package main import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io/fs" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime/debug" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "text/template" "" "" "" ) var ( flags = flag.NewFlagSet("goose", flag.ExitOnError) dir = flags.String("dir", cfg.DefaultMigrationDir, "directory with migration files, (GOOSE_MIGRATION_DIR env variable supported)") table = flags.String("table", "goose_db_version", "migrations table name") verbose = flags.Bool("v", false, "enable verbose mode") help = flags.Bool("h", false, "print help") versionFlag = flags.Bool("version", false, "print version") certfile = flags.String("certfile", "", "file path to root CA's certificates in pem format (only support on mysql)") sequential = flags.Bool("s", false, "use sequential numbering for new migrations") allowMissing = flags.Bool("allow-missing", false, "applies missing (out-of-order) migrations") sslcert = flags.String("ssl-cert", "", "file path to SSL certificates in pem format (only support on mysql)") sslkey = flags.String("ssl-key", "", "file path to SSL key in pem format (only support on mysql)") noVersioning = flags.Bool("no-versioning", false, "apply migration commands with no versioning, in file order, from directory pointed to") noColor = flags.Bool("no-color", false, "disable color output (NO_COLOR env variable supported)") timeout = flags.Duration("timeout", 0, "maximum allowed duration for queries to run; e.g., 1h13m") ) var version string func main() { ctx := context.Background() flags.Usage = usage if err := flags.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to parse args: %v", err) return } if *versionFlag { buildInfo, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() if version == "" && ok && buildInfo != nil && buildInfo.Main.Version != "" { version = buildInfo.Main.Version } fmt.Printf("goose version: %s\n", strings.TrimSpace(version)) return } if *verbose { goose.SetVerbose(true) } if *sequential { goose.SetSequential(true) } goose.SetTableName(*table) args := flags.Args() if *help { flags.Usage() return } if len(args) == 0 { flags.Usage() os.Exit(1) } // The -dir option has not been set, check whether the env variable is set // before defaulting to ".". if *dir == cfg.DefaultMigrationDir && cfg.GOOSEMIGRATIONDIR != "" { *dir = cfg.GOOSEMIGRATIONDIR } switch args[0] { case "init": if err := gooseInit(*dir); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose run: %v", err) } return case "create": if err := goose.RunContext(ctx, "create", nil, *dir, args[1:]...); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose run: %v", err) } return case "fix": if err := goose.RunContext(ctx, "fix", nil, *dir); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose run: %v", err) } return case "env": for _, env := range cfg.List() { fmt.Printf("%s=%q\n", env.Name, env.Value) } return case "validate": if err := printValidate(*dir, *verbose); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose validate: %v", err) } return case "beta": remain := args[1:] if len(remain) == 0 { log.Println("goose beta: missing subcommand") os.Exit(1) } switch remain[0] { case "drivers": printDrivers() } return } args = mergeArgs(args) if len(args) < 3 { flags.Usage() os.Exit(1) } driver, dbstring, command := args[0], args[1], args[2] db, err := goose.OpenDBWithDriver(driver, normalizeDBString(driver, dbstring, *certfile, *sslcert, *sslkey)) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("-dbstring=%q: %v\n", dbstring, err) } defer func() { if err := db.Close(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose: failed to close DB: %v\n", err) } }() arguments := []string{} if len(args) > 3 { arguments = append(arguments, args[3:]...) } options := []goose.OptionsFunc{} if *noColor || checkNoColorFromEnv() { options = append(options, goose.WithNoColor(true)) } if *allowMissing { options = append(options, goose.WithAllowMissing()) } if *noVersioning { options = append(options, goose.WithNoVersioning()) } if timeout != nil && *timeout != 0 { var cancel context.CancelFunc ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, *timeout) defer cancel() } if err := goose.RunWithOptionsContext( ctx, command, db, *dir, arguments, options..., ); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose run: %v", err) } } func printDrivers() { drivers := mergeDrivers(sql.Drivers()) if len(drivers) == 0 { fmt.Println("No drivers found") return } fmt.Println("Available drivers:") for _, driver := range drivers { fmt.Printf(" %s\n", driver) } } // mergeDrivers merges drivers with a common prefix into a single line. func mergeDrivers(drivers []string) []string { driverMap := make(map[string][]string) for _, driver := range drivers { parts := strings.Split(driver, "/") if len(parts) > 1 { // Merge drivers with a common prefix "/" prefix := parts[0] driverMap[prefix] = append(driverMap[prefix], driver) } else { // Add drivers without a prefix directly driverMap[driver] = append(driverMap[driver], driver) } } var merged []string for _, versions := range driverMap { sort.Strings(versions) merged = append(merged, strings.Join(versions, ", ")) } sort.Strings(merged) return merged } func checkNoColorFromEnv() bool { ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(cfg.GOOSENOCOLOR) return ok } func mergeArgs(args []string) []string { if len(args) < 1 { return args } if s := cfg.GOOSEDRIVER; s != "" { args = append([]string{s}, args...) } if s := cfg.GOOSEDBSTRING; s != "" { args = append([]string{args[0], s}, args[1:]...) } return args } func usage() { fmt.Println(usagePrefix) flags.PrintDefaults() fmt.Println(usageCommands) } var ( usagePrefix = `Usage: goose [OPTIONS] DRIVER DBSTRING COMMAND or Set environment key GOOSE_DRIVER=DRIVER GOOSE_DBSTRING=DBSTRING Usage: goose [OPTIONS] COMMAND Drivers: postgres mysql sqlite3 mssql redshift tidb clickhouse vertica ydb turso Examples: goose sqlite3 ./foo.db status goose sqlite3 ./foo.db create init sql goose sqlite3 ./foo.db create add_some_column sql goose sqlite3 ./foo.db create fetch_user_data go goose sqlite3 ./foo.db up goose postgres "user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable" status goose mysql "user:password@/dbname?parseTime=true" status goose redshift "postgres://" status goose tidb "user:password@/dbname?parseTime=true" status goose mssql "sqlserver://user:password@dbname:1433?database=master" status goose clickhouse "tcp://" status goose vertica "vertica://user:password@localhost:5433/dbname?connection_load_balance=1" status goose ydb "grpcs://localhost:2135/local?go_query_mode=scripting&go_fake_tx=scripting&go_query_bind=declare,numeric" status goose turso "libsql://" status GOOSE_DRIVER=sqlite3 GOOSE_DBSTRING=./foo.db goose status GOOSE_DRIVER=sqlite3 GOOSE_DBSTRING=./foo.db goose create init sql GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres GOOSE_DBSTRING="user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable" goose status GOOSE_DRIVER=mysql GOOSE_DBSTRING="user:password@/dbname" goose status GOOSE_DRIVER=redshift GOOSE_DBSTRING="postgres://" goose status GOOSE_DRIVER=turso GOOSE_DBSTRING="libsql://" goose status Options: ` usageCommands = ` Commands: up Migrate the DB to the most recent version available up-by-one Migrate the DB up by 1 up-to VERSION Migrate the DB to a specific VERSION down Roll back the version by 1 down-to VERSION Roll back to a specific VERSION redo Re-run the latest migration reset Roll back all migrations status Dump the migration status for the current DB version Print the current version of the database create NAME [sql|go] Creates new migration file with the current timestamp fix Apply sequential ordering to migrations validate Check migration files without running them ` ) var sqlMigrationTemplate = template.Must(template.New("goose.sql-migration").Parse(`-- Thank you for giving goose a try! -- -- This file was automatically created running goose init. If you're familiar with goose -- feel free to remove/rename this file, write some SQL and goose up. Briefly, -- -- Documentation can be found here: -- -- A single goose .sql file holds both Up and Down migrations. -- -- All goose .sql files are expected to have a -- +goose Up annotation. -- The -- +goose Down annotation is optional, but recommended, and must come after the Up annotation. -- -- The -- +goose NO TRANSACTION annotation may be added to the top of the file to run statements -- outside a transaction. Both Up and Down migrations within this file will be run without a transaction. -- -- More complex statements that have semicolons within them must be annotated with -- the -- +goose StatementBegin and -- +goose StatementEnd annotations to be properly recognized. -- -- Use GitHub issues for reporting bugs and requesting features, enjoy! -- +goose Up SELECT 'up SQL query'; -- +goose Down SELECT 'down SQL query'; `)) // initDir will create a directory with an empty SQL migration file. func gooseInit(dir string) error { if dir == "" || dir == cfg.DefaultMigrationDir { dir = "migrations" } _, err := os.Stat(dir) switch { case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist): case err == nil, errors.Is(err, fs.ErrExist): return fmt.Errorf("directory already exists: %s", dir) default: return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil { return err } return goose.CreateWithTemplate(nil, dir, sqlMigrationTemplate, "initial", "sql") } func gatherFilenames(filename string) ([]string, error) { stat, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { return nil, err } var filenames []string if stat.IsDir() { for _, pattern := range []string{"*.sql", "*.go"} { file, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(filename, pattern)) if err != nil { return nil, err } filenames = append(filenames, file...) } } else { filenames = append(filenames, filename) } sort.Strings(filenames) return filenames, nil } func printValidate(filename string, verbose bool) error { filenames, err := gatherFilenames(filename) if err != nil { return err } stats, err := migrationstats.GatherStats( migrationstats.NewFileWalker(filenames...), false, ) if err != nil { return err } // TODO(mf): we should introduce a --debug flag, which allows printing // more internal debug information and leave verbose for additional information. if !verbose { return nil } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 3, ' ', tabwriter.TabIndent) fmtPattern := "%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t\n" fmt.Fprintf(w, fmtPattern, "Type", "Txn", "Up", "Down", "Name") fmt.Fprintf(w, fmtPattern, "────", "───", "──", "────", "────") for _, m := range stats { txnStr := "✔" if !m.Tx { txnStr = "✘" } fmt.Fprintf(w, fmtPattern, strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(m.FileName), "."), txnStr, m.UpCount, m.DownCount, filepath.Base(m.FileName), ) } return w.Flush() }