className() === 'WireArray') $this->duplicateChecking = false; parent::__construct(); } /** * Is the given item valid for storange in this array? * * Template method that descending classes may use to validate items added to this WireArray * * #pw-group-info * * @param mixed $item Item to test for validity * @return bool True if item is valid and may be added, false if not * */ public function isValidItem($item) { if($item instanceof Wire) return true; $className = $this->className(); if($className === 'WireArray' || $className === 'PaginatedArray') return true; return false; } /** * Is the given item key valid for use in this array? * * Template method that descendant classes may use to validate the key of items added to this WireArray * * #pw-group-info * * @param string|int $key Key to test * @return bool True if key is valid and may be used, false if not * */ public function isValidKey($key) { // unused $key intentional for descending class/template purposes if($key) {} return true; } /** * Is the given WireArray identical to this one? * * #pw-group-info * * @param WireArray $items * @param bool|int $strict Use strict mode? Optionally specify one of the following: * `true` (boolean): Default. Compares items, item object instances, order, and any other data contained in WireArray. * `false` (boolean): Compares only that items in the WireArray resolve to the same order and values (though not object instances). * @return bool True if identical, false if not. * */ public function isIdentical(WireArray $items, $strict = true) { if($items === $this) return true; if($items->className() != $this->className()) return false; if(!$strict) return ((string) $this) === ((string) $items); $a1 = $this->getArray(); $a2 = $items->getArray(); if($a1 === $a2) { // all items match $d1 = $this->data(); $d2 = $items->data(); if($d1 === $d2) { // all data matches return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the array key for the given item * * - This is a template method that descendant classes may use to find a key from the item itself, or null if disabled. * - This method is used internally by the add() and prepend() methods. * * #pw-internal * * @param object|Wire $item Item to get key for * @return string|int|null Found key, or null if not found. * */ public function getItemKey($item) { // in this base class, we don't make assumptions how the key is determined // so we just search the array to see if the item is already here and // return it's key if it is here $key = array_search($item, $this->data, true); return $key === false ? null : $key; } /** * Get a new/blank item of the type that this WireArray holds * * #pw-internal * * @throws WireException If class doesn't implement this method. * @return Wire|null * */ public function makeBlankItem() { $class = wireClassName($this, false); if($class != 'WireArray' && $class != 'PaginatedArray') { throw new WireException("Class '$class' doesn't yet implement method 'makeBlankItem()' and it needs to."); } return null; } /** * Creates a new blank instance of this WireArray, for internal use. * * #pw-internal * * @return WireArray * */ public function makeNew() { $class = get_class($this); $newArray = $this->wire(new $class()); return $newArray; } /** * Creates a new populated copy/clone of this WireArray * * Same as a clone, except that descending classes may wish to replace the * clone call a manually created WireArray to prevent deep cloning. * * #pw-internal * * @return WireArray * */ public function makeCopy() { return clone $this; } /** * Import the given item(s) into this WireArray. * * - Adds imported items to the end of the WireArray. * - Skips over any items already present in the WireArray (when duplicateChecking is enabled) * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param array|WireArray $items Items to import. * @return $this * @throws WireException If given items not compatible with the WireArray * */ public function import($items) { if(!is_array($items) && !self::iterable($items)) { throw new WireException('WireArray cannot import non arrays or non-iterable objects'); } foreach($items as $key => $value) { if($this->duplicateChecking) { if(($k = $this->getItemKey($value)) !== null) $key = $k; if(isset($this->data[$key])) continue; // won't overwrite existing keys $this->set($key, $value); } else { $this->add($value); } } return $this; } /** * Add an item to the end of the WireArray. * * ~~~~~ * $items->add($item); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param int|string|array|object|Wire|WireArray $item Item to add. * @return $this * @throws WireException If given an item that can't be stored by this WireArray. * @see WireArray::prepend(), WireArray::append() * */ public function add($item) { if(!$this->isValidItem($item)) { if($item instanceof WireArray) { foreach($item as $i) $this->prepend($i); return $this; } else { throw new WireException("Item added to " . get_class($this) . " is not an allowed type"); } } if($this->duplicateChecking && ($key = $this->getItemKey($item)) !== null) { // avoid two copies of the same item, re-add it to the end if(isset($this->data[$key])) unset($this->data[$key]); $this->data[$key] = $item; } else { $this->data[] = $item; end($this->data); $key = key($this->data); } $this->trackChange("add", null, $item); $this->trackAdd($item, $key); return $this; } /** * Insert an item either before or after another * * Provides the implementation for the insertBefore and insertAfter functions * * @param int|string|array|object $item Item you want to insert * @param int|string|array|object $existingItem Item already present that you want to insert before/afer * @param bool $insertBefore True if you want to insert before, false if after * @return $this * @throws WireException if given an invalid item * */ protected function _insert($item, $existingItem, $insertBefore = true) { if(!$this->isValidItem($item)) throw new WireException("You may not insert this item type"); $data = array(); $this->add($item); // first add the item, then we'll move it $itemKey = $this->getItemKey($item); foreach($this->data as $key => $value) { if($value === $existingItem) { // found $existingItem, so insert $item and then insert $existingItem if($insertBefore) { $data[$itemKey] = $item; $data[$key] = $value; } else { $data[$key] = $value; $data[$itemKey] = $item; } } else if($value === $item) { // skip over it since the above is doing the insert continue; } else { // continue populating existing data $data[$key] = $value; } } $this->data = $data; return $this; } /** * Insert an item before an existing item * * ~~~~~ * $items->insertBefore($newItem, $existingItem); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|string|int $item Item you want to insert. * @param Wire|string|int $existingItem Item already present that you want to insert before. * @return $this * */ public function insertBefore($item, $existingItem) { return $this->_insert($item, $existingItem, true); } /** * Insert an item after an existing item * * ~~~~~ * $items->insertAfter($newItem, $existingItem); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|string|int $item Item you want to insert * @param Wire|string|int $existingItem Item already present that you want to insert after * @return $this * */ public function insertAfter($item, $existingItem) { return $this->_insert($item, $existingItem, false); } /** * Replace one item with the other * * - The order of the arguments does not matter. * - If both items are already present, they will change places. * - If one item is not already present, it will replace the one that is. * - If neither item is present, both will be added at the end. * * ~~~~~ * $items->replace($existingItem, $newItem); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|string|int $itemA * @param Wire|string|int $itemB * @return $this * */ public function replace($itemA, $itemB) { $a = $this->get($itemA); $b = $this->get($itemB); if($a && $b) { // swap a and b, both already present in this WireArray $data = $this->data; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $k = null; if($value === $a) { if(method_exists($b, 'getItemKey')) { $k = $b->getItemKey(); // item provides its own key } else { $k = $this->getItemKey($b); } $value = $b; } else if($value === $b) { if(method_exists($a, 'getItemKey')) { $k = $a->getItemKey(); // item provides its own key } else { $k = $this->getItemKey($a); } $value = $a; } if($k !== null) $key = $k; $data[$key] = $value; } $this->data = $data; } else if($a) { // b not already in array, so replace a with b $this->_insert($itemB, $a); $this->remove($a); } else if($b) { // a not already in array, so replace b with a $this->_insert($itemA, $b); $this->remove($b); } return $this; } /** * Set an item by key in the WireArray. * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param int|string $key Key of item to set. * @param int|string|array|object|Wire $value Item value to set. * @throws WireException If given an item not compatible with this WireArray. * @return $this * */ public function set($key, $value) { if(!$this->isValidItem($value)) { throw new WireException("Item '$key' set to " . get_class($this) . " is not an allowed type"); } if(!$this->isValidKey($key)) { throw new WireException("Key '$key' is not an allowed key for " . get_class($this)); } $this->trackChange($key, isset($this->data[$key]) ? $this->data[$key] : null, $value); $this->data[$key] = $value; $this->trackAdd($value, $key); return $this; } /** * Enables setting of WireArray elements in object notation. * * Example: $myArray->myElement = 10; * Not applicable to numerically indexed arrays. * * @param int|string $property Key of item to set. * @param int|string|array|object Value of item to set. * @throws WireException * */ public function __set($property, $value) { if($this->getProperty($property)) { throw new WireException("Property '$property' is a reserved word and may not be set by direct reference."); } $this->set($property, $value); } /** * Ensures that isset() and empty() work for this classes properties. * * @param string|int $key * @return bool * */ public function __isset($key) { return isset($this->data[$key]); } /** * Ensures that unset() works for this classes data. * * @param int|string $key * */ public function __unset($key) { $this->remove($key); } /** * Like set() but accepts an array or WireArray to set multiple values at once * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param array|WireArray $data Array or WireArray of data that you want to set. * @return $this * */ public function setArray($data) { if(self::iterable($data)) { foreach($data as $key => $value) $this->set($key, $value); } return $this; } /** * Returns the value of the item at the given index, or null if not set. * * You may also specify a selector, in which case this method will return the same result as * the `WireArray::findOne()` method. See the $key argument description for more details on * what can be provided. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int|string|array $key Provide any of the following: * - Key of item to retrieve. * - Array of keys, in which case an array of matching items will be returned, indexed by your keys. * - A selector string or selector array, to return the first item that matches the selector. * - A string of text with "{var}" tags in it that will be populated with any matching properties from this WireArray. * - A string like "foobar[]" which returns an array of all "foobar" properties from each item in the WireArray. * - A string containing the "name" property of any item, and the matching item will be returned. * @return WireData|Page|mixed|array|null Value of item requested, or null if it doesn't exist. * @throws WireException * */ public function get($key) { $match = null; // if an object was provided, get its key if(is_object($key)) { /** @var object $key */ $key = $this->getItemKey($key); /** @var string|int $key */ } // if given an array of keys, return all matching items if(is_array($key)) { if(ctype_digit(implode('', array_keys($key)))) { $items = array(); /** @var array $key */ foreach($key as $k) { $item = $this->get($k); $items[$k] = $item; } return $items; } else { // selector array $item = $this->findOne($key); if($item === false) $item = null; return $item; } } // check if the index is set and return it if so if(isset($this->data[$key])) return $this->data[$key]; // check if key contains something other than numbers, letters, underscores, hyphens if(is_string($key)) { if(!ctype_alnum($key) && !ctype_alnum(strtr($key, '-_', 'ab'))) { // check if key contains a selector if(Selectors::stringHasSelector($key)) { $item = $this->findOne($key); if($item === false) $item = null; return $item; } if(strpos($key, '{') !== false && strpos($key, '}')) { // populate a formatted string with {tag} vars return wirePopulateStringTags($key, $this); } // check if key is requesting a property array: i.e. "name[]" if(strpos($key, '[]') !== false && substr($key, -2) == '[]') { return $this->explode(substr($key, 0, -2)); } // check if key is asking for first match in "a|b|c" if(strpos($key, '|') !== false) { $numericKeys = $this->usesNumericKeys(); foreach(explode('|', $key) as $k) { if(isset($this->data[$k])) { $match = $this->data[$k]; } else if($numericKeys) { $match = $this->getItemThatMatches('name', $k); } if($match) break; } return $match; } } // if the WireArray uses numeric keys, then it's okay to // match a 'name' field if the provided key is a string if($this->usesNumericKeys()) { $match = $this->getItemThatMatches('name', $key); } } return $match; } /** * Enables derefencing of WireArray elements in object notation. * * Example: $myArray->myElement * Not applicable to numerically indexed arrays. * Fuel properties and hooked properties have precedence with this type of call. * * @param int|string $name * @return Wire|WireData|Page|mixed|bool Value of item requested, or false if it doesn't exist. * */ public function __get($name) { $value = parent::__get($name); if(is_null($value)) $value = $this->getProperty($name); if(is_null($value)) $value = $this->get($name); return $value; } /** * Get a predefined property of the array, or extra data that has been set. * * Default properties include; * * - `count` (int): Number of items present in this WireArray. * - `last` (mixed): Last item in this WireArray. * - `first` (mixed): First item in this WireArray. * - `keys` (array): Keys used in this WireArray. * - `values` (array): Values present in this WireArray. * * These can also be accessed by direct reference. * * ~~~~~ * // Get count * $count = $items->getProperty('count'); * * // Same as above using direct access property * $count = $items->count; * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param string $property Name of property to retrieve * @return Wire|mixed * */ public function getProperty($property) { static $properties = array( // property => method to map to 'count' => 'count', 'last' => 'last', 'first' => 'first', 'keys' => 'getKeys', 'values' => 'getValues', ); if(!in_array($property, $properties)) return $this->data($property); $func = $properties[$property]; return $this->$func(); } /** * Return the first item in this WireArray having a property named $key with $value, or NULL if not found. * * Used internally by get() and has() methods. * * @param string $key Property to match. * @param string|int|object $value $value to match. * @return Wire|null * */ protected function getItemThatMatches($key, $value) { if(ctype_digit("$key")) return null; $item = null; foreach($this->data as $wire) { if($wire instanceof Wire) { if($wire->$key === $value) { $item = $wire; break; } } else { if($wire === $value) { $item = $wire; break; } } } return $item; } /** * Does this WireArray have the given item, index, or match the given selector? * * If the WireArray uses numeric keys, then this will also match a WireData object's "name" field. * * ~~~~~ * // See if it has a given $item * if($items->has($item)) { * // Has the given $item * } * * // See if it has an object with a "name" property matching our text * if($items->has("name=something")) { * // Has an item with a "name" property equal to "something" * } * * // Same as above, but works since "name" is assumed for many types * if($items->has("something")) { * // It has it * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * #pw-group-info * * @param int|string|Wire $key Key of item to check or selector. * @return bool True if the item exists, false if not. * */ public function has($key) { if(is_object($key)) { /** @var object|Wire $key */ $key = $this->getItemKey($key); /** @var int|string $key */ } if(is_array($key)) { // match selector array return $this->findOne($key) ? true : false; } if(array_key_exists($key, $this->data)) return true; $match = null; if(is_string($key)) { if(Selectors::stringHasOperator($key)) { $match = $this->findOne($key); } else if($this->usesNumericKeys()) { $match = $this->getItemThatMatches('name', $key); } } return $match ? true : false; } /** * Get a PHP array of all the items in this WireArray with original keys maintained * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return array Copy of the array that WireArray uses internally. * @see WireArray::getValues() * */ public function getArray() { return $this->data; } /** * Returns all items in the WireArray (for syntax convenience) * * This is for syntax convenience, as it simply returns this instance of the WireArray. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return $this * */ public function getAll() { return $this; } /** * Returns a regular PHP array of all keys used in this WireArray. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return array Keys used in the WireArray. * */ public function getKeys() { return array_keys($this->data); } /** * Returns a regular PHP array of all values used in this WireArray. * * Unlike the `WireArray::getArray()` method, this does not attempt to maintain original * keys of the items. The returned array is reindexed from 0. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return array|Wire[] Values used in the WireArray. * @see WireArray::getArray() * */ public function getValues() { return array_values($this->data); } /** * Get a random item from this WireArray. * * - If one item is requested (default), the item is returned (unless `$alwaysArray` argument is true). * - If multiple items are requested, a new `WireArray` of those items is returned. * - We recommend using this method when you just need 1 random item, and using the `WireArray::findRandom()` method * when you need multiple random items. * * ~~~~~ * // Get a single random item * $randomItem = $items->getRandom(); * * // Get 3 random items * $randomItems = $items->getRandom(3); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $num Number of items to return. Optional and defaults to 1. * @param bool $alwaysArray If true, then method will always return an array of items, even if it only contains 1 item. * @return WireArray|Wire|mixed|null Returns value of item, or new WireArray of items if more than one requested. * @see WireArray::findRandom(), WireArray::findRandomTimed() * */ public function getRandom($num = 1, $alwaysArray = false) { $items = $this->makeNew(); if($num < 1) return $items; $count = $this->count(); if(!$count) { if($num == 1 && !$alwaysArray) return null; return $items; } $keys = array_rand($this->data, ($num > $count ? $count : $num)); if($num == 1 && !$alwaysArray) return $this->data[$keys]; if(!is_array($keys)) $keys = array($keys); foreach($keys as $key) $items->add($this->data[$key]); $items->setTrackChanges(true); return $items; } /** * Find a specified quantity of random elements from this WireArray. * * Unlike `WireArray::getRandom()` this method always returns a WireArray (or derived type). * * ~~~~~ * // Get 3 random items * $randomItems = $items->findRandom(3); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $num Number of items to return * @return WireArray * @see WireArray::getRandom(), WireArray::findRandomTimed() * */ public function findRandom($num) { return $this->getRandom((int) $num, true); } /** * Find a quantity of random elements from this WireArray based on a timed interval (or user provided seed). * * If no `$seed` is provided, today's date (day) is used to seed the random number * generator, so you can use this function to rotate items on a daily basis. * * _Idea and implementation provided by []( * * ~~~~~ * // Get same 3 random items per day * $randomItems = $items->findRandomTimed(3); * * // Get same 3 random items per hour * $randomItems = $items->findRandomTimed('YmdH'); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $num The amount of items to extract from the given list * @param int|string $seed Optionally provide one of the following: * - A PHP [date()]( format string. * - A number used to see the random number generator. * - The default is the PHP date format "Ymd" which makes it randomize once daily. * @return WireArray * @see WireArray::findRandom() * */ public function findRandomTimed($num, $seed = 'Ymd') { if(is_string($seed)) $seed = crc32(date($seed)); srand($seed); $keys = $this->getKeys(); $items = $this->makeNew(); while(count($keys) > 0 && count($items) < $num) { $index = rand(0, count($keys)-1); $key = $keys[$index]; $items->add($this->get($key)); array_splice($keys, $index, 1); } return $items; } /** * Get a slice of the WireArray. * * Given a starting point and a number of items, returns a new WireArray of those items. * If `$limit` is omitted, then it includes everything beyond the starting point. * * ~~~~~ * // Get first 3 items * $myItems = $items->slice(0, 3); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $start Starting index. * @param int $limit Number of items to include. If omitted, includes the rest of the array. * @return WireArray Returns a new WireArray. * */ public function slice($start, $limit = 0) { if($limit) { $slice = array_slice($this->data, $start, $limit); } else { $slice = array_slice($this->data, $start); } $items = $this->makeNew(); $items->import($slice); $items->setTrackChanges(true); return $items; } /** * Prepend an item to the beginning of the WireArray. * * ~~~~~ * // Add item to beginning * $items->prepend($item); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|WireArray|mixed $item Item to prepend. * @return $this This instance. * @throws WireException * @see WireArray::append() * */ public function prepend($item) { if(!$this->isValidItem($item)) { if($item instanceof WireArray) { foreach(array_reverse($item->getArray()) as $i) $this->prepend($i); return $this; } else { throw new WireException("Item prepend to " . get_class($this) . " is not an allowed type"); } } if($this->duplicateChecking && ($key = $this->getItemKey($item)) !== null) { // item already present $a = array($key => $item); $this->data = $a + $this->data; // UNION operator for arrays // $this->data = array_merge($a, $this->data); } else { // new item array_unshift($this->data, $item); reset($this->data); $key = key($this->data); } $this->trackChange('prepend', null, $item); $this->trackAdd($item, $key); return $this; } /** * Append an item to the end of the WireArray * * This is a functionally identical alias of the `WireArray::add()` method here for * naming consistency with the `WireArray::prepend()` method. * * ~~~~~ * // Add item to end * $items->append($item); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|WireArray|mixed $item Item to append. * @return $this This instance. * @see WireArray::prepend(), WireArray::add() * */ public function append($item) { $this->add($item); return $this; } /** * Unshift an element to the beginning of the WireArray (alias for prepend) * * This is for consistency with PHP's naming convention of the `array_unshift()` method. * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|WireArray|mixed $item Item to prepend. * @return $this This instance. * @see WireArray::shift(), WireArray::prepend() * */ public function unshift($item) { return $this->prepend($item); } /** * Shift an element off the beginning of the WireArray and return it * * Consistent with behavior of PHP's `array_shift()` method. * * #pw-group-manipulation * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return Wire|mixed|null Item shifted off the beginning or NULL if empty. * @see WireArray::unshift() * */ public function shift() { reset($this->data); $key = key($this->data); $item = array_shift($this->data); if(is_null($item)) return null; $this->trackChange('shift', $item, null); $this->trackRemove($item, $key); return $item; } /** * Push an item to the end of the WireArray. * * Same as `WireArray::add()` and `WireArray::append()`, but here for syntax convenience. * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param Wire|mixed $item Item to push. * @return $this This instance. * @see WireArray::pop() * */ public function push($item) { $this->add($item); return $this; } /** * Pop an element off the end of the WireArray and return it * * #pw-group-retrieval * #pw-group-manipulation * * @return Wire|mixed|null Item popped off the end or NULL if empty. * */ public function pop() { end($this->data); $key = key($this->data); $item = array_pop($this->data); if(is_null($item)) return null; $this->trackChange('pop', $item, null); $this->trackRemove($item, $key); return $item; } /** * Shuffle/randomize this WireArray * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @return $this This instance. * */ public function shuffle() { $keys = $this->getKeys(); $data = array(); // shuffle the keys rather than the original array in case it's associative // because PHP's shuffle reindexes the array shuffle($keys); foreach($keys as $key) { $data[$key] = $this->data[$key]; } $this->trackChange('shuffle', $this->data, $data); $this->data = $data; return $this; } /** * Returns a new WireArray of the item at the given index. * * Unlike `WireArray::get()` this returns a new WireArray with a single item, or a blank WireArray if item doesn't exist. * Applicable to numerically indexed WireArray only. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $num Index number * @return WireArray * @see WireArray::eq() * */ public function index($num) { return $this->slice($num, 1); } /** * Returns the item at the given index starting from 0, or NULL if it doesn't exist. * * Unlike the `WireArray::index()` method, this returns an actual item and not another WireArray. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $num Return the n'th item in this WireArray. Specify a negative number to count from the end rather than the start. * @return Wire|null * @see WireArray::index() * */ public function eq($num) { $num = (int) $num; $item = array_slice($this->data, $num, 1); $item = count($item) ? reset($item) : null; return $item; } /** * Returns the first item in the WireArray or boolean false if empty. * * Note that this resets the internal WireArray pointer, which would affect other active iterations. * * ~~~~~ * $item = $items->first(); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-traversal * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return Wire|mixed|bool * */ public function first() { return reset($this->data); } /** * Returns the last item in the WireArray or boolean false if empty. * * Note that this resets the internal WireArray pointer, which would affect other active iterations. * * ~~~~~ * $item = $items->last(); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-traversal * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return Wire|mixed|bool * */ public function last() { return end($this->data); } /** * Removes the given item or index from the WireArray (if it exists). * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param int|string|Wire $key Item to remove (object), or index of that item, or (3.0.196+) selector string. * @return $this This instance. * */ public function remove($key) { $obj = is_object($key); if($obj) { $key = $this->getItemKey($key); } if(array_key_exists($key, $this->data)) { $item = $this->data[$key]; unset($this->data[$key]); $this->trackChange("remove", $item, null); $this->trackRemove($item, $key); } else if(!$obj && is_string($key) && Selectors::stringHasSelector($key)) { foreach($this->find($key) as $item) { $this->remove($item); } } return $this; } /** * Removes multiple identified items at once * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param array|Wire|string|WireArray $items Items to remove * @return $this * */ public function removeItems($items) { if(!self::iterable($items)) $items = array($items); foreach($items as $item) $this->remove($item); return $this; } /** * Removes all items from the WireArray, leaving it blank * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @return $this * */ public function removeAll() { foreach($this as $key => $value) { $this->remove($key); } return $this; } /** * Remove an item without any record of the event or telling anything else. * * #pw-internal * * @param int|string|Wire $key Index of item or object instance of item. * @return $this This instance. * */ public function removeQuietly($key) { if(is_object($key)) $key = $this->getItemKey($key); unset($this->data[$key]); return $this; } /** * Sort this WireArray by the given properties. * * - Sort properties can be given as a string in the format `name, datestamp` or as an array of strings, * i.e. `["name", "datestamp"]`. * * - You may also specify the properties as `property.subproperty`, where property resolves to a Wire derived object * in each item, and subproperty resolves to a property within that object. * * - Prepend or append a minus "-" to reverse the sort (per field). * * ~~~~~ * // Sort newest to oldest * $items->sort("-created"); * * // Sort by last_name then first_name * $items->sort("last_name, first_name"); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string|array $properties Field names to sort by (CSV string or array). * @param int|null $flags Optionally specify sort flags (see sortFlags method for details). * @return $this reference to current instance. */ public function sort($properties, $flags = null) { $_flags = $this->sortFlags; // remember if(is_int($flags)) $this->sortFlags($flags); $result = $this->_sort($properties); if(is_int($flags) && $flags !== $_flags) $this->sortFlags($_flags); // restore return $result; } /** * Sort this WireArray by the given properties (internal use) * * This function contains additions and modifications by @niklaka. * * $properties can be given as a sortByField string, i.e. "name, datestamp" OR as an array of strings, i.e. array("name", "datestamp") * You may also specify the properties as "property.subproperty", where property resolves to a Wire derived object, * and subproperty resolves to a property within that object. * * @param string|array $properties Field names to sort by (comma separated string or an array). Prepend or append a minus "-" to reverse the sort (per field). * @param int $numNeeded *Internal* amount of rows that need to be sorted (optimization used by filterData) * @return $this reference to current instance. */ protected function _sort($properties, $numNeeded = null) { // string version is used for change tracking $isArray = is_array($properties); $propertiesStr = $isArray ? implode(',', $properties) : $properties; if(!$isArray) $properties = explode(',', $properties); if(empty($properties)) return $this; // shortcut for random (only allowed as the sole sort property) // no warning/error for issuing more properties though // TODO: warning for random+more properties (and trackChange() too) if($properties[0] === 'random') return $this->shuffle(); $data = $this->stableSort($this, $properties, $numNeeded); if($this->trackChanges) $this->trackChange("sort:$propertiesStr", $this->data, $data); $this->data = $data; return $this; } /** * Get or set sort flags that affect behavior of any sorting functions * * The following constants may be used when setting the sort flags: * * - `SORT_REGULAR` compare items normally (don’t change types) * - `SORT_NUMERIC` compare items numerically * - `SORT_STRING` compare items as strings * - `SORT_LOCALE_STRING` compare items as strings, based on the current locale * - `SORT_NATURAL` compare items as strings using “natural ordering” like natsort() * - `SORT_FLAG_CASE` can be combined (bitwise OR) with SORT_STRING or SORT_NATURAL to sort strings case-insensitively * - `SORT_APPEND_NULLS` can be used on its own or combined with any of above (bitwise OR) to specify that null * or blank values should be treated as unsortable and appended to the end of the sortable set rather than sorted as * blank values. This duplicates the behavior prior to 3.0.194 (available only in 3.0.194+). Note that this flag * is unique to ProcessWire only and is not in PHP. * * For more details, see `$sort_flags` argument at: * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param bool $sortFlags Optionally specify flag(s) to set * @return int Returns current flags * @since 3.0.129 * */ public function sortFlags($sortFlags = false) { if(is_int($sortFlags)) $this->sortFlags = $sortFlags; return $this->sortFlags; } /** * Sort given array by first given property. * * This function contains additions and modifications by @niklaka. * * @param array|WireArray &$data Reference to an array to sort. * @param array $properties Array of properties: first property is used now and others in recursion, if needed. * @param int $numNeeded *Internal* amount of rows that need to be sorted (optimization used by filterData) * @return array Sorted array (at least $numNeeded items, if $numNeeded is given) */ protected function stableSort(&$data, $properties, $numNeeded = null) { $property = trim(array_shift($properties)); $nullable = array(); $sortable = array(); $reverse = false; $subProperty = ''; $sortFlags = $this->sortFlags; $sortNulls = true; if($sortFlags >= SORT_APPEND_NULLS && ($sortFlags & SORT_APPEND_NULLS)) { $sortNulls = false; $sortFlags -= SORT_APPEND_NULLS; } $pos = strpos($property, '-'); if($pos !== false && ($pos === 0 || substr($property, -1) == '-')) { $reverse = true; $property = trim($property, '-'); } $pos = strpos($property, '.'); if($pos) { list($property, $subProperty) = explode('.', $property, 2); } foreach($data as $item) { if($item instanceof Wire) { $key = $this->getItemPropertyValue($item, $property); } else if(is_object($item)) { if($property === '') { $key = method_exists($item, '__toString') ? "$item" : wireClassName($item); } else { $key = $item->$property; } } else if(is_array($item)) { $key = isset($item[$property]) ? $item[$property] : null; } else { // $property does not apply to non-object/non-array items $key = $item; } // if there’s a $subProperty and $key resolves to a containing type, then try to get it if($subProperty && $key) { if($key instanceof Wire) { $key = $this->getItemPropertyValue($key, $subProperty); } else if(is_object($key)) { $key = $key->$subProperty; } else if(is_array($key)) { $key = isset($key[$subProperty]) ? $key[$subProperty] : null; } else { // no containing type, $subProperty ignored } } if($key === null) { if($sortNulls) { $key = "\0"; // sort as ascii null } else { $nullable[] = $item; continue; } } else if($key === false) { $key = 0; } else if($key === true) { $key = 1; } else if(is_int($key)) { // ok } else if(ctype_digit("$key")) { $key = (int) "$key"; } else { $key = (string) $key; if(trim($key) === '') { if($sortNulls) { $key = ' '; // ensure sort value higher than \0 } else { $nullable[] = $item; continue; } } } if(isset($sortable[$key])) { // key resolved to the same value that another did, so keep them together by converting this index to an array // this makes the algorithm stable (for equal keys the order would be undefined) if(is_array($sortable[$key])) { $sortable[$key][] = $item; } else { $sortable[$key] = array($sortable[$key], $item); } } else { $sortable[$key] = $item; } } // sort the items by the keys we collected if($reverse) { krsort($sortable, $sortFlags); } else { ksort($sortable, $sortFlags); } // add the items that resolved to no key to the end, as an array if(!empty($nullable)) $sortable[] = $nullable; // restore sorted array to lose sortable keys and restore proper keys $a = array(); foreach($sortable as $value) { if(is_array($value)) { // if more properties to sort by exist, use them for this sub-array $n = null; if($numNeeded) $n = $numNeeded - count($a); if(count($properties)) { $value = $this->stableSort($value, $properties, $n); } foreach($value as $v) { $newKey = $this->getItemKey($v); $a[$newKey] = $v; // are we done yet? if($numNeeded && count($a) > $numNeeded) break; } } else { $newKey = $this->getItemKey($value); $a[$newKey] = $value; } // are we done yet? if($numNeeded && count($a) > $numNeeded) break; } return $a; } /** * Get the value of $property from $item * * Used by the WireArray::sort method to retrieve a value from a Wire object. * Primarily here as a template method so that it can be overridden. * Lets it prepare the Wire for any states needed for sorting. * * @param Wire $item * @param string $property * @return mixed * */ protected function getItemPropertyValue(Wire $item, $property) { if(strpos($property, '.') !== false) return WireData::_getDot($property, $item); return $item->$property; } /** * Filter out Wires that don't match the selector. * * This is applicable to and destructive to the WireArray. * This function contains additions and modifications by @niklaka. * * @param string|array|Selectors $selectors Selector string|array to use as the filter. * @param bool|int $not Make this a "not" filter? Use int 1 for “not all” mode as if selectors had brackets around it. (default is false) * @return $this reference to current [filtered] instance * */ protected function filterData($selectors, $not = false) { if($selectors instanceof Selectors) { $selectors = clone $selectors; } else { if(!is_array($selectors) && ctype_digit("$selectors")) $selectors = "id=$selectors"; $selector = $selectors; /** @var Selectors $selectors */ $selectors = $this->wire(new Selectors()); $selectors->init($selector); } $this->filterDataSelectors($selectors); $fields = $this->wire()->fields; $sort = array(); $start = 0; $limit = null; $eq = null; $notAll = $not === 1; if($notAll) $not = true; // leave sort, limit and start away from filtering selectors foreach($selectors as $selector) { $remove = true; $field = $selector->field; if($field === 'sort') { // use all sort selectors $sort[] = $selector->value; } else if($field === 'start') { // use only the last start selector $start = (int) $selector->value; } else if($field === 'limit') { // use only the last limit selector $limit = (int) $selector->value; } else if(($field === 'index' || $field == 'eq') && !$fields->get($field)) { // eq or index properties switch($selector->value) { case 'first': $eq = 0; break; case 'last': $eq = -1; break; default: $eq = (int) $selector->value; } } else { // everything else is to be saved for filtering $remove = false; } if($remove) $selectors->remove($selector); } // now filter the data according to the selectors that remain foreach($this->data as $key => $item) { $qty = 0; $qtyMatch = 0; foreach($selectors as $selector) { $qty++; if(is_array($selector->field)) { $value = array(); foreach($selector->field as $field) { $v = $this->getItemPropertyValue($item, $field); if(is_array($v)) $v = implode(' ', $this->wire()->sanitizer->flatArray($v)); $value[] = (string) $v; } } else { $value = $this->getItemPropertyValue($item, $selector->field); $value = is_array($value) ? $this->wire()->sanitizer->flatArray($value) : (string) $value; } if($not === $selector->matches($value) && isset($this->data[$key])) { $qtyMatch++; if($notAll) continue; // will do this outside the loop of all in $selectors match $this->trackRemove($this->data[$key], $key); unset($this->data[$key]); } } if($notAll && $qty && $qty === $qtyMatch) { $this->trackRemove($this->data[$key], $key); unset($this->data[$key]); } } if(!is_null($eq)) { if($eq === -1) { $limit = -1; $start = null; } else if($eq === 0) { $start = 0; $limit = 1; } else { $start = $eq; $limit = 1; } } if($limit < 0 && $start < 0) { // we don't support double negative, so double negative makes a positive $start = abs($start); $limit = abs($limit); } else { if($limit < 0) { if($start) { $start = $start - abs($limit); $limit = abs($limit); } else { $start = count($this->data) - abs($limit); $limit = count($this->data); } } if($start < 0) { $start = count($this->data) - abs($start); } } // if $limit has been given, tell sort the amount of rows that will be used if(count($sort)) $this->_sort($sort, $limit ? $start+$limit : null); if($start || $limit) { $this->data = array_slice($this->data, $start, $limit, true); } if($this->trackChanges()) $this->trackChange("filterData:$selectors"); return $this; } /** * Prepare selectors for filtering * * Template method for descending classes to modify selectors if needed * * @param Selectors $selectors * */ protected function filterDataSelectors(Selectors $selectors) { } /** * Filter this WireArray to only include items that match the given selector (destructive) * * ~~~~~ * // Filter $items to contain only those with "featured" property having value 1 * $items->filter("featured=1"); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string|array|Selectors $selector Selector string or array to use as the filter. * @return $this reference to current instance. * @see filterData * */ public function filter($selector) { // Same as filterData, but for public interface without the $not option. return $this->filterData($selector, false); } /** * Filter this WireArray to only include items that DO NOT match the selector (destructive) * * ~~~~~ * // returns all pages that don't have a 'nonav' variable set to a positive value. * $pages->not("nonav"); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-manipulation * * @param string|array|Selectors $selector * @return $this reference to current instance. * @see filterData * */ public function not($selector) { // Same as filterData, but for public interface with the $not option specifically set to "true". return $this->filterData($selector, true); } /** * Like the not() method but $selector evaluated as if it had (brackets) around it * * #pw-internal Until we've got a better description for what this does * * @param string|array|Selectors $selector * @return $this reference to current instance. * @see filterData * */ public function notAll($selector) { return $this->filterData($selector, 1); } /** * Find all items in this WireArray that match the given selector. * * This is non destructive and returns a brand new WireArray. * * ~~~~~ * // Find all items with a title property containing the word "foo" * $matches = $items->find("title%=foo"); * if($matches->count()) { * echo "Found $matches->count items"; * } else { * echo "Sorry, no items were found"; * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param string|array|Selectors $selector * @return WireArray * */ public function find($selector) { $a = $this->makeCopy(); if(empty($selector)) return $a; $a->filter($selector); return $a; } /** * Find a single item by selector * * This is the same as `WireArray::find()` except that it returns a single * item rather than a new WireArray of items. * * ~~~~~ * // Get an item with name "foo-bar" * $item = $items->findOne("name=foo-bar"); * if($item) { * // item was found * } else { * // item was not found * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param string|array|Selectors $selector * @return Wire|bool Returns item from WireArray or false if the result is empty. * @see WireArray::find() * */ public function findOne($selector) { return $this->find($selector)->first(); } /** * Determines if the given item iterable as an array. * * - Returns true for arrays and WireArray derived objects. * - Can be called statically like this `WireArray::iterable($a)`. * * #pw-group-info * * @param mixed $item Item to check for iterability. * @return bool True if item is an iterable array or WireArray (or subclass of WireArray). * */ public static function iterable($item) { if(is_array($item)) return true; if($item instanceof WireArray) return true; return false; } /** * Allows iteration of the WireArray. * * - Fulfills PHP's IteratorAggregate interface so that you can traverse the WireArray. * - No need to call this method directly, just use PHP's `foreach()` method on the WireArray. * * ~~~~~ * // Traversing a WireArray with foreach: * foreach($items as $item) { * // ... * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-traversal * * @return \ArrayObject|Wire[] * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayObject($this->data); } /** * Returns the number of items in this WireArray. * * Fulfills PHP's Countable interface, meaning it also enables this WireArray to be used with PHP's `count()` function. * * ~~~~~ * // These two are the same * $qty = $items->count(); * $qty = count($items); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return int * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function count() { return count($this->data); } /** * Sets an index in the WireArray. * * For the \ArrayAccess interface. * * #pw-internal * * @param int|string $offset Key of item to set. * @param Wire|mixed $value Value of item. * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if($offset === null) { // i.e. $wireArray[] = $item; $this->add($value); } else { $this->set($offset, $value); } } /** * Returns the value of the item at the given index, or false if not set. * * #pw-internal * * @param int|string $offset Key of item to retrieve. * @return Wire|mixed|bool Value of item requested, or false if it doesn't exist. * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetGet($offset) { if($this->offsetExists($offset)) { return $this->data[$offset]; } else { return false; } } /** * Unsets the value at the given index. * * For the \ArrayAccess interface. * * #pw-internal * * @param int|string $offset Key of the item to unset. * @return bool True if item existed and was unset. False if item didn't exist. * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetUnset($offset) { if($this->offsetExists($offset)) { $this->remove($offset); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Determines if the given index exists in this WireArray. * * For the \ArrayAccess interface. * * #pw-internal * * @param int|string $offset Key of the item to check for existance. * @return bool True if the item exists, false if not. * */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetExists($offset) { return array_key_exists($offset, $this->data); } /** * Returns a string representation of this WireArray. * * @return string * */ public function __toString() { $values = array(); foreach($this->data as $value) { if(is_array($value)) $value = "array(" . count($value) . ")"; $value = (string) $value; if(!strlen($value)) continue; if(strpos($value, '|') !== false) $value = str_replace('|', ' ', $value); $values[] = $value; } return implode('|', $values); } /** * Return a new reversed version of this WireArray. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @return WireArray * */ public function reverse() { $a = $this->makeNew(); $a->import(array_reverse($this->data, true)); return $a; } /** * Return a new array that is unique (no two of the same elements) * * This is the equivalent to PHP's [array_unique()]( function. * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param int $sortFlags Sort flags per PHP's `array_unique()` function (default=`SORT_STRING`) * @return WireArray * */ public function unique($sortFlags = SORT_STRING) { $a = $this->makeNew(); $a->import(array_unique($this->data, $sortFlags)); return $a; } /** * Clears out any tracked changes and turns change tracking ON or OFF * * #pw-internal * * @param bool $trackChanges True to turn change tracking ON, or false to turn OFF. Default of true is assumed. * @return Wire|WireArray * */ public function resetTrackChanges($trackChanges = true) { $this->itemsAdded = array(); $this->itemsRemoved = array(); return parent::resetTrackChanges($trackChanges); } /** * Track an item added * * @param Wire|mixed $item * @param int|string $key * */ protected function trackAdd($item, $key) { if($key) {} if($this->trackChanges()) $this->itemsAdded[] = $item; // wire this WireArray to the same instance of $item, if it isn’t already wired if($this->_wire === null && $item instanceof Wire && $item->isWired()) $item->wire($this); } /** * Track an item removed * * @param Wire|mixed $item * @param int|string $key * */ protected function trackRemove($item, $key) { if($key) {} if($this->trackChanges()) $this->itemsRemoved[] = $item; } /** * Return array of all items added to this WireArray (while change tracking is enabled) * * #pw-group-changes * * @return array|Wire[] * */ public function getItemsAdded() { return $this->itemsAdded; } /** * Return array of all items removed from this WireArray (when change tracking is enabled) * * #pw-group-changes * * @return array|Wire[] * */ public function getItemsRemoved() { return $this->itemsRemoved; } /** * Given an item, get the item that comes after it in the WireArray * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param Wire $item * @param bool $strict If false, string comparison will be used rather than exact instance comparison. * @return Wire|null Returns next item if found, or null if not * */ public function getNext($item, $strict = true) { if(!$this->isValidItem($item)) return null; $key = $this->getItemKey($item); $useStr = false; if($key === null) { if($strict) return null; $key = (string) $item; $useStr = true; } $getNext = false; $nextItem = null; foreach($this->data as $k => $v) { if($getNext) { $nextItem = $v; break; } if($useStr) $k = (string) $v; if($k === $key) $getNext = true; } return $nextItem; } /** * Given an item, get the item before it in the WireArray * * #pw-group-retrieval * * @param Wire $item * @param bool $strict If false, string comparison will be used rather than exact instance comparison. * @return Wire|null Returns item that comes before given item, or null if not found * */ public function getPrev($item, $strict = true) { if(!$this->isValidItem($item)) return null; $key = $this->getItemKey($item); $useStr = false; if($key === null) { if($strict) return null; $key = (string) $item; $useStr = true; } $prevItem = null; $lastItem = null; foreach($this->data as $k => $v) { if($useStr) $k = (string) $v; if($k === $key) { $prevItem = $lastItem; break; } $lastItem = $v; } return $prevItem; } /** * Does this WireArray use numeric keys only? * * We determine this by creating a blank item and seeing what the type is of it's key. * * #pw-internal * * @return bool * */ protected function usesNumericKeys() { static $testItem = null; static $usesNumericKeys = null; if(!is_null($usesNumericKeys)) return $usesNumericKeys; if(is_null($testItem)) $testItem = $this->makeBlankItem(); if(is_null($testItem)) return true; $key = $this->getItemKey($testItem); $usesNumericKeys = is_int($key) ? true : false; return $usesNumericKeys; } /** * Combine all elements into a delimiter-separated string containing the given property from each item * * Similar to PHP's `implode()` function. * * #pw-link [Introduction of implode method]( * #pw-group-retrieval * #pw-group-fun-tools * #pw-group-output-rendering * * @param string $delimiter The delimiter to separate each item by (or the glue to tie them together). * If not needed, this argument may be omitted and $property supplied first (also shifting $options to 2nd arg). * @param string|callable $property The property to retrieve from each item, or a function that returns the value to store. * If a function/closure is provided it is given the $item (argument 1) and the $key (argument 2), and it should * return the value (string) to use. If delimiter is omitted, this becomes the first argument. * @param array $options Optional options to modify the behavior: * - `skipEmpty` (bool): Whether empty items should be skipped (default=true) * - `prepend` (string): String to prepend to result. Ignored if result is blank. * - `append` (string): String to append to result. Ignored if result is blank. * - Please note that if delimiter is omitted, $options becomes the second argument. * @return string * @see WireArray::each(), WireArray::explode() * */ public function implode($delimiter, $property = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'skipEmpty' => true, 'prepend' => '', 'append' => '' ); if(!count($this->data)) return ''; $firstItem = reset($this->data); $itemIsObject = is_object($firstItem); if(!is_string($delimiter) && is_callable($delimiter)) { // first delimiter argument omitted and a function was supplied // property is assumed to be blank if(is_array($property)) $options = $property; $property = $delimiter; $delimiter = ''; } else if($itemIsObject && (empty($property) || is_array($property))) { // delimiter was omitted, forcing $property to be first arg if(is_array($property)) $options = $property; $property = $delimiter; $delimiter = ''; } $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $isFunction = !is_string($property) && is_callable($property); $str = ''; $n = 0; foreach($this as $key => $item) { /** @var WireData $item */ if($isFunction) { $value = $property($item, $key); } else if(strlen($property) && $itemIsObject) { $value = $item->get($property); } else { $value = $item; } if(is_array($value)) $value = 'array(' . count($value) . ')'; $value = (string) $value; if(!strlen($value) && $options['skipEmpty']) continue; if($n) $str .= $delimiter; $str .= $value; $n++; } if(strlen($str) && ($options['prepend'] || $options['append'])) { $str = "$options[prepend]$str$options[append]"; } return $str; } /** * Return a plain array of the requested property from each item * * You may provide an array of properties as the $property, in which case it will return an * array of associative arrays with all requested properties for each item. * * You may also provide a function as the $property. That function receives the $item * as the first argument and $key as the second. It should return the value that will be stored. * * The keys of the returned array remain consistent with the original WireArray. * * #pw-link [Introduction of explode method]( * #pw-group-retrieval * #pw-group-fun-tools * * @param string|callable|array $property Property or properties to retrieve, or callable function that should receive items. * @param array $options Options to modify default behavior: * - `getMethod` (string): Method to call on each item to retrieve $property (default = "get") * - `key` (string|null): Property of Wire objects to use for key of array, or omit (null) for non-associative array (default). * @return array * @see WireArray::each(), WireArray::implode() * */ public function explode($property = '', array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'getMethod' => 'get', // method used to get value from each item 'key' => null, ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $getMethod = $options['getMethod']; $isArray = is_array($property); $isFunction = !$isArray && !is_string($property) && is_callable($property); $values = array(); foreach($this as $key => $item) { if(!is_object($item)) { $values[$key] = $item; continue; } /** @var WireData $item */ if(!empty($options['key']) && is_string($options['key'])) { $key = $item->get($options['key']); if(!is_string($key) && !is_int($key)) $key = (string) $key; if(!strlen($key)) continue; if(isset($values[$key])) continue; } if($isFunction) { $values[$key] = $property($item, $key); } else if($isArray) { $values[$key] = array(); foreach($property as $p) { $values[$key][$p] = $getMethod == 'get' ? $item->get($p) : $item->$getMethod($p); } } else { $values[$key] = $getMethod == 'get' ? $item->get($property) : $item->$getMethod($property); } } return $values; } /** * Return a new copy of this WireArray with the given item(s) appended * * Primarily for syntax convenience in fluent interfaces. * * ~~~~~ * if($page->parents->and($page)->has($featured)) { * // either $page or its parents has the $featured page * } * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-traversal * #pw-group-fun-tools * #pw-link [Introduction of and method]( * * @param Wire|WireArray $item Item(s) to append * @return WireArray New WireArray containing this one and the given item(s). * */ public function ___and($item) { $a = $this->makeCopy(); $a->add($item); return $a; } /** * Store or retrieve an extra data value in this WireArray * * The data() function is exactly the same thing that it is in jQuery: . * * ~~~~~~ * // set a data value named 'foo' to value 'bar' * $a->data('foo', 'bar'); * * // retrieve the previously set data value * $bar = $a->data('foo'); * * // get all previously set data * $all = $a->data(); * ~~~~~~ * * #pw-group-other-data-storage * #pw-link [Introduction of data method]( * * @param string|null|array|bool $key Name of data property you want to get or set, or: * - Omit to get all data properties. * - Specify associative array of [property => value] to set multiple properties. * - Specify associative array and boolean TRUE for $value argument to replace all data with the new array given in $key. * - Specify regular array of property names to return multiple properties. * - Specify boolean FALSE to unset property name specified in $value argument. * @param mixed|null|bool $value Value of data property you want to set. Omit when getting properties. * - Specify boolean TRUE to replace all data with associative array of data given in $key argument. * @return WireArray|mixed|array|null Returns one of the following, depending on specified arguments: * - `mixed` when getting a single property: whatever you set is what you will get back. * - `null` if the property you are trying to get does not exist in the data. * - `$this` reference to this WireArray if you were setting a value. * - `array` of all data if you specified no arguments or requested multiple keys. * */ public function data($key = null, $value = null) { if($key === null && $value === null) { // get all properties return $this->extraData; } else if(is_array($key)) { // get or set multiple properties if($value === true) { // replace all data with data in given $key array $this->extraData = $key; } else { // test if array is associative if(ctype_digit(implode('0', array_keys($key)))) { // regular, non-associative array, GET only requested properties $a = array(); foreach($key as $k) { $a[$k] = isset($this->extraData[$k]) ? $this->extraData[$k] : null; } return $a; } else if(count($key)) { // associative array, setting multiple values to extraData $this->extraData = array_merge($this->extraData, $key); } } } else if($key === false && is_string($value)) { // unset a property unset($this->extraData[$value]); } else if($value === null) { // get a property return isset($this->extraData[$key]) ? $this->extraData[$key] : null; } else { // set a property $this->extraData[$key] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Remove a property/value previously set with the WireArray::data() method. * * #pw-group-other-data-storage * * @param string $key Name of property you want to remove * @return $this * */ public function removeData($key) { unset($this->extraData[$key]); return $this; } /** * Enables use of $var('key') * * @param string $key * @return mixed * */ public function __invoke($key) { if(in_array($key, array('first', 'last', 'count'))) return $this->$key(); if(is_int($key) || ctype_digit($key)) { if($this->usesNumericKeys()) { // if keys are already numeric, we use them return $this->get((int) $key); } else { // if keys are not numeric, we delegete numbers to eq(n) return $this->eq((int) $key); } } else if(is_callable($key) || (is_string($key) && strpos($key, '{') !== false && strpos($key, '}'))) { return $this->each($key); } return $this->get($key); } /** * Handler for when an unknown/unhooked method call is executed * * If interested in hooking this, please see the `Wire::callUnknown()` method for more * details on the purpose and potential hooking implementation of this method. * * The implementation built-in to WireArray provides a couple of handy capabilities to all * WireArray derived classes (assuming that `$items` is an instance of any WireArray): * * - It enables you to call `$items->foobar()` and receive a regular PHP array * containing the value of the "foobar" property from each item in this WireArray. * It is equivalent to calling `$items->explode('foobar')`. Of course, substitute * "foobar" with the name of any property present on items in the WireArray. * * - It enables you to call `$items->foobar(", ")` and receive a string containing * the value of the "foobar" property from each item, delimited by the string you * provided as an argument (a comma and space ", " in this case). This is equivalent * to calling `$items->implode(", ", "foobar")`. * * - Also note that if you call `$items->foobar(", ", $options)` where $options is an * array, it is equivalent to `$items->implode(", ", "foobar", $options)`. * * ~~~~~ * // Get array of all "title" values from each item * $titlesArray = $items->title(); * * // Get a newline separated string of all "title" values from each item * $titlesString = $items->title("\n"); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-hooker * #pw-group-fun-tools * * @param string $method Requested method name * @param array $arguments Arguments provided to the method * @return null|mixed * @throws WireException * */ protected function ___callUnknown($method, $arguments) { if(!isset($arguments[0])) { // explode the property to an array return $this->explode($method); } else if(is_string($arguments[0])) { // implode the property identified by $method and glued by $arguments[0] // with optional $options as second argument $delimiter = $arguments[0]; $options = array(); if(isset($arguments[1]) && is_array($arguments[1])) $options = $arguments[1]; return $this->implode($delimiter, $method, $options); } else { // fail return parent::___callUnknown($method, $arguments); } } /** * Perform an action upon each item in the WireArray * * This is typically used to execute a function for each item, or to build a string * or array from each item. * * ~~~~~ * // Generate navigation list of page children: * echo $page->children()->each(function($child) { * return "
  • $child->title
  • "; * }); * * // If 2 arguments specified to custom function(), 1st is the key, 2nd is the value * echo $page->children()->each(function($key, $child) { * return "
  • $key: $child->title
  • "; * }); * * // Same as above using different method (template string): * echo $page->children()->each("
  • {title}
  • "); * * // If WireArray used to hold non-object items, use only {key} and/or {value} * echo $items->each('
  • {key}: {value}
  • '); * * // Get an array of all "title" properties * $titles = $page->children()->each("title"); * * // Get array of "title" and "url" properties. Returns an array * // containing an associative array for each item with "title" and "url" * $properties = $page->children()->each(["title", "url"]); * ~~~~~ * * #pw-group-traversal * #pw-group-output-rendering * #pw-group-fun-tools * * @param callable|string|array|null $func Accepts any of the following: * 1. Callable function that each item will be passed to as first argument. If this * function returns a string, it will be appended to that of the other items and * the result returned by this each() method. * 2. Markup or text string with variable {tags} within it where each {tag} resolves * to a property in each item. This each() method will return the concatenated result. * 3. A property name (string) common to items in this WireArray. The result will be * returned as an array. * 4. An array of property names common to items in this WireArray. The result will be * returned as an array of associative arrays indexed by property name. * * @return array|null|string|WireArray Returns one of the following (related to numbers above): * - `$this` (1a): WireArray if given a function that has no return values (if using option #1 in arguments). * - `string` (1b): Containing the concatenated results of all function calls, if your function * returns strings (if using option #1 in arguments). * - `string` (2): Returns the processed and concatenated result (string) of all items in your * template string (if using option #2 in arguments). * - `array` (3): Returns regular PHP array of the property values for each item you requested * (if using option #3 in arguments). * - `array` (4): Returns an array of associative arrays containing the property values for each item * you requested (if using option #4 in arguments). * @see WireArray::implode(), WireArray::explode() * */ public function each($func = null) { $result = null; // return value, if it's detected that one is desired if(is_callable($func)) { $funcInfo = new \ReflectionFunction($func); $useIndex = $funcInfo->getNumberOfParameters() > 1; foreach($this as $index => $item) { $val = $useIndex ? $func($index, $item) : $func($item); if($val && is_string($val)) { // function returned a string, so we assume they are wanting us to return the result if(is_null($result)) $result = ''; // if returned value resulted in {tags}, go ahead and parse them if(strpos($val, '{') !== false && strpos($val, '}')) { if(is_object($item)) { $val = wirePopulateStringTags($val, $item); } else { $val = wirePopulateStringTags($val, array('key' => $index, 'value' => $item)); } } $result .= $val; } } } else if(is_string($func) && strpos($func, '{') !== false && strpos($func, '}')) { // string with variables $result = ''; foreach($this as $key => $item) { if(is_object($item)) { $result .= wirePopulateStringTags($func, $item); } else { $result .= wirePopulateStringTags($func, array('key' => $key, 'value' => $item)); } } } else { // array or string or null if(is_null($func)) $func = 'name'; $result = $this->explode($func); } return $result === null ? $this : $result; } /** * Divide this WireArray into $qty slices and return array of them (each being another WireArray) * * This is not destructive to the original WireArray as it returns new WireArray objects. * * #pw-group-retrieval * #pw-group-traversal * * @param int $qty Number of slices * @return array Array of WireArray objects * */ public function slices($qty) { $slices = array(); if($qty < 1) return $slices; $total = $this->count(); $limit = $total ? ceil($total / $qty) : 0; $start = 0; for($n = 0; $n < $qty; $n++) { if($start < $total) { $slice = $this->slice($start, $limit); } else { $slice = $this->makeNew(); } $slices[] = $slice; $start += $limit; } return $slices; } /** * Set the current duplicate checking state * * Applies only to non-associative WireArray types. * * @param bool $value True to enable dup check, false to disable * */ public function setDuplicateChecking($value) { if(!$this->usesNumericKeys()) return; $this->duplicateChecking = (bool) $value; } /** * debugInfo PHP 5.6+ magic method * * @return array * */ public function __debugInfo() { $info = array( 'count' => $this->count(), 'items' => array(), ); $info = array_merge($info, parent::__debugInfo()); if(count($this->data)) { $info['items'] = array(); foreach($this->data as $key => $value) { if($value instanceof Wire) $key = $value->className() . ":$key"; $info['items'][$key] = $this->debugInfoItem($value); } } if(count($this->extraData)) $info['extraData'] = $this->extraData; $trackers = array( 'itemsAdded' => $this->itemsAdded, 'itemsRemoved' => $this->itemsRemoved ); foreach($trackers as $key => $value) { if(!count($value)) continue; $info[$key] = array(); foreach($value as $v) { $info[$key][] = $this->debugInfoItem($v); } } return $info; } /** * Return debug info for one item from this WireArray * * #pw-internal * * @param mixed $item * @return mixed|null|string * */ public function debugInfoItem($item) { if(is_object($item)) { if($item instanceof Page) { $item = $item->debugInfoSmall(); } else if($item instanceof WireData) { $_item = $item; $item = $item->get('name'); if(!$item) $item = $_item->get('id'); if(!$item) $item = $_item->className(); } else { // keep $value as it is } } return $item; } /** * Static method caller, primarily for support of WireArray::new() method * * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @return WireArray * @throws WireException * */ public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { $class = get_called_class(); if($name === 'new') { $n = count($arguments); if($n === 0) { // no items specified $items = null; } else if($n === 1) { $items = reset($arguments); if(is_array($items) || $items instanceof WireArray) { // multiple items specified in one argument } else { // one item specified $items = array($items); } } else { // multiple items specified as arguments $items = $arguments; } return self::newInstance($items, $class); } else { throw new WireException("Unrecognized static method: $class::$name()"); } } /** * Create new instance of this class * * Method for internal use, use `$a = WireArray::new($items)` or `$a = WireArrray($items)` instead. * * #pw-internal * * @param array|WireArray|null $items Items to add or omit (null) for none * @param string $class Class name to instantiate or omit for called class * @return WireArray * */ public static function newInstance($items = null, $class = '') { if(empty($class)) $class = get_called_class(); /** @var WireArray $a */ $a = new $class(); if($items instanceof WireArray) { $items->wire($a); $a->import($items); } else if(is_array($items)) { if(ctype_digit(implode('0', array_keys($items)))) { $a->import($items); } else { $a->setArray($items); } } else if($items !== null) { $a->add($items); } return $a; } } define('SORT_APPEND_NULLS', 32);