# Prisma Language Definition for Sublime Text 3 This package supports syntax highlighting. The `prisma.tmLanguage` orginally comes from the [Prisma VSCode extension](https://github.com/prisma/vscode/blob/master/syntaxes/prisma.tmLanguage.json) and got converted into a `.tmLanguage` file. ## Installation ### With Package Control: 1. Run the `Package Control: Install Package` command, find and install the `Prisma Syntax` package. 2. Restart Sublime Text (if required) ### Manually: 1. Clone or download this repo and copy `prisma.tmLanguage` into your `Packages/User` folder, which can be found via the main menu: `Sublime Text` > `Browse Packages…` 2. Restart Sublime Text editor (if required) ## Integration into Sublime Text 3 This package is listed [here](https://github.com/wbond/package_control_channel/blob/master/repository/p.json) in the [Package Control Channel](https://github.com/wbond/package_control_channel) containing a list of repositories and packages for use with the Sublime Text package manager [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/).