#!/bin/sh # Script for installation of PRISM on a clean install of Ubuntu set -e # Abort if one of the commands fails set -x # Print commands as they are executed # Avoid interruptions during install if [ -e "/etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf" ]; then sudo sed -i "/#\$nrconf{restart} = 'i';/s/.*/\$nrconf{restart} = 'a';/" /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf fi # Install dependencies: make/gcc/Java/git sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt -y install make gcc g++ default-jdk git # Install Python (only needed for testing (prism-auto) currently) sudo apt -y install python3 # Download the latest development version from GitHub git clone https://github.com/prismmodelchecker/prism.git # Compile PRISM and run a single test (unless --nobuild passed) # (should ultimately display: "Testing result: PASS") if [ "$*" = "${*/--nobuild}" ]; then (cd prism/prism && make && make test) fi