/**! * wp-color-picker-alpha * * Overwrite Automattic Iris for enabled Alpha Channel in wpColorPicker * Only run in input and is defined data alpha in true * * Version: 2.1.4 * https://github.com/kallookoo/wp-color-picker-alpha * Licensed under the GPLv2 license or later. */ ( function( $ ) { // Prevent double-init. if ( $.wp.wpColorPicker.prototype._hasAlpha ) { return; } // Variable for some backgrounds ( grid ) var image = '', // html stuff for wpColorPicker copy of the original color-picker.js _after = '
', _wrap = '
', _button = '', _deprecated = false, __ = wp.i18n.__; // WP < 5.5 if ( "undefined" !== typeof wpColorPickerL10n ) { // Prevent CSS issues in < WordPress 4.9 _deprecated = ( undefined !== wpColorPickerL10n.current ); } // Declare some global variables when is deprecated or not if ( _deprecated ) { var _before = ''; } else { var _before = '', _wrappingLabel = '', _wrappingLabelText = ''; } /** * Overwrite Color * for enable support rbga */ Color.fn.toString = function() { if ( this._alpha < 1 ) return this.toCSS( 'rgba', this._alpha ).replace( /\s+/g, '' ); var hex = parseInt( this._color, 10 ).toString( 16 ); if ( this.error ) return ''; if ( hex.length < 6 ) hex = ( '00000' + hex ).substr( -6 ); return '#' + hex; }; /** * Overwrite wpColorPicker */ $.widget( 'wp.wpColorPicker', $.wp.wpColorPicker, { _hasAlpha: true, /** * @summary Creates the color picker. * * Creates the color picker, sets default values, css classes and wraps it all in HTML. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @access private * * @returns {void} */ _create: function() { // Return early if Iris support is missing. if ( ! $.support.iris ) { return; } var self = this, el = self.element; // Override default options with options bound to the element. $.extend( self.options, el.data() ); // Create a color picker which only allows adjustments to the hue. if ( self.options.type === 'hue' ) { return self._createHueOnly(); } // Bind the close event. self.close = $.proxy( self.close, self ); self.initialValue = el.val(); // Add a CSS class to the input field. el.addClass( 'wp-color-picker' ); if ( _deprecated ) { el.hide().wrap( _wrap ); self.wrap = el.parent(); self.toggler = $( _before ) .insertBefore( el ) .css( { backgroundColor : self.initialValue } ) .attr( 'title', __('Select Color') ) .attr( 'data-current', __('Current') ); self.pickerContainer = $( _after ).insertAfter( el ); self.button = $( _button ).addClass('hidden'); } else { /* * Check if there's already a wrapping label, e.g. in the Customizer. * If there's no label, add a default one to match the Customizer template. */ if ( ! el.parent( 'label' ).length ) { // Wrap the input field in the default label. el.wrap( _wrappingLabel ); // Insert the default label text. self.wrappingLabelText = $( _wrappingLabelText ) .insertBefore( el ) .text( __('Color value') ); } /* * At this point, either it's the standalone version or the Customizer * one, we have a wrapping label to use as hook in the DOM, let's store it. */ self.wrappingLabel = el.parent(); // Wrap the label in the main wrapper. self.wrappingLabel.wrap( _wrap ); // Store a reference to the main wrapper. self.wrap = self.wrappingLabel.parent(); // Set up the toggle button and insert it before the wrapping label. self.toggler = $( _before ) .insertBefore( self.wrappingLabel ) .css( { backgroundColor: self.initialValue } ); // Set the toggle button span element text. self.toggler.find( '.wp-color-result-text' ).text( __('Select Color') ); // Set up the Iris container and insert it after the wrapping label. self.pickerContainer = $( _after ).insertAfter( self.wrappingLabel ); // Store a reference to the Clear/Default button. self.button = $( _button ); } // Set up the Clear/Default button. if ( self.options.defaultColor ) { self.button.addClass( 'wp-picker-default' ).val( __('Default') ); if ( ! _deprecated ) { self.button.attr( 'aria-label', __('Select default color') ); } } else { self.button.addClass( 'wp-picker-clear' ).val( __('clear') ); if ( ! _deprecated ) { self.button.attr( 'aria-label', __('Clear color') ); } } if ( _deprecated ) { el.wrap( '' ).after( self.button ); } else { // Wrap the wrapping label in its wrapper and append the Clear/Default button. self.wrappingLabel .wrap( '