["some guy in the accounting department has a brother on the team !", "nancy , in accounting told me that the seats could be most likely court side seats .", "the gal in accounting knew the seats where going for a good price .", "nancy in accounting . however , it 's the off season , so these seats are n't as expensive as you 'd think .", "nancy in accounting . she is also an avid nba fan ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Some guy in the accounting department has a brother on the team !", "responses": ["ca n't beat that ! thank you accounting guy !", "that brother must be at a higher level on the team .", "okay , we 'll gon na have a blast tonight .", "thank god ! finally , we gon na be on the courtside .", "as always , accountants have something up their sleeves !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Can't beat that ! Thank you accounting guy !", "responses": ["the game starts at seven so we 'd better hustle , it 's already five .", "i am so excited for the game .", "i have never sat so close .", "have you ever sat so close ?", "it is going to be the best game ever ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "The game starts at seven so we'd better hustle , it's already five .", "responses": ["what are we waiting for ? let 's go !", "nice , ill head on over and we can head out from your place .", "sweet , are you gon na be coming to pick me up . ?", "yeah its almost game time , lets roll out .", "alright sounds good man . just let me know what the game plan is . i m ready ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "What are we waiting for ? Let's go !"}], "index": 819} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let ' s play a game !", "responses": ["ok ! how about scrabble ?", "what kind of game do you want to play ?", "what game do you have in mind ?", "i need to know what kind of game this is ?", "okay , tell me what is involved in this game ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "OK ! How about Scrabble ?", "responses": ["no , no , a friend of mine taught me this really fun game . i 'm going to describe someone 's face , and you guess who it is !", "that 's great !", "no , i do n't like that game .", "what about chess ?", "i like it very much . let 's go for it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No , no , a friend of mine taught me this really fun game . I ' m going to describe someone ' s face , and you guess who it is !", "responses": ["ok !", "okay , sounds like fun .", "let 's play that and then play some scrabble .", "sounds fun , let 's play .", "okay you start with a face ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK !", "responses": ["let 's see . he has a roman nose , bushy eyebrows and dimples !", "ok you ready here we go", "thick eyebrows , blue eyes , and a big nose .", "freckles , a very wide smile and green eyes .", "huge lips , really thin eyebrows , and he s got brown eyes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let ' s see . He has a roman nose , bushy eyebrows and dimples !", "responses": ["our cousin pete ! my turn ! she has a pointy nose , sunken eyes and a mole on her chin !", "i have no clue", "can you give me more details", "can you give me more details", "julius cesear"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Our cousin Pete ! My turn ! She has a pointy nose , sunken eyes and a mole on her chin !", "responses": ["aunt rose ! that mole is so huge ! ok , my turn . he has a crooked nose and full lips . he has quite a few freckles and an oval face . oh , he is also bald !", "i bet it 's suzy !", "hm , what color hair does she have ?", "is it fran the barber ?", "i think it 's sasha the gold digger ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Aunt Rose ! That mole is so huge ! OK , my turn . He has a crooked nose and full lips . He has quite a few freckles and an oval face . Oh , he is also bald !", "responses": ["your future husband !", "is that uncle frank ?", "hey , that is me ! she has a long nose and full lips and is short !", "that sounds like my brother . is it right ?", "that sounds like our boss ! she has long eye lashes and a great smile and no freckles !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Your future husband !", "responses": ["not funny .", "he has no arms or legs but likes to swim .", "his nose is above his eyes , which are positioned vertically instead of horizontally .", "he has a handlebar mustache and always wears a beret .", "she has blue eyes and wears baseball caps from every team in baseball ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not funny ."}], "index": 820} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "As we know , mobile phones bring people great convenience and shorten the distance among friends and relatives .", "responses": ["it bears a great many of advantages , but also some weak points .", "i think that it has it 's cons too .", "sometimes being always connected is n't great .", "i think it is the most amazing technology .", "it 's so great to be so connected ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It bears a great many of advantages , but also some weak points .", "responses": ["is it ? i 've never thought of any disadvantages of the mobile phone .", "yeah it does have its faults , but its got a lot of strengths .", "what would some of those weak points be you think ?", "i ca nt really think of any weak points myself , they are just so convenient .", "yeah but none of those weak points really bring it down to much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it ? I've never thought of any disadvantages of the mobile phone .", "responses": ["for instance , the mobile phone seriously distracts the attention of people from work and study .", "would you like to hear my thoughts ?", "you lose the face - to - face experience .", "you lose sight of the world around you .", "you become dependant on your phone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "For instance , the mobile phone seriously distracts the attention of people from work and study .", "responses": ["that 's true . some people pay too much attention to their mobile phones .", "but it can be also used for both work and study !", "but it has too many practical values .", "i do n't think the cons outweigh the pros there .", "i think a lot of scientists would disagree with you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's true . Some people pay too much attention to their mobile phones .", "responses": ["actually , it 's not the fault of the mobile phone . but people should have a proper attitude towards it . mobile phone is a tool serving people , not the fetters restricting them .", "also , some people look at their mobile phone while driving !", "also , people tend to pay attention to their phone while ignoring others around them .", "also mobile phones and contracts are getting so expensive .", "mobile phones do have their disadvantages but i am not giving up mine anytime soon !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , it's not the fault of the mobile phone . But people should have a proper attitude towards it . Mobile phone is a tool serving people , not the fetters restricting them ."}], "index": 821} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Lee , I'm going to get married next month .", "responses": ["good news ! and congratulations !", "oh wow congratulations on your marriage .", "make sure you are well prepare for this .", "that it lovely i ca nt wait for big moment .", "are you prepared , you got everything you need ? . let me know if you need some help with anything ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good news ! And congratulations !", "responses": ["you are invited to my wedding .", "would you be my best man ?", "would you be a groomsman ?", "would you like to come ?", "can you help us plan ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "You are invited to my wedding .", "responses": ["thank you . i 'll certainly be there .", "i 'll be there !", "i have a dentist appointment", "when is it ?", "i think that 's a fantastic idea ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you . I'll certainly be there ."}], "index": 822} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you for lending me the book .", "responses": ["sure . but it 's a very difficult one , you need to have a dictionary at your elbow .", "no problem !", "any time !", "what did youy think of it ?", "would you like to borrow another ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Sure . But it's a very difficult one , you need to have a dictionary at your elbow .", "responses": ["but i 'm not used to looking up every new word when i 'm reading a novel . i only look up the most necessary ones .", "i have a dictionary too if you need it .", "okay , then please give it back .", "are you almost done ?", "anything in particular giving you trouble ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I'm not used to looking up every new word when I'm reading a novel . I only look up the most necessary ones ."}], "index": 823} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don ' t you agree that all the thieves should be punished by cutting off their fingers ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid many people would turn thumbs down on it .", "no ! people need a chance to learn from their mistakes .", "not one bit .", "i do n't think so , that sounds very cruel .", "i think that 's too harsh ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m afraid many people would turn thumbs down on it .", "responses": ["do n't you think in that case , there would n't be so much stealing ?", "that is funny . i am going to use that one .", "seriously , it would really cut down on theft .", "do you think it would work ?", "well , i think our country needs to get tough on crime ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Don ' t you think in that case , there wouldn ' t be so much stealing ?", "responses": ["definitely . but i think it is too fierce .", "i have to hand it to you -- that 's quite a suggestion .", "i think you 've put your finger on something .", "i 'd give an are and a leg to see this made into law !", "cross your fingers -- it might come true ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Definitely . But I think it is too fierce ."}], "index": 824} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The bartender just gave the last call . Let's order another round , okay ?", "responses": ["sure , but let 's get a pitcher this time we should be able to down it before they close .", "sure and it is on me !", "sounds good , if you are buying", "no argument here , what do you want ?", "yes , is there any other place still open ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure , but let's get a pitcher this time We should be able to down it before they close .", "responses": ["that sounds good . you order the beer while i go to the bathroom . where is the can in this place ?", "maybe we should do 2 pitchers ?", "ok . want to switch to margaritas ?", "ok , i 've got this one .", "i think i 'm ok ; i have to drive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That sounds good . You order the beer while I go to the bathroom . Where is the can in this place ?", "responses": ["it 's all the way to the back . see that yellow door ?", "i think it 's around the corner to the left .", "i am not sure . i 'll ask the bartender .", "it 's in the back . you see that sign ?", "it 's right down the hall , to the left . what kind of beer do you want ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's all the way to the back . See that yellow door ?", "responses": ["yeah . i think i can find it .", "oh , you mean the door behind the stage all the way over there ?", "i see a yellow stage light near the exit sign that is red . you mean that ?", "i think the yellow sign is hiding from where i am sitting . i need to move to where you are to see it .", "it 's not that far back . i can see the yellow door now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . I think I can find it .", "responses": ["you 're back already . that sure was quick .", "do n't get lost !", "do n't take too long . the pitcher might be gone by the time you get back .", "you ca n't miss it .", "it 's easy to find ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're back already . That sure was quick .", "responses": ["that 's because i just took one step inside and turned right around . that bathroom is too gross for me .", "yeah , pass the beer please .", "i 've decided that i just want to go home , if that 's okay with you .", "honestly , the bathroom was pretty gross but i got through it , and i 'm glad i brought antibacterial wipes .", "i just saw my ex , we might need to take the beer to go before he sees us ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's because I just took one step inside and turned right around . That bathroom is too gross for me .", "responses": ["well , the bartender would n't give me the pitcher of beer . anyway . he said it was too close to closing time .", "terrible . i was going to use the bathroom too , but not anymore .", "maybe we can ask the staff to clean it up .", "is there a bathroom next door that you can use ?", "i hate dirty bathrooms . do you want to just leave and get some drinks at my house ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , the bartender wouldn't give me the pitcher of beer . Anyway . He said it was too close to closing time .", "responses": ["let 's leave then . i could take some fresh air , anyway .", "where are we gon na find some beer ?", "let me go an ask the bartender again .", "maybe we can just steal a pitcher !", "let 's go find another bar !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's leave then . I could take some fresh air , anyway .", "responses": ["okay , let 's go !", "alright . i will take care of the check and we can go .", "sure , i am down for a walk .", "i will get the coats , you get the car .", "ok , you can use the bathroom at my place ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay , let's go !"}], "index": 825} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "hi , Mary ! What do you like to do in your spare time ?", "responses": ["well , i spend a lot of time watching movies .", "i like to take walks in the woods .", "i play fort night several night a week .", "i mostly like netflix and wine in my spare time . how about you ?", "spare time ? what is that ? i have been so busy lately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , I spend a lot of time watching movies .", "responses": ["what a confidence ! i always watch a lot of movies , too .", "what kind of movies do you like ?", "have you seen avengers : endgame ?", "do you like film noir ?", "do you like film noir ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "what a confidence ! I always watch a lot of movies , too .", "responses": ["oh really , frank ? what kind of movies do you like ?", "yeah , my favorite movie is the avegners .", "awesome what 's your favorite movie ?", "cool , have you seen any lately in theaters ?", "do you have netflix ? they have hundreds of movies !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "oh really , Frank ? What kind of movies do you like ?", "responses": ["actually , i watch whichever movie there is , be it a comedy , a sci - fi or a suspense movie . how about you ?", "i like documentaries best .", "mostly horror and drama movies . but i will watch a good movie if it had a great review .", "i like old style movies from the 1970s and 1960s best", "movies that are n't too long . any type of moive"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "actually , I watch whichever movie there is , be it a comedy , a sci-fi or a suspense movie . How about you ?", "responses": ["art films are my favorite , but thrillers are cool , too .", "i like sci - fi too . what 's your favorite ?", "i ca n't take suspense movies . too much anxiety for me .", "oh , me too . did you see the new will ferrell movie ? it 's hilarious .", "i just watch whatever 's on netflix ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "art films are my favorite , but thrillers are cool , too .", "responses": ["really impressive . these two genres are totally different .", "oh , i like thrillers too !", "i like horror movies also , do you like horror movies ?", "what 's your favorite thriller movie ?", "do you have a favorite movie director ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "really impressive . These two genres are totally different .", "responses": ["sure . i enjoy both of them very much .", "i like a lot of variety in my movies .", "you would be surprised how much overlap there is between art films and thrillers .", "it is certainly an odd mix of movies genres .", "i think art films and thrillers are generally well - made which is why i like them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "sure . I enjoy both of them very much .", "responses": ["how often do you go to the cinema ?", "i like them aswell .", "my favorite between those is thrillers !", "i also like artsy films .", "what is your favorite thriller ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how often do you go to the cinema ?", "responses": ["once in a while , i suppose , i usually rent movies at movie salon .", "i try to go at least a few times a month .", "once a week is ideal .", "not very often , i prefer to watch movies at home .", "whenever there is something worth seeing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "once in a while , I suppose , I usually rent movies at Movie Salon .", "responses": ["movie salon ? where is that ?", "i like the big screen , so i usually go to the cinema .", "i 've heard of movie salon . do they have a good selection ?", "you miss out on the good movie theater popcorn when you rent movies .", "it is more affordable to rent movies , than to go to the cinema ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "movie salon ? where is that ?", "responses": ["it 's a movie rental store in my neighborhood . i 've got a membership there .", "you have to google it .", "its inside the mall ?", "you re never heard of a movie salon ?", "i m just kidding , i use netflix ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "it's a movie rental store in my neighborhood . I've got a membership there .", "responses": ["is it good ?", "i have never heard of a movie salon", "that sounds interesting", "that is so old school", "do they have a good selection"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "is it good ?", "responses": ["yes , you can find almost all new releases there .", "it 's okay , it 's just close to my house so i got there .", "yes , they have a ton of movies there to choose from .", "i'ts just like any other rental place , but my best friend works there .", "yes , i like it . i used to work there in high school so i still like going there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , you can find almost all new releases there .", "responses": ["really ? maybe i shall also sign up for its membership .", "they must have a large genre to choose from .", "i might have to check it out .", "how much was the membership ?", "i wish there was one closer to where i live ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "really ? Maybe I shall also sign up for its membership .", "responses": ["why not ?", "yes it is really convienient", "we can go together then to pick out movies", "you will love it they have a wide selection", "go for it . you wo nt regeret it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "why not ?"}], "index": 826} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hey Suzie . Guess what ? I'm having a baby !", "responses": ["really ? that 's so great . congratulations .", "you must be excited !", "do you know who the father is ?", "boy or a girl ?", "what if it 's twins ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Really ? That's so great . Congratulations .", "responses": ["thanks . i 'm so excited . we 've been trying for 8 months now .", "yes i know ! i 'm so excited !", "yes i know , it 's going to be a boy !", "thank you ! i appreciate it !", "i ca n't wait !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks . I'm so excited . We've been trying for 8 months now .", "responses": ["that 's really exciting . how many months are you pregnant ?", "so , so wonderful . i could n't be happier for you two !", "how is hubbie reacting to the news ?", "could i plan your shower , please ?", "let 's go shopping for baby clothes !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That's really exciting . How many months are you pregnant ?", "responses": ["three months .", "i am two months pregnant now . can you believe that ?", "i 'll be going into my second trimester next week . exciting times !", "i just found out yesterday !", "i took a pregnancy test last week , so i 'm guessing it 's been less than a month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Three months .", "responses": ["are you going to find out if it is a boy or a girl ?", "have you had ultrasounds yet ?", "how are you feeling about impending parenthood ?", "just call me if you need a babysitter , alright ?", "wow , only half a year before we get the meet the baby !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you going to find out if it is a boy or a girl ?", "responses": ["i want to , but bob does n't . he wants to be surprised like the old fashioned way .", "no . we want it to be a surprise .", "yes . we already know what it is going to be !", "my husband and i are n't sure yet about that decision .", "i really want to find out , but my husband does n't want to know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I want to , but Bob doesn't . He wants to be surprised like the old fashioned way .", "responses": ["maybe it 's more exciting not knowing .", "you could find out and then he could wait .", "are you going to wait then ?", "are you going to find out anyway ?", "what gender would you prefer ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe it's more exciting not knowing .", "responses": ["i 'd rather know and buy all the baby things ahead of time .", "not for me it is nt .", "maybe you re right .", "its stressing me out not knowing .", "i wish i could find out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd rather know and buy all the baby things ahead of time .", "responses": ["there are so many things you have to prepare for .", "you could find out and not tell bob . but you might not be able to keep it a secret for that long .", "tell him you do n't like surprises .", "you could buy gender neutral things or even a few boy things and a few girl things . keep the tags on until after the baby is born . that way you can return what you do n't use .", "i think i agree with bob on this issue ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There are so many things you have to prepare for .", "responses": ["i know i am going to be busy , but i know i can handle it . i have been looking forward to this day for a long long time .", "yes , we need to get the nursery ready .", "absolutely . we still have some time though .", "my sister is helping a lot .", "it 's overwhelming ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know I am going to be busy , but I know I can handle it . I have been looking forward to this day for a long long time .", "responses": ["it really must be an exciting time for you guys .", "if you need anything just let me know", "well congrats again", "but it 's worth it", "you both will be great parents"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It really must be an exciting time for you guys .", "responses": ["thank you so much .", "it is , i can not wait until it 's time for the baby to be here .", "yes , i 'd love for you to come to my baby shower .", "it is , do you have any children ?", "thanks , it 's the best time of my life right now ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you so much ."}], "index": 827} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mary seems depressed . What ' s the matter ?", "responses": ["she did n't expect to get a kick in the teeth after a day 's hard work .", "i 'm not sure . i hope she 's okay .", "mary ? how could mary be depressed ? she 's always happy !", "really ? i 'm going to give her a call and make sure she 's alright .", "i do n't know she just does n't seem the same anymore ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She didn ' t expect to get a kick in the teeth after a day ' s hard work .", "responses": ["poor girl !", "maybe we should try and cheer her up .", "what happened ?", "oh , i see . i heard about that .", "she 's not appreciated as much as she should be there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Poor girl !"}], "index": 828} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Believe it or not , one of the narrowest street in the world is only 49cm wide .", "responses": ["unbelievable ! how do people go through it ?", "really ? that 's nothing !", "49 cm is very small . how can that be ?", "wow ! i 'd like to see a picture of that street .", "are you sure ? that 's really small ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Unbelievable ! How do people go through it ?", "responses": ["that 's what i 'm wondering , too .", "pedestrian only , i take it .", "that 's barely enough for one person to walk through !", "wow , where is it ?", "shoulder to shoulder , i suppose ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's what I'm wondering , too .", "responses": ["i wish i had a chance to see it with my own eyes .", "that 's crazy !", "i need to google that right away !", "do you know where it is ?", "when was it built ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wish I had a chance to see it with my own eyes ."}], "index": 829} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you care to join for the picnic tomorrow ?", "responses": ["much to my regret , i 'll have to meet my girlfriend at the airport then .", "sure , i 'd love to !", "sorry , i already have plans .", "i 'd like that . thank you for the invitation .", "that depends . who else is going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Much to my regret , I'll have to meet my girlfriend at the airport then .", "responses": ["we 'd like to invite you for our dress party tomorrow evening , are you free ?", "you have a girlfriend ?", "i did n't know you had a girlfriend , what 's she like ?", "that 's okay , drive safe alright ?", "i hope you guys have a fun and safe time , then !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "We'd like to invite you for our dress party tomorrow evening , are you free ?", "responses": ["much as we 'd like to , but we 've booked up already for that time .", "as i said before , i am going to be busy meeting my girlfriend at the airport .", "what time is the dress party starting ?", "where is the dress party going to be ?", "i wo n't be free i 'm sorry . i am going out to eat with my girlfriend after i pick her up from the airport ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Much as we'd like to , but we've booked up already for that time .", "responses": ["what a pity ! you ca n't join us .", "what are you doing ?", "you should skip your plans and join me .", "what time will you be busy tomorrow ?", "you could come to the event late ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "What a pity ! You can't join us .", "responses": ["so sorry . next time we 'll go , thanks anyway .", "i know , i m sorry .", "maybe next time .", "lets try for next week .", "i 'll let you know if anything changes ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "So sorry . Next time we'll go , thanks anyway ."}], "index": 830} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight , do you think have time ?", "responses": ["thank you for your inition . i 'm free tonight .", "sorry , i 'm working double shifts all this week .", "i ca n't , i 've got a family gathering i need to go to .", "sure , where and what time ?", "sounds good , but i 've got an early shift tomorrow , maybe could we do lunch instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you for your inition . I'm free tonight .", "responses": ["which kind of food do you like , chinese food , western food or sea food ?", "did you have a preference for a restaurant ?", "how does italian food sound to you ?", "is 7 p.m. a good time for me to pick you up ?", "sounds great . could you send me your address ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which kind of food do you like , chinese food , western food or sea food ?", "responses": ["i prefer sea food .", "i like all of those foods !", "my favorite is the chinese foods !", "i have n't had the sea food before .", "i do n't like to eat western foods ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I prefer sea food .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll pick up your hotel at 6 thirty pm .", "so you like sushi ?", "i hate sea food .", "sea food is the bomb .", "do you like octopus ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "ok . I'll pick up your hotel at 6 thirty pm .", "responses": ["that 's fine . i 'll be waiting for you .", "okay , i 'll be out front waiting for you . what kind of car do you drive ?", "can you make it 6:45 . i do n't think i can be ready by 6:30 .", "sounds great . what restaurant are we going to ?", "i appreciate you spending time with me . i 'll pay for the meal ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's fine . I'll be waiting for you .", "responses": ["see you later .", "great . see you then !", "then it 's a plan .", "i 'll be looking forward to it .", "super ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "See you later .", "responses": ["bye .", "do you need me to bring anything", "thanks for the offer", "i will be waiting", "see you then"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "bye ."}], "index": 831} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Look ! I bought these shoes only three weeks ago and there is a hole in them already .", "responses": ["if that happen to me , i 'll take them back to the shop .", "oh , my gosh . what brand are they ?", "do you have your receipt . i would return them .", "i told you that was not a good brand to buy .", "here 's some money . go buy you some different shoes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If that happen to me , I ' ll take them back to the shop .", "responses": ["i did . but they said they wo n't change them .", "you think i should ?", "i 'll call and see .", "i 'll have to read their return policy .", "maybe i should try and see if i can return them"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I did . But they said they won ' t change them .", "responses": ["that 's terrible . but if they would n't change them , i know what i would do .", "i would contact the company that made them", "give them a bad review", "never shop for shoes at that store again", "go elsewhere to buy shoes"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s terrible . But if they wouldn ' t change them , I know what I would do ."}], "index": 832} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by your work ?", "responses": ["of course ! it is the no . 1 stressor in my life . you know job stress has become a very common problem these days . so we must learn to cope with it .", "sometimes when we are really busy , i do feel overwhelmed .", "if i am taking care of a really sick person , who has a lot going on , i feel overwhelmed by the end of the shift .", "i take everything in stride and never feel overwhelmed .", "i work with a great group of people . when things get busy we all pull together to get the job done . that helps me from feeling overwhelmed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course ! It is the No . 1 stressor in my life . You know job stress has become a very common problem these days . So we must learn to cope with it .", "responses": ["totally agree . what is your solution ?", "yes . work life balance is a tricky thing .", "it seemed like people had it easier in the past .", "yes , but it is difficult .", "how do you deal with it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Totally agree . What is your solution ?", "responses": ["well , there are two causes of job stress . one is employee characteristic and the other is company condition . so if we want to manage job stress , both we and the companies should do something . for me , i am trying to balance work and leisure time . you know , all work and no play make jack a dull boy .", "drink more coffee", "take more breaks", "listen to music while working", "go for a walk or just go outside"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , there are two causes of job stress . One is employee characteristic and the other is company condition . So if we want to manage job stress , both we and the companies should do something . For me , I am trying to balance work and leisure time . You know , all work and no play make Jack a dull boy .", "responses": ["you seem to have a very relaxed outlook .", "yes , i agree , that 's why i go out on the weekend to relax .", "what kinds of fun things do you like to do to unwind ?", "we should have out one night after work .", "let me know when you have some free time so we can get together ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You seem to have a very relaxed outlook .", "responses": ["it is necessary . positive attitude helps to prevent stress .", "i do what i have to .", "thanks , i have learned to no let things stress me anymore .", "i might seem to have a relaxed outlook now , but in the past i was a total mess .", "it all comes down to how you handle the situation , i try to let it roll off my back ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is necessary . Positive attitude helps to prevent stress .", "responses": ["but i do n't think we can change our working condition . anyway , we are not the bosses .", "how many hours do you work per week ?", "are you required to check email on weekends and at night ?", "what is your profession ?", "have you always been this way ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I don ' t think we can change our working condition . Anyway , we are not the bosses .", "responses": ["i heard some companies are providing stress management training and making changes inside them , like avoiding unrealistic deadlines and organizing relaxation activities . our boss is a smart person . he will be learning from that if he would like to an efficient and healthy team .", "even though we are not our own bosses , we are the masters of our own destiny . we control the outcome of our lives and futures with our mental attitude .", "anything the mind can conceive and believe , it can achieve , so in a roundabout way , we are indeed our own bosses .", "you can always change your stress level by altering the way you think , regardless of being a boss or not a boss , or what your working conditions are .", "the boss does not decide your mental attitude and stress level , you do yourself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I heard some companies are providing stress management training and making changes inside them , like avoiding unrealistic deadlines and organizing relaxation activities . Our boss is a smart person . He will be learning from that if he would like to an efficient and healthy team ."}], "index": 833} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am so busy today .", "responses": ["can i help you ?", "why ? what do you have going on today ?", "me too . we need to catch up this weekend .", "is there something going on at work ?", "yes , i figured you were when you did n't answer my phone call ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Can I help you ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure . perhaps you could do the shopping .", "i would really apreate that , i could really use the help .", "thanks , but its ok , i think i can handle it by myself .", "thanks for the offer , but karen from work has already offered .", "your a great friend , i could sure the help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m not sure . Perhaps you could do the shopping .", "responses": ["i 'll be glad to help .", "what do you need me to pick up for you ?", "what other chores besides shopping need to be done ?", "what store do you need me to go to for you ?", "will you let me borrow your credit or debit card to do the shopping ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' ll be glad to help .", "responses": ["or maybe make the beds .", "thank you so much .", "i 'll send you a list .", "where will you go to do the shopping .", "would you like for me to make you a list ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Or maybe make the beds .", "responses": ["all you have to do is ask for help .", "i 'd be happy to make the beds , do you have clean sheets ?", "sure , i can make the beds , i just have to wash and dry the sheets so give me a bit .", "i can do the shopping first , i need to get some laundry soap , then i can move on to the beds .", "sure thing , let me start on the beds , while the sheets are being washed i 'll go to the store ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "All you have to do is ask for help .", "responses": ["thanks . that 's terrific !", "you 've been of great help . let me buy you lunch today .", "so kind of you but i think everything is all set .", "it 's so nice of you to offer . maybe you could take the mail over to the post office before you head to lunch >", "how about joining me for lunch ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks . That ' s terrific !", "responses": ["i 'm ready and willing to help .", "do you want me to do the shopping , the beds , or both ?", "you still have n't asked me !", "just ask me already !", "ok , i 'll make the beds first ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m ready and willing to help ."}], "index": 834} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The restaurant across the street hired a new Chinese chef , so I ordered some Chinese food there for this evening .", "responses": ["good . i love chinese food . what did you order ?", "how did it taste ?", "what did you order from there ?", "cool , was it good ? how much did it cost ?", "that 's great news , we needed some chinese food around here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Good . I love Chinese food . What did you order ?", "responses": ["something hot and spicy . they look very inviting on the menu . you are going to love them .", "peking duck i heard it was his specialty .", "i ordered a few random thing that i thought everyone might enjoy .", "i asked the restaurant to suggest a meal that their new chef excells at , so i think we will all be happyly surprised .", "i ordered the same thing as we had the last time , hope your ok with that ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Something hot and spicy . They look very inviting on the menu . You are going to love them .", "responses": ["maybe we can find a place to learn some chinese cooking . i hear there 's a place in chinatown where you can take some courses . are you interested ?", "i am excited !", "i hope it is quality food .", "chinese these days has gone down hill in quality", "how spicy do out expect it to be ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Maybe we can find a place to learn some Chinese cooking . I hear there's a place in Chinatown where you can take some courses . Are you interested ?", "responses": ["i 'm not sure . i do n't enjoy cooking that much . as long as we can order it from a restaurant , we do n't have to learn to do it by ourselves .", "sounds interesting . let me know the details .", "absolutely ! let 's cook it up", "as long as they teach how to make it hot and spicy , sure !", "i 'm always open to new experiences , so lets go to chinatown"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'm not sure . I don't enjoy cooking that much . As long as we can order it from a restaurant , we don't have to learn to do it by ourselves .", "responses": ["you are right . but i just want to know how they prepare food and make it taste so different .", "yeah , but it 's more fun to learn how to do it though .", "i think you would probably like it if you gave it a chance .", "well , cooking can be relaxing , once you have the basics down .", "i think you would like it a bit more than going to a restaurant all the time , plus it saves you a ton of money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are right . But I just want to know how they prepare food and make it taste so different ."}], "index": 835} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You don't look too well . Maybe you should take the day off from work .", "responses": ["i could n't do that . i have an important meeting to go to today .", "i might take off early if i do nt feel better soon .", "i feel a little tired and ache i might have to make a doctors app after work .", "that might be a good ideal , i would't want to pass this to anyone at work .", "i would but i have a very important meeting today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I couldn't do that . I have an important meeting to go to today .", "responses": ["do you feel ok ?", "is there a way for you to call into the meeting ?", "i think your boss will underatand", "you might get coworkers sick as well", "that is the spirit , out your health ahead of the company !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you feel ok ?", "responses": ["not really . after a 12 - hour flight , i 've got jetlag , and on top of that , i think i 've also got the flu .", "that s irrelevant . my work is more important than how i feel .", "not really , but i need to get to my important meeting today .", "i feel well enough to make my meeting .", "i do n't feel good . no ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really . After a 12 - hour flight , I've got jetlag , and on top of that , I think I've also got the flu .", "responses": ["why do n't you call your secretary and tell her to reschedule the meeting ? you should really get some rest or you 'll end up feeling even worse than you do now .", "well maybe you could get some over the counter meds , they may help !", "i 'm sorry , do you want me to help prepare for your meeting ?", "can you reschedule the meeting by any chance ?", "i 'm sorry , yeah a long flight is never fun , add the flu on top of that and it 's a recipe for a nightmare ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you call your secretary and tell her to reschedule the meeting ? You should really get some rest or you'll end up feeling even worse than you do now .", "responses": ["could you feel my forehead and check to see if i have a fever ?", "i could do that but it was really a pain for her to get everyone together", "i agree but this meeting can not wait . is paul the it guy in ? maybe i 'll set up a skype call so i do n't get any one sick .", "i think i 'll be ok as long as i get a good breakfast in first . care to join me ?", "thank you for caring but i think i 'll be ok . most of the hard details are all set . we just have a few things to confirm . it will be a short meeting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you feel my forehead and check to see if I have a fever ?", "responses": ["you 're really hot . let me get you some tylenol to bring the fever down .", "oh dear , you feel very hot ! you really need to go home and take some aspirin .", "that 's not a good way of checking for fever . let me get a thermometer .", "you feel warm and moist . i think you should see a doctor .", "no , my hands are freezing right now . let 's get you to the nurse instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You're really hot . Let me get you some Tylenol to bring the fever down .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll stay home this morning and rest , but if i feel better in the afternoon , i 'm going to the meeting .", "thank you , i appreciate it .", "thanks , maybe i should reschedule .", "thank you . you 're right i should probably reschedule .", "thanks , i think i will lay down for a little bit and see how i feel ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok . I'll stay home this morning and rest , but if I feel better in the afternoon , I'm going to the meeting .", "responses": ["zach , what 's that on your arm ?", "you should really just take the whole day off .", "if you feel better it 's probably just the tylenol .", "you might get others sick though .", "please do n't . you need to rest and get better ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Zach , what's that on your arm ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . it looks a bit red , but i 'm sure it 's nothing .", "i do n't know . it just appeared this morning .", "that 's an old scar . i 've had it forever .", "it 's just red because i 've been scratching it all day .", "a temporary tattoo i got on my trip ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . It looks a bit red , but I'm sure it's nothing .", "responses": ["it looks like you have a red rash all over you ! are you allergic to anything ?", "it 's fine .", "i think it 's fine .", "do n't worry about it .", "it 's nothing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It looks like you have a red rash all over you ! Are you allergic to anything ?", "responses": ["just cats , but i do n't think i was near any cats in the last couple of weeks .", "just scallops .", "no , nothing .", "i do n't think so . what do you think it is ?", "no . i 'll put a cold cloth on it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just cats , but I don't think I was near any cats in the last couple of weeks .", "responses": ["i completely forgot about your cat allergy . i took care of a cat for my friend here a few days ago . oh no . we 'd better go to the doctor and get some medicine . let 's go .", "are there any other allergies in your family ?", "have you ever gotten a rash like this before from contacting cats ?", "when did you first notice the rash ?", "i was babysitting the neighbors cat here just the other day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I completely forgot about your cat allergy . I took care of a cat for my friend here a few days ago . Oh no . we'd better go to the doctor and get some medicine . Let's go .", "responses": ["should n't we make an appointment first ?", "well , at least we know what the problem is . it 's better than being in the dark .", "well , no wonder . do n't worry about it , i 'll be fine .", "i do n't need to go to the doctor . i always have some allergy medication around , just in case .", "now that we know , i know how to treat it . i 've been doing this my whole life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Shouldn't we make an appointment first ?", "responses": ["we would , but let 's just go and see if there 's an opening now before it gets worse .", "zach , that 's not important right now . they 'll take you if you need help .", "it looks serious . i 'm sure they 'll see you if you 're in pain .", "no , we do n't . stop wasting time and let 's go .", "you do n't need an appointment for the emergency room ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We would , but let's just go and see if there's an opening now before it gets worse .", "responses": ["whatever you say . i just want to get to my meeting !", "ok , i 'll call them on the way .", "good idea .", "i hope it goes away soon .", "i hope they have an opening ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Whatever you say . I just want to get to my meeting !"}], "index": 836} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't go to your party .", "responses": ["that 's too bad .", "that stinks .", "ok , no problem .", "you suck . just kidding , sorry to hear that !", "ok no problem buddy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's too bad ."}], "index": 837} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you like being a doctor ?", "responses": ["yes , most of the time . but , sometimes things can get difficult .", "i find it really rewarding to be a doctor , yes .", "yeah i love being able to help heal people .", "i think being a doctor was my calling in life , i am so happy .", "yes , i feel like i make a positive impact on other people 's lives . i love it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , most of the time . But , sometimes things can get difficult .", "responses": ["can you tell me about it ?", "i ca n't even imagine", "i bet . what is the worst part about it ?", "no doubt it 's hard . is it gratifying enough to continue though ?", "did you ever think it would be this hard before you went to school ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you tell me about it ?", "responses": ["you know , sometimes patients can get very unreasonable . they may insist they are sick when they are not .", "not really . patient confidentiality , you know .", "well , it 's rough to have a personal life being on - call so often .", "ok , once i was covering the er when this man came in with his hand stuck in a jar !", "i 'll just say that it 's awful when you have to give your patient or his family bad news ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know , sometimes patients can get very unreasonable . They may insist they are sick when they are not .", "responses": ["what can you do when this happens ?", "what do they say when you tell them they are not sick ?", "how do you handle a situation like that ?", "i can only imagine . that would drive me nuts .", "do you have patients who keep coming back insisting no matter what you tell them ? i could n't deal with that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What can you do when this happens ?", "responses": ["not much , usually i 'll just keep silent .", "i try to explain what symptoms i look for .", "i explain that prescription companies often try to convince people they are sick in order to sell them medication .", "i tell them i can recommend another doctor if they want a second opinion .", "usually not much . they just end up leaving upset with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not much , usually I'll just keep silent ."}], "index": 838} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you eaten ?", "responses": ["not yet .", "no i have n't , i am absolutely starving .", "yeah i ate mcdonalds a few hours ago , i 'm still hungry though .", "i have eaten , yep , but you know me , i can always eat more !", "yeah i ate like thirty minutes ago , i 'm not hungry at all , sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet ."}], "index": 839} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's too hot to read .", "responses": ["we 'd better go out for a walk .", "i agree . let 's turn on the ac", "i 'm falling asleep . want to go swimming instead ?", "my fingers are sticking to the pages too . want to go get lunch somewhere instead ?", "i know but i 'm so behind in this class ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We'd better go out for a walk .", "responses": ["which season do you like best ?", "but it 's too hot to even read right now !", "i ca n't walk in this heat !", "oh , i guess we should take rover out before it gets even hotter .", "how can you even think of walking in this heat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which season do you like best ?", "responses": ["spring .", "i like fall the best .", "i like them all but prefer spring .", "winter is the best season , says no one . spring is what i like .", "fall is the best , followed closely by spring ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Spring .", "responses": ["how about summer ?", "same !", "i like fall best . i just like the cool air .", "i like spring , but i hate when it decides to pretend to be winter again though .", "what do you like best about spring ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How about summer ?", "responses": ["i dislike it most .", "only when it 's not super humid .", "i like it when i 'm at the beach .", "not nearly as fun as winter .", "it 's great when i 'm in an air conditioned house !"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I dislike it most .", "responses": ["why ?", "why do you hate summer ?", "why do you not like summer ?", "tell me more .", "but why ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ?", "responses": ["because the hottest season is summer in a year .", "it is too hot .", "everyone is out and about doing things and it gets crowded", "there are no real holidays in summer", "there are too many bugs"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Because the hottest season is summer in a year .", "responses": ["but sometimes summer is more charming than the other seasons .", "as long as i 'm inside with air conditioning i do n't mind .", "i like the fall best . cool but not too cold yet .", "i agree , i am not a fan of the summer either .", "what i like about summer though is that there is less traffic with people being out of town on vacation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But sometimes summer is more charming than the other seasons ."}], "index": 840} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My son came home from three years in the navy .", "responses": ["it was a real red letter day for you .", "wow . that is so awesome . what are his plans ?", "you must be thrilled to have him home .", "he must be psyched to be home ?", "awesome ! how did the dog handle it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was a real red letter day for you .", "responses": ["yeah . we rolled out the red carpet to welcome him home .", "yes , i 'm so happy to have him back home .", "it was definitely a ticker tape parade kind of day !", "yes it was . how is your son doing ?", "the excitement has n't worn off ! i 'm glad he 's home to stay ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . We rolled out the red carpet to welcome him home ."}], "index": 841} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "John , my father isn't there at all . Are you kidding ?", "responses": ["cool , fellow , what 's the date today , buddy ?", "no , he never showed up .", "i wish i was but nobody has seen him .", "maybe he is on his way .", "i 'm not kidding , i would n't joke about something like that ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Cool , fellow , what's the date today , buddy ?", "responses": ["it 's ... oh it 's the 1st april , april fool 's day .", "did you hear what i said ? my father is n't there .", "it 's the 28th , but can we talk about my father please .", "john i 'm freaking out and you are worried about the date ?", "the 28th , but why does that matter ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "It's ... oh it's the 1st April , April Fool's Day .", "responses": ["you forgot all of about it , did n't you ?", "haha ! gotcha !", "is it ? i had n't noticed .", "so , you want to talk to your father now ?", "you got that right !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "You forgot all of about it , didn't you ?"}], "index": 842} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I must be going .", "responses": ["okay . keep in touch .", "where are you heading ?", "let me know where you 're going i might tag along .", "okay then , i will see you later .", "okay then . thanks again for stopping by . it was good seeing you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay . Keep in touch ."}], "index": 843} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hi , I made a reservation for a mid-size vehicle . The name is Jimmy Fox .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry , we have no mid - size available at the moment .", "let me take a look in my computer .", "do you have a confirmation number ?", "is that spelled with one x or two ?", "yes , i have it right here sir ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m sorry , we have no mid-size available at the moment .", "responses": ["i do n't understand , i made a reservation , do you have my reservation ?", "but i made a reservation . you should have one saved .", "so what am i supposed to do now ?", "does that mean i get upgraded to the next size for free ?", "can you check again , please ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I don ' t understand , I made a reservation , do you have my reservation ?", "responses": ["yes , we do , unfortunately we ran out of cars .", "we do n't .", "i 'm sorry .", "i really do n't .", "i do n't have it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , we do , unfortunately we ran out of cars .", "responses": ["but the reservation keeps the car here . that 's why you have the reservation .", "do n't reservations reserve a vehicle for the reserver ?", "so what was the point of a reservation ?", "i want to talk to the manager now .", "do you have any cars available ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "But the reservation keeps the car here . That ' s why you have the reservation .", "responses": ["i know why we have reservations .", "i understand your frustration .", "we can upgrade you to a larger car at the same price .", "i am sorry , sir . let me tell you what we do have available .", "would you like to speak to my manager ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know why we have reservations .", "responses": ["i do n't think you do . if you did , i 'd have a car . see , you know how to take the reservation , you just do n't know how to hold the reservation and that 's really the most important part of the reservation , the holding . anybody can just take them .", "this is unacceptable . is the manager around , i 'd like to talk to him / her .", "i am very angry about this . i made a reservation and it is not taken seriously ?", "exactly , what do you suggest i do now ?", "i will try to make arrangements with another company . i have been a customer for over 10 years and you 've just lost my business ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I don ' t think you do . If you did , I ' d have a car . See , you know how to take the reservation , you just don ' t know how to hold the reservation and that ' s really the most important part of the reservation , the holding . Anybody can just take them .", "responses": ["but we do have a compact or an suv if you 'd like .", "sir , quoting seinfeld will not help you here .", "do you need to speak with my manager ?", "let me go see my manager . perhaps they can explain better than i can .", "let me check the back one more time . i am so sorry about all of this !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But we do have a compact or an SUV if you ' d like .", "responses": ["fine . i 'll take the compact .", "i will never use your company again .", "i want a midsize !", "i 'll take an suv , but i want a discount", "i want my money back !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Fine . I ' ll take the compact .", "responses": ["alright . we have a blue ford focus for you , mr . fox . would you like insurance ?", "i 'm sorry for the inconvenience this caused you .", "great . i am going to get the paperwork now .", "i understand your frustration . we are going to give you a ten percent discount for the inconvenience .", "great . let 's go ahead and bump you up to an suv at no additional cost ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Alright . We have a blue Ford Focus for you , Mr . Fox . Would you like insurance ?", "responses": ["yeah , you better give me the insurance , because i am gon na beat the hell out of this car .", "yes i will take the insurance .", "no i will be careful .", "no i do n't like the price of your insurance .", "i ca n't afford your insurance ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , you better give me the insurance , because I am gonna beat the hell out of this car ."}], "index": 844} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think Tom will be elected president ?", "responses": ["no , i think harry will get it .", "definitely . everyone loves him", "i doubt it . he 's been acting crazy lately .", "his opponent his pretty popular . i 'd say it 's 50/50 .", "i have no clue . i stay away from politics ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I think Harry will get it .", "responses": ["let 's make a bet on who gets it .", "why harry ?", "but why not tom ?", "i think so too .", "perhaps you 're right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's make a bet on who gets it .", "responses": ["ok , loser buys pizza tomorrow night .", "i do nt like to make bets", "i do nt like to make bets", "i do nt like to make bets", "i do nt like to make bets"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , loser buys pizza tomorrow night ."}], "index": 845} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I met a girl in elevator this morning . She works in a company upstairs . She said she envied the casual way we dress for work . She complained about the dress rule in her company . It requires everyone to wear formal clothes from Monday to Friday .", "responses": ["well , i was wondering where those people with professional attire come from . now , i know the answer .", "what 's wrong with that ?", "i think that 's fine .", "that 's not too bad .", "i like that actually ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I was wondering where those people with professional attire come from . Now , I know the answer .", "responses": ["you know , in a sense , a suits and ties are compulsory for male employees even in july , and no jewelry allowed for most of the female employees . even the reasonable male leaf is returning the rule , is n't that strict ?", "yes . i guess they 're pretty uptight .", "yeah . not many companies are so formal nowadays .", "it is pretty uncommon for businesses now .", "yes you do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know , in a sense , a suits and ties are compulsory for male employees even in July , and no jewelry allowed for most of the female employees . Even the reasonable male leaf is returning the rule , isn ' t that strict ?", "responses": ["to some extent , it is . anyway , whether they like it or not , they do give people a very good impression .", "i would not like to work there .", "i 'm glad we have a casual dress code .", "i 'd sweat up a storm if i had to wear a tie all summer .", "even jewelry ? that is extreme ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "To some extent , it is . Anyway , whether they like it or not , they do give people a very good impression .", "responses": ["but it is unjust to judge a book by its cover . if they 're not happy or comfortable with their clothes , they can be less productive .", "you 're probably right . but , it would be hard to deal with such a strict dress code .", "i guess it depends on what a person is looking for . personally , i like working with everyday people . i would n't be impressed by someone 's suit .", "well , maybe . but , those rules are a bit severe in this day and age .", "for some people it might be a good impression . for me , it just looks stuffy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But it is unjust to judge a book by its cover . If they ' re not happy or comfortable with their clothes , they can be less productive ."}], "index": 846} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened ? Why didn't he win ?", "responses": ["did n't you hear ? he was disqualified .", "he choked at the last minute .", "he played well but the other guy played just a little better .", "i think he just did n't train hard enough .", "i 'm really not sure what happened . it looked like he was giving it his best ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Didn't you hear ? He was disqualified .", "responses": ["how did that happen ? he 's so talented ! i thought he had a great chance of winning a gold medal !", "oh no ! seriously ? what did he do ?", "not again ! they 're not going to let him compete anymore if he 's going to get disqualified all the time .", "that 's too bad , especially for his team . they work so hard towards winning .", "he needs to calm down . how many times has he done this now ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "How did that happen ? He's so talented ! I thought he had a great chance of winning a gold medal !", "responses": ["if he did n't have any drug problems , he would have won .", "he did n't meet the weight requirement . we even weighed him the night before . i do n't know what happened .", "he did n't finish in time . i watched him stall and just knew he was being dq'd .", "he cursed at one of the judges . i could n't believe it ! threw all of that training down the drain .", "he swam freestyle during the butterfly round . he was devastated when he realized . could n't believe it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If he didn't have any drug problems , he would have won .", "responses": ["what ? what kind of drugs was he using ?", "what drug did he get busted for ?", "that is a real shame .", "he should get some help .", "that is unfortunate . so much talent wasted ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "What ? What kind of drugs was he using ?", "responses": ["he was taking steroids to make him stronger and faster .", "he was using something to improve his abilities .", "i do n't know , but clearly he was doing something illegal .", "i think he was caught with cocaine in his system .", "he was using some kind of performing enhancing drug ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He was taking steroids to make him stronger and faster .", "responses": ["i thought that all athletes were supposed to be regularly tested for drugs .", "oh that is too bad .", "is that why he was so good ?", "do you think the steroids made him that good ?", "when did they find out about his drug usage ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I thought that all athletes were supposed to be regularly tested for drugs .", "responses": ["they are . the only reason they did n't disqualify him until after the race is because the results from the text only came back afterwards .", "not all of them .", "i do n't think so , but they should be .", "i thought so also .", "i do n't know , but they should be ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "They are . The only reason they didn't disqualify him until after the race is because the results from the text only came back afterwards .", "responses": ["that 's so disappointing . i do n't know why top athletes would feel the need to take drugs .", "they should be able to get test results immediately .", "he had to know that he would test positive on the drug test .", "it 's a shame to see him disqualified .", "i bet he regrets taking the drugs now that he is disqualified ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "That's so disappointing . I don't know why top athletes would feel the need to take drugs .", "responses": ["i do n't think it 's right , but i can understand why they might . imagine how much pressure there would be to win for your country !", "i do n't understand either .", "he must be se desparated .", "he probably wants to win without thinking through .", "he might take it by accident ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think it's right , but I can understand why they might . Imagine how much pressure there would be to win for your country !", "responses": ["regardless of how much pressure you 're under , there 's never a good reason to take drugs .", "you 're right , especially with everyone watching .", "it must be very hard with all that scrutiny but that 's a big risk .", "after all that hard work to get there , it 's a shame to throw it away in such a shameful way .", "is that pressure worth the disqualification , especially when they know they 'll be tested ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Regardless of how much pressure you're under , there's never a good reason to take drugs .", "responses": ["i agree . hopefully with the new regulations , fewer athletes will try to cheat with drugs .", "unless you can get away with it !", "i agree , its probably not the smartest way to try to win .", "especially if you end up getting caught and losing the medal anyway .", "if there is even a small chance of getting caught , it probably does n't make sense ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I agree . Hopefully with the new regulations , fewer athletes will try to cheat with drugs .", "responses": ["let 's hope so .", "how disappointing ! i was rooting for him !", "do n't these athletes realize how dangerous steroids are ?", "i wonder if he will be able to compete in the next olympics ? or do they disqualify them for life if they are caught using steroids ?", "how sad . he was such a role model for the youth of today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's hope so ."}], "index": 847} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Cindy , how come nearly all the prime-time TV shows are comedies ?", "responses": ["that 's because americans love sitcoms .", "they 're not , it probably just seems that way . there are a lot of different types .", "i do n't know . everyone 's probably trying to find their own \" big bang theory \" .", "i 'm not really sure . maybe they cost less to produce , at first .", "i think people just want to laugh when they watch tv . so much drama in real life right now ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's because Americans love sitcoms .", "responses": ["sitcoms ?", "true . we always had them on growing up .", "americans love cop shows , too . why not more of those ?", "but why do they have to be so unfunny ! ?", "i know that , cindy , but we 're in bulgaria ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sitcoms ?", "responses": ["situation comedies . a sitcom is half an hour long and it airs weekly . sitcom shows tend to be about ordinary people . if there is one thing that all the shows have in common , it is teaching wholesome values .", "yes , like friends , or everybody loves raymond , or the big bang theory .", "absolutely . my favorite is friends", "yes , but i do n't really like them .", "i think they 've gotten worse lately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Situation comedies . A sitcom is half an hour long and it airs weekly . Sitcom shows tend to be about ordinary people . If there is one thing that all the shows have in common , it is teaching wholesome values .", "responses": ["in taiwan , prime - time shows are an hour long and most of them are n't comedies .", "well , maybe i should start watching them then .", "hmm . that sounds like it might be interesting .", "i might have to start watching them then . that sounds interesting .", "i like me some mystery shows though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In Taiwan , prime-time shows are an hour long and most of them aren't comedies .", "responses": ["i think americans would rather laugh than cry or be scared in their free time .", "that 's too bad for you !", "you should watch some american shows online !", "have you ever seen any american ones ?", "what is your favorite type of show ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think Americans would rather laugh than cry or be scared in their free time ."}], "index": 848} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you interested in history ?", "responses": ["yes , i am . i enjoyed studying it at school , though i had trouble remembering all the dates , so my teacher never gave me good marks .", "i studied latin american history in college .", "yes , especially the gilded age .", "i am . why do you ask ? are you ?", "not so much anymore . i do n't have the time to learn ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am . I enjoyed studying it at school , though I had trouble remembering all the dates , so my teacher never gave me good marks .", "responses": ["i love history , but i 've always thought that learning the reasons behind events is more important than remembering exactly when they happened .", "very cool . i love history .", "the dates can be a problem .", "i excelled at history .", "i consider myself a history buff ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I love history , but I ' Ve always thought that learning the reasons behind events is more important than remembering exactly when they happened .", "responses": ["i wish you had been my history teacher ! i might have got better marks !", "that 's what i thought too , but apparently dates are important in school .", "yeah , i would have to agree with you .", "my teacher did n't seem to agree with that .", "i wish my teacher would have saw it that way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wish you had been my history teacher ! I might have got better marks !", "responses": ["some people say that history repeats itself .", "what were you grades like ?", "what were your lowest marks ?", "what are your other class grades like ?", "are you interested in taking my class now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Some people say that history repeats itself .", "responses": ["what does that mean ? the same events never happen twice , do they ?", "oh that 's funny , but i 'm not so sure .", "that 's an old saying .", "i hope not , that would not be good .", "i could learn even better that way ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does that mean ? The same events never happen twice , do they ?", "responses": ["the idea is that the people and dates change , but the reason why things happen stay the same .", "events will never happen a second time exactly as they were the first time .", "events of the same nature happen over and over again .", "it means that if we learn our mistakes then hopefully we wo n't repeat them .", "well , wars happen again and again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The idea is that the people and dates change , but the reason why things happen stay the same .", "responses": ["i see . i think i 'd agree with that statement . people often seem to make the same mistakes over and over again .", "that 's an interesting idea , can you give me an example ?", "i never thought of it that way .", "what are some historical events where that idea can be applied ?", "i guess after a while only so many things can happen differently ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see . I think I ' d agree with that statement . People often seem to make the same mistakes over and over again ."}], "index": 849} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're looking great .", "responses": ["you , too .", "well , thank you . you are looking good yourself .", "you 're not looking too bad yourself .", "thanks . i just got my hair cut .", "you are looking rather well yourself ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You , too ."}], "index": 850} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the matter , John ? you seemed to be restless today .", "responses": ["you see , i 've been offered a new job . i ca n't decide whether to take it or not .", "i am very tired today .", "i have n't been sleeping well .", "i am feeling very low energy .", "i think i just need some coffee ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You see , I've been offered a new job . I can't decide whether to take it or not .", "responses": ["oh , that 's easy . if it 's better than the one you are doing now , go for it . that 's my advice .", "well talk to me , i 'm happy to be a sounding board .", "so tell me about this offer ?", "let 's talk about it , maybe it will help .", "is it close to home or does it pay better ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that's easy . If it's better than the one you are doing now , go for it . That's my advice .", "responses": ["it is n't that easy . i hate to quit my present job . people around here are very nice and the work itself is challenging .", "it 's not quite that simple .", "it does pay more than my current job .", "it would be a higher position .", "i think i would be happier ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It isn't that easy . I hate to quit my present job . People around here are very nice and the work itself is challenging .", "responses": ["then what about the salary ? would you get more ?", "well does it pay better than the job you are doing now ?", "maybe you should come up with a list of pros and cons for each", "do you have a sense of how the people will be at the job ?", "what kind of work would you be doing if you accept the offer ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Then what about the salary ? Would you get more ?", "responses": ["yes , they say i would get a big sum .", "yes it pays a little more but the work environment is n't as good . i need to make a list of pros and cons .", "no it does n't pay more . but the expectations and deadlines are more flexible with my new offer .", "it pays 10,000 more a year , but i hate to leave my friends behind . i 'm not sure it 's worth it .", "no it does n't pay more but it takes my career in a different direction . it opens up many more opportunities for advancement ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , they say I would get a big sum .", "responses": ["have you discussed it with your wife ?", "do you know what the work environment is like at the new job ?", "it might be better to stay where you are currently happy with your colleagues .", "maybe you could meet with some current employees and see what they have to say about working there .", "more money does n't equal more happiness so you 're right to think this through ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you discussed it with your wife ?", "responses": ["yes , she leaves it to me .", "yes . she would like me to take it so we can save up for a house more easily .", "i have . she is very supportive and wants me to do what will make me happy .", "yes . she is concerned about the longer commute each day and the increased amount of travel .", "not yet . i just found out a few hours ago ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , she leaves it to me .", "responses": ["as i say it the work is well worth try . after all you can get a higher salary .", "so what do you think ?", "will you take it ?", "you should take it .", "i think you should take it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "As I say it the work is well worth try . After all you can get a higher salary .", "responses": ["i have to think about it .", "i 'm not sure the higher salary is enough reason to change jobs when i am happy with the work i do now", "what if i decide to take the job and then find out it 's not for me ?", "if i take the job , there is no going back . i just ca n't decide if i it would be a good decision .", "i suppose you 're right , i could use more money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I have to think about it ."}], "index": 851} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sybil . Is that spelt with an I or a Y ?", "responses": ["both actually . s , y , b , i , l .", "it 's spelled with a y.", "i spell it with an i.", "does n't matter , either one is fine with me .", "i use both depending on the day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Both actually . S , Y , B , I , L .", "responses": ["of course .", "oh , i see , ok got it .", "that 's interesting , i like how its spelled .", "and how do you spell your last name ?", "and what is the spelling of your last name ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course ."}], "index": 852} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I see Mike farmer has make it into the Olympic team . He beat the national record by 0 . 1 of a second .", "responses": ["that 's great . he 's the best runner i 've seen this season . i 'm sure he 'll win a medal at the olympics .", "wow , really the national record ?", "he must be very proud .", "i bet his family is happy for him .", "oh how wonderful ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s great . He ' s the best runner I ' Ve seen this season . I ' m sure he ' ll win a medal at the Olympics .", "responses": ["i think you 're right . i think we have a very good athletics team . they should do well in the olympics . how many medals do you think we 'll win ?", "i sure hope so .", "we need him on the olympic team .", "he deserves to win .", "i agree that he is the best runner ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I think you ' re right . I think we have a very good athletics team . They should do well in the Olympics . How many medals do you think we ' ll win ?", "responses": ["i really do n't know . i do n't think we 'll win many gold medals , but i think we should win several silver and bronze ones .", "i 'm not gon na jinx it by talking about how many we 'll win !", "i think it 's amazing that he made it in the first place , i 'm not concerned about how many he wins .", "i 'm so proud of him , i do n't even care !", "i 'm sure he 'll win at least one !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I really don ' t know . I don ' t think we ' ll win many gold medals , but I think we should win several silver and bronze ones .", "responses": ["what do you think our chance are in other events .", "what ? you do n't think we can win ?", "i 'm not so sure , i think those gold medals are ours . especially after seeing how fast her is .", "you 're right , gold medals are hard to win . we 're competing against so many others .", "wishful thinking ca n't hurt . it 'd be nice to win a gold !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think our chance are in other events .", "responses": ["in the last olympics , we did very well in swimming , cycling and ball sports . i think we 'll do well in those same events .", "i think we usually do good at all of the events so i see us getting a lot of medals .", "i think we are going to sweep the medals at a lot of events this time .", "i think we have a good chance in pretty much all of the events .", "i see us getting a medal in nearly all of the events ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In the last Olympics , we did very well in swimming , cycling and ball sports . I think we ' ll do well in those same events .", "responses": ["we might get a gold medal in the sailing too . our team put in a lot of practice .", "i really enjoy watching swimming , it is one of my favorite events !", "where are the olympics being held this time ?", "we should have an olympic themed party to kick off the event .", "what events are your favorite ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We might get a gold medal in the sailing too . Our team put in a lot of practice .", "responses": ["i think we can expect to get between 30 to 40 medals in total .", "i think you will too .", "well , good luck !", "you can do it !", "i believe in you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think we can expect to get between 30 to 40 medals in total .", "responses": ["you are very optimistic !", "there is reason to be hopeful ! our teams have put in the work .", "that 's a number to be proud of . we 've earned it .", "you 're an optimist like me ! we 're here to cheer them on toward these goals .", "you 're on the money ! i bet we do at least that well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are very optimistic !"}], "index": 853} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Helen , did you hear I ' m having a party ? Next Saturday in my place .", "responses": ["i may have something on that day , but thanks for inviting me .", "that sounds great ! i 'll be there ! what time should i arrive ?", "ugh , i wish i could go but i have to work that evening .", "awesome ! who else is invited ?", "do you mind if i bring a date ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I may have something on that day , but thanks for inviting me .", "responses": ["well , drop by if you can .", "you 're very welcome , i hope you can make it .", "you ca n't miss it , i 'm making my famous jungle juice for the party . it will be worth it .", "john will be there , i heard he 's been wanting to talk to you . you should come !", "okay , let me know if your plans change so i can send you the invitation !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , drop by if you can .", "responses": ["i will , do you want me to bring anything ?", "i definitely will if i have time .", "i would love to , but i think it 's not possible . maybe next time though .", "if i am free , i will definitely be there .", "i wish i would n't have already committed to something else because i would have loved to come ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I will , do you want me to bring anything ?", "responses": ["no , just bring yourself . i hope to see you there .", "some adult beverages would be great !", "it is all taken care of . just swing by if you can !", "can you make your bean dip ? it is everyone 's favorite !", "i think my wife has it under control . thanks for offering !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "No , just bring yourself . I hope to see you there ."}], "index": 854} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's said that John's broken up .", "responses": ["really ? but his wife has always waited on him hand and foot .", "oh no , what happened ?", "poor guy , i hope he 's alright .", "is there something i can do to make him feel better ?", "how can i help ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? But his wife has always waited on him hand and foot .", "responses": ["i hear that john 's leading a double wife .", "i guess he wanted more than that .", "it seems that type of person did n't make him happy .", "i know , but he said he just was n't happy anymore .", "i know , it 's a sad situation . i hope they work it out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hear that John's leading a double wife .", "responses": ["it 's very bad of him to cheat on a lady like his wife .", "he is ? does he have a woman on the side ?", "no way ! he seemed like such a family man !", "what have you heard ?", "who did you hear that from ?"]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "It's very bad of him to cheat on a lady like his wife ."}], "index": 855} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's play chess .", "responses": ["i have n't played chess for a long time .", "right now ?", "are you sure ?", "let 's do it !", "ok , fine , let 's go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I haven't played chess for a long time .", "responses": ["that 's all right , i 'm a beginner . i 've just learnt how to play .", "that 's ok , i 'll help refresh your memory if you ca n't remember the rules .", "me either . it sounds fun .", "what color do you want to play ?", "c'mon , it 'll be fun ! i can help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's all right , I'm a beginner . I've just learnt how to play .", "responses": ["look , there 's a chessboard . those two men have already finished playing .", "ok , what color do you want .", "i 'm still not sure i want to play .", "i will take it easy on you since you just started .", "did you teach yourself or did you have a teacher ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Look , there's a chessboard . Those two men have already finished playing .", "responses": ["you 're a very good player", "sounds good , we should hop on it .", "alright , maybe we could sit there and play then .", "sounds good let 's grab the chessboard before someone else does .", "alright , that means it 's up for grabs . shall we ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're a very good player", "responses": ["not really , but once i won a prize .", "i 'll take it easy on you at first .", "i 'll give you some pointers along the way .", "nah , i 'm just average .", "i 'm decent at the strategy part , but i made a lot of mistakes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really , but once I won a prize .", "responses": ["so did i . i won a prize last week but it was a prize for beginners .", "what kind of prize ?", "were you proud ?", "who else was there ?", "that 's great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So did I . I won a prize last week but it was a prize for beginners .", "responses": ["my prize was for the best player in the country . now let 's start playing chess seriously .", "k , well let 's see what you got .", "mine was for a beginner 's tournament , too .", "i 'm a little rusty , so you probably have an advantage .", "hey , you have to start somewhere ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "My prize was for the best player in the country . Now let's start playing chess seriously ."}], "index": 856} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You have been here for how long ? Four months now ?", "responses": ["yeah , about .", "that 's right .", "you 're right .", "you 're correct .", "yes , i was ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , about .", "responses": ["do you know chinese better now ?", "how are you liking it so far ?", "are you enjoying it ?", "are you having any problems ?", "is everything going okay ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know Chinese better now ?", "responses": ["oh , definitely . i remember , when i first arrived in guangzhou , my girlfriend was haggling with a sales clerk over the price of a mobile phone .", "i know chinese a little better .", "chinese is getting easier for me .", "no , chinese is still hard .", "sometimes i feel like my chinese is better"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , definitely . I remember , when I first arrived in Guangzhou , my girlfriend was haggling with a sales clerk over the price of a mobile phone .", "responses": ["oh , yeah . many chinese like to bargain . it happens almost everywhere .", "did you feel left out of the conversation ?", "you could probably do your own haggling now .", "how did that go ? was her chinese better than yours at that point ?", "sounds like that was fun . did your girlfriend manage to haggle a good price ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yeah . Many Chinese like to bargain . It happens almost everywhere .", "responses": ["i mean , i understand that . but the speed of the conversation got faster and faster , until it seemed to me that they would fight . my perception of the tone was that it was a violent shouting match . the truth was that it was a perfectly normal conversation .", "it 's such an interesting cultural quirk .", "it took me awhile to get used to the idea that you do n't have to pay what 's advertised .", "haggling is like an art form here .", "people seem almost disappointed if i do n't haggle and just pay them full price !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I mean , I understand that . But the speed of the conversation got faster and faster , until it seemed to me that they would fight . My perception of the tone was that it was a violent shouting match . The truth was that it was a perfectly normal conversation .", "responses": ["a shouting match ? you 're so funny . you must be exaggerating . i do n't believe it .", "that 's how it is .", "just the way it is .", "nothing we can do about that .", "that 's just life i guess ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A shouting match ? You ' re so funny . You must be exaggerating . I don ' t believe it .", "responses": ["i am not exaggerating at all . i 'm telling you the truth . that was how i felt at that time .", "no , i swear !", "seriously ! other tourists were starting to look at us funny .", "i 'm totally not exaggerating . i was nervous for a minute thinking i was going to have to jump in and save her .", "well , maybe shouting is a big of an exaggeration , but things definitely got a little heated ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not exaggerating at all . I ' m telling you the truth . That was how I felt at that time .", "responses": ["yes , perhaps . chinese usually do n't notice that sort of thing . maybe it 's quite natural to us .", "i bet that made you uncomfortable .", "it obviously made an impression on you .", "it seems like you 've gotten more comfortable with the culture now that you 've been exposed to it for awhile .", "well , i 'm glad you 're starting to understand the language better ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , perhaps . Chinese usually don ' t notice that sort of thing . Maybe it ' s quite natural to us .", "responses": ["yes , absolutely true .", "is that so ?", "tell me more .", "that 's interesting actually .", "but you must be ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , absolutely true ."}], "index": 857} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , can you tell me the name of the book you read ?", "responses": ["harry potter .", "why do you want to know ?", "why should i tell you ?", "i do n't want to tell you .", "you do n't need to know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Harry Potter .", "responses": ["harry potter ? is that book funny ?", "is n't there several books in that series ?", "i love harry potter .", "do you think the book is better than the movie ?", "do you prefer the books or the movies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Harry Potter ? Is that book funny ?", "responses": ["actually , the language itself is not so funny , but you can imagine the scene , that 's funny .", "no , it more magical .", "it has its funny parts .", "it depends on what you think is funny .", "the humor is more on a child 's level ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , the language itself is not so funny , but you can imagine the scene , that's funny .", "responses": ["got it .", "what happened in that scene ?", "what was so funny about it ?", "was that scene meant to be funny ?", "is that scene typical of the book ? like are there other scenes that are funny like that one ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Got it .", "responses": ["have you ever read this book before ?", "i mean , it has some jokes in it , but it 's not a comedy .", "it 's a pretty good mix between light and dark .", "some of the characters are pretty funny though .", "the movies are more comedic than the books ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever read this book before ?", "responses": ["no , but my little brother likes it very much .", "no i have n't .", "i have not yet .", "maybe i will soon .", "ca n't say i have ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , but my little brother likes it very much .", "responses": ["it 's really a good book . you will like it too .", "your little brother has good taste .", "you should really check them out .", "once you start , you wo n't want to put them down .", "well if you start reading them , make sure you begin with the first book and read them in order ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's really a good book . You will like it too .", "responses": ["i 'll try to read it . actually , i like literature very much .", "could i borrow it from you ?", "are there any other books you can recommend ?", "that one seems kind of long . is it a pretty easy read ?", "thanks , i think i will read it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I'll try to read it . Actually , I like literature very much .", "responses": ["wow , that sounds like a scholar . by the way , who 's your favorite writer ?", "that 's a good thing .", "i 'm glad you will !", "tell me how much you like it afterward .", "that 's good , very good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Wow , that sounds like a scholar . By the way , who's your favorite writer ?", "responses": ["jane austen .", "i do n't have a favorite .", "oh my , let me think .", "my all time favorite is steven spielberg .", "stephen king by far is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Jane Austen .", "responses": ["me too . pride and prejudice is my favorite .", "i have nt read much of her work , i ve heard she is a good author though .", "i read her work all the time ! what is your favorite title ?", "i prefer more fantasy based reading , but i have heard good things .", "i do nt like her work , i m just not a fan of her writing style ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too . Pride and Prejudice is my favorite .", "responses": ["i like it too . but sense and sensibility is my favorite .", "some people think it 's too hard of a book to read . i do n't agree .", "i love the written word .", "reading is my favorite thing to do .", "when did you read it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like it too . But Sense and Sensibility is my favorite ."}], "index": 858} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , it's getting late . I've got to run . It was nice talking to you , karren .", "responses": ["thanks , tim . nice meeting you , too .", "nice talking to you too .", "call me when you get a chance .", "we will see each other soon .", "text me when you get home so i know you made it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks , Tim . Nice meeting you , too .", "responses": ["i guess we 'll see just around .", "hopefully we can get together again soon .", "i will call you soon , maybe we can grab some dinner .", "i will talk to you later karen .", "i 'm looking forward to seeing you again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I guess we'll see just around .", "responses": ["ye , i hope so . well . take it easy .", "yeah , catch you next time .", "maybe we can talk over lunch tomorrow .", "sure thing . take it easy .", "i hope so ! you seem really cool ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Ye , I hope so . well . Take it easy .", "responses": ["you too .", "see you later .", "i 'll see you later .", "goodbye then .", "see you soon !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "You too ."}], "index": 859} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Sandra , what's wrong ? You look furious !", "responses": ["i 've had it with tim ! i think i 'm going to quit !", "i lost my phone .", "my boyfriend is cheating on me .", "i did not get the job i wanted .", "the vet can not find my dog ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I've had it with Tim ! I think I'm going to quit !", "responses": ["but sandra ... you love your job ! you spent months trying to get this position . it 's perfect for you !", "oh no ! what happened ?", "tim is so difficult i could only imagine .", "what did he do ?", "do n't quit ! tim is not worth quitting your job over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But Sandra ... you love your job ! You spent months trying to get this position . It's perfect for you !", "responses": ["yeah ... i know . but i 'm sick and tired of all the office power struggles !", "i know ! and now one toxic jerk is going to ruin it for me .", "i ca n't enjoy my job when i 'm constantly being harassed .", "do you think i should report him and see what happens ?", "well , tim has turned my dream into a nightmare ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah ... I know . But I'm sick and tired of all the office power struggles !", "responses": ["what kind of power struggles are you talking about ?", "what kind of struggles ?", "tell me more ?", "why do n't you like it ?", "i would like it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of power struggles are you talking about ?", "responses": ["basically , i think tim is threatened by me . i 'm doing a better job than he is so he 's trying to sabotage my career !", "working with that man !", "he always makes me look bad in front of everyone in our meetings .", "he had the nerve to take credit for a job i did !", "ugh , i do n't even want to talk about it right now . it will just upset me more ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Basically , I think Tim is threatened by me . I'm doing a better job than he is so he's trying to sabotage my career !", "responses": ["so he talks about you behind your back ?", "let 's talk about it and see what we can figure out .", "has he said anything to you ?", "do n't do anything rash .", "you worked too hard to just quit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So he talks about you behind your back ?", "responses": ["yes . he 's all nice and friendly to my face . but the second i turn around he stabs me in the back !", "i 'm sure he does .", "i think he does .", "pretty sure he does .", "he might be ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . He's all nice and friendly to my face . But the second I turn around he stabs me in the back !", "responses": ["i had a worker like that once . she was always taking credit for my ideas .", "oh my goodness , that 's so not ok .", "maybe you should talk to him .", "perhaps you should ask him why he does it ?", "well just ignore him , everyone knows the kind of person of you are ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I had a worker like that once . She was always taking credit for my ideas .", "responses": ["i should keep a better record of my correspondence with the clients so if necessary i can prove it was my effort .", "that s terrible , how did you deal with her ?", "were you able to put an end to it ?", "what did you do to make her stop ?", "tim is like that , its horrible !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I should keep a better record of my correspondence with the clients so if necessary I can prove it was my effort .", "responses": ["my co - worker had a whole bunch of bad office habits . she liked to name - drop ... we would be in a meeting and she would say , yesterday i was chatting with tom . she meant tom solomon ... our ceo .", "that would be a really good idea .", "i think that 's a great idea . then you could take it to the bosses and show them with proof .", "it 's sad when other people have to be like that .", "it 's too bad when people try to sabotage someone else instead of just working harder ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My co-worker had a whole bunch of bad office habits . She liked to name-drop ... we would be in a meeting and she would say , yesterday I was chatting with Tom . She meant Tom Solomon ... our CEO ."}], "index": 860} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "Doris , I'm glad you're home . I'm terrified . I don't know what to do !", "responses": ["what is it ? what happened ?", "what 's wrong ?", "what happened ?", "what 's going on ?", "i 'm here . talk to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is it ? What happened ?", "responses": ["i think someone is stalking me .", "i 've been having trouble breathing .", "someone was trying to get into the house .", "someone keeps calling and hanging up on me .", "there is a huge spider in the kitchen ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I think someone is stalking me .", "responses": ["no , it ca n't be . really ? who ?", "who is stalking you ?", "that 's not possible .", "that 's not true !", "but who would do that ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "No , it can't be . Really ? Who ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . i saw him the first time tuesday . he was at the cafe . i noticed he was looking at me a lot . not just the usual looking , but staring . he just kept staring at me . he did n't stop .", "see that man across the street ?", "look down the road , see the fella with the green jacket .", "i do n't know who i just keep hearing footsteps behind me .", "that lady across the street int he cab ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . I saw him the first time Tuesday . He was at the cafe . I noticed he was looking at me a lot . Not just the usual looking , but staring . He just kept staring at me . He didn't stop .", "responses": ["what did you do ?", "how did you respond to him ?", "did you notice him again after that ?", "what happened after you left the cafe ?", "did you say anything to him or the waitress ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you do ?", "responses": ["i did n't do anything . finally , he left . but then i saw him again today . outside the shoe store . near the cafe . i went into a cd store and pretended i was looking at cd 's . but then he came in too .", "i called my husband and he talked to me until i got to my car safely .", "i found a security guard to walk me out to my car .", "i notified a security guard and he walked me out to my car .", "i called the police and gave a description of the man ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't do anything . Finally , he left . But then I saw him again today . Outside the shoe store . Near the cafe . I went into a CD store and pretended I was looking at CD's . But then he came in too .", "responses": ["did he leave when you left ?", "i think you need to notify the police .", "how scary . have you told the authorities ?", "be careful . i think you need to report him .", "have you told your family ? please be careful . there are too many weirdos out in the world ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did he leave when you left ?", "responses": ["yes . then i noticed he was on the sidewalk behind me . he was following me .", "you should talk to him .", "you should approach him .", "you are ask him directly .", "you should ask him why ."]}, {"emotion": "fear", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Then I noticed he was on the sidewalk behind me . He was following me .", "responses": ["what did you do ?", "is he cute ? maybe he just likes you .", "i wonder if it 's just someone who works in that area and thinks you 're cute .", "are you going to go back there ? maybe it 's time you started shopping elsewhere .", "how far did he follow you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you do ?"}], "index": 861} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Man , I'm hungry . Do you know a good place to have lunch ?", "responses": ["yes , i know a great place . what types of food do you like ?", "sure . what are you hungry for ?", "i know lots of places . are you thinking of anything in particular .", "there 's no place really good right around here .", "yes , but most do n't open for lunch until 11:30 ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I know a great place . What types of food do you like ?", "responses": ["mexican , japanese or chinese would be great .", "i like chicken .", "i like fried fish .", "i like french fires .", "i like fine steaks ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mexican , Japanese or Chinese would be great .", "responses": ["oh , i know a place where you might like to eat .", "what about italian ?", "ok lets go to the next town for mexican .", "i love chinese , so lets go for that .", "i 've never tried japanese , lets try that today ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I know a place where you might like to eat .", "responses": ["is it close by ?", "where at ? is it convenient to get to ?", "surprise me , lets go !", "is it mexican food ? i m craving some mexican right now .", "do you ? where do you think i should go ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it close by ?", "responses": ["it 's down a block on the right ; can i show you the way ?", "yeah , it 's just five minutes away from here .", "yeah , it 's just a couple of streets over .", "it 's about fifteen minutes away , but worth it .", "yeah , it 's really close by ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "It's down a block on the right ; can I show you the way ?", "responses": ["ok , i 'd love the company .", "yes . show me the shortest route .", "please do . i 'll head that direction .", "no thanks . i think i figured it out .", "let 's go before i starve ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , I'd love the company .", "responses": ["this will work out well . i 'm getting hungry just thinking about it .", "that 's great !", "ok , let 's go then !", "what are we waiting for then !", "you 'll love the food !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This will work out well . I'm getting hungry just thinking about it ."}], "index": 862} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "have you ever been to Disneyworld ?", "responses": ["when i was young , my parents took me to the one in california . i always forget which -- is that one disneyland or disneyworld ?", "never and i want to visit soon .", "only once a few years ago .", "yes when i was younger my parents took me .", "no , but next year we are going ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "when I was young , my parents took me to the one in California . I always forget which -- is that one Disneyland or Disneyworld ?", "responses": ["the one in florida is disneyworld and the one in california is disneyland , so you must have been to disneyland .", "disneyland is in california , disneyworld is the one in florida", "that would be disneyland , disneyworld is the next level of disneyland , its even bigger !", "i bet you do nt remember much since you were a child , that would have been disneyland , still awesome but ca nt compare to disneyworld", "that s disneyland , i prefer disneyworld in orlando florida because it is bigger and has more to do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "the one in Florida is Disneyworld and the one in California is Disneyland , so you must have been to Disneyland .", "responses": ["that 's right . why do you ask ?", "i would like to visit the o.ne in florida too", "well , then i have been to disneyland .", "have you ever been ?", "i need to go back and take my kids . i 'm sure they would love it as much as i did ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "that's right . Why do you ask ?", "responses": ["well , i 've never been to either so i was thinking of going to disneyworld for my honeymoon .", "i 'm going next week and i 've never been . what should i expect ?", "well , i was thinking we 'd go there next spring . what do you think ?", "i 'm on my way there now and wondered where i should start .", "i was just curious . i am thinking about planning a trip ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , I've never been to either so I was thinking of going to Disneyworld for my honeymoon .", "responses": ["when are you getting married ?", "you should go there .", "i bet you 'll have fun !", "that 's a good idea !", "that 's a great idea !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "when are you getting married ?", "responses": ["some time next year . we have n't set the date yet .", "six months from now .", "we just started talking about it , so there 's no set date yet .", "probably early next year .", "we have to coordinate our schedules and come up with a date ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "some time next year . We haven't set the date yet .", "responses": ["congratulations ! i had no idea .", "are you getting married in florida ?", "that 's exciting ! do you have a season mind ?", "i wish i could help you more , but i 'm happy to hear about the wedding .", "there 's no rush . as long as you still love each other ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "congratulations ! I had no idea .", "responses": ["thank you . so what do you think ? would we have a good time ?", "thank you , it seems to all have come so suddenly .", "thank you ! i am both excited and nervous !", "thanks , we have n't sent out invites yet but they are coming so keep your eyes open !", "thanks ! we have n't told many people yet . kind of building it up slowly because we are n't entirely sure of the venue and everything else ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "thank you . So what do you think ? Would we have a good time ?", "responses": ["do you like amusement parks ?", "i definitely think you 'd like it .", "if you want someplace romantic it might not be the best pick . it 's really crowded .", "if you want to have a really active honeymoon i 'd recommend it .", "there 's a ton to do for sure . it can be pretty expensive though , so be prepared for that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "do you like amusement parks ?", "responses": ["for the most part , yes . some of the rides are bit too scary for me , though .", "not really . the rides make me sick .", "i like the spectacle , but not the rides .", "pretty much , unless it 's super hot and crowded .", "most of my park experiences have been great !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "for the most part , yes . Some of the rides are bit too scary for me , though .", "responses": ["if you do n't think twice about the rides and go on every ride that you can , you 'll have a good time .", "disney is the safest plance on earth . i would not worry too much .", "lucky for you there 's a lot more to disney than the rides", "i hear ya . me too !", "be sure to kept your insurance up to date before you go ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "if you don't think twice about the rides and go on every ride that you can , you'll have a good time .", "responses": ["even the roller coasters that go through tunnels in the dark ?", "i guess you 're right .", "i guess i will .", "fine , let 's do it !", "let 's go then !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "even the roller coasters that go through tunnels in the dark ?", "responses": ["even those . it 'll be very romantic , i think . you 'll have loads of fun .", "just close your eyes for a minute !", "my children had no problem with any of the rides .", "you can skip those ones if you want .", "it 's only a momentary scare , and you can get over your fears ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "even those . It'll be very romantic , I think . You'll have loads of fun .", "responses": ["thanks for the advice . i 'll talk to my fiance about it tonight .", "thanks for the advice . i 'll talk with my fiance about it more tonight !", "hmm . i 'm still not sure if we should do hawaii or a trip to another exotic island . what do you think ?", "i really do n't like scary rides , but if i have to pass i will . i 'm sure there s plenty of other things to do .", "romantic is exactly what i 'm looking for . i 'll do a bit more research online myself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "thanks for the advice . I'll talk to my fiance about it tonight .", "responses": ["i 'm sure he 'll love the idea . just throw yourself into it and you 'll enjoy it !", "does he like amusement parks ?", "call me if you need any help deciding , we have done lots of traveling .", "i can help with anything else , if you need it .", "you 're welcome , i 'm glad i could help ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sure he'll love the idea . Just throw yourself into it and you'll enjoy it !"}], "index": 863} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Matthew ? Hi !", "responses": ["steve ! have n't seen you in ages ! how long 's it been ?", "how are you ?", "what is your question", "testing 3", "show the question"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Steve ! Haven't seen you in ages ! How long's it been ?", "responses": ["it 's got to be almost a year now .", "it 's been great !", "it 's been okay .", "it 's been pretty good .", "it 's been fine ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's got to be almost a year now .", "responses": ["how have you been ?", "what have you been up to for the last year ?", "i think you 're right . it was at last year 's easter parade , downtown . that was a great day .", "it 's been longer than that . i had 2 kids , and bought a new house .", "you have a good memory . i ca n't believe it 's been so long ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "How have you been ?", "responses": ["i 'm pretty good . i 've been looking for a place to live recently . my lease runs out next month and i do n't want to renew it .", "pretty good ! how about you ?", "i 'm ok . i 've really missed you , gina .", "some health issues , but every day is a blessing . how are you ?", "it 's been a tough year without you . are you still in cleveland ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm pretty good . I've been looking for a place to live recently . My lease runs out next month and I don't want to renew it .", "responses": ["yeah , i remember the neighborhood . have you found a place yet ?", "i know that feeling . are you looking for something further outside of town ?", "are you looking to move closer to work ?", "i know what you mean . i will keep my eyes open for you if i find something good .", "there 's lots of places available closer to the city , not sure what your looking to spend for rent but there are some really nice places ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , I remember the neighborhood . Have you found a place yet ?", "responses": ["not yet . but i am still looking through the classifieds . wish me luck .", "no , i ca n't find anything in my price range .", "i 've looked at a couple of places but they 're not as nice as where i am now .", "i 've decided on a place but i have n't signed the lease yet .", "i 'm still looking right now but i have to make up my mind in the next few days ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet . But I am still looking through the classifieds . Wish me luck .", "responses": ["well , maybe i can help . remember my neighbor ?", "you know , i 'm looking for a new roommate .", "good luck ! let me know if you need a reference .", "what 's your price range ? there 's a place that just opened near me .", "just be sure to stay away from neighbors with dogs !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Well , maybe I can help . Remember my neighbor ?", "responses": ["mrs . thou ?", "the guy who always offered to take us out on his boat ?", "yes . bob . he was the guy with the huge boat right ?", "i do . is he moving ?", "vaguely . is he the one who through all the kids in the pool at your 4th cookout ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mrs . Thou ?", "responses": ["yes , her daughter 's having a baby , so she 's moving in with her to help out . i think if you are interested , you can come over and have a look .", "yes , that 's right .", "that 's correct .", "yes , you 're right .", "affirmative ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , her daughter's having a baby , so she's moving in with her to help out . I think if you are interested , you can come over and have a look .", "responses": ["great . it 's a lovely neighborhood . and it would be nice to be neighbors again . it would be just like the old days !", "that would be a great find to live that close !", "i 'd definitely be interested in taking a look at the place .", "do you know how much the rent is ?", "when is she looking to move out ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great . It's a lovely neighborhood . And it would be nice to be neighbors again . It would be just like the old days !", "responses": ["i 'll ask mrs . thou when she 's available to show the apartment and let you know . has your number changed ?", "that 's what i was thinking !", "yes , it would be awesome to hang out more often .", "for sure . maybe we can start doing movie nights again .", "do you still like passing football ? i need a partner ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I'll ask Mrs . Thou when she's available to show the apartment and let you know . Has your number changed ?"}], "index": 864} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you ready to go to the mall ?", "responses": ["yeah . dig my new pants ?", "give me a second . i have to brush my teeth .", "yeah , i 'm the one who 's been waiting for you .", "yes , finally . come on , let 's go .", "i was thinking about just staying home instead ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah . Dig my new pants ?", "responses": ["copycat !", "they 're nice !", "i like them !", "they 're so fashionable .", "they 're good , i guess !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Copycat !", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "how am i copying ? these are completely different from that pair you have in pink .", "whatever skank . i can where what i want .", "whatever , these are totally in right now !", "hey , i got them on sale !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["you went out and bought khakis , too !", "i just got those !", "those are the pants i bought the last time we went to the mall .", "they do n't look familiar ? check my closet .", "c'mon are you kidding ? i wear them every week !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "You went out and bought khakis , too !", "responses": ["no . mine are a soft brown . yours are khaki .", "i 'm not a copycat", "i did nt know they were the same", "i love those khakis so i had to have them", "hey yo they are just my style"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . Mine are a soft brown . Yours are khaki .", "responses": ["whatever .", "no , mine are the same color .", "i guess the color is a little different .", "they 're awfully similar .", "they 're close enough . we 'll need to coordinate so we do n't wear them at the same time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whatever ."}], "index": 865} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have heard of Paul ?", "responses": ["no , what ?", "yeah , he 's the new guy , right ?", "no , who is he ?", "that weird guy down the hall ?", "is he the one with the red shirt ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , what ?", "responses": ["he 's got a promotion .", "paul ? that new r&b singer ?", "the guy with the new radio hit . you do n't know paul ?", "he 's the new manager . you must 've met him yesterday .", "maybe i have the wrong name . is n't paul the new manager ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's got a promotion .", "responses": ["you 're kidding .", "what kind of promotion did he get ?", "is he a manager now ?", "i do n't know paul but i suppose that is good news for him .", "who is paul again ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "You're kidding .", "responses": ["no , they made him vicepresident in charge of sells .", "nope , he really did .", "i 'm surprised to . i guess they see something in him that we do n't .", "he spends a lot of time complimenting the boss , so i think that 's why he got promoted .", "management seems to like him so i was n't that surprised ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , they made him vicepresident in charge of sells .", "responses": ["i do n't believe it . he is only being with the company for two years .", "but he never does anything right !", "how could he have possibly gotten it over you ?", "wow , i did n't see that one coming .", "but he 's the worst salesperson on the team ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't believe it . He is only being with the company for two years .", "responses": ["well , it 's true . the board man last thirdly and they choice paul .", "yes but he has tons of experience .", "he 's really got a knack for this though .", "he has better handle on the developements in e - commerce than many of us though", "after his sky rocketing sales last month how could they not promote him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , it's true . The board man last thirdly and they choice Paul .", "responses": ["well . good for him .", "that 's crazy !", "i still do n't believe you !", "you 're wrong !", "that 's insane !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . Good for him ."}], "index": 866} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Jeff , I'm going to the supermarket . Do you want to come with me ?", "responses": ["i think the supermarket is closed now .", "wanda , please ! just give me ten minutes .", "yes ! be right over with my list .", "thanks for asking , but i 'm good .", "jessie , do n't wait up . i 'll just meet you there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I think the supermarket is closed now .", "responses": ["oh , when does it close ?", "well that stinks , i guess i will have to go elsewhere/", "really since when ? i thought i seen it open as recent as last week .", "i thought they were open 24 hours .", "shoot i guess it can wait until morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , When does it close ?", "responses": ["it closes at 7:00 on sundays .", "i believe it closes at 9 pm .", "oh wait , it 's only 8 - it should be open at least another hour .", "it 's only open until 11 pm on saturdays .", "it closed about fifteen minutes ago , but the one over on elm is open all night ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It closes at 7:00 on Sundays .", "responses": ["that 's too bad .", "is there another store nearby ?", "oh man , i was supposed to get butter for dinner .", "i keep forgetting they are n't 24 hours .", "in that case , do you happen to have some salt i can borrow ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's too bad .", "responses": ["do n't worry , we can go tomorrow morning . it opens at 8 : 00 .", "not to worry . i 'll go tomorrow .", "i know . need anything that i might have in my cabinet ? you are welcome to come look .", "want to go find some appetizers in stead ?", "good news is that they open at 4 tomorrow morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Don't worry , we can go tomorrow morning . It opens at 8: 00 .", "responses": ["alright . what do you want to do now ?", "that 's fine i guess .", "well no choice here !", "ok , that 's fine .", "then that 's what we 'll do ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Alright . What do you want to do now ?", "responses": ["let 's take a walk for a half an hour . my sister will get here at about 8 : 30pm and then we can all go out to dinner .", "let 's watch a movie together .", "how about we fix that broken door ?", "let 's make a big dinner to enjoy .", "we can catch up on our favorite show ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Let's take a walk for a half an hour . My sister will get here at about 8: 30PM and then we can all go out to dinner .", "responses": ["where does she live ?", "ok , let me get my sneakers .", "that sounds good . i have n't gotten enough exercise lately .", "yeah , let 's do it . it 's a great day for walking .", "that 's a good way to work up an appetite ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where does she live ?", "responses": ["she lives in san francisco .", "i 'm not sure , she just moved last week .", "about an hour from here .", "she lives in houston now .", "you know where she lives , the same place we visited last year , remember ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She lives in San Francisco .", "responses": ["how long has she lived there ?", "oh cool ! we 'll have something to talk about .", "wow , that 's a long drive for her .", "is she staying over ? i hope she 's not planning to drive back to san francisco tonight .", "oh that 's not too far . a walk sounds perfect ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long has she lived there ?", "responses": ["i think she 's lived there for about 10 years .", "for a while now .", "for some time .", "for a little time .", "not too long ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think she's lived there for about 10 years .", "responses": ["that 's a long time . where did she live before that ?", "how many times has she visited over the last 10 years .", "how many times have seen her over the last few years .", "wow 10 years is a long time .", "does she plan to live year the rest of her life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That's a long time . Where did she live before that ?", "responses": ["san diego .", "before that she lived in ventura . it 's kind of a small not so great of area .", "bro , you 're asking too many questions about my sister . why do you care so much ?", "she lived in sacramento for a bit . i 'm not sure how long honestly .", "she lived in oregon with her ex - husband . she hated it there apparently ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "San Diego ."}], "index": 867} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , Peter , have you had lunch yet ?", "responses": ["no . how about you ?", "yeah , i just finished a salad .", "nope ! i 'm starving !", "not yet . you want to grab something ?", "i 'm skipping lunch today . too busy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No . How about you ?", "responses": ["not yet . let 's go to that restaurant on the corner .", "no and i 'm starving", "not yet . i 'm in the mood for chinese food .", "would you like to try that place on the corner with me in a few minutes ? >", "no , i 'm saving my appetite for the ice cream social this afternoon . are you going ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet . Let's go to that restaurant on the corner ."}], "index": 868} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who's that ?", "responses": ["search me .", "it 's him .", "it 's the guy !", "it 's that person i was telling you about !", "you do n't know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Search me ."}], "index": 869} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I had a big argument with david yesterday . I hope he ' s not still mad at me .", "responses": ["what did you argue about ?", "i think he 'll get over it .", "he loves you , so he will be fine .", "what was the argument even about ?", "he called me today , and said that he had already forgiven you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you argue about ?", "responses": ["he borrowed some money from me and i needed it back . he said he did n't have the money yet .", "it was about him not returning something i let him borrow on time .", "it was about me hooking up with a girl he likes . i hope he got over it .", "it was about him not cleaning the house when i get home from work . he 's really sloppy , but i do n't want this to turn into something that drags on for days .", "it was about a project at work . we completed it past the deadline required , so i was really stressed about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He borrowed some money from me and I needed it back . He said he didn ' t have the money yet .", "responses": ["well , he should pay you back . it 's only fair .", "yeah , arguing over money is pretty common .", "that 's too bad , i hope he can pay you back soon .", "do n't let him borrow anymore then !", "i 'm sure he will pay you back when he can ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , he should pay you back . It ' s only fair .", "responses": ["yes , but i got angry with him too quickly . he probably thought that i mistrusted him . i should n't have got angry .", "that 's what i said . but you know david .", "thanks for being on my side . he is so difficult to deal with .", "i know , but he 's having a hard time . he lost his job you know .", "right ? i feel like i 'm going crazy when i argue with him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but I got angry with him too quickly . He probably thought that I mistrusted him . I shouldn ' t have got angry .", "responses": ["did you lend him a lot of money ?", "you probably do mistrust him !", "i 'm sure you do .", "you do n't trust him at all !", "you do n't even care ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you lend him a lot of money ?", "responses": ["not much . i had to pay an unexpected bill , so i needed the money back .", "not a huge amount , but still i needed it back .", "no but that is n't the point .", "yes i did and i probably should n't have done that .", "yes that is why i am concerned ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not much . I had to pay an unexpected bill , so I needed the money back .", "responses": ["well , talk to him about it next time you see him . he probably feels as bad about it as you do . close friends sometimes have disagreements . it 's nothing unusual . neither of you said anything really nasty , did you ?", "well maybe you should set a new date for him to pay you back", "you have to be careful with your money . if you do nt have emergency funds then you should not lend money", "did you have enough money to pay the unexpected bill", "i hope he pays you back"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , talk to him about it next time you see him . He probably feels as bad about it as you do . Close friends sometimes have disagreements . It ' s nothing unusual . Neither of you said anything really nasty , did you ?", "responses": ["no , we did n't . i guess you 're right . we should patch things up .", "i guess you 're right .", "we 'll see , i guess .", "do n't worry about it .", "it 'll be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , we didn ' t . I guess you ' re right . We should patch things up .", "responses": ["of course you should . you would n't want a silly argument to ruin a long friendship , would you ?", "yes be the bigger person", "i agree no reason to b angry", "i m glad you think so", "just make sure he knows next time to pay you back sooner"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Of course you should . You wouldn ' t want a silly argument to ruin a long friendship , would you ?"}], "index": 870} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you read the letter in the paper about smoking ? The person who wrote that must be crazy .", "responses": ["i do n't think so . i think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking .", "was it well - written at least ?", "did they think we should allow smoking anywhere ?", "they were probably a life - long smoker .", "i 'll have to check it out later ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don ' t think so . I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking .", "responses": ["maybe so . but a law banning cigarettes will do no good .", "i think that the health problems caused by smoking should be acknowledged , but ultimately it 's everyone 's personal choice to smoke or not .", "no man , that 's so lame . you 're a lame . everyone should do what they want . why do n't you smoke ? cause you 're a lame .", "he was exaggerating the health issues caused by smoking , but not listing any of the benefits .", "okay , we can agree to disagree then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe so . But a law banning cigarettes will do no good .", "responses": ["no , you ca n't suddenly make smoking illegal , but government could prohibit smoking in public places like movies and theatres .", "yeah , you 're probably right , people will just do it anyway .", "people will hide and smoke at their houses , so what 's the point in a law ?", "maybe it will help in public places , at least .", "i hope it generates some revenue for the city though ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , you can ' t suddenly make smoking illegal , but government could prohibit smoking in public places like movies and theatres ."}], "index": 871} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know that the dolphin is the most intelligent animal in the world ?", "responses": ["yes . dolphins have a big brain and they are very smart . they are also the fastest swimmers in the world .", "yes , i did know that . i love dolphins .", "yes , i heard that last year on the television .", "no , i had no idea , i do n't do much studying on animals .", "yes , my son told me that when he did a project on dolphins ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Dolphins have a big brain and they are very smart . They are also the fastest swimmers in the world .", "responses": ["they must be amazing animals .", "i did n't know that about the swimming .", "sorry for telling you something you already know .", "wow , you know more about dolphins than i do !", "even faster swimmers than sharks ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "They must be amazing animals .", "responses": ["they are . i read a story about a dolphin saving a a from drowning in the sea .", "they are !", "i love them !", "they 're so cute !", "they 're so wonderful !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "They are . I read a story about a dolphin saving a A from drowning in the sea .", "responses": ["i read that story too . they seem to be able to understand men .", "that 's just amazing .", "reall , is it true , are you sure ?", "i heard about that too .", "i 've heard wonderful stories about dolphins over the years ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I read that story too . They seem to be able to understand men .", "responses": ["they sure can . maybe they can interact with men better than monkeys and apes .", "i just love dolphins", "they are kind of like our friends", "did you know sharks scared off doliphins ?", "i have a collection of dolphin figurines"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "They sure can . Maybe they can interact with men better than monkeys and apes ."}], "index": 872} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh dear , my weight has gone up again .", "responses": ["i am not surprised , you eat too much .", "that is all in your mind ! you look lovely as always .", "are you sure ? and so what if it is ?", "how can i help you stop obsessing ? you look gorgeous the way you are .", "you 're pregnant ! it 's only natural ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am not surprised , you eat too much .", "responses": ["and i suppose sitting at the desk all day in the office does n't help .", "that 's insulting !", "that 's a mean thing to say !", "how can you say that !", "that 's actually offensive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And I suppose sitting at the desk all day in the office doesn't help .", "responses": ["no , i would n't think so .", "it would help if you would watch what you eat .", "you can exercise before work in the morning .", "start counting your calories and it will make a difference .", "just start eating healthier , you 'll see how it helps ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , I wouldn't think so .", "responses": ["i do wish i could lose weight .", "i guess i could do some office exercises", "i need to exercise", "i ca nt help eating when i am bored", "that snack bar at the office is bad for me"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I do wish I could lose weight .", "responses": ["well , why do n't you go on the diet ?", "then you should work out", "go to the gym then .", "you should visit the gym .", "come to the gym with me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , why don't you go on the diet ?", "responses": ["i 've tried diets before but they 've never worked .", "i have been thinking avout it", "i m not sure which one to do", "no lol , i could n't committ to it", "oh that s a great idea , any suggestions ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I've tried diets before but they've never worked .", "responses": ["perhaps you should excercise more . why do n't you go to an exercise class .", "have you tried exercise ?", "just eat good foods and work out . that 's all you need to do .", "how long did you try before quitting ? it can take time .", "did you ever consider surgery ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Perhaps you should excercise more . Why don't you go to an exercise class .", "responses": ["yes , maybe i should .", "i was looking into a dance class in town .", "that 's a good idea , i think i 'd like that .", "a class would make it more fun .", "i do n't have time for classes , but i think i might start jogging ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yes , maybe I should ."}], "index": 873} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Could you please wait for a minute ? I'll buy the tickets", "responses": ["all right .", "no worries . just let me know when you get them .", "of course ! i have all day .", "sure , but please hurry . i 'm on my lunch break .", "for you ? anything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "All right .", "responses": ["here is your ticket .", "okay , i 'm going .", "i 'm going to buy them now .", "see you later .", "wait here please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here is your ticket .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you so much .", "oh thanks , i appreciate it .", "oh but this ticket is to the wrong place .", "is this ticket good through next month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["the park will close soon . we should better go in right now .", "your welcome", "have a great day", "enjoy the show", "have a great day"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The park will close soon . We Should better go in right now .", "responses": ["really ?", "yeah , let 's go then !", "then let us go !", "let 's go !", "yeah , i know ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ?", "responses": ["yes , let 's go in .", "yes they close early yo lday", "i know i wish we got herr earlier", "yes so lets get a move on", "yea i know its it 's annoying"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , let's go in .", "responses": ["it is a new park , is n't it ?", "ok , i 'll follow you .", "lead the way .", "yeah , i do n't want to miss the good rides .", "sounds good to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It is a new park , isn't it ?", "responses": ["yes , how do you know ?", "yes , it just opened last month .", "no , it 's been here for the last few years at least .", "i 'm not sure , but i 'm excited to check it out !", "i think it 's older , but they 've added some new attractions !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , how do you know ?", "responses": ["i guessed it .", "it looks new .", "i read about it online .", "the rides are super tech - heavy .", "my uncle walt designed it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guessed it .", "responses": ["well , generally speaking , the park is a window on the world history , a window on the world civilization and a window on the world 's tourist attractions as well .", "you 're lying . how did you know really ?", "oh yeah sure you guessed it . sigh ...", "ok whatever . just meet me there .", "sure you did . why do i even ask ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , generally speaking , the park is a window on the world history , a window on the world civilization and a window on the world's tourist attractions as well .", "responses": ["oh , how wonderful !", "that 's sounds nice !", "i agree with you !", "yes , that 's right .", "yes , i know ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , how wonderful !"}], "index": 874} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was just watching a documentary on TV about how people use dogs for various purpose . It was very interesting .", "responses": ["i love dogs . they have been used as guards for centuries . nowadays , they are often used to find illegal drugs and bombs by the police and customs officers .", "tell me more .", "that sounds interesting .", "oh , you 're right !", "that 's nice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I love dogs . They have been used as guards for centuries . Nowadays , they are often used to find illegal drugs and bombs by the police and customs officers .", "responses": ["the documentary also pointed out that they are used by shepherds to round up sheep and by rescue workers to find people trapped under rubble or snow .", "yes they mentioned that in the documentary", "oh i did not know that", "i love dogs too", "sorry , i am a cat person"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The documentary also pointed out that they are used by shepherds to round up sheep and by rescue workers to find people trapped under rubble or snow .", "responses": ["horses are useful to people too . we use them for sports and recreation .", "yeah , like the snow dogs with alcohol around their neck !", "it 's so cool how smart dogs can be .", "would n't that be the best ? you think you 're going to die , and then a friendly dog comes nosing into you !", "dogs are seriously the best animals on the planet !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Horses are useful to people too . We use them for sports and recreation .", "responses": ["do n't forget that horses are still used in many countries to pull ploughs and carts .", "yeah , horses are pretty amazing creatures .", "i 'm also impressed with what cats can learn .", "did you know that pigs can be taught to do services as well ?", "i 'd love to own a horse ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t forget that horses are still used in many countries to pull ploughs and carts .", "responses": ["can you ride a horse ?", "i 'm waiting for horses to find drugs and bombs .", "what if they crossed a dog with a horse ? then horses could herd sheep and guard illegal drug stashes !", "and do n't forget you can take a horse to water , but you ca n't make him think -- or as dorothy parker famously said , \" you can take a whore to culture , but you ca n't make her think . \"", "how come you can play horse shoes but not dog shoes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you ride a horse ?", "responses": ["yes , i can . i do n't ride regularly though . how about you ?", "no , but i wish i could !", "i 've ridden a horse , but i was n't very good . how about you ?", "just a little pony . and still i almost fell off .", "no . they scare me . too huge . and what if i get trampled ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , I can . I don ' t ride regularly though . How about you ?", "responses": ["i can ride too . perhaps we could go horse riding together at the weekend ?", "i do it all the time !", "i do it when i 'm bored .", "most often i have to say !", "all the time , my friend !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "I can ride too . Perhaps we could go horse riding together at the weekend ?", "responses": ["what a good idea !", "that would be fun .", "i ca n't this weekend .", "do you know a place we can rent horses ?", "i know a place , my friend own a horse farm ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "What a good idea !"}], "index": 875} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where's Mrs . Johnson ?", "responses": ["just call her lisa , mary . she 's cooking dinner .", "she 's not here !", "she 's somewhere else !", "she 's elsewhere .", "i 'm sure she 's not here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Just call her Lisa , Mary . She's cooking dinner .", "responses": ["i see . can i sit down ?", "i am not doing it", "okay i will", "hey , mrs . johnson", "what is she cooking ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I see . Can I sit down ?", "responses": ["of course ! make yourself at home .", "go right ahead .", "of course , have a seat .", "why would n't you be allowed to sit ?", "as you please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course ! Make yourself at home .", "responses": ["thank you , mr . johnson .", "thank you , i appreciate it .", "thank you . i was hoping to talk to lisa later .", "thank you , i 'll be out of your way by dinnertime .", "i appreciate it . i have something that i want to share with lisa ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , Mr . Johnson .", "responses": ["please , just call me tom .", "what 's for dinner ?", "make myself at home ? thanks ! ( turns on kinky porn channel ) .", "this conversation sounds like it came straight out of \" leave it to beaver \" and o", "why do i feel like eddie haskell at this moment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Please , just call me Tom .", "responses": ["okay , tom .", "it was really nice of you to invite me over .", "sorry . i will from now on , tom .", "ok , tom . and you can always call me mary .", "sorry , tom . and thank you again for the hospitality ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Okay , Tom .", "responses": ["where 's cindy ?", "thank you !", "anyways , what should we talk about next ?", "thank you for that !", "i want to thank you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where's Cindy ?", "responses": ["she 's upstairs in my room .", "she is cooking too .", "cindy is not here .", "i do not know where cindy is now .", "call her phone to see where she is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She's upstairs in my room .", "responses": ["can you tell her to come downstairs ? we 're about to have dinner .", "how has she been feeling lately .", "will she join us soon ?", "what do you want to see mary about ?", "can i get you anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Can you tell her to come downstairs ? We're about to have dinner ."}], "index": 876} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you heard of Paul ?", "responses": ["no , what ?", "no , who 's paul ?", "is he the new guy ?", "yeah , i 've known him for awhile .", "is he peter 's brother ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "No , what ?", "responses": ["he 's got a promotion .", "he 's a local singer with a concert coming up .", "he 's one of my coworkers who has a crush on you .", "he 's this guy who has been stalking me . i 'm pretty nervous about it .", "he 's my brother , and he 'd like to meet you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's got a promotion .", "responses": ["you 're kidding .", "paul who ?", "you mean the new mail room guy ?", "not surprised ; he 's sleeping with the boss .", "i 've been here 3 years and have n't even gotten an \" employee of the month \" parking space !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "You're kidding .", "responses": ["no , they made him vicepresident in charge of sells .", "i know , right ? of all people .", "wish i was kidding . he 's such a suck - up .", "yes , i 'm kidding of course . he was fired .", "got you ! april fool 's !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , they made him vicepresident in charge of sells .", "responses": ["oh , i do n't believe it . he is only being with the company for two years .", "that 's insane !", "why would they do that !", "i deserve it more !", "that 's not fair !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I don't believe it . He is only being with the company for two years .", "responses": ["well , it 's true . the board man last thirdly and they choice paul .", "i know a lot people better than paul .", "i 'm happy for paul .", "how many years does it take for a person to get a promotion .", "two years is way faster than most promotions ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , it's true . The board man last thirdly and they choice Paul .", "responses": ["well . good for him .", "well , i hope it works out .", "this could be a disaster .", "some people are going to be upset by this .", "i guess everybody has a chance then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well . Good for him ."}], "index": 877} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let's speed up . We're going to be late again .", "responses": ["if we hurry , can we get there in time ?", "i ca n't , i just got a ticket .", "that 's ok , this event always starts late .", "i 'm already at the speed limit .", "if you want to drive and take the risk , ok ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If we hurry , can we get there in time ?", "responses": ["i hope so .", "definitely ! at worst , we miss one of the previews .", "i do n't know but we do n't have a choice . let 's leave earlier next time .", "probably not , but it 's my fault if we do n't make it .", "of course ! it 's only fifteen minutes away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hope so ."}], "index": 878} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it your first time to join the sports meeting of Junior High School ?", "responses": ["yes , and it 's great . what are the events at the sports meeting ?", "it 's my first time .", "that is right .", "that is correct .", "you 're right , of course ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yes , and it's great . What are the events at the sports meeting ?", "responses": ["long - distance race , dash , hurdle race , relay race , standing long jump , high jump , shotput and so on .", "we eat first than talk sports .", "we go over all the sports for the year and let you sign up .", "we first judge your interest in winter sports .", "we talk about the past season and give out awards ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Long-distance race , dash , hurdle race , relay race , standing long jump , high jump , shotput and so on .", "responses": ["our neighbor , bruce , will take part in the relay race . let 's go have a look .", "that is a lot .", "have you been at a lot of these meetings ?", "i am so glad i heard about this .", "i really like the high jump ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Our neighbor , Bruce , will take part in the relay race . Let's go have a look .", "responses": ["ok , let 's go .", "ok give me a few minutes .", "sounds good lets go .", "do you mind if we have lunch first .", "ok , and after we can go out to dinner ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "OK , let's go .", "responses": ["the competition will begin in 5 minutes , it 's tense here .", "then let us go !", "we will go then !", "ok , let 's see it !", "that 's a great idea !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The competition will begin in 5 minutes , it's tense here .", "responses": ["wonderful , bruce is taking the lead .", "it must be so nerve - wracking to be an athlete .", "imagine how hard it is to focus for them .", "they have to keep warming up . else they 'll get cold .", "yeah , but it 's fun . i love competition ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wonderful , Bruce is taking the lead .", "responses": ["other competitors have almost caught up with him . they are neck and neck .", "you are right .", "that 's correct .", "i know he is .", "great observation ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Other competitors have almost caught up with him . They are neck and neck .", "responses": ["come on , bruce . come on , bruce .", "but he is still on the lead", "so far he is doing well", "they seem faster than him", "do you think he will continue leading ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on , Bruce . Come on , Bruce .", "responses": ["wow , bruce crossed the line first .", "you can do it !", "kick hard and finish !", "i think bruce will win", "oh no , he got passed !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , Bruce crossed the line first ."}], "index": 879} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Tim ' s smiles are interesting .", "responses": ["yes , they are shy and gentle but very powerful .", "i know i wonder what he is thinking about .", "i do not think his smiles are interesting .", "why do you think that ?", "you must like tim ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , they are shy and gentle but very powerful .", "responses": ["you are right . they sweep nancy off her feet . and now she fell head over heels in love with him .", "yes , and he has great teeth .", "he can be quite charming .", "just like him .", "you have a great smile too ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You are right . They sweep Nancy off her feet . And now she fell head over heels in love with him .", "responses": ["how wonderful it would be if i had such smiles !", "yeah but she could fall for anyone .", "that 's this week , next week she may change her mind .", "i hope it works out for her .", "it does n't take much to sweep nancy off her feet ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How wonderful it would be if I had such smiles !"}], "index": 880} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Have you enjoyed your weekend ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's been marvelous . it really was very kind of you to invite me . i hope it has n't been too much trouble .", "yes , it 's been very pleasant .", "no , the weather was too bad .", "yes , it flew by .", "i have . how about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it's been marvelous . It really was very kind of you to invite me . I hope it hasn't been too much trouble .", "responses": ["not at all . we 've really enjoyed having you . i hope you 'll come and stay again next time you 're in changsha .", "oh it 's no trouble at all .", "i 'm so glad you enjoyed it .", "i hope you will come again next year .", "i enjoyed it very much as well ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Not at all . We've really enjoyed having you . I hope you'll come and stay again next time you're in Changsha ."}], "index": 881} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The Great Wall is a great attraction for visitors .", "responses": ["it 's a man - made wonder . i 've seen it many times in textbooks and it 's part of my dream to visit it .", "it draws a tremendous amount of people every month .", "its one of the biggest attractions in the world .", "i have never seen it yet .", "have you seen it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a man-made wonder . I've seen it many times in textbooks and it's part of my dream to visit it .", "responses": ["someone claimed it was one of the two man - made wonders that could be seen on the moon .", "same for me !", "that 's what i think too !", "we can visit it together .", "let 's go together ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Someone claimed it was one of the two man-made wonders that could be seen on the moon .", "responses": ["that 's true .", "who said that ? it sounds made up .", "i would believe it . it looks massive in textbooks .", "did an astronaut say that ?", "where did you hear that ? it 's an interesting fact ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's true ."}], "index": 882} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m forming a music band .", "responses": ["do you already know how to play an instrument ?", "can i join your band ?", "do you need a drum player ?", "i play guitar , can i be a part ?", "well i am not music inclined at all ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you already know how to play an instrument ?", "responses": ["uh ... yeah ! i 've told you a thousand times that i 'm learning to play the drums . now that i know how to play well , i would like to form a rock band .", "not yet .", "i will soon .", "soon i will .", "i 'll be able to soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Uh ... Yeah ! I ' Ve told you a thousand times that I ' m learning to play the drums . Now that I know how to play well , I would like to form a rock band .", "responses": ["aside from yourself , who are the other members of the band ?", "oh , right . duh ! sorry for forgetting .", "drums ? i always think it 's guitar . maybe i should learn , too .", "you ca n't play rock without killer drums . that 's smart .", "can i be the lead vocalist ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Aside from yourself , who are the other members of the band ?", "responses": ["we have a guy who plays guitar , and another who plays bass . although we still have n't found anyone to be our singer . you told me that you had some musical talent , right ?", "they 're my friends .", "some of my friends .", "a few of my friends .", "they 're just my friends , i guess ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "We have a guy who plays guitar , and another who plays bass . Although we still haven ' t found anyone to be our singer . You told me that you had some musical talent , right ?", "responses": ["yes , i 'm a singer .", "i can take up the singer position .", "will i take up the position", "i am a vocalist", "i am a singer but not profession ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I ' m a singer .", "responses": ["perfect . so you can audition this weekend here at my house .", "great ! let 's get this rolling !", "oh nice ! this could work .", "cool ! i think we should start jamming together", "what kind of singing do you like ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Perfect . So you can audition this weekend here at my house .", "responses": ["great ! wait here ? you do n't have enough room for the amplifiers , microphones or even your drums ! by the way where do you keep them or practice ?", "i guess i can .", "ok , sure thing .", "i will then .", "see you then ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Great ! Wait here ? You don ' t have enough room for the amplifiers , microphones or even your drums ! By the way where do you keep them or practice ?"}], "index": 883} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What would you like for Christmas ?", "responses": ["i would like to have that new style gl joe .", "a nice present !", "something nice !", "something thoughtful and expensive .", "something good !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I would like to have that new style Gl Joe .", "responses": ["have you asked santa ?", "is there anything cheaper you 'd like ?", "what about a new tablet ?", "which style is that ?", "they still make gi joes ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you asked Santa ?", "responses": ["yes and i 've written him a letter .", "santa is not real .", "santa is a lie .", "santa will never to real .", "santa has never replied to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes and I've written him a letter ."}], "index": 884} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Lili , let ' s take a vacation !", "responses": ["george , how can we ? vacations cost money . and this month we do n't have much money left after paying the rent .", "where should we go ?", "where do you want to go ?", "where would we go then ?", "do you have a place in mind ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "George , how can we ? Vacations cost money . And this month we don ' t have much money left after paying the rent .", "responses": ["well , lili , we can visit different places in the state in our van 10 . we are not going to take a plane or stay at a hotel this time . trust me , it wo n't cost much .", "i know , but we can dream ca n't we ?", "then let 's move to a smaller place . this week to week grind is killing our relationship .", "i 've been saving some on the side . i wanted to surprise you .", "we could go to a cheap motel . anything to get away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , Lili , we can visit different places in the state in our van 10 . We are not going to take a plane or stay at a hotel this time . Trust me , it won ' t cost much .", "responses": ["where will we sleep , then ?", "but we really do n't have the money !", "i do n't think we should waste money !", "we 're barely getting on as it is .", "we do n't have enough ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where will we sleep , then ?", "responses": ["in the van .", "at my friend 's house .", "i can organize that", "we can find a cheap hotel .", "we can do camping"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In the van .", "responses": ["what about other expenses ?", "i 've slept in the van before i guess", "who wants to sleep in a van ?", "that sounds like a blast", "well , i did nt think of that"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What about other expenses ?", "responses": ["let 's see . gas , food , recreation , we wo n't spend much . come on . do n't hesitate . we need to get out of the house once in a while . we have been working hard , have n't we ?", "i 'll take care of them .", "do n't worry about it .", "it 'll be fine .", "trust me , please ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Let ' s see . Gas , food , recreation , we won ' t spend much . Come on . Don ' t hesitate . We need to get out of the house once in a while . We have been working hard , haven ' t we ?", "responses": ["maybe you 're right . when do you plan to go ?", "i 'm just trying to be realistic .", "you 're not being realistic . i hate how i am always the bad cop .", "that does n't mean we can afford a vacation , george .", "i am sick of this conversation , george ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Maybe you ' re right . When do you plan to go ?", "responses": ["the sooner the better ! i ca n't wait !", "let 's go to a few state parks and get out in nature .", "i was thinking we 'd leave next thursday .", "let 's take off next friday , and then we can spend the weekend traveling .", "i think we could do it in a couple weeks ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The sooner the better ! I can ' t wait !", "responses": ["oh , i do n't know where we 're going yet .", "i think this is a bad idea , but it is up to you .", "we need to save up a little more before we can go on vacation .", "you are such a bad influence on me .", "we can all use a vacation , but we do not have enough money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I don ' t know where we ' re going yet .", "responses": ["as long as we 're going , you can decide where to go . i trust your judgments . i know you miss chinese food , so we can eat at a chinese restaurant this time .", "we can make it up as we go . it 'll be fun", "you 're going to loose all that vacation time anyway . why not ?", "where would you like to go ?", "would you rather plan some other vacation ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "As long as we ' re going , you can decide where to go . I trust your judgments . I know you miss Chinese food , so we can eat at a Chinese restaurant this time .", "responses": ["let 's go to chicago . we can have lunch in chinatown . then we can go to a ball game at wrigley field !", "thanks !", "oh , i love chinese food !", "i ca n't wait , let 's go .", "let us go then ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Let ' s go to Chicago . We can have lunch in Chinatown . Then we can go to a ball game at Wrigley Field !", "responses": ["you have such good ideas !", "sounds great . i have n't been to chicago for awhile .", "awesome . maybe we can get pizza one day .", "i 'll check when the games are .", "super ! lets start packing ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "You have such good ideas !"}], "index": 885} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What date will our field trip be on ?", "responses": ["the science field trip is next monday at 8 o'clock in the morning . do you want to make note of that on your calendar ?", "i do n't remember .", "i forgot .", "i was about to ask you , actually .", "do n't remember , sorry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The science field trip is next Monday at 8 o'clock in the morning . Do you want to make note of that on your calendar ?", "responses": ["yes , i will make note of that .", "yes i will want to mark it .", "i have memorized that .", "i will takee note", "that is quite early in the morning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I will make note of that .", "responses": ["next monday is december 2nd . the buses will leave at 8 , but we must begin loading at 7", "awesome thanks . see you then", "that sounds great", "get some rest and i 'll see you then !", "cool , i ca nt wait for the trip !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Next Monday is December 2nd . The buses will leave at 8 , but we must begin loading at 7", "responses": ["i will be there half an hour early .", "that 's great !", "that 's perfect , actually .", "ok , then .", "then that 's that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I will be there half an hour early .", "responses": ["you might want to tell whoever is picking you up that you will return on december 8th . do you have a ride ?", "perfect . that gives us plenty of time .", "ok . i 'm counting on you .", "please be there . you ca n't be late again .", "ok , i will pencil you in for 6:30"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You might want to tell whoever is picking you up that you will return on December 8th . Do you have a ride ?", "responses": ["yes , someone is picking me up .", "yes , my sister is giving me a ride .", "yes , my mom can pick me up .", "no , do you know anyone looking to carpool ?", "no , could i ride with you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , someone is picking me up .", "responses": ["to get back to campus by 8", "did you bring all the things you need ?", "okay make sure to be careful while on your trip .", "alright have fun and behave .", "if you ever need help , do not hesitate to contact me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "To get back to campus by 8", "responses": ["not at the moment -- maybe later , though .", "yes , i 've got a ride and room for 2 more if needed", "i 'm all set . you can come with me if you 'd like .", "can i bring snacks on the bus for the ride ?", "how many duffle bags can i bring ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Not at the moment -- maybe later , though .", "responses": ["all of the extra information that you need is on the bulletin board in the hallway . see you on monday !", "yes , i know .", "you do n't need to tell me twice .", "i 've got it .", "i know , okay ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "All of the extra information that you need is on the bulletin board in the hallway . See you on Monday !"}], "index": 886} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The acting of this film is marvelous in spite of the thin plot .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry for hero .", "i have nt seen it", "tell me more about it .", "what is it about", "who is the lead actor ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry for hero .", "responses": ["i do n't think there 's any excuse for his acting in some parts .", "ya , it was sad", "i did n't care for him .", "ya me too", "it was pretty emotional"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think there's any excuse for his acting in some parts .", "responses": ["do n't be too critical . we ca n't expect it to be perfect .", "is that so ?", "i ca n't say i agree .", "i must disagree with you there .", "that 's not right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't be too critical . We can't expect it to be perfect ."}], "index": 887} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How was your business trip ?", "responses": ["great - they wined and dined us all week .", "it went fine .", "it was okay .", "it was nice enough .", "i liked it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Great - they wined and dined us all week ."}], "index": 888} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nice to meet you here . How come you dropped into this company today ?", "responses": ["my boss sent me here to take some business documents back to his office . i did n't know you were working here . what a surprise . how long have you been doing this ?", "nice to meet you , too ! i wanted to apply for a job .", "thank you . i had questions about some of your accounting .", "it 's nice to be here . i 'm scouting for a big project .", "it 's great to finally meet you . i want to transfer from my other job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "My boss sent me here to take some business documents back to his office . I didn't know you were working here . What a surprise . How long have you been doing this ?", "responses": ["two years or so .", "i 've been working here for the last five years .", "i just started last week , but i 'm loving the job already !", "it 's been about 3 months now .", "i 've been in this company for 2 years , but i just moved to this department ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Two years or so .", "responses": ["that is great . do you have to work the night shift ?", "it is very nice to see you . we should catch up sometime .", "how do you like working here ?", "cool ! do you know where the business documents are ?", "can you check to see if the documents are there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That is great . Do you have to work the night shift ?", "responses": ["no , in most cases i do n't have to unless there is something urgent to deal with . i work five days a week .", "only on special occasions but i like it", "sometimes . it depends on our caseload really .", "just during the tax season.i do n't mind .", "yes but i really enjoy it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , in most cases I don't have to unless there is something urgent to deal with . I work five days a week .", "responses": ["do you enjoy work here ?", "that 's nice !", "i like that !", "tell me more !", "that 's not too bad , i guess ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you enjoy work here ?", "responses": ["it is hard to say . but i 've to start by working as a trainee before i really become an experienced marketing assistant . sometimes , i am really under great pressure when it gets busy .", "yes , it is very interesting .", "yes , the people are very nice .", "yes , i plan to stay for awhile .", "yes , i have learned a lot ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is hard to say . But I've to start by working as a trainee before I really become an experienced marketing assistant . Sometimes , I am really under great pressure when it gets busy .", "responses": ["take it easy . i 'm sure you will gain enough experience while working as a marketing assistant . i hope you have n't been given much trouble in the job .", "that 's a lot of responsibility . i 'm impressed .", "do you want to have your entire career here ?", "did you go to school for marketing ?", "are you in line for a promotion ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Take it easy . I'm sure you will gain enough experience while working as a marketing assistant . I hope you haven't been given much trouble in the job .", "responses": ["luckily not . the silent i meet are generally very friendly and have a good boss .", "i have not had any trouble at all .", "all jobs come with some trouble .", "i sure will take it easy and there is no trouble here .", "i can not wait to be a better marketing assistant ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Luckily not . The silent I meet are generally very friendly and have a good boss .", "responses": ["glad to hear that .", "that is nice , they should do well to put you through things thoroughly then", "what are your future plans in the company ?", "i hope you are managing the stress well ?", "is it possible for you to share little ideas about this marketing stuff when you are less busy ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Glad to hear that ."}], "index": 889} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Scientists have found a second solar system in the universe .", "responses": ["what 's the second solar system ?", "where did you read this ?", "is that breaking news ? do you have a link ?", "what ! ? link me !", "when ! ? is that an onion article ? ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the second solar system ?", "responses": ["it 's just a system like ours , with a star and a number of planets going around it .", "planets revolving around a sun , much like ours .", "it 's a lot like ours , but billions of light years away .", "i 'm not sure of the name , but i 'm very excited about it .", "i do n't know the name , but i hope they find more life there !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's just a system like ours , with a star and a number of planets going around it .", "responses": ["is this good news or bad news ?", "i wonder if there is life on the second solar system", "what is the name of that solar system ?", "how did they find the solar system ?", "i hope we can learn more about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this good news or bad news ?", "responses": ["it 's exciting news ! if we find a second solar system , we might find a second earth !", "it 's too soon to tell .", "that we found it at all is good news do n't you think ?", "i think it 's terrible news", "i guess its great news since we 've just about destrayed this planet"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's exciting news ! If we find a second solar system , we might find a second earth !", "responses": ["you mean with people on it ?", "would that be good news or bad news ?", "that might be good or bad .", "i do n't know .", "maybe , but not likely ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You mean with people on it ?", "responses": ["yes ! is n't that exciting ?", "or aliens .", "anything is possible .", "there could be !", "who knows ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yes ! Isn't that exciting ?"}], "index": 890} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend ?", "responses": ["sorry , i thought you knew .", "i have n't seen you since we started dating .", "i told you last week ! you forgot .", "amanda is n't my girlfriend .", "we just started dating . it 's not serious yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I thought you knew .", "responses": ["but you should tell me you were in love with her .", "how could i have known ?", "what makes you think i knew ?", "i do n't believe you . you were hiding this on purpose .", "i did n't know . the way you 'd been flirting with me made me assume otherwise ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But you should tell me you were in love with her .", "responses": ["did n't i ?", "i think i like you more .", "i am about to leave her for you .", "actually our relationship is going sour . i am about to leave her .", "i do not like bringing up my girlfriend in discussions ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Didn't I ?", "responses": ["you know you did n't .", "i did n't think you cared much", "i must have meantioned it ? i would n't have a girlfriend if i was not in love", "i 'm certain i told you though it 's not much of your business", "why would i need to announce that to you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know you didn't .", "responses": ["well , i am telling you now .", "well , i thought i did .", "maybe you forgot .", "i was sure i did .", "are you sure ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I am telling you now .", "responses": ["yes , but you might have told me before .", "i really think you should have told me sooner .", "why do you think you did n't tell me sooner .", "does she know that you do n't tell people about her ?", "what would she think if she knew that you do n't tell people about her ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but you might have told me before .", "responses": ["i did n't think you would be interested .", "look , i 've been super busy .", "i have a hard time opening up . you know that .", "i do n't know if it 's love just yet . i do n't want to jinx it .", "last time i confided in you did not go well for me . remember ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't think you would be interested .", "responses": ["you ca n't be serious . how dare you not tell me you are going to marry her ?", "you knew i liked you .", "i do not think you were being fair .", "you still should had told me .", "deep down inside i think i knew already ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "You can't be serious . How dare you not tell me you are going to marry her ?", "responses": ["sorry , i did n't think it mattered .", "am sorry , i never meant to hurt you like this .", "she was close to me so i thought you knew everything happening", "is there a means we can resolve this issue ? we should fight over this", "we have been dating for years , so i thought you were aware ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sorry , I didn't think it mattered .", "responses": ["oh , you men ! you are all the same .", "you knew i thought we were dating .", "i 'm through with you .", "you have been leading me on .", "i hope you are very happy together ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , you men ! You are all the same ."}], "index": 891} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How was the movie last night ?", "responses": ["i did n't really like it .", "it was great .", "too scary for me .", "good , but the theater was very crowded .", "it went on too long ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't really like it .", "responses": ["mary said that she was really pleased with the photography .", "what did n't you like ?", "yeah , me neither . the plot was stupid .", "what ! ? i ca n't disagree more .", "you were n't even paying attention ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mary said that she was really pleased with the photography .", "responses": ["i found it very disappointing .", "the photography was ok i guess .", "mary does not watch a lot of movies .", "i did not know mary watched the movie .", "i still do not like the movie even with good photography ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I found it very disappointing .", "responses": ["she liked the acting , too , because that 's what she wanted to see .", "is it possible for you to have liked it if a character was changed ?", "will you be willing to watch a future movie from the same producer ?", "what could have caused it for you to have it disappointing ?", "we could have changed the movie if you had mentioned your view from the onset ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She liked the acting , too , because that's what she wanted to see .", "responses": ["i was n't happy with it .", "i was hoping for more action", "it was entirely missing a plot line", "it just was n't my cup of tea .", "i guess we have different taste in movies ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "I wasn't happy with it .", "responses": ["nothing is to your satisfaction .", "you seem to be in a bad mood .", "maybe you should have mary explain it to you ?", "i 'm still going to see it .", "wow , two very different takes on it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing is to your satisfaction ."}], "index": 892} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Honey , I ' ll be right back !", "responses": ["where are you going ?", "no need to rush , sweetheart .", "i love you , baby !", "take your time , love .", "i 'll be waiting for you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where are you going ?", "responses": ["i told you already ! i 'm going to get my nails done .", "going to pick up the kids .", "we are out of milk be right back .", "my dad needs me at his house", "i 'm going to play basketball at the church"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I told you already ! I ' m going to get my nails done .", "responses": ["again ? you just went last week ! you spend more time at the nail salon than you do here at home ! honestly , why do you need a manicure every week ?", "where exactly are u going to fix your nails ?", "do you mind if i tag along to keep your company ?", "what possible time will you be back ?", "will you be going with friends ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Again ? You just went last week ! You spend more time at the nail salon than you do here at home ! Honestly , why do you need a manicure every week ?", "responses": ["well , first of all , i like to pamper myself , and my nails look great . you should come with me !", "i like my nails to be different every week .", "why do n't you come along and get a manicure ?", "get off my back . it is a small pleasure .", "do n't you like my nails ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , first of all , I like to pamper myself , and my nails look great . You should come with me !", "responses": ["why ? i do n't want to have nail polish or anything like that !", "i will not be seen at a nail salon .", "really ? sounds like fun .", "that is not funny at all .", "your nails do look great ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? I don ' t want to have nail polish or anything like that !", "responses": ["they do n't only paint my nails ! the manicurist will remove my cuticles , file my nails , and apply at least nails coats of nail polish !", "to keep me company , silly !", "why not ? you 'd look adorable .", "so you can meet all my salon friends .", "i just like having you around ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They don ' t only paint my nails ! The manicurist will remove my cuticles , file my nails , and apply at least nails coats of nail polish !", "responses": ["yeah , sounds like something i should definitely do .", "why would you think that would appeal to me ?", "does that sound like something i would like ?", "i hate that idea . you know nothing about me .", "it 's all about you . what about my life ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , sounds like something I should definitely do ."}], "index": 893} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good afternoon !", "responses": ["good afternoon ! sit down , please . how are you ?", "hello ! nice to talk to you .", "good afternoon to you ! nice to finally talk .", "it 's the morning for me !", "hello ! how are you this bright august day ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Good afternoon ! Sit down , please . How are you ?", "responses": ["i 'm very well , thank you . how are you ?", "i 'm good and you .", "a little sick but i will be ok .", "i 'm dong fine .", "i 'm great , lets get started ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I'm very well , thank you . How are you ?", "responses": ["very well too , thank you very much . is n't it a lovely day ?", "i am doing fine .", "quite some time , what brings you here today ?", "will you be willing to look through our services noe ?", "how can i help you please ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Very well too , thank you very much . Isn ' t it a lovely day ?", "responses": ["yes , it 's beautiful , but it 's also very hot .", "indeed it is . can we get down to business ?", "yes it is . i have been looking forward to this meeting .", "it is but i hear it will be raining soon .", "yes and i hope to get out and enjoy it so lets get this over with ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it's beautiful , but it's also very hot .", "responses": ["yes .", "agreed . i sweated through my shirt already .", "i love hot weather .", "is n't it funny how the weather changes day to day ?", "so , let 's get down to business ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes .", "responses": ["what 's the weather like in your country ?", "it would be better with a nice breeze to accompany it .", "did you have a nice lunch ?", "thank goodness our seats are in the shade !", "luckily , i wore my shorts ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the weather like in your country ?", "responses": ["mm ... it 's quite warm now .", "it 's chilly this time of year .", "it 's bright , but not too warm . you 'd like it .", "it 's also hot . we are very similar to your country .", "the weather changes every minute here . is it the same there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mm ... It's quite warm now .", "responses": ["where do you live ?", "it 's pretty warm here too .", "i think it 's about 81 degrees today .", "i hope we get some rain soon as it has been fairly hot here .", "you should enjoy the warm weather while it last ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where do you live ?", "responses": ["in london . where do you live ?", "italy , down near the tip of the boot .", "costa rica .", "in san juan . moved there four years ago .", "lisbon . have you been there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "In London . Where do you live ?", "responses": ["here . near this school .", "libya .", "cameroon", "southern spain", "the southwest united states ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Here . Near this school ."}], "index": 894} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' Ve had it ! I ' m done working for a company that is taking me nowhere !", "responses": ["so what are you gon na do ? just quit ?", "so start looking for another job", "i thought you liked it there ?", "what happened at work ?", "did n't you get a promotion last year ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So what are you gonna do ? Just quit ?", "responses": ["that 's exactly what i am going to do ! i 've decided to create my own company ! i 'm going to write up a business plan , get some investors and start working for myself !", "that 's exactly what i am gon na do .", "i wish . i need the money too much .", "that 's not a bad idea .", "i 'm definitely gon na start looking for another job ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s exactly what I am going to do ! I ' Ve decided to create my own company ! I ' m going to write up a business plan , get some investors and start working for myself !", "responses": ["have you ever written up a business plan before ?", "really ? you think you can handle that ?", "are you sure you want to take such an extreme path ?", "did n't you say the same thing last month ?", "good luck with that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you ever written up a business plan before ?", "responses": ["well , no , it ca n't be that hard ! i mean , all you have to do is explain your business , how you are going to do things and that 's it , right ?", "no , that 's why i need your help .", "i 've done it once or twice . do you think i need more practice ?", "no .. should i hire someone ?", "of course not ! that 's where you come in ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , no , it can ' t be that hard ! I mean , all you have to do is explain your business , how you are going to do things and that ' s it , right ?", "responses": ["you could n't be more wrong ! a well written business plan will include an executive summary which highlights the idea of the business in two pages or less . then you need to describe your company with information such as what type of legal structure it has , history , etc .", "i m not sure , i think there a bit more thought that should be done on your end .", "look on the internet to get some idea of how to go about this .", "facebook may have a group that discusses such things .", "i 'll have to ask my aunt she owns a pretty prosperous company ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You couldn ' t be more wrong ! A well written business plan will include an executive summary which highlights the idea of the business in two pages or less . Then you need to describe your company with information such as what type of legal structure it has , history , etc .", "responses": ["well , that seems easy enough .", "that 's not so bad . other people have done it , why not me ! beats working where i am now .", "how do you know that ? i know other people who are n't as smart as me have pulled it off . have you ever tried to start a business ?", "ok , that sounds like there 's some work to it . i 'm just so frustrated at my current job ! maybe i 'll work on my resume .", "two pages ? i can do that . i 'll find something online to get me started . ca n't wait until i tell my boss i 'm quitting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , that seems easy enough .", "responses": ["wait , there 's more ! then you need to introduce and describe your goods or services . what they are and how they are different from competitors ' ? then comes the hard part , a market analysis . you need to investigate and analyze hundreds of variables ! you need to take into consideration socioeconomic factors from gdp per capita to how many children on average the population has ! all this information is useful so that you can move on to your strategy and implementation stage , where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute your idea .", "if you think it 's so easy , why have n't you done it before ?", "it seems a lot easier than it is", "what kind of experience do you have with any of this ?", "do n't you think if it were easy , everyone would do it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wait , there ' s more ! Then you need to introduce and describe your goods or services . What they are and how they are different from competitors ' ? Then comes the hard part , a market analysis . You need to investigate and analyze hundreds of variables ! You need to take into consideration socioeconomic factors from GDP per capita to how many children on average the population has ! All this information is useful so that you can move on to your strategy and implementation stage , where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute your idea .", "responses": ["geez . is that all ?", "yes , but general socioeconomic data does n't mean anything .", "i 'm planning on opening in an upscale part of the city , so the gdp per - capita data does n't mean much .", "i see what you mean . where do i find precise demographic information ?", "getting financing will be the hardest part ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Geez . Is that all ?", "responses": ["almost , the most important piece of information for your investors will be the financial analysis . here you will calculate and estimate sales , cash flow and profits . after all , people will want to know when they will begin to see a return on their investment !", "that is all .", "there 's nothing else .", "what else do you expect .", "that 's not all , actually ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Almost , the most important piece of information for your investors will be the financial analysis . Here you will calculate and estimate sales , cash flow and profits . After all , people will want to know when they will begin to see a return on their investment !", "responses": ["umm . i think i 'll just stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business !", "i can do all of that !", "well you can help me get started . you seem to know all about it .", "hmm maybe it 's harder than i though .", "so what that sounds easier than sticking around here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Umm . I think I ' ll just stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business !"}], "index": 895} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I hear that Mary got mad .", "responses": ["so i heard .", "she was madder than i 've ever seen her .", "mary ? i do n't think so .", "i did n't hear that .", "oh no . i hope everything is alright ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So I heard .", "responses": ["what 's wrong with her ?", "yeah , she blew up at the meeting .", "she flipped out on everyone for nothing .", "this is becoming a pattern with her .", "why does she always have to be so dramatic about things ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s wrong with her ?", "responses": ["she went over the edge after her son was killed in an accident .", "she had an abusive mother . take it easy on her .", "i do n't know , but there 's no excuse for that behavior .", "i heard that she just broke up with her fiancee .", "she must be going through hard times . have you heard anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She went over the edge after her son was killed in an accident ."}], "index": 896} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Um , what will you do this weekend ?", "responses": ["how about a movie ? we have n't done that for a while .", "probably just chill in front of the tv .", "finally get some of my chores done .", "so far , i have nothing at all planned .", "i need to go stock up on some groceries ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "How about a movie ? We haven't done that for a while .", "responses": ["a movie ? sure . do you know what 's on right now ?", "i 'd love that . i miss those times .", "sure , what do you want to see ?", "what theatre and what time ?", "ok . want to see the new shark attack movie ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A movie ? Sure . Do you know what's on right now ?", "responses": ["no . why do n't you check out the newspaper ?", "the avengers is showing , we should see that .", "i know captain marvel is still showing at the theater .", "maybe we should see shazam .", "i might want to watch a good thriller , we will have to see what 's showing ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "No . Why don't you check out the newspaper ?", "responses": ["ok . maybe you should invite your sister along , too .", "newspaper ? lol . i have n't read one in years .", "i do n't get one . i 'll check online .", "ok , let me check and i 'll get back to you .", "hmmm , nothing but superhero movies . not interested ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Ok . Maybe you should invite your sister along , too ."}], "index": 897} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s on TV tonight ?", "responses": ["not much , that new reality - tv show , ally mcneal , oooo , dark angel .", "i will have to check the tv guide .", "i will ask alexa to let me know .", "i can check on my smartphone for tv listings .", "there may be some housewives shows on tonight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not much , that new reality-TV show , Ally McNeal , oooo , Dark Angel .", "responses": ["wait a second . i want to watch ally mcneal .", "i actually want to see dark angel .", "what 's the reality show ? anything good ?", "there has to be more that that . any movies on cable ?", "is n't there a hockey game ? playoffs are going on ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Wait a second . I want to watch Ally McNeal .", "responses": ["oh , come on . that 's such a girl 's show .", "it 's not that great", "the best night for tv is really tuesdays .", "i did n't think you liked that show .", "i ca n't stand that show ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , come on . That ' s such a girl ' s show .", "responses": ["no it 's not . it 's just funny .", "dude , you got a problem with estrogen ?", "tuesday is n't just for tacos and ally mcneal -- it 's transvestite night at my place .", "oh come on , put on a frilly dress and we 'll get zonked on chardonnay !", "i need a change of pace after watching football all day ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No it ' s not . It ' s just funny .", "responses": ["yeah , if you 're a girl .", "it 's still a girl 's show .", "not even .", "i do n't think so .", "you 're so wrong there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , if you ' re a girl .", "responses": ["well , you just want to watch dark angel because of the hot girl .", "so guys are n't allowed to watch it ?", "but i 'm a guy and i like it .", "you need to open your mind .", "or a guy . why so judgmental ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl .", "responses": ["that 's not true . dark angel is a good show .", "you got me there .", "who would n't want to see a hot girl on television", "so what ?", "it 's better than your girly show ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s not true . Dark Angel is a good show .", "responses": ["it 's story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits .", "it 's okay .", "it has its moments .", "we can record it .", "i have n't watched it in awhile ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits .", "responses": ["o . k . , o . k . let 's forget it . there 's a football game on too .", "yeah , like ally mcneal is never in tight outfits .", "she 's not even my favorite character on the show !", "wow , i did n't realize petty jealousy was your thing .", "the plot is like 10 times better than ally mcneal !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "O . K . , O . K . Let ' s forget it . There ' s a football game on too .", "responses": ["no way . i 'm watching ally mcneal . go to john 's to watch the game .", "no , lets watch your shows .", "it okay to like a girl 's show .", "who playing in the game ?", "okay but record my show for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No way . I ' m watching Ally McNeal . Go to John ' s to watch the game ."}], "index": 898} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s really terrible !", "responses": ["what are you talking about ?", "what is so terrible about it ?", "good things can come out of something terrible .", "you should think more positive about things that occur in your life .", "things are n't as terrible as they seem ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are you talking about ?", "responses": ["do n't you see many parents are forcing there children 's hands to learn something they think important to their children . but the children are not interested in it at all .", "the news about the synagogue shooting . did n't you hear ?", "the last season of the show . do n't tell me you like it ?", "the soup . i made the recipe and it 's awful . ca n't even finish one bowl of it .", "my brother sent over his draft film script . ugh , i do n't know how to tell him ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don ' t you see many parents are forcing there children ' s hands to learn something they think important to their children . But the children are not interested in it at all .", "responses": ["you said it . many parents just do n't know how to educate their children .", "just because they 're not interested , does n't mean it 's not important .", "the parent is doing what they think is best for the child .", "when the child grows up , they will realize they had to learn these things and will be grateful .", "children do n't know what is good for them ; that 's why we have parents ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You said it . Many parents just don ' t know how to educate their children ."}], "index": 899} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sarah , what did you do today ?", "responses": ["i went shopping .", "i went grocery shopping .", "i went to the park", "i went to the mall with joe .", "slept in late and then watched netflix in bed !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I went shopping .", "responses": ["did you buy anything ?", "what did you buy ?", "where did you shop ?", "me too ! i found a great cheese shop .", "i need to do some shopping , too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you buy anything ?", "responses": ["yes , i bought a few things .", "i did n't buy anything .", "no i was just looking .", "i did n't bring enough cash .", "i did n't , i swear ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I bought a few things .", "responses": ["what did you buy ?", "did you get that new sweater ?", "what stores were open ?", "are n't you supposed to be saving money ?", "does rick know you went shopping again ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you buy ?", "responses": ["i bought this coat . do you like it ?", "just some groceries .", "the usual stuff .", "i bought this pair of shoes i 've had my eyes on for a while now .", "i bought a few presents . a family birthday is coming up soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I bought this coat . Do you like it ?", "responses": ["yeah , i like it a lot . it 's very pretty . where did you buy it ?", "yes , it 's great .", "the color really suits you .", "i do .", "i love it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , I like it a lot . It's very pretty . Where did you buy it ?", "responses": ["at the mall on 5th street .", "i got it at the new store at the mall .", "it was in a cool little retro shop i found .", "i went to a discount store and found it mixed it with all the cheap stuff .", "it was the only one in the store . it was on display on a mannequin ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "At the mall on 5th street .", "responses": ["was it expensive ?", "is that all you brought ?", "how much was the coat ?", "i think i will go buy me one .", "how do you like the mall on 5th street ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Was it expensive ?", "responses": ["no , it was n't expensive . it was on sale for 20 dollars .", "everything on 5th street is expensive .", "yes , ca n't you tell ?", "yes but i got it on sale cheap .", "no it was on clearance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , it wasn't expensive . It was on sale for 20 dollars .", "responses": ["that 's cheap .", "that 's a great deal !", "how did you find out about that deal ?", "are you kidding me ! ? it looks so elegant .", "were there more than one ? i want it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's cheap .", "responses": ["i know . it was a really good deal .", "yes , it was a great deal .", "i know . i really got lucky .", "it was originally 100 .", "yep , they were trying to clear out inventory ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I know . It was a really good deal .", "responses": ["i do n't think you 'll need to wear it for a while . it 's been really hot lately .", "i also bought some shoes .", "we should go shopping there together next week .", "what did you do today ?", "want to go get some coffee ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't think you'll need to wear it for a while . It's been really hot lately ."}], "index": 900} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Victor . How are you ?", "responses": ["oh , i 'm fine .", "i 've been diagnosed with cancer and given three days to live . you ?", "i 'm having severe hallucinations that donald trump is the president .", "i 'm feeling great . i think it 's my new diet and exercise program .", "great . until you walked in the door"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm fine .", "responses": ["so , are you going to go to class tonight ?", "is that all ?", "anything else happened ?", "that 's such a bland response .", "tell me more ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So , are you going to go to class tonight ?", "responses": ["maybe ... but i do n't think so .", "no , i 'm still sick with the flu .", "of course ! i 'll see you there at 7 .", "i am . are you going ?", "yeah , i have a ride tonight . you need one ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe ... but I don't think so .", "responses": ["really ? what 's the matter ?", "what 's the problem ?", "is something wrong ?", "it 's your call .", "you sound off ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? What's the matter ?", "responses": ["i do n't know . i 'm just feeling a little sad .", "i think i 'm catching a cold .", "i have a lot of other stuff to do .", "i just do n't feel like it .", "i 'm not in the mood ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . I'm just feeling a little sad .", "responses": ["listen . come with me to class , and after class we can go out for dinner .", "is everything ok at home ?", "do you want to talk about it ?", "why ? did something happen ?", "can i help ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Listen . Come with me to class , and after class we can go out for dinner .", "responses": ["now that 's a good idea . thanks a lot , brian . i 'm feeling better already .", "ok that might make be feel better .", "no thank you i 'm going home .", "i do not feel like learning right now .", "can you take notes for me , i really need to go home ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Now that's a good idea . Thanks a lot , Brian . I'm feeling better already ."}], "index": 901} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How's John doing ?", "responses": ["he can barely make ends meet .", "he just got a promotion !", "he and jane are getting divorced .", "he 's got a stubborn case of the hives ; kept him home for a week .", "he 's vacationing in europe for a whole month ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He can barely make ends meet ."}], "index": 902} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The Phoenix team overpowered its counterpart 86 to 50 .", "responses": ["they 're absolutely right to get a replacement for 21 .", "what nice news !", "that 's great , is n't it !", "that 's just perfect !", "i like it , actually ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They're absolutely right to get a replacement for 21 .", "responses": ["if the phoenix beats the rocket , it will enter the final .", "they need rebounding , too .", "the whole team needs an overhaul .", "he looks lost out there .", "do you think you could do a better job ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If the Phoenix beats the Rocket , it will enter the final .", "responses": ["no way , if it still has 21 .", "that would be great for the team .", "they really need this win to stay on top .", "i would really like to see that game .", "should we get tickets to go see that game if they get to the finals ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No way , if it still has 21 ."}], "index": 903} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's that book you have under your arm ?", "responses": ["it 's the best seller everyone 's been talking about for the last six months .", "it 's the newest steven king book . have you read it ?", "it 's my college math book . i was about to go study .", "it 's my mother 's old bible . i was about to put it in storage .", "it 's my secret diary ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's the best seller everyone's been talking about for the last six months .", "responses": ["how in the world did you get a copy ? i 've put a hold on it at the public library for weeks and i 'm still waiting my turn .", "have you started it yet ?", "how is it ?", "i 've been meaning to read it too .", "i 've heard great things ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How in the world did you get a copy ? I've put a hold on it at the public library for weeks and I'm still waiting my turn .", "responses": ["i checked it out of the rental library . it only costs five cents a day .", "i pre - ordered almost a year in advance .", "a friend of mine loaned it to me .", "i 'm part of the author 's fan club , which guarantees a copy at release .", "i waited in line at the bookstore on the day it came out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I checked it out of the rental library . It only costs five cents a day .", "responses": ["is it really worth paying for ?", "i wish i did that .", "they did not tell i could have done that .", "i how do you like it so far ?", "which library did you go to ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it really worth paying for ?", "responses": ["i ca n't tell yet . i have n't got beyond the first chapter .", "yes , much cheaper than buying it .", "absolutely it is .", "of course otherwise i would n't have done it .", "no but i needed it so i had no choice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can't tell yet . I haven't got beyond the first chapter .", "responses": ["if it 's any good , i 'll buy a copy when it comes out in the pocket edition .", "well let me know how it is .", "can i borrow it when you 're finished ?", "well i 'm sure it gets better as the plot continues .", "what kind of book is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If it's any good , I'll buy a copy when it comes out in the pocket edition ."}], "index": 904} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on , you are left behind !", "responses": ["wow , i ca n't catch my breath . you are running too fast , honey .", "okay , i 'm hurrying .", "sorry ! wait up !", "oops , i 'm coming", "i 'll hurry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , I can't catch my breath . You are running too fast , honey .", "responses": ["you just need more exercise .", "i have so much energy today !", "i 'm running the same as everyday . are you sure you are n't getting sick ?", "do you want to take a break ?", "sorry , i got really excited listening to my new mix ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You just need more exercise .", "responses": ["yes , but you need to slow down . this is jogging , not racing !", "you need to run slower .", "i do need more exercise .", "you just like to run all day . i will be fine .", "i have n't ran this much since high school ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but you need to slow down . This is jogging , not racing !", "responses": ["i do n't care . i want to burn up my fat .", "i jog fast .", "i do n't like to jog slow .", "i love to race .", "you 'll get better at it with practice ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't care . I want to burn up my fat .", "responses": ["but running so fast is not good for people over forties .", "then do n't expect me to keep up !", "then how are we going to cross the finish line together ?", "ok then i 'm not holding back next time we play tennis .", "fair enough . i 'll try my hardest ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But running so fast is not good for people over forties .", "responses": ["why ?", "it wo n't kill me .", "i 'll be fine .", "it 's not that old .", "let 's just keep a good pace then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ?", "responses": ["we are not as athletic as we were when young . mild exercise is more suitable for us .", "i just made that up to get you to slow down for me .", "because it is hard on the joints .", "i do n't know actually i just read it in a magazine .", "we are at high risk for a heart attack ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We are not as athletic as we were when young . Mild exercise is more suitable for us .", "responses": ["but i want to burn up more calories !", "mild does n't work to get rid of fat .", "well i want to lose weight fast , not slowly .", "i have never done anything slow , including this .", "young smoung , i 'm fine to jog fast ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I want to burn up more calories !", "responses": ["in fact , in order to burn up your fat , you must take it slowly for a longer time .", "you are going to get a heart attack at this rate !", "slow down please , i ca n't run as fast .", "i ca n't feel my legs anymore", "slow down or i am leaving you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "In fact , in order to burn up your fat , you must take it slowly for a longer time .", "responses": ["really ? i will slow down then .", "where did you learn this ?", "i still think running faster is better .", "okay i will listen to you on this .", "how long of time to i need to go to burn fat ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? I will slow down then ."}], "index": 905} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hello , Daisy , how are you doing ?", "responses": ["fine , thank you . i have n't seen you for quite some time . what have you been up to recently ?", "good , how are you ?", "i am doing well today .", "i am very tired , i 'd rather be sleeping .", "i do n't feel well , i am getting sick ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Fine , thank you . I haven ' t seen you for quite some time . What have you been up to recently ?", "responses": ["i have been spending a lot of time watching movies at home , so you would n't have seen me . recently , i 've been obsessed with horror films .", "i 've been taking care of my dad . do you remember him ?", "working a lot to support gary . you know how it is .", "just working and being a parent . how are you ?", "i moved to arizona since i saw you last . did anyone tell you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have been spending a lot of time watching movies at home , so you wouldn't have seen me . Recently , I've been obsessed with horror films .", "responses": ["oh , how can you be infatuated with horror films ? they 're so scary .", "oh , what are your favorites .", "oh , have you watched halloween ?", "they are too scary for me .", "sounds fun ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , how can you be infatuated with horror films ? They're so scary .", "responses": ["yeah , you are right i used to not watch horror films , but after seeing silence of the lamb with mike last month , i fell in love with them .", "i like the blood and guts .", "i like being scared .", "do n't you like them ?", "i like predicting who will be the next victim ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , you are right I used to not watch horror films , but after seeing Silence of the Lamb with Mike last month , I fell in love with them .", "responses": ["it 's amazing . but if i were you , i would n't have the courage to watch the first one .", "oh i ca n't bring myself to watch that movie .", "i do n't like horror movies at all , they give me nightmares .", "how can you sleep after watching those ?", "i give you credit for being brave enough to watch them ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's amazing . But if I were you , I wouldn't have the courage to watch the first one .", "responses": ["but it 's really exciting .", "we should watch a horror film together .", "horror films are the only movies that get me excited nowadays", "you should watch it , you will fall in love with horror films too .", "i can show you why horror films are the best ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "But it's really exciting .", "responses": ["maybe , but i would rather watch romance , science fiction , crime or even disaster movie instead of a horror picture . i would n't dare sleep at night after watching one .", "i do not think they are for me .", "i 'm going to give horror movies another try .", "i 'm glad one of us has the courage .", "i never watched horror movies as a kid ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe , but I would rather watch romance , science fiction , crime or even disaster movie instead of a horror picture . I wouldn't dare sleep at night after watching one .", "responses": ["basically . you 'll watch any type of movie except horror .", "luckily they do not impact my sleep !", "mike really likes them too so it is a good way for us to spend time together .", "crime movies creep me out ! horror movies do not seem as realistic to me . i ca n't watch crime movies .", "have you watched the netflix movie with sandra bullock , it is more supernatural than horror . you might enjoy it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Basically . you'll watch any type of movie except horror .", "responses": ["yep .", "yea horror is scary", "yes i never do horror .", "i can never watch it", "that is it"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yep .", "responses": ["i think you should have a try someday . maybe you 'll change your mind .", "that s ok , i 'll watch them for you", "i will watch them with you and cover your eyes for the scary parts for you", "they get predictable after a while but sometimes there s a really deep plot twist", "i 'm sorry you get so afraid . i can snuggle with you and keep you safe"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think you should have a try someday . Maybe you'll change your mind .", "responses": ["maybe . after all , i am grown up now .", "what would you recommend starting with ?", "well , i have n't tried one in awhile .", "ugh , i would n't be able to sleep that night .", "maybe ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe . After all , I am grown up now ."}], "index": 906} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's hard to be optimistic about things with the way the economy's headed ... The trade deficit is getting larger , consumption's down , I really think we're headed for a recession .", "responses": ["the economy has been stagnant for a while now . we 've been in a recessive state for several months already . what worries me the most is the trade deficit . i think the government should do more to encourage exports .", "i do n't think so .", "no , we are n't , you 'll see things are getting better .", "i agree , sad bud true .", "i think so as well , things are going downhill ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The economy has been stagnant for a while now . We've been in a recessive state for several months already . What worries me the most is the trade deficit . I think the government should do more to encourage exports .", "responses": ["increasing exports would weaken the currency . i think the main point is economic growth . we need more jobs . factories have outsourced and moved many jobs to foreign countries . the result is an increase in unemployment in our own country , lower consumption , lower production , and an overall feeble economy . if more people are working , it will give the economy a boost .", "then what happens if we are low on imports ?", "does it really matter if they wo n't be taxed anyway ?", "what is the difference between the debt and deficit ?", "why should there be more exports ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Increasing exports would weaken the currency . I think the main point is economic growth . We need more jobs . Factories have outsourced and moved many jobs to foreign countries . The result is an increase in unemployment in our own country , lower consumption , lower production , and an overall feeble economy . If more people are working , it will give the economy a boost .", "responses": ["it 's true that we should do something about unemployment , but what about inflation ? if unemployment falls , there 's pressure to increase pay . that would result in inflation , which would result in a much less dynamic economy .", "we should also be concerned about the deficit .", "we need to do things to make the country more attractive to businesses .", "maybe reducing the corporate tax rate would help .", "that is true ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's true that we should do something about unemployment , but what about inflation ? If unemployment falls , there's pressure to increase pay . That would result in inflation , which would result in a much less dynamic economy ."}], "index": 907} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you an art aficionado ?", "responses": ["not really . i like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year . i hardly know anything about art or sculpture . you are a true art lover , are n't you ?", "yes , i love all art .", "no , i do n't know too much about it .", "i like some genres more than others .", "i like to think so ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not really . I like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year . I hardly know anything about art or sculpture . You are a true art lover , aren ' t you ?", "responses": ["i love going to art galleries , particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art .", "i am but i just enjoy art . i am not an aficionado either", "actually i am not . i just come to meet people .", "i studied art in college .", "my parents are artists so i was exposed a lot while growing up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I love going to art galleries , particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art .", "responses": ["i never understand the meaning of those painting . they are too abstract for me . i did n't pay much attention in art class at school .", "not me , i do not care for abstract art at all .", "art galleries just hold no interest to me .", "i do n't enjoy them since i have no knowledge regarding art .", "i would be completely lost ad out of place at a gallery ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I never understand the meaning of those painting . They are too abstract for me . I didn ' t pay much attention in art class at school .", "responses": ["art is n't for everyone . i 'm going to an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery . it 's an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture .", "art was my favorite subject in school .", "art allows someone to express themselves in a unique way .", "we should go to an art exhibition together .", "maybe i can teach you how to draw and paint sometime ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Art isn ' t for everyone . I ' m going to an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery . It ' s an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture .", "responses": ["i like sculpture , especially that from ancient rome or greece . what time are you thinking of going ? i 'd love to go with you .", "i want to go with you .", "you have fun and let me know how it was .", "do you think i will like it ?", "i 'm going to the movies tomorrow so we both get to do what we like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I like sculpture , especially that from ancient rome or Greece . What time are you thinking of going ? I ' d love to go with you .", "responses": ["i thought i 'd have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards . does that sound ok to you ? bus 51 goes directly there .", "it is open from 10 am to 6 pm . what time is good for you , i am open .", "i was planning to go around noon . i can pick you up at 1130 . does that work ?", "how about i pick you up at 11 and we can grab a cup of coffee and head over ?", "1 pm . want to meet at the entrance ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I thought I ' d have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards . Does that sound ok to you ? Bus 51 goes directly there .", "responses": ["that sounds fine . what time shall we meet at the bus stop ?", "i will not be ready by that time", "it is fine with me", "can i join you for the lunch", "i am ready now"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "That sounds fine . What time shall we meet at the bus stop ?", "responses": ["let 's meet at 12 thirty . it will probably take us three or four hours to see all of the exhibits .", "the bus comes every 10 minutes all day . what time is good for you ?", "i 'm free all afternoon . what;s good for you ?", "how about 2 o'clock ? is that good for you ?", "can you meet me there at 11:30"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Let ' s meet at 12 thirty . it will probably take us three or four hours to see all of the exhibits ."}], "index": 908} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What does your mother do , may I ask ?", "responses": ["my mother works in a company as an accountant .", "my mother is a school teacher .", "my mother is a rocket scientist .", "my mother stays at home and drinks all day .", "my mother runs a home day care ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My mother works in a company as an accountant .", "responses": ["is she busy ?", "io bet she can help you with your business .", "must be nice to have an accountant in the family .", "my mother does n't work .", "my mother works as a hair dresser ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is she busy ?", "responses": ["not always , she 's rather busy at the end of the year .", "she is very busy during spring because all the tax returns are due .", "she is a manager so she is drowned in work .", "i do n't know because she never talks about her work", "i am not sure , i will have to ask her next time i see her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not always , she's rather busy at the end of the year ."}], "index": 909} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Bessie .", "responses": ["hello , jack . happy birthday !", "hello pearl . how are you today ?", "hello steve , nice to see you .", "hi carl hope you have a good day .", "hello jen , enjoy the movie ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Jack . Happy birthday !", "responses": ["my birthday ? i forgot it , thank you for remembering my birthday .", "thank you , it means a lot coming from you .", "you are invited to the birthday party .", "would you like to come to the dinner party ?", "did you get me any gifts ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "My birthday ? I forgot it , Thank you for remembering my birthday .", "responses": ["i 'd like to offer you my congratulations on your birthday and best wishes for your future happiness , good health and continued success . i 've asked the fairy flowers to send you a bunch of flowers . i hope you 'll like them .", "how do you forget your birthday ?", "i 'm glad i reminded you .", "you must be getting old .", "so i guess you do not have any plans for you birthday ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'd like to offer you my congratulations on your birthday and best wishes for your future happiness , good health and continued success . I've asked the Fairy Flowers to send you a bunch of flowers . I hope you'll like them .", "responses": ["thanks a lot . i 'm so touched .", "i am sure i will , thank you for thinking of me .", "that is very thoughtful of you , thank you !", "fairy flowers always does nice work . i am sure they will be beautiful .", "thank you for the wishes and the flowers . how kind of you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks a lot . I'm so touched .", "responses": ["now let me sing \" happy birthday \" for you .", "you are so much welcome dear .", "you deserve everything good and more", "i could do more , you are welcome", "enjoy yourself , have a blast"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Now let me sing \" Happy birthday \" for you .", "responses": ["thank you very much .", "oh no you should n't . you do n't have too .", "you are so thoughtful . you make me feel so special .", "you really know how to make someone 's day . thank you", "thanks , that was a lovely rendition . care to join me for some cake ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you very much ."}], "index": 910} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Nice day , isn't it ?", "responses": ["it sure is .", "i love days like this .", "it could be better .", "days like this make me happy to be alive .", "still too cold for me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It sure is .", "responses": ["it 's a good day for a picnic .", "got any plans ?", "it is nice not to see rain for a change .", "i am so glad the sun is out . i am going to mow the lawn .", "taking my dog out for a long walk today , how about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a good day for a picnic ."}], "index": 911} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Why don't you sit down and relax , darling ?", "responses": ["i do n't want to .", "i will in a minute , i have too much to do right now .", "good idea !", "as soon as i finish vacuuming .", "i have to go pick up the kids first , then i will ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "I don't want to .", "responses": ["well , come over and talk to me then .", "is ssomething wrong ?", "something bothering you ?", "why ?", "are you fine ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , come over and talk to me then .", "responses": ["certainly not .", "i do n't want to do that either", "ok but promise not to get mad .", "i will talk if you can listen without judgement . i 'm extra sensitive today", "i ca nt talk about it . i have signed a confidentiality statement"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly not .", "responses": ["may i turn on the tv then ?", "what 's wrong .", "okay , did i do something ?", "what has got you so upset .", "you seem tense ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "May I turn on the TV then ?", "responses": ["turn on the tv for what ?", "i guess so .", "if you want to .", "no , you may not .", "stop talking to me ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Turn on the TV for what ?", "responses": ["so that we can sit down together and listen to some music .", "to watch it , of course .", "for a distraction from your poor attitude , mister .", "to sooth all your rowdy anger .", "so that perhaps we can enjoy some entertainment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "So that we can sit down together and listen to some music .", "responses": ["listen to the music ? and who will cook dinner , will you ?", "what kind of music ?", "you know i hate music .", "no thank you .", "i d rather cut off my ears ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Listen to the music ? And who will cook dinner , will you ?", "responses": ["i will , but let 's go to the disco after dinner .", "i will cook after we listen to music .", "you should cook dinner .", "ca n't we order a pizza or something ?", "why do n't we cook dinner together ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I will , but let's go to the disco after dinner .", "responses": ["to a disco ? oh , no . you know i hate it .", "i do n't want to , i will be too full .", "ok sounds good to me .", "that sounds great , lets ask betty to join us .", "i 'd love to , what a great idea ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "commissive", "text": "To a disco ? Oh , no . You know I hate it ."}], "index": 912} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Diane Grant ? I haven't seen you for ages !", "responses": ["brian ! how have you been ?", "how have you been ?", "glad to see you", "been away but now am home . glad to see you again", "it 's been a long time , where have you been ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Brian ! How have you been ?", "responses": ["pretty good . say , you 've really changed !", "excellent except for the pollen . how about you ?", "are you happy ? are you still living in montana ?", "i 'm ok . living the dream , ya know ?", "enjoying another day in paradise . are you living locally ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Pretty good . Say , you've really changed !", "responses": ["oh , well , i 've lost some weight . and my hair is longer than before .", "you seem just the same !", "thanks , i 've lost some weight .", "so have you !", "it really has been a long time ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , well , I've lost some weight . And my hair is longer than before .", "responses": ["well , you look great ! how are you ?", "you look great !", "i did n't even notice your hair !", "nice job on the weight loss !", "i can tell- you look better than ever !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Well , you look great ! How are you ?", "responses": ["i 'm doing really well . i got married about three years ago . i have two kids now .", "feeling better than ever !", "i 'm doing really well . how 's life on your end ?", "i 'm fine , thanks . you 're looking as good as ever .", "great ! wow , it 's been so long ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm doing really well . I got married about three years ago . I have two kids now .", "responses": ["that 's terrific !", "wow , congrats .", "and i was nt invited .", "three kids , wow .", "you ve been quite busy ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's terrific !"}], "index": 913} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How is your new dormitory ?", "responses": ["it 's very nice . there are only four people , and those girls are very kind and friendly .", "it 's great .", "it 's pretty small .", "great . i just got done moving everything in .", "cool . i think i 'll like it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It's very nice . There are only four people , and those girls are very kind and friendly .", "responses": ["well , do you all major in the same subject ?", "that sounds nice .", "do you miss home ?", "do you have to bunk with someone ?", "do you prefer top or bottom bunk ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Well , do you all major in the same subject ?", "responses": ["no , the other three girls major in a computer science , and they can help me a lot with the computer operating .", "yeah , which really helps with studying .", "nope . we 're all totally different .", "half of us , but the other two are different .", "no , but we help each other study ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , the other three girls major in a computer science , and they can help me a lot with the computer operating .", "responses": ["that 's great !", "lucky you .", "sounds like a pain to me .", "i dunno if i want to live with that many people .", "good luck living with girls ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's great !"}], "index": 914} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Peter , how often do you exercise ?", "responses": ["well , i swim and run every day .", "not as much as i should .", "twice a week .", "i 've been slacking off lately , so just once a week .", "never . how about you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I swim and run every day .", "responses": ["now , tell me , what do you eat ?", "do you do any other kinds of exercise ?", "wow that 's a lot more than me .", "do n't you get tired ?", "should n't you have a day to rest your muscles ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Now , tell me , what do you eat ?", "responses": ["well , i do n't eat any meat , but i do eat fish and eggs .", "mostly fruits and vegetables .", "let 's just say i snack more than i should .", "i try to keep a nice balance between healthy and indulgent .", "a lot of protein and carbs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I don't eat any meat , but I do eat fish and eggs .", "responses": ["do you eat a lot of vegetables ?", "why do nt you eat meat ?", "so you re not a vegan ?", "meat is good for you .", "you do nt know what you re missing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you eat a lot of vegetables ?", "responses": ["oh yes , and fruit , i love fruit .", "i love vegetables .", "i 'm more of a fruit person .", "i get the daily recommend amount of vegetables .", "i could add more vegetables to my diet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh yes , and fruit , I love fruit .", "responses": ["what do you drink ?", "i like fruit , but vegetables are my favorite .", "we have the best peaches in our town .", "fruit is so acidic it bothers me sometimes .", "fruit is good for you so you must be healthy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you drink ?", "responses": ["well , i never drink alcohol , coffee or tea . they are very bad for you .", "lots and lots of water .", "i have at least one smoothie a day .", "protein shakes are my go to drink .", "a combination of water and electrolytes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I never drink alcohol , coffee or tea . They are very bad for you ."}], "index": 915} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s the Mountaineering Club doing this weekend ?", "responses": ["we are going to climb a cliff on the colorado river .", "hiking some local trails .", "taking the weekend off .", "we have n't decided yet .", "probably heading to mt . washington ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "We are going to climb a cliff on the Colorado River .", "responses": ["how hard is the climb ?", "that 's sounds really fun !", "are you excited ?", "any chance i could join ?", "have you been there before ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How hard is the climb ?", "responses": ["it is a very difficult climb because there are not many places to put your hands and feet .", "its really tough .", "you ca nt handle it .", "its very brutal .", "not too bad ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It is a very difficult climb because there are not many places to put your hands and feet .", "responses": ["what did you do last week ?", "do you think i can do it ?", "that sounds too hard for me .", "be careful i do not want anything bad to happen to you .", "you are way more adventurous than me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did you do last week ?", "responses": ["we rappelled down the side of 300 - foot cliff . it was very exciting .", "i went boating with some friends .", "i went scouting the area for other good climbing spots .", "i had to work the entire weekend .", "i was sick so nothing much at all ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "We rappelled down the side of 300 - foot cliff . It was very exciting .", "responses": ["wow ! that sounds like a lot of fun . i 'm sorry i missed it .", "do you think this will be more of a challenge ?", "oh wow , that sounds pretty awesome !", "do you ever get scared doing stuff like that ?", "have you ever had an accident ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! That sounds like a lot of fun . I ' m sorry I missed it .", "responses": ["well , you should come this weekend . i think you could do the climb .", "i can let you know next time we do it .", "it would have been great if you could have been there .", "you would have really enjoyed yourself .", "it was a lot of fun ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , you should come this weekend . I think you could do the climb .", "responses": ["yeah , i will . see you then !", "cool . i 'll try to make it .", "so this one is not that hard .", "if you think i can do it then i 'll come .", "all right , i 'll come ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah , I will . See you then !", "responses": ["o . k . see you .", "ok , see you then !", "i guess we 'll see each other then .", "that 's good !", "i will see you then !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "O . K . See you ."}], "index": 916} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many languages can you speak ?", "responses": ["i can speak french and german .", "just english .", "english and some spanish .", "i can speak seven languages .", "four , how many do you know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can speak French and German .", "responses": ["how well can you speak them ?", "can you teach me french ?", "can you help me learn german ?", "i can only speak spanish and english .", "have you been to germany or france ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How well can you speak them ?", "responses": ["i can speak german quite well , but i ca n't speak french very well .", "i can get by in a simple conversation .", "my french is spot on , but my german is pretty rough .", "i can understand it better than i can speak it .", "i can hold a conversation with a native speaker ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can speak German quite well , but I can't speak French very well .", "responses": ["can you help me to translate these sentences into german now ?", "i am pretty good at speaking spanish .", "i always wanted to learn how to speak french .", "is french a hard language to learn ?", "i would n't mind learning how to speak german ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can you help me to translate these sentences into German now ?", "responses": ["no , but i 'll be able to tomorrow .", "sure . what are they ?", "no problem . where are they from ?", "sure .", "yeah , let me get a pen ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No , but I'll be able to tomorrow ."}], "index": 917} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "disgust", "act": "question", "text": "Gross ! What are you doing to yourself ?", "responses": ["chill ! i 'm just curling my eyelashes .", "i like tattoos do n't you ?", "i will do what i want to my body !", "please do not call me gross .", "i 'm becoming what i want to become ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Chill ! I'm just curling my eyelashes .", "responses": ["it looks like some kind of primitive form of torture .", "your curling your what ?", "you have got to be kidding me .", "eyelashes , curling your eyelashes ? now i 've heard of everything .", "oh my goodness , you are crazy girl ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "It looks like some kind of primitive form of torture .", "responses": ["you 're such a wimp ! you 're afraid of an eyelash curler .", "well , i mean , it kind of is actually .", "it looks worse than it is .", "then wait until you see me put on eyeliner !", "come here ! let me do you next !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're such a wimp ! You're afraid of an eyelash curler .", "responses": ["well , you might pinch your eyelid ! or lose an eyeball !", "it just does n't look safe .", "that just looks like a weird tool to me .", "i would never have guessed that was some kind of makeup tool .", "i could never see myself using that thing ."]}, {"emotion": "disgust", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you might pinch your eyelid ! Or lose an eyeball !", "responses": ["it just makes my eyelashes curl upwards .", "yeah , that does n't happen .", "never . i 'm an old pro at this .", "have you really not seen one before ?", "i 'll be fine ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It just makes my eyelashes curl upwards ."}], "index": 918} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you really have to work today ?", "responses": ["yes . i 'm afraid so .", "only if you want me to pay the bills .", "well , i do have some sick days available .", "i can stay home if you want . there 's nothing pressing at the office .", "yeah , last time i skipped i got written up ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I'm afraid so .", "responses": ["but you 'll miss out on the football game .", "man , that sucks .", "that 's too bad . i wanted to do something with you today .", "well , maybe we can make plans another day then .", "this is usually your day off ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But you'll miss out on the football game .", "responses": ["oh . well , it ca n't be helped .", "i know . i 'm very bummed .", "i know . i wish i could get out of it .", "yeah , but my boss would kill me .", "there will be other games ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh . Well , it can't be helped ."}], "index": 919} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How smart of you to book the tickets before hand !", "responses": ["oh , do you really think so ?", "you know i 'm not a procrastinator .", "i like to do things early rather than late .", "i like to think ahead .", "i was afraid they would sell out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , do you really think so ?", "responses": ["of course , otherwise you 'll just have to wait for hours .", "yes , it saves a lot of time .", "absolutely .", "you bet . do you usually ?", "for sure . i should start doing that ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course , otherwise you ' ll just have to wait for hours .", "responses": ["but i just got a call from my sister and i have to cancel the movie tonight .", "you 're right , of course .", "i think you 're right !", "that is correct !", "of course !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I just got a call from my sister and I have to cancel the movie tonight ."}], "index": 920} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I had an accident .", "responses": ["that 's terrible !", "what kind of accident ?", "tell me more about the accident !", "oh , no , what happened ?", "what happened ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's terrible !"}], "index": 921} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I found a new job after all , and I like this one even better than the last .", "responses": ["you see ? every cloud has a silver lining .", "is that so ?", "why is it better ?", "what do you like about it ?", "what 's so great about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You see ? Every cloud has a silver lining ."}], "index": 922} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Tom , I won first prize in the poetry contest .", "responses": ["come on ! you 're pulling my leg .", "wow , good for you !", "good job !", "that 's great news !", "that 's nice !"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on ! You're pulling my leg .", "responses": ["really ! here 's my trophy .", "wow , so cool .", "what was your poem about ?", "what was the prize ?", "am i supposed to be impressed ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Really ! Here's my trophy .", "responses": ["wow ! congratulations !", "congrats to you !", "i am very proud of you ! is it published anywhere so i can read it ?", "how excellent ! let me buy you lunch to celebrate and you can read it to me", "congrats ! you did n't use the dirty poems did you ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow ! Congratulations !"}], "index": 923} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "What a beautiful watch . It goes very well with your ring .", "responses": ["thank you .", "it does , does nt it .", "thanks for noticing .", "it was quite expensive .", "you really like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you .", "responses": ["is that your wedding ring ?", "where did you get it ?", "is is a custom design ? my mother would love that", "the detail on the band is fabulous . how much was it ?", "where can i find on e of those ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Is that your wedding ring ?", "responses": ["i 'm not married yet . it 's my engagement ring .", "yes , it is .", "that 's right .", "that is correct .", "you 're right of course ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm not married yet . It's my engagement ring .", "responses": ["well , congratulations . when is the big date ?", "well it 's absolutely lovely !", "have you picked out your wedding ring yet ?", "when 's the big day ?", "where are you getting married at ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Well , congratulations . When is the big date ?", "responses": ["in june .", "it 's on july 20 !", "the wedding is n't until next june .", "thank you . it 's coming up next month !", "we have n't set a date , yet ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "In June .", "responses": ["did you have the watch before getting the ring ?", "i 'll be there .", "will i be invited ?", "can i come ?", "i can come right ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Did you have the watch before getting the ring ?", "responses": ["actually , we bought the ring together after i got the watch .", "no , i bought it to match .", "yes , my grandmother gave it to me .", "yes , it is a family heirloom .", "no , it is new ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Actually , we bought the ring together after I got the watch .", "responses": ["you did a fabulous job with the selection . it 's gorgeous .", "did he get a watch as well ?", "did you get a matching ring on purpose ?", "well , they really compliment one another .", "nothing like getting engaged in style !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You did a fabulous job with the selection . It's gorgeous .", "responses": ["thank you so much .", "it was n't that expensive either .", "would you like to know where i got it ?", "are you a watch collector ?", "i will tell my fiance how much you liked it ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you so much .", "responses": ["what kind of watch is it ?", "may i ask you where you bought them ?", "your fiance must be quite a guy .", "have you set a wedding date ?", "i wish you all the best for your future ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of watch is it ?", "responses": ["it 's a tag heer .", "it 's a seiko !", "it 's a swiss watch -- i do n't much care about brand names .", "it 's a rolex !", "it 's a brand i had never heard of , but i love the style and it keeps good time !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a Tag Heer .", "responses": ["if you do n't mind me asking , how much do they cost ?", "i 'd love one of those .", "great brand .", "i own one too .", "my husband knows watches and he says those are one of the best ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "If you don't mind me asking , how much do they cost ?", "responses": ["this one is $ 1500 . but they range from $ 600 to $ 3000 .", "i do n't recall , but it was pretty pricey .", "one like this cost almost five hundred dollars .", "they 're normally pretty expensive , but i got it on sale for two hundred dollars .", "it was actually a gift . i 'm not sure how much it cost ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "This one is $ 1500 . But they range from $ 600 to $ 3000 .", "responses": ["that 's why it looks so nice . i should have figured . you always get what you pay for .", "i 'm thinking about getting my daughter one for her college graduation .", "oh my , that 's way out of my budget .", "well , it 's best to pay for quality , i think .", "i 'm going to put one of those on my christmas wish list !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's why it looks so nice . I should have figured . You always get what you pay for .", "responses": ["yeah . i would rather get one nice watch instead of 20 mediocre ones .", "yes quality costs", "what other watch brands do you enjoy ?", "thank you for the kind compliment", "i look forward to my wedding i m so excited"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . I would rather get one nice watch instead of 20 mediocre ones ."}], "index": 924} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm really mad at Bob .", "responses": ["what for ? ( why ? )", "why , what did he do ?", "so am i.", "bob is a terrible person .", "he gets on your nerves too ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What for ? ( Why ? )"}], "index": 925} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Jack , how have you been ?", "responses": ["not very well .", "not bad .", "i ve been better .", "i ca nt complain/", "it could be worse ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Not very well .", "responses": ["why ? looks like you 're feeling very down ! what happened ?", "oh ? how can", "how can i help , jack ?", "what can i do to make this a bit easier for you ?", "is there something i can do to lighten the load"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ? Looks like you're feeling very down ! What happened ?", "responses": ["nothing .", "my dog just passed away .", "my friend just got sick !", "i was in an accident .", "i 'm just not feeling well ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing .", "responses": ["come on . for a man who 's feeling so , down , there 're usually two reasons . either his career is going downhill , or he has a broken heart . since you 're so successful , it must be the latter .", "something 's wrong , i can tell .", "you can tell me . i wo n't share with anyone else .", "well , if you want to talk about it , i 'm here for you .", "i do n't believe that ! let me help you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on . For a man who's feeling so , down , there're usually two reasons . Either his career is going downhill , or he has a broken heart . Since you're so successful , it must be the latter .", "responses": ["well , you 're right . i just broke up with jane .", "really ? there are more reasons than two why i might feel down .", "i 'm not sure about either of those choices .", "no , i 've just not been feeling well and it 's discouraging i 'm not improving faster .", "well , if you must know , i suffer at times with depression ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you're right . I just broke up with Jane .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm sorry . i thought you two were made for each ocher .", "that 's so sad !", "what happened ?", "why did you break up ?", "tell me more !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm sorry . I thought you two were made for each ocher .", "responses": ["well , you never know . i 'm ready for a commitment and want to settle down , but she says she wants to pursue her career while she 's still young .", "guess not .", "she did n't think so .", "yeah , some time these things just do n't work out .", "we had been having problems for awhile ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , you never know . I'm ready for a commitment and want to settle down , but she says she wants to pursue her career while she's still young .", "responses": ["well , she is not to blame . it 's always difficult to choose between career and family .", "and you guys could n't come up with a compromise ?", "at least she was up front and honest about it .", "on the bright side , neither one of you got stuck in something they did n't plan on .", "that 's rough , but you 'll find someone else ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , she is not to blame . It's always difficult to choose between career and family .", "responses": ["maybe you 're right .", "we were together so long . i thought she was ready .", "she is to blame . whose side are you on .", "i guess i 'm just being selfish .", "i do n't think i can live without her ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe you're right .", "responses": ["jack , i do n't know what to say to comfort you , but cheer up ! there are plenty of fish in the sea and you 'll find your soul mate , your perfect match !", "i think she should focus on her career .", "you should try to compromise with jane .", "yes , i know i am right .", "i know jane very well and i know what she wants ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Jack , I don't know what to say to comfort you , but cheer up ! There are plenty of fish in the sea and you'll find your soul mate , your perfect match !", "responses": ["yeah , but it 's hard to forget her at moment . you know , we were together for almost five years . it 's really hard ...", "well , maybe you and i should go fishing , lol .", "well , that was a really nice fish that got away .", "say , you feel like going out for a drink ?", "women sure are more independent these days ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , but it's hard to forget her at moment . You know , we were together for almost five years . It's really hard ..."}], "index": 926} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you know Sally ?", "responses": ["sally . she is a bachelor girl . she is an excellent designer . many of the company 's advertisements are her child trains .", "what s her last name ?", "sally who ?", "no , i do nt know any sally 's", "yes , she lives next door ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sally . She is a bachelor girl . She is an excellent designer . Many of the company's advertisements are her child trains .", "responses": ["why is she still single ? she must have a face that would stop clock .", "that is great to hear . those trains are very popular here .", "have you worked with her directly ?", "do you think she might be interested in being a key contact for this project ?", "i was considering asking her to do some probono work . do you think she can help ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why is she still single ? She must have a face that would stop clock .", "responses": ["oh , quite the other way round . she is a knock - out . she devotes much of her time to her career .", "how would i know ?", "i have no clue .", "i do n't really know .", "i 'm not too sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , quite the other way round . She is a knock-out . She devotes much of her time to her career ."}], "index": 927} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me . Do you have the time ?", "responses": ["my watch is a few minutes fast . it 's about six forty , i think .", "hello.why yes , it 's almost noon", "it 's quitting time sir , 5 o'clock .", "ofcourse , hold on . it 's two thirty", "i 'm sorry , i do n't . i left my watch and phone at home but it ca n't be too much past 4 pm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My watch is a few minutes fast . It's about six forty , I think .", "responses": ["is it ? oh , no . the concert will begin in twenty minutes . are we too late to get there ?", "thank you !", "thanks for the time .", "that 's for helping out !", "that 's helpful !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is it ? Oh , no . The concert will begin in twenty minutes . Are we too late to get there ?", "responses": ["if we start now , we can make it by taxi .", "no , we 'll be able to make it in time .", "there 'll be a warm up band , so we 'll make it before the main act comes on .", "we 'll be a few minutes late i 'm afraid .", "it 'll be close , but i think we 'll get there in time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "If we start now , we can make it by taxi ."}], "index": 928} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you watch the volleyball match last night ?", "responses": ["yeah .", "no i did not .", "i actually did n't .", "no , did you ?", "was it any good ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah .", "responses": ["who won ?", "i was n't able to make it . who won ?", "did your sister get any playing time ?", "was n't it a great match ! i thought the other team was going to win .", "i was on the edge of my seat . it was so exciting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who won ?", "responses": ["china .", "i 'm not sure , i did n't watch it myself .", "the home team won in a landslide .", "it was a great game , but the home team lost .", "i fell asleep and did n't see the end , so i do n't know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "China .", "responses": ["what is the score ?", "that 's great news !", "is n't that great !", "i think that 's so cool !", "that is simply amazing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is the score ?", "responses": ["china beat brazil three to zero .", "i do n't remember .", "36 - 10 .", "11 - 10 . it was a close game .", "12 - 4 . they really crushed it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "China beat Brazil three to zero .", "responses": ["wonderful .", "they are on a roll !", "oh man , i thought brazil would put up more of a fight .", "do you know who they play next ?", "do you think they 'll go all the way ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wonderful ."}], "index": 929} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ? If he was a good programmer , he should have been raking it in .", "responses": ["the boss wanted to pay bob with stock options . but bob did n't want to play that game again .", "well , i do n't think he was as good of a program as you might have thought .", "he 's a good programmer , but he 's really hard to get along with .", "i think his boss just did n't like him .", "i think he is a good programmer , so i 'm not sure what happened ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The boss wanted to pay Bob with stock options . But Bob didn't want to play that game again .", "responses": ["again ?", "bob was always conservative with finances and does n't like the risk of stock", "i do n't blame him , the stock can go down as well as up .", "i 'm with bob -- i like cold , hard cash .", "i much prefer stock as it forces me to save ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Again ?", "responses": ["at his last start - up , bob worked for stock and no salary . they folded and he made zip .", "yes , he played it before .", "he played it many times in the past .", "that is right .", "that is correct ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "At his last start-up , Bob worked for stock and no salary . They folded and he made zip .", "responses": ["ouch .", "ouch .", "wow . after being burned like that , no wonder he would n't go for that again .", "wow . that 's a hard lesson .", "ca n't blame him for not wanting to go through that again ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Ouch .", "responses": ["now he only works freelance . hundred bucks an hour .", "yeah , a year of their life with nothing to show for it .", "i do n't even know how something like that is legal .", "i 'd be pretty hesitant if that happened to me , too .", "he barely recovered from it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Now he only works freelance . Hundred bucks an hour ."}], "index": 930} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You mustn't touch the wet paint , Bill .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . i wo n't do it again .", "i wish you had told me a minute ago .", "i just found out the hard way .", "where is the paint wet ?", "i 'll be sure to avoid it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry . I won't do it again .", "responses": ["try to be more careful in future . look ! you 've damaged the sign .", "that 's good to know .", "thank you .", "i 'm glad you wo n't", "good !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Try to be more careful in future . Look ! you've damaged the sign .", "responses": ["is this the sign ? what does it says ?", "sorry . i 'll clean it up .", "okay . i 'll be more careful .", "i 'll fix it .", "alright . i did n't see it !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this the sign ? What does it says ?", "responses": ["it says no smoking here .", "it says , \" do n't touch me when i have wet paint on me ! \"", "it 's just basic directions for the hotel lobby .", "it 's some advertisement for perfume .", "it 's the name of a new restaurant opening down the street ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It says No smoking here ."}], "index": 931} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Good morning . I ' m from the New York book review . Could I ask you some questions about your latest book ?", "responses": ["sure . take a seat ... what would you like to know ?", "sure , go right ahead .", "can we do it a little later ?", "yes , i 'm very excited you called .", "as long as they are all positive . just kidding ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . Take a seat ... what would you like to know ?", "responses": ["first , i 've heard that your latest book is based on a true story .", "how did you get the idea for the storyline ?", "how did you research the location ? did you visit it ?", "how much of it is biographical ?", "how long did it take you to put it all together ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "First , I ' Ve heard that your latest book is based on a true story .", "responses": ["that 's correct . it 's a murder mystery based on actual murders that book place in florida several years ago . the main character - the police invesigator - is based on the man who investigated the case .", "in fact , it is based on a true story .", "the story is true , but it did n't happen to me .", "actually , there is some truth to the story , but most of it is how i imagined the situation .", "actually , no . it is completely fiction ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s correct . It ' s a murder mystery based on actual murders that book place in Florida several years ago . The main character-the police invesigator-is based on the man who investigated the case .", "responses": ["how do you research your books ?", "did you interview anyone for the book ?", "how about some of the other characters ?", "how does the real life man like your book ?", "did you talk to the families of the victims at all ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "How do you research your books ?", "responses": ["i always visit the places that i use as setting for stories . readers like things to be as factually correct as possible - even in fiction ! i usually base my characters on people i have met . most character are a mixture of the characters of two or more people .", "i try to base my characters on actual people and locations", "i look at people and try to create characters", "i visit places", "i talk to people"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I always visit the places that I use as setting for stories . Readers like things to be as factually correct as possible-even in fiction ! I usually base my characters on people I have met . Most character are a mixture of the characters of two or more people .", "responses": ["i really like your books . i 've just finished this one . i read it from cover to cover in a single day . congratulation on making the bestseller list yet again !", "do the people you interview know it 's for a book ?", "does any of the real people ever get mad about their portrayal ?", "what percentage of the final product would you say is true ?", "have you ever considered non - fiction instead ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I really like your books . I ' Ve just finished this one . I read it from cover to cover in a single day . Congratulation on making the bestseller list yet again !", "responses": ["thank you . let met sign it for you ... there you go .", "what got you interested in this work ?", "how many bestsellers have you had ?", "how do you think of your characters ?", "where do you draw you inspiration ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you . Let met sign it for you ... there you go .", "responses": ["oh ! thank you very much . i heard that you are currently writing a collection of short stories . what are the stories about ?", "thanks so much !", "that means so much to me .", "thank you ! are you working on a book right now ?", "wow ! i greatly appreciate you signing my book ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Oh ! Thank you very much . I heard that you are currently writing a collection of short stories . What are the stories about ?", "responses": ["there 's a real mix of stories in the book . i have n't finished all of them yet , though . many of them are short detective stories , but there are also horror stories and sci - fi ones . if you give me your business card , i 'll make sure you get an advance copy to review .", "its a comedy about two friends", "i m not sure", "i think it ll be about a lawyer and his everyday life", "they are about alot of different things it d hard to explain"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "There ' s a real mix of stories in the book . I haven ' t finished all of them yet , though . Many of them are short detective stories , but there are also horror stories and sci-fi ones . If you give me your business card , I ' ll make sure you get an advance copy to review .", "responses": ["thanks very much . i 'm sure it will sell well . i ca n't wait to read it . here 's my card . thank you for you time .", "that sounds promising . i ca n't wait to read your next book too .", "that sounds like it will be another best seller from you . i ca nt wait to read it .", "i am sure that will be another bestseller . i am a big fan of your books and love to read them .", "i am sure it will be one of the bestsellers as always . you are really good at what you do and i am so honored to meet you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thanks very much . I ' m sure it will sell well . I can ' t wait to read it . Here ' s my card . Thank you for you time ."}], "index": 932} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What shall I call him ?", "responses": ["oh , you may call him uncle , or henry .", "what names do you like ?", "i 'm thinking a funny name .", "do you want my suggestions ?", "how about naming him after your dad ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , you may call him Uncle , or Henry .", "responses": ["what 's he doing ?", "i like \" uncle . \"", "but i also like \" henry . \"", "i might call him uncle henry .", "henry is a lovely name ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's he doing ?", "responses": ["he 's checking bags . he 's an official in the customs .", "he 's in the backyard grilling burgers .", "he just went to the store for groceries .", "he 's watching tv .", "he 's waiting for the mailman ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's checking bags . He ' s an official in the customs ."}], "index": 933} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "For the 100th anniversary of the opening of the library we are going to have a party .", "responses": ["that 's a wonderful way to celebrate this grand old library !", "what do you need from me ?", "that sounds fun !", "where will it be held ?", "ca n't believe it has been 100 years !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's a wonderful way to celebrate this grand old library !", "responses": ["i hoped you would be willing to brainstorm with me for party ideas .", "yes , it 's going to be a blast .", "there will be lots of cake .", "i expect many people to show up .", "yes , i hope to see you there !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "I hoped you would be willing to brainstorm with me for party ideas .", "responses": ["that is right up my alley . you say party and i 'm there .", "sure ! i 'd be happy to help .", "oh yeah . i have lots of ideas .", "ok . when would you like to meet ?", "yes . i think this will be exciting ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That is right up my alley . You say party and I'm there .", "responses": ["perfect . it will be open to the public and we anticipate roughly about five to seven hundred people .", "fantastic ! are you available tomorrow morning to start planning ?", "i heard that about you !", "that 's great ! i really need help planning .", "ok ... \"party \" !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Perfect . It will be open to the public and we anticipate roughly about five to seven hundred people .", "responses": ["will it be an all day event ?", "oh , i do n't know a ton about parties that big .", "i can get started on finding some ideas .", "are we allowed to serve alcohol ?", "do people have to pay to get in or is it free ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Will it be an all day event ?", "responses": ["yes . and we checked with the city and we have permission to use the park adjacent to the library .", "it is a 5 hour event", "it is an all day event", "yes , that 's the plan", "i think so"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . And we checked with the city and we have permission to use the park adjacent to the library .", "responses": ["that was quick thinking .", "have you figured out food yet ?", "what sort of music are you looking for ?", "are there going to be party games ?", "what types of people do you anticipate ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That was quick thinking ."}], "index": 934} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm so glad I bought this watch !", "responses": ["cool ! flashy red lines !", "it keeps great time", "it has been indestructible and i am very hard on watches .", "it matches my fashion sense very well .", "my old watch broke and i was getting tired of digging out my phone to check the time ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Cool ! Flashy red lines !", "responses": ["i think this is the coolest watch i 've ever owned .", "it 's unique right ?", "those are ruby dust .", "i know ! i love standing out from the crowd .", "thanks . it 's not as obvious , but there are blue lines as well ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think this is the coolest watch I've ever owned .", "responses": ["is it waterproof ?", "i am so happy that your new purchase is working out well for you !", "i am so happy that your new purchase is working out well for you !", "i am so happy that your new purchase is working out well for you !", "i am so happy that your new purchase is working out well for you !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Is it waterproof ?", "responses": ["is n't that a silly question ? you know how much of an athlete i am .", "yes . how awesome is that ! ?", "of course it 's waterproof !", "that 's one of the things that makes it so cool .", "you bet it is !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Isn't that a silly question ? You know how much of an athlete I am .", "responses": ["uh , huh ... so what kind of sports do you need a waterproof watch for ?", "it was an easy question ?", "how much did you pay for the watch ?", "where can i buy this watch ?", "what kind of sports do you do ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Uh , huh ... so what kind of sports do you need a waterproof watch for ?", "responses": ["well , surfing , scuba diving ...", "swimming", "water polo", "triathlon", "scuba diving"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , surfing , scuba diving ..."}], "index": 935} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you take a bus to and from work ?", "responses": ["yeah , everyday . and there 's only one choice . all the other buses are going the other direction .", "some days i take the bus , other days the train .", "no , i prefer to drive .", "busses always seem to run late , so i prefer to carpool .", "i much prefer the train to the bus ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , everyday . And there ' s only one choice . All the other buses are going the other direction .", "responses": ["hmm . i have the same problem . when i leave work , it 's always rush hour . so the buses are always crowded .", "why do they all go the other way ?", "glad you can take at least one to get here .", "do you ever drive ?", "how long is the bus ride ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hmm . I have the same problem . When I leave work , it ' s always rush hour . So the buses are always crowded .", "responses": ["oh , yeah , it 's terrible . i will tell you the funniest thing i have seen in china . it 's when so many people try to get onto one city bus , and the last guy is squeezed in so tight that the door is tightly pressed against his butt .", "yes , same for me too", "for me the buses are not that crowded", "it is very tiring", "i am fed up with travelling"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yeah , it ' s terrible . I will tell you the funniest thing I have seen in China . It ' s when so many people try to get onto one city bus , and the last guy is squeezed in so tight that the door is tightly pressed against his butt .", "responses": ["that sounds terrible the way you describe it . but you know , not long ago i really suffered on the bus .", "oh , that happened to a guy i work with , he said his butt hurt for a full week !", "oh , that 's so terrible - people are so rude sometimes .", "i once had my briefcase caught in the door and the driver just went on !", "yeah , when my bus gets too crowded , the driver wo n't even open the back door ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That sounds terrible the way you describe it . But you know , not long ago I really suffered on the bus .", "responses": ["what happened ? were you having a hard time getting on a bus ?", "i hate the long bus ride too", "i am not a big fan of crowds especially in tight bus spaces", "how long is your bus commute ?", "do you take any other forms of transportation to work ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What happened ? Were you having a hard time getting on a bus ?", "responses": ["you just ca n't imagine ! i waited for the first bus but it was too full , so i waited for the second , and it was still very crowded . then i decided not to wait for the next one , and got on the second bus . it was so full that i had to stand on one foot ! no kidding !", "the guy beside me farted , and it smelled so bad !", "the child sitting next to me vomitted on me !", "a woman fell asleep on my shoulder .", "a fight broke out during the bus ride ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You just can ' t imagine ! I waited for the first bus but it was too full , so I waited for the second , and it was still very crowded . Then I decided not to wait for the next one , and got on the second bus . It was so full that I had to stand on one foot ! No kidding !", "responses": ["hmm . good exercise , uh ?", "ugh i hate that !", "that s so annoying ! need need more space on each bus", "i guess waiting for the next would have been the same", "i hope you were not late"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hmm . Good exercise , uh ?", "responses": ["yeah , absolutely !", "i 'd say ! i still can feel the pain ! it was terrible though .", "i know , right ! it was some experience . it is a pain at times with just one bus .", "yeah ! sure , it was ! i have had these terrible experiences more than once .", "you 'd think , right ! it was some experience ! standing on foot for the most part . it was hard work !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , absolutely !", "responses": ["and it 's so much fun . one day , the bodies were so tightly packed that some girl 's behind was pressed against my front . i was afraid to put my hands down for fear of accidentally groping her .", "i ca n't wait to get a car .", "i wonder if that 's even safe .", "for routes that are busy there should be more buses .", "i wonder what it smelled like after ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "And it ' s so much fun . One day , the bodies were so tightly packed that some girl ' s behind was pressed against my front . I was afraid to put my hands down for fear of accidentally groping her .", "responses": ["you were so happy , were n't you ?", "i feel like everyone is inadvertently groping everyone else when smashed together like that !", "i know ! i 'm always worried about offending someone , but i ca n't really control where i end up .", "i wonder how many people files complaints about accidental bus groping !", "yikes ! got ta be careful with that stuff !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You were so happy , weren ' t you ?", "responses": ["what do you think ? i 'm a good boy .", "oh sure . wish i could spend more time on the bus .", "wish i had other options !", "she was n't so happy about it .", "it actually made me feel very embarrassed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think ? I ' m a good boy ."}], "index": 936} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "We are going to have a picnic tomorrow at the picnic center .", "responses": ["that 's great .", "that sounds lovely . what should i bring ?", "what is your favorite picnic spot ?", "how many people are attending ?", "what is your favorite picnic food ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's great .", "responses": ["now let 's get things ready .", "you should come .", "we are going to meet there at noon .", "i ca n't wait for it .", "indeed . hopefully the weather is good ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "Now let's get things ready .", "responses": ["do n't worry . there are all kinds of things in the center .", "okay sounds good", "what will you bring ?", "should i bring anything ?", "okay i want to be there early"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Don't worry . There are all kinds of things in the center .", "responses": ["that 's much more convenient . we do n't even have to bring the flavorings .", "i feel we should be a little better prepared .", "i think we should carry some stuff to eat and drink .", "yeah but we will need to carry food and drinks .", "sounds good . we will see you there ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "That's much more convenient . We don't even have to bring the flavorings ."}], "index": 937} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Look ! Mom , that's amazing ! I can't believe the girls have so neat movements .", "responses": ["yeah , they all received very strict training . a minute on the stage takes ten - year practice .", "yes , their dance routines incredible .", "they truly are skilled at what they do !", "i could n't agree more honey .", "their movements are really beautiful ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , they all received very strict training . A minute on the stage takes ten-year practice .", "responses": ["and all their movements are so elegant . it seems like dancing in the water .", "wow that s committment", "oh no i could never", "i can see its paying off greatly", "i wish i could do that"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "And all their movements are so elegant . It seems like dancing in the water .", "responses": ["exactly , you know , water ballet puts dancing , music and swimming together .", "yeah . all the hard work shows on stage .", "yeah . they do look beautiful and elegant .", "they sure are full of grace and elegance .", "they do seem very professional and beautiful ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Exactly , you know , water ballet puts dancing , music and swimming together .", "responses": ["there you go ! daddy has told me that water ballet is also called synchronized swimming .", "i could never do any of that .", "i ca n't imagine the stress it causes .", "i barely finish sudoku pzzles .", "how much money do they make ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There you go ! Daddy has told me that water ballet is also called Synchronized Swimming .", "responses": ["that 's my boy ! katherine curtis created this activity in 1920 . and in 1984 , it was authorized as one activity in olympic games .", "yeah , they do it in the olympics .", "we should look up some videos of it online after this .", "do you want to go see that next time ?", "i just love all the ways humans have learned to use their bodies ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's my boy ! Katherine Curtis created this activity in 1920 . And in 1984 , it was authorized as one activity in Olympic Games .", "responses": ["wow , mom is more knowledgeable than dad . i must learn from you .", "it 's very beautiful to watch .", "do you think i could try it ?", "are there any boy 's teams ?", "how many countries have synchronized swimming teams at the olympics ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , Mom is more knowledgeable than Dad . I must learn from you .", "responses": ["my little boy , you should learn more from me . i 'm almost thirty years older than you .", "mom knows quite a bit , too !", "mom taught dad everything he knows about it .", "i 've just been very interested in this topic for a long time .", "dad knows more about some things than i do ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My little boy , you should learn more from me . I'm almost thirty years older than you .", "responses": ["ok , you 're the boss . look , mom , one guy has just jumped into the swimming pool .", "that 's a lot of time .", "i promise to listen to you more .", "there is so much to learn .", "what else do you want to teach me ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , you're the boss . Look , Mom , one guy has just jumped into the swimming pool .", "responses": ["oh , my god . it 's so dangerous . and he might break his leg . you must n't do anything like that .", "he is the lead dancer .", "now watch closely what he does next .", "sometimes other people just want to ruin the show .", "look how he did not even make a splash ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , my God . It's so dangerous . And he might break his leg . You mustn't do anything like that ."}], "index": 938} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It seems that nobody in your class likes Paul .", "responses": ["the boy is good for nothing .", "i like paula", "i m not sure whether they like him or not", "i know i feel bad for him", "i hope they like them"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The boy is good for nothing .", "responses": ["as a teacher , i do n't know how to help him .", "why would you say that ?", "what did he do ?", "is he not good at studies or sports ?", "does n't he have friends in school ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "As a teacher , I don ' t know how to help him .", "responses": ["he is hopeless .", "you ca n't .", "maybe he can be in another class .", "i could n't tell you .", "he should maybe switch schools ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is hopeless ."}], "index": 939} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Rachael , what's up ? How is your day ?", "responses": ["not bad . we have had a big meeting today , remember ?", "its going okay .", "i wish i could start it over .", "same old same old .", "great actually . i won on a scratcher ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not bad . We have had a big meeting today , remember ?", "responses": ["oh , yea . i forgot . so how did it go ?", "oh man , i almost forgot !", "oh yeah , thanks for reminding me .", "how could i forget ? i 've been having anxiety about it all day .", "i know . i ca n't wait for it to be over ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , yea . I forgot . So how did it go ?", "responses": ["pretty well . i think the boss liked my ideas .", "it went great . i think the boss liked my ideas .", "not so good . i did n't get a chance to share my ideas .", "pretty good , but the boss was in kind of a bad mood .", "i think it went well , but we 'll see if my proposal gets funded . i 'll find out next week ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Pretty well . I think the boss liked my ideas .", "responses": ["great , so what happens now ?", "that 's great news .", "i 'm not surprised . your ideas are always well thought through .", "when will you hear if any of your ideas will move forward ?", "i 'm sure you 're glad it 's over . i know you spent a lot of time planning ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Great , so what happens now ?", "responses": ["well , i have to write the proposal . i 'm pretty excited about it .", "i 'm going to meet with some people in sales .", "she wants to sit down and go over them more in depth .", "he asked me to draw up a more comprehensive outline .", "i guess we get a team put together ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I have to write the proposal . I'm pretty excited about it ."}], "index": 940} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you believe in UFOs ?", "responses": ["of course , they are out there .", "of course not .", "did the fbi tell you to ask me that ?", "i 've been abducted before .", "i ca n't tell if i should be honest or not ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course , they are out there .", "responses": ["but i never saw them .", "so you 've personally seen one ?", "how can you be so sure ?", "i do n't know . it 's possible , but i need first hand proof .", "what do you based that off of ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But I never saw them .", "responses": ["are you stupid ? they are called ufos , so not everybody can see them .", "just because you did n't see them does n't mean they are n't real .", "you may someday , who knows .", "they do n't want to be seen .", "i think i may have seen one a few years ago . it might have been something else , i was never sure ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you stupid ? They are called UFOs , so not everybody can see them .", "responses": ["you mean that you can them .", "i do n't think that 's what ufos means .", "have you seen one ?", "why do you think they are real ?", "i would have an easier time believing if i saw one ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You mean that you can them .", "responses": ["that 's right . i can see them in my dreams .", "they are waiting for the right time .", "we ca n't be all alone out there .", "no , but i still believe .", "you do n't have to see something for it to be true ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's right . I can see them in my dreams .", "responses": ["they come to the earth ?", "how many times have you seen them ?", "dreams did not count .", "i wish i could see them in my dreams .", "are they scary in your dreams ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "They come to the earth ?", "responses": ["no . their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space .", "yes they invade earth and kill everyone .", "yes they came to earth , but they did not hurt anyone .", "nope . they were traveling around space looking for resources .", "they came to talk with us humans ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . Their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space .", "responses": ["aliens from the outer space ? do you talk to them ? what do they look like ?", "why would they want to come here ?", "what do they want with us ?", "how do they send them ?", "where are they from ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Aliens from the outer space ? Do you talk to them ? What do they look like ?", "responses": ["ok , ok , one by one , please ! they look like robots , but they can speak . their mission is to make friends with human beings .", "they look different to whomever they decide to approach .", "it 's part of their plan , no one can remember .", "they walk among us , we can never be sure where or who they are .", "whatever your mind decides they look like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , OK , one by one , please ! They look like robots , but they can speak . Their mission is to make friends with human beings .", "responses": ["that means that you talk to them ? in which language ?", "i see ... and they made friends with you ?", "do they look like us , or do they look like tv characterizations of aliens ?", "how is it they know english ?", "why do n't they appear to everyone if their mission is to make friends ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That means that you talk to them ? In which language ?", "responses": ["of course in english , they learn english on mars too .", "they have their own language , but they 're able to communicate in english .", "i 'll have to ask them the next time i see them .", "they 've spent years studying us . they can speak using all human languages .", "they typically use english , but they 're familiar with all of our languages ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course in English , they learn English on Mars too .", "responses": ["wow . sounds fantastic !", "do they know any other languages besides english ?", "i would think that the aliens would have an alien dialect or an alien language to speak in too .", "have you ever spoken to one of the aliens ? if so , what did you ask or say to them ?", "how often do you speak to them and how do you know they are fluent in english ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow . Sounds fantastic !"}], "index": 941} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "You look so happy , Anna . Any good news ?", "responses": ["yes . i 've won the first prize in the math contest .", "yes ! i got a promotion !", "my boyfriend and i just got engaged !", "nothing specific . i 'm just having a good day .", "i have vacation next week , so i 'm super excited ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I ' Ve won the first prize in the math contest .", "responses": ["really ? congratulations !", "congratulations ! that 's amazing .", "that 's great news . was this the first year you entered ?", "who got second place this year ?", "your parent must be so proud of you ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Really ? Congratulations !", "responses": ["thank you , paul .", "thank you . i 'm very excited .", "yes , it was close but i managed to win .", "the competition was pretty easy this year .", "i worked really hard and it paid off ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you , Paul .", "responses": ["by the way , would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening ? tomorrow is my birthday .", "you 're welcome .", "you were always great at math .", "i wish i was better at math .", "did you study very hard ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "By the way , would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening ? Tomorrow is my birthday .", "responses": ["good , happy birthday to you !", "i would love to have dinner with you .", "happy birthday , what time tomorrow ?", "sorry , i have to work very late tomorrow .", "sure , do you need me to bring anything ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Good , happy birthday to you !", "responses": ["not so soon . it 's not my birthday today . well , you 'll come , wo n't you ?", "thank you for wishing me a happy birthday .", "thanks , how about dinner though ?", "are you going to get me any gifts ?", "i want you as my birthday present ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Not so soon . It ' s not my birthday today . Well , you ' ll come , won ' t you ?", "responses": ["sure , i will . thank you for inviting me .", "of course i will !", "i 'd like to , but i already have plans .", "let me check my schedule quick .", "if my parents will let me ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sure , I will . Thank you for inviting me .", "responses": ["my pleasure .", "great ! i will get in touch later so we can gel our plans .", "you 're welcome ! i am lookiung forward to it !", "great ! there 's this great indian restaurant i know you 'll like . it 's my favorite .", "i 'm so glad you 're coming ! are you up for thai ? i 'd love to show you my favorite thai place ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "My pleasure ."}], "index": 942} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have a minute ?", "responses": ["sure . what 's up ?", "yes , i do .", "i 'm sorry , i 'm tied up right now .", "sure , i can make some time .", "what do you need ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Sure . What's up ?"}], "index": 943} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey , May , look , Is that the the poster of the movie we saw yesterday ?", "responses": ["yes , that 's right . that 's the poster of the the witch .", "yes . it looks pretty cool .", "no , this movie has n't come out yet .", "i guess so .", "yeah . did you like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , that's right . That's the poster of the The Witch .", "responses": ["may , i really regret watching it with you last night .", "did you like the movie ?", "the witch looks very scary .", "i want to buy this poster .", "this poster is going to give me nightmares ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "May , I really regret watching it with you last night .", "responses": ["did it scare you ?", "why do you regret watching it with me ?", "wow that is kind of rude to say .", "i regret watching it with you too .", "did you not like the movie ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did it scare you ?", "responses": ["of course not . i just thought the movie was ... boring .", "no , it was super boring .", "not really . it just did n't go anywhere .", "i little . it had some creepy aesthetics .", "no , i just regret wasting that much time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course not . I just thought the movie was ... boring .", "responses": ["boring ? come on , you clutched to my arm all the time .", "oh ... i thought it was scary .", "yeah , it was a little slow paced .", "it had it 's good points , but it did seem to drag on .", "i was disappointed too ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Boring ? Come on , you clutched to my arm all the time .", "responses": ["well , i admit . the ghosts were scary .", "ok , i was a little bit scared .", "i just love being close to you !", "i was trying not to fall asleep !", "i did not ... you were clutching my arm ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I admit . The ghosts were scary .", "responses": ["i like scary movies .", "i agree .", "really ? you 're scared of ghosts of all things ?", "how about the monster ?", "i did n't like them either ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I like scary movies .", "responses": ["that 's gucci 's influence . i love science fiction movies !", "are you sure the movie was scary , besides just the ghosts ? i really did n't think so .", "i think we should go see a really scary movie this weekend . i know just the movie !", "if you like scary movies , have i got the movie for you !", "that movie was no way scary , maybe more of a thriller or a drama , not a horror story ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's Gucci's influence . I love science fiction movies !", "responses": ["of course you do . they are silly stories just for little kids like you .", "i like good scary movies and unfortunately , this one was bad .", "how do you know so much about gucci ?", "we should have seen a science fiction movie then i like those better than scary movies .", "next time we should see a science fiction movie then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Of course you do . They are silly stories just for little kids like you .", "responses": ["do n't call me kid . i am a grownup .", "take that back !", "that 's rude , may .", "why are you giving me such a hard time ?", "maybe so , but i love them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't call me kid . I am a grownup .", "responses": ["do you dare watch scary movies with me tonight ?", "i am sorry for calling you a kid .", "i am sorry for calling you a kid .", "i did n't know you were a grownup .", "how old are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Do you dare watch scary movies with me tonight ?", "responses": ["of course ! i can watch them without you !", "i do dare ... but next week i get to choose the genre of a movie we watch ok ?", "i do n't want to watch any more of this type of movie ... no offense to you though .", "i would love to watch a comedy with you !", "how about a nice documentary ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Of course ! I can watch them without you !", "responses": ["oh , really ?", "if you say so !", "well then , let 's meet up at 8:00 pm !", "lets go see the new saw movie then !", "try not to clutch my arm this time haha ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , really ?"}], "index": 944} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is your nationality ?", "responses": ["i am chinese by birth .", "american and you ?", "from the uk my whole life .", "french but i spend most of my time in london .", "jamaican , i love being from there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am Chinese by birth .", "responses": ["where is your domicile place ?", "that is awesome , do you speak the language ?", "i am russian , nice to meet you .", "china is a very cool and beautiful place .", "i love to eat chinese food , we should eat together sometime ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where is your domicile place ?", "responses": ["my domicile place is hebes province .", "that would be america .", "i live in america , but i still feel most connected to china .", "definitely not china . i left so young i barely remember it .", "i 'm pretty nomadic , so i guess i 'm still searching ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My domicile place is Hebes Province ."}], "index": 945} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I know you have a son . How old is he ?", "responses": ["he 's going to turn six next month .", "he is 6 years old .", "i am sorry , but i do not want to tell you because i want to protect my son 's privacy .", "my son is still a baby", "why do you want to know ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He's going to turn six next month .", "responses": ["who is looking after him ?", "are you going to celebrate his birthday ?", "how are you going to celebrate his birthday ?", "what are you planning on doing for his sixth birthday ?", "will you be throwing a party for him ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who is looking after him ?", "responses": ["my mother - in - law . she retired last year .", "my mother helps me out a lot .", "i have a really great daycare .", "my husband is home with him now .", "i have the best nanny . i 'd be lost without her ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "My mother-in - law . She retired last year .", "responses": ["you really are lucky !", "oh , it must be so helpful for you !", "oh , what did your mother do ?", "that 's great -- it 's nice to have family watch babies .", "what a great arrangement for your mom to be able to spend so much time with him ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You really are lucky !", "responses": ["yeah , i know .", "totally !", "having the extra help is really nice .", "she really makes my day a lot easier .", "i 'm really thankful for her help ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , I know ."}], "index": 946} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Say , what's your favorite sport ?", "responses": ["mmmm ... it 's hard to say . i like golf a lot - but i guess i like tennis better .", "i love football ! i get really excited in the spring when the drafts start .", "i 'm a huge hockey fan . to me , its ' the most exciting sport .", "i lie a lot of sports , but if you put a gun to my head , i 'd have to say i like college football the best .", "football , hands down ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mmmm ... it's hard to say . I like golf a lot-but I guess I like tennis better .", "responses": ["do you play much tennis ?", "what do you like about tennis ?", "really ? i much prefer golf .", "i guess you get more exercise playing tennis , so that 's a good thing .", "i like tennis , too !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you play much tennis ?", "responses": ["yes , quite a bit . how about a game sometime ?", "i practice at least once a week .", "i get in a few games every month .", "not as much as i 'd like .", "i manage to fit in a game every now and then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , quite a bit . How about a game sometime ?", "responses": ["sorry . i 'm strictly a spectator - football , baseball , basketball , golf ... i watch them all .", "oh , i really have n't played a game since i was a kid . when would you like to get together ?", "yes , i would like to have play a game soon , how about next weekend ?", "how good a tennis player are you ? i will play a game with you if i know what i am up against .", "i am a bit rusty at tennis . you also mentioned that you are a good tennis player . how good of a player are you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry . I'm strictly a spectator-football , baseball , basketball , golf ... I watch them all ."}], "index": 947} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So Janet , do you do any sports ?", "responses": ["well , i go to the gym a lot . i am a member of a gym nearby .", "no , i 'm pretty much a couch - potato .", "yes ! i love to run .", "yes ! i love mountain biking in the forest .", "i used to play soccer in school , but not so much lately ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I go to the gym a lot . I am a member of a gym nearby .", "responses": ["yeah , how often do you go ?", "which gym ?", "what kind of exercises do you do ?", "do you have a membership ?", "i 've been thinking about joining a gym . would you recommend yours ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Yeah , how often do you go ?", "responses": ["about three times a week if i can .", "i go five days a week . i really like the spinning and the aerobics . would you like to join me sometimes ?", "i would go on the weekends also . except i do n't have a car right now . if you have a car we could go on the weekends together .", "usually i go on weekdays . would you like to join me some day ?", "lately , i 've been going slightly more than usual , five days for me . do you belong to a gym ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "About three times a week if I can .", "responses": ["not bad ! do you do any other sports ?", "i try to go every morning before work .", "i only go to the gym on weekends .", "i try to go to the gym every other day .", "i go to the gym in the evenings after the kids go to bed ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Not bad ! Do you do any other sports ?", "responses": ["not really . i 'd really like to try golf , though .", "i like playing basketball .", "no , i mostly just like using the exercise machines .", "tennis is fun . do you play ?", "i really like squash . want to come play with me sometime ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not really . I ' d really like to try golf , though ."}], "index": 948} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , Ken .", "responses": ["hello , george .", "hello there ! i have forgotten you name , forgive me .", "how have you been ? sorry , i do n't remember what your name was ?", "hello . . .brad , was n't that your name ? sorry , we only met once . you have a better recall for names than i !", "hey , there ! how 's it going ? sorry , what was your name again ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hello , George .", "responses": ["have you just been to the cinema ?", "it 's good to see you again .", "how is your family doing ?", "did you have a good trip ?", "did you bring my present ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you just been to the cinema ?", "responses": ["yes , i have .", "yes , i saw the new superhero movie ! i loved the special effects !", "no , i have n't been in a while .", "no , we just went to dinner . have you seen any movies lately ?", "yes , but i did n't like that movie ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have .", "responses": ["what 's on ?", "did you like the movie ?", "what movie did you see ?", "did you eat any popcorn ?", "did you eat any popcorn ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ' s on ?", "responses": ["paris in the spring .", "there is a great new adventure playing", "there is a great new romantic movie playing", "there is a great new love story playing", "there is a great new boxing movie playing"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Paris in the Spring .", "responses": ["oh , i 've already seen it . i saw it on television last year . it 's an old film , but it 's very good .", "was it any good ?", "how did you like it ?", "is it something i would like ?", "how busy was the cinema when you were there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I ' Ve already seen it . I saw it on television last year . It ' s an old film , but it ' s very good .", "responses": ["paris is a beautiful city . i have never been there . have you ever been there , ken ?", "do nt tell me how it ends .", "glad you liked it .", "great to hear .", "how old is it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Paris is a beautiful city . I have never been there . Have you ever been there , Ken ?", "responses": ["yes , i have . i was there in april .", "yes , to paris . i have an uncle who is an engineer who lives in the city .", "yes , to stay with relatives who are parisans .", "yes , i stay with family when i visit each year .", "yes , and i am going this year . however , with the political climate , i might not this year ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I have . I was there in April .", "responses": ["paris in the spring , eh ?", "how nice were the parisians ?", "how was the weather while you were there ?", "did you see any beautiful french people ?", "what restaurants did you eat at ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Paris in the spring , eh ?", "responses": ["it was spring , but the weather was awful . it rained all the time .", "that 's some coincidence .", "i might head back there some day .", "you should visit sometime .", "were you thinking of taking a vacation to paris ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It was spring , but the weather was awful . It rained all the time .", "responses": ["just like dear old london !", "just like spring here !", "what a shame !", "spring is always a bit unpredictable , i guess .", "i hope it did n't ruin your time there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just like dear old London !"}], "index": 949} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They got a divorce at last .", "responses": ["it 's inevitable . their love wasbuilt on the sand , and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks .", "it took them long enough .", "i 'm surprised i thought they might make it .", "i 'm sad to hear they got a divorce .", "when did they get divorced ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's inevitable . Their love wasbuilt on the sand , and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks .", "responses": ["you said it . love but on the sand will soon be on the rocks .", "i thought they would last longer than this .", "how can you say that ? i thought they seemed so in love .", "i agree , i do n't know what he ever saw in her .", "ah , you knew them better than i did ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You said it . Love but on the sand will soon be on the rocks .", "responses": ["that give us a good lesson .", "it is a very sad way to land .", "the rocks had to hurt them .", "i hate divorce it 's so messy .", "i am very saddened by the news ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That give us a good lesson ."}], "index": 950} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where are you going ?", "responses": ["i 'll accompany my wife to the hospital .", "home to make dinner .", "to the park to walk the dogs .", "to a party at jim 's house .", "to the store to buy some milk ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll accompany my wife to the hospital .", "responses": ["what 's wrong with her .", "oh , is she having the baby ?", "oh no , is she sick ?", "ah , i 'm sure her mother will appreciate that .", "do you need me to come along ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's wrong with her .", "responses": ["she is expecting .", "i am not sure what is wrong .", "they have to run tests on her .", "she must have surgery today .", "she is in a lot of pain ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "She is expecting .", "responses": ["congratulations to you .", "when is the baby due ?", "is it a boy or girl ?", "how has she been feeling ?", "has she been excited ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Congratulations to you .", "responses": ["thank you .", "thank you .", "i 'll pass it along , thanks .", "i 'll be back as soon as i can .", "i 'll be back tomorrow after my wife is all set ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 951} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I can ' t stand being with you anymore . I'm sick of your drinking .", "responses": ["i swear never to drink again . just give me another chance , please !", "i am sorry you ca n't stand me .", "i hate my drinking too !", "please forgive me for my foolishness .", "i know it is horrible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I swear never to drink again . Just give me another chance , please !", "responses": ["how many chances have i given you ? i do n't trust you any more .", "you need to go to aa", "you need to stop completely", "drinking is for losers", "you need to exercise discipline"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "How many chances have I given you ? I don ' t trust you any more .", "responses": ["you know how hard i 've tried to give up drinking ? i 'd be lost without you . i wo n't let you go anyway .", "i 'm sorry ! i will be better !", "i 've already thrown out my booze !", "last night wo nt happen again i promise !", "please do nt leave me !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You know how hard I've tried to give up drinking ? I ' d be lost without you . I won ' t let you go anyway ."}], "index": 952} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are there any interesting stories in the newspaper today ?", "responses": ["there are a few stories about natural disasters . there is a massive forest fire in australia . it covers several square kilometers of land has destroyed many more square kilometers .", "there is one story about a new cake recipe", "there is a great story of a storm that is heading our way", "there is a story of a new store coming to town .", "there is a story of some new dogs available for adoption"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "There are a few stories about natural disasters . There is a massive forest fire in Australia . It covers several square kilometers of land has destroyed many more square kilometers .", "responses": ["was it caused accidentally or naturally ? sometimes it gets so hot that fires begin naturally in australia and africa .", "that s awful !", "will they be able to contain it ?", "hopefully they get some rain soon to slow it down .", "hopefully nobody was hurt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Was it caused accidentally or naturally ? Sometimes it gets so hot that fires begin naturally in Australia and Africa .", "responses": ["nobody knows at the moment , but it has been very hot there recently . the drought in africa is causing starvation . millions of people have migrated to try and find food .", "it was natural .", "i m not exactly sure .", "it did nt say in the paper .", "let me check and get back to you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nobody knows at the moment , but it has been very hot there recently . The drought in Africa is causing starvation . Millions of people have migrated to try and find food .", "responses": ["what is the international community doing to help ?", "i see . do you think that climate change might have anything to do with the fires ?", "that 's awful . the wildfire in california is similar to that kind of fire .", "yes , it seems that more and more wildfires are burning out of control these days .", "it 's almost similar to the wildfires that happen in california . both are devastating to people and the land ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is the international community doing to help ?", "responses": ["the european union has sent several plants with relief supplies . several countries have sent soldiers to distribute food and medical supplies . refugee camps have been set up across the region .", "they are flying in supplies and dropping them from planes .", "at the moment , every country is dragging their feet .", "there are many volunteers coming in to support the cause .", "i hear that water is being shipped over on huge tanker ships ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "The European union has sent several plants with relief supplies . Several countries have sent soldiers to distribute food and medical supplies . Refugee camps have been set up across the region .", "responses": ["how many countries have been affected ?", "that 's a good start , but i hope they 'll do more .", "i wonder if i can donate .", "i 'm glad we live somewhere stable .", "our country should chip in and help out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How many countries have been affected ?", "responses": ["six have been seriously affected , but the refugees are also migrating to several surrounding countries .", "at least three or four , based on what i saw in the news .", "i 'm not sure , but it seems like it would be affecting quite a few .", "just one , i think .", "good question ! i 'm not really certain ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Six have been seriously affected , but the refugees are also migrating to several surrounding countries .", "responses": ["i saw on the tv yesterday that there has been another earthquake in iran .", "are those countries taking them in ?", "which countries ?", "how many refugees ?", "has there been any violence ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I saw on the tv yesterday that there has been another earthquake in iran .", "responses": ["yes . there have been a few there recently . they say that this one was not a big quake . the iranians are dealing with it on their own . they have purchased some special equipment to find people buried u", "yes i think there are plans to provide relief to survivors there too .", "yes that is also somewhere were help is needed soon .", "a tragedy of a different kind but no less important .", "i hope they are also sending medical and other supplies to iran too then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . There have been a few there recently . They say that this one was not a big quake . The Iranians are dealing with it on their own . They have purchased some special equipment to find people buried u", "responses": ["does the newspaper say anything about casualties ?", "i hope other countries help ?", "why do nt they just use dogs ?", "i hope they find survivors .", "i hope not too many people lost their lives ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the newspaper say anything about casualties ?", "responses": ["so far , less than 20 people have died , but over 100 are in hospital .", "the iranians are not releasing any information on casulaties until identities can be verified , in deference to families .", "there hasn;t been any indicationof any yet , in this recent quake .", "far less than in precious quakes , so far , but they have n't finished the search missions .", "nothing has been released as far as casualties , they are still in the early stages of rescue operations ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "So far , less than 20 people have died , but over 100 are in hospital ."}], "index": 953} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is this a photo of your family ?", "responses": ["yes , it is . it was taken just before i was leaving for college .", "yes , what do you think .", "no , its just a stock photo ?", "why would you think that .", "do nt be silly , of course not ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , it is . It was taken just before I was leaving for college .", "responses": ["you look so lovely .", "what a nice looking family !", "nice picture , everyone 's eyes are open !", "did you take the photo along with you when you went to college ?", "who is that person on the end to the right of the photo ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You look so lovely .", "responses": ["how time flies ! i 'll not see twenty again .", "that was when i still had my good looks !", "thanks for being so sweet and kind .", "i had just gotten back from the salon that day .", "i was so young and full of energy then ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How time flies ! I'll not see twenty again ."}], "index": 954} {"fold": "test", "topic": "work", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I heard you've found a new job .", "responses": ["yes , i 'm now working in a company .", "yes , i m exited to start .", "no , i m just applying .", "not , just got rehired for the old one .", "who told you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I'm now working in a company .", "responses": ["so you 're quite happy with your new job ?", "how big a company is it ?", "what company is it ?", "how do you like working in a company ?", "when did you start working there ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "So you're quite happy with your new job ?", "responses": ["right . i enjoy what i 'm doing .", "it 's just a job to me .", "i actually love going in each morning .", "it definitely pays the bills , and that 's all that matters .", "i am enjoying my new coworkers ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Right . I enjoy what I'm doing ."}], "index": 955} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you come to spend the weekend with us ?", "responses": ["oh , i 'm afraid i ca n't . i 've had a date already .", "sorry , i m busy .", "what are you planning .", "let me see if i m free .", "depends on what s happening ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Oh , I ' m afraid I can ' t . I ' Ve had a date already .", "responses": ["that 's too bad .", "hope you two have fun then !", "we can always try for next weekend .", "oh really ? what is their name ?", "glad you found someone !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That ' s too bad .", "responses": ["may be some other time .", "can you do something next weekend ?", "i 'm just so tired out from my date .", "maybe we can grab coffee during the week ?", "how about we make plans for later this month ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "May be some other time ."}], "index": 956} {"fold": "test", "topic": "culture_and_educastion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You received a letter in the mail .", "responses": ["give it here .", "from who ?", "can i see it ?", "it 's probably junk mail .", "i hope it 's a big check ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Give it here .", "responses": ["who 's the letter from ?", "\" give it here \" -- no \" please \" ?", "do i look like your slave ? get it yourself !", "really ... \"give it here \" ? you can go get it yourself .", "i wo n't give you anything if you speak to me like that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who ' s the letter from ?", "responses": ["i think it 's my acceptance letter from nyu .", "open it and find out .", "your mom", "your dad .", "someone you know ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think it ' s my acceptance letter from NYU .", "responses": ["i want to know what it says .", "wow congratulations !", "so it says you were accepted ?", "where you expecting that so soon ?", "i did n't know you were expecting that !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I want to know what it says .", "responses": ["they did n't accept me .", "its none of your business .", "like i would tell you .", "its says i got in .", "i was nt accepted ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "They didn ' t accept me .", "responses": ["are you serious ?", "oh ! i am so sorry !", "what a disappointment for you !", "you 'll get into a better school - just wait and see !", "man , that sucks ! i know how much you wanted to go there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you serious ?", "responses": ["it 's the truth .", "yes i am serious , i my application was rejected .", "i am sure even if i did nt get in here it means there is a better opportunity out there .", "no , i am just kidding with you , i got in .", "they said the reason i did nt get in was my grade point average was nt high enough ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s the truth .", "responses": ["are you okay ?", "i 'm so sorry . there are still the others so do n't get too discouraged .", "i 'm very surprised . do they give a reason or is it just a generic letter ?", "i wish there was something i could say . i hope you do n't let this stop you from trying as hard as you have been .", "before you get too down , remember you have applications in a lot of schools . you 'll be accepted soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Are you okay ?", "responses": ["i really wanted to get into nyu .", "i 'm so mad ! !", "devastated !", "what am i going to do now ?", "i feel so sad ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I really wanted to get into NYU .", "responses": ["i am really sorry to hear that .", "i 'm so sorry .", "there are better school for you .", "why do you think you were not accepted ?", "i know you did , lets figure out a plan for you ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I am really sorry to hear that .", "responses": ["it 's okay . i 'm still waiting to hear from ucla anyway .", "thank you .", "i might have to reapply", "thank you , i just do not know what to do jow", "ugh its just not fair"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It ' s okay . I ' m still waiting to hear from UCLA anyway ."}], "index": 957} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why are you so quiet ?", "responses": ["my girlfriend just broke up with me .", "i 'm busy thinking .", "i 've been feeling sick today .", "my throat is aching .", "mind your own business ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "My girlfriend just broke up with me .", "responses": ["you must feel terrible now .", "oh , i 'm so sorry to hear that .", "what a bummer , had you been together long ?", "i completely understand ... it happened to me not long ago .", "i feel so bad for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You must feel terrible now .", "responses": ["yeah .", "i certainly do .", "how did you know ?", "actually , i feel great .", "yeah , if feel really bad ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah .", "responses": ["i remember my first break up . it was the worst feeling in the world . i was crying everyday for three months . and slowly , it got better . i know you 'll feel better too .", "what happened ?", "i 'm really sorry .", "is there anything i can do ?", "do you want to talk about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I remember my first break up . It was the worst feeling in the world . I was crying everyday for three months . And slowly , it got better . I know you'll feel better too .", "responses": ["you 've been through this too ?", "i do nt want to hear about your breakup .", "thanks , that s what i wanted hear .", "i do nt care all that much about your breakup .", "are you being serious right now ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "You've been through this too ?", "responses": ["yeah . i remember it very clearly . the pain makes it easy to remember . i know you 're really hurting right now , but you know many people experience break ups .", "unfortunately yes . but it does get better , i promise .", "yeah - it sucked , and still does in some ways , but it gets easier .", "oh , yeah , big time . it was horrible for a while . i let myself fell bad for a little while , then i forced myself to move on . it took a while , but things are great now .", "yes , and i learned a lot from it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . I remember it very clearly . The pain makes it easy to remember . I know you're really hurting right now , but you know many people experience break ups .", "responses": ["but it hurts too much .", "i am sure many have gone through this , i know i am not the only one .", "i am sorry you had to go through this before too .", "what were the things you did to get over it ?", "thanks for your concern i really appreciate it and i know it will get better ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "But it hurts too much .", "responses": ["i know it 's painful , but it 's only temporary . after the pain goes away , you 'll find other girls .", "i know it does and it will for awhile . but , believe me , it will get better as time goes by .", "i do understand . right now if feels like the end of the world but soon , you 'll be able to move on .", "try to keep yourself busy and you wo n't have as much time to think about it . trust me , we 'll be talking about this in a few months and everything will be a lot better .", "it does , i know . but someday , as bad as it feels now , it will be a distant memory and you wo n't think about it as much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I know it's painful , but it's only temporary . After the pain goes away , you'll find other girls .", "responses": ["what if i do n't want to find another girl ?", "it sure does n't seem as though it will go away .", "i just want to hide away .", "i think i 'll get drunk .", "thanks for the comforting thoughts . you 're a real friend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What if I don't want to find another girl ?", "responses": ["you 'll change your mind . look at everyone in the world . they all break up and move on . the faster you understand this , the quicker you will recover .", "do not worry you will .", "give it some time and you will feel better .", "worry about working on yourself for now .", "i do not think that has ever happen to anyone ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You'll change your mind . Look at everyone in the world . They all break up and move on . The faster you understand this , the quicker you will recover .", "responses": ["you 're right .", "aw thank you for the advice", "idk she was just so special", "you ca nt guarentee that !", "i hope i do i do nt what to be alone forever"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're right .", "responses": ["i also know you must still have strong feelings for her , but try to think of all the bad things . you know she did n't treat you that well . is that the person you want to spend the rest of your life with ?", "like i said , i 've been through this before .", "i 'm here for you whenever you feel like talking .", "i wish i could do more to help you .", "try to get some rest because it will help you to think more clearly ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "I also know you must still have strong feelings for her , but try to think of all the bad things . You know she didn't treat you that well . Is that the person you want to spend the rest of your life with ?", "responses": ["yeah . thanks for the talk .", "no , i need to find someone better", "yes , i love her", "you are right , i am going out tonight and finding someone new", "you are right , i should stop acting like a baby"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . Thanks for the talk .", "responses": ["i 'll give you a call later . we should hang out . it 's good to be around people .", "you 're welcome .", "you bet . i 'm here for you .", "i 'm always willing to listen .", "of course . whenever you need me i 'm here ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll give you a call later . We should hang out . It's good to be around people .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll talk to you later .", "i appreciate your encouragement .", "can we get together later today ?", "i 'd like that . you 're uplifting to be around .", "that sounds good , just do n't bring anybody for me to meet right now ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Ok . I'll talk to you later ."}], "index": 958} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Excuse me , what do you want for this bag ?", "responses": ["let me see . the one goes for $ 17 .", "i 'll let it go for 10 bucks .", "you can have it for five .", "that thing is pretty old . i 'll give it to you for a dollar .", "make me an offer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me see . The one goes for $ 17 .", "responses": ["would you take $ 12 ?", "hmmm ... a little expensive .", "ok , thank you .", "that 's a little out of my price range . what others do you have ?", "i like it , but not that much ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Would you take $ 12 ?", "responses": ["no , i ca n't let you have it for 12 . how about 14 ?", "no , that is too little .", "it depends .", "is that all you have ?", "are you joking ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "No , I can ' t let you have it for 12 . How about 14 ?", "responses": ["13 . 50 ?", "that sounds fair . i can do 14 .", "would 13 be ok instead ?", "alright i 'll buy the bag for that price .", "yes that is reasonable then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "13 . 50 ?", "responses": ["sorry , $ 14 is the lowest i can go .", "are you serious ?", "you ca nt afford an extra 50 ?", "how about 14 .", "no , i ca nt do that ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Sorry , $ 14 is the lowest I can go ."}], "index": 959} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m afraid I spoke in all of the table clock .", "responses": ["never mind about that .", "for how long ?", "how did it go ?", "were you supposed to do that ?", "wow , that 's too bad ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Never mind about that .", "responses": ["i 'm terribly sorry , wo n't you let me pay for ?", "are you sure you 're not worried ?", "alright if you way so .", "but i did .", "okay , lets talk about something else then ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "I ' m terribly sorry , Won ' t you let me pay for ?", "responses": ["no , i wo n't hear of it .", "no , do nt worry about it .", "no , it was old anyway .", "no , its fine .", "are you sure ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "No , I won ' t hear of it ."}], "index": 960} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A :: Mr Clinton , it's nice to see you again .", "responses": ["nice to see you again , too . peter . how 's your family ?", "it is good to see you , as well .", "i 'm pleased to see you , also . i trust all is well with you ?", "the pleasure is all mine .", "thank you ! it is always a nice surprise to run into you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Nice to see you again , too . Peter . How's your family ?", "responses": ["a : : very well . how 's mrs clinton ?", "the family is dong great thanks , how is yours ?", "they are currently in france on vacation .", "the family is fine , sally just left for college .", "well mr.clinton they currently are all under the weather so i was hoping to take some time off ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "A :: Very well . How's Mrs Clinton ?", "responses": ["not bad , but she 's as busy as before .", "she 's doing well , thanks for asking . she 's still busy at work and at the animal shelter .", "she 's visiting our daughter in california right now but she 's doing well . how is your family , peter ?", "fine , she 's doing fine . since all the kids are away at college , she has more free time and is really enjoying it .", "she 's doing good ! she is still working at the hospital and teaches yoga two nights a week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not bad , But she's as busy as before ."}], "index": 961} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whatever we do , we should do it above board .", "responses": ["you are right . we should n't do anything under the table .", "i agree . we have to be accountable .", "absolutely ! i would n't feel right about it otherwise .", "if you say so ... i think my idea is better , though .", "it would be easier if we did n't , but i see your point ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You are right . We shouldn't do anything under the table .", "responses": ["well , since you agree with me , we should put the issue above board instead of talking about through other channels .", "i agree its best to keet our integrity .", "right , doing things under the table will cause problems in the long run .", "if we pay them under the table we risk the chance of the irs coming after us .", "we want to build our customer base so i agree lets keep all this legit ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , since you agree with me , we should put the issue above board instead of talking about through other channels ."}], "index": 962} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Morning , Zina . Just wanted to say thanks again !", "responses": ["hi , vince . thanks for stopping by . how 's the work coming along for the online auction ?", "oh , you are most welcome , glad to help .", "not a problem let me know if you need anything else .", "no need to thank me , its part of my job .", "hey it was great working with you as well , so thank you too !"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Vince . Thanks for stopping by . How's the work coming along for the online auction ?", "responses": ["oh , yeah . i 'm glad you mentioned that . i think we need to hire somebody new to manage it .", "it 's moving right along . it 's a lot of work but i think it may pay off someday . i hope so , anyway !", "it 's been a little up and down . since it 's our first time doing it , we 're learning as we go", "it 's been fun working with it and it 'll be up and running soon . i have my fingers crossed all the time .", "it 's still down the road with a lot of work to be done . but , we 're making progress so that 's always nice to realize ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yeah . I'm glad you mentioned that . I think we need to hire somebody new to manage it .", "responses": ["ca n't elvin handle it ?", "oh ? what 's wrong ?", "sorry to hear that . can i help ?", "what 's the problem ?", "tell me about it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can't Elvin handle it ?", "responses": ["i think he 's got too much on his plate .", "i do not think he can .", "it is too much work for him .", "he is getting behind on the task .", "it is a lot work for one person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think he's got too much on his plate ."}], "index": 963} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "This is the best dinner I've ever had .", "responses": ["how about the soup ?", "thank you very much ! that 's quite a compliment and overly generous , to be sure .", "what a nice thing to say . i appreciate your kind words .", "thank you very much . these are old family recipes my mother and grandmother used to make .", "thank you . you are way too kind to say that . unfortunately , i ca n't take all the credit . i 've gotten these recipes from a lot of different people ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "How about the soup ?", "responses": ["i 've never tasted anything better .", "the soup was fantastic .", "such wonderful spices in that soup .", "creamy and delicious !", "wanted more , lol ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I've never tasted anything better .", "responses": ["how nice of you to say so .", "i 'm glad you liked it .", "it should be for the cost of the soup .", "my grandmother showed me how to make the soup .", "i really did not like the soup ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How nice of you to say so ."}], "index": 964} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Nick , what are you up to ?", "responses": ["not much , just heading over to the shooting range . you wanna come ?", "just ordered pizza . want to come over ?", "playing tetris on the computer .", "nothing really . what are you doing ?", "planning for a hike tomorrow . interested ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Not much , just heading over to the shooting range . You wanna come ?", "responses": ["seriously ? you mean to fire a real weapon ? i do n't know man .", "sure , let me get my guns .", "sorry i have to got back to work .", "no thanks , i hear your aim is terrible .", "how much does it cost to shot for a hour ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Seriously ? You mean to fire a real weapon ? I don ' t know man .", "responses": ["yeah , it will be fun ! i have a 9 mm pistol that is really easy to shoot . i also have a revolver that 's really fun too ! they have big targets at the range that we could use to practice and improve your aim .", "come on its fun", "oh do nt worry ill show you the ropes", "i think you will enjoy it alot", "its just like a video game"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yeah , it will be fun ! I have a 9mm pistol that is really easy to shoot . I also have a revolver that ' s really fun too ! They have big targets at the range that we could use to practice and improve your aim .", "responses": ["yeah that would be cool ! maybe i can also have a try at other weapons like a machine gun or a shotgun ! maybe even a rocket launcher or an anti tank missile ! or what about a flame thrower !", "is it really safe there ?", "i do n't think i 'll be able to hit any targets .", "i do n't know if i can actually pull the trigger .", "i just really do n't like guns at all ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "Yeah that would be cool ! Maybe I can also have a try at other weapons like a machine gun or a shotgun ! Maybe even a rocket launcher or an anti tank missile ! Or what about a flame thrower !", "responses": ["whoa , take it easy there rambo . do n't get carried away . these weapons are not toys , and you must first learn how to handle them properly . there are basic rules that you must abide by in order to be safe . for example , never handle a weapon that you have n't inspected yourself . always make sure there is n't anything in the chamber , and never put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to shoot !", "settle down rambo , we 'll just shoot my guns", "you can rent a shotgun at the range", "i do n't think they have flame throwers", "yeah , that would be cool if we could"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whoa , take it easy there Rambo . Don ' t get carried away . These weapons are not toys , and you must first learn how to handle them properly . There are basic rules that you must abide by in order to be safe . For example , never handle a weapon that you haven ' t inspected yourself . Always make sure there isn ' t anything in the chamber , and never put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to shoot !", "responses": ["wow , i did n't know ! it always looks so cool and easy in the movies !", "i was n't being serious .", "i was kidding .", "okay , i 'll just try out your gun first .", "i 'll dial my enthusiasm back a bit . let 's go !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , I didn ' t know ! It always looks so cool and easy in the movies !", "responses": ["the reality is different you know , running and firing a weapon is a lot harder than in the movies ! so are you ready ?", "that 's because they know the safety rules .", "it is cool as long as you are responsible .", "i 'll teach you how to be responsible and safe with them first .", "are you sure you ready for this ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "The reality is different you know , running and firing a weapon is a lot harder than in the movies ! So are you ready ?", "responses": ["let 's do it !", "yes , i think i 'm ready .", "i want to be safe . can you teach me how to inspect the weapons ?", "yes , i 'm so excited . let 's go .", "yes , can i try the easiest weapon first ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let ' s do it !"}], "index": 965} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi , Jim . How are you ? I haven ' t seen you for a while .", "responses": ["i 'm fine . i 've been out of town . i just got back .", "i am really good thank you for asking", "i know been too long , but i am good", "i m a little down , been going through alot", "stressed ! looking for a new job is hard"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I ' m fine . I ' Ve been out of town . I just got back .", "responses": ["where were you ?", "oh , where did you go ?", "well , i 'm glad you back .", "i hope it was n't bad news that took you away .", "i bet your glad to be home ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where were you ?", "responses": ["i was in new york for a wedding .", "i went on vacation to florida", "i went camping up north", "i had to get out of town for a while", "i went to visit my mother in denver"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I was in New York for a wedding ."}], "index": 966} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Broadway Mall is having a big sale this weekend . You wanna go ?", "responses": ["do n't feel like it . i 'm broke .", "yes !", "when is it till ?", "okay sure i hope i find new shoes", "of course i want to com"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Don't feel like it . I'm broke .", "responses": ["well , we can still do some window shopping , ca n't we ?", "oh , i can understand that .", "well , i could loan you some money .", "well , if you see something you like then i could buy it for you and you pay me back later .", "are you sure because the sale is supposed to be so big ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Well , we can still do some window shopping , can't we ?", "responses": ["just look around ? ah , that 's boring .", "i do n't want to window shop with no money", "that does n't sound like fun at all", "sure , i can see a bunch of stuff i ca n't afford ... good times", "you can window shop all you want , but i am not in"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Just look around ? Ah , that's boring .", "responses": ["i 'll go myself then .", "i 'm in the mood to look around .", "it 's better than doing nothing .", "what would you like to do ?", "do you mind if i go without you ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'll go myself then ."}], "index": 967} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's the problem , Nada ? You look down in the dumps .", "responses": ["i do n't know . my life is a big mess . everything is so complicated .", "yeah , i 'm just tired .", "i was up all night .", "i have n't had my coffee yet .", "i 've been sick for over a week ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I don't know . My life is a big mess . Everything is so complicated .", "responses": ["come on , nothing can be that bad .", "what is wrong ?", "you are a drama queen", "why is you life a mess ?", "what is so complicated ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "come on , nothing can be that bad .", "responses": ["but promise me , you 'll keep it a secret .", "actually , it can be that bad .", "if feels like it is that bad .", "wait until you hear what the problem is .", "i wish it was n't so bad , but it is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "but promise me , you'll keep it a secret .", "responses": ["ok , i promise . so what 's troubling you so much ?", "i 'm not always good at secrets but i promise to respect you .", "absolutely , what 's up ?", "of course , your story is safe with me .", "what 's going on ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "ok , I promise . So what's troubling you so much ?", "responses": ["i 've fallen in love with my boss .", "i got fired by my company recently . so i am having financial difficulty right now .", "my husband got injured from his job and can not go to work for at least two months . we will be stuck without wages from him .", "i had a bad back pain recently , which made me feel so frustrated and bad .", "my car is broken and i need to buy a new car . but i do n't have enough money for down payment ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I've fallen in love with my boss .", "responses": ["really ? is he married ?", "but what about your husband ?", "does your boss know ?", "have you two been having an affair ?", "oh , that 's not good . i hope his wife does n't find out ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "really ? Is he married ?", "responses": ["no , of course not . he is still single .", "of course he 's married . who 's boss is n't ?", "why would you ask me that ? i would never date a married man .", "no , but that does n't make it alright . we should not be crossing the line .", "yes , but please keep that to yourself . keep this whole mess to yourself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "no , of course not . He is still single .", "responses": ["then what 's your problem ?", "well that is good , but how can you be sure ?", "well is there any policy about dating your superiors ?", "how much time have you spent together away from work .", "well , that 's one way to get a pay raise !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "then what's your problem ?", "responses": ["i try to keep it to myself . but there is a lot of gossip about us .", "he 's my boss that s the problem .", "it could get really messy", "i do n't know how he feels about me", "i think he might like me too but we are n't allowed to date due to office policy"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "I try to keep it to myself . But there is a lot of gossip about us .", "responses": ["oh , i see . office romance tends to be the subject of gossip .", "oh , who cares what other people think !", "well , it is n't any of their business anyways .", "gossip about what ? are bosses not aloud to date employees ?", "oh really ? are your coworkers treating you differently ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "oh , I see . Office romance tends to be the subject of gossip .", "responses": ["worse still , he is trying to avoid me these days .", "dating your boss would be a bad idea .", "yeah , stay away from your boss .", "i would probably quit .", "why would you do that to yourself ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "worse still , he is trying to avoid me these days .", "responses": ["office romance is very tricky .", "perhaps it is n't a mutual attraction ?", "he may not be interested .", "have you discussed it with him ?", "you should talk to him about it , but keep it professional ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "office romance is very tricky .", "responses": ["it gives me a lot of pressure and i feel depressed .", "i think he 's interested in me , but does n't know what to do .", "it is . i think he feels pressured to avoid me as much as possible so as not to look like he is playing favorites .", "i know . i wish i did n't have feelings for him , but i do .", "i know . i 'm sure there are rules about it . but , i ca n't help my feelings ."]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "it gives me a lot of pressure and I feel depressed .", "responses": ["cheer up , nada . you 'll be fine .", "have you talked to him about it ?", "sometimes people gossip because they do n't have enough going on in their own lives . do n't worry about it .", "does he feel the same way about you ?", "what does your boss think about it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "cheer up , Nada . You'll be fine ."}], "index": 968} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "You're not looking happy . What's the matter ?", "responses": ["oh , nothing special . i 'm just a bit tired .", "i 'm not feeling good .", "i had a bad day at work .", "i just heard some bad news .", "my car broke down ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , nothing special . I'm just a bit tired .", "responses": ["with the job ?", "did you not sleep well last night ?", "was it a late night ?", "i 'm feeling a bit tired today too .", "do you want to talk ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "With the job ?", "responses": ["with everything , with everybody , with all this !", "yes , i worked 10 hours today for an important project .", "not really . i think it 's because i did n't have a good sleep yesterday night .", "oh , with everything . my job , the housework and the kids all made me tired .", "yes , i worked overtime for three days this week . it 's so exhausting ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "With everything , with everybody , with all this !", "responses": ["a good suggestion for you . you need a holiday .", "oh no . if you ever want to talk , i 'm here .", "sounds like you 're fed up .", "want to grab a drink sometime ? i know things can be stressful .", "do n't worry , you 'll get through it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "A good suggestion for you . You need a holiday .", "responses": ["it was n't always like this , you know .", "do n't we all ? i 'm no more stressed than usual .", "would you be willing to treat ? i need to save money and get out of debt .", "would you come with me ? i hate to vacation alone .", "i have one planned . a trip to italy for two . i ca n't wait ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "It wasn't always like this , you know .", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "i know , you have been under a lot of stress lately .", "looking your spouse really changes your outlook on life .", "i know , what can i do for you ?", "i know , things just have to get better for you ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["well , i mean . we always do the same thing . there 's no variety in our lives .", "i used to be happy", "i do n't know i guess i 'm just down", "just wishing things were the way they used to be", "i do n't know maybe you 're right i need a holiday . maybe i need a break from life ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I mean . We always do the same thing . There's no variety in our lives .", "responses": ["you need a holiday . that 's what 's the matter .", "so you are bored with us is what you are saying ?", "i 'm surprised you feel that way !", "since when ? we just took that cooking class last month .", "well , i try to get you to do new things with me but your always too busy ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You need a holiday . That's what's the matter .", "responses": ["certainly , perhaps .", "i ca nt afford a holiday .", "i do nt have the money .", "not everyone is as free as you .", "wanna pay for it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Certainly , perhaps ."}], "index": 969} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I wonder what he looks like . Oh , I can't wait to see him ! His email said he'd be wearing a white hat . ( looking around for him ) oh , there is .", "responses": ["hey , isabelle ...", "hey i 'm meeting \" said person \" , is that you ?", "you 're wearing a white hat , you must be , \" said person \" ?", "i 'm so excited to finally meet you !", "hey , it 's so good to see you !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hey , Isabelle ...", "responses": ["logan ! why on earth are you hiding here ? white hat ! come on ! do n't tell me you 're the guy ! it ca n't be true .", "i see him . he looks great .", "hi , are you mike ?", "hi , nice to meet you . you are john ?", "hey , your white hat caught my attention . are you steve ?"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "Logan ! Why on earth are you hiding here ? White hat ! Come on ! Don't tell me you're the guy ! It can't be true .", "responses": ["yes , i am the guy .", "i 've had a crush on you for a long time , isabelle .", "i am the guy . i did n't realize it was you . this is embarrassing .", "haha , what are you talking about ? what guy ?", "oh , uh , yeah i guess i am . will you have a seat ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I am the guy .", "responses": ["what a bummer ! you set me up ?", "why did you do all of this ? i would have gone out with you , if you 'd asked .", "is this some kind of a joke ? what 's with the act ?", "you are too much ! what else do you have in mind for the evening ?", "i should have known . i owe you a good prank now ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "What a bummer ! You set me up ?", "responses": ["let me explain . i did n't mean to hurt you ...", "it was the only way i could get you to go out with me .", "wow , i did n't think you would be this disappointed .", "i guess i did , can we try to have a fun night .", "april 's fool !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Let me explain . I didn't mean to hurt you ...", "responses": ["how dare you ! ( starts to walk off )", "well , you did", "you better have a good explanation .", "i am so hurt , how could you do this to me ?", "no . i do n't even want to talk to you right now ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "How dare you ! ( starts to walk off )", "responses": ["hang on one second . hear me out , just this once , isabella !", "i just had to see you again .", "i knew you would n't meet with me any other way .", "i m sorry ! this was a mistake .", "wait ! just hear me out !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hang on one second . Hear me out , just this once , Isabella !", "responses": ["why did you lie to me in the email ?", "no way i m listening to you .", "nope , i m off .", "you had your chance .", "like i m gon na stand here and talk to you ."]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "question", "text": "Why did you lie to me in the email ?", "responses": ["i did n't lie . you just did n't ask me my real name .", "i just wanted a chance to explain .", "i wanted to talk to you in person to show you how sincere i am .", "i needed to be able to show you this in person .", "because i needed to apologize to you in person ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I didn't lie . You just didn't ask me my real name .", "responses": ["i should have known it was you . no wonder all the 20 questions were answered correctly . i thought i might have found the one for me .", "oh , so it 's my fault ?", "what difference does that make ?", "you still set me up and i hate you for it !", "you pretended to be someone else ! i say again , how dare you ! !"]}, {"emotion": "anger", "act": "inform", "text": "I should have known it was you . No wonder all the 20 questions were answered correctly . I thought I might have found the one for me .", "responses": ["i 'm sorry . it was cruel of me . but i promise it will never happen again ? look , there 's a nice restaurant . let me take you to dinner and we can talk things over .", "what makes you think you have n't ?", "i know you 're upset , but there is something you need to know .", "you have , but are too stubborn to realize it .", "no one is good enough for you , but i might be the closest thing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I'm sorry . It was cruel of me . But I promise it will never happen again ? Look , there's a nice restaurant . Let me take you to dinner and we can talk things over ."}], "index": 970} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Peter , how often do you exercise ?", "responses": ["well , i swim and run every day .", "i go to the gym three days a week .", "i workout for three to five hours every week .", "i take a walk everyday for 30 minutes .", "i do weight lifting for 30 minutes and take a zumba class for one hour everyday ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I swim and run every day .", "responses": ["now , tell me , what do you eat ?", "wow , you 're so dedicated .", "i try to get to the gym when i can . you put me to shame .", "i run every day , but i do n't swim . i do n't know how .", "do you participate in biathlons ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Now , tell me , what do you eat ?", "responses": ["well , i do n't eat any meat , but i do eat fish and eggs .", "i guess i eat a pretty normal diet . it 's hard to remember everything in order to explain .", "i eat mostly vegetables , grains , and chicken . sometimes i eat pasta .", "i eat a diet of mostly plant based foods , and only eat meat on mondays .", "i do n't eat as often as i should , but i eat only organic foods . i ca n't cook , so mostly prepared salads ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I don't eat any meat , but I do eat fish and eggs .", "responses": ["do you eat a lot of vegetables ?", "how many sweets do you eat ?", "what kind of job do you have ?", "how much weight do you want to loose ?", "are you a couch potato ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you eat a lot of vegetables ?", "responses": ["oh yes , and fruit , i love fruit .", "yes i do eat lots of veggies", "i do i love vegetables .", "not really . i have n't found any i like", "no , but i 'm working on eating more"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh yes , and fruit , I love fruit .", "responses": ["what do you drink ?", "do you try to keep your carb within a healthy range ?", "have you ever been on a fad diet ?", "how often do you treat yourself to junk of any sort ?", "have you ever considered any other forms of exercise ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you drink ?", "responses": ["well , i never drink alcohol , coffee or tea . they are very bad for you .", "only water .", "water and fresh juice .", "i only drink coconut water .", "i only drink filtered water ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , I never drink alcohol , coffee or tea . They are very bad for you .", "responses": ["what do you drink ?", "do you like juice ?", "i admire such dedication to a healthy lifestyle .", "how much rest do you get each night ?", "do you take any vitamins ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you drink ?"}], "index": 971} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Did you watch the volleyball match last night ?", "responses": ["yeah .", "no , i was busy .", "yes , i ca n't believe the outcome .", "no , i missed it . was it interesting ?", "yes , but only some of it . the match was rather boring ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah .", "responses": ["who won ?", "what a disaster ! i thought they 'd be more prepared .", "i almost could n't watch . that was painful to witness .", "what did you think ? i missed the first half .", "i did n't . what happened ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who won ?", "responses": ["china .", "it was a tie .", "my team won , of coarse .", "i am not really sure , we left before it was over .", "the girls beat the crap out of the boys ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "China .", "responses": ["what was the score ?", "yes ! go china !", "dang . i lost the bet .", "oh okay just curious", "okay thanks ! i was hoping they would win"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What was the score ?", "responses": ["china beat brazil 3 to 0 .", "score was 3 - 2 china", "4 - 2 , you missed a great game !", "the score was 2 - 1 , it went into overtime !", "ummm , 4 - 3 or something . i was so mad i did n't really pay attention ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "China beat Brazil 3 to 0 .", "responses": ["wonderful !", "are you serious ?", "man , what an upset .", "i did nt realize they were so good .", "were they favored to win ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wonderful !"}], "index": 972} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Even if our company didn't have a dress code , I still think people would wear formal clothing to work .", "responses": ["i would n't be so sure ... people want to wear what they feel most comfortable in .", "i disagree , i would prefer to wear comfortable clothing wherever possible .", "i disagree , formal clothing can inhibit productivity and is expensive .", "i disagree , you do n't need to wear formal clothing to be professional .", "i disagree , unless our employees are interacting with customers they should n't need to wear formal clothing ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wouldn't be so sure ... People want to wear what they feel most comfortable in .", "responses": ["maybe that 's true for some positions , but i think the marketing and sales staff would definitely not agree . they dress for success ! you ca n't go out on a sales call if you are dressed in jeans . it 's just not respectful to you client .", "maybe you 're right , but i think people would still dress up .", "perhaps , but the culture here is so strong , i think people would still dress up .", "true ... but we 've been dressing this way so long , it is the thing we feel most comfortable wearing !", "quite true ... i'd love to wear jeans myself and i suppose others do as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe that's true for some positions , but I think the marketing and sales staff would definitely not agree . They dress for success ! You can't go out on a sales call if you are dressed in jeans . It's just not respectful to you client .", "responses": ["i think what you wear is so overrated . i would rather have a down - to - earth , honest and solid sales person than a painted , patent leather , designer suite salesman .", "i disagree , depending on the client it would actually fit in more with what they wear .", "if the client is in an industrial environment a suit and tie would look out of place .", "i do see your point .", "perhaps you are right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I think what you wear is so overrated . I would rather have a down-to-earth , honest and solid sales person than a painted , patent leather , designer suite salesman .", "responses": ["it 's not as simple as that . people judge you by your appearance , whether you like it or not . so dressing professional is being professional . the image that you portray to others is so important in business . it 's your image and how others perceive you that makes the difference between landing or losing a sale .", "fair enough .", "i do n't really disagree , but i think that being nicely dressed would be a bonus .", "yeah , but people who are dressed more formally are generally viewed as more trustworthy and competent .", "it might be a tad bit overrated , but it is still important ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's not as simple as that . People judge you by your appearance , whether you like it or not . So dressing professional is being professional . The image that you portray to others is so important in business . It's your image and how others perceive you that makes the difference between landing or losing a sale .", "responses": ["maybe you 're right , but i 'll take my sneakers and jeans any day !", "i guess that makes sense , just wish it was n't such a big deal .", "have they ever done studies to show what appearance customers prefer ?", "i have heard people say the same thing about why they dress up to go to their jobs .", "the way people make decisions when purchasing something always amazes me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Maybe you're right , but I'll take my sneakers and jeans any day !"}], "index": 973} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Isn't it wonderful walking here ?", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "yes , this is a very nice beach .", "the trees have really grown since we last came here .", "we should come here more often .", "i wonder how many other people walk here ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["i mean look at all these magnificent buildings around us .", "just look around -- the forest and mountains are beautiful !", "oh , i just love the hustle and bustle of the city .", "just the peacefulness of the park makes walking fun .", "it 's so quiet and it gives me time to think ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I mean look at all these magnificent buildings around us .", "responses": ["yes , look over there . that 's the empire state building . my book says it 's 102 stories tall .", "they are quite beautiful .", "there are quite a few of them .", "are you into architecture ?", "which one do you like best ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , look over there . That's the Empire State Building . My book says it's 102 stories tall .", "responses": ["it 's quite famous but do n't you think it looks a bit old - fashioned ?", "wow . that is tall !", "awesome , i 've always wanted to see the empire state building .", "cool . let 's get closer so we can take some pictures of it .", "how long do you think it take to walk up all the stairs to the top ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's quite famous but don't you think it looks a bit old-fashioned ?", "responses": ["you 're right , but when it was built in 1930 it was a marvel of technology and engineering .", "i think that is what gives it charm , it has stood the test of time .", "i think having variety of old and new buildings makes a city stand out .", "i wish we preserved more of our older buildings , they have so much more detail .", "maybe old - fashioned , but better than the glass boxes they are building nowadays ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You're right , but when it was built in 1930 it was a marvel of technology and engineering .", "responses": ["what other important buildings are we going to see on fifth avenue ?", "do you know who built it ?", "what do you want to see next ?", "do you want to go inside and take a look ?", "would n't it be cool to work here ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What other important buildings are we going to see on Fifth Avenue ?", "responses": ["quite a number . actually every skyscraper has a history . a few blocks ahead we 'll see st . patrick 's cathedral and just across the street will be the world - renowed rockefeller center . it 's a landmark in the history of architecture .", "let me check the map .", "we can just walk and see what is next .", "we can just walk and see what is next .", "i can look at this brochure and see ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Quite a number . Actually every skyscraper has a history . A few blocks ahead we'll see St . Patrick ' s Cathedral and just across the street will be the world-renowed Rockefeller Center . It's a landmark in the history of architecture .", "responses": ["what 's there after that ?", "do you know when st patrick 's cathedral was built ?", "can we go on a tour of the rockefeller center ? i want to go see the today show ?", "how do you know so much about architecture ?", "what is your favorite skyscraper in the city ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What's there after that ?", "responses": ["well then , there 's a central park . facing the park on fifth avenue is probably some of the most expensive properties in the world .", "google is your friend .", "get a map .", "i have no idea .", "i think that s it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well then , there's a Central Park . Facing the park on Fifth Avenue is probably some of the most expensive properties in the world .", "responses": ["what are they all for ?", "how many times have you been here ?", "you should be a professional tour guide .", "i would love to see central park .", "new york is truly an amazing city ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What are they all for ?", "responses": ["most of them are office buildings , huge department stores , and hotels but some are just private homes . new york is one of the financial centers of the world . and there are lots of very expensive places .", "i think they are offices and apartments for rich people .", "i do n't know , what do you think ?", "i think some expensive hotels and apartments .", "i 'm not too sure . maybe offices ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Most of them are office buildings , huge department stores , and hotels but some are just private homes . New York is one of the financial centers of the world . And there are lots of very expensive places ."}], "index": 974} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hey Kevin , what are you doing here ? Don't you usually spend Tuesday nights at home studying ?", "responses": ["i needed to get out of the house . my parents just went ballistic over something my older sister told them .", "usually , but i 'm taking a break tonight .", "we have the week off , so i 'm enjoying a night away from the books !", "i 've done all the studying i can stand to do this week .", "usually , but we do n't have any assignments due this week ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I needed to get out of the house . My parents just went ballistic over something my older sister told them .", "responses": ["what did she tell them ? is she dropping out of college ?", "do you want to talk about it ?", "sound dramatic . care to share ?", "wow . it must have been a big deal to make you come here .", "what did she say to them or is it none of my business ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What did she tell them ? Is she dropping out of college ?", "responses": ["nothing that serious . she finally told them that she moved out of the dormitory a few months ago and has been living with her boyfriend .", "no it was about her boyfriend .", "no , she thinks she might be pregnant .", "i have no idea , i just rushed out of there as quickly as i could .", "she told them that she wants to move out ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Nothing that serious . She finally told them that she moved out of the dormitory a few months ago and has been living with her boyfriend .", "responses": ["and your parents took it badly ?", "ah , i can see your parents being upset about that !", "how long has your sister been dating her boyfriend ?", "are your parents still paying for the dormitory ? i could see them being upset about that .", "do your parents like her boyfriend ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "And your parents took it badly ?", "responses": ["that 's putting it mildly . my father started shouting at my sister and my mother just glared at her .", "they went off the rails with her on the phone .", "they do n't approve of her boyfriend .", "they think she is rushing into a relationship .", "they think she is no longer taking her schooling seriously ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's putting it mildly . My father started shouting at my sister and my mother just glared at her .", "responses": ["ouch , that sounds bad . what did your sister do ?", "that must have been awful .", "is your sister alright ?", "did your parents ever calm down ?", "did you say anything to her ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Ouch , that sounds bad . What did your sister do ?", "responses": ["she started arguing back to my dad that how much she loves her boyfriend , how they 're in love and it 's not hurting anybody , and so on . my dad said she 's too young to do this , and that she should move out right away .", "i 'm sorry they reacted poorly .", "wow this is all a big surprise .", "my sister cried all night .", "my sister decided she wanted to move away ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "She started arguing back to my dad that how much she loves her boyfriend , how they're in love and it's not hurting anybody , and so on . My dad said she's too young to do this , and that she should move out right away .", "responses": ["how long has your sister been with her boyfriend ?", "really wow .", "i would have stayed quiet .", "that s a bit harsh do nt you think .", "why would she say anything ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "How long has your sister been with her boyfriend ?", "responses": ["three years . they 've been dating since freshman year . they 're even talking about marriage .", "i have no idea .", "about six months . it 's too soon .", "three weeks . can you imagine ?", "not long enough to be playing house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Three years . They've been dating since freshman year . They're even talking about marriage .", "responses": ["really ? then i guess living together would be a good idea .", "three years ? your parents sound pretty old fashioned .", "oh wow , sounds really serious . i think it was fine her moving in if they have been together that long .", "and what do you think about the situation ?", "i see . do you think they will get married ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Really ? Then I guess living together would be a good idea .", "responses": ["what do you mean ?", "it 's her life . she can do what she wants .", "i do n't see why my parents are so worried about it .", "she 's an adult . she can make her own decisions .", "it 's the best way to find out if they 're truly compatible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you mean ?", "responses": ["well , these days too many people are getting divorced . if they live together , then at least they 're finding out if they 're really compatible or not .", "living together is the step between long term dating and marriage .", "if they 're considering marriage , it 's good for them to see if they are compatible living together first .", "moving in together can help with household expenses .", "it sounds serious , so why not move in together to see if they like it ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , these days too many people are getting divorced . If they live together , then at least they're finding out if they're really compatible or not .", "responses": ["i guess so . better to find out now than after you 're married , when it 's harder to get out .", "they do n't make enough money to live together .", "he does n't want to live with her yet he likes his roommates too much .", "if they move in together his family will stop paying his tuition .", "living together has been a bad idea all they do is fight ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I guess so . Better to find out now than after you're married , when it's harder to get out ."}], "index": 975} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Do you think they two will get married ?", "responses": ["yeah , you can count on it .", "it is certainly possible .", "no , they argue way too much . i do n't think they are really happy .", "probably , they never leave each others side .", "perhaps , they are really good together ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , you can count on it .", "responses": ["i think so . yes , they get along so well .", "they do seem to be deeply in love .", "want to make a bet on their wedding month ?", "it 's good they are n't rushing into it .", "i 'm not so sure , i do n't think they will ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I think so . Yes , they get along so well .", "responses": ["i like him . he 's good for her .", "i do n't think it will happen until they finish school , though .", "their kids will be cute , if they have any .", "i hope her family does n't give her a hard time about it . you know , they 're very religious and do n't want her marrying outside the family 's faith .", "it will be a fun wedding for us to go to ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I like him . He's good for her .", "responses": ["you 're right . he sure is .", "i like him too .", "she is very happy with him .", "she loves him very much .", "he will make a wonderful husband ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "You're right . He sure is ."}], "index": 976} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What do you think of Frank ?", "responses": ["he is all right . but i think he seems to have no back bone .", "he seems really nice .", "i do n't know , he does n't really talk much .", "he seems like a really nice guy . very considerate .", "he is so down to earth ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "He is all right . But I think he seems to have no back bone .", "responses": ["why do you say that ?", "why do you say that ?", "what did he do that makes you feel that way ?", "i think he seems pretty cool .", "yeah , i kind of noticed that as well ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why do you say that ?", "responses": ["whatever things get tough , he gives in .", "frank is so quiet . he never sticks up for himself .", "frank is so quiet . he never sticks up for himself .", "frank is so quiet . he never sticks up for himself .", "frank is so quiet . he never sticks up for himself ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Whatever things get tough , he gives in ."}], "index": 977} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Uh-oh . We don't have a flashlight .", "responses": ["do n't worry . we 'll make it back to the camp site before dark .", "that 's okay . i can see pretty well in the dark .", "i can use the light from my phone .", "we 'll just have to do the best we can in the dark .", "i think there 's one in the basement . i will go get it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Don't worry . We'll make it back to the camp site before dark .", "responses": ["i sure hope so .", "i hope you are right .", "i am scared of the dark .", "i hope we do n't get lost .", "i ca n't help but worry ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I sure hope so ."}], "index": 978} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you speak only English in the class , or does your teacher explain everything to you in Spanish ?", "responses": ["oh , we never speak spanish in class ! miss . parker speaks to us only in english .", "we speak english and spanish .", "my teacher explains everything in spanish .", "we speak only english .", "my teacher explains everything in english ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , we never speak Spanish in class ! Miss . Parker speaks to us only in English .", "responses": ["i suppose she 's right . does she speak english very slowly ?", "she is the worse spanish teacher .", "i feel like i will never learn spanish at this pace .", "i wish we spoke more spanish in class", "i 'm taking an outside spanish class with a better teacher ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "I suppose she's right . Does she speak English very slowly ?", "responses": ["not always . sometimes we do n't understand her . then she has to repeat what she said .", "no , she goes way to fast .", "depends on how you define slow .", "i think she goes way to fast .", "not for me she does nt ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not always . Sometimes we don't understand her . Then she has to repeat what she said .", "responses": ["it must be interesting to study english .", "i guess that 's a good way to learn .", "i ca n't imagine learning a second language that way .", "my spanish teacher did that for a short time . it didn;t work .", "it good to be bilingual nowadays ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It must be interesting to study English .", "responses": ["mario and i are the best students in the class . miss . parker says that my pronunciation is very good .", "it can be very hard to learn .", "it is ! i like the way it sounds .", "not really , but it 's important for my future career .", "it 's okay , i guess . i 'd rather learn french , but english is more practical ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Mario and I are the best students in the class . Miss . Parker says that my pronunciation is very good .", "responses": ["is english pronunciation easy or difficult ?", "that 's good . how 's your spelling ?", "that must make you very proud .", "do you enjoy learning the language ?", "that 's very good to hear !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is English pronunciation easy or difficult ?", "responses": ["sometimes it 's difficult . some words look different from the way one pronounces them .", "oh , so hard ! it feels like every word has unique rules !", "most students struggle , but mario and i find it easy .", "moderately hard , but you can be good at it with practice .", "i think it 's hard , but i 've been watching movies in english so it helps my ear for the language ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sometimes it's difficult . Some words look different from the way one pronounces them ."}], "index": 979} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's quiet everywhere in winter .", "responses": ["yes . i like winter .", "i agree most people stay home during the winter .", "everything slows up in the winter .", "i like how still winter nights are .", "the winter makes it harder to do everything"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . I like winter .", "responses": ["me too .", "i hate the cold .", "not me . i do nt .", "really , why ? you ca nt do anything .", "where do you live ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Me too .", "responses": ["it 's snowing heavily . what about taking a walk ?", "we do n't get a lot of snow though .", "i do n't like driving because some people are terrible .", "i make a snowman every chance i get .", "it 's ten times better than summer ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "It's snowing heavily . What about taking a walk ?", "responses": ["that 's a good idea . let 's go !", "yes , i would really like that .", "i do n't feel like getting bundled up .", "can we build a snowman instead ?", "i 'd rather stay inside by the fireplace ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "That's a good idea . Let's go !", "responses": ["what a heavy snow ! look ! the water is frozen .", "do you know where my boots are ?", "let me grab my coat .", "i hope it 's good snowball snow !", "want to build a snowman too ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "What a heavy snow ! Look ! The water is frozen .", "responses": ["take care ! do n't slip on the ground .", "i wish we had ice skates !", "do you think the ice is thick enough to stand on ?", "be careful ! the ice may be thin !", "let 's walk around the water . i do n't want to accidentally get wet ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Take care ! Don't slip on the ground .", "responses": ["i 've got it . i like the feeling of stepping on the ice .", "i wore my slip - resistant boots .", "i ski everywhere so i wo n't fall .", "i 'll be really careful do n't worry .", "i have n't fallen down in 12 years and it 's not happening today ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I've got it . I like the feeling of stepping on the ice .", "responses": ["yes . very wonderful .", "me too ! it 's almost like walking on water .", "i love sliding across it .", "come here and i 'll push you on it !", "i like the crackling sound it makes ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes . Very wonderful .", "responses": ["there is a snowman over there .", "such a unique sensation .", "it 's unlike any other surface .", "it 's dangerous , yet exhilarating .", "i could do this all day ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "There is a snowman over there .", "responses": ["how lovely it is !", "want to build one next to it ?", "let 's go take a look !", "it feels like we 're in a winter wonderland out here !", "i 've never built a snowman before . is it hard ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "How lovely it is !"}], "index": 980} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Tim's always bothering me .", "responses": ["just tell him off .", "tim always bothers me too .", "i ca n't stand tim .", "you should tell tim he needs to stop .", "tim is so annoying ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Just tell him off ."}], "index": 981} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who are those guys ?", "responses": ["kobe bryant and shaquille o'neal , they are the los angeles lakers'star players .", "i have no idea .", "i thought they were with you ?", "i think they 're in our class .", "i thought you knew them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O ' Neal , they are the Los Angeles Lakers ' star players .", "responses": ["oh .", "i think you mean were .", "wow . cool . i think i 've heard of them .", "you must be a big lakers fan .", "i would love to go to a game some time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh .", "responses": ["wait a second . he shoots , he scores !", "they were parts of one of the best basketball teams of all time .", "you seriously do n't recognize them ?", "that 's all you have to say ? these guys are legends !", "you must really not know any basketball , huh ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Wait a second . He shoots , he scores !", "responses": ["all right !", "so you like that team ?", "are they good players ?", "are they your favorites ?", "which one do you like better ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "All right !", "responses": ["here comes jordan , though .", "do you still not know what sport they play ?", "i 'm only kidding . they are very famous basketball players !", "and the crowd goes wild !", "they are two of the best all - time players in the nba ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Here comes Jordan , though .", "responses": ["wow , michael jordan 's slam - dunks are beautiful things to watch .", "i ca n't believe scottie pippin is still playing too .", "i love watching this old nba games on youtube .", "these are some of the greatest players of all time .", "i ca n't believe how amazing these players are ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wow , Michael Jordan ' s slam-dunks are beautiful things to watch .", "responses": ["yeah . he 's older , so he does n't slam as much as he did when he was younger , but when he does , it 's still amazing .", "i know . it never gets old .", "have you ever seen the one he made from the free throw line ?", "it 's like he has springs in his legs .", "i could watch him all day ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . He ' s older , so he doesn ' t slam as much as he did when he was younger , but when he does , it ' s still amazing .", "responses": ["which team do you think will win ?", "how old is he now ?", "i 'm surprised he can still jump that high .", "he still dunks better than some of the rookies .", "think he could still make it from the free throw line ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Which team do you think will win ?", "responses": ["the lakers . jordan is the only good player washington has .", "the lakers for sure .", "i think the lakers are much stronger now .", "i 'm always bad at picking , but i think the wizards will pull this one out .", "i 'm not sure , this one looks close ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The Lakers . Jordan is the only good player Washington has ."}], "index": 982} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I am sorry to trouble you again , Mr . Stone .", "responses": ["it 's ok . what do you want to ask ?", "no trouble at all ! how can i help you ?", "that 's ok , i was just finishing up .", "no , please , what is it you need ?", "nonsense ! lay it on me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "It's ok . What do you want to ask ?", "responses": ["where should i go after i arrived at the university ?", "well , sir , i wanted to ask for a raise .", "can you give me some career advice , mr . stone ?", "can i have access to the downstairs printer ?", "do you need any help with that other project , sir ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where should I go after I arrived at the university ?", "responses": ["the first place you should go is the international center .", "you should come see me in the library .", "i 'll have my assistant waiting for you in parking lot c. she will show you were to go .", "you have to go to security first and get a parking pass .", "you should go to the information desk and have them page me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "The first place you should go is the International Center .", "responses": ["why ?", "is that on the south end ?", "what am i supposed to do there ?", "ok , that 's for the advice !", "oh yeah , now i remember ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Why ?", "responses": ["you can get help there in dealing with the united states immigration and naturalization service ; you can find foreign student advisers .", "so you can get the right books .", "it 's where you sign up for your dorm .", "it 's the best place to find maps of the campus .", "you have to register your for your orientation there ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You can get help there in dealing with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service ; you can find Foreign Student Advisers .", "responses": ["what kind of role do foreign student advisers play ?", "thanks for the advice , mr . stone !", "ah , that sounds like a good idea !", "is there a parking garage nearby ?", "what does a foreign student adviser do differently than a normal adviser ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What kind of role do foreign student advisers play ?", "responses": ["they 'll discuss personal concerns , housing , adjustment , finances and other matters with you .", "they can tell you what things you will need for living arrangements .", "if you want to shop and get groceries , they can tell you where to go .", "if you need help with paperwork , these advisers can assist in it .", "overall , they are younger people who know what you are going through ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "They'll discuss personal concerns , housing , adjustment , finances and other matters with you .", "responses": ["can we get any more help at the international center ?", "ok , then , thanks for this information .", "will they be able to set everything up in one day ?", "do the foreign student advisors speak more than one language ?", "can i accomplish this today ? do you know if they are open now ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Can we get any more help at the International Center ?", "responses": ["yes , a lot more . if you go there just before the beginning of the fall 's semester , you can get your student i d and social security number there . they will keep your documents up - to - date . they will offer an orientation program for new comers . they will also help you contact your department and registration office .", "yes , i am recruiting new people to help you guys .", "no , it 's not in the budget for the year .", "yes we are recruiting new volunteers right now .", "i have to get approval from the board before we can get you more help ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Yes , a lot more . If you go there just before the beginning of the fall's semester , you can get your student ID and social security number there . They will keep your documents up-to-date . They will offer an orientation program for new comers . They will also help you contact your department and registration office .", "responses": ["i see . it must be worth going to .", "thank you very much .", "that sounds like a lot of hassle .", "are they friendly ?", "what are their hours of operation ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I see . It must be worth going to .", "responses": ["besides these , the center staff also works with community organizations which provide tours , home hospitality , speaking engagements and assistance for wives of foreign students . in cooperation with nationality clubs , student associations and other organizations , the international center provides a varied program of cultural and social events throughout the year .", "i would definitely check it out .", "they are really there to help you .", "i have heard great things from other international students who went to these advisers .", "it will make the process smoother for you to have this support ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Besides these , the center staff also works with community organizations which provide tours , home hospitality , speaking engagements and assistance for wives of foreign students . In cooperation with nationality clubs , student associations and other organizations , the International Center provides a varied program of cultural and social events throughout the year .", "responses": ["wonderful . it is a home for foreign students .", "are there any groups specifically for pakistani students like me ?", "thanks for the information . i 'm sure i will be using these services a lot .", "what are some of the major cultural events ?", "i am definitely interested in getting involved in some of these activities ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Wonderful . It is a home for foreign students .", "responses": ["it sure is . they also serve tea , coffee and refreshments . the center staff members are also friendly and helpful . everyone loves them .", "it 's a place to build a community for anyone that wants to learn about other cultures .", "it 's a place to facilitate cultural awareness and growth .", "this is a resource for everyone who wants to learn about the world .", "it is a center to help people meet new people and learn ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "It sure is . They also serve tea , coffee and refreshments . The Center staff members are also friendly and helpful . Everyone loves them ."}], "index": 983} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "hi , Lander . What's wrong ?", "responses": ["i can hardly make ends meet these days .", "i failed my math test .", "i found out i have cancer .", "i lost 4,000 dollars at the casino .", "i ca n't find my work i d ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I can hardly make ends meet these days .", "responses": ["same here . i have't brought any new clothes for three months .", "have you asked for a raise ?", "i hear you . i 'm struggling too .", "that sucks . have you tried overtime ?", "have you considered switching careers ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "same here . I have't brought any new clothes for three months .", "responses": ["my income remains the same but prices just continue to rise .", "i have n't bought new shoes for three years .", "i get all my clothes at the discount store .", "man , we just are n't getting good hours at the factory anymore .", "my kids have to wear hand me downs ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "my income remains the same but prices just continue to rise .", "responses": ["true . the news says that there is a general increase in the price of daily necessities .", "yeah , that 's inflation for ya .", "it 's so frustrating .", "i try to cut back , but it can be really hard .", "i know what you mean . they have a hiring / promotion freeze at my company , so i 'm also stuck ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "true . The news says that there is a general increase in the price of daily necessities .", "responses": ["definitely . i have to spend 300 yuan more on food every month .", "we need to get a cost of living raise .", "i wonder how long things can last like this .", "pretty soon i 'll have to start going to a public restroom to bathe .", "i just want to afford cereal , and i can survive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "definitely . I have to spend 300 yuan more on food every month .", "responses": ["the biggest price jump is for pork , so most people have to turn to chicken .", "hey , i have a suggestion with regards to getting food and clothing for free . have you tried the freecycles in your areas ?", "i know a couple of dumpsters behind this mall that are always throwing away their unused merchandise and food . want to come along sometime ?", "have you tried the aldi 's grocery story yet ? there prices on food are much lower than regular stores . however , you ca n't use coupons here .", "because of rising prices , i am always on the look out for free stuff that gets listed to craig 's list . ever try to save money by looking at that section of craig 's list ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "the biggest price jump is for pork , so most people have to turn to chicken .", "responses": ["is that inflation ?", "i only buy food on clearance to save money .", "i stopped buy pork years ago it cost too much .", "we only eat tofu as our protein it is very cheap .", "if you stop eating pork and chicken you will save the most money ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "is that inflation ?", "responses": ["inflation is more than just the rising prices , i guess . but the central bank is warning about the risk of inflation .", "yes it is .", "i 'm not sure what it is but it 's wrong .", "no , it 's not inflation .", "i do n't know what inflation means to be honest ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "inflation is more than just the rising prices , I guess . But the central bank is warning about the risk of inflation .", "responses": ["has the government taken some measures to curb it ?", "so when that happens we 'll really be in for it !", "i hope it does n't get much worse than this .", "if things turn worse , people will start starving !", "well i hope the central bank is trying to do something positive about this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "has the government taken some measures to curb it ?", "responses": ["yes . the government has banned price hikes in some key industries like energy .", "i do n't think the government cares", "i have n't heard of anything", "not that i 'm aware of", "hopefully they will soon"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes . The government has banned price hikes in some key industries like energy .", "responses": ["but i 'm afraid the price hikes will spill over from food into other areas of the economy .", "that is good that the government cares .", "regulation never stops price hikes .", "i hope this ban helps prices .", "my prices are still going up even with the ban ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "but I'm afraid the price hikes will spill over from food into other areas of the economy .", "responses": ["you said it . i think we should tighten our budget and cut our spending .", "that 's always a possibility .", "they need to be careful about that , or people will start to get restless .", "they really need to get the economy under control .", "if it happens too much , it could be a disaster ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "you said it . I think we should tighten our budget and cut our spending .", "responses": ["how ?", "what else could i cut though ?", "i 'm already having a hard time making ends meet without tightening any more .", "i 'm not sure i can at this rate .", "i hope we get some good news soon ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "how ?", "responses": ["for a start , we can take the public transport to work . you know , running a car is a big expense .", "just do n't buy the most expensive cuts of meats .", "make a budget and write everything you spend down in this book to track .", "cook more at home , do n't eat out at all and make most of the meals vegan or vegetarian dishes .", "shop at thrift shops for clothing , and buy food in bulk for starters ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "for a start , we can take the public transport to work . You know , running a car is a big expense .", "responses": ["sounds a good idea .", "i agree . do you know any other ways to get around for those without easy access to public transportation ?", "public transportation might be difficult for someone that lives in a rural area .", "i do n't even have enough money to own a car .", "do you know any other ways to cut expenses ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "sounds a good idea ."}], "index": 984} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK , everyone . Gather around . Here are the rules . No tackling . No pushing .", "responses": ["you should n't grab someone else 's shirt . that 's a foul .", "oh man , i wanted to get physical !", "wait , is this flag football ?", "what if you accidentally run into someone ?", "is this just for practice , or are these the rules for the real game ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You shouldn't grab someone else's shirt . That's a foul .", "responses": ["play is stopped when the person with the ball is touched .", "you also should n't trip anyone .", "that 's correct . you lose a down if you grab a shirt .", "that wo n't be an issue if you 're playing against skins !", "no knocking off hats , either ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Play is stopped when the person with the ball is touched .", "responses": ["you can touch them only between the shoulder and the knees .", "are we ready to get started ?", "i want to emphasize . no tackling !", "i will blow the whistle when the person with the ball is touched .", "please do n't be too rough . we do n't want any injuries out here !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You can touch them only between the shoulder and the knees .", "responses": ["the touchdown lines are there and there . ok , let 's play !", "do n't get too rough , or you are kicked out .", "remember to have fun and enjoy the game .", "if the ball touches the ground , it is an incompletion .", "seven people will be assigned to each team ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "The touchdown lines are there and there . OK , let's play !", "responses": ["before we start , let 's have a moment of silence for our fallen men .", "you can not trip the person with the ball and wrestle to ball away from them , that is also a foul .", "you can tackle them and then throw them to the ground to get the ball away from them .", "at least you understand where the touch down lines are located , right ?", "show me again where these touch down lines are on the screen for me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Before we start , let's have a moment of silence for our fallen men ."}], "index": 985} {"fold": "test", "topic": "culture_and_educastion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have you adapted to the lifestyle in China ?", "responses": ["yeah , almost . but there is one thing .", "not yet , i 'm really a fish out of water .", "yes , the people are very welcoming .", "i love the lifestyle here , and have embraced it .", "there are some things that are still weird to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah , almost . But there is one thing .", "responses": ["what ?", "oh , what is that ?", "oh , let me guess , housing is very expensive and the places to let are tiny .", "but the food and transportation in china are very reasonable and cheap . right ?", "i think i might know what you are going to say next , but maybe you should tell me anyways !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What ?", "responses": ["i still wonder what privacy meant for chinese people . i do n't mean to say that there 's no privacy in china , but ...", "i hate the food in china .", "i do n't have any friends here .", "i wish i spoke chinese better so i could communicate with people .", "i 'm already ready to leave china and move somewhere new ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I still wonder what privacy meant for Chinese people . I don't mean to say that there's no privacy in China , but ...", "responses": ["what is it ?", "i know what you mean .", "but what ?", "i 've never had an issue .", "there are a lot of people . i get it ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What is it ?", "responses": ["some of my chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others .", "my new girlfriend here is so nosy .", "my landlord keeps entering my apartment at night .", "the phone in my room seems to be under surveillance .", "i ca n't even connect to facebook properly without surveillance ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Some of my Chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others .", "responses": ["that makes you feel uncomfortable ?", "yeah they are much more open than americans", "that 's fairly normal here", "i guess they have nothing to hide", "americans are much more secretive"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "That makes you feel uncomfortable ?", "responses": ["yeah . we never do that in a public office .", "it all feels too personal .", "their stores are vulgur .", "the stories are nasty .", "i do n't understand why they have to be so intimate ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah . we never do that in a public office .", "responses": ["perhaps that 's because we hold different ideas about privacy .", "how personal does it get ?", "what sorts of things do they divulge ?", "are you expected to reveal stuff about yourself too ?", "what do you do in the situation ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Perhaps that's because we hold different ideas about privacy .", "responses": ["i have felt that . one day when i was in a queue , reading a newspaper story , the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper i was holding .", "maybe , it will take some getting used to .", "i think my chinese colleagues are just more trusting than we are with such things .", "i 'm still unsure how i feel about it .", "you may be right ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I have felt that . One day when i was in a queue , reading a newspaper story , the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper I was holding .", "responses": ["well , that 's not rare . i 've seen people reading at others'newspaper while taking a metro or a bus .", "yes , chinese people have different cultures than ours .", "did that peering make you feel uncomfortable ?", "how did that make you feel ?", "i see . there culture is different and more open when it comes to privacy issues than ours is ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Well , that's not rare . I've seen people reading at others ' newspaper while taking a metro or a bus .", "responses": ["just stare at the newspaper holding in the hands of the one next to him ?", "yes , but it just felt odd to have someone do that in a queue .", "that 's true , but somehow this felt different .", "i would never do that , it would be too awkward .", "i have never noticed any one doing that before ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Just stare at the newspaper holding in the hands of the one next to him ?", "responses": ["yeah .", "yes , that 's exactly what they did .", "yes , i think they were curious about the headlines .", "yes . you could use it as a moment to start a conversation .", "yes , and the person with the paper did n't seem to mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yeah .", "responses": ["oh , i 'm shocked .", "i 'm not sure how to feel about that .", "it feels kind of creepy when you notice someone doing that while you read your paper .", "i guess it is something i 'll need to adjust to .", "i suppose there is no harm in it ."]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , I'm shocked ."}], "index": 986} {"fold": "test", "topic": "school_life", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "What courses did you take in college ?", "responses": ["i took a lot of courses , such as philosophy , logic , ethics , aesthetics , etc .", "i took a lot of engineering courses .", "i remember having english and history courses a lot of the time .", "i was a math major , so many calculus courses .", "i loaded up on writing courses , so i could become a good writer ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I took a lot of courses , such as Philosophy , Logic , Ethics , Aesthetics , etc .", "responses": ["which course did you like best ?", "what are you planning to do with these courses ?", "how are you going to apply these types of courses to real world knowledge , such as getting a job ?", "what are you planning on doing once you graduate with these courses ? what degree are you going for ?", "what is your major ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Which course did you like best ?", "responses": ["i liked aesthetics best . it is very impressive .", "i loved science classes that had a lab . they are so much fun .", "my acting class was amazing .", "i really enjoyed all my classes dr . supercool taught . he could make any topic fun .", "the best was my social science class with dr . lang"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "I liked Aesthetics best . It is very impressive ."}], "index": 987} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Hi . Have you got a personal computer ?", "responses": ["certainly . what 's the matter ?", "no , i only use the public computer at the library .", "yes , it is a brand new chrome book .", "i have one i share with my sisters .", "no , i only use the computers the school provides ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Certainly . What's the matter ?", "responses": ["i wonder if you often trade with others on the internet .", "mine is broken right now .", "i need to search a topic i 'm researching .", "nothing . i was just wondering .", "i need to look at my email really quick ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wonder if you often trade with others on the internet .", "responses": ["sure . i often buy things or do business through it without going out to the physical stores .", "no , i 've never done that online before .", "i just use my computer for work purposes only .", "i try to avoid doing too much trading on the internet for privacy reasons .", "i do n't trust people online enough to trade with them ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Sure . I often buy things or do business through it without going out to the physical stores .", "responses": ["great ! it 's just like viewless stores . but how can you shop or order on line or trade on line ?", "do you think you could help me sell some stuff ?", "do you think you could teach me how ?", "do you think you could help me buy something ?", "are you worried about getting ripped off ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Great ! It's just like viewless stores . But how can you shop or order on line or trade on line ?", "responses": ["that 's simple . just click the hyperlink , www . taobao . com or www . ebay . com , and you can see the specimen of the goods shown on the screen , and then you can place an order online with the sales company . and the goods will be delivered to your place .", "it 's super easy to shop online their website is up to date .", "you view the products in the store then finish the order online .", "it 's a surprise you never know what you might get online but it is fun .", "you have to set up an account online then you can shop whenever you like ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "That's simple . Just click the hyperlink , www . taobao . com or www . ebay . com , and you can see the specimen of the goods shown on the screen , and then you can place an order online with the sales company . And the goods will be delivered to your place .", "responses": ["is the service charged ?", "wow , that 's so convenient .", "that 's a super cool feature .", "technology has gotten so advanced these days .", "i just love all this technological progression ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Is the service charged ?", "responses": ["no . it 's free .", "buyers are n't charged any extra fees unless there are applicable taxes you would pay normally at a store .", "only sellers have to pay extra fees usually .", "you may have to pay extra for shipping .", "it is free to use if that is your concern ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "No . it's free .", "responses": ["really . i 'll get a computer at once .", "do you have to buy or spend a certain amount of money for the shipping to be free too ?", "what do you mean by that ? what is \" free ? \"", "can you clarify what you mean by it being free ?", "is there some catch where it might not be free ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Really . I'll get a computer at once ."}], "index": 988} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "directive", "text": "We are planning to go to Beidaihe for vacation . Do you want to go with us ?", "responses": ["it 's so cool !", "no , but thank you .", "of course ! thanks for the offer !", "when do you plan on going ?", "what is the weather like there ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "It ' s so cool !"}], "index": 989} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Excuse me , is this seat taken ?", "responses": ["i 'm afraid this seat is taken .", "yes , i 'm holding it for a friend .", "you can have it if you want .", "i was keeping it for someone , but they are n't coming after all .", "you are more than welcome to sit next to me ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "I ' m afraid this seat is taken .", "responses": ["oh . is it . thank you anyway .", "ok thank you", "hopefully i can find another one", "ok have a nice day", "well that 's not good ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh . is it . Thank you anyway .", "responses": ["you 're welcome . why do n't you ask the conductor when he comes by ?", "my husband is sitting there .", "my mom went to the bathroom but it is her seat .", "the seat in front of me is free .", "that seat is broken so no one can sit there"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "You ' re welcome . Why don ' t you ask the conductor when he comes by ?", "responses": ["thank you .", "thanks for the advice .", "i 'll be sure to do that .", "in the meantime , i guess i 'll keep looking .", "have you seen the conductor yet ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Thank you ."}], "index": 990} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I prefer potatoes to eggplants .", "responses": ["i feel eggplants are more nutritious .", "i personally like eating them together .", "for me , it depends on how it 's made .", "i do n't know . i just had eggplant lasagna yesterday , and it was awesome .", "yeah , in general , i 'd rather eat potatoes ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I feel eggplants are more nutritious .", "responses": ["but as a matter of fact , potatoes taste better .", "but potatoes taste better", "you 're probably right", "potatoes are more filling", "i do n't like how eggplant tastes"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "But as a matter of fact , potatoes taste better .", "responses": ["oh , that 's how you see it .", "perhaps , but staying healthy is more important to me .", "i think eggplants could taste just as good with the right additions .", "that is a good point .", "you should try an eggplant with some dressing sometime . it may change your mind ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , that's how you see it ."}], "index": 991} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "Are you sure you can't lend me five thousand dollars ?", "responses": ["hmm ... i 'll tell you what . i 'll lend you four thousand dollars , but you have to pay me back next week .", "i 'm sorry i do n't have that kind of money .", "i 'm sorry , but that is too high of a risk .", "i 'm sorry , but that is asking too much .", "i 'm sorry , but that just is n't possible ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "Hmm ... I'll tell you what . I'll lend you four thousand dollars , but you have to pay me back next week .", "responses": ["it 's a deal .", "uh , okay , i guess i can pay you back next week .", "thanks , but can i pay you back in two weeks instead ?", "whoa . that payback timeframe you 're asking about is a little too soon for me . how about next month instead ?", "thanks , i can pay you back next week too . let 's do this ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "It's a deal ."}], "index": 992} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Where do you plan to go this winter ?", "responses": ["alps , suppose .", "nowhere . i 'm staying put .", "why do you want to know ?", "i do n't know yet . and you ?", "i have n't given it too much thought but maybe a trip to new york city is in order ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Alps , suppose .", "responses": ["oh , yes , you like skiing .", "the alps sound wonderful .", "there should be some good ski lodges there .", "i think i 'd rather go somewhere warm .", "i 'd rather be at the beach in the winter ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , yes , you like skiing .", "responses": ["right .", "yes , it 's one of my favorite activities .", "i enjoy it , but i 'd also like to travel more .", "yes , it 's one of the best places to ski .", "yes , and i have n't going skiing there yet ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Right ."}], "index": 993} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Every time when heroes came back from the battlefield , we took our hats off to them .", "responses": ["you were showing respect and admiration for them .", "those were the days .", "i think people do n't make as much fuss over it now .", "i think some people still do that today .", "now , nobody wears hats ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "You were showing respect and admiration for them .", "responses": ["i wish i were a hero .", "yes , i think that respect is important .", "yes , they deserved it after what they 'd been through .", "yes , it 's the least we could do to show appreciation .", "yes , do you have the same custom ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "I wish I were a hero ."}], "index": 994} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Frank ' s getting married , do you believe this ?", "responses": ["is he really ?", "no . when did he let you know ?", "i know ! i received an invitation yesterday .", "i think it 's great !", "i know ! do you know when the wedding is ?"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Is he really ?", "responses": ["yes , he is . he loves the girl very much .", "i 'm not sure , he 's told some lies before .", "it seems to be true , i saw the engagement pictures .", "well , he sent me a wedding invitation .", "i 'm not sure , we 'll see if he actually goes through with it this time ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , he is . He loves the girl very much .", "responses": ["who is he marring ?", "that 's great news !", "what did he do to win her over ?", "i 'm suprised ! it 's still great to hear !", "that is awesome !"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Who is he marring ?", "responses": ["a girl he met on holiday in spain , i think .", "this girl that he used to work with , her name is mary .", "alisha , from the church he goes to .", "tammy , the woman that works the ticket booth at the movie theatre .", "alexis , his high school sweetheart ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "A girl he met on holiday in Spain , I think .", "responses": ["have they set a date for the wedding ?", "how long have they known each other", "is it not too soon", "wow that s great", "oh when he went to spain last year ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Have they set a date for the wedding ?", "responses": ["not yet .", "i think end of this year", "i really do n't know", "that i am not sure about", "i will need to ask them"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Not yet ."}], "index": 995} {"fold": "test", "topic": "attitude_and_emotion", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "OK . Come back into the classroom , class .", "responses": ["does the class start again , mam ?", "we 're coming .", "we 'll be right there .", "thank you .", "here we come ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Does the class start again , Mam ?", "responses": ["yes , but to the heath , this break has long enough .", "yes , we will continue with our next lesson now .", "we need to quickly review something before you leave for the weekend .", "i forgot to mention one part of the lesson you will need for your homework .", "it is time for the class pizza party you guys earned for doing so well this semester ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , but to the heath , this break has long enough .", "responses": ["oh , breaktime flies .", "okay then , just give me one second , mam .", "ca n't we have just a little longer , mam ?", "do we sit in the same seats again ?", "how long is this class , mam ?"]}, {"emotion": "sadness", "act": "inform", "text": "Oh , breaktime flies .", "responses": ["come on , baby . it 's time now .", "you had a long break", "that 's true but break is over", "yes , about time you guys come back", "look at the time"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Come on , baby . It ' s time now .", "responses": ["mam , another minute , could i ?", "can i get some more time ?", "i want 5 more minutes ?", "mam please give me some more time", "i would like to play some mor"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Mam , another minute , could I ?", "responses": ["hurry up , little boy .", "come on let 's go", "hurry up , you need to come", "hurry up please", "sure but come soon"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Hurry up , little boy ."}], "index": 996} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Do you have any hobbies ?", "responses": ["yes , i like collecting things .", "i have many hobbies , why do you ask ?", "why do you ask ?", "i enjoy some sports and other bits and bobs . how about you ?", "i do n't have much time for hobbies unfortunately ."]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , I like collecting things .", "responses": ["oh , that 's interesting , and but what kind of things ?", "what type of things ?", "like stamps , or something else ?", "i like to collect things , too !", "i have a beanie baby collection , what do you collect ?"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "question", "text": "Oh , that ' s interesting , and but what kind of things ?", "responses": ["several things , for example , very coins , stamps , stones and so on .", "i collect stamps , coins", "pebbles , leaves , what not", "i have a lot of coins and stamps", "i am interested in antiques"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Several things , for example , Very coins , stamps , stones and so on .", "responses": ["stones ? i know many people collecting coins and stamps but stones ?", "who collects stones ? that s new", "stamps is fine , but collecting stones is not normal", "wow that 's interesting", "what else"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "Stones ? I know many people collecting coins and stamps but stones ?", "responses": ["yes , stones .", "yes , stines", "yes , i collect stones", "yes , it is a hobby", "why is it surprising"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Yes , stones .", "responses": ["well , i ca n't just imagine it .", "well , many people do it", "i think it is quite common", "is it common ?", "how do people imagine these hobbies ?"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "well , I can ' t just imagine it ."}], "index": 997} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "question", "text": "Jenny , what's wrong with you ? Why do you keep weeping like that ?", "responses": ["mary told me that she had seen you with john last night . i got to know the fact that you are playing the field .", "something happened in my family .", "i lost someone important to me .", "the project we have been working on for years has been shut down .", "we 've lost the bid for the house ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Mary told me that she had seen you with John last night . I got to know the fact that you are playing the field .", "responses": ["honey , cross my heart , i'v never looked at another woman since the first day i set my eyes on you ! believe me , that 's the truth .", "i was at home the whole night .", "i was just helping john with his homework .", "john is my cousin .", "i think mary is just trying to get under your skin . john is just a friend ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "Honey , cross my heart , I'v never looked at another woman since the first day I set my eyes on you ! Believe me , that's the truth ."}], "index": 998} {"fold": "test", "topic": "relationship", "dialogue": [{"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "What a nice day !", "responses": ["yes . how about going out and enjoying the sunshine on the grass ?", "it is ! i ca n't believe how sunny it is !", "yes ! after yesterday , i was afraid it would rain all week .", "yes , it 's a perfect day for flying a kite .", "yes , i think we should go for a drive ."]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "yes . How about going out and enjoying the sunshine on the grass ?", "responses": ["great , let 's go !", "i would love that", "sounds good", "sure , let 's go", "lets try to find a seat in the park instead"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "commissive", "text": "great , let's go !", "responses": ["hey , darling , i think i might have a little heatstroke from being in the sun all day . i was so relaxed . it felt as if i were in another world .", "yay , i am ready", "i am always ready", "ca n't wait", "can you wait a minute"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "hey , darling , I think I might have a little heatstroke from being in the sun all day . I was so relaxed . It felt as if I were in another world .", "responses": ["exactly . you know , the sunshine and wind remind me of our honeymoon . you remember ? the island , the sound of the waves , the salty sea air and the sunshine ...", "yes i felt the same way", "same for me too", "i enjoyed it as well", "very relaxing indeed"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "exactly . You know , the sunshine and wind remind me of our honeymoon . You remember ? The island , the sound of the waves , the salty sea air and the sunshine ...", "responses": ["yes , it was wonderful but it 's already been a year . how time flies !", "yes , i remember well", "yes , it has n't been very long", "wow , yes , it seems it was so long ago , time flies", "i know"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "inform", "text": "yes , it was wonderful but it's already been a year . How time flies !", "responses": ["why not go again to celebrate out one - year anniversary ? we can go to the same beach , stay in the same hotel and enjoy a dinner in the same restaurant .", "yes , i feel old already", "we can go there again ?", "do you want to do something for our anniversary", "i would like to go back again"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "why not go again to celebrate out one-year anniversary ? We can go to the same beach , stay in the same hotel and enjoy a dinner in the same restaurant .", "responses": ["are you kidding ? can you afford it ? do you think we can get a room on such short notice ?", "i do n't think we can afford it", "on such short notice ?", "really , that 's great", "wow , that 's romantic"]}, {"emotion": "surprise", "act": "question", "text": "are you kidding ? Can you afford it ? Do you think we can get a room on such short notice ?", "responses": ["never mind that , i 'll take care of it . are you available next week ?", "i believe we can get it", "sure we can", "i think so", "yeah , why not"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "directive", "text": "never mind that , I'll take care of it . Are you available next week ?", "responses": ["yeah , i think so .", "yes i am", "of course i am", "i am little busy", "i am not sure , need to check"]}, {"emotion": "no_emotion", "act": "commissive", "text": "yeah , I think so .", "responses": ["ok . i 'll make the arrangements . it will be great .", "great , that works out", "lets make plans then", "then it is final", "we are surely going then"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "ok . I'll make the arrangements . It will be great .", "responses": ["wonderful ! i 'll start packing our suitcases .", "i will start packing", "i am so excited", "i ca n't wait", "definitely"]}, {"emotion": "happiness", "act": "inform", "text": "wonderful ! I'll start packing our suitcases ."}], "index": 999}