fylr+: externalURL: "https://EXAMPLE.COM" encryptionKey: "EXAMPLE5cca29f8ddec415fd80bdbe25" logger+: timeFormat: "2006-01-02 15:04:05" db: driver: "postgres" dsn: "postgres://fylr:fylr@postgresql:5432/fylr?sslmode=disable" maxOpenConns: 100 maxIdleConns: 10 # The init block is used to pre-fill the database when its created or purged. init: # Path to base config file. If set, on a fresh install or after a purge this # file is used and preloaded into the base config. The format of the file is # JSON in API format. Defaults to "", which starts with an empty base # config. The empty base config uses defaults which are defined in # resources/baseconfig/baseconfig.yml. Unset keys (from a partial base # config file), are set to their defaults. configFile: "" # Inline base config. Works like configFile but used the inlined # baseconfig setting in this .yml file. Runs after configFile, so everything # in config overwrites settings from configFile. Default is empty. config: system: config: purge: allow_purge: false purge_storage: false location_defaults: originals: assets versions: assets backups: backups # preconfigure locations for empty databases locations: # the location's name can be any string which you choose # # Inside the storage location fylr will create a structure like this: # # [prefix/]fylr-UUID/originals # [prefix/]fylr-UUID/versions # [prefix/]fylr-UUID/backups assets: # The kind is either "file" or "s3" (see below) kind: file # Each location can configure a prefix which will # be attached before the file to be created prefix: "" # Set to true if files in this location can be # purged by FYLR (if the purge api call is used) allow_purge: false config: file: # keep in mind: this is a path inside of the container dir: "/srv" backups: # The kind is either "file" or "s3" (see below) kind: file # Each location can configure a prefix which will # be attached before the file to be created prefix: "" # Set to true if files in this location can be # purged by FYLR (if the purge api call is used) allow_purge: false config: file: # keep in mind: this is a path inside of the container dir: "/fylr/files/backups" plugin: paths: - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-barcode-display-pdf-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-barcode-display-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-basemigration-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-coin-viewer-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-connector-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-cerlthesaurus" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-gazetteer" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-geonames" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-georef" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-gn250" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-gnd" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-goobi" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-html-editor" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-iconclass" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-iucn" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-link" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-location" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-nomisma" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-data-type-tnadiscovery" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-custom-mask-splitter-detail-linked-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-detail-map-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-display-field-values-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-drupal-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-easydb4migration-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-editor-tagfilter-defaults-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-eventmanager-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-export-transport-ftp-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-falconio-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-hijri-gregorian-converter-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-orcid-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-pdf-creator-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-presentation-pptx-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-remote-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-typo3-plugin" - "/fylr/files/plugins/easydb/easydb-wordpress-plugin" elastic+: addresses: - "http://opensearch:9200" services+: webapp+: addr: ":443" tls: forwardHttpAddr: ":80" letsEncrypt: email: you@EXAMPLE.COM useStagingCA: false api+: # the following path is inside the container and typically is mapped to the outside by docker-compose.yml webDAVHotfolderPath: "/srv/hotfolder" oauth2Server+: # This secret is used to sign authorize codes, access and refresh # tokens. If unset, a random string is used. If multiple fylr server are # serving the same instance, the signingSecret needs to be configured. # If not configured, each container recreation results in new tokens. # The format is a string of exactly 32 byte length. signingSecret: "EXAMPLE8901234567890123456789023" clients+: # key in next line = value of fylr.services.webapp.oauth.clientID (and a + to indicate using defaults) fylr-web-frontend+: redirectURIs: - https://EXAMPLE.COM/oauth2/callback # for using /inspect/migration/ of this instance backend+: inspect+: backup+: path: /fylr/files/migration