import; import; import se.itu.systemet.domain.Product; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; // If you want to try looping with an Iterator public class TestingObjects { public static void main(String[] args) { // Your code here... // Task 4. Create some custom project objects // Declare and initialize aProduct // Declare and initialize anotherProduct // Next, add two println statements for printing the objects to standard out // Print aProduct // Print anotherProduct // Now, compile and run (see instructions) before moving on with the below... // Next (after the println statements) create a third product // Declare and initialize aSimilarProduct // Test if aProduct thinks that it is equal to aSimilarProduct // Test if anotherProduct is equal to aProduct // Task 6. Filter products on alcohol level // Use the factory to get a ProductLine // Use the ProductLine to get all products as a List // Loop through all products and if alcohol is greater than 40.0%, print! // Loop through all products again and if alcohol is 0.0%, print! // You are now finished with this weekly. Well done! // Voluntary extra challenge (for the keen student): // // If args.length is greater than 0 (there is at least one argument), // then convert args[0] to a double variable previously declared. // Use this variable in the first loop to compare against the loop product's // alcohol value. This allows the user to decide what the minimum alcohol // level for printing should be. // Hints: // Start by declaring a double called e.g. minimumAlcohol and initialize // it to 40.0 (which is the default value to check against). // Check if there are arguments to the program (e.g. args.length is not 0) // and if there are arguments, convert args[0] to a double value which you // assign to minimumAlcohol. // See the Java online API for java.lang.Double and the static method called // parseDouble(String) which you call like this: // Double.parseDouble(...) where the argument is args[0]. // Change the first loop to use miminumAlcohol in the if-statement which // checks whether to print the product or not. // NOTE: The argument checking etc must be written before the loop! } }