import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.Period; /** * A class representing a Student. */ public class Student { private String name; private LocalDate birthDate; /** * Constructs a new Student. * @param name The name of the new Student * @param birthDate The birthDate of the new Student */ public Student(String name, LocalDate birthDate) { = name; this.birthDate = birthDate; } /** * Returns the name of this Student * @return The name of this Student */ public String name() { return name; } /** * Returns the age of this Student * @return The age of this Student */ public int age() { return Period.between(birthDate,; } /** * Returns a String representing this Student on the form
* Peter Parker (46 years old) * @return This student as a String summary */ @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder(name) .append(" (") .append(age()) .append(" years old)") .toString(); } }