package org.contactcompany.api.ui.textmenu; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /** *

* This class represents a text based menu consisting of * "menu items". Menu items consist of a text describing a menu option * (prepended by a number for the user to select) and a * MenuAction object which will be run if the user selects the corresponding * number of the menu item. *


* In order to create a menu object, use the constructor which takes * a String reference as the only argument, which should be the title text * of the menu, then add menu items using the addMenuItem() method. *


* To start the menu, call the start() method. Starting the menu object * will display all the menu items (prepending by their number) and wait * for the user to enter one of the numbers, which will trigger the code * in the MenuAction's onItemSelecte() method to be run. *


* The menu will automatically add a "quit" menu item as the last * option. Selecting the number for "quit" will make the start() * method return. The menu will run eternally until the user selects * the quit option. *


* Here's a code example for creating and running a simple example menu: *

 * Menu m = new Menu("this is a menu");
 * m.addMenuItem("Print today's date", new MenuAction(){
 *      public void onItemSelected(){
 *        System.out.println(new Date());
 *      }
 *    });
 * m.addMenuItem("Print system info", new MenuAction(){
 *      public void onItemSelected(){
 *        System.out.println(System.getProperties().get("")
 *                           + " - Java: "
 *                           + System.getProperties().get("java.version"));
 *      }
 *    });
 * m.addMenuItem("Say hello", new MenuAction(){
 *      public void onItemSelected(){
 *        System.out.println("Hello");
 *      }
 *    });
 * m.start();

*/ public class Menu{ /* The menu has a list of menu items */ private List items; /* The menu has a title */ private String title; /** * Creates a new Menu with the title provided. * @param title The titel which will be used as a heading for this menu */ public Menu(String title){ // Initialize the list items=new ArrayList<>(); // Save the title this.title = title; } /** * Adds a menu item to this menu. * @param prompt The text describing this menu item * @param action The {@link MenuAction} to be run if the user selects this menu item */ public void addMenuItem(String prompt, MenuAction action){ // Add this text and action to the list of menu items items.add(new MenuItem(prompt, action)); } /** * Starts this menu. The method will enter an eternal loop, * displaying the menu items and accepting input until the * user selects the item number for the automatically provided * quit option, which will make this method return. * * Each menu item will be prepended with a number for the * user to select. The last item is the provided quit item. * * When the user selects an item number, the corresponding * {@link MenuAction} {@link MenuAction#onItemSelected()} method will run. */ public void start(){ while(true){ System.out.println("\n===="+title+"====\n"); try{ int index=0; // Used as the number connected to the item int reply=0; // Used to hold the user's reply (choice) /* Print a number as the option and the prompt of every item */ for(MenuItem m : items){ System.out.println(index++ + " " + m.prompt); } // Add an option for quitting (this would be the last number) System.out.println(index + " quit"); // Prompt the user for a selection (a number from the list) System.out.print("Please enter a number from the menu: "); // Read the number from the user // This does not work with java on cygwin: // reply = Integer.parseInt(System.console().readLine()); // so we're using Scanner instead reply = Integer.parseInt(new java.util.Scanner(; // If the user wants to quit, then return from this method if (reply==index) { System.out.println("\nBye!\n"); // Quit the menu return; } // Give feedback on the selection and run the action of the // corresponding menu item System.out.println("\nYou selected "+items.get(reply).prompt+"\n"); items.get(reply).action.onItemSelected(); // Deal with bad input (illegal number or non-numeric response) }catch(NumberFormatException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e){ System.out.println("\n\n\n>>>Invalid choice, please try again.<<<"); System.out.println(">>>Your selection must be a number from the menu.<<<"); } } } /* * Inner class wrapping a menu item as an object * with a prompt (text of the item) and an action * to be performed when the user selects this item. * * An inner class is convenient when you need a class * but no one else needs to know about it. * * Making it private is an effective way to hide it from * everyone. */ private class MenuItem{ private String prompt; private MenuAction action; public MenuItem(String prompt, MenuAction action){ this.prompt = prompt; this.action = action; } } }