cd /tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51; export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8; TZ="America/New_York"; export TZ; export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/:$PATH"; export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/"; time java -Xmx4048m -cp /home/tdurieux/defects4j4repair/script/../repair_tools/nopol.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin//../lib/tools.jar \ --mode repair \ --type pre_then_cond \ --oracle angelic \ --synthesis smt \ --flocal gzoltar \ --json \ --solver z3 \ --solver-path /home/tdurieux/defects4j4repair/script/../libs/z3/build/z3 \ --complianceLevel 6 \ --source src/ \ --classpath "build/classes/:build/test/:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/classes:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/test:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/lib/rhino.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/ant.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/ant-launcher.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/args4j.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/guava.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/jarjar.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/json.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/jsr305.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/junit.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/caja-r4314.jar:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/protobuf-java.jar:/home/tdurieux/defects4j4repair/script/../repair_tools/nopol.jar"; echo "\n\nNode: `hostname`\n"; echo "\n\nDate: `date`\n"; Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 20:19:27.956 [main] INFO - Source files: [src] 20:19:27.968 [main] INFO - Classpath: [file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/classes/, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/test/, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/classes/, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/test/, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/build/lib/rhino.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/ant.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/ant-launcher.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/args4j.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/guava.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/jarjar.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/json.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/jsr305.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/junit.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/caja-r4314.jar, file:/tmp/Nopol_Defects4J_Closure_51/lib/protobuf-java.jar, file:/home/tdurieux/defects4j4repair/script/../repair_tools/nopol.jar] 20:19:27.968 [main] INFO - Statement type: PRE_THEN_COND 20:19:27.969 [main] INFO - Args: [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] 20:19:27.971 [main] INFO - Config: Config{synthesisDepth=3, collectStaticMethods=true, collectStaticFields=false, collectLiterals=false, onlyOneSynthesisResult=true, sortExpressions=true, maxLineInvocationPerTest=250, timeoutMethodInvocation=2000, dataCollectionTimeoutInSecondForSynthesis=900, addWeight=0.19478, subWeight=0.04554, mulWeight=0.0102, divWeight=0.00613, andWeight=0.10597, orWeight=0.05708, eqWeight=0.22798, nEqWeight=0.0, lessEqWeight=0.0255, lessWeight=0.0947, methodCallWeight=0.1, fieldAccessWeight=0.08099, constantWeight=0.14232, variableWeight=0.05195, mode=REPAIR, type=PRE_THEN_COND, synthesis=SMT, oracle=ANGELIC, solver=Z3, solverPath='/home/tdurieux/defects4j4repair/script/../libs/z3/build/z3', projectSources=[src], projectClasspath='[;@66d33a', projectTests=[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,], complianceLevel=6, outputFolder=., json=true} 20:19:27.972 [main] INFO - Available processors (cores): 24 20:19:27.978 [main] INFO - Free memory: 392 MB 20:19:27.979 [main] INFO - Maximum memory: 3 GB 20:19:27.979 [main] INFO - Total memory available to JVM: 483 MB 20:19:27.979 [main] INFO - Java version: 1.8.0_181 20:19:27.980 [main] INFO - JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/ 20:19:27.980 [main] INFO - PATH: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/:/usr/lib/oar/oardodo:/usr/lib/oar/oardodo:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games 20:20:59.485 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - statement #1 20:20:59.486 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - Analysing SourceLocation which is executed by 2 tests 80988634 20:20:59.937 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - statement #2 20:20:59.937 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - Analysing SourceLocation which is executed by 2 tests 80988634 20:21:00.154 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - statement #3 20:21:00.154 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - Analysing SourceLocation which is executed by 4 tests 2433571 20:21:00.473 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - looking with class junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:01.123 [pool-4-thread-1] INFO - Tests run finished (595 ms) <> Total tests run: 36 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 4 ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:03.895 [pool-5-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (231 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:03.917 [pool-6-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (19 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:03.930 [pool-7-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (10 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:03.944 [pool-8-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (11 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:03.946 [pool-3-thread-1] DEBUG tests.output - Failing tests with false: [testTwoMethods( Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] , testClosureVariableReads3( Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] 20:21:03.946 [pool-3-thread-1] DEBUG tests.output - Failing tests with true: [testTwoMethods( Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] , testClosureVariableReads3( Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] 20:21:03.947 [pool-3-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.synth.SMTNopolSynthesizer - Not enough specifications: 0. A trivial patch is "true" or "false", please write new tests specifying SourceLocation 20:21:03.947 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - statement #4 20:21:03.948 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - Analysing SourceLocation which is executed by 4 tests 2433571 20:21:04.316 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - looking with class junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:07.489 [pool-10-thread-1] INFO - Tests run finished (3149 ms) <> Total tests run: 36 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 4 ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.101 [pool-11-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (238 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 20:21:09.122 [pool-12-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (17 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.138 [pool-13-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (14 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.155 [pool-14-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (14 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.181 [pool-15-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (20 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 20:21:09.194 [pool-16-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (10 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 20:21:09.205 [pool-17-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (9 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 junit.framework.AssertionFailedError at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull( at 20:21:09.209 [pool-18-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (0 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testCheckTreeEqualsStringDifferent( [null] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull( at 20:21:09.217 [pool-19-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (5 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.232 [pool-20-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (11 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testTwoMethods( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){}); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){this.baz()});(new Foo).callBaz() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1); Foo.prototype.callBaz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){this.baz()});Foo.prototype.baz=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){});(new Foo).callBaz() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] THIS 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING baz 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: expected2] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i1] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i1] NAME 1 [source_file: i1] LP 1 [source_file: i1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] THIS 1 [source_file: i1] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING baz 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [parenthesized: true] [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] STRING callBaz 1 [source_file: i2] Subtree1: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.244 [pool-21-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (10 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 1 ~ testClosureVariableReads3( [ Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] ] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Result: var JSCompiler_stubMap=[];function JSCompiler_stubMethod(JSCompiler_stubMethod_id){return function(){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_stubMethod_id].apply(this,arguments)}}function JSCompiler_unstubMethod(JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id,JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body){return JSCompiler_stubMap[JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id]=JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body}function Foo(){}Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_stubMethod(1);Foo.prototype.b1=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(1,function(){Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_stubMethod(0)}); var y=new Foo;y.b1();Foo.prototype.b2=JSCompiler_unstubMethod(0,function(){var x=1;Foo.prototype.b3=function(){x}});y=new Foo;z.b2();y=new Foo;z.b3() Node tree inequality: Tree1: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected0] [input_id: InputId: expected0] VAR 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING apply 1 [source_file: expected0] THIS 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] RETURN 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETELEM 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: expected0] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] LP 1 [source_file: expected0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected1] [input_id: InputId: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected1] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME 1 [source_file: expected1] LP 1 [source_file: expected1] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected1] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: expected1] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected1] VAR 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] NEW 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected1] CALL 1 [source_file: expected1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected1] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: expected1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected2] [input_id: InputId: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: expected2] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] VAR 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected2] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME 1 [source_file: expected2] LP 1 [source_file: expected2] BLOCK 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME x 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected2] NEW 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected2] CALL 1 [source_file: expected2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected2] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: expected2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: expected3] [input_id: InputId: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME y 1 [source_file: expected3] NEW 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: expected3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: expected3] CALL 1 [source_file: expected3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: expected3] NAME z 1 [source_file: expected3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: expected3] Tree2: BLOCK [synthetic: 1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i0] [input_id: InputId: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ARRAYLIT 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] CALL 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETPROP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] STRING apply 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] THIS 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME arguments 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] LP 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] BLOCK 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] RETURN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] GETELEM 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_stubMap 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_id 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod_body 1 [source_file: [synthetic:1] ] FUNCTION Foo 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i1] [input_id: InputId: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_stubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] NEW 1 [source_file: i1] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i1] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i1] CALL 1 [source_file: i1] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i1] NAME y 1 [source_file: i1] STRING b1 1 [source_file: i1] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i2] [input_id: InputId: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i0] CALL 1 [free_call: 1] [source_file: i0] NAME JSCompiler_unstubMethod 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] VAR 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i0] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i0] STRING prototype 1 [source_file: i0] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i0] FUNCTION 1 [source_file: i0] NAME 1 [source_file: i0] LP 1 [source_file: i0] BLOCK 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i0] NAME x 1 [source_file: i0] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i2] NAME y 1 [source_file: i2] NEW 1 [source_file: i2] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i2] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i2] CALL 1 [source_file: i2] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i2] NAME z 1 [source_file: i2] STRING b2 1 [source_file: i2] SCRIPT 1 [synthetic: 1] [source_file: i3] [input_id: InputId: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] ASSIGN 1 [source_file: i3] NAME y 1 [source_file: i3] NEW 1 [source_file: i3] NAME Foo 1 [source_file: i3] EXPR_RESULT 1 [source_file: i3] CALL 1 [source_file: i3] GETPROP 1 [source_file: i3] NAME z 1 [source_file: i3] STRING b3 1 [source_file: i3] Subtree1: NUMBER 0.0 1 [source_file: expected0] Subtree2: NUMBER 1.0 1 [source_file: i0] at at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue( at junit.framework.Assert.assertNull( at junit.framework.TestCase.assertNull( at at 20:21:09.247 [pool-22-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.r.n.s.ConstraintModelBuilder$1PassingListener - Tests run finished (0 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 20:21:09.249 [pool-23-thread-1] INFO f.i.l.c.t.SpecificationTestCasesListener - Tests run finished (0 ms) <> Total tests run: 1 <> Ignored tests: 0 <> Failed tests: 0 20:21:09.758 [pool-9-thread-1] DEBUG f.i.l.c.s.ConstraintBasedSynthesis - Operators: 20:21:09.886 [pool-9-thread-1] DEBUG f.i.l.c.s.ConstraintBasedSynthesis - Operators: == of arity: 2 != of arity: 2 < of arity: 2 <= of arity: 2 20:21:10.267 [pool-9-thread-1] DEBUG f.i.l.c.s.ConstraintBasedSynthesis - Successful code synthesis: (node2.type) != ( 20:21:10.268 [pool-9-thread-1] INFO - Applying patch: PRECONDITION (node2.type) != ( 20:21:11.315 [pool-9-thread-1] INFO - Running test suite to check the patch "(node2.type) != (" is working 20:21:11.597 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - ----INFORMATION---- 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb classes : 407 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb methods : 4686 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb Statements Analyzed : 2 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb Statements with Angelic Value Found : 1 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb inputs in SMT : 2 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb SMT level: 2 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb SMT components: [4] [== of arity: 2, != of arity: 2, < of arity: 2, <= of arity: 2] 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - class java.lang.Boolean: 4 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb variables in SMT : 171 20:21:11.934 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - NoPol Execution time : 103644ms 20:21:11.935 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - 20:21:11.935 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - ----PATCH FOUND---- 20:21:11.935 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - (node2.type) != ( 20:21:14.565 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - Nb test that executes the patch: 4 20:21:14.566 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - PRECONDITION 20:21:14.635 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO - --- a/src/com/google/javascript/rhino/ +++ b/src/com/google/javascript/rhino/ @@ -1566,7 +1566,9 @@ if (diff != null) { - return "Node tree inequality:" + - "\nTree1:\n" + toStringTree() + - "\n\nTree2:\n" + node2.toStringTree() + - "\n\nSubtree1: " + diff.nodeA.toStringTree() + - "\n\nSubtree2: " + diff.nodeB.toStringTree(); + if ((node2.type) != ( { + return "Node tree inequality:" + + "\nTree1:\n" + toStringTree() + + "\n\nTree2:\n" + node2.toStringTree() + + "\n\nSubtree1: " + diff.nodeA.toStringTree() + + "\n\nSubtree2: " + diff.nodeB.toStringTree(); + } } PATCH 563.24user 10.61system 1:52.86elapsed 508%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 4412352maxresident)k 70160inputs+8512outputs (24major+1833273minor)pagefaults 0swaps Node: Date: Wed Nov 28 20:21:19 EST 2018