package org.contactcompany.api.util; /** * A utility class with (so far) one static method for getting * values from the user, using standard out and standard in for * communication. * * This class cannot be instantiated, and serves only as a * utility class, to help reading text from standard in. */ public class TextUtils{ // Prevent people from creating instances of this class private TextUtils(){} /** * Asks the user a question and returns the result *

* The String returned cannot be null (if the user creates a null, * the empty String will be returned). The String returned will be trimmed * so no white space remains before or after the text in the String. *

* Asks the user a question and returns the result * @param prompt The question to ask the user, e.g. "Name: " * @return The user's reply as a reference to a String */ public static String askFor(String prompt){ String result=null; System.out.print(prompt + ": "); if(System.console() == null){ result = new java.util.Scanner(; }else{ result = System.console().readLine(); } if(result==null){ result = ""; } return result.trim(); } }