## Changelog ### v1.4.9 (2024-06-20) * Fix modulo and some other binary operators (including bitwise operators) returning incorrect results in calculations with certain scaled units, e.g. `4 mod (1k)` or `4k xor 5` * Add unit `sol` (Martian day) ### v1.4.8 (2024-05-04) * Add support for `%` for modulo as an alternative to `mod`. Since `%` is also used for percentages, the way the operator is interpreted depends on context: `5 % 2` or `(348*34)%(293-1)` is parsed as modulo, whereas `5%` or `5% + 3` continues to be treated as a percentage. * Add constants `electron_mass`, `proton_mass` and `neutron_mass` ### v1.4.7 (2024-05-04) * Add Japanese units `shaku`, `tsubo` and `tatami` * Significantly improve performance when calculating powers with decimal numbers, e.g. `e^27.2` * Revamp fend's web UI: it is now built with React and runs calculations in a background thread. This fixes the timeout issues that used to affect long-running calculations. * Fix a bug where variable serialisation could cause numbers to be negated. This only affected fend-wasm and fend-web but could lead to incorrect results when using variables across multiple calculations. * Add some custom TypeScript definitions to fend-wasm ### v1.4.6 (2024-03-28) * Add function `mean` (or `average`) to compute the mean value of probability distributions (by [haykam821](https://github.com/haykam821)). For example: ``` > mean(d6) 7 > average(1d20 + 5) 15.5 ``` * Add units `nibble` (4 bits) and `U` (rack units, equal to `1.75 inches`) * Serialised variables are now compatible between 32-bit and 64-bit platforms * Fix bug where calculating very large roman numerals could crash the application ### v1.4.5 (2024-03-13) * Add support for converting numbers to roman numerals (e.g. `45 to roman` becomes `XLV`) * Add `≠` as an alias for `!=` (by [@haykam821](https://github.com/haykam821)) * Add `<>` as another alias for `!=` * Update Windows MSI installer to WiX 4 * The fend Telegram bot now directly replies to messages, making it easier to use in group chats (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) ### v1.4.4 (2024-03-05) * Add `==` and `!=` operators for equality and inequality (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) For example: ``` > 2 metres == 200 cm true > 4 kg == 2 lbs false ``` * The fend CLI now uses `native-tls` by default, instead of `rustls`. On Windows this uses SChannel (via the `schannel` crate), on macOS it uses Secure Transport via the `security-framework` crate, and on Linux it links to OpenSSL with the `openssl` crate. You can continue using `rustls` by compiling with the `--no-default-features --features rustls` flags. See the CLI's `Cargo.toml` for further details. ### v1.4.3 (2024-02-23) * Add `floor`, `ceil` and `round` functions (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) * Add ¥ symbol for Japanese Yen (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) * Support power notation using Unicode superscript digits (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) ### v1.4.2 (2024-01-23) * Add ability to convert codepoints to characters, e.g. `97 to character` (by [@mat-1](https://github.com/mat-1)) * Fix horsepower value (by [@probablykasper](https://github.com/probablykasper)) * Fix license files not being included in the workspace member packages (`fend-core` etc.) (by [@albertlarsan68](https://github.com/albertlarsan68)) ### v1.4.1 (2024-01-07) * Fix bug where fend could return incorrect results when calculating exponents or roots of certain units, e.g. `sqrt(milli)`. ### v1.4.0 (2023-12-27) * The license of fend has changed. As of v1.4.0, fend is available under the GPL 3.0 (or later). See [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/printfn/fend/blob/main/LICENSE.md) for more information. * Change unit simplification and unit aliasing to be simpler and more consistent. Units like `%` and `million` are now simplified unless you explicitly convert your result to one of those units. fend will now also simplify certain combinations of units, such as `volts / ohms` becoming `amperes`. For example: ``` > 5% 0.05 > 46 million 46000000 > 0.5 to % 50% > 34820000 to million 34.82 million > (5 volts) / (2 ohms) 2.5 amperes > 3 feet * 125 kg * s^-2 114.3 newtons ``` Please open an issue if you encounter any bugs or unexpected behavior. * Rename Windows installer artifacts (MSI files) to also include the version number, e.g. `fend-1.4.0-windows-x64.msi`. * Replace `nanorand` dependency with `rand`, which is better supported and fixes compilation errors on FreeBSD. ### v1.3.3 (2023-12-08) * Add `pkgx` package (by [@michaelessiet](https://github.com/michaelessiet)) * Add `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` binary * Fix terminal issues on some architectures such as MIPS (by [@eatradish](https://github.com/eatradish)) ### v1.3.2 (2023-11-11) * Custom units can now be defined in the `~/.config/fend/config.toml` configuration file. For example: ```toml [[custom-units]] singular = 'fortnight' plural = 'fortnights' # plural form is optional, defaults # to singular if not specified definition = '14 days' attribute = 'allow-long-prefix' # this makes it possible to combine this # unit with prefixes like 'milli-' or 'giga-' ``` See the [default config file](https://github.com/printfn/fend/blob/main/cli/src/default_config.toml) for more examples. * You can now tab-complete greek letters in the CLI, e.g. `\alpha` becomes α (by [@Markos-Th09](https://github.com/Markos-Th09)) * You can now use the `of` operator to write e.g. `5% of 100` (by [@fa993](https://github.com/fa993)) * Add CGS units (by [@Markos-Th09](https://github.com/Markos-Th09)) ### v1.3.1 (2023-10-26) * Add support for additional imperial and US customary units ### v1.3.0 (2023-10-16) * Support loading exchange rates from the UN treasury, which supports more currencies than the European Central Bank. This can be configured via the new `exchange-rate-source` option. (by [@Markos-Th09](https://github.com/Markos-Th09)) * Exchange rates are now available in fend-web (by [@Markos-Th09](https://github.com/Markos-Th09)) * Support complex numbers in many more situations, including trigonometric functions, logarithms, exponentiation, etc. (by [@Markos-Th09](https://github.com/Markos-Th09)) * Add support for unit prefixes for parsecs (e.g. `Mpc`) ### v1.2.2 (2023-09-14) * Add crate features to control the TLS implementation: enabling `native-tls` will cause fend to use the operating system's built-in TLS implementation. The `rustls` feature, which is enabled by default, will keep the existing native Rust implementation. When both features are disabled, such as when compiling with `--no-default-features`, network connectivity will not be available and currency conversions will not work. (by [@eatradish](https://github.com/eatradish)) * Add "zł" as an alias for Polish złoty (PLN) (by [@twolodzko](https://github.com/twolodzko)) * Add AOSC OS package and installation instructions (by [@eatradish](https://github.com/eatradish)) * Use `windows-sys` instead of `winapi` ### v1.2.1 (2023-09-06) * Add Chinese units `jin` and `gongjin` (by [@eatradish](https://github.com/eatradish)) * Add Xbps (Void Linux) package (by [@tranzystorek-io](https://github.com/tranzystorek-io)) * Add MacPorts package (by [@herbygillot](https://github.com/herbygillot)) ### v1.2.0 (2023-06-02) * Variable names with underscores can now be correctly referenced * Combined abbreviated units are now parsed case-insensitively: ``` > 100 kwh 100 kWh > 64 KB 64 kB ``` * Add a new configuration option `enable-internet-access` (defaults to `true`) * Add `tbs` unit as an abbreviation for tablespoons * Add `thou` unit, representing a thousandth of an inch ### v1.1.6 (2023-04-03) * Add cup, tablespoon and teaspoon units (by [@elcste](https://github.com/elcste)) * Add `bin` alias for binary (by [@xfnw](https://github.com/xfnw)) * Change the internal implementation of exchange rate handlers (by [@SekoiaTree](https://github.com/SekoiaTree)) * Fix unit test failures on 32-bit systems ### v1.1.5 (2023-02-06) * Add `@no_trailing_newline` attribute, which causes fend to not print a trailing newline after the calculation. ``` $ fend @no_trailing_newline 5+5 10 ``` ### v1.1.4 (2023-01-08) * Add support for subtracting from dates (e.g. `@2023-01-08 - 5 days`) * Fix some trigonometric functions behaving incorrectly when passing in values with units ### v1.1.3 (2022-11-28) * Add operators for permutations and combinations (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) * `n permute k` or `n nPr k`: compute the number of `k`-permutations of `n` * `n choose k` or `n nCr k`: number of `k`-combinations of `n` * Add `@noapprox` attribute to hide the `approx.` annotation in the output: ``` > pi approx. 3.1415926535 > @noapprox pi 3.1415926535 ``` * Add `@plain_number` attribute, to remove `approx.` and any units. This is especially useful in automated scripts. ``` > 5 m / (3 s) approx. 1.6666666666 m / s > @plain_number 5 m / (3 s) 1.6666666666 ``` * Add a new date literal syntax, e.g. `@2000-01-01` * Improve visual feedback when using the Telegram bot (by [@miki-tebe](https://github.com/miki-tebe)) * Add new SI prefixes quecca, ronna, ronto and quecto (by [@frectonz](https://github.com/frectonz)) * Add support for 256 (8-bit) colors in the CLI configuration * Change `!debug` to `@debug` for consistency and improved shell script interoperability ### v1.1.2 (2022-10-31) * Add `and` and `or` keywords as alternatives to the `&` and `|` bitwise operators * Add Homebrew package (by [@rhysmdnz](https://github.com/rhysmdnz)) * Add Chocolatey package (by [@dgalbraith](https://github.com/dgalbraith)) * Fix incorrect description of command-line arguments in man page (by [@mcint](https://github.com/mcint)) * Support `_` in fend-web (stores the previous answer) * Improve fend-web performance by serializing/storing variables properly * Support case-insensitive currencies * Support currency exchange rates in fend-wasm (by [@NickGeek](https://github.com/NickGeek)) * Support using any base currency for exchange rate calculations, not just USD ### v1.1.1 (2022-09-23) * Add bitwise operators: * `&`: bitwise AND * `|`: bitwise OR * `xor`: bitwise XOR (`^` is already used for exponentiation) * `<<`: left shift * `>>`: right shift ### v1.1.0 (2022-09-22) * Automatically download up-to-date currency exchange rates, e.g. when calculating `10 EUR to USD` * fend can now read directly from files, e.g. `fend calculation.txt` will read and evaluate the contents of `calculation.txt`. Multiple files can be specified, as well as combinations of files and expressions. * Shebangs (e.g. `#!/usr/bin/env fend`) no longer result in parse errors * You can now use `--` to force fend to interpret arguments literally, e.g. `fend -- -V` is interpreted as `-1 volts` instead of showing the version number * Fix bug where trailing whitespace or comments would result in a parse error * Add a man page * Add an MSI installer for Windows * Remove MSIX installer, which was difficult to use due to it being unsigned * Change fend website to [https://printfn.github.io/fend](https://printfn.github.io/fend) * Move fend documentation to [https://printfn.github.io/fend/documentation](https://printfn.github.io/fend/documentation) * Add a fend package to the Windows Package Manager (`winget`) ### v1.0.5 (2022-08-14) * Add a `fend-wasm-nodejs` NPM package * Add a [Telegram bot](https://t.me/fend_calc_bot) * Improve behaviour of percentages (credit to @Techcable), e.g. `5% * 80kg` is now `4 kg` * Add a Markdown-like parsing mode to the WASM API ### v1.0.4 (2022-07-22) * Support `kn` for `knots` * Add an installer for Windows ### v1.0.3 (2022-06-07) * Support `rad` for `radians` (e.g. `10 RPM to rad/s`) * Support implicit inches for `feet` (e.g. `5 foot 5 to cm`) * Ensure fend does not exit when pressing Ctrl-C to clear the current line ### v1.0.2 (2022-06-01) * Improve CLI colors * Use Coulomb and Farad for prefixed units like `mC` or `µF` * Add `sqmm` unit for square millimeters * Add `point` unit for typographical points (i.e. 1/72 inch) * Improve CLI behavior when pressing Ctrl-C to clear the current line ### v1.0.1 (2022-03-19) * Support omitting inches when writing e.g. `5'1`: fend will now automatically interpret that as `5'1"` * Improve reliability when piping data into fend on the command line, e.g. when running `echo "1+1" | fend` * Support compiling fend with Rust 1.56 (rather than requiring Rust 1.59) ### v1.0.0 (2022-03-12) * Allow `kmh` and `km/h` for kilometers per hour * Change Planck's constant from `h` to `planck` * Add support for lambda notation `λx.x` (in addition to the previous lambda notations `\x.x`, `x:x` and `x => x`) * Add a ZSH helper script that makes `fend` more convenient on the command line * Despite the major version bump, this release contains no breaking API changes ### v0.1.29 (2022-02-23) * The locations for the config and history files have changed on some operating systems. On Linux and macOS, fend will now look in `~/.config/fend/config.toml` for its configuration file, and store history in `~/.local/state/fend/history`. You can run `fend help` to see which paths fend uses, and override them via the `FEND_CONFIG_DIR` and `FEND_STATE_DIR` environment variables if necessary. * Colors in the CLI are now enabled by default. They can be disabled via the `enable-colors` config option, or via the `NO_COLOR` environment variable. `CLICOLOR` and `CLICOLOR_FORCE` environment variables are also respected. See https://bixense.com/clicolors/ and https://no-color.org for more info. * Add a `max-history-size` config option to control how many history entries are saved by default. * Improve error-checking when reading the config file. Minor errors will now only produce warnings, and no longer cause parsing to fail entirely. * There are now Linux ARM builds available, for both `armv7-gnueabihf` and `aarch64` architectures. ### v0.1.28 (2022-02-12) * Add base names `ternary` and `senary` * Reduce CLI binary sizes ### v0.1.27 (2021-11-02) * Improve command-line argument parsing, including support for multiple arguments * The most recent calculation result is now stored in a special variable `_` (or `ans`): ``` > 5 * 10 50 > _ + 5 55 > _ * 2 110 > ans * 2 220 ``` ### v0.1.26 (2021-09-27) * Fix minor bug in the `fend-wasm-web` NPM package ### v0.1.25 (2021-09-27) * Add `stone` unit * Add initial support for date arithmetic, e.g. `('2020-05-04' to date) + 500 days` * There is now a `fend-wasm-web` NPM package available, built with the `--target web` option ### v0.1.24 (2021-08-09) * Add basic tab completion support to the CLI interface * Improve output for `()` types in the CLI and in `fend-wasm` ### v0.1.23 (2021-08-06) * Fully support empty statements and trailing semicolons ### v0.1.22 (2021-07-29) * Add amp hour abbreviation (e.g. `mAh`) * Improve error message when attempting to convert between incompatible units ### v0.1.21 (2021-07-11) * Add support for D&D-style dice syntax. For example, `d6` refers to a standard 6-sided die. ``` > roll d6 4 > roll d20 # 20-sided die 17 > roll 2d6 # sum of two 6-sided dice 7 > 2d6 # view the probability distribution 2: 2.78% ##### 3: 5.56% ########## 4: 8.33% ############### 5: 11.11% #################### 6: 13.89% ######################### 7: 16.67% ############################## 8: 13.89% ######################### 9: 11.11% #################### 10: 8.33% ############### 11: 5.56% ########## 12: 2.78% ##### > roll(d20 + d6 + 4) # arithmetic operations 14 ``` * Fix `lux` unit definition * Remove the `->` conversion syntax: use `to` instead ### v0.1.20 (2021-06-29) * Support modulo with arbitrarily large integers * Add a config option to use `C` and `F` as coulomb and farad instead of degrees celsius and degrees fahrenheit * Add more units: `horsepower`, `lumen`, `lux`, `decare` etc. ### v0.1.19 (2021-06-29) * Add more units: `atmosphere`, `mmHg`, `inHg`, `dB`, `mil` and more * Support variables over multiple statements in the wasm API ### v0.1.18 (2021-06-28) * Add variables and multiple statements (e.g. `a = 4; b = 10; a * b` is `40`) * Add `mixed_frac` as an alias for `mixed_fraction` * Support the `£` symbol for GBP * Allow `$` and `£` before the associated number, e.g. `$100/4` is `$25` ### v0.1.17 (2021-06-08) * Add `k`, `M`, `G` and `T` suffixes for numbers (e.g. `5k` is `5000`) * Add a modulo operator `mod` (e.g. `5 mod 2` is `1`) * Improve error messages for invalid unit conversions * Add the golden ratio constant phi ϕ (`phi` is `approx. 1.6180339886`) * Fix incorrect currency exchange rates * Add `true`, `false`, and a `not()` function * Add `sqm` and `sqft` units for square meters and square feet respectively ### v0.1.16 (2021-05-21) * Add support for Unicode operators, such as ✕ or ÷ * Add color customization to the command-line interface by editing the `config.toml` file. Refer to the default `config.toml` file [here](https://github.com/printfn/fend/blob/main/cli/src/default_config.toml). ### v0.1.15 (2021-05-20) * Case-insensitive units: you can now write `5 Meters` * Experimental date support: * You can create a date object like so: ``` > "2021-05-20" to date Thursday, 20 May 2021 ``` * No other date-related functionality has been implemented yet, including no times/timezones, durations, date arithmetic or different date formats. * fend now parses single and double quotes as feet and inches (instead of as string literals) in more situations, so you can once again write: ``` > 1.2192 m to ' 4' ``` * The CLI program can now read options from a config file. Type `help` to find out where it is stored. The `config.toml` file can contain the following options: ```toml prompt = '> ' color = false ``` * Terminal color support: this is disabled by default, so you'll need to create a config file containing `color = true` first. * Added a `conjugate` function that computes the complex conjugate of a number: e.g. `conjugate(i)` is `-i`. * Improve consistency around error messages ### v0.1.14 (2021-02-14) * Add support for strings and string literals. They can be in single or double quotes, and support a variety of escape sequences. * Support conversions of numbers to strings * Use `b` as shorthand for bits (including e.g. `Gb/s`) * Remove the `0d` number prefix ### v0.1.13 (2021-01-20) * Add °C and °F (including temperature conversions) * Automatically simplify units in some calculations (e.g. `100 km/hr * 36 seconds` becomes `1 km`) * Add initial support for objects (try e.g. `mass of earth`) * Add `square` and `cubic` functions * Add hectares and acres ### v0.1.12 (2020-11-27) This build was only released on NPM. * Fix NPM package ### v0.1.11 (2020-11-27) * Improve debug representation (using e.g. `!debug 1`) ### v0.1.10 (2020-11-23) * Allow leading zeroes for decimal numbers * Allow upper-case "E" for exponential numbers (e.g. `1E3` is `1000`) * Add `in` as an alias for `to` (so you can now write `3.14 in binary`) * Add `log()` function as shorthand for `log10()` * Fix `kWh` unit definition ### v0.1.9 (2020-11-06) * Include `LICENSE.md` files as part of the package on [crates.io](https://crates.io) ### v0.1.8 (2020-11-06) * Add `version` command to get the current fend version * Support `-sin pi` and `3 sin pi` without parentheses * Support function inverses: e.g. `sin^-1` becomes `asin` * Add `to sf` to convert numbers to a fixed number of significant figures * Make many calculations involving `sin` and `cos` exact * Add `tau` (`τ`), equal to `2π` * Add Yi- and Zi- binary prefixes * Use decimal approximations instead of fractions by default * `x to exact` will now convert `x` to an exact representation whenever possible, including using multiples of π * Add `cis` as a shorthand for `cos θ + i * (sin θ)` ### v0.1.7 (2020-10-14) * Ensure that approximate numbers are always marked as such * Fix a bug involving sin/cos/tan of negative numbers * Make some calculations involving pi exact * Fix parsing of recurring decimals in bases other than 10 ### v0.1.6 (2020-10-05) * Support outputting mixed fractions (implicitly or via `to mixed_fraction`) * Support unmatched parentheses (e.g. `2+3)*(1+2` is `15`) * Support parsing of numbers with recurring digits (e.g. `0.(3)` is equal to `1/3`) * Allow numbers that start with a decimal point, such as `.1` ### v0.1.5 (2020-09-29) * Add support for lambda functions (e.g. `\x.x`) * Change precedence of `to` and `as` * Add live CLI output ### v0.1.4 (2020-09-15) * Add the GNU units database, containing several thousand unit definitions * Add support for square roots of numbers with units * Add unary division as a shorthand for `1/x` (e.g. `/ second`, `64^/2`) * Support `+` in exponential notation (e.g. `1.5e+2`) * Allow `,` as a digit separator (e.g. `1,048,576`) ### v0.1.3 (2020-09-05) * Use correct singular/plural unit names * Base conversions using `to` * Make exponents in other bases more consistent ### v0.1.2 (2020-09-02) * Allow leading zeroes for non-decimal numbers * Support interrupting an ongoing calculation with Ctrl-C ### v0.1.1 (2020-09-01) * Save history continuously instead of only on program exit * Fix parsing of `log10()` and `log2()` * Add factorial operator (`!`) ### v0.1.0 (2020-08-31) Initial release: * Arbitrary-precision arithmetic using rational numbers * Support for complex numbers * Binary, octal, hexadecimal and other number bases between 2 and 36. * Keeps track of units, with support for SI and US customary units. * Support for Emacs-style CLI shortcuts * Trigonometric functions * Useful physical and mathematical constants