import re, itertools class player: tot=0 length=6 table=[['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']] last_player=0 def __init__(self,symbol): if player.tot > 1: print("Error! Too many players!") return if symbol==' ' or symbol=='' or symbol=='_': print("Invalid symbol!") player.tot+=1 self.symbol=symbol print('You are Player No. ',,'!',sep='') if player.tot==2: print("It's your turn, Player 1!") player.display() def display(self=None): for horiz in range(5,-1,-1): print('|',sep='',end='') [print(player.table[colno][horiz],'|',sep='',end='') for colno in range(7)] print() print("|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|\n") def play(self,col): col-=1 try: if player.table[col][5] != ' ': print('Error! Full!') return except IndexError: print('Invalid Column!') return if print('It\'s not your turn yet!') return player.last_player = for i in [4,3,2,1,0]: if player.table[col][i]!=' ' and player.table[col][i]!='_': #if i^th place is full: player.table[col][i+1]=self.symbol if self.check_for_win(): print('Player',,'has won!') for j in range(7): if player.table[j][5] == ' ': player.table[j][5]='!' self.display() return #if everything is empty: player.table[col][0]=self.symbol if self.check_for_win(): print('Player',,'has won!') for i in range(7): if player.table[i][5] != ' ': player.table[i][5]='!' self.display() def fdiag(col,row): ret=[player.table[col][row]] while col < 7 and row < 6: ret.append(player.table[col][row]) col+=1 row+=1 return ''.join(ret) def bdiag(col,row): ret=[player.table[col][row]] while col > -1 and row < 6: ret.append(player.table[col][row]) col-=1 row+=1 return ''.join(ret) def check_for_win(self): chk=False #column win for i in range(7): if ''.join([self.symbol]*4) in ''.join(player.table[i]): chk = True #row win for rowno in range(6): if ''.join([self.symbol]*4) in ''.join([player.table[colno][rowno] for colno in range(7)]): chk = True #forward diagnol win: / if (self.symbol*4 in player.fdiag(1,0) or self.symbol*4 in player.fdiag(0,0) or self.symbol*4 in player.fdiag(0,1) or self.symbol*4 in player.fdiag(0,2) or self.symbol*4 in player.fdiag(2,0) or self.symbol*4 in player.fdiag(3,0)): chk=True #backward diagnol win: \ if (self.symbol*4 in player.bdiag(6,0) or self.symbol*4 in player.bdiag(6,1) or self.symbol*4 in player.bdiag(6,2) or self.symbol*4 in player.bdiag(5,0) or self.symbol*4 in player.bdiag(4,0) or self.symbol*4 in player.bdiag(3,0)): chk=True return chk if __name__=='__main__': p1=player('X') p2=player('O') while True: x=input('>>') try: exec(x) except Exception as e: print("Error!",Exception)