import; /** * Assignment 1 - Guessing Game * * Here's the unfinished source code * for the Guesser class. It is your * task to complete the missing parts. */ public class Guesser{ private int low; private int high; /* * Task 1. Write code here for a constructor * which takes two int arguments and saves * them in the instance variables low and high. * * If you don't remember the syntax for how to write * constructors, revisit the chapter "Classes" * and review the section about constructors. * */ // Write the constructor below this line. /* * Task 2. Complete the start() method, so that * in the method body, you call first the * rules() method, next the doGuesses() method. */ public void start(){ // call the rules method here // call the doGuesses() method here } private void rules(){ System.out.println("Think of a number between " + low + " and " + high); System.out.println("I'm going to ask a few questions in order " + "to guess the number."); System.out.println("Please answer T for true, and F for false.\n"); } /* * Task 3. Complete the code for the getReply() method. * In the current version below, it returns null each * call, which is not what this method is supposed to do. * * Instead, change the method so that it reads a reply * from the player, and if it is "T" or "F", we have * a valid reply. Return the String that you read from * the player. */ private String getReply(){ String reply = null; // Write code here which reads a String from the console. // As long as it is not a valid reply (one of "T" and "F") // write an error message, and read a new reply. // When you have gotten a valid reply, return it. return reply; } private void doGuesses(){ int i=0; // number of guesses int middle=0; while(low