# Gemini for Sublime Text This extension adds syntax highlighting support for [Gemini](https://geminiprotocol.net/docs/specification.gmi) documents (with the `.gmi` extension) to Sublime Text. ## Installation This extension is on [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io)! You can install it in Sublime Text by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS), going to "Install Package", and then searching for "Gemini". Find out more details [here](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Gemini). ## Example Syntax ````gmi # Heading ## Smaller heading ### Smallest heading This is an example paragraph! Make sure you type paragraphs on one long line. They will be word-wrapped automatically by the Gemini client. This is a Gemtext Link: => gemini://geminiprotocol.net Link to Project Gemini Lists are also supported: * Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 ``` Finally, you can add 'raw' text by placing it between sets of '```', just like this example text. ``` You can find a cheatsheet here: => https://geminiprotocol.net/docs/cheatsheet.gmi Gemini Cheatsheet ```` ## About Gemini Specification: Specification (HTTP Mirror): Gemini syntax cheatsheet: